"Tcnicas de Persuaso Para Alavancar Suas Vendas Rapidamente" |
"Nada funciona sem persuaso, sem emoo. E nesse curso voc vai conhecer qual o segredo que leva um produto a vender muito, quase da noite para o dia sem precisar investir centenas de reais em uma campanhas.Voc vai descobrir quais os principais conceitos e estratgias de Vendas que so usadas pelos maiores vendedores do mundo .Nesse curso voc vai perceber que seu produto pode ir muito alem do que voc imagina, e at dobrar seus lucros usando apenas os gatilhos mentais certos e mais persuasivos. No precisa ser complicado, aqui voc aprende somente o que realmente funciona. Voc vai conhecer o caminho mais seguro da venda onde voc pode aplicar facilmente em qualquer negocio mesmo que voc nem tenha habilidades em vender.Crie videos de vendas e cartas de vendas de alta converso em poucos minutos usando esse modelo prtico, comprovado e garantido de oferecer produtos para seus clientes criando uma oferta irresistvel. Voc pode iniciar um novo ciclo em sua carreira como empreendedor, garantindo seu acesso ao mtodo grande plano, para finalmente aprender a criar scripts de vendas persuasivos.Voc no precisa reinventar a roda e nem esquentar a cabea tentando ser criativo para criar um vdeo de vendas ou um site matador. Faa como os empreendedores mais inteligentes fazem, apenas COPIE O QUE FUNCIONA e adapte ao seu negcio. Essa a forma mais fcil e rpida de garantir resultados imediatos para o seu negcio. Entre para o esse clube de empreendedores de sucesso usando suas melhores estratgias."
Price: 69.99

"Os Segredos Da Comunicao Hipntica Em Vendas Neuro Copy" |
"Eu Sei Que O Seu Tempo Precioso, Ento Vamos Direto Ao Ponto:Finalmente voc pode aprender como HIPNOTIZAR seus clientes a comprarem seus produtos. Apenas imagine ter o poder de criar histrias to convincentes que qualquer pessoa em s conscincia fosse levado quase instintivamente a aceitar sua lgica acreditar nas suas idias. Quanto isso vale para voc? Para seu negcio? Bem, se o crebro e o sistema neurolgico responsvel por cada funo do corpo, inclusive o comportamento. E a linguagem o mecanismo na qual nos comunicamos e expressamos nossas experincias. Ento com as palavras certas podemos fazer as pessoas sentirem um desejo intenso pelo que estivermos propondo, seja la qual for sua proposta.Essa ideia no nova. O uso de linguagem como ferramenta de persuaso tem sido estudada a muitos anos. Sendo um dos principais colaboradores o pesquisador Claude C. Hopkins (maior autoridade no estudo da publicidade com analise cientifica ) .Ele comeou o movimento que evoluiu com David Ogilvy, Michael Masterson, Clayton Makepeace, Jay Abraham, Evaldo Albuquerque... Agora o mais legal que recentemente com as novas descobertas da neurocincia e uso da tecnologia de mapeamento cerebral durante estados hipnticos, novos mtodos de persuaso ainda mais poderosos surgiram. E nesse curso voc tem MAPEADO todas as etapas para criar uma CRENA HIPNTICA que vai seduzir o seu cliente e literalmente obriga-lo a comprar afetando diretamente a parte do crebro responsvel pela tomada de decises. Essa a sua nica chance de aprender na prtica o mtodo de vendas mais poderoso e lucrativo do mundo. Esse o atalho que voc precisa para alavancar seus resultados. Aproveite a nossa garantia e faa o investimento mais inteligente da sua vida. Ou continue perdendo tempo tentando reinventar a roda sozinho."
Price: 69.99

