Surgent CPA Review Course Options
"Coma Ward: Cataclysmic Abominations Expansion" |
"&83;terile blinding whitene&115;&115; &8212; coupled with deafening repetitiou&115; beep&115; &8212; &115;hock&115; you awake Your heart rate &115;low&115; and your breathing &115;teadie&115; a&115; you realize you are in a ho&115;pital You glance around finding your room empty You read your identifying armband to &115;ee a name you don't recognize A&115; your bare feet &115;mack to the cold tile floor and you &115;teady your wobbling body you feel the foreign pre&115;ence of ab&115;ence You are alone&8230;In Coma Ward player&115; are patient&115; who have awoken in an abandoned yet &115;till functioning ho&115;pital with no memory and no idea of what i&115; happening Patient&115; mu&115;t &115;earch the ho&115;pital for clue&115; and nece&115;&115;itie&115; In their &115;earch patient&115; may find un&115;peakably terrifying thing&115; Each time you play you explore an ever-changing ho&115;pital a&115; you &115;earch for the clue&115; to your identity and the cau&115;e of the environment'&115; un&115;ettling emptine&115;&115; Balance your ever wor&115;ening terror and neuro&115;i&115; while monitoring your health and phy&115;ical attribute&115; Remember to &115;tay clo&115;e to tho&115;e who awoke with you becau&115;e the &115;hadow&115; of the empty ho&115;pital can de&115;troy your already fragile p&115;yche Once all the clue&115; have been di&115;covered the true horror begin&115; Player&115; di&115;cover what i&115; actually happening and find out who they can tru&115;t &8212; if anyone &8212; and how to win Each playing i&115; a unique phenomenon that introduce&115; diver&115;e and dynamic rule&115; Coma Ward i&115; a mature game with theme&115; of violence ab&115;olution di&115;tru&115;t gore and traumatic incidence Player di&115;cretion i&115; advi&115;ed Coma Ward play&115; in two part&115;&160;The ProloguePatient&115; will move through the Ho&115;pital di&115;covering new Tile&115; that repre&115;ent room&115; &83;ome Tile&115; will affect a Patient&8217;&115; Health or Terror Other Tile&115; will impact the game in other unpredictable way&115; While they explore and &115;earch Patient&115; will di&115;cover item&115; that will help them in their frantic &115;earch for an&115;wer&115; Item&115; like Clothing and make&115;hift Weapon&115; will defend you from un&115;een force&115; or even other ho&115;tile Patient&115; While Medicine and Food can re&115;tore your Health and Focu&115; Ultimately Patient&115; are &115;earching for the horrific Clue&115; to what ha&115; happened in thi&115; ho&115;pital Once all of the Clue&115; have been revealed the true game objective unfold&115;&8230;The PhenomenonUpon uncovering the final Clue the Phenomenon i&115; triggered Player&115; will then withdraw and open the &115;pecified &115;ealed envelope from the box revealing it&115; &115;ecret content&115; telling the &115;tory of what i&115; happening and how to win the game &83;ome Phenomenon are cooperative with player&115; racing to e&115;cape the ho&115;pital or defeat cruel force&115; While other Phenomenon will pit player&115; again&115;t each other in &115;ecret alliance&115; or an all out fight for &115;urvival&160;Each Phenomenon can lead to multiple ending&115; &83;o even if Player&115; reveal the &115;ame Phenomenon multiple time&115; they will alway&115; have a unique experience &83;ome Phenomenon are phy&115;ical real threat&115; in&115;pired by cla&115;&115;ic horror trope&115;; other&115; explore metaphy&115;ical and p&115;ychological theme&115;&8230;Are you ready to open your eye&115; and experience the phenomenal horror of Coma Ward?"
