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"Wholeness and the Implicate Order by David Bohm (Paperback, 2002)" |
"David Bohm was one of the foremost scientific thinkers and philosophers of our time Although deeply influenced by Einstein he was also more unusually for a scientist inspired by mysticism Indeed in the 1970s and 1980s he made contact with both J Krishnamurti and the Dalai Lama whose teachings helped shape his work In both science and philosophy Bohm's main concern was with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular In this classic work he develops a theory of quantum physics which treats the totality of existence as an unbroken whole Writing clearly and without technical jargon he makes complex ideas accessible to anyone interested in the nature of reality"
Price: 13.99 |
"On the Political by Chantal Mouffe (Paperback, 2005)" |
"Since September 11th we frequently hear that political differences should be put aside the real struggle is between good and evil What does this mean for political and social life? Is there a 'Third Way' beyond left and right and if so should we fear or welcome it? This thought-provoking book by Chantal Mouffe a globally recognized political author presents a timely account of the current state of democracy affording readers the most relevant and up-to-date information Arguing that liberal 'third way thinking' ignores fundamental conflicting aspects of human nature Mouffe states that far from expanding democracy globalization is undermining the combative and radical heart of democratic life Going back first to Aristotle she identifies the historical origins of the political and reflects on the Enlightenment and the social contract arguing that in spite of its good intentions it levelled the radical core of political life Contemporary examples including the Iraq war racism and the rise of the far right are used to illustrate and support her theory that far from combating extremism the quest for consensus politics undermines the ability to challenge it These case studies are also highly effective points of reference for student revision On the Political is a stimulating argument about the future of politics and addresses the most fundamental aspects of democracy that will aid further study"
Price: 16.99 |
"History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell (Paperback, 2004)" |
"First published in 1946 History of Western Philosophy went on to become the best-selling philosophy book of the twentieth century A dazzlingly ambitious project it remains unchallenged to this day as the ultimate introduction to Western philosophy Providing a sophisticated overview of the ideas that have perplexed people from time immemorial it is 'long on wit intelligence and curmudgeonly scepticism' as the New York Times noted and it is this coupled with the sheer brilliance of its scholarship that has made Russell's History of Western Philosophy one of the most important philosophical works of all time"
Price: 18.99 |
"The Location of Culture by Homi K. Bhabha (Paperback, 2012)" |
"Rethinking questions of identity social agency and national affiliation Bhabha provides a working if controversial theory of cultural hybridity - one that goes far beyond previous attempts by others In The Location of Culture he uses concepts such as mimicry interstice hybridity and liminality to argue that cultural production is always most productive where it is most ambivalent Speaking in a voice that combines intellectual ease with the belief that theory itself can contribute to practical political change Bhabha has become one of the leading post-colonial theorists of this era"
Price: 17.49 |
"On Dialogue by David Bohm (Paperback, 2004)" |
"Never before has there been a greater need for deeper listening and more open communication to cope with the complex problems facing our organizations businesses and societies Renowned scientist David Bohm believed there was a better way for humanity to discover meaning and to achieve harmony He identified creative dialogue a sharing of assumptions and understanding as a means by which the individual and society as a whole can learn more about themselves and others and achieve a renewed sense of purpose"
Price: 13.99 |
"Playing and Reality by D. W. Winnicott (Paperback, 2005)" |
"What are the origins of creativity and how can we develop it - whether within ourselves or in others? Not only does Playing and Reality address these questions it also tackles many more that surround the fundamental issue of the individual self and its relationship with the outside world In this landmark book of twentieth-century psychology Winnicott shows the reader how through the attentive nurturing of creativity from the earliest years every individual has the opportunity to enjoy a rich and rewarding cultural life Today as the 'hothousing' and testing of children begins at an ever-younger age Winnicott's classic text is a more urgent and topical read than ever before"
Price: 16.49 |
"The Post-colonial Studies Reader by Taylor & Francis Ltd (Paperback, 2005)" |
