"Exam (1Z0-809) Oracle Certified Professional JAVA 8" |
"This study test exam is a comprehensive resource for comprehensive 1Z0-809 exam coverage.This exam will help you reinforce what you have already learned with JAVA.The exam covers 100% of the subjects to obtain the JAVA 8 certification (OCP 1Z0-809):- Diseo de clase avanzado.- Diseo de patrones y principios.- Genricos y colecciones.- Programacin funcional.- Fechas, cadenas y localizacin.- Excepciones y aserciones.- concurrencia.- YO.- NIO.2- JDBC.Este examen de prueba de estudio es un recurso integral para la cobertura integral del examen 1Z0-809.Este examen lo ayudar a reforzar lo que ya aprendi con JAVA.El examen cubre el 100% de las asignaturas para obtener la certificacin JAVA 8 (OCP 1Z0-809):- Diseo de clase avanzado.- Diseo de patrones y principios.- Genricos y colecciones.- Programacin funcional.- Fechas, cadenas y localizacin.- Excepciones y aserciones.- concurrencia.- YO.- NIO.2- JDBC."
Price: 420.00

"Instagram basics in 1 Hour[Arabic] -" |
": """" """" """" /"
Price: 19.99

"CANTO - LIBERA LA TUA VOCE : Power Diaframma - Level 1" |
"Un Metodo Completo, Unico e Definitivo per Imparare a Cantare con il Diaframma e Sbloccare la tua VoceHo messo insieme il meglio degli insegnamenti del canto classico e moderno + le mie personali scoperte sulla ""respirazione per il canto"" e ""per un buon parlato"" in un corso innovativo, veloce e accessibile a tutti.Ispirandomi ai miei insegnanti americani, ho capito che il metodo pi immediato partire dalla pratica, provare una sensazione, visualizzare il suono e il movimento, analizzare passo a passo ci che accade dentro di noi per poi memorizzare quei movimenti e rendere il tutto naturale e spontaneo liberi da ogni tensione.LIBERA LA TUA VOCE contiene oltre 40 Video Lezioni, tra nozioni di base, esempi, Esercizi (in versione sia maschile che femminile), Risorse Pdf e BONUS speciali per capire ""Come Cantare con il Diaframma"" e dare una svolta alla tua voce in tempi brevi in modo semplice ed immediato... a tratti anche divertente.Saper respirare nel modo corretto il primo passo, e il pi decisivo, per imparare a cantare bene e ad usare la voce pienamente, con pi padronanza e senza sforzo.Questo corso ti guida step-by-step nell'uso della respirazione costo-diaframmatica e del sostegno in modo chiaro, con esempi ed esercizi pratici e specifici che gradualmente ti porteranno a ""cantare con il diaframma"", sbloccando e liberando la tua voce!Per i cantanti ad ogni livello e per chi usa la voce nel suo lavoro, questo il corso ""Must Have"" che fa la differenza!Ecco alcuni dei benefici che potrai avere grazie al corso: Migliore intonazione e controllo delle note Voce pi stabile e sicura Meno tensioni fisiche e mentali e quindi maggiore libert nel canto Pi sicurezza e potenza nelle note alte e medio-alte Suono pi bello e pi ricco di armonici e sfumature Pi fiato e capacit di cantare le note lunghe o sostenere discorsi prolungati Voce pi sana pi al sicuro da problemi vocali Pi consapevolezza della tua voce, e capacit di auto valutare il tuo strumento"
Price: 109.99

"Contract Law - Key Clauses in a Contract" |
"Contract is the name given to the result that two or more individuals or organizations want to reveal in legal order by mutual and mutual declaration of will. In order for a contract to be valid, the declarations of will of the parties must be mutual and compatible with each other. This situation occurs with suggestion and acceptance. The parties are free to contract on any subject they wish, unless they are against the law and the mandatory legal rules."
Price: 24.99