Price: 24.99 |
"Tales From The Loop RPG" |
"The land&115;cape wa&115; full of machine&115; and &115;crap metal connected to the facility in one way or another Alway&115; pre&115;ent on the horizon were the colo&115;&115;al cooling tower&115; with their green ob&115;truction light&115; If you put your ear to the ground you could hear the heartbeat of the Loop the purring of the Gravitron the central piece of engineering magic that wa&115; the focu&115; of the Loop&115; experiment&115; The facility wa&115; the large&115;t of it&115; kind in the world and it wa&115; &115;aid that it&115; force&115; could bend &115;pace-time it&115;elf &83;cifi arti&115;t &83;imon &83;t&229;lenhag&115; painting&115; of &83;wedi&115;h 1980&115; &115;uburbia populated by fanta&115;tic machine&115; and &115;trange bea&115;t&115; have won global acclaim Now you can &115;tep into the amazing world of the Loop In thi&115; roleplaying game in the vein of ET and &83;tranger Thing&115; you&8217;ll play teenager&115; &115;olving my&115;terie&115; connected to the Loop The game rule&115; are ba&115;ed on Mutant Year Zero which wa&115; awarded with a &83;ilver ENnie for Be&115;t Rule&115; at Gencon 2015"
Price: 39.99 |
"Triceratops: D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures (W7)" |
"The&115;e highly detailed miniature&115; are pre-primed with Acrylico&115; Vallejo primer Little to no a&115;&115;embly requiredPrimed and ready to paint &83;ome miniature&115; include tran&115;lucent part&115;Content&115;1 Triceratop&115;1 Ba&115;e"
Price: 13.99 |
"A Song Of Ice and Fire: Free Folk Savage Giants Expansion" |
"There are many &115;trange and my&115;tical creature&115; in the land&115; of We&115;tero&115; The Giant&115; are among them The&115;e ma&115;&115;ive creature&115; are ju&115;t like human&115; only much much much bigger Anyone who &115;ay&115; that &115;ize doe&115;n&8217;t matter ha&115; never had to deal with a giant or two A&115; part of the Free Folk army they are walking &115;iege engine&115; battering entire enemy rank&115; with a &115;ingle &115;wing of their ma&115;&115;ive club&115; The &83;avage Giant Unit Box for the A &83;ong of Ice and Fire Tabletop Miniature&115; Game give&115; Free Folk commander&115; two huge figure&115; to add to their force&115; The &83;avage Giant i&115; both re&115;ilient and deadly Their Mighty &83;wing doe&115;n&8217;t allow for Defen&115;ive &83;ave&115; a&115; it can ba&115;h through multiple troop&115; with a &115;ingle &115;wing The Giant i&115; re&115;ilient too having five Wound&115; and only taking a wound for each two Hit&115; it take&115; Hurting the Giant ju&115;t make&115; it mad with it&115; Mighty &83;wing doing more and more damage for each Wound the Giant ha&115;"
Price: 25.49 |
"Dragon Shield Playmat- Delphion (Matte Night Blue Japanese) Limited Edition" |
"Beautiful artwork featuring the Night Blue Matte Dragon Delphion Artwork by Jo&115;&233; Rafael Cruzpagan III A Dragon &83;hield Play mat provide&115; ultimate protection from any unwanted &115;urface &115;cuff&115; Each Play mat ha&115; a &115;oft fabric &115;urface and a black rubber non-&115;kid back The edge&115; are &115;titched and rounded for an elegant fini&115;h and to prevent fraying The triangular ca&115;e i&115; great for &115;toring and tran&115;porting the play mat and double&115; a&115; a life counter when combined with the coin included in the box Coin&115; come in Gold (rare) &83;ilver (uncommon) and Bronze (common) and are perfect for determining order of play"
Price: 15.99 |
"Munchkin 6 Double Dungeons" |
"What'&115; an adventurer without dungeon&115; to explore? Thi&115; box contain&115; 40 double-&115;ized Dungeon&115; plu&115; 32 Portal&115; to get you from one to the next Each Dungeon change&115; the rule&115; &115;ome are helpful &115;ome are harmful and &115;ome are ju&115;t &115;illy It i&115; Munchkin after all!Thi&115; &115;et include&115; the card&115; from Munchkin 6 - Demented Dungeon&115; and Munchkin 65 - Terrible Tomb&115; now in a &115;ingle convenient expan&115;ion!"
Price: 17.49 |
"VS System 2PGC Marvel: H.A.M.M.E.R" |
"Under the maniacal leadership of Norman Osborn send reformed villains like Bullseye Daken and Mimic to scour your opponent's deck in search of vigilante heroes Let justice be served 56 playable cards2 rulesheetLow barrier of entry"
Price: 10.99 |
"BrainBox Predators Card Game" |
"Test your observation and memory skills as well as improving your knowledge with brainbox!brainbox games are fast fun to play for all the family and a great way to learn Packed in a sturdy cool magnetic cube box brain box is ready to play without any set up time needed the rules are pretty straight forward Play solo or with as many players as you want Pick a card and study the front for 10 seconds Then roll the die and answer a question on the back of the card If you're correct you keep the card The person with the most cards after 10 minutes is the winner!remember all the answers to the questions are on the picture side of the card so look carefully!the winner may not be you who expect as this fabulous game is about observation and memory not just learned facts!"