"Hackeando Mentes - Curso de Persuaso e Hipnose Secreta" |
"Quer saber porque esse curso de persuaso diferente de tudo o que voc j viu? Ento preste ateno!A parte do crebro responsvel pela tomada de decises e pelo seu comportamento o sistema lmbico. Tambm chamado de crebro emocional ou subconsciente. Essa parte do crebro quem realmente controla sua vida e seus resultados.A maioria das pessoas acha que toma decises de forma racional e lgica, mas elas no compreendem que o crebro racional no toma decises, ele apenas cria justificativas para explicar porque voc agiu daquela forma.Basicamente voc tem vontades conscientes, mas seus condicionamentos emocionais que mandam na direo da sua vida. Esses condicionamentos em marketing so chamados de GATILHOS MENTAIS. Acontece que existem milhares de CONDICIONAMENTOS que podem ser usados para persuadir e influenciar pessoas fora os gatilhos mentais mais conhecidos no marketing como ( autoridade, escassez, reciprocidade... ) E exatamente isso que voc vai aprender aqui. Toda as descobertas da NEUROCINCIA na ultima dcada que podem ser usadas para influenciar outras pessoas e que somente um grupo muito pequeno de pesquisadores da mente tem acesso. Eu literalmente vou te mostrar EXPERIMENTOS CIENTFICOS reais, como eles afetam as decises das pessoas e como usar isso em benefcio pessoal. Se voc contra o uso da cincia como ferramenta de desenvolvimento pessoal ento j fecha essa pgina e nem pense em fazer esse curso pois o contedo demonstrado aqui pode destruir toda a sua noo de realidade e crenas. A realidade apenas uma CAMADA DA PERCEPO. O crebro a chave de tudo. Quando voc entende como o crebro funciona, como a percepo estruturada, como a memria humana grava informao voc ganha controle sobre as camadas da percepo e pode literalmente hackear realidades para fazer as pessoas fazerem o que voc deseja. Enquanto elas ainda pensam que foi ideia delas mesmas. Como disse uma das maiores autoridades em persuaso de todos os tempos, Robert Cialdini: ""Influenciar outras pessoas no mgica, cincia!"""
Price: 69.99

"Hacks Mentais Neurocincias Para Transformar Sua Vida" |
"J comea o dia ansioso, pensando em mil problemas e fardos para carregar - caindo nas mesmas armadilhas mentais?Voc gostaria de eliminar a procrastinao para se tornar uma pessoa mais produtiva? Voc gostaria de ter mais foco e concentrao para poder aprender mais rpido? Voc gostaria de ter mais controle emocional e ser uma pessoa mais motivada?Se voc sempre sonhou em poder HACKEAR seu crebro para conseguir desenvolver seu verdadeiro potencial ento esse livro vai ser um dos melhores que voc j leu at hoje. Isso porque somente aqui voc aprende 24 hacks mentais comprovados cientificamente pela Neurocincia para aumentar seu poder pessoal, sua inteligncia, memria, concentrao, habilidades sociais e at mesmo sua sade.O fato que o crebro continua criando novos neurnios e a sua capacidade de reorganizar as suas conexes se chama neuroplasticidade. Isso significa, que no importa quem sejamos, ou quem nos tornamos, nunca tarde demais para mudar isso. Podemos aprender novas habilidades, mudar hbitos e criar novos. Podemos aprender, crescer e melhorar nossas vidas.Apesar disso, muitas pessoas parecem presas num beco sem sada. difcil quebrar hbitos. As mudanas requerem muito esforo. doloroso. E nos contentamos com uma vida mediana. A vida que sonhamos no passa de isso mesmo, um sonho, porque ns desistimos.Esse curso foi criado exatamente pensando nisso. E por isso estruturado em diversos hacks que podem proporcionar desde uma melhora imensa na sua produtividade at a sua forma de se relacionar com as pessoas ao seu redor. Aqui voc vai aprender truques para identificar comportamentos, influenciar positivamente pessoas, abandonar hbitos ruins, adquirir bons hbitos e diversos outros tpicos que podem mudar seu estilo de vida.Esse treinamento de psicologia aplicada como uma lista das mais poderosas ferramentas psicolgicas que voc pode aplicar em sua vida para alavancar seus resultados e recursos mentais. Aqui mostramos pesquisas avanadas sobre o crebro, desde ambientes enriquecidos at a implantao de memrias, sobre a anatomia dos hbitos. Est repleto de ferramentas concretas, para que voc possa aplicar isso imediatamente em sua vida: Imagine-se daqui a alguns meses com a sua rotina completamente transformada da ""gua para o vinho"" vivendo uma vida mais saudvel e produtiva graas a sua deciso de fazer esse curso hoje.Aprenda Como Desenvolver a Flexibilidade Mental e Estimule a Neuroplasticidade do Seu Crebro Descubra Quais So As 24 Melhores Estratgias Para Reprogramar Sua Mente e Seus Hbitos Para Mudar a Sua Vida De Uma Vez Por TodasConfira abaixo todo o contedo detalhado que ser abordado nesse treinamento:"
Price: 69.99

