"WordPress Webseite mit dem Premium Theme Enfold aufbauen" |
"Du willst endlichdeine Ideen online platzieren, sei es mit einemBlogoder auch einerWebseiteauf welcher du deine Dienstleistungen anbieten kannst?Du willst endlichWordPress verstehen & verwendenknnen, daher es immer wichtiger wird mit diesem CMS System umzugehen?Dann bist du hier genau richtig!In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir alles was du ber WordPress & Enfold wissen musst, um eineprofessionelle Webseite zu oder Blog zuerstellen. Dieser Kurs ist auch nichts fr Leute, die keine Lust haben etwas umzusetzen, denn du wirst und solltest das gezeigte Wissen anwenden und dadurch wird dein WordPress& Webdesign Wissen enorm wachsen! Ich habe genau mit diesen Techniken aus dem Kurs mehr als 400+ WordPress Projekte fr Kunden und fr mich selber umgesetzt.Zusammenfassung dessen, was du bekommen wirstLernewie du mit WordPress & dem Enfold Themeumgehen kannst &weitere Webseiten mit diesem Wissen ohne Problemeumsetzen kannst!Lerne wie du deinenDomain Namen findest & registrierst!Lerne wie du einenHosting Partner findest, damit deine Webseiten Daten gut aufgehoben sind!Lerne worauf es bei derSuchmaschinenoptimierungankommt!Lerne wie du mit Google kommunizieren kannst um deine Webseite in der Suchmaschine zu platzieren!Lerne wie du eineWebseite von A-Z planen, aufbauen und optimierenkannst!Lerne wie du das System & die Webseite aktuell hltst!Lerne wie du immer einBackup von deiner Webseite erstellen und archivieren kannst!LerneTipps & Tricks, die wir in unserer Agentur anwenden!Lebenslanger Zugriffauf den Kurs, einschlielich aller zuknftigen Updates!Wie wre es mit fortgeschritteneren Themen bei WordPress?Lerne was es mit einemSSL Zertifikatauf sich hat & warum dies wichtig ist!Lerne welchePlugins essentiell sind & welche du bei jeder weiterenWebseitebenutzen solltest!Lerne die Grundlagenwie du einen Online Shop mit dem Enfold Theme aufbauen kannst"
Price: 199.99 |
"Vous avez entendu dire que le gluten est nfaste pour votre sant ? Ou tout simplement vous souhaitez arrter d'en consommer ?Voici quelques consquences de la consommation de gluten sur votre sant...Des douleurs articulaires, aux genoux, aux hanches, aux poignets, aux doigts ou au dos, vous en avez peut-tre.Des ballonnements, des problmes digestifs, des maux de tte, vous connaissez peut-tre aussi.Prise de poidsDans ce cours je vais vous enseigner comment,grce l'alimentation sans gluten, vous pouvez gurir tous ces problmes, et le tout, SANSVOUSPRIVER !Je vous explique qu'est-ce que le gluten pour que vous compreniez mieux le problme, avant de vous livrer des tableaux dtaills, ainsi qu'un plan d'alimentation d'une semaine sans glutenque vous pourrez imprimer.Tout a, en vous faisant la promesse, que vous prendrez toujours autant de plaisir devant votre assiette !A table ! Ne trainez pas, a va refroidir... ;)"
Price: 29.99 |
"IT Security Specialist" |
"Curso objetivo, direto ao assunto com conceitos e prticas de hackingCurso criadopensando nos desafios atuais de quem trabalha com tecnologia da Informao em relao a segurana.O foco desse curso apresentar as principais ameaas e mostrar como pensa um atacante, quais os mtodos eles utilizam e assimvoc saber melhorcomo se proteger e proteger o seu ambiente.Nestecurso disponibilizo links externos que sero importantes para complementar aprendizado do contedo. Em sua maioria so links para pequenosvdeos em meu canal no youtube.Neste cursovoc ir aprender tcnicas de ataques e conhecer os recursos queque podem ser utilizados corporativamente, ou seja, voc estar se preparando para o mercado de trabalho. Aprenda o que asgrandes empresas utilizam como solues para determinadas ameaas."
Price: 99.99 |
"Aprenda PowerShell do zero" |
"Um curso de PowerShell para profissionais de TI. partindo do inicio at a gerao de scripts de automao e muito mais.O PowerShell hoje parte integrante dos sistemas operacionais da Microsoft e um grande aliado aos administradores de sistemas. No deixe para depois, comece agora mesmo a usar o PowerShell no seu dia a dia.Comecei a criar materiais sobre PowerShellquando eu comprei alguns livros de PowerShell e como IT Pro senti muita dificuldade em entender alguns conceitos, pois em sua maioria os livros eram inclinados para a rea de DEV, ou tratava de assuntos sem maiores introdues que certamente era de conhecimento daqueles que j so desenvolvedores.Foi assim ento que eu comecei a compilar diversas informaes e coloca-las em uma ordem de fcil assimilao e que possa ser utilizada tanto como fonte de aprendizado como tambm deconsulta para aqueles que j iniciaram no PowerShell."
Price: 99.99 |
"Basic Business Communication and Meetings" |
"In this coursewe will take you through the basic steps of running work group or team meetings. We will cover some of the basic pitfalls and good practices you should try to achieve in meetings. There will also be lectures on the type or mode of meetings which can take place, for instance audio or video conferencing, and how to deal with issues arising."
