"Poppy 'Checkers'" |
"First year flowering from an early sowing. Poppy Checkers is easy to raise and very rewarding with pure white silky flowers are flanked within by the deepest black cross. Use as a novel cut flower, as well as for the traditional dried seed heads. Height: 60-90cm (2-3ft)"
Price: 0.99 |
"Cephalaphora aromatica" |
"Attractive, bright yellow pom pom flowers complemented by pale green foliage. This novel plant releases a sweet, apple fragrance when brushed against or by gently. Height: 30-45cm (12-18in)"
Price: 1.79 |
"Poppy 'Applegreen'" |
"A delighted T&M customer discovered this very unusual apple green coloured Poppy in their garden. Its striking pom-pom blooms stand out above tidy grey- green foliage. Very eye catching in borders when planted en masse. Height: 60-90cm (24-36in)."
Price: 3.59 |
"Malope trifida 'Glacier Fruits Mixed'" |
"Very useful plant for rapidly filling space in your border, the Malope is a good, bushy plant with large, often 5-75cm (2-3in) flowers. This special blend shows the great effect achievable with red and pink, along with a catalyst of white. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in)"
Price: 2.19 |
"Orlaya grandiflora" |
"An attractive addition to bouquets. Orlaya makes an easy to grow, quick border filler with decorative snow-white lacy blooms produced all summer long. Perfect for cutting"
Price: 3.39 |
"Gazania 'Kiss Bronze' F1 Hybrid" |
"Very early and free flowering even in dull, cool weather. Naturally compact, strong basal branches, ensuring multiflowering plants. Ideal for borders, and containers"
Price: 1.00 |
"Cladanthus arabicus 'Golden Crown'" |
"An easy to grow annual, perfect as a filler, where the rich gold will weave through your border. The ferny foliage of Cladanthus Golden Crown gives rise to many golden discs, and each new stem radiates from the edge of the faded flower in a most unusual fashion. Prefers an ordinary, well drained soil in full sun"
Price: 1.59 |
"Heliotrope 'Marine'" |
"Fragrant, royal purple, large flowered compact form with smart, deep green foliage"
Price: 1.00 |
"Salvia patens" |
"A classic border plant, ideal for adding a cool blue drift to your planting schemes. The attractive, large blue hooded florets are borne on erect stems above toothed foliage. First year flowering, blooms throughout the summer into autumn. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in)"
Price: 0.99 |
"Tacca chantrieri 'Nivea'" |
"This rare white form of the ever popular Bat Plant offers shiny, dark green leaves and in 2-3 years when mature, magnificent white, green veined blooms with long tentacles. A thought- provoking plant for the home or conservatory"
Price: 5.99 |
"Phlomis tuberosa" |
"A spectacular long flowering species, with rich, ruby red stems flanked in whorls of lipped, candypink flowers. With serrated, deep green foliage for the perfect contrast. Height: 60-90cm (2-3ft)"
Price: 1.49 |
"Cichorium intybus 'Electric Blue'" |
"The wild form of the vegetable Chicory makes a beautiful addition to a cottage garden border. Electric blue flowers are produced on the many, breezy stems throughout summer. Be quick to enjoy their beauty, as the flowers always close by midday!"
Price: 4.79 |
"Aster 'Spider Chrysanthemum Mixed'" |
"An exclusive blend of Asters, with stunning blooms resembling a Spider Chrysanthemum in a dazzling mixture of colours. Excellent planted en masse in borders or used as a cut flower"
Price: 2.99 |
"Nepeta nervosa 'Blue Moon'" |
"A neat, dwarf, bushy, habit, with large dense blue flower spikes, over a very long period. Quick to flower in 12-16 weeks from an April sowing. Ideal for borders and containers. Height: 30-40cm (12-16in)"
Price: 3.29 |
"Aquilegia x hybrida 'Royal Purple'" |
"A specially selected spurless form, producing clematis-like flowers of a deep, rich royal purple colour. Aquilegia 'Royal Purple' has outstanding garden performance . This hardy perennial columbine is ideal for cottage garden borders and shady woodlands. Height: 60cm (24). Spread: 40cm (16)"
Price: 1.79 |
"Asarina scandens 'Jewel Mixed'" |
"Sophisticated climber, masses of 1.5in indigo to violet blue, pink or pure white flowers. Quick to bloom from an early sowing. Ideal for the cold greenhouse or conservatory. One of the longest flowering annuals, in bloom untill Christmas if there is no hard frost or in the greenhouse during winter. Climbs to 120-240cm (4-8ft)"
Price: 1.49 |
"Crepis rubra" |
"An enchanting, easy to grow annual, with masses of attractive pinkish red 25cm (1 inch) flower heads, ideal for brightening a sunny border. Height: 30-40cm (12-16in)"
Price: 1.79 |
"Datura metel 'La Fleur Lilac'" |
"Flowering in just 3 1/2 months. Particularly good for patio, cool greenhouse or conservatory where the evocative sweet fragrance of the bluey-lilac, 10cm (4 inch) trumpet blooms fills the air. Height: 30-45cm (12-18in)"
Price: 1.79 |
"Zinnia elegans 'Pulcino Mixed'" |
"Outstanding bushy, compact plants, smothered in long lasting double to semi -double vibrant coloured flowers during the summer. Spectacular planted en masse in bedding displays. Height: 30-45cm (12-18in)"
Price: 1.00 |
"Alstroemeria 'Ligtu Hybrids'" |
"Invaluable long-lived border plants in numerous shades of pink, orange and scarlet with distinctive, contrasting stripe. One of the worldsmost popular cut flowers"
Price: 3.99 |
"Aquilegia x hybrida 'Crown Jewels Mixed'" |
"The modern art of breeding, with some help from Mother Nature, has created this stunning new blend. A mixture of single, double, pompom, clematis flowered, long spurred and bicolour blooms aloft an equally diverse mixture of green, gold, bronze and silver edged foliage types. Plants may even throw up more new exciting types as they further hybridise!"
