Comfrey |
"Comfrey leaves can be harvested several times a season and used as a compost activator to help breakdown other compost materials. This perennial herb is also used as a mulch, and makes superb liquid manure on tomato and potatoes plants. Height: 120 (47). Spread: 150cm (59)"
Price: 2.99 |
"Physalis alkekengi" |
"Huge scarlet lanternswhich are magnificently attractive in the garden and then can be cut and dried to be used all through the winter to decorate naturally, your house. Easy, thriving in almost any soil, sun or shade. Lanterns late summer"
Price: 2.29 |
"Rhodochiton atrosanguineum" |
"Extremely beautiful rapid growing climber that starts flowering in June and continues until killed by frost. Delightful parasol-shaped fuchsia pink calyx with black/purple to crimson 2.5in flowers within. Sunny pergolas, porches, walls. Flowers mid summer to autumn"
Price: 1.59 |
"Poppy 'Angels Choir Mixed'" |
"Glorious poppies of exquisite beauty - that's 'Poppy Angels Choir'. This wonderful mixture of double flowered poppies, with silky texture, in soft colours from whites to apricots and oranges, is the result of almost ten years work. Now the magic of breeders art has transformed the poppy to give you magical garden flowers that leave you spellbound and breathless with their irresistible charm. They are easy to grow in almost any site, looking magnificent in the border, fantastic in large containers and will come up year after year in the garden, if seedlings are left to grow. Flowers summer. Height: 60-75cm (24-30in)."
Price: 0.99 |
"Begonia x tuberhybrida 'Non-Stop® Mixed' F1 Hybrid" |
"If it's colour that you're after, then look no further than Begonia 'Non-Stop Mixed'! The fully double flowers come in a boisterous range of shades, that jostle for attention containers, beds and borders."
Price: 3.99 |
"Petunia 'Waves Mixed' F1 Hybrid" |
"Quite unique for 'flower powerand its exceptional trailing habit. One of the best Petunias for ground cover, baskets and Flower PouchesT. Non-stop flowering even during heavy rain. Height: 15cm (6in) spreading to 90cm (3ft). Growing tip: Get the best out of your petunias with our specially formulated Petunia Fertiliser - the perfect balance of nutrients to get them off to a flying start and nourish them through the summer"
Price: 1.00 |
"Geum flore-plena 'Blazing Sunset'" |
"A striking variety from T&M breeding. Classified as a perennial but from an early sowing it acts like an annual! Prolific, early flowering, fully double scarlet flowers up to 50% larger than other varieties, over a long period. Fantastic in the border and cottage garden, and a dazzling cut flower. Fleuroselect Quality Award"
Price: 1.00 |
"Foxglove 'Primrose Carousel'" |
"This is the first primrose-yellow Foxglove coming true from seed, which has the exciting bonus of large claret-speckled flowers which are borne all around the stem, a unique attribute in Foxgloves. Plants are approximately 30in high. therefore remarkably dwarf. Seed of the first plant of this unique yellow was discovered by chance in Suffolk by T&M customer, Miss Gage. T&M breeders have bred for dwarfness, colour and flowers all around the stem. The result is a gorgeous new garden plant. Ideal for containers or exposed situations where Foxgloves would normally falter. Also sensational when planted in drifts in the cottage garden border"
Price: 3.69 |
"Cactus 'Special Mix'" |
"All sorts of easy to grow cacti all of which are ideally suited to window-sills, sun rooms or greenhouse. Height 10-60cm (4-24in). Flowering most times of year. Packets should contain: Carnegia gigantes, Ferocactus aconthodes, Ferocactus wislenzii. Lemairocereus thurberi. Opuntis phaecantha, Opuntis chtorotica, Pachycereus pringlii, Cylindropuntia Imbricata"
Price: 1.19 |
"Chrysanthemum x koreanum 'Fanfare Improved' F1 Hybrid" |
"The cooler it is the earlier it blooms continuing till hard frost. Double pom-pom, 3in flowers on semi-dwarf plants. Magnificent cut flower"
Price: 0.99 |
"Coleus 'T&M Prize Strain Improved Mixed'" |
"The sheer joy of this mixture is the wide and multiple colour range. It gives you so many different pot plants from one packet of seed and they couldn't be easier to grow. Superb house or greenhouse pot plant. Bedding plants for warm but shady positions. Height 45cm (18in)."