Price: 24.99 |
"Lightroom CC: Wildlife Photography - How to Edit Your Photos" |
"Wildlife Photography Editing in Adobe Lightroom CCThis Course will teach you how toUse the Adobe Lightroom InterfaceHow to Import your imagesHow to Crop your ImagesShortcuts to crop your photos quickerGetting the right Exposure for your imageSaving the detail in the bright and white areas of your photographHow to lift the shadows so you can see moreMake the dark areas bolderUse Vibrance and Clarity to make your images look professionalFinally we teach you some tips and tricks to help your overall workflowIn this course we will walk you through the basic tools used in Lightroom CC to edit Wildlife Photographs from Start to Finish. We explain the workflow used to reduce editing time all while producing an amazing finished product.If you are new to Lightroom or have been using it for a while and want to see a well established workflow that you can follow to editing your photos quicker while still getting good results with your end product then this course is for you. Come and start your wildlife photography journey with us today."
Price: 24.99 |
"The Complete Wordpress for Beginners Course - Learn Quickly" |
"This Wordpress Course will take you from Beginner to Expert in simple easy to follow steps. You can go fromhaving no website to having a beautiful looking website by watching and completing thesesimple and easy to follow step by step videos that teach you everything you need to know about Wordpress Websites.You will learn:How to Use WordpressHow to get your own Domain NameHow to set up your HostingHow to Install WordpressHow to create a cool Website quickly and Easily"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Be Heard in the Age of Inundation" |
"If you're paying attention, you know that we've sped straight through the ""Information Age"" and now we're in some chaotic feeding frenzy that I like to call the ""Age of Inundation.""With notifications buzzing on our phones, watches, car dashboards... Everyone wants your attention. Money is no longer the only currency businesses care about. They're scrambling to get your attentioneven if it's onlyfor a 5 second YouTube ad.How do you stand out in a world like this?How do you build a brand in this sort of environment?This short, engaging course will give you the tools, and tactics that disruptors are using across industries to make their mark on the world."
Price: 39.99 |
"Capacitando Empresarios Del Reino" |
"En este CURSO te ayudara allevar tu Empresa a otro nivel de xito y conquista. Sal hoy del estancamiento y decide cambiar el rumbo de tu empresa y alcances mejores resultados. No importa si eres vendedor, estilista, mecanico, abogado, agente de bienes raices, contratista, pintor o consultor o que producto representas. Este CURSO es compacto, fcil de aplicar y con ejercicios prcticos para tener xito en tu empresa. No importa, si est contemplando comenzar una Empresa, ya tiene una Empresa con poca experiencia o tiene una Empresa fructfera, al aplicar estos 12 Principios Bblicos de xito, su empresa alcanzar nuevos niveles de triunfo, superacin y aumentara sus ventas. Algunos temas son: Identifica tu Mercado, Cree en tu Producto/Servicio, Como Crecer tu Empresa, Busca Prospectos, Resuelve Problemas y mucho ms. Al final te dire como obtener 7 CLAVES PARA CRECER TU EMPRESA y unos BONOS adicionales. Te felicito por aquirirlo y tomar el paso para tu EXITO hoy."
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso 2 de Anlise e Interpretao da Narrativa Literria" |
"Trata-se de um curso de anlise e interpretao da narrativa literria, do ponto de vista da teoria literria em geral, da lingustica de Ferdinand de Saussure e da Semitica de Charles Sanders Peirce. A narrativa literria a analisada a partir de um temaespecfico, que o referente a como analisar, interpretar e entender o o romance Grande Serto: Veredas, de Joo Guimares Rosa.No desenvolvimentodo curso, partimosde alguns fatores fundamentais e ainda meiocontroversos, tais como:o sentido metonmico do ttulo Grande Serto: Veredas; a tcnica discursiva a utilizada; o significado da palavra nonada, que inicia o romance, e da expresso po ou pes, questo de opinies, que apresenta certas dvidasna traduo para outros idiomas; as filosofasses do heri Riobaldo; e o tema da interao entre o bem e o mal, que funciona como eixo do desenrolar narrativa. Joo Guimares Rosa visto como o realizador de uma espcie de revoluo, no contexto da literatura brasileira; e Grande Serto: Veredas pode ser considerado como o ponto culminante desse processo revolucionrio. Da, a importncia de seu estudo."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso 1 de Anlise e Interpretao da Narrativa Literria" |
"Oferecemos aqui um curso de anlise e interpretao da narrativa literria, configurada em modelos narrativos como os do conto, da crnica, do romance e da novela, cujos itens a serem abordadas nas diferentes aulas so: 1.os aspectos fundamentais da narrativa literria; 2.a relao entre foco narrativo e ponto de vista; 3.a relao entre focalizao e visualizao; 4.a sintaxe narrativa; e 5.a distino entre conto e crnica, novela e romance Trata-se de um curso na forma de VIDEOTEXTO, em que o estudante l e ouve ao mesmo tempo o que vai sendo apresentado.O texto est segmentado em linhas de tamanhos variados, emconformidade com o ritmo e o significado de cada sequncia; e narrado numa velocidade pouco acelerado, para facilitar a atividade simultnea de leitura e audio, sem perda da compreenso das mensagens.Na elaborao deste curso, partimos de dois conceitos bsicos: o conceito de anlise e o conceito de interpretao. Vocs tero a uma clara compreenso do que sejam conceitos como os de escritura, narrao, enredo, estria, intriga, trama etc; e tambm da distino entre conto e crnica, romance e novela.Os princpios tericos e metodolgicos utilizados nestes cuso vm de trs fontes fundamentais: a teoria literria em geral; a teoria lingustica de Ferdinand de Saussure; ea teoria semitica de Charles Sanders Peirse. Eu me chamo Jos Fernandes da Silva.Sou formado em lingustica, literatura, teoria literria e semitica narrativa.Fiz mestrado, pela Universidade de Estocolmo, com a tese: A Construo Artstica em Sagarana: Uma Anlise Estrutural Semitica,em Joo Guimares Rosa; e Doutorado, pela Universidade Paulista de So Jos do Rio preto, com a tese: A Semitica do Texto Narrativo Literrio. Lecionei essas disciplinas, durante vinte anos, na Universidade Catlica de Gois."
