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Cosy House Collection Luxury Bamboo 3 Piece Sheet Set - Twin XL - Burgundy |
$67.95 (Retail $179.95) |
You ll sleep blissfully throughout the night in our new Luxury Bamboo Bed Sheets - made with our extra-plush bamboo...[Read More] |
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Specimen Collection Cup with Temperature Strip by Medimpex |
our specimen collection cup with temperature strip is ideal for all of your at home or on-site urine testing needs a high-density polyethylene plastic cup urine collection cup with spill-proof screw top cap closure type: screw cap color: transparent with red cap volume: 105 ml (3.5 oz.)
Price: 1.49 ![]() |
Specimen Collection Cup for Home Drug Test Kit (105 ml) by Medimpex |
our specimen collection cup is ideal for all of your at home or on-site urine testing needs a high-density polyethylene plastic cup urine collection cup with spill-proof screw top cap closure type: screw cap color: transparent with red cap volume: 105 ml (3.5 oz.)
Price: .49 ![]() |
EtG / EtS Urine Alcohol Testing Laboratory Service by Medimpex |
etg / ets urine alcohol testing laboratory service detects alcohol intake up to 80 hours after consumption product description: urine based laboratory test that detects the metabolites of alcohol (etg/ets) for up to 80 hours after consumption ideal for zero tolerance treatment programs and abstinence enforcement etg/ets tests may be run conveniently with other rtl drug screens lab results in 48 to 72 hours alcohol is the most commonly abused substance which the human body processes at a rate of (approximately) 1 drink per hour. when alcohol is absorbed by the body, it metabolizes and creates ethyl glucuronide which is detectable for up to 80 hours after consumption, regardless of the individuals prior drinking history. using our efg/ets urine alcohol testing laboratory service will increase the accuracy and detection time greatly and is a great alternative to the alcohol urine test. instructions: have donor provide urine sample in collection cup use syringe to collect 15cc to 30cc of the urine sample cap the syringe securely and place label from bottom of chain of custody form on the syringe. place syringe in outside pocket of biohazard bag peel away adhesive on top of bag and seal mail the sample to the laboratory in the enclosed pre-addressed envelope additional information: ethyl glucuronide (etg) is a minor, non-oxidative metabolite of alcohol (ethyl alcohol or ethanol) etg is used as a marker or surrogate for ethanol in the body because of its much longer half-life compared to ethanol itself. etg in urine can therefore indicate recent consumption of alcohol long after the ethanol itself can no longer be measured or detected etg was first described in the early 1950s, but it wasn't until 2001 that it was identified as an alcohol marker by two doctors, dr. gregory skipper (usa) and dr. friedrich wurst (switzerland) when they did a study of alcoholics in a psychiatric facility in germany. their findings showed how etg in urine, in comparison with ethanol, was a more sensitive and reliable indicator of both drinking and abstinence.
Price: 49.50 ![]() |
DNA Paternity Test by Medimpex |
dna paternity testing is done or performed for the purpose of establishing conclusive biological relation between an alleged father and a child. the most common material used for testing and comparing dna are buccal swabs. between the two, the easiest and painless is the latter. in spite of the great ease of obtaining the required dna samples, the test results are as conclusive and irrefutable as those that have used other dna sources but not admissible in court because a legal paternity test typically requires the presence of all parties to be tested in a designated certified facility where they are required to present government issued identification. dna buccal swab collection kit contents: 2 pairs of sterile, dna-free swabs 2 specimen envelopes w/instruction on it 1 registartion and consent form
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
Full DNA Paternity Test by Medimpex |
there are special testing options made available to clients who may have different needs from the usual paternity test. this full dna testing service is the most complete because based on to mother, father and child dna samples. this paternity trio test also does applicable with additional children of alleged father. this full dna testing service has the self-collection or in-home collection. as the name implies, testers have the option to collect their own samples when and where it is convenient for them to do so. after collection of the specimen through buccal swabs, the sealed specimens are sent back to the designated provider or laboratory for testing. results obtained from dna paternity home test kits are as conclusive as those obtained from legal paternity tests. this is a private peace of mind test that is not admissible in court.