"My Healing Yoga ~Rediscovering Stillness in the Mind~" |
"This video is the first of a series of yoga videos building up one on the other. Our focus is on healing the body on all different levels through a rewiring in the brain.For the start we just focus on being in complete acceptance with the current state we are in, flexible or not, strong or not, this all doesn't really matter. For now we are not training the body here but our brain. I healed myself from strong pain in the hip and not being able to walk as well as using cortisone spray on a regular basis for asthma. My healing happened because of a brain that is sending out different messages into the cells of the body. It is surely a process that doesn't happen over night but staying committed to the learning process will let everybody get to a complete healing. To start, we need to recognize that the key is to quiet the mind, the part of the mind that is working in constant state of competition. The part of the mind that is identifying itself with a role, may that be the hero, the victim, the villain....all these roles are part of an ego concept that has a strong, solid foundation of believes of what and how we are as a person. This also includes the story of our pains, sufferings, diseases and disabilities. The ego concept is strongly supporting and holding on to these stories as these stories are giving the ego an existence and the ego fears to loose its power. For that this part of the ego is feeding itself of fear, pain, suffering, and the identification of ""not being able to....."". These patterns cause disease as well as the inability to heal. Our body is a self healing system and it is designed to do so. It does this on a regular basis with small wounds. But for the larger and persistente problems we were made believe that we need a doctor to heal us. Our ego mind convinces us that we need the outside world to heal us. A conviction profoundly nourished by years and years of programming this into our brains. We never learned that there is nothing actually happening outside of us. Everything is happening from our perspective, from inside of us. So, here is what we need to relearn that we knew when we were very young and we only believed in ourselves without fear, confusion and indecisiveness, that we are the masters inside ourselves. There is no one but ourselves that can heal us. With a supporting, healthy mind set and a supporting healthy life style, with peace in our minds and hearts we are healing naturally. With this series we are starting this relearning in our brain. The practice itself is the most joyful process to guide us back to the most peaceful and relaxed state of mind. A relieve for body, mind and soul. Our lives are supposed to be effortlessly floating. This is our birth right, so let's reclaim it."
Price: 89.99

"Espaol para todos - Nivel Inicial" |
"In questo corso partiremo dal livello iniziale e arriveremo a:Saper descrivere s stessi, la nostra famiglia e gli altriSaper descrivere una casaSaper parlare della nostra routine, dei nostri hobbies e esprimere giudiziSaper parlare di azioni che si stanno svolgendoSaper parlare di azioni appena concluseSaper parlare di azioni futureInoltre affronteremo i seguenti argomenti grammaticali:- Presente indicativo- Genere e Numero di sostantivi e aggettivi- Differenza tra Ser y Estar- Differenza tra Por y Para- Esprimere obbligo / necessit- Gerundio- Pretrito Perfecto ( Passato prossimo)- Ir a / Futuro Simple"
Price: 89.99

"Reading Angel and Oracle Cards (for personal use)" |
"Through this course you shall build the solid foundations on which you will easily interpret the messages and guidance the angelic and spiritual realm are sending you through your angel and/or oracle cards. Acquire the knowledge and skills that ensure the messages you interpret through your cards are on-point and accurate each and every time.Remove the pressure of choosing the right card, the perfect card for your message. Eradicate the fear of getting a message wrong or interpreting it poorly. Eliminate the doubt that your knowledge and skills aren't on par and you won't receive the message and guidance the angels wish you to receive.This course is for beginners who wish to start their journey working with angel and oracle cards, and who want to start off on a right and solid footing.This course is also for those who already read their own angel and oracle cards regularly, and would prefer to read their cards more fluidly, using their intuition, and without leaning on the accompanying guidebook.We'll start at the very beginning, looking at what angel and oracle cards are, gradually guiding you through the maze of choosing your first and subsequent decks, how to receive, cleanse and welcome your cards until you are ready (and able) to read and interpret the messages the angels wish you to receive through your chosen card. No step of the process is overlooked or missed. You shall be guided gently and lovingly through each and every step along the way, leaving you confident and assured of the accuracy of the messages you are interpreting each and every time.With the aid of guided meditations, your connection with the angelic and spiritual realm will strengthen and grow.With the aid of exercises throughout this course, your skills will be honed and sharpened.I shall teach you how I work with my cards, how I connect with the angelic and spiritual realm, and how I interpret the messages they wish me to receive through my cards, so, by the end of this course, you'll be feeling exactly like this:""Wow I'm always surprised when readings are so spot on"" ~ Camille""[My] reading was very insightful and helpful. I felt despondent before the reading and feeling very hopeful and excited now"" ~ Helena""[My reading] was amazingly accurate and a real eye opener"" ~ Louisa""An amazing experience all in all and a wonderful way to receive guidance and inspiration!"" ~ MagsI, the angels and your spirit team, are looking forward to walking this beautiful and uplifting journey with you.Viv xx"
Price: 119.99

