"Forensic Science" |
"Forensic science, also known as criminalistics, is the application of science to criminal and civil laws, mainly on the criminal side during criminal investigation, as governed by the legal standards of admissible evidence and criminal procedure. This course will teach you all the basics which are required to build a foundation in forensic medicine. It will surely stimulate interest in the subject."
Price: 189.99

"Microsoft Word 2019 - Corso completo dai fondamentali" |
"Quando usi Word, c qualcosa che non riesci a controllare come vorresti?Sei sicuro che con Word potresti fare molto di pi e in meno tempo, ma non sai come?Oppure hai bisogno di imparare ad utilizzare bene Word per il tuo lavoro o i tuoi studi?In base alla mia esperienza come Microsoft Certified Educator, ho creato questo video corso completo di Word per farti, prima di tutto, capire come progettato il programma pi diffuso di Office e quindi essere in grado di adattarlo al meglio alle tue esigenze.Nel dettaglio, ti spiegher:Gestire i documentiFormattare il testoGestire le pagineCreare sezioni e inserire formule, contenuti e parti rapideUsare tabulazioni e tabelleInserire immaginiCreare riferimentiRevisionareUsare la stampa unioneCondividere e collaborareCreare macro e inserire controlliA met e fine corso puoi verificare le tue conoscenze con test a risposta multipla.E non dimenticare che alla fine del corso avrai anche la certificazione Udemy."
Price: 64.99

"Crea figuras de impresin 3D en dos colores (Multicolor)" |
"En el curso aprenders a imprimir figuras en varios colores. La impresin 3D tiene muchos secretos que merece la pena descubrir para sacarle el mximo rendimiento a tu impresora 3D. Con este curso aprenders a imprimir con dos colores tanto si tienes una impresora 3D de un solo extrusor como si tienes una impresora 3D con varios extrusores. En el curso de impresin 3D aprenders a configurar todos los parmetros de impresin adaptados a la impresin 3D de dos colores. El curso cuenta con proyectos reales donde vers las principales tcnicas de impresin 3D."
Price: 19.99

"Corso semplice di Portoghese (Curso simples de Portugus)" |
"Informazioni in Italiano un corso semplice con molti esercizi, video lezioni, domande e risposte in Portoghese. Nelle lezione hanno diversi elementi che aiutaranno gli studenti a imparare l'idioma e memorizzare tutti i contenuti imparato in ogni lezioni e usarlo nella pratica con le persone che parlano il Portoghese in qualsiasi paese dove l'idioma la principale lingua come Brasile e Portogallo. Il corso Portoghese adatto per tutti persone, sia per un viaggio, per lavoro, per tu che stai abitando un paese dove il Portoghese la madrelingua come Portogallo e Brasile.Il corso pu avere alcuni aggiornamenti/upgrade.Informaes em Portugus um curso simples com muito exerccios, vdeo aulas, perguntas e respostas em Portugus. Nas aulas tem diversos elementos que ajudaro os estudantes a aprender o idioma e memorizar todos os contedos aprendido em cada lio e us-los na prtica com as pessoas que falam o Portugus em qualquer pas onde o idioma a principal lngua como o Brasil e Portugal.O curso de Portugus adaptado a todas as pessoas, seja para uma viagem, para trabalho, para voc que est morando em um pas onde o Portugus a lngua materna como Portugal e Brasil.O curso pode ter algumas atualizaes/upgrade."
Price: 59.99

"Nail Art Course ""Fast Food"". Handpainted Summer Nails" |
"This course includes 6 yummy nail art designs and instruction for gel nail polish application. Your will learn to paint on nails using gel polishes. You will get full videos with descriptions. Using them you will find out how to give dimension to your art and will be able to paint these designs. Such a practice will help you to develop your imagination and inspire you to create your own unique designs!"
Price: 19.99

"Tramonti fantastici" |
"I colori dei tramonti ti fanno sognare? In questo video corso spiego una serie di tecniche per rendere veramente speciali le tue foto di tramonti. Imparerai come esaltare il contrasto, virare le tinte, disegnare elementi di colore, usare i pennelli, le sfumature e molto altro con Photoshop e Camera Raw."
Price: 109.99