Price: 39.99 |
"Cmo emprender y reducir el riesgo de fracasar" |
"Hola Emprendedor y futuro empresario! Si tu lo que buscas es emprender tu propio negocio, o ser tu propio jefe y dejar de trabajar para alguien ms, tienes que ver este curso, ya que en la empresa BPCoaching, nuestro principal objetivo es ayudarte a triunfar, en este curso puedes aprender a tener una mente y actitud para tener xito siempre, aprende acrear ideas innovadoras que tengan xito en el mercado y tambin conoce el camino para crear paso por pasouna empresa desde cero. Al finalizar el curso, sers capaz de crear ideas que funcionen en el mercado y conocers el proceso de creacin de una empresa, aunado a eso mantendrs una actitud de xito siempre.aqu abajo te compartimos el temario de todos los temas que abordamos.Temario1 Mentalidad y actitud de un emprendedor exitoso1.1 Cmo tener apertura al emprendimiento1.2 Cmo tener una actitud exitosa (Principio Zona verde)1.3 Cmo vencer el miedo a emprender1.4 Por qu debe ser divertido emprender1.5 Cmo tener y mantener la pasin necesaria para cumplir tu sueo de emprender2 Introduccin al emprendimiento de negocios2.1 Por qu emprender?2.2 Qu requisitos son necesarios para emprender un negocio?2.3 Cuatro roles esenciales en el armado de un negocio2.4 Cules son los tipos de emprendimiento que hay?2.5 Dnde y cmo generar ideas creativas?2.6 Cmo identificar necesidades y oportunidades en el mercado?3 Proceso de Creacin de una empresa3.1 diecisiete pasos para crear una empresa"
Price: 19.99 |
"Overcome Your Fear and Soar to New Heights" |
"How many of you have a list of dreams, goals, aspirations that you want to accomplish. The book you have been working on, the promotion that you desire, the new business opportunity, or earning your college degree. Each year you look at the list, and wonder why you haven't moved forward. Today is you lucky day. In this course we will focus on personal growth success tools, that will help you overcome fear, identify your strengths, and create a plan of action that allows you to soar."
Price: 29.99 |
"Mais Clientes - Aprenda a atrair clientes das redes sociais" |
"Voc vai aprender como usar as redes sociais e aplicativos para converter seguidores em clientes.Saiba o que profissionais e empreendedores de sucesso j esto utilizando para converter mais vendas, usando as principais redes sociais do momento!Aprenda comigo, Ana Tex, tcnicas campes para usar no seu negcio, seja ele um ecommerce, negcio local, infoproduto, prestao de servios, etc."
Price: 34.99 |
"Avoid Nightmare Tax Audits by Organizing Your Finances" |
"Do you see that guy over there in that picture? Lets call him George.Do you know why George looks like hes about to have a minor stroke? He just got a call from the IRS about a mistake they found on his tax return that he filed.George was never great with accounting so he picked up Quicken because his buddy told him it would take care of all his books.but George never took the time to learn how to use Quicken PROPERLY.Now George is headed for an audit. It could cost him $100 or it could cost him $10,000.Now imagine youre sitting at home, relaxing after a long hard day of work. April 15th is long behind you. Your feet are up in your favorite recliner, Dinner was satisfying, and youre just settling in to watch your favorite show.The phone rings. Ugh, not another sales call, you think but the caller ID says something unexpected.I.R.SYou answer the phone, and you hear those words that get your heart racing a little faster We regret to inform you we have found an irregularity on your last return. Your grip tightens on the phone, and your mind starts racing over the details of your last tax preparation.Did I count all my deductions properly? Did I miss something?Could I get hit with a fine?Could I go to .jail?----------------------------------------George could have prevented that phone call. You CAN avoid that phone call, but you wont avoid it if you dont manage your finances correctly. Buy this course now to learn how to use Quicken the RIGHT way.This course will show you how to maximize every tip and trick in Quicken and get you up to expert levels. You get a series of simple, easy-to-follow videos that anyone can handle. You can watch every video as many times as you like and come back to them for reference whenever you need it.When you use Quicken the RIGHT way, youll have peace of mind knowing that your finances are in order and the IRS will have no reason to call for an audit.Dont be like George.Buy the course now. Its affordable, the ratings are solid, and any questions are answered quickly."