"Symfony 5 desde cero: Desarrolla una aplicacin web completa" |
"El contenido del curso se ir actualizando con las peticiones ms interesantes realizadas por los alumnos y con las mejoras ms relevantes de cada nueva versin de symfony, contenido actualizado a la versin 5.1.En este curso realizaremos una aplicacin web completa desde cero y sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos de symfony, dicha aplicacin est pensada para cubrir los requisitos ms comunes e indispensables a la hora de desarrollar cualquier aplicacin web.Algunos de los puntos que veremos en el curso son los siguientes:CRUDConsultas personalizadasPeticiones ajaxGestin de formulariosValidacin personalizada de formulariosPaginacinBsquedasGestin de usuariosInicio de sesinRegistro de nuevos usuariosEnvo de emailsEncriptacin de datosRelaciones N:M con campos adicionalesUso de tipo de campo select2 en formulariosDepuracinGeneracin de ficheros pdf..."
Price: 19.99

"Medical Terminology and Medical Abbreviations 2020" |
"HI happy to welcome you to MEDICAL TERMINOLOGIES AND MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS COURSE! Medical Language is a very important language nowadays where every next day we need to understand the medical reports ,medicines and prescriptions given by the physician.Or maybe sometimes you find hard to express and explain the symptoms and your ailment correctly to the physician because you lack in medical vocabulary .Believe me its easy to become a pro in medical terminologies through some tips and tricks along with memorizing basic and important or emphasized things in my course.In this course being a physician and teacher,I have tried my level best to teach and emphasize on all basic and important medical terminologies along with crystal clear concepts,diagrams and keys.The respective course covers all important medical suffixes and medical prefixes.This course will teach you how to become a pro in learning medical compounded terminologies.In this course,You will be able to jot out and understand some basic and very important medical terminologies related to different systems and parts of human body e.g.Medical terms of cardiovascular system,urinary system,digestive system,nervous system,eye,reproductive system,endocrine system.This course also has the quiz at the end to evaluate your knowledge in medical terminologies you learned through the course.THANKS!"
Price: 19.99

rxwqvdiy |
", , -, , , , -, , , 5 :1. . , , . , , , , 2. - , 3. , . . , . 4. , . . , . , . , , 5. , , , . , . , , , , :1. , . 2. . . 3. , 4. , ,"
Price: 29.99

"English Grammar Test B1, B2" |
"These tests are aimed to check your knowledge in basic English tenses. Each test is devoted to one of the five English tenses that are presented: Present Simple, Present Continuous (Progressive), Past Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple (will, be going to). In every test you will find exercises on positive, negative and question forms of the verb. To pass the test you have to get more than 60 points. "
Price: 19.99

