"IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts (The Basic Framework)" |
"The practice of running an insurance business will undergo immense change post-implementation of IFRS 17.The dynamics of the standard will significantly influence practically every function of the insurance company, in particular, the finance function. Understanding the requirements imposed by the standard is incredibly critical not only for the insurance companies but also for analysts and investors since these will have a profound influence on the meaningful readability of the financial statements.Analyzing above this ""e program"" endeavours to present the complex contents of the standard in a simple picturesque format which should facilitate not only easy understanding but also aid in long-term retention of the concepts.The program is recommended for students of IFRS and more for working professionals, investors and analyst who wish to understand the ""Accounting Aspects"" of the standard.However, note that the topic in itself is extremely complicated and comprehensive, therefore in the course, an attempt is made to explain ""THE BASIC FRAMEWORK ONLY"" about the standard.Please Note: The course DOES NOT contain numerical/practical examples."
Price: 1280.00

"CISSP Practice Tests- 900 questions" |
"This course contains 6 Practice Tests with 900 Questions. Content covers a wide range of topics to give real-time exam feeling. Keep Practicing. If you are getting 85% or more then you are good to go for the main exam.Earning the CISSP proves you have what it takes to effectively design, implement and manage a best-in-class cybersecurity program. With a CISSP, you validate your expertise and become an (ISC) memberRegards"
Price: 19.99

"Transcription 101: Google Speech to Text API with Python" |
"Powerful AIGoogle Speech-to-Text enables developers to convert audio to text by applying powerful neural network models in an easy-to-use API. The API recognizes more than 120 languages and variants to support your global user base. You can enable voice command-and-control, transcribe audio from call centers, and more. It can process real-time streaming or prerecorded audio, using Googles machine learning technology.Best resultsIn this course, you will learn not only how to write Python programs to process audio and produce transcripts, but you will also learn how to optimize the API configuration for the highest accuracy. Experienced InstructorThe course instructor has worked with Fortune 500 companies to guide them toward high accuracy and fit for purpose transcription."
Price: 29.99

"Build a Chrome extension like Honey" |
"Build a Chrome Extension like Honey (Acquired for $4 Billion!)In this course, we go through all the steps in creating a Chrome Extension.We will be using Firebase as a database for our coupon details, users will be able to see the extension in the corner of the page and then click onto the extension to either submit or find a coupon. They can click onto a coupon to copy it to their clipboard.You will learn how to use the Chrome Extension manifest file, connect a Firebase database into a Chrome Extension (using the chrome.runtime functions). Interact with the database along with publishing this all to the Chrome Web Store.If you have ever wondered how a Chrome Extension is created then this is the course for you!This course will run through Creating a Chrome Extension & Using Firebase."
Price: 29.99

"Projective Geometry" |
"We follow Coxeter's books Geometry Revisited and Projective Geometry on a journey to discover one of the most beautiful achievements of mathematics. Axioms are proposed much like those of Euclid with a difference that allows for a marvelous principle of duality which says that any statement about points and lines can be stated with ""points"" and ""lines"" interchanged and will be equivalent to the original statement. It is also interesting to find out along the way that much of the original foundations originated with architecture and the theory of perspective and representing 3D objects on a 2D piece of paper."
Price: 204.99

"Producing Electronic Chill-Pop Music in GarageBand (MacOS)" |
"In this course I will show you how to create an electronic music track in GarageBand using only the free instruments and plugins provided with the software. All you need to complete this course is access to a Mac computer and the free music production software GarageBand. You dont have to know how to play an instrument or have any prior music theory knowledge, although that always helps.In the last few years GarageBand has received some fantastic updates and I believe it is more than possible to create commercial quality music worthy of iTunes, Spotify and selling to advertisers and production companies. In fact, I have created many songs in GarageBand that have ended up on TV commercials, video games and even in international films.By the end of this course you will understand how to create industry relevant, high quality instrumental music in GarageBand that is in line with modern electronic music trends and sound design techniques.First we will look at setting up your system and optimising for audio.Then we will dive into where to find ideas for your song, starting your track and building some rhythmic and melodic elements.During the next section of the course you will see my workflow creating a song from start to finish, I will leave no stone unturned.In the arranging and mixing sections of the course you will learn the best practices for song structure, length and how to balance the sounds to create a professional outcome.Finally, as an added bonus I will show you how you can master your music in GarageBand to get big, warm and punchy tracks. We will also look at some online mastering options and how to export your track in a variety of audio formats.If you are looking to learn electronic music production from scratch or are ready to take your GarageBand game to the next level, this course is perfect for you. My beginner's guide to GarageBand is one of the highest rated GarageBand courses on Udemy and I would love to have you onboard as a student for my latest course Producing Electronic Chill-Pop Music in GarageBand (MacOS)."
Price: 49.99

