"Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam" |
"Welcome to the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam : Practice TestsThis exam is valid for the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect CertificationThe course contains 4 practice tests, with 200 questions in total, timed to 150 minutes and passing score adjusted at 90% Questions are very similar to the real exam.ContentSimulator 1 (50 questions) - Domain : Manage Azure identities and governanceSimulator 2 (50 questions)- Domain : Monitor and back up Azure resourcesSimulator 3 (50 questions) - Domain : Configure and manage virtual networkingSimulator 4 (50 questions)- Domain : Manage Azure identities and governanceYou have the chance to mark questions for review, saved and skip questions. "
Price: 19.99

"Being Silence" |
"Are you craving for Peace and Quiet?Is Silence beckoning you to stop, stay and listen from within?Are you available to offer yourself 24 hours of blissful Stillness and Silence?Then you are the one we have created this experience for.We hold the Safe Space for you to allow complete Peace to take over, today.Through:*Conscious Breath Meditation,*Yoga practice,*Self-Massage,We invite you to surrender to your own Presence. To feel yourself. To listen to and understand yourself. To nurture and love yourself. Gently. Sweetly. Kindly.We will be breathing with you each moment, supporting your Homecoming.Get ready to let go of the rest of the world for a day. To reset. To recalibrate. To be reborn into the warmth of your own Embrace."
Price: 49.99

"Managing your Trauma/Complex PTSD by Psychotherapist DrNica" |
"This Masterclass is led by Dr Nica Coxon - a licensed Psychotherapist/Counsellor who for 3 years has worked face-to-face with clients undergoing unexpected and painful break ups - whose lives are suddenly thrown into turmoil and need to find a way to love themselves through it. This course aims to to help you to breathe, and hold yourself in a gentle and kind way. It helps you to calm the inner destructive and critical thoughts and feelings - thoughts that tell you that it is all your fault and that you are not worthy of love. I will help you to develop a loving and gentle way to communicate with your self, by understanding that your inner wounded part (maybe a child part) really needs your full love and attention (your inner nurturing parent).Section 1. of this course starts by focusing on which part of you is feeling the traumatised feelings of worthlessness and being damaged and wounded. Is this a young ""inner child"" part of you who was neglected or abandoned as a child? Did you feel anxious and abandoned as a child, for example? If so that anxious child part of really needs your love and attention and healing now, and the part of you that can offer that comes from your nurturing parent (and not your critical parent part). I hope to help you to understand how your past and your childhood may need healing in order to develop a healthier relationship with yourself. Loving yourself sounds so cliche - but in this course I hope to show you a practical way in which you can live yourself (i.e the inner parent loves the inner child unconditionally - the way our own parents were not able to).In Section 2. I will help you to locate and connect with your inner nurturing parent, a gentle and kinder part whom can help you to stop getting stuck in those worn-out habits which possibly stem from your childhood, which are so painful for you. I will talk you through a simple exercise called the self nurture challenge of sharing a voicenote with yourself for 3 timepoints for 3 minutes in a day. If you speak out loud and hear yourself speak, it will help you to connect with that inner child part, and nurture that inner parent part that has the power to tell you that you are loveable, loving and loved."
Price: 149.99

"Prsentieren mit Prezi Video" |
"Du lernst wie du effektiv und effizient Video-Konferenzen, Live-Calls, Webinare und Videoaufnahmen visuell mit Einblendungen untersttzt!Prsentieren mit Prezi Video ist fr alle, die ihren Content noch besser vermitteln wollen. Fr alle, die innerhalb krzester Zeit bereits Fortschritte sehen wollen. Prezi Video ist eine Software, die deinen Video Content visuell, in einer vorher nie dagewesenen Form untersttzt! Es wird dir ein guter berblick ber Prezi an sich und den Umgang mit der Software gegeben. Du wirst an die Hand genommen und erstellst Schritt fr Schritt in krzester Zeit Prsentationen, die deine Videos untersttzen.Somit erzielst du mehr Wirkung, sparst dir damit Zeit, Nerven oder machst mehr Umsatz - je nachdem in welcher Form du Videos erstellst.Als GRATIS Bonus bekommst du zustzlich noch von uns bereits erstellte Vorlagen, mit denen du direkt arbeiten kannst!Worauf wartest du noch?! Lerne sofort, wie du Prezi Video fr dich nutzen kannst!"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a crear cursos online y convirtase en un experto" |
"CONCEPTOS BSICOS DE EDUCACIN ONLINEConceptos bsicos de formacin onlineClasificacin de e-LearningVentajas e inconvenientes del e-LearningPosibilidades que ofrece el E-LearningObjetivos de un proyecto de E-LearningBlended LearningEvolucin histrica de la educacin a distanciaPLANIFICACIN DEL CURSOSeleccionar el nombre del cursoDefinicin del objetivo del cursoPblico al que va dirigidoDiseo de los mdulos de aprendizajeHERRAMIENTAS DE PRESENTACINPresentaciones con PowerPointMejorar las presentaciones de PowerPoint con IslidePresentaciones con PreziBancos de imgenesRECURSOS PARA PRESENTACIONES, VIDEOS, MSICA, GRFICOS Y FOTOSRecursos para la creacin de videosEnvato elementsBancos de imgenesCREACIN Y EDICIN DE VIDEOSGRABACIN Y EDICIN DE VIDEOS CON CAMTASIACreacin de videos con CAMTASIA parte 1Creacin de videos con CAMTASIA Screencast parte 2Creacin de un video completo con CAMTASIA parte 3GRABACIN Y EDICIN DE VIDEOS CON FILMORA 9FILMORA un maravilloso programa para creacin de videosGrabacin de un video con FILMORA primera parteGrabacin de un video con FILMORA segunda parteCREACIN DE VIDEOS ANIMADOSVideos animados con VYONDVideos animados con POWTOONVideos animados con MOOVLYVideos animados con WIDEOVideos, logos y otras funciones con RENDERFORESTPLATAFORMAS DE E-LEARNINGINTRODUCCIN A LAS PLATAFORMAS DE E-LEARNING LMSPlataformas de LMS o Learning Management SystemClases de plataformas de E-LearningPLATAFORMA CHAMILO - DISEO DE ACTIVIDADESCreacin de lecciones, utilizacin de videos, chat, foros, evaluaciones, ejercicios, notas del alumno, encuestas, etc."
Price: 74.99

