"Otimizando Processos Organizacionais" |
"Este curso capacitar voc a desenvolver projetos para otimizao de processos de forma rpida e objetiva. Seja na indstria, no comrcio, em sistemas logsticos, setor de prestao de servios, setor administrativo, em fim, em qualquer segmento que voc atue, poder utilizar os conhecimentos que sero adquiridos neste curso. Benefcio profissional:Capacitao profissional para se diferenciar no mercado;Abertura de oportunidades dentro da empresa em que est atuando;Abertura de oportunidades para se recolocar melhor e mais rapidamente no mercado;Dominar uma metodologia para apresentar projetos consistentes de melhorias na rea em que voc atua;Atuar como consultor interno ou terceirizado, desenvolvendo projetos de otimizao de processos organizacionais."
Price: 99.99

"Lettering iniciacin con rotulador de punta pincel" |
"En este curso aprenders a manejar el rotulador de pincel y a escribir tus primeras letras. Al final del mismo, podrs tener una lmina con un fondo de color y una palabra escrita con la tcnica de Lettering, lista para colgar en tu pared. Slo necesitas: papel de Lettering, un rotulador de punta de pincel , papel especfico para Lettering y una lmina de papel de acuarela. Adelante y bienvenido al mundo de las letras!!"
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Digital Photography - Master Photography Quickly" |
"Would you like to take great photographs without spending ages learning about photography?In just four hours (that includes time to do all the exercises), I will take you from complete novice to taking great photographs.You Need This Beginners Photography Course If:You are new to photography and want to learn loads quicklyYou have had a camera for ages but have never taken it off AUTOYou arent getting the great photos that you want but you dont know whyBeginners Photography Course Content:I want to be very honest and open about what is covered on the course. I am very proud about how comprehensive this course is and it covers everything that I believe you need to know to take great photographs. It includes:How a camera works laying the foundationsThe importance of light the key to photographyNavigating your camera what do all those buttons do?Image formats is it big enough?How to hold a camera like a pro to get great photosLenses what to use and whenChanging lenses its not good when it falls off.The keys to great exposureISO stop being so sensitive.Exposure: to blur or not to blurBracketing 2 extra bites of the cakeAperture / Depth of Field (f-stops)Auto focus let the camera do the workManual focus take controlMetering modes the secret to great light in your photographWhite Balance getting the colours rightAperture Priority mode get great portraits and landscapesShutter Priority mode freeze or blur those moving subjectsManual mode you are fully in controlDrive modes this has nothing to do with carsPanning / moving subjects create great effects with your moving subjectsComposition this is where the magic happensIt is Easier Than it SoundsThat list may seem daunting but I will take you through it in such a way with fun practical exercises that will make it really easy to understand. I will only be covering the theory needed to help you take great photos. All the rest of the waffle has been cut out.Some people like to make photography sound complicated but it really is not. I use simple language and fun examples and exercises to explain what you need to know.Keeping it SimpleThis is a beginners photography course, designed to take you from zero to hero. It is not a course for experts or even intermediates, we do not go into that level of complexity. We keep it simple so that by the end of the 4 hours beginners can confidentially take great photos.Tried & Tested Beginners Photography TrainingThis course has been tried, tested and refined based on the feedback of my 1-2-1 coaching clients to ensure that by the end of this course you are taking great photographs and confidently using your camera.I hope you are excited to be learning how to get the most out of your digital camera, I am excited to be the one who is going to be teaching you.I have boiled down everything that you need to know into easily understood plain English. The exercises have been designed to help you practice the techniques and to understand the key concepts. The exercises build on each other, so be sure to do them in the right order.This course is designed for people with any type of digital camera including Compacts, Bridge and Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras (also known as Digital SLR or DSLR). Please note, because this course is so comprehensive, not all cameras have every function that we cover in this course. No matter what digital camera you have, there will be loads in this course for you.Why Take This Beginners Photography Course?Due to the comprehensive nature of this course, if any of the below sound familiar, then this course is for you:You are going on the trip of a life time and want to capture the memoriesYou want to take great photos of loved onesYou are attending a special event such as a family weddingYou want a career in photographyYou want a new hobbyYou get frustrated as not being able to take great photosYou never take your camera off of AUTOWhat You Will Gain From This Beginners Photography Course?I will struggle to cover all of the benefits here, here are just a few to whet your appetite:Take great photos in a variety of situationsLearn loads of composition techniques that will make your photos popUnderstand what your camera is doingHow to take breathtaking landscape shotsCreate beautiful portraitsCapture memories of places and loved onesHow to get the most out of your cameraHow to get the lighting just right in your photosTake great photos of moving subjectsBlur backgrounds to make stunning photosRemove noise from your photosHow to get the photograph focused on the right thing in any situationHow to take stunning slow exposure photographsSomething For Every Learning StyleWe all learn in different ways, some of us by reading, others by watching, many by doing or a combination of all three. That is why with this course you get:A full set of course videos for you to watch that explains everything.A complete course book for you to read with everything you need written down. This is a great reference book that you can keep referring back to.Lots of fun and simple exercises for you to do, to make sure you really understand what I am teaching you.A picture paints a thousand words, there are loads of photos, diagrams and tables.A complete set of the handouts that I use with my 1-2-1 clients.Start learning how to take great photographs right now, I look forward to seeing you in the course."
Price: 49.99

