"Video Editing As A Career - Become A Professional Editor" |
"1. What Is An Editor and How to Become one?2. Skills You Need As An Editor3. Tools You Need As An Editor4. What's A Good Edit After All?5. The Editor's Showreel6. How Much Should You Charge As A Freelance EditorIt doesn not matter if you are still in film school, already graduated, if you never went to film school at all and learned editing by yourself. In each case you will have to make the first steps into a professional career. I will help you with tricks and tips!ABOUT MEMy name is Thomas Eberhard. I am a German commercial director /editor who lives in Medelln, Colombia. After studying in Germany and Spain and moving to Colombia I worked myself into the advertising industry through editing and lately doing more commercial directing work. I love sharing my experiences and helping young creatives start. I really wish for this course to be very helpful and motivating! If you want to know more or have questions, please contact me!Cheers,Thomas"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Lookup Deep Dive: VLOOKUP, XLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH & More" |
"As an Excel user you've probably heard a lot about VLOOKUP and other lookup functions. But what can lookup functions do, why should you use them, and how can they help you?In essence, lookup functions search through data and return specific values. You may be asking yourself, Well, why cant I just do a manual search through my data with ctrl-f and find what I need that way? And sure, thats fine if you only need to look up one or two things. But what if you have ten, a hundred, or even thousands of things you have to search for and search through?Thats where lookup functions come in, they are all about making Excel do the work for you. They can help you to quickly and efficiently retrieve data which saves you time and effort.This course is a comprehensive deep dive into Excels lookup functions including (but certainly not limited to) the ever-popular VLOOKUP, my personal favorite, INDEX-MATCH, and the new function, XLOOKUP. It will give you a solid foundation of lookup function knowledge, but also challenge you to learn about and create nested and two-dimensional lookup functions that can really take your Excel capabilities to the next level.In this course you'll get:Detailed video walkthroughs so that you can feel confident about each stepCopies of all the files used in the course videos so that you can follow along and practiceExercises that will challenge your understanding and deepen your lookup knowledge.By the end of this course youll be able to confidently use lookup functions, perform two-dimensional lookups, create nested lookup functions, use data validation in your lookup projects, and know how to correct common errors, among many other things.And while I hope that you love the course, Udemy has a 100% 30-day money back policy so you can try the course risk-free and can request a total refund if it's not meeting your expectations.I'm so excited to teach this course because Excel lookup functions are my absolute favorite. Theres just something about seeing your data magically populate in cells because of a complex formula that you created thats very satisfying - I can't wait for you to experience this for yourself and start loving lookup functions as much as I do. So check out one of the preview lectures for some free lookup function knowledge and a peek into my teaching style, or if you're ready to learn all you can about lookup functions right now click the ""Buy now"" button and I'll see you in there!"
Price: 99.99

"Bu eitim setinde, - Camera Raw'a giri, genel kullanm ve tm aralarn detayl incelemesi - Cilt temizleme yntemleri (spot healing brush, healing brush, patch tool ve clone stamp tool) - Dodge & Burn- Global Dodge & Burn - Frequency Separation- Color Correction ve Color Grading Tekniklerini, tek tek inceleyeceiz ardndan, rtu yaparken bu ilemleri nasl kullanacamz reneceiz. 140 dakikalk bu eitim setinin ardndan, portre fotoraflarnz gerek ticari, gerek hobi amal endstriyel boyutta dzenleyebileceksiniz. Dersi satn alan rencilere, istenilirse, toplamda 2 saat sre limitinde, online olarak (yazl, sesli veya grntl) teknik destekte bulunacam. Herkese iyi rtular dilerim."
Price: 49.99

"Learn French in Hindi from scratch" |
"DescriptionBonjour!Welcome to the lessons of French with Vridhi!My name is Vridhi, and I will be taking you through the ups and downs of the French language. I have been teaching French and translating books from French to English since the past six years. I love learning new languages, teaching these languages, meeting new people of different cultures, sharing our beautiful Indian culture with them! And trust me, this is what learning new languages does to you!The joy of going to France and speaking in their native language with the natives, eating their local food, enjoying with the French families, ordering food in the local restaurants in French is truly amusing! My basic course will give the opportunity to learn the basics of French from scratch and experience this amusing feeling of being able to talk to the natives in their language.I have created these lessons for you and I have spoken and written in two languages Hindi and English which makes it easier than ever before! I have mixed basic French grammar, reading skills, writing skills and speaking skills lessons in this course of mine! This course is perfect for a person who doesnt even know the A B C of French. I have begun with small, tiny lessons starting with A B Cs and 1 2 3s of French, going to grammar and how to form and read long sentences in French.HOW DO MY LESSONS WORK?The concepts that you learn in the first few lessons will be taken till the end which will help you form various sentences and converse in French. My lessons also teach you how to introduce yourself in French, do meet and greets in the French language! It also takes you through few techniques of how to talk about of food and beverages if you are in a French restaurant. After almost every few lessons I have also added some basic vocabulary lessons to acquaint you with the basic words used in daily life.So, if you want a course that really helps you ignite your passion of learning a new language, especially one of the most commonly used foreign languages, then join me in my journey of French with VridhiMerci beaucoup mes amis!(thank you very much my friends!)Gros bisousVridhi!!"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Organizational Behavior (OB)" |
"- Introduction- The Evolution of Organisational Behaviour- The Features of Organisational Behaviour- Main Challenges and Opportunities of Organisational Behaviour- Limitations of Organisational Behaviour- Organizational Behaviour Model- Key Forces Affecting Organizational Behaviour- Contributing Disciplines to the Organizational Behaviour field- 4 Approaches to Organizational Behaviour studies- Research Methodology of Organizational Behaviour- Reasons for Studying Organizational Behaviour"
Price: 74.99

