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1 Inch Wide Clip Suspenders (X-Back) - BRIGHT OLIVE |
$9.99 |
Olive green suspenders are a distinctive, but neutral toned, accessory and will go nicely with other neutral colors...[Read More] |
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"The Value of Business Models" |
"Does your business need a make-over? Are you unsure how to start? Having an innovative business model is key for a profitable business and growth. In this business and management course, you will learn how to design, test and implement new business models for sustainable success. This course introduces you to the main topics of business model innovation. You will learn what drives business model innovation and why it is valuable to you and your business. You will apply practical tools to (re)design and test a business model. Be inspired by real-life business model examples from fellow entrepreneurs and learn from leading experts who design business model innovations. By the end of this course, you will be able to structure your thinking and communicate your business model ideas and learn how to improve your own business. "
Price: 99.00 |
"Essential Competencies for Nurse Preceptors" |
"Nursing programs partner with a variety of clinical practice settings to provide student nurses expert clinical training. This essential partnership assures students are prepared to provide quality patient care. Within these practice sites, staff registered nurses (RNs) provide nursing students rich clinical learning experiences within a safe yet challenging learning environment. These RNs are identified as Nurse Preceptors. While many clinical practice sites have programs that prepare staff nurses to precept new employees, most programs do not include specific preparation for working with nursing students. This Preceptor Development Program is designed to prepare registered nurses to construct high quality, rich, and effective learning experiences. Staff RNs who participate in preceptor development programs report more confidence and satisfaction in the preceptor role. This effect translates to the student’s learning as well. Students who have well prepared clinical preceptors describe effective and valued learning experiences. Topic areas covered in these modules include: 1. Preceptor roles and responsibilities 2. Assessing learner needs and learning styles 3. Clinical teaching 4. Critical thinking and clinical decision making 5. Legal issues in preceptorships 6. Communication and conflict resolution 7. Managing learning experiences of culturally and generationally diverse students Verified learners may receive 8 continuing education units (CE's) from the University of Maryland School of Nursing. The University of Maryland School of Nursing is an accredited provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation."
Price: 199.00 |
"Empathy and Emotional Intelligence at Work" |
"One of the key insights from the science of happiness is that our own personal happiness depends heavily on our relationships with others. By tuning into the needs of other people, we actually enhance our own emotional well-being. The same is true within organizations: those that foster trusting, cooperative relationships are more likely to have a more satisfied, engaged—and more productive and innovative—workforce, with greater employee loyalty and retention. This course delves into the social and emotional skills that sustain positive relationships at work. It highlights the foundational and related skills of empathy and “emotional intelligence,” also known as EQ, which refers to the skills of identifying and regulating our own feelings, tuning into the feelings of others and understanding their perspectives, and using this knowledge to guide us toward constructive social interactions. Drawing on research and real-world case studies, the course reveals how honing these skills promotes well-being within an organization, supporting everything from good management—managers high in empathy, for example, have employees who report being happier and take fewer sick days—to more effective teamwork, problem solving, and recovery from setbacks. The course also explains the psychological and neuroscientific roots of cooperative, compassionate behaviors, making the case that these are not just “soft” skills but core aspects of human nature that serve basic human needs as well as the bottom line. What’s more, it offers practical ways to strengthen empathy, trust, and collaboration among teams and resolve conflicts more constructively—with a special emphasis on how socially intelligent leadership can build cultures of belonging and engagement. The course instructors are expert faculty from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., and Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D., whose earlier edX course, The Science of Happiness, has been a global phenomenon, inspiring a half million students worldwide. Here they take a central insight from that course—that our personal well-being is entwined with our social connections—and explain how to apply it to the modern workplace to create more productive, satisfying experiences at work."
