"Make Beats Like Martin Garrix - EDM For Beginners" |
"EDM music is dominating the music everywhere, and in my new class, you'll learn how to build three EDM beats of your own. From drums and bangin 808s to mixing and melodies, this class provides the structure for professional sounding and head knocking worthy tracks. You'll learn:How to easily warp, chop, and manipulate audio samplesThe key elements that go into an EDM trackMy three big takeaways it took me years to learnHow to mix and master a EDM tracks with mostly stock plug-insMixing secrets that are unique to dance beatsHow to get a radio-ready sound without wasting money on expensive gearHow to design drums to KNOCK in the car and on headphonesHow to make better decisions in terms of sample choice and sound designFor the course project Ive provided the song files so that by the end of the class you'll have your own fully mixed track you can show your friends (or your mom...shell be proud).This course is for beginners and intermediate students, but I recommend that you have a basic understanding of music production (and your DAW) to fully utilize the lessons I teach here.Ill be using Ableton Live but you can do these same techniques in any DAW.You ready? Get the course project files and lets make some beats.Do you ever listen to your favorite dance music and wonder how they do it?Have you ever heard a song so inspiring that it made you want to create your own?Or maybe you already make hip hop beats but are struggling to achieve the sound you want?Your mix is off, the kick doesnt seem to bump, and you get so frustrated you just give up...Trust me. Ive been there.If youre anything like most producers starting out you have a vision in your head how you want your tracks to sound, but cant quite seem to make it happen.Now you can.It took me hundreds (if not thousands) of beats to finally figure out what was missing in my production.I tried to learn on my own through random youtube tutorials and blogs I read online.I spun my wheels for years.And after teaching hundreds of students know I now why.The answer is simple:We think because the information is out there we can do it ourselves.But with the internet sending us new tutorials every other day it leaves us feeling even more confused than when we started.How do you get your 808 to not clash with your kick?What plug-ins are best for trap beats?How do you make melodies if you dont know music theory?There's no clear cut path.It took me years of trial-and-error, wasting time trying to learn concepts I thought I needed only to end up months later in the same spot.So whats the alternative?----After being frustrated with how confusing my own journey was learning music production I decided to do something about it...I created Beat School, an online academy that teaches the foundational elements of music production in a simple and effective way.This course on trap music production is one of the beginner programs designed to help students gain an understanding of beat making with a step-by-step approach.----In this course you'll learn:-How to easily warp, chop, and manipulate audio samples-The key elements that go into a trap track-How to mix and master a trap track with mostly stock plug-ins-Mixing secrets that are unique to trap beats-How to achieve the gritty 808 sound characteristic to trap music-How to make trap beats without wasting money on expensive gear-How to create trap beats with only stock plug-ins and free resources-How to design drums to get that signature BOOMIN sound-How to design drums to KNOCK in the car and on headphones-Only the necessary information that you need to make lofi beats, without the overwhelm and confusion of complicated techniques-My goal is simple:I am here to teach you a simple process to easily make melodies, warp audio, create drums that BANG, mix, and master trap beats that you can count on to make your speakers rattle.In this course I wont overwhelm you with fancy software or advanced techniques. Youll learn exactly what you need to get producing as fast as possible.In doing so, I have built what I believe is the most effective way to easily make trap beats.-My courses are effective, impactful, and include extra resources to help you level up.In the Class Project section you'll be able to download all the files I use so that you can create your own beats and follow along with me.That being said, your progress is completely up to you. I cant do the work for you.But I CAN lessen the learning curve, provide an easy to follow blueprint, and shave years off your path to mastery.I hope to empower you with the knowledge, practice, and resources you need to realize that this isnt rocket science.You can do this.If you are willing to invest in yourself and commit to learning a few hours a week, I have no doubt youll be able to achieve your goals with music.You ready to rock?Download the files, set aside a few hours for dedicated learning, and lets make some beats!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Operations Management" |
"1. Introduction to Operations ManagementEvery organization has an operations function, whether or not it is called operations. The goal or purpose of most organizations involves the production of goods and/or services. To do this, they have to procure resources, convert them into outputs and distribute them to their intended users. The term operations embraces all the activities required to create and deliver an organization's goods or services to its customers or clients.Within large and complex organizations operations is usually a major functional area, with people specifically designated to take responsibility for managing all or part of the organization's operations processes. It is an important functional area because it plays a crucial role in determining how well an organization satisfies its customers. In the case of private-sector companies, the mission of the operations function is usually expressed in terms of profits, growth and competitiveness; in public and voluntary organizations, it is often expressed in terms of providing value for money.Operations management is concerned with the design, management, and improvement of the systems that create the organization's goods or services. The majority of most organizations financial and human resources are invested in the activities involved in making products or delivering services. Operations management is therefore critical to organizational success.Activity 1For each of the following businesses, identify the main output of the operation: Publisher Hotel Bank Insurance company B.S.A Crescent UniversityAn understanding of the principles of operations management is important for all managers, because they provide a systematic way of looking at an organization's processes. The need to manage manufacturing and service operations efficiently and effectively has led to a considerable increase in interest in operations management in recent years. However, the concept of operations is not new."
Price: 99.99

"nsan Kaynaklar Kursu" |
"Kurum ve irkette personel alm, doru personel seimi, kurum verimlilii ve cirosu artrma, doru dinamik hedefler belirleme, personel davran tarzlarn belirleme ve raporlamaKurum ierisinde verimlilii artrmak, irkete doru personel semek ve bu personelin davran tarzn nceden n grerek irket ierisinde olas atmalar nleme ve bunlar raporlama, kuruma uygun personel alm, uygun takm oluturma..."
Price: 49.99

"Guided Meditations - Finding Sanity in an Insane World" |
"Welcome to Guided Meditations - Finding Sanity in an Insane World.Global climate change, catastrophic fires, pandemic viruses, accelerating technology that no one can keep up with, disconnection, isolation, depression, stress, that's all moving faster, and faster, and faster. This is our world. This is how we live. What are we supposed to do?In this course, I'll be leading you into experiences that millions of people are so incredibly desperate for, namely, deep calm and inner peace.Throughout this entire course, I'll be providing useful lecture material, contemplations, deep guided meditations, and true stories to help you relax, heal, and create a serene inner world.Topics in this course will include:The importance of learning how to enter states of DEEP RELAXATION.How to utilize CONTEMPLATION to gain insight into creating a calm and healthy inner state.THREE GUIDED MEDITATION TECHNIQUES to create inner peace, release negative subconscious emotional influences, and create positive new horizons.One TRUE STORY, illuminating the power of subconscious influences.A VERIFICATION SHEET, to help chart your success.Although there are no prerequisites for this course, some experience in meditation will be helpful. But more than anything, what you really need is a passionate desire to take action, to create a peaceful and sane inner world.This course is very personal to me because I've been able to implement the tools presented here, to create a peaceful life, despite the seeming insanity in the state of global affairs. I hope this course will help you too.What students are sayingThis is a lovely course to do. There's something magical about these meditations. Thank you. Gerardine LemercierI wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of online courses & yours are some of the best Ive come across Lauren Carterthe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 99.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC An Introduction" |
"Welcome to this introduction to Adobe Photoshop CC! Adobe Photoshop is an incredible piece of software thats not only been one of my main tools for more than 25 years, its been downright entertaining as well jaw-droppingly so. Some of its features are SO good and SO amazing theyll leave you completely gobsmacked. But, it will eat your life, so be warned: we all take pictures, and we just cant resist trying to improve them...so, a time will come when youll find yourself still sitting in front of your computer at 3 in the morning. Youve not eaten, youre not tired, youre having a great time...and youve got to get up for work in the morning.These videos cover everything you need to know to start working professionally. The first few cover preference changes, setting up a workspace, how to use the Selection tools, things like that. Then there are loads of videos that start out fixing various kinds of damage: poor tone range, low contrast, colour castes. Theyre followed by videos covering more creative things: special effects, working with masks and layers, how to move something from one image into another, how to cut out difficult objects, and more.Of course, there's loads more but that's for the advanced course. Video, 3D, it just keeps getting better and better. But almost all the time, Photoshop work involves what's covered right here.Ive uploaded all the materials used in these videos, so you can try everything yourself. Please do! Then you'll discover just why Photoshop is such a rewarding place to work..."
Price: 199.99

