"Move up a Grade Revision Guide" |
"Exams are a difficult time. Studying can be tedious and frustrating, but you have to put in the hours in to get the marks.There are no quick fixes, but you can get a better grade with a good revision strategy.This course presents the revision strategy I used to get the second highest mark in the finals of my accountancy qualifications and 10 As out of 11 exams through three years of accountancy study.The revision strategy is not complicated, and you still have to do the work its not a magic solution but it guides you through each phase of revision, and the exam itself, to help you get the best possible marks.I firmly believe that this revision strategy will get you a better mark than you would have without it.Thank you for your interest in this course. I hope this course will help you prepare for your exams"
Price: 19.99

"Anatomy and Physiology 1 (A&P I)" |
"This is a college-level introductory anatomy and physiology course taught at a pace for learning and understanding. It is a great way to learn basic biology concepts from all disciplines of biology or to aid you as you are taking a college anatomy, physiology or anatomy AND physiology I course. This course covers introductory terminology, chemistry, cells, a special section for DNA, mitosis and meiosis, tissues, skin, joints, muscles, nervous tissue, the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system and special senses. Essentially, we will be building a solid foundation in this class which will be able to support us through A&P II. From there goes health and medical programs. If you begin your success here, it will be a ton easier to continue building successes throughout your educational and professional career.This course is very much a work-in-progress and some videos will be replaced with time. Each section contains a quiz at the end of the section with 6 questions (except the first which is 4 questions) for thoughtful reflection on the material. Please preview the class before purchasing."
Price: 24.99

"EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation: Simulador de Exames" |
"A EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation oferece aos profissionais uma certificao exclusiva que combina tcnicas de gerenciamento de servios Agile e estruturas de desenvolvimento Scrum. Os exames avaliam os candidatos pelo seu conhecimento dos conceitos fundamentais e sua aplicao.Tipo de curso: Teste experimentalAjude os alunos a se prepararem para os exames de certificao, fornecendo perguntas prticas.Contedo do curso:Simulador de 40 perguntas de mltipla escolha para dar suporte certificao em portugus, nas quais voc pode praticar com perguntas semelhantes ao exame real, marcando sua resposta e vendo a pontuao obtida no final, cada vez que as perguntas so ordenadas aleatoriamente, dessa maneira Voc pode se exercitar quantas vezes achar necessrio.Material de suporte auto-instrutivo para certificao em ingls.Obtenha um desconto de 15% na certificao EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation adquirindo o exame conosco.Consideraes importantes:Este curso NO o treinamento oficial do EXIN.Este curso NO inclui vdeos.Somos um Centro de Exame Autorizado EXIN."
Price: 39.99

"Faa Planilhas Incrveis e Profissionais no Excel" |
"Se voc j tem uma experincia razovel no Excel, mas quer apresentar planilhas mais profissionais, esse curso pra voc.Neste curso voc vai apresentar a fazer uma planilha financeira com links que a tornam parecida como um site de internet, totalmente dinnica, bonita e profissional. Voc poder usar os conceitos aprendidos aqui em todas as planilhas que voc fizer!!!"
Price: 39.99

"Visual C# From Nothing to Everything" |
"C# is one of the top 5 programming languages around the world, it is written to be a general-purpose, functional, generic and object-oriented programming language.You will learn how to use Visual Studio Community to build wonderful C# apps using simple, great and unique techniques.No programming experience is needed to take this course."
Price: 49.99

"Lego Explosion in Houdini" |
"You will learn how to do a lego explosion using Houdini. This is a step by step course so don't worry about the difficulty. This is a way to understand one of the most powerful fx software and at the same time have a good time creating a cool project.Hope to see you soon !"
Price: 24.99

"Praktyczny kurs Java 11. Poziom I." |
"Ten kurs to wietny start dla osb, ktre nie miay stycznoci z programowaniem.Duy nacisk pooony jest na praktyk. Przez ponad 30 godzin, bdziesz poznawa podstawowe zagadnienia skadni Java i rwnolegle rozwija jedn, wielk aplikacj Java. Czasy kiedy prac w IT mogy znale tylko osoby po studiach technicznych, ju dawno miny. Dzisiaj kady moe zosta programist, a nawet powinien. wiat zmienia si bardzo dynamicznie. Dzisiaj pizz dostarczaj nam drony. Jutro bdziemy uywali lodwki, ktra sama za nas zrobi zakupy online. To wszystko trzeba bdzie oprogramowa!Trzeba jednak przej ten pierwszy, najtrudniejszy etap, jakim jest nauka.Programowanie to wspaniaa zabawa. Do usyszenia na na pierwszych lekcjach!"
Price: 194.99

"How to Get Your Coast Guard Captain's License" |
"Have you ever dreamed of obtaining your US Coast Guard Captain's License? Do you want to turn your hobby into a profession on the water? In this course we will discuss all the administration and application materials required to submit for your US Coast Guard Captains License. Then, we will discuss all the individual modules you will be tested on, including study tips, resources, and practice exams for each individual module. This will enable you to study and take the license exams at the nearest Regional Exam Center and obtain your Captain's License. From there, the world is your oyster!"
Price: 24.99

