"How to Think for Yourself" |
"Regain control of your mind and life. Become an independent thinker. Gain more self-confidence and present your ideas with assurance. Enroll in this course and learn to think for yourself.Following the crowd and thinking like they do will limit your opportunities in life. Caring too much about what other people think of you will forfeit your dreams and goals in life. Thinking for yourself will keep other peoples' opinions from ruining your destiny. If you're someone who want more confidence in yourself, if you want to trust your own ideas more, if need more self-assurance to succeed professionally, then this course is for you.This course presents information and exercises you can use to confidently trust your own ideas. The content comes from cutting-edge research and real-life case studies on the benefits of independent thinking. In each section, there's a different approach presented to help you become an independent thinker. There are fascinating case studies of people who successfully learned to think for themselves, as well as examples of people who failed in life because they let other people do their thinking for them.Steve Churchill (your instructor) has developed career and leadership development training courses for dozens of Fortune-500 companies, and those programs have been used to train hundreds of thousands of professionals.Click the Take this Course link to join thousands of other students in the Udemy community by enrolling in this course and learning to more effectively think for yourself."
Price: 94.99

"Be More Self-Confident: Stop Feeling Inferior" |
"Learn 5 proven strategies to start feeling better about yourself, right away.This new course from top-rated instructors Steve Churchill and Dr. Roger Allen will help you overcome feelings of inferiority which may be holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams.We'll start out by discussing the term inferiority complex and list the symptoms of this self-defeating behavior.After a lesson on the reasons and benefits of why you should work to eliminate feelings of inferiority, we present the 5 actionable strategies you can use to start feeling better about yourself right away. Each one of these lessons is followed by a worksheet of exercises you can complete to start applying each strategy in your life.If you've struggled with having healthy self-esteem, if you've had a difficult time managing emotional and psychological fallout from damaging experiences, or, if you just want to build up your self-confidence a little bit more, then join us and the thousands of other students who have already enrolled in our courses.Bonus MaterialThis course includes free bonuses of a printable quick reference guide, all the audio files as MP3 downloads, an extra lesson on ""moving forward,"" and guaranteed responses from the instructors to any question you post in the discussion area.Enroll NowYou can view the free preview videos in the course outline down below, and there's a 30-day money back guarantee for the course.Join us and the thousands of other students in our courses and start feeling better about yourself, right away."
Price: 94.99

"the basics of using slack" |
"heard a lot about slack?need to have a quick primer to get you up to speed in why people are raving about it so much then this is the basic slack primer for you. rapid talking head videos showing you around the slack platform and teaching you all you need to know about how powerful this communications platform is.feel free to ask questions, request additional videos - i'm here to help you make a decision before jumping into a paid subscription with slack.you should be able to get through the lectures rapidly as they are talking head videos with screencast style cutaways to me actually using slack in a real world situation."
Price: 19.99

"Comment grer votre STRESS efficacement ?" |
"Vous entendez parler tous les jours de limpact du stress sur votre sant, votre panouissement, votre bien-tre au travail, vos performances, vos relations sociales ... Nous pouvons continuer en entendre parler encore longtemps, ou bien nous pouvons dcider de passer laction. La rbellion sorganise et cette formation sadresse tous ceux qui en ont assez de subir le stress et qui ont dcid de reprendre le contrle. Imaginez que vous appreniez les outils efficaces pour mieux grer votre stress au quotidienVous pourriez changer radicalement votre vie ! a tombe bien, cest prcisment lambition de cette formation ! A lissue de ce cours, vous serez capable : -Dapprhender votre ennemi le stress -De reconnaitre les erreurs viter -De diffrencier ce qui ne marche pas de ce qui fonctionne vraiment -De contrler vos motions -Dutiliser des techniques de dtente -De modifier vos penses ngatives -Damliorer votre rsistance au stress -De mettre en place des actions durables Un carnet de voyage vous suivra durant votre aventure et vous permettra de faire le point sur vos progrs. Suivez laventure votre rythme ! Bon voyage !"
Price: 99.99

"SAP Deepdive : Available to Promise (ATP)" |
"Updated in2017 :Course updated to reflect new content concerning S/4 HANA and ATPSeemingly simple, the SAP Available to Promise (ATP) functionality is quite a complex topic to comprehend and requires experience in multiple SAP implementation to fully comprehend the functionality. This course aims to distill and compress years of knowledge and experience into a comprehensive, easy to understand course that can be used in today's workplace.The course we deepdive into the following areasHow would a business used ATP in their process. The configuration behind ATPSystem demonstrations Troubleshooting some of the basic problems with ATPFor this, the course covers the following SAP conceptsHow ATP is used in SAP. How a schedule lines uses ATP to determine the delivery milestonesHow the ATP logic determines if a material is available and if not whenHow ATP reschedule a sales order.Route determinationThis course is part of the larger SAP Supply Chain course, but has been segregated as to provide a targeted, deepdive session into the SAP functionality of ""Available to Promise""This course is suitable for all users of SAP, either from a normal user to SAP consultants.DO NOTpurchase this course if you already have the SAP Supply Chain Course from myself, as a lot of the content is similar."
Price: 69.99