"Criao de jogos bsicos com C# e Unity 3D" |
"O mercado de games bilionrio e no para de crescer no mundo todo. O Brasil o terceiro maior mercado de games do mundo, e as empresas de criao de jogos nunca tiveram tantas oportunidades.Alm de ser divertido, neste curso voc aprender desde o zero a criar jogos simples e principalmente a dominar uma das ferramentas mais poderosas da atualidade para criao de jogos: A Unity 3D utilizando a linguagem de programao C#.A demanda por profissionais programadores de games nunca esteve to alta, afinal, enquanto antigamente seria necessrio ser contratado por uma empresa ou estdio para poder trabalhar desenvolvendo jogos agora voc pode criar seus games em qualquer lugar e public-los nas plataformas de jogos indies.Por ser uma linguagem de programao verstil, simples de aprender e muito poderosa, C# possui recursos que, apesar de simples de se utilizar, tornam o aprendizado muito divertido e a Unity 3D pode ser utilizada para criao de qualquer tipo de game, dos mais simples aos mais complexos, seja para desktop, internet ou mobileNeste curso, a Geek University traz para voc mais de 14 horas de contedo onde voc aprender do bsico ao avanado, com explicaes claras e programao passo-a-passo a criar jogos simples com todos os recursos da Unity 3D, sem deixar nada pra traz e o melhor de tudo, realizando repeties durante o decorrer do curso para auxiliar na fixao do aprendizado.Alm de tudo, so cerca de 3 projetos espalhados pelas sees para que voc possa praticar tudo que aprender aqui neste curso!Aprenda sobre:- Instalao, configurao e uso da poderosa Unity 3D;- Desenvolva do zero o jogo Pong;- Desenvolva do zero o jogo Space Invaders;- Desenvolva do zero o jogo Galaga;- Aprenda adicionar colises, sons e efeitos nos jogos;- Pratique com exerccios, desafios e projetos;- E muito mais! No deixe a oportunidade passar mais uma vez. Sua hora de criar seus prprios games chegou!"
Price: 109.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - AWS CSA" |
"O objetivo destes Simulados prepar-lo para o exame AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate, explicando a terminologia e a tecnologia que sero testadas no exame. O foco principal ajud-lo a passar no exame. Devido a esse foco, h momentos em que nem todos os aspectos de uma parte da tecnologia da AWS so abordados e outras em que casos ou detalhes particularmente incomuns so enfatizados. Esse um esforo para prepar-lo para o exame, que s vezes nem sempre est perfeitamente alinhado com a praticidade de um arquiteto de nuvem do mundo real.Estes Simulados Cobrem todos assuntos do Exame ;Questes em Ingls!Simulados 01 - Design Resilient ArchitectureSimulados 02 - Define Performant ArchitecturesSimulados 03 - Specify Secure Applications and Architectures Simulados 04 - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures Simulados 05 - Define Operationally Excellent Architectures A AWS fornece muitos detalhes sobre o exame e, em particular, quais qualificaes um candidato deve ter para o exame: aws.amazon .com/certification/certified-solutions-architect-associate/"
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Nodejs MySQL Login System" |
"In this course we are going to build a complete Login and Register system using Nodejs and MySQL as a database.First we will learn how to connect Node with MySQL, then we will create a Login and Register system.After we will learn how users can log in using cookies in the browsers, and finally how we can have private pages that only users logged in can access.Finally dont worry I will cover every single detail so you guys can easily follow along, even if you have little experience, I will add the full code in the end of the course!By taking this course you will learn:Learning outcome:Create a Complete Login and Registration SystemCreate private pages only accessible to users logged inConnecting Nodejs with MYSQL databaseLearning how to Hash user passwordsUsing cookies in the browserand much more"
Price: 54.99

"Yoga Philosophy on Self-Love" |
"Yoga philosophy is traditionally written in the form of sutras. Sutras are threads or lines of wisdom that essentially teach us how to not be controlled by our mind and emotions. There is a belief that when sage Patanjali documented these sutras, he left them open for the interpretation of their teacher; to modify them for the students of their times. This philosophy consists of many principles.In this course, you will be introduced to one of the yogic principles called Ahimsa, which means 'non-violence' at the mental and emotional level. You will be able to use this simple, yet profound principle to harvest true love for yourself. Ahimsa encourages us to be kinder to ourselves. It helps us identify some of the key obstacles we face and it teaches us how to deal with them. This course teaches theory and practical exercises that will enable you to find the self love you deserve."
Price: 24.99