"The essential introduction to the most important texts in post-colonial theory and criticism this second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to include 121 extracts from key works in the field Leading as well as lesser known figures in the fields of writing theory and criticism contribute to this inspiring body of work that includes sections on nationalism hybridity diaspora and globalization The Reader's wide-ranging approach reflects the remarkable diversity of work in the discipline along with the vibrancy of anti-imperialist writing both within and without the metropolitan centres Covering more debates topics and critics than any comparable book in its field The Post-Colonial Studies Reader is the ideal starting point for students and issues a potent challenge to the ways in which we think and write about literature and culture"
Price: 31.49 |
"The Language of Science by Carol Reeves (Paperback, 2005)" |
"The communication of scientific principles is becoming increasingly important in a world that relies on technology Exploring the use of scientific language in the news and examining how important scientific ideas are reported and communicated this title in the Intertext series takes a look at the use and misuse of scientific language and how it shapes our lives The Language of Science explores the goals of and problems with scientific language and terminology demonstrates the power and misuse of scientific discourse in the media examines the special qualities of scientific communication explores how science and popular culture interact is illustrated with a wide range of examples from the MMR vaccine to AIDS and the biological weapons debate and includes a glossary as well as ideas for further reading This practical book is ideal for post-16 to undergraduate students in English Language Linguistics Journalism Communications Studies or Science Communication"
Price: 17.99 |
"The Book History Reader by Taylor & Francis Ltd (Paperback, 2006)" |
"Following on from the widely successful first volume this second edition has been updated and expanded to create an essential collection of writings examining different aspects of the history of books and print culture Arranged in thematic sections bringing together a wide range of contributors and featuring introductions to each section this new edition contains more extracts covering issues of gender material culture and bibliographical matters has a brand new section on the future of the book in the electronic age examines different aspects of book history including the development of the book spoken words to written texts the commodifcation of books and the power and profile of readers This pioneering book is a vital resource for all those involved in publishing studies library studies book history and also those studying English literature cultural studies sociology and history"
Price: 34.49 |
"Creative Writing: A Workbook with Readings by Taylor & Francis Ltd (Paperback, 2005)" |
"Creative Writing is a complete writing course that will jump-start your writing and guide you through your first steps towards publication Suitable for use by students tutors writers' groups or writers working alone this book offersa practical and inspiring section on the creative process showing you how to stimulate your creativity and use your memory and experience in inventive waysin-depth coverage of the most popular forms of writing in extended sections on fiction poetry and life writing including biography and autobiography giving you practice in all three forms so that you might discover and develop your particular strengthsa sensible up-to-date guide to going public to help you to edit your work to a professional standard and to identify and approach suitable publishersa distinctive collection of exciting exercises spread throughout the workbook to spark your imagination and increase your technical flexibility and controla substantial array of illuminating readings bringing together extracts from contemporary and classic writings in order to demonstrate a range of techniques that you can use or adapt in your own work Creative Writing A Workbook with Readings presents a unique opportunity to benefit from the advice and experience of a team of published authors who have also taught successful writing courses at a wide range of institutions helping large numbers of new writers to develop their talents as well as their abilities to evaluate and polish their work to professional standards These institutions include Lancaster University and the University of East Anglia renowned as consistent producers of published writers"
Price: 32.99 |
"Designing Learning: From Module Outline to Effective Teaching by Melissa Highton, Christopher Butcher, Clara Davies..." |
"Written in an informative and jargon-free style this book is guided by principles of good practice and covers the relevant theory to deal with the essential aspects of designing a course Important areas covered include learning levels and outcomes aligning learning and teaching strategies assessment methods course management C&IT resources In this concise guide the authors look to the future in terms of integration of computing and technology in course design and consider the promotion of student learning the diversity of the student body and the need to create inclusive learning environments"
Price: 25.49 |
"Gender Trouble by Judith Butler (Paperback, 2006)" |