"Le Basi del Ritocco dei Capelli con Photoshop" |
"Benvenuti nel mio corso di ritocco base che riguarda i capelli.Sono stato per tantissimi anni coinvolto nel settore parrucchieri e nel mondo della fotografia. Questo mi ha permesso di specializzarmi nel capire come enfatizzare al meglio la bellezza dei capelli attraverso lutilizzo di Photoshop.Occupandomi di tutto ci mi sono presto reso conto che alcune volte pu essere molto difficile. Mi si sono infatti presentate diverse sfide durante la mia carriera prima di trovare il giusto modo e le giuste tecniche per ritoccare I capelli.Negli anni ho quindi perfezionato questa tematica, utilizzando diverse tecniche e trucchetti per ottenere un buon risultato.In questo corso vi mostrer passo per passo come lavoro e quali tecniche uso per affrontare le sfide pi comuni che riguardano il ritocco dei capelli.Inizieremo dal ritocco base dei capelli per capire cosa tenere nella fotografia e cosa invece eliminare. Vedremo poi come e cosa aggiungere per ottenere un risultato nel quale i capelli sembrino il pi naturale possibile.Vi mostrer anche come copiare delle parti, nel caso in cui i capelli non sembrino abbastanza o creino dei buchi, e come coprire e correggere tutte le imperfezioni.Ovviamente render disponibili gli strumenti per raggiungere unimmagine impeccabile.Vedremo inoltre come migliorare e modificare il colore dei capelli, enfatizzando la luminosit con diverse tecniche di contouring.Assicuratevi di scaricare le risorse disponibili allegate al corso, queste ultime vi permetteranno di seguirmi passo per passo!Con questo corso garantisco di fornirvi i suggerimenti e i consigli migliori per aiutarvi con il vostro lavoro e con la comunicazione con fotografi e clienti.Mi assicurer quindi che riusciate ad ottenere un risultato che riesca a soddisfare non solo le persone con cui lavorerete ma anche e soprattutto voi stessi.Davide"
Price: 99.99

"Course Learn Spanish ConmiGo Level A1. Spanish for Beginners" |
"Welcome to your Spanish course Learn Spanish ""ConmiGoThe course consists of 21 lessons. In each class you will find an explanatory video about an aspect of grammar. You will have classes with a native teacher. This will immerse yourself in the language. Don't worry, the examples will be in English. You also have a second video where you will repeat words or sentences of daily use, this will help you have a better hearing in Spanish and practice your pronunciation. Finally, you will have access to some activities to practice what you have learned.Discover the fantastic Spanish Language with Learn Spanish conmiGOMale, femaleThe indefinite article DemonstrationsAdjectivesNationalitiesComparisons: Names and adjectivesSuperlatives PossessionsIndefiniteNumbers InterrogativePersonal pronouns Present regular and irregular . Verb ""gustar"" and ""encantar"" (to like)Pronouns Reflective and reciprocal pronouns / O.D. /O.I.Ser and EstarTener and HaberPresent Continuous Present perfect This course contains:nearly 575 words and types of sentences to repeat and practice your pronunciationabout 6 hours of video contentnearly 135 pages of grammar explained in detail88 downloadable exercises Try learning Spanish ""ConmiGo"""
Price: 29.99

"La Leyenda de las Flores. La Rosa del Corazn" |
"Las rosas se han transformado a s mismas y el impacto de su verdad puede transformar nuestras vidas. La revolucin de las rosas est en marcha. Aprende a contemplar rosas.Contemplando rosas ests trabajando en la expresin ms sana y sanadora de ti mism@.Mdulos en videos de 30min. Cuaderno del curso y Prueba de evaluacin"
Price: 19.99

"Master the FTCE Reading K-12" |
"Florida teachers now have the option to take the FTCE Reading K-12 test in place of the 300 hours or professional learning courses for the required reading endorsement. Master the FTCE Reading K-12 test prep course has instruction and practice questions on all 9 competencies and 44 skills needed to pass this test. As a hard working teacher who has been through the certification process, I was tired of seeing test prep companies charge high prices for online courses with limited access, so I created this course with unlimited, forever access at a reasonable price. This course is aligned with our popular companion book, Master the FTCE Reading K-12, which includes the same instruction with a bonus of a full practice test and flash cards for the same price. Find the Master the FTCE Reading K-12 companion book on Amazon and on my website, elainechandler(dot)com. I wish you the very best in passing this test!"
Price: 49.99