"Yoga Philosophy on Happiness" |
"Yoga philosophy is traditionally written in the form of sutras. Sutras are threads or lines of wisdom that essentially teach us how to not be controlled by our mind and emotions. There is a belief that when sage Patanjali documented these sutras, he left them open for the interpretation of their teacher; to modify them for the students of their times. This philosophy consists of many principles.In this course, you will be introduced to one of yogic principle called Svadhyaya, which means 'Self-Study'. You will be able to use this simple, yet profound principle to find your internal happiness. Svadhyaya encourages us to look inwards and analyse our thoughts and our emotions. It helps us identify why we feel the way we do by exposing our internal belief systems.This course teaches theory and practical exercises that will enable you to turn your unhappiness into happiness."
Price: 24.99

"como criar Aplicativos para android" |
"Aprenda criar Aplicativos nativos para Android sem complicao e sem experincia, sem programao!No preciso ser profissional e nem ter formao para ter seu Aplicativo publicado na play store,Basta se inscrever neste curso e voc j estar apto para criar muitos apps AndroidVoc tambm vai aprender monetizar seu App e gerar receita com ele ganhar em USD direto na sua contaVou te ensinar passo h passo!Desejo bons estudos!"
Price: 19.99

"Shopify Negocio do Futuro" |
"Criei este curso com o propsito de te ajudar a mudar de vida, para melhor nos prximos anos! trabalhando a partir de casa, com apenas uma conexo a Internet,um Smartphone, ou PC, e muita vontade de vencer na vida! Vendendo para os maiores marketplace Do Mundo e sendo recompensado por seu esforo, sim a liberdade financeira est mais prxima do que voc possa imaginar basta querer e lutar por isso!Este curso o ponta p inicial em sua jornada rumo ao sucesso!Voc ser o seu proprio chefe!"
Price: 19.99

"Costura PET - Caminha e roupinha para Pets" |
"Criamos esse novo curso para todos os amantes de Roupinhas e caminhas para PET. Nesse curso costurando caminha para PET voc irr aprender a modelar e talhar a caminha, com todo o passo a passo, a costurar tudo completo, alm da roupinha sob medidas. Um curso bem didtico e feito com muito carinho pela professora Marli. Espero que voce tenha um bom aproveitamento do curso."
Price: 19.99

"Tasarm Odakl Dnme - Design Thinking Crash Course" |
"Yeni dnyann hzl yapsnda artk rn ve servislerimizi hzla sosyal ya da ticari faydaya dntrmek zorundayz. Tasarm Odakl Dnme Stanford niversitesinde gelitirilen ve tm dnyada rn ve hizmet gelitirmek iin en fazla kullanlan yntemdir. Aklnzdaki fikri harekete geirmek, ok dk maliyetlerle yksek efor sarf etmeden test etmek ve geree en yakn hale getirmek iin Tasarm Odakl Dnme yntemini kullanabilirsiniz. Makers Trkiye Trkiye'deki en byk 50 irket arasnda olan mterileri ile beraber devaml olarak uygulad eitim ve atlye almalarn imdi bu video ile sizlerin de kullanmna ayor. Bu bir crash course. Yani konu ile ilgili hzla bilgi ve fikir sahibi olmanz salayan giri seviyesi bir eitim. Elbette ki bu videoyu izledikten sonra bir anda dnyay deitirecek fikri hayata geirmenizi vaad etmiyoruz. Ancak emin olun ki srekli uygulamanz durumunda fikri hayata geirme yolunda en hzl ve etkin yntemi semi olacaksnz.Sorularnz iin bize daima ulaabilirsiniz. Keyifli eitimler!Makers Trkiye Ekibi"
Price: 119.99

"ESL from Scratch Course: Beginner to Intermediate" |
"This course teaches students the basic grammar rules for English starters. Topics that this course include are the basic part of speech, such as nouns and adjectives as well as quantifiers and pronunciation topics such as vowels and consonants. This course also teaches the usages of words, such as this, these, that and those. "
Price: 19.99

"Advance Maya Texturing" |
"This course is the ultimate guide to 3d texturing artist so if you have the basic knowledge in Maya texturing then now you can go to the advanced things.This Master Class covers intermediate to the way up to advanced techniques in 3D texturing. after taking this course and ready to go to the next step in texturing so enroll my substance painter course, because the texturing workflow is between 3d app with texturing app so the substance painter is the next.By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of texture."
Price: 19.99

