"Create a Realistic 3D Vinyl Record" |
"In this course you'll learn how to model and Texture 3D Vinyl Record.The model will be low-poly, and highly-detailed textures will be created in Substance Painter to create a sense of realism.The completed asset is designed for use with real-time rendering applications such as Unity 3D, Unreal Engine and Amazon Lumberyard.It can also be used for offline rendering in VFX and product shots.In this class you'll learn:The key principles of 3D ModellingHow to Unwrap UVs to prepare for TexturingKey concepts in Photoshop for 3DWorking with Substance Painter to create textures in real time.To create a 3D Render from Substance Painter, ready for your portfolio."
Price: 29.99

"The Ultimate guide to traditional Swedish cinnamon buns" |
"Have you heard of Sweden? Now have you heard of the Swedish way of drinking coffee and eat something sweet to it? There's a special word for it and it is called Fika. And one of the most traditional pastry to go with it is the Cinnamon bun.If you go to Sweden, you will find it everywhere. But even though they are so popular, baking a really good cinnamon buns is tricky. They either get too hard, too dry or too anything else but the real deal.Well, I love cinnamon buns thats why I've learned the secret of making the perfect ones. I learned it from my mother.And in this course I will teach you, step by step, how to make the perfect Swedish cinnamon buns. And if you try them once, you can't stop. You can amaze your friends and family with this very traditional Swedish pastry. Don't get fooled by my shaved head and my beard, I can bake like you've never seen anyone bake before. So, in this course, you will learn what ingredients to use, what to prefer and what to avoid getting the perfect consistency. How to work with the dough, the exact proportions to getting it just perfects. Also, I am going to reveal to you some tips and tricks that you cannot find anywhere else.All that, baked in with a lot of fun stuff.Now lets get baking."
Price: 19.99

"How To Make Beats Online" |
"Welcome to How To Make Beats Online. This course teaches how to make beats online without expensive software, using nothing else besides your computer and the internet. This short course is intended to help aspiring producers to get a start in producing and get a taste of what is possible and what can be achieved from producing online. With lessons ranging from different styles of production, to proper ways to get exposure and mastering, this course goes over the basics needed to start a career or hobby in music production."
Price: 79.99

iphoneshooting |
Price: 19.99

"Consult With Your New Lash Client" |
"This is a detailed thorough course for the new lash artist starting her new lash business. Also even great for existing lash artists wanting to revamp their consultation process. Here you will find in-depth knowledge of how to perform your consult process professionally and thoroughly with your clients. Consultations are the first steps to communicating and understanding your new client. When done right, you build a trusting and loyal relationship with your clients. Every lash artist should have knowledge of every client that walks through their door, and this is where your customized consultation form helps.In this course, I will help you ask all the right questions, get medical information, understand what lash style your client wants, customize a consultation form just for your business to protect yourself, and so much more. At the end of each chapter youll find a Chapter Recap to ensure you received the most from each chapter. At the end of the entire course, you can download my consultation form to either use verbatim or to make it your own. Either way, this entire course is to get you started on the right foot.Be sure to purchase my other courses to help your business grow, protect your business, and make your business be the most successful!Follow me on Instagram at @_thelashmob_ / Subscribe to my YouTube channel at The Lash Mob / Listen to my podcasts on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, RadioPublic, Breaker,"
Price: 24.99

"Beden Dili Eitimi" |
"Detayl olarak hazrlanm olan Beden Dili Eitimi sayesinde artk insanlarn ne sylediklerini deil, ne sylemek istediklerini anlayabileceksiniz. Artk insanlara sadece bakmayacak, onlar grebileceksiniz. Kendini gelitirmek isteyen her bireyin mutlaka bilmesi gereken konular sizi skmadan, keyifli bir ekilde size aktaracam. Bizim kltrmze ynelik beden dili almalarn sizlerle paylaacam, bu sayede daha doru yorumlar ve analizler yapabileceksiniz. Eitim:1) Beden Dilinin letiimdeki nemi2) Dnyada Beden Dilinin Kullanm3) Limbik Sistem4) Aynalama 5) leme6) Dokunmann Etkisi7) Eller8) Tokalama9) Kollarn Duruu10) Ayaklar, Bacaklar11) Baklar, Gzler12) Oturma Dzenleri (Masalar, Alar)13) Mlakatlarda Beden Dili14) Yalan15) Flrt16) Renklerin Kullanm ve Anlamlar konu balklarn iermektedir.Artk hayatnzda bak anz deitirmenin zaman gelmedi mi?"
Price: 129.99