"Learn the Basics of Astrology with Henry Seltzer" |
"Have you ever wondered how Astrology works? Would you like to know where your natural talents lie? Would you like to know why you've had difficulty in certain areas of your life? Would you like to be able to decode the energies of your life path so that you can make better decisions about your future? Would you like to be able to read charts for others? If so, this course will teach you through fifty five entertaining and short animated lessons (over 90 minutes of video content) everything you need to know to get started in the mystical and fascinating world of Astrology. The course is taught by renowned astrologer Henry Seltzer, creator of TimePassages software. Henry's software is used by both professional astrologers and novices alike. Well-known astrologers such as Rob Brezny, Alan Oken, Jan Spiller and many others use his software to cast their charts as well as generate reports for clients."
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)" |
"This course was just completely refilmed to give you everything you need to master Node.js in 2019!This includes new content, updated versions, new features, and more.--Have you tried to learn Node before? You start a new course, and the instructor has you installing a bunch of libraries before you even know what Node is or how it works. You eventually get stuck and reach out to the instructor, but you get no reply. You then close the course and never open it again.Sound familiar?I created this course to be what I wanted when I was learning Node.The Complete Node.js Developer Course covers the fundamentals of Node before diving deep into great tools like Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB.The entire course is based around a single goal: Turning you into a professional Node developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.The best way to learn Node is by building Node apps.From the very start youll be programming every project and working through challenges that Ive designed to reinforce what youve learned. This will give you the hands-on experience necessary to be able to create and launch your own project once youre done.Youll be building four projects:1. A note-taking app to get your feet wet2. A weather application that interacts with the MapBox and Dark Sky APIs3. A task manager REST API complete with user accounts and authentication4. A real-time chat app with a client-side companionBy the end, youll be able to take what youve learned and launch your own Node application.When learning, learn the latest.I work to keep this course full of the most up-to-date Node material out there. This course is compatible with the latest Node.js version.Youre getting access to hot-off-the-press features.Everything you need comes in one easy-to-use package.You can stop worrying if you're learning the right skills to build an app or land a new job. I've curated all the tech that's essential to building real-world apps. I've mapped out everything in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running in a few weeks.Theres no better time to learn Node.According to the 2016 Stack Overflow Survey, Node is in the top ten for back-end popularity and back-end salary, with an average salary of $85k. This means more jobs and more opportunities for you.You might get stuck. But Im here to help.Theres nothing worse than getting five hours into a course, getting stuck, and not getting the help you need to continue.Im in the Q&A everyday to help you get unstuck. I reply to every question to get you back on track.Dont take my word for it. Check the reviews and see what other students are saying.Any questions people seem to have are answered swiftly, clearly, and often with examples posted on GitHub. Even when the questions asked are out of the scope of the course Andrew seems to come up trumps."" - Adam Tait""This is amazing. What's even better is the instructor answered all the questions I asked."" - Pak Chu""The real value in this course is Andrew; he is not just a great teacher, but also he's quick to answer questions and provide feedback."" - Nick HesterI guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging Node course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.During eight chapters you'll learn:1. Node.js2. Npm3. Asynchronous programming4. ES6/ES75. MongoDB6. Express7. Socket.IO8. JWT Authentication9. Mongoose10. File and image uploads11. Email sending12. Application deployment with Heroku13. Version control with Git14. GitHub15. REST API Design16. Code testing17. Debugging18. Jest19. Many more toolsI cant wait to see you on the inside!- Andrew"
Price: 84.99

"Legal English" |
"Legal English is a field of the English language which deals with law related issues and how to communicate them properly.This video course includes the three different aspects of legal English: General English skillsSpecific law and legal skillsCommunication skills Lecturer Tim Aghotor guides you through different definitions and explains the following aspects in depth: Common lawThe English legal systemThe court system You will be able to improve core skills like reading comprehension, logical thinking in a legal context and particular wording as well as written legal communication."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Project Management Professional - Exam prep" |
"This course will prepare you for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam and help you obtain the most recognized project management certification worldwide. You will be provided with all the necessary information to pass the test while covering all 10 knowledge areas in the PMBOK Guide. Furthermore, each of the 47 processes are assigned to their respective domain task.The lectures include all inputs, tools, techniques, and outputs, presented in an understandable manner, as well as useful exam advices and a comprehensive study guide.By completion of the course you will have gained essential knowledge on:- The 10 knowledge areas and 47 processes included in the PMBOK Guide- The 42 domain tasks and the associated skills included in the PMP Examination Content Outline- How to successfully study for the exam as well as practical exam taking techniquesYou will get 87 contact hours (87 PDU's) which exceeds the minimum of 35 PDU's required to take the exam:Video-Lectures: 13hReview Questions: 14hPMP exam Study Guide book: 30hPMP exam prep questions book: 30hTotal contact hours: 87h"
Price: 44.99

"Presentation Skills Training: Face your Next Presentation!" |
"Learn how to craft and deliver convincing presentations!A good presentation is the result of a complex process that demands commitment and focus, and includes a thorough preparation, a structured creative phase, and, finally, a convincing and confident delivery. Tony Hunt is highly skilled in all of these areas, having proven himself professionally on every organizational level.In this course, you will learn how to specifically define the context of your discourse, structure it comprehensibly, and overcome the nervousness in the process.Furthermore, at the end of the lectures, you will be able to:Get the audience to sympathize with youBring your discourse to a satisfying conclusionAnswer difficult questions Mr. Hunts style is often described as inspirational. His goal is to always create positive change in people with whom he works. He has significant experience in successfully operating at all organizational levelsfrom the induction phase, through first line management, and right up to board level. Additionally, he is able to strike the appropriate level of debate on every occasion.Mr. Hunt is the MD and principal facilitator of UK Seminars. His work is well known in many countries, e. g., in Europe, in the USA, in the Middle East, and in India. His delegate evaluations are excellent, averaging 9.0 on a 10 point scale."
Price: 19.99

"Leadership Skills Training: Become an Inspiring Leader!" |
"Become an inspiring leader! Every team is defined by its leader. He or she needs to be able to motivate, challenge, andmost importantlysteer their team in the right direction.In this course, experienced facilitator Tony Hunt explores the qualities that every leader should aspire to attain. He will guide you through the key aspects that constitute great leadership.Upon completion of the lectures, you will be able to:Create mission statementsManage your time effectivelyDevelop strategic overviewsUnderstand individual needs of team membersAlign a coaching approachCreate effective appraisalsFurthermore, this course expands on:Effective methods of communicationThe value of coaching and its use as a leadership toolPerformance management and appraisal processesMr. Hunts style is often described as inspirational. His goal is to always create positive change in people with whom he works. He has significant experience in successfully operating at all organizational levelsfrom the induction phase, through first line management, and right up to board level. Additionally, he is able to strike the appropriate level of debate on every occasion.Mr. Hunt is the MD and principal facilitator of UK Seminars. His work is well known in many countries, e. g., in Europe, in the USA, in the Middle East, and in India. His delegate evaluations are excellent, averaging 9.0 on a 10 point scale."
Price: 19.99