"Build Your Self Confidence: Techniques To Boost Self Esteem" |
"We Welcome You To Learn This Skill Through This Course!In this class, you will learn how to develop confidence & self esteem. Please read this description so that you can understand how much value this course would offer you.IN THIS COURSE, YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT:What is Confidence?Types of ConfidenceIt Starts in Your MindIdentify Strength And WeaknessAccepting Fears And FlawsHow To Face Any Situation With ConfidenceUsing AffirmationsRemove Negativity Around YouVisualization For Boosting ConfidenceMorning Routine To Build ConfidenceMaking Confidence a HabitIN ADDITION, YOU WILL ALSO GET: Access to Interesting & Lively Lectures That Are Easily to Follow Simple Techniques That You Can Apply To Build Confidence Time Saving & Ready to Use Worksheets and Templates WHAT DO YOU REQUIRE TO TAKE THIS COURSE?This class can be taken by anyone who wants to develop self esteem and confidence. No prior knowledge or experience is required to take this class.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Those who want to develop confidence & self esteemThose who want to become confident in their abilitiesThose who want to learn techniques to increase their confidenceBY THE END OF THIS COURSE:Know & Apply Techniques To Build Self EsteemImprove Your Mindset For Positivity & ConfidenceMorning Routine To Build ConfidenceBecome a Confident PersonIS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR ME?Yes! Dont worry if you have no prior experience or knowledge about confidence. We will start from the basics, so you dont need prior experience or knowledge to take this course.Please check the free preview lectures to have better understanding of the course. We welcome you to join this course!See you inside.Your Course Instructors,"
Price: 39.99

"Mtodos numricos en MATLAB. Teora y programacin." |
"Este curso contempla la teora, programacin y aplicacin de los mtodos numricos en MATLAB.Se tiene un inters particular en lograr que el estudiante sea capaz de visualizar geomtricamente cul es el funcionamiento de cada uno de los algoritmos implementados. Durante proceso de visualizacin, tambin es presentada la teora, frmulas, ecuaciones, funciones y expresiones indispensables para cada uno de los mtodos numricos. Una vez que se presentan estos aspectos fundamentales, y el estudiante comprende el funcionamiento del algoritmo se realiza su programacin paso a paso en MATLAB. Por ltimo, se le muestra al estudiante cmo aplicar el mtodo numrico para algn caso concreto, y cmo generar una funcin que pueda ser reutilizada para dar solucin distintos problemas.Los mtodos numricos contemplados son:Interpolacin.Regresin linealDerivacin numricaIntegracin numrica Solucin numrica de ecuaciones diferencialesUna vez que el curso es adquirido el estudiante tiene acceso de por vida.Comienza a aprender ahora!Las polticas de Udemy contemplan la devolucin total de tu dinero en caso de que el curso no sea lo esperado."
Price: 1845.00

"Make & Learn : Wireless motion controlled servo robot" |
"This course is designed so you can learn electronics and Arduino coding whilst creating your own Servo laser robot. This course covers topics such as I2C communication, SPI communication, how Accelerometers/Gyroscopes work. How to use wireless transceiver modules to send and receive data. How the programming code works and gives you further tools and techniques to unlock more functionalities and potential of your Arduino. This is and in depth course and by the end of the course the student will be able to make his own Wireless motion controlled laser servo robot from scratch and understand fully how it works."
Price: 49.99

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Price: 149.99

"Essentials to understand Automobile Concepts : Level - 1" |
"This course is for beginners who are Automobile enthusiast and want to pursue the career in Automobile field or just wish to gain knowledge. Desired interview topics are also being covered in this course. Remember to read the contents of this video course in order to know before hand what you are enrolling for. You do not need any prior knowledge for this video course.Every topics has been explain from the basic level.Chapters include history of automobiles, automobile engines, transmission system, cooling system, exhaust system, car chassis, suspension system & braking system.I am sure that you will be able to understand the topics covered in my course.Once you complete the course, you will be able to understand the intermediate & advanced courses."
Price: 19.99