"Spanish Flamenco Guitar Rumba Rhythm for Beginners" |
"How to Play Spanish Flamenco Guitar Rumba Rhythm(A Step-by-Step Beginner's Course)~Learning to Play Flamenco guitar can be SO MUCH FUN!!!In this course you will learn the rhythm used by the Gipsy Kings, Ottmar Liebert, Jesse Cook and even Paco de Lucia!!Sound a little intimidating? I know it can be...IF you don't have the proper guidance.But don't fret (ha! that's a guitar joke...)! I have created this course specifically for beginner guitarists with NO EXPERIENCE! Really!!!This is a thoroughly tried and tested method taking you step-by-step, layering technique upon technique with in-depth and precise technique tips.With this 100% Linear Curriculum, YOU CAN play flamenco guitar! I PROMISE!5 star review for the course...WITH the ""WHY""!""yes, very informative. material is presented very well and in a very understandable manner. finding Chris's teaching method to be exceptional in really being able to reach a total beginner with these concepts. i have practiced these technique thru other resources and none were as clear or as well taught as Chris is doing in this course. things may seem a little redundant or slow in the first couple of sections, but all of that is important and he is making sure you understand each nuance so that by the time you reach the chord progression at the end of section 4, you have practiced the movements and you understand how to put it all together. other teaching resources i have used have not been this clear or as well organized with these techniques, and i have learned a lot of things i've been doing not so ergonomic or correct. this is very very good!"" - Daryl C.**""Your lessons are so good. The way you break it down, into half a measure at a time and explaining the beats, really I dont think its possible to break it down any further, and it makes it accessible to me. "" - Elaine H.**Aren't you tired of learning random guitar skills and techniques from various online sources and feeling like you're really getting nowhere?I've been teaching guitar for more than 30 years! I have multiple fixes for every possible question but one of the BIGGEST MISTAKES I see guitar students make is by skipping the absolute fundamentals. That's why I start from the very beginning so I KNOW that you have everything you need to play the guitar well from the very beginning.**""I would recommend Chris Jacome to anyone who wishes to learn Flamenco guitar, or to just experience this beautiful style."" - Wes W.**You, YES YOU, will learn the essentials of guitar technique and within a few short weeks you will be playing some incredible flamenco rhythms with your guitar skills!By the end of this course you will know more about how to play guitar, how to improve and how to practice CORRECTLY to achieve RESULTS than many highly-advanced guitarists.My more than 30 years of guitar teaching experience has yielded many tools, techniques and tips that I share with all my students to provide maximum understanding and results as quickly as possible. I have found that by sharing the WHY behind the techniques allows online students to self-correct and get extraordinary results.This is truly a zero to HERO flamenco rumba rhythm course.So, what are you waiting for?You'll get an exceptional guitar course, learn incredible rhythms and techniques PLUS you will receive PRINTABLE PDF Lesson Plans with ALL OF THE MUSIC played!Start today!I can't wait to hear you rockin' that flamenco guitar and read your success story!!!**""As one of the premiere flamenco guitarists residing in the U.S., Chris' talent and love of the art are unmistakable. Chris comes highly recommended for anyone interested in studying flamenco guitar."" - Michelle A.**"
Price: 119.99

"The Profitable Creative: Make the Art + Money You Want" |
"This class is for aspiring artists, creative career transitioners and anyone else with a calling to do something more fulfilling with their life.In this class, Im going to let you know what the 3 biggest mistakes creatives make that keep them from thriving professionally, financially + personally are (because once you are aware of these, you can easily avoid making them moving forward).With my 6 Part MAPPED Method, Im going to show you step-by-step how you can create a custom roadmap that will get you from wherever you are now to where it is youd rather be.We are going to use the attached Profitable Creative PDF template to put together exactly what YOU need to not only get started (because thats usually the easy part) but to actually get you to follow through and achieve your desired endgame (the part that less people actually do)"
Price: 19.99

"Brush Lettering para principiantes" |
"En este curso OnLine aprenders hacer dos tipos de abecedarios (bsico y moderno) con plumn de punta flexible desde los trazos bsicos hasta una composicin de cada estilo y lo mejor de todo es que no necesitas tener ningn tipo de experiencia para iniciar este curso.Lo que aprenders en este curso podrs usarlo en tus apuntes, para personalizar cualquier cosa que se pueda pintar, perfeccionar tu escritura, hasta hacer bocetos sencillos de logotipos o disear una bonita frase para tu crush.Este curso online es una serie de videos explicativos con teora bsica y ejercicios prcticos con material descargable con el cual te llevar paso a paso en el correcto trazo de una letra.Si ests listo para comenzar a hacer letritas bonitas inscribete en el botn de abajo. Nos vemos en el aula. ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Pareceres Descritivos da Educao Infantil" |
"Um curso voltado para docentes e coordenadores pedaggicos da Educao Infantil. Ele foi organizado para atender as demandas do processo de escrita de Pareceres Descritivos que contemplem crianas com a faixa etria de 0 a 5 anos e 11 meses (ou seja: Bebs, Crianas bem pequenas e Crianas pequenas). Com certificao de 20 horas."
Price: 129.99

"Intro to Screenplay Formatting" |
"I can't tell you how many scripts I've read with awful formatting. They could have good stories, but no one will ever know because the formatting sucks. This course will teach you the fundamentals of screenplay formatting, like:What's a slugline?What's the difference between V.O. and O.S.?How do I introduce characters?Why are parentheticals bad to use?How can I avoid looking like a noob with my formatting?This is your first step in the journey of becoming an expert screenwriter and visual storyteller!This is a basic introduction to the intermediate and advanced knowledge you can get in my premium online course Master Screenplay Format. To get the rest of the class, visit storylosopher.podia .com/master-screenplay-format Or, if you'd like, grab my FREE Masterclass: How to Write Invisible Camera Angles: storylosopher.podia .com/free-masterclass-how-to-write-invisible-camera-angles"
Price: 94.99

"INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL na relao com os filhos" |
"A partir de agora, voc est a um clique do conhecimento cientfico!Diversas pesquisas comprovam: filhos que possuem um forte vnculo emocional com os pais se tornam pessoas de sucesso.Que tal VOC participar dessa estimativa?O mundo contemporneo nos coloca em desafios na criao dos nossos filhos. H o excesso de informao, tudo o que eles aprendem na internet e redes sociais, alm das constantes transformaes sociais.Para acompanhar esse ritmo, s mesmo a boa instruo e um relacionamento poderoso, baseado nos conceitos na INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL. a soluo que eu apresento aqui.Com esse curso totalmente online, voc ter acesso a:Dicas de atividades para fortalecer o lao afetivo com os filhos.Ferramentas para trabalhar o autoconhecimento.Conceitos e tarefas que vo ajudar na resoluo de conflitos.Aprender a identificar o perfil comportamental dos seus filhos.E muito mais!Veja s o que eu preparei para voc em cada uma das aulas:Aula 1 - Ferramenta MAAS: Uma ferramenta cientfica para voc olhar todas as reas da sua vida e identificar quais delas geram conflitos internos que atrapalham seus relacionamentos.Aula 2 - O que nossos filhos querem e precisam? Uma aula importante para entender quem so seus filhos e o que eles realmente necessitam. Alguns pais tentam suprir a incapacidade de dar afeto com presentes, outros convertem em uma cobrana excessiva, portanto, esse um contedo para analisar questes desse tipo. Compreender, de uma vez por todas, quais so as verdadeiras necessidades do seu filho e como atende-las.Aula 3 - Perfil Comportamental: Seus filhos so agitados? Tmidos? Reservados? Aprenda a identificar perfis comportamentais e a melhor maneira de desenvolv-los.Aula 4 - Como voc e seus filhos gostam de ser amados? Pai e me entendem o que amar, mas nem sempre expressam isso de uma maneira confortvel para os filhos. o que vamos compreender nessa aula. Como eles gostam de ser amados, de acordo com cada perfil?Aula 5 - Comunicao (A busca da linguagem perfeita): Aqui, um contedo essencial para voc entender de quais maneiras pode ter uma comunicao eficaz com seus filhos, de forma direta ou indireta.Aula 6 - Atividades prticas para fortalecer o emocional dos filhos: Nessa parte, apresento novas atividades com comprovao cientfica para fortalecer o campo emocional dos seus filhos.Aula 7 - Tempo de qualidade/Programas com os filhos: Criar afinidades muito importante, especialmente com as pessoas mais importantes da sua vida. Aqui, muitas dicas e conceitos par que voc desenvolva isso ainda melhor.Aula 8 - Comunicao Cultural: Como o senso de cultura dos seus filhos? Nessa aula, dou dicas e abordagens sobre como trabalhar esse aspecto e motivar, culturalmente, uma ampla viso de mundo nos seus filhos.Aula 9 - O pnico da DR: Conflitos sempre vo existe e aqui vou te apresentar algumas maneiras de lidar com eles. Seja na fase de rebeldia da adolescncia ou em qualquer outra."
Price: 39.99

"Ultimate Google Cloud Platform Concepts for Beginners" |
"This course is not for Lazy learners - Course has comprehensive coverage of Google Cloud Platform and students need very long focus/attention to complete.The course does not assume you have knowledge on Google Cloud Platform or any cloud Platform. We cover almost everything on GCP to become ""Hero"" from whatever your current GCP understanding (it may be Zero or Beginning or Intermediate)Advance Students - Joining this course only for certification -> Please at least run through the foundation section once for you to understand the certification syllabus.Why waste time learning the same foundation concepts again and again for each certification around the same technology. This course divided into the section where you learn all concepts in once course and then focus individually on each certification - Incrementally.Why Pay for Every Certifications course and some times you don't even appear for certification. This course will help you to pay only once and plan for any certification on Google Cloud Platform."
Price: 39.99

"How to Turn Your Small Business Into a Profit Machine" |
"- Are you running your business, working crazy hours, and despite all your hard work, youre wondering why you still dont have the profits to show for your efforts?- Perhaps your income statement shows that you made a profit last year, and now youre wondering where those profits are?- Does your cash flow fluctuate up and down like a yo-yo to the point where you really dont know how your cash is doing?- Or. how to invest your businesss profits to create personal wealth?Are you asking yourself these questions?What you need is a proven quick strategy to help you improve profitability.In this course well explore a method that you can easily deploy in your business to help you:Improve your businesss profitability by three, four, or even more timesNormalize cash flow and help you better understand the cash you have in the bankPrepare your business for future growthProvide a framework for using your businesss profits to create wealth outside your business.And the best part is, you dont need an accounting background.If youre an entrepreneur looking for the secret to unleash your businesss profit potential and prepare your business for growth, then this course is for you.Enroll now to start creating wealthJeff Wiener"
Price: 19.99