Price: 29.99 |
"Content Syndication: The Ultimate Guide" |
"You've finally created that website or blog you've always wanted to...Hooray!And maybe you've even sold a couple of your products and made a little bit of cash...Cha-ching!But now...how do you make even more money for your hard work? How do you gain influence in your field and bring engaged potential customers to your website?Syndicated content. That's how.In Content Syndication:The Ultimate Guide, I will show you the nuts and bolts of how to market your ideas and products in ways that you may have never thought of before.In this course, you will learn:The importance of article marketing and how it all worksHow to utilize Reddit, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram to get your name/brand out there and increase engagementWhy video is an optimal form of media for syndicating content, and the best platforms to useHow to write a killer press release that will have people swarming to your websiteAnd much more!Upon completion of this course, you will have all the tools in your arsenal that you need to start syndicating your content like a pro!The possibilities for growth will be endless once you understand all of these strategies. Join me on your journey of growth!"
Price: 24.99 |
"The Real Estate Syndication Process" |
"Interested in raising capital to invest in large commercial real estate properties? This course will teach you the entire process of syndicating capital to buy large real estate deals, whether you're buying a $200,000 duplex or a $50 million office building. If you're looking to raise money from investors to buy commercial real estate but the process seems complex and abstract, this course was designed to break down a real estate syndication step-by-step so that you can go confidently into your next deal. This course will teach you how to:Confidently be able to syndicate capital to purchase commercial real estate properties, either on your own, with partners, or in your current company.Diversify risk in your commercial real estate investments by minimizing your initial equity investment, but maximizing your overall profit potential.You want to earn outsized profits on your deals in exchange for sweat equity, while putting little of your own capital up in deals and earning large multiples on your initial investment.This course will teach you from start to finish how to raise capital to buy commercial real estate properties (multifamily, retail, office, and industrial buildings), no matter how large the deal. You will learn how to ensure your investment is sound and you have mitigated risks, how to structure your partnerships with investors, how to communicate with your investors once you close on the asset, and more. Ultimately, you will leave this course with a solid understanding of how to raise capital to buy apartment buildings, retail shopping centers, office buildings, and industrial properties with the opportunity to make double-digit annualized returns for your investors and yourself or your company.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""Clear and to the point. Love that he does not waste time. Lays it out simply and clearly."" ""A great high-level introduction to syndicating real estate deals! I work for a small commercial real estate development/management company, and I'm just beginning to put these sorts of deals together myself, so it was nice to have such a solid run through of the process. I'm working through a few other RE financial modeling courses by Justin and I'm really impressed with his knowledge, pacing of course material, and the quality of his explanations. Having an in-depth understanding of these course topics and the ability to apply what I've learned has really helped me stand out at work."" ""This is an excellent overview of real estate syndication deals and the transaction elements of a typical commercial real estate acquisition. The material is presented in a logical and easy-to-follow manner from the start to finish of the acquisition deal cycle. The material in this course could serve as a comprehensive checklist for the proper execution of commercial real estate transactions. This course exceeded my expectations and I would recommend it to anyone interested in understanding how real estate syndication works or learning the commercial real estate transaction process.""Looking forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Commercial Real Estate Investing 101" |
"Interested in commercial real estate investing, but don't really know where to start? Built by an instructor with over $1.5 billion of commercial real estate transaction experience, this course was designed to take you from complete beginner with no knowledge of the business to a comprehensive understanding of the many components of commercial real estate investing so you can do your first deal, land a lucrative new career opportunity, or both.This course was created to help our students:Land a high-paying job in commercial real estate investing - Commercial real estate investing can be an incredibly lucrative business, on a much larger scale than flipping houses or buying single family residences to rent. This course will provide you with the building blocks of understanding how to analyze, purchase, and manage commercial real estate properties using the knowledge and techniques of some of the strongest institutional investors in the industry. Invest as a passive Limited Partner in large, high profit-potential deals - Commercial real estate investments are generally complex and difficult to understand for those without a strong background in institutional investing. This course will give you a leg up on the competition so when a friend, family member, or colleague comes to you with a real estate investment opportunity, you can evaluate the deal and either decline or invest with confidence.Raise money from investors to buy a commercial real estate property - Entering into 2020, we are seeing the hottest US housing market in over a decade, which has resulted in single family house flippers flooding the market and bidding up prices. Small, private commercial real estate investors targeting apartment buildings, retail shopping centers, office buildings and industrial properties are able to fly under the radar, drastically reducing competition for great deals.This course includes graduate-level content which is taught every year in the top MBA and Master's in Real Estate programs across the globe, practically applied to real life scenarios and case studies in the commercial real estate investing industry.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""Awesome class. Engaging & real life application. Examples are well thought out and leave you wanting to learn more. On to the next 2 classes by Justin! Great teacher."" ""This course is PERFECT. It covers everything you need to know about CRE and it is organized in a very clean and logic way. Mr Kivel makes you understand the subject of the course easily, it is almost magic! Thank you, this is the most useful course I've done so far."" ""This course is spot on! With almost no commercial real estate background, I really needed a deep dive into this topic that was easy to understand and absorb and this course delivered. I'm really impressed by the models and the instructor's depth of knowledge and clarity of explanations. Looking forward to his future courses!""If you're looking to learn about commercial real estate investing to build wealth, improve your career, or create additional income streams, you've come to the right place. Join us!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Real Estate Financial Modeling Bootcamp" |