Price: 249.00 ![]() |
Breath Alcohol Detector Tube 0.02% (Qty 20) by Medimpex |
breath alcohol detector test 0.02% (qty 20) the breath alcohol detector measures alcohol in human breath. product description: color chart for convenient and accurate results easy to use & results in 2 minutes 20 individually packaged up to 3 year shelf life at room temperature instructions: wait 15 minutes after last alcohol intake or drink a glass of water before testing hold the middle of the detector and firmly squeeze the detector to break the inner glass tube. do not crush or bend the detector hold the middle of the detector horizontally and take a deep breath blow hard into the detector in the same direction as the detector arrows for 12 seconds . do not inhale while blowing into the detector shake the detector slightly to distribute the crystals evenly in the test window read results in 2 minutes by comparing the color of the majority of crystals to the color chart on the detector drug detectable with this test: alcohol 0.02% results: positive: green color crystals: alcohol content is equal or greater than 0.02% bac negative: yellow color crystals: alcohol content is less than 0.02% bac additional information:
Price: 39.50 ![]() |
Urinalysis Reagent Strips 11 Panel (100 Tests) by Medimpex |
urinalysis reagent strips 11 panel (100 tests) screens for substances causing metabolic and kidney diseases, urinary tract infections and more urinalysis reagent strips 11 panel detects: protein, glucose, leukocytes, nitrite, urobilinogen, ph, blood, specific gravity, ketone-acetoacetic acid, bilirubin and ascorbic acid in urine product description: fda/clia waived easy-to-use urinalysis strips: dip and read - no additional instruments needed! rapid results: takes from 30 seconds to 2 minutes for results high quality color chart providing consistent, dependable readings cost effective: 100 strips per canister, at a great price instructions: collect a fresh urine sample in a clean, dry container preferably glass. first morning samples contain the highest concentration of target markers. remove one reagent strip from the bottle and immediately replace the container cap, minimizing the exposure of the remaining test strips to light and air. completely immerse the reagent pads of the strip in the urine sample and then remove immediately to avoid dissolving out the reagent pads. a red line will appear next to the control (c) region when the wick has absorbed sufficient urine while removing the reagent strip, run the edge of the strip against the rim of the specimen container to remove excess urine. hold the strip in a horizontal position to prevent possible cross contamination of chemicals located in adjacent reagent pads. place the cap back on and set the device on a flat level surface compare the color change of reagent pads to the corresponding color chart on the bottle label. read results according to the chart's time frame for each panel tested. read results in 10 minutes. results not valid if read after 1 hour discuss with your physician or healthcare provider and then discard the used reagent strip. results: each container of urinalysis reagent strips includes a color coded chart. the reactive color of each panel on the test strip is compared to the closest corresponding color on the result chart. the concentration level range for each chemical marker is indicated below each color block on the result chart. as with all tests dealing with color intensity or color matching, it is often recommended to obtain another person's interpretation of the test result. additional information glucose: the glucose reagent panel is specific for glucose; no substance other than glucose is known to give a positive result. the reactivity of the glucose test decreases as the specific gravity of the urine increases. reactivity may also vary with temperature. small amounts of glucose may normally be excreted by the kidneys, these amounts are usually below the sensitivity range of this test but on occasion may produce a color between the 'negative' and the 100/5 color block and may be interpreted by the observer as positive. glycosuria is the condition of glucose in urine. normally the filtered glucose is reabsorbed by the renal tubules and returned to the blood by carrier molecules. if blood glucose levels exceed renal threshold levels, the un-transported glucose will spill over into the urine. main cause: diabetes mellitus ketones: this test reacts with acetoacetic acid in urine. it does not react with acetone or b‑hydroxybutyric acid. some high specific gravity/low ph urines may give reactions up to and including 'trace'. normal urine specimens usually yield negative results with this reagent. false positive results (trace or less) may occur with high pigmented urine specimens or those containing large amounts of levodopa metabolites. ketone bodies such as acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, and acetone can appear in urine in small amounts. these intermediate by-products are associated with the breakdown of fat. causes: diabetes mellitus, starvation, diarrhea. blood: the significance of the 'trace' reaction may vary among patients, and clinical judgment is required for assessment in an individual case. development of green spots (intact erythrocytes) or a green color (free hemoglobin / myoglobin) on the reagent area within 60 seconds indicates the need for further investigation. blood is often found in the urine of menstruating females. this test is highly sensitive to hemoglobin and thus compliments the microscopic examination. this test is equally sensitive to myoglobin as to hemoglobin. the sensitivity of this test may be reduced in urines with high specific gravity. captopril may cause decreased reactivity. false positives reactions can be caused by certain oxidizing contaminants such as hypochlorite ‑ microbial peroxiclase associated with urinary 'tract infection may also give a false positive reaction. levels of ascorbic acid normally found in urine do not interfere with this test. hemoglobinuria is the presence of hemoglobin in the urine. causes: hemolytic anemia, blood transfusion reactions, massive bums, renal disease hematuria is the presence of intact erythrocytes. almost always pathological. causes:
Price: 12.99 ![]() |
Breath Alcohol Detector Test 0.02% by Medimpex |
breath alcohol detector test 0.02% the breath alcohol detector measures alcohol in human breath. product description: color chart for convenient and accurate results easy to use & results in 2 minutes individually packaged up to 3 year shelf life at room temperature instructions: wait 15 minutes after last alcohol intake or drink a glass of water before testing hold the middle of the detector and firmly squeeze the detector to break the inner glass tube. do not crush or bend the detector hold the middle of the detector horizontally and take a deep breath blow hard into the detector in the same direction as the detector arrows for 12 seconds . do not inhale while blowing into the detector shake the detector slightly to distribute the crystals evenly in the test window read results in 2 minutes by comparing the color of the majority of crystals to the color chart on the detector drug detectable with this test: alcohol 0.02% results: positive: green color crystals: alcohol content is equal or greater than 0.02% bac negative: yellow color crystals: alcohol content is less than 0.02% bac additional information:
Price: 2.49 ![]() |
Fecal Occult Blood Test (box of 25) ForSure by Medimpex |
now clia waived! k number in clia database is k063673. a fecal occult blood test is done to detect invisible traces of blood within the stool. description: blood in the stool is usually an indicator of gastrointestinal problems such as inflammatory intestinal infections, hemorrhoids, anal fissures (cracks in the skin of the rectum that bleed), peptic ulcers, crohns disease, diverticulitis, acid reflux disease, and ulcerative colitis. it can also be an indicator of colon or rectal cancers. medical guidelines state that everyone should have a fecal occult blood test each and every year starting at age 50 test includes fob test cassette and collection tube test immune specific (recognize specifically) for human hemoglobin fecal occult blood test is fda approved for home use clia waived and reimbursable by medical insurance company fob test results in just 5 minutes instructions: collect a random sample of feces in a clean, dry receptacle unscrew the top of the collection tube and remove the applicator stick. insert the stick into the fecal specimen at several different sites. remove excess sample from the stick by gently wiping with an absorbent tissue. replace the stick in the tube and tighten securely shake the tube vigorously to ensure a good liquid suspension then holding the tube upright, snap off the tip. dispense four drops of solution into the cassette well. read the results within 5 minutes after adding the extraction solution note: in order to prevent any incorrect results, the test results should not be interpreted after 10 minutes. results: positive: two rose-pink color bands appear: one in the test zone (t) and one in the control zone (c). a positive result indicates that the specimen contains human hemoglobin. negative: one rose-pink color band appears in the control zone (c), with no band in the test zone (t). a negative result indicates that the specimen does not contain a detectable level of human hemoglobin. invalid: no rose-pink color band appears in the control zone (c), or a band appears in the test zone (t) but not in the control zone. an invalid result may be due to improper testing procedure or deterioration of the reagents. repeat the test using a new device. note: there is no meaning attributed to the line color intensity or width. any evidence of a line should be considered a line additional information: the analytical sensitivity of the test is 0.05 μg hhb/ml buffer. the fecal occult blood test is designed to detect lower levels of fecal occult blood than standard guaiac tests. the basis of the test is an immunochro-matographic sandwich capture method which yields results more specific to human hemoglobin and are easier to interpret than those of guaiac based devices. in addition, unlike guaiac assays, the accuracy of the fecal occult blood test is not affected by interfering substances and does not require any specific dietary restrictions for the collection of sample specimen. one step cassette style fecal occult blood test is a simple form of examination. this is a simple, straight binding immunoassay for the quick and qualitative detection of human occult blood in feces. the assay is invented to identify the lower stages of colorectal bleeding than other biochemical detection methods. the test code is an immunochro-matographic sandwich technique using two specific monoclonal antibodies to purposively identify hemoglobin in test samples.