"The Introverts Guide To Starting An Online Business" |
"Are you an introvert who wants to start an online business? But you don't want to burn out or have it take over your life? We introverts have different energy needs. Some of us are able to spend a lot of time in contact with people, while others need more alone time. Online business is a perfect choice for any introvert because it allows us to work to our strengths and honour our energy needs. But your ultimate success lies in 4 things:Knowing why you're in business so you feel purposeful and focused throughout your business journeyChoosing the right business model so you can work to your strengths without burning out or feeling overwhelmed.Having a clear understanding of your target market so you don't waste time, money and energy with your marketing.Cultivating the right mindset to keep you positive as you build your business.This course will help you before you start your business to:Define your why, your reason for being in business. This will help you stay focussed throughout the journey and it will keep your passion and purpose aliveChoose the right business model to help you reach your business goals, without burning out.Define your ideal client, where to find them online and how to speak to them so they want what you're offering.Cultivate a positive growth mindset to keep you moving forward into your entrepreneurial future"
Price: 29.99

"Quieres alcanzar la verdadera libertad? Te sientes atrapado en circulo vicioso de dejar para maana lo realmente importante? A paesar de tener sueos y objetivos no eres capaz de ponerte manos a la obra? Te has dado cuentas que no puedes seguir postponiendo ms? Si esto supone ya un verdadero problema para ti, y quieres aprender a vencerte a ti mism@ de una vez por todas, mi Metodo es tu solucin. Con mi Metido terminaras de una vez por todas con este problema, y incrementars tu productividad en un 50%. Abre tu mente y dejate guiar hacia tus niveles de rendimiento ms altos. Soy Cristina Fernndez, especialista en alto rendimiento. Yo antes PROCRISTINABA (asi lo llamaba yo). Poco a poco fui poniendo fin a este grave problema aplicando una serie de tecnicas y herramientas. Unas funcionaron y otras no. Hoy tienes la oportunidad de descubrir en METODO, compuesto donde descubiras lo que verdaderamente funciona. He ayudados a un gran nmero de personas , y quiero ayudarte a ti tambien. Depende de ti que hoy empeizes a alcanzar el balance perfecto en tu vida. Yo confo en ti y en tu capacidad para hacer que las cosas mejoren. Unete al curso, aprende a poner foco en lo que verdadera importa. No procratines esta decisin!"
Price: 49.99

"Workouts For Beginners" |
"Do you want to be more active? Do you want to improve your health and wellbeing? Do you want to create a sustainable change in your fitness habits? If you answered Yes to any of these questions then this Workouts for Beginners course is for you. This course was designed to be basic and straightforward for those who are new to working out. To further cater to newbies, workout sessions are short, making it easy to stick to the program. In other words, making it difficult to give up! Our bodies avoid pain by instinct, so this program is designed to avoid (too much) discomfort during workouts, keeping you coming back for more of those feel good endorphins. Benefits of this programLearn workout techniquesBuild confidence around how to workoutImprove strength & balanceImprove mood & reduce anxietyLay foundation for fitness lifestyleImprove cardiovascular healthIncrease daily exercise amountFeel accomplished in realizing easily attainable goalsShort sessions increase sustainability of fitness plan"
Price: 114.99

