"Python and Data Science from Scratch With RealLife Exercises" |
"Welcome to my ""Python and Data Science from Scratch With Real Life Exercises"" course.Do you know data science needs will create 11.5 million job openings by 2026?Do you know the average salary is $100.000 for data science careers!DATA SCIENCE CAREERS ARE SHAPING THE FUTUREData science experts are needed in almost every field, from government security to dating apps. Millions of businesses and government departments rely on big data to succeed and better serve their customers. So data science careers are in high demand.If you want to learn one of the employers most request skills? If you are curious about Data Science and looking to start your self-learning journey into the world of data with Python?If you are an experienced developer and looking for a landing in Data Science!In all cases, you are at the right place!We've designed for you ""Python and Data Science from Scratch With Real Life Exercises! a straight-forward course for the Python programming language. In the course, you will have a down-to-earth way explanations with hands-on projects. With this course, you will learn Python Programming step-by-step. I made Python 3 programming simple and easy with exercises, challenges, and lots of real-life examples. We will open the door of the Data Science world and will move deeper. You will learn the fundamentals of Python and its beautiful libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib step by step. Throughout the course, we will teach you how to use the Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and use powerful machine learning algorithms and we will also do a variety of exercises to reinforce what we have learned in this Python for Data Science course.This Python and Data Science course is for everyone!My ""Python and Data Science from Scratch With Real Life Exercises!"" is for everyone! If you dont have any previous experience, not a problem! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to professionals ( as a refresher). Why Python?Python is a general-purpose, high-level and multi-purpose programming language. The best thing about the Python is, it supports a lot of todays technology including vast libraries for twitter, data mining, scientific calculations, designing, back-end server for websites, engineering simulations, artificial learning, augmented reality and what not! Also, it supports all kinds of App development. No prior knowledge is needed!Python doesn't need any prior knowledge to learn it and the Python code is easy to understand for the beginners.What you will learn?In this course, we will start from the very beginning and go all the way to programming with hands-on examples . We will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. Then during the course, you will learn the fundamentals of Python development likeVariables, Data types, Numbers, StringsConditionals and LoopsFunctions and modulesLists, Dictionaries, and TuplesFile operationsObject-Oriented ProgrammingHow to use Anaconda and Jupyter notebook,Datatypes in Python,Lots of datatype operators, methods and how to use them,Conditional concept, if statementsThe logic of Loops and control statementsFunctions and how to use themHow to use modules and create your own modulesData science and Data literacy conceptsFundamentals of Numpy for Data manipulation such asNumpy arrays and their featuresHow to do indexing and slicing on ArraysLots of stuff about Pandas for data manipulation such asPandas series and their featuresDataframes and their featuresHierarchical indexing concept and theoryGroupby operationsThe logic of Data MungingHow to deal effectively with missing data effectivelyCombining the Data FramesHow to work with Dataset filesAnd also you will learn fundamentals thing about Matplotlib library such asPyplot, Pylab and Matplotlb conceptsWhat Figure, Subplot and Axes areHow to do figure and plot customizationWith my up-to-date course, you will have a chance to keep yourself up-to-date and equip yourself with a range of Python programming skills. I am also happy to tell you that I will be constantly available to support your learning and answer questions. Do not forget! Python has the second largest number of job postings relative to all other languages. So it will earn you a lot of money and will bring a great change in your resume. Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise. Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadWe offer full support, answering any questions.If you are ready to learn Python and Data Science from Scratch With Real Life Exercises coursDive in now!See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Essential Verbs in English! Verbos Essenciais em Ingls!" |
"Welcome to Essential Verbs in English!Neste curso selecionamos um pouco mais de 200 verbos que so usados frequentemente no dia a dia e que acreditamos que possam lhe dar uma tima base inicial para que voc consiga se comunicar com mais segurana.Tenha em mente que se voc conciliar um conhecimento estrutural com os tempos verbais principais, presente, passado e futuro com uma base de dados compostas por verbos e vocabulrio em geral essenciais para o dia a dia, com certeza mesmo com limitaes, voc ser capaz de se comunicar efetivamente.Ento sugiro, que voc estude esses verbos de forma concisa, os revisando constantemente e criando possibilidades de uso desses verbos em contextos reais para voc. Vamos entender agora como este curso est estruturado.Este curso composto por 17 mdulos 12 verbos por mdulo, apresentados na forma infinitiva e no passado. Para cada verbo apresentado, darei dois exemplos de uso do verbo em um contexto. Ao trmino de cada mdulo h exerccios de fixao dos verbos apresentados assim como arquivos para download de udio e PDF."
Price: 159.99

"The Complete Introduction to Segment" |
"Segment is the leading Customer Data Platform currently available, from Data Collection to data processing and consolidation to data analysis, Segment helps in the entire process. Segment's valuation and popularity is sky-rocketing, be ahead of the curve and a handle on it!From marketing to DevOps, Segment is present everywhere. This course seeks to explore the realm of possibilities a Customer Data Platform provides from Marketing to Engineering. Understand the architecture of Segment while you are it. Use Segment as an ETL, replicating some real life use cases in Industry. Make use of the Segment API to send over information from your application into Segment. Also set up cloud based Sources, Destinations and WareHouses. We will use and learn Google BigQuery as our DataWareHouse.Everything is well documented and separated, so you can find what you need. Assignments and Quizzes will make sure you stay on track and test your knowledge. The course will have a combination of theory and practical examples.The IntroductionEverything in this course will be straight from the free trial version, so you you don't need to buy anything. Understand where CDP platforms like Segment fit in the larger scheme of things. Learn what are some similar tools and what are the differences between Segment and some of its predecessors.Segment BasicsLearn all the ingredients to be a skillful Segment user, from its architecture to its API, make use of it all. Learn about one of the key roles of segment, in ETLs. We will see Segment API being used from a NodeJs application, and investigate the JSON messages it makes use of.Connect cloud based Sources (SendGrid), Destinations (Amplitude), and WareHouses (BigQuery).Advanced Use CasesSee how Segment helps in calculating Customer LifeTime Value. Does Segment calculate it itself? No. What is CLV? We will explain.Segment helps us filter customer data to calculate CLV and we show how.Finally checkout A-B testing and how Segment can help."
Price: 24.99

"Build an Amazing Wordpress Site With Brizy Page Builder." |
"If you are looking for a WordPress course that will hold your hand from buying a domain and web hosting to building a professional website then look no further.Welcome my name is Okaro Jideofor and i have been using WordPress for the past 8 years now.in this course, i will take you step by step from start to finish making sure i teach you all you need to build a professional WordPress site for your business or even for a client after completing this course.I do realize that not all my students leave in a country with a fast or even cheap unlimited internet connection so i have made all the course contents downloadable so everyone can view it offline.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN FROM THIS COURSEHow to buy a domain for just $1.17(1st Year)How to buy web hosting less than $10 per yearHow To Link Your Domain To Your Hosting AccountHow To Install Wordpress (easy)How to install awesome free themesHow to install free pluginsHow to customize the WordPress login screenHow to change the default admin login linkHow to create pagesHow to create postsHow to create categoriesExplore WordPress settingHow to use Brizy page builderFind HD images for our projectAdd Video to our Home and so much more...WHO THIS COURSE IS NOT FORNot for anyone who is advanced in WordPress."
Price: 29.99

".Net Core 3.1 WebAPI Gelitiriyoruz - Layer, Repo, Async vb." |
"Kurs ieriinde de akland gibi .Net Core teknolojisi kullanlarak, WebAPI uygulamas gelitireceiz. Tabii bu eitim boyunca best practice almalar yapacaz. Katmanl mimari, Asenkron ilemler, Restful mimarisi gibi konular ile bilgimizi glendireceiz. Nihai hedefimiz .Net Core teknolojilerine uzak kalmamak ve backend gelitirici olmak isteyenlere yol gsterici olmak. Eitimimiz ierisinde Cari Hesap zeti uygulamas rnei ile gelitirmeler de yapacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Preparacin UNAM" |
"descripcion del curs minimo de 50 caracteres como ahora lo estoy haciendo y aun no lo logro espero que ocon esto de pueda aassas adsa asdasd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd as da sdsaasas as asdasd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd as asd asd asd asd asd asdas a ASI"
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Quick Massage" |
"Eu sou massoterapeuta a mais de 10 anos, e durante esse tempo eu atendi muitos clientes, e aprendi e desenvolvi muitas tcnicas e trabalhei de varias formas nessa rea.Uma das minhas tcnicas favoritas e sem duvida a que me deu os melhores resultados a ""Quick Massage"" que sempre teve uma grande aceitao, e quando aplicada corretamente os pacientes sempre ficam satisfeitos e costumam voltar para novos atendimentos.Aprendendo essa tcnica voc pode imediatamente iniciar seus atendimentos e ingressar no mercado de trabalho como massoterapeuta, onde voc pode aplicar suas tcnicas como autnomo, profissional liberal ou mesmo trabalhar em um espao especializado em massoterapia, academias , ou mesmo trabalhar em eventos e etc.O QUE VOU APRENDER?Aplicar a Quick MassageIniciar no mercado como massoterapeutaFazer fichas de anamnese da maneira corretaIdentificar contra indicaes relativas e absolutasTRANSFORME SUA VIDA!Se voc esta desempregado ou quer uma renda extra a Quick Massage vai te possibilitar trabalhar como autnomo de maneira imediata podendo assim mudar sua realidade financeira, ou mesmo aplicar a tcnica somente na sua vida pessoa e obter resultados incrveis.SUA JORNADA1 - ASSISTA AS AULAS 2 - TREINE O CONTEDO 3 - SEJA UM MASSOTERAPEUTAO QUE IREI RECEBER?ADQUIRINDO NOSSO CURSO VOC IR RECEBER ACESSO COMPLETO E VITALCIO A TODAS AS AULAS QUE IRO TE ENSINAR A APLICAR A TCNICA DE Quick Massage COM PERFEIO."
Price: 39.99

"TikTok Marketing 2020: Grow Your Account & Master TikTok Ads" |
"Whether youre looking to boost your personal profile or hoping to generate revenue for your business, youll want to be on TikTok.The worlds fastest growing social media platform, TikTok has around 800 million monthly active users. (Yep, its more popular than Instagram.) Plus, its the only place where new users can go viral overnight. In other words, its a marketing opportunity you dont want to shy away from.In this course, well take you from complete newbie to a bonafide TikTok pro. Youll learn how to create a personal or business account that users will want to engage with, and how to conjure up an entertaining TikTok post. Growing your account is also on the agenda. In fact, well show you how to get 10,000 followers within 30 days without using dodgy bots or buying followers. Well also reveal exactly how TikToks algorithm works, so you can ensure your efforts are seen by your target audience. And well teach you the many ways you can make money from your TikTok account.If youre a business owner, pay special attention to our TikTok for business sections. Theyll teach you everything you need to grow your customer base, including how to create profitable ads on a modest budget.As well as listening to us, youll also learn from some of TikToks brightest stars. See how one singer pushed his track to the top of the charts with nothing but the app. Or dive into the innovative sales strategies used by fast food companies and beauty brands.You dont need any kind of a following to get started with this course just a smartphone and a desire to participate in one of the most fun forms of social media. Got both? Then get ready to grow your profile.Your instructors:Darius Moravcik is the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for Reflectly, a rapidly growing mindfulness mobile app. He's also a 2-time Udemy instructor, with over 7,000+ paying students and 300 5-star reviews.Evan Kimbrell is in the top 1% of Udemy instructors with over 30 courses on Entrepreneurship & Marketing. His courses have over 500,000 students, 39,000+ 5 star reviews, and have been covered in publications such as TechCrunch, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Buzzfeed.Our promise:If you're unsatisfied with the course in any way, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 199.99

"Python II (Estrutura de Controle & Funes)" |
"Este o segundo curso da srie Python. Trata-se de um curso prtico e objetivo, nele voc ir aprender como criar estruturas de controle como IF, WHILE e FOR em Python. Tambm ir aprender como fazer reutilizao de cdigos por meio de funes. O curso conta ainda com Quiz e problemas a serem resolvidos pelo aluno."
Price: 39.99

"Analtica de Recursos Humanos con Microsoft Power BI" |
"La analitica de recursos humanos (HR Analytics) conlleva la utilizacin de los datos para crear informacin de la gestin que se lleva en la empresa respecto a su capital humano, es una herramienta esencial en la toma de decisiones sobre esta rea vital de cualquier empresa ya que al final de cuentas todas las organizaciones estn compuesta por personas.Ya son conocidas todas las ventajas que el Business Intelligence, el Machine Learning y el anlisis de datos le brindan a las organizaciones y estas fortalezas tambin se pueden poner a disposicin de las reas de RRHH, no solamente para medir los resultados de la gestin del rea, sino que es una importante herramienta de planificacin de actividades orientadas al desarrollo y retencin del Talento Humano en las organizaciones.En este curso podrs aprender a preparar un modelo de analtica de Recursos Humanos usando una de las mejores herramientas de Business Intelligence como lo es Power BI integrando con otra de las principales herramientas usadas para el anlisis de datos como el software estadstico R, de tal manera que el producto final es un gran informe dinmico, objetivo, analtico, atractivo y muy visual, en el que se puede entender la evolucin de los principales indicadores y KPIs del rea.Adems, en el proceso recibirs muchos tips que mejoraran tus habilidades en R y en Power BI lo que, sin duda alguna, agrega valor a tu perfil profesional."
Price: 24.99

"Crea Sistemas Web para Libreras con PHP" |
"En este curso vamos a crear un sistema en PHP bajo el patrn modelo vista- controlador utilizando la plantilla AdminLTE, utilizando como gestor de base de datos phhmyadmin. En el inicio tendremos las ventas, cantidad de libros, de clientes y envos realizados. Podremos agregar stock, editar nuestros datos, cerrar sesin. Tendr distintos gestores. Un gestor para usuarios, donde se podr crear nuevos, editarlos y eliminarlos.Se utilizar el plugin de DataTable para hacer tablas ms dinmicas, y SweetAlert2 para generar alertas Suaves.Adems un gestor de clientes, donde se podrn ver sus compras.Otro gestor ser de los libros, se podr editar y eliminar, tambin incluir gneros literarios y biografa de los autores.Contar tambin con un gestor de ventas, se podr crear las ventas, seleccionando o agregando un nuevo cliente."
Price: 99.99

"Hacking and Pentesting iOS Applications (2020 Edition)" |
"This course is created with an idea of saying Bye Bye to outdated iOS application penetration testing tools and techniques. Let us learn iOS Application Penetration Testing the right way with right tools and techniques. This course introduces students to the security concepts associated with iOS Apps developed using Objective-C (Swift iOS Apps are not used in the course). This is an intermediate level course, which begins with beginner level concepts. This course covers a variety of concepts such as iOS Application structure, Reversing iOS Apps using Hopper, Bypassing client side restrictions such as Jailbreak detection, SSL Pinning etc. This course uses two vulnerable applications developed by the instructor to demonstrate how iOS App vulnerabilities can be identified and exploited. This course teaches you how to identify a variety of iOS App vulnerabilities such as Insecure Data Storage, Insecure Logging, Weak Jailbreak detection, insecure end to end encryption, SQL Injection etc.The best part of the course is that you will get a detailed understanding of how to trace an iOS app's runtime and write a bunch of Frida scripts to pentest the target applications."
Price: 199.99

"Blender 2.8 for 3D Printing - Intro to Pro Techniques" |
"This course is about teaching you more complex techniques to begin opening up your creative side. We'll be teaching subsurface modeling & extrusion tools. You'll also be learning about tolerances in your design workflow by building a toy car. We'll even go over splicing objects so you can cut up larger designs for small 3D printers.By introducing you to longer workflows and how to use more of Blender's awesome modifiers you'll be expanding your brain to design with precision in no time!"
Price: 199.99

"Sculpting & Product Design for 3D Printing - Blender 2.8" |
"This course you'll be learning the basics of Blender 2.8's powerful sculpting tools by crafting your best digital snowman. With our Phone Amp exercise you'll learn Adaptive Design Techniques that will allow for rapid design changes without compromising your design. And because it's always fun to render out your work we've also thrown in a bonus lesson on Eevee Basics."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Guitar Fretboard Notes Memorization Course 2020" |
"The Ultimate Guitar Fretboard Memorization Course is a program designed to help guitar players memorize their entire fretboard within a few short weeks. Learning the notes on your fretboard is one of the hardest things that a guitar player has to accomplish to be able to get to more advanced levels of playing. Your ability to play solos, scales, and chords all over the fretboard are all dependent on your knowledge and understanding of where your notes are.In my journey of learning how to memorize my fretboard, I was really surprised to not be able to find any courses online teaching you how to memorize your fretboard considering it probably is one of the most difficult and fundamentally important aspects of guitar playing.As far as I know, this is the only online fretboard memorization course that I'm aware of.This fretboard memorization program is something I initially created for myself to help me learn every single note in record time. When I started teaching, I took the program and taught it to all my students and it worked for them successfully. My youngest student is 10 years old and he was able to learn every note on his fretboard within a few short weeks.The program is logical and is designed in such a way to make memorizing your fretboard as simple and effective as possible.I've spent countless hours figuring out the best way to go about it and creating a program with the most simple yet intuitive exercises that will help you ingrain the position of all the notes into your memory.You will first learn the method and a basic understanding of how the fretboard works and then you'll jump straight in to doing the exercises to begin your journey of memorizing your whole fretboard.I truly hope this will be a breakthrough guitar course for those of you who have tried to learn the notes on your fretboard for years on end and have not been successful. I'm pretty sure that if you follow the program and do the exercises, you will know your entire fretboard within a few short weeks.Learning every single note on your guitar will take your ability to navigate the fretboard to a whole new level. You will gain complete access to chords and scales from being able to access ""root notes"" all over the fretboard.I'm excited about the release of this new course and I look forward to hearing all your testimonies!Great Blessings,Mark"
Price: 49.99

"Narcissistic Relationships" |
"If you are in a narcissistic relationship you will know how hard it is to get out. I have put this course together especially for you to learn what a narcissist is, how to deal with one, how to leave and how to heal from the cycle of abuse. This course is unique becomes it contains my years of experience as a transformation coach and NLP practitioner to overcome the cycle through both understanding where it comes from, as well as guided meditations to heal the initial wound."
Price: 119.99

"Learn Embarcadero Borland C++ Builder in 1 hour" |
"If you want to get started quickly on building rich gui-based form applications using drag and drop method the easy way, then this course is for you. You will learn how to use Embarcadero C++ Builder to create form-based apps much like Visual Basic, where you drag and drop buttons, input boxes, labels etc onto forms. You will also learn C++ the easy and fun way.This crash course covers:Install C++ BuilderBuild Form Based AppsUsing Forms, Labels and ButtonsUsing Edits boxes and Message BoxesUse Strings and IntegersBuild a simple calculator appWhat better way to get started in C++ and also creating your own windows form-based programs the easy and fun way within 1 hour!Money back guarantee:This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So, go ahead and enroll in this course now and be on your way to creating drag-and-drop gui-based app today!"
Price: 19.99

"Economics: Fundamentals of Demand and Supply Analysis" |
"This course will help students understand:Difference between Microeconomics & Macroeconomics.Types of markets in an economy: Factor Markets & Goods Markets.Demand & Supply: Basic Principles & Concepts.The Demand Function and Demand Curve.Changes in Demand vs. Movements along the Demand Curve.The Supply Function and the Supply Curve.Changes in Supply vs. Movements along the Supply Curve.Consumer Surplus: Value minus Expenditure.Producer Surplus: Revenue minus Variable Cost.Elasticity."
Price: 89.99

"Augmentez vos ventes grce au Growth Hacking - Version 2020" |
"Vous le savez comme moi : trouver de nouveaux clients est de plus en plus difficile.Face la concurrence, la multitude d'outils votre disposition, au temps que cela prend animer un rseau social... ce n'est pas facile de savoir quoi faire en priorit, et surtout comment se distinguer de ses concurrents.C'est pour cela qu'est apparu le Growth Hacking !Ce sont des outils et des techniques qui vous vont permettre D'exploiter des gisements de croissance ngligs par la concurrenceD'automatiser des actions simples et rptitives afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur les tches valeur ajouteDe mettre en place un systme qui fonctionne sur Pilote Automatique, sans que vous n'ayez besoin d'tre toujours aux commandesDe trouver des ides originales et penser diffremment grce un systme de slection qui mlange crativit et rationalitD'identifier en quelques dizaines de minutes o il faut intervenir en priorit pour amliorer votre cycle des ventes...J'ai conu ce cours comme une synthse des 300 pages de mon livre ""Le Growth Hacking"" publi aux Editions Dunod (le 1er livre en Franais sur le sujet imprim en France). Je partage aussi avec vous mes petites astuces qui font de ConseilsMarketing l'un des premiers Blogs sur le Marketing B2B (plus de 6000 visiteurs / jour).Cette formation vido est conue pour aider les PME, Freelances, Indpendants, Marketeurs, Entrepreneurs, Managers... apprendre les bases du Growth Hacking, et les appliquer immdiatement pour leur activit.Le cours se divise en 4 grandes parties :L'origine du Growth Hacking, et pourquoi cela rvolutionne la manire de vendre Les outils de Growth Hacking indispensables pour mettre un maximum d'actions faible valeur ajoute sur Pilote AutomatiqueLa mthode simple pour optimiser son cycle des ventes (le Framework AARRR), qui permet la fois de faire un audit de sa performance marketing & commerciale, mais aussi pour lancer un nouveau produit.Un cas pratique qui dmontrer la simplicit d'application des principes du Growth Hacking.A la fin de chaque leon en vido, vous aurez un petit exercice simple qui vous permettra de mettre immdiatement en pratique ce que vous avez appris."
Price: 49.99

"Rhino Grasshopper Dome Wireframe Structure" |
"Are you interested in Grasshopper and want to learn how it works? Don't be intimidated and give it a try! My name is David Copete and I will make sure to guide you through the exercise steps so you can learn the interface. Once you get through the initial learning stage, it will become one of your most useful design tools.In this class you will learn how to create a Parametric Wireframe Structure System using Grasshopper for Rhino. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some complex and impressive designs in a quick amount of time. The steps in this tutorial are useful for many other applications. So make sure to follow me for future lessons, and let me know if you have any questions, or ideas for future videos. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how Parametric Design works and how you can apply it to your specific use case.I highly recommend this lesson! Why?It is simple and straightforward with full explanations of the process of parametric design using Grasshopper.I will show you a real world example. By the end of the lesson you have a useful script that you can use to share with your firm, or impress your friends and teachers.Who can benefit from this lesson?Designers who want to learn Grasshopper and Parametric DesignArchitectsEngineersDesign students3D modelers interested in parametric design.3D Print designers"
Price: 19.99

"Intermittent Fasting Formula For Rapid Weight Loss" |
"Discover The Secret Diet Protocol For Sustainable & Rapid Weight Loss!...Without Having To Ban Your Favorite Food & Kill Your MetabolismThis is the Golden Key for those who want to:Lose weight fast without sacrificing their favorite foodAchieve their best physique fastGet started with healthy livingBreak the weight-loss plateauLive a longer & healthier lifeLook good and feel better in their own skinIncrease their self-esteem & build self-confidenceBe in a more positive, creative, high-energy & motivated stateDiscover the secrets revealed inside Intermittent Fasting Formula with more clarity so you can easily implement the action steps.Speed up your transformational journey by going through the course as you know watching a video is faster and more fun than reading.Remember more of what you learned so you can get more results in less time.Absorb what you learn faster from this course without any distraction.Experience personal guidance as you have a voice that speaks to you, guides you, and grabs your attention with visual graphics.Do you know the REAL reason why youre struggling to lose weightThink about it...How many weight-loss programs have you tried?How many magic pills, supplements, or Diet Tea that youve tried or heard that promise magical results?To be honest, Ive tried a lot of those so-called magic bullets but it always ends up with disappointment.The truth is, losing weight doesnt have to be complex!You dont need to learn rocket science to lose weight.It all comes down to a very simple formula.However, I believe that most weight-loss advice out there requires you to:Go on a caloric deficitFollow a hard & intensive exercise programSacrifice your favorite food & snacksComplicated calorie-countingAnd we both know that complexity will only lead to downfall.This is why most of us fail to lose weight...and its never easy to follow a complicated diet with too many restrictions for an extended period of time..."
Price: 19.99

"Twilio - Enhance Interaction With Customers" |
"Transform your customer communications with TwilioTwilio is the worlds leading cloud communication platform that enables you to engage customers across channels - SMS, voice, video, WhatsApp, email and more.Programmable SMSSend and receive text messages globally with the API that over five million developers depend on.Twilio FlexCustomize every aspect of your contact center with the fully-programmable contact center platform.Programmable VoiceMake, receive, and monitor calls around the world using the voice API that developers rely on.Twilio SendgridReach customers using a flexible email API that enables time-savings, scalability, and delivery expertise.Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Enhance Audience Interaction With Twilio.Twilio enables you to almost effortlessly communicate with your customers.Its surprising to think how little communication is thought about in the digital world.Everyone automatically assumes that everything is done electronically. Talking to people still plays a vital role in everyday business.Before services like Twilio existed, it meant that you had to purchase and own lots of hardware. Now everything is in the Cloud, and Twilio operates it.Cloud-Based Tools Offer FlexibilityThe need to own and operate telecommunication hardware is long gone. Everything you need is now located in Twilios cloud.Its just a matter of connecting to their API and utilizing their tools. Your customers wont have any idea whats going on in the back end.All of their calls will be handled as if you were operating the hardware yourself. You, on the other hand, your life will be a whole lot easier.It will be once you fully utilize all of the features that Twilio has to offer.Scale To Fit The Needs Of Your BusinessBusinesses have a way of growing if youre doing things right. Hopefully, youll have to scale everything as your business grows.None of thats a problem when it comes to Twilio. Youll be able to scale up or even down if its required.You may have a business where the level of communication ebbs and flows depending on the time of year.Everything can be quickly taken care of by just making a few changes inside Twilio.You Dont Have Time To Learn Twilio On Your OwnWhats the one thing holding you back from using Twilio?Its the learning curve involved. No one ever said using Cloud-based solutions like Twilio is easy.It does require you to spend quite a bit of time learning the ins and outs.What if there was a way streamline the entire learning process? Would you think differently of Twilio then?Of course, you would, and weve got a solution that will fit the needs of any size business."
Price: 19.99

"Structural Masonry with ETABS - Module 3" |
"General objective:Structural Masonry with ETABS 17.0.1Prepare a real housing project with Structural Masonry Walls, using the most powerful tool on the market in structural calculation. Software ETABS 17.0.1Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulation for Design and Construction of Buildings in Structural Masonry R-027. and the latter will be compared with the ACI318-14 recommendations regarding the design of shear walls.Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulation for Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures R-001.Detailing of a Structural Masonry Wall.Incorporation to the Model of the Design of Foundations of running footings, using Interaction-Soil-Structures. In addition, there will be a Real Soil Study of the AreaSpecific goal:Structural Masonry with ETABS 17.0.1-Module P3This module includes:Lecture 1: IntroductionLecture 2 and 3: Design Spectrum R-001Lecture 4: Design Spectrum R-001 ETABSLecture 5: Directional combinations Earthquake X and Y ETABSLecture 6: Combinations of Loads R-001 ETABSLecture 7: ETABS Wall DrawingLecture 8: Drawing of Wall and Rigid DiaphragmLecture 9: Rigidity Center Correction P1The AulaGeo team worked hard on this course. It was developed in Spanish by Orozco, voiced by Gabriella for English speaking students."
Price: 119.99

"IBM MQ Administration basics in Redhat Linux for beginners" |
"IBM is the vendor for IBM MQ (formerly known as WebSphere MQ). MQ stands for Message Queuing. MQ is great tool for messaging service among the applications in the IT industry. IBM MQ is widely used in Banking industry, Retail industry, Travelling industry and many more for safe and secure transactions in between the applications. Especially in the Information Technology IBM MQ has a crucial role for successful communication of applications."
Price: 4800.00

"Build An Attractive Freelancer Website" |
"Freelancing is liberating and gives you flexibility, variety and the opportunity to handpick your ideal clients. To attract them, youll need a website that stands out from the rest to show them how YOU stand out from the rest.This class is an inspiration station covering both the design and content for freelancer websites that are anything but ordinary. Well look at several inventive freelancer and personal brand websites and youll get inspiration to create or update yours and you'll have some fun while we're at it.This class is perfect for freelancers from all walks of life and all industries whether youre a life coach, language teacher or a luxury travel consultant. Its suitable for you whether youre a seasoned pro or just dipping your feet into the world of freelancing because everyone can benefit from having a personal website that's compelling, attractive and impressive.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Exceptions in the Russian language" |
"This course is aimed at giving overview of deviations from norm in Russian pronounciation and grammar. You will see in which segments exceptions emerge and get the major part of the cases in one and at hand. You will also be able to practice your skills. The course contains English subtitles for your better understanding and convenience."
Price: 24.99

"HVAC Psychrometry, Air Handling System and Duct Selection" |
"**Updated (Sep 2020) Accurate subtitles (captions) uploaded! **Hello! If you are starting out in the HVAC industry, or wished to gain more knowledge in an area which seems complicated and confusing to most people, you have found the right course! My strength and approach in training is simplifying the important knowledge into something you will be able to grasp easily. In this course, I cover the air side in building air conditioning systems extensively, and will build your knowledge slowly until you reach the competency of evaluating, selecting and sizing Air Handling Units (AHU) and Air Ducts.Join me to give yourself a head start in the HVAC career!Learning Outcomes and Content1) Introduction to Air Handling SystemsExplain the working principle of air handling and fan coil unitExplain the controls for pressure dependent and pressure independent VAVInterpret duct drawings and BMS graphics for air-side2) Space Cooling LoadDescribe the three mechanisms of heat transfer Identify the heat gains in a buildingEstimate the cooling loads of a building3) PsychrometryDefine the thermo-physical properties of airAnalysis of various air treatment processes by applying the psychrometric chartExplain air conditioning processes in the building4) AHU and Duct SelectionDefine the components of pressure loss in an air distribution systemExplain the use of the equal friction method on the sizing of air distribution duct workApply the procedure for determining pressure losses in air distribution duct work"
Price: 199.99

"BPO Pros Broker Price Opinions" |
"BPO Pros is a course designed for real estate agents who wish to make money performing Broker Price Opinions for banks and lending institutions. Real estate agents are hired to perform BPO's usually in cases of Foreclosure, PreForeclosure, Short Sales and Mortgage Sell Off. BPO assignment fees can range from $40-$300+ depending on area and property type. Banks use BPO's to save money as opposed to hiring a certified appraiser for value."
Price: 34.99

"Raggiungi i tuoi obiettivi con la PNL Sistemica" |
"Come si crea un Obiettivo Efficace in PNL Sistemica?In questo corso imparerai a pianificare e raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi secondo i principi della Programmazione Neuro Linguistica di Terza Generazione.Scoprirai come, per raggiungere un obiettivo, sia importante definire uno Scopo.Scoprirai anche che ci sono altri fattori importanti da considerare quando pianifichi il tuo Obiettivo.Se hai provato in passato a cambiare te stesso in mille modi diversi ma sempre con risultati scadenti puoi stare tranquillo, questo metodo, a differenza di altri che non contemplano includere lo Scopo come parte strategica nellandare verso i propri obiettivi, spiana la strada verso il successo."
Price: 34.99

"Blues Rules!" |
"Ciao A Tutti!Questo Metodo e rivolto ad un pubblico di chitarristi livello Medio/Alto.Richiede infatti la conoscenza dei rudimentidella Chitarra(accordi,scale, arpeggi,Ritmiche)DellArmonia(Gradi & Tonalita).E rivolto tutti coloro che gi suonano e vogliono approfondire ed imparare le basi del Blues, che e sicuramente il linguaggio base per capire anche gli altri generi del 900 da esso derivati.Ci sono moltissimi i musicisti che sanno tutto di accordi scale e arpeggi sperimentare nell improvvisazione la frustrazione pi assoluta.Miles Davis diceva che se non suoni bene il Blues puzzi di Jazz.modo ironico per dire molto dei linguaggi del 900.Premesso che Imparare un genere e molto differente dal imparare la Musica.E come dire: ho imparato la grammatica adesso imparo a scrivere un libro o a parlare con uno slang, od un dialetto.Questultimo ha bisogno di un LESSICO,un suo modo di esprimersi: ovvero delle frasi appropriate,delle metriche nel fraseggio e degli appuntamenti precisi nei tournarounds,delle ritmiche e quindi delle punteggiature tipiche,(come se fossero degli intercalari..Delle geometrie e degli shapes (forme)delle scale di questo genere.Saper riconoscere i chords tones,le triadi, cio i punti dove fermarsi nel fraseggio sui tre gradi del BluesInsomma e una lingua vera e propria che non e possibile parlare se non si conoscono le regole base e le sfumature del linguaggio.Ecco con questo metodo, voglio trasmettere quello che,(in tantissimi anni di frequentazione di questo stile, che continua ad affascinarmie di cui sono profondamente innamorato)Ho scoperto come sintesi e chiave di volta per poter entrare profondamente nel suo linguaggio.Ovviamente va da se che tutto questo deve essere supportato dal repertorio.Ovvero i brani con le differenti ritmiche e velocit.Buon Lavoro and God Bless You all!Luca Zamponi"
Price: 34.99

"Curso de Mitologia Nrdica + Vikings e Deuses Nrdicos" |
"Um dos Temas que tem ganhado muita repercusso nos ltimos tempos a Mitologia Nrdica, afinal, quem nunca ouviu falar na srie Vikings, Game of Thrones ou no aclamado jogo conhecido popularmente como Skyrim? Talvez tenha sido estes um dos principais motivos pela alta procura por este assunto. Conhece Ragnar Lodbrook? Vamos falar sobre este cone nrdico neste curso. Odin conhecido como ""Pai de todos"" dentro dessa Mitologia. Talvez um equivalente ao Zeus da Mitologia Grega, assim como Freya e Afrodite.Devido ao sucesso do nosso curso de Mitologia Grega e a pedidos de alunos, este curso foi criado. Este um tema de extrema relevncia na histria do nosso mundo e retratado como: mitologia nrdica, viking ou germnica; tem de longe sua profundidade e valor. CONHEA VRIOS DEUSES NRDICOS!Conhea os principais Deuses, Deusas, Monstros, Divindades, Heris, seres Mitolgicos e Elementos como Ragnarok, Niftheim, Bifrost, Volusp, Mjlnir. Voc ser apto a assistir qualquer obra literria, cinematogrfica ou jogar qualquer game e entender com mais profundidade sobre este tema."" Melhor ser um lobo de Odin ou um Cordeiro de Deus?"" O que voc responderia a Ragnar?O QUE MITOLOGIA NRDICA?""A Mitologia Nrdica ou germnica foi desenvolvida nos pases escandinavos ou nrdicos, como as atuais Sucia, Noruega, Finlndia, Islndia e Dinamarca.Da mesma forma que a mitologia grega, romana e egpcia, a mitologia nrdica possui grande importncia na configurao da cultura dos antepassados desses povos. At hoje, ela inspira filmes, quadrinhos, vdeos, jogos, etc.Constituda de deuses, heris, anes, gigantes, serpentes, lobos e feiticeiros, as lendas relatam acontecimentos que procuram explicar a origem da humanidade, a vida aps a morte, fenmenos da natureza, dentre outros.Por ser crena entre vrios povos tambm chamada de mitologia viking ou germnica.""PRINCIPAIS DEUSES NRDICOS:Odin: maior dos deuses vikings, o pai dos deuses.Freyr: deus da abundncia e irmo de Freyja.Frigga: deusa da fertilidade e mulher de Odin.Tyr: deus do combate e filho de Odin e Frigg.Vidar: deus da vingana, filho de Odin.Thor: deus do trovo e filho de Odin.Bragi: deus mensageiro da poesia e sabedoria, filho de Odin.Balder: deus da justia e filho de Odin e Frigga.Njord: deus protetor dos navegadores.Freya: deusa me, do amor e da luxria; e filha de Njord e Skadi.Loki: meio gigante e meio deus, ele considerado o pai das mentiras.Hel: deusa do inferno e filha de Loki.COMO ODIN ARRANCA SEU PRPRIO OLHO?Em sua busca por conhecimento sobre todas as coisas, Odin acreditava que a inteligncia valia qualquer preo e s vezes era preciso fazer sacrifcios. Para desvendar as runas nrdicas, em uma ocasio, ele chegou a se enforcar, se esfaquear e passar mais de uma semana sem comer. Outro exemplo foi sua jornada fonte de Mmir, o mais sbio dos deuses nrdicos, que obteve seu conhecimento absoluto aps beber da fonte da grande sabedoria, nas razes da rvore Yggdrasil. Em troca de um bom gole, Odin teria que pagar com um de seus olhos, que ele prprio decidiu arrancar._______________O objetivo do curso apresentar elementos da mitologia nrdica e viking de forma dinmica principalmente a leigos no assunto."
Price: 39.99