"iOS Native XCUITEST (UITest) automation using Swift & Xcode" |
"Welcome to the Best and only XCUITest Automation testing course in Udemy !This Course is designed for the beginners who is eagerly looking to learn UI Testing in iOS from step by step.This course will cover all the basics you need to know for UI Testing using iOS.Once you learned this course you will be stronger in basics and you are all set to automate any iOS app.You may have a working app, but you want to test changes youre making to extend the app. Maybe you already have tests written, but arent sure whether theyre the right tests. Or, you have started working on a new app and want to test as you go.This Course will show you:How to test any iOS app using xcode UI testingHow to generate scripts by Record and playHow to write automation code by SwiftHow to identify Accessibility locatorsHow to generate and view the test reportsWhat are you waiting for? Just enrol the course and become an UI Test engineer for all iOS apps."
Price: 1280.00

"Investire in Oro e Diamanti" |
"Investire in azioni o in altri strumenti finanziari (opzioni, futures, valute, derivati vari...)? Sicuramente redditizio, se sai come farlo.Investire in titoli di Stato, Bot, Cct, Ctz? Ormai neanche quelli, secondo qualcuno, sono pi sicuri come una volta. Daltronde i tassi di interesse sono troppo bassi e il rendimento spesso negativo.Allora, cosa fare? Mettere i soldi risparmiati sotto il mattone?In realt ci sono anche altre forme di investimento interessanti e che meritano attenzione: una fra tutte, linvestimento in oro e diamanti. Ma anche in altre pietre preziose, opere darte, immobili (case o terreni) o in vini.Complice lincertezza e linstabilit che ha dominato gli altri mercati, quello delloro e dei diamanti, ha avuto un boom e lo dimostrano anche i vari negozi Compro Oro disseminati per le citt, che aprono uno dietro laltro.Le quotazioni delloro hanno infatti raggiunto livelli che non si sono mai toccati e secondo i principali analisti un oncia d'oro destinata ad arrivare a quota 3000$ entro i prossimi 2/3 anni.Conviene quindi investire in diamanti e oro? Il guadagno in effetti, pu essere pi alto rispetto ad altre tipologie di investimento, per bisogna fare attenzione a quando si compra e si vende. L'oro e i diamanti non sono tutti uguali!Occorre quindi seguire il mercato, per capire quando meglio comprare oro e quando invece conviene venderlo. La cosa migliore fissarsi dei limiti. Inoltre, sempre consigliabile non investire pi del 10% del totale del proprio portafoglio: la diversificazione degli investimenti un elemento molto importante per unattenta gestione dei rischi. Loro pu essere acquistato in oro fisico (monete, lingotti e lamine), o in oro finanziario (attraverso ETF, azioni di societ minerarie, opzioni e futures). I diamanti, invece, possono essere acquistati solo fisicamente... ma non dal gioielliere sotto casa come potresti immaginare!Soprattutto per quanto riguarda i diamanti, il valore delle pietre preziose svincolato dallandamento dei mercati finanziari e di solito, i rendimenti sono di un punto/un punto e mezzo percentuale superiore allinflazione reale. Osservando la curva delle quotazioni di diamanti nel medio-lungo periodo, i valori continuano a salire. Il diamante un bene per cui tutti hanno interesse a evitare i crolli: si tratta infatti di un bene in via destinzione.In questo Percorso Completo, Gianluca Sidoti, CEO & Founder di TraDetector, nonch uno degli insegnanti di pi successo su Udemy, guida gli studenti all'interno del mondo segreto dei Beni Rifugio, con un focus particolare sull'oro e sui diamanti da investimento.Il Corso suddiviso in pi sezioni, per rendere pi facile l'apprendimento:Introduzione ai Beni Rifugio, con le varie caratteristiche che accomunano i metalli preziosiL'Oro Fisico, con una dettagliata analisi delle varie tipologie di oro da investimento: monete, lingotti, lamine...L'Oro Finanziario, con lezioni dedicate ai principali strumenti finanziari legati all'oro: ETF, Fondi, Azioni, Opzioni, Futures...I Diamanti, con un'intera sezione dedicata al mondo dei diamanti, alle loro caratteristiche da investimento e al procedimento migliore per scegliere la pietra giustaTra i vari Bunus, gli studenti troveranno una lezione dedicata alla tassazione delle rendite finanziarie e una relativa alle migliori piattaforme da utilizzare per la compravendita di oro finanziario."
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft Word Essential Training" |
"Learn how to create, edit, format, and share documents with ease using Microsoft Word. Follow along with Sam Parulekar as he shows all the essential features of this powerful tool. This course covers a variety of topics, including leveraging templates and building blocks to create a stylish document with instant purpose; creating numbered and bulleted lists; working with columns and tables; adding images and shapes to your documents; collaborating on documents with your team; and sharing documents via OneDrive, email, and through other means. Plus, learn how to use the proofing tools in Word to check spelling and grammar, get word counts, and more.Topics include:Explain how to save a new document.Distinguish between Cut, Copy, and Paste and describe how to use them.Describe how to change font formatting.Cite how to adjust line spacing.Explain the advantages of columns and how to use them.Summarize the purpose of headers and footers, and describe how to use them.Describe how to create a numbered list."
Price: 1280.00

