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1 Inch Wide Clip Suspenders (X-Back) - BRIGHT OLIVE |
$9.99 |
Olive green suspenders are a distinctive, but neutral toned, accessory and will go nicely with other neutral colors...[Read More] |
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"Building a Cybersecurity Toolkit" |
"Technologies are always being defeated. If you own an information asset that’s valuable enough to the right adversary, it’s only a matter of time before there’s a breach. Today’s technologies attempt to keep adversaries out, but the sad fact is they will inevitably be defeated. This means a successful cybersecurity professional needs to have an expanded arsenal in their toolkit that extends far beyond technical proficiency. Cybersecurity professionals need to be agile, multifunctional, flexible, and dynamic given how quickly things can change. They need to be able to adapt to change and problem solve quickly, have diverse knowledge to perform many activities, respond to new threats and shift priorities to meet the challenge of the day. The purpose of this course is to give learners insight into these type of characteristics and skills needed for cybersecurity jobs and to provide a realistic outlook on what they really need to add to their “toolkits” – a set of skills that is constantly evolving, not all technical, but fundamentally rooted in problem-solving. Students will learn from thought leaders from both the academic and practitioner communities."
Price: 199.00 |
"Cybersecurity: The CISO's View" |
"The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in any given organization serves a leadership position, protecting the data and digital systems that a company’s employees as well as its customers depend upon. This course delves into the role that the CISO plays in cybersecurity operations. Throughout the lessons, learners will explore answers to the following questions: How does cybersecurity work across industries? What is the professionals' point of view? How do we keep information secure? Coursework will fully explore the CISO’s view from the top, as well as the position’s toolkit, which includes policy, procedures and practices, technologies, awareness training, and audit. It will also dive into the approaches taken in private industry, government, academia, and the military."
Price: 199.00 |
"Introduction to Cybersecurity" |
"This course serves as an introduction to the exciting field of cybersecurity. As our daily lives become more and more dependent on Internet-based tools and services, and as those platforms accumulate more of our most sensitive data, the demand grows for experts in the field of cybersecurity. In this course, you will gain an overview of the cybersecurity landscape as well as national (USA) and international perspectives on the field. We will cover the legal environment that impacts cybersecurity as well as predominant threat actors."
Price: 199.00 |
"Conducting an Informational Interview" |
"In this final course of the English for Business Networking Professional Certificate program, you’ll put your knowledge into practice by preparing for and conducting an informational interview. First off, you’ll clarify your goals and set up a practice informational interview. You’ll practice talking on the phone to make arrangements to meet. Then, you’ll set up a second informational interview. You’ll learn how to research a person and write questions to learn more about them or their career. You’ll also learn the parts of an interview. Finally, you’ll learn the key steps for following up with a person after your interview. You’llsuccessfully complete a whole cycle of networking activities."
Price: 99.00 |
"Attending a Networking Event" |
"In this course, you’ll focus on two key parts of networking. In the first part, you will focus on an elevator pitch, a short speech to highlight the qualities that are important to finding a job or making a connection. You’ll practice giving your speech and get feedback on your content, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The second part of the course is about networking events. These are informal meetings to make connections with people in a certain area. You’ll practicemaking “small talk” andyou’ll get better at making conversation and endingconversations. You’ll also know how to dress for success and attend your own networking event. We’re sure your network will grow after you take these steps."
Price: 99.00 |
"Using Email for Networking in English" |
"Effective writing is an important business skill, especially for networking, and most communication takes place using email. In this course, you’ll learnimportant vocabulary and strategies for writing effective emails, starting with the subject line. You'll learn how to write messages for different audiences and understand when tobe formal or direct.You’llalso learn how your choice of words can change the way people view your message.You'll practice writing emails to follow up with people in your network."
Price: 149.00 |
"Applying Health Coaching in Patient Care" |
"For health practitioners, having knowledge of treatment protocols is not enough. They must be able to inspire behavior change in their patients. In order for the treatment to be effective patients must be empowered to implement therapeutic approaches in their lives. In this course, you will learn about health coaching, which is an effective method for helping patients change their behaviors. Health coaching uses a blend of evidence-based strategies, interventions and communication to actively and safely engage patients. You will learn the core components of health coaching that can be applied to patient care, such as positive psychology, motivation, establishing trust and goal setting."