Price: 199.00 |
"Ácidos y bases: reacciones químicas y aplicaciones" |
"Los ácidos y las bases son sustancias muy comunes en el entorno cotidiano, con frecuencia las utilizamos sin ser conscientes de que son compuestos con carácter ácido o básico, por ejemplo: el vinagre el bicarbonato la Aspirina® el amoníaco Los ácidos y las bases tienen un papel fundamental en los sistemas biológicos, están presentes en algunos fenómenos de contaminación ambiental y forman parte de numerosos productos medicinales, domésticos, industriales, etc. En este curso en línea se tratan los aspectos generales de las reacciones ácido-base en medio acuoso, en el contexto de la teoría de Brönsted-Lowry. En este curso de química se enfatiza en la comprensión del concepto de ácido y de base y su fortaleza, de los pares conjugados ácido-base, de la escala del pH y su determinación experimental, así como de los procesos de neutralización entre ácidos y bases que dan lugar a la formación de las sales. Se aplican estas ideas a los cálculos de pH en disoluciones de diferentes tipos de ácidos y de bases. Se presentan aplicaciones relacionadas con estos conceptos en aspectos tecnológicos, biológicos y de la vida cotidiana"
Price: 50.00 |
"The Foundations of Happiness at Work" |
"This course explains what happiness at work looks like, why it matters, and how to cultivate it. It begins by defining happiness and making the case that happiness at work improves the performance of individual employees and organizations as a whole, increasing innovation, productivity, engagement, retention, and the quality of their work. It then explores the key factors that empirical research has linked to workplace happiness, zeroing in on practices such as gratitude, developing a strong sense of purpose, and forming authentic, cooperative connections with others. The course will also highlight common barriers to workplace happiness, both at the individual and cultural level. Finally, the course presents a practical framework for workplace happiness and explores accessible techniques for: a) evaluating happiness in an organization, b) creating an effective strategy to increase workplace happiness, and c) implementing that strategy in your own work life, within your team, or across the culture of your organization, with special tips for workplace leaders. The course instructors are expert faculty from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., and Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D., whose earlier edX course, The Science of Happiness, has been a global phenomenon, introducing a half million students worldwide to the research-based keys to a happy, meaningful life. In this course, they tailor their scientific insights to the needs of the modern workplace."
Price: 199.00 |
"Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies" |
"Developed by Blockchain at Berkeley and faculty from UC Berkeley's premier Computer Science department, this course presents Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as the motivation for blockchain technologies, and provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the fundamental concepts of the crypto space with a particular emphasis on Bitcoin. The course covers basic properties of bitcoin, the mechanics behind it (e.g. including cryptographic hash functions, Bitcoin Script, privacy, and hash commitment schemes) and its roots in the Cypherpunk movement and Libertarian ideals. You'll learn about practical applications of Bitcoin such as wallets and mining, as well as how to destroy bitcoins, including network attacks and malicious mining strategies. We will also take a brief look at Ethereum and how blockchain can be used outside of cryptocurrencies. This course is open to anyone with any background. Whether you are planning your next career move as a blockchain developer, crypto trader, data analyst, researcher, or consultant, or are just looking for an introduction to the Bitcoin technology. This course will help you to begin developing the critical skills needed to future-proof your career. This course is part of the Blockchain Fundamentals Professional Certificate program. If you are planning to enroll in the entire series, we suggest starting with this course and then progressing on to CS198.2x Blockchain Technology."
Price: 99.00 |
"Future Cities" |
"Understanding a city as a whole, its people, components, functions, scales and dynamics, is crucial for the appropriate design and management of the urban system. While the development of cities in different parts of the world is moving in diverse directions, all estimations show that cities worldwide will change and grow strongly in the coming years. Especially in the tropics over the next 3 decades, it is expected that the number of new urban residents will increase by 3 times the population of Europe today. Yet already now, there is an extreme shortage of designers and urban planners able to understand the functioning of a city as a system, and to plan a sustainable and resilient city. To answer questions like: Which methods can contribute to the sustainable performance of a city, and how can we teach this to the next generations, the ETH Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore has produced over the last 3 years many necessary research results. “Future Cities” aims to bring these latest results to the places where they are needed most. The only way to better understand the city is by going beyond the physical appearance and by focusing on different representations, properties and impact factors of the urban system. For that reason, in this course we will explore the city as the most complex human-made “organism” with a metabolism that can be modeled in terms of stocks and flows. We will open a holistic view on existing and new cities, with a focus on Asia. Data-driven approaches for the development of the future city will be studied, based on crowdsourcing and sensing. At first, we will give an overview of the components and dynamics of the future cities, and we will show the importance of information and information architecture for the cities of the future. The course will cover the origins, state-of-the-art and applications of information architecture and simulation. “Future Cities” will provide the basis to understand, shape, plan, design, build, manage and continually adapt a city. You will learn to see the consequences of citizen science and the merging of Architecture and information space. You will be up-to-date on the latest research and development on how to better understand, create and manage the future cities for a more resilient urban world."
