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"A Short Course in General Relativity" |
"Suitable for a one-semester course in general relativity for senior undergraduates or beginning graduate students this text clarifies the mathematical aspects of Einstein's theory of relativity without sacrificing physical understanding"
Price: 42.99 |
"Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" |
"This is the first textbook on pattern recognition to present the Bayesian viewpoint The book presents approximate inference algorithms that permit fast approximate answers in situations where exact answers are not feasible It uses graphical models to describe probability distributions when no other books apply graphical models to machine learning No previous knowledge of pattern recognition or machine learning concepts is assumed Familiarity with multivariate calculus and basic linear algebra is required and some experience in the use of probabilities would be helpful though not essential as the book includes a self-contained introduction to basic probability theory"
Price: 50.99 |
"Stochastic Calculus for Finance II : Continuous-Time Models" |
"A wonderful display of the use of mathematical probability to derive a large set of results from a small set of assumptions In summary this is a well-written text that treats the key classical models of finance through an applied probability approachIt should serve as an excellent introduction for anyone studying the mathematics of the classical theory of finance --SIAM"
Price: 40.49 |
"The Practice of Surgical Pathology : A Beginner's Guide to the Diagnostic Process" |
"In pathology education within North America there exists a wide gap in the pedagogy between medical school and residency As a result the pathology intern often comes into residency unprepared Completely illustrated in color this book lays the foundation of practical pathology and provides a scaffold on which to build a knowledge base It includes basic introductory material and progresses through each organ system Within each chapter there is a brief review of salient normal histology a discussion of typical specimen types a strategic approach to the specimen and a discussion of how the multitude of different diagnoses relate to each other"
Price: 73.49 |
"How Spacecraft Fly : Spaceflight Without Formulae" |
"In this popular science book Graham Swinerd explains without the use of mathematics and in an informal way aerodynamic and astrodynamic flight for non-technical readers who are interested in spaceflight and spacecraft"
Price: 20.49 |
"The Elements of Statistical Learning : Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition" |
"This book describes the important ideas in a variety of fields such as medicine biology finance and marketing in a common conceptual framework While the approach is statistical the emphasis is on concepts rather than mathematics Many examples are given with a liberal use of colour graphics It is a valuable resource for statisticians and anyone interested in data mining in science or industry The book's coverage is broad from supervised learning (prediction) to unsupervised learning The many topics include neural networks support vector machines classification trees and boosting---the first comprehensive treatment of this topic in any book This major new edition features many topics not covered in the original including graphical models random forests ensemble methods least angle regression & path algorithms for the lasso non-negative matrix factorisation and spectral clustering There is also a chapter on methods for wide'' data (p bigger than n) including multiple testing and false discovery rates"
Price: 49.99 |
"A Course in Arithmetic : 7" |
"This book is divided into two parts The first one is purely algebraic Its objective is the classification of quadratic forms over the field of rational numbers (Hasse-Minkowski theorem) It is achieved in Chapter IV The first three chapters contain some preliminaries quadratic reciprocity law p-adic fields Hilbert symbols Chapter V applies the preceding results to integral quadratic forms of discriminant - I These forms occur in various questions modular functions differential topology finite groups The second part (Chapters VI and VII) uses analytic methods (holomor- phic functions) Chapter VI gives the proof of the theorem on arithmetic progressions due to Dirichlet; this theorem is used at a critical point in the first part (Chapter Ill no 22) Chapter VII deals with modular forms and in particular with theta functions Some of the quadratic forms of Chapter V reappear here The two parts correspond to lectures given in 1962 and 1964 to second year students at the Ecole Normale Superieure A redaction of these lectures in the form of duplicated notes was made by J-J Sansuc (Chapters I-IV) and J-P Ramis and G Ruget (Chapters VI-VII) They were very useful to me; I extend here my gratitude to their authors"
Price: 34.99 |
"Categories for the Working Mathematician : 5" |