"Basic Skills of English Pronunciation" |
"Speak Clearly - Expand Opportunities.DON'T LET YOUR ACCENT HOLD YOU BACK! If you're MISSING 25% OR MORE OF WHAT YOU HEAR when Americans from the United States speak, you're missing a significant amount of communication. If you're speaking English with a heavy accent, the wrong intonation, or a speech impediment, you may be LOSING 25% OR MORE OF YOUR AUDIENCE.YOUR ROAD TO PERSONAL AND CAREER SUCCESS ~ Have you EVER WONDERED HOW ACTORS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES LOSE THEIR ACCENT when they make movies for Hollywood? They have a Dialogue Coach who uses the same techniques Rachel Ward developed and used when she taught drama. These techniques are right here in Basic Skills of English Pronunciation."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo IATF 16949" |
"Bem-vindo ao Curso Introduo IATF 16949.Antes de te ensinar tudo que voc vai aprender nesse treinamento, quero te contar que o meu objetivo ENSINAR de uma forma simples, leve e divertida os conceitos de qualidade.Este no um curso como os outros cursos somente com slides e com aquela linguagem cansativa que a maioria no entende.A indstria automotiva um dos benchmarks para a maioria dos demais segmentos quando o assunto qualidade.Bem-vindo ao melhor treinamento sobre Qualidade na UDEMY.O que voc vai aprender? O que IATF Relao da IATF e ISO 9001 Histria (onde tudo isso comeou) Abordagem de processos Anlise de riscos Uma viso geral sobre os requisitos da norma.Por que voc tem que fazer este curso agora? Segmento automotivo benchmark em relao a sistema de gesto da qualidade. Entender de uma vez por todas, conceitos que no ficam claros dentro das nossas organizaes. Entender um pouco mais a linguagem da qualidade. Entender onde voc est dentro do sistema de gesto da qualidade. Voc vai se divertir!Para quem este curso: Este curso para qualquer pessoa ou empresa que queira entender o sistema de gesto da qualidade no segmento automotivo de uma forma breve e esclarecedora. Profissionais da qualidade de outros segmentos que querem entender os requisitos automotivos. Invista seu tempo fazendo algo que ir agregar no seu dia a dia dentro da organizao.Aproveite!"
Price: 19.99

"Macro VBA Excel do ZERO. Foco Administrao e Contabilidade" |
"Este curso foi feito pensando em quem tem dificuldades com programao ou nunca programou. Os conceitos so explicados em detalhe e de forma didtica. Assim, desenvolvi este curso de maneira didtica e exemplificada, pensando sempre em explicar em detalhes os conceitos para atender a TODOS, mesmo aqueles que mais tem dificuldade com programao.Na internet, dada a popularidade do Excel, possvel encontrar soluo para diversos problemas usando Macros VBA. Entretanto, as dificuldades comeam quando temos que adaptar uma soluo encontrada para o problema ao qual nos deparamos. a que necessrio realizar modificaes no cdigo encontrado na internet e onde necessrio ter conhecimento suficiente para efetuar as modificaes. Portanto, sairemos do ZERO e voc vai aprender a desenvolver as SUAS solues com Macros em VBA. Voc ter AUTONOMIA para desenvolver suas prprias solues com Macros em VBA.O curso tem grande foco em:- automatizao do tratamento e formatao de dados,- automatizao de anlises repetitivas,- exemplos contextualizados para CONTABILIDADE e LOGSTICAO curso contm 14 Mini PROJETOS prticos contextualizados e 2 Super PROJETOS (um para contabilidade e outro para logstica/estoque) que do um exemplo real de aplicao de conceitos aprendidos durante o curso.Desenvolva sua prpria macro VBA, ganhe autonomia. Venha comigo e vamos aprender juntos!Rafael,Doutor em Matemtica Aplicada pela USP"
Price: 39.99