Price: 199.00 |
"Data Structures Fundamentals" |
"A good algorithm usually comes together with a set of good data structures that allow the algorithm to manipulate the data efficiently. In this course, part of the Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, we consider the common data structures that are used in various computational problems. You will learn how these data structures are implemented in different programming languages and will practice implementing them in our programming assignments. This will help you to understand what is going on inside a particular built-in implementation of a data structure and what to expect from it. You will also learn typical use cases for these data structures. A few examples of questions that we are going to cover in this course are: What is a good strategy of resizing a dynamic array? How priority queues are implemented in C++, Java, and Python? How to implement a hash table so that the amortized running time of all operations is O(1) on average? What are good strategies to keep a binary tree balanced? We look forward to seeing you in this course! We know it will make you a better programmer."
Price: 99.00 |
"Tools for Academic Engagement in Public Policy" |
"As public policies become increasingly complex and technical in nature there is a clear need for scientifically informed solutions to major public policy challenges. However, most researchers do not have the training to effectively engage with policymakers. This short course will provide an essential introduction to the policymaking process through the lens of the U.S. federal government, while providing specific steps researchers can take to engage policy stakeholders and articulate the policy implications of their work. Specifically, it will focus on: Understanding the complex public policy ecosystem, its many stakeholders, and the role research and evidence play in the creation of public policy, Strategies for informing the policymaking community with research results, Developing a pitch for policy audiences, and The importance of building two-way dialogues with policymakers"
Price: 199.00 |
"Bases Matemáticas: Álgebra" |
"En este curso se recordará lo que es una ecuación con una única incógnita y cómo solucionarla. A partir de ahí se tratarán: Los sistemas de ecuaciones lineales. Cómo se definen, cómo se clasifican y cómo se resuelven utilizando el método de Gauss El concepto de matriz y las operaciones entre matrices El cálculo de matrices inversas mediante el método de Gauss y el de los adjuntos Una introducción a las ecuaciones matriciales El determinante de una matriz cuadrada y su cálculo El rango de una matriz La expresión matricial de un sistema de ecuaciones lineales y la regla de Cramer"
Price: 50.00 |
"Valoración de Futbolistas con el Método AHP" |
"¿Quieres ser capaz de valorar de forma analítica a Cristiano Ronaldo o a Fernando Torres usando el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (AHP), método empleado a nivel mundial para la valoración de todo tipo de activos? El mundo del deporte mueve miles de millones de euros, muchos de los cuales se invierten en los traspasos de deportistas entre equipos. La valoración de futbolistas es tema complejo en el que influyen muchas variables con relaciones complejas. En el curso aprenderás a utilizar herramientas que permiten seleccionar de una forma objetiva el mejor jugador para una posición dada o estimar el valor del traspaso de un jugador utilizando las cantidades pagadas por jugadores similares en operaciones recientes. El contenido del curso es el siguiente: Unidad 1: El mundo del deporte y la valoración Unidad 2: El proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) Unidad 3: Aplicación de AHP a la valoración de deportistas Unidad 4: Ejemplos Este curso está actualmente en modo autónomo o “self-paced”. ¿Qué significa esto? Que puedes empezarlo cuando quieras y seguirlo a tu ritmo ya que no hay fecha prevista de cierre y cada 6-8 semanas se generarán certificados a aquellos que lo hayan superado. Por otro lado los profesores participarán algo menos en los foros, seguirás teniendo soporte por su parte pero es posible que tarde algo más en contestar tus dudas. This course is taught in Spanish with English subtitles."
