Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Opt Deduplication Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Opt Deduplication Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 24Mo Rnw BE Opt Dedup Win 1 Svr Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp The Backup Exec Deduplication Option supports a data-reduction strategy by optimizing storage and network bandwidth. The Deduplication Option supports integrated deduplication at the Backup Exec server and on remote computers that have the Agent for Windows or the Agent for Linux installed. It also allows data to be deduplicated and stored on intelligent disk devices from Veritas and other vendors. The requirements for the Deduplication Option vary depending on the type of storage devices you want to use and the type of deduplication you want to use. Before you install the Deduplication Option, you should determine what type of storage devices you want to use with it and what type of deduplication you want to use. Then, verify that your system meets the requirements for the storage devices you want to use.
Price: 704.99 ![]() |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Opt Library Expansion Win 1 Device Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Opt Library Expansion Win 1 Device Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 24Mo Rnw BE Opt Lib Exp Win 1 Dvc Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp Complex infrastructures and the changing needs of IT require flexible and dynamic solutions that are not just built to last, but also built to change. Isn't it time for a backup and recovery solution that adapts to your environment, and that works with your budget? Then it's time to take a look at Backup Exec 15 - backup and recovery that is built for change and provides the flexibility to protect your entire environment while also delivering agile recovery. It's easier than ever to back up and restore your data, whenever and wherever you need it. With Backup Exec you can meet critical backup windows, exceed recovery expectations, optimize your existing storage, and eliminate outdated and siloed backup and recovery complexity. Backup Exec intelligently indexes and catalogs backup data so you don't waste valuable time and disk space mounting backup jobs, determining what's inside, and searching for specific data.
Price: 477.99 ![]() |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Opt Ndmp Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Opt Ndmp Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 24Mo Rnw BE Opt Ndmp Win 1 Svr Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp Solve more problems in less time. Backup Exec helps you exceed business expectations for data recovery, reduce storage costs, secure confidential data, achieve regulatory requirements, and eliminate niche backup tools from your infrastructure. Protect all your data, not just some of it, from a single, easy-to-use console. Network Data Management Protocol Overview NDMP is an acronym for Network Data Management Protocol, which is an open standard protocol for enterprise-wide backups of heterogeneous network-attached storage. NDMP is an Internet-Draft standard that uses port 10000 by default. The Symantec Backup Exec 11d (and above) for Windows Servers NDMP Option lets Backup Exec use the Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) to initialize and control backups and restores of Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices such as NetApp filers as explained below.
Price: 949.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent For Linux 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent For Linux 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Agt Lnx 1 Svr Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp The Backup Exec Agent for Linux provides high-performance protection for remote 32-bit and 64-bit Linux servers with support for both Intel and AMD 32-bit and 64-bit processors. This agent extends the Backup Exec advanced agent technology to Linux operating systems by providing full, incremental, and differential backup support, restore capabilities, and client-side deduplication for supported distributions of Linux. Please note: For data deduplication, the Deduplication Option needs to be licensed separately or it comes included with the full Capacity Edition or V-Ray Edition.