"The Complete Brand Management Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to Brand Management. It is the best course for Brand Management. This course of Brand Management will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Topics you can learn and get Explanation are :Brand ManagementBrand Management DiversityBrand EquityEquity ModelsBrand ArchitectureBrand Identity and PositioningBrand Management PromotionExtensionCo-brandingMaintaining The BrandThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course !Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"The Complete CRM Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to CRM. It is the best course for CRM. This course of Customer Relationship Management will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Topics you can learn and get huge Explanation are :Customer Relationship Management Types of CRMCustomer RelationshipsCustomer ManagementCRM ImplementationCustomer Related DatabasesThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course ! Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"Kundalini Reiki Master Avanzato (livello dal 4 al 9)" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come Kundalini Reiki Master Avanzato.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Il Kundalini un metodo alternativo di Reiki molto famoso, un sistema energetico ideato da Ole Gabrielsen.Questo corso avanzato, verrai attivato ad altri sei livelli di Kundalini Reiki.Attraverso le attivazione verr aperto e rafforzato il tuo canale energetico sempre di pi..E' un sistema estremamente semplice, versatile, rapido ed efficace.Come per i livelli precedenti, nessun simbolo da imparare, la chiave sta tutta nell'intenzione.Si presta benissimo ad integrarsi a qualunque tipo di terapia olistica si sappia svolgere.Otterrai le attivazioni necessarie, imparerai la teoria e imparerai come attivare i tuoi futuri studenti a tutti i livelli di Kundalini Reiki.Sei pronto ad imparare metodi energetici sempre pi potenti ed efficaci?Sei pronto ad avanzare di livello nella tua evoluzione spirituale?"
Price: 149.99

"Make Money On Youtube Without Making Videos [2020 Edition]" |
"There is also an updated 2020 version of this course that is much more in depth than what is covered here that you can find at: bye9to5official(dot)com/courseCheck out my ""Bye 9 To 5"" channel on YouTube which has over 170 videos!I have been selling my courses for over two and a half years and I have over 7,000 students in them combined (check it out on Teachable), and I just recently put them on Udemy (in June 2020) as well. So if you're wondering why my student count is small on Udemy, that is why!Be sure to check out the student testimonial videos in the preview section of the curriculum!At the beginning of 2017 I worked as a business analyst and absolutely hated my job. I sat in a cubicle all day, looking for opportunities to get out of it. I tried all sorts of online businesses, many of these online businesses included investing money that I did not earn back. It was around that time I was browsing around on YouTube and noticed I kept seeing the same videos over and over with different tags and titles, and they all had ads on them and millions of views. That was when it hit me, if these people are doing this, why can't I? I always knew you could make money on YouTube, but I thought you had to be some entertaining YouTuber with a great camera and editing skills (which at the time I knew nothing about creating YouTube content). The channels and videos I stumbled across that were not creating their own content made me realize that was not the case. I began to realize that you can make money on YouTube without making videos or creating your own content. I created my first YouTube channel that very day. I knew nothing about ranking a YouTube video, and I honestly didn't think I would get any views. But I thought, who cares? At least this business doesn't involve me investing any money, and it really doesn't take much time at all to upload some YouTube videos so what do I have to lose?I studied hundreds of YouTube channels, learning the ins and outs of what makes certain channels and videos successful. I studied all of their tags, their titles, their thumbnails, and the tactics they were using to get views. To my surprise, within just a few weeks my views, subscribers, and most importantly my income was SOARING.I couldn't believe it. Within a month I was making more than I was making at my 50 hour a week job that I needed to have a Master's degree in Business Psychology to obtain!By the end of the year, that channel was pushing 100,000 subscribers and had made me more money than my job did that year.At this point I decided now that I spent a year learning the blueprint to success, it's time to quit my job and build more channels. I built two more channels in two different niches in 2018 and have been growing them ever since.It wasn't all perfect, I made plenty of mistakes and have had many issues throughout my four and a half year journey. Through tons of trial and error, I have learned everything there is to know about what to do and what not do with this. I have perfected the technique. So I decided I should teach others how to do this as well. I noticed there were no YouTube videos teaching how to do this, and there were no courses on this subject. I decided I would create a course on this and become the pioneer of teaching how to do this method.Today, there are many imitators who have popped up and began teaching this, but I was the very first.As of 2020, YouTube has made many changes to their policies and has made this technique harder than it used to be. That is why it is more important than ever before that you do this the right way. I have made many updates to this program, have updated the techniques and strategies, and have even re-shot the course more than once to make sure it stays up to date with today.What you will learn:1.) How to make money on youtube without using a camera, a microphone, your face or your voice.2.) How to get your channel monetized quickly (within two weeks)3.) TONS of niche ideas and examples4.) How to outsource and automate your YouTube channels cheaply so you can get all of the profit without doing the work, and build multiple channels and scale them!5.) How to make money with your channels without using monetization, such as affiliate marketing!6.) Hacks for earnings 10 times the income of other channels on YouTube. These are things most channels do not know and do not do!7.) Many hacks and strategies for SEO (search engine optimization) which will teach you how to rank your YouTube videos, get them in suggested, and get your videos to go viral (which ultimately makes you money!)8.) Where to find royalty free videos and music for your videos9.) Numerous hacks most channels do not know that BLOW UP your channels!10.) The make money on YouTube secrets that NO ONE ELSE will teach you!11.) How to edit videos to get around content ID matches, duplication matches, and YouTube bots so you can use all kinds of videos!You also get access to my private Facebook group that has over 4,000 supportive and helpful students in it! I am in there every single day answering questions!In this unique course I will take you step-by-step using the EXACT blueprint and secrets I used to generate this income on Youtube. I will teach you the essential secret tricks I have used to make well over six figures using videos that YOU DON'T HAVE TO MAKE! You don't have to have a camera, a microphone, or make your own videos. There is no other course like this and you will not find this information anywhere else (there are others teaching this, but WAY LESS in depth). This make money on youtube without making videos strategy is the BEST method I have found to make money online in 2020!I will serve as your over-the-shoulder guide through the entire process and give you secrets such as how to get monetized QUICKLY and EASILY, choose a successful niche, how to download, upload, and monetize videos LEGALLY that do not have copyright licenses, secret tips to increase views and watch time, how to create unlimited youtube channels using unlimited phone numbers, how to gain additional views and subscribers easily, how to avoid getting your channel deleted or getting copyright strikes, how to get rid of copyright strikes, how to get past the youtube demonitization bots, how to get past the monetization review process quickly and easily, how to get your videos ranking on the search results, how to effectively use SEO strategies, and a secret trick to making more money on youtube than ANYONE else is able to generate doing one simple secret that will increase your revenue times 10. This will also work in almost ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, so no matter where you live you can make money on Youtube.I will also teach you a VERY EASY way you can get to the monetization review process within two weeks with just ONE video! This is something NO OTHER COURSE OFFERS. This means you will be able to have a monetized channel to start making money within just a couple weeks, with barely any work involved!As an added bonus, which will be WORTH THE PRICE of the course on it's own, you will be given access to a special facebook group that is dedicated to students helping each other grow each other's youtube channels through giving free subscribes, likes, comment, views, and watch time to other student's channels. This means your channel will grow EXTREMELY FAST and you will reach the monetization review process in no time, because you will be given free subscribes, views, likes, and comments on your channel by other students! This is ONLY available to students who have purchased the course.You will also be given access to a special mastermind group I have created where I will answer any questions you have. In addition, all members will have the ability to discuss questions and give feedback and tips to each other. You will also have the ability to leave comments and questions right there on any lecture you want and I will be able to respond and help you through it right there on the course in real time!I will teach you how to legally get around ANY content ID match and duplicate video warnings that normally stop you from uploading/making money on particular videos. I will also teach you how you can legally edit and use many montages that are already available on Youtube, opening up THOUSANDS of video options you didn't have before. This will open up thousands of possibilities and will allow you to use MANY videos that are STANDARD LICENSES! This is HUGE for passing the monetization review and making the videos you upload look like your videos!So if you would like to learn all of the secrets for making money on YouTube without making videos by someone who has been successfully doing this method for over four years, than this Make Money On YouTube Course is for you!"
Price: 199.99