Price: 75.00 |
"Introducción al desarrollo de aplicaciones web" |
"Hoy en día utilizamos la web para todo tipo de tareas: buscar un vuelo, comprar entradas, ver el pronóstico meteorológico, leer noticias, etc. Todo esto es posible gracias a las aplicaciones web creadas para darnos estos servicios.Con este curso en línea descubrirás cómo se realizan estas apps web, comprenderás su arquitectura cliente-servidor y además aprenderás paso a paso a realizar una aplicación web desde cero. Concretamente, te vamos a guiar a lo largo del curso para que desarrolles tu propia red social.Para este propósito comprenderás cómo utilizar de forma conjunta diferentes tecnologías web como son HTML, CSS, Python, JSON, JavaScript y Ajax.En este curso de informática programaremos en Python para el desarrollo del lado servidor y utilizaremos la biblioteca Flask para crear aplicaciones web de forma eficiente y modular.Finalmente, para el desarrollo en el lado cliente usaremos JavaScript, que nos permitirá implementar aplicaciones web más interactivas."
Price: 49.00 |
"Integrated Digital Media Capstone" |
"The IDM edX Mircomasters capstone project draws on the skills you have mastered in Creative Coding, Media Law, and Theories of Media & Technology. You will draw upon your technical and conceptual skills, and create a 'remix' project that speaks to the broader themes and ideas in the other courses. In addition to producing a web-based work that draws on these learning experiences, you will create a document outlining your project from concept to completion, and include references and documentation to support the core argument you are making with your work."
Price: 249.00 |
"Media Law" |
"This advanced seminar explores in depth the theoretical and practical aspects of media-communications principles and regulations. Knowledge of media law is crucial for professionals. A full range of models will be explored, from Open Source public license to Digital Rights Management, as well as working definitions of Fair Use and the practical limits of sampling/mixing in different idioms and economic sectors."
Price: 249.00 |
"Islam Through Its Scriptures" |
"How can you improve your understanding of Islam and its most important holy text, the Quran? How can you make sense of a tradition and a text that have been interpreted in different ways across vast geographical spaces for nearly a millennium and a half? Using a multimedia and student-centered approach, this religion course provides tools and perspectives for understanding the role of the Quran in the Islamic tradition. Learners will develop the skills and context to read the text themselves, while also being introduced to some of the issues classical and contemporary interpreters have addressed. This approach enables learners to explore the influence of the Quran on diverse Muslim understandings of Islam."
Price: 49.00 |
"Understanding Agribusiness, Value Chains, and Consumers in Global Food Systems" |
"Agribusiness is at the core of most economies around the world. The business of feeding peopleremains both complex and extremely important. According to the World Bank, food and agribusiness is a US $5 trillion industry that represents 10 percent of global consumer spending. In a global food system impacted by growing populations, economic growth, globalization, climate challenges, disruptive technologies, and evolving consumer demands, we must find smarter ways to produce food and to operate food businesses. Guided bythe team at The Centre for Global Food and Resources, this course will introduce the concepts at the heart of agribusiness; including value chain thinking, the dynamics of markets, and the changing nature of consumer behavior. You will learn what it is that sets agribusiness apart from other business sectors and the difference between supply chain and value chain thinking. You will gain an understanding of food markets and the distinctive factors that influence them. There will be a focus on the role that consumers play in the value chain - why they make the food choices they do and what changing food demand means for agribusiness. This course will showcase Australian agribusinesses, providing genuine insights into the concepts discussed. In an increasingly complex sector, this course will help you think differently about the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead for agribusiness."
Price: 199.00 |
"Aplicaciones de la Teoría de Grafos a la Vida Real I" |
"Este curso trata la Teoría de Grafos desde el punto de vista de la modelización, lo que nos permitirá con posterioridad resolver muchos problemas de diversa índole. Presentaremos ejemplos de los distintos problemas en un contexto real, analizaremos la representación de éstos mediante grafos y veremos los algoritmos necesarios para resolverlos. Resolveremos problemas que aparecen en la logística, la robótica, la genética, la sociología, el diseño de redes y el cálculo de rutas óptimas, mediante el uso de la Teoría de Grafos. Nuestro objetivo será presentar tanto los contenidos de la misma como la modelización de los casos planteados. En cada tema comenzaremos presentando el problema a resolver. Posteriormente introduciremos la teoría y los algoritmos correspondientes, modelizaremos el problema propuesto y finalmente hallaremos su solución. En general explicaremos en qué consiste y cómo se deduce cada algoritmo, haciendo para ello una traza a modo de ejemplo. Las unidades del curso son: Unidad 1: Conceptos básicos de la Teoría de Grafos Unidad 2: Accesibilidad Unidad 3: Grafos ponderados Unidad 4: Árboles Los contenidos de este curso fueron reconocidos con una Mención Especial del I Premio Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (España) – Telefónica L.S. - Universia a la iniciativa de MOOC's en MiríadaX."