Price: 2.99 |
"Coleus 'Palisandra'" |
"Almost certainly the purest and deepest colour in existence. Lush, rich, broad leaves, like velvet, lightly serrated and nearly black in colour. Superb mixed with summer patio container plants"
Price: 1.79 |
"Coleus 'Wizard Mixed'" |
"A superior mixture and selection. Dwarfer, more base branching, without the need to 'pinch out'. Height: 30-45cm (12-18in)"
Price: 1.99 |
"Aquilegia 'McKana Hybrids'" |
"A cottage garden classic, these delightful aquilegia flowers of up to 7.5cm (3) wide create a bright and uplifting display of vibrant, long-spurred blooms. Aquilegia ?McKana Hybrids? are perfect for borders and shady woodland edges, and make exciting cut flowers for a vase indoors."
Price: 6.99 |
"Gypsophila repens 'Rosea'" |
"Gypsophila repens 'Rosea' is a low, creeping plant that makes lovely ground cover for rockeries and gravel gardens. Sprays of tiny pink flowers appear in summer, above the semi-evergreen foliage."
Price: 8.49 |
"Hellebore x hybridus 'Mixed'" |
"Hellebores are prized for their elegant, cup-shaped flowers in late winter and spring. Hellebore x hybridus ?Mixed? will bring some of the earliest blooms of the year to your beds, borders and containers. These versatile hardy perennials thrive in those tricky shaded corners, and create useful evergreen ground cover beneath deciduous trees and shrubs. Their colourful blooms provide a valuable source of early nectar for pollinating insects and make charming cut flowers for a vase indoors. Height and spread: 40cm (16)."
Price: 15.99 |
"Hellebore x hybridus 'Mixed'" |
"Hellebores are prized for their elegant, cup-shaped flowers in late winter and spring. Hellebore x hybridus ?Mixed? will bring some of the earliest blooms of the year to your beds, borders and containers. These versatile hardy perennials thrive in those tricky shaded corners, and create useful evergreen ground cover beneath deciduous trees and shrubs. Their colourful blooms provide a valuable source of early nectar for pollinating insects and make charming cut flowers for a vase indoors. Height and spread: 40cm (16)."
Price: 26.99 |
"Physalis alkekengi var. franchetii" |
"Physalis alkekengi var. franchetii is better known by its culinary name of Cape Gooseberry. Tiny, creamy-white flowers appear in midsummer above oval green foliage. This hardy perennial is mainly grown for its edible berries which later develop within red, papery Chinese Lantern calyces."
Price: 6.99 |
"Pea 'Hurst Green Shaft'" |
"Outstanding pod length - 4 to 4.5 inches, with 9-11 peas in a pod. Double podded too, Pea Hurst Green Shaft is a super heavy-yielding variety. Only 28 -30 inches tall, with all the pods in the top 10-12 inches - no more backache. A second early, wrinkle seeded variety, which matures in 100 days from sowing. Pea Hurst Green Shaft resists downy mildew and fusarium wilt. And the taste! Has to be eaten to be believed. Suitable For Freezing"
Price: 2.99 |
"Chamomile (Wild or German)" |
"Daisy-like flowers with yellow centres and feathery foliage which has an apple smell when crushed. Wild chamomile leaves make a delicious soothing chamomile tea, skin wash or shampoo. This delicate annual is also ideal for filling gaps at the front of flower borders. Please note: This variety is not suitable for use as a lawn. Height: 50cm (20). Spread: 25cm (10)."