"One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years Judith Butler's Gender Trouble is as celebrated as it is controversial Arguing that traditional feminism is wrong to look to a natural 'essential' notion of the female or indeed of sex or gender Butler starts by questioning the category 'woman' and continues in this vein with examinations of 'the masculine' and 'the feminine' Best known however but also most often misinterpreted is Butler's concept of gender as a reiterated social performance rather than the expression of a prior reality Thrilling and provocative few other academic works have roused passions to the same extent"
Price: 17.99 |
"The Director's Craft: A Handbook for the Theatre by Katie Mitchell (Paperback, 2008)" |
"The Director's Craft is a unique and completely indispensable step-by-step guide to directing for the stage Written by one of the most adventurous and respected directors working today this book will be an essential item in every student and practitioner's kitbag It provides detailed assistance with each aspect of the varied challenges facing all theatre directors and does so with startling clarity It will inspire everyone from the beginner just starting out to the experienced practitioner looking to reinvigorate their practice Katie Mitchell shares and explains the key practical tools she uses to approach her work with both actors production teams and the text itself She addresses topics such as the ideas that underpin a play's text preparing improvizations Twelve Golden Rules for working with actors managing the transition from rehearsal room to theatre analyzing your work after a run has ended Each chapter concludes with a summary of its critical points making this an ideal reference work for both directors and actors at any stage of their development"
Price: 24.99 |
"Graphic Design for Architects : A Manual for Visual Communication" |
"Graphic Design for Architects is a handbook of techniques explanations and examples of graphic design most relevant to architects The book covers a variety of scales of graphic design everything from portfolio design and competition boards to signage and building super-graphics - to address every phase of architectural production This book combines and expands on information typically found in graphic design information design and architectural graphics booksAs architectural communication increases to include more territory and components of a project it is important for designers to be knowledgeable about the various ways in which to communicate visually For instance signage should be designed as part of the process - not something added at the end of a project; and the portfolio is a manifestation of how the designer works not just an application to sell a design sensibility In thinking about architecture as a systematic and visual project the graphic design techniques outlined in this book will help architects process organize and structure their work through the lens of visual communicationEach chapter is titled and organized by common architectural modes of communication and production The chapters speak to architects by directly addressing projects and topics relevant to their work while the information inside each chapter presents graphic design methods to achieve the architects&39; work In this way readers don&39;t have to search through graphic design books to figure out what&39;s relevant to them - this book provides a complete reference of graphic techniques and methods most useful to architects in getting their work done"
Price: 29.99 |
"Urban Ecology: An Introduction by Philip James, Ian Douglas (Paperback, 2014)" |
"Urban Ecology An Introduction seeks to open the reader&39;s mind and eyes to the way in which nature permeates everyday urban living and how it has to be understood cared for and managed in order to make our towns and cities healthier places to visit and in which to live and work The authors examine how nature can improve our physical and mental health the air we breathe and the waters we use as well as boosting our enjoyment of parks and gardens Urban Ecology sets out the science that underlies the changing natural scene and the tools used to ensure that cities become both capable of adapting to climate change and more beautiful and resilientThe book begins with a discussion of the nature of urban places and the role of nature in towns and cities Part 1 looks at the context and content of urban ecology its relationship to other foci of interest within ecology and other environmental sciences and the character of city landscapes and ecosystems In Part 2 the authors set out the physical and chemical components of urban ecosystems and ecological processes including urban weather and climate urban geomorphology and soils urban hydrology and urban biogeochemical cycles In Part 3 urban habitats urban flora and fauna and the effects of deliberate and inadvertent human action on urban biota are examined Part 4 contains an exploration of the identification and assessment of ecosystem services in urban areas emphasising economic evaluation the importance of urban nature for human health and well-being and restoration ecology and creative conservation Finally in Part 5 the tasks for urban ecologists in optimising and sustaining urban ecosystems providing for nature in cities adapting to climate change and in developing the urban future in a more sustainable manner are set outWithin the 16 chapters of the book - in which examples from around the world are drawn upon - the authors explore current practice and future alternatives set out procedures for ecological assessment and evaluation suggest student activities and discussion topics provide recommended reading and an extensive bibliography The book contains more than 150 tables and over 150 photographs and diagrams"