Price: 49.00 |
"El Enlace Químico y las Interacciones Moleculares" |
"Los materiales que utilizamos diariamente y los objetos que nos rodean están formados por sustancias químicas cuyas propiedades, aplicaciones y transformaciones dependen del tipo de enlace que las caracteriza. El tipo de enlace condiciona la interacción entre las moléculas de un compuesto. El estudio del enlace típico de un compuesto y de las interacciones entre sus moléculas es competencia de la Química, una materia básica que se estudia en muchas titulaciones universitarias. Este curso va dirigido a los alumnos que acceden a la Universidad, especialmente aquellos que no han cursado Química y que requieren de los conocimientos básicos en estos aspectos. En este curso aprenderás a identificar los tipos de enlace que pueden presentarse en los diferentes compuestos químicos y a predecir qué tipo de enlace predomina en un compuesto en base a las características de los elementos que lo constituyen. Así mismo, podrás deducir qué enlace presenta un compuesto observando sus características y comportamiento. Profundizarás en el estudio del enlace covalente y entenderás la relación entre las interacciones moleculares y las propiedades físicas de los compuestos. En definitiva, adquirirás las habilidades necesarias para reconocer todo tipo de enlaces y relacionar la estructura de un compuesto con las propiedades físicas que manifiesta. En el curso trataremos: Enlace químico y tipos Enlace iónico y metálico Enlace covalente. Geometría y propiedades de las moléculas Interacciones moleculares"
Price: 49.00 |
"Identificación de producto con códigos de barras" |
"Bienvenidos al curso en línea de identificación de productos, este curso está diseñado bajo el estándar general de GS1 y contiene toda la información necesaria para que comprendas la importancia de identificar tu producto a través del código de barras y la forma en la que este funciona. Cuenta también con ejercicios prácticos para que pongas a prueba los conocimientos que irás adquiriendo a lo largo del curso.Este curso de administración y negocios está propuesto para ser realizado durante 4 semanas, cada una con una dedicación de 5 horas, sin embargo, la educación virtual permite que estudies a tu ritmo. Cada una de las semanas desarrollará una temática de tu interés."
Price: 25.00 |
"Lifestyle Medicine Fundamentals" |
"In this course, you will explore the core Lifestyle Medicine principles that form the foundation of this emerging field of patient care and learn why the application of lifestyle medicine is needed. Lifestyle Medicine involves the use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic approaches, to prevent, treat, and, oftentimes, reverse the root causes of lifestyle-related, chronic disease that's all too prevalent. This course will review the role of oxidative stress, microbiome, and epigenetic as root causes of chronic disease and how environmental factors contribute. We will also explore the core lifestyle principles of exercise, sleep, and stress management."