"Productivity For Procrastinators" |
"""Unlock the Strategies on How to Increase Your Productivity While Working less and Build Better Habits to Achieve Your Goals!""Finally! A Comprehensive Guide on Productivity for ProcrastinatorsProductivity is often a misunderstood concept.Most people believe that in order to be productive, they have to work harder and longer.However, productivity isn't about accomplishing more, but instead about investing your time and attention in a more strategic way to add value to your life, relationships, and career.Why Does It Seem Like You're Not Getting Anything Done?Most people wish that they could get more done during their days, but dont have a clue about how to go about improving their productivity.A lack of productivity can be attributed to a variety of reasons, including:Too many distractions are keeping you from focusing on the work that needs to be done.Having the wrong mindset and not practicing positive self-talk on a consistent basis.Not having clearly defined goals and a plan for achieving them.Not creating smart to-do lists that are sensible and smart.Not delegating tasks that someone else would be better equipped to complete.Not developing the right habits to help you achieve your goals.Not having the time management skills to keep you productive.Not getting enough sleep and taking care of your mental and physical health.So How Can You Become More Productive?Unfortunately, these productivity killing reasons will never get better if you dont actively work to try to change them.The only way youre going to change and improve your productivity is if you take the necessary steps to eliminate the reasons why you may be suffering from a lack of productivity.If youre ready to make the required changes to your work habits so that you can finally improve your productivity, youre in luck, because Ive compiled a comprehensive guide that will show you how to improve your productivity while working less and build better habits to achieve your goals.PRODUCTIVITY FOR PROCRASTINATORSHow To Increase Your Productivity While Working Less and Build Better Habits To Achieve Your Goals"
Price: 189.99

"Einstieg in Controlling mit Excel" |
"AllgemeinIm Controlling sind wir auf Excel angewiesen und mssen mehrere Tabellen und Diagramme erstellt werden.Damit Sie nicht mehrere Stunden mit der Aufbereitung verbringen, lernen Sie hier viele ntzliche Tipps und Tricks mit Excel, um Diagramme und Tabellen aussagekrftig aufzubereiten.InhaltScroll-LeisteDiagramm mit Kreis hervorhebenDiagramm - Sule hervorhebenTabellenaufbauPfeil in Tabelle bei hchster AbweichungVorzeichen bei AbweichungenZustzlich erhalten Sie die Excel-Datei mit allen fertigen Lsungen.Hinweis: Die Dateien wurde mit Excel 2016 erstellt, knnen aber auch mit einer vorigen Version umgesetzt werden. Die Umsetzung ist sehr hnlich"
Price: 19.99

"Accounting Made Easy: A Quick Guide to Financial Accounting" |
"By completing it you will be able to learn the essentials of Accounting and Bookkeeping - two of the fundamental tools for a successful career in Finance.Accounting Made Easy: A Quick Guide To Financial Accounting will help you understand basic accounting concepts and offer extra practice on topics such as:...Bookkeeping, Debits, Credits, the Chart of Accounts, General and Subsidiary Ledgers, T-Accounts, Income Statement and Balance Sheet items, The Accounting Equation, the Double-Entry Principles and more...In no time you will be able to:Set up an accounting systemRecording accounting transactionsMaking accounting entriesPreparing Income Statements and Balance SheetsUnderstand Financial StatementsThe course is suitable for people with no previous Accounting or Business knowledge."
Price: 19.99

"Hand's-on Guide to Learn Oracle Application Express (APEX)" |
"This is an intensive Oracle Apex Installation/Patching/Upgrade course designed to allow you to rapidly learn to implement and managed Apex instance. You will get Complete Hand's On video tutorial and Notes in PDF formats. Additionally You will get Interview question related to Oracle Apex in this Course. You will also get personal touch through mail on myindiandba@gmail.com."
Price: 1280.00