"Neuro Marketing StoryTelling Para Aumentar Vendas" |
"POR QUE ESTE CURSO DIFERENTE?O curso ensina dezenas de estratgias com DESIGN EMOCIONAL que visam criar e manter elos emocionais com os consumidores de qualquer rea. Aprenda como aplicar a neurocincia para vender mais, falando menos. Neuro Marketing a arte da sutil e poderosa influncia nas decises do seu consumidor. No o melhor produto que vende mais. No o mais barato. Nem o mais caro. O produto um mnimo detalhe quando falamos em venda. Existem produtos bons que no vendem nada e existem produtos ruins que vendem milhes.O que realmente coloca dinheiro no bolso a comunicao.O que o vendedor diz. Os argumentos que usa. A estratgia aplicada da apresentao do produto. Quem consegue ser mais persuasivo, no fim do dia, o que vende mais. E quem mais ganha dinheiro. Resultados o que realmente importa.Ao longo deste curso, voc ver 50 estratgias prticas demonstradas passo a passo com exemplos, especificamente para te ajudar a aumentar suas vendas e seu poder de persuaso.Voc no precisa reinventar a roda. Se voc precisa fazer anncios mais lucrativos, chamar a ateno do seu pblico e criar uma avalanche de vendas ento esse o caminho mais fcil e rpido para melhorar seus resultados.Voc precisa Vender Para a Mente e No Para o ClienteAprenda tcnicas de storytelling para destacar sua marca nas redes sociais usando gatilhos mentais e mtodos de neuromarketing comprovados. Essa a melhor oportunidade de criar uma avalanche de novos clientes para seus produtos e ainda posicionar sua marca e o seu nome como sinnimo de lder no seu mercado. Descubra como estimular a parte do crebro responsvel pela tomada de decises e aumente suas vendas IMEDIATAMENTE. Aqui voc aprende no s teoria, mas principalmente dicas prticas do que POSTAR nas redes sociais para viralizar sua mensagem, aumentar seu engajamento e atrair mais clientes. Com nossos exemplos coloque 1 GATILHO MENTAL por dia em suas redes sociais para VENDER TODOS OS DIAS o ano inteiro. Influenciar outras pessoas no mgica, cincia! - Robert Cialdini"
Price: 69.99

"World class Inventory & warehouse management" |
"A complete guide to minimising costs and improving efficiency in the supply chainWorld-Class Warehousing and Inventory management covers understandings for handling a 21st century warehouse processes. This Warehouse Management course covers todays metrics and practices for improving the efficiency of your business. The Warehouse Management course covers the solutions to excellence in warehousing and is the foremost course for resolving warehouse difficulties. Full with recognised warehouse solutions, it provides you with direction in developing plans for warehousing. High powered contents relating to Supply Chain Models are also covered in World-Class Warehousing and Inventory management . If this in any way defines you relative to the warehouse operations you will find great value within this courseWe recommended this course to anyone with a job linked to supply chain This course as it is an ideal guide with references on understanding warehouse operations. World class warehouse Management also offers a comprehensive guide on the entire facets of managing a warehouse. The course ponders on all features of warehouse management from the higher strategic view to tactical methods. With 6 videos this is the comprehensive guide for learners in warehouse management and also includes warehouse management business."
Price: 69.99

"Visualizacin profesional de datos con Tableau" |
"En este curso vas a aprender desde la prctica el uso profesional de Tableu como software de visualizacin.En la actualidad donde las empresas son data driven, y no se habla ms que del poder y el valor del dato, hay que aprender a analizarlo y a representarlo. Para ello, dos herramientas principales. Google Data Sutudio y Tableu. En este curso, aprendemos Tableu, quiz la herramienta ms potente para muchos profesionales.Vamos a aprender a utilizar la herramienta, su entorno y sus formas de visualizar, pero no desde la teora. Vamos a hacerlo desde la prctica. Te preguntars como. Primero porque el profesor, un experto en analtica de una de las consultoras principales de Espaa, te lo explicar a travs de un ejemplo y respondiendo preguntas de anlisis.Y el mayor valor aadido. La segunda parte, Un caso prctico, Fortune 1000, para que tu lo hagas y cierres el aprendizaje. Luego, el profesor te dar la solucin paso a paso.Quieres liderar el conocimiento en una de las profesiones ms demandadas del mundo, el Data Analyst? Quieres usar las mismas herramientas que ellos emplean en su da a da?Ya ests listo. Comenzamos?"
Price: 24.99