"Empreendedorismo e gesto empresarial - pense como um CEO" |
"A cada 10 empresas abertas no Brasil, 6 fecham antes de completar 5 anos (IBGE). Segundo o prprio IBGE, os principais motivos que levam as empresas falncia so:- falta de planejamento prvio;- despreparo quanto ao gerenciamento empresarial;- problemas de comportamento empreendedor.Embora muitos brasileiros tenham inteno de iniciar um negcio (ou j iniciaram, mas esto tendo problemas para gerencia-lo), falta estudo e conhecimento tcnico aplicado para garantir o sucesso e a continuidade dos negcios. No toa: se voc parar para pensar, todo o nosso sistema educacional voltado para formar empregados, e no empreendedores. S que empreender exige, sim, estudo e dedicao, alm de muita experimentao e de uma busca contnua por uma mentalidade adequada.Por isso criamos este curso, organizando o conhecimento aprendido e pesquisado de vrias fontes, alm de experimentados e testados por ns mesmos e vrios outros empreendedores.O intuito do curso que voc possa, sem enrolao, aprender e aplicar conceitos, tcnicas e ferramentas sobre empreendedorismo e gesto, com o objetivo de aumentar as chances de ter um negcio de sucesso. Quando necessrio, deixamos definies e discusses mais acadmicas de lado, focando naquilo que prtico e aplicvel para ser um empreendedor e gestor de sucesso. Nosso objetivo no apresentar contedos tericos e discusses retricas e conceituais, mas sim aquilo que realmente pode ser aplicado e que funciona. Definitivamente, este um curso muito diferente daqueles encontrados em disciplinas formais de cursos universitrios. Nos afastamos, tambm, de frases motivacionais e contedos vazios e/ou sensacionalistas de um ""empreendedorismo de palco"", to comum nas redes sociais. Empreender no , necessariamente, algo glamouroso, e no feito somente no mundo das ideias, mas tambm de conhecimento tcnico e de muita ao e experimentao. Espere encontrar uma carga tcnica significativa nas vdeo-aulas.O curso est estruturado em 4 blocos:1) Empreendedorismo - voc ir desenvolver a mentalidade apropriada para criar e gerenciar um negcio. Tudo comea na cabea do empreendedor!2) Estratgia e organizao empresarial - voc ir compreender como organizaes funcionam e o meio em que um negcio est inserido. impossvel ter sucesso de longo prazo sem criar vantagens competitivas e sem ter um posicionamento estratgico forte ( aqui que a maior parte das pessoas falha).3) Gesto - de pessoas, de tempo, de criatividade, de informaes, de investimentos, de projetos... Voc aprender a otimizar e colocar todos os recursos que tem disposio para trabalhar para voc da melhor forma possvel.4) Publicidade e marketing - voc aprender como funciona a cabea do seu cliente, e as estratgias e ferramentas disponveis para resolver os problemas e melhorar a vida do seu pblico alvo.No importa se voc pretende oferecer um servio pela internet, iniciar um pequeno comrcio ou criar uma grande corporao no setor de leo e gs. Os ensinamentos apresentados neste curso so universais (nenhum empreendimento bem sucedido chegou onde chegou sem aplicar o que est sendo passado aqui). Estamos convencidos de que este curso ir aumentar drasticamente a probabilidade de que voc tenha muito sucesso em seus empreendimentos.O curso til tambm:- Para quem tem vontade de iniciar um negcio mas no sabe ainda o que fazer;- Para quem trabalha com gesto e quer desenvolver uma viso de dono;- Para quem trabalha com gesto e quer aprimorar seus conhecimentos na rea.Ao trmino das aulas, voc mudar completamente a sua percepo sobre negcios e a economia como um todo. Voc ter uma viso muito mais apurada e aprofundada sobre gesto em suas mais variadas vertentes, alm de compreender com muito mais clareza as necessidades de clientes e como comunicar-se com eles de forma mais eficiente e assertiva."
Price: 579.99

"How To Start Your Own Successful Marketing Agency" |
"If you are looking to start your own online marketing agency then this is the only course you need. 8+ hours of presentations from a 12+ year marketing agency owner on how to set up your marketing agency for success. Learn everything you need to launch your online marketing company and start getting clients fast.This is a step by step guide on how to start your marketing agency and how to get paying clients based on real world experience. You will learn how to find the right kind of clients and how to retain them as paying clients year after year. Is previous marketing experience required? No, previous experience is not necessary though it will help you get started faster. But you do need a willingness to learn.In this course you will learn:Critical questions you need to ask yourself before you get startedWhat tools & software you need to get your agency up and running (most are free or very low cost)How to price your services to ensure steady monthly revenue + profitHow to hire employees and contractorsWhat services you should offer and what businesses to target for each oneHow to market to and acquire clients, including getting your first clients fastStarting your own marketing agency has enormous benefits:Very profitable with low overheadFlexible hours, can be started full or part timeCan work from home and from anywhere in the worldAn endless amount of potential clientsIt's fun, interesting and engaging workWhat do you get when you enroll in, ""How To Start Your Own Successful Marketing Agency""?Lifetime access to the course and all future updatesGet your questions answered by a veteran marketing agency owner30-Day 100% money back guarantee - no questions asked.Downloadable checklists, templates and resourcesWho is your instructor?Gary Shouldis has been providing web marketing and consulting services for small businesses and franchises since 2007. He is the founder of the online marketing agency 3Bug Media, with a blog reaching over 20K small business owners a month. He is an avid blogger and is frequently interviewed as a small business expert on sites such as Business Insider, Small Biz Trends, The New York Times and Glass Door. "
Price: 49.99

"Google Sites - Create a Professional Personal Website" |
"Google Sites is the perfect free website builder for anyone looking to create a professional personal website without having to pay expensive web hosting fees. In this course you will learn how to:Create a website with it's own custom domain that is powered by Google Sites. How to properly design your website with regard to design best practices.Learn the different pros and cons of Google Sites and who should use it (and who should instead use WordPress).How to add analytics and social share buttons.The best domain name registrars.Best design structure layout for websites.How to leverage other services like Google Forms and Slides within your SiteIf you're looking to create a website that has free web hosting that you can use for your online presence as a photographer, designer, organization, cafe or you're just looking to create an awesome about me website, Google Sites is perfect for you."
Price: 29.99

"Blogging For Beginners with Blogger - Complete Tutorial" |
"Google's blogger platform is an excellent option for anyone looking to create their own website where they can start a blog that can actually get traffic, attention and money. Blogger is perfect for anyone who is looking for a blogging solution that offers free hosting as well as the on-page SEO you need to actually rank and get search traffic.In this course, you will learn how to use blogger to it's full potential:Create a website with it's own custom domain that is powered by Google's blogger platform (optional).How to properly design your website with regard to design best practices.Learn the different pros and cons of blogger and who should use it and who should instead use WordPress.How to add analytics and social share buttons.The best domain name registrars.Best design structure layout for websites.How to edit the HTML so you can actually customize your blog the way you want.Install custom themes instead of being stuck with Blogger's built in themesCreate content, structure blog posts and what to pay attention to for on-page SEO.Creating a blog with blogger is easy. You get free hosting, an SSL certificate and you can setup a custom domain (optional). Blogger is perfect for personal blogs or niche blogs on a specific topic."
Price: 59.99