"An array of general ideas useful in a wide variety of fields Starting from the foundations this book illuminates the concepts of category functor natural transformation and duality It then turns to adjoint functors which provide a description of universal constructions an analysis of the representations of functors by sets of morphisms and a means of manipulating direct and inverse limits These categorical concepts are extensively illustrated in the remaining chapters which include many applications of the basic existence theorem for adjoint functors The categories of algebraic systems are constructed from certain adjoint-like data and characterised by Beck's theorem After considering a variety of applications the book continues with the construction and exploitation of Kan extensions This second edition includes a number of revisions and additions including new chapters on topics of active interest symmetric monoidal categories and braided monoidal categories and the coherence theorems for them as well as 2-categories and the higher dimensional categories which have recently come into prominence"
Price: 39.99 |
"Liquid Intelligence : The Art and Science of the Perfect Cocktail" |
"Dave Arnold's philosophy is simple if you think like a scientist you can make better drinks Liquid Intelligence takes readers behind the bar and into the lab where Arnold tinkers with temperature carbonation sugar concentration and acidity in search of new ways to enhance classic cocktails from bubble formation to the ideal sugar compound for a daiquiri With innovative techniques-clarifying cloudy liquids using gelatins chilling drinks with liquid nitrogen-and practical tips for making infused liquors and homemade bitters Liquid Intelligence is for anyone eager to learn the hows and whys of a beautifully made drink"
Price: 21.49 |
"Poets of the Bible : From Solomon's Song of Songs to John's Revelation" |
"The world's greatest poetry resides in the Bible yet these major poets are traditionally rendered into prose In this pioneering volume Willis Barnstone's translations restore the lyricism and power of the poets' voices in both the New and the Old Testaments In the Hebrew Bible we hear Solomon rhapsodise in Song of Songs; David chant in Psalms; God and Job debate in grand rhetoric; and prophet-poet Isaiah plead for peace Jesus speaks in wisdom verse in the Gospel Paul is a philosopher of love and John of Patmos roars majestically in Revelation the Bible's epic poem This ground-breaking volume includes every major biblical poem from Genesis and Adam and Eve in the Garden to the last pages of Alpha and Omega in Paradise"
Price: 23.49 |
"The Second Machine Age : Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies" |
"In recent years computers have learned to diagnose diseases drive cars write clean prose and win game shows Advances like these have created unprecedented economic bounty but in their wake median income has stagnated and employment levels have fallen Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee reveal the technological forces driving this reinvention of the economy and chart a path towards future prosperity Businesses and individuals they argue must learn to race with machines Drawing on years of research Brynjolfsson and McAfee identify the best strategies and policies for doing so A fundamentally optimistic book The Second Machine Age will radically alter how we think about issues of technological societal and economic progress"
Price: 11.99 |
"The Science of Interstellar" |
"Interstellar from acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan takes us on a fantastic voyage far beyond our solar system Yet in The Science of Interstellar Kip Thorne the Nobel prize-winning physicist who assisted Nolan on the scientific aspects of Interstellar shows us that the movie's jaw-dropping events and stunning never-before-attempted visuals are grounded in real science Thorne shares his experiences working as the science adviser on the film and then moves on to the science itself In chapters on wormholes black holes interstellar travel and much more Thorne's scientific insights-many of them triggered during the actual scripting and shooting of Interstellar-describe the physical laws that govern our universe and the truly astounding phenomena that those laws make possible Interstellar and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and (c) Warner Bros Entertainment Inc (s14)"
Price: 15.99 |
"A Random Walk Down Wall Street : The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing" |
"Today's stock market is not for the faint-hearted At a time when high-frequency traders and hedge funds seem to have the upper hand one might ask what the average investor is to do Turn to the rock-solid advice in Burton G Malkiel's best-selling guide to investing A Random Walk Down Wall Street now features new material on exchange traded funds and investment opportunities in emerging markets as well as a brand-new chapter on smart beta funds And as always Malkiel's core insights-on stocks bonds and money markets as well as property investment trusts and tangible assets-along with the book's life-cycle guide to investing will restore confidence and composure to anyone seeking a calm route through today's financial markets"
Price: 13.49 |
"Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton (Paperback, 1994)" |