"Simulador Examen PMP Alineado a la 6ta Edicin del PMBOK" |
"Nuestro SIMULADOR PMP est diseado para prepararte y certificarte como PMP de manera efectiva y rpida. Est diseado de la siguiente manera:1. Examen de inicio: Con este examen, mides tu nivel de preparacin actual para el examen. Obtendrs el resultado con las explicaciones a cada una de las respuestas y te indicar los temas especficos en los cuales debes reforzar tu conocimiento. Esto acelerar tu preparacin, ya que solo repasars esos temas y no todo el proceso o rea de conocimiento.2. Exmenes de prueba de 100 preguntas para que te vayas ambientando al examen como tal; con preguntas que van incrementando su nivel de exigencia y te van fortaleciendo en tu preparacin.3. Exmenes de 200 preguntas: Dispondrs de exmenes reales de 200 preguntas, en donde adems de practicar an ms y fortalecer tus conocimientos, pondrs a prueba el denominado ""estrs de escritorio"".Con esta estructura, te irs midiendo e irs reforzando cada uno de los temas en los que debes reforzar y repasar.Esta herramienta ha ayudado a miles de estudiantes en latinoamrica y ahora lo tienes a tu disposicin!El SIMULADOR PMP est alineado a la versin 6 del PMBOK y actualizado a la ltima versin del examen de certificacin."
Price: 19.99

"Webscraping ohne Programmierkenntnisse" |
"Octoparse Webscraping ohne ProgrammierkenntnisseDer Umgang mit Daten und deren Verarbeitung wird in unserer digitalen Welt immer wichtiger. Es heit mittlerweile nicht umsonst, dass Daten wertvoller sind als l oder Gold. Mittels zuverlssiger Informationen treffen Sie Entscheidungen effizienter, treffsicherer und konomischer. Mit Webscraping machen Sie sich ffentlich zugngliche Informationen einfach zunutze und treffen daher knftig immer die richtigen Entscheidungen.Dieser Videokurs bietet dir einen schnellen und einfachen Einstieg in das Programm Octoparse, mit dem du ganz ohne Programmierkenntnisse effizient und performant mittels weniger Klicks einen Webscraping Prozess aufsetzen kannst. Ohne bentigte Vorkenntnisse ladest du knftig essenzielle Informationen aus dem Internet auf deinen Computer. Zeitsparend und vollautomatisch.Du wirst Schritt fr Schritt durch die Funktionen von Octoparse geleitet, um am Ende mit Ihrem erfolgreichen Webscraping Projekt abzuschlieen. Du bentigen keinerlei Programmierkenntnisse, um mit Octoparse erfolgreich Webscraping (auch Webcrawling genannt) betreiben zu knnen. Dein Webscraping Videokurs im berblick:Beschreibung des Webscrapings vom den ersten Programmen bis heuteAnwendungsbeispiele fr erfolgreiches WebscrapingEinfache Schritt fr Schritt InstallationsanleitungDas Graphic User Interface (GUI) von Octoparse erklrtDie Webscraping Modi von Octoparse detailliert und anhand von praktischen Beispielen beschriebenArbeiten mit den eingebauten Octoparse VorlagenTipps und Tricks rund um dein Projekt und den Octoparse WorkflowDarum lohnt es sich, mit Octoparse zu starten:Kostenlose VollversionEinfache Installation und AusfhrungWorkflowbasiertes Webscraping mittels Point an KlickHilfreiche ZusatztoolsVorlagen fr bekannte WebseitenGnstige Premiumversion mit ntzlichen ZusatzfunktionenKeine Programmierkenntnisse notwendigWarum es sich fr Sie lohnt noch heute mit dem Webscraping zu beginnenDer digitale Wandel verndert bereits seit einigen Jahren das Berufsbild der meisten Branchen. Fr Angestellte und Unternehmer bedeutet dies, dass die frher im Vordergrund stehende Fachlichkeit immer hufiger durch IT-Kenntnisse ergnzt werden muss.Doch das Erlernen von Programmierkenntnissen in Java, C++ oder o.. ist aufwndig und zeitintensiv, hnlich dem Erlernen einer neuen Sprache. Daher eignet sich Octoparse perfekt fr Ihr nchstes Datenprojekt. Denn es war noch nie so einfach und zeitsparend, Daten fr sich selbst nutzbar zu machen. Probieren Sie es gleich aus und beginnen Sie noch heute mit diesem leicht zu erlernenden und kostenlosen Webscraping Programm.Tim Luprich ist seit knapp zwei Jahrzehnten in der Banking und IT Branche ttig. Eine effiziente Datenanalyse, wie die Interpretation der Daten, als auch das gezielte Weiterverarbeiten gehrt zu seinen tglichen Aufgaben. Mit diesen Erkenntnissen hilft er seinen Kunden, ihre Projekte innerhalb der geplanten Zeit, der Kosten und mit hoher Qualitt abzuschlieen. In diesem Buch gibt er seine Kenntnisse rund um das Webscraping Programm Octoparse leicht verstndlich und nachvollziehbar weiter. Data Science war noch nie so einfach."
Price: 44.99