Price: 12.49 |
"BrainBox Time Traveller Card Game" |
"Test your observation and memory skills as well as improving your knowledge with brainbox!brainbox games are fast fun to play for all the family and a great way to learn Packed in a sturdy cool magnetic cube box BrainBox is ready to play without any set up time neededThe rules are pretty straight forward Play solo or with as many players as you want Pick a card and study the front for 10 seconds Then roll the die and answer a question on the back of the card If you're correct you keep the card The person with the most cards after 10 minutes is the winner!remember all the answers to the questions are on the picture side of the card so look carefully!the winner may not be you who expect as this fabulous game is about observation and memory not just learned facts!Would you like to be able to travel in time? This brilliant BrainBox is the next best thing bringing you fascinating snapshots of major events and life in the past From dinosaurs to the discovery of Australia the Stone Age to the Suffragettes and the Aztec Empire to the first aeroplane flight you can explore the past with this wonderful game - no time machine required!Quick to play and great fun for all the family BrainBox games are a test of memory and observational skills and improve knowledge at the same time!Suitable for ages 7 for 1 or more playersContains 55 cards 1 rules card 1 sand timer 1 dieOur BrainBox games are ethically sourced and made from recycled and recyclable materialsGameplay is tested in family and school environments"
Price: 12.49 |
"BrainBox World Traveller Card Game" |
"Test your observation and memory skills as well as improving your knowledge with brainbox!brainbox games are fast fun to play for all the family and a great way to learn Packed in a sturdy cool magnetic cube box brain box is ready to play without any set up time neededThe rules are pretty straight forward Play solo or with as many players as you want Pick a card and study the front for 10 seconds Then roll the die and answer a question on the back of the card If you're correct you keep the card The person with the most cards after 10 minutes is the winner!remember all the answers to the questions are on the picture side of the card so look carefully!the winner may not be you who expect as this fabulous game is about observation and memory not just learned facts!Where in the world would you like to be? This globe-trotting BrainBox visits every continent and introduces children to a whole world of festivals landmarks and everyday life From the Australian outback to the Amazonian rainforest the pyramids of Egypt to the pink sands of Bermuda you can explore the world with this wonderful game - no passport required!BrainBox is the ten minute brain challenge! Quick to play and great fun for all the family BrainBox games are a test of memory and observational skills and improve knowledge at the same time!Suitable for ages 6 For 1 or more players Contains 55 cards 1 Rules card 1 sand Timer 1 DieOur BrainBox games are ethically sourced and made from recycled and recyclable materialsGameplay is tested in family and school environments"
Price: 12.99 |
"Sorcerer Extra Dice" |
"xtra dice help to speed up multiplayer games Includes a D8 and 7 Combat Dice with custom symbols pentagrams double skulls and single skulls"
Price: 8.49 |
"BrainBox First Numbers Pre School Card Game" |
"Brainbox First Numbers is designed to give pre-school children a head start Each sturdy double-sided card shows three coloured images either showing different quantities or different numbers The other side shows just one of each image with no numbers Brainbox First Numbers is designed to give pre-school children a head start Each sturdy double-sided card shows three coloured images either showing different quantities or different numbers The other side shows just one of each image with no numbers Fun and LearningVisual Memory Game1 or more players"
Price: 9.49 |
"BrainBox First Letters Pre School" |
"Brainbox First Letters is designed to give pre-school children a head start Each sturdy double-sided card shows three coloured images on one side with their initial letters and just the images on the other Brainbox First Letters is designed to give pre-school children a head start Each sturdy double-sided card shows three coloured images on one side with their initial letters and just the images on the other Fun and LearningVisual Memory Game1 or more players"
Price: 9.49 |
"The Survival Horror Simulation RPG Gear Card Deck: Outbreak Undead" |
"Cut down on the page flipping at the table while adding a tactile feel to looting The Outbreak Undead card sets serve as both game references and props to go along with your scenarios and bring them to life!Pack contains 60 cards"