"TAM KAPSAMLI SATI ETM ""Daha Fazla Kazan Salayn""" |
"Bir sat grmesinde mutlaka bir sat kar; ""Ya Siz rn ve Hizmetinizi Kar Tarafa Satarsnz Ya Da O Sizden Satn Almamay Size Satar"" Satn hangi tarafta olacan sahip olduunuz ""Teknik, Sistem ve Davranlar"" Belirler!Tam kapsaml sat eitimi ile satlarnz artrn. Deien dnya piyasasnda yeni tekniklere ve yeni yaklamlara hakim olarak mterilerinizi yakalayn! Herkes satta baarl olmak ister ve olmas da zorunludur. Bu yapamadklarndan deil, sadece nasl yaplabileceini bilmediklerinden ve gerek anlam ile mteriyi deneyemediklerindendir.Tam Kapsaml Sat Eitimi, pratie dnk baar aracdr. Satn tm ynlerini kavrayacanz bir kaynaktr. Zorluklarla ve youn maliyetlerle sizinle temasa gemesini saladnz mterinizi karmamak ve elde tutabilmenizi salayan sat yoludur.Rekabetin hzla artt bu dnemde sizi baarya koturacak tek konu satlarnzdr. Sat, tm iletmeler, tm kiiler iin gerekli ve zorunludur. Tam kapsaml sat eitimi, sat admlarndan bahseder ve herhangi bir kural, sat hedefini veya kariyer hedefini baarmak iin kesin bir yol sunar.Eitim seti yaynda olduu srece sorularnz bana iletebilirsiniz.Unutma! Herkes ok kazan salayan bir satc olabilir! Zaman en nemli kaynak. Hzlca satlarn arttrmak iin ve uygulandnda sonularn grmek iin Hemen Bala!"
Price: 259.99

"87+ IELTS Listening/" |
Price: 49.99

"87+ IELTS Reading/" |
"ORCA87+Ethanchange, alter35-14pdfgoogle1-2"
Price: 49.99

"87 IELTS Writing/" |
"ORCA87Ethan8band descriptor1-2"
Price: 49.99

"77 IELTS Speaking/" |
"ORCA77Ethan20201-4band descriptor1-2"
Price: 49.99

"Le Hacking Guide Complet:Piratage Ethique Techniques de 2020" |
"Avec cette formation les tudiants apprennent identifier les vulnrabilits avances et les erreurs de configuration dans divers systmes d'exploitation, puis excuter des attaques organises.Les tudiants qui terminent le cours et russissent tous les Labs pourraient pass la certification Offensive Security Certifies professionnel (OSCP) et aussi avoir un trs bon niveau pour attaqu les Labs de la Certification Offensive Scurit Certifies Expert . cette formation donnera la matrise et des comptences avances de tests de pntration. Ce cours de piratage thique en ligne est votre rythme 100 % . Il prsente des outils et des techniques de test de pntration via une exprience pratique.mon cours forme non seulement les comptences, mais aussi l'tat d'esprit ncessaire pour tre un testeur de pntration russi.Vous pouvez aussi se bas sur se cours pour votre prparation la Certification CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker).Notre Formation commence de la base jusqu avoir un niveau trs avanc .Plus de Dtails:Matrise des techniques trs avancs propres aux hackers.Usurpation didentits ou obtenir des privilges suprieurs ceux qui leurs sont attribus sur le systme dinformation.Apprendre faire du penteste avanc.tre une force majeur pour Amliorer la scurit dentreprise ..Apprendre protger l'infrastructure et leur SI contre le piratage informatiqueApprendre un domaine passionnant et pleins de secrets.Dcouvrir le Mtier de pesanteur Expert.Apprendre des connaissances avanc pour passer la Certification CEH , OCSP , OSCE.."
Price: 199.99

"Simulados LGPD - Exin Essentials - PDPE" |
"Cinquenta questes de mltipla escolha elaboradas especialmente para os interessados em testar seus conhecimentos sobre os principais conceitos e aspectos da Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados Pessoais - LGPD. Indispensvel para quem est se preparando para o exame EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Essentials - PDPE. o primeiro passo para se tornar um DPO - Data Protection Officer."
Price: 39.99

"LGBTQ+ terminology 101" |
"There are a lot of important things in our society that most of the people are ignorant about. One of them is the prevalence of issues related to the LGBTQ+ or LGBTQIA+ community. This is a practice test to start a student off with some of the important LGBTQ+ terminology prevalent in today's world."
Price: 19.99

"Coping With Anxiety" |
"Are you generally quite an anxious person? Or are you feeling this level of anxiety for the first time in your life and not sure how to make of it? Do you know someone who is anxious and could do with some of support?Let's face it, we are all feeling some level of anxiety, even if you are the calmest person and generally have a good hold of your own emotions. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is something that nobody has ever witnessed in its current extent and it is natural for us to feel anxious. Not all anxiety is bad and it turns out that we actually need it in our own survival and drives us forwards in life.This FREE course series will take you on a journey through understanding the route causes and functions of anxiety from an evolutionary perspective, all the way through to learning how to employ simple tools and techniques to deal with moments of heightened anxiety, and become a less anxious person overall."
Price: 19.99