"How to build an online store selling digital products" |
"Have you ever wanted to create your own online store but not known where to begin? Maybe you've looked at some online ecommerce platforms like Shopify but been put off by the subscription fees and limited control over your store. If so, this course is for you. Learn how to build your own online store from scratch using PHP and SQL. Never coded before? No problem! With these easy-to-follow instructions you will build a stunning store in no time. The store will be able to process transactions in multiple currencies, accept payments through PayPal or debit/credit card and deliver downloadable products to your customers. And that's only the beginning! This course is full with tips and tricks for boosting sales, getting your store to rank well in search engines, and keeping your store secure."
Price: 19.99

2020-hof |
", . . , MICE, 18 . , - - , . , , . . , . ."
Price: 99.99

"Masterclass - TikTok para Empresas" |
"Aprende a generar leads y ventas en TikTok.Aprenders las ltimas tcticas comprobadas para crecer en Tiktok que no solo te ayudarn a aumentar el engagement sino que tambin generarn fans de tu marca que eventualmente se convertirn en leads y ventas.Este curso es para todos.Ya sea que seas un principiante de TikTok, un usuario ya existente o incluso si eres una persona del departamento de marketing de una empresa, este curso es para ti.Hacer este curso te ahorrar tiempo.Es posible que debas pasar algunas horas en este curso pero esto te ahorrar mucho tiempo a largo plazo. He investigado el aprendizaje de expertos en la industria; he probado, fallado e implementando estas tcticas para que no tengas que hacerlo t mismo.Aprenders habilidades de marketing que van ms all de TikTok.Las habilidades que desarrollars no slo se limitan a TikTok, sino que son habilidades que tambin podrs implementar en otras plataformas de redes sociales para explotar la presencia de tu marca."
Price: 19.99

"Shopify 2020 Create your own Ecommerce Website From Scratch" |
"Our course was created in 2020! Join our team as we completely create, customize and launch Shopify website in near real time! With over 2+ Hours of tutorials, we know that course will teach you how to get your product on the web through using Shopify.This course will lead you through the entire ""out of the box"" launch process for Shopify. By course completion you will have a live e-commerce website ready to accept payments and orders. Your website will also be able to send your customer payments to your Bank account. This is the all-in-one solution for the individual who want's to see the process of building a Shopify website."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Camafeos en resina para principiantes." |
"En ste curso aprenders a hacer camafeos en resina desde cero. Aprenders como tener xito en tu mezcla y medicin de componentes.Diferentes tcnicas para darle vida a tus ideas. Fondos artsticos a mano.Tcnica de acetato.Tcnica de foil.Tcnica de flores secas en camafeos.Tcnica 3D de flores en camafeos.Medidas de seguridad al usar la resina.Qu tipo de resina puedes usar.Adems de varios tips para mejorar la composicin de tus creaciones. anda, Inscrbete!"
Price: 495.00

"Quick Prep for the CISSP exam" |
"While most of us professionals do not have the time to read through fat cybersecurity books multiple times, the pressure before the exam is a lot. I have created this short 6 hour video that you watch and/or listen over and over while you are driving (listen while driving), working out, riding the metro or a cab, or even before heading to bed. I definitely recommend leveraging this after you have read through one of the CISSP books once and then come back to this to get a quick recap."
Price: 49.99

"Tackle Remote Working Challenges" |
"Remote working (working from home, telecommuting, teleworking, etc.) brings a number of benefits to both employees and their managers or employers. However, there are some caveats: Are you or your team members facing loneliness, work overload, anxiety, misunderstandings or distractions at home? Are you looking for ways to tackle these challenges and make remote working more effective?If so, you're not alone. Research has shown that many remote employees & their leaders find it hard to overcome these key challenges. I also faced some of them when I started working remotely. But, through experimentation, interactions, learnings and adaptation, I successfully tackled them and made remote working productive and suited to my personal work life.Learn from experienced Management ConsultantIm Bikendra Thapa, a management consultant with over 15 years of experience in forming & executing Business & HR Strategies. I have done work for organisations in Australia, Egypt, Germany, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore Thailand, Vietnam and the UAE. Some of the companies I did strategic projects for include Mercedes-Benz, Nepal Investment Bank (formerly, member of Credit Agricole Indosuez), Husqvarna, Shell, HR ACT, among others.Tackle Remote Working Challenges is the top-quality course, I have prepared. I invite you to join me in the course today. In this course, I will cover:Background of remote working including key trends, definition, history and benefits.Five Key Challenges faced by employees who work remotely.Strategies and actions that remote employees and their managers can take to take these challenges.Enrol Now! Learn to navigate challenges you face when working remotely using tips based on my experience of remote working, my interactions with remote employees and leaders of remote teams, and insights shared by top tier publications."
Price: 24.99