"Corso completo di Excel: da Base ad Avanzato" |
"Un corso nato dall'esperienza, e insegnato a migliaia di studenti di tutte le et e livelli di partenza. Il corso regolarmente aggiornato, per non perdere le ultime novit di Excel.I video raccontano le funzionalit, i ""dietro le quinte"" e i ragionamenti, per poter comprendere Excel a fondo e non avere pi sorpreseGli esercizi nascono da situazioni lavorative (molti sono gli esempi nati da aziende in cui ho insegnato) e sono regolarmente aggiunti mano a mano che ne trovo di interessantiIl corso parte da zero ma ti porta velocemente a vedere casi concreti e a risolvere problemiLe lezioni sono state registrate su Excel 2019, ma puoi seguirlo con tutte le versioni (da Excel 2010 in poi).Il corso in continuo aggiornamento, aggiunger video video ogni mese(anche sulla base dei feedback e delle richieste che mi manderete, quindi scrivetemi con esercizi da risolvere e suggerimenti!)Durante tutto il corso imparerai anche le scorciatoie per poter svolgere pi velocemente il tuo lavoro, e molti esercizi sono risolti con pi metodi per mostrare l'importanza del combinare creativit e basi solide per risolvere problemi.Gli argomenti trattati sono stati scelti sulla base della loro utilit, per dedicare pi tempo a quello che fondamentale sapere e ai diversi ambiti di applicazione. L'obiettivo del corso non solo quello di trasmettere il ""come"" ma anche il ""perch"", per renderti autonomo/a nella risoluzione dei problemi ""mai visti"" che incontrerai in futuro.Alla fine del corso sarete inoltre in grado di spiegare Excel ai colleghi (e probabilmente anche ai vostri superiori): un ottimo modo per essere utili e preziosi :)"
Price: 69.99

"Making Video Games in Unity - Beginners friendly :)" |
"This course will teach you how to start programming in C# and use this knowledge in Unity environment in order to make games.We will start by teaching you language basics, then we will move to building projects.This course is going to be extended over time so once you finished all the lessons come back later on to check for new stuff.Stay in touch and let me knwo what do you think about the course and how it can be improved."
Price: 24.99

"Animation using Vyond" |
"If you want to create animated videos as soon as possible, then this course is for you!The course contains concentrated information, in just 2.5 hours you will learn not only the basic functionality of the Vyond program, but also learn how to create non-standard animation using standard techniques. For Vyond core users, this course will help improve your knowledge and master new methods that will help make animation more professional.We tried to diversify the course with examples of animation, as well as animate the presentation of the training material so that you would not be bored. Moreover, you can use all the demonstrated training tricks in your own projects.We hope that this course will be not only training for you, but also motivation for developing your creative potential and moving your projects to a new level."
Price: 24.99

"The 72 Names of God Kabbalah spiritual healing - Level-2" |
"In this course we shall continue to deepen our knowledge about the 72 Names of God and acquire additional practical tools to implement them in life.To participate in this course, you need to complete level-1 of The 72 Names of God Kabbalah tools for healing and transformation.You must be familiar with the basic knowledge of the sacred names so you can understand what you are working with.Level-2 of the course continues from the point where level-1 was completed.We shall go deeper into healing work and learn how to choose the letter combinations for deep healing.Another important topic you will learn is process work through which you will define your vision, and remove the obstacles that stand in your way one by one.You will explore different groups of letter combinations that will help you heal and transform many areas of your life so you can reach joy, abundance and fulfillment.You will also learn essential concepts in Kabbalah, which will deepen your understanding about the big cosmic plan the Thought of Creation - and how it is manifested in your life.Throughout the course, we shall practice different meditation techniques that will enrich your experience with the letter combinations.Working with the 72 Names of God, is the most effective way to solve your ongoing problems from the root, to get immediate relief in stressful circumstances, expand your consciousness, control your destiny, realize your purpose in the world, and bring light, hope and balance into your life."
Price: 29.99

"Alta Satisfaccin al Cliente C/Comunicacin Transparente" |
"En este curso aprenders los fundamentos de la manera de ser de las personas, sobre su personalidad e identidad; incluida la tuya propia. Con este bagaje de conocimientos logrars una comunicacin ms ""transparente"", fluida y respetuosa de tu interlocutor, que te permitir relacionarte ms efectiva y eficientemente con el. De esta manera, logrars mejorar tu vida familiar, tu trabajo en equipo, y tu vida social y laboral."
Price: 19.99