Price: 169.00 |
"Quality of Life: Livability in Future Cities" |
"Cities are becoming the predominant living and working environment of humanity, and for this reason, livability or quality of life in the city has become crucial. This urban planning course will focus on four areas that directly affect livability in a city: Urban energy, urban climate, urban ecology and urban mobility. The course begins by presenting measurable criteria for the assessment of livability, and how to positively influence the design of cities towards greater livability. We will focus on this basic topic of the human habitat in a holistic way, and introduce possibilities of participatory urban design by citizens, leading towards the development of a citizen design science. You will be able to share your experiences with the other participants in the course and also with the experts from the teaching team. In completing this course, you will better understand how to make a city more livable by going beyond the physical appearance and by focusing on different properties and impact factors of the urban system. Livability in Future Cities is the second course in a series of MOOCs under the title “Future Cities.” This series aims to bring the latest research on planning, managing and transforming cities to places where this knowledge has the highest benefit for its citizens. “Future Cities” provided an overview, and this course will focus on livability in existing and new cities."
Price: 169.00 |
"Smart Cities" |
"Cities are first and foremost built for people, and in today’s world, people produce large amounts of valuable data, thus contributing to what we call “smart cities."" As almost every building and every city is a prototype, these communities are in the early stage of development and require specific attention and expertise as we advance. Smart cities, such as Zurich and Boston, consist of human-made structures or environments that are, in some capacity, monitored, metered, networked and controlled. With this functionality, combined with stationary sensors and mobile devices, data and information have become the new building materials of future cities. Using this data, citizens are now beginning to influence the design of future cities and the re-design of existing ones. In this architecture course, you will learn the basics of information cities and urban science research, as well as how dynamic behavior and citizen-driven learning differentiate the responsive city from the smart city. The cities we present and develop in this course use the stocks and flows of information as the main drivers of change. To deepen your knowledge of smart cities and give a perspective on the future of these cities, we also introduce the concept of citizen design science, a combination of citizen science, urban design, and cognitive design computing. Participants will furthermore have unique access to a design research platform for citizen design science. The intelligent use of data and information is at the core of this course, and these concepts will be the next generation of participatory design and design computing environments. This course is part of the “Future Cities” XSeries, and builds on the experiences from our first two urban MOOCs: Future Cities and Livability in Future Cities."
Price: 169.00 |
"Responsive Cities" |
"Responsive cities define the future of urbanization. They evolve from smart cities, with a fundamental difference: The citizens move from the center of attention to the center of action. Responsive citizens use smart technology to contribute to planning, design and management of their cities. Responsive cities are about bringing cities back to their citizens. Responsive cities change the way the technology of a smart city is used. The first Smart Cities were technology driven and they produced large amounts of data from fixed or centrally controlled sensors. But by now, the citizens and their mobile phones have taken the leading role in direct data generation. Rather than using data that are centrally collected and stored, you will see platforms on which the citizens place the data and the information they decide to share. With this, your own responsibility becomes a foundation of a Responsive City. Cities evolve from being smart to being responsive. To demonstrate the potential of Responsive Cities, this course will define the concept of Citizen Design Science, a combination of Citizen Design, Citizen Science and Design Science. Experts, citizens and scientists participate in Citizen Design Science. This approach is still in an early stage of development, but with the Responsive Cities Massive Open Online Course, you will be ahead in exploring and defining its possibilities. ‘Responsive cities’ is the fourth edition of the ‘Future Cities’ series on urban MOOCs. The ‘Future Cities’ series is the first and complete series of urban courses dealing with the design, management and transformation of cities for their sustainable and resilient future. With every edition, the series becomes more interactive. It increasingly empowers citizens around the world to become part of the development of their own cities, especially in those places where this knowledge is needed most. Therefore, the course is inclusive for every individual interested in the planning, construction, redevelopment and management of future cities. The course is open to anyone regardless of background, skills, knowledge, or age."