"TOGAF 9.2 Level 1 2020 Practice Tests Bonus Level 2Questions" |
"This course contains 2 TOGAF 9.2 Level-1 practice tests and 16 bonus Level-2 Test Questions. These tests will help you to review all TOGAF 9.2 standards and prepare you to pass the real exam on your first try..Are you ready to pass the TOGAF 9.2 Level 1 Certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this course on Udemy. Each of the full practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your TOGAF 9.2 Level 1 Certification exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual exam.Sample Part IQuestion:Which of the following best completes the sentence: The EnterpriseContinuum __________A. describes a database of open industry standardsB. is an architecture frameworkC. is a technical reference modelD. provides a method for architecture developmentE. provides methods for classifying artifactsQuestion:According to the TOGAF standard, in which ADM phase does theinitial implementation planning occur?A. Phase A: Architecture VisionB. Phase B: Business ArchitectureC. Phase C: Information Systems ArchitecturesD. Phase D: Technology ArchitectureSample Part IISCENARIO 10:You are serving as the Lead Architect for a telecommunications companythat recently formed through the merging of three other telecommunicationscompanies. Th e business operating model has been unifi ed, and an enterprisearchitecture program has been put in place to manage the integration of thethree organizations.Th e company has adopted the TOGAF 9 Architecture Development Method.It has successfully completed the architecture defi nition phases of an ADMcycle and has identifi ed a large collection of candidate roadmap components.Th e CIO is the sponsor of the program. She is concerned about the risksto the existing revenue lines and would also like to ensure that the mostcost-benefi cial projects are undertaken fi rst.Th e Architecture Board has approved the draft Architecture Defi nitionDocument and they are now at the stage of conducting migration planning.A working group has been formed that involves all the key architects and thestakeholders from the corporate matrix (those who will work on the project).(Refer to the scenario)You have been asked to recommend how they can identify and prioritizethe projects from these roadmap components, taking account of the CIOsconcerns.Based on TOGAF 9, which of the following is the best answer?AnswersA. Use the Implementation Factor Assessment and Deduction Matrix todocument factors impacting the Migration Plan; use the Consolidated Gaps,Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix to consolidate the gaps from Phases B,C, and D; use the Transition Architecture State Evolution Table to show theproposed state of the architectures at various levels; use the Business ValueAssessment Technique to analyze the relative value and risk of each proposedproject; and use the Architecture Defi nition Increments Table to show theproposed series of Transition Architectures.B. Determine the key corporate change attributes; determine the businessconstraints; review and consolidate gap analysis results from Phases B, C,and D; review requirements; consolidate interoperability requirements;refi ne and validate dependencies; confi rm readiness and risk for businesstransformation; formulate the Implementation and Migration Strategy;identify and group major work packages; identify Transition Architectures;create roadmap and plan.C. Review and consolidate the gap analysis results from Phases B, C, andD by making use of the Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and DependenciesMatrix. Rationalize the gap analysis and identify dependencies. Group theactivities into a coherent set of projects. Use the Business Value AssessmentTechnique to assign a business value to each project, taking account of valueand risk factors. Prioritize the projects into a Migration Plan taking accountof dependencies, cost/benefi t analysis, and risk.D. Create a list of all possible projects from the gap analysis results ofPhases B, C, and D. Use the Business Value Assessment Technique to assigna business value to each project, taking account of value and risk factors.Prioritize the projects into a Migration Plan, taking account of dependencies,cost/benefi t analysis, and risk. Create an Architecture Defi nition IncrementsTable showing how a series of Transition Architectures may be implementedto achieve the Migration Plan.In these practice tests, we've included questions from each of the TOGAF 9.2 Part 1 exam domains:All of the Standards are covered PART I(Introduction) This part provides a high-level introduction to the key concepts of Enterprise Architecture and in particular the TOGAF approach. It contains the definitions of terms used throughout this standard.PART IIArchitecture Development MethodPART IIIADM Guidelines & TechniquesPART IVArchitecture Content FrameworkEnterprise Continuum & ToolsPART VIArchitecture Capability Framework"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Internet Protocol, IPv4 and Subnetting." |
"IP Addressing (IPv4), Subnetting and Internet Protocol (Maximum Transmission Unit) :Do you want learn IP addressing clearly?Do you want study how subnetting working thoroughly?Do you want understand how Internet Protocol doing Datagram Fragmentation easily? Then, you are in right page. In this course, discussion started from very basics and discussed up to maximum depth possible. For every topic, solid situations and numerical problems are discussed and solved. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS COURSE:IPv4 Numbering Systems and conversion (Binary to Decimal and Decimal to Binary).IPv4 Address Format.Classes in IPv4 - A, B, C, D and E (Theoretically and Practically).Ranges possible for every class and how they will work.Extracting network address and host address.Broadcast IP address for Main network.SubnettingWhy subnetting required.No.of bits required for subnetting and how to set these bits.Total possible ways for setting subnetting bits.Why subnetmask required and how to set subnetmask.Fixed Length Subnetmask (FLSM)Solid subnetwork examplesExtracting subnetwork id and host id Variable Length Subnetmask (VLSM)Setting broadcast IP address for subnetwork. Internet Protocol (Maximum Transmission Unit)Why Fragmentation happen and where it will happen.How Datagram Fragmentation will happen.How to assemble Fragments at destination.How to perform Fragmentation on already Fragmented packets.Bonus : You will be familiar with binary number system and conversions ( easy and fast techniques are used). Solid practice questions will be given for self assessment.WHO CAN TAKE THIS COURSE:Students.For certifications like CCNA, CCNP, MCSE+, A+, and all network related certifications.GATE CS/IT aspirants.Competitive exam aspirants.Anybody seeking to learn about computer networks.Thank you for coming this course page. See you in the course. All the best..."
Price: 12480.00