Price: 284.99 ![]() |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Opt Vtl Unlimited Drive Win 1 Device Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Opt Vtl Unlimited Drive Win 1 Device Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 24Mo Rnw BE Opt Vtl Unlmt Drive Win 1 Dvc Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp Virtual, physical, and cloud protection in one package Solve more problems in less time. Backup Exec helps you exceed business expectations for data recovery, reduce storage costs, secure confidential data, achieve regulatory requirements, and eliminate niche backup tools from your infrastructure. Protect all your data, not just some of it, from a single, easy-to-use console. Realize virtually unbeatable performance and deduplication for VMware and Hyper-V Get flexible cloud connectors for Amazon, Azure, and Google Cloud Ensure physical support with one of the industry’s most comprehensive compatibility lists Leverage powerful features Master your organization’s recovery objectives Improve data availability with fast, granular backup and instant restore of virtual machines Get back on your feet again with simple, achievable disaster recovery Optimize your storage TCO by easily scaling to the public cloud Choose from flexible options Backup that supports your data recovery strategy, not the other way around Get confident protection with a wide range of certified configurations Choose from agile connectors that write data directly to the public cloud Improve workflow and efficiency with a streamlined user interface Rely on a trusted solution Take advantage of over 30 years’ expertise Leverage the latest platforms via OS, app, and hypervisor support within 60 days after release Join 2.2 million customers in 200 countries protecting 65 million terabytes of data Spend less time ‘doing’ backup thanks to simple licensing, management, and upgrades
Price: 1439.99 ![]() |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Server Ed Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Server Ed Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 24Mo Rnw BE Svr Ed Win 1 Svr Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp Solve more problems in less time. Backup Exec helps you exceed business expectations for data recovery, reduce storage costs, secure confidential data, achieve regulatory requirements, and eliminate niche backup tools from your infrastructure. Protect all your data, not just some of it, from a single, easy-to-use console. Realize virtually unbeatable performance and deduplication for VMware and Hyper-V Get flexible cloud connectors for Amazon, Azure, and Google Cloud Ensure physical support with one of the industry’s most comprehensive compatibility lists Master your organization’s recovery objectives Improve data availability with fast, granular backup and instant restore of virtual machines Get back on your feet again with simple, achievable disaster recovery Optimize your storage TCO by easily scaling to the public cloud Backup that supports your data recovery strategy, not the other way around Get confident protection with a wide range of certified configurations Choose from agile connectors that write data directly to the public cloud Improve workflow and efficiency with a streamlined user interface Take advantage of over 30 years’ expertise Leverage the latest platforms via OS, app, and hypervisor support within 60 days after release Join 2.2 million customers in 200 countries protecting 65 million terabytes of data Spend less time ‘doing’ backup thanks to simple licensing, management, and upgrades
Price: 477.99 ![]() |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec V-Ray Ed Win 1 Cpu Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 24 Months Renewal For Backup Exec V-Ray Ed Win 1 Cpu Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 24Mo Rnw For BE V-Ray Ed Win 1 Cpu Onprem Std Perpetual Lic Corp The Backup Exec V-Ray Edition is licensed per socket and includes the following software components: Backup Exec Media Server (x1 license) Backup Exec Agent for VMware and Hyper-V (unlimited licenses) Agent for Applications and Databases (unlimited licenses) Exchange SQL SharePoint Active Directory Oracle Lotus Domino Enterprise Vault Backup Exec Deduplication Option (x1 license) The Agent for VMware and Hyper-V “switches on” the integration with VMware APIs for Data Protection (VADP) and Microsoft VSS, which enables fast, high performance snapshots of the virtual disks attached to VMs. The Agent for Applications and Databases enables granular recovery of Microsoft applications. You do not need to buy additional agents or options for application protection in a virtual environment since they are already included with the V-Ray Edition. All other Backup Exec agents and options in the Backup Exec portfolio e.g. Enterprise Server Option can be added to your Backup Exec V-Ray purchase by purchasing them in the exact same way as standard Backup Exec. To extend protection of the V-Ray Edition to physical servers, you simply purchase one Backup Exec Agent for Applications and Databases for each physical Application or Database server you wish to protect. In addition, the Backup Exec Media Server and Deduplication Option included in the V-Ray Edition can be used to protect your physical servers. You don’t have to re-license these for your physical environment. The only additional software you need to purchase to protect physical servers is the Agent for Applications and Databases as mentioned above. However, you may decide to extend the functionality of Backup Exec by adding on additional Backup Exec Agents and Options. For example - Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option, Enterprise Server Option, Exchange Email Archiving Option etc.
Price: 612.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent For Applications And Dbs Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent For Applications And Dbs Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Agt Apps And Dbs Win 1 Svr Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp The Backup Exec Agent for Applications and Databases provides market-leading data protection for Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, Active Directory, Oracle, and Veritas Enterprise Vault in a virtual or physical environment.
Price: 716.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent For Vmware And Hyper-V Win 1 Host Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent For Vmware And Hyper-V Win 1 Host Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Agt Vmwr And Hv Win 1 Hst Svr Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp The Backup Exec Agent for VMware and Hyper-V provides comprehensive protection of VMware and Hyper-V virtual machines through integration with Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) and VMware’s vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP). Additionally, by executing post-processing tasks that do not impact the backup window, such as log truncation, collection of metadata, and searchable catalogs, Backup Exec delivers highly optimized backup and Instant Recovery of data directly from storage.