"Basic Men's Haircuts for Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn the very basics of cutting a men's haircut. You will learn what tools to use, what each tool is used for, and how to properly use the tools. With this information, you will learn how to perform a basic, short length, men's haircut.Although cutting hair can be difficult and intimidating, after this course you will be confident to perform a haircut if you have a husband, kids, or friends in the comfort of your own home.You will be able to save time and money after learning these skills which will be taught through several video tutorials.Thank you for choosing this course and for allowing me to be your instructor.Hope you enjoy, Julio Gutierrez"
Price: 49.99

"Visualizao De Dados Para Designers" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender como aprimorar o visual de seus painis (dashboards) utilizando conceitos de Design Thinking, como: a identificao do pblico-alvo e compreenso do contexto, anlise e organizao dos dados, construo do layout (atravs de tcnicas de design capazes de prender a ateno do pblico-alvo) e entrega da documentao. Alm de conhecer os principais modelos de grficos e suas respectivas aplicaes."
Price: 54.99

"Motivation [Certificate], with Dr. Raymond Uy" |
"How would you like to understand how motivation works for you, your friends, students, family members, teammates, co-workers, etc.? And how would you like to identify what might be holding you or others back, and how to reframe the situation to get to the next level?Before we can become motivated, or motivate others, we need to understand how to think about motivation. This course will provide a basic overview of several motivational psychology theories. The course provides various lenses through which we can look at and understand what can motivate us and what can hold us back.Included in the overview are drive theory, conditioning theory, self-efficacy, self-determination theory, attribution theory of motivation, and flow theory. A particular emphasis is placed on expectancy-value theory, because of the wide scope of concepts that can help us identify what facilitates or inhibits our motivation.Also included are practice scenarios, a case study, and a graphic organizer mindmap. At the conclusion of the course, you will receive a Udemy Certificate on Motivation: Influences that Affect Work and Study. You will also receive a special offer for four months of online individual motivation coachings, exclusive to Udemy certificate holders for this course."
Price: 19.99

"Meditation for the Chakras" |
"Learn all about both the psychological and physiological imbalances and how they correspond to each chakra, or energy center. In this course, we learn how the chakras can essentially guide our every day life through both action and intention. Our chakras are almost like a hierarchy of needs. One chakra cannot be balanced without the other. We learn different meditations that can be practiced at your own convenience as one healing method to balance out chakra imbalances."
Price: 24.99

"The Lost Sorcerers Of Africa" |
"Ever wondered what dreams, visions, psychedelics, and hallucinations have to do with religion? If so, this course is for you...Have you ever wondered where religious beliefs come from? Is there anything behind the strange stories we hear? In this series, we look at the origins of religion and spirituality in the paleolithic (the old stone age) and follow it up into the beginnings of history. Looking a the traditions of the San Bushmen in the Kalahari, their trance dances, rock art, and experiences of altered states of consciousness. This course is the first in a series of lectures put together by Enlighten University. This program is designed to work at helping people become contemporary mystics, helping, healing, and curing a variety of psychological, emotional, and spiritual ailments."
Price: 24.99

"Gamification for Learning, Performance & Change" |
"Ready to change the game?If you've missed one of our popular gamification classes at Stanford, here's your chance to learn about gamification for training & learning. In this new course, you'll learn how to analyze popular games for the elements that make them work, make them fun, and make them perfect for your learning challenges.In this highly interactive workshop, you'll play, design, and test more than 10 unique game mechanics giving you an insider's view into how to incorporate them into your next learning challenge.You'll also have the opportunity to apply your learning to up to 5 distinct learning challenges that you're facing now, giving you a jumpstart on applying your learning in the real world.We also believe that fun is a key driver for learning so we'll have a lot of it along the way. This isn't a boring ""death by PowerPoint"" course. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get gaming.Finally, we'll share success stories (and a couple failures) about how we've specifically incorporated games into our practice at some of the world's most recognized brands."
Price: 24.99

"Unity VR: Oculus Quest Bowling Game in 30 Minutes" |
"In this course you will learn how to build a fully functional Oculus Quest bowling application in 30 minutes. The aim of this course is to get you up and running with Oculus Quest development in one sitting.In this course you will learn how to confidently achieve the following:Setup your Unity development environment and your Oculus Quest (with an Oculus Link cable for faster testing)Learn how to easily grab and throw objects in VRLearn how to create an interactable menu/UI systemCreate a fully functional bowling mini game and then add visual polish to it with free assets from the Unity Asset StoreThis course is designed for those of you who want a quick way to dive into virtual reality development and who are tired of following outdated tutorials. This course utilizes the latest VR frameworks (XRManagement & XRInteractionToolkit) for Unity."
Price: 19.99