Price: 41.49 |
"A Choreographer's Handbook by Jonathan Burrows (Paperback, 2010)" |
"On choreography Choreography is a negotiation with the patterns your body is thinking On rules Try breaking the rules on a need to break the rules basis A Choreographer's Handbook invites the reader to investigate how and why to make a dance performance In an inspiring and unusually empowering sequence of stories ideas and paradoxes internationally renowned dancer choreographer and teacher Jonathan Burrows explains how it's possible to navigate a course through this complex process It is a stunning reflection on a personal practice and professional journey and draws upon five years' of workshop discussions led by Burrows Burrows' open and honest prose gives the reader access to a range of exercises meditations principles and ideas on choreography that allow artists and dance-makers to find their own aesthetic process It is a book for anyone interested in making performance at whatever level and in whichever style"
Price: 21.49 |
"English with an Accent: Language, Ideology and Discrimination in the United States by Rosina Lippi-Green (Paperback, 2011)" |
"Since its initial publication English with an Accent has provoked debate and controversy within classrooms through its in-depth scrutiny of American attitudes towards language Rosina Lippi-Green discusses the ways in which discrimination based on accent functions to support and perpetuate social structures and unequal power relations This second edition has been reorganized and revised to include new dedicated chapters on Latino English and Asian American English discussion questions further reading and suggested classroom exercises updated examples from the classroom the judicial system the media and corporate culture a discussion of the long-term implications of the Ebonics debate a brand-new companion website with a glossary of key terms and links to audio video and images relevant to the each chapter's content English with an Accent is essential reading for students with interests in attitudes and discrimination towards language"
Price: 33.49 |
"Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner by J. William Worden (Paperback, 2009)" |
"Grief affects different people in different ways most emerge from mourning in a healthy manner but for some the death of a loved one can cause intense emotional pain that is difficult to recover from This type of grief can often surface as an underlying cause of physical and mental health problems requiring professional treatment This highly anticipated fourth edition builds on the success of the previous editions which received worldwide acclaim for their sensitive insightful and practical approach to grief counselling Worden incorporates emerging theories and cutting edge research into this fully revised edition which includesa new chapter on the mourning process discussing the personal and social difficulties that shape mourningdetailed guidelines for approaching special types of grief including suicide sudden death and miscarriagean updated version of the Task Model Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy is an essential resource for everyone working with the bereaved from those just entering the field to seasoned practitioners"
Price: 27.99 |
"The Routledge Queer Studies Reader by Taylor & Francis Ltd (Paperback, 2012)" |
"The Routledge Queer Studies Reader provides a comprehensive resource for students and scholars working in this vibrant and interdisciplinary field The book traces the emergence and development of Queer Studies as a field of scholarship presenting key critical essays alongside more recent criticism that explores new directions The collection is edited by leading scholars in the field and presents individual introductory notes that situate each work within its historical disciplinary and theoretical contexts essays grouped by key subject areas including Genealogies Sex Temporalities Kinship Affect Bodies and Borders writings by major figures including Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Judith Butler David M Halperin Jose Esteban Munoz Elizabeth Grosz David Eng Judith Halberstam and Sara Ahmed The Routledge Queer Studies Reader is a field-defining volume and presents an illuminating guide for established scholars and also those new to Queer Studies"
Price: 37.99 |
"Distinction by Pierre Bourdieu (Paperback, 2010)" |
"No judgement of taste is innocent - we are all snobs Pierre Bourdieu's Distinction brilliantly illuminates the social pretentions of the middle classes in the modern world focusing on the tastes and preferences of the French bourgeoisie First published in 1979 the book is at once a vast ethnography of contemporary France and a dissection of the bourgeois mind In the course of everyday life we constantly choose between what we find aesthetically pleasing and what we consider tacky merely trendy or ugly Taste is not pure Bourdieu demonstrates that our different aesthetic choices are all distinctions - that is choices made in opposition to those made by other classes This fascinating work argues that the social world functions simultaneously as a system of power relations and as a symbolic system in which minute distinctions of taste become the basis for social judgement"