"Aprende a VENDER por Internet. Curso Marketing Digital 2020" |
"En este curso de Marketing Digital 2020 aprenders con un mtodo simple, sencillo, rpido y probado por ms de 5.000 personas, podrs AUMENTAR las ventas de tus productos y servicios en los prximos 30 das, haciendo Marketing Digital por Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube y WhatsApp con un enfoque 100% en conseguir clientes y vender.Recuerda que el que no esta en Internet, no es nadie, no existe.LAS VENTAS SON EL NICO ANTDOTO CONTRA LA CRISIS, NO HAY MS. debes hacer Marketing DigitalNo sirve de nada que tengas miles de seguidores en redes sociales, que tengas el logo o pagina web ms bonita, incluso, no sirve de nada, que tengas el mejor producto o servicio si tu caja registradora no suena y no hay ventas, por eso nuestro lema es Sin Ventas No Hay Paraso.Es un programa de capacitacin On Line con una metodologa probada para vender tus productos y servicios haciendo Marketing Digital, sin tanto bla bla bla y directo al grano.Es una gua que te ayudara a siempre tener clientes y que nunca te falten las ventas con ideas al alcance de cualquier empresa o emprendedor."
Price: 199.99

"5 bases da produtividade pessoal e interpessoal" |
"Um requisito fundamental para crescimento na carreira a produtividade pessoal e interpessoal. Isto , a pessoa precisa ser mais eficiente e eficaz naquilo que faz sozinha e naquilo que faz como membro da equipe. Muita gente deixa de crescer o suficiente na carreira porque no d a devida ateno a isso. Quem quiser mudar de vida para melhor, no trabalho e nas atividades sociais em geral, precisa aprender os caminhos da produtividade.Ser uma pessoa mais produtiva ser mais:Empregvel - Criar uma boa reputao no trabalho, sustentar o emprego e obter boas ofertas.Promovvel - Habilitar-se a crescer na carreira na empresa.Independente - Tornar-se pessoa atraente e elegvel para projetos, empregos, promoes, em vez de ficar na defensiva, com medo de perder o emprego.Realizada pessoal e profissionalmente, enfim, porque pessoas produtivas lidam melhor com as atividades de sua vida privada e tm mais gratificao no trabalho.Mas ela tem de fazer a sua parte: aprender a ser mais eficiente.Aqui so mostrados os caminhos que levam maior produtividade como pessoa e profissional. So indicados aqueles que, na viso do professor, so os cinco principais. Essa classificao facilita o controle e a orientao da pessoa para seu prprio crescimento. Cada um desses caminhos apresentado em um vdeo curto mas carregado de contedo, que trar no s orientao, mas tambm inspirao.Quer lidar melhor com as atividades do trabalho?Quer atender melhor as expectativas de lderes, clientes, colegas, parceiros e outras pessoas que podem promover voc?Quer adquirir autoconfiana baseada na sua capacidade de produzir e de resolver problemas.Quer viver com menos estresse, lidando com maior desenvoltura nas tarefas?Quer ""mostrar servio"" e chamar a ateno positiva de lderes e potenciais empregadores?Quer ser pessoa reconhecida como eficaz em resolver problemas no lar e em ambientes sociais?Quer ser parte da soluo e juntar-se ao time das pessoas que resolvem?Este curso pode ajudar voc a atingir essas metas. "
Price: 39.99

"Chair Yoga For Everyone" |
"Looking for a safe and gentle, yet effective yoga practice that doesn't have you performing those pretzel-like"" yoga positions? A practice where you can enjoy all the benefits of traditional yoga while being comfortably supported by a chair?This Chair Yoga course has you in mind. If limited mobility or injuries are holding you back from enjoying your body to the fullest, then you owe it to yourself to give this course a try. It's an amazing way to safely stretch and strengthen your body.To see if Chair Yoga is right for you, identify any of the following limitations you might have:Living with chronic painLimited mobility due to illness, injury or diseaseInflammation in the jointsWorking at a desk all dayNever done yoga beforeAnd difficulty standing for long periods of time."
Price: 199.99