"Autocad 2D: Comece a fazer seu primeiro projeto hoje !" |
"Nosso proposito gerar contedo e conhecimento direto ao ponto. Da imaginao ao projeto. Da necessidade a Legalizao. Do sonho a realidade. Pela primeira vez na historia um curso que dar capacitao para atuao imediata no mercado contribuindo com a conexo do Profissional a chegada dos seus sonhos. O curso promete, alm da capacitao profissional trazer segurana na formao do aluno que depois de anos de estudo obtm a insegurana na atuao da rea. O curso uma juno entre a sua formao e a segurana profissional com o objetivo desde o retorno satisfatrio ao cliente a obteno de recursos financeiros."
Price: 339.99

"Aprende Negocio de la Msica" |
"Se trata de un curso que aborda el Negocio de la Msica y su forma de operar, lo que necesitas para entrar al negocio y el tipo de mentalidad que te ayudar en el mercado musical. La actitud emprendedora que todo msico debe tener para crear productos musicales en estudio y en vivo."
Price: 270.00

"Autodesk Navisworks Manage for BIM" |
"In this course, students will learn how to append their models, manipulate the objects in those models (changing their color, their placement, making search/ selection sets), manipulate the model space (sectioning, viewpoints, navigation, grids) and learn clash detection (in the clash detective, statuses, grouping, filtering, isolating, markups, reporting). Extra tools like the Animator and the Timeliner are also taught in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Struct in C" |
"In this exercise you will learn how to use a structure to hold information for a database in a C program. You will also learn how pointers are used when you pass data by reference to various functions.This application is menu driven and will allow the user to update, alter and view records that were saved with the utilization of a structure.This exercise is intended for students in introductory level of programming using C. However, at this stage, you must be familiar with functions, pointers and of course, compiling and linking source code.Follow the seven parts videos to develop along your version of this application while learning about the use of struct in C and reviewing other topics such as functions, pointers, loops etc.Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Payroll Administration Basics on Excel - Short Course" |
"A basic Excel structured Payroll course, to teach you the basics of payroll, as well as to provide you with the tools needed to edit and create your own personalized Excel Payroll workbook. The workbook is structured in an easy and user friendly manner, to facilitate learning and personalization.This course is best suited for:Start-up business owners, who cannot afford expensive payroll packages or extra help in the officePersons who consider pursuing a career in payroll administration and /or bookkeepingBeginner payroll administrators and /or bookkeepers; andStudentsPlease note that the information used during this course may differ from company-to-company, and was only used as sample data. It is your responsibility to make sure that you use the information relevant to your specific needs. Two sources of information has been provided in the introduction video, which will assist you in determining the data that applies to your business."
Price: 300.00

"Writing a Short Story--Getting Started" |
"Writing a short story is easy--if you know what youre doing.If youre sick of vague writing advice that confuses and paralyzes you, this course is for you. In a step-by-step fashion, youll learn the absolute essentials for writing fiction stories--characters with a problem, coherent scenes that move the story forward, dialogue, conflict, climax and theme.Clear explanations and multiple Creative Challenges will get you to start and keep on writing. See how far your imagination will take you when you REALLY understand how a short story is constructed.Dave Voda is a genius teacher. Give this course a try and learn to unlock your creative talent. And of course its no risk because its backed by Udemys 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 99.99

"Sfrdan ince reniyorum" |
"Eitmenimiz Shaanxi Normal niversitesi in Dili ve Edebiyat blm mezunudur. u an ayn niversitede Karlatrmal Eitim yksek lisans 2. Snf rencisidir. 6 yldr inde okuyan Eitmenimiz, ine geldiinden bu yana ince ve in kltrne hayrandr. 5 yldr ince retme zerine zel dersler veren ve inceyi iyi konuan Eitmenimizin yakn zamanda am olduu ine Dair adl YouTube kanalnda hali hazrda Sfrdan ince reniyorum isimli bir eitim setini bulunmakta ve online siteler zerinden ince eitim zerine almalarna devam etmektedir. YouTube kanalnda ince dersleri dnda ine dair daha birok ierik bulunmaktadr. Her ya grubuna uygun eitimler verebilen ve inceyi sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar retmi ve bu konuda tecrbeli olan Eitmenimiz, ince seviye tespit snav olan HSK snavnn en st seviyesini alm ve bu snavla ilgili ve ince telaffuz ile ilgili dersler vermitir. Babasnn meslei olan retmenlik meslei onun hep hayali olmutur ve bu ynde almalarna devam etmektedir. nsanlarla iletiimi kuvvetli sosyal biri olarak Eitmenimiz birok mzik aleti almakta ve okul ii ve okul d toplamda 20den fazla katld yarma ve etkinlikten plaket almtr. Siz de dnyann en zor dili inceyi tecrbeli birinden kolayca renmek istiyorsanz doru adrestesiniz!"
Price: 104.99

"Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) Certificate validates you have the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize the latest next generation IT Security tools, respond to and manage cyber threats effectively. Obtaining this certification demonstrates one posses these skills and knowledge set. By completing the PCCSA practice exams you will be better prepared to pass and obtain this certification. It is highly recommended that you complete the Introduction to Cybersecurity (EDU-010) course from Palo Alto Learning Center and thoroughly read through the Cyber Security Survival Guide (answering questions from each section of the guide ) which can be downloaded for free from Palo Alto website before attempting either the practice exams or official PCCSA Certification exam administered by Pearson Vue."
Price: 19.99

"Practice Exams - Nessus Certificate of Proficiency" |
"The 40 question practice exam and 20 question quiz are provided to help you know what to expect and prepare for passing the Nessus Certificate of Proficiency Exam offered by Tenable which is currently free of charge. Whether you are a student interested in Cyber Security, a budding InfoSec Professional or just interested in learning about using Nessus for discovering vulnerabilities or running compliance checks as part of an audit then this is the first of several certificates offered through Tenable. Aside from the practice exam and quiz provided here it is highly recommended that you complete the Nessus Certificate of Proficiency Course through Tenable University.Good luck and remember, ""Preparation leads to success!""."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Ingls Bsico para Iniciantes" |
"Nesta vdeo aula iremos aprenderOs dias da semana em Inglsos meses do anoe tambm os nmeros de 0 a 10Como pronunciar corretamento o idioma americano. Mostrar aos alunos que a pronncia do idioma americano se difere do Britnico.Aulas prticas nas quais o aluno vai se envolver com a pronncia e com as dicas de como aprender ingls tem suas vrias formas.POrtanto eu compartilho minhas experincias, alm de morar mais de 10 anos fora do Brasil, Sou professor Acadmico, formado em Filosofia, Teologia, Escritor, Doutorado em Psicologia Social na Argentina."
Price: 19.99

"Automation Anywhere Master Certification (100% Guaranteed)." |
"ping me on whatsapp before taking the course. Whatsapp : +91-7972170891In this course i will provide you with the Q&A which will be very much helpful for you to clear Automation Anywhere Master Certification.surely if you prefer this Q&A you will easily crack Automation Anywhere Master Certification.Now Talking about practical exam that is bot use case. i will be helping you to crack your master certification practical exam in one go. only thing you need to do once you clear Q&A section is send me a mail on helpinghandworld123@gmail.com , mentioning your issue.if you need entire help on Automation Anywhere Master Certification , for that also you can mail .Automation Anywhere Master Certification is free till 30th June by Automation Anywhere for partners .make sure you complete you Certification before the date. later it will be paid.in the practice exam i will provide you all the Questions & Answers, which will appear in Automation Anywhere Master Certification Exam.best part of this practice exam is it wont take your much time.keeping in mind that people are busy in there office work ,we are providing Questions which will have only 1 option ,which will be the answer for your questions.Do prefer all the questions from these practice exam and i Guarantee you that all the questions in Automation Anywhere Master Certification will be from these Practice set."
Price: 1920.00