Price: 19.49 |
"From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome 133 BC to AD 68 by H. H. Scullard (Paperback, 2010)" |
"From the Gracchi to Nero is an outstanding history of the Roman world from 133 BC to 68 AD Fifty years since publication it is widely hailed as the classic survey of the period going through many revised and updated editions until HH Scullard's death It explores the decline and fall of the Roman Republic and the establishment of the Pax Romana under the early Principate In superbly clear style Scullard brings vividly to life the Gracchi's attempts at reform the rise and fall of Marius and Sulla Pompey and Caesar society and culture in the late Roman Republic the Augustan Principate Tiberius and Gaius Claudius and Nero and economic and social life in the early Empire"
Price: 15.99 |
"AS Media Studies: The Essential Introduction for WJEC by Sarah Casey Benyahia, Claire Mortimer, Antony Bateman, Peter Wall..." |
"This full colour highly illustrated textbook is designed to support students through their WJEC AS in Media Studies Individual chapters cover the following key areas Textual Analysis Visual Technical and Audio codes Textual Analysis Narrative and Genre Codes Approaches to Representation Approaches to Audience Response Case Studies on Representation and Audience Gender Age Ethnicity Identity Events and Issues Passing MS1 Media Representations and Receptions Production Work Evaluation and report Specially designed to be user-friendly AS Media Studies The Essential Introduction for WJEC includes activities key terms case studies and sample exam questions It introduces the course tackles useful approaches to study key content covered in the specification and guides the student in approaching and planning the exam and production work through analysis prompts and activities"
Price: 17.49 |
"The Perception of the Environment: Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill by Tim Ingold (Paperback, 2011)" |
"In this work Tim Ingold offers a persuasive approach to understanding how human beings perceive their surroundings He argues that what we are used to calling cultural variation consists in the first place of variations in skill Neither innate nor acquired skills are grown incorporated into the human organism through practice and training in an environment They are thus as much biological as cultural The twenty-three essays comprising this book focus in turn on the procurement of livelihood on what it means to 'dwell' and on the nature of skill weaving together approaches from social anthropology ecological psychology developmental biology and phenomenology in a way that has never been attempted before The book revolutionises the way we think about what is 'biological' and 'cultural' in humans about evolution and history and indeed about what it means for human beings - at once organisms and persons - to inhabit an environment Reissued with a brand new preface The Perception of the Environment is essential reading not only for anthropologists but also for biologists psychologists archaeologists geographers and philosophers"
Price: 35.99 |
"Introduccion a la linguistica hispanica actual: teoria y practica by Nina Moreno, Manel Lacorte, Taboada Inma, Javier..." |
"Introduccion a la linguistica hispanica actual teoria y practica has been specially designed for students of Spanish with little or no linguistic background who need to understand the key concepts and constructs of Hispanic Linguistics The book has been carefully crafted to introduce the reader to the main areas of linguistics both theoretical and applied General Linguistics Phonology and Phonetics Morphology Syntax Semantics and Pragmatics History of the Spanish Language Language Variation and Second Language Acquisition are concisely and accurately outlined providing a comprehensive foundation in the field Features includewritten entirely in Spanish sequenced exercises and engaging activities which facilitate the learning of each area of linguistics; emphasis on the connections between theory and the actual use of the language throughout the book;a selection of possible research projects and guidance on further reading in each chapter giving students the necessary tools for in-depth exploration of each of the areas presented in the book;a bilingual glossary of key linguistic terms;a comprehensive e-resource with a wealth of additional materials including audio clips and videos of the varieties of Spanish around the world available at wwwroutledgecomproducts9780415631570 Written in a clear and accessible manner Introduccion a la linguistica hispanica actual is the ideal introduction for all undergraduate students of Hispanic Linguistics The book will also be of interest to graduate students with no prior exposure to linguistics"
Price: 48.99 |
"University Teaching in Focus: A Learning-centred Approach by Taylor & Francis Ltd (Paperback, 2012)" |