"GCP GCP20~301GCP 3GCP 70"
Price: 2400.00

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Foundation(1z0-1085) Exam" |
"The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Certification provides candidates with foundational knowledge of core cloud computing concepts and an understanding of those services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The certification is intended for candidates with technical and nontechnical backgrounds who want to validate their understanding of Oracle Cloud infrastructure.With this course you would able to clear the Oracle Exam. This designed for all candidates, including on-premise DBAs, Cloud data professional who want to test the skill to pass 1z0-1085 -20 Oracle ExamExam Topics:1. Understanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economics.2. Describe the key features and components of OCI.3. Describe core solutions on OCI.4. Explain Security and Compliance Model.5. Explain Pricing Model.6. Explain Support and Operations Model.I will keep reviewing this and adding practice questions into this course. It will certainly help you to clear the Exam.Bullet points:OCI Architecture OCI Regions 21 Available + 15 Planned; Commercial, Govt, Microsoft Azure Interconnect Region Localized Geographical area comprised of 1 or more AD Availability Domains One or more fault-tolerent, isolated DC located within a region, but connected to each other by low latency, high bandwidth network; Do not share physical infra Fault Domains Grouping of hardware and infrastructure with in an AD to provide anti-affinity(logical data center); 3 FD per AD; Do not share SPOHF; change procedures are isolated at FD One AD Regions within one year second AD or region will be made available Choosing Region Location, Data Residency & Compliance, Service Availability Avoid SPOF Design architecture to deploy instances that perform same tasks in different FD or different AD for multiple AD regions Data Guard Data replication across AD HA Design FD, AD, Region Pair Compartments collection of related resources; helps to isolate and control access to resources; Tenancy/Root compartment; Compartment Network, Compartment Storage etc; Each resource belong to a single compartment; Resource can interact with other resource in diff compartment; Resources and compartments can be added/deleted anytime; Resources can be moved from one to another; Resources from multiple regions can be in the same compartment; Compartments can be nested (6 levels deep); can give group of users access to compartments by writing policies; Analyze cost and assign budget for resources in compartmentsOCI Compute Services Bare Metal Code, App Container, Language Runtime, OS, Virtualisation; No virtualisation Dedicated Virtual Hosts Code, App Container, Language Runtime, OS; Virtual Machines Code, App Container, Language Runtime, OS; Guest on a host server with hypervisor based virtualisation; Container Engine Code, App Container (Docker); Functions Code; Consumption based pricing BM Direct Hardware access; Single Tenant server; Use Case: Performance intensive workloads (DB), workloads not virtualized; workload that require specific Hypervisor, workload requires BYO licensing (SQL, Exchange etc) VM Multi-tenant VMs; Use cases: to control all aspects of env, to deploy legacy app running on windows/linux, to move apps from on-premise to OCI Dedicated Virtual Host Single-tenant VMs Instance Basics various instance sizes(CPU, RAM, Bandwidth); Support both Intel and AMD processors; Provide GPU and HPC instance options(RDMA); instance placed on virtual network with powerful connectivity options; Depends on other OCI services such as Block volume (Boot(OS)/Data) and VCN(Virtual Nic) Vertical Scaling Scale up/Down; Downtime required; Autoscaling Enable large scale deployment of VM from a single gold image with automatic configuration; Scale out/Scale in; If one VM fails, others will keep working; based on metrics; Running Instance -> Config (Gold Image OS image, metadata, shape, vNICs, Storage, subnets) -> Instance Pool (put in diff ADs, Manage all together) -> Scaling Rule How to Deploy containers?1. Manually SSH into machines and run Docker2. Scripting or Config mgmt tools3. Orchestration Systems Oracle Kubernetes Engine K8S; Containers in Pods, Pods in Node (Instances); OKE and OCIR Functions small but powerful blocks of code that generally do one simple thing; stores as Docker image; invoked in response to a CLI command or signed HTTP request Push container to Registry -> Configure Function Trigger -> Code runs only when triggered -> Pay for code execution time only; based on FN projectOCI Storage Services Block Volume, Local NVMe, File Storage, Object Storage, Archive Storage Storage Requirements Persistent vs Non-persistent, What type of data?(Database, videos, audio, photos, text), Performance (max capacity, IOPS, throughput), Durability (Copies of data), Connectivity (Local vs network, How does apps access the data), Protocol (Block vs File vs HTTPs) Block Storage Hard drive in a server(on a remote chassis); stored on device in fixed sized blocks (512 bytes); Access by OS as mounted drive volume; Storage for compute services; 2 types (Boot Volume/OS Disk, Block Volume/Data Disks) Use cases Databases, Exchange, VMWare, Server Boot. Block volume stores replica of data in 3 separate FDs; No need to configure s/w based protection(RAID-10 etc); Periodic backups(automated schedule backups); Block volume backup Complete point-in-time snapshot copy of block volumes; Encrypted and stored in Object Storage and can be restored as new volumes to any AD within same region; Can copy block volume backups from one-region to another(X-Region Backup); Backups can be scheduled Block Volume Tiers (50 GB 32 TB, up to 32 volumes/instance (32x32=1PB); Data encrypted at rest and in-transit(oracle managed/customer managed key)* Basic(2 IOPS/GB, 240 KB/s/GB Throughput); throughput intensive workloads with large sequential I/O such as big data & streaming, log processing and data warehouses.* Balanced (60 IOPS/GB, 480 KB/s/GB); most workloads that perform random I/O such as boot disks* High Performance (75 IOPS/GB, 600 KB/s/GB); workload require best possible performance including large DBs Local NVMe temp storage, locally attached to compute instance; app require high performance local storage; Use case NoSQL DB, In-memory DB, Scale-out txn DB, Data warehousing. Storage non-persistent but survives reboot. OCI uses NVMe(Non-Volatile Memory Express) interface for very high performance. OCI provides no RAID, snapshots, backup capabilities File Storage Hierarchical collection of docs organized into named directories which are themselves structured files. Distributed file systems make distributed look exactly like local file systems. Distributed file standards NFS and SMB (provide access over networks). FSS supports NFS v.3; Data protection: Snapshots(10000 per file system); Security (Data at rest, in-transit encryption). Use cases: Oracle Apps, HPC, Big Data and Analytics, General purpose file systems. FS replicates data in 3 FDs; can take snapshot and restore snapshot Object Storage All data, managed as objects; Each object stored in a bucket, relies on standard HTTP verbs; flat structure; OSS An internet-scale, high performance storage platform; ideal for unstructured data;regional service; storage classes (hot/cold); Use cases: content repo for data, images, logs & video etc; Archive/Backup, Storing log data for analysis; Storing large datasets; Big Data/Hadoop storageOS replicates in 3 FDs; stores replica of data in more than AD OS Tiers Standard Storage Tier(Hot) Fast, immediate, and frequent access; Data retrieval in instances; Always serves the most recent copy of the data when retrieved; Standard buckets cant be downgraded to archive storage. Archive Storage Tier (Cold) Seldom or rarely accessed data but must be retained and preserved for long periods of time; 10x cheaper than standard tier ($0.0026 vs $0.0255 Gb/month);90 days min retention period; objects needs to be restored before download; TTFB after restore request is made: 4 hours; Archive bucket cant be upgraded to StandardOCI Network Services Virtual Cloud Network software defined private network that you setup in OCI; Enable OCI resources to communicate VCN address space Address space; Every resource will get its own unique private IP address; subnet divide VCN into one or more sub networks; Gateways IGW; Public Subnet(DMZ); NAT Gateway (Blocks inbound connection) DRG virtual router that provides a path for private traffic between your VCN and destinations other than the internet; DRG to establish a connection with on-premises network via IPsec VPN, FastConnect(private, dedicated connectivity) Service Gateway Communication to public OCI services access without using internet Peering process of connecting multiple VCN; Local VCN peering (same region); Remote VCN peering (Different Region) No transitive peeringVCN Security Firewall rules (Subnet layer); Network Security Group (VNIC layer) Load Balancer sits between client and backends; performs tasks such as: Service Discovery, Health Check, Algorithm. LB Benefits Fault tolerance and HA; Scale; Naming abstraction. LB Types Public LB, LB pair for HAOCI IAM IAM Identities, Permissions Principals IAM entity that is allowed to interact with OCI resources; IAM users and Instance Principals IAM Users and Groups 1st IAM user is default admin; Users -> Groups -> at least one policy Instance Principals let instances make API calls against other OCI services Network Admin, Storage Admin etc Policies Authentication deals with user identity; Username/Password, API Signing key, Auth Tokens Authorization actions performed by principals; Policies; Allow group <> to <> resource-type in tenancy/compartment where conditions <>Policies Allow <subject> to <verb> <resource-type> in <location> where <conditions>Verb inspect(list resources), read(inspect_user-specified metadata), use (Read+Update), manage(all permissions)Resource type all-resources, database-family, instance-family, object-family etc Common Policies Network admin(manage virtual-network-family), Instance Launchers(manage instance-family, use volume-family, use virtual-network-family)OCI Database Services OCI DB Options VM (Fast Provisioning), Bare metal(Fast performance), RAC (Managed HA), Exadata DB systems(Managed Exadata Infra), Autonomous Shared/Dedicated(Self-driving, Self-Securing, Self-Repairing) DB Systems Managed DB systems, Complete Lifecycle automation (Provisioning, Patching, Backup & Restore), HA and DR (RAC & Data Guard), Scalability (Dynamic CPU and Storage Scaling), Security (Infra(IAM, VCN, Audit), Database(TDE, Encrypted RMAN backup/Block volume encryption)), BYOL DB Systems Operations Launch, start, stop or reboot DB systems(Billing continues in stop state for BM DB systems), Scale (CPU cores (BM DB), Storage(VM DB)), Patching (2 step process, For Exadata and RAC patches are rolling) DB Systems Backup Manual/Automatic Backups, Auto backups written to Oracle owned Object storage buckets, Runs between midnight 6 AM in DB system time zone, Preset retention periods: 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 Days; Recover DB from backup stored in Object storage(Last known good state, Timestamp specified, Using SCN) DB Systems HA and DR Oracle Data Guard survive disasters and data corruptions (maintain sync between primary and standby DB); Active Data Guard (adv features for data protection and availability, included in Extreme Performance edition and Exadata service); 2 modes switchover(planned migration, no data loss), Failover (unplanned, min data loss) MAA Primary and standby DB can be either a single-instance oracle db or RAC db Autonomous Databases Fully managed DB with 2 workload types; TP, DWH; Deployment options Dedicated/Shared; Automates backing up DB, patching w/o downtime, Upgrade DB, Tune DBOCI Security Shared Security Model OCI upto virtualization; Customer (Patching app and OS, OS config, IAM, Network security, Endpoint protection, Data Classification and Compliance) Security Services OCI IAM, MFA, Federation, Storage and DB services, Data Safe, Key Management, OS Management Service, Bare Metal, Dedicated VM hosts, VCN, NSG, SL, WAF IAM RBAC; Authentication -> OCI IAM -> Authorization -> Compartments -> Resources; MFA; SSO using IDP Data Protection Block volume (Data enc at-rest/in-transit, BYOK) File Storage (Data enc at-rest/in-transit, BYOK) Object Storage (Data enc at-rest, BYOK, Private Buckets, Pre authenticated requests) Database(TDE, Data safe, Data Vault) Key Management (BYOK, use HSM) OS & Workload isolation OS Mgmt service configured by default for Oracle Linux; Network protection Tiered subnet strategy for VCN, Gateways, Security Lists, NSG, OCI WAF (XSS, SQL Injection), Protection against layer 7OCI Pricing and Billing Pricing Models Pay as you go; Monthly Flex (Universal Credits) $1000 monthly charge/12 months -> 33% 60% savings vs PAYG; BYOL (apply on-premise Oracle license); All OCI region have same pricing; Block volume (Storage cost $0.0255 per GB/month, Performance Cost (VPU/GB) NA for Basic, 10 VPU at $0.0017 for balanced, 20 VPU at $0.0034 for higher performance); Data Transfer costs Ingress/Egress free b/w data transfers, Egress charge for different regions; To and from internet (Egress charged), DRG/FastConnect both Ingress/Egress free Pricing Example Outbound Data Transfer 10 TB free Billing Cost Tracking Tags, Cost Analysis, Budgets, Alert every 15 mins, Usage reports (automatically generated CSV file, 24 hrs data, retained for 1 year) Free Tier $300 free credit for 30 days; upto 8 instances, 5TB storage Always Free 2 Oracle Autonomous DB, 2 OCI Compute VMS, Block, Object and Archive Storage, LB and Data egress, Monitoring and Notifications"
Price: 1280.00