"HP0-092 HP-UX Advanced System Administration Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What actions you disable a node partition? Select three.a) from the HP-UX command line, stroke vparhaltb) BCH from the main menu, select: RECONFIGRESETc) from the HP-UX command line, run shutdown -R -H nowd) the MP prompt, run CM> RR and select the partition from the liste) the MP prompt, run CM> Deactivate and select the partition from the listQ) As you start the HP-UX kernel on nPar after vPars are defined and have been initiated?a) once vPars are configured, the kernel can NOT be started in nPar without re-installing HP-UX from an Ignite serverb) from any vPar running kernel: execute shutdown -r -N -v all nowc) vPar kernels from all except one: shutdown -h now the remaining vPar kernels: shutdown -r now Virtual Console: CM> ALL REBOOT -v -Nd) from each vPar kernel: shutdown -h now to monitor the vPar: MON> reboot from the BCH on nPar console: bo PRI to interact with the ISL by ISL: ISL> hpux / stand / vmunixd) from every vPar kernels: shutdown -h now the vPars monitor: MON> reboot by ISL: ISL> hpux / stand / vmunix; Virtual Console: CM> ALL REBOOT -v -NQ) A HP server has eight cells with four disk partitions 4 running HP-UX 11i operating systems separate. As you move a cell from a disk partition to another?a) stopping the change of operating restart target partition configuration system partitionb) without reconfiguration of the partitions it is necessary to shutdown or restart is performed on-line, in a dynamic wayc) arrest systems two operating systems of the configuration change partition reboot affectedd) shutdown two single-user operating systems modification of the partition reconfiguration mode bring up to multiuser modeQ) How do you track an HP-UX server with a paging suspected problem? Select three.a) use vmstatb) use iostatc) check the syslogd) Use glance or gpme) examine the LED startup disk activityf) EMS control registers for memory page faultsQ) What statements describe disk partitions in the mid-range HP server or high-end? Select three.a) disk partitions can share bootable discs.b) hardware partitions can share a cell tab.c) disk partitions can be sized so as to include one or more cell boards.d) disk partitions can not communicate directly through the backplanee) disk partitions are implemented using a backplane crossbar.f) hardware partitions can communicate directly through the backplane by means of a special call wormholes network."
Price: 159.99

"ECCouncil 412-79v8 Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following techniques to crack passwords is used when the attacker has some information about password?a) hybrid Attackb) Dictionary Attackc) syllable of Attackd) Attack-based rulesQ) Which of the following is an application alert returned by a web application that helps an attacker guessing a valid username?a) Invalid username or passwordb) account user name was not foundc) wrong passwordd) Username or password is incorrectQ) A tester pen has extracted a database name, using a blind SQL injection. Now he begins to test the table within the database using the query below and find the table: What is the name of the table?a) CTSb) QRTc) EMPd) ABCQ) When you run a vulnerability scan on a network IDS and cut off your connection, what kind of IDS is used?a) Passive IDSb) IDS activec) progressive IDSd) NIPSQ) HTTP protocol specifies that arbitrary binary characters can be passed with the URL using% xx notation, where 'xx' is thea) The ASCII value of the characterb) Font Binary Valuec) decimal character valued) hexadecimal value of the character"
Price: 154.99