Price: 1149.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent For Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent For Win 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Agt Win 1 Svr Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp The Backup Exec Agent for Windows provides high-performance data protection for remote Windows servers and includes Open File protection and Simplified Disaster Recovery. This Agent optimizes data transfers for 32-bit and 64-bit remote Windows servers with NDMP technology that also provides source-level compression and distributed processing at the client.
Price: 426.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent Remote Media For Linux Servers Lnx 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Agent Remote Media For Linux Servers Lnx 1 Server Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Agt Rem Media Lnx Svrs Lnx 1 Svr Onprem Std Perptal Lic Corp The Backup Exec Remote Media Agent for Linux Server provides storage flexibility for Linux servers running in a Backup Exec environment. IT administrators can directly attach tape and disk storage devices to a remote Linux server, allowing backup data to be protected directly to those Linux-attached storage devices. This provides added flexibility and reduced bandwidth requirements for backup jobs, especially for larger backups on those remote Linux servers. The Backup Exec Agent for Linux provides high-performance protection for remote 32-bit and 64-bit Linux servers with support for both Intel and AMD 32-bit and 64-bit processors. This agent extends the Backup Exec advanced agent technology to Linux operating systems by providing full, incremental, and differential backup support, restore capabilities, and client-side deduplication for supported distributions of Linux. Please note: For data deduplication, the Deduplication Option needs to be licensed separately or it comes included with the full Capacity Edition or V-Ray Edition.
Price: 574.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 0 To 1 Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 0 To 1 Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 0 To 1 Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows® Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option • Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 1241.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 16 To 25 Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 16 To 25 Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 16 To 25 Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows® Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option • Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 1005.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 2 To 5 Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 2 To 5 Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 2 To 5 Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows® Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option • Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 1116.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 26+ Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 26+ Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 26+ Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows® Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option • Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 979.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 6 To 15 Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 6 To 15 Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Lite Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 6 To 15 Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows® Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option • Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 1054.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 0 To 1 Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 0 To 1 Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 0 To 1 Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option ¢ Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 2069.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 16 To 25 Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 16 To 25 Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 16 To 25 Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option ¢ Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 1551.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 2 To 5 Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 2 To 5 Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 2 To 5 Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option ¢ Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 1758.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 26+ Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 26+ Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 26+ Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option ¢ Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 1510.99 ![]() |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 6 To 15 Corporate |
Essential 36 Months Renewal For Backup Exec Capacity Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onpremise Standard Perpetual License Qty 6 To 15 Corporate Ess 36Mo Rnw BE Cap Ed Win 1 Front End Tb Onprem Std Perptal Lic Qty 6 To 15 Corp Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec provides scalable, easy-to-manage backup and recovery for virtual and physical environments. Backup Exec Agents and Options expand the features and functionality of Backup Exec to support critical applications, databases, storage configurations and much more. Backup Exec Capacity Edition Lite includes a Backup Exec Server, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V, Agent for Windows, Agent for Applications and Databases, and Agent for Linux Backup Exec Capacity Edition includes all Backup Exec Agents and Options Backup Exec V-Ray Edition includes Agent for Applications and Databases, Agent for VMware and Hyper-V and Deduplication Option (additional Agents and Options can be added and licensed as required) Backup Exec a la carte: Agents and Options are licensed individually Agents Agent for Applications and Databases Agent for VMware and Hyper-V Agent for Windows® Agent for Linux Remote Media Agent for Linux Options Agent for Applications and Databases Deduplication Option • Enterprise Server Option Library Expansion Option NDMP Option Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Price: 1634.99 ![]() |
Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise for Vmware - 2 sockets - Product Upgrade License |
Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise for Vmware - 2 sockets - Product Upgrade LicenseHigh-Speed Recovery Rapid recovery of what you want, the way you want it Veeam Backup & Replicationž delivers lightning-fast, reliable restores at your fingertips for entire VMs, individual files and application items, giving you low recovery time objectives (RTOs) of Restore entire VMs in minutes with Instant VM Recoveryž Recover individual files effortlessly with Instant File-level Recovery Quickly and easily restore Microsoft Exchange items with Veeam Explorerž for Microsoft Exchange Recover Active Directory objects, entire containers, OUs and user accounts with Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Active Directory Restore entire SharePoint sites; return deleted items back into production with Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SharePoint Fast transaction-level recovery and point-in-time restore of Oracle databases with Veeam Explorer for Oracle and SQL Server databases with Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SQL Server Leverage HPE, NetApp, Dell EMC and NimbleNEW snapshots for recovery of single files or entire VMs from storage snapshots with Veeam Explorer for Storage Snapshots Cloud restore for any Veeam backup with Direct Restore to Microsoft AzureNEW Data Loss Avoidance Low RPOs and streamlined disaster recovery Veeam Backup & Replication provides streamlined disaster recovery and simple, secure off-site backups, giving you the ability to achieve recovery point objectives (RPO) of Create backups from any storage, plus ultra-fast backups from Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), NetApp, Dell EMC and NimbleNEW storage snapshots 2-in-1: backup and replicationž: In addition to backups, maintain image-based replicas either on site for high-Availability or off site for disaster recovery, and simplify replica failover and failback with little to no business disruption Leverage fully-integrated cloud-based disaster recovery and fast and secure cloud backup with Veeam Cloud Connect Simplify the management of your backup storage with Scale-out Backup Repositoryž Get backups and replicas off site up to 50x faster with built-in WAN acceleration Meet compliance requirements and archiving policies with native tape support Back up directly from file-based (NFS) primary storage using Veeams proprietary NFS client with Direct NFS Access Shorten backup windows and reduce backup storage load and disk space consumption with Advanced ReFS IntegrationNEW Verified Recoverability Guaranteed recovery of every file, application, or virtual server, any time Veeam Backup & Replication automatically tests every vSphere and Hyper-V backup and replica, every time. Have confidence that your files, applications and virtual servers can be restored when needed. Verify the recoverability of every backup with SureBackup. Test every restore point in every VM replica automatically with SureReplica. Leveraged Data Using backup data to create an exact copy of your production environment Veeam Backup & Replication mitigates the risks associated with application deployment by putting your backups and replicas to work in a production-like environment prior to any production rollout. Create a Virtual Lab without provisioning additional resources to run your applications from Veeam backups and replicas. Test or troubleshoot an application in one or more VMs from an On-Demand Sandboxž without affecting production workloads. Create complete, isolated copies of production from storage snapshots with On-Demand Sandbox for Storage Snapshots. Complete Visibility Proactive monitoring and alerting of issues before operational impact With Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam ONEž, you can take control over your entire backup and virtual environment. By utilizing all of the features and capabilities of Veeams backup and virtualization technology, you can discover and be alerted to issues before they affect your Always-On Businessž. Ensure protection, performance and Availability with Veeam ONE through: 24x7 real-time monitoring and alerting: Notifies you of backup and performance issues Resource optimization and configuration tracking: Evaluate infrastructure performance and ensure existing configuration meets all known best practices Capacity planning and forecasting: Forecast resource usage and utilization trends with what if? modeling and resource overcommit tracking for your backup and virtual infrastructures And MORE included in the NEW Veeam ONE 9.5! Gain visibility into the Veeam backup infrastructure from inside Microsoft System Center, Kaseya VSA and LabTech. Get enterprise-level usability with a standalone console and Remote Office / Branch Office (ROBO) enhancements Scale your business with a distributed architecture and centralized management console. Leverage deep VMware integrations with vCloud Director support for self-service tenants and a vSphere Web Client Plug-in.
Price: 1450.00 ![]() |
Turbo CAD Deluxe 2D/3D |
Turbo CAD Deluxe 2D/3D Complete 2D/3D Design Tools for drafting, modeling, modifying, dimensioning and annotation. Easy to Learn and Use with set up wizards, context-sensitive help, snaps, alignment aids, and handle-based editing. Improved Conceptual Selector Tool and New Timestamp for greater usability. Design Director for object property management. Easy 2D Drafting and Editing including New Centerline and Center Mark Tools. Surface Modeling Tools like 2D/3D Booleans, extrude, revolve, sweeps, & more. Architectural Design Tools including an Improved House Builder Wizard. Photorealistic Rendering, materials, and lighting to create powerful presentations. 3D printing features with read/write of .STL files, surface simplification controls, and a 3D Print button for 3D Systems printers. Excellent File Sharing with AutoCAD® .DWG & .DXF, SketchUp .SKP, .TAP files for mobile & more!