"Snav Stresine Son-NLP Teknikleriyle Snav Stresini Ynetin" |
"Snav Stresine Son - Snav Stresinizi YnetinSnav Stresine Dokunu koluk SeanslarVideo Seanslarn HedefiSnav stresi, snav heyecan, snav endiesi, snav kaygs ve snav korkusunu olarak adlandrdnz her trl snavdaki olumsuz duygular dengelemeyi reneceksiniz.Bu kursa 39,99 TL'ye kayt olmak iin eitmen ile iletiime geebilirsiniz. Burs BavurusuBu programa burs bavurusu iin yapmak istiyorsanz ELMAS Akademi Facebook sayfasndaki Burs Bavuru Formunu doldurun. Nedir?Snav stresinizi, heyecannz, snav korkunuzu dengeleyin. Snavlarda kendinizi tam olarak ortaya koyabilirsiniz. Snav Stresi yaayan yetikin ya da renci, Video seanslar izleyerek ve Uygulama Kitabn e zamanl takip edip uygulamalar yaparak snav stresini kolaylkla dengeleyebilirsiniz.Snav Stresine Dokunu Uygulama Kitab ve Video Seanslar, snav stresini dengeleme konusunda kendine koluk yapabilirsiniz.Snavlarda kendinizi tam olarak ortaya koyamadnz dnyorsanz, Uygulama Kitab ve Video Seanslar ile adm adm yapacaklarnz netletirebilir, verilen rneklerle birlikte, kolaylkla seanslar uygulayarak, snav anndaki stresinizi dengeleyebilirsiniz.Koluk Kltr Serisi - Modl HModl H - Snav Stresine Son - Snav Stresine Dokunu Modl, Koluk Kltr Serisinde Koluk Becerileri ve renci Koluu Programnn bir modldr.renci Koluu Programn tamamlamak iin alnmas gereken bir modldr.Snav Stresine Son - Snav Stresine Dokunu modln alan kolar, kolaylkla dananlarna snav stresi dengeleme seans uygulayabilirler.Nasl?Kayt ilemlerinden sonra,1. Snav Stresine Dokunu Uygulama Kitabn Pdf formatnda indirin.2. ster renkli, isterseniz siyah beyaz olarak yazcdan ktsn aln.3. Kurun kalem ya da tkenmez kaleminizi hazrlayn.4. Uygulama kitabnn ilk sayfasn an ve video seanslar izlemeye balayn. Video seanslar sizi adm adm ynlendirecektir. zlerken gerektiinde videoyu durdurun, istenen bilgileri ve notlarnz yazn.Kimler iin Uygun?Snavlara katlan her yata renci ve yetikinler bu kursu alabilir.SYMnin yapt tm snavlar, Yksekretim Kurumlar Snav LGS, TYT, TUS, DGS, YDS, ALES, KPSS, YDUS, Orta retim Kurumlarnda uygulanan snavlarAskeri Okul SnavlarMlakatlar, grmeleriOkuldaki snavlarMesleki SnavlarEhliyet Snavlar gibi her trl snavlar iin etkilidir.Kurs ProgramHazrlk SeansBirinci Seanskinci Seansnc SeansDrdnc SeansUygulama Zaman nerisiSnav stresinin iddeti herkeste farkldr. Snav stresi fazla olanlarn uygulamalar daha fazla ve sk yapmalar uygun olur. Bir ay boyunca almalar en az kez tekrarlamanz neriyoruz. Daha fazla da yapabilirsiniz. Gnde 1 seans uygulayarak toplam 4 gnde uygulayabilirsiniz. 4 gn tamamlannca tm sreci batan sona tekrarlayn.1.Set1. Gn: Hazrlk Seans ve Birinci Seans2. Gn: kinci Seans3. Gn: nc Seans4. Gn: Drdnc Seans2.Set5. Gn: Birinci Seans6. Gn: kinci Seans7. Gn: nc Seans8. Gn: Drdnc Seans3.Set9. Gn: Birinci Seans10. Gn: kinci Seans11. Gn: nc Seans12. Gn: Drdnc SeansBu ekilde kendinizi rahat hissedene kadar devam edebilirsiniz.Snav Stresine Dokunu ile Kendine Koluk Yap, Snavda Potansiyelini Ortaya karSnavlar hayatmzn her alannda var. Snavlara yklediimiz anlamlar ocukluumuzdan itibaren ekillenmeye balyor. Snavlarn ne kadar nemli olduunu ocukluumuzdan itibaren reniyoruz. Snava yklediimiz anlamlara gre de beynimizde duygular retiliyor. Snava srasnda da bu durumlar ve bu duygu durumlarn yayoruz diyebiliriz.Duygu durumunu ynetme, iinde bulunduumuz duygu durumunun farknda olmayla balyor. Ancak farknda olduktan sonra duygu durumumuzu ynetebiliyoruz.Yllar ierisinde sadece rencilerle deil yetikinler ile de yaptmz koluk almalarn sonucunda birka seansta snav stresini kontrol edebilir hale gelebilirsiniz.Snav stresi yaayanlarn, snav srasnda youn duygularn etkisi altnda oluu malum. Youn duygu durumuna uygun olarak bedenimiz terleme, titreme, unutma gibi benzer tepkiler verecektir. Bedenimiz ve zihnimiz bu durumdayken, stres, korku, heyecan, kayg altndayken kendimizi tam olarak ortaya koymak ok zor olacaktr.Snav anndaki stresinizi, heyecannz ve korkularnz Snav Stresine Son kursu ile zmleyebilirsiniz. Uygulama Kitab ve Video Seanslar takip edip uygulayarak snav annda deneyimlediiniz durum ve duygularnzn farkna varabilir ve snav stresinizi dengeleyebilirsiniz.Youn uygulamalarda hazrlk seans ve drt seans gibi ksa bir srede bunu baarabilirsiniz.htiyacnza gre sreyi uzatabilirsiniz. Ve ayn sreci tekrar tekrar uygulayarak iselletirebilirsiniz....Mkemmellie lerle"
Price: 299.99

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Price: 199.99

"Develop windows services" |
"This course will get you started with developing windows services. You will learn how to find new project in visual studio, how to install windows service and you will understand the difference between two types of services available. With that, you will learn how to establish some basic timers and schedulers, and how to deal with some common events."
Price: 19.99