"Master Google Cloud Platform (GCP) from Scratch" |
"The high demand for scalability and the increased electricity cost are probably the main reasons behind the cloud revolution. In just over a decade, cloud computing became the buzzword and by 2016, its market crossed $209 Billion. Today, it is way more than that!Though Salesforce & Amazon were the initial players of the cloud industry but soon after, Google launched Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Currently, GCP has become the top 3 cloud providers along with Amazon & Microsoft Azure. GCP has made several big organizations and small organizations shift to its platform because of its several advantages like costing, speed, live migration, big data, machine learning, and others.So if you are the one who wants to enter the world of cloud computing, then choosing GCP will only do good for your future. And for this reason, we have curated this exclusive in-depth course that will help you learn GCP to the core.What You Will Learn?At first, you will be given a basic introduction which is then followed by a GCP tour involving its console, projects, Cloud IAM, run command, API library & so on. Once the basics are covered, you will start by learning how to create a virtual machine, then this course will cover cloud shell & G-Cloud. Afterward, you will know about the Kubernetes engine, cloud storage console, IAM console, Stack Driver, Google Cloud pub/sub & other crucial concepts for complete learning.This Course Includes:- Introduction- GCP Tour: Accessing GCP Console, GCP Projects, Cloud IAM, Cloud Shell and Run Command, API Library- Creating Virtual Machine: Using GCP Console, creating VM with G-Cloud Command Line, deploying a web server and connecting it to VM- Getting started with Cloud Shell & G-Cloud- Kubernetes Engine: Qwik start- Cloud Storage Console: Creating a bucket, uploading an object into the bucket, sharing an object publicly, creating and deleting the folder- Cloud: IAM console and project levels roles, access testing, removing project access, adding storage permission and verify access- Stack driver: Creating a compute engine instance and adding Apache 2 HTTP server to your instance, creating a cloud monitoring workspace, creating an uptime check and an alerting policy, creating a dashboard and charts and view your logs- Cloud Functions - Console- Google Cloud pub/sub - Console- QuizzesBegin with this one-stop GCP online tutorial to master all its concepts to the core!!"
Price: 39.99