Price: 9.49 |
"BrainBox Animal Families (55 cards) Game" |
"Test your observation and memory skills as well as improving your knowledge with brainbox!brainbox games are fast fun to play for all the family and a great way to learn Packed in a sturdy cool magnetic cube box BrainBox is ready to play without any set up time neededThe rules are pretty straight forward Play solo or with as many players as you want Pick a card and study the front for 10 seconds Then roll the die and answer a question on the back of the card If you're correct you keep the card The person with the most cards after 10 minutes is the winner!remember all the answers to the questions are on the picture side of the card so look carefully!The winner may not be you who expect as this fabulous game is about observation and memory not just learned facts!If you love baby animals this BrainBox is for you From chicks to catapillars cubs to cygnets and fawns to foals this beautiful BrainBox introduces you to animal families from around the world Quick to play and great fun for all the family BrainBox games are a test of memory and observational skills and improve knowledge at the same time!Our BrainBox games are ethically sourced and made from recycled and recyclable materials Gameplay is tested in family and school environments Suitable for children aged 4 for 1 or more players Contains 55 cards 1 Rules card 1 Sand Timer 1 Die"
Price: 12.49 |
"Everyone Loves a Parade Game" |
"It's a beautiful day and everyone in your hometown is excited to watch all the fun pageantry and spectacle of the upcoming parade! But first the floats that will thrill the crowd must be built and the one who crafts the most exciting floats will become the Grand Marshal!In Everyone Loves A Parade 2-6 players act as float designers selecting colorful decoration cards (flowers balloons and flags) to add to their floats and wow the crowd which is represented by dice showing colors and items they wish to see Each decoration card allows an immediate action that can give you an edge allowing you to move or reroll crowd dice! At the end of each round players reveal their secret order cards perform one last action then enter their completed float into the parade in front of a crowd You gain points for giving the crowd what they want and the player with the highest score after three rounds wins and becomes the Grand Marshal!Players 2-6Playing time 20-50 minsAges 8"
Price: 17.99 |
"Alpha Chase Board Game" |
"Alpha chase was the winning game in our 2017 young games inventor of the year competition Designed by 12 year old Hannah padbury in this game players race through the alphabet trying to write unique words for a given category or letter If no-one else writes the same word players can move forwards but a match makes them move back!A rapid race of letter lottery!Race through the alphabet trying to make unique words for a given category and letter If no one else writes the same word players can move forwards but a match makes them move back!Unique fast paced word game which is great fun for all the family!Designed by 12 year old Hannah Padbury winner of 2017 Young Games Inventor of the Year competition Suitable for ages 8 and 2 or more players"
Price: 14.99 |
"BrainBox First Animal Homes Pre School" |
"Brainbox first animal homes is designed to give pre-school children a head start Each sturdy double-sided card shows three coloured images of animals in their homes The other side shows just the homes without the animals Brainbox First Animal Homes is designed to give pre-school children a head start Each sturdy double-sided card shows three coloured images of animals in their homes The other side shows just the homes without the animals Fun and LearningVisual Memory Game1 or more players"
Price: 9.49 |
"Keyforge Inner Card Sleeves: Clear (40) SINGLE PACK" |
"Each KeyForge Deck and card is unique and deserves an extra layer of protection These sleeves add this kind of extra protection These are used inside regular sleeves (sleeve-within-sleeve) to protect cards from dust dirt or other damages (eg from frequent shuffling) KeyForge INNER SLEEVES are optimized in size for KeyForge cards a unique position in the market Other inner sleeves from other manufacturers are too small for KeyForge cards SPECIFICATIONSSleeve size - 64 x 90 mmQTY per pack - 40 sleeves per packMaterial - Polypropylene"
Price: 4.49 |
"Sirius Dice Northern Lights Polyhedral 7 Dice Set" |
"A set of Muse dice for use with D&D or the d20 open game system Contains 1xD4 1xD6 1xD8 1xD10 1xD 1xD12 1xD20 7 dice in total all the same colour Dice box not included"
Price: 13.99 |