"Learn real estate financial modeling. Advance your career. Make more money. Built by an instructor with over eight years of real estate private equity finance experience modeling over $1.5 billion of closed commercial real estate transactions, this course was designed to take you from complete beginner with no knowledge of real estate financial modeling to a real estate financial modeling pro. The skills and concepts you will learn in this course can be used to help you break into the real estate private equity industry, increase your compensation at your existing real estate job, or confidently analyze and model a commercial real estate investment on your own.This course was created to help our students:Begin a lucrative career in the commercial real estate private equity industry - According to CEL & Associates, Inc., the 2018 median total compensation for an acquisitions associate in retail, office/industrial, and multifamily was $130K, $137K, and $115K, respectively. This course will teach you the core fundamental Excel financial modeling skills necessary to land one of these jobs and succeed in your first commercial real estate investing role.Increase overall compensation and career opportunities in their current real estate role - Real estate agents, property managers, construction managers, and architects all have extremely valuable skills that are highly desirable in the commercial real estate finance industry. Whether you want to earn more money in your current role or make a transition into commercial real estate acquisitions, this course will give you the foundational knowledge to take your real estate investing career to the next level.Confidently model large real estate transactions - For property acquisitions larger than single-family homes, having the ability to confidently create a financial model projecting real estate investment returns is essential to buying profitable deals and garnering the confidence of your investors. Whether you are modeling a real estate investment you are looking to buy with your own money or leading a real estate syndication, strong financial modeling skills are an essential component of the real estate investment process.This course will teach you the key fundamentals necessary in order for you to be able to model real estate investment transactions accurately, quickly, and efficiently.Here's what some of our students have said about the course: ""Excellent course that teaches you financial modeling in Excel for CRE. I purchased the course after starting a new job as valuation analyst for a RE asset manager and it has helped me immensely. I have a backgound in PE funds and my excel skills are fairly advanced so for me the added value was understanding the specificities of CRE. I now look forward to completing the advanced RE modelling course. This instructor is great: no fluff, clear explanations, top notch material and step-by-step directions. Justin is also very responsive with answering your queries. I highly recommend the course!"" ""This course is great. I learned everything I needed to build a model for an interview for a Financial Analyst role at a Real Estate Private Equity Fund. And I got the job. I have since gotten other courses by Justin, as they are what I need to get me up to speed at my new job. Also, Justin is great at answering questions when I get stuck and pointing me in the right direction."" ""Excellent Course! Thank you for all your hard work in transforming a complex concept into an easy to understand format. This course has multiplied my understanding of financial modeling and the use of Excel. I learned more through this platform than the traditional institutional setting. A great resource and educator."" ""Overall, this course was such an awesome experience! As a CRE investor as well, I took this course with the goal of it helping to rebuild my financial model and, what can I say, mission accomplished! From the structure, to the pace, the exercises, Justin's CRE knowledge and Excel tips/tricks - it was exactly what I was looking for and more!"" ""Cannot believe the value in this course!! Best deal in real estate education. Thank you Justin, can't wait to take the next course. I could not recommend it more."" ""This is a top notch course. The self-pace is perfect for me and it helped refresh all of the concepts that I learned in my grad school real estate courses. Just follow along and practice the examples and you'll extract tremendous value from a modeling perspective!!"" ""Justin is awesome! His teaching style makes learning very intuitive. I would recommend this class for anyone that is trying to break into CRE or expand their current foundation of CRE. I was recommended by a friend who spent $600 on a course but found this one to be more helpful and easier to follow/understand."" ""Superb course that teaches you the fundamentals of CRE modelling you need to know. Justin is a really good lecturer and he is very responsive with answering your queries, not just about the course material but even things related to your career in CRE. I would recommend the course to anyone looking to understand the fundamentals of CRE modelling."" ""Wow! This course and Justin's other courses are the equivalent of an MBA level curriculum. If you are willing to put in the time and effort you will benefit.""If you're looking to learn to model commercial real estate investments to jump-start your career, make more money in your current job, or do your own big deals, you're in the right place.Join us!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Real Estate Equity Waterfall Modeling Master Class" |
"Everything you need to know about real estate equity waterfalls, all in one place. This course will teach you everything need to know about how an equity waterfall works in real estate transactions, from the underlying mechanisms behind a waterfall, to how an equity waterfall is structured, to how to build an equity waterfall financial model in Excel. Whether you're syndicating a real estate deal on your own, investing as a Limited Partner in a real estate syndication, or you're a current real estate professional looking to add a lucrative skill set to your arsenal, this is a one-stop shop for everything real estate equity waterfall-related.This course was designed for people from all parts of the real estate spectrum, including:Current or aspiring real estate syndicators who want to earn outsize returns on their investments - Being aligned with investor interests is critical when structuring a real estate transaction, and a clear waterfall structure with incentives based on investment performance is the most direct way to create a win-win relationship for your team and your capital partners. Understanding the mechanisms behind an equity waterfall and having a dynamic waterfall model in your toolkit will allow you to structure your deals in the most advantageous way for both yourself and your investors.Passive real estate investors involved as LPs in real estate syndications who want to invest passively with confidence - The Limited Partner position in real estate investing is a great role - no work involved, an inflation-protected, tax-shielded investment, and experienced management - but do you know how much you're paying in fees? Understanding how a waterfall structure functions and having a dynamic Excel model to calculate true net returns can be the difference between a sound investment and being locked into a watered-down deal for years to come.Current real estate professionals who want to earn more money - Equity waterfall modeling is one of the most desired skill-sets in all of real estate finance, with professionals proficient in this topic earning more than 8.1% above their peers according to national real estate recruiting firm RETS Associates. If you are a current or aspiring real estate professional, understanding the mechanics of an equity waterfall functions and how to build an equity waterfall in Microsoft Excel will put you head and shoulders ahead of your peers and add a rare and lucrative skill-set to your real estate investing arsenal.