"Edio de Vdeo para Iniciantes - Saindo do zero" |
"Como tudo na vida, eu acredito que edio de vdeo um processo; Ou seja, voc aprende o bsico e depois evolui com a prtica.Minha proposta te dar a melhor e mais consistente base o possvel! Ferramentas simples e funcionais, para que depois desse curso, voc esteja apto a editar seus prprios vdeos, e no menos importante, que tenha conhecimento o suficiente para evoluir na rea de Edio de Vdeos.Para voc: Youtuber, Blogueiro(a), Gamer, Profissional de Marketing e publicidade, Jornalistas, Profissional de tecnologia, ou apenas quer aprender a editar vdeos* e nunca editou um vdeo ou sequer ouviu falar na plataforma Adobe Premiere (plataforma mais usada pelos profissionais da rea), este curso prope te ensinar de forma simples e direta passos bsicos de uma edio de vdeo."
Price: 84.99

"Altcoins Trading. Altcoin Reviews Price Analysis and Ratings" |
"The tokens that are ranked #1 to #300 with upside potential are free to view, so you can make an idea if my reviews and analysis worth your investment or not. But the ones with the most potential are ranked #300 to #800 on coinmarketcap. Some can make 100x, but be careful though, some of them can be scams. This is not financial advice, only my opinions and portfolio. You will also find my opinion about investing in ICOs with Binance examples, and also how to detect if a pump is real because of the fundamentals, or if you are just a victim of a pump and dump group. Some of the best blockchain crypto altcoins with the most potential in 2020 and beyond, real use cases, working products, real value, real world applications and big partnerships are sitting now at all time low levels because of the bear market. Don`t postpone and miss this opportunity of your lifetime! Take action now!Disclaimer: Trading and investing in cryptocurrencies involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. The content covered in this videos is NOT to be considered as investment advice. Im NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, charts, technical analysis and tokens predictions for 2019 and beyond. The valuation of cryptocurrencies and futures may fluctuate and clients may lose more than their original investment. All trading strategies are used at your own risk."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Certification Exam Practice Tests" |
"FULLY UPDATED to the Latest May 2020 AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam version!*HIGHEST NUMBER OF QUESTIONS ON UDEMY*Student Reviews:""I bought this course to prep for the AZ-900 exam after finishing the Microsoft's Azure Fundamentals learning path. It really put me into the mindset of the style of the questions and actually pointed out areas that I hadn't fully understood. I successfully passed first time!"" ""The question were well drafted to challenge the fundamentals understanding of the Azure. Were practical in assuring the core knowledge has been attained. Well done!!"" ""Contains elements not encountered across several other training sites, so very useful"" ""Excellent course and superb explainations ,Thank you very much!"" ""Very good source, I was able to clear the exam today, The question in this course provides you a clear understanding to pass the test..don't try to memorize the question , instead, learn it"" ""I have passed my exam at first attempt! You have very good questions,it was very helpful for me. Thank you!"" ""Good and Great material!! Clap, Clap Clap...."" ""Excellent tests!"" ""Great for passing the exam"" With relevant questions and detailed explanations for each answer, you won't need any other practice tests and will be fully prepared to tackle the original exam! *Top 10 reasons to buy the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Practice Tests Series 2020*1) Fully Updated with the Latest Blueprint - Unlike most other tests claiming they're fully updated, THEY ARE NOT. You don't need to worry about this test series being outdated. Hundreds of students have passed the exam even after the recent May 2020 update! Jump into the reviews if you don't believe me! :)2) Free Notes included - A comprehensive 52 page PDF outlining all the services and features of Azure ( Not available ANYWHERE else ), so you don't have to spend time visiting the official documentation for references or studying about the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 certification exam.3) 280 ACTUAL and premium quality questions - These tests contain 3 Full length Timed tests with ACTUAL exam like questions to mimic the actual test environment and specially focusing on the questions and services you are MOST LIKELY to face in the actual exam! These tests contain the highest number of AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals practice questions on Udemy!4) Comprehensive answers and References - Of course you want to know why your answer is not correct, right? At the end of each test, you can review each and every question with comprehensive answers and reference links to the original documentation to read more about it!5) Question resolution within 24 hours - Have any questions? Drop them in the Q/A section and my team of Azure experts will get back to you within 24 hours - GUARANTEED.6) Test reports - Automatic report generation at the end of every test to help you identify your weak areas so you can work better on them!7) Mobile Support - Be it a tablet, mobile or your laptop - These tests can be accesible on any device, anywhere!8) 30 Day money back guarantee - Not satisfied? No worries. You can avail a 100% refund within 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked. I would appreciate it if you could message me and let me know of the areas I can improve, and serve you better in the future :)9) Monthly Updates - The tests are updated very frequently at least once every month to stay up to date with the new changes to the exam, and include new trickier questions - so you never have to worry about being unprepared!10) Randomised practice sets - To ensure that you don't end up memorising the questions and the answers, BOTH the questions and the answer orders will be randomised and shuffled each time you attemp the test!The objectives covered in this course are: Module 1: Cloud Concepts (15-20%)Module 2: Core Azure Services (30-35%)Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust (25 - 30%)Module 4: Azure Pricing and Support (25-30%)********** UPDATE ( August 2020 ) **********Added separate sections to help you focus on specific concepts and PASS your exam in the FIRST go.Added a new tricky questions and cloud concepts sectionAdded an Azure storage & compute questions setAdded an Azure Pricing question setAdded FREE STUDY NOTES not available ANYWHERE ELSEAdded hyperlinks to all references for one click accessUpdated all explanations to make them more detailed and concise.Added images to answers to make them more visual and easier to understand.*************************************30 day no questions asked money back guarantee!Answer to any question within 24 hoursHelpful student community which allows you to learn moreProven success resultsSharpen your conceptsIndentify your weak areas and work harder on themPass the exam in the very first go!Ready to enter the world of cloud? Let's dive into it!"
Price: 19.99