Price: 1.79 |
"Dahlia coccinea 'Species Mixed'" |
"A vibrant mixture of delicate single flowers in several colours with many bicolour shades, Tall and free flowering, makes it ideal for adding height to bedding displays or filling gaps in perennial borders. Height 5 feet. Planting distance 27 inches."
Price: 1.00 |
"Geranium pratense 'Splish Splash™'" |
"One of the most beautiful, striking and unusual Perennial Geraniums with mauve-blue splashes and flecks on pure white petals, each 3cm ( 1/4in) flower head appearing to be individually designed and painted. A fascinating, rare and prized border plant, coming remarkably true from seed. Flowers summer. Height: 45-75cm (18-30in)"
Price: 1.19 |
"Helianthemum Collection" |
"Showy dwarf evergreen shrubs which spread quickly over rocks and slopes and make ideal ground cover. The attractive foliage is smothered from late spring with masses of 25cm (1 inch) flowers resembling wild roses in pink, lemon, copper, red, purple and white. They love the sun and stand hot, dry conditions very well. Height: 9-12 inches"
Price: 2.19 |
"Calendula officinalis nana 'Apricot Twist'" |
"Compact, extra-bushy plants quickly become smothered in gorgeous fully-double apricot flowers. With a dwarf habit, Calendula 'Apricot Twist' is ideal for planting towards the front of beds and borders, or in containers on the patio. The flowers are excellent for cutting and can also be added to salads as an edible flower. Quick and easy to grow, Calendula copes in almost any garden situation, and even grows well in coastal areas. Height and spread: 25cm (10)."
Price: 1.00 |
"Geranium 'Horizon Pink Meteor' F1 Hybrid" |
"Fabulous geranium which looks just as good in bud as in full flower. The large, bushy, free-flowering plants of Geranium Horizon Pink Meteor are perfect for borders and containers where the spectacular weather-resistant blooms will flower all summer long. Petals have shocking pink undersides with pure white uppers, attractively 'dustedwith pink in the centre and on the edges."
Price: 4.49 |
"Dianthus chinensis heddewigii 'Black And White Minstrels'" |
"Showy plants for bedding, border, rockery and containers producing an abundance of quite unique, showy black and white flowers throughout summer. The dainty, fully double blooms are heavily laced, over an inch in diameter and sweetly scented. They make excellent cut flowers lasting a long time in water. Flowers summer. Height 30-38cm (12-15in)."
Price: 1.79 |
"Poppy 'Bridal White'" |
"Rarely-seen, pure white field poppies. The simple purity of this single colour, Poppy Bridal White makes a dramatic display when sown in drifts in borders in the autumn or spring"
Price: 1.00 |
"Duchesnea indica 'Harlequin'" |
"Commonly known as the Indian strawberry. Attractive variegated-leaved plants produce yellow flowers followed by red edible fruits similar to alpine strawberries. Ideal in hanging pots, cascading over rockery or as a ground cover plant"
Price: 1.00 |
"Californian Poppy 'Rosebud Orange'" |
"Dazzling orange, extra large, double and semi-double, rose-bud like blooms smother bushy, compact plants with silvery-green, feathery foliage. Creates an eye-catching display, when sown as drifts in borders in any garden soil, or in large containers on a sunny patio"
Price: 2.49 |
"Petunia x hybrida 'Rose Vein Velvet' F1 Hybrid" |
"The best-ever basket petunia from seed! Petunia Rose Vein Velvet is the latest colour in the velvet series and promises to be as impressive! Like the others in the series, Rose Vein Velvet will out-perform expensive cutting raised Surfinia petunias. The lovely trailing stems, up to 1m (3ft) in length, look fantastic in baskets, window boxes and other containers where they will be continuously smothered in blooms all summer long. Also makes useful and attractive ground cover"
Price: 3.99 |