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""I've tried other real estate financial modeling classes, and they tended to be too general (even where they had some hands-on Excel exercises). Justin hit just the right balance between the big picture and the nuts and bolts of building the worksheet, and, therefore, truly understanding it.""""Clear and straightforward. Wow! Amazed at this curriculum. He has made something super difficult easy and he explains it super clear. Its like meeting a super cool private equity guy spend the time to show you step by step. He can make your career!""""This course is highly recommended for individuals wanting to learn about equity waterfall modeling. It's obvious that the instructor understands this topic very well and he presents it in a very simplified manner. The process of creating the model from scratch and having the instructor walk you through it on a step-by-step basis really solidified my understanding of this material. Excellent course!""""Highly detailed and informative. Great for analyst who are just getting started. It's like taking an MBA level course!""""This is a phenomenal course as are Justin's other courses. I am a commercial real estate professional working as an analyst at a 'Big Four' broker and have found all these courses to be invaluable, particularly if you are concerned about the technical test for job interviews.""Understanding equity waterfalls will put you miles ahead of the game, whether you're looking to do your first deal or trying to land a job in commercial real estate finance. Looking forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Guide To Retail Real Estate Investing" |
"Interested in learning how to analyze retail real estate investments? This course was designed to take you from zero to hero in retail real estate investing, After taking this course, you will be able to confidently analyze a retail real estate deal, whether you're looking to buy a property on your own, invest with partners, or land a job with a top retail real estate private equity firm. This curriculum was specifically designed with the following people in mind:Aspiring commercial real estate investors who want to buy bigger properties with less headache - Retail properties are generally larger and often entail fewer headaches than a single-family home investment, a fourplex, or even a small apartment building. The longer lease terms and business-oriented tenant base allows investors to take a more hands-off approach to retail than traditional real estate investments, especially for triple-net single tenant properties.Students or career switchers who want to land a job in retail real estate private equity - According to CEL & Associates, the 2018 median total compensation for a retail acquisitions associate was over $130K per year. This course will teach you the fundamental retail product-specific skills and knowledge you won't be able to find anywhere else.Passive real estate investors looking at investing in retail real estate deals - Retail deals can be extremely lucrative - long-term contractual lease obligations limit downside in the case of market corrections, operating income can be far more predictable than a single-family or multifamily real estate investment, and massive returns within short periods of time are very possible with lease-ups of large portions of a property's square footage. But as a passive investor, do you really know what you're getting yourself into? Is the property you are looking at a ""good"" deal? This course will teach you the main things you need to look out for when investing in a retail real estate investment deal.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""Excellent course that rivals master-level courses on the subject of Retail Investing. Extremely useful and practical!"" ""Great course overall! I especially liked the resources provided, it makes it a lot easier to apply what I learned in the course."" ""Incredible value! Just what I was looking for!""You'll also get a complete ""done-for-you"" retail acquisition model that you can use when looking at new potential acquisition opportunities included with your enrollment in the course. And with our 30-day money back guarantee, you can try the course out completely risk-free.See you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Analyze Passive Real Estate Investment Opportunities" |
"Want to build truly passive income investing in real estate? 8%-10% cash-on-cash returns and 15%+ annual returns are not uncommon in commercial real estate investments. But investing in real estate is a serious and time-intensive business, especially when you get into buying larger and more complex properties. Unfortunately, the biggest profits are often made from the biggest deals - ones that take millions of dollars of equity to fund. For individual investors, this is often way too big of a check to write. But there has to be another way to get all of the upside of real estate investing without putting your entire life savings on the line, right?Enter passive real estate investing. As a Limited Partner, this is truly passive income in every sense of the word.This course will teach you:How to find and get into passive investment opportunities so that you can build wealth and passive income, even if you aren't an accredited investor.How to find experienced sponsors you can trust so you can rest easy knowing your money is being invested by a seasoned, successful real estate professional.How to effectively and efficiently analyze a passive real estate deal so that you can feel confident investing your hard-earned money and find deals that are aligned with your personal investment goals.How to avoid overpaying in fees so you can keep more of your money working for you.Major investment pitfalls to avoid, allowing you to sidestep getting locked in to the wrong deals with the wrong people.By investing in this course, you could save thousands of dollars in investment losses by getting educated on how to find great deals with seasoned real estate investors, without the headache of managing the property on your own or putting all of your eggs into one investment basket.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""Really Nice course. You get Excel sheets too which could be used to run your own analysis. The modeling is perfect. A must for people who are starting in real estate investing and for real estate professionals."" ""Incredibly useful and practical knowledge. Thanks for tackling relative topics and making complicated matters simple and digestible, Mr. Kivel."" ""This course was fantastic, it offered insight into many questions [...] that I had. What I really enjoyed was the time Justin took to develop and share the Excel model so we can work alongside him as the lecture progresses. Overall very clear and concise information that has been broken down so that beginners and more advanced students alike will enjoy and benefit from Justin's teaching style and knowledge.""Enroll now and get all of the resources and information we have jam-packed into this course so you can go into your next real estate investment opportunity with the skill set and knowledge base to find profitable deals and start building wealth and passive income in 2020.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Land a Job In Private Equity Real Estate" |