"Learn C++ Programming From Scratch" |
"Welcome to my course. This course will guide you to learn the basics of C++ programming. C++ is a general-purpose programming language.C++ Programming Language is used in various software developments and in even gaming. C++ is an object-oriented language.C++ has a great demand in today's marketplace. This course teaches you everything about C++ starting with basic operations with examples of object-oriented concepts."
Price: 1280.00

"Introduo prtica Anlise de Sentimentos em Python" |
"Este curso foi criado para integrar a Semana de Sistemas de Informao da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Porm, qualquer pessoa pode faz-lo se ignorar os momentos em que eu falo sobre a SEMSIS ou sobre avaliao que condiciona o certificado da SEMSIS. O certiticado padro da Udemy disponibilizado a todos que conclurem. Este curso trata de relevantes tpicos de Machine Learning e Anlise de Sentimentos atravs de uma abordagem realmente prtica. Os participantes sero instrudos para que compreendam a breve teoria apresentada e, em suas prprias mquinas, desenvolvam aplicaes em Python capazes de analisar sentimentos em textos por meio do emprego de tecnologias e paradigmas atuais, realizando operaes diversas sobre dados variados e implementando classificadores baseados em Naive Bayes e Support Vector Machine treinados para, enfim, visualizar, entender e comparar resultados. No necessrio ter conhecimentos prvios de Data Science."
Price: 39.99

"Social Media For the Time and Technology Challenged" |
"Course updated May 2015Over 33 lectures and 8 hours of content!Instructor available daily for questions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Listening to Carol's lectures is like talking to a friend, who can explain things to me in a language I can understand, not too technical, or over my head.- Alfrieda Dockery--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By the end of this course, you will have the foundational knowledge to decide on the best social media platforms for you and how best to use them in a timely way. You'll learn to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GooglePlus, and Pinterest. Then you will also learn to curate and share content using Paperli. Finally, you will connect your social media accounts using Hootsuite so that you can easily and quickly build relationships online. You will also become more comfortable using Youtube.Most of the videos are a bit longer, some up to 30 minutes. Many of them were originally presented as live webinars. As such, the audio quality is a bit tinny, but totally understandable. Watch the lectures one by one, or choose the ones that you need help with first. If you aren't sure where to spend your time on social media, or you want a basic understanding of each of the possible options, this course is for you. The three short videos are a little harder to hear."
Price: 19.99

"Intermediate Level: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy- Certificate" |
"This course is a follow on from my Introduction to CBT and focuses on higher level understanding of CBT theory and practice, specifically looking at Dysfunctional Assumptions/Life Rules, their part in psychological distress, their development and how to amend unhelpful Life Rules. This is an excellent course that takes the student to a higher level understanding of how CBT works. The course is suitable for anyone with an interest in CBT and how it works, it is also suitable for people undergoing CBT, thinking about accessing CBT or for those who provide therapy for clients. There is a free copy of my book: The Little Book of Thinking Errors (in downloadable pdf format) as a recap of Thinking Errors in CBT."
Price: 99.99