"It is fully annotated for undergraduate readers Backgrounds and Contexts includes a rich selection of materials some previously unavailable for the study of contemporary psychological social and economic issues as well as Wharton's private correspondence and writings and biographical accounts of the author Arranged under two headings Criticism reveals Ethan Frome's impact as both a literary work and a social commentary Contemporary Reviews consists of eight prominent assessments of Ethan Frome including reviews from the New York Times Book Review Outlook The Nation the Saturday Review and those penned by Frederic Taber Cooper and Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant among others Modern Criticism (1956-1991) includes seven interpretations of the novella by Lionel Trilling Elizabeth Ammons Judith Fryer Jean Frantz Blackall Lev Raphael Candace Waid and Cynthia Griffin Wolff A Chronology and a Selected Bibliography are also included"
Price: 6.99 |
"Moviegoer by Walker Percy (Paperback, 2004)" |
"Winner of the 1961 National Book Award 'The Moviegoer' is the dazzling novel that established Walker Percy as one of the major voices in Southern literature 'The Moviegoer' is Binx Bolling a young New Orleans stockbroker who surveys the world with the detached gaze of a Bourbon Street dandy even as he yearns for a spiritual redemption he cannot bring himself to believe in On the eve of his thirtieth birthday Binx Bolling is adrift in New Orleans He occupies himself with dallying with his secretaries and going to movies which provide him with the 'treasurable moments' lacking in his real life But one fateful Mardi Gras Binx embarks on a hare-brained search for authenticity that outrages his family endangers his fragile cousin Kate and sends him reeling through the chaos of the French Quarter Wry and wrenching rich in irony and romance 'The Moviegoer' combines Bourbon Street elegance with the spiritual urgency of a Russian novel in a genuine American classic"
Price: 7.99 |
"The Very Best of Monty Python : The Essential Gags, Sketches and Songs, Individually Selected and Introduced by the Python..." |
"In October 1969 the BBC broadcast the first programme in a new series entitled 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' written and conceived by Graham Chapman John Cleese Terry Gilliam Eric Idle Terry Jones and Michael Palin Over the years the six of them followed this with another forty-four extremely silly programmes a German TV special five full-length feature films seven books nine long-playing records and live stage shows that toured the UK Canada and America In 'The Very Best of Monty Python' each of the surviving Pythons makes a personal choice of their favourite bits from the vast Python oeuvre These include Why accountancy is not boring Spamalot The Piranha Brothers The Lumberjack Song The Larch Every Sperm is Sacred The Ministry of Silly Walks Always look on the Bright Side of Life Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Rat Recipes Albatross Constitutional Peasants Spam Monsieur Creosote The Meaning of Life I'm so worried Stan's right to have babies Careers advice for Mr Anchovy The Truth about Protestants The News for Parrots What have the Romans ever done for us?!The Undertaker Sketch Find the Fish How to Talk to the Queen and many other classics of silliness"
Price: 7.49 |
"Der Besuch der Alten Dame by Friedrich Durrenmatt (Paperback, 1961)" |
"The full German text of Durrenmatt's play is accompanied by German-English vocabulary Notes and a detailed introduction in English put the work in its social and historical context"
Price: 21.99 |
Spinoza |
"Renowned for his metaphysics Spinoza made significant contributions to understanding the human mind the emotions moral philosophy and political philosophy Beginning with an overview of Spinoza's life Michael Della Rocca carefully unpacks and explains Spinoza's philosophy his metaphysics of substance and argument at the center of his whole system that God is the sole independent substance; his account of the human mind and its relation to the body; his theory that human beings tend towards self-preservation and his most famous work the Ethics including the problem of free will; and his writings on the state religion and scripture Della Rocca concludes with a chapter on Spinoza's legacy and how modern philosophers Hume Hegel and Nietzsche responded to Spinoza's challenge Ideal for those coming to Spinoza for the first time as well as those already acquainted with his thought Spinoza is essential reading for anyone studying philosophy"
Price: 18.49 |
"There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack : The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation" |
"This classic book is a powerful indictment of contemporary attitudes to race By accusing British intellectuals and politicians on both sides of the political divide of refusing to take race seriously Paul Gilroy caused immediate uproar when this book was first published in 1987 A brilliant and explosive exploration of racial discourses There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack provided a powerful new direction for race relations in Britain Still dynamite today and as relevant as ever this Routledge Classics edition includes a new introduction by the author"
Price: 14.49 |
"AS Media Studies : The Essential Introduction for AQA" |