"Sales Training Everyone sells!" |
"This course is all about selling goods and services. You will learn different selling techniques, explore how relationships influence the selling process, and how variables can help you close the sale. We will have a close look at various ways of approaching the customer, and the most relevant techniques for asking the right questions. Furthermore, you will find out why people choose not to buy from you, and learn about the established model that will help you close a sale. Everyone sells is designed for anyone involved in the sales process, from the front line to the more strategic levels. The course will not only introduce sales techniques to new sales personnel, but also provide seasoned professionals with a valuable opportunity to practice and assess their skills. Upon completion of the course, you will have gained comprehensive understanding about: Components of a saleStrategy of the sales processSelling tactics and techniquesClosing the sale and upselling Mr. Hunts style is often described as inspirational. His goal is to always create positive change in people with whom he works. He has significant experience in successfully operating at all organizational levelsfrom the induction phase, through first line management, and right up to board level. Additionally, he is able to strike the appropriate level of debate on every occasion. Mr. Hunt is the MD and principal facilitator of UK Seminars. His work is well known in many countries, e. g., in Europe, in the USA, in the Middle East, and in India. His delegate evaluations are excellent, averaging 9.0 on a 10 point scale."
Price: 19.99

"Change Management Training: Master the Change Process!" |
"This course will provide you with extensive knowledge of the change process. You will not only learn about the need for change, and how people respond to it, but also about both the vision and the mission associated with change. In order to change the direction or the focus of any organization, we first need to establish a corresponding procedure that will help us make informed decisions. The eight lectures that constitute this course suggest that by using an agreed strategic thinking model, initiators of change can achieve their agreed objectives through the use of a sound methodology. The course is designed for senior managers, strategists, and business owners who need to re-position. Furthermore, it will help organizations in restructuring elements of their process, and new business startups that are considering entering a market. Upon completion of the lectures you will have gained the following skills: Understanding of the need for changeStrategic thinkingUnderstanding of how people respond to changeKnowledge on how to implement change Mr. Hunts style is often described as inspirational. His goal is to always create positive change in people with whom he works. He has significant experience in successfully operating at all organizational levelsfrom the induction phase, through first line management, and right up to board level. Additionally, he is able to strike the appropriate level of debate on every occasion. Mr. Hunt is the MD and principal facilitator of UK Seminars. His work is well known in many countries, e. g., in Europe, in the USA, in the Middle East, and in India. His delegate evaluations are excellent, averaging 9.0 on a 10 point scale."
Price: 19.99

"Brilliant Customer Service: How to Impress your Customers!" |
"The course is aimed at providing you with the opportunity to enhance your people skills in a way that will truly differentiate you from the competition. We will explore different models of high quality customer service, strategies to improve your skillsets, and tactics that your customer service representatives (CSRs) can easily acquire and implement immediately. Furthermore, you will learn how to handle any complaints you receive in a totally professional manner. You will be introduced to the benefits of customer relationship management (CRM) and will learn how it can become the vehicle that drives up your standards of service. The most important elements of the course include: Face-to-face contact with your customersThe most effective use of telephone, email and CRM in the communication processHow to deal with difficult or angry customersLiberating your front line people so that they can truly enjoy the customer experience The course is designed for the following groups of people: Those who need to make strategic decisions about how their customer service levels need to be adjustedThose in the front line of customer serviceCustomer service relationship managersEveryone involved in relationship development and client acquisition Mr. Hunts style is often described as inspirational. His goal is to always create positive change in people with whom he works. He has significant experience in successfully operating at all organizational levelsfrom the induction phase, through first line management, and right up to board level. Additionally, he is able to strike the appropriate level of debate on every occasion. Mr. Hunt is the MD and principal facilitator of UK Seminars. His work is well known in many countries, e. g., in Europe, in the USA, in the Middle East, and in India. His delegate evaluations are excellent, averaging 9.0 on a 10 point scale."
Price: 19.99

"Time Management Skills: Become the Master of your Time!" |
"Manage your Time, your Projects, and your Priorities! On average, everybody gets interrupted every 11 minutes during working hours. Time management professional and bestselling author Zach Davis will help you to identify and eliminate the reasons for wasting time. You will learn why multitasking is not worth your time, how to plan tasks more realistically and how to combine tasks effectively. Even the right usage of communication devices can save a lot of working hours."
Price: 19.99

"Human Lie Detection" |
"Do you know the 10 mostcommon liar's giveaways? You might be surprised to learn that inscientific studies it has been shown that most people have no ideathey are being lied to.How do you protectyourself from lies?Human lie detection isa science that anyone can learn.In this course you willlearn the theory behind Human lie detection AND we also have theSUPERFASTTOP10 GUIDEto catching liars that will have you catchingthose liars fast.With this amazing skillpeople may even accuse you of reading their minds because you willseem to know what they are thinking.Have you ever beencheated on, lied to at work or by a close friend, conned by asalesperson into buying house or car? Do you remember how it feltwhen you discovered that you had been deceived?Stay safe and out ofharm when you know how liars charm."
Price: 24.99

"How to Make Your Own Baby Food for Busy Parents" |
"In theHow to Make Baby Food for Busy Momscourse, you'll learn how to fill the fridge with homemade purees for your baby.... that set her up to fall in love with real foods for life.You'll get an easy to follow guide that covers exact what you need to know to safely introduce solids and suggested foods for each stage based on how your baby's age."
Price: 24.99