"SAP UI5 / Fiori Tests (C_FIORDEV_20 and C_FIORDEV_21)" |
"These tests will help in the preparation of SAP UI5/Fiori Interview and SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application Developer.The ""SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application Developer"" C_FIORDEV_20 and C_FIORDEV_21 certification exam verifies that the candidate has the required knowledge in the area of SAP Fiori application development as it pertains to the Developer consultant profile. This certification builds on the basic knowledge gained by a developer from formal SAP Education training and preferably refined by practical experience within an SAP Fiori application development project team in a mentoring role. This is an entry-level certification.The motive of this test is to prepare for actual exam. We do not guarantee that you will get the same questions in your exam but we surely guarantee that after taking this exam you will feel more confident and prepared for your exam.Best of luck with your exam!!"
Price: 1280.00

"SAP Cloud Certification C_CP_11 Tests / 2020" |
"The ""SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform"" C_CP_11 certification exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP Cloud Platform profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and indepth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentoring role. This certificate builds on the basic knowledge gained through a related SAP Cloud Platform training.The motive of this test is to prepare for the actual exam. We do not guarantee that you will get the same questions in your exam but we surely guarantee that after taking this exam you will feel more confident and prepared for your exam.Best of luck with your exam!!"
Price: 1280.00

"WordPress IP Security, Useful Codes & creating custom plugin" |
"This course is designed for everyone who wants to learn new useful codes that can simply be applied to the existing WordPress sites. You can save loads of time by simply copying and pasting the code snippets onto your WordPress theme's functions or Child theme. Please note the lesson is not limited just to these codes, as I write new codes or find new ones I will add them gradually on to the lesson so that you will get the opportunity to grasp more for your lifetime. Working as a freelancer, I get many requests from the clients - thus this gave me opportunities to make a huge collection of PRACTICAL codes. Course brief : We will learn from the basic - i.e. creating a CHILD THEME ( I will provide the downloadable link) to installing the Enfold theme and importing the demo for the website. The course highlights include :Backing up the website: As you, all know how important it is to back up the website; thus you will learn to back up WordPress just by using WordPress credentials (no need for FTP or Cpanel), additionally, you will also be able to access, update or edit any WordPress filesWebsite Security: Wouldn't it be nice to restrict all the IP address to access the Wp-admin page except yours? or if you'd like to auto-login to WordPress Dashboard based on your IP, no need to add a password to log in every time? or How about blocking or allowing some IPs to view specific page(s)? Yes, you will learn all this and without using a plugin.Cleaning up the Dashboard: Have you guys ever encountered an annoying user who just plays around with theme functions, plugins, and messes up the whole website? You also cannot restrict by giving other roles than administrative since that user owns the site?. Well in such a situation, I normally hide what the other user doesn't need to see..ethically hiding items of the dashboard i.e. hiding items from the top admin bar or side admin bar and even crucial plugins or my own custom plugins. You will learn to do this via codes (no plugins required). Enfold users can hide theme options from the top admin bar and side admin bar (for administrator users too).Disable copying image or text or adding Read more link: Though it's possibly virtually impossible to totally restrict users' to copy text or images - we can still apply a code of security to block it to do so, especially to the noob users - who are many. Additionally, you will also learn to add READ MORE and your website link, if someone copies the text from your website.Automatic updates: Since I manage almost 15 + websites, its very time consuming for me to check each website and update plugins and themes. Thus, I use a simple code to make automatic updates. I also have a plugin option for you. Additionally, for your custom plugins or specific plugins, you can remove the update notification and disable updates GTmetrix Score: while I am not covering all the aspects for the GTmetrix score, we will look into two things - Add Expires headers & Cache. For Expires headers - no plugins required just modifying the .htaccess file is enough. And for Cache - we will use and configure the best one as suggested by GTmetrix (also inside tips for Cloudflare users).Create your own custom plugins: This plugin can be created by anyone but please note this is only for applying the codes that you would instead apply on functions dot PHP. You will then not have to mess with the theme files; this is however optional - choose as you like.Regain access to the websites: As a Human being, there might be loads of possibilities for errors while copying from here and there. But you won't have to worry much as you will be able to get back to your website despite a critical error or internal server error - these errors arise if there are wrong codes on functions, dot PHP, or .htaccess file.The tutorial will be short and to the point, and no lengthy explanations at all. I hope this will be a valuable lesson for you. Please feel free to get back to me for any confusion.Thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Hayatn Kaplarn Arala !" |
"Bu kurs kiinin nce kendine sonra evresindeki kiilere bir Yaam Kou gibi uygulayabilecei teknik ve taktikleri barndrmaktadr. Kendimizdeki sorunlar ve dzeltilmesi gereken yerleri birlikte bulup zeceiz. Sylediimiz szlerden tutunda nasl durduumuza, nasl nefes aldmza kadar yaptmz her ey hem kendi hayat kalitemizi belirliyor hemde evremizdeki kiilerle diyaloumuzu etkiliyor. Sakn ''Ben deisem ne olur karmdaki kii ayn'' demeyin. nk her eyin ba sizsiniz. Sizin yaamak istediiniz hayat yada iletiim biimini sizden bakas kontrol edemez. Biz bu gibi problemleri btn hayatmza genellediimiz zaman yaant biimimizden sklan, olduumuz evden veya ehirden bunalan, grp grebildii btn sorun ve belalarn sadece bizim bamza geliyormu gibi hisseden bireyler oluyoruz. Beynimiz bu gibi durumlarda ka kurtul yapmak ister. Bizler bunun yerine kamadan sorunlar zmeye odaklanmalyz. Bu sorunlar nasl zeceimizi, yeni bir bak asn ve stesinden gelmek iin yntemleri reneceiz."
Price: 199.99