"Maitriser Excel travers les formules et fonctions Partie 2" |
"L'ancienne rgle 80/20 pour les logiciels - selon laquelle 80% des utilisateurs d'un programme n'utilisent que 20% des fonctionnalits d'un programme - ne s'applique pas Microsoft Excel. Au lieu de cela, ce programme fonctionne probablement selon ce que l'on pourrait appeler la rgle 95/5: 95% des utilisateurs d'Excel utilisent seulement 5% de la puissance du programme. D'un autre ct, la plupart des gens savent qu'ils pourraient tirer le meilleur parti d'Excel s'ils ne pouvaient que se familiariser avec la cration de formules et l'utilisation de fonctions. Malheureusement, ce ct d'Excel semble complexe et intimidant pour les non-initis, envelopp comme il l'est dans les mystres des mathmatiques, de la finance et du jargon impntrable des tableurs.Si cela ressemble la situation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez et si vous tes un homme daffaires qui doit utiliser Excel dans le cadre de votre travail au quotidien, vous tes au bon endroit. Dans cette vido de formation, je dmystifie la cration de formules de feuille de calcul et prsente la plus utile des nombreuses fonctions d'Excel d'une manire accessible et sans jargon.Cette formation vous prsente non seulement les fonctionnalits de cration de formules intermdiaires et avances d'Excel, mais il vous explique galement pourquoi ces fonctionnalits vous sont utiles et vous montre comment les utiliser dans des situations quotidiennes et des modles du monde rel.Cette formation fait tout cela avec des didacticiels simples et pas pas et de nombreux exemples pratiques et utiles destins directement aux utilisateurs professionnels.Je vous montre comment crer des formules utiles et puissantes partir de zro, donc aucune exprience avec les formules et les fonctions Excel n'est ncessaire.Contenu de la formation vidoCette formation est divise en quatre parties principales. Pour vous donner une vue d'ensemble avant de plonger, voici un rsum de ce que vous trouverez dans chaque partie: Partie 1, Matriser les plages et formules Excel: Cette partie vous expliquent tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la cration de formules dans Excel. En commenant par un examen approfondi des plages (cruciales pour la matrise des formules), cette partie traite galement des oprateurs, des expressions, des fonctionnalits de formule avances et des techniques de dpannage des formules. Partie 2, Exploiter le pouvoir des fonctions: les fonctions font passer vos formules au niveau suprieur et vous en apprendrez plus leur sujet dans la partie 2. Aprs avoir vu comment utiliser les fonctions dans vos formules, vous examinez les huit principales catgories de fonctions: texte, logique, informations, recherche, date, heure, mathmatiques et statistiques. Dans chaque cas, je vous explique comment utiliser les fonctions et vous donne de nombreux exemples pratiques qui vous montrent comment vous pouvez utiliser les fonctions dans des situations professionnelles quotidiennes. Partie 3, Construire des modles commerciaux - Cette partie examine les diffrentes facettes de la cration de modles commerciaux utiles et robustes. Vous apprendrez analyser des donnes avec des tableaux Excel et des tableaux croiss dynamiques, utiliser l'analyse par simulation et les fonctions de recherche d'objectifs et de scnarios d'Excel, utiliser de puissantes techniques d'analyse de rgression pour suivre les tendances et faire des prvisions, et utiliser le fonction de solveur incroyable pour rsoudre des problmes complexes. Partie 4, Cration de formules financires: Cette formation se termine avec plus de cadeaux d'affaires lis l'excution de la magie financire avec Excel. Vous apprenez des techniques et des fonctions pour amortir les prts, analyser les investissements et utiliser l'actualisation pour l'analyse des affaires et des flux de trsorerie."
Price: 54.99