"Ethical hacking practicals ""Black Hat Hacking""" |
"Welcome to this course on Ethical Hacking Practicals ""Web Hacking. To enjoy this course, you need nothing but a positive attitude and a desire to learn. No prior knowledge is required.In this course, you will learn the practical side of ethical hacking. Too many courses teach students tools and concepts that are never used in the real world. In this course, we will focus only on tools and topics that will make you successful as an ethical hacker. The course is incredibly hands on and will cover many foundational topics.In this course, we will cover:1. Information Gathering.2.Hacking Methodology.3.Reconnaissance and Information Gathering.4.Scanning and Enumeration.5.Exploitation Basics."
Price: 74.99

"The Most In-Depth Google Tag Manager (GTM) Course for 2020" |
"In this course, we will cover everything from basic Google Tag Manager concepts, tools, and tags all the way to more advanced topics and interconnected tags. We will start with the basic theory and transition to over 14 real-world examples so you can build your own tags as we go along.By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of Google Tag Manager (GTM) and youll be able to come up with your own tag ideas and implement them confidently.Become a tracking superstar capable of executing advanced marketing experiments and installing 3rd party tools without the need of an IT expert.With Google Tag Manager, you can quickly add new marketing tools to your website with little to no technical knowledge. This way you can speed up testing and the deployment of marketing experiments.In short Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free platform from Google (duh :) ) that allows you to install different types of marketing tools/scripts like Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, Mailchimp forms,... to your website.You'll learn how to do all this without any special technical knowledge.Some of the topics we will cover are:The initial Google Tag Manager installation and browser setup In this section, well take a look at some of the essential browser plugins that will help you debug and troubleshoot problems. Ill show you how to create and set up GTM on the most popular eCommerce platforms (WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace) and on a custom website. Well go through some of the most common problems that might occur during your set up and how to solve them.Google Tag Manager overview and some good practices This section will be a bit more theoretical as well explore and explain different parts of Google tag manager. Well take a look at what tags, variables, and triggers are used for. I will also give you some of the best practices I've picked up over the years.Setup essential tags and publish them In this section, well set up all the basic tracking that you would need. Like Facebook, Google Analytics, LinkedIn Then well take a look at how to create a new version and publish the container on your website. We will also take a look at how to copy and paste your tags to different containers and accounts.How to Improve & Expand Your Tracking Data In this section, well build on what we learned in the previous section and learn some new concepts. We will take the tags previously created and improve them. Well send custom events to Facebook, learn to track scroll distance, time on site and link clicks, and send all this data to Google Analytics. We'll also play around with cookies and URL parameters.More advanced tracking concepts In the last section, well take a look at custom dimensions and how to exclude your internal team's traffic. We will also look at the visibility trigger and how it can replace or improve your scroll tracking.If youve just started your own eCommerce store and would like to learn how to set up a Google Tag Manager, then join this course. You'll learn the most essential tracking concepts that each business nowadays needs.If you are a marketer who wants more control setting up marketing tools and doing faster experiments without involving the IT department, then this course is for you as well.By joining this course youll get lifetime access with a 30-day money-back guarantee. On top of that, you will also get personalized help from me and all the future course updates.So, stop thinking and start learning now!"
Price: 109.99

"Python ile Web Gelitirme : DJANGO" |
"Python gnmzde ve gelecekte de popler olacak bir dil. Her gn topluluk destei gnden gne byyerek byk teknoloji irketlerin aktif olarak kulland programlama dili haline geldi.Django; Python programlama dili ile hazrlanm bir framework(erevedir). Web programlamann back-end(arka-u) kodlamasn yapmak iin kullanlr. Byk teknoloji siteleri; YouTube, Instagram, Netflix ve Spotify gibi bir ok kurum Django'yu kullanyor. ilanlar ve gelecek teknoloji Django'nun tahtnn salam olduunu gsteriyor!Mert Mekatronik olarak hazrladmz bu set; Django'da ustalamanz iin gereken tm altyapy salayacaktr. Setimiz:Slaytlar, animasyonlar ve blm zetleri ile zenginletirilmi,nteraktif bir ekilde kullancya grev verilmi,Sade, akc ve anlalr bir slupla anlatlmaya zen gsterilmi,Tm Django temellerini sfrdan, gereksiz ayrnt ve skc konulardan arndrarak istenilen bilgiyi veren,Seti bitirdikten sonra projeye yaratabilecek kvama getiren bir yapda hazrlanmtr.Tm sorularnz set boyunca sorabilecek ve 24 saat ierisinde cevap alabileceksiniz!"
Price: 409.99