"Drawing Caricatures - THE BEST METHOD" |
"This is a fun and straight-forward course on drawing caricatures. You don't need to be a great artist for this course. Basic drawing skills are taught. The rest is achieved through practice, carefully observing the person you're drawing, and using your imagination. Much of the focus will be on emphasizing the personality of the person that you're drawing, to bring out the likeness -noticing what makes each person unique and fun-loving."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Mastery ""Automation""" |
"FACT: To survive in business, you must appear everywhere your customers are. This includes the major social media platforms.PROBLEM: Managing the business and keeping multiple social media sites up-to-date can be a handful.What ends up happening is some of your social media accounts are active while some arent.The result?If your competitors appear everywhere, your customers are, and you are not, and then guess what?They become one of the significant authorities.This is a secret that big companies like Coca-Cola use all the time.Have you ever noticed how Coca-Cola advertisers everywhere, such as newspapers, commercials, social media, YouTube video ads, and everywhere that you maybe?The reason why they are doing this is to condition people to remember their brand.Now you don't have to be a large company like Coca-Cola? Even if you have only a couple hundred or a couple thousand followers, utilizing the strategy will help you convert more prospects into the customers.Essentially what you will become is the celebrity in their eyes. Make sense?The more presence you have, the more extensive your network of people will be; the more comprehensive your network is, the more people will know about your latest offers and be more engaged in your business.However - Attempting to manage and update your social media sites always can be very tiresome. Keeping in the loop of social trends can also be extremely overwhelming.Imagine having to manage Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and more for just one brand. As a one-person or woman show, you'll end up burning out."
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate Sound Design Recipe Book Vol 1: Basses and Subbass" |
"Welcome to Ultimate Sound Design Recipe Book, Vol 1: Bass!In this class, you won't just be hearing from me. You will have 5 incredibly experienced, professional instructors. I'll be one of them, but I've brought in some of the top sound designers working right now to give up their secrets.Jack Denny: Best known for his role as one of three producers and performers in the super-group Ternion Sound. These guys are all over the world right now.Joe Dumpling: Known primarily under his alias Dumpling, Joe is a top-notch producer and multi-instrumentalist. And an experienced teacher, too!Zak Khan: Zak is making some of the funkiest, coolest music I've heard in a long time, so I was super excited he agreed to help out with some videos here. Get ready for something special.James Patrick: You've met James before in some of my other classes, but he is also a world-renowned producer and performer, and accomplished teacher (and Ableton Certified Trainer)Me! I'll be guiding you through all of the lessons from these guests and filling in anything that needs to be filled in.The goal of this class is to help you define your sound by learning some of the tricks of the best in the world.Software:This course is NOT specific to any DAW program.This is a course about techniques. Most techniques that you see the instructors doing can be replicated in several different applications. We will focus here on techniques, and learning with step-by-step examples of how to make specific sounds. Topics Covered: FM BassDirty BassFunk BassWobble BassThe Wub-Wubs!SubbassSome Weird Bass SoundsAnd much, much more!If you are ready to start making professional sounding tracks, this is the class that will start you on that journey. Get started today.Dr. Allen is a university music professor and is a top-rated Udemy instructor - with nearly 100 courses and over 300,000 students. In 2017 Star Tribune Business featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. ** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough sound design course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30-day money-back guarantee) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waited for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts for all future classes in the series. "
Price: 19.99