"ISO 22000 FSMS - Lead Auditor Preparation Practice Exam" |
"ISO 22000:2018 standard is made on the quality philosophy of Plan, do, check and Act Cycle at two levels i.e. food safety operations and food safety management system. Organizations have to check themselves whether their operations and management systems are done according to plan phase or not. Similarly if you are a quality professional and food industry professional or beginner, or expert in some way, you also have to check your expertise in Food Safety Management System. This ""knowledge validation exam"" helps you to check and validate your knowledge on ISO 22000 standard and its fundamental concepts like HACCP, PRP, OPRPS.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: THIS IS A PRACTICE EXAM NOT A VIDEO COURSE, FOR COMPLETE VIDEO COURSE SEE MY PORTFOLIOIf you have already purchased my exclusive video course on ""ISO 22000:2018 - Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS)"", there is no need to purchase this exam. Because all the course material of this exam is available with the video course that also explains STANDARD, in addition to this exam, it explains ISO 22000 standard in totality. However if you have purchased any other ISO 22000 course on Udemy or elsewhere, then this exam will help you to self assess your knowledge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionYou will be assessed when you take this online exam in following areas (Course Objectives):The publication of new ISO 22000 standardThe specific differences between ISO 22000:2005 and ISO 22000:2018Revision specifics of the new standardThe HLS (High level Structure) and standard's compatibility with ISO 9001:2015PDCA ApproachContext of food organizationLeadership rolePlanning including Management of Risk and OpportunitiesSupport FunctionsOperation ControlsPerformance EvaluationImprovement----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtBe Familiar with ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety knowledge which you hold... If you think you are an expert in ISO 22000 after taking courses on the subject and working with ISO 22000...You need to hold on!Join this exam and self assess yourself!Maybe you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audit Case Studies: This course comes with exclusive audit case studies in Practice Test 3. You need to assess the situation and select the right option. If in-case you select a wrong option, there is an explanation provided at the end of the assessment. Moreover you can discuss the audit case studies as well in Q & A by stating the reference code provided with each study. There can be other correct alternatives for case studies, so you are free to share the alternative with reference to the specific case. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Certification: Udemy does not provide certification for exams, they only do in the case of Video Courses. But the great news here is, we have empowered our paid students to have a certificate, once they qualify by 80% in the exams. It is a manual process, in which learners our requested to submit evidence of qualification, and apply for the certificate. The certificates are issued at the end of a month.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Official Lead Auditor Exam Versus Lead Auditor Practice Exam: 1. Official LAC Exam is a written one, Practice LAC exam is MCQ based.2. Official LAC exams has four different sections, Practice LAC exam has three different sections.3. Official LAC exams has a last section for three written audit case studies, Practice LAC exam has a section for case studies containing 8 cases but answers are stated in MCQ-type. In order to provide students with a real simulated environment, students can post their answers in Q/A sections, by stating the reference code provided with each study; where instructor can respond to the correctness of their answers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Value Addition Alerts: Passing Certification Awarded By Instructor1 new audit case studyRoad Map for Further Learning----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Claims: ISO 22000 standard is a copyright document of ISO. We will not be sharing the standard. Please purchase it from ISO store.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good news: We will be adding more content for example case studies to practice tests in the future. - If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can take my ISO 22000 video course from Udemy, also you can request directly me from me. If you are a student of this course you will be granted exclusive discount for the video course. - If you don't want to purchase the video course, instructor can still guide you to gain ISO 22000 knowledge from other sources.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 44.99

"Boost SQL Server Database Performance with In-Memory OLTP" |
"In this course you will learn all about SQL Server's In-Memory Processing Engine also known as In-Memory OLTP. To this end, you will learn how to enable In-Memory OLTP in SQL Server, what memory-optimized tables and natively-compiled stored procedures are, as well as, how to boost the performance of your data processes using this powerful SQL Server feature.In-Memory OLTP, is SQL Server's In-Memory Processing Engine, seamlessly integrated into its Database Engine. With its two main components, that is memory-optimized tables and natively-compiled stored procedures, In-Memory OLTP can help you achieve significant performance improvements and speedups for many of your data processes.In-Memory OLTP was originally shipped with SQL Server 2014 but was significantly enhanced in SQL Server 2016 and later. From SQL Server 2016 SP1 and later, In-Memory OLTP is available for use in all editions of SQL Server (besides the LocalDB edition), which is something that makes it a must, to at least try this great feature in SQL Server.Especially now, in this data-driven era we live in, where business decisions and many other areas depend on the fast analysis of large sets of data, maintaining a low latency for your data processes is critical. SQL Server's In-Memory OLTP Engine can help with that. Via my course ""Boost SQL Server Database Performance with In-Memory OLTP"", you will get introduced to SQL Server In-Memory OLTP and you will learn how to start using it fast and easy. Since In-Memory OLTP is integrated into SQL Server's Database Engine, it is very easy to start using it. By the time you work with memory-optimized tables and natively-compiled stored procedures via the well-known T-SQL, it makes it easy to start using memory-optimized tables and natively-compiled stored procedures too. Via my course, I provide all the necessary knowledge and hands-on guides, that will help you start using In-Memory OLTP and realize its huge potential when it comes to significantly improving the performance of your data processes.AFTER THE COURSE YOU WILL KNOW:What is the In-Memory OLTP Engine in SQL Server and how it worksWhat Memory-Optimized Tables are and which are their main characteristicsWhat Natively-Compiled Stored Procedures are and how they workHow to Use In-Memory OLTP for Boosting the Performance of your Data Processes, by utilizing memory-optimized tables and natively-compiled stored proceduresHow to migrate your data processes to In-Memory OLTPHow to find the right candidate databases, data processes and tables for migrating it to In-Memory OLTP How to analyze your tables and stored procedures prior to planning their migration to In-Memory OLTPWays to estimate if your workload's performance can benefit from In-Memory OLTP PREREQUISITES:Basic knowledge of SQL Server and data principlesTHIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:2.5 hours of high-quality videoLive demonstrations and hands-on guidesUseful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each sectionMany downloadable resources (i.e. summaries and T-SQL scripts)A practice test in the end of the courseAbility to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A sectionCertificate on course completion"
Price: 99.99

"Oracle Data Integrator 12c (ODI) Advanced" |
"Coupon : ONLY-BY-50.00 to get course by 50 $Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12c Developer Course on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From basic concepts about Data Integration to Migration and Support, this course covers it all you need to know to become a successful ODI Developer !This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once ODI 12c is required in your project!Why ODI?Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is the integration tool every enterprise need. The key technical capabilities likeExtract-Load-Transform (ELT) approach,SOA capable through web-servicesIntegration of structured as well as unstructured dataThe Extract-load-transform(ELT) approach of ODI with knowledge module based modular approach makes it the most complete and scalable batch integration tool.If you are looking for a thriving career in data integration , this is the right time to learn ODI.Get a very deep understanding of ODI Developer activitiesCourse Topics1 Designing Mappings Advanced Topics 12 Designing Mappings Advanced Topics 23 Creating and Running ODI procedures4 Using ODI Packages5 Step-by-Step Debugger6 Managing ODI Scenarios and Versions7 Using Load Plans8 Enforcing Data Quality and Auditing Data with ODI9 Working with Changed Data Capture10 Advanced ODI Administration"
Price: 199.99