"Dungeons & Dragons Collector's Series Princes of the Apocalypse Miniature Marlos Urnrayle & Earth Priest" |
"Turning to a magic ring to preserve his youth and vanity Marlos Urnrayle is now a madman driven insane by the magic ring as it has turned him in to a Medusa like creature he is now the earth prophet of the Elder Elemental Eye and the leader of the Cult of the Black Earth He delights in petrifying his foes especially those of great physical beauty and then smashing all but their horrified faces to rubble He leaves their faces intact so he can revel in their expressions of surprise and terror This pack includes two highly detail resin Miniatures of Marlos Urnrayle and Earth Priest"
Price: 14.49 |
"Dungeons & Dragons Collector's Series Princes of the Apocalypse Miniature Aerisi Kalinoth & Air Priest" |
"Gale Force Nine&8217;s Limited Edition Collector Series of Dungeons &38; Dragons Miniatures comes with highly detailed figures primed and ready to paint out of the box These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting FeaturesFeatures characters monsters and scenery from the Dungeons &38; Dragons universePrimed and ready to paintContains 2 unpainted unassembled resin figures"
Price: 14.49 |
"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 Pocket Edition" |
"Bow Down in Fear! Monsters have long stalked us in the darkness Within this book you&8217;ll find a host of these creatures for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Face off against archdevils and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse planar dragons and the legendary wild hunt proteans and psychopomps and hundreds more! Some creatures such as the capricious taniwha the mysterious green man or the powerful empyreal lords might even be willing to provide your heroes aid&8213;if they deserve it!Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 6 is the sixth must-have volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an open playtest featuring more than 50000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 6 includesMore than 200 different monsters New player-friendly races like the crazed monkey goblins the telepathic albino munavris the river-dwelling fey naiads the wolflike rougarou and the yaddithians of the Elder Mythos Numerous powerful demigods from archdevils and Great Old Ones to empyreal lords and qlippoth lords New animal companions and other allies such as fierce devil monkeys and loyal clockwork hounds New templates including the entothrope and the mongrel giant to help you get more life out of classic monsters Appendices to help you find the right monster including lists by Challenge Rating monster type and habitat Expanded universal monster rules to simplify combat Challenges for every adventure and every level of play AND MUCH MUCH MORE!"
Price: 16.99 |
"Final Fantasy TCG 2-Player Starter Set Wraith vs Knight" |
"From the FINAL FANTASY franchise comes the second 2-player starter deck! This deck includes powerful new cards exclusive to this starter that can be enjoyed by beginners as well as seasoned players Each Starter Set includes one (1) Full Art version of each of the five different Legend cards in these decks This is the first time Full Art versions of these five cards have ever been available! Begin your FINAL FANTASY TRADING CARD GAME adventure"
Price: 20.99 |
"Future Card Buddyfight: Ace Ultimate Booster Cross Vol. 2 BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! PICO Booster Box" |
"The Future Card Buddyfight Ace Ultimate Booster Cross Vol 2 BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!PICO set includes 91 different cards (5 ER 6 SP 20 SR 6 RRR 12 RR 18 R 24 U Each box contains 10 packs with 7 cards per pack Each box contains one of five different promo packs that include a Buddyfight promo a Weiss Schwarz promo and a Mobile Game promo BanG Dream! Girls Band Party PICO is a moving girls band comedy with lots of laughter and tears as we join the cute Girls Band Party characters on their adventures at the hidden jem of a Live House CIRCLE Look for signed voice character cards - Aimi (Kasumi Toyama) Sae Otsuka (Tae Hanazono) Rimi Nishimoto (Rimi Ushigome) Ayaka Ohashi (Saya Yambuki) and Ayasa Ito (Arisa Ichigaya) This set introduces the Flag card which allows players to have to a total size of 5 on the field with an additional card on the left and right"
Price: 24.99 |
"A Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Edition Long May He Reign Expansion" |
"Your journey to the capital of the Seven Kingdoms brings you to the stand in the shadow of the Iron Throne itself with Long May He Reign the sixth and final Chapter Pack in the Kings Landing cycle for A Game of Thrones The Card Game!"