"How To Sell Low Content Paperback Books on Amazon KDP" |
"Selling low content paperback books on Amazon has been the easiest and best side business I've started in the last 10 years.I started creating the books in April. In May, I sold around 20 and made around $20. In June, I sold nearly 250 units and only made just over $100. In July, I sold over 450 units and made over $530. And all this with less than 250 books in my catalog. In August I made $680; September: $660; October: $800; November: $1450 with around 650 books live. December was $3700+. Ive not seen a trajectory like this in a new business before. Ever.What am I talking about?To be honest, it took me a while to wrap my head around this business. I couldnt believe that people would spend $6.99 on a hundred paged blank paperback. But they do.What are the products, exactly?Low content books which are books like diaries, logbooks and journals. Basically any book where the content can be fairly easily created as opposed to a book that you have to write. There are so many niches out there! You literally provide a PDF of the interior and exterior of the book and create a product page on Amazon and thats it!To be successful in this business there are two things you need to do:identify niches/keywords that have sufficiently high demand and low competition to make books forcreate visually appealing book coversThe niches/keywords can be found by searching on Amazon and using free browser extensions. Multiple products can be created on Amazon very quickly with zero cost. This means that you get to understand the power of keywords on Amazon... and how to profit from them!You can do it!You don't need to spend any money to do this! I'll show you how to do everything:You just need to have an account on KDP. (This can be set up instantly as long as you come from one of the 100 countries that are allowed to sell on Amazon).I provide a 2 Microsoft Word and 2 Google Slides templates to get you going with the interiors.The covers can be created with free software such as Canva.And I'll show you how to do the niche/keyword research on Amazon.What are you waiting for?"
Price: 94.99

"ABRSM Music Theory Practice Exam: Grade 1 & Grade 2" |
"Welcome to the practice tests for the most popular standardized test in music theory in the world!The ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) Music Theory exams are considered to be the benchmark exam to measure progress in music theory. More than 600,000 candidates take ABRSM exams each year in over 93 countries. The Music Theory exams are divided into 8 levels. In this class, we will focus on the first two levels. These practice exams have been constructed from materials available directly from the ABRSM guidelines, including past exams, practice materials, and study suggestions. I've tried to adhere to all the qualifications of the exam, in order to replicate the experience of the exam as much as possible. If you have taken my music theory classes, these exams will be a great way to test your progress. These exams correspond to levels 1, 2, and 3 in my music theory classes available here on Udemy.There are two versions of each exam contained here. My intention in doing that is to create multiple options for you to practice each test from scratch.This exam has been put together to follow all of the requirements publically available for the ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Levels 1 and 2. The exam is timed, with 90 minutes allotted to complete the exam.Please note: The actual exam is not multiple choice (although it does have some multiple-choice questions), but because of the Udemy test format, I had to make them multiple choice. I've tried to give many possible answers to simulate the real exam as much as possible.Grading criteria: A score of 66% is required to pass. A score of 80% is required for a mark of ""Merit"". A score of 90% is required for a mark of ""Distinction"". Before you take the real test, please see the official rules to get an understanding of how the test is run, what can be brought into the test, and any other rules and qualifications. You can find this information on the ABRSM website."
Price: 19.99