"Successful Project Manager" |
"What it takes to be successful project manager? What kind of skills are needed?This course will teach five top skills needed for successful project managers. Your management is combination of your skill set and team. The way you treat your team, customers and stakeholders will affect to project success.Project management is typically hard skills, but you must also have a sense for soft skills. Different projects need different skills, also different project managers. However, success needs basic skills and additional characteristics from every person.This course will highlight you the areas to you can learn and enhance. You will learn how to recognize your strengths and weaknesses to become successful! Take your career to next level, become successful project manager!You will learn and adapt tools1. AIDA approach for communication practice2. Linear responsibility chart for recognizing power and links3. Feedback to know your success and get improvement4. Balanced scorecard for reporting in four aspects6. Cost-benefit analysis to explain options6. SWOT analysis to make sure strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are seen7. Design thinking for making real problem resolution8. Risk matrix to avoid failures and issues9. Value stream mapping for avoiding unnecessary work10. Issue and change tracker to make sure all is seen and logged.These tools are explained clearly and ready to use after course completion.Start your transformation to become successful project manager. Avoid mistakes, make clear plans and do whatever it takes to reach target. Setting up goals, learning skills and making your every project a success!Enroll this course now!"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering PL/SQL" |
"In modern world, no application is possible without involving the use of database. There is a growing demand for database experts all over the world. And this course is intended to fill this gap. This course on PL/SQL has been specially designed to better equip the learners for their academic and professional career.This course is aimed at beginners, and it will guide you on a wonderful journey to transform you from nave to expert of PL/SQL. In this course, you'll learn the PL/SQL using Oracle, i.e., the most widely used Database Software in the world.In this course you will learn how to use PL/SQL statements to implement business logic with the use of Cursors, Procedures, Functions and Triggers. All these concepts are covered through lot of examples to make the learning fun and exciting. The main strength of the course is explanation with the practical examples so that learners can grasp the contents easily.Overview of Course Contents:Section-1: Basics of PL/SQL Introduction to PL/SQL Architecture of PL/SQL PL/SQL Language Elements Structure of PL/SQL BlockSection-2: Variables and Constants Variables in PL/SQL Select into Statement of PL/SQL Constants in PL/SQL Variable AttributesSection-3: Conditional, Looping and Sequential Statements Conditional Statements Simple Loop While Loop For Loop Sequential Control Assignments and Its SolutionSection-4: Exception Handling Major strengths of this course is as follows: Types of Exceptions Handling of Predefined and Non-Predefined Oracle Server Errors Explicit Exceptions Error Trapping Functions Exceptions raised in Declare Section Propagation of Exceptions Re-raising of Exceptions Demonstrations Assignment and Its SolutionSection-5: Cursor Handling Concept of Cursor Implicit Cursor Explicit Cursor Demonstrations Cursor For Loop Cursor with Parameters Cursor Assignments and Its SolutionsSection-6: Sub-Programs, Functions and Procedures Sub Programs & Its Types Local Functions Stored Functions Demonstrations Local Procedures Stored Procedures Assignments & Its SolutionsSection 7: Trigger Concept of Trigger Uses and Applications of Trigger Types of Trigger Before Statement & Row Level Trigger After Statement & Row Level Trigger Syntax of Trigger Old and New Keywords Raising Application Errors Assignments & Its SolutionsStrengths of Course More than 9 Hours of Video Contents More than 70 Video Sessions Enough Reading Material to Brain Map the Concepts Quizzes after each section to check your progress Every Section has Assignments to have learning by doing pedagogy Excellent course to prepare for DBMS Excellent way to become expert of PL/SQL before placement and Interviews"
Price: 1280.00

"ITIL Foundation V4 Practice Tests" |
"In these practice test, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the ITIL Foundation Version 4 Certification Exam. With 6 full-length practice exams with 40 unique questions and each of which is timed at 60 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence. None of the questions are repeated! These practice exams were updated to reflect the new 2020 ITIL Foundation Version 4 exam.You will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further. This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the ITIL Foundation V4, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 39.99

"This course is your solution to success in the A1 IELTS Life Skills Speaking and Listening Test.In this course you will learn:What happens in all four parts of the test.How to ask questions effectively.How to interact in the best way with the other person in the test.How to listen carefully and get EVERY question correct.How to develop your English conversation skills.This course consists of online videos and downloadable resources that you can keep."
Price: 24.99

"Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer : Tests 2020" |
"Practice test for exam Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer The associate level certification is focused on the fundamental skills of deploying, monitoring, and maintaining projects on Google Cloud.This Associate certification is a good starting point for those new to cloud and can be used as a path to professional level certifications . Cloud Engineers who are expertise to deploy applications,, manage enterprise solutions and monitor operations. Associate Cloud Engineers can use Google Cloud Console and the command line interface to perform various tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions on the Google Cloud platform.Google Cloud is growing quickly as companies increasingly adopt multi-cloud strategies.Google Cloud certifications validate your expertise skill and show your ability to transform businesses with Google Cloud technology.This Associate exam check your ability to below topics :Setup a cloud solution environmentPlan and configure a cloud solutionDeploy and implement a cloud solutionEnsure the successful operation of a cloud solutionConfigure access and securityThis practice test will help you prepare for the real official google exam test environment. Life Time Access to attend Multiple times for this practice test until you will get succeed .This is an Unofficial Exam Course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Google in any way.Do Practice and practice until you have succeededWish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99

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"ucretsiz video duzenleme programi olan openshot derleri sayesinde videolarinizi duzenleme yapabileceksiniz programi acik kaynakli ve tamamen ucretsiz olmasi sebebi ile destek ve calismalarda hic bir ucret odemeden erisebileceksiniz her seferinde daha iyi seviyeye cikan bir tasarim programi ile kendinizi gelistirebileceksiniz ve videolarinizi duzenleyebileceksiniz ve bu tarz programlarin devami ile ucretsiz programlar serisi olusturacagim ve birlikte daha iyi bir birlik olusturacagiz hep beraber daha iyi projelerde karsilarmak ve birlikte daha iyi yerlere gelmek icin guzel bir baslangic olabilir"
Price: 59.99