"Eplan PRO PANEL - Schaltschrankaufbau in 3D - Einsteigerkurs" |
"Hallo,herzlich willkommen zu meinem EPLAN Pro Panel Kurs.In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir wie man einen professionellen Schaltschrankbau in 3D erstellt und wie man diese Info vom 3D-Bauraum (Schaltschankaufbau und Bohrbilder) in ein EPLAN P8 Projekt einbindet.Kein Zugang zum Data-Portal erforderlich! Alle Artikel die wir in diesem Kurs benutzen findest du entweder in der offiziellen Eplan Artikeldatenbank oder auf Siemens und Phoenix Contact Webseite. In der zweiten Lektion zeige ich Dir wie du diese EPLAN-Dateien herunterladen und in deine EPLAN-Artikeldatenbank einbinden kannst.Wir werden unter Anderem folgende Bauteile in 3D platzieren:Im 3D-Bauraum:Rittal Schaltschrank (TS-Serie)Zubehr fr diesen Schrank (100mm Sockel)Auf die Montageplatte:VerdrahtungskanalTragschiene (DIN-Schiene TS35/15)SicherungsautomatenMotorschutzschalterPhoenix Contact Klemmen inkl. Zubehr (Endhalter, Abschlussdeckel, Klemmenleisten-Kennzeichnungstrger)Siemens S7-1500 TragschieneSPS S7-1500 (Kopfmodul, Digital Ein-/Ausgabemodul, Analog Eingabemodul)Frequenzumrichter (SEW)24VDC Netzteil (Siemens)Auf die Tr:Not-Halt Taster (Komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Unterlegschild (4-sprachig), Halter und Kontaktmodule)Knebelschalter I-0-II (3-Schaltstellungen, komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Halter, Kontaktmodule, Schildtrger und Bezeichnungsschild)Doppeldrucktaster (fr manuelles Ansteuern von Motoren, komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Schildtrger fr Doppeldrucktaster, Halter und Kontaktmodule 1xSchlieer und 1xffner)Wie werde unter Anderem ber folgende Sonderfunktionen lernen:KollisionskontrolleEinbauabstand (SPS, Netzteil, Frequenzumrichter)Bohransicht und wie das Bohrbild fr die Siemens S7-1500 Tragschiene zu erstellen (das offizielle Siemens Makro enthlt nicht das Bohrbild)und viel viel mehrWenn es dir gefllt was du hier siehst dann lade ich Dich ein, dich in meinen Kurs zu einschreiben.Ich wnsche die viel Spa in den Lektionen und auch viel Erfolg mit EPLAN Pro Panel!Beste Gre,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 139.99

"SQL . SQL, , , , , . 60 , 13 , 7 30 -. -."
Price: 3799.00

"Microsoft Excel Masterclass - Beginner to Advanced Level" |
"A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning~Bred Henery~MS Excel is the first choice for any report. Data analysis is an exciting field to get into and the career prospects are amazing. You dont need to be a math/computer science/coding whiz to land a job in data analysis.Data Analysis in demand and we normally use Excel to create beautiful Charts and Graphs to show the results. MS Excel is the ultimate choice and widely used to prepare quick Reports and Dashboards and easy to understand that is the reason it has become the first choice of a Data Analysis.In this Course I will teach you to create some beautiful Excel based Reports by simple techniques in quick time.WHAT YOU WILL LEARNSimple methods to Excel ReportsUsing key ShortcutsFormulas and FunctionsProtect your ReportsSubtotals, Sorting, FilterAdvanced Filter, Linking of Data and quick FormattingAdvanced Skills to create quick ReportsConsolidation of Data, Combining and Merging TechniquesPivot Tables & Pivot ChartsVlookup, Xlookup, Advanced FeaturesMacros and VBAExcel Tricks and TechniquesData ValidationQuick way to create Reports and ChartsPREREQUISITESBasic Computer knowledgeBasic level Excel skillsMS office installed (better office 365 or office 2016 and above) on Windows based (but not Mac)WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR?Finance ManagerStudentsSales ManagerTraining ManagerExecutivesHR ManagersAnalystAdminData AnalystTeacherResearcherExcel LoverCFOHappy Learning !Thanks & RegardsAsif Hafeez"
Price: 49.99

"The Guitar Code" |
"In this course, you will learn how to decipher the code of the standard guitar tuning!You will learn how to find any chord anywhere on the fretboard and how you can always find the right scale!This course covers: chord shapes and how they connect pentatonic scales and how they relate to the chord shapes how you can move chord progressions over the entire fretboard how to build basic and extended chords how to find all the intervals in an instant how to make your playing more musical how to simplify chords to make them more usefulWith the systematic approach, I laid out for this course, you will step by step understand how this guitar fretboard stuff works and you will get all the insights you need to never again be at a loss when it comes to finding the right chord or scale! I am an experienced music pedagogue with a BA degree from Mozarteum Salzburg and years of experience as a teacher and performing artist. I have taught hundreds of students in public schools in Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, and I am lucky to have many international students as well. Besides that, I am playing live for over 15 years and bring in lots of practical tips and knowledge.With The Guitar Code - Your way to master the fretboard I put together years and years of my first-hand experience so you can benefit and skyrocket your playing without having to figure out everything yourself - as I had to do :)Grab your guitar and let us unlock the guitar code so that you as well will be a master of the fretboard!"
Price: 199.99