"AS Media Studies The Essential Introduction for AQA is fully revised for the current specification with full colour throughout over 100 images new case studies and examples The authors introduce students step-by-step to the skills of reading media texts and address key concepts such as genre representation media institutions and media audiences as well as taking students through the tasks expected of them to pass the AQA AS Media Studies exam The book is supplemented with a companion website at wwwasmediastudiescouk featuring additional activities and resources further new case studies such as music and sport clear instructions on producing different media quizzes and tests Areas covered include an introduction to studying the media the key concepts across print broadcast and e-media media institutions audiences and the media case studies such as Heroes Nuts and The Daily Mail guided textual analysis of real media on the website and within the book research and how to do it preparing for exams a production guide and how to respond to a brief AS Media Studies The Essential Introduction for AQA clearly guides students through the course and gives them the tips they need to become proficient media producers as well as media analysts"
Price: 17.49 |
"Foundations of Engineering Geology, Third Edition" |
"Now in full colour the third edition of this well established book provides a readable and highly illustrated overview of the aspects of geology that are most significant to civil engineers Sections in the book include those devoted to the main rock types weathering ground investigation rock mass strength failures of old mines subsidence on peats and clays sinkholes on limestone and chalk water in landslides slope stabilization and understanding ground conditions The roles of both natural and man-induced processes are assessed and this understanding is developed into an appreciation of the geological environments potentially hazardous to civil engineering and construction projects For each style of difficult ground available techniques of site investigation and remediation are reviewed and evaluated Each topic is presented as a double page spread with a careful mix of text and diagrams with tabulated reference material on parameters such as bearing strength of soils and rocks This new edition has been comprehensively updated and covers the entire spectrum of topics of interest for both students and practitioners in the field of civil engineering"
Price: 20.49 |
"The Routledge Introductory Course in Modern Hebrew : Hebrew in Israel" |
"Please note that the website URL is now routledgehebrewcom The Routledge Introductory Course in Modern Hebrew Hebrew in Israel is an integrated language course designed specifically for classroom-based learners The course contains 90 lessons combining texts grammar explanations and exercises This is supported by a Companion Website with audiovisual materials to guide the student through the key skills of reading writing speaking and listening Features include a wide range of compelling texts from dialogues and simple narratives to newspaper articles and poetry vocabulary lists for each text a variety of exercises for every lesson including oral drills listening comprehension grammar exercises and writing practice a solid grammatical foundation presented in an accessible user-friendly manner cultural notes to introduce students to Israeli society beautiful illustrations All the texts wordlists and verb conjugations are freely available in an audiovisual format on the Companion Website routledgehebrewcom which contains a wealth of additional resources including answers to all of the exercises in the book interactive exercises audiovisual verb dictionary audiovisual lists of prepositions with their pronoun suffixes audiovisual reference charts of numbers colors the days of the week etc checklists and review lessons for each unit links to Israeli websites videos and music Hebrew in Israel provides everything that students and instructors need for an engaging and effective learning environment"
Price: 45.49 |
"Style for Actors : A Handbook for Moving Beyond Realism" |
"Style is a journey from tourist to native It is living in the world of the play not just visiting it - from Chapter One Anyone who has ever struggled with capes fans swords doublets and crinolines should make Style for Actors 2nd Edition their constant companion Robert Barton has completely updated his award winning handbook for the 21st century with contemporary references and up-to-date illustrations This is the definitive guide to roles in historical drama The past is a foreign country and this outstanding book is concerned with exploring it from the actor's point of view Specific guides range from Greek Elizabethan Restoration and Georgian theatre to more contemporary stylings including Futurism Surrealism and Postmodernism Barton takes great care to present the actor with the roles and genres that will most commonly confront them His analysis moves from entire genres to specific scenes and characters A huge resource of nearly 150 practical exercises helps a newfound understanding of style to make the leap from page to performance"
Price: 29.49 |
"Ancient Cities : The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome" |