Price: 169.00 |
"Climate Change: Carbon Capture and Storage" |
"The atmosphere is a shared resource and the amount of greenhouse gases it can absorb is a finite resource. This introductory course to the technology of Carbon Capture and Storage is designed for a wider audience with an interest in energy, sustainability and climate change. The aim of Carbon Capture and Storage is to achieve Deep reductions in carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere Unlock carbon negative solutions to achieve a neutral carbon balance to the atmosphere in the 21st century Carbon Capture and Storage makes cheap, widely available fossil fuels ‘safe to use’ in the context of the Paris Climate Change agreement of 2015. It prevents their carbon dioxide emissions from entering the atmosphere to store them permanently and safely underground.The course is taught by a team of leading academics at the University of Edinburgh with decades of experience in this field. It aims to bridge the gap between the forefront of the latest developments in science, engineering, geology, policy and economics, and the wider public. The aim is to help you understand this technology objectively and why it is so important in our efforts against climate change. We hope the course will make you want to find out more about climate change mitigation options and that you will continue to further educate yourself in this area."
Price: 49.00 |
"Blockchain Technology" |
"Developed by Blockchain at Berkeley and faculty from UC Berkeley's premier Computer Science department, this course provides a wide overview of many of the topics relating to and building upon the foundation of Bitcoin and blockchain technology.The course covers many key topics in the blockchain space. First, we take a look at distributed systems and alternative consensus mechanisms, as well as cryptoeconomic and proof-of-stake. We then move on to the fundamental applications of bitcoin and blockchain technology, including exploring enterprise blockchain implementations (JP Morgan’s Quorum, Ripple, Tendermint, and HyperLedger), the challenges and solutions around scaling blockchain adoption, and the measures that the government is taking to regulate and control blockchain technology. We wrap up the course by also taking a look at the various blockchain ventures today and conclude with a blockchain-based future thought experiment. This course is open to anyone with any background. Whether you are planning your next career move as a blockchain developer, crypto trader, data analyst, researcher, or consultant, or are just looking for an introduction to Blockchain. This course will help you begin to develop the critical skills needed to future-proof your career. This is the second course in the Blockchain Fundamentals Professional Certificate program."
Price: 99.00 |
"Infrastructure Management for Public Libraries" |
"In this course, part of the Public Library Management Professional Certificate program, we’ll explore the ongoing infrastructure support that library leaders must facilitate, including: maintenance insurance contract services patron privacy technology budgets policies You’ll learn how these decisions are made to ensure long-term sustainability."
Price: 49.00 |
"Liderazgo en la empresa familiar" |
"Para lograr que la familia trascienda y la empresa se sostenga en el tiempo, en este curso de emprendimiento y administración de empresas, tendrás la oportunidad de comprender la complejidad de las dinámicas de familia y empresa, reflexionar sobre los roles y formas de pensar del dirigente familiar y hacer un diagnóstico del emprendimiento empresarial. Todo ello con el fin de que conozcas los instrumentos y componentes que implican liderar y orquestar la empresa familiar: la visión de futuro de la familia empresaria, el desarrollo de las siguientes generaciones y la formación de un gobierno de familia y empresa eficaz y flexible. Todo el conocimiento adquirido en este curso de administración de empresas podrá ser aplicado en la empresa familiar.El Centro de Familias Emprendedoras y EGADE Business School de la Escuela de Negocios del Tecnológico de Monterrey es la Institución ideal para desarrollar estas habilidades, ya que el Tec de Monterrey es la universidad número 1 en México y la 6a mejor en Latinoamérica según Times Higher Education (THE) 2016. Los profesores del Centro de Familias Emprendedoras están altamente calificados y son reconocidos al ser parte del proyecto mundial STEP para el emprendimiento familiar, y la EGADE Business School es la escuela número 1 en América Latina, en su MBA, según el ranking de AméricaEconomía."
Price: 49.00 |
"The Hardware of a Quantum Computer" |
"There is no doubt that the quantum computer and the quantum internet have many profound applications, they may change the way we think about information, and they could completely change our daily life.The aim of this course is to help you get up to speed with current progress in the transition to a quantum information era. After an initial review of some of the basic concepts and operating principles of the quantum computer and quantum internet (e.g. the ket notation and quantum bits, the qubits), the course will feature an extensive discussion on some of the different ways qubits can be built. Then, we will discuss the four types of qubits that QuTech focuses on: topological qubits, spin qubits, trans qubits and NV center qubits. The course is a journey of discovery, so we encourage you to bring your own experiences, insights and thoughts via the forum! This course is authored by experts from the QuTech research center at Delft University of Technology. In the center, scientists and engineers work together to enhance research and development in quantum technology. QuTech Academy’s aim is to inspire, share and disseminate knowledge about the latest developments in quantum technology."