"Interested in breaking into private equity real estate? When I first got started in commercial real estate investing, there was no guidebook that showed me how to break into the big firms and really propel my career forward. I had so many questions. What kind of skills did I need to know? Everyone says ""Excel"", but do I really need to know how to write Macros and create stochastic modeling simulations? Everyone tells me to ""network,"" but how do I actually go about doing that? I don't have unlimited time (or money) to take people to coffee and lunch, and networking is pretty uncomfortable as it is.How do I actually find solid job opportunities? It feels like all of the career sites out there are resume black holes, and are only showing me residential real estate agent jobs or crappy commissioned sales gigs.And what kind of money will I actually make (and why does everyone act like this is such a big secret)? This is important, but no one can seem to give me a straight answer.If you have any of these questions, this course has the answers.This course is perfect for:Current college students or recent graduates looking to break into the real estate private equity industryCurrent real estate professionals looking to advance their careers and increase their compensation by moving into private equity real estate financeProfessionals from other fields who are looking to make a career switch into private equity real estateCommercial real estate investing can be an extremely lucrative business, with some entry-level jobs commanding six-figure salaries for fresh college grads or graduate students. If you want to invest in real estate on your own, but want to get paid to learn from the best in the business, working in private equity real estate is the best of both worlds. Many companies will allow you to make great money, learn real estate investing, and invest in big deals along the way. But the competition is fierce for these roles, and you need to know how to go about your job search in order to stand out from the competition. This course was created to give you the leg up you need to land your resume at the top of the stack.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""Really good insight into the whole CRE job process, from start to finish. I like how comprehensive this course was, from learning how to adequately use LinkedIn, to negotiate your offer, and what to do next. I've taken a number of courses from Justin, and every time there is something new to learn, even for somebody that's already in the RE arena."" ""Another high quality course from Justin. [...] Wish I knew about this a couple years ago. Very actionable networking and resume advice. Super helpful checklists and templates to systematize efforts. Lots of smart insights into how CRE people think and will view certain wording when sending networking emails/messages.""""I truly enjoyed Justin's course of How to Land a Job in Private Equity Real Estate, and I am looking forward to starting a couple of his other course in the near future. I found this course to be very beneficial for someone just starting out or for a career switcher, like myself, because it provides a clear path of how to start and the skills needed to break in."" ""Justin is very talented when it comes down to providing clarity and simplifying things. I've taken previous courses with him and I've always left with more clarity and confidence to apply what I've learned.""Enroll today to get started building your career in real estate investing so you can make great money, invest in deals, build passive income, and build a track record to launch your career in any direction you choose.Looking forward to having you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Real Estate Pro Forma Modeling Master Class" |
"Want to learn how to build professional, dynamic, institutional-quality real estate pro forma models in Microsoft Excel? This course will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the entire process. This is a project-based course, meaning you'll start with a blank Excel workbook and walk away with a fully-functional, dynamic, eight-tab pro forma model that YOU'VE created - from scratch. When I was first learning real estate financial modeling, I would download real estate investment models or real estate investment calculators on the internet, only to feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the complex functions and formulas everywhere in the Excel file. And once I felt like I was getting used to one of these things, I still was petrified to touch or change anything because I didn't want to ""break"" the model. And honestly, even if I understood it and I believed the model was working correctly, I still had no idea if I could even trust the calculations in the first place. If you've ever felt any of these things, this course will pull back the curtain and uncover the ""Black Box"" that most real estate financial models appear to be. By the end of this course, you'll be able to build a dynamic, professional-quality real estate pro forma model from scratch, and your first one will be done by the time you finish the last lecture.This course will teach you how to build a real estate pro forma investment model the way the largest and most sophisticated private equity real estate firms look at deals. At the end of this course, you will be able to:Build an institutional-quality, dynamic real estate pro forma investment model from scratchLearn key Excel shortcuts to double your real estate financial modeling speedModify and customize existing real estate pro forma models to fit your specific investment scenario and needsConfidently model key investment metrics such as the XIRR, Equity Multiple, and Cash-on-Cash returns, and calculate these metrics automatically as you change manual input driversBuild a dynamic renovation budget that captures exactly when and how you plan to renovate the propertyModel renovation premiums and timing for a property renovationBuild out dynamic loan schedules and refinancing scenarios to accurately model any financing structureBuild formula ""checks"" to error-proof your work and feel confident your calculations are accurate and can be trustedThis course is perfect for you if:You're a college student or graduate student looking to break into real estate investment after graduation, and you're looking to add the key technical skill sets to your arsenal that will put you head and shoulders above the competition and allow you to land a lucrative career opportunity in the fieldYou're a professional in a different field, but looking to buy real estate on the side and want to be able to confidently analyze a deal You're an existing real estate professional looking to advance your career, increase your compensation, and break into the real estate investment industry.You've bought rental homes or duplexes, and now you're looking to move into bigger properties and want to feel confident in your ability to analyze deals.