"MTA 98-366 Network Fundamentals Practice Exams 2020" |
"PASS THE MTA 98-366 CERTIFICATION EXAM ON YOUR 1ST ATTEMPT.Welcome to the MTA 98-366 Network Fundamentals Practice Exams 2020 from Team ClayDesk teaching over 1+ Million students worldwide. These 7 practice exams cover everything you need to know to pass the Microsoft MTA 98-366 Network Fundamentals Certification Exam.STUDENT EXAM PASS SUCCESS STORIESMany of my students have passed the MTA 98-366 exam on their first attempt with my class alone. Here's what some of them have said about my course and exam prep bundle:""I took my certification test yesterday after taking the networking essentials course by Syed Ali at Team ClayDesk and passed. All practice questions presented in this course were almost identical.""- Chris""Thank you so much! Today I took the exam and passed (88/100). Now, to the next steps in my certifications MSCA exam""- Alison""I passed with an 90! I really didn't see any questions that weren't covered in the exam that I can remember. If you want to pass this exam just buy this course.""- Karthik""Hey Team ClayDesk, just wanted to let you know that I passed my cert exam with flying colors 89%. I really appreciate the way you structured the questions. Very relevant and up to date.""- Sheweta""I want to thank you for making this practice exams course so easy to understand. I had ok knowledge but this course made it a lot easier to pass the exam. I am so happy. Thank you Team ClayDesk""KEY PRACTICE EXAM COURSE TOPICSOverview of Computer NetworksHow Computer Networks WorkNetwork TopologiesNetworking ComponentsNetwork CablingThe OSI ModelThe TCP/IP Protocol SuiteIP Addressing Version 4 (IPv4) Addressing & SubnettingIP Addressing Version 6 (IPv6) FundamentalsUnderstanding Switches & RoutersWindows Networking ServicesThe Name Resolution ProcessWireless NetworkingWide Area NetworkingNetwork SecurityTCP/IP Command Line ToolsOnce you complete this course, you'll know everything you need to know to pass the Microsoft MTA 98-366 Network Fundamentals Certification Exam.Note: You will have to register and pay Microsoft for the certification exam. This course does not cover the exam costs.So What Are You Waiting For?Enroll Today, Your 100% Risk-Free Enrollment Is Backed by Udemy's 30-Day, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee!Enroll nowTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 49.99

intensiveschool |
"! 5 , . . , : -, ; ( , -, ..); ! : : , , ; -; -. ; - ? () 3000-5000 ; 15 0000-40 000 ; - 30 000-50 000 ; 5000 ; - 5000-7000 . , ."
Price: 2799.00

"La mthode de la Note de Synthse en 30 minutes" |
"Bonjour et bienvenue ! Ce cours a pour but de vous inculquer la mthode suivre pour russir une Note de synthse. L'preuve se droule en cinq tapes qu'il faut matriser, il y a une vido par tape. Je vous conseille de prendre un stylo et un carnet, et de prendre des notes en regardant les vidos. a me parat fondamental : en rcrivant l'essentiel de ce que je transmets dans la vido, vous vous appropriez ce savoir - et vous vous entranez un peu la prise de note ncessaire la Note de Synthse...Bon courage ! "
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan hibir bilgi sahibi olmadan AutoCAD renmeye hazr olun.. nk bu eitim de en ufak takviye destek almadan AutoCAD'i reneceksiniz. Belirtmek isterim ki deerli arkadalar srm konusuna kesinlikle taklmayn, AutoCAD 2010 srmn bilen birisi 2020 srmn de sorunsuz bir ekilde kullanabilir. Sfrdan renmek iin en uygun srmn 2014 olduunu hatrlatmakta fayda var. Bu kurs size en temel seviyeden itibaren AutoCAD retmek zere hazrlanm bir eitim setidir, ve bu yzden hibir n koul gerektirmeksizin AutoCAD' en batan renebileceksiniz. izim ve izimin mantna dayal ileyiler sayesin, bir izimin balang ve biti noktalarn belirleyebileceksiniz. Teknik resim okuma ve oluturma beceriniz izimlerle beraber otomatik olarak geliecektir. renme garantili bu eitime balamak iin hazr olun.."
Price: 149.99

"Dijital Pazarlamann Srlar" |
"Bu iin srlarn ve tam olarak ruhunu anladnzda mthi bir alt yap elde edeceksiniz. 30 Yllk tecrbeye sadece 1-2 saat iinde kavumak istemez misiniz? Yeni dnyada dijital artk bir mecburiyet. Ya bu ii renip efendisi olacaksnz, yada bilmeyerek klesi.. Tketen deil reten tarafa gemek istemez misiniz? Yaptnz ilerinizin verimini artrmak, ok para kazanmak istemez misiniz?"
Price: 59.99

"Quero comear a desenhar e pintar" |
"Curso composto por 12 vdeo aulas que abordam de forma didtica os contedos essenciais para quem quer comear a desenhar e pintar. Contedos testados em sala de aula que renem o que realmente importante para todo artista visual Voc ir aprender a desenvolver se trao, observao, ilustrao, cartunismo, realismo e pintura guache. No ingresse em outro curso de desenho sem antes assistir nossas aulas!"
Price: 54.99

"Teorik Yangn Eitimi" |
"Teorik olarak yangn eitiminin amac yanma olay ortaya ktnda mdahale etme, yangn olumasn nlemektir. Olas bir yangnda neler yaplmas gerektiini reneceiz,Is ve dumann yaylma hz,Yangna sebep olan faktrler,Sndrme maddeleriSndrme maddelerinin avantaj ve dezavantajlar,Balang aamasndaki yangnlarn sndrlmesi,Yangn anndaki davran ekilleri,Otomatik yangn alglama sistemleri,Yangn trne gre uygun sndrme biiminlerini,Sndrme tp eitleri ve kullanmn reneceiz,Yangn snflarn reneceiz,Yangn snflarna gre kullanlmas gereken sndrme eitlerini reneceiz,Yangn ile ilgili renebileceimiz teorik bir eitim. Eitimlerin sonunda konularla ilgili indirebileceiniz videolar mevcut."
Price: 49.99

"Todo sobre el UGR . ndice de deslumbramiento unificado en i" |
"El ndice de deslumbramiento UGR es uno de los aspectos que provoca ms confusin entre los especialistas de iluminacin. El curso explica de forma exhaustiva en qu consiste dicho ndice y las diversas maneras de calcularlo . Adems, se presentan las diversas estrategias que podemos seguir para minimizar su valor. En los captulos iniciales se proporciona el marco terico que enlazar, en los captulos sucesivos, con una serie de ejemplos prcticos basados en situaciones de proyecto reales. Se mostrar cmo calcular el ndice en un proyecto mediante las tablas UGR y utilizando un software de clculo lumnico."
Price: 19.99