Price: 79.00 |
"Architecture, Algorithms, and Protocols of a Quantum Computer and Quantum Internet" |
"In this course we will demonstrate how a large-scale quantum processor could be built using these qubits. Among the topics that we will discuss are micro-architectures, compilers, and programming languages. The course will also cover some of the basics of quantum error-correction, an essential procedure that allows us to combat errors that arise during computations using delicate qubits. To complete the story arc from the hardware of quantum computers to their software, the course will discuss the main factors that triggered the efforts to build quantum computers in the first place: quantum algorithms. The course then concludes with a discussion on the quantum internet: what is it? How can it be built? Why is it useful? The course is a journey of discovery, so we encourage you to bring your own experiences, insights and thoughts via the forum! This course is authored by experts from the QuTech research center at Delft University of Technology. In the center, scientists and engineers work together to enhance research and development in quantum technology. QuTech Academy’s aim is to inspire, share and disseminate knowledge about the latest developments in quantum technology."
Price: 79.00 |
"Astronomía virtual" |
"La astronomía es una disciplina que, basándose en el estudio de la física y las matemáticas superiores, investiga la formación y evolución de los cuerpos celestes. La importancia de la astronomía no reside sólo en que se ocupe, principalmente, del estudio de los cuerpos celestes del universo, sino que es algo que está ligado desde la antigüedad al ser humano y, por extensión, a todas las civilizaciones. Los astros siempre han sido algo que ha atraído al ser humano. En este curso de astronomía exploraremos: Las similitudes y diferencias con otras ciencias Sistemas planetarios: nuestro sistema solar y otros sistemas Las estrellas, principales fuentes de luz e información sobre el cosmos, las galaxias, esas islas de luz El Universo como un todo. Nociones de historia térmica del Universo Telescopios; criterios y consejos sobre la utilización más apropiada"
Price: 50.00 |
"Antes de Noé: El diluvio en la Antigua Babilonia" |
"La existencia de una versión babilónica del diluvio se hizo pública el 3 de diciembre de 1872. En esa fecha, George Smith anunció en la Sociedad de Arqueología Bíblica de Londres que había descubierto fragmentos de esa historia entre las tablillas del Museo Británico provenientes de la biblioteca del rey asirio Aššurbanipal (ca. 668-627 a.C.), hallada en las ruinas de Nínive. Los invitamos a sumarse a este curso online para conocer las raíces escritas más remotas sobre la historia del diluvio, el contexto histórico en el que se originó y sus varias transformaciones."
Price: 50.00 |
"Découvrir le marketing" |
"Vous allez découvrir les mécanismes à l’œuvre derrière les grandes décisions qui relèvent du marketing opérationnel : la conception d’un produit la fixation du prix auquel celui-ci sera vendu la sélection des canaux de distribution pour la vente le choix des moyens de communication par lesquels l’entreprise va informer ses clients. Ces décisions s’appuient bien sûr sur des analyses mobilisant des concepts importants que nous vous présenterons. Tout au long du MOOC, vous aurez l’occasion d’appliquer la théorie à une étude de cas réel qui vous placera dans la peau d’un décideur marketing. Vous bénéficierez aussi d’interviews d’experts et d’échanges privilégiés et interactifs avec les professeurs lors de conférences en direct. Tous les jours, consommez-vous des biens ou des services ? Ce MOOC vous permettra de saisir la logique du marketing et de devenir un consommateur plus responsable. Etes-vous un praticien non encore averti en marketing ? Ce MOOC vous permettra de comprendre le pourquoi des décisions du marketing opérationnel et de les mettre en œuvre dans un cas concret. Etes-vous étudiant et curieux ? Ce MOOC vous permettra de vous familiariser avec les pratiques du marketing, dans les secteurs marchands et non marchands. Etes-vous un étudiant en gestion ? Ce MOOC vous offrira un complément aux cours de stratégie et de marketing stratégique. Il vous permettra d’opérationnaliser les décisions dans quatre composantes classiques à savoir le produit, la distribution, le prix et la communication (les « 4 P »). Que vous soyez consommateur, praticien ou étudiant, ce MOOC vous offrira un regard éclairé sur l’éthique du marketing. Avec le partenariat des éditions Dunod pour l'ouvrage Lambin, J.-J., & de Moerloose, C. (2012). Marketing stratégique et opérationnel. Du marketing à l'orientation-marché (8ème édition)."