"Rckenschmerzen lsen durch Yoga und Physiotherapie" |
"Rckenschmerzen sind die absolute Nummer 1 der Schmerzleiden. Wir wissen heute, dass 80 - 90 % der Bevlkerung mindestens einmal im Leben an Rckenschmerzen leiden. Ein Groteil der Betroffenen leidet dabei an Beschwerden, die immer wieder auftreten. Es kann daher nicht die Lsung sein einfach nur mit dem Schmerz zu leben, sondern einen Weg zu entwickeln, um aktiv Schmerzursachen zu ermitteln und zu lsen. Das lernst Du in diesem Kurs!Starte noch heute Deinen Heilungsprozess fr ein Leben ohne Rckenschmerzen!Aus dem langjhrigen Erfahrungsschatz von Physiotherapeuten bringen wir Dir bei, was Schmerzursachen sind und auf welche Bewegungsablufe und Haltungen Du im Alltag besonders achten musst. Mit diesem Grundwissen starten wir mit Dir in ein 12 Wochen Programm, in welchem Du jede Woche spezielle bungen lernst, um Deine Rckenschmerzen optimal zu lsen. Keine Angst wir fangen ganz langsam an und steigern uns dann gemeinsam! Egal ob Du bereits betroffen bist oder dieses Wissen zur Prvention einsetzen mchtest, Du wirst in diesem Kurs spezielle Techniken aus der Yoga-Lehre und Physiotherapie erlernen um Schmerzen im Rcken oder der Lendenwirbelsule zu lsen. Du erfhrst dabei, welchen Einfluss die moderne Arbeitswelt auf unsere Gesundheit hat und wie Du im Alltag auftretende Schmerzen sofort behandelst. Dieses Wissen ist auerhalb von Fachliteratur in dieser Form nicht verfgbar! BONUS: Rckengesundheit im Schlaf verbessern lerne die richtige Schlafposition um Beschwerden prventiv entgegenzuwirken!"
Price: 199.99

"Designing an effective landing page with Adobe XD" |
"In this class, we will learn how to design a landing page in Adobe XD. We will go over the tools I use to wireframe, sketch, and moodboard. You will learn the following:What is a landing page? Why is a landing page significant?Ideation ( Generating Ideas)Mood BoardingSketching toolsLo-fi WireframeDesigning a mock-up of our landing page"
Price: 19.99

effective-writing |
", , , . , . . ? . , ? . , . . , ."
Price: 24.99

"Auto Sanacin, Crecimiento Espiritual y Personal - (D.I.C)" |
"DESCRIPCINEsta formacin de Auto Sanacin ha sido diseado para conectarte contigo y que reconozcas el maestro que llevas dentro para tu propio proceso espiritual.Con las herramientas, visualizaciones y audios que van dirigidos a desbloquear el subconsciente, podrs desprogramar a nivel celular tu cuerpo. Esto har que puedas poner bases slidas a tu camino, empezar a caminarlo con confianza en ti y en tu poder intuitivo, dndote mucha claridad de lo que has venido a hacer a esta vida.Vas a sentir que tu cuerpo se libera de peso, dolor, miedos, resistencias, creencias, traumas que estaban fijos, que muchos de ellos no eran tuyos y no te dejaban avanzar.Irs sanando cada parte de tu cuerpo, subconsciente, clulas, nudos energticos que se hayan formado en tus capas e incluso rganos y tejidos.Semana tras semana iras sintiendo como gran parte de los traumas de tu infancia, sufrimiento, perdidas, contratos y programaciones impuestas irn soltndose de tu cuerpo fsico, emocional, energtico y mental. Esto har que te sientas ms vital, ligero, alegre, con ganas de vivir, con mucha ms autonoma y poniendo lmites que antes no ponas. Se ir despertando tu gran potencial creativo y vers con mayor claridad tu propsito de vida.Conectars con los ngeles y maestros de luz, los cuales te acompaarn en el proceso, envindote mensajes que recibirs a travs de tu intuicin.LO QUE VAS A APRENDER Aprenders a tomarte tu tiempo cada vez que lo necesites. Aprenders a conectar con tu respiracin y meditacin. Aprenders a conectar y conocer los chacras. Aprenders herramientas con las cuales construirs con confianza tu propio camino espiritual. Aprenders cmo usar los cristales de forma teraputica para tu proceso. Aprenders a saber que se bloquea en cada zona de nuestro cuerpo. Conectars con tus ngeles y maestros, y aprenders tcnicas con las que te sentirs ms enraizado y conectado. Conectars con tus cuerpos energticos y empezars a escucharlos y sanarlos. Descubrirs que eres tu propio maestro espiritual y que todas las respuestas estn en ti. Fortalecers tu amor propio y desvanecers las capas de miedo limitante que lo han empaado. Aprenders lo importante que es cambiar tus Hbitos Alimenticios. Aprenders cuales son los alimentos que conservan en s mismo todo el poder del sol. Aprenders a visualizar tus canales de energa interno y darle vitalidad a tus clulas."
Price: 59.99

"Lose Weight, Lower Your Cholesterol and Transform Your Life" |
"Hearing the word diet usually inspires thoughts of cutting food, counting calories, and depriving yourself. Diets tend to come in waves, and they tend to be unsustainable many of them even go as far as being unhealthy if done over a long period of time, and can lead to lack of nutrients."
Price: 19.99