Price: 149.00 |
"Lifestyle Medicine Treatments of Chronic Disease – Part 1" |
"Lifestyle Medicine is an increasingly crucial element to transforming disease care systems to healthcare systems. Current medical services are unable to restore health because they do not address root causes. In this course, you will learn the deficiencies within traditional Western Medicine and more effective lifestyle based treatment protocols used to prevent and treat chronic diseases of lifestyle. You will learn about lifestyle medicine based treatments for the following chronic diseases: Hypertension Hyperlipidemia Angina/ Atherosclerosis Type II Diabetes/ Obesity Liver Disease Kidney Disease Alzheimer’s Disease Breast Cancer"
Price: 179.00 |
"Lifestyle Medicine Treatments of Chronic Disease – Part 2" |
"Lifestyle Medicine is an increasingly crucial element to transforming disease care systems to healthcare systems. Current medical services are unable to restore health because they do not address root causes. In this course, you will learn the deficiencies within traditional Western Medicine and more effective lifestyle based treatment protocols used to prevent and treat chronic diseases of lifestyle. You will learn about lifestyle medicine based treatments for the following chronic diseases: • Prostate and Colorectal Cancer • Osteoarthritis/Gout/Fibromyalgia • Multiple Sclerosis/Rheumatoid Arthritis/Inflammatory Bowel Diseases • Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Fructose Intolerance/Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity • Depression/ Anxiety • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and PCOS Associated Infertility/ Anovulatory Bleeding • Pregnancy • Menopause/Osteoporosis"
Price: 179.00 |
"AWS IoT: Developing and Deploying an Internet of Things" |
"There are billions of devices in homes, factories, oil wells, hospitals, cars, and thousands of other places. With the proliferation of devices, you increasingly need solutions to connect them, and collect, store, and analyze device data. AWS IoT provides broad and deep functionality, spanning the edge to the cloud, so you can build IoT solutions for virtually any use case across a wide range of devices.This course will introduce you to the Internet of Things and then explore Amazon Web Services’ IoT services, and then expert instructors will dive deep into topics such as the device gateway, device management, the device registry, and shadows. They will also discuss security features and implications, core and edge computing capabilities and benefits, and the use of HTTP and MQTT as communications protocols. Lastly, they will discuss the integration of IoT solutions with analytics tools, which will allow you to analyze the IoT data being collected by your fleet of devices.This course will provide a combination of video-based lectures, demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises, run in your own AWS account, that will allow you to build, deploy and manage your own IoT solution."
Price: 99.00 |
"Global Public Health" |
"What are the effects of a healthy individual on the world around them? Beyond the hereditary connections between parents and children or the implications of communicable diseases, public health has intrinsic value as a basic human right. Furthermore, health and the three pillars of sustainable development i.e. economic, social and environmental well-being, are intrinsically connected. Global Public Health, is a course taught by experts from the Public Health Foundation of India. It explores the institutions, infrastructure, and the interplay of actors that constitute health not only in local communities but also on a global scale. In this course, you’ll discover how health is influenced by the environment, food systems, energy security, transport, trade, and human migration. You’ll also learn health’s positive influence on other sectors, with investments in health shown to have a positive impact on economic development. Finally, this course will illuminate how health impacts and is essential to achieving poverty reduction, gender empowerment, universal education, conflict resolution, and other Sustainable Development Goals. This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students studying public health, international development, public policy, nursing and medicine and other fields who are interested in the key concepts and practices in global public health Healthcare professionals and other practitioners who want to understand their work within the broader context of international policy and the concept of sustainable development Sustainable development practitioners who want to understand the lifecycle of needs and support necessary to improve health globally, including those who work for international aid organizations and nonprofits in the realms of healthcare, poverty, and nutrition"
Price: 49.00 |
"Formulación y nomenclatura de compuestos químicos" |
"Toda la materia está formada por elementos o compuestos químicos que son resultado de la combinación de átomos. Cada compuesto presenta una determinada composición que se corresponde con una fórmula y se identifica con un nombre. La formulación y la nomenclatura sirven para clasificar y nombrar las diferentes clases de sustancias. Este curso va dirigido a los alumnos que acceden a la Universidad, especialmente, aquellos que no han cursado Química y que requieren de los conocimientos básicos en estos aspectos. En este curso aprenderás las normas que se utilizan para establecer las fórmulas de las sustancias y especies químicas, así como las reglas necesarias para nombrarlas. De este modo, podrás identificar y nombrar correctamente los compuestos químicos inorgánicos y orgánicos más comunes. Las unidades del curso son: Introducción y nomenclatura de sustancias inorgánicas Sustancias binarias Sustancias terciarias Sustancias cuaternarias Introducción a la formulación y nomenclatura de compuestos orgánicos Hidrocarburos Funciones halogenadas Funciones oxigenadas Funciones nitrogenadas Compuestos con dos o más grupos funcionales"