Price: 94.75 ![]() |
FOBT - Home Fecal Occult Blood Test (Qty 1) by Medimpex |
now clia waived! k number in clia database is k063673. a fecal occult blood test is done to detect invisible traces of blood within the stool. description: blood in the stool is usually an indicator of gastrointestinal problems such as inflammatory intestinal infections, hemorrhoids, anal fissures (cracks in the skin of the rectum that bleed), peptic ulcers, crohns disease, diverticulitis, acid reflux disease, and ulcerative colitis. it can also be an indicator of colon or rectal cancers. medical guidelines state that everyone should have a fecal occult blood test each and every year starting at age 50 test includes fob test cassette and collection tube test immune specific (recognize specifically) for human hemoglobin fecal occult blood test is fda approved for home use clia waived and reimbursable by medical insurance company fob test results in just 5 minutes instructions: collect a random sample of feces in a clean, dry receptacle unscrew the top of the collection tube and remove the applicator stick. insert the stick into the fecal specimen at several different sites. remove excess sample from the stick by gently wiping with an absorbent tissue. replace the stick in the tube and tighten securely shake the tube vigorously to ensure a good liquid suspension then holding the tube upright, snap off the tip. dispense four drops of solution into the cassette well. read the results within 5 minutes after adding the extraction solution note: in order to prevent any incorrect results, the test results should not be interpreted after 10 minutes. results: positive: two rose-pink color bands appear: one in the test zone (t) and one in the control zone (c). a positive result indicates that the specimen contains human hemoglobin. negative: one rose-pink color band appears in the control zone (c), with no band in the test zone (t). a negative result indicates that the specimen does not contain a detectable level of human hemoglobin. invalid: no rose-pink color band appears in the control zone (c), or a band appears in the test zone (t) but not in the control zone. an invalid result may be due to improper testing procedure or deterioration of the reagents. repeat the test using a new device. note: there is no meaning attributed to the line color intensity or width. any evidence of a line should be considered a line additional information: the analytical sensitivity of the test is 0.05 μg hhb/ml buffer. the fecal occult blood test is designed to detect lower levels of fecal occult blood than standard guaiac tests. the basis of the test is an immunochro-matographic sandwich capture method which yields results more specific to human hemoglobin and are easier to interpret than those of guaiac based devices. in addition, unlike guaiac assays, the accuracy of the fecal occult blood test is not affected by interfering substances and does not require any specific dietary restrictions for the collection of sample specimen. one step cassette style fecal occult blood test is a simple form of examination. this is a simple, straight binding immunoassay for the quick and qualitative detection of human occult blood in feces. the assay is invented to identify the lower stages of colorectal bleeding than other biochemical detection methods. the test code is an immunochro-matographic sandwich technique using two specific monoclonal antibodies to purposively identify hemoglobin in test samples.
Price: 4.95 ![]() |
Shoulder Wrap by Nature Goodness |
one of our best-sellers! designed to cover the neck, shoulders and upper back. this pack is great for easing tension in the neck and shoulders, as well as helping relieve headaches and migraines. this pack has a variety of purposes it can be used on elbows, hands, knees, and back. filled with our blend of 100% natural herbs, the shoulder pack provides combined benefits of a regular hot and cold pack and aromatherapy. the uplifting and soothing aroma help relieve tension and stress, promote relaxation and overall wellness. the shoulder pack may be used hot or cold depending on your needs and preference. hot pack: use it hot to reduce muscle aches and stiffness around the shoulders and upper back. heat in microwave for 1 to 3 minutes. if your microwave does not have a turntable, flip herb pack over 1/2 way thru heating to avoid burning. for a moister heat: mist with water before heating which also increases life of the herb by preserving freshness. when reheating, if herb pack is still warm, heat only for 1 to 2 minutes to prevent overheating. in the oven: heat oven to 350, wrap herb pack in tin foil. heat for approximately 15 minutes. heat lasts for approximately 45 minutes. cold pack: use it cold to relieve minor headaches, reduce swelling and promote muscle relaxation. place in a plastic bag and place in freezer for 1-2 hours. pack will stay cold for approximately 45 minutes.