""" Excellent CourseWas able to play in the church after a month :) ""ROOKIE TO ROCK STAR? LEARN TO MASTER THE BASS GUITAR!!Are you overwhelmed with over complicated music books? Frustrated with confusing advert ridden carrot on the stick how to play the bass guitar videos? Getting nowhere fast?That was me too...My story""I struggled to get motivated and commit basic bass principles to memory. Unable to find a user friendly way to learn the bass I ended up putting it in the cupboard and not playing it for weeks at a time. It took 5 teachers about a hundred books and years of frustration and money to get started playing the bass.""Hi,My name is Danny Merriman, I've developed a simplified formula which uses step by step tutorials, which provides an exciting and engaging way to learn how to play the bass guitar. Each stage you will focus on easy to follow specific steps to master each key component throughout your learning experienceYou'll feel motivated and eager to learn as you progress through the course.With 30 years of experience and my sincere willingness to help over 1500 students reach their goals, along with your willingness to succeed, you'll be happy you took a seat on the beginner bass formula and rise up from rookie to rockstar.With Over 1500 satisfied students and a no obligation 30 day money back guarantee give the beginner bass formula a try today.It's all about the bass eh...""When I first started playing with other musicians I didn't know where the notes were on the fret-board. I struggled to play anything and didn't feel confident enough. I'd feel embarrassed when I didn't know where an F# or the Bb was. The more I studied where the notes were on the bass fret-board, the easier I could interact with musicians and play music. When someone said lets play E, A & then Bb I'd know where the notes were on the fret-board, and what to do.""""It's important to say the notes out loud that you're playing so that they're committed to your memory.""""Don't worry it does eventually sink in so keep practicing the exercises and you'll get there.""""I found that learning the 12 bar blues pattern helped me to interact with other musicians, as there's a lot of songs out there that use that same pattern. Most rock and roll and blues songs use it so knowing it is a very useful tool to get you going and playing some cool stuff.""This course is about how to play the bass guitarmaterials included are video instructor exercisesslidesdocsthe course is ongoing as you can go back as many times as you like for practicing purposes The course is structured into progressive sections the basicsnote recognitionplaying arrangementsReasons to take this course are to learn the bass technique to improve bass playinglearn riffs locate notes on the fretboard"
Price: 199.99

"Increase Your Influence: Decode Human Personality" |
"**Instructor with over 30,000 students on UdemyIncrease your influence, persuade others to adopt your viewpoint, attract loyal clients and customers,and improve personalrelationshipsby decoding human personality.Understand,Impact, andPersuadeothers based on a the time tested enneagram personality type system. Learn how the enneagram works Determine someone's personality type Use gentle persuasion tailored to the person to increase your impact Determine your own personality type to increase your impact Leverage the techniques to build your business Apply these techniques to improve personal relationships**Instructor is a university professorwith over 30,000students,sevencourses on Udemy with 4+stars, andhundreds ofreviewsEver wonder why some individuals seem to have a way with people?Want to know what influencers know that othersdon't know?Want to increase your impact in business, the workplace, relationships, and the world?Want to become one of the influencers?Utilizea time-tested and integrated system decoding human personality, motivations, fears, and relationships.The enneagramis a nine point star that contains thenine personality types.This course explains what the enneagram is, how it can beused to decode human personality, and how your increasedunderstanding of personality and ""reading"" people canincrease your impact in the workplace, in society, and inrelationships.Additionally, the enneagramis backed by yearsof science, psychological studies, and evidence.Course lecturesbreakdown each of the nine personality types in detail so you understand the various aspects of each personality type. Specific detail and exampleshelp you grasp each type in order to decode human personality effectively, which is the root of your impact.You will also learn how to decode your own personality to type to increase self-awareness and utilize this asset to furtherincrease your impact on others. Lastly, you will also learn specific strategies to increase success using ethical and gentle persuasion based on someone's personality type.Learn to Decode Human PersonalityDo you want to increase your influence? Would you like to know what makes people tick? Are you ready to persuade others to adopt your point-of-view?Master the Enneagram System and gain powerful insights into yourself and others. Its time to crack the code of human nature and interactions! Improve your Business/Personal Relationships with Enneagram Personality Profiles! Know your unique personality type Create personality profiles for the people in your life Read people better at home, at work, and in society Have a positive impact on your world Understand our cultural, religious, political, and social spheres Explore the ways psychology and spirituality contribute to identity Of course, no personality template can completely pigeonhole human beings or empower you to manipulate others. However, you can use the Enneagram system to build relationships and gently persuade your friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Stop Striving and Start Thriving with the Enneagram System! Living and working with others doesnt have to be a struggle when you understand the unique genius that lies within all people. In this course, Rachel Leroy explains how you can easily understand yourself, communicate with others, and influence your various social circles. Use the wisdom of the Enneagram System to enrich your life and surround yourself with happy people!Rachel Leroy has empowered almost 20,000 students to reach their fullest potentials. She holds multiple degrees, teaches university English and composition, and coaches fellow writers. As a personal growth consultant, she understands the value and power of the Enneagram System. You can use this easy-to-learn method gain new perspectives on yourself, others, and our world. A student in Rachels Gratitude/Abundance class said: The course distills common sense and wisdom into techniques for moving into an upbeat, philosophically sound state of being. In this Increase Your Influence course, Rachel brings her practical approach to self-development to bear on the diversity of human emotion and experience. Shell teach you potent strategies for interacting with each of the nine Enneagram personality types. Youll even get a special Bonus Lecture, packed with free content and extra resources! Each personality type has the following areas of focus:Overview/TraitsStrengths and WeaknessesHow each type functionsHow to identify each typeHow to influence each typeWho will benefit from this course?EntrepreneursLeadersBusiness OwnersBusiness PartnersCEO'sAdministratorsEmployersEmployeesLife CoachesTeachersParentsPeople in relationshipsEntrepreneurs looking to increase their influence on clients, colleagues, and customersIndividuals in interpersonal relationships looking to impact their loved ones in positive ways and improve their relationshipsIndividuals looking to decode their own personality and utilize this knowledge to increase their influence, impact others, and improve their livesTools you'll needfor the course:Some prior knowledge about personality type systems like the Meyers-Briggs can be helpful, but it is not requiredAn open mind, curiosity about human nature, desire to improve business and personal relationship, and desire for personal growthThe enneagram system is not an absolute system to pigeonhole complex individuals, but a system that will help you understand yourself and others better.All the strategies you'll learn in the course include the following: BEST PRACTICES FORSUCCESS IN THE COURSE TOOLS YOU'LL NEED FORTHE COURSE QUICK BREAKDOWN OF THE COURSE HOW TO AVOIDCONFUSING SIMILAR TYPES HOW TO USE PERSUASION TO INCREASE YOUR IMPACT ON SPECIFIC TYPES HOW TO DETERMINEYOUR OWN PERSONALITY TYPE HOW TO USE THESE TECHNIQUES TO HELP YOUR BUSINESS GROW HOW TO USE THESE TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS THE NINE CATEGORIES: WINGS: TENDENCIES OF DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TYPES TRIADS: THE THREETRIADS THAT MAKE UP THE ENNEAGRAM WINGS: TENDENCIES OF DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TYPES TRIADS: THE THREE TRIADS THAT MAKE UP THE ENNEAGRAMClick on this course so you can change your life. Stop striving,start thriving, and become aninfluencer."
Price: 49.99