"TIBCO TB0-120 Enterprise Message Service Practice Exam" |
"99 UNIQUE practice questions for TIBCO TB0-120 Enterprise Message Service Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TIBCO TB0-120 Enterprise Message Service Practice ExamTotal Questions : 99Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed 60 minsPassing Score : 75 (74 of 99)"
Price: 149.99

"Materials Science and Engineering : Crystallography" |
"Materials Science and Engineering ,An important field of science that has always had a strong effect on the evolution of civilizations and how advanced they were . Being a measure of humanity's capability, knowledge of materials was used to mark ages , we say ""stone age""... . As time passes, our knowledge became more comprehensive and accurate about the different types of materials and their properties ,So advanced that we can now produce new materials, which is what we call materials engineering. And That's why I present this course to you . One of the fields that I study passionately is materials science, because it is a crucial prerequisite for designing any structure or machine . This course ""Crystallography"" is an introductory course for materials science, starting from the very basics ,designed for high school students or college students in early years , who are interested to know how do solid materials look like at the deepest levels of the atomic scale . how are atoms oriented together, and how could we describe this orientation. In this course we'll not follow the traditional way of teaching . It is meant to be a comprehensive course covering a large group of topics regarding crystalline solids , especially steels ceramics and polymers . As they are the most commonly used materials in manufacturing. We will study these topics in full detail ,and move slowly but surely towards building a strong foundation for future studies in engineering fields .This is the first batch of the course covering the following topics : - Crystal structure and its different levels - 2d & 3d Lattices -unit cells - symmetry in 2d &3d , - Square lattice as an example of 2d lattices - Cubic lattice as an example of 3d lattices . Special illustration methods are used to make sure the information is properly delivered . This course consists of : 4:47 hours , 31 videos, average 8.7 minutes per video .And remember that you have a 30 day money back guarantee, if you are not totally satisfied with the course. Looking forward to your suggestions and Support and,See you in the course."
Price: 29.99

"SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation with Activate(C_TS4C_2020)" |
"Scenario based exam questions to prepare for SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation with SAP Activate(C_TS4C_2018/2020)The practice test has been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification examThis certificate is the ideal starting point for a professional career as a SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation Project Manager/Application ConsultantTopic Areas :SAP Activate for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Methodology and Best Practices> 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Overview> 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Configuration> 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Data Migration 8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Integration 8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility 8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Security and GDPR 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Launchpad Applications and Identity and Access Management 8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Business Process Testing - 8%-12%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TS4C_2018 / C_TS4C_2020 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition implementation with SAP ActivateType of Questions : Multiple choice/Multi OptionExam : 40 QuestionsTime : 90 MinutesPassing Score : 63%"
Price: 199.99

"Outdoor Fitness Workouts - Trainings fr jedes Level" |
"1 Woche - Outdoor-FitnessMchtest du fit werden und das am besten an der frischen Luft? Oder hast du keine Lust mehr auf Joggen und mchtest ein bisschen Abwechslung?Dann lass uns gemeinsam aktiv sein!*** Die Outdoor Fitness Challenge ...hlt 7 Workouts fr dich bereit - jedes Workout nur 15 - 20 Minutenist fr jedes Level geeignetsoll im Wald oder im Garten gemacht werden, um frische Luft zu tanken*** Die Woche im berblick:Workout 1: Ganzkrper-Workout (18 Min.)Workout 2: Workout fr die Beine (17 Min.)Workout 3: Workout fr den Oberkrper (17 Min.)Workout 4: Workout fr die Krpermitte (16 Min.)Workout 5: Cardio-Workout fr's Herz-Kreislauf-System (19 Min.)Workout 6: Sweat fr die Fettverbrennung (19 Min.)Workout 7: Ganzkrper-Workout (18 Min.)*** Dein Coach:Mein Name ist Rebekka. Als Fitness & Yoga Trainerin bin ich fr alle deine Fragen da und motiviere dich, dranzubleiben.Melde dich jetzt an!Deine Rebekka"
Price: 19.99