"Ser em Silncio" |
"Desejas Paz e Sossego mais que tudo?O Silncio est a pedir-te que pares, fiques e ouas o que vai dentro de ti?Ests disponvel para te ofereceres 24 horas de Quietude e Silncio Pleno?Ento foi mesmo para ti que crimos esta experincia.Seguramos e o Espao Seguro para que possas permitir que a Paz te preencha, hoje.Atravs da:Meditao com Respirao ConscientePrtica de YogaAuto-massagemConvidamos-te a renderes-te tua prpria Presena. A sentires-te. A ouvires-te e a compreenderes-te. A cuidares-te e amares-te. Gentilmente. Docemente. Carinhosamente.Estaremos a respirar contigo em cada momento, apoiando o teu Retorno a Casa.Prepara-te para largar o resto do mundo por um dia. Para te regenerares. Recalibrares. Renasceres no calor do teu prprio Abrao."
Price: 49.99

"Buy & Sell With Bitcoin-2020 Guide for your Online Business!" |
"This Course is very rich because it dives into many secret things about bitcoin! You will not just learn about bitcoin investment but you will also learn how to start using bitcoin today as a means of payment in your business. Your Ecommerce store, Dropshipping, Drop-Servicing, etc can now start accepting Bitcoin as a mode of making payment to you. You will also learn hiw to integrate any cryptocurrency on your website for easy and fast payment. You will not just learn theories but you will watch a lot of live examples and you will watch me do it right in my computer. This is the new technology that is taking over all means of payment and you can't afford to miss this opportunity to get such an awesome knowledge. If you would you like to learn the quickest and easiest way to safely invest into Cryptocurrency? If so, you may love this Udemy Course!Buy & Sell With Bitcoin-2020 Guide for your Online Business! - is one of the most complete cryptocurrency course for both beginners and those that are already into bitcoin trading but want to learn how to use bitcoin to start accepting payment. By taking this course you'll get involved with every aspect that is needed to safely invest in cryptocurrency, but also how to maximize your profits.With this course, you'll gain enough knowledge that is needed to start investing in cryptocurrency, which includes the basics of cryptocurrency, the difference between exchanges and wallets and how to secure your cryptocurrency in the safest way possible. You will also learn how to avoid scams in cryptocurrency so that you can secure your bitcoin and be assured that your money is safe.After you've gained enough knowledge about Cryptocurrency, you can then start to invest in Cryptocurrency, But if you have an existing business or want to go into any online business, in this course you will also learn HOW TO START USING BITCOIN AND OTHER CRYPTOCURRENCIES AS A MODE OF PAYMENT so that your Business can grow fast and can be accessed by anyone anywhere in the world. With the secrets revealed here you are going to minimize your losses and maximize your profits, but also you will know how to get yourself from being a non-experience to a professional trader!The trading foundation will exactly guide you through the entire process of making an investing plan from a traders perspective, which includes the basic of investing, rules you have to follow and how to be a professional trader so you don't make the same mistakes as every non-experienced trader.You will also learn when to BUY and SELL BITCOIN. The last part of the course will explain exactly how to start using bitcoin for your business, let your online business accept bitcoin payment. One someone get to buy a product from you, he only need to click the buy button which will lead him to send bitcoin to your wallet. You will also learn how to secure your wallet very well so that you will have a secured transactions. You can be assured youll have access to both of your instructors throughout the course on-demand. Remember, youll gain lifetime access to this course which includes all future updates free of charge, and theres a 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked. I the nearest future, i will keep updating this course to keep it up to date so you can keep getting updated information on cryptocurrency and bitcoin.Nothing Is Holding You Back From Becoming A Pro in Bitcoin Trading and From Using Bitcoin as a Means Payment in your Business!Go ahead, and click that take this course button! Grab this totally risk free opportunity to know much about bitcoin and how to use it for your business. Well see you inside the course!"
Price: 19.99