"Microsoft 365 Admin Tips and Tricks" |
"Learn the secrets to keep your Microsoft 365 tenant safe and secureAs an administrator, you know the importance of streamlining user, device, and configuration management, while ensuring a safe and secure experience for both your users and your company. In this course, Amy Babinchak, Microsoft 365 MVP, shows you how she administers and secures Microsoft 365 tenants for her company and her clients. Learn how to access the various Microsoft 365 admin centers and where to perform necessary tasks, while also getting tips and tricks from Amy based on her years of experience. By the end of this course, youll be ready to get started with or improve your Microsoft 365 administration."
Price: 44.99

"Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by Ubiquiti Inc. and not an authorized course by Ubiquiti Inc. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Ubiquiti Inc. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***Ubiquiti Access Points are one of the best products in the wireless market nowadays. They are very stable & efficient, in addition they are very cost-effective products. However, to be able to configure a good Wireless network using Ubiquiti UniFi AP's, you require to understand the theory behind Wireless LAN and you also need to know how to configure the UniFi AP.For this reason, I have designed this course which cover the whole curriculum of the Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless Admin (UEWA) course and make you ready for the exam.In my course, I will pass through all theory needed to understand the WLAN, and we are going to make a lot of LABS to make things easier for you.In this course, you will learn the following topics:WLAN Fundamentals such asUnlicensed Radio SpectrumChannel OperationRegulatory Domainsetc...WLAN Planning such asWireless TechnologyCoverage & ChannelsTX PowerAntenna Gainetc...Basic Adoption & Configuration such asMulti-SiteLayer-2 AdoptionWLAN GroupsSSID, Security & VLANsetc...Advanced Adoption & Guests such asLayer-3 AdoptionZero-Handoff RoamingGuest PortalCustomizationetc...In brief, I am going to cover all topics in the UEWA course and much more than that (for example: I will make a section about the USG router & DPI)If you want to know how to configure UniFi AP's and be ready for the Ubiquiti UEWA exam, I advise you to join my course and I am sure that you will get to your goal."
Price: 19.99

"Balance Your Chakra Energy Guided Meditations" |
"Have you heard of the power of Chakra Energy?Do you want more balance in your life, as in balancing work, play, family, health, creativity and spirituality?Are you super busy and know you should meditate but just can't find the time?Balancing the Chakras is an easy way to slip into a daily meditation to relax and feel better, as you are led through a guided journey to balance your body's Chakra energy, and enhance natural energy healing within.The word 'Chakra' is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or a better translation might be spinning wheel. If you could see Chakras, those energy centers located along your spine, you would be able to see each Chakra as a spinning vortex of energy.When your Chakras are out of balance, your life is out of balance. This may show up as:angerdepression loneliness anxiety guiltfearovereatingor other instances of disharmony and dis-easeBalancing the Chakras gets rid of negative energy that causes dis-ease in the body and in the mind. This enjoyable, balancing meditation is like having a tune up for the body.In the same way you need to take in your car for a tune up, to keep it running smooth and clean, by balancing the Chakras on a regular basis, you maintain your body clean and pure, for optimal health and vitality.In Kundalini yoga this may be described as a spiritual healing practice. But you don't need to be a yoga practitioner to engage in this course.This course is designed to fit into your busy life. In fact, the busier your life becomes, the more you need to stay on track with a regular mind-body tune up.Benefits of Chakra Balancing:Release anger, guilt, fear, sadness, lonelinessEnhance feelings of being safe and protected Experience more pleasure and sensual fulfillment Increase ability to make decisions and take action Be open to inspired creative expressionBoost self confidence and self esteem Be able to trust and feel connectedReduce desire for unhealthy habitsFeel connected to higher consciousness or spirit Get in touch with inner guidance and intuition"
Price: 29.99