"Brainstorming Masterclass: Plan and Outline Any Project" |
"**Instructor with 30,000+students, SEVENcourses on Udemy, and HUNDREDS of reviews**Course with 1900 studentsMaster Your Project, Writing, and Course Creation Goals in This Task-Oriented Course on Brainstorming and Organization Strategies. Got writer's block? Not sure where to start? Feeling stuck? This course will help you master your writing and project goals. Learn various methods of generating, clarifying, and organizing ideas through brainstorming, from the beginning of a project to the end. Master your goals with the following tools in the course:Cut writer's block Use brainstorming for creative processesOrganize and build ideas from scratchCourse creators and entrepreneurs can achieve their goalsNIne types of brainstorming for different situationsWhat brainstorm techniques are appropriate for each situationHow to do each brainstorm techniqueAn example of each brainstormHow to convert your brainstorm into a projectHow to explore different techniques to find what works for you**A highly reviewed course frominstructor with over12,500 students,four courses on Udemy, and200 reviewsStop Striving and Start Thriving!Learn the ""Rules of Writing Practice"" by Natalie Goldberg as a foundation for all kinds of writingPractice free writing techniques to overcome writer's block and create a daily writing practiceUtilize questioning techniques to generate perspectives on a topic from different angles and explore and expand on course creation conceptsUse organizer techniques to overcome writer's block, build courses and writing pieces from the ground up, and learn how to structure ideas**Please note that the course's name has been changed to more accurately reflect your needs, the student. It was called Tips and Prompts to Begin the Writing Process. You will see this name in the slideshows and videos, but it is still the same course. Thanks!**Overcome Writer's Block, Create a Daily Writing Practice, and Achieve Your Writing GoalsFor experienced and new writers, almost everyone has used a brainstorming technique. But how many people have a whole toolbox of strategies to help them generate and organize ideas for almost any project? This course provides you with just that. If you've ever been fishing, you know that same hook and bait will not work for every fish. In the same way, the same brainstorming technique will not work for every situation. This course covers nine specific brainstorming strategies in three categories to help you achieve success in various situations, whether you are building a course concept, creating course organization and lectures, writing a short story or novel, working on a school project, or writing articles or blogs for profit. Everyone has to come up with ideas, and that can often be daunting. This course gives you concrete tools, methods, and exercises to get you going on that project you've been putting off.What Students are Saying About This instructor's courses with over 3000 students and courses averaging 4.5-5 stars.by Faisal Qamar, Indeed Well structured and Updated Course...The instructor Rachel Leroy is well prepared and aware about common mistake which novice like me can easily caught in and lose the marks. Eights step are really important to gain high score in writing. She fully engage the student and prevent you from getting bore during Lectures. The course help you achieve your goals for instance in my case the course help me to point out the major and minor mistake I've done in my Final Dissertation writing. Last but not least the video and audio quality is very good. Great contents especially Recommend for Non-Native speaker...""A course for everybody - Superbly put together!"" **Whojr01""Great class! . . . I highly recommend this to others."" **Melinda D. Etheridge""Amazing! Great course! . . . Very interesting structured course and a lot of tricks and tips for writers.Thank you for this opportunity to write much better!"" **Elena Kostadinova""Thank You! . . . I have learned so many techniques and practices that will enhance my future writing projects! **Matthew""I will be a better writer as a result of this course. Thank you . . . "" **David G. KulpWho Will Benefit From the Coursecreative writerscourse creatorsentrepreneursbloggersbusiness writersproject creatorspeople who write for profitjournalistsacademic writersstudentsnew writerslifetime learnerscopywritersContent and OverviewThe course is built for beginning and experienced writers, course creators, entrepreneurs, and individuals starting any kind of project. In nine lectures, you will learn various types of brainstorming, topic exploration, and organizing. As a writing professor and team lead at a major university, I have thirteen years' experience teaching thousands of students from all over the world writing techniques through supportive one-on-one and results-driven strategies. In each lecture, you will learn the brainstorming technique, situations for which it is appropriate (and ones it isn't), how to do the technique, best practices for success, a specific exercise to get started, an example of the technique, and specific guidelines to transfer your exercise to your writing and project goals. This class contains a bonus lecture for course creators that includes specific strategies for using these methods to plan, build, and organize your own courses and lectures, as well as best practices for success. You will learn how to apply these strategies to building courses that will benefit build value for students, and success for yourself. There is also a quick access guide for using the ""Rules of Writing Practice.""Additionally, you will learn how to use these techniques to help you beat writer's block, get past perfectionism, generate ideas, understand your topic, build arguments, organize ideas, and see how they relate. You will also learn techniques to help you find the best pattern of organization in your writing or course, support major ideas effectively, spot gaps that need more consideration, and eliminate unneeded redundancies. Students that complete the course will have a toolbox of strategies to help them overcome writer's block, create a daily practice, and achieve their writing and course creation goals. Don't put it off. Sign up for the course today and let's get started!Yours In Writing and Learning,Rachel Leroy"
Price: 49.99