Price: 49.00 |
"Managing a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace for Public Libraries" |
"Learn management skills to support workplace diversity and inclusion in a public library setting. You will learn about theories and frameworks that explain the underlying mechanisms of the impacts of diversity and learn how to understand and address the needs of women and underrepresented minorities (e.g. race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, marital status, age, sexual orientation, and citizenship). You will learn how employment practices such as recruitment, selection, promotion, salary, training and development impact an organization’s ability to attract, retain, and manage a diverse workforce. Lastly, you will recognize what organizational changes can be made to help organizations maximize the potential of all workers."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introducción a la programación en Java: empezando a programar" |
"Este es un curso introductorio para aprender programación con Java. Java es uno de los lenguajes de programación más usados actualmente.A lo largo de las cinco semanas se introducen progresivamente conceptos necesarios que irán familiarizándote con la programación en Java como la abstracción funcional, el paradigma de programación orientada a objetos (OOP) y las interfaces de programación de aplicaciones (APIs). Se proporcionan ejemplos y casos de estudio para que los alumnos puedan comenzar a programar por su cuenta o en colaboración con sus compañeros.Este curso de Java está compuesto de tres partes:La Parte 1 introduce la programación sobre la base de conceptos familiares, como calculadoras y juegos.La Parte 2 se centrará en cómo escribir “buenos” programas, donde el término ""buenos"" debe entenderse desde varias perspectivas: corrección, eficiencia, técnicas de ingeniería de software y ética.La Parte 3 de introducción a la programación en Java abordará estructuras de datos fundamentales, como las secuencias, y los algoritmos de búsqueda y ordenación.Se pone énfasis en la realimentación inmediata y en tener una experiencia divertida. El conocimiento de programación en Java no sólo es útil para poder programar los dispositivos actuales, como ordenadores y teléfonos inteligentes. También abre la puerta al pensamiento computacional, es decir, la aplicación de técnicas informáticas a los procesos cotidianos."
Price: 99.00 |
"Introducción a la programación en Java: escribiendo buen código" |
"Este es un curso introductorio para aprender a programar en Java diseñado para enseñar a escribir ""buen"" código en este lenguaje de programación, entendiendo como ""bueno"" aquel que es correcto y eficiente.Se introducirán los principios básicos de la ingeniería de software para facilitar la reutilización del código. En la última parte de este curso de Java también se abordarán cuestiones éticas y la propiedad intelectual de nuestros programas. Se proporcionarán ejemplos y casos de estudio prácticos para que los alumnos puedan implementar programas simples, pero cada vez más complejos, en Java.El énfasis se pone en la realimentación inmediata y en tener una experiencia divertida con la programación. Conocer cómo programar en Java no sólo es útil para poder programar los dispositivos actuales, como ordenadores y teléfonos inteligentes. También abre la puerta al pensamiento computacional, es decir, la aplicación de técnicas informáticas a los procesos cotidianos."
Price: 99.00 |
"Introducción a la programación en Java: estructuras de datos y algoritmos" |
"En este curso introductorio de java aprenderás programación en Java de forma fácil e interactiva. Trabajarás con estructuras de datos fundamentales, tales como listas, pilas, colas y árboles, sobre las cuales se presentarán algoritmos para insertar, eliminar, buscar y ordenar información de una manera eficiente.En este curso de ciencias de la computación se pone énfasis en la realimentación inmediata y en tener una experiencia divertida con la programación. Conocer a programar en Java no sólo es útil en la programación de los dispositivos actuales, como ordenadores y teléfonos inteligentes. También abre la puerta al pensamiento computacional, es decir, la aplicación de técnicas informáticas a los procesos cotidianos."
Price: 99.00 |
"Introduction to Java Programming: Writing Good Code" |
"This is an introductory course to learn programming with Java designed to teach how to code good programs in Java, understanding “good” as both correct and efficient. Basic principles of software engineering will be introduced to make it easier for our future self and others to reuse code. Ethical issues and the intellectual property of our programs will also be addressed in the last part of this course. Examples and case studies will be provided, so that learners can implement simple but increasingly complex programs in Java.Emphasis is put on immediate feedback and on having a fun experience. Programming knowledge is not only useful to be able to program today’s devices such as computers and smartphones. It also opens the door to computational thinking, i.e. the application of computing techniques to every-day processes.This course is designed taking into account the subset and recommendations of the College Board in order to prepare learners for the Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A exam.."
Price: 99.00 |