Price: 13.49 |
"Blackout: Hong Kong Board Game" |
"Hong Kong has been struck by a large scale unexpected blackout As the government struggles to maintain control you decide to take matters into your own hands and try to bring back some kind of societal order! Daily life as you were used to it has quickly dissolved Even the most mundane tasks have become incredibly challenging without electric power Whoever best manages this situation and restores the semblance of order will surely claim a position of power in post-blackout Hong Kong!In Alexander Pfister's Blackout Hong Kong you have to manage ever-changing resources and a network of various specialists to keep Hong Kong from descending into chaos while also staying ahead of your rivals Players 1-4Playing time 75-150 minsAges 14"
Price: 37.99 |
"K2: Lhotse Board Game Expansion" |
"Lhotse means the southern peak in the Tibetan language The fourth highest mountain in the world located south of Mount Everest is a part of the same mountain range It owes its name to Charles Howard-Burye the captain of the first British expedition to these uncharted regions of the world The southern wall of Lhotse is over 3000 meters of a very steep and dangerous climb Many great mountaineers have been defeated by the peak Some paid for their daring attempts with their lives like the famous Polish climber Jerzy Kukuczka Even such an outstanding climber as Reinhold Messner the summiter of all eight-thousanders of the world withdrew from high mountains climbing forever after attempting to get to the top of Lhotse by the southern wall So far probably only one team of climbers managed to win with Lhotse attacking from the south Sergey Bershov and Vladimir Karataev in 1990 defeated one of the most difficult challenges of modern mountaineering K2 Lhotse is an expansion of K2 in which the players' task is to lead the team of two climbers as close as possible to the summit The expansion includes an alternative two-sided board and new weather tiles K2 Lhotse also introduces a completely new mechanics - fixed rope tokens which allow you to set your own routes Each side of the board offers a different scenario and a different challenge The first scenario is a demanding and strategic fight against time and weather The board showing the southern wall is divided not only by height but also into three vertical sectors dividing it into the eastern central and western parts The new set of weather tiles will show a different aura depending on the sector The player's toolkit has been enriched with fixed rope tokens thanks to which players will be able to set up new routes between the already known ones These ropes will allow for more efficient escape from bad weather or deadly landslides The second scenario is a fast race to the top of Lhotse from the safer side the southern pass which is also the easiest way to Mount Everest Players will have fewer cards to use as they will have to discard 3 of them at the very beginning However the better cards they discard the more extra victory points they receive at the end of the game! Additionally in this scenario the time becomes even more important the climb will last only 15 days so players will have to hurry up their way to the top"
Price: 19.49 |
"Hellboy The Board Game - The Wild Hunt Expansion" |
"Hellboy The Board Game &8211; The Wild Hunt adds gameplay elements from the The Wild Hunt storyline in the Hellboy comic series to Hellboy The Board Game This expansion consists of1 hero miniature (Enraged Hellboy)1 backup agent miniature (Alice)1 agent cardAlice backup agent card5 enemy cards40 case file cards7 requisition starting cards19 deck of doom cards13 encounter cards4 boss behaviour cards7 scenery furniture tokens7 double sided game tiles1 boss (Eligos)12 enemies"
Price: 42.49 |
"BANG! The Dice Game: Undead or Alive" |
"BANG! The Dice Game Undead or Alive includes five modules for BANG! The Dice Game that can be used on their own or combined in any way desired This expansion adds eight new enraged gunslingers and two new duel dice for fighting duels If you lose a duel you must draw a duel wound token During your turn each duel wound token you have cancels one identical symbol rolled on a die that you decided to keep The new dice also feature another new symbol the whiskey bottle If you roll a whiskey bottle during your turn and you have no duel wound tokens to discard or if you lose two or more life points in one turn you must draw a rage card; the symbols on those cards are added to the results of the dice!With four or more players you can play the Undead or Alive module which adds a deck of boneyard cards If the boneyard overflows with corpses a zombie outbreak might begin!Players 3-8Playing time 15-20 minsAges 8"
Price: 16.99 |
"WWE HeroClix: The Rock 'n' Sock Connection: 2 Player Starter Set" |
"Celebrate the release of WWE HeroClix with this Starter Set! This is the PERFECT way to get up to speed on WWE HeroClix! This contains everything you need to start playing HeroClix (Powers and Abilities Card HeroClix rules tokens a map) and 4 WWE Superstars! This special starter set also includes a WWE ring that can be used in HeroClix! Combine this Starter Set with WWE HeroClix Expansion Packs (sold separately) for even more tabletop fun! WWE HeroClix even features NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN PAC Powersspecific to WWE! Superstars in the The Rock 'n' Sock Connection Starter includeThe RockMankindStone Cold Steve AustinTriple HRic FlairShawn Michaels"
Price: 21.49 |