"Ignite Your Abundance Through the Power of Gratitude" |
"IGNITE YOUR ABUNDANCE THROUGH THE POWER OF GRATITUDE**Instructor with 30,000+students, SEVENcourses on Udemy, and hundreds ofreviews**Course with 2100+ studentsInstant success, abundance, and happiness do not come naturally to everyone. And often our striving doesn't make things better. This course aims to help those who have faced challenges and had trouble overcoming them by harnessing the power of gratitude to change your perceptions, increase your abundance, and transform your life, even if you haven't been able to in the past.IGNITE Your AbundanceThrough Daily and Concrete Practices of GratitudeLearn specific and actionable daily practices to help you practice gratitudeStart seeing results right away with a ""Quick Win"" exercise in each sectionUnderstand how gratitude, when practiced regularly can increase abundance and transform your lifeSee concrete proof that gratitude workMaster Life's Challenges and Increase Abundanceby Practicing Gratitude DailyPracticing gratitude is one of the most powerful waysto change yourattitudetowards your life circumstances,increase yourabundance, and transform your life. You can see results quickly with the regular practice of gratitude in your life presented in this class.You may struggle to find ways to attract more abundance, improve your relationships, deepen your spiritual and psychological well-being, and create more happiness and success. This course is unique, because it addresses not just the successes we experience, but how do we deal with the challenges realistically? This courseshows you how to take setbacks and make them into cashable assets. It shows you how gratitude is a proven method to improve all areas of your life. And, it shows you how to implement specific and actionable strategies to start seeing more happiness and abundance in your life within days.At the end of this course, you will be able to:CHANGE your perspectives of various situations through concrete gratitude practices ATTRACT more abundance by cultivating gratitude in specific circumstances IMPROVE your circumstances concretely and by how you perceive them through gratitude practices IMPLEMENT the various practices of gratitude with concrete strategies, best practices, and takeaways for maximum success MAKE yourself happy by choice, regardless of circumstances Contents and OverviewWith over 25 lectures and over 3hours of content, this course is designed for individuals of various experience levels, whether you have years of experience in personal transformation, or this is your first course on the subject. This course is for anyone who wants to deal with challenges in a new way and see your challenges turn into your greatest assets to attract more abundance in your life.In this course, you will learn exactly how gratitude works and proof that is works, both experientially and scientifically. You will also learn about the transformative nature of gratitude.Once you see concrete proof it works, you will learn how gratitudecan change your life and increase both personal happiness and abundance.In order to see these changes in your life, you will learnhow to create a daily practicebased on concretestrategies tocultivate gratitude in your life. You will also see how the practice of gratitude can improve your relationships and how you interact with others.By the end of this course, you will have concrete and actionable tools to help you create a daily gratitude practice that is sustainable over the rest of your life, and you will have different strategies so you can find the combination that works best for you. You will be able to utilize challenges and setbacks into assets that will make you more fortunate than if you never experienced them.You will also receive bonus material in the ""Quick Win"" strategies in each section that give you actionable strategies to start seeing results from gratitude right away, even before you are able to set up a gratitude practice.What are the requirements of this course?Basic knowledge of transformational concepts such as gratitude and self-improvement.An open mind.A pen and paper or computer program to implement your practice.5-30 minutes a day several days a weekto do your practice.How will this course benefit me?By the end of this course you will know how to create a concrete gratitude practice in your life that will transform your perspective toward challenges, increase yourabundance and relationships, and transform your life.You will be able to practice creative gratitude in difficult situations to start feeling better immediately within the reality of the situation.You will be able to see the benefits of gratitude and know that the practice works.You will be able to experiment with different practices to maximize the results in your life.You will create more meaningful relationships as you allow challenges to become assets that deepen your connections with others.You will increase your chances of attracting success and financial abundance.Whois the target audience?Anyone who wants to improve the abundance, happiness, and relationships in their livesLifelong learners who have faced challenges and need strategies to handle those successfullyIndividuals looking to increase the abundance, happiness, and circumstances in their lives"
Price: 49.99

"Strategies to Maximize Your Health Insurance Benefits" |
"Student Review of How to Use Your Health Insurance: Good Health Insurance Benefits course ""A good course in the basic terminology and principles needed for those looking to purchase health insurance in this complicated market. I think the best part of this course is that Dr. Wagner encourages her students to contact her with ANY questions and she promises to get back to them within 48 hours. That alone is worth getting this course in my opinion"". Mike Hartman**************************************************************************************************How do you use your health insurance benefits?Will you get a membership card in the mail?How do you know what your out of pocket costs is?Do you know the difference between the premium and the deductible?Having health insurance for the first time can be confusing if you are not used to having those benefits. Oftentimes when people don't understand something new, they will not use it. This course will educate you on what your benefits are and how to use them. This course will give you detail explanation of the following topics:How having insurance is affecting new consumers who are not used to having insuranceMedical Insurance Terminology so you understand what the words meanImportance of having Health InsuranceWhether or not you can change your health insurance policy after the enrollment periodWays to save money and much more. 16.4 million people in the United States got health insurance through the individual mandate, Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) in 2015. One of the biggest problems in 2014 was that people didn't know how to use it.This course is comprised of video, audio and downloadable documents to help you understand the insurance you now possess. This course will be of great value not only to people who are newly insured but also those who are seeking to get health insurance if they meet one of the qualifying events to get insurance throughout the year."
Price: 19.99

"Financial Bootcamp for Engaged Couples - Personal Finances" |
"Student Review on Financial Bootcamp for Engaged Couples:A course that can save your relationship!""When we enter into a relationship, we cannot believe that something like finances may affect or even destroy our engagement or even marriage. And it can. It happened to me once and, if I wouldve watched this course before that, I might have saved it.Taffy doesnt try to sweeten reality or sell beautifully wrapped lectures with no value. She understands how financial problems and misunderstandings can affect a couple and gives practical, smart advice and tips about how to avoid them. I understood so many things about my financial habits and how they affect my partner, I feel like a veil was lifted from my eyes. I finally understand what went wrong with my first marriage and how easily I could have saved it.After watching the course, I talked to my boyfriend about our financial habits and we decided to keep separate accounts, not to take credits (at least not me) and we found a better way to manage out money. We felt a lot better after clarifying all these aspects"". Alexandra Moore*******************************************************************************************Do you spend or do you save money?Do you pay all of your bills on time?Do you talk with your future spouse about money beyond the cost of the caterer, florist, venue or even the wedding itself?Do you believe you are ready to manage money for two people?I've been happily married for 19+ years and have dealt with it all from coming into the marriage with financial baggage (from being homeless, having debt, spouse having filed bankruptcy in a previous marriage and me having to deal with the creditors calling), to having less than stellar credit, starting over establishing credit, buying a house, becoming parents, being audited by the IRS and more. I know what I am talking about when it comes to money and marriage.I have counseled many couples when it comes to premarital financial counseling and they are succeeding. I want that for you to. Here is your opportunity to set your upcoming marriage apart from those that ended up as a divorce statistic because of money. This course shows you:How the power of your words (whether spoken or written) can impact a job, education, children or even finances. How you need to discover what your communication style is as well as the style of your future spouse. This will help you to communicate more effectively. Who you are when it comes to money. Everything from how you pay your bills, what your income is to whether you are solution oriented or not if a financial emergency happens. The significance of ordering your credit report at least once a year. Whether you will be brave enough to share your credit report during your engagement. How money management is crucial to the success of any relationship.How to set financial goals as a couple and much, much more. No longer will you have to fear the elephant in the room ""money conversation"" because of your own personal habits that you bring to the table. One of the top reasons for divorce is because of money. That doesn't have to be the case for your marriage.This bootcamp course empowers you to talk about money, develop goals short and long term, plan ahead for future financial needs as well as prepare for a lifetime of money management knowing your marriage can succeed. Before you know it friends and family members will come to you for advice about money and marriage."
Price: 19.99