"University Teaching in Focus provides a foundational springboard for early career academics preparing to teach in universities Focusing on four critical areas - teaching curriculum students and qualityleadership - this succinct resource offers university teachers a straightforward approach to facilitating effective student learning The book empowers university teachers and contributes to their career success by developing teaching skills strategies and knowledge as well as linking theory to practice Written in a clear and accessible style by internationally acclaimed experts topics include learning theories assessment discipline-based teaching curriculum design problem-based and work-integrated learning effective classroom teaching and flexible modes of delivery The needs of diverse student groups are explored and the scholarship of teaching and learning is addressed within a quality and leadership framework The book also makes reference to seminal works and current resources Real-world cases illuminate the theoretical content and 'Your Thoughts' sections encourage reflection and adaptation to local contexts University Teaching in Focus explores ways that teachers can effectively engage students in life-long learning extending their capacity to solve problems to enter the workforce to understand their discipline and to interact positively with others in a global community throughout their professional lives"
Price: 33.99 |
"Acting Power: The 21st Century Edition by Robert Cohen (Paperback, 2013)" |
"'Robert Cohen's book Acting Power follows the tradition of his other book Acting One and has been the veritable bible for acting teachers for the last quarter century' - David Krasner Emerson College 'This book above all else is an attempt to explore the qualities of acting powerto suggest to you the actor an approach toward not merely good acting but powerful acting Great actors display the power to frighten - and the power to seduce - and can shift between the one and the other like a violinist can her notes' - From the Preface The first edition of Acting Power was a groundbreaking work of acting theory which applied sociological and psychological principles to actor training The book went on to influence a generation of theatre and performance studies students and academics and was translated into five languages This carefully revised 21st Century Edition (re)considers in the context of today's field questions such as 'should actors act from the inside or the outside?' and 'should the actor live the role or present the role?'; contemporary research into communication theory cybernetics and cognitive science; brilliantly illuminating and witty exercises for solo study and classroom use and a through-line of useful references to classic plays; penetrating observations about the actor's art by more than 75 distinguished professional actors and directors Cohen's elegant and rigorous updates emphasise the continuing relevance of his uniquely integrated and life-affirming approach to this field The new edition draws on his extraordinarily rich career as teacher scholar director translator and dramaturg It is a recipe for thrilling theatre in any genre"
Price: 33.49 |
"The Urban Design Reader by Taylor & Francis Ltd (Paperback, 2012)" |
"The second edition of The Urban Design Reader draws together the very best of classic and contemporary writings to illuminate and expand the theory and practice of urban design Nearly 50 generous selections include seminal contributions from Howard Le Corbusier Lynch and Jacobs to more recent writings by Waldheim Koolhaas and Sorkin Following the widespread success of the first edition of The Urban Design Reader this updated edition continues to provide the most important historical material of the urban design field but also introduces new topics and selections that address the myriad challenges facing designers todayThe six part structure of the second edition guides the reader through the history theory and practice of urban design The reader is initially introduced to those classic writings that provide the historical precedents for city-making into the twentieth century Part Two introduces the voices and ideas that were instrumental in establishing the foundations of the urban design field from the late 1950s up to the mid-1990s These authors present a critical reading of the design professions and offer an alternative urban design agenda focused on vital and lively places The authors in Part Three provide a range of urban design rationales and strategies for reinforcing local physical identity and the creation of memorable places These selections are largely describing the outcomes of mid-century urban design and voicing concerns over the placeless quality of contemporary urbanismThe fourth part of the Reader explores key issues in urban design and development Ideas about sprawl density community health public space and everyday life are the primary focus here Several new selections in this part of the book also highlight important international development trends in the Middle East and China Part Five presents environmental challenges faced by the built environment professions today including recent material on landscape urbanism sustainability and urban resiliency The final part examines professional practice and current debates in the field where urban designers work what they do their roles their fields of knowledge and their educational development The section concludes with several position pieces and debates on the future of urban design practiceThis book provides an essential resource for students and practitioners of urban design drawing together important but widely dispersed writings Part and section introductions are provided to assist readers in understanding the context of the material summary messages impacts of the writing and how they fit into the larger picture of the urban design field"