Price: 35.90 ![]() |
Cocaine Surface Residue Drug Detection Wipe Wiping Cocaine Identification by Mistral |
these simple and reliable cocaine identification wipes can preemptively recognize cocaine residue from minimal amounts of traces presents on any surfaces that have been touched by cocaine. with a compact size pouch, these wipes provides immediate results with one-step procedure. after putting on gloves (provided) remove the wipe from the wrapper and wipe the suspected surface. if cocaine (or crack/freebase) is present, the wipe will indicate light blue. any preliminary positive results must be confirmed by an alternative methodology before any action is taken. if surface is extremely dirty or contains colored matter, results may be inconclusive. not to be used on the human body as body cleaning wipes. will detect: cocaine hcl (powder) or cocaine base (crack or freebase). detects cocaine in bathrooms, desks, door handles, light switches or any other surfaces that are smooth, flat and frequently handled. this is a very simple & effective drug test to use! contents of package: one (1) cocaine wipe & one (1) pair of gloves
Price: 2.99 ![]() |
Non-Federal Drug Testing Chain of Custody Control Form by Medimpex |
non-federal drug testing chain of custody control form (2 part form) product description: the non-federal drug testing custody and control form is used to document the management and storage of a specimen from the moment a donor gives the specimen to the collector to the final destination of the specimen. the form is widely used by both private & public companies & federal government facilities. the drug test specimen must be collected using a chain-of-custody form if the sample has to be sent to a laboratory. the form has 2 copies with a control number and 2 self-adhesive labels
Price: 1.50 ![]() |
4 Panel Drug Test Dip Card (COC, mAMP, OPI, THC) by Medimpex |
4 panel drug test kit dip card the 4-panel/dip device is the quick and affordable instant on-site drug screening solution. product description: laboratory accurate simple dip and read procedure; get result in minutes the economical way to obtain results for multiple drugs in one step up to 18 month average shelf life if stored at room temperature this product is ideal for pre-employment, random, reasonable cause, corrections, hospital, and clinical testing. instructions: remove the test device from the foil pouch. remove the cap from the test device. label the device with patient or control identifications. immerse the absorbent tip into the urine sample for 5 seconds. urine sample should not touch the plastic device. replace the cap over the absorbent tip and lay the device flatly on a non-absorptive clean surface. read results at 5 minutes the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma opi opiate, 2000 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive (+) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region. no color band appears in the appropriate test region. it indicates a positive result for the corresponding drug of that specific test zone. negative (-) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and the appropriate test region. it indicates that the concentration of the corresponding drug of that specific test zone is below zero or the detection limit of the test. invalid if a color band is not visible in each of the control region or a color band is only visible in each of the test region, the test is invalid. another test should be run to re-evaluate the specimen. note: there is no meaning attributed to line intensity or width.
Price: 4.10 ![]() |
Saliva Laboratory Drug Test Screening/Confirmation (5 Drugs) by Medimpex |
combined laboratory drug screening & confirmation testing is available with our saliva 5 panel oral fluid direct test device. our labs assays are performed with gc/ms and lc/ms/ms technology and are considered the gold standard of the toxicology industry. lab screening uses immunoassay that uses antibodies to detect the presence of drugs and other substances in the saliva specimen. the screening process does not measure the specific amount of drug present (in the specimen), but rather provides a positive or negative result...indicating the presence or absence of detectable drugs based upon samsha standards. lab confirmations detect specific metabolites that provide identification and quantification of a specific drug. cutoff levels for confirmation testing are lower than the levels found in instant drug tests and often required when results are used as evidence in court. procedure/instructions: the lab screening/confirmation works as follows: if you test your donor and get a non-negative using our saliva 5 panel oral fluid direct test device, you simply fill out the chain of custody form, place the new specimen (using the lab collection device) in the enclosed package and ship it to our lab. in approx 2 to 3 days, after your package arrives at the lab, we will provide you with the results either by fax or email...your choice! the list of drugs detectable with this lab test are as follows: amp- amphetamine - adderall/ritalin coc cocaine - crack mamp methamphetamine - meth/crystal/mdma opi opiate - heroin/morphine/codeine thc marijuana - cannabinoids/weed/pot please use our mro service if needed. a medical review officer (mro) is a medical professional who is a certified medical doctor, in charge of reviewing laboratory drug test results and determining whether the donor tested positive due to abuse or because of an over the counter or prescription medication. once the evaluation is complete, the mro communicates the results with you the customer. please note: when sending the saliva specimen to our lab, you must include the completed chain of custody form or your saliva specimen will be rejected! saliva rapid drug tests belong to the forensic testing category and as such, requires confirmation from a laboratory for all non-negative results.
Price: 38.95 ![]() |
5 Panel T-Cup Drug Test Cup by Medimpex |
5 panel t-cup drug test cup this test is a comprehensive integrated urine drug testing cup! product description: detects the 5 most common illegal drugs in urine fda 510k approved (certifies the drug testing device passes fda standards) no handling or manipulation of urine needed to activate testing integrated drug test cup perfect test kit for pre-employment, students, and medical personnel instructions: open the foil pouch and remove the test device remove the cap from the test device have the donor collect his or her urine specimen in the cup to the recommended volume the cup does all the work! in just 5 minutes, simply remove the privacy label revealing the results indicating whether the following drugs are present in the donor...cut off levels are established by substance abuse and mental health services administration (samhsa): the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: amp- amphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - adderall/ritalin coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma opi opiate, 2000 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive: a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and no color band appears in the appropriate test region. it indicates a positive result for the corresponding drug of that specific test zone. negative: a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and the appropriate test region. it indicates that the concentration of the corresponding drug of that specific test zone is zero or below the detection limit of the test. invalid test result: if a color band is not visible in the control region or the color band is only visible in the test region, the test result is invalid. another test should be run to re-evaluate the specimen. additional information: the t-cup urine drug detection test is ideal for testing employees, students or family members in private, medical offices, government, corporate, pain centers, healthcare facilities, and inmates in law enforcement facilities, probation situations, rehabilitation centers and clinics.