"Unconventional Homeschooling - Flexibility & Fun in Learning" |
"Every year parents decide whether ornot to homeschool. Just like traditional school, homeschooling doeshave a format and policies that parents must adhere to. Have you everthought, could I be missing out on developing my child naturally? Can you be led by your children and besuccessful at homeschooling?Can you go against the norm whenhomeschooling and raise a well-rounded person with life skills?When our twins were babies, I begantuning into their personalities, behavior and how they learned. Dr. Taffy Wagner shares anunconventional approach to homeschooling and preparing your studentto be an adult.Prepare to have fun and implement somenew strategies when homeschooling your child(ren).Latest update December 1, 2015In this course you will learn the valueof:Recognizing your child(rens) interestand using it during class time.Determining what their natural giftsare and incorporating those gifts into your overall school yearKnowing your child(rens) learning styleLocating activities within your localarea that an enhance their learning. Every day, life in itself presents many learning opportunities.This course is comprised of videos, audio, downloadable documentsand activities to help you provide your student with the opportunityto be a well-rounded student. This course will be of great value if you've been wanting to shake things up and do things differently from the traditional homeschool setting. This course will get your creative juices flowing and your students will thank you for it."
Price: 34.99

"15 Ways to Save Hundreds of Dollars on Dental & Oral Health" |
"Being able to take care of your teeth is huge. Oftentimes many people forsake their oral health due to no dental insurance and the costs of the services are expensive. Would you like to take care of your teeth without getting dental insurance?Would you like to set an example for your kids about the importance of oral health?What if you could see a dentist and work out a payment plan, would that make you want to go to the dentist right now?If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the course for you. GOOD NEWS!! This course provides you with those opportunities and much more. All of the strategies included in this course have been carefully researched. As your instructor, I have even used one and know of other people using some others mentioned. You are literally a few clicks away from saving hundreds of dollars on your dental and oral health. Take it from me a parent of twins, who normally has a dental situation every couple of years. You owe it to yourself to utilize one of these strategies and protect your oral health. A few things you'll learn in this course:How many diseases a dentist can detect based on your oral healthHow a dental hygienist can save you moneyThe relevance of getting a second opinionDental and Oral Health TerminologyWhere the dental schools are and so much more. I will personally answer any question you may have, so you can feel confident your money will be well spent.This course comes with a full money back no questions asked guarantee. So enroll now and let's get started.Talk with you soon, Dr. Taffy"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Made Beauty-Fully Simple" |
"Learn core marketing concepts quickly and easily.Bypass lengthy, heavy textbook chapters and get right to core Marketing concepts Marketplace, Insights, Value Proposition, Market ConceptIn-depth Market Segmentation Types: Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic, Behavioral, Business, InternationalSegmentation EvaluationMarketing Mix - 4 P's + additional P'sIntegrated Marketing ProcessGain a solid understanding of marketing fundamentals with this introductory course This concise course makes Marketing simple through identifiable, easy-to-digest beauty (Bobbi Brown, Completely Bare, Smashbox, Neutrogena, Revlon and more), fashion (Louis Vuitton, Zara, H&M), and hot topic (foreign brands in China) case examples. The context can be absorbed by anyone regardless of background or industry.At the end of just this course, you will better understand key aspects of Marketing, guaranteed."
Price: 19.99

"Build Professional Wordpress Websites as a Complete Beginner" |
"Learn from scratch how to build Professional WordPress websites as a complete beginner, and with no real coding.NO Coding Required!NO Experience Required!""Look over my shoulder as I walk you through step by step on how to create an amazing website using WordPress. Not only will you get the smart and flexible premium theme, but you'll be starting your very own portfolio in the process.""Setup a local development serverlearn how to setup WordPress on a live serverBuild a professional fully functional WordPress websiteLearn how to manipulate a theme using HTML & CSSLearn how to setup a child theme Quizzes to reinforce understanding of each sectionStart your very own Portfolio .............................and MORE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WordPress powers 25% of the internet, and is used by more than 23.3% of the top 10 million websites as of January, 2015""-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this course you will learn how to build a Professional and Modern website with WordPress without the struggles of writing code. WordPress is ""a free and open source"" Content Management System (CMS) written using PHP and MySQL. I'm going to get you up and running with WordPress in the easiest and fastest way possible. We're going to learn what WordPress is, the different kinds of websites you can create, setting up WordPress locally and live, pages, posts, themes, plugins, widgets, child themes, you name it.By the end of the course you'll have created a professional website that you can then take and modify to meet almost any other business owner's need. By the time you finish this course, you'll have the skills necessary to start freelancing and working on projects for real clients.Join Today and Receive:unlimited accessbonus lectures and updates at no additional costsmy personal help, recommendations, and advice (usually respond within 24hrs)30-day money back guarantee, No Questions Asked!!ENROLL NOW, and start dominating the competition. The longer you wait, The more clients you will lose. Get started NOW!!"
Price: 19.99

"Core skill for data science: learn dplyr package in R" |
"This course focus mainly on dplyr package which is one of the most amazing package in R that will make you life a lot easier when dealing with data manipulation task.It will take approximately less than an hour to complete this course but this knowledge will be the core skill for you when you use R as an data analysis / modelling tool.The course is structured by the key code in dplyr including select , filter , arrange , mutate , group by and chain code. Had a hard time trying to learn R ? Want to be good at R ? no more unnecessary command that is not used in practice let's learn the useful one that will make you love R."
Price: 19.99