"Implementation of Anti Money Laundering AML Framework" |
"This course will explain you practical concepts of Anti Money Laundering AML measures that are provided in AML/CFT Guidelines and Framework issued by regulators of financial institutions. AML measures are adopted and implemented by the financial institutions FIs such as Banks, Investment Banks, Leasing Companies, Brokerage Houses, Money Exchange Companies, Investment companies etc. to combat the money laundering risks and activities. You will learn various important concepts related to AML - Compliance such as Money Laundering, Anti Money Laundering, Money Laundering ML Exposed Organizations, Know Your Customers KYC, Beneficial Owners, Customer Due Diligence CDD measures (New Customers, Existing Customers), Types and Categories of customers, Identification, Verification, High Risk ML factors, Low Risk ML Factors, Threshold, Scenarios, Employees Due Diligence, Suspicious transactions, AML team, ML Risk Assessment and Transaction Monitoring, Documentation etc. Practical examples and scenarios are discussed in this course.This course is designed based on practical working experience in Compliance AML Function and is relevant for practical knowledge as well as for education purposes. Who Should Attend This Course:Bankers, Investment Bankers, Leasing professionals, Brokers, Stock Market Professionals, Compliance professionals, Branch Managers, Operations Managers, Risk Managers, Auditors, Finance professionals, Product Managers, AML/CFT Professionals, CAMS students, Audit students, and others who have basic knowledge about Compliance and AML and want to learn more about this important area."
Price: 19.99

"Das groe Synology NAS Kompendium (DSM 6.x)" |
"Dein Synology NAS (Network Attached Storage) ist weit mehr als ein ""Datengrab""!!!Jeder nutzt bestimmt einige Cloud-Dienste von Google oder Apple. Sei es die iCloud oder Google Cloud - diese integrieren beide unter anderem einen Cloud Speicherdienst, einen Fotospeicher, Adressbcher und einen Kalender. Doch habt ihr euch mal gefragt, auf welchen Servern eure zum Teil sensiblen Daten wie Kontakte und Fotos gespeichert werden und wer da alles Zugriff darauf hat? Oder seid ihr bereits bei den Cloud-Diensten an die kostenlose Speicherkapazitt gelangt und msst nun monatlich fr eure iCloud 9,99 bezahlen? Und das macht ihr obwohl ihr das ntige Handwerkszeug, euer Synology NAS, bereits zu Hause stehen habt?bernehmt mit eurem Synology NAS selbst die 100%ige Kontrolle ber eure Daten und nutzt dieses wie ein Profi.Lernt in diesem Kurs wie einfach Ihr im Bereich der Cloudspeicher Anbieter wie z.B. Dropbox ablst, ihr fr eure Kalender und Kontakte die iCloud ersetzt und anstatt bei Google Fotos euren zentralen Fotospeicher mit der Photo Station auf eurem Synology NAS verwaltet. Zustzlich werden Grundkonfigurationen, welche fr die Erreichbarkeit eures NAS von extern bentigt werden und Sicherheitsaspekte, wie die Nutzung eines TLS Zertifikats und die Einrichtung einer 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung, erklrt. Und das Beste: die von mir vorgestellten Synology Dienste sind alle kostenlos mit dem Erwerb eines Synology NAS mit dabei. Und sollte euer Speicher nicht mehr ausreichen, so erweitert ihr einfach den Speicherplatz eures Synology NAS und somit auch jenen von eurem Cloud Speicher.Werde vom Synology NAS Besitzer zum Synology NAS Benutzer - ich bin mir sicher, dass in diesem Kurs fr jeden etwas dabei ist, was direkt umgesetzt werden kann!PS: Es wird der Disk-Station-Manager (DSM) in der Version 6.2.2 verwendet.Viele Gre,Patrick"
Price: 199.99

"READING FINANCIAL STATEMENT its not hard any more!! [Arabic]" |
"This course Designed to give you the right information you need to evaluate a company you are willing to invest your money in.Within 30 minutes, You will learn how to analyze a financial statement for any company, and to make the right decision [invest or not].I highly recommend you to invest in this course.All The Best . 30 [ ]. ."
Price: 39.99

"Implement an EA Practice" |
"I have challenged the traditional ways of implementing EA which is what I believe has led to my success. EA is the process of change, business drives change, business architecture reflects the business and yet the traditional ways of implementing EA take a very IT focused approach.Learn the framework that I use and understand why my approach to implementing EA has been so successful for me. This course outlines the steps that I take to implement an Enterprise Architecture Practice and for each step I talk about the goal and critical success factors. "
Price: 24.99

"iOS 13 & Swift 5The Complete iOS App Development Course" |
"This course covers the fundamentals of iOS development, giving you the tools to learn how to build or create almost any type of iOS application. In this course, you'll learn:Develop your own iOS applicationsHow to code almost any type of user-interface componentHow to implement professional animationsHow to maximize your time by leveraging Cocoapods.How to connect your app to a database in the cloudBest practices that save your tons of learning timeAnd much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Conceptos y principios generales de la NIIF PYMES 2015" |
"El Curso de Conceptos y Principios Generales de la NIIF para PYMES tiene como objetivo general DESARROLLAR JUICIO FINANCIERO EN LOS PROFESIONALES SUSCRIPTORES.Como parte de los objetivos especficos, el Curso cuenta con un programa de temas que le permitirn a usted:Desarrollar juicio financiero frente al marco general de reconocimiento y medicin de hechos econmicos.Entender las caractersticas de los estados financieros de propsito general.Desarrollar habilidades de juicio financiero frente a temas contables.Al finalizar este Curso, usted sabr cundo reconocer de forma general un activo, pasivo, ingreso o gasto, a la vez que entender cmo la aplicacin de las caractersticas cualitativas aporta al objetivo de la presentacin de informacin financiera de propsito general."
Price: 19.99