"Copywriting - Schreib Texte, die verkaufen" |
"Dieser Kurs bietet dir alles, was du zum Texten von erfolgreichen Werbebotschaften und Verkaufstexten bentigst. Dabei ist es vllig egal, ob du mit deinem neuen Online-Business durchstarten willst, erfolgreiche Marketing Kampagnen aufsetzt, Texte schreibst fr Social Media (wie facebook, instagram, twitter und Co.), generell eine Online Marketing Kampagne startest (Blogs, E-Mail Marketing, Website), erfolgreich auf Amazon verkaufen willst oder einfach nur mehr Menschen mit deinen Texten erreichen mchtest. Dieser Kurs hilft dir dabei, deine Ziele im Texten zu erreichen.Kennst du das auch?Du gibst dir viel Mhe bei deinen Blogbeitrgen oder deinen Posts in sozialen Netzwerken. Du steckst Geld in Online Marketing Ads und Kampagnen, du sendest hunderte E-Mails raus, aber deine Verkufe oder Klicks sind nicht so hoch, wie du es dir erhofft hattest? - Hast du dir schon Gedanken darber gemacht, dass es mglicherweise an deinen Texten liegen kann? Vielleicht hast du heruaragende Produkte, aber deine Kunden verstehen nicht den Wert, den deine Produkte oder dein Content liefert. So bringen wir gemeinsam den Knoten zum PlatzenGenau hier setzt dieser Kurs an. Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt, worauf es beim Copywriting ankommt. Wir werden gemeinsam Salestexte schreiben und dabei Headlines, Teaser, Copies und deinen ""Call to Action"" verbessern. Dur wirst mit optimierten Texten deine Verkufe ankurbeln, dein Engagement in den sozialen Medien steigern und mehr Leser gewinnen. Das schaffst du alles durch die richtigen Texte und den richtigen Schreibstil. Wir werden uns mit psychologische Grundlagen vertraut machen, die dich dazu motivieren, nur Texte zu schreiben, die deine Zielgruppe fesseln. Nachdem du das verstanden hast, werden wir das Identifizieren, weswegen deine Kunden dein Produkt kaufen sollen. Gemeinsam zeige ich dir Tricks, wie du all deine Texte optimierst und formulierst. Lasse beim Creative Writing deine Kreativitt voll und ganz aus. Du brauchst nicht zwangslufig kreativ zu sein: Es reicht auch, wenn du dich an die Bauksten zum richtigen Copywriting hltst. Ermutige deine Kunden zum Weiterlesen mit den richtigen Triggern. Was genau dahinter steckt und wie du deine Ziele im Schreiben erreichst, werden wir uns gemeinsam in diesem Kurs anschauen. Die richtigen Texte helfen in jeder SituationGute Texte schreiben zu wollen, kann viele Hintergrnde haben: Wenn du dein Onlinebusiness startest, brauchst du gute Landingpages und fesselnden Content. Wenn du Freiberufler bist, brauchst du berzeugende Profiltexte und einen guten Elecvator Pitch. Wenn du mit deinem Startup ein neues Produkt anbietest, brauchst du verstndliche Produktbeschreibungen, die deinen Kunden einen Kaufgrund liefern. Wenn du im Marketing arbeitest oder dort arbeiten mchtest, brauchst du einen Schreibstil, der deine Kunden oder deinen Arbeitgeber berzeugt. Wenn du Online Marketing machst, brauchst du gute Inhalte, die deine Zielgruppe berzeugen. Was auch immer du mit deinen Texten erreichen mchtest, mit den Inhalten aus diesem Kurs kommst du deinen persnlichen Zielen Schritt fr Schritt nher.Gemeinsam schreiben wir deine CopyZum Abschluss des Kurses schreiben wir deinen Verkauftext. Ich habe dir praktische bungen vorbereitet, wie du deinen Text ""mit der Lizenz zum Geldverdienen"" erstellst. Teile diesen Text sehr gerne mit mir und ich werde dir schnellstmglich Feedback zu deinen eigenen Verkaufstexten, Copies und berschriften liefern. Das erwartet dich in diesem Kurs: Grundlagen frs CopywritingPsychologische GrundlagenErkenne die Bedrfnisse deiner ZielgruppeErmittle den Nutzen deiner ProdukteFhre Schritt fr Schritt eine Zielgruppenuntersuchung durchSchreibe Produktbeschreibungen, die deine Kunden fesselnSchreibe Einleitungen, die deine Kunden zum Weiterlesen motivierenSchreibe Headlines und Zwischenberschriften, die Aufmerksamkeit generierenBringe deine Kunden mit deinen Texten zum Handeln (Kauf, follow, like, Abo...)Lerne die besonderheiten beim Texten fr Social Media (facebook, instagram, YouTube...)Lerne, was deine Verkaufstexte fr Amazon, eBay und Co. besonders machtWir schreiben Schritt fr schritt deine erste angepasste CopyDas bekommst du auerdemWie auf Udemy blich: Einen unbegrenzten Zugriff auf alle KursinhalteNachrichten, wenn neue Inhalte hinzugefgt werdenBeitrge, Merkbltter und Arbeitsmaterialien zum HerunterladenIch freue mich darauf, euch in meinem Kurs zum Thema Copywriting begren zu knnen!"
Price: 89.99

"Conhecendo o Notepad++" |
"O Notepad++, aplicativo de edio de textos e cdigos, uma poderosa ferramenta.Nesse curso, ns vamos ver como instalar o aplicativo e alguns recursos e opes pouco conhecidos da ferramenta, at mesmo a gravao de macros e edio por colunas (mltiplas linhas).Alm disso, veremos a instalao de plugins para auxiliar aos desenvolvedores, como manipulao de arquivos .sql e .xml. E definio da linguagem AdvPL para abrir arquivos .prw, .prg e .prx."
Price: 39.99