Price: 150.00 |
"Découvrir le marketing" |
"Vous allez découvrir les mécanismes à l’œuvre derrière les grandes décisions qui relèvent du marketing opérationnel : la conception d’un produit la fixation du prix auquel celui-ci sera vendu la sélection des canaux de distribution pour la vente le choix des moyens de communication par lesquels l’entreprise va informer ses clients. Ces décisions s’appuient bien sûr sur des analyses mobilisant des concepts importants que nous vous présenterons. Tout au long du MOOC, vous aurez l’occasion d’appliquer la théorie à une étude de cas réel qui vous placera dans la peau d’un décideur marketing. Vous bénéficierez aussi d’interviews d’experts et d’échanges privilégiés et interactifs avec les professeurs lors de conférences en direct. Tous les jours, consommez-vous des biens ou des services ? Ce MOOC vous permettra de saisir la logique du marketing et de devenir un consommateur plus responsable. Etes-vous un praticien non encore averti en marketing ? Ce MOOC vous permettra de comprendre le pourquoi des décisions du marketing opérationnel et de les mettre en œuvre dans un cas concret. Etes-vous étudiant et curieux ? Ce MOOC vous permettra de vous familiariser avec les pratiques du marketing, dans les secteurs marchands et non marchands. Etes-vous un étudiant en gestion ? Ce MOOC vous offrira un complément aux cours de stratégie et de marketing stratégique. Il vous permettra d’opérationnaliser les décisions dans quatre composantes classiques à savoir le produit, la distribution, le prix et la communication (les « 4 P »). Que vous soyez consommateur, praticien ou étudiant, ce MOOC vous offrira un regard éclairé sur l’éthique du marketing. Avec le partenariat des éditions Dunod pour l'ouvrage Lambin, J.-J., & de Moerloose, C. (2012). Marketing stratégique et opérationnel. Du marketing à l'orientation-marché (8ème édition)."
Price: 150.00 |
"Managing Disruptive Change" |
"Disruption is simultaneously the greatest threat and the biggest opportunity for any business. While some companies proactively manage this potential risk and leverage it to further grow their business, others fall behind by not acknowledging the profound impact that this type of change might have. This course helps you to get in the driver seat by teaching you a structured approach to respond to disruptive change through targeted actions: Identify emerging disruptions early on Why do companies get disrupted in the first place? What are potential sources of disruption? What are disruption patterns that can be spotted? Proactively manage disruptions to leverage them as an opportunity What are potential ways to handle disruptions? How strong is the disruption and what kind of impact might it have on my business? What are generalizable action patterns that I can transfer to other contexts? We put special emphasis on the use of real-life case studies and tutorials to ensure practical relevance and help you prepare for actual situations. This course prepares you for a position at the interface of technology and management, going beyond the operational scope to take a more strategic perspective. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager, Change Manager or Innovation Manager. Professionals from the industries of IT Management , Mechanical Engineering , Marketing Consulting and Project Coordination already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Managing Disruptive Change" |
"Disruption is simultaneously the greatest threat and the biggest opportunity for any business. While some companies proactively manage this potential risk and leverage it to further grow their business, others fall behind by not acknowledging the profound impact that this type of change might have. This course helps you to get in the driver seat by teaching you a structured approach to respond to disruptive change through targeted actions: Identify emerging disruptions early on Why do companies get disrupted in the first place? What are potential sources of disruption? What are disruption patterns that can be spotted? Proactively manage disruptions to leverage them as an opportunity What are potential ways to handle disruptions? How strong is the disruption and what kind of impact might it have on my business? What are generalizable action patterns that I can transfer to other contexts? We put special emphasis on the use of real-life case studies and tutorials to ensure practical relevance and help you prepare for actual situations. This course prepares you for a position at the interface of technology and management, going beyond the operational scope to take a more strategic perspective. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager, Change Manager or Innovation Manager. Professionals from the industries of IT Management , Mechanical Engineering , Marketing Consulting and Project Coordination already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Customer-Centric Innovation" |