"Cmo Escribir Un Plan De Negocios Y Una Estrategia Comercia" |
"Nueva y revolucionaria forma de redactar un plan comercial profesional que lo ayudar a identificar las estrategias comerciales ms efectivas para su situacin.D este paso para comenzar su negocio, lograr la independencia y convertirse en su propio jefe.ltima actualizacin del curso para 2020: Ms ejemplos de diferentes negocios en diferentes industrias. Plan de negocios innovador de tres oraciones para comenzar Cmo tomar su plan de negocios de tres oraciones, expandirlo a un plan de negocios de una pgina, y luego a un plan de negocios completo y profesional Diez errores y ejercicios de planificacin empresarial para ayudarlo a evitarlos Se agregaron ms detalles a la seccin de finanzas. Cmo puedes convertirte en un emprendedor ms fuerte============================POR QU NECESITA MS QUE UN DOCUMENTO DE PLAN DE NEGOCIO?Muchos cursos solo se enfocan en escribir un documento de plan de negocios. Pero el valor de la planificacin de negocios, es que le ayuda a comenzar, no tener algn documento intil que nadie quiera leer.Este es el problema en la industria de la planificacin de negocios: las personas que venden plantillas de planes de negocios intiles para llenar espacios en blanco que tienen informacin intil que no est dirigida a su negocio nico.En este curso, aprender cmo crear excelentes estrategias comerciales que lo ayudarn a tener un comienzo ideal para su negocio.============================ANTECEDENTES DEL INSTRUCTOR: PENSAMIENTO LDER EN PLANIFICACIN EMPRESARIALMi libro de planes de negocios 'Cmo escribir un plan de negocios' es consistentemente el mejor libro de planes de negocios en Amazon. Varias universidades y escuelas secundarias utilizan mi libro, y estas instituciones me invitan regularmente para dar charlas sobre cmo iniciar un negocio.He sido emprendedor durante 20 aos, he entrenado personalmente a ms de 1,000 emprendedores, ense a ms de 150,000 estudiantes en lnea y he ayudado a millones de emprendedores en todo el mundo, algunos de los cuales crearon negocios de 6 y 7 cifras, y yo tambin puedo ayudarlo.============================SE ENFRENTA A ESTOS PROBLEMAS COMUNES DE PLANIFICACIN EMPRESARIAL?Despus de entrenar a ms de 1,000 empresarios, vi a los empresarios cometer los mismos errores de planificacin comercial una y otra vez: Confusin de plantillas engorrosas que no le dan las estrategias correctas para su situacin nica No saber qu estrategias comerciales son las mejores para elegir Sentirse confundido, perder confianza y dejar de fumar. Sobre planificacin y nunca comenzar Sub-planificacin y tropezar con errores costosos comunes Estrs! Mucho y mucho estrsNo solo he entrenado a personas como t, sino que tambin he estado all. He sentido el estrs y la confusin que podras estar sintiendo ahora. S lo difcil que puede ser, y har todo lo posible para ayudarte a dejar todo atrs.============================PLANIFICACIN EMPRESARIAL MEJORADA BASADA EN EXPERIENCIAS DE EMPRENDEDORES COMO USTEDCre una forma nueva y mucho ms fcil de escribir un plan de negocios que resuelva todos los problemas que afectan a los empresarios y ayuda a garantizar que las estrategias que planifique sean ptimas.Diga adis a la confusin, el estrs, la frustracin, las plantillas confusas y, lo ms importante, diga adis a los costosos errores comerciales.Mi innovacin es el plan de negocios de tres oraciones que se enfoca en los elementos centrales de su negocio y, naturalmente, se expande en un plan de negocios completo.Cuando se concentra en los aspectos ms importantes de su negocio, es ms probable que planifique esas partes de su negocio correctamente, cometa menos errores y, en ltima instancia, cree un negocio ms slido.Despus de crear su plan de negocios de tres oraciones, le mostrar cmo expandirlo a un plan de negocios de una pgina y luego a un plan de negocios completo que tenga estrategias ptimas.============================EQUILIBRAR EL PLAN DE NEGOCIOS CON EJECUCINNo puede comenzar sin planificar, pero la planificacin excesiva tambin es un problema. Este curso equilibra los dos.La ejecucin en el mundo real de sus estrategias comerciales es ms importante que la planificacin. Cada seccin del curso le muestra cmo planificar su negocio y al mismo tiempo le brinda consejos prcticos y reales sobre cmo ejecutarlos despus de comenzar.============================ESTAR CON USTED CADA PASO DEL CAMINO: 99% EN TASA DE RESPUESTA A SUS PREGUNTAS Y COACHING GRATUITO UNO-A-UNOLo que distingue este curso de plan de negocios es el tiempo personal que dedico a mantener horas de oficina gratuitas (llamadas de coaching) con los estudiantes. Durante el horario de oficina, puede hacerme cualquier pregunta sobre el plan de negocios que desee, y har todo lo posible para ayudarlo a crear un plan de negocios slido.Tambin contesto el 99% de las preguntas de los estudiantes dentro de las 24 horas. Me encanta ayudar a los estudiantes que toman mis cursos y espero poder ayudarte.Entiendo lo frustrante y confuso que puede ser escribir un plan de negocios. A medida que avanza en el curso y trabaja en su plan de negocios, estoy aqu para responder cualquier pregunta que tenga para que su planificacin sea lo ms fluida posible.============================COMIENCE A PLANIFICAR AHORA Y COMIENCE SU NEGOCIO PRONTOAl completar este curso de plan de negocios, podr escribir un buen plan de negocios el mismo da. Cuanto antes planifique, ms pronto comenzar su negocio con una base ms slida, un modelo de negocio y, en ltima instancia, alcanzar todos sus objetivos. Comience hoy inscribindose en este curso de plan de negocios. Deja de esperar y comienza a hacerlo!============================ES EL PLAN DE NEGOCIOS ESCRITO AN POPULAR O NECESARIO?Algunas personas dicen que escribir un plan de negocios no es algo bueno. De hecho, la redaccin de planes de negocios se ha vuelto menos popular entre las nuevas empresas. Hay una buena razn para ello. Las nuevas empresas tienden a ir todo rpidamente con poco tiempo para planificar. Un plan de negocios para startups no es comn porque las startups no tienen tiempo para concentrarse en escribir un documento de plan de negocios largo.Pero la planificacin estratgica de negocios an es necesaria, incluso si la redaccin extensiva de planes de negocios no siempre es ideal.============================QU CLASES DE NEGOCIOS PUEDEN BENEFICIARSE POR ESCRIBIR UN PLAN DE NEGOCIO UTILIZANDO ESTE CURSO?Este curso puede ayudar a diferentes negocios, desde negocios locales de tiendas fsicas, hasta negocios en lnea y nuevas empresas.Negocios comunes de tiendas fisicas planeados con este curso: restaurante, limpieza, gimnasio, coaching, boutiques, tiendas y varios servicios.Nuevas empresas de comunicacin planificadas con este curso: aplicaciones mviles, YouTube, empresas influyentes, empresas de aprendizaje electrnico, empresas de comercio electrnico, trabajo independiente, nuevas empresas innovadoras.============================BONIFICACIONES INCLUIDAS:* Regalos adicionales y hojas de trabajo descargables* Llamada de coaching gratuita de 15 minutos durante la cual podemos discutir su plan de negocios despus de completar el curso* Invitacin personal a mi comunidad de Facebook donde puedes discutir estrategias comerciales con otros emprendedores* Mi lista de 50 habilidades de xito empresarial despus de la finalizacin del curso (la redaccin del plan de negocios es solo una de ellas)* Entrada automtica para ser seleccionado(a) para el estado de mi estudiante del mes============================ESTE CURSO ES IDEAL PARA USTED SI USTED: Eres un empresario primerizo que escribe su primer plan de negocios Estn estresados y estancados en escribir un plan de negocios Quiere crear una gran estrategia antes de comenzar su negocio Necesita un plan de negocios para ayudarlos a recaudar dinero Estn comenzando un negocio de comercio electrnico, negocio local, negocio afiliado, negocio de marca propia, arranque innovador, aplicacin mvil, negocio B2B, negocio de servicios o negocio en el hogar con una o dos personas============================CERTIFICADO DE FINALIZACIN CUANDO ACABA EL 100% DEL CURSOCuando complete el 100% de los videos en este curso de plan de negocios, Udemy le enviar un certificado de finalizacin para que pueda mostrarlo como prueba de su experiencia en planificacin de negocios y que ha completado un cierto nmero de horas de instruccin en escritura de planes de negocios.============================GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINERO. AS QUE COMPRE AHORAEl curso del plan de negocios viene con una garanta incondicional de 30 das de devolucin de dinero respaldada por Udemy. Esto no es solo una garanta. Es mi promesa personal que har todo lo posible para ayudarlo a tener xito tal como lo he hecho con miles de mis otros estudiantes.Invierta en su futuro e inscrbase ahora.Para quin es este curso? Empresarios aspirantes: si desea ser su propio jefe, iniciar un negocio y alcanzar un gran potencial, este es el lugar perfecto para comenzar."
Price: 49.99