"Increase Core Confidence and Self-Esteem in Record Time" |
"CONFIDENCE.It's one of those things that everyone wants to have more of and there is a very good reason for it. Without confidence it's hard to accomplish anything meaningful in life. After all, if you don't believe in yourself, how can you expect other people to believe in you? You may want to build a business, improve your health, comfortably communicate with intimidating people, have the courage to ask for a pay rise, or to close an important deal. No matter what your situation is - everything starts with your CORE confidence.Core confidence is the foundation for building a better life. The perceptions you have of yourself impacts your reality and determines your actions. This is why it's so important to constantly work on your self-esteem. In this course, I'm about to share with you my best strategies, mindset shifts, tools, and exercises for building your CORE Confidence. My goal is that by the end of this course you will view yourself from a totally different perspective. I want to make you realize that you are already good enough. Here's the thing... butterflies cannot see their own wings. If you watch all the videos in this course and apply the strategies and exercises I'm sharing with you, your level of core confidence will grow. Now it's your turn to jump on board and commit to doing some serious inner work. I hope to see you o the other side."
Price: 149.99

"How to read CIBIL Report" |
"Are you a Banking Executive? Do you want to develop your ability and skill to read CIBIL Credit Report and taken better Credit Decision for your Bank?Are you an individual borrower not understanding why Bankers are denying loan facilities to you citing CIBIL Report as a reason?Then, this course is for you - ""How to Read CIBIL Report""CIBIL is Indias first Credit Information Company which collects and maintains records of individuals and commercial entities payments pertaining to loans and credit cards. These records are submitted to CIBIL by banks and other lenders on a monthly basis; using this information CIBIL Score and Report for individuals is developed, which enables lenders to evaluate and approve loan applications.Many of the borrowers are finding it difficult to understand CIBIL Report and the same applies for new joinees in Banking Credit Departments.This course will take you through step by stepa) All about CIBILb) How to Read CIBIL Report covering 6 items namelyCIBIL Transunion ScorePersonal InformationContact InformationEmployment InformationAccount InformationEnquiry Informationc) Key terms related to report were also explained through a separate section.This is a self paced learning course. Please use your headset for effective listening.See you inside the course!"
Price: 149.99

"Netlerinizi Arttran Tyt Fizik Denemeleri" |
"Kazanmlara Paralel rnek Sorularla Tyt Fizik Denemeleri.Konunun mantn kavrayp yorum yaparak pratik test teknikleri ile hzl bir ekilde sorular zeceksiniz.Eer fizik renmek istiyor ve bol soru zerim diyen herkes fizik dersini ok rahat renir.Ben levent hoca uzun yllar en iyi liselerin rencileri ile bire bir almalarm oldu ve rencilerimin Trkiye derece yapmalarna ve istedikleri okula girmelerine katkda bulundum. imdi sra sizde eer dzenli alacak en az iki test kitab bitirecekseniz, Kursumuza hogeldiniz.Baarlar sizlerle olsun.Levent Hoca"
Price: 69.99