"ANIMACIN 3D De 0 a PRO: Crea Animaciones Crebles y nicas" |
"*(Debido a la races comunes de la animacin 2D & 3D, aproximadamente un 60% del curso es tambin aplicable a la animacin 2D!!)As que si eres un animador digital/2D ten por seguro que obtendrs informacin valiosa :)Hola!Te gustara aprender animacin 3D, e incluso acabar animando a tus personajes favoritos en los mejores estudios de animacin?Entonces este curso es perfecto para ti, no necesitas saber absolutamente nada sobre animacin, ni siquiera saber dibujar, solo un ordenador y tus ganas de aprender.Empezaremos con los principios bsicos de la animacin, e iras aprendiendo paso a paso todo lo que necesitas saber para hacer animaciones crebles y entretenidasLas clases son claras, especificas, y muy didcticas, llenas de ejemplos tanto de la vida real como de animaciones profesionales; adems tendrs demostraciones y ejercicios y especialmente diseados para asimilar los nuevos conceptos y as facilitar y acelerar tu aprendizaje, ensendote la importancia de prestar atencin a los pequeos detalles.El curso engloba desde como animar una pelota rebotando, pasando por las mecnicas del personaje, ensendote a animar un ciclo de caminar paso a paso, hasta crear animaciones de pantomima creando personajes y animaciones nicas, originales, entretenidas y especiales.Las ""basics"" de la animacin: Timing y spacing, como iniciar y acabar los movimientos, inercia y asentamiento, el overlap, los arcos visuales, squash and stretch y la anticipacin + demostraciones paso a paso de como animar una pelota rebotando, un pndulo y un personaje simple con cola.La puesta en escena: Intro a la puesta en escena, el punto de atencin, las cmaras y los cortes de cmara, los enmarcados se cmara, y los ngulos de cmaraComo crear buenas poses: El origen de la fuerza, la perspectiva y orientacin, la silueta, evitar simetra, la lnea de accin, las poses de oro, el equilibrio, el peso y la fuerza, y los moving hold.Como animar las diferentes partes del cuerpo: Las caderas, el torso, los pies, las rodillas, los hombros, la cabeza y el cuello, las manos, los codos y los brazos, y la diferencia entre IK vs FKDemostracin paso a paso de como crear ciclos de caminar creblesLas 5 etapas de la animacin: Referencia, blocking, blocking+, splines y pulidoComo crear un personaje con personalidad propia: Las 7 preguntas, la curva de personalidad, accin primaria y secundaria, las peculiaridades, y como animar un personaje que piense por si mismoTrucos para llevar tu animacin al siguiente nivel: La exageracin, analiza el timing, la repeticin, haciendo trampas, y como crear un mayor appeal.Gua tcnica de Blender para animar como un profesional: Abriendo Blender por primera vez, como configurar blender para animar mas fcil y rpidamente, los viewports, el timeline, el graph editor, el outliner, el editor de propiedades, el breakdowner, como iluminar tu escena, como utilizar el X-Pose picker, como crear constrains, como insertar audio, y como preparar tu escena para empezar a animar+ Acceso a un grupo privado para recibir feedback y ver las animaciones de tus compaerosAl finalizar el curso:Tendrs la capacidad de animar personajes de forma creible y con personalidad propia, tanto en escenas de accin como de pantomima, creando asi animacines nicas y que enganchen a la audiencia(Aunque las demostraciones de ejercicios del curso se realizan en Blender, si tienes conocimientos de MAYA u otro programa de animacin lo podrs seguir fcilmente, ya que el curso no se centra en ensear Blender, sino el ARTE de la animacin)Una de las cosas (entre otras muchas :D ) que hace este curso magnifico, es que aprenders de animaciones profesionales y pelculas nicas, es decir, de los mejores de la industria.(Videos/cortos/animaciones/pelculas utilizados en el curso para explicar los conceptos de animacin):Caminandes 1: Llama dramaCaminandes 2: Gran DillamaCaminandes 3: LLamigos Big Buck BunnyHalf GlassSintelCharade-1963InThePark (Charles Chaplin)The-Vagabond (Charles Chaplin)Popeye Brideand GloomPopeye for PresidentPopeye AliBabaPrivate Eye PopeyeWoody woodpecker pantry panicBUGS BUNNY - ALL THIS AND RABBIT STEWAbraham lincoln+ Referencias y animaciones personales"
Price: 99.99