"Propsito ExtraOrdinario (El xito poderoso)" |
"El taller Propsito ExtraOrdinario es una metodologa de trabajo de coaching ontolgico, pensamiento sistmico y experiencia de vida, que he estado perfeccionando desde el 2015, aplicndola a nivel personal como en cada equipo con los que he trabajado.Las personas, los equipos y en forma extensiva las organizaciones, necesitan tener un propsito transformador que los inspire y motive cada da para lograr sus metas, potenciar sus acciones y evolucionar como seres humanos.La propuesta de trabajo conlleva un cambio personal, reflexionando en el darse cuenta, sin volver al pasado, pero considerando las restricciones del presente. Muchas veces el darse cuenta, es verdaderamente un darse cuenta. No todos pueden afrontar este acto de manera inmediata, y es posible que queden a mitad de camino en las actividades del taller. Algunos quieren seguir viviendo sin darse cuenta y aparentando la felicidad. Solo ellos saben al final del da que esa felicidad no es realmente cierta.""Lo que creemos que debemos o tenemos que ser (pasado) est limitando (presente) lo que podemos lograr ser (futuro).""En cada paso lo invisible se vuelve visible, y se le dan palabras. No son palabras al aire, sino escritas. Para ser aceptadas, reflexionadas y si as fuera el caso reescritas. Algunas personas prefieren dejar que el ego controle sus vidas antes que dejar fluir lo que podemos llegar a ser.Las personas que logren terminar el taller tendrn definido su Propsito ExtraOrdinario, transformador e inspirador. Algunas preguntas que estaremos buscando contestar son:Habr cambiado algo en nosotros que haga sentido a nuestra vida?Nuestros valores son los mismos? Cules son los valores que nos definen? Le transmitimos nuestros valores a las personas cercanas?Cunto nos transformamos en relacin a las personas con quien compartimos? Ellos, yo y nosotros?Por qu queremos lo que queremos?Cul es el propsito de nuestra existencia en este mundo?Por qu existimos realmente? Nuestras vida tienen un sentido?Para qu existimos y cul es nuestro propsito extraordinario?El verdadero significado de la vida no es egosta tiene un eco desde el afuera hacia nuestro interior."
Price: 99.99

"Hands-On Test-Driven Development with Java and Spring" |
"Software development is permeating the world and this development has reached unparalleled levels today, thanks to rapid advancements in technology. The need for software testing has also become so critical that we need to shift the way we develop software. Test-Driven Development (TDD) is at the forefront of how we test software from the moment we start developing it. This course is designed to make sure that you can quickly learn and adapt TDD techniques in your projects to take full advantage of what TDD has to offer.With TDD, testing software is embedded within the development cycle, allowing a constant testing feedback loop and thereby giving you the confidence to achieve optimal results for your software. We quickly start TDD implementation with Java, and then deploy TDD with Spring. We also learn how things work under-the-hood by exploring how Spring and TDD work internally. Lastly, we apply integration testing to all implementations created in the course to get a taste of how two components interact with each other.By the end of this course, you'll have gained the skills you need to develop software using the TDD approach and you'll get higher-quality and faster results in no time!About the AuthorNiyazi Erdoan is a software engineer and AWS Certified Solutions Architect with over ten years' experience in various fields. He is a mostly self-taught programmer and has been programming for a long time. He has been actively working on TDD-based implementations for over 4 years.Apart from his day job, Niyazi has developed video courses on Cloud, AWS, Java, Spring, and more; these constitute his basic areas of interest."
Price: 124.99

"Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms in Rust" |
"Rust is a modern systems programming language designed with safety to simplify the development of large, complex software projects. Data structure and Algorithms are key to help in the collection and organization of the data for performing operations on the data and set instructions/logic to accomplish tasks in these projects. This course will be your guide for implementing classic data structures and algorithms in Rust, helping you to get up and running as a confident Rust programmer.You will begin with a primer to Rust and its syntax. You will then explore the language of Time and Memory complexity by comparing different sorting methods. Youll then learn about Lists and Binary Trees, implement them, and compare them, to show the advantages and use cases of each. Next, you will cover different algorithms in-depth such as sorting, graph, dynamic programming, greedy, divide and conquer, and more. You will learn how counterintuitive techniques can actually make it easier to build scalable projects!By the end of the course, you will have a sound knowledge of the key data structures and algorithms in Rust to confidently implement them in your applications.About the AuthorMatthew Stoodley is a programming expert and enthusiast, who was drawn to learn about Rust and master its features initially due to its low power usage and memory safety capabilities. He primarily uses Rust to build board games.In addition, he also possesses several years of experience in Go, PHP, and JavaScript."
Price: 124.99

"The Modern Python Challenge" |
"Python is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in a variety of fields such as data science, analysis, gaming, GUI programming, Networking, and more. Are you someone who loves challenges and gets excited about solving them? If you've been using Python for some time and would like to test how good a Python wrangler you are, you've come to the right place!In this course, you will uncover key Python features and implement them while testing your own ability to solve particular challenges. Each unique problem will not only test your knowledge of the language, but also your ability to think outside of the box and come up with the best solutions.Our course is divided into levels to help you go from being a beginner to professional level Pythonista! And in case you're stumped, you don't have to worry: we'll show you the best solutions to the challenges laid out in the course.By the end of this course, you will become a confident Python Pro, ready to take up any challenge and solve it with your mastery. So, are you up for the challenge?About the AuthorMatthew Macarty currently teaches at Bentley University, USA, and has taught graduate and undergraduate business school students for over 15 years. Teaching a range of topics including statistics, quantitative methods, information systems, and database design.He has created and implemented tutorials on data analysis and statistics, including educational videos on Python from the last 9 years."
Price: 124.99