"Ansys Static Structure and Thermal Analysis Course" |
"ANSYS engineering simulation and 3-D design software delivers product modeling solutions with unmatched scalability and a comprehensive multiphysics. Ansys develops and markets finite element analysis software used to simulate engineering problems.The software creates simulated computer models of structures, electronics, or machine components to simulate strength, toughness, elasticity, temperature distribution, electromagnetism, fluid flow, and other attributes.OBJECTIVES:Complete guidance of using commercial CFD codes such as Static Structure, Thermal , Spaceclaim, Ansys Meshing, Design modeler and Ansys Workbench.How to define problem, create geometry, clean and prepare geometry and Ansys Meshing, problem setup in Static Structure or Thermal , problem solution in both Static Structure and Thermal, Post processing Static Structure and Thermal Post.Teach you that how to check mesh independence in order to make the CFD results error free due to common mistakes during CFD simulation.Enable you to compare results with experimental data to access the results accuracy and quality.Finally we teach you that how to conclude the results and how to discuss results in accordance with physics of problem. Which is needed when you are writing your project report, thesis report or research paper for conference of journal."
Price: 199.99

"Sky Yoga" |
"By learning these astronomical moves you will connect to fundamental natural cosmic cycles and archetypes.You will learn about Astronomy in the same way like our remote ancestors perceived the sky by simply moving your body.You will find answers to the questions:How does the suns path change over a year?Ho does our earth move?What are archgetypes?and much more..."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Basics: For Beginners" |
"This course is for designers, developers and product managers interested in creating successful mobile app designs using Photoshop.I will be going over the : - basics of Photoshop - several app icon projects, - techniques for styling app icons - and good working practices for making design decisions.In this course, students will be provided with a process to produce and improve designs based on best practices. The course is organized by difficulty level from beginner to more advanced.You will be introduced to a pragmatic approach to exploring and creating mobile app designs and saving time during the design process in Photoshop.Each chapter will focus on one of the general steps needed to design a successful product according to the organization goals and the user needs. To achieve this, the course will provide detailed hands-on pragmatic techniques to design innovative and easy to use products.By the end of the course you will have the skills to successfully create your own beautiful, custom app icon in Photoshop and how to apply best design practices to your design process."
Price: 19.99

"C# .NET desde cero con ejercicios" |
"En este curso aprenders a programar aplicaciones con Microsoft Visual Studio. Para crear las aplicaciones vamos a usar el lenguaje C# . Con Visual Studio podrs crear aplicaciones fcilmente ya que tendrs la posibilidad de ver lo que esta haciendo con este entorno de desarrollo.Aprenders un poco de SQL para que en la ultima seccin de este curso desarrolles un pequeo proyecto desarrollado con C# .Net y con conexin a una base de datos. El curso est orientado a personas sin ningn conocimiento de programacin o con conocimiento limitado. El desarrollo del curso ser prcticas guiadas que te asegurarn un aprovechamiento eficiente de los contenidos. El principal requisito es un deseo inmenso de aprender programacin desde cero."
Price: 19.99

arxaggelos |
". . . ."
Price: 34.99

"Design of Experiment-DOE with Minitab for Product Design" |
"*This course comes with resource downloable ebook, preview lessons and 30 Day Money Back Guarantee !*What is DOE?There are many dependent and independent factors when it comes to designing a successful product, business process, experiments or any successful projects. Design of experiment is a tool not only limited to develop optimal design to develop superior quality product or product design, experiment or product performance but also to reduce the infinite resources, costs, manpower and time in developing any product. Design of Experiments (DOE) is the systematic process of problem solving by adjusting the factors correctly so that we can reach the particular target and make a wise utilization of our resources so that we save time, energy and costs of the experiment. DOE helps process and quality engineers or anyone to design and develop a robust experimental setup.How can you use the course for your best educational and professional interests ?1. You will learn how to screen different factors that are responsible for the success or a successful product design. When you are not sure which factors are more or less responsible for the final result, the Design of Experiments can be used as an effective screening tool.2. You will learn various aspects that will help to reach your targets for your own profession. For example,If you are a civil engineer, you may be concerned over the maintaining the optimal parameters for increasing the strength of the building or a bridge.If you are a mechanical or a automobile engineer, you may be concerned over the optimum design criteria that will give the highest performance of the automobile.If you are a chemist or a bio technologist, you may be concerned over maintaining the optimum environment in the factors that will produce the highest quality results.If you are of any other profession the Design of Experiments will help you meet the targets of your business or profession.3. It will help you learn how to minimize the cost of operation or product design.4. It helps you to see which factors are most beneficial in your business or in your experiment.5. You will learn how to get proactive to save time and cost of designing any process.What can you learn from this course?This course provides you with a practical guide to simulated real world examples of designing the experiments with Minitab.We learn to examine the main effects of factors to identify the critical factors and read the result of the response. Students learn many terms like Optimization, Interaction, Runs, Blocks, Center Points, Levels, Factors, Repetitions, Replications, etc.We also learn Optimizing the design and Main Effects Plot, Interaction plots, cube plots, contour and surface plots, and use the response optimizer to optimize the experimental factors for best possible results.We also learn to operate and design full factorial design, fractional design and Taguchi design. Taguchi is a designed experiment that lets you choose a product or process that functions more consistently in the operating environment.Who is this course for?Beginners in Minitab and Design of ExperimentsSix Sigma Green and Six Sigma Black Belt professionalsProduct Managers, Quality Managers, Quality Engineers, Process ManagersOverall this course is a complete beginners packaging of the important tools used in Design of Experiments with minitab. Let this journey be your marker for your next big leap in your professional journey. I am all here to solve your queries so please do not forget to get your confusion addressed in the direct messages and question and answer sections. What's the safety ?There is a 30-day full money-back guarantee in this course in case you still have any confusion in enrolling in this course. So what are you waiting for? Enroll in the course now and we will be enjoying this course together. I will see you insideThank you!"
Price: 29.99