Price: 2.29 |
"Lobelia erinus compacta 'String of Pearls'" |
"A well balanced mixture of the brightest colours for a dazzling, long lasting summer display. Lobelia 'String of Pearls' makes a sparkling addition to beds, containers, flower Pouches® and window-boxes, and even looks well placed in the rockery. An easy to grow annual that is deservedly popular for its versatility and long flowering period. Height: 10cm (4). Spread: 15cm (6)"
Price: 2.99 |
"Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sea Shells'" |
"Fluted sea shells around a buttonlike centre. Finely cut, ferny foliage also useful for cutting."
Price: 2.99 |
"Senecio cineraria 'Silver Dust'" |
"A half hardy perennial best treated as a half hardy annual, this is a showy bedding plant producing a 20-25cm (8-10in) mound of finely divided silvery white foliage. Use it as an edging to the border, as feature plants or in pots"
Price: 2.29 |
"Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sensation Mixed'" |
"A superb tall and easy annual with strong colours ranging from white to carmine. Excellent for cutting and make very attractive pot plants for summer flowering in a cold greenhouse. Flowers summer to autumn. Height 36-48in"
Price: 2.99 |
"Cornflower 'The Bride'" |
"Amberboa 'The Bride' is an easy to grow annual with large, sweetly scented flowers in purest white. This stunning white cornflower is perfect for cutting and makes a lovely plant for filling gaps in summer borders. Height: 60cm (24). Spread: 30cm (12)."
Price: 3.59 |
"Broad Bean 'Aquadulce Claudia'" |
"This variety is universally recognised as being best for an autumn sowing. Broad Bean Aquadulce Claudia establishes itself very quickly and will produce a very early crop. It is white seeded and the pods are up to 23cm (9 inches) long. Height: 90-100cm (36-40in)"
Price: 3.49 |
"Broad Bean 'Express'" |
"This is the fastest maturing variety of any broad bean and an early spring sowing will out yield all others. Broad Bean Express produces up to 34 good pods per plant! It is also winter hardy, outstanding for deep freeze as it does not discolour and probably for the same reason is particularly tender and tasty. Broad Bean Express replaces Imperial Green Windsor over which it is a considerable improvement"
Price: 3.29 |
"Gazania hybrida 'Talent Mixed'" |
"Gazania 'Talent Mixed' offers an exciting seed range of colours and decorative silvery foliage all from the same plant. From June to October, cheery, wide-open flowers are produced on short stems. Even when not in bloom, this compact Treasure Flower makes an attractive display."
Price: 0.99 |
"Broad Bean 'Masterpiece Green Longpod'" |
"A very good flavoured broad bean, with good pod length and remarkable table qualities. It may well be the best green-seeded variety, excellent for deep freezing and growing well under all conditions. Height: 75-90cm (30-36in)"
Price: 2.99 |
"Lobelia erinus 'Cambridge Blue'" |
"A compact variety that holds an RHS AGM for its excellent garden performance. Clear sky-blue lobelia flowers are set above narrow, airy foliage on compact plants. Lobelia 'Cambridge Blue' makes a sparkling addition to beds, containers, flower Pouches® and window-boxes, and even looks well placed in the rockery. An easy to grow annual that is deservedly popular for its versatility and long flowering period. Height: 10cm (4). Spread: 15cm (6)"
Price: 2.49 |
"Lobelia erinus 'Cascade Mixed'" |
"These trailing lobelia plants produce fountains of bloom in burgundy, violet, lilac and Cambridge blue, as well as a few bicolours! Lobelia 'Cascade' Mixed makes a sparkling addition to containers, flower Pouches® and window-boxes. An easy to grow annual that is deservedly popular for its versatility and long flowering period. Trails to: 25cm (10). Spread: 15cm (6)"
Price: 2.69 |