"Self Confidence & Assertiveness Training" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.Self Confidence and Assertiveness Training Course: This self confidence course: self confidence reap the benefits of self confidence, is going to empower you and elevate your self-confidence to a whole new height!When it comes to asking people what it is that they would like more of, along with money, having self-confidence and being more assertive is probably at the top of the list. After all, having self-confidence can give us a huge advantage and is responsible for propelling us in our careers, our love life, and how we view ourselves as a whole. This in turn, has a knock on effect on how we feel about ourselves and ultimately our self-esteem. Having self-confidence will give you the courage to take chances and risks that you might not ordinarily take advantage of. Having belief in yourself will ensure you never let an opportunity pass you by and you'll discover what it means to realise your full potential. This self confidence and assertiveness training course will afford you a deeper sense of self-confidence and will help you know your strengths and weaknesses and use these to your benefit.You'll be able to utilise your newfound self-confidence to challenge yourself and overcome hurdles you would never have dared to previously.As with all of my courses, this self-confidence and assertiveness training course comes with full support from me 7 days a week.Whatever it is you'd like to achieve I can get you where you want to be. I'll show you how you develop long term strategies to build on your self-confidence as well as some ""emergency"" strategies that you can put into place when the moment calls for it!This comprehensive confidence and assertiveness training course has over 80 lectures and are all downloadable. You'll also find all the resources you'll need to take the course included. Introduction To Self-ConfidenceDownloadables - All in One PlaceLets Talk About Self-ConfidenceQuotes on Self-ConfidenceWhat Are BeliefsBelief and Bias - A Match Made in HadesBelief and Bias - The Trudy and Michael ScenarioBelief and Bias - ConclusionPractical Ways to Help Bolster Your Self-ConfidenceJust Too Ignorant: The Dunning-Kruger EffectThe Imposter Syndrome CurseThe Character Method of Self KnowledgeMental Confidence BuilderFive Exercises To Build on Your Self-EsteemWhy Do We Want Self-Confidence in The First PlaceSelf-Confidence and FearKnowledge as The Enemy of FearThe Swish TechniqueBody Language for Self-ConfidenceEmergency Self-ConfidenceSeven Day Confidence ChallengeBeing Confident in ConversationsBeing Confident in NegotiationsBeing Confident in RomanceSome Things You May Not Have Known About ConfidenceAssertivenessThe DEAL ModelThe STAR ModelThe OWN Your Fears ModelThe R & R Principles ModelThe ""Try it and See"" ModelMore About Self EsteemSelf Critical ThinkingThinking Patterns and Dealing with themThe Impact of Self Limiting BeliefsUnderstanding and Explaining These BeliefsValuing YourselfYour Rights and The Rights of Other PeopleCreating Abilities out of EnjoymentAffirmations ChecklistAND much much more!"
Price: 199.99

"Career Training: Career Development" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.Career Guidance Course: Create Your Dream Job Find Your True MeaningAre you happy with what you do for a living? If the answer is no then maybe it's time to seriously consider getting out there and look for something better. You deserve the best you can get and out there somewhere is your dream job.Just imagine kicking your boring, dead-end end work to the curb and setting out for a completely new adventure. Not so fast though! Before you go all out on this journey, youll need a bit of preparation. Thats why weve created this great new career guidance course; create your dream job find your true meaning.Almost every job is a dream job for someone, but how do you know which is yours? Even then, how do you go about getting your dream job? This course walks you through what a dream job is and the best strategies you can use to find and secure the career of your dreams. Youll learn to think about work in a new way, to see a different angle to the mainstream ambitions of society and craft your own path towards a fulfilling and meaningful career.What are you waiting for? Now is as good a time as any to take the first step to a life of meaning. Dont let the need to work for a living get you down. Make the most of it and live your dream. Together we can make it happen.In this career guidance course; create your dream job find your true meaning, you'll be introduced to the concept of a dream job. Youll explore how different values and perspective change the meaning of the term dream job and how that applies to you. You will also be guided by a series of questions that will help you explore what it is you really want from a career. It may not be what you think. This career guidance course; create your dream job find your true meaning, also shows a realistic view of the path to career success. The merits of self-employment versus being an employee are laid out, helping you make this crucial choice at the right time. Youll learn to leverage the power of networking to position yourself better in terms of career prospects. Well also cover killer ways to make your resume work for you and simple techniques you can use during interviews to really impress your potential employers.Motivation issues while in pursuit of your goals is given attention and strategy and special skills you need to open doors are discussed in depth.Finally in this career guidance course; create your dream job find your true meaning, we also discuss what to do when youve actually got the job of your dreams!As with all of my courses, you'll receive unparalleled support from myself, 7 days a week. Just some of what's covered in this career guidance course; create your dream job find your true meaning, includes:What is a Dream JobDownloadable Resources - All in One PlaceOne Persons Trash is Anothers TreasureWhat A Dream Job is NotKey Ingredients of A Dream JobHow Will You Know You Have Found Your Dream Job?The Definition of Your Dream JobWhat Exactly is Your Dream Job?Lifestyle ChoicesSelf-AssessmentThe Twisting Path To Your DreamsWorking for Yourself or a BossNetworkingDoing a Great ResumeNailing That InterviewWorking on Your Social SkillsWorking Smart Not HardBody Language - Nailing Your Dream Job InterviewBody Language - Get That Job Promotion or Pay RiseKeeping The Dream AliveIve Made it! Now What?"
Price: 199.99

"Brain Science: Improve Your Memory & Boost Your Memory" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.This course is the perfect choice for both individuals and professional therapists looking to expand and enhance their repertoire and portfolio. Although the course alone wont qualify you as a therapist, many of my students that are considering a career in coaching, take the course so they can advertise themselves as a professional coach that uses Brain Science techniques in order to double their memory performance, and pass this knowledge on to their clients.Brain Science: Improve Your Memory and Boost Your MemoryAre you forgetful? Do people refer to you as being absent minded? When was the last time you didnt struggle to remember something - even if theyre very important?If that sounds like you then stay tuned - this brain science: improve your memory and boost your memory online course, is just what youve been looking for!It transpires that there is not so thing as a bad memory. There are merely people who dont use their memories to the fullest potential.What would you do if you could double your memory performance starting today? Would you go back to school? Maybe learn a new language, you might even feel confident enough to change profession and climb the corporate ladder? In fact there arent any areas of your life that wouldnt be improved, just by having a better command of your memory, and that's just what this brain science: improve your memory and boost your memory online course provides.During the course youll be exposed to knowledge about how human memory works and learn an entire range of tried and tested methods all designed to super charge your memory and recall, ensuring the information you wish to retain, stays with you!This brain science: improve your memory and boost your memory online course is very practical and gets to work right away. Youll learn a variety of strategies that each suit a different memory scenario. They're all very easy to learn and incredibly rewarding to master. Best of all youll be able to track your progress along the way. There are many downloadable exercises, all designed to improve your memory and boost your memory.As with all of my courses. youll have a lifetime access and full support seven days a week.Can you really afford to keep struggling to remember while others pass you by? Sign up now for this life changing course before you forget! As well as eight different quizzes, this brain science: improve your memory and boost your memory online course syllabus includes:About Brain ScienceHow Good is Your MemoryA Little Bit About MemoryObservation ChallengesMemory Warm Up ExercisesWhy Do We ForgetLaying The Foundation for Good MemoryKeeping a Check on Your Stress LevelsDrawing for Better MemoryBrain Exercises Using Acronyms and AcrosticsRhyme KeysMethod of LociKeywordsRemembering Names and FacesTop Tips for Bolstering Your MemoryChainingMind MappingConclusion"
Price: 199.99