"Ancient Cities surveys the cities of the Ancient Near East Egypt and the Greek and Roman worlds from the perspectives of archaeology and architectural history bringing to life the physical world of ancient city dwellers by concentrating on evidence recovered from archaeological excavations Urban form is the focus the physical appearance and overall plans of the cities their architecture and natural topography and the cultural and historical contexts in which they flourished Attention is also paid to non-urban features such as religious sanctuaries and burial grounds places and institutions that were a familiar part of the city dweller's experience Objects or artifacts that represented the essential furnishings of everyday life are discussed such as pottery sculpture wall paintings mosaics and coins Ancient Cities is unusual in presenting this wide range of Old World cultures in such comprehensive detail giving equal weight to the Preclassical and Classical periods and in showing the links between these ancient cultures User-friendly features include use of clear and accessible language assuming no previous background knowledge lavishly illustrated with over 300 line drawings maps and photos historical summaries further reading arranged by topic plus a consolidated bibliography and comprehensive index new to the second edition a companion website with an interactive timeline chapter summaries study questions illustrations and a glossary of archaeological and historical terms Visit the website at httpcwroutledgecomtextbooks9780415498647 In this second edition Charles Gates has comprehensively revised and updated his original text and Neslihan Yilmaz has reworked her acclaimed illustrations Readers and lecturers will be delighted to see a new chapter on Phoenician cities in the first millennium BC and new sections on Gobekli Tepe the sensational Neolithic sanctuary; Sinope a Greek city on the Black Sea coast; and cities of the western Roman Empire With its comprehensive presentation of ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern cities its rich collection of illustrations and its new companion website Ancient Cities will remain an essential textbook for university and high school students across a wide range of archaeology ancient history and ancient Near Eastern Biblical and classical studies courses"
Price: 30.99 |
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Perinatal Distress" |
"Countless studies have established the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for many manifestations of depression and anxiety In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Perinatal Distress Wenzel and Kleiman discuss the benefits of CBT for pregnant and postpartum women who suffer from emotional distress The myths of CBT as rigid and intrusive are shattered as the authors describe its flexible application for perinatal women This text teaches practitioners how to successfully integrate CBT structure and strategy into a supportive approach in working with this population The examples used in the book will be familiar to postpartum specialists making this an easily comprehensive and useful resource"
Price: 27.99 |
"Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part One) : An Introductory Course in Arabic" |
"Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part One) offers a groundbreaking introduction to Arabic as it is written and spoken by native speakers It combines a progressive and rigorous grounding in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) - the form employed for reading writing and formal speaking - with an innovative integration of the spoken Levantine variety used in everyday situations in Syria Lebanon Jordan and Palestine Introducing the two simultaneously Arabiyyat al Naas (Part One) uses each in its proper context Levantine for conversations and MSA for reading and writing activities In this way the course efficiently prepares students for the practical realities of learning and living Arabic today Features include21 theme-based units covering all the core topics expected in a first-year Arabic course such as countries clothes colors family and professionsa broad range of stimulating activities and exercises fostering active engagement with the course and the development of comprehension and communication skillscomprehensively covers the 5 Cs communication culture connections comparisons and communitiesa free DVD filmed on location in Jordan presenting over 40 videos and incorporating a wide variety of entertaining and realistic scenariosa free companion website (wwwroutledgecomcwyounes) offering a wealth of additional instructor and student resources including a teacher's guide an introduction to the letters and sounds of Arabic (with audiovisual aid and writing demonstrations) audio recordings of songs and listening passages video clips sample tests an answer key and language gamesclear explanations of grammatical structures and concepts as they occur in the reading and listening materials to encourage progressive learning and active interaction with the texta user-friendly and vibrant full colour text design richly illustrated throughout with over 200 illustrations and photographssongs with simple lyrics tied to the themes of the course to help advance vocabulary acquisition and understanding of basic grammatical structures Written by a dynamic author team and tested over a number of years at Cornell University Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part One) will be an essential resource for students beginning to learn Arabic While primarily designed for classroom use the accessibility of the course and website also renders it highly suitable for independent study This volume is the first in an exciting three-part series of Arabic textbooks which together provide a complete three-year undergraduate language program"