"Addressing the needs of your customers is the core factor of managing innovation successfully. Exactly this is the task of the first stages of an innovation project. In this course, you will learn about key concepts and methods of generating customer-centric business ideas and innovative concepts. Often, the first stages of an innovation project are called ""fuzzy"", as they are considered to be less structured and less predictable. After this course, you will get a different perspective: You don’t need to rely on luck. Instead you’ll be able to manage the different stages of an innovation project: Structuring the Innovation Process & The Frontend of Innovation What are different perspectives of structuring the innovation process? How to manage the “fuzzy” Frontend of Innovation? What are the most important methods of Trend Analysis and Opportunity Recognition? Starting an Innovation Project What is most important in the Strategy Phase? How to start an innovation project successfully? Market Insights, Co-Creation & Evaluation methods: What are the key methods to gain important Market Insights? How to gather ideas by engaging in Co-Creation activities? How to evaluate concepts based on concept testing with customers or rapid experimentation? Besides the online lectures you will engage in a series of individual and group exercises to deepen your understanding of the topic at hand. Real-life case studies and examples from companies will be used to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Product Manager , Engineer , Process Manager and Marketing Manager. Learners from the industries of Product Management , Engineering , Innovation Management and Customer Relationship Management already completed the course as well as Consultants and Entrepreneurs. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Thinking & Acting like an Entrepreneur" |
"All of today’s well-known companies got started the exact same way: as an idea within someone’s head. While the idea itself is an important prerequisite for success, it was rather what these individuals did with it that enabled them to become the success that they are today. You can learn to think and act like these innovators too. This course helps you to turn your idea into a real-life business and make it a commercial success: Find and assess your idea What does it actually mean to be entrepreneur? Are entrepreneurs born or made? How to actually find an idea to start a business? Turn your idea into action How to deal with uncertainty? What are the core questions that I have to answer to make my idea successful? How to assemble the right team of people to help me get my idea off the ground? Set yourself up to succeed How to know what my customers really expect? Do I have to stick to my original idea no matter what? What are typical traps into which entrepreneurs fall at the start of their career? We will walk you through real-life examples of the entrepreneurial process to help you understand how it differs from that of established companies and how you can apply it for your own purposes. A series of homework exercises, tutorials and case studies will enable you to develop a perspective that goes beyond the theoretical scope to prepare you for actual situations. By doing so, this course will not only give you specific tools to start you own venture but also to transfer the benefits of entrepreneurial thinking to a corporate context, thereby preparing you for leading positions in Business Development , Strategy and General Management and of course as an Entrepreneur. Learners from the industries of Business Development and Entrepreneurs from all over the world already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Innovation and Creativity Management" |
"Business innovation is nothing without great ideas. But creativity can be difficult to spark on a schedule. It requires a steady hand to manage the creative process and move it forward in a productive way. This course focuses on ways to manage creativity effectively and introduces a flexible and iterative innovation management process model. You will learn how to navigate a new product concept through all different stages: The Development stage of an Innovation Project What are the key perspectives of problem solving activities in the development stage of the innovation process? How to use experimentation as a core activity of problem solving? How to utilize open innovation and the TRIZ method The Launch and Nurture Stage What needs to be considered for the diffusion and adoption of an innovative product or service? How do Diffusion and Adoption work in this stage of an innovation launch? How to employ consumer reactions towards new products? Launch and Project Review How to finalize an innovation launch? What are the key points of a project review? Besides the online lectures you will engage in a series of exercises to deepen your understanding of the topic at hand. Real-life case studies and examples from companies will help you to better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Product Manager , Engineer , Process Manager and Marketing Manager. Learners from the industries of Product Management , Engineering , Human Resources and Change Management already completed the course as well as Consultants and Entrepreneurs. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Strategic Management: From Intuition to Insight" |