"Free, Automated Way to Syndicate Content & Get More Traffic" |
"This course is a complete guide on how to set up an easy system for getting more traffic to your website (or blog) and having an amplified presence on the internet. You will also receive our personal files we use that will save you a crazy amount of time while applying this underground method. After you finish this training, you will be able to curate quality content on autopilot, easily syndicate your content to all sorts of sites, PLUS have your social bookmarks created automatically. You will learn how to AMPLIFY your online presence, and bring you free website traffic without spending lots of time! This system works in any niche and you don't need any software or paid services to apply this Amplified Marketing system!This course is perfect for:Anyone wanting more traffic to their websiteAnyone wanting their pictures, offers, videos, articles, gigs, training courses etc to be seen by more peopleAnyone wanting to save lots of time and money creating an online presenceAnyone wanting their website to rank higher in Google (bonus training)This course includes:Over-the-shoulder, easy to follow trainingSupporting PDFs, Excel files and other helpful, time saving toolsFiles to help organize and track thingsThe DFY, undeground system that will save you tons of timeIn this course you will learn:1. All the free sites you should be on.2. How to link all of your accounts for syndication.3. How to create a post on almost any of your blogs or accounts and have it automatically syndicated to your other sites PLUS create social bookmarks on autopilot.4. Different ways to automatically curate quality, relevant content5. Step-by-Step How to Syndicate for AMPLIFIED reach (and traffic) for free.6. How to install and setup a WordPress site (bonus training).7. A secret formula to rank your site higher in Google8. How to easily get more traffic to your website or offer. And much, much more! Youll come out with a specific strategy to automate and syndicate your content distribution and grow your traffic while focusing ON your business and not being stuck working IN your business."
Price: 19.99

"How To Be A Facebook Marketing Master" |
"EXPLODE Your Profits With FB Using The Same SECRETS Top Digital Marketing Agencies Charge $1000's For! Are you a business owner struggling to generate leads (and exposure) for your online or offline business?Are you going broke throwing away countless dollars on ads with embarrassingly low conversion rates?Tired of having that gut-feeling like you're missing something"" and want to FINALLY learn a PROVEN (step-by-step) system for marketing on FB that actually WORKS!?! Does any of the above sound like you? If so, you're not alone!Great Facebook Marketing Course - Dan EnglanderThis course will teach you how to generate leads for your online or offline business - heaps of helpful tips that would quickly and easily improve fan numbers and engagement in your page. Highly recommended.In fact, most marketers FAIL at social media simply because they don't have the luxury of over-the-shoulder training from someone who's been in the trenches. This course was created to solve that problem.However, we must warn you...This is NOT your average Facebook marketing course.We are about to unleash some very stealthy tricks and hacks (known by very few marketers) so you can finally DOMINATE the competition and get the edge you need to take your Facebook marketing to the next level and beyond.HERE'S IS JUST A GLIMPSE AT WHAT YOU'LL LEARN:How to quickly and easily improve fan numbers and engagement by doing just one thing.An unknown FB hack"" that allows you to Increase your ad spending threshold to several thousand dollars!We even cover crucial topics such asretargeting, conversion tracking, analyzing and scaling, curating viral content, FBApps,and so much more! ASTHECOURSEGROWSINCONTENT(UPLOADEDREGULARLY) THECOSTWILLINCREASEASWELL."
Price: 29.99

"Retargeting Masterclass" |
"Learn our simpleretargeting strategyto create more brand awareness and make more sales while spending less money..We will teach you how to create killer content,and then follow up using simple and effective ads on Facebook, YouTube and the Google Display network.What you'll be able to do after taking this course...==> Write Blog Posts That Build Audiences For You And Create Loyal Buyers==> Turn Cold Website Traffic Into Warm Buyer Leads==> Continue To Scale Your Warm Traffic Into Hot, Profitable Subscribers==> Create Videos and Use Them to CreateRetargeting Audiences==> Target Your Audience On The Most Popular Sites On The Internet And Drive Daily Sales We use this pixel retargeting strategy for our own websites and offline clients including international NGOs and Fortune 500 companies. This used to be a well kept secret of large brands and full time marketers but now you can cut through the confusion and implement it for your website and products. Here's a review from one of our happy students:""Another Excellent Course From The IM Rebels""I have just completed watching this course and it provides an excellent platform for you to build an online business from and also an audience for that business. There is a lot of excellent content here ... this is one excellent marketing plan! - Terry JenkinsRetargeting Your Website Visitors And Turning Them Into Buyers Doesn't Have To Be HARD Or A MYSTERY Anymore!We walk you through every step of the method from the top types of blog content to create and the ads to run to convert cold traffic into warm, warm traffic into HOT and how to profit at each step.What exactly is pixel retargeting?This is a method that large marketers and brands have used for years and now it's time for you to implement in your business. Every time someone visits your website, a pixel is placed on their website browser. This lets the retageting platforms (Facebook, YouTube and Google Display Network) serve tailored ads to people already interested in your brand and content.No more advertising to COLD audiences or stabbing in the dark with your paid ads!Serving ads using pixel retargeting drives your ad spend down while increasing your conversions! If you have just $5 a day to spend on paid advertising, you can start seeing daily sales in your funnels and products. We cover the three big platforms in pixel retargeting advertising to help you market to your audiences where ever they go...Facebook Retargeting:The platform most people think of when they hear pixel retargeting. Learn our simple steps to grow cold traffic into warm leads and subscribers and turn them into HOT subscribers and sales at every step of your funnel.YouTube Retargeting:This platform is growing daily! Don't miss out and get in early while you can advertise to your audience cheaply and with very high ROI.Google Display Network Retargeting:This used to be only for marketers ""in the know"" but we show you how to cut through the confusion and create professional, responsive ads that fit all the websites in the Google Display Network for free. No more having to hire a graphic designer like the old days!What Makes This Course Unique?Weve got your back. Youll have a dedicated team of three instructors ready to answer any question you have, or describe something in more detail for you.As with our other courses, this one will be updated over time with fresh content. All updates for life are included.The extensive content is broken into easily digestible bits you can rapidly absorb. Engaging exercises along the way help you master the methods so you can see results fast.Youll come out with a specific strategy to turn cold traffic into warm and more importantly, warm traffic into SALES. This allows you to begin focusing ON your business and not being stuck working IN your business."
Price: 29.99