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""Great Course! I really enjoyed the pace, the content and the explanations. I have worked on complex real estate models before but still learned a lot in this course. Will definitely take another course from Justin. Highly recommended."" ""Justin does a great job of explaining how to underwrite a deal with this MBA-level course. Coming from Asset Management I thought I had a solid background into financial modeling, but later realized I was missing many of the advanced skills that are covered in this course. I recommend this course to anyone that wants to sharpen it's skills and move into the acquisition world. Justin is a great teacher and a very responsive one as well. (Usually responds the Q&A section within a day or two). As a bonus, I've sharpened my excel ""shortcut"" skills to another level! Thank you."" ""Justin, Is a very effective instructor. This course is well organized and he lays out the material at just the right pace. His responsiveness to all student questions makes the class feel interactive and shows that he's engaged in this with you. This master class was excellent! He walks you step-by-step through everything, so even if you don't understand certain things you can at least build the muscle memory by doing the steps to build the model and then review the reason behind the steps later, if you need to. I definitely built some neural pathways through this one!"" ""The course is very on par with my education in MRED. It covers a great deal of the real estate pro-forma modeling, with great insights and 'checks'. It is a great foundation and practical experience brought to the masses."" ""These classes are hands down the most valuable real estate modeling tools available online. The finished models themselves are useful, but the techniques you'll learn will give you the skillset to model any type of scenario you need. I work at a boutique investment and development firm and our principals and investment partners have been extremely impressed by the models I built based on Justin's coursework. I look forward to more classes in the future."" ""Great course! Very helpful in both demonstrating the nuts and bolts of constructing an in-depth CRE financial model, and discussing some KPIs important to an institutional investor or lender. The instructor was concise, articulate and very responsive to questions posed in the Q&A section. While the instructor takes you step-by-step, this is still a very technical course. A solid knowledge of finance, plus some background in real estate and light programming will go a long way in helping you understand what's happening while he's explaining. If you're an aspiring developer or looking to do more modeling for work, I highly recommend this course.""If you have a basic understanding of real estate finance, and you're looking to apply that knowledge to analyze new real estate investment opportunities, enroll now and let's get started building this model together today. Looking forward to having you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Tame Your Critical Brain" |
"Do you criticise yourself way too much? Would you like your inner voice tobe your inner cheerleader? Well this quick and simplecourse shows you how to make that happen.A harsh inner voice is not something you have to live with, and by changing it,you can increase your confidence, motivation, and happiness."
Price: 29.99 |
"Spring Boot" |
"Java Spring Boot + MySQL + Semantic UIUI > > > Js > > > Spring Boot 1.5.7"
Price: 44.99 |
"Spring Boot" |
"Spring BootSpring BootSpring BootJPASpring BootSpring BootgetSpring BootwebSpring BootSpring BootSpring BootSpring BootJPA Spring Boot"
Price: 99.99 |
"Oracle Apps R12 Technical Online Training Videos" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Technical Online Training Videos with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.Oracle Apps R12 Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. Oracle Apps Technical Video Tutorials Course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From oracle apps technical course content, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseAny Professional with Basic Knowledge on SQL and PL/SQL"
Price: 9280.00 |
"Oracle Forms 10g Training" |
"Oracle Forms 10g Training with Live Meeting SupportDescriptionFrom this course you will get a clear idea of Forms 10g and Role in Oracle Apps, Fundamentals of D2K, Creation of Data blocks Through wizard and Manually, Creation of Different Types of Canvases and Working with Canvases, Types of windows and working with windows and changing windows properties, Different types of Triggers, Working with Triggers and Applying to Different Controls, Creation of alerts and Calling of Alerts Changing Properties at runtime and Re-using Alerts, Creation of Editors, Types of Editors and Calling editors through Code, Creating and Using Object Groups . Creating and Using Object Libraries, Creation of Lov through wizard and Manually, Working with Lov Properties, Creation of Record Groups Based On Query and Using Static Values, Creation of Master-Detail Data Blocks, Parameters, Creation of Menus and attaching menus to Forms, Working with Procedures, Functions and Packages in Forms, Usage of PL/SQL Libraries in Forms and Attached Libraries.Who should take this oracle D2K CoursePL/SQL DeveloperForms DeveloperApplication DeveloperReport DeveloperSystem AnalystTechnical ConsultantBusiness Intelligence DeveloperWho is the target audience?Any one who have minimum knowledge on SQL and PLSQL"
Price: 4800.00 |
"Interfaces and Conversions in Oracle Apps Technical" |
"Interfaces and Conversions in Oracle Apps Technical with Live Meeting SupportInterfaces and Conversions are data loading program which is used to migrate data from one legacy system to another. Interface and Conversion Programs are part of RICE component of Oracle Apps Technical Work.It is a part of Oracle Apps Technical.Difference between Conversion & Interface:Interface:Interface is periodic activity, it may be daily or weekly or monthly or quarterly or Yearly.Both Legacy system and oracle system are active.It is Scheduled Concurrent Process to execute multiple times.We will not be knowing the volume of the Flat file.Conversions:Conversions is one time Activity.This is used in Upgrade and Migration Projects.We will be knowing the volume of the Flat file.Conversion is not a Scheduled Process.From this course you will get clear idea of Create Staging Table and SQL*Loader (Control File).Run SQL*Loader Program to load data into staging table.Perform Validation of Data using PLSQL Package.Mapping of Source data with Target Data columns.Transfer Data into Standard Interface Table.Run Standard Concurrent Program/API to import data into Oracle Apps Tables."
Price: 3200.00 |