Price: 40.99 |
"The Affordable Housing Reader by Taylor & Francis Ltd (Paperback, 2012)" |
"The Affordable Housing Reader brings together classic works and contemporary writing on the themes and debates that have animated the field of affordable housing policy as well as the challenges in achieving the goals of policy on the ground The Reader - aimed at professors students and researchers - provides an overview of the literature on housing policy and planning that is both comprehensive and interdisciplinary It is particularly suited for graduate and undergraduate courses on housing policy offered to students of public policy and city planningThe Reader is structured around the key debates in affordable housing ranging from the conflicting motivations for housing policy through analysis of the causes of and solutions to housing problems to concerns about gentrification and housing and race Each debate is contextualized in an introductory essay by the editors and illustrated with a range of texts and articles Elizabeth Mueller and Rosie Tighe have brought together for the first time into a single volume the best and most influential writings on housing and its importance for planners and policy-makers"
Price: 36.49 |
"Qualitative Research: The Essential Guide to Theory and Practice by Claire Howell Major, Maggi Savin-Baden (Paperback, 2012)" |
"Qualitative Research The Essential Guide to Theory and Practice provides a one-stop resource for all those approaching qualitative research for the first time as well as those revisiting core concepts and issues It presents a comprehensive overview of this rapidly developing field of inquiry cleverly combined with practical hands-on advice on how to conduct a successful qualitative study Written in an engaging and accessible style the authors break through difficult terminology to guide readers through the choices they will face during research design implementation and beyond Each chapter is then brought to life by an array of relevant real-life examples from expert researchers around the globe Divided into seven sections this unique text covers Considering perspectives Acknowledging a position Framing the study Choosing a research approach Collecting data Working with data and findings Writing about the research A dedicated companion website offers a whole host of additional teaching and learning resources including additional chapters on publishing qualitative research sample lesson plans and activities further case studies and much more From the foundations of the subject through to its application in practice Qualitative Research The Essential Guide to Theory and Practice is an indispensable companion for qualitative researchers worldwide"
Price: 35.99 |
"Cities of the Global South Reader by Taylor & Francis Ltd (Paperback, 2014)" |
"The Cities of the Global South Reader adopts a fresh and critical approach to the fi eld of urbanization in the developing world The Reader incorporates both early and emerging debates about the diverse trajectories of urbanization processes in the context of the restructured global alignments in the last three decades Emphasizing the historical legacies of colonialism the Reader recognizes the entanglement of conditions and concepts often understood in binary relations firstthird worlds wealthpoverty developmentunderdevelopment and inclusionexclusionBy asking "whose city? whose development?" the Reader rigorously highlights the fractures along lines of class race gender and other socially and spatially constructed hierarchies in global South cities The Reader&39;s thematic structure where editorial introductions accompany selected texts examines the issues and concerns that urban dwellers planners and policy makers face in the contemporary world These include the urban economy housing basic services infrastructure the role of non-state civil society-based actors planned interventions and contestations the role of diaspora capital the looming problem of adapting to climate change and the increasing spectre of violence in a post 911 transnational worldThe Cities of the Global South Reader pulls together a diverse set of readings from scholars across the world some of which have been written specially for the volume to provide an essential resource for a broad interdisciplinary readership at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in urban geography urban sociology and urban planning as well as disciplines related to international and development studies Editorial commentaries that introduce the central issues for each theme summarize the state of the field and outline an associated bibliography They will be of particular value for lecturers students and researchers making the Cities of the Global South Reader a key text for those interested in understanding contemporary urbanization processes"
Price: 41.99 |