"Python ile Makine renmesi (2020)" |
"Merhaba!Gelien bilgisayar ve yazlm teknolojileri ile birlikte her geen gn hayatmzdaki etkisinin belki de tam olarak farknda olmadmz Makine renmesi konusunda uzun, yorucu ancak son derece elenceli bir yolculua kmaya hazr msnz? Bu kurs boyunca temel seviyeden balayarak makine renmesi konusunda ihtiya duyacanz birok konuda teorik ve uygulamalar bilgilere ulaabileceksiniz. Makine renmesi konusunda ok nemli bir parametre olan verinin toplanmas, ilenmesi ve kullanlmas ise son yllarn en popler programlama dillerinden birisi olan Python ile yaplacaktr. Python konusunda da ayn ekidle temel seviyeden balayarak adm adm basamaklar kacaksnz.renme Yntemi Nasl?Kursta yer alan her blmde ksa, anlalr ve teorik ieriklerde ncelikle temel bilgiler verilerek konu ilgili kafanzda bir ablonun oturtulmasna allmtr. Daha sonra ise her blmn zelliine gre hazrlanm olan uygulamalarla teorik bilgilerinizi pratie dkeceksiniz. Bu uygulamalarn bazlarnda Google' kullanarak cevaplara ulamanz gerekebilir. Bu da bilgiye ulamak iin emek harcamanza ve sonucunda da rendiiniz bilgiyi unutmamanz salayacaktr. Zamanla blme ve kursta geldiiniz seviyeye bal olarak ok daha karmak ve kompleks uygulamalar da yaplacaktr.Kurs MfredatKursa GiriHerkes in Makine renmesiPython'a GiriPython: Matplotlib ve DataFramesrnek UygulamaPython ve Veri BilimiPython ve statistikGzetimli renmeGzetimsiz renmeTakip Edilmesi Gereken KaynaklarKursta yer alan her blm ve dersle ilgili sorularnza mmkn olan en ksa srede cevap vermeye alacaz. Kurs ile ilgili eksik kalan, gelitirilmesini istediiniz noktalar ve dier grlerinizi de belirtmeniz durumunda gerekli noktalarda gncelleme almalarn da hzl bir ekilde yapmaya alacaz. Bununla birlikte kursun ieriinin de dzenli olarak gncellenmesi ve gerekiyorsa yeni blmlerin/derslerin eklenmesi de planlarmz ierisinde yer alyor. Kursa balamadan nce dikkat etmenizin faydal olduunu dndmz noktalar tekrar hatrlatmak istiyoruz.Anlatlan her konuyla ilgili bol bol okuma yapmaya aln.rnek ve uygulamalar kendiniz yapmaya aln, kendinizi zorlayn. Takldnz noktalarda iin Google'dan yardm almay unutmayn.Yazarak almak her zaman anlatlanlarn aklnzda daha fazla kalmasn salayacaktr. Her konuyu kendinize gre notlar alarak aln. Bu sayede anladnz sandnz ancak aslnda takldnz noktalar fark edebilir ve sorunlar hzl bir ekilde zebilirsiniz.Herkese baarlar!Enes ZenginF. Berkay Akaln"
Price: 49.99