Price: 60.99 |
"Death and Bereavement Across Cultures" |
"All societies have their own customs and beliefs surrounding death In the West traditional ways of mourning are disappearing and although Western science has had a major impact on how people die it has taught us little about the way to die or to grieve Many whose work brings them into contact with the dying and the bereaved from Western and other cultures are at a loss to know how to offer appropriate and sensitive support Death and Bereavement Across Cultures 2nd Edition is a handbook which meets the needs of doctors nurses social workers hospital chaplains counsellors and volunteers caring for patients with life-threatening illness and their families before and after bereavement It is a practical guide explaining the religious and other differences commonly met with in multi-cultural societies when someone is dying or bereaved In doing so readers may be surprised to find how much we can learn from other cultures about our own attitudes and assumptions about death Written by international experts in the field the book Describes the rituals and beliefs of major world religions; Explains their psychological and historical context; Shows how customs are changed by contact with the West; Considers the implications for the future The second edition includes new chapters that explore how members of the health care professions perform roles formerly conducted by priests and shamans can cross the cultural gaps between different cultures and religions; consider the relevance of attitudes and assumptions about death for our understanding of religious and nationalist extremism and its consequences; discuss the Buddhist Islamic and Christian ways of death Death raises questions which science cannot answer Whatever our personal beliefs we can all gain from learning how others view these ultimate problems This book explores the richness of mourning traditions around the world with the aim of increasing the sensitivity and understanding which we all bring to the issue of death and bereavement"
Price: 25.49 |
"OCR Religious Ethics for AS and A2" |
"Structured directly around the specification of the OCR this is the definitive textbook for students of Advanced Subsidiary or Advanced Level courses The updated third edition covers all the necessary topics for Religious Ethics in an enjoyable student-friendly fashion Each chapter includes a list of key issues OCR specification checklist explanations of key terminology overviews of key scholars and theories self-test review questions exam practice questions To maximise students' chances of success the book contains a section dedicated to answering examination questions It comes complete with diagrams and tables lively illustrations a comprehensive glossary and full bibliography Additional resources are available via the companion website"
Price: 28.49 |
"OCR Philosophy of Religion for AS and A2" |
"Structured directly around the specification of the OCR this is the definitive textbook for students of Advanced Subsidiary or Advanced Level courses The updated third edition covers all the necessary topics for Philosophy of Religion in an enjoyable student-friendly fashion Each chapter includes a list of key issues OCR specification checklist explanations of key terminology overviews of key scholars and theories self-test review and exam practice questions To maximise students' chances of success the book contains a section dedicated to answering examination questions It comes complete with diagrams and tables lively illustrations a comprehensive glossary and full bibliography Additional resources are available via the companion website at wwwroutledgecomcwmayled"
Price: 28.49 |
"Everyday Women's and Gender Studies : Introductory Concepts" |
"Everyday Women's and Gender Studies is a text-reader that offers instructors a new way to approach an introductory course on women's and gender studies This book highlights major concepts that organize the diverse work in this field Knowledges Identities Equalities Bodies Places and Representations Its focus on the everyday speaks to the importance this book places on students understanding the taken-for granted circumstances of their daily lives Precisely because it is not the same for everyone the everyday becomes the ideal location for cultivating students' intellectual capacities as well as their political investigations and interventions In addition to exploring each concept in detail each chapter includes up to five short recently published readings that illuminate an aspect of that concept Everyday Women's and Gender Studies explores the idea that People are different and the world isn't fair and engages students in the inevitably complicated follow-up question Now that we know how shall we live?"
Price: 42.49 |