"Learn how to design effective strategy processes and to spot fundamental market and technology changes in your industry. This foundational course enables you to analyze shifting industry structures and develop new capabilities in times of industry transition by covering different parts of strategy: The Process of Strategy What precisely is strategy and why does it matter? What are the building blocks of strategy and how can they be arranged as a process? What distinct conceptions of the strategy process co-exist and what are their advantages and disadvantages? Analyzing Industry Structure What is the role of the industry and its structure for firm performance? How to unpack industries and identify the most attractive strategic positions to occupy therein? How to identify what it takes to outcompete others in our strategic group? Developing Internal Resources Can firms succeed in generally unattractive industries? How to find out which resources and capabilities are likely to have the greatest strategic value? What are dynamic capabilities and how do they matter for firm survival and performance? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of the Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Car e, Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Strategic Management: From Insight to Decision" |
"Learn how to (re)position your organization, orchestrate strategic alliances and assess strategic options from an ethical perspective. This advanced strategic management course helps you translate strategic insights into smart strategic decisions on positioning, partnering and being socially responsible: Positioning the Firm How can strategy portfolios guide corporate strategy and help decision-makers scope the activities of their organization? How can general strategies help organizations gain competitive advantages in their industries? How can organizations create uncontested market space? Orchestrating Strategic Alliances What is the case for cooperative strategy? When should we move from a competitive to a cooperative mindset? What are strategic alliances and what is their payoff? How can firms build and orchestrate collaborative ecosystems to enhance their (innovative) performance? Embracing Social Responsibility What is the role of business in society? To whom are organizations responsible and for what? How to encourage ethical behavior and reconcile responsibility and profitability? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Care , Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Fundamentos de logística" |
"¡La logística es el éxito de una compañía! Aprende qué es la logística y cómo puedes utilizarla para lograr las metas de tu organización. La logística fomenta el uso eficiente de herramientas a lo largo de la cadena de valor, logrando la optimización de procesos como: Abastecimiento Producción Transporte Inventario Distribución En este curso en línea podrás tener una visión holística de la logística y transporte en tu organización, la cual te ayudará a entender cómo una empresa puede pensar de manera estratégica gracias a contenidos básicos pero fundamentales. Durante este curso de logística explorarás temas como: procesos de administración, tercerización y proveedores logísticos con actividades de afianzamiento y apropiación que semana a semana le permitirán alcanzar los propósitos formativos de este curso online."
Price: 29.00 |
"Postgraduate Academic Literacy for Management and Business Students" |
"Studying management or business, and want to improve your academic skills? This course can help you engage with academic sources and kick start your own academic research. Taught by leading Business School professors with a wealth of supervision experience, the course will guide you through the process of critiquing an academic article, drawing comparisons between different perspectives, and creating a persuasive narrative."
Price: 149.00 |
"Análisis de datos: Diseño y Visualización de Tableros" |
"¿Luchando con los datos en tu trabajo? ¿Gastando tiempo valioso trabajando en muchas hojas de cálculo en Excel para obtener un resumen de tu negocio? ¿Tienes dificultades para obtener un tablero detallado a partir de montones de datos en tu escritorio? ¿Quieres entender cómo analizar Big Data? Si estás buscando mejorar tu eficiencia en la oficina y aumentar tu rendimiento mediante una forma más rápida e inteligente de darle sentido a los datos, utilizando diferentes técnicas de análisis de datos, entonces este curso avanzado de análisis de datos es para ti. Si ya tienes habilidades con las hojas de cálculo, este curso te ayudará a profundizar tus conocimientos aún más. Aprenderás técnicas avanzadas para un análisis de datos robusto en el ambiente de los negocios. Este curso cubre las principales tareas requeridas hoy por los analistas de datos y Big Data, incluyendo importar, resumir, interpretar, analizar y visualizar datos. Este curso de análisis de datos y estadísticas busca entregarte las herramientas que te permitan ser un analista de datos independiente y exitoso. La mayoría de las técnicas se enseñarán en Microsoft Excel con extensiones y herramientas gratuitas disponibles en línea. Te invitamos a utilizar tus propios datos en este curso, pero si no están disponibles, el equipo del curso puede proveértelos. Este curso es parte del Programa de Certificación Profesional Análisis y Visualización de Datos con Excel. Los materiales de este curso, cuyos derechos de autor pertenecen a Delft University of Technology, están bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual (CC-BY-NC-SA) 4.0 Internacional."
Price: 49.00 |