"Retirement Planning Bootcamp Course" |
"IT'S NOW TIME TO PREPARE FOR YOUR RETIREMENT!ALL CLASS REGISTRANTS WILL RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY ""LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT"" Learn how to:Determine the amount of money you will need to retireDecide which social security benefit is right for youEliminate debt and improve cash flowProperly convert your IRA to a Roth IRASelect the retirement plan distribution choice that is right for youPlan your retirement income to preserve a comfortable standard of livingTransfer the risk of potential financial losses before and during retirementReduce or eliminate taxes, expenses, delays and legal challenges with EstatePlanningRollover your 401(k), 403(b), or other employer sponsored retirement planLearn 10 strategies to save money on this years taxesTopics Covered:1. Life After Work2. Retirement Planning Obstacles3. The Impact of Taxes and Inflation4. Income in Retirement5. Retirement Plan Distributions6. Investment Planning7. Risk Management8. Will and Estate Planning9. Social Security10.Insurance Planning and Asset ProtectionTHE REASON RETIREMENT PLANNING EDUCATION IS VERY IMPORTANTTax laws are ever-changing, the Social Security program is in a financial mess, and employers are ditching pension plans which puts more responsibility on us to save for our retirement. Due to these factors, being financially educated when it comes to Retirement Planning has never been as important as it is today.This course is designed to give pre-retirees and retirees a very easy to understand and easy to follow along blueprint that will help you make the best financial decisions for you and your family. This course will help you plan your retirement with absolute confidence whether your goal is to build up your retirement portfolio, protect your assets, or preserve your wealth so you can enjoy a stress free retirement.In our Retirement Planning Bootcamp Class, you will learn about the many different ways to save for retirement and you will also learn many different ways to earn income during retirement. You will also discover investment risk management strategies that you probably havent heard of before, how to save money on taxes, and how to protect your assets from long-term health care expenses. You are also given a FREE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT including a Health Care Proxy just for registering.Most importantly, this class will show you how to assess your current financial situation and develop your very own customized plan to help you stay on track to achieve your retirement goals.WE ARE FINANCIAL EDUCATORS - NOT FINANCIAL ADVISORSWhen it comes to making financial decisions, you can find information on the topic anywhere. You can also ask 10 different people a question about a specific financial topic and you may just get 10 different answers. It can be tough to decipher these opinions and use them to make important decisions when it comes to your financial future. You can get this information from a financial advisor, but financial advisors main goal is to capture Assets Under Management. You are those Assets to them. Once the course is over, be prepared to be contacted non-stop as they will attempt to bring you into their office and sell you on their services as well as high commission products where their commission may not be in line with your objectives.As Financial Educators, we do not manage assets. We do not sell products. We do not give conflicting advice. We TEACH. As an educator (and not a salesperson), our goal is to give you the most current information regarding every topic surrounding Retirement Planning. This education is 100% objective and ZERO selling of any product or service exists.When it comes to planning and making crucial decisions about retirement, it makes sense to learn from a trusted, reliable source who specializes and teaches the topic everyday WITHOUT the worry of being sold.THIS CLASS IS FOR:This class is designed for adults who are planning for their retirement whether retirement is several years away, right around the corner and even if you are recently retired. The content is relevant for those who work or have worked as an employee and those who are self employed.Whatever stage you are in, Retirement Planning Bootcamp will help you learn how to build wealth and protect your wealth so you can accomplish your financial goals and live the lifestyle you have always envisioned in retirement!COURSE AGENDA:Section One - Life After WorkDefining your ideal retirementFinancial resources in retirementOpportunities and responsibilities for todays retireesPreparing your retirement planSection Two - Retirement Planning ObstaclesCommon obstacles and how to avoid themBudgetingGood debt vs. bad debtCompounding interestTax planning strategiesTaxable vs tax advantaged investmentsSection Three - Inflation and TaxesThe number one fear in retirementEarly retirement and longer life expectancyInflation, the silent robberRetirement confidenceDont forget to include taxesHow to calculate how much you will need in retirementSection Four - Income in RetirementIndividual Retirement AccountsRoth IRA conversionsDefined benefit vs defined contribution plansInvestment incomeEmployment incomeAnnuity incomeRental incomeHome equityInformation ageSection Five - Retirement Plan DistributionsAnnuity vs lump sumSingle life vs joint and survivorAdvantages and disadvantagesIRA rollover optionsCashing out can cost you dearlyComparing distribution optionsIn-service distributionsRequired Minimum DistributionsSection Six - Investment PlanningRisk toleranceTime horizonInvestment objectivesInvestment categoriesStocksBondsCovered callsMutual FundsInvestment fees and expensesExchange Traded FundsAnnuitiesSection Seven - Risk Management StrategiesTypes of investment riskDiversificationAsset allocationRebalancingStop lossDollar cost averagingSection Eight - Wills and Estate PlanningObjectives for Estate PlanningWillsHealth Care ProxyDurable Power of AttorneyEstate TaxesProbateTrust Account typesSection Nine - Social SecurityHistory of Social SecurityCurrent state of Social SecurityFull retirement age, reduced benefits, and maximum benefitsTaxation on retirement benefitsEarned income and benefit reductionSpousal benefitsFuture of Social SecuritySection Ten - Insurance Planning and Asset ProtectionLife insurance needsMortgage protectionIncome replacementCollege expenseFinal expenseWhole lifeTermDisabilityHealth insuranceMedicareLong term careAN INSIDE LOOK INTO THE CLASS:Section One - Life After WorkIf tomorrow is your first day of retirement, and you dont have to wake up and go to work, what does your ideal day look like? How about your ideal week, or month? Have you even given it much thought as to what your dream retirement looks like? Do you want to travel the world, or spend more time at home enjoying time with family, or taking up a new hobby. How about turning a hobby into an income generating business to supplement your other sources of retirement income? In order to achieve your financial goals in retirement, you need to have a clear vision of what your lifestyle will look like. Traveling the world or spending time with family are both great ways to spend time in retirement. However, they require two different levels of financial resources. In this section, we help you you figure out exactly what it is that you want to do in retirement and from there you will learn how to properly plan to meet those goals.Section Two - Retirement Planning ObstaclesMistakes can be costly. They can set you back years. In this section we explore the most common obstacles that people face while preparing for retirement and then we show you how to avoid these costly mistakes. We then cover budgeting. If you are like most people, there never seems to be enough money left over at the end of each month. In this section we give you a brief exercise to explore that will help you track all of you unnecessary spending. Once you can identify where you are spending money needlessly, you can cut-back on those items and put the extra savings into an investment plan for retirement. We also take our first dive into the subject of taxes. We cover the taxable vs tax-advantaged investments as well as several strategies to help you save money on taxes each year.Section Three - Inflation and TaxesAccording to a study by the Benefit Research Institute, 64% of current retirees retired by age 65 or earlier. However, the same study shows that current workers plan to retire after age 65. There is a big discrepancy between when they expect to retire and when they actually do retire. Some of the reasons why people retire earlier than expected are for reasons out of our control, therefore you might not have as long as you had hoped to to plan for retirement. In this section we show you how to plan for various scenarios such as how long your money must last and how to figure out how much money you will need to live on while factoring the impact that inflation and taxes will have on your income.Section Four - Income in RetirementIn this section we discuss the various tax-deferred ways to save for retirement including employer sponsored retirement plans and IRAs. We also cover various sources of income pre-retirement and during retirement such as pensions, Social Security, investment income, as well as other unique ways to supplement your main sources of income.Section Five - Retirement Plan DistributionsDid you know that the IRS will penalize you up to 50% if you dont take money out of your qualified retirement plans in time? That is a crazy penalty. We will show you when you have to do this to avoid this penalty as well as other ways to minimize taxes and penalties when making retirement plan withdrawals. Did you know that you could rollover your company sponsored retirement plan while you are still working for that employer?? There are a lot of options that you have when it comes to taking money out of your retirement plans before and during retirement. In this section we go over the pros and cons of each option you have as well as how to avoid a very simple mistake that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars when transferring your money. We also cover the many different options you will have when selecting a monthly annuity payment from your pension. This decision is permanent and cannot be changed. We explain the different annuity payment options and the pros and cons of each.Section Six - Investment PlanningBring a pen and notepad for this section because we cover a lot of ground. When it comes to retirement planning, a lot of that planning revolves around your investments. We begin this section by showing you the importance of knowing your risk tolerance, time horizon, and investment objectives. Then we move on to explore the many different types of asset classes and investment categories, such as stocks, bonds, cash, covered calls (an excellent source of income), mutual funds, exchange traded funds, separately managed accounts, and annuities. The most eye-opening part of this section is our discussion on mutual fund fees and the other various forms of unnecessary fees, where to find them, how much it will cost you (a few hundred thousand dollars on a modest size portfolio over the course of your retirement), and the more cost efficient alternatives that are available to you.Section Seven - Risk Management StrategiesNow that you are familiar with the many different types of investments that you learned in Section Six, now we want you to learn how to properly manage the investment risk in your portfolio. Every asset class has risk, even cash as you learned in last sections story about Warren Buffett. You cant fully eliminate risk, but you can certainly control it. In this section, we will go over the many different types of risk that each asset class is exposed to and how you can minimize that risk. Some of the topics covered are Asset Allocation, Diversification, Rebalancing, and Stop Losses.Section Eight - Wills and Estate Planning42% of Americans do not have a simple Will. As our way of saying Thank You for registering for our class, we give all class registrants a very detailed 18 page Last Will and Testament. If you go to an attorney to get this done, you will pay at least $500. Now that you have this Will, USE IT!!! In this section we cover the very important topic of Estate Planning. Contrary to what many believe, estate planning is not just for the wealthy. Everyone needs estate planning. The reason: If you have an estate plan, you will be able to make important decisions regarding your healthcare, your assets, minimizing taxes, providing for your family and loved ones and much more while you are living as well as after you pass away. Without an estate plan, the state courts will make these decisions for you. That is a pretty scary thought. We will go over the benefits of having a Will, the benefits of a more detailed estate plan, as well as other topics such as estate taxes and how to minimize this and probate and strategies to avoid probate. Lastly, we will cover the many types of Trusts and the advantages and purposes of each.Section Nine - Social SecurityThis is a hot topic. The big question many of us have is Will Social Security be there when I need it?. We answer that question in this section. It is no surprise that the Social Security program has been in a financial mess for quite some time, and recent estimations are that the two trust funds that make up Social Security will be depleted by 2034. What does that mean for you and how will that impact your retirement? Find out in Section Nine. We also show you when you can collect your benefits and how your income will be impacted depending on what age you start to collect your benefits. Many people take their benefits early and also work part time or full time. Doing so can have a negative impact. We will show you how much you can make without impacting your retirement benefits. We also talk about taxation on your benefits, spousal benefits, and the future of Social Security.Section Ten - Insurance Planning and Asset ProtectionWe thought it would be appropriate to end the course with this topic. The final piece to a proper retirement plan is protecting you and your assets. If you do everything right, but skip this step in the planning process, you could still experience a major financial loss that could be avoided. We begin this section by addressing the most common needs for life insurance such as income replacement for your loved ones, college tuition coverage, mortgage protection, and the cost to pay for final expenses. There are a few types of life insurance and we explain the pros and cons of Whole Life and Term Insurance. Next we move on to the topic of Long-Term Care. Approximately 70% of Americans who reach retirement age will need some form of Long Term Care. We explain what this coverage is, how much it can cost as well as the major cost of doing nothing, and the expected length of time long term care will be needed. Finally, we end this section addressing the topic of health insurance and disability.WHAT TO EXPECT AND WHAT YOU WILL GET:CLASS INSTRUCTION:Retirement planning was never taught in our formal years of educations. It is up to you as an adult to take the time and learn this information. You will discover more information on the topic of Retirement Planning in our six-hour course, than most people will receive in an entire lifetime.Our instructors are qualified financial professionals who have earned the formal designation of Retirement Planning Specialist.CLASS OBJECTIVE:Unlike the free dinner seminars that you have probably been invited to (every night of the week), we do NOT sell during this class. We do NOT promote a single product like most people do at these dinner seminars. This is a 100% educational program that ties together every single aspect of retirement planning and how you need to integrate each topic to have a proper plan.Attend our class and learn how to:Create a plan to retire earlyTake advantage of new tax lawsMake sure your retirement plan is properly allocatedTake advantage of the most cost efficient investments and risk management strategiesMare sure your estate plan is current"
Price: 19.99