"Learn TikTok Ads to generate Website Traffic & Video Views" |
"Note: This course does not cover how to create TikTok ads account or how to sign up because these are such very basic things which even any kid can find on any website so no need to waste time on these. However, I have instructed during the signing process that from here you can create an account first. Also, clearly mentioned in the title & description that you will learn to create two types of campaigns one is related to Website Traffic & another is related to Video Views. In this comprehensive & qualitative Online Training Course or Video Tutorials set, you will find step by step practical approach to learn TikTok Ads to generate Website Traffic & Video Views. You will learn to create two type of campaigns one is related to generate Website Traffic & another is related to Video Views. This Online Training Course or Video Tutorials set is helpful to learn TikTok Ads & also helpful for all those who have interest in Video Marketing, Digital Marketing, Mobile & Social Media Marketing etc."
Price: 104.99

"Automation Solutions with Chef Automate" |
"We live in a world of heterogeneous applications and managing them can be quite daunting. Creating, maintaining, and upgrading a scalable infrastructure requires significant effort and resources. Time spent on repetitive daily tasks can consume a big chunk of an IT/system engineer's bandwidth, and using automation tools to manage infrastructure can drastically improve efficiency and free up your time. Chef aims to solve automation across the enterprise, and across functional roles, to provide an environment where we can build, deploy, and manage any software, anywhere.In this course, you will learn to integrate Chef Automate with Chef InSpec and Habitat. This course demonstrates production-grade scenarios for configuring and managing infrastructure and applications. You'll gain proficiency in building, deploying, and managing any application in any environment with Chef Habitat. We cover all key aspects of infrastructure automation, from application lifecycle management to security, compliance, and modernizing legacy applications without replacing them.By the end of this course, you will be able to automate your IT infrastructure and solve everyday problems with Chef.About the AuthorMamta Jha is an IT Solutions Architect and specializes in cloud, automation, and DevOps. She is a skilled Cloud DevOps architect with hands-on experience designing, automating, and optimizing mission-critical deployments in several cloud platforms. She has worked with Chef for over four years on successful builds and deployments. She is passionate about learning and teaching new technologies, and believes the best way to learn is by getting your hands dirty by actually doing it. She has extensive experience in architecting and implementing DevOps E2E solutions, designing complete CI/CD pipelines for clients in on-premise setups and also in the cloud. She has given tech talks at many conferences."
Price: 124.99

"G Enerji (Tyt & Ayt)" |
" Yeni nesil fizik sorular yorum yapmay reneceksiniz.Konunun manasnda kavrayp yorum yaparak pratik test yapabilmek iin hzl bir ekilde sorular zeceksiniz.Kolaydan ok zora 21 testi 210 enerji enerji soru zmleri ile tyt ayt snavnda baarl olacaksnz.Ben levent hoca uzun yllar en iyi liselerin karlamak iin bire bir almalarm oldu ve gereklilikleri Trkiye derece yapmalarna ve istedikleri okula girerler arasnda bulunurum. imdi sra sizde yaparken dzenli alacak en az iki test kitab bitireceksiniz, Kursumuza ho geldiniz.Baarlar sizlerle olsun.Levent Hoca."
Price: 49.99

"Optik (Tyt & Ayt )" |
"Konunun mantn kavrayp yorum yaparak pratik test teknikleri ile hzl bir ekilde sorular zeceksiniz.Eer fizik eitimi istiyor ve bol soru zerim diyen herkes fizik dersini ok rahat renir.Ben levent hoca uzun yllar en iyi liselerin karlamas ile bire bir almalarm oldu. imdi sra sizde ierir dzenli alacak en az iki test kitab bitirecekseniz, Kursumuza ho geldiniz.Baarlar sizlerle olsun.Levent Hoca"
Price: 49.99