"Leggere gli spartiti per suonare il pianoforte" |
"###Aggiornamento settembre 2020###Migliorata la lezione sui valori delle note: video pi lungo contenente valori, pause, punto di valore e ritmi pi frequenti con il punto. Tutti gli esempi sono accompagnati da un esempio di video-solfeggioAggiunta una lezione con i simboli e i segni musicali che potete trovare maggiormente sullo spartito: alterazioni, stanghette,dinamiche, articolazione, legature ecc_____________________________________________Benvenuto/a! Il corso Leggere gli spartiti per suonare il pianoforte rivolto a chi si avvicinato da poco a questo bellissimo strumento o a chi gi qualche anno che lo sta studiando.Possiamo suonare ad orecchio un brano che ci piace, ma se vogliamo migliorare davvero, la lettura della musica fondamentale. Ti capitato di scegliere una canzone, un brano che ti piace, ma poi quando trovi lo spartito non sai come tradurre in suono quello che c' scritto? Oppure a volte riesci un po' a suonare, ma ti stufi perch vorresti leggere velocemente, sentirti pi sicuro e suonare quella musica che ti piace tanto? Non esiste la bacchetta magica, ma con le tecniche giuste, l'esercizio, e la passione puoi suonare quello che ti piace.Durante il corso, ti aiuter a leggere e suonare dei passaggi ripresi da brani famosi come Bohemian Rhapsody dei Queen o All of me di John Legend e altri... Ci sar un ripasso sui valori musicali e degli esempi su alcune figurazioni ritmiche che potresti trovare quando sceglierai tu stesso la canzone o il brano che vorrai suonare in futuro. Tutto pu esser affrontato. Basta avere le tecniche giuste, la passione e la voglia di arrivare fino in fondo.Esempi di lettura su:Comptine d'autre et- L'Apres mid (Yann Tiersen)All of me (John Legend)Discovery at night (Ludovico Einaudi)Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)Paradise (Coldplay)In English:This course is for beginner pianists or for those who have been studying the piano for a few years. I will present techniques to read the piano score safely and quickly. The course language is in Italian."
Price: 24.99

"Soul Food 101 Certificate Culinary Training Course" |
"This Course will teach you the History & Origin of American Soul Food as well as demonstrations of popular Soul Food Recipes. Students can expect to learn where the term Soul Food originated, why it's called Soul Food as well as how African American's learned to prepare the recipes that make up the cuisine of Soul Food. In this course you can learn six popular soul food recipes, including Buttermilk Fried Chicken, Collard Kale Greens with Smoked Turkey, Salmon Patty Croquettes, Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Corn Bread Muffins and Sweet Potato Pie."
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan CorelDRAW 2017 renin. version 19.1" |
"Kursumda 16 Mevcuttur. Tm Derslerin Toplam 95 dakikalk bir video oluturmaktadr. Kursum Deerli Eitim eriklerinden Oluturulmutur. reteceim Beceriler Video Altlarnda Aklama Olarak Sunulmutur. Kurs Sonu Dahil Olan Altrma Teknikleri le Kurumsal Tasarm + Bask Konusunda renciler Piyasaya Hazr Hale Gelirler.1. Temel Vektrel izim Hareketleri2. Vektrel Objeleri Renklendirme3. Text Tool ve Paragraf Oluturma4. Obje Kesim Aralar5. Glgeleme ve Kontr Atama6. Extrude (3D) zellii7. Serbest Efektler ( Envelope, Distort, Blend )8. Oval Yaz Hareketleri9. Artistik Dokunular"
Price: 179.99

"Aprenda a analisar galgos de forma simples" |
"Este curso e destinado a quem realmente que aprender o mercado de galgos e no depender de ninguem para fazer suas analises e comear a investir por conta propria. O CURSO conta com um matrial muito explicativo e facil de entender, muita pratica e todas as informaes importantes. o curso passou pelo crivo com 30 alunos free de teste e foi aprovado por 95% deles."
Price: 144.99

"PMP Deneme Snav Temel Kavramlar (Proje Ynetimi) - 50 Soru" |
"PMBOK Klavuzu 6nc Versiyona gre 50 soruluk PMP Deneme Snav ve Geni Cevap Aklamas yer almaktadr. PMBOK' okumu ve bilgilerini test etmek isteyen ya da PMBOK' okumak istemeyen ve soru-cevap eklinde renmek isteyen kiilerce yararlanlabilir. Her sorunun cevab detayl ve rnekler ile akland iin PMBOK' tekrar etmenizi salayacaktr.Deneme snavnn kapsad konular aadaki ekildedir:- Proje ne demektir- Proje Ynetiminin nemi- Proje, Program, Portfy ve Operasyon Ynetimi likisi- Klavuzun Bileenleri- Uyarlama- Proje Ynetimi Belgeleri"
Price: 49.99