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13 |
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13 The fastest and most accurate way to interact with your computer; Dragon dramatically boosts your personal productivity and helps you realize your full potential A personalized, voice-driven experience; Dragon gets even more accurate as it learns the words and phrases you use the most, spelling even difficult words and proper names correctly An intuitive design and helpful tutorials make it easy to get started and easy to master The ability to create, format and edit documents by voice allows you to think out loud and break through barriers to creativity Dictation of text anywhere where you normally type within popular applications enables greater productivity and efficient multi-tasking
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
Dragon Home 13 |
Dragon Home 13 Whether you’re a parent, student, retiree or busy multi-tasker, Dragon 13 Home offers you an easy way to complete everyday tasks on your computer, simply by speaking. See how easy it is to get more done in your busy day. Watch this short video of Dragon in action now.
Price: 132.50 ![]() |
Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 2017 3.0 5 Device/1Year |
Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 2017 3.0 5 Device/1Year Norton Security Deluxe secures up to 5 PCs, Macs, iOS & Android devices - Instantly download and receive your activation code to be protected in minutes! Antivirus is included, and your protection is always up-to-date to defend against spyware, malware, and unsafe websites, while safeguarding your identity and online transactions Norton consistently outperforms the competition in independent, head-to-head tests; Winner of AV-TEST’s coveted Best Protection Award and 37 time winner of PC Magazine Editor’s Choice Award Please note that if you have an existing Norton subscription, your old subscription days do not get added to this new subscription, so it’s best to activate your new subscription when the old one is about to expire Installs in minutes, rated highest in usability, includes unlimited 24/7 access to a Norton technician, and offers a 100% guarantee that helps keep you virus free or your money back!
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Symantec Norton Security Premium 2017 3.0 25GB 10 Device/1Year |
Symantec Norton Security Premium 2017 3.0 25GB 10 Device/1Year Norton Security Premium secures up to 10 PCs, Macs, iOS & Android devices, and includes parental controls to help your kids explore their online world safely, with 25GB of secure cloud PC storage A physical activation key code will be mailed to you (select ‘PC/Mac Download’ option for instant download of activation code) - Antivirus is included, and your protection is always up-to-date to defend against spyware, malware, and unsafe websites, while safeguarding your identity and online transactions Norton consistently outperforms the competition in independent, head-to-head tests; Winner of AV-TEST’s coveted Best Protection Award and 37 time winner of PC Magazine Editor’s Choice Award Please note that if you have an existing Norton subscription, your old subscription days do not get added to this new subscription, so it’s best to activate your new subscription when the old one is about to expire Installs in minutes, rated highest in usability, includes unlimited 24/7 access to a Norton technician, and offers a 100% guarantee that helps keep you virus free or your money back!
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
Microsoft Project Professional 2016 License - November Deal |
Microsoft Project Professional 2016 License Manage your projects from one convenient location using Microsoft Project Professional 2016 from My Choice Software. The project management software can be bused to plan projects, collaborate with others and stay up-to-date on project progress. Project Professional 2016 includes cutting edge tools that will help your whole team work better together. This user-preferred software can be used during the entire creative process, from brainstorming sessions to production to the release of the finished product. Project Professional 2016 is packed with features that will make reporting and measuring progress easier than ever. New reporting tools ensure that timelines and progress trackers accurately reflect the current stage the project is in. Measurement tools make resource allocation easy and a Task Path helps highlight priorities to make sure you meet your goals on time. Whether youre a project manager or a member of a team, Project Professional 2016 from My Choice Software will help you be more efficient and manage your tasks even on the go. This version of Project Professional 2016 comes with a single user license for Windows. It is a digital download product and a download link will be emailed to you after checkout. If you order during normal business hours, your download will be delivered within 30 minutes of purchase. For team projects and those that require more collaboration, this product can be connected to a server. A CAL (Client Access License) is included with the software. Order your copy of Project Professional 2016 today to take charge of your next project. The simple project management software makes tracking, recording and planning easier than ever so you can be more efficient and get more done. Order now for the best price and fast email delivery. Software is guaranteed to install and is guaranteed to be genuine. For questions or for help ordering, please call our support team at 1-800-318-1439 during regular business hours or use our convenient online chat system. Big projects can be tough to keep organized, but Microsoft Project Professional 2016 is here to help. This