"Agile Scrum Master Certification Training" |
"Scrum is a framework in which people can deal with complex problems while delivering valuable products. Scrum is straightforward to understand but very difficult to master. Scrum has been used for managing work on complex products since the early 1990s. Scrum is nor a method neither a technique; it is a framework.The Scrum Master is a champion for a agile scrum team. He coaches the team, the product owner, and the business together. The Scrum Master is a multi-tasker were deeply understands the work being done by the team, motivates the team,mediating them and makes sure that the teams are following the Scrum processes and will also work together with them to continuously improve them.This course follows the topics of EXIN Agile Scrum Master, which is a famous certification that brings agile principles along with scrum practices and provide practical assignments to facilitate one of the renowned recognition as 'Exin Certified Agile Scrum Master'. Repeated questions of this certification has been provided as practice tests within this course-it is absolutely free.Who is this certification for?The Agile Scrum Master is aimed at managerial professionals in the fields of IT project management, software development, business management and IT service management. Scrum methodology and agile project management are also increasingly being adopted in other areas to enable all kinds of teams.Main subjectsAgile Way of ThinkingScrum Master RoleAgile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring and ControlComplex ProjectsAdopting AgileAgile Way of WorkingAgile Working is spreading through organizations globally as they rush to meet the challenges of digital transformation head-on. Scrum remains the most popular of all Agile methodologies*. This is why EXINs Agile Scrum certifications are an ideal way to move forward in the digital age as they help professionals develop an Agile mindset and a scrum skill set.*Version One 11th Annual State of Agile Report.Agile Working is no longer just for software development teams. Demand for increased business value and the ability to respond to customer needs more efficiently has led to other departments adopting the Agile Way of Working.This has led to scrum teams popping up across different organizations and business units. However, it is essential that these scrum teams understand both the scrum framework they are working with as well as the agile mindset behind it. The combination of these two disciplines lead to an increased ability to manage changing priorities, better project visibility and increase team productivity*.The EXIN Agile Scrum site offers a wealth of information about Agile principles and the Scrum framework. Take a look at our latest blog or the pages below for more information about the program.What is Agile?Agile is a set of methods and practices that were originally intended for Software Development. It first became known after 12 software development gathered together and wrote the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. Over the past decade however, Agile has increasingly been adopted across organizations as a response to the demand of rapidly-changing and turbulent marketplace.What is Scrum?Scrum is one of the most widely used agile frameworks. It is a way of organizing work for a Scrum team using a set of artifacts, practices, and roles. A Scrum team consists of a development team, a Scrum Master and a Product Owner.Why combine Agile and Scrum?EXIN decided to combine Agile and Scrum because in order to apply Scrum methodology properly it is essential to understand the Agile principles behind it. Without this understanding, it becomes easy to lapse into going through the motions of scrum rather than actually adopting the Agile Way of Working.What sets EXIN Agile Scrum apart?Aside from being the only certification to provide the background behind scrum, EXIN Agile Scrum certifications feature mandatory practical assignments. This makes sure that anyone who takes the exam is able to applytheir knowledge in real-world situations immediately.Topics discussed in this Agile Scrum Master and Project Management Course:1. Agile Way of Thinking 1.1 Agile Concepts 1.2 Continuously Improving the Process 1.3 Other Agile Frameworks 2. Scrum Master Role 2.1 Responsibilities and Commitment 2.2 Coaching the Team and Mediating 2.3 Other Roles (Product Owner, Development Team) 3. Agile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring and Control 3.1 Writing and Maintaining the Product and Sprint Backlog 3.2 Agile Planning 3.3 Agile Estimation 3.4 Tracking and Communicating Progress 3.5 Staying in Control 4. Complex projects 4.1 Scaling Agile Projects 4.2 Suitability of Agile for Different Types of Projects 4.3 Agile Administration in Tooling and Tool Integration 5. Adopting Agile 5.1 Introducing Agile 5.2 Self-Organization 5.3 Agile Requirements and Proper Environment ***Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'***Reviews (for ISTQB CTFL course of Trainer):""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""Syllabus:Refer to Exin official website to extract the latest syllabus documents of Agile Scrum MasterLanguage: English (Indian); -Completing this training in Udemy will not give accreditation of ISTQB Advanced Level hence this training has been made purposefully to help candidates prepare for the online examination; Candidate has to book exam online at ISQI website and pass the exam in order to get the official certification.Trainer's International Certification Qualifications:ISTQB -CTAL Test Manager, ISTQB Certified Selenium Tester, Microsoft Certification Software Testing using Visual Studio, HP Accredited Integration Specialist in Application Security ,IBM Certified Specialist in Rational Appscan, HP Accredited Integration Specialist in Quality Center v9 and QTP v9, IBM Certified Rational Specialist in Test Management and Rational Robot , IBM Certified Solution Designer in Rational Functional Test, IBM Certified Solution Designer in Rational Performance TestFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ):Is this course suitable for viewing from desktop,laptop,tablet and mobile devices?It is highly recommended to use a laptop or desktop to learn this course since the power point presentations are made compatible to laptop (screen size) only. Udemy do not support to download the section based attachments from mobile or handheld devices. Participants can view the course from Udemy app or mobile browser. But the experience is really good with a laptop or desktop screen. Even if you attempt to complete the course from udemy app or mobile browser, please watch it once from laptop/desktop for any attachments to download for your preparations.Note: Agile Scrum Master certification is the exam conducted by EXIN. Instructor is independent to any boards or association and sharing his personal experience through this training program. It is highly recommended to refer the official syllabus from EXIN time to time since no accreditation or partnership associated to any board.DISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT).Course Syllabus and Certification: Copyright 2020 @EXIN Holding B.V."
Price: 199.99