"Curso-Taller Inventarios bajo la NIIF PYMES 2015" |
"El Curso-Taller de Inventarios tiene como objetivo general DESARROLLAR JUICIO FINANCIERO EN LOS PROFESIONALES SUSCRIPTORES MEDIANTE ANLISIS DE CASOS.Como parte de los objetivos especficos, el Curso-Taller cuenta con un programa de temas que le permitirn a usted:Desarrollar habilidades de juicio financiero frente al tema contable.Adquirir herramientas de anlisis financiero frente al tema contable.Al finalizar este Curso-Taller, usted podr identificar los costos que forman mayor valor del inventario, cundo deteriorarlo y cmo diferenciarlo de un activo fijo."
Price: 29.99

"Curso-Taller Propiedad, planta y equipo bajo NIIF PYMES 2015" |
"El Curso-Taller de Propiedad, planta y equipo tiene como objetivo general DESARROLLAR JUICIO FINANCIERO EN LOS PROFESIONALES SUSCRIPTORES MEDIANTE ANLISIS DE CASOS.Como parte de los objetivos especficos, el Curso-Taller cuenta con un programa de temas que le permitirn a usted:Desarrollar habilidades de juicio financiero frente al tema contable.Adquirir herramientas de anlisis financiero frente al tema contable.Durante este Curso-Taller usted adquirir herramientas para aplicar correctamente la Seccin 17. Los anlisis realizados en las clases le permitirn entender la esencia del concepto de depreciacin y su afectacin por cuenta de revaluaciones."
Price: 29.99

"ngilizce Essay Yazmak iin Bilmeniz Gereken 100 Kelime" |
"Hem ngilizce essay yazabilmek hem de fikir retebilmek iin yeterli kelime bilmek gerekir. Kelime daarc yetersiz olan rencilerin essay yazmas da fikir retebilmesi de ok snrl olur. Ancak her kelimeyi deil akademik dilde ve essaylerde en ok kullanlan kelimeleri renmeniz gerekir. Bu kurs bilimsel yntemlerle taranarak elde edilen ve essaylerde en ok kullanlan 100 temel kelimeyi sizlere sunmaktadr. Sadece kelimeleri deil, onlarn e anlamllarn ve nasl ve nerede kullanlacanz da reneceksiniz. Kursun sonunda 300'den fazla kelimeyi daarcnza katm olacaksnz.Size kalan bu kelimeleri renmek ve essaylerinizde yer vermek."
Price: 409.99

"Trke; Dnyann en eski ve en yaygn dillerinden biridir. 5000 yllk gemiiyle Dnyann her bir bucana kk salm, medeniyetlerin geliimine katkda bulunmu ve salam mant pratik kullanmyla her zaman ilk be dil iinde yer almtr. Hayatn iinden rneklerle sizlere Trkeyi bir ders olarak deil bir yaam biimi olarak anlattm. Unutmayn bilgi ve sevgi paylaldka artar. Baarlar diliyorum. Trkeyle kaln, mutlu olun."
Price: 59.99

"Artificial Intelligence 101 Digital Transformation Strategy" |
"This course will help integrate the trinity of digital, data, and AI into a cohesive business strategy along with all the emerging technologies. The goal is to take a trip 10-15 years into the future so we can figure out what new businesses are worth creating in the present and what steps need to be taken today in your firms so they will thrive in this rapidly changing environment. If we understand how human behaviors and habits will change in the future, it will allow us to shape how technology needs to evolve. Get a deeper sense of how Data is used in the Ai Transformation of a company as well as the 16 existing data battlegrounds you can complete in. You will understand the Hero Position in Data Strategy and the Hero's Journey in Ai Transformation that allows you to measure success. You will re-evaluate your firm's competitive set through the lens of data battlegrounds.Post-COVID, we all need more sales leads so we can sell more, but how to do it when we can't even leave our homes? It is all about digital prospecting and trying to develop an online relationship with your target and it is not easy, but we will explain how marketing techniques like inbound marketing and new artificial intelligence capabilities found in popular CRM systems like Hubspot and Salesforce, allow you to get and convert more leads by carefully managing sales funnel in the pre-sale (marketing), sale, and post-sale (service) stages. Build your AI-muscle and develop your AI-flexibility. We will put you in the shoes of the CEO's of the world's leading firms and ask you to decide how to deal with multiple AI opportunities and threats related to AI, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, Drones, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Blockchain, Chatbots, Driverless Systems, etc.The future changes on a daily basis, however, if you can intelligently talk about the possibilities and anticipate the general direction, you will be leading the path and this will help you close that deal, get that interview, and land that contract.This Artificial Intelligence 101 for Business will also provide a number of frameworks to simplify the complexity surrounding the design and implementation of AI/Digital/Data initiatives and related technologies.Please make sure to see all the free videos I have left open for you to sample before buying as I want to make sure that you buy with confidence and that this course is in line with your expectations. I really do want this to be a 5-star experience for you, and if you have any questions or doubts about the course before buying it, feel free to write to me at ram@ai4b.pro - I usually respond within 48-hours."
Price: 199.99

"Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches" |
"This course is intended for the Arduino beginner who wants to learn how to write code for their Arduino. The course concentrates on how to program your Arduino rather than electronics and is based on my best selling book Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches. The course explains in simple terms what is meant by a program and then leads the participant in a step-by-step manner through the process of writing their first sketch (Arduino program). The course lectures are supplemented with exercises to reinforce the participants understanding.After completing this course you will be able to write simple programs for your Arduino and will have learnt a fair bit about the C programming language that Arduino uses."
Price: 19.99

"How to sew without sewing machine" |
"Hello welcome to this course, in this course you will learn how to sew without sewing machine, anyone can do it completely narrated by me easy process to go along , along with different sewing patterns and how to sew the buttons on fabric.This course follows the same format that I have used to teach hundreds of people how to sew in my studio, fabric stores and schools for over 15 years.Were starting right from the beginning, so dont worry if youve never sewn before. And if youve been sewing for a while, but without much guidance or without a strong technical focus, I'm sure youll notice your skills and your finished projects improve significantly.You done need any experience to get started with it.This course is focused on sewing without the sewing machine efficiently, you don't need a sewing machine to sew efficiently, if you have a one that's okay but if you don't have than this course will help you in sewing it without it, making it easy to learn to sewWhat am i going to get from this course1) 38 minutes, 13 lectures of video content2) learn sewing basics3) learn how to put the thread into needle hole4) 7 different patterns of sewing /stitching5)how to cut the fabric6) how to use threads7) how to use fabric for sewing8) complete materials required section in detail9) how to sew buttons on fabric10) how to give note on thread11) sew in straight line12) tips and tricks to how to sew efficiently13) how to fold the fabric for sewing14) how to use needle holder and how to make it15) and many more"
Price: 24.99

"Finishing the orthodontic case and retention" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Finishing the orthodontic case; Pain, Lesions and Emergencies during Orthodontic Treatment; Retention in orthodonticsHere are the main headlines that this course covers:Finishing the orthodontic case1. Adjustment of individual tooth position1.1 Initial bracket positioning1.2 Primary expression of bracket prescription and position1.3 Reset evaluation1.4 Reset appointment1.5 Secondary expression and finishing2. Incisor torque3. Correction of vertical incisor relationships4. Excessive Overbite5. Anterior open bite6. Midline descrepancies7. Final settling of teeth8. Positioners9. Debonding9.1. Mechanical debondingBase methodWing methodDebonding by bracket removing plierDebonding by ligature cutter plierDebonding by weingard plierHowe plierLift-off Debonding Instrument (LODIBracket and adhesive removing plierSelf ligating bracket removingLingual bracket debondingDebonding of esthetic brackets9.2 Debonding by solvents9.3. Debonding by Notching9.4. Ultrasonic debondingChoice of tip9.5. Impulse debonding9.6. Thermal debondingEffects on enamelEffects on pulp10. Removal of adhesive10.1 Hand instrumentation for adhesive removal10.2 Adhesive removing pliers10.3 Ligature wire cutters10.4 Hand Scalers10.5 BursCarbide bursDiamond burs11. Finishing and polishing12. Special finishing procedures to avoid relapseControl of unfavorable growthControl of Soft Tissue ReboundCrossbite CorrectionAdjunctive Periodontal SurgeryPain, Lesions and Emergencies during Orthodontic Treatment1. Introduction2. Pain in orthodontics2.1 Antipyretic analgesicsAcetaminophenSodium dipyrone-Metamizol2.2 Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDPropionic acid derivatesCarboxylic acid derivatesAcetic acid derivatesOxicam derivatesNon-acidic derivates2.3 Vibrating stimuli2.4. Laser therapy in pain reduction3. Lesions and urgencies during orthodontic treatment3.1 External apical root resorption (EARR)3.2 Oral lesions3.3 Gingival inflammation3.4 Orthodontic movements3.5 Poorly adapted molar bands3.6 Lesions caused by elastic chain3.7 Lesions caused by fixed or removable appliancesRetention in orthodontics1. The need for retention1.1 Reorganization of periodontal ligament1.2 Occlusal Changes Related to Growth2. Retention After Class II Correction3. Retention After Class III Correction4. Retention After Deep Bite Correction5. Retention After Anterior Open Bite Correction6. Retention of Lower Incisor Alignment7. Timing of Retention8. Removable retainers8.1 Hawley retainer8.2 Wrap around retainer8.3 Elastic wrap around retainer8.4 Van der Linden retainer8.5 Sarhan all wire retainer8.6 Spring aligner8.7 Osamu retainer8.8 Essix8.9 Reinforced Essix9. Fixed retainers9.1 Prefabricated9.2 Adapted on the patient (made to fit)10. Removable retainers vs. fixed retainers.11. Correction of Occlusal Discrepancies11.1 Modified Functional Appliances as Active Retainers"
Price: 199.99