"Work At Home & Digital Marketing For Seniors" |
"If You're A Senior Citizen, You Should Definitely Look Into This!Its About Time For You To StartWorking From Home UsingThe Internet!Wouldn't you want to work on something that engages your sense of curiosity, adventure and possibility?Wouldn't it be awesome to work on something that produces money while at the same time, pushes you to be as creative and as imaginative as before?Earning an online income may be the answer youre looking for.Dear Friend,As more and more Baby Boomers retire, a lot of them are facing a key question.A lot of Boomers have stashed away enough cash to comfortably support them throughout their golden years.Unfortunately, There's A HugeChunk Of Senior Citizens Who HaveUnderfunded Pensions.A lot of them are simply relying on social security. Others may have private pensions that don't really pay all that well.Some still work upwards of 20 hours every single week to essentially supplement whatever pension funds they're getting.On the other hand, there are lots of senior citizens who don't need money, but simply have a lot of time on their hands.Regardless of which group you belong to; you should definitely look into working from home using the Internet.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou will understand well why you should work from homeYou will learn to identify the right work from home job available for you out thereYou will be able to engage your sense of curiosity, adventure and possibilityYou will be able to work on something that produces money while at the same time, pushes you to be as creative and as imaginative as beforeYou will be able to earn a steady online incomeTo make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGWork At Home & Digital Marketing For SeniorsWork From Home Ideas For Senior Citizens!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...Why should you work from home?Get an online job as a virtual assistantCustomer service representative/technical supportGeneral freelancerBecome a bloggerTranslatorBusiness consultingBookkeeper or tax accountantOnline tutor or teacherBecome an Online SellerVirtual JurorOther Work from Home OpportunitiesWhere to Get Online JobsSenior Citizens Guide To Basic Digital MarketingPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually start working from home using the Internet!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to work on your own terms.You want to work on your own schedule.You want to make work so much more flexible and lucrative.You want to build several passive income systems.You want to earn a steady income by using the internet."
Price: 144.99

"Eczema Fix" |
"Discover The All-Natural RemediesFor Eczema ReliefNow you can reduce, lessen, and get instant relief whenthe unbearable and irritable rash strikes happen. YES! I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW!Dear friend,If you or someone you know are suffering from the seemingly untreatable skin condition, eczema... then you may want to pay attention to what I am about to share with you today.Thats because, in just a few short weeks from today, you will learn my best secrets of eczema reliefs.That means you can say goodbye to those sleepless nights because of skin flare-ups, the unbearable itch that makes you go crazy!Now you can end all the pain and embarrassment for living under the spell of eczema.But first... Did you know that:About 30 Million Americans Are Affected By Eczema...... including adults and children. Eczema is a skin condition where patches of skin become itchy, red, inflamed, cracked, rough, and sometimes blisters may occur.Living with this skin condition can be a challenge. Thats because people who suffer from eczema is like living in hell With unbearable itch and pain. Often times, they are even embarrassed to be out in public because of their skin condition!Now Heres The Best Part...While there is no immediate cure for eczema, but with all the strategies you will discover today...... you can learn how to manage, reduce, and instantly relieve the symptoms of eczema.Let me be clear: all the remedies revealed is unlike ANYTHING youve ever been told about preventing & freeing yourself from the symptoms of this skin condition.And no matter how many times youve tried to get rid of this eczema in the past, this works as long as you do the things Im about to share with you.Now is the time to put a stop to the intolerable pain of eczema.IntroducingEczema FixHow To Get Rid Of Eczema Naturally & PermanentlyEczema Fix is your ultimate guide on everything you need to know about handling & controlling this skin condition. While eczema is not a disease and there is no immediate cure for it You can get rid of the unbearable itch and inflammation of the skin with the strategies revealed in this guide.Whether you are diagnosed with eczema or if you are livingwith a person who suffers from this skin conditionThis could be the guide that youve been looking for!Here are the things you will discover in this blueprint:How to diagnose symptoms of eczema other than looking for rashesUnderstanding the 5 common types of eczema & how to manage itMind control tricks that you can use to eliminate the irritating eczema itchHow a simple low-impact sweat exercise can help you control eczemaHow to use the daydreaming tactic to control eczemaA meditation practice you can do in just 15 minutes to relieve itchy skin Plus, do this one yoga pose to reduce red, patchy skin.One simple trick that will give you instant relief when a major flareup happens (Revealed in Chapter 5)Why you want to stay away from drinking alcohol, coffee, energy drinks when you suffer from this skin condition. (And yes, fruit juices too.)Overwhelmed with too many eczema products in the market? When in doubt, just use these two creams (Revealed in Chapter 5)7 natural home remedies for instant itch & rashes relief8 life hacks to lead a normal life for people with eczemaMake your home allergy-proof by getting rid of these 18 things inside your house.Parenting tips: How to manage children with eczema7 food that triggers allergies & eczema symptoms (avoid them at all cost!)... And so much more waiting to be uncovered inside!This is the golden key for those who want to:Stop suffering from eczemaReduce the irritating itch caused by this skin conditionChange their lifestyle to alleviate eczema symptomsControl their emotions for living with eczemaImprove their quality of life with better skin and healthSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 104.99