"Python required for AI, Machine Learning & Data Science 2020" |
"Lets learn basics to transform your career. 21900+ students learning the course.I promise not to exhaust you with huge number of videos.Welcome to the most comprehensive Python required for Data Science and Machine Learning course! An excellent choice for beginners and professionals looking to up skill themselves in the domain of Machine Learning and Data Science. This course of First Step or prerequisite to learn Machine Learning or Data Science. This course covers most popular Python libraries in the world such as collections, numerical pyhton, matplotlib, seaborn and pandas data frames. This course includes case study for drawing meaningful insights out of given business data.Course also covers most fundamentals of programming such as Decision Controls, Loops, Operators, Data types and more !Going forward, every software development would be AI or Data Driven and students or professional needs to have respective skills to adapt themselves in the changing industry. Since Machine Learning and Data Science are hot in today's market and students or professionals needs to re-skill or up-skill themselves to AI or Machine Learning or Data Science to survive in today's market.This course of First Step or prerequisite to learn Machine Learning or Data Science. Python required for Data Science and Machine Learning course offers video tutorials on exact python required to get yourself started with Machine Learning and Data Science.Numerical Python is a powerful library which efficiently performs matrix operations faster and exceed the python capabilities of data processing.Pandas is a powerhouse tool that allows you to do anything and everything with tabular or columnar data sets -- analyzing, organizing, sorting, filtering, aggregating, cleaning, calculating, and more!Matplotlib is an amazing visualization library in Python for 2D plots of arrays. Matplotlib is a multi-platform data visualization library built on NumPy arrays. One of the greatest benefits of visualization is that it allows us visual access to huge amounts of data in easily digestible visuals. Matplotlib consists of several plots like line, bar, scatter, histogram etc.Seaborn is a library for making statistical graphics in Python. It is built on top of matplotlib and closely integrated with pandas data structures.Whether you're a new data analyst, planning to transit yourself to data analyst role or have spent years in Excel, this course offers you an incredible introduction to one of the most powerful data tool kits available today!"
Price: 199.99

"Basics of A Content Marketing Strategy" |
"What is content marketing all about?You may have heard all about the benefits of SEO.You may have read the facts, youve viewed the figures, youve memorised the percentages and returns.But how do we even get there?What is the very essence of content marketing?This course will deliver the basics of content marketing plus the juice to you, broken down by chapters giving you ample time to digest the lessons provided. Only ten chapters to go through before youre on way to mastering the art of content marketing for your brand, product or service.Once youve gone through it, youll know that if you write what really matters the numbers will definitely follow. After all, content marketing is one of the easiest and most effective ways of promoting your brand, that too on a relatively reasonable budget.This course is for those of you who understand that content marketing is a long-term commitment to delivering consistent content to your audience. There are hacks to getting where you want to, but no shortcuts. The content of this course was great! The trainer has in-depth knowledge from gathering and researching for relevant information. MommamiiaWhat will you learn from this course?Here is a list of things you will walk away with by the end of the course: Definition and real-life examples of Content Marketing Things you need to equip yourself with How to research, write and plan effectively Content marketing etiquettes dos and donts Exercises to get you thinking and strategisingEnrol now."
Price: 19.99

"Awareness to Corporate Code of Conduct and Business Ethic" |
"The Code of conduct is a fundamental philosophy for any organization to become professional and having Good Corporate Governance (GCG). The Code of Conduct is usually written in a document, signed by all top management and placed in common spot that public will easily to look, read and understand it. In any organization such as a company, non-profit organization, government body, code of conduct is applied as a standard, policy that apply for all elements in organization, to support any individual to doing right thing both legally and ethical.In daily practice, Code of conduct and Business Ethic provide a general guideline for any individual from top to low level in organization to understand, responsible, and comply with policy, procedure and law that related with their business activities. It is a general guidance to run operations in internal organization and also coordination with external parties such as suppliers, vendors, customers and authority. In long run, Code of Conduct may help any incumbents in organization to reduce the ambiguity in the context of ethical standard.This training is to introduce the philosophy of Code of Conduct, and also as regular refreshment for team to sign such as self-declaration from after attending this training.If you or organization would like more adapted training, or need specific adjustment for your requirement; Edumatech Team would be happy to help you."
Price: 24.99

"Creating Digital Content" |
"In this course you will learn all about the different types of digital content that can be created and how this content can help you expand the reach of your company. Each section builds on the previous section to support you when creating your own content. This course was created for anyone new to the art of digital content."
Price: 29.99

"Conceitos de Machine Learning" |
"Este curso para voc se voc est interessado em implantar aplicativos de aprendizado de mquina para resolver problemas de negcios em sua organizao implementando o aprendizado de mquina, a fim de extrair valor dos dados j existentes em sua organizao e fora dela .Este curso no requer habilidades tcnicas e no ensina voc a matemtica e codificao - em vez disso, visa equip-lo com a capacidade gerencial para resolver problemas em seus negcios usando o aprendizado de mquina, a fim de ajudar sua organizao a atingir a maturidade analtica.Mostro tambm como preencher a lacuna entre equipes tcnicas e de negcios por meio de comunicao e colaborao entre os departamentos e orientar seus esforos de codificao e ML na direo certa."
Price: 39.99