"Master Laravel & Create High-Level Applications with Laravel" |
"Learn Laravel, while creating an eShop in the process. Bring to live all those ideas in your head after learning Laravel by doing.The course is compatible with the latest version of Laravel. Of course, you are free to use any version, but I strongly recommend to use the latest one (even if it is not the initial version of the course).Note: The main approach of the course is on that YOU learn Laravel, rather than just creating something specific with Laravel. Of course, I know you will like to create something with Laravel, so you will be applying everything you learn into an eShop.Dominate the world of web development! It doesn't matter if you like PHP or not, with Laravel you are going to love it. Laravel brought PHP back to life and with this course, you will see why.Laravel is not just a PHP framework... Laravel is, in fact, one of the most popular frameworks for web development in general (not only PHP).It's your chance to growLaravel is very popular and continues to grow more and more. Hundreds of offers are posted daily for skilled developers in Laravel, so by mastering Laravel, you'll have plenty of open alternatives.Why choose me?Because I am always there to assist and guide your learning on Laravel. I will answer all your questions and comments during the course. ALWAYS.More than 18,000 students appreciate the effectiveness of the answers to all their questions and the more than 4,000 positive ratings demonstrate this.Because I not only teach you Laravel but also how to solve real-world problems with Laravel.What is so good about Laravel?Laravel is the most popular framework for PHP and not only that, it is among the most popular frameworks for web development in general. With Laravel, you can develop highly complex PHP applications in a very short time. During the course, you will see the enormous facilities that Laravel offers when implementing all kinds of complex or simple applications. Of course, for the course, you will be able to use the latest version of Laravel.Why an eShop?Remember, the app itself doesn't matter much if you focus on the concepts more than the applications. However, an online store is a very interesting topic for everyone due to its different requirements, which will allow exploring the features of Laravel in detail.At the end of the course, you will have mastery of the characteristics of Laravel and you will have the confidence to start any Laravel project at your own.Join now to master PHP and web development with Laravel:Use the essentials to take advantage of Laravel (PHP, composer, databases)Learn the characteristics of Laravel while building a high-level projectLearn the essences of Laravel (routes, controllers, views, models and much more)Master main features of Laravel (Artisan, Eloquent, Blade, Laravel Mix just by mentioning a few)Know the details creating projects with Laravel (relationships, migrations, factories, actions...)Master and apply advanced Laravel functionalities (dependency injection, resource controllers, scopes, accessors, etc.)Master the main facilities that Laravel offers you (user authentication, middleware, access control)Why take this course?For years I have provided online courses on multiple web development topics. Among so many topics, a course entirely dedicated to Laravel and not only to specific applications with Laravel is absolutely required. Teaching, in the process, all the experiences acquired with proper projects and those of the students throughout these years.During all this time I have published multiple courses on different types of projects with Laravel and it was time to translate all that knowledge into a course that teaches the essence and general characteristics of Laravel.The goal?Explore the different and multiple features of Laravel to learn them while creating an eShop (a high-level application).You will want to complete this course from start to finish, because with each functionality implemented for the eShop, you will progressively learn and go deep into the features of Laravel, from the essential to the advanced ones.Is this course for you?This course is probably for anyone (experienced or not). This course is for you if you meet at least one of these conditions:You are a beginner or you want to start with the use and creation of web applications with PHPYou have experience with PHP and want to go to the next level using the most popular framework, LaravelYou want to start building your web applications from scratch using LaravelYou want to develop web projects in an agile and simple way thanks to Laravel and its featuresYou have experience in web development and want to specialize in using LaravelThe benefits you will getThe confidence create any web project with PHP and LaravelThe security of knowing how to build applications with Laravel in the correct wayProfessional growth and huge job opportunities due to the growing popularity of LaravelBuild any Laravel project using the agile tools learned in the courseEverything you can think of. There is simply no limit once you start in this world.Having said all this ...Don't wait any longer. The world is moving fast and all your ideas and projects are waiting to be implemented in an effective and agile way with Laravel.Just press the button to enter the course right now.Join everyone in this Laravel learning process and be part of one of the best web development communities."
Price: 99.99