cutting-edge, user-preferred project management software allows you to plan projects and collaborate with others from just about anywhere. The goal of Project Professional is to help you stay organized and keep projects on track with powerful tools that help your whole team work better together. Project Professional 2016 can be used as a standalone product or can be connected to a server. Project Professional 2016 includes a Project Server Client Access License (CAL). Project Professional 2016 comes with enhancements like new reporting tools for measuring progress and resource allocation, Task Path highlighting to better prioritize tasks and timeline creation tools to help you meet important goals on time. Improve organization, be more efficient and manage on the go when you download Project Professional 2016 from My Choice Software today. This is a single-user license for Windows that is e-mailed to you after checkout. Keep your projects on track Microsoft Project Professional 2016 helps you easily plan projects and collaborate with others from virtually anywhere. Stay organized and keep your projects on track with the only project management system designed to work seamlessly with other Microsoft applications and cloud services. Project Professional 2016 can be used as a standalone product or can be connected to a server. Project Professional 2016 includes a Project Server Client Access License (CAL). Microsoft Project 2016 PC: Email Delivery 1 User For PC
Price: 349.99 ![]() |
Microsoft Windows 8.1 with Home and Student 2013 License - November Deal |
Microsoft Windows 8.1 with Home and Student 2013 - License Develop your computing environment with Windows 8.1 Home and Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013. This digital product will be delivered electronically and will provide you the tools to get started on maximizing your productivity today. With Windows 8.1 Home you will be able to use new functions that allow you to search for your favorite software programs, open, close, hide, resize, or run multiple apps simultaneously with the swipe of a finger or a swipe of the mouse. Utilize your new hardware more efficiently with the resource using capabilities of Windows 8.1 provides. In addition to the digital download of Windows 8.1, this license will include Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013. Microsoft Office Home and Student will give you the essential tools to create resumes, prepare presentations, take notes and build intricate spreadsheets for your needs. This combination package will give you all of the quintessential resources to get your new system up and running with a fresh new operating system as well as office productivity software. We do have experts standing by for technical assistance as well regarding Windows or Office installations.
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
Microsoft Exchange Online (Plan 2) Monthly |
Microsoft Exchange Online (Plan 2) Monthly Exchange Online (Plan 2) Security and reliability Exchange Online helps protect your information with advanced capabilities. Anti-malware and anti-spam filtering protect mailboxes. Data loss prevention capabilities prevent users from mistakenly sending sensitive information to unauthorized people. Globally redundant servers, premier disaster recovery capabilities, and a team of security experts monitoring Exchange Online around the clock safeguard your data. And with a guaranteed 99.9% uptime, financially-backed service level agreement, you can count on your email always being up and running. Stay in control Maintain control over your environment while gaining the advantage of hosting your email on Microsoft servers. Manage your organization efficiently with the Exchange admin center, an easy-to-use, web-based interface. Run In-Place eDiscovery across Exchange, SharePoint, and Skype for Business data from a single interface through the eDiscovery Center. (Running eDiscovery across Exchange, Skype for Business, and SharePoint from the eDiscovery Center is available in select Office 365 plans.) With mobile device policies, you can create approved mobile device lists, enforce PIN lock, and remove confidential company data from lost phones. And IT-level phone support is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Easy to use and maintain It’s easier than ever to provide your users with the business email they need to stay productive. Automatic patching eliminates the time and effort of maintaining your system. Give your users an In-Place Archive, so they can keep all their important data in one place. And provide them with anywhere access to email, calendar, and contacts on all major browsers and across devices. Integration with Outlook means they’ll enjoy a rich, familiar email experience with offline access. Exchange Online Plan 1 Exchange Online Plan 2 Exchange Online Kiosk Office 365 SKUs & Plans Inclusion Office 365 Business Essentials Office 365 BusinessPremium Office 365Enterprise E1 Office 365Education E1 Office 365Government E1 Office 365Enterprise E3 Office 365Education E3 Office 365Government E3 Office 365Enterprise E4 Office 365Education E4 Office 365Government E4 Office 365Enterprise K1 Office 365Government K1 Feature Exchange Online Plans Planning and Deployment Exchange Online Plan 1 Exchange Online Plan 2 Exchange Online Kiosk Hybrid deployment supported IMAP migration supported Cutover migration supported Staged migration supported Permissions Exchange Online Plan 1 Exchange Online Plan 2 Exchange Online Kiosk Role-Based Permissions Role Groups Role Assignment Policies Message Policy and Compliance Exchange Online Plan 1 Exchange Online Plan 2 Exchange Online Kiosk Archiving Exchange Online-based <!-- .fa-check-circle { color: green; } -->
Price: 8.00 ![]() |