"The Astonishing Power Of Positive Thinking" |
"""Finally! Discover How You Can Overcome Self-Doubt And Your Negative Thoughts!""Uncover the incredible truth about positive thinking. Learn how you can use it as a powerful weapon to finally achieve long-lasting happiness and fulfillment!Believing youll never amount to anything is an extremely negative thought. Yet, many people torture themselves with this kind of thought day in and day out. You probably hear your inner voice chirping away in the back of your mind, spewing negative words all the time, but you feel helpless. You feel like you cant ever get rid of that negative voice and youre losing hope fast.Negative thoughts affect your productivity, your relationships, and it contributes greatly to your unhappiness. If you think youll never be able to achieve true happiness in your lifetime, then you better continue reading.Do Any Of These Scenarios Sound Familiar?You cant let go of your awfully sad past, and you didnt learn anything from your mistakes.Youre 100% focused on whats wrong, but youre unable to go beyond that and look for solutions.Youre always looking for ways to put the blame on other people.You think nothing good will ever happen to you so you try to drag as many people as you can down with you.You always point out the negatives first, and you find it extremely hard to find any positive possibilities in most scenarios.Youre surrounded by negative people, and you hear negative words all day long.If you can relate to the scenarios mentioned above, then you need to seriously reconsider your way of thinking and your way of life.Giving in to your negative emotions and thoughts make you a negative person nobody wants to have a negative person for a friend!So, before you run out of friends, you better turn your life around for the better.Positive People, Bring Positive VibesIf youve ever been around a positive person, you know they behave differently from the negative crowd.Theyre more fun to be around with, they bring joy and happiness to the people surrounding them.Theres more smiles, laughs, and giggles when someone positive is nearby.They are less guarded and they share more freely.They dont scheme and hope youd trip or fall down in front of them.Positive thinkers know how to use positive words to convey their thoughts. They have positive habits that help them achieve their dreams and their goals in life.Do You Want To Become A Positive Thinker?Becoming a positive thinker is not easy.But it can be done. If youre truly serious about transforming yourself, then you need to learn how to overcome your self-doubt. You need to let go of your negative thoughts. Let me introduce you toTHE ASTONISHING POWER OF POSITIVE THINKINGHow You Can Use The Power of Positive Thinking For Long-Lasting Happiness and FulfilmentSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 89.99

"Beginning Paper Mosaic Collages" |
"Hi! Thanks for joining me for Beginning Paper Mosaics. So, what exactly is a ""paper mosaic""? Well, we are using small bits of paper to make a larger image. That's a mosaic - made with paper - so... ""Paper Mosaic""!This course will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a paper mosaic from start to finish. You can join me and create a butterfly, or you can take what you learn and make something else. Even if you have worked in paper mosaics before, I hope you will find lots of tips that you can incorporate into your work and style.The ""Preparing Papers for Your Art"" course is not a prerequisite for this course, but it is helpful to have the papers from that class to use in this one. If you don't wish to take that class, you can use other papers such as magazine papers, book papers, scrapbooking papers, etc... in this course.Let's get started!Beginning Paper Mosaics Supply ListThe supplies listed here can be replaced by different brands, and you might not need everything listed here. You can come up with your own ideas, too, to supplement this list. These are ideas to get you started on your creative journey!Bare minimum list: thick paper for your base, magazines to rip up, ModPodge, a paintbrush, scissors.More extended supply list:Substrates:What you use for your base is up to your own personal choice after watching the lesson. Below is my favorite Ampersand Hardbord (Item #14941-1212 Dick Blick) Comes in many sizes Golden Gloss Medium for the sealer (Item #00628-1115 Dick Blick) Golden Gesso (Item #00628-1175 Dick Blick) Foam BrushesLesson 2 Design: Sketch paper Pencil Optional: Carbon paper, tracing paper, scissorsMaking a Paper Mosaic: ModPodge (Item # 10047537 Michaels) Papers for ripping, cutting, gluing. You can use painted papers from the course ""Preparing Papers for your Art"" or simply use magazines and other found papers Brush - I use CraftSmart brand brushes. They are $8 at Michaels but they don't seem to have them on their website. The bristles are called ""taklon"" and they are great to use with ModPodge. Low lid for holding ModPodge Tracing paper Scissor Xacto knife Cutting mat Thin Black SharpieVarnishing: Liquitex Gloss Varnish (Item #61670 Jerry's Artarama) Foam brush Cup for varnish"
Price: 54.99

"Paper Mosaic Collage Cat Portraits" |
"Welcome! Does a kitty keep you company? I've got two, Henry and Ollie. You will meet them both in this course, where I'll take you step by step through the process of making a paper mosaic collage of your cat. No need to take the Beginning Paper Mosaics course first - the Cat Portraits course has all of the information you need to get started!I'll be making a portrait of Velma the cat during this course. She has medium to long length fur with lots of colors. We'll talk a lot about fur and flow, techniques and tips, cats and color and a lot more!We'll make the collage out of a variety of papers. You might like to take the Preparing Papers for your Art class so you will have lots of fun papers to pick from, but it is not a prerequisite. You can simply use magazine papers if you don't want to paint your own papers.Let's get started!Cat Portraits Supply ListThe supplies listed here are pretty close to what I used and can be replaced by different brands or glossiness levels.Bare minimum list: thick paper or a board for your base, magazines/papers to rip up, ModPodge, a paintbrush, scissors.More extended supply list:Substrates:(Please view the video first. The substrate you select depends on what you prefer after viewing the video.) I used a 9x12 Hardboard Panel (Item #14945-1023 Dick Blick) Comes in many sizes Golden Matte or Gloss Medium for the sealer (Item #00628-1115 Dick Blick) Golden Gesso (Item #00628-1175 Dick Blick) Foam BrushesDesign: Image of your cat, cropped and printed out to the size you need Pencil Carbon paper or a ruler TapeWorking on the Cat Portrait: ModPodge (Item # 10047536 Michaels) I used glossy, but you can choose matte if you prefer. Papers for ripping, cutting, gluing. You can use painted papers from the course ""Preparing Papers for your Art"" or simply use magazines and other found papers. Brush - I use CraftSmart brand brushes. They are $8 at Michaels but they don't seem to have them on their website. The bristles are called ""taklon"" and they are great to use with ModPodge. Low lid for holding ModPodge Scissor Xacto knife Cutting mat Optional - a pick to use with small piecesPainted Background and Whiskers:NOTE: You can just do more collage in the background instead of painting if you wish Acrylic paint - brand of your choice Paintbrush Cup or palette for paint (could use a plastic lid or waxed paper) Posca Acrylic Paint pen - thin, white (Item #:PX89789000 at Wet Paint) Thin Black Sharpie to sign your workVarnishing: Liquitex Gloss Varnish (Item #61670 Jerry's Artarama) Choose the glossiness level you desire. Foam brush Something to prop up artwork Optional - Cup for varnish"
Price: 54.99