"Voice Lead" |
"Voice Lead Voice Lead Voice Lead !"
Price: 19.99

"Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Certified Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives.Data Layer: 24%Given data sources, use Data Manager to extract and load the data into the Einstein Analytics application to create datasets. Describe how the Salesforce platform features map to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.Given business needs and consolidated data, implement refreshes, data sync (replication), and/or recipes to appropriately solve the basic business need. Identify the common scenarios for extending an application's capabilities using the AppExchange.Given a situation, demonstrate knowledge of what can be accomplished with the Einstein Analytics APIGiven a scenario, use Einstein Analytics to design a solution that accommodates dataflow limits.Security: 11%Given governance and Einstein Analytics asset security requirements, implement necessary security settings including users, groups, and profiles.Given row-based security requirements and security predicates, implement the appropriate dataset security settings.Implement App sharing based on user, role, and group requirements.Admin: 9%Using change management strategies, manage migration from sandbox to production orgs.Given user requirements or ease of use strategies, manage dataset extended metadata (XMD) by affecting labels, values, and colors.Given a scenario, improve dashboard performance by restructuring the dataset and/or data using lenses, pages, and filters.Given business and access requirements, enable Einstein Analytics, options, and access as expected.Analytics Dashboard Design: 19%Given a customer situation, determine and define their dashboarding needs.Given customer requirements, create meaningful and relevant dashboards through the application of user experience (UX) design principles and Einstein Analytics best practices.Given business requirements, customize existing Einstein Analytics template apps to meet the business needs.Analytics Dashboard Implementation: 18%Given business requirements, define lens visualizations such as charts to use and dimensions and measures to display.Given customer business requirements, develop selection and results bindings with static queries.Given business expectations, create a regression time series.Given customer requirements, develop dynamic calculations using compare tables.Given business requirements that are beyond the standard user interface (UI), use Salesforce Analytics Query Language (SAQL) to build lenses, configure joins, or connect data sources.Einstein Discovery Story Design: 19%Given a dataset, use Einstein Discovery to prepare data for story output by accessing data and adjusting outputs.Given initial customer expectations, analyze the story results and determine suggested improvements that can be presented to the customer.Given derived results and insights, adjust data parameters, add/remove data, and rerun story as needed.Describe the process to perform writebacks to Salesforce objects."
Price: 49.99

"Nonprofit Cloud Consultant Certification Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Consultant credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Certified Nonprofit Cloud Consultant exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives.NPSP Settings and Administration: 20%Given a set of requirements, use NPSP Settings for people (Leads, Contacts, and Accounts) management defaults.Given a set of requirements, use NPSP Settings to set up and troubleshoot Relationships.Given a set of requirements, use the NPSP Settings to set up donation (Opportunity) management defaults.Given a user requirement to track on-going (more than one) donations in Salesforce, use the NPSP Settings to enable recurring giving functionality that meets the requirements.Given an error message through NPSP, determine whether it is an NPSP issue and appropriate next steps.Given a requirement to ensure system cleanliness, run the Health Check tool and implement recommended changes.Explain the differences between the NPSP release schedule and the Salesforce release schedule, including considerations for declarative and custom development during the deployment stage of implementation.Given a requirement to manage multiple addresses for a nonprofit constituent, define the Address Management functionality and configure the standard state and country picklists functionality to work with the Address, Contact, and Account objects.Install and configure NPSP according to best practices in an existing Salesforce org.Create or modify customizable rollups using best practices for a Salesforce org with the latest version of NPSP installed.Nonprofit Cloud Data Management: 11%Given a specific data requirement from a nonprofit, explain the use cases and considerations for using Salesforce Data Loader, NPSP Data Importer, or the Salesforce Import Wizard.Given customer requirements, explain the data integration use cases and considerations for a Nonprofit Cloud implementation.Given the size of records and files for an implementation, identify if the implementation will require additional solution design due to large data volumes.Identify which duplicate management tools to use for a Salesforce implementation, considering common nonprofit needs and compatibility with the various NPSP data models.Given a set of business requirements, recommend data management strategies that align with Salesforce best practices.Given a situation in which data needs to be imported to the system, use the NPSP settings at appropriate times during the data loading process to refresh opportunities, recurring donations, and levels.Nonprofit Cloud Analytics: 6%Given a business requirement to create a report that shows donors who previously donated money but have not yet this year, identify the best way to approach that situation.Given a set of desired metrics (including roles, levels, account data model), determine the appropriate report, dashboard, or reporting snapshot solution.Given a scenario that involves reporting on year over year giving at a point in time, determine the correct way to achieve that situation.Domain Expertise: 18%Given a specific business challenge, identify the correct Salesforce solutions that satisfy customer requirements for fundraising and donor management.Given a specific business challenge, identify the correct Salesforce solutions that satisfy customer requirements for marketing and engagement.Given a specific business challenge, identify the correct Salesforce solutions that satisfy customer requirements for program management.Given a specific business challenge, identify the correct Salesforce solutions that satisfy customer requirements for volunteer management.Given customer requirements, build role-based analytics that satisfy customer requirements.For customers seeking Salesforce resources, distinguish and rationalize the purpose for resource sites like the Power of Us Hub, Trailblazer Community, Trailhead, and AppExchange.Nonprofit Cloud Solution Design: 24%Given a set of business requirements, determine the Salesforce product(s) to be used for the solution.Given a set of business requirements, determine when it is appropriate to use declarative development (clicks), custom code, or a third-party solution.Given a scenario, analyze customer requirements to determine an appropriate solution design considering capabilities, limitations, and design trade-offs.Given a set of fundraising business requirements, determine which functionality in NPSP should be used for the solution.Given a set of business requirements related to data security, determine which security features should be used.Nonprofit Implementation Strategies and Best Practices: 21%Given a scenario, determine how to facilitate a successful Nonprofit Cloud consulting engagement (plan, gather requirements, design, build, test, and document).Given customer background information, gather requirements, create user stories, and develop business processes into system requirements.Given customer requirements, design a solution based on best practices for governance.Given a simple set of business requirements, determine the appropriate account model for a nonprofit customer.Given a planned solution, create a test environment plan with specific environments.Given a solution scenario, determine which deployment tools and strategy would be used."
Price: 49.99