Price: 6.79 ![]() |
3 Panel Drug Test Dip Card (COC, mAMP, THC) by Medimpex |
3 panel drug test kit dip card is the quick and affordable instant on-site drug screening solution product description: laboratory accurate, fda 510 approved and clia waived simple dip and read procedure; get result in minutes the economical way to obtain results for three drugs in one step up to 18 month average shelf life if stored at room temperature this product is ideal for pre-employment, random, reasonable cause, corrections, hospital, and clinical testing. instructions: remove the test device from the foil pouch. remove the cap from the test device. label the device with patient or control identifications. immerse the absorbent tip into the urine sample for 5 seconds. urine sample should not touch the plastic device. replace the cap over the absorbent tip and lay the device flatly on a non-absorptive clean surface. read results at 5 minutes the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive (+) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region. no color band appears in the appropriate test region. it indicates a positive result for the corresponding drug of that specific test zone. negative (-) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and the appropriate test region. it indicates that the concentration of the corresponding drug of that specific test zone is below zero or the detection limit of the test. invalid if a color band is not visible in each of the control region or a color band is only visible in each of the test region, the test is invalid. another test should be run to re-evaluate the specimen. note: there is no meaning attributed to line intensity or width.
Price: 3.30 ![]() |
10 Panel Cup Drug Test Cup by Medimpex |
10 panel t-cup drug test cup this test is a comprehensive integrated urine drug testing cup! product description: detects 10 drugs in urine fda 510k approved (certifies the drug testing device passes fda standards) no handling or manipulation of urine needed to activate testing integrated drug test cup perfect test kit for pre-employment, students, and medical personnel this easy to use, on-site drug of abuse test combines a collection cup and testing strips that delivers instant results, convenience, and accuracy. instructions: open the foil pouch and remove the test device remove the cap from the test device have the donor collect his or her urine specimen in the cup to the recommended volume the cup does all the work! in just 5 minutes, simply remove the privacy label revealing the results indicating whether the following drugs are present in the donor...cut off levels are established by substance abuse and mental health services administration (samhsa): the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: amp- amphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - adderall/ritalin bar- barbiturates, 300 ng/ - luminal/seconal/phenobarbital bzo benzodiazepines, 300 ng/ml - valium/xanax/paxam/victan coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma mtd methadone, 300 ng/ml - methadone/amidone/methadose opi opiate, 2000 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine oxy oxycodone, 100 ng/ml - oxycontin/percocet/vicodin pcp phencyclidine, 25 ng/ml - angel dust/special k/ketamine thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive: a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and no color band appears in the appropriate test region. it indicates a positive result for the corresponding drug of that specific test zone. negative: a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and the appropriate test region. it indicates that the concentration of the corresponding drug of that specific test zone is zero or below the detection limit of the test. invalid test result: if a color band is not visible in the control region or the color band is only visible in the test region, the test result is invalid. another test should be run to re-evaluate the specimen. additional information: the t-cup urine drug detection test is ideal for testing employees, students or family members in private, medical offices, government, corporate, pain centers, healthcare facilities, and inmates in law enforcement facilities, probation situations, rehabilitation centers and clinics.
Price: 7.99 ![]() |
Saliva Oral Fluid Direct Test for (5 Drugs) by Medimpex |
saliva oral fluid direct test for (5 drugs) the most affordable one-step oral fluid drug test device on the market product description: appearance of red lines indicates sufficient collection of saliva screens for recent drug use non-invasive and eliminates gender observation issues no bathroom facilities required solves the shy bladder issue detects trace amounts of 5 drugs on surfaces difficult to tamper with or adulterate ability to supervise multiple test subjects at once simple one-step process with immediate results instructions: allow the test midstream to reach room temperature prior to testing confirm the person being tested has not ingested any food, drink, gum or tobacco for 15 minutes prior to collection remove the cap and insert the absorbent wick under the donors tongue for 3-5 minutes a red line will appear next to the control (c) region when the wick has absorbed sufficient saliva remove the device from the donors mouth place the cap back on and set the device on a flat level surface read results in 10 minutes. results not valid if read after 1 hour the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: amp- amphetamine, 50 ng/ml - adderall/ritalin coc cocaine, 20 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 50 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma opi opiate, 40 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive: one colored line appears in the control (c) region and no colored line appears in the drug region. a positive result indicates that the drug concentration exceeds the cut-off level. negative: two colored lines are visible on the test windows. one line appears in the control (c) region, and another line appears in the drug region. invalid: no band appears in the control region (c). the test is invalid even if there is a band in the drug region. in this instance, re-testing is recommended. additional information: saliva has a faster detection window and will detect drug ingestion almost immediately while other drug detection methods using urine, will take approximately 6-8 hours. note: this test is for employment, insurance and forensic use only.
Price: 10.49 ![]() |
10 Panel ECO Cup with Adulteration |
10 panel + adulteration drug screen eco cup (free gloves with full case purchase - 25/case) eco cup is the drug testing efficiency you can count on. product description: compact efficient design, great quality and affordably priced adulteration test are integrated in the cup eco cup includes security seals, installed temperature strip and free gloves urine screening results built quickly in the sealed unit, which remains closed until it is discarded simple procedure to apply, just peel the label and read test result instructions: drug cut-offs set with samhsa standards: amp- amphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - adderall/ritalin bar- barbiturates, 300 ng/ - luminal/seconal/phenobarbital bzo benzodiazepines, 300 ng/ml - valium/xanax/paxam/victan coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma mtd methadone, 300 ng/ml - methadone/amidone/methadose mop opiate, 300 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine oxy oxycodone, 100 ng/ml - oxycontin/percocet/vicodin ppx propoxyphene, 300 ng/ml - norpropoxyphene/darvon thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot adulteration parameters include: oxidants/pcc, ph and specific gravity oxidants: test for the presence of oxidizing agents such as bleach and hydrogen peroxide ph: test for the presence of acidic or alkaline adulterants in the specimen specific gravity: test for sample dilution results: additional information: a single case eco cup purchase includes: 25 test cups sealed in foil pouches, detailed insert and procedure card, 25 security label seals and 25 pairs of gloves note: this test is for employment, insurance and forensic use only.
Price: 6.65 ![]() |
CLIA Waived Multi Drug Screen Test Cassette for 11 Drugs by Medimpex |
now clia waived! k number in clia database is k041685. find out immediately if your family members or employees are abusing 11 durgs at once! product description: perfect for testing: employees; patients in abuse centers; students in schools and/or son/daughter in the privacy of your home simple, accurate & inexpensive urine test fda cleared & clia waived easy to read and understand results, with 99% accuracy instructions: have donor provide urine sample and let stand until it's room temperature. open the foil pouch and remove the test device & eye dropper. using the enclosed dropper, withdraw the urine sample and add 4 drops into the sample oval shaped well on the cassette. results are available in within 10 minutes. the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: amp- amphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - adderall/ritalin bar- barbiturates, 300 ng/ - luminal/seconal/phenobarbital bzo benzodiazepines, 300 ng/ml - valium/xanax/paxam/victan coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mdma methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 500 ng/ml - ecstasy opi opiate, 2000 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine oxy oxycodone, 100 ng/ml - oxycontin/percocet/vicodin pcp phencyclidine, 25 ng/ml - angel dust/special k/ketamine ppx propoxyphene, 300 ng/ml - norpropoxyphene/darvon tca tricyclic antidepressant, 1000 ng/ml - paxil/zoloft/prozac/celexa thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive: one colored line appears in the control (c) region. negative: one colored line appears in the control (c) region, and another colored line in the test (t) region. the color intensity of the test line may be weaker or stronger than that of the control line, but regardless of the intensity, the result is negative. invalid: no line appears in the control zone c. if the test device does not produce a band in the control region, check the testing procedures, samples, and/or control materials and repeat the test using a new device. additional information: the multi drug screen test device is an immunoassay based on the principle of competitive binding. drugs which may be present in the urine sample compete against their respective drug conjugate for binding sites on their specific antibody. during testing a urine sample migrates wiithin the cassette by capillary action. a drug, if present in the urine sample below its cut-off concentration, will not saturate the binding sites of its specific antibody. the antibody will then react with the drug-protein conjugate and a visible colored line will show up in the test line region of the specific drug cassette. the presence of drug above the cutoff concentration will saturate all the binding sites of the antibody. therefore, the colored line will not form in the test line region. the test is clia waived indicating the test is certified accurate and designed to eliminate mistakes during home use. compared to dip panel tests, cassettes have much less opportunity for procedure mistakes because dip panel/strip tests could be under or over dipped and provide an incorrect test result. when you purchase our cassette, which includes a pipette (dropper), youre able to deliver the exact amount of urine needed for accurate results.
Price: 16.00 ![]() |
12 Panel Drug Test Dip Card (AMP, BAR, BUP, BZO, COC, MDMA, MTD, OPI, OXY, PCP, TCA, THC) by Medimpex |
12-panel urine dip drug test now clia waived product description: this 12 panel drug test is an all-inclusive, point of use screening test, that quickly & accurately detects the presence of the (ten) most common drugs of abuse because of its low cost and accuracy, this test is ideal for testing family members, employees, and school students. fda cleared (certifies the drug testing device passes fda standards) clia waived (certifies the test is simple and has a low risk of obtaining incorrect results) easy to read and understand results, with 99% accuracy instructions: bring the pouch to room temperature prior to opening. remove the test card from the sealed pouch and remove the cap. dip the strip(s), of the test card, vertically into the urine specimen for at least 10-15 seconds until visible sample migration up the strips and across the test panels is observed. read results in 5 minutes. after more than 10 minutes results may not be valid. the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: amp- amphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - adderall/ritalin bar- barbiturates, 300 ng/ - luminal/seconal/phenobarbital bup buprenorphine, 10 ng/ml - suboxone/subutex/buprenorphine bzo benzodiazepines, 300 ng/ml - valium/xanax/paxam/victan coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mdma methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 500 ng/ml - ecstasy mtd methadone, 300 ng/ml - methadone/amidone/methadose opi opiate, 2000 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine oxy oxycodone, 100 ng/ml - oxycontin/percocet/vicodin pcp phencyclidine, 25 ng/ml - angel dust/special k/ketamine tca tricyclic antidepressant, 1000 ng/ml - paxil/zoloft/prozac/celexa thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive: one colored line appears in the control (c) region and no color band appears in the (t) test region. a positive result indicates that the drug concentration exceeds the cut-off level. negative: one line appears in the control (c) region, and another line appears in the test region (t). the color intensity of the test line may be weaker or stronger than that of the control line, but regardless of the intensity, the result is negative invalid: no line appears in the control region (c). the test is invalid even if there is a band in the test region (t). if the test device does not produce a band in the control region, check the testing procedures, samples, and/or control materials and repeat the test using a new device. additional information: the one step 12 drugs dip panel test is one of our most cost-effective urine drug testing kitsjust dip the drug test kit and read the results for 12 drugs groups in seconds. this tests is also known as construction panel theme card, because when they need to hire new employees for big construction contracts, it's far better to exclude drug addicts. the flat design of the test kit enables you to scan or photocopied the test result for record keeping. for laboratory confirmation of positive results you can send the specimen, along with chain of custody form, into our drug screening laboratory facility...separate purchase required.