"E20-011 Storage Networking Design Management Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What is the most important design consideration for sizing the disk capacity requirements?a) Quantity available cacheb) The disk space required by the applicationc) IOPS required by the applicationd) remote replication requirementsQ) Which risk poses the biggest threat to the realization of the storage infrastructure?a) The lack of vendor support for the implementationb) No security policy for remote support proceduresc) No standardized tools, models and methodologiesd) The new application does not provide the intended functionalityQ) That ensures that the storage service exceptions are identified, monitored and resolved process?a) Availability Managementb) Capacity managementc) Configuration Managementd) Incident managementQ) What storage software stack addresses high availability functionality and continuous operation requirements of a storage network environment?a) interoperability of heterogeneous devicesb) intelligent cachingc) Real-time replicationd) NoneQ) What it is classified as an external application on the network?a) shared application on a shared server and used by a group of developers working on an animation project to launch a global projectb) An online ticket booking system put in place by a transport company that allows customers to purchase ticketsc) An application workflow deployed by multinational organization to authorize purchases made in its subsidiaries worldwided) real-time replication of an ERP database in another country (3,000 km) to mitigate sovereign risk"
Price: 149.99

"CompTIA 220-801 A+ Networking Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) New wiring must be installed in a hospital with a strict code fire. Which of the following materials would most likely related to this requirement?a) Optic fiberb) PVCc) Shielded Twisted Paird) plenumQ) An ISP provides a DSL Internet connection with a static IP address. A technician is setting up a small office home office (SOHO) wireless router and needs to provide Internet access to five PCs on the network. Which of the following should be enabled?a) NATb) WPSc) MAC filteringd) Port forwardingQ) A single office with five computers and a server is an example of which of the following?a) COOKING PANb) PALEc) SANd) LANQ) Which of the following provides wireless security MORE 'HIGH?a) WEPb) WPA2c) WPAd) HTTPSQ) Which of the following 802.11 standard that can operate at 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz?a) Ab) Bc) sold) N"
Price: 159.99

satosg61 |
Price: 5400.00

sgochizuru |
"100 36 60120 24OK !?8031024OK60120~ ~5(12"
Price: 5400.00

Price: 5400.00

"Learn EOS Blockchain Smart Contracts & DApps with C++, EOSJS" |
"In this course we will learn Blockchain Development on EOS platform from the beginning to advanced level. The topics we will cover include,A basic learning of Blockchain technology. What it is and how it works.Consensus Algorithms - What are they and the difference between Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Delegated Proof of Stake.Details of EOS Blockchain - What new it offers, how its different from ETH, Development tools and components used in EOS.Understanding EOS specific C++ - That will be required for Smart Contracts development.Smart Contracts Development - From the very basic to advanced level, Setting development environment, Deploying and testing Smart Contracts on local EOS Blockchain (nodeos) as well as on EOS testnet (Jungle testnet).Decentralized Applications (dApps) Development - Then we will learn step by step how to develop dApps for EOS Smart Contracts using scatter wallet, eosjs etc."
Price: 199.99

"KVKK - Kiisel Verilerin Korunmas Kanunu ve Uygulamas" |
"Eitim alan kii, Kiisel Verilerin Korunmas ve uygulamas hakknda tam kapsaml bilgi sahibi olacak, mevzuatn uluslararas uygulamadan lke mevzuat haline gelmesi sreci, bu mevzuata paralel olan Avrupa Birlii dzenlemesi GDPR ve 95/46/EC sayl Direktif hakknda bilgi edinecektir. Eitim, sadece teorik kalmamakta, deinilen her konu zelinde uygulamann nasl gerekletii konusuna deinerek, sanlann aksine anlalmayan konular ve uygulamalara k tutmaktadr."
Price: 149.99

"ve alma Hukuku - I" |
"alma hayatna yn veren Hukuku kapsamnda, Kanