"Business Analysis: Data Flow Diagrams to Visualize Workflows" |
"Learn about Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs), Context-level DFDs, and Rigorous Physical Process Models (RPPM), what they are, why they are important, and who can use them. Use Data Flow Diagrams to Visualize WorkflowsGetting from someone's explanations of how they do their job to usable and accurate workflow descriptions can be a daunting proposition. Understanding current workflows, however, is critical to defining a future IT solution. Just as critical is understanding how data is created and consumed throughout the workflow.To truly understand problems inherent in a business process or workflow, you need to help the practitioners visualize what they do. Visualization lets them identify better ways of working that remove current restrictions.Data Flow Diagrams are phenomenal tools for visualization. Working with business experts, you can help them identify problems and inefficiencies they dont even know they have. These are not people problems; they are process problems. Understanding when and how to create and use Data Flow Diagrams will help you discover and capture the requirements for improving the use of information technology.Why Should You Take this Course?In this 90 minute video course, you will learn the benefits of process visualization for the business community, for the one wearing the BA hat, for those tasked with developing the solution, and ultimately for the entire organization.You will also discover how DFDs are powerful tools for recognizing and eliminating two of the major problems that haunt IT projects, namely Scope Creep and Project Overruns caused by late project change requests.Data Flow Diagrams Simply Put! uses a concrete business scenario to present a simple, easy-to-learn approach for creating and using Data Flow Diagrams depicting workflow and data manipulation from interviews with Subject Matter Experts.You will learn how to create a Context-Level Data Flow Diagram and explode relevant process(es) to reveal the nitty-gritty detail (i.e., individual process and data specifications) that developers need to create IT solutions that the business community needs.The course answers the following questions:What is a Data Flow Diagram (DFD)?What is a Rigorous Physical Process Model?What is a Context-Level DFD?Why should I use Data Flow Diagrams?What symbols can I use on each type of diagram?How can I drill down into a process?How can I show internal processes and flows that produce the results?What does balancing a Data Flow Diagram mean and what is the business value?What is the most efficient approach to balancing a DFD?What business value do process specifications offer?How can I express detailed specifications for processes and data?What is metadata"" and why do you need it?What does a fully balanced DFD look like?What value does a DFD fragment provide?Regardless of your job title or role, if you are tasked with communicating a workflow or functional requirements to others, this course is for you."
Price: 79.99

"Discover Requirements Using Conversations and Workshops" |
"How Can You Effectively Communicate with Your Stakeholders?A lot of initial uncertainty at the beginning of an IT project comes from not knowing how to approach stakeholders to get their requirements. Should you interview each stakeholder individually or in groups? Whom should you interview first? What can you do to guide stakeholders to give you the information you need to formulate the right requirements?Unfortunately getting other stakeholders to express their needs and wants vis--vis a proposed IT solution is a non-trivial challenge. On top of that, you might be dealing with cross-functional needs which complicates the task even more.To meet that challenge, we propose that you need to hone your interpersonal skills, in particular your interviewing skills. If you have never interviewed another person before, this task alone can be intimidating.Why Should You Take This Course?Since interviewing other people for requirements is not an intuitive skill, this course presents a wide range of techniques for planning, preparing, and performing requirements elicitation interviews and workshops as well as polishing and publishing the results. It defines the characteristics of a good requirements interviewer to help you recognize areas for personal growth.To guide you through the intricacies of conducting group interviews, it includes expert advice on facilitating effective Requirements Workshops (ie. JAD, RDW, User Story Workshops, Requirements Gathering Workshops, etc.), a powerful requirements elicitation technique for managing cross-functional group meetings on traditional and Agile software development methodologies."
Price: 79.99

"Discover Requirements for IT - Simply Put!" |
"7 Ways to Kick StartIT DevelopmentGetting the right business and stakeholderrequirements for software developmentis arguably the most challenging step in software development. Nearly every study over the past 40 years has pinpointed missing and misunderstood IT requirements as the primary cause of IT project failures and overruns. Agile Software Development approaches havesignificantly increasedthe potential for project success but even Agile projects suffers from 30% - 40% failure rates.The importance of earlydiscovery and capture of initial visions, business and stakeholder requirements,features, or User Storiescannot be overstated. The requirements you identify, discover,elicit, or gather are the foundation for the remainder of the work on the product or project.The problem is that the project stakeholders are not entirely sure what they need the IT application to deliver. They have ideas and often discuss problems and opportunities, but are not trained to express those in the form of actionable requirements. This course presents7 requirements elicitation techniques forgetting IT requirements from productstakeholders. The authors have used these techniques on hundreds of IT projects around the globe and know the value each provides. Every presented technique will greatly improve your ability to elicit effective features and/orrequirements (which is the ultimate challenge).In this course, you will learn how tohelp the business community discoverbusiness needs that form the basis for Product Requirements Documents, Product Backlogs, or Feature Lists.It presents specific business analysis techniques for identifying stakeholders, analyzing relevant business problems, helping stakeholders discover what they don't know they need (but still want the solution to deliver), and a set of key questions you need to answer to initiate and manage the process. Applying these techniques will significantly improve your initial Product Backlog, Feature List, or Product Requirements Document and increase the probability of a successful project.We design our courses with a mix of talking-head instructor videos augmented with Intellimated visual aids proven to improve comprehension and increase retention."
Price: 79.99

"Oracle Real Application Cluster" |
"Welcome to this Real Application Cluster couseDuring these moments that we spend together, I have only one goal, that you enjoy setting a professional high-tech environment. Grid Infrastructure 12c, data base 11gR2 both products were installed in graphic and silent mode.All these products involve the execution of different tasks defined below.The course have been produced with videos, you'll also listen my voice. I will give all explanations and examples relevant to the successfull anderstanding of this course.In addition, I will make available the "roadmap" that I used throughout the course with all the querys and operating system commands, this way you can use it to copy and paste into your environment.The course is about 4 hours and you'll find the following chapters:1 Installation and setting of Oracle VirtualBox, creation of RAC1 Virtual Machine (VM)2 Installation of Oracle linux 64 bits operating system3 Setting network cards and the /etc/hosts file4 Tune RAC1 with yum: Kernel parameters, packages dependencies, user and groups5 Clone RAC1 to RAC2, the second node of our Oracle RAC cluster6 Creation of the shared disks from virtual box and present them to both racs7 Creation of ASM disk for subsequent creation of diskgroups8 Installation of the binaries GI 12c Set the ssh connectivity between node 1 and node 2 Run runcluvfy to get all the check resultsAt this step if all is good, you have your first cluster 12c !9 Installation of GI 12c silent mode10 Installing Oracle 11gR2 binaries (graphic and silent)11 Creating Database 11gR2 data (graphic and silent)12 Learn all the command available to manage your clusterWith this course, you have in your hand a powerful environment, created with the last version of Oracle products and for a very low cost. You can simulate a production environment at home with your personal computer."
Price: 19.99

"Affiliate Marketing with Apple iTunes Affiliate Program" |
"More than 300 students learning together, thank you all for the high interest! ## UpdatesNew lecture: earn money with Apple Music!New lecture: potential earnings lesson now has an Excel version.## This courseis a Skill PillA skill pill is an action course, where I grind and filter the most relevant information so you can understand the key concepts, and apply them to your life or business right away.Learn by doing, not by watching courses on your screen. One of the best thing about iTunes Affiliate Program, is that you can start for FREE, because join it doesn't cost you a penny, zero, nada. Forget about fees to amortise! And as far as Udemy offers you 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked, you are actually missing out money not taking this course.Start a new business from the ground is hard stuff. No one know you. No one trust you. And if they don't trust you, they won't give you their money. Apple tops Best Global brands every year. Everyone loves and trusts the company. Why don't take advantage of that and let Apple do the boring stuff like deal with payments, customers and refunds for you? Why spend a lot of time building a product you are not sure people will buy, when you can just simply use other's? Thousands of new Apps, Books and much more products are hitting the Online Stores every single day. Be the first to promote them and take the piece of the cake you deserve. This course will take you from the very beginning, where you could know nothing about affiliates, to the point where you will be able to put a new high quality product on sale within just a minute and a bunch of clicks. You'll learn the basis about affiliates, its benefits, and the most common mistakes you must avoid to become successful. Learn how iTunes affiliate links work, and increase your conversion rates by discovering all the secrets behind them. Use the Workflows I've prepared for you, and save tons of hours creating affiliate links. Remember that you will be able to manage everything online and sell to anyone anywhere, you will have the world's largest marketplace at your doorstep, your business will make money for you even while you sleep. If you want to increase the profits of your blog, project, or monetize your social networks and online presence, this course is for you. Your income potential is limited only by your effort and creativity. Take this course now and learn how to start selling your favorites products worldwide."
Price: 19.99

"How To Be More Resilient And Feel Better Easily" |
"If life is presenting you with any of the following symptoms, building your resilience on this course can help you:StressSleeplessnessLow motivation/depressionWeight issuesLack of fun/enjoyment in your lifeFeeling stuck in a job or relationship you no longer loveThis course is a guide into how your relationships, emotions, stress response, heart and mind all inter-relate to cause some people to thrive under pressure and others to get ill because of it. The only difference between these two extremes is the development of resilience.This course can fill that gap for you."
Price: 19.99

"How To Increase Your Personal Energy, and Help More People" |
"If you want to know how your personal energy works, how to increase it, attract more positive people and things, help more people, and feel better more often, this course is for you.Your personal energy is affected by your thoughts and how you set your day up. You will learn:A simple system to feel better easilyHow your thoughts affect your energyHow to ground yourself and be saferHow to attract things and people that you need into your lifeHow your head and heart interact and the affect this has on your energyHow to lighten upThe importance of looking after yourself betterHow to feel better around challenging peopleHow to improve your wellbeing and mood at will"
Price: 19.99

"Delphi ile Android ve IOS Programlama 2 (leri Seviye)" |
"Programlama dilleri arasnda Delphi ok nemli bir yere sahipken 2000 ylndan sonra kullanc kitlesinde kayplar yaamaya balamt. Fakat Delphi XE2 srm ile birlikte gelen mobil destei sayesinde ayakta kalmay baarm ve gelecekte imdikinden ok daha iyi bir yerde olacaktr. Mobil programlamann nemli olduu bir dnemde Delphi programclarn bu ihtiyacn ok estetik ve kullanl bir ekilde gidermitir. Yani Delphi ile yazdnz uygulamalar Windows, MacOS, IOS ve Android platformlarna gre derleyebilir ve bu iletim sistemlerinde kolaylkla altrabilirsiniz. Bu kurs tamamen mobil programlama ile ilgilidir. Android ve IOS iletim sistemine sahip mobil cihazlarda altrmak zere mobil yazlmlarn nasl yapld hakknda detayl ve ileri seviye bilgiler iermektedir. Bu eitimde konular hem grsel hem de iitsel adan takip edenleri beslemek iin vurgulanmas gereken yerlerde grsel efektler ieren videolar ile kolaylkla reneceiniz bir yapdadr. Bu eitim seti sonunda Delphi ile ister oyun isterseniz eitli uygulamalar gelitirebilirsiniz. Sradanlktan kurtulmak iin Delphi'nin bizlere sunduu yeteneklerden bir tanesi de 3D uygulamalar gelitirebilmektir. zellikle 3D uygulamalarn ne kadar dikkat ekeceini tahmin edebilirsiniz. Eitim seti ierii de sradan bir eitim setinden uzak bir yapdadr. Bir konuyu dallandrp budaklandrp hep ayn eyleri anlatmak yerine eitli konulara deinerek hem bak anz geniletmek hem de Delphi'nin yeteneklerini daha iyi sunabilmektedir. Hazrlam ve hala hazrlamakta olduum Delphi eitim setlerindeki birinci amacm Delphi'nin hakettii poplariteyi tekrar salayabilmektir. nk Delphi ile yaplabilecek olan uygulama ve modller gz nnde bulundurulduunda ve dier dillere kyasla bu yeteneklerini daha estetik bir ekilde sunmas ile bunlar fazlasyla hakettiini dnyorum. Bu eitim sonunda kendi uygulama ve oyunlarnz gelitirerek bunlar google play ve app store'a ykleyerek para kazanabilirsiniz. Btn bunlar iin gerekli btn bilgileri bu etimde bulabileceksiniz."
Price: 44.99

"Swift 3 ile IOS Programlama" |
"Apple firmasnn kard Swift programlama dilinin yeni srmn yaynlad ve yeniliklerini kullanclara sundu. Yeni srm Bu yeniliklerden phesiz en fazla ilgi ekeni ise Swift 2'nin kolayl. Her ne kadar Swift 1 veya trevleri versiyonlarndan ok fark olmasada ufak farkllklar byk kolaylklar getirmektedir. Bu kurs ile hi bir programlama bilgisine sahip olmasanz bile Swift dilini detaylar ile birlikte olabildiince ileri seviyeye kadar renebileceksiniz. stelik rnek uygulamalar ile rendiiniz bilgiler ile neler yapabilirsiniz, bu bilgileri nerelerde, nasl kullanabilirsiniz? bu sorularn cevaplarn bulabileceksiniz.Kursun hazrlan srecinde gnmzn programlama dnyasndaki ve i dnyasndaki ihtiyalar gz nne alnmtr. Bu adan bakldnda kursun ihtiyaca ynelik olmas en byk arts"
Price: 99.99

"Do Your Own Accounts" |
"This course is for the self-employed, busy, business owner/manager who is looking for a simple, easy way to do their bookkeeping using an excel spreadsheet. Likewise, it is ideal for the bookkeeper who is looking for a simple way to do their clients accounts. With the course you get a reusable template excel spreadsheet which acts as a cashbook, as well as prepares a profit and loss for you which will help you to submit your self assessment tax return (UK filing) and its also (due to complying with international accounting standards) suitable globally, for providing a profit and loss account. The course looks at a fictitious company and it takes two months worth of bank statements. We use this information and enter it into the cashbook, which then provides the basis for the accounts. The accounts are populated automatically on the spreadsheet, based on the figures typed into the cashbook. The template excel cashbook is included, and you download the fictitious company bank statements. In real life, youd simply use your own bank statements to fill in the cashbook. The course will take approx 90 minutes to complete. With the course tutor, you enter month 1 together, then you have a go at month 2 by yourself, and then watch the lecture to see if you got month 2 correct. We then go a step further by looking at some accounting concepts, and the physical aspects of keeping accounting records. Its an ideal course if you just want a simple, but very effective many to manage your small business bookkeeping using an excel spreadsheet. No accounting knowledge is needed or presumed. You can use this template to do your own accounts, and then send it to your accountant. With the accounts now in a much better shape, you should ask for a reduction in accountancy fees, so their course should save you time and money."
Price: 49.99

"Filing with Companies House UK" |
"This course is for UK Company Directors and Company Secretaries and any bookkeepers or accountants who are responsible for filing the annual return for UK limited companies. We look at two company examples of online annual return filing and we then look at other ideas surrounding Companies House - such as how to open and close a limited company and access to information which is filed with Companies House.There are specific rules and guidelines for UK limited companies and that is what this course covers. We don't look at or draw any comparison with US filing rules or regulations. There is a guidance notes booklet with screenshots of the filing which you can download and follow.The course will take approx 1/2 hour to compete. The way the course is structured, is we look at two UK limited companies. We have the annual return for two UK limited companies and we file them both online. We also look at the statutory obligations when you have a UK limited company and what is expected of you. We discuss some things to take into account before forming a limited company and how to close a limited company and the various services which are available at Companies House.This course is ideal if you want something quick which will explain how Companies House annual filing works, and if you've been given the task of filing the annual return for yourself or for a client and its not something that you've ever done before. This course gives you the hand-holding/guidance that you need to complete the task."
Price: 34.99

"Profitability Strategies For Small Established Businesses" |
"This course is for the self employed / small business owner who has been operating for 1 - 3 years, and is looking for ways to grow their business and increase their profitability beyond what they are currently achieving.In this course, we look at 10 strategies which you can implement to grow your profits. If you've hit a ceiling, or at a loss as to what you can do to improve the situation then this course is for you. Your tutor, has been in her own business for over a decade, and knows what its like to 'hit a ceiling' and not seem to move forward further. At this point, coaching can help, or a course like this can give you the ideas you need to keep on growing.The course booklet (about 10 pages) has been designed so that you don't get bogged down with the detail, but so that you can follow along with the course, and fill it out with ideas that are relevant to you in your business. We cover 10 practical strategies that you can go away and implement by yourself.The course will take about 2 hours to complete. Each strategy is explained in its own module, and you can apply this to your business. Its aimed at the busy owner / manager who just wants solutions and not theory or waffle. Time is short. No doubt you have a lot on your plate and you want to improve your business. You don't need to spend days in a seminar, or hours reading lots of books... these 10 practical steps will give you the boost you need. Business isn't complicated. If we do a series of things in the right way, then we will see results. You don't need to write pages and pages in a business plan or spend thousands of pounds on consultancy. Just do things in the right way. Have a strategy in place and your profits WILL increase. Review it regularly."
Price: 34.99

"Master Your Finances in 5 Easy Steps" |
"Profitability strategies is for individuals and business owners who want to master their money and finances in a quick and easy way. This course is easy to understand, its suitable for those with absolutely no knowledge of money management or finances. Your course tutor breaks down exactly what you need to do, and the printed handout helps you to apply the material to your own personal situation and finances.The course is about managing your money - how to actually 'master' money. We spend years at school - we may have done classes in English, Science, Maths - but rarely, if ever, has anyone actually taught us how to be working with our money and how we can improve the financial situation in which we find ourselves.All situations can be salvaged. So, even if you feel that your finances are in a bit of a mess, or if you are on top of things, but want to improve your money game - then this course is for you. There isn't any particular terminology that you need to know - but we do cover the meaning of income, expenses, assets and liabilities. The course will take approx 1 hour to complete. It is structured in a way whereby you download the material (a 5 page booklet). Print this off. Then watch the lecture and then fill in the booklet with the lecturer as the lecturer is talking and ideas are coming to you. This course is ideal for those who want to understand how money works, to understand how to make more money, and it's for those who just want to understand money - to really master it and to improve their financial situation. So, this course is ideal if you want your financial situation to improve and you are serious about taking steps towards having a better financial future."
Price: 24.99

"Xero Online Bookkeeping" |
"Xero Accounts course is about how to useXero based on the most popular functions which you as aXero operator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to set up aXero system from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, reconcile the credit card, post journals, use the payroll function, write off bad debts, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use Xero for yourself.You will need to access toXero Online. We give you the link to access the FREE online version. This will be sufficient The instructor is online to answer student queries daily and is in the middle of writing a book about this software.The course materials includes:the handout of the assignment taskshow you how to access the software for freeSuccessful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts.The course will take about 6.5 hours to complete."
Price: 49.99

"Corporation Tax Returns UK" |
"This course is for entrepreneurs and self employed business people who need to fill in a UK Corporation Tax return for simple UK accounts and don't have the hundreds of pounds to pay an accountant to do it for them - and want to do it themselves.This course will go through the CT600 tax form and give you two examples of filing in this form - page by page. The tax form is like an online questionnaire - answer the questions and the site itself will calculate your tax amount due.No materials are included - but we look at two limited company accounts (which are very simple and have barely traded), and fill in their first years company tax return based on the information.The course will tae approx 1 hour to complete. The purpose isn't to go into the theory of tax or its complications or to recite difficult ot complicated tax law - the main purpose of this course is to show you how to fill out and complete a UK Company Tax return form - specifically the CT600. The two example companies used in the course are professional services firms that have low trading activity.The course takes you through parts 1 to 6 of the Ct600 form. It'll give you a good overview of the answers for the form, and how to fill it in, and what figures should go where. If you want to increase your confidence in filling out your own CT600 Company Tax form, then this course is for you.A bonus section has been added in Sept 16 - it covers how to file accounts for a limited company that is dormant. Many people buy limited companies to 'shelf' and use for later (they just want to get the name), but then annual accounting fees to stay complaint can soon add up, so the module on dormant filing can help you to file your own dormantaccounts yourself, and save you a lot of money.Whilst the course tutor has a first class honours degree from Middlesex University in Accounting with Marketing and is a Fellow member of the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) - one cannot answer individual and personal tax return enquiries or complications. If you are in need of tax advice, we would suggest contacting a local tax accountant or your local HMRC tax office to discuss your private and personal tax affairs.This course aims to demystify the task of filing out a CT600 Corporation tax return form and it goes through the entire process in a speedy, non-boring way.We also breifly cover filing out the Companies House Annual Return - another annual administrative task which many people get charged a small fortune by their accountants to do, which they could probably do themselves."
Price: 59.99

"Pandle Accounting Software" |
"Pandle - Computerised Accountscourse is about how to use Pandle based on the most popular functions which you as a PANDLE operator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to set up a PANDLE accounting system from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, post journals, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use PANDLE for yourself.You will need to have access to PANDLE. You can sign up to PANDLE to get a free trial. We give you the link in lecture one and show you how to do this.The course materials includes the handout of the assignment task. Successful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts.The course will take about 3-4 hours to complete."
Price: 24.99

"Clearbooks Accounting Software" |
"Clearbooks - Online Computerised Accountscourse is about how to use Clearbooks based on the most popular functions which you as a Clearbooks operator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to set up a Clearbooks accounting system from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, post journals, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use Clearbooks for yourself.You will need to have access to Clearbooks. You can sign up to the Clearbooks site to get a free trial. We give you the link in lecture one and show you how to do this. The instructor is usually online to answer student queries for 2 hours each day.The course materials includes the handout of the assignment task. Successful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts.The course will take about 3-4 hours to complete."
Price: 44.99

"Accountz Accounting software" |
"ACCOUNTZ - Online Computerised Accountscourse is about how to use ACCOUNTZ based on the most popular functions which you as an ACCOUNTZ operator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to set up a ACCOUNTZ accounting system from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, post journals, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use ACCOUNTZ for yourself.You will need to have access to ACCOUNTZ . You can sign up to the ACCOUNTZ site to get a free trial. We give you the link in lecture one and show you how to do this. The instructor is usually online to answer student queries for 2 hours each day.The course materials includes the handout of the assignment task.Successful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts.The course will take about 3-4 hours to complete."
Price: 29.99

"Mamut Accounting software" |
"Mamut Bookkeeping Softwarecourse is about how to use Mamut based on the most popular functions which you as a Mamut systems operator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to set up the Mamut accounting system from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, post journals, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use Mamut for yourself.You will need to have access to Mamut. You can sign up to the Mamut site to get a free trial. We give you the link in lecture one and show you how to do this. The instructor is usually online to answer student queries for 2 hours each day.The course materials includes the handout of the assignment task. Successful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts.The course will take about 3-4 hours to complete."
Price: 29.99

"Freshbooks Accounting software" |
"Freshbooks - Computerised Accountscourse is about how to use Freshbooks based on the most popular functions which you as a Freshbooks software operator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to set up a Freshbooks accounting system from scratch, how to post customer invoices and credit notes, enter expenses, petty cash, prepare estimates and use time tracking, doa VAT return, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use Freshbooks for yourself.You will need to have access to Freshbooks. You can sign up to the Freshbooks site to get a free trial. We give you the link in lecture one and show you how to do this. The instructor is usually online to answer student queries for 2 hours each day.The course materials includes the handout of the assignment task. The course will take about 1-2hours to complete."
Price: 29.99

"Wave Accounting software" |
"WAVE Accounting /Bookkeeping software- Computerised Accountscourse is about how to use WAVEbased on the most popular functions which you as a WAVEoperator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to set up a Tally accounting system from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, post journals, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use WAVEfor yourself.You will need to have access to WAVE. You can sign up to theWAVEsite to get a free trial. We give you the link in lecture one and show you how to do this. The instructor is usually online to answer student queries for 2 hours each day.The course materials includes the handout of the assignment task. Successful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts.The course will take about 3-4 hours to complete."
Price: 29.99

"Zoho Accounts Software" |
"Zoho Books Accounts Softwarecourse is about how to use Zoho Accountsbased on the most popular functions which you as a ZohoAccountingoperator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in apractical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYoull learn how to set up the Zohosystem from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, post journals, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use Freeplusfor yourself.Zoho is special because it is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, and so has other functionality (which we don't cover), but which none-the-less may be useful in your business (if you are a small /micro business) and are looking for an office-suite type solution to handling sales enquiries etc.,You will be given free access to Zoho Books. The software is completely free. This course is based on the free version. As a tutor who has assessed various 'free' accounting software packages out there, in comparison to others,this was one of the easiest and it had a lot of functionality.The course materials includes the handout of the assignment task.Successful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts.The course will take about 3-4hours to complete."
Price: 24.99

"Quickfile Accounting software" |
"Quickfile Accounts course is about how to use Quick File based on the most popular functions which you as a QuickFile operator needs to know how to use, in order to be proficient in using the software.The learning is structured in a practical way. You are given a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own systemRewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to set up a QuickFile system from scratch, how to enter opening balances, post customer invoices and credit notes, post supplier bills and credit notes, pay suppliers, petty cash, prepare a VAT return, reconcile the bank, post journals, run reports amongst over things.This is a useful course if:You are thinking of working with the software,You are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to use this softwareYou want to put this skill on your CV, orYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be using this for clients or evenYou run your own business and want to know how to use QuickFile for yourself.You will need to access to Quickfile Online. We give you the link to access the FREE online version. This will be sufficient The instructor is usually online to answer student queries within hours.The course materials includes:the handout of the assignment taskSuccessful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised accounts.The course will take about 3-4 hours to complete."
Price: 39.99

"Excel Simplified - 101 Tips" |
"This course is aimed at the excel user who already knows the basics of Excel 2007. This course will help you to go beyond the basics - to reach a higher-intermediate level. With shortcuts, tricks and tips - you will be able to work smarter and faster. If you want to be fairly competent on the software, then this course will be very handy. Its a lot quicker to be shown things, then to try and muddle through and work things out by yourself. Guaranteed, there'll be some items which we cover, that you have no idea that Excel was capable of doing!We don't want you to spend a day of your life in the classroom... learn 99 quick and very useful, practical things which you can apply on your job or on your projects.We'll cover:Working with Data - using series, symbols and special characters, hide rows and freeze panelsFormulas and Functions - Calculate the duration between two dates/times, best loan terms, create conditional formula and conditional sumsCopying Data - transposing rows into columns and paste specialsUsing Excel lists - sort and filter a list, remove duplicate records, count filtered records, look up information in a listData Patterns - Pivot tables, pivot charts, what-if analysisCreating charts - histogram, trendlines, piecharts, error barsPresenting data - formatting columns and numbersSaving and printing worksheets - printing multiple worksheets, area, cell ranges, repeat headings of a row or columnExtending excel - hyperlinks, embed a chart, importing a worksheetCustomizing Excel - custom workspace, custom view, macrosThe target audience is those who have a basic level with Excel and want to learn other handy functions and features. We use Excel 2007 only in this course. If you have Excel 2003, this course will be difficult to follow as although the functions and features exist in 2003, the layout changed very dramatically between the two versions. Excel 2007 isn't too dissimilar from 2010.Where necessary, we provide a spreadsheet - but as long as you have Excel 2007, you'll be able to copy and do exactly what you see on the screen by pausing the video and following along. The course will take approx 7.5 hours to complete.Take this course if you want to take your basic understanding of Excel to a higher intermediate-level."
Price: 84.99

"How to Change Your Life - i.e. Lose Weight or Stop Smoking" |
"The course is for anyone who wants to change something in their life. Do you want to stop smoking? Or lose weight? Or find a new partner? Do you want to start going to the gym? Learn a new language or take up a new instrument? Great! So what is stopping you?Why do so many people SAY that they're going to do XYZ, and yet so few people start it let alone keep it up, and make the change. What is it about human behavior and motivation that we can learn?Maybe you've tried before and maybe even achieved limited success? Perhaps you've stopped smoking for a while but then had a relapse? Perhaps you lost the weight only to put it all back on again soon after? What can you learn from that experience?Change comes in stages. First we have to recognize that we want and need to change, then we prepare for it, then we start to do it but crucially, we have to keep it up. And on this course, we look at ways to get motivated, and to keep that motivation going. What has worked before in the past for you? What didn't work?There is a short handbook to fill in, for reflection and in order to help you bring about the long-lasting change that you desire.The course will take approx 2 hours to complete. By the end, you'll have a game plan you'll know exactly what you need to do, what to focus on and where to start.The course is structured with videos, some outside material to motivate you and a booklet for you to fill in and reflect upon your life. This course is for people who want to experience a transformation. If there's a habit of a lifetime that you want to break, or a change you want to implement regardless of how many times (if ever) its been attempted before this course will help you to implement a strategy which will work.Be the person you want to be."
Price: 39.99

"Powerpoint Made Easy" |
"This course is for beginner and intermediate users of Microsoft PowerPoint to get up to date to higher intermediate - advanced user status. This course is based on PowerPoint 2007, so even if you've used PowerPoint 2003 to a level - this course is still worth taking because a lot of new functions and features have been introduced into this version, plus things aren't in the same place - and it can be confusing to navigate at first.The course is designed to give you the handy hints and tips in an easy, focused, jargon-free way, so that you'll get up and running and functioning on PowerPoint 2007 in the shortest possible time.The course is structured as a series of video lectures on a different aspect / element of PowerPoint. Where useful, the presentation is attached, so the student can look at what the course tutor has done.The course will take approx 3-4 hours to complete. Each lecture is about 10-15 min long, and we cover a different topic in each one. We cover:Creating slide layoutsCreating custom layoutsUsing PicturesCreating a photo albumClip ArtTablesAdding a movie and sound to your presentationCreating and using animationImporting Excel contentMoving graphics between Word and PowerPointBackground designWorking with ChartsPrintingThis course is useful for students, workers, writers - anyone who has to used PowerPoint 2007 in a work or home environment, and wants to get to grips with the program and make it do what you want it to do.You'll particularly benefit from the course if you are currently working on a personal project presentation and want to be able to improve it and 'wow' your audience. The more you use this information (especially for yourself), the more the learning will be practical and useful, and it will stick with you.The course tutor has been a user of PowerPoint since 1999. Having done a degree in Accounting with Marketing, there were always presentations to do using PowerPoint, and since graduating and starting a business, the author often gives talks on entrepreneurship and business, and only ever uses PowerPoint to present information. Microsoft PowerPoint is an extremely powerful program, once you know how to use it. Join the course and learn how to do everything with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007."
Price: 34.99

"Podcasting Essentials" |
"Would you like to start and host your podcast show?This course will explain exactly what you need to do to start your own podcast show! We look at what equipment to get, what software to use, recording your show, show format, editing your podcasts, choosing music, legal issues, your hosting options, how to upload and submit your podcast to itunes and the best directories out there and how to monetise and market your show.We start right from the very beginning. No previous experience of any of the above is assumed. We look at what a podcast is, the history of podcasting, the benefits of getting into podcasting and how to do it. Every step of the way is broken down. We don't just 'tell' you, we show you. The videos are clear, step by step, right from your podcast idea right up until submission and promoting your show.Podcasting is an amazing way to promote your brand and for you to promote yourself and become a leading authority in your chosen niche. There are far more blogs on the internet then they are podcasts. As a marketing medium and a direct channel of communication to your target audience, in terms of price comparison, and effectiveness of audience attention - very little measures up to a podcast! You have the undivided attention of your listener, they subscribe to your show, you have the opportunity to literally 'talk' to them ... what other medium or method can compare to this?A podcast can open new doors and opportunities unlike any other. This course looks at the most cost effective methods to achieve a podcast - your host has done all of the legwork and research for you. Save yourself a lot of time effort and energy by taking this course and learning exactly what to do and let us walk you through it.You don't need expensive editing equipment. You don't need to be in a recording studio and you don't need to spend a small fortune on voice over recording artists. You can can start your own podcast show this week (literally) with exactly what you have right now. We do look at different microphones on the market, and we look at which one to go for. We completely demystify and break down the process.If you want to start your own podcast show - this course will show you exactly what to do.... step-by-step. There is an extensive editing section - so you know how to edit your podcast and we look at the various means of monetising your work.Your course tutor is the host of The Authors Podcast which can be found on iTunes and she shows you step-by-step how to host your show, upload your show, name your show, edit your show and submit your show for acceptance."
Price: 89.99

"UK Self Assessment Tax Return Filing Online" |
"UK Self Assessment Tax Return Filing Online course is for accounting students and those self employed individuals who need to submit a British self assessment tax return and want a demonstration of how it is done. On this course we are not looking at how to calculation tax or the bookkeeping for what are allowable and disallowable expenses - we are simply focusing on the process one goes through in order to submit a UK tax return.We take an example person with very simple figures to file. In real life, when filing a tax return one has to determine how much income one has made as well as the expenses one has incurred in the course of doing business. We don't go into the bookkeeping side of things on this course, we simply take the end figures and look at how they're reported back to the HMRC. The purpose of this course is to demystify the process so that students who need to do this act for themselves will build the knowledge and courage to file their own returns. Many people have extremely simple figures to report and this course is especially for them. There are no materials that are included. The course will take less than an hour to complete. It talks you through what is expected in a self assessment filing. We look at how to log in, how to access and activate the 'self assessment' service. Inputting the figures, viewing the calculation and submitting the return. It's a fairy short course and will give you a good demonstrative overview of the process of filing out an online UK self assessment tax return.We don't get bogged down in complex calculations or the nature of taxation etc., This course will give you a good idea of what the inside of a tax return looks like. Basically, in a nutshell, it is simply an online questionnaire. In order to fill out this questionnaire for yourself, you do need to have your figures prepared. We don't look at how to arrive at the final figures in this course - we simply take those figures and look at how to slot them into the return, in order for it to give us our calculation of how much tax is due.Note, you don't 'calculate' corporation tax - you simply input the correct figures in the right place and it (the system) will do the calculation for you - and this is what we show you on this course.The main thing is that this course will give you an insight into the process of completing a UK tax return. If you are currently paying your accountant a small fortune, and you suspect that you could probably do it yourself... you'd probably be correct.No previous knowledge of accountancy or taxation is needed or presumed."
Price: 19.99

"Joli Marketing" |
"This course is about how to market / promote your Joli Communications Chatline business as an affiliate of Joli. The target audience for this course are the affiliates of Joli. You should take this course if you have joined Joli as an affiliate and you are getting ready to take off with the business. This course is all about how to promote your Joli chatline number. Its about how to use various marketing techniques to bring in new callers and attract more attention to your business.This course outlines 24 different ways in which you can market and promote your chatline business. You don't have to do every single technique, but you may want to implement 7-8 of them, as in combination, you will see the result in your business.Your course tutor explains every technique with the advantages and disadvantages, and a rating for cost (low to expensive), and a rating for effectiveness from 1 out of 5, to 5 out of 5. You can choose the low cost, highly effective techniques.It is recommended that you choose your favorite five, and implement them daily. If you do nothing else, but 5 pieces of marketing every day... your business will grow. It's when you take no action, that you are in danger of just waiting - and going out of business. There is more than enough callers to go around for everyone. Its your choice, whether you want to be proactive - and apply some techniques, or reactive - and just wait for things to happen and hope that they get better!The course will take approx 1 hour to complete. We take 6 techniques per lecture and go into them - looking at the advantages and disadvantages. We also cover how the commission and bonus structure works, and how and where to go to register as self employed.This course is a prerequisite for those who have joined Joli as an affiliate. It is free for affiliates, and we'd encourage you to take it more than once."
Price: 69.99

"New Business Development" |
"This course is about how to develop new business with minimal effort and cost via implementing tried and tested strategies which are basically capitalizing on a businesses existing resources. We cover 9 systems which can be used as a strategy for new business development. If you are running a business and want to grow it, or if you are studying business strategy, then this course is for you. There is a downloadable worksheet for you to complete, as take-away points, as this course is meant to be practical and applicable to business life (not just theory).The course will take approx 1 hour to complete."
Price: 34.99

"Creating & Hosting Profitable Seminars, Events And Workshops" |
"Are you a coach or consultant or someone with a lot of knowledge and epxertise, but you are finding that you are selling your time for money? Would it be useful for you to be able to run seminars, workshops, conferences, group coaching calls or events whereby a lot of people are in the room, and they're all paying you for your time at once? As an income stream, running live seminars and workshops can add 5 or 6 figures to your bottom line - depending on how many events you wish to run per year. There is an art to getting 'bums on seats' and if you just miss one of the six vital pieces of the jigsaw, then you could find that you may break even at best, or end up losing a lot of time and money at worse.This course is for those who want to know know to create and host profitable seminars, events and workshops - quickly and easily. This course will teach you how to attract hundreds of people to your conferences and events that sell out and generate huge profits for you. Do not be alarmed at the numbers! You may find that you just need a select group of 10 or so people that can generate you the big sums, but events are one way to filter them out and for them to find you.We cover all your fears. But we don't cover 'public speaking' ... you'll have to take another course to conquer that fear. But if you are scared of running an event and have noone turn up - we cover that. If you are worried about the marketing budget and not having enough to fill the room - we cover that. And if you are even stuck as to where to have your event... don't worry...we cover that too.Your course tutor has ran various event to varying degrees of success over the years. After only breaking even, and having several events that had to be cancelled due to disappointing numbers, and losing money on events that were marketed but didn't generate the results, she decided to investigate the strategy and to break down the formula as to what makes a seminar a sell-out success and what causes others to be a flop. Having worked on the techniques, tweaking an applying the strategy she now regularly runs her widely popular 'How to write a book in two weeks' seminar and the course of the same title is available on Udemy (should you not be able to make it to London!)The only downside of live events is that not all of your audience can make it in person but then there is another strategy for them, and thats the live webinar, as well as the option to live-stream the event and for them to pay to attend... but all of these things... are covered in depth, on the course. All of questions are answered, and there won't be much that you don't know, or how to do, by the end!Please allow approx 3-4 hours to complete this course."
Price: 84.99