Price: 10.40 ![]() |
9 Panel Drug Test Dip Card (AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, mAMP, MTD, OPI, PCP, THC) by Qtest |
9 panel drug test kit dip card the 9-panel/dip device is the quick and affordable instant on-site drug screening solution. product description: simple dip and read procedure; get result in minutes the economical way to obtain results for multiple drugs in one step up to 18 month average shelf life if stored at room temperature this product is ideal for pre-employment, random, reasonable cause, corrections, hospital, and clinical testing. instructions: remove the test device from the foil pouch. remove the cap from the test device. label the device with patient or control identifications. immerse the absorbent tip into the urine sample for 5 seconds. urine sample should not touch the plastic device. replace the cap over the absorbent tip and lay the device flatly on a non-absorptive clean surface. read results at 5 minutes the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: amp- amphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - adderall/ritalin bar- barbiturates, 300 ng/ - luminal/seconal/phenobarbital bzo benzodiazepines, 300 ng/ml - valium/xanax/paxam/victan coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma mtd methadone, 300 ng/ml - methadone/amidone/methadose opi opiate, 2000 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine pcp phencyclidine, 25 ng/ml - angel dust/special k/ketamine thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive (+) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region. no color band appears in the appropriate test region. it indicates a positive result for the corresponding drug of that specific test zone. negative (-) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and the appropriate test region. it indicates that the concentration of the corresponding drug of that specific test zone is below zero or the detection limit of the test. invalid if a color band is not visible in each of the control region or a color band is only visible in each of the test region, the test is invalid. another test should be run to re-evaluate the specimen. note: there is no meaning attributed to line intensity or width.
Price: 8.50 ![]() |
10 Panel Eco Cup |
eco cup 10 panel urine drug test (free gloves with full case purchase - 25/case) eco cup is the drug testing efficiency you can count on. product description: compact efficient design, great quality and affordably priced eco cup includes security seals, installed temperature strip and free gloves urine screening results build quickly in the sealed unit, which remains closed until it is discarded. simple procedure to apply, just peel the label and read test result instructions: the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: amp- amphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - adderall/ritalin bar- barbiturates, 300 ng/ - luminal/seconal/phenobarbital bzo benzodiazepines, 300 ng/ml - valium/xanax/paxam/victan coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma mtd methadone, 300 ng/ml - methadone/amidone/methadose mop opiate, 300 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine oxy oxycodone, 100 ng/ml - oxycontin/percocet/vicodin ppx propoxyphene, 300 ng/ml - norpropoxyphene/darvon thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: additional information: a single eco cup case purchase includes: 25 test cups sealed in foil pouches, detailed insert and procedure card , 25 security label seals, 25 pairs of gloves note: this test is for employment, insurance and forensic use only.
Price: 6.31 ![]() |
Single Panel Drug Test Dip Card (Select Drug(s) of Choice) by Medimpex |
now clia waived! k number in clia database is k121987. single panel drug test dip card...you choose from one of seven drugs to test for! one of the easiest and most convenient ways to drug test is with the use of urine dip-card drug test kits. the urine test strip is integrated in a plastic holder for your convenience. these cards can be used to test for a variety of different substances. their ease of use makes them a practical solution for anyone interested in implementing a drug screening process for employment or any other business or personal purpose. instructions: open the sealed pouch by tearing along the notch. remove the test device from the pouch. hold one side of the device with one hand. use the other hand to pull off the cap and expose the absorbent end. immerse the absorbent end into the urine sample for about 10 seconds. make sure that the urine level is not above the max line printed on the front of the device lay the device flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface. read the result in 5 minutes. you have the choice to select one of the following drugs: bar- barbiturates, 300 ng/ - luminal/seconal/phenobarbital bzo benzodiazepines, 300 ng/ml - valium/xanax/paxam/vicodin coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack mamp methamphetamine, 1000 ng/ml - meth/crystal/mdma opi opiate, 2000 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine oxy oxycodone, 100 ng/ml - oxycontin/percocet/vicodin thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: negative: two distinct colored lines appear. one colored line should be in the control line region (c), and another colored line should be in the test line region (t). positive: one colored line appears in the control region (c). no line appears in the test line region (t). invalid: control line (c) fails to appear. insufficient specimen volume or incorrect procedural techniques are the most likely reasons for the control line failure. review the procedure and repeat the test using a new test. to see the graphic procedure card for the testing step by step advice, click here
Price: 1.12 ![]() |
Cocaine Drug Test Urine Cassette by Medimpex |
find out immediately if your family members or employees are abusing cocaine! product description: perfect for testing: employees; patients in abuse centers; students in schools and/or son/daughter in the privacy of your home detects cocaine for 24-80 hours after use simple, accurate & inexpensive urine test fda cleared & clia waived easy to read and understand results, with 99% accuracy instructions: have donor provide urine sample and let stand until it's room temperature. open the foil pouch and remove the test device & eye dropper. using the enclosed dropper, withdraw the urine sample and add 4 drops into the sample oval shaped well on the cassette. results are available in within 10 minutes. drug cut-off: coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack results: positive: one colored line appears in the control (c) region. negative: one colored line appears in the control (c) region, and another colored line in the test (t) region. the color intensity of the test line may be weaker or stronger than that of the control line, but regardless of the intensity, the result is negative. invalid: no line appears in the control zone c. if the test device does not produce a band in the control region, check the testing procedures, samples, and/or control materials and repeat the test using a new device.
Price: 2.23 ![]() |
3 Panel Drug Test Dip Card (COC, OPI, THC) by Medimpex |
3 panel drug test kit dip card is the quick and affordable instant on-site drug screening solution product description: laboratory accurate, fda 510 approved and clia waived simple dip and read procedure; get result in minutes the economical way to obtain results for two drugs in one step up to 18 month average shelf life if stored at room temperature this product is ideal for pre-employment, random, reasonable cause, corrections, hospital, and clinical testing. instructions: remove the test device from the foil pouch. remove the cap from the test device. label the device with patient or control identifications. immerse the absorbent tip into the urine sample for 5 seconds. urine sample should not touch the plastic device. replace the cap over the absorbent tip and lay the device flatly on a non-absorptive clean surface. read results at 5 minutes the list of drugs detectable with this test are as follows: coc cocaine, 300 ng/ml - crack opi opiate, 2000 ng/ml - heroin/morphine/codeine thc marijuana, 50 ng/ml - cannabinoids/weed/pot results: positive (+) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region. no color band appears in the appropriate test region. it indicates a positive result for the corresponding drug of that specific test zone. negative (-) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and the appropriate test region. it indicates that the concentration of the corresponding drug of that specific test zone is below zero or the detection limit of the test. invalid if a color band is not visible in each of the control region or a color band is only visible in each of the test region, the test is invalid. another test should be run to re-evaluate the specimen. note: there is no meaning attributed to line intensity or width.