"Develop the Project Schedule (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Develop the Project Schedule (PMI - PMP) is course 10 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). The course is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).In order to plan a schedule for anything, from a birthday party to a mission, you need to make an educated guess of how long the work is going to take, and then figure out the overall schedule. A huge part of your job as a project manager is to see that all the work happens at the right time. If it doesn't, delays in one area can cause a domino effect that cascades through the remainder of the project. In this course, you're going to learn how to estimate activity durations for your project, and how to develop the project schedule using those estimates.1. Inputs to Estimate Activity Durations2. High-level Duration Estimates3. Using Parametric Estimating for Activity Durations4. Using Three-point Estimating for Activity Durations5. Outputs of Estimate Activity Durations6. Overview of the Project Schedule7. Inputs to Develop Schedule8. Tools and Techniques of Develop Schedule9. The Critical Path Method10. CPM: Determining Start and Finish Dates11. Leads & Lags and Schedule Compression12. Outputs of Develop Schedule13. Performing the Forward Pass14. Performing the Backward Pass15. Determining the Total Float16. Determining the Free Float17. Determining the Critical Path18. Creating a Schedule Network Diagram from a Table 19. Exercise: Developing the Project ScheduleThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Rediscovering Certainty In Uncertain Times" |
"A global pandemic. Homeschooling when you don't want to. The end of a cherished relationship. Job loss. Not being able to go outside or grocery shopping without a mask.Unforeseen circumstances can hit hard, but we don't have to stay down. Learn to rediscover a sense of certainty in uncertain times. There's a phrase that goes, ""It's not what happens to you, but what you do about it that matters."" For the purposes of this class, we're changing that a bit. Instead, let's pretend it says, ""It's not what happens to you, but how you FEEL about it that matters.""When you feel better, everything changesyour attitude, your outlook, your choices. Things that hurt and seemed impossible only moments before don't sting as badly now.If you're tired of feeling unhinged by unforeseen situations and circumstances, and would rather feel more certain, this class is for you.If you believe that you're a spiritual being in a physical reality and would like to use that knowledge to help foster a sense of certainty in uncertain times, this class is for you.If you're ready to stop pushing against problems and challenges and instead develop the skill of rebounding emotionally, this course is for you.Using the premise that we're spiritual being having a physical experience, in this class you'll learn how to: Allow what is happening, that you don't like, to be okay so you can move on to better things.Shift perspectives from thinking what is happening to you is terrible to understanding that while it may not be ideal, you can, nevertheless, always reconnect with a sense of certainty and well-being.Embrace how your Soul, Spirit, or Source connected part of you has a perspective uniquely it's own and how you can align with that positive, loving perspective any time you want.Choose the path of least resistance more consistently, which means making your life easier not harder. Appreciate yourself (more) and forgive all the rest.***Please read all the way down before you enroll in this class*** This class is NOT about mastery or trying to reach some blissful end point where you will never have to do self-discovery or deal with challenges again. In my opinion, that is impossible. Contrast is built into the blueprint of life. This class is specifically designed to be an introduction leading us to a much deeper and richer experience, over time. A big part of the value of this class is in the on-going engagement with me through comments and questions. I did not overload this class with material as it's designed to unfold as you engage with it and discuss what's happening in your life because of your new awarenesses.Self-development is very different than a coding class, for example. In coding, I could give you concrete examples of what to do to get a specific results. If you didn't get the correct results, you would know you did the coding wrong. Self-development is much less straightforward than that. While there are examples of action steps given in this class, both inner psychic actions and also physical things you can do, it is much more difficult for most people to shift inner mental, emotional, and spiritual habits. Self-development requires a great deal more time, effort, awareness, and kindness toward self than any other type of learning. IWhen you enroll in this class, I highly recommend you share your thoughts, questions, and experiences in the comment section of each lesson in order to get the most out of the class. This class is built on the premise that there will be an exchange between you and I and that in that exchange, you will begin (or strengthen) your understanding and skill at feeling more certain in uncertain times. This is NOT a ""do the assignments and pass the class"" course. It's a get your hands dirty and be patient with yourself course."
Price: 19.99

"The Science Of Physics" |
"In The Science of Physics - Proof That God Exists, we explore the latest scientific breakthroughs and explosive new evidence that demonstrates without any doubt that there is a hidden hand - God, if you like, who has created this universe for the sole benefit of things like us. Sadly, we're at the end of the grand experiment and it's our turn as Life Forms to show the Creator that we appreciate it all. IF we don't - we're done. Stick a fork in us!"
Price: 19.99

"Site Administrativo com PDO e Ajax" |
"O curso de criao de Site Administrativo com PDO e Ajax possui 61 aulas, neste curso iremos criar um painel administrativo para cadastrar categorias e produtos para serem aplicadas ao projeto delivery, iremos tambm aprender a recuperar estes cadastros nas telas dos sites, fazer consultas, filtros relacionados e muito mais, este o segundo dos cursos para criao completa de um sistema delivery, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver seus projetos web de forma profissional."
Price: 564.99