"Goal Setting: How to Set, Stick to, And Achieve Your Goals" |
"Success is not an accident it's a choice. The question is, will you choose to harness personal success for yourself or not?The truth is so many people won't. And it's not because they don't have dreams and goals. It's because they don't have a real strategy to stick to and achieve those goals. Setting goals is easy. Achieving them takes work. As we move through life we all experience obstacles and challenges that get in our way. And we all too often make unconscious decisions and adopt unconscious beliefs that hold us back. That's why this isn't going to be another course on goal setting. This is a course about STICKING to and ACHIEVING your goals. But, before you can do that, you have to first determine if the goals you're setting actually belong to you OR if they belong to someone else (like your mom, boss, partner, etc.), and you've just applied them to your life with the assumption that you *should* achieve these things because achievement equates to success. This course is about digging deep, unleashing the unnecessary stuff that's holding you back, and truly uncovering the things you want in your life and WHY you want those things. Then once you sort that out, you'll learn techniques and strategies for how you can stick to and achieve your goals."
Price: 49.99

"WEB DESIGN - Le Cours Complet 17 heures + 4 ATELIERS" |
"Projet WEB DESIGN : Du recueil des besoins la mise en ligne.Le cours sur la conception web le plus complet sur Udemy : comment russir votre site web et votre communication sur les rseaux sociaux avec 4 Ateliers pratiques. La rfrence depuis 2019 et MEILLEURS NOTE SUR UDEMY Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 24/09/2020 SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours ! Au-del de la mise en oeuvre technique, cette formation accompagne le chef de projet, mais aussi tous les intervenants (designers, dveloppeurs...), tout au long du droulement d'un projet web.Cette formation dvoile pour la premire fois les secrets des recettes digitales concoctes ou inventes par les pionniers de l'Internet, les entrepreneurs les plus talentueux et les auteurs les plus influents. Vous y dcouvrirez de nombreux concepts pour mieux vous prparer depuis la digitalisation de l'entreprise, la stratgie, le management, l'innovation, jusqu'au produit, au marketing et la mesure... l'heure du numrique.Le WEB DESIGN est l'lment de croissance prioritaire des entreprises aujourd'hui. La conception et le succs d'un site marchand requirent cependant une bonne connaissance des outils indispensables sa mise en oeuvre. 1 Comment lancer son projet web? 2 Comment faire connatre et animer son site e-commerce? 3 Comment utiliser les dernires technologies numriques pour en tirer le plus de profit? 4 Comment mettre le client au coeur d'une stratgie OmniCanal? 5 Comment mesurer, analyser et interprter les performances du site? 6 Animer son site avec AFTER EFFECTDe la conception du site l'analyse des performances, chaque tape du projet est aborde de manire progressive et directement oprationnelle. la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : Obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.(Dernire Mises Jours de la formation le 24/09/2020)"
Price: 199.99

"SAP WM Course on RF/Mobile Data Entry" |
"In this course, one can learn the business usage of RF Devices and the significance in Warehouse business. Required configuration stepsTesting of different Standard SAP RF Transaction CodesHow to prepare Functional Specification for Customized RF Programs. This contains the details of logic related to screen fields, Function Module along with validations, business usage and screen design etc."
Price: 29.99

"IELTS Speaking - Mastering Part 1, 2 & 3" |
"Do you want to go abroad for higher study, work, or immigration? But stuck in getting the desired score in IELTS Speaking? Do you need an actual guideline to get a higher Speaking score? This course is then for you. This course is mainly focused on four Marking Criteria (Fluency & Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range & Accuracy, Pronunciation) and three PARTS (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) of the Speaking module of IELTS exam. You will practice at home according to the suggestions provided in this course. Note: This course is for Bangladeshi aspirants or who knows the Bengali language since some of the materials are in Bengali.By the end of this course, you will Be able to answer any questions of IELTS Speaking with confidenceKnow the strategies on how to answer each PART of the Speaking exam differently"
Price: 19.99