"Azure DevOps - Repos : grer votre code source comme un pro" |
"Le code source est llment de base d'une application informatique. Cependant, il est ncessaire que ce dernier soit bien protg, bien configur et bien gr pour rendre le cycle de dveloppement efficace.Beaucoup de dveloppeurs commencent utiliser un contrle de code source sans avoir les bases ncessaires pour tre rellement efficace. Certaines entreprises mettent mme en place des process particuliers, mais s'exposent au risque d'improductivit ou de perte de code. C'est tout simplement IMPOSSIBLE de mener un projet bien dans ces conditions !Dans ce cours, nous verrons les deux types de contrle de code source disponible sur Azure DevOps, ainsi que les diffrences entre eux deux, et pourquoi choisir l'un plutt que l'autre. De mme, nous passerons du temps voir comment grer un contrle de code source Git sous Azure DevOps, ainsi que les diffrentes stratgies pour pouvoir prparer le terrain l'industrialisation de votre code. Finalement, un module bonus vous donnera les bases ncessaires pour utiliser Azure DevOps avec les outils de dveloppement, afin de gagner en confort d'utilisation ainsi que d'augmenter votre productivit."
Price: 34.99

"Die Top 6 der hufigsten Mathefehler + falsche Beweise" |
"Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen zu diesem Kurs!Der Titel wirkt vielleicht etwas ungewhnlich. Was ich dir hier aber zeigen mchte sind meine Top 6 Fehler in der Mathematik. Mich selbst und viele andere haben diese Fehler in stressigen Klausuren schon einige unntige Punkte gekostet.Besonders Interessant wird es dann im zweiten Kapitel. Hier werde ich dir einige skurrile Beweise zeigen. Zum Beispiel werde ich Beweisen, dass 1 = 2, 1 = 0 oder 2 = 0 ist und dir so knallhart vor Augen fhren wozu kleine Fehler fhren knnen. Ich wrde mich sehr freuen, wenn du dich fr diesen Kurs entscheidest und wnsche dir viel Spa und Erfolg beim Lernen."
Price: 19.99

"Medical Terminology MCQ Practice Tests (Part 1)" |
"Medical Terminology MCQ Practice Tests (Part 1) is a course designed to help review major topics of medical terminology.Topics: 1. Basic elements of a medical word. 2. Suffixes. 3. Prefixes. 4. Body structure. 5. Digestive system. 6. Respiratory system.These courses are designed in a way that enables the students to test their knowledge and learn new skills due to the comprehensive and detailed explanations after each question (make sure to read explanations carefully).Good Luck."
Price: 19.99

"Medical Terminology MCQ Practice Tests (Part 2)" |
"Medical Terminology MCQ Practice Tests (Part 2) is a course designed to help review major topics of medical terminology.Topics: 1. Integumentary System. 2. Cardiovascular System. 3. Blood, Lymph, and Immune Systems. 4. Endocrine System. 5. Nervous System. 6. Special Senses.These courses are designed in a way that enables the students to test their knowledge and learn new skills due to the comprehensive and detailed explanations after each question (make sure to read explanations carefully).Good Luck."
Price: 19.99

"Medical Terminology MCQ Practice Tests (Part 3)" |
"Medical Terminology MCQ Practice Tests (Part 3) is a course designed to help review major topics of medical terminology.Topics: 1. Musculoskeletal System. 2. Urinary System. 3. Female Reproductive System. 4. Male Reproductive System. 5. Revision Test 1. 6. Revision Test 2.These courses are designed in a way that enables the students to test their knowledge and learn new skills due to the comprehensive and detailed explanations after each question (make sure to read explanations carefully).Good Luck."
Price: 19.99