"Dyslexia Therapy for Self Help or as a Career" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.This course is the perfect choice for both individuals and professional therapists looking to expand and enhance their repertoire and portfolio. Although the course alone wont qualify you as a therapist, many of my students that are considering a career in coaching, take the course so they can advertise themselves as a professional coach that uses cutting edge Dyslexia Therapy techniques, which as you can imagine, gives them the edge over coaches not as familiar with these techniques.Dyslexia Therapy for Self Help and Dyslexia Therapy as a CareerWelcome to this course on dyslexia therapy. Were sure that youll both enjoy it and find it useful to better understand the nature of dyslexia as a condition and the treatment options that are available to improve the daily lives of dyslexia sufferers.The course is comprehensive and covers every aspect of dyslexia therapy. It's suitable for people who wish to learn more about the condition, but it is focused towards those people who wish to engage in the practice of dyslexia therapy. As such, you will have access to an enormous amount of resources and practical activities, that will help you with your studies.Although this course is suitable for anyone who wishes to know more about dyslexia, it's mainly focused towards informing those who want to engage in dyslexia therapy. To that end well spend a fair amount of time on the nuts and bolts of the different aspect of dyslexia. Its been our intention however, to keep this course light on theory and oriented towards practical engagement with the lived experience of dyslexia and the various ways those with dyslexia can manage the condition.Youll enjoy a lifetime access to the course, as well as updates to course material and the many downloadable resources, activities.This dyslexia therapy for self help and or as a career online course, has all the flexibility and convenience that online learning offers, as well as full support, seven days a week.The course syllabus includes:Module 1: Understanding Dyslexia1.1 Defining DyslexiaActivity 1: Which of These Celebrities Has Dyslexia?1.2 Living With DyslexiaActivity 2: The Dyslexia Experience1.3 Causes of Dyslexia1.4 Related Concerns and Issues - PDFQuiz: Module 1 Module 2: Diagnosis2.1 Changes to the DSM and SLD Diagnosis - Plus Downloadable Resource2.2 Diagnostic Criteria for SLD with Impairment in Reading - Slideshow and PDFResource: Spotting The Signs of DyslexiaQuiz: Module 2Module 3: Assessment and Evaluation3.1 Language3.2 Phonological awarenessActivity 3: Rhyming ExercisesActivity 4: Ellison AnalysisActivity 5: Blending SynthesisActivity 6: Discrimination ExercisesActivity 7: Sound Matching Tasks3.3 Rapid naming and word fluency - Slideshow and PDFActivity 8: RAN Assessments3.4 Reading fluency - Slideshow and PDFActivity 9: Using Fluency Phrases3.5 Reading comprehensionActivity 10: Comprehension Cube3.6 Spelling - PDFActivity 11: Word Search3.7 WritingActivity 12: Good Writing Checklist3.8 Other Considerations3.9 Sewing it All Up - Slideshow and PDFQuiz: Module 3 Module 4: Managing Dyslexia4.1 Assistive and Adaptive Technology4.2 Remediation Training - PDF4.3 Self-advocacyActivity 13: How Much of a Self-Advocate Are You?Quiz: Module 4Module 5: Learning The Basics5.1 Learning The Basics - Language5.2 Learning The Basics - Spelling - PDFActivity: How Good is Your Spelling?5.3 Reading - Slideshow and PDF5.4 Learning The Basics - WritingActivity 15: PronunciationActivity 16: Silent LettersActivity 17: Compound WordsQuiz: Module 5Module 6: Dyslexia in The Classroom6.1 Building an Inclusive Classroom6.2 Awareness - PDF6.3 Differentiated instructionActivity 18: Climax, Structure, and Elements of a StoryActivity 19: Context Clues Vocabulary Builder ActivityActivity 20: Comprehension and Inference Question CreatorActivity 21: Poetic Devices FinderActivity 22: Figurative Language FinderActivity 23: Character Traits and MotivationsActivity 24: Summarisation and Narrative SequenceActivity 25: Identifying Facts and Opinions6.4 Classroom ModificationsActivity 26: Section 504 - Classroom ChecklistQuiz: Module 6Module 7: Dyslexia in The Workplace7.1 Awareness7.2 Workplace Coping Strategies - Slideshow and PDF7.3 Organisation and Time Management - PDF7.4 Reading Strategies7.5 Writing Strategies - Slideshow and PDF7.6 Memory StrategiesActivity 27: Workplace Dyslexia ChecklistQuiz: Module 7Module 8: Information Seminars8.1 Organising SeminarsActivity 28: Creating A Mock Seminar Programme8.2 Sensitivity Training and Real ChangeActivity 29 : Adult Dyslexia ChecklistQuiz: Module 8Module 9: Intervention for Dyslexia9.1 TestingResource: Dyslexia Assessment Battery Reference Sheet9.2 Highlighting Strengths - Slideshow and PDFQuiz: Module 9Module 10: Clinical Therapy10.1 Medical Treatments - Slideshow and PDF10.2 Nutritional/Allergic Treatment10.3 Sensory Integration, Reading Reflex, and Optometric TreatmentResource: Sensory Processing Disorder ChecklistQuiz: Module 10"
Price: 199.99

"CBT for Depression, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic Attacks" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.This course is the perfect choice for both individuals and professional therapists looking to expand and enhance their repertoire and portfolio. Although the course alone wont qualify you as a therapist, many of my students that are considering a career in coaching, take the course so they can advertise themselves as a professional coach that uses cutting edge Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques.CBT, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic AttacksDo you suffer from depression, anxiety, phobias or panic attacks? Many of us do to some degree or another. If so, this course on CBT for depression, anxiety and phobias is exactly what youre looking for. CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an innovative and effective approach to psychotherapy that has helped millions of people around the world manage and overcome a wide range of issues related to unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours.One of the most defining features of CBT is its focus on teaching people to be their own therapists. The idea is not to make you dependent on years of therapy, but to teach you practical strategies and methods that you can use to deal with current problems right now, as well as to handle any future issues.Depression, anxiety and phobias are some of the most common mental issues that people face in everyday life, and CBT can provide you with solutions to these problems immediately. In this course well look at each of these in turn and outline strategies and methods you can use in order take control of your own mental health.Here were offering a way for you to take charge of where your life is going. A way to be aware of the big and small things that happen in your life from minute to minute and day to day. Well address negative thought patterns, which will eliminate negative feelings and destructive behavioural patterns. CBT can provide you with solutions to anxiety, phobias, panic attacks and more, producing tangible results in a very short space of time.How this will work in practice is that we will take a look at each type of issue. First depression, then anxiety and finally phobias. After ensuring that what issue actually involves has been made clear, well look at under what circumstances each issue would qualify as something that needs serious attention. As a last step well go over the aspects of CBT that you can apply all by yourself, without the need for external support or guidance.CBT really is an amazing versatile model that can be applied to an array of problematic symptoms, producing positive results for you, right now. Dont suffer a moment longer, take this course and discover the magic of CBT. As with all my courses, Im on hand to provide support, 7 days a week.This CBT cognitive behavioural therapy for depression, anxiety and phobias course, includes 35 downloadable resources. The course syllabus includes:IntroductionLife AssessmentWhat is DepressionSuicidal Ideationyour Own Thoughts on DepressionWhy Am I DepressedAssessing Your DepressionRecording Your Thoughts and FeelingsUsing CBT To Deal with Depression - First StepsUsing CBT To Deal with Depression - Next StepsSleep DiaryTargeting The Engines of DepressionABC ModelWhat is AnxietyWhy Do I Feel AnxiousAssessing My AnxietyUsing CBT To Deal with Anxiety Seven Types of Thinking ErrorsRealistic ThinkingGetting Over Social Anxiety - Part 1Getting Over Social Anxiety - Part 2The STAR ModelDealing with Panic AttacksTwo Types of ThinkingIntroduction To Core BeliefsHow Do Core Beliefs DevelopIdentifying Negative Core BeliefsGenerating 'In-Between' BeliefsExposure TherapyA Crash Course in Phobias - Part 1A Crash Course in Phobias - Part 2Challenging ObsessionsFacing Your FearsWhat is AgoraphobiaThe Negative Cycle of AgoraphobiaHow Do I Manage AgoraphobiaConclusion"
Price: 199.99

"Life Coaching : Start Up Your Own Life Coaching Business" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.You will have everything you need to be up and running your own company, including all the resources necessary to be a successful life coaching h and stand out from your competitors.Start up your own life coaching business, the complete life coach packageThis life coaching course is the second in the series of life coaching courses by Libby Seery, which are designed to help you train as a professional life coach and start your own life coaching business.What life coaching looks like is not something that is set in stone, but rather an area of constant development. The modern life coach, is not about accumulating various qualifications, in fact the modern life coach doesnt need any qualifications.What you do need is an array of skills, and this start up your own life coaching business course has been designed, to teach you all the skills you need, to be able to set up your own practice and have it running in a matter of weeks!Whatever your level of coaching ability is at the moment, advanced, intermediate, or a complete beginner, this start up your own life coaching business course will provide you with everything you need, to start up your own coaching practice.As long as you can help someone commit to the work necessary to make a change in their lives then you can do the job.Life coaches are almost universally entrepreneurs. The burden is on them to find work and sustain a business based on providing life coaching services. This means that a successful life coach must not only master the art of life coaching itself, but must be an effective marketer, consultant and business manager.Everything has been covered in this start up your own life coaching business course, and to help you achieve success in this amazing profession, this complete life coaching package, for the modern life coach entrepreneur is:Comes with certificationComes with full support from the course creator, Libby Seery, 7 days a weekSupport is continued from Libby during and after course completion, helping you establish yourself in this lucrative professionThis start up your own life coaching business course, has been designed with every aspect of coaching in mind, nothing has been left out. Taking this course will provide you with everything you need (even if youre new to coaching) to start your own life coach practice, in as little as a few weeks. Previous clients have set up their own coaching businesses, with less than $50.This is by far the simplest, cheapest and easiest time in history to run a life coaching business. In this modern internet-age you can do without a lot of the hassle and expenses of running a small business that were a definite hurdle in the past for an aspiring entrepreneur.Established life coaches are gaining substantial financial and personal rewards for their hard work. In this internet age there is also a world of possibilities for life coaches who can develop a strong personal brand and create online content that will either draw in clients or become a source of revenue by themselves. Preferably both.This means that a modern life coach also needs to understand internet marketing and the role of social media in growing your own life coaching business.Generally traditional life coaching consists of complimentary consultations followed by regular support sessions. Some of these sessions are face-to-face, but the majority will be via phone, Skype or email.However, someone looking to build a flourishing and sustainable life coaching business may also find themselves performing minor variations on the core process of life coaching on a one-on-one basis.For example, you may provide short seminars to groups of people or have shorter one-on-one sessions, but have them with a greater number and variety of clients.In this start up your own life coach business course, these are exactly the skills you will be learning. After you have completed this course you will be firmly on your way to establishing yourself as a life coach. Ready to get out in the world and make a difference to someone.Some of the things Ill teach you include:What you do and do not need in order to run a life coaching business.The various ways in which you can source business for your coaching practice, including Social Media, Networking and General MarketingHow to market your services to the outside worldIll teach you professional consultation skills. Well also cover all aspects of internet based life coaching, as this is a rapidly growing area of the modern life coach, and youll need the ability to communicate cheaply and easily with anyone anywhere in the world. This is not just limited to sending each other text-based messages, but also includes high-quality face to face video communication.Well also be discussing work life balance in your career as an independent life coach.This start up your own life coaching business course, also provides you with several coaching models, which are all tried and tested coaching methodologies. All coaching models, come with examples of case studies, so you can see how they work in different scenarios.Here's the course syllabus:Introduction To Life CoachingWhat Does A Life Coach DoDiversity As A CoachIs Being A Life Coach Right For MeYour Coaching ToolkitsResources To Use With Your ClientsResources: Making Changes, Breaking Habits, Motivation and General Life CoachingResources: CareerResources: Health, Well Being, Anxiety and StressResources: RelationshipsResources: Self Esteem and ConfidenceResources: AssertivenessDoes My Client Need Counselling Rather Than CoachingIm A Coach Not A TherapistFundamental DifferencesHow Can I Tell If My Client Needs Therapy Rather Than CoachingCovering The BasicsA Refresher on The Basic Skills of CoachingLife Coaching Basics: ListeningLife Coaching Basics: QuestioningBeing Client CentredThe Clean Language Model - Using Case StudiesThe Clean Language ModelClean Language QuestionsClean Language Examples and Developing QuestionsSequence and Source QuestionsUsing The SMART Model - Coaching MaryCase Study: Using The SMART ModelSpecific Goal SettingApplying The Specifics To MaryMeasurable Goal SettingMeasuring Marys GoalsAttainable Goal SettingAre Marys Goals Achievable?Relevant Goal SettingTimely Goal SettingApplying The T To MaryUsing The TGROW Model - Coaching JennaThe TGROW Model in PracticeExploring The TopicCoaching Jenna: Part 1Setting Specific GoalsCoaching Jenna: Part 2Assessing RealityCoaching Jenna: Part 3Exploring OptionsCoaching Jenna: Part 4Wrapping Up and The Way ForwardWrapping Up With JennaWorking For YourselfRunning A Coaching BusinessWhat You Dont Need To Run A Coaching BusinessWhat You Do Need To Run A Coaching BusinessWhere Do I Get ClientsStrategising Your MarketingHow Can I Source BusinessContent MarketingGood Old Fashioned NetworkingProfessional Consultation SkillsHow Much Should I Charge?21st Century Coaching21st Century CoachingCoaching International ClientsLooking After Yourself!All Work and No PlayStaying HealthyConclusion"
Price: 199.99

"Forex Basics: Learn how to read and analyze Forex charts" |
"This Course focuses on the groundwork needed in order to become a successful trader. You will learn about the different Market instruments available for trading like, derivatives, stocks, forex and many more. We also focus extensively on Indicator training with a focus on understanding how they work & produce signals. What do you get? Video content, PPT notes, a Free Trading Platform and more. This is set up so that you can do this on your own time at your own pace. perfect way to train in a risk free environment. "
Price: 194.99

"Step By Step Java Programming Complete Course" |
"Welcome to AKINCI Training's Step By Step Java Programming Complete Course!Looking for an easy to follow course to enter the Java world?Want to develop your own Java projects?Preparing for a job interview?Want to have a strong Java background to learn Java-based technologies?Need a high-quality reference guide for Java programming language to use while working on a project?Or do you just want to update your Java knowledge?Then this course is exactly for you!We explain every topic from the complete beginners' level and teach every line of code with step-by-step instructions and plenty of animations and effects.WHAT OUR STUDENTS THINK ABOUT THIS COURSE?""Very easy to follow. Touching all the important aspect in the incremental fashion. This is perfect for somebody who want to get productive with Java quickly."" Peter G.""I definitely learned a lot thing in the this course. I have bought too many online courses on internet. Too many programming courses. But this course is different. Perfect sound quality, very clear to understand, very good video effects, focuses every detail. This course is really very good. He teaches every line of code step by step. Well done! Thank you very much for everythin"" Linda F.""Thank you for using 'Simple' and 'Easy' to understand, real-world examples which make learning real quick. Summary at the end of each concept is really helpful and good. Could have made summary little slower by avoiding initial repeated steps of package and class creation. More exercises would also be helpful."" Vinod K.""Awesome course! I like the teaching material and the way the instructor presents the content and the information. I am very happy I started learning Java again. Congratulations!"" Alexa""I like the Java course because he explains everything in a clear and easy way."" Conor O.""Very informative and provides the step by step information as well as extra information"" Shakeel N.""Well prepared course with good examples And I really liked the course summary part at the end of each video it explains whole videos step by step Fascinating"" Muhammad T.""Good voice quality and video animations. Quick summaries are excellent"" Lynn""The step by step process is very intuitive and informative."" Abhishek S. _______WHYWECALLTHISCOURSEASASPECIALONE? We have too many reasons!1. WELL-PREPAREDCOURSECONTENTEvery training videostarts from creating a package and a Java class. There are no surprises! We can continue the course together, and you can follow each step easily, each video starts from scratch and contain every detail you'll need.All content are created by software engineers having 10+ hands-on experience on Java. Every section has section summary, section challenge examples, do it yourself exercises and bonus documentsWe spent more than 3 months only for preparing course structure500Real-Life Java Interview Questions &Answers e-book is included within the course!We shared all source code of training videos. (You'll have source code archive!)2. HIGHQUALITYSOUNDWe worked witha 40-YEAR-EXPERIENCEDAmerican voice over professional to dub our videos.All records preparedin a professional recording studio.English is not your native language? No problem! In training videos, our voiceover professional speaks clear and slow enough for you to understand easily.3. HIGH-QUALITYTRAININGVIDEOSWe used a professional screen capturing and editing software while preparing training videos.Every line of code is described step-by-step in each video with zoom-in/zoom-out, sketch motions, arrows, information boxes and animations.4. FREQUENTLYUPDATED CONTENTWe are frequently adding new Java Interview Questions and their answers, new bonus documents, quiz questions.We are updating the course content according to your questions.We are preparing sections on Java updates.5. HIGH-QUALITYSUPPORTYour success is REALLY IMPORTANTfor us. Because of this we're trying to answer your questions about the course within 24-hours.You can easily contact with the author Koysel AKINCIvia his e-mail, system message or course forums.AKINCI Training's Premium Support means you can get clear responses to your comments, suggestions or questionswithin 24 hours!_______Code your way to a great tomorrow! Join us now!AKINCITRAINING"
Price: 199.99

"Business Resurrection 5 Steps from Survival to Thriving" |
"You dont have time for overcomplicated things. You have to be able to do it quickly and EASILY. Thats what these tools are all about. They help you GET your business really going quickly, so you can just do the things that you really LOVE to do.These videos and tools allow you to start to address the concerns in your business and how to start to TURN it around. Its really essential that you can understand that its really not your fault, and that these things just happen.Let me REALLY help you move forward to a place where youre thriving and enjoying your business again."
Price: 24.99

"Java - Master managing data in your UI" |
"This course focuses on how to pull together an application that allows the program user to create information, store and manage that information in a user interface. This course doesnt: - Teach you how to pass an exam How to get the next killer job in an IT company Or claim to teach you complete Java. This course is all about: - How to make your code do something. How to link your data to your user interface so when something changes in your data it is reflected on the display. Its about how to put together a display with components the allow you to manage your data. And its about how to save and load that information between sessions. This course is perfect for those of you that want to put your Java programming knowledge to practical use. Those of you who want to bring your own ideas to life and are looking for a template to follow and ideas to apply. This course is aimed at the hobbyist the enthusiast because to complete this course you will need to be a jack of all trades and not a master of one. You will build the data model, the front end, the event model and the code to store the data, all of this you will have to code! So if you feel up to the challenge to walk through building a desktop application to model, display and manage data then sign up and come on the journey with us."
Price: 44.99

"Amazon FBA: Complete Guide To Start Your Own Home Business" |
"FULL STEP-BY-STEP BLUEPRINT TO ABSOLUTELY CRUSH IT ON AMAZON BY SELLING YOUR OWN PRODUCTS! - WORKS NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE IN THE WORLD! ""You can start selling YOUR products and making money in just 48 hours from now!"" You'll discover how you can EASILY get companies to create products for YOU! So these are gonna be YOUR products with YOUR name on it! I'll show you how to get them to do it for PENNIES on the dollar! I'll show you how to turn around and sell YOUR OWN PRODUCTS on Amazon for HUGE profits! You will learn how to use Amazon FBA! They are going to handle shipping, customer support, and everything else... So you don't have to! - All you have to do is just sit back and collect the checks! In this system you'll learn: 5 step formula to pick smoking hot products that are guaranteed to stuff your bank account with cash!You'll discover the 15 second mind hack that lets you pick million dollar niches instantly!You'll learn how to easily find out which products are winners and will make you boatloads of cash... and which ones you should avoid at all costs!You'll discover how to get started with just $5!I'll show you how you can get your own products created for pennies!And how you can quickly turn around and sell it on Amazon for MASSIVE profits!You'll learn the 5 step method I use to rake in cash from selling everything from tweezers, to spatulas, to clothing, to candles... The sky is the limit here!You'll learn how to run this business from anywhere in the world... So even if you live overseas you can do this!You'll discover a sneaky little trick to get hundreds of rave reviews for your Amazon products on demand... (It's not what you think!)You'll discover how to get monsoons of traffic, boatloads of sales!I'll show you how to use YouTube to get lots of traffic for Amazon and how to rake in huge commissions!Not only that, you'll learn how to DOMINATE the billion dollar supplement industry! (This has been one of my closely guarded secrets that I was prepared to take to the grave with me...)But for the first time ever, I'll come clean and show you how you can start selling your own products supplements in just 48 hours or less. This is a HUGE cash cow that the guru's don't want you to know about! You'll get the unfair advantage and learn everything you need to know about supplements and how to get started! And I'll even reveal 1 trick that I recently used to make a staggering $113,749 (6 figures) from just 1 ugly video on YouTube! You can't find this information anywhere else. I am going to show you how to absolutely destroy the competition on Amazon, how to get started selling your own products online, how to get them listed at the top of Amazon, how to get lots of traffic from Youtube, get lots of traffic from Google, and how to rake in huge income! This is completely newbie friendly! It doesn't matter how old you are or if you're not a computer savvy... As long as you can follow single steps, copy & paste, you can do this! Think this takes a lot of money to get started? Think again, it doesn't! In this system I show you an easy way to get started with just a few dollars! You can find products for as cheap as 56 cents to make! I show you how to sell that for big profits! The beauty in this method is that it doesn't matter where you live, because Amazon shipping the products for you, and they are going to be handling the customer service and everything else so you don't have to! And I STILL Haven't Even Gotten To The Best part... You don't need... Your own websiteTo be seen as an expertSales skillsTo slave long hoursTo be an affiliate (we're not going to waste our time with lousy $2 commissions!)Any experience (it doesn't matter if you are brand new to the computer!)To ship stuff out or store it in your garage (I'll show you how to set it all up on autopilot!)To deal with any customers... (I'll show you how to get Amazon to handle all of that)To spend lots of money buying expensive inventory!This method is way more powerful than all of that! I'll show you how to get started with just a few bucks! Once you set this system up, it runs complete autopilot! So you can take a vacation, sleep in, and still get paid - because this system runs for you and it runs autopilot so that way you don't even need to be there! Azon Cash Bomb Is A Multiple Award Winning Amazon Training Program! The information inside this training are insider secrets that take regular guys like you and me and multiplies our cash-generating ability 100X instantly. Secrets that put you on the same playing field as CEOs, tech startups, super affiliates and entrepreneurs who've been banking 6 and 7 figures for years already. Oh, and just to make this a complete no brainer... I'm removing all the risk! Azon Cash Bomb comes with a 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee! If you are aren't blown away by the information inside it, you'll get 100% of your money back! Start to profit like a boss NOW! "
Price: 199.99

"Build Profitable Business In a Competitive Niche Market" |
"Forget SEO, Facebook or YouTube, Dominate Any Market In Less Than 90 Days You need a solid plan and a proven blueprint to follow, right? If you want to build a profitable business in a competitive niche market, then you must position your uniqueness and sell from that exact angle. Let me ask you a few simple questions: Do you want a business that creates a never ending cash flow? Do you want the freedom to choose when you take time off? Do you want to control & drive more sales to your pockets than anyone else? Do you want a system that enables you to go into any market and make a killing? Do you want the security of knowing that no one else can take your share? Do you want a business that makes you money on autopilot while you sleep? Do you want to know how to do all this quicker than you ever imagined possible? After having massive success with this system myself, I analyzed, refined and defined my process so I could share the exact formula I used. To prove this works for others I had to find some people who needed help and now I am looking for more. I have now used this with other peoples businesses and the results have been nothing short of incredible. Its taken me over a year to put this together in a step-by-step and easy to follow format anyone can use. Now you have the chance to use this powerful system in any niche to absolutely dominate and crush it in any market. Now Will This Work For YOUR Business? As long as you have a business that has a market to dominate. this will definitely work for you. You can cash in big time easier and quicker than you ever thought possible. Go ahead right now and grab the exact steps you need to transform your life and create for yourself a solid, massively profitable and dependable business that will eagerly and effortlessly provide for your family for generations to come. "It honestly feels so good knowing that if I went broke tomorrow, I would just refer to the same formula I am sharing with you today and I would make my money all over again quickly and easily!" Imagine the feeling of knowing that you can make money on demand. You can rinse and repeat this over and over again. Heres what is included in this profit building system 11 step-by-step, over the shoulder, fully professional HD quality videos A 27 page companion eBook Lifetime Support: I will personally answer all of your questions within a few hours! 30-Days Money Back Guarantee. See you inside, Brett & Sandor"
Price: 149.99

"The Complete List Building Course: All Levels" |
"""SUPER-FAST & TOP-SECRET, EFFECTIVE LIST BUILDING TECHNIQUES THAT I USE TO GET 10,000+ SUBSCRIBERS EACH AND EVERY MONTH! - THIS WORKS NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE IN THE WORLD!"" You can get thousands of HUNGRY BUYERS waiting for YOUR OFFERS within a FEW DAYS! I am going to reveal to you the exact strategies I have been using to build my lists and collect thousands of subscribers in no time! No stones left untouched, you will be covered with information from A to Z! All you have to do is copy-pasting what I do. Let me tell you what I've discovered: How to harness the power of solo ads to create a cash-sucking business with EVERGREEN products.You can begin seeing serious dollar signs in your bank account in less than 30 days using the methods I'm about to reveal.You can be a complete newbie - not know ANYTHING about how to make money online and be able to do this.The LATEST trips, tricks and secrets even the gurus don't know about on how to create an online income - all laid out on a silver platter for youHow to start creating your Internet lifestyle in the next 24 hours.I knew there had to be an easier way to create the Internet dream lifestyle I saw others living and I don't want you to quit before the ""MAGIC"" happens - I am living proof - that the MAGIC will happen for you. I am that person who no longer sets the alarm clock. Most days I work in my pajamas. I can take days off whenever I want - I can take time off in the middle of the day. I take vacations frequently. Here's Why It Works So Well: As you know, the way the ""so-called"" Internet gurus tell you to make money online simply DOES NOT WORK. You know that, I know that. We wouldn't be here if it did. You can continue down the path you're on trying to figure out a way to make money in Internet Marketing. OR - you can learn from someone who has been in the trenches doing this for YEARS. Why re-invent the wheel - when I can unveil to you everything I learned without you having to go through some of the failures I did. What's even more is I am going to share with you secrets on how to create hot offers, get massive traffic, and other little-known methods that the GURUS DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT. Ways to do things that will get you the results you want FAST. I created List Building Cash Tornado, when I saw how many people were struggling with not being able to make money online. And judging by all the feedback I've already gotten, I'm quite confident it can help YOU too. You'll discover: A guided course of 31 Professional, High-Quality, High-Definition videos that take you step-by-step through the process of how to build a list, craft offers and effectively use solo ads. THE VIDEOS ARE BROKEN DOWN INTO 3 EASY-TO-FOLLOW MODULES THAT WILL SHOW YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO START BUILDING YOUR LIST ONLINE. MODULE 1: 9 Videos that cover how to pick a winning niche and craft an irresistible offer.MODULE 2: 11 Videos covering how to create a cash-sucking Sales Funnel.MODULE 3: 11 Videos covering the right way to create a surge of Tidal Wave Traffic.Here Is Just a Highlight Of The Topics That Will Be Covered... How to pick the hottest niches to make the most moneyHow to get massive amount of subscribers in no time (10,000+)How to set up your Auto Responder series (with templates)How to successfully do solo ads - that show you the money!How to get an avalanche of traffic to your buyersHow to create a huge list of hungry buyersHow to create smoking-hot squeeze pages that convert like crazyAnd so much more... No stone has been left unturned in this in-depth video series.Once you set this system up, it runs complete autopilot! So you can take a vacation, sleep in, and still get paid - because this system runs for you and it runs autopilot so that way you don't even need to be there! List Building Cash Tornado Is A Multiple Award Winning List Building Training Program! The information inside this training are insider secrets that take regular guys like you and me and multiplies our cash-generating ability 100X instantly. And I STILL Haven't Even Gotten To The Best part... You don't need... To be seen as an expertSales skillsCopywriting skillsDesigning skillsTo slave long hoursAny experience (it doesn't matter if you are brand new to computer!)To spend lots of money (you can get started with just a few dollars!)You will get INSTANT, LIFETIME ACCESS to everything I mentioned - the 31 training videos that show you everything from A to Z! Oh, and just to make this a complete no brainer... I'm removing all the risk! List Building Cash Tornado comes with a 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee! If you aren't blown away by the information inside it, you'll get 100% of your money back! Start to profit like a boss NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Sales Funnel PRO: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success" |
"LATEST UPDATE: October, 2015IN THIS UNIQUE, STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO PROGRAM, YOU'LL DISCOVER HOW TO SET UP A SUPER PROFITABLE FUNNEL THAT CAN START BRINGING YOU INCOME WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A WEBSITE!This system is up-to-date with the [October '15] information, works no matter how old you are or where you live in the world!This is the training system that helped 10,000s of students with ZERO experience to get started online. It's so easy because you will be hand-held through the entire funnel-creation process, so all you have to do is simply RINSE and REPEAT the easy steps to create profitable funnels in ANY niche of your choice.You Can Get Started With Absolutely Nothing But With Your Own Two Hands And An Internet Connected PC! That's right. No website needed. Not even copywriting, design, or hosting.No Website Funnel Is An Award-Winning Training System, Professionally Designed To Be Straight To The Point & Easy To Follow!By accessing the lectures, you will learn:How to build your OWN funnel without having a websiteHow to build a converting list and advertise products super-effectively(!)How to set up the perfect (most profitable) No Website Funnel... and see model examples that enable you to follow and profit.The fastest, most powerful way to turn visitors to subscribers.When to USE squeeze page, and when NOT to.How to create an email list and easily integrate it onto your capture page. (I'll show you the best ways how to setup this high-converting system in just minutes!)How to pick the right offers. (Do this wrong and you'll be wondering why your sales are sputtering.)And that's just the tip of the iceberg... The fun (and the cash) starts coming in once you've got your funnel up and running.You'll discover:""Traffic Building Mastery"" How to create and optimize a money - magnet Facebook fan page that will automatically turn browsers into buyers.The secrets of creating high-converting, profit-pulling Facebook image and text ads... without doing ANY writing!How to launch your first BLOCKBUSTER Facebook campaign step-by-step.And so much more...Is No Website Funnel Training System For You?Let me be frank... Even though I consider No Website Funnel to be the quickest, most reliable way to make a REAL, SUSTAINABLE online income that can allow you to make an extra income source (like it allowed me to quit my job completely). It isn't for everyone. For example, if you expect to generate $1,000 or more by tomorrow... if you're not prepared to put in 30 minutes each day for the first week... if you're the kind of person who can't resist tinkering with the system because it seems almost too simple... ... then this program probably isn't for you. However... If you're sick and tired of failing at Internet marketing, and if you just can't seem to make consistent cash online even though you've tried everything from website flipping, building niche websites and PPC... to SEO, creating your own products and selling online services...Then I guarantee you'll find No Website Funnel life-changing. No kidding...To prove this, I AM REMOVING ALL THE RISK! No Website Funnel comes with 30-DAYS, NO QUESTIONS ASKED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you are not satisfied and it didn't bring you the results you were looking for, you will get 100% OF YOUR MONEY BACK!The course is available with LIFETIME UPDATES & SUPPORT!Start to profit like a boss NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"The Importance of JV Contests in Exploding Your Business" |
"LATEST UPDATE: October, 2015CONSISTENTLY WIN JV CONTESTS PRIZES LIKE CASH, CARS AND HOLIDAYS EXPLODE YOUR LIST AND PROFITS, USING THESE UNIQUE STRATEGIES THAT YOU CAN'T FIND ANYWHERE ELSE I GUARANTEE!!! Your list will soon grow with hundreds and thousands of subscribers You're going to get the fantastic opportunity to join JV contests that go on practically every single day and WIN THE TOP PRIZES!Why should you join JV contests? - Because The Benefits Are ENERMOUSFor starters, you will explode your list with more subscribers and profits, because JV contests are motivating and above all, FUN! This means that while most other Internet marketers are dragging themselves through the list-building process You will find yourself jumping out of bed each morning, taking action to come up tops on the leaderboard!You are thinkingI've just started building my list, how can I win with a tiny email list?"" - That's a great question and the answer is actually very simple. Guess what? From talking with some of the top affiliate marketers in the industry You'll be surprised to know that they often BLOW their competition out of the water in these JV contests Even with much smaller lists!They have boiled winning consistently in JV contests down to a science. But of course they don't reveal their secrets just to anyone. And rememberThese are All Kinds of JV Contests Going On Every Single Day!Many of them are actually perfectly designed"" for the newbie Internet marketer & list builder. You'll be thrilled to know that there always are JV contests you can join anytime and come up top on the leaderboard to WIN YOURSELF A NICE GRAND PRIZE!Other great reasons to join JV contests, especially when you're new to list buildingEver read a good book, watched a good movie, or joined an event that was so compelling, thrilling, and engrossing That you found yourself getting lost in the enjoyment?You know how it feels As if you had just escaped the problems of the world and embarked on a life-changing adventure I can personally tell you that JV contests often bring the same unforgettable excitement and experience.You know that when you're having fun time flies And more importantly, work won't feel like work at all and you quickly find yourself achieving a new level of success! A bigger list, a more responsive and trusting list of subscribers, and of course, a whole bunch of profits added to your bank or PayPal account. Here's the REAL REASON to join JV contests that most successful Internet marketers won't tell you aboutJV Contests are the Secret Backdoor"" to Getting Connected with the Marketers in Power!They allow you to quickly and easily grow your network of connections, which can benefit you in more way than you can imagine! If you want to become a high-earning affiliate marketer who has the ABILITY TO MAKE 5 EVEN 6 FIGURES EVERY MONTH Simply by sending emails to your list! Then knowing how to win JV contests consistently is by far the most powerful way to make it happen, and that's what this SPECIAL, REVEALING course is all about!Now at last You won't have to struggle with the lack of motivation to build your list and grow your online business. NO MORE embarrassment of making pathetic sales NO MORE failing at building and monetizing your list, especially if you've never succeeded in the past Now you'll have no excuse to become a super-successful Internet marketer & list builder!Let me introduce JV CONTEST BLUEPRINTThis is YOUR blueprint to constantly ending up at the top of the leaderboards! In this complete video program, you will not only discover PROVEN tips, techniques and strategies to consistently come out on top of the JV leaderboards to win yourself amazing prizes but YOU WILL ALSO DISCOVER TO DO IT EASILY Other affiliate marketers would almost think you are cheating!!!You'll discover The Importance of JV Contests in exploding your online business Find out how winning JV contests can launch your profits and establish golden"" relationships with JV partners How to select the product launches you can win (this is a must know especially when you're just starting out) How to use the Bonus Strategy"" to get your affiliate sales soaring! Simple but outrageously effective ways to double, even triple your sales conversion rate How to use a Bonus Page to pull in even more profits Massive Facebook Profits"" - How to find Facebook fan pages, events and groups with the most profitable audience for your chosen product (these are audiences that will almost certainly buy the product you recommend!) Secrets to building your list while promoting other people's hot-converting products How to gain the most benefits out of JV contests And much more Remember Internet marketers with smaller lists triumph those with bigger lists in the JV contests ALL THE TIME! The secret to winning these fun-packed, prize-filled contests is NOT about how big your list is But how well you can TARGET YOUR AUDIENCE and whip them into a buying frenzy! That's exactly what the JV Contest Blueprint shows you, STEP-BY-STEP!JV Contest Blueprint Is A Multiple Award-Winning Training System!There is simply no other program available that reveals how to benefit from JV contests like JV Contest Blueprint: this is such a smart investment!I'm so confident that you'll find this unique program a Godsend that you can try it now at NO RISK! In the next 30 days, use JV Contest Blueprint to win as many prizes as you can, explode your list building and start growing your connections with top Internet marketers, product owners and entrepreneurs and if you are not absolutely thrilled with the results or you are not satisfied for ANY reason at all you will get 100% of your money back No Questions Asked!Looking forward to see you inside and hearing about you and your success stories! :)Start to profit like a boss NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Forex Trading: The Complete Guide for Beginners" |
"This beginner-friendly, step-by-step course is designed for anyone (even seasoned, professional traders) having a difficult time finding a trading system that will actually make money consistently and easily.You'll learn from a successful international trader, who will show you how to make a lot of money with minimal investment using binary options trading.Ultimately, you'll be able to make as much as $340 by investing as little as $20 with the trading tips in this course. Learn How to Make Successful Forex Trades and Generate Steady ProfitsUnderstand How Options Trading WorksRead and Analyze Charts to Recognize Trading PatternsSet Up a Trading Account and Money Management SystemMaster Trading Tools & Tactics to Make a Lot of Money with Minimal InvestmentThis course will not only show you how to trade, it will also teach you how to read charts accurately and start making money in your first 24 hours of trading.You'll gain access to valuable software that will help you find great trading opportunities as they happen so you never miss a chance to make money fast. You'll also gain access to weekly reports on news, tricks, and other ways to succeed with binary options, including how to identify and avoid scams. Plus, in a live trading session, you'll make your very first trade while learning how to place an offer successfully.Contents and OverviewBecause this course is designed with beginners in mind, you'll start off by learning everything you need to know about trading options, including the trading lifecycle.You'll then dive into how to accurately read trading charts, as well as how to use basic and custom indicators to analyze them. In this way, you'll gain more insight before you place a trade.To ensure you always make the right trade and maximize your profits, you'll also master how to recognize trading patterns.After setting up a trading account, you'll be ready to learn about paper trading, including when you should use it to make even more money.To further minimize risk, you'll even cover how to manage your money successfully using a proven, easy-to-use system.When ready, you'll move through a live trading session so you can apply what you learned to make your very first trade.By the time you complete this course, you'll have access to a variety of tools to make trades, manage your money, and reinvest your profits to make even more cash. In addition to knowing what trades to make, you'll also know how many trades to place every day, and you'll be ready to invest your money intelligently so you can minimize risk and maximize profits."
Price: 199.99

"Target Audience Training: Identify Your Ideal Customer" |
"Do you want to know what 99% of companies, entrepreneurs and marketers are missing out on?It's the correct answer to the following question: who is my target audience?The secret of finding the correct answer is to work with data. Stop guessing and be data-driven by using statistically significant information! We have recorded nine step-by-step videos that will walk you through the entire process of identifying who your ideal customer is. You will discover a simple strategy that will allow you to identify your ideal customer in less than 30 minutes using 100% free tools!If you want to drive real targeted traffic to your website, craft better content and save lots of time & money, then this training is perfect for you."
Price: 199.99

"How to Get Your First 1,000 Facebook Fans: For Beginners" |
"If you've ever looked at your competitors and become jealous of the number of ""likes"" on their Facebook page, this course is for you.You'll learn exactly what it takes to build a large community of followers on Facebook using the power of affordable Facebook ads. With a proven step-by-step formula that's easy to implement, you'll set up a Facebook ad campaign that will effectively get people interested in your business.After all, the more followers you have on social media, the more traffic you can get to your site, and the more sales you can make.Harness the Power of Facebook to Drive More Traffic to Your Site & Boost ProfitsResearch Your Target Audience Quickly and EasilyCreate the Right Customer Avatar, Ad Copy, and Ad ImageSet Up and Launch a Facebook Ad CampaignMeasure and Split-Test Every Ad's EffectivenessDive Deep Into Facebook Advertising That WorksThis course will teach you everything you need to set up a successful Facebook ad campaign from start to finish, including how to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls. You'll learn how to research your target audience in less than 20 minutes, use Facebook's targeting functions like a pro, and get ""likes"" for as low as $0.20 per U.S. Page Like.By knowing how to garner more attention for your business on Facebook, you'll be able to drive more traffic to your site, use your fans as social proof to sell more products and/or services, and lower your advertising costs. Contents and OverviewThis course begins with an introduction into why a strong Facebook presence is so important for any business today.You'll then move on to an easy-to-implement 3-step process for creating a successful ad campaign on Facebook.The first step involves researching your audience using accurate data from sources like Facebook Audience Insights. These skills will allow you to find the people that will be most interested in your products or services so you can target your ad.Next, you'll learn how to set up a winning customer avatar to connect with your audience and get them interested in what you have to say.You'll even master how to use the right sales copy and images to grab people's attention.Finally, you'll learn how to set up your campaign, including scheduling, pricing, and placement.To test the effectiveness of every campaign and measure one campaign's success against another, you'll finish off this course by learning about split-testing to see what works best for your business.By the time you finish this course, you'll be able to get more likes on Facebook, thanks to your ability to create an ad campaign that works. You'll be able to build a larger community of followers on social media with minimal investment, and this will help drive more traffic to your site and increase conversions."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: Drive Highly Targeted Facebook Traffic" |
"LATEST UPDATE: September, 2016Entrepreneur's Guide to Driving Highly Targeted Facebook TrafficDo you want to learn how to drive cheap & highly targeted Facebook traffic to your website or blog, increase the amount of visitors, grow your audience and increase your revenue?If you already have a website that needs more visitors instantly without having to spend lots of money on Facebook traffic, then this course will help. Most likely your business has a traffic problem, but we will solve it! We'll show you a traffic technique that works right now. It might not work forever, but it does in this very momentand we apply it on a daily basis!Learn how to gain access to more than 1 billion potential customers that are on Facebook everyday, and turn them into your website visitors for only a few cents per click!Get highly targeted & cheap Facebook trafficWalk through the setup of a targeted Facebook campaignDiscover a traffic strategy that is working RIGHT NOWRun Facebook campaigns on a tight budgetStop paying $1 per click on FacebookContents and OverviewThe key element of cost effective Facebook traffic campaigns is a working strategy. You'll start the course learning how to find your target audience. Unfortunately, 99% of companies don't know who their ideal client or website visitor is. Don't make this deadly mistake.Then you'll discover how to find and craft the best content in your niche market. If you want to attract website visitors, you also need great and relevant content. I'll show you how to find the best pieces of content in your niche market that is proven to work.Next, you'll test which content yields the highest engagement on your fan page. Once we figured that out, I'll walk you through the entire process of setting up a targeted Facebook campaign. If you've never done it, then this course is perfect for you. By the end of the course, you'll be ready drive highly targeted Facebook traffic for cents per click, grow your audience, and convert your visitors into customers. Your business will benefit."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: Reveal The Power of Promoted Posts" |
"Facebook Marketing: Reveal The Power of Promoted PostsThis course will reveal to you the power of promoted posts. If you have been looking for an efficient way to reach more people on Facebook, then this course is perfect for you. You'll learn how to utilize a special form of Facebook advertising to drive more people to your content, opt-in page or products and services.Learn how to use promoted posts to get more exposure on Facebook even if you have only a few bucks to spend on Facebook advertising. Promoted posts are great if you want to: Make sure more people read your content Driving more prospects to your products and services Build your email list with just one click Increase fan engagementAll in all, promoted posts are a great way to give your business more visibility and exposure on Facebook instantly!Step Into the World of Promoted Posts On FacebookThis course will walk you through all steps in order to utilize the power of promoted posts.First, you'll learn what promoted posts are and why they are so valuable. We'll cover what types of posts you can promote and what the difference between organic and paid reach is.Next, we'll cover two different types of post promotion. You can look over my shoulder and learn how I promote my posts with paid Facebook advertising. Then, we will take a look at how to analyze and monitor the results of your post promotions. Moreover, you'll discover one trick that I learned from my business partner who is running the second-biggest viral website in all German-speaking countries. In fact, I'll show you exactly what he did to drive millions of visitors to his website on a tight budget. Towards the end of the course, I'll introduce you to a free tool to create high-quality imagery for your Facebook posts. If you hate Photoshop, then you will love this lesson. By the time you complete the course, you'll be ready to give your business more exposure and send high-converting paid Facebook traffic to your websites instantly."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: Grow Your Business With Retargeting" |
"Facebook Marketing: How To Grow Your Business With RetargetingThis course will reveal to you the power of Facebook retargeting and how to take action on the latest trends in digital marketing!Retargeting is the most powerful advertising feature you can have access to at this very moment. It has leveraged the profits of many businesses across virtually all industries that's why you shouldn't miss out on this opportunity!If you want to change the economics of your business and get access to four proven retargeting strategies to scale your business instantly, then this training is perfect for you.Learn how to use retargeting and deploy our four proven core strategies to increase your revenue instantly!In this class, you will discover how to use retargeting to: Promote your content Get more leads Build your fan base Sell products and servicesStep Into the World of RetargetingThis course will walk you through all the steps in order to deploy Facebook retargeting to increase the success of your business.First, you'll learn what retargeting is and why it is so effective. We'll also take a look at how retargeting changed the economics of a company you probably have heard about.After covering the fundamentals of retargeting, we will take the first steps together. You can look over my shoulder and learn how to integrate a retargeting pixel and discover the basic process of creating a custom audience.Once your retargeting pixel is in place, we'll dive deep into four main core strategies. I'll walk you through step-by-step how to use retargeting to promote your content, get more leads, more fans and sell your products and services. In this context, we'll cover basic strategic concepts along with an entire walkthrough of setting up retargeting lists and retargeting campaigns. This will allow you to pick any strategy and deploy retargeting instantly.By the time you complete the course, you'll be ready to set up profitable retargeting campaigns, reduce your advertising costs and increase your revenue."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: Advanced Targeting Strategies" |
"This course is designed for those who want to grow their business with Facebook Marketing like a professional agency. Youll discover how to deploy our proven & tested Facebook Marketing strategies to build up your fan base, generate more leads and sell more of your products or services. Learn How to Use Advanced Facebook Targeting Methods To Scale Your Business Generate more income by reaching out to your customers and email subscribersReach out to website visitors and turn them into paying customers Harness the power of Lookalike Audiences and increase your campaign ROIGrow Your Business Faster And Master The Art Of Facebook Targeting At the beginning of this course, we have an entire module dedicated to Custom Audiences. Youll learn what they are, why Custom Audiences are so useful and how you can generate more profits by leveraging your existing customers, email subscribers and app users. Next, youll tackle retargeting - the latest trend in digital marketing. Youll discover advanced retargeting strategies covering how to reach out to your website visitors to build up your fan base, generate leads and sell more products & services. Then, well cover an advanced feature called Lookalike Audiences. Ill show you how to turn Facebook users into paying customers and how to set up ads to reach out to these people. By the end of this course, you'll be ready to deploy advanced Facebook targeting strategies, create efficient campaigns and grow your business instantly. You'll be ready to promote your business by deploying the worlds most advanced and proven marketing strategies for high profit margins."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: How To Build A Targeted Email List" |
"Entrepreneurs Guide to Building a Targeted Email List This course will teach you how to build a list of targeted subscribers quickly and easily with Facebook ads. Whether youre running an offline or online business, selling product or services, it is essential to have a list in place to generate a consistent stream of revenue. The money is in the list. Generate Quality Leads by Using Facebook Ads Learn How to Promote Your Content to Effectively Sell Your Product or ServiceConvert Cold Traffic to Subscribers and CustomersGenerate Traffic on Demand and Turn Buyers into Multi-buyersKnow How to Perform Successful Product LaunchesCapture Targeted Traffic in the Most Competitive Niche Markets Social list building is crucial to succeed in todays world. But it takes strategy. The number one reason why Facebook campaigns fail is due to the lack of knowledge of the target audience. This course will show you how to research your target audience, create winning ad copy that resonates with them, track conversions, and scale your campaign like a professional advertising agency. Contents and Overview The course will kick off with the fundamentals of social list building so you are equipped to get the most out of the course with no prior experience. Then youll move onto identifying your target audience so you can structure your campaigns effectively. Youll discover Facebooks free tool, Audience Insights, that will reveal important details about your ideal client. Next comes conversion tracking. Facebook has a feature that allows you to track your conversions so you can see whats working and why, and adjust your strategy accordingly. Youll then learn how to build converting Facebook ads quickly and easily. The image is the primary element of an ad, and the instructor will share his proven ad image tricks so you can be sure yours really grab your audience. Then, youll learn how to create compelling ad copy to get your audience to click. The course will wrap up by showing you how to scale your campaign once your ads do convert. Youll leave the course with the ability to create effective ad campaigns that turn your efforts into an unstoppable list-building machine."
Price: 199.99

"Marketer's Guide To Creating Facebook Ads That Convert" |
"Learn to create highly converting advertising campaigns on Facebook. This course will show you how to construct attention-grabbing copy and choose a compelling image for your ad, no matter what your objective is.Increase your click-through rates by following these unique and proven strategies that will benefit your business.Convert Facebook Users into Leads and CustomersLearn six effective strategies on picking the perfect imageCraft ad copy that effectively reaches your audience Increase your click-through rates by hooking the marketPromote your content, increase leads, and generate businessContinuously Grab Attention by Knowing What WorksMany businesses that have outstanding services or products to offer miss out on great potential, due to missed marketing opportunities. This course will give you a leg up by teaching you how to nail down the most essential elements of an ad campaign: the ad image and the ad copy. The tested and proven strategies taught in this course are unique and will make your business stand out from the rest. Contents and OverviewThis course will start by teaching you the anatomy of a Facebook ad so you see the critical roles that the ad copy and image play. Youll then learn what a click-through rate is, which determines the cost of your ad. Next is knowing how not to violate Facebook advertising policies so you can be sure that you and your ad will remain active and effective.Section 2 takes you through the creative process of choosing the perfect ad image. Youll learn six different strategies so you can find the one that is best for you, and youll gain access to 17 resources where you can search for images. The third and final section covers writing the ad copy. Youll learn advanced techniques that will make it possible for you to write compelling copy even if youre not a writer. Youll also learn a formula for crafting killer headlines, so you have a simple and proven technique to follow.By the end of the course, you can be confident that your Facebook ads will be successful. Youll learn how to save advertising dollars by creating a cost-effective Facebook campaign, while positioning yourself to increase sales."
Price: 199.99

"How To Craft An Irresistible Lead Magnet To Build Your List" |
"Marketers Complete Course on Creating a Strong Lead Magnet Master the technique of creating a lead magnet that will increase your conversions, boost your revenue, and accelerate the growth of your email list. Your lead magnet is the core element of your list-building efforts. It is a piece of information that you exchange for the email address of your prospect. This course will take you through a step-by-step process to determine the best leads in your market as well as create an effective lead magnet. Create a Highly Converting, Irresistible Lead Magnet Accelerate the Growth of your Email List InstantlyLearn to Define the Desired Outcome of Your AudienceReview Dozens of Examples of Highly Converting Lead MagnetsCreate a Compelling Offer that Your Audience Cant ResistJoin the Top 5% of Marketers Who Grow Their List Quickly and Easily If your lead magnet isnt something that your target audience wants, then it might be impossible to grow your list. Many people spend years testing their lead captures. Save yourself time and money by mastering the technique of creating a lead capture that works. This course takes a data-driven approach to determine the number-one leads in your market and what it is that they want, so you can create a lead magnet that appeases that desire. Contents and Overview First youll learn what a lead magnet is while discovering the impact it can have on your business. Youll learn what the top mistake is that most marketers make when growing their email list, so you can avoid it. Next youll review different types of lead magnets so you can create your own irresistible bribe for your audience. Youll learn how to determine the biggest need of your market so your lead magnet resonates. Now youre ready to craft your lead magnet. Youll learn the six rules to obey when creating it so you will stand out from your competitors. Toward the end of the course, the instructor will share with you his Lead Magnet Resources Toolbox, so you are equipped with the top resources to sell your lead magnet. After the course, youll be well on your way to building an email list containing more prospects than you ever imagined. It all starts with a compelling lead magnet, which this course will ensure you have."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: Next Level Fan Growth Strategies" |
"Entrepreneurs Advanced Strategies for Facebook Fan GrowthThis course will help you build a large community of fans and followers through the use of affordable Facebook ads. Step by step, youll learn how to set up a compelling Facebook ad campaign that will attract targeted fans to your business. Youll end up growing a fanbase, driving more traffic to your site, and increasing conversions. Build Your Email List with an Ad Campaign that Works Lower Your Advertising Costs by Implementing a Proven Step-by-Step Formula Learn How to Harness the Power of Custom AudiencesGrow Your Fanbase and Get More Likes with RetargetingBoost Your Sales by Driving Traffic to Your SiteDeploy Advanced Acquisitions Strategies with Minimal Investment Social media provides great opportunity for businesses today. Rather than paying a professional advertising agency, business owners and marketers now have the ability to set up an ad campaign quickly and easily. The results are just as good. Your business will be exposed to the millions of people on Facebook, acquiring more likes and more traffic as you implement this step-by-step formula. Contents and Overview The course takes you through three advanced features that all work together to achieve optimal results. The first feature youll learn is Custom Audiences. Youll learn what Custom Audiences are and how to use them to accelerate the growth of your fan base. Youll watch the instructor set up a Custom Audience so you can see how to do it in less than 5 minutes. The next powerful feature is retargeting. You will learn how to connect directly with your website visitors so you can turn them into Facebook followers. The whole process, including placing a retargeting pixel and installing a retargeting list, will be covered. Now its time to master the third feature: Lookalike Audiences. The purpose behind them and how to use them will be explained so you can supercharge the growth of your fan base. Towards the end of the course, youll learn how to create an effective Facebook ad campaign. Youll have your large community of followers in place and ready to receive the compelling ad messaging that youve created to benefit your business. Get ready to create a powerful advertisement that will be seen by the masses!"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: Next Level List Building Strategies" |
"Facebook Marketers Advanced List-Building Strategies Discover three Facebook marketing strategies that will grow your email list quickly. Youll see more and more subscribers on your list each month, which leads to more sales and higher revenue. Businesses of all sizes, beginner and intermediate marketers will be able to apply these advanced strategies to their marketing efforts. Grow Your List Like the Top 1% of Facebook Marketers Learn How to Use Conversion Tracking to Optimize Your CampaignsDeploy Effective Retargeting Strategies to Engage with Your Website Visitors Accelerate Your List Growth by Using Lookalike Audiences Monetize Your List and Increase Your RevenueLeverage Your Visitors to Accelerate the Growth of Your Business If you want to see drastic increases in revenue, building a list is the simplest and most effective way to make it happen. Many businesses dont realize how critical it is to connect with their website visitors, customers, and email subscribers to actively grow their list. Often they dont know how to reach potential customers. This course will show you ways to effectively do this. And it will teach you how to leverage your existing market to increase your revenue. Contents and Overview This course will uncover three advanced strategies in detail, one at a time. The first is conversion tracking. With this powerful tool, youll be able to find out what happens after a visitor clicks on a link so you can track your customers actions. Youll learn how to install a conversion tracking pixel on your site, so can start tracking right away. The second strategy is the latest trend in digital marketing: retargeting. This tool allows you to follow your audience, so you can focus your advertising on the people that have demonstrated interest in your brand. Youll learn how to install a retargeting pixel as well. The third strategy, lookalike audiences, will enable you to leverage your current audience so you can reach millions of similar fans, customers, subscribers, and visitors. You can essentially duplicate your audience with this powerful tool. By the time you finish this course, you will be prepared to single-handedly grow your business, increase your revenue, and explode your customer base."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: Next Level Traffic Generation Strategies" |
"Facebook Marketers Advanced Traffic-Generation Strategies It is absolutely critical to drive traffic to your website. The more people that land on your site, the more revenue your business will generate. This course will teach you three proven strategies to attract thousands of website visitors quickly, inexpensively, and very efficiently. Increase Your Traffic Volume Almost Instantly Deploy Effective Retargeting to Re-engage with Your Website VisitorsImprove the Economics of Your Business with Custom AudiencesReach Millions of Facebook Users with Lookalike AudiencesIncrease Traffic Volume on Your Website Almost InstantlyMonetize Website Traffic and See a Drastic Increase in Revenue To see your audience grow, it takes more than just an attractive website. There are powerful tools available that can allow you to actively draw in more and more visitors, and turn them into customers. From there, you will be empowered to leverage your audience to generate more leads, which of course leads to more sales. The strategies taught in this course will enable you to grow your audience like the top 1% of Facebook marketers. Contents and Overview This course will walk you through three advanced traffic-generation strategies, one by one. Youll start with retargeting. Youll learn how to find and connect with the visitors that once stopped by your site so you can get them to return. The next strategy is custom audiences. Understanding how to use custom audiences will position you to sell your product or service directly to those that are relevant. You wont waste any time or money attempting to market your business to non-prospective customers. Last but not least is lookalike audiences. This strategy will allow you to duplicate your audience so you can greatly accelerate its growth. Youll be able to reach millions of similar fans, email subscribers, website visitors, and customers quickly and effectively. By the time youre finished with this course, youll be set up to drive thousands of visitors to your website every day. Just be prepared for all the attention!"
Price: 199.99

"How To Analyze Your Market With Facebook Audience Insights" |
"Business Marketers Guide to Facebook Audience Insights Learn how to use Facebook Audience Insights, one of the most powerful analytical tools out there. Youll know how to analyze audience data so you can improve your marketing and focus on the people that are relevant to your business. Whether youre an advertiser that wants to target ads more effectively or a business owner that wants to learn more about your market, this course will bring you the insight you need. Harness the Power to Analyze Your Audience Build Stronger Buyer Personas and Target Your MarketingCreate More Compelling Content that Your Audience WantsEvaluate Behavioral and Graphical Data for a Highly Segmented AudienceResearch Your Market and Learn More About Your FansRun Profitable Paid Traffic Campaigns and Generate More Revenue Facebook Audience Insights is the best tool to reach the right people, that is, the relevant audience to your product or service. Dont waste time or money by trying to reach a broad audience without knowing anything about them. The key is targeted marketing. This free tool will provide you with specific information about your market, from age and gender to household size and purchase behavior. Know your website visitors, fans, and email subscribers so you can market to them effectively. Then, you can turn them into customers. Contents and Overview The course will start with showing where Facebook pulls its data from so you can see how all this detailed, personal information is attained. Then youll learn the basics of the tool and how to research and analyze your market. Youll uncover six ways to make sense of your data so you can adjust your strategy based on your analysis. Finding shareable content that your fans love can be difficult, but youll see just how Facebook Audience Insights can help. Youll also discover ways to identify new paying customers so you can increase your revenue. Next youll find out how you can use the tool to develop a solid social media strategy. With this ability, youll gain more and more fans, who can transform into customers. The course will wrap up by teaching you about mobile campaigns so you can determine if they are relevant to your market. If they are, youll know how to use them. And finally youll learn about bidding models so you can utilize Facebook Audience Insights to help you determine the right one to use. Dont let this powerful tool lie under your radar. Take advantage of this free offering to get close to your audience and grow your business."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: How To Improve Your Fan Page Performance" |
"Facebook Marketers Guide to Improving Fan Page Performance There is great power behind Facebooks free tool, Facebook Page Insights. This course will put that power in your hands. You will gain valuable insight about your audience, make necessary adjustments to your fan page, and greatly improve its performance. Increase the reach of your posts, learn which posts have the most engagement, and know how to use a social media strategy that works. This course will empower you with all you need to put your fan page in forward motion. Optimize Your Fan Page with Facebook Page Insights Generate More Revenue by Reaching More FansGain Access to Key Data and Metrics About Your Fan PageFind Out Whether or Not Your Social Media Strategy WorksCreate High-Quality Content that Resonates With Your FansReach More Fans and Turn Them Into Customers The way to generate more revenue is to sell more products. And the way to sell more products is to earn the trust and respect of your customers. And the way to get more customers? Reach more people. Facebook Page Insights will do the legwork for you. It is your untapped resource that will give you the information you need to effectively extend your reach and connect with your audience. Contents and Overview The course will kick off by explaining the three main benefits of using Facebook Page Insights as well as how to access the tool. Youll receive a tour of the tool so you understand all the key metrics and what features are available to you. Next youll discover six hacks that will help you make sense of your data so you can make adjustments to increase your page performance. Youll be able to identify your pages weak points so you know what to improve. Now youre ready to learn how to spy on your competitors. Youll gain insight on what youre up against and adjust your strategy accordingly. At the same time, you will see who is sending traffic to your fan page. This way you can identify new partnership opportunities. One great thing about Facebook Page Insights is the ability to see when your fans are online. Choose a customized posting strategy that will resonate with that fan. Towards the end of the course, youll learn how to use the tool to create and share content that goes viral. Crafting high-quality, shareable content is the ticket to broaden your audience quickly. Finally, youll learn how to gain valuable insight into the demographics of your fan base. Then, you can refine your strategy even more. When the course is over, youll know exactly how to analyze your social media strategy, learn your audience, and adjust your fan page to get the best results. Harness the power that Facebook Page Insights is offering, and start growing your business."
Price: 199.99

"How To Build A Converting Landing Page From Scratch" |
"An effective landing page, also referred to as a squeeze page, is one that will create new leads and conversions for your business or website. This course will show you exactly how to easily create a landing page that's concise, clear, and appealing to visitors. Like other successful marketers, your new landing page could hit a 50%+ conversion rate, and this could result in greater profits and longevity for your company. You'll learn how to build your own custom landing page in less than a day, and without having to pay expensive copywriters or web designers along the way. Build, Design, and Write a Landing Page That Increases Conversions Learn How to Build a Landing Page in Under One HourImprove Your Copywriting Skills to Write Content That ConvertsAccess the Best Resources for Affordable, Attractive Web GraphicsMaster Conversion Hacks to Drastically Improve Conversion RatesUse Your Landing Page to Boost Visitor Interest, Signups, and Sales This step-by-step course will show you how to build a landing page from scratch so that you can accrue more email list subscribers and sell more products. One of the most effective ways to get people to sign up for your email list is by offering them an incentive, known as a lead magnet. You'll learn how to determine what to offer, and how to offer it in a way that will garner attention. In addition to building your squeeze page, you'll also tackle the best copywriting methods that are proven to work. You'll even add attractive graphics that won't distract visitors, but will instead further incentivize signups. Finally, you'll tackle five proven conversion hacks that will help you dramatically increase your landing page's conversion rate right away. Contents and Overview This course is designed for people of all experience levels, so it will begin with an overview of what a squeeze page is, including the major elements it must contain for the best results. You'll also cover the importance of a lead magnet and work on creating one for your own website. To develop stellar copy for your squeeze page, you'll learn how to research like a pro, and how to write headlines, subheaders, and a call-to-action that will attract and retain visitors. To make your site look just as you envision, you'll discover the best places to acquire high quality graphics affordably. You'll even learn the tools that make it possible to build your site in under 20 minutes. Finally, you'll access five conversion hacks that you can implement right away to get a 50%+ conversion rate in no time. As you move through the lessons, you'll be encouraged to put what you're learning into practice, so you can have a landing page ready to launch by the time you complete this course. You'll be able to use your new skills to create a winning landing page for your business, and you'll know exactly how to get visitors to convert, whether you're searching for more sales or subscribers."
Price: 199.99