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Price: 3000.00

"Adobe Muse - Kod Yazmadan Web Sitesi Tasarm" |
"Adobe Muse Adobe Systems'in bir rndr. Yazlm web tasarmclar herhangi bir kod yazmak zorunda kalmadan web siteleri oluturmak iin programlanmtr.Metin tabanl grafik tasarm programlarna benzer bir arayze ve alma mantna sahiptir. Hazrlanan web siteleri CSS stil dosyalaryla zenginletirilmi HTML formatyla da aktarlp yaynlanabilir.Widget bal altnda men, buton, form gibi birok hazr web elementi barndrmaktadr. Baz yazlm firmalar Adobe Muse iin Widget eklentileri gelitirerek bunlar cretli veya cretsiz olarak kullanma sunmaktadrlar."
Price: 49.99

"Zacznij przygod z reklamami na Facebooku i Instagramie 2020" |
"Docz do kilkuset firm, ktre szkoliam i konsultowaam w kwestiach reklam na Facebooku i Instagramie! Z dowiadczeniem prawie 1000 zrobionych kampanii mog przedstawi porady co dziaa, a co nie w kampaniach i jak robi je lepiej!Wiesz, e reklamy na Facebooku i Instagramie robi praktycznie wszyscy dookoa Ciebie, a Ty nie masz pojcia o co chodzi i jak zacz? Nie martw si! Ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. Naucz Ci w nim wszystkiego, co potrzebujesz wiedzie na temat Managera reklam i tego jak ustawi swoj pierwsz kampani. Wyjani w nim: jak dobra cel kampanii dla Twojej firmy jak ustawia grup docelow - znajd swoich klientw, w jaki sposb regulowa harmonogram, by osiga lepsze efektyco trzeba mie na uwadze okrelajc budet, by nie przepacajak tworzy skuteczne kreacje reklamowejak stworzy swj pierwszy fanpage i zoptymalizowa go pod sprzedaMasz pytania? Napisz do mnie! Chtnie pomog, doradz i wespr. Mamy te specjaln grup do kontaktu na Facebooku: nazywa si Wobuzziary i Wobuzzy i ma link /groups/wobuzzOtrzymujesz dostp do kursu doywotnio, a ja bd go aktualizowa co kilka miesicy."
Price: 69.99

ohientbac |
Price: 109.99

"Be a master of rotational dynamics" |
"This course has the primary objective to study rotational motion.Concepts like 1.Rotational Kinetic energy2.Moment of Inertia3.Standard Results of moment of Inertia4.Radius of gyration5.Parallel-axis Theorem6.Perpendicular axis theorem7.Torque Definition8.Torque and Angular Acceleration Relationship9.Kinetic Energy in Rotational MotionPower Delivered in Rotational MotionWork Done in Rotational Motion10 Angular Momentum of a Particle11.Conservation of angular momentum12.Angular Impulse13.Rolling of a body Description14.Rolling of a body - Mathematical expression15.Instantaneous center of rotation16.Angular momentum of a body in rolling17 Friction in rolling18.Motion of rigid bodies on friction-less and frictional inclined/horizontal planeRotational MotionProblem Solving skills.Total problem 53 +7= 60 problems."
Price: 24.99

"Become a Salesforce reporting superstar" |
"YOU CAN BE A SALESFORCE REPORTING SUPERSTARAre you a Salesforce business user or administrator who wants to get amazing at creating Salesforce reports, list views and dashboards? This course could help you to boost your career, be more efficient at your job and show you how to dazzle your colleagues with your powers of data analysis.This is your definitive course on Salesforce reporting. We will cover reports, list views and dashboards on the new Lightning platform. There is over three hours of content that includes:Salesforce Reporting BasicsHow to mass update records using list viewsNext level reporting skills such as formulas, joined reports and historical trendingHow to apply your reporting skills to use cases such as task and event managementAs a 9 times certified Salesforce application architect and experienced online instructor, I have over 6 years experience helping organisations implement and get the most out of Salesforce. This course is a result of wanting to share all that I know about Salesforce reporting in a visual and engaging way."
Price: 59.99

"Juniper JNCIA-Junos JN0-103 with Ben Jacobson" |
"Network engineers of today have more demand placed on them than ever before, and often times we're required to be well versed in multiple vendor devices. Having your JNCIA will make you that much more valuable to perspective and current employers!Juniper Networks was started by ex-Cisco employees who wanted to implement their own improvements to the system, and ended up with a highly modular, scalable, and resilient OS, the Junos OS.In this course we'll be covering hardware and software basics for Juniper devices that will allow you to jump into any environment with Juniper devices and hit the ground running. In this course we'll be going through all exam topics covered in Juniper's JN0-103 for the JNCIA-Junos certification. Including:Junos OS FundamentalsJuniper Device User InterfacesJunos Configuration BasicsJuniper Device Operational Monitoring and MaintenanceRouting FundamentalsOverview and Configuration of Routing Policies and Firewall FiltersMy goal is to get you certified as quickly as possible, and that's exactly how I've designed this course. Pointing out and referencing areas that are common for exam questions and giving you all of the needed information without any of the fluff.So let's get started on the learning path and Get You Certified!"
Price: 79.99

"Programowanie Dart dla kadego. Kurs od podstaw 2020" |
"Chcesz nauczy si programowa? W takim razie jeste w dobrym miejscu! :) Naucz Ci od zera, podstaw programowania w jzyku Dart. Dart jest jzykiem obiektowym, bardzo podobnym do jzyka Java. Po tym kursie bdziesz mg kontynuowa swoj nauk i zaj si technologi Flutter. Flutter jest nowiutkim wynalazkiem Google, ktry pozwala w szybki i przyjemny sposb tworzy aplikacje mobilne, webowe i desktopowe przy uyciu jzyka Dart. Nie sugeruj si dugoci kursu. Aby zaoszczdzi Twj czas, moje lekcje s odpowiednio zmontowane, tak aby nie byo trzeba patrze jak powoli pisz nowy kod i niecierpliwie czeka na cig dalszy. Kada lekcja skada si z kilku wyjanie, do ktrych przygotowany jest przykadowy kod pozwalajcy zrozumie dane zagadnienie oraz zobaczy jak to wyglada w praktyce. Jeli potrzebujesz czasu, aby przykad zrozumie, pamitaj o pauzie :) Dodatkowo w kursie znajdziesz kilka zada do samodzielnego wykonania. Oczywicie do tych zada prezentuj rwnie przykadowe rozwizanie i krtko je objaniam. Polecam zapozna si z darmowymi lekcjami i zdecydowa czy taka struktura kursu jest dla Ciebie odpowiednia.Poznasz tu wiele zagadnie. Zmienne, funkcje, kolekcje, ptle, obiekty, wyraenia warunkowe, klasy, itd. Dodatkowo naucz Ci podstawowej obsugi wietnego programu IntelliJ, o ktry oparty jest rwnie Android Studio pozwalajcy uywa Flutter'a.Pamitaj, e masz 30 dni na peny zwrot, jeli kurs Ci si nie spodoba. Zapraszam do nauki!"
Price: 159.99