Price: 3.30 ![]() |
Dip Strip Test for THC (Marijuana/Cannabis) by Medimpex |
thc urine dip test wondering if your family members or employees are using marijuana product description: fda approved drug screen test strip that tests for-thc-marijuana test is easy to administer and interpret results, with a 99% accuracy inexpensive detects drugs in urine for up to 3-4 days instructions: remove the test panel from the sealed pouch and use it within one hour immerse the strip into the urine with the arrow pointing towards the urine take the strip out after 3 seconds and lay the strip flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface. read the result in 5 minutes results: negative: two distinct colored lines appear. one colored line should be in the control line region (c), and another colored line should be in the test line region (t). positive: one colored line appears in the control region (c). no line appears in the test line region (t). invalid: control line (c) fails to appear. insufficient specimen volume or incorrect procedural techniques are the most likely reasons for the control line failure. review the procedure and repeat the test using a new test. additional information: when ingested or smoked, it produces euphoric effects. users have impairment of short-term memory and thc use slows learning. also, it may cause transient episodes of confusion, anxiety, or even toxic delirium. long term, relatively heavy use may be associated with behavioral disorders. the peak effect of smoking thc occurs in 20-30 minutes and the duration is 90-120 minutes after one cigarette. elevated levels of urinary metabolites are found within hours of exposure and remain detectable for 3-10 days after smoking. the thc test kit for marijuana is based on the principle of the highly specific immunochemical reactions between antigens and antibodies, which are used for the analysis of specific substances in biological fluids. to see the graphic procedure card for the testing step by step advice, click here
Price: 1.79 ![]() |
Bup Drug Test Urine Cassette by Medimpex |
product description: simple and accurate bup urine test fda cleared easy to read and understand results, with 99% accuracy instructions: have donor provide urine sample and let stand until it's room temperature. open the foil pouch and remove the test device & eye dropper. using the enclosed dropper, withdraw the urine sample and add 4 drops into the sample oval shaped well on the cassette. results are available in within 10 minutes. results obtained after more than 10 minutes may not be valid. drug cut-off: bup buprenorphine, 10 ng/ml - suboxone/subutex/buprenorphine : positive: one colored line appears in the control (c) region. negative: one colored line appears in the control (c) region, and another colored line in the test (t) region. the color intensity of the test line may be weaker or stronger than that of the control line, but regardless of the intensity, the result is negative. invalid: no line appears in the control zone c. if the test device does not produce a band in the control region, check the testing procedures, samples, and/or control materials and repeat the test using a new device.
Price: 3.95 ![]() |
BZO Urine Drug Test Cassette by Medimpex |
now clia waived! k number in clia database is k111560. product description: perfect for testing: employees; patients in abuse centers; students in schools and/or son/daughter in the privacy of your home simple, accurate & inexpensive urine test fda cleared easy to read and understand results, with 99% accuracy instructions: have donor provide urine sample and let stand until it's room temperature. open the foil pouch and remove the test device & eye dropper. using the enclosed dropper, withdraw the urine sample and add 4 drops into the sample oval shaped well on the cassette. results are available in within 10 minutes. results obtained after more than 10 minutes may not be valid. drug cut-off: bzo benzodiazepines, 300 ng/ml - valium/xanax/paxam/victan results: positive: one colored line appears in the control (c) region. negative: one colored line appears in the control (c) region, and another colored line in the test (t) region. the color intensity of the test line may be weaker or stronger than that of the control line, but regardless of the intensity, the result is negative. invalid: no line appears in the control zone c. if the test device does not produce a band in the control region, check the testing procedures, samples, and/or control materials and repeat the test using a new device. additional information: compared to dip panel tests, cassettes have much less opportunity for procedure mistakes because dip panel/strip tests could be under or over dipped and provide an incorrect test result. when you purchase our cassette, which includes a pipette (dropper), youre able to deliver the exact amount of urine needed for accurate results.
Price: 2.23 ![]() |
Key Split Drug Test Cup for 5 Drugs by Medimpex |
now clia waived! k number in clia database is k122904. 5-panel key split multi-drug urine cup product description: the test cup is activated by a key, held in possession of the administrator, until after the donor has filled the test cup with their specimen. remaining specimen, not released by the key, is untainted and can be used for additional testing and/or sent to an independent laboratory the key cup feature greatly reduces a donors attempt to cheat on the test faster, darker lines make reading the test results easier with 99% accuracy the test cup container has a temperature strip for specimen temperature. fda 510k cleared, certified and clia waived flat key cup test surface enables scanning and/or copying for retention of drug test results instructions: after the urine has been collected, place the cup onto a flat surface remove the key and insert into the mechanism
on side of cup. turn the key to initiate the testing procedure peel off the label to view drug test results results are ready in 5 minutes and remain stable for up to 20 minutes all positive results should be confirmed by a laboratory results: positive (+) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region. no color band appears in the appropriate test region. it indicates a positive result for the corresponding drug of that specific test zone. negative (-) a rose-pink band is visible in each control region and the appropriate test region. it indicates that the concentration of the corresponding drug of that specific test zone is below zero or the detection limit of the test. invalid if a color band is not visible in each of the control region or a color band is only visible in each of the test region, the test is invalid and another test should be run to re-evaluate the specimen.
Price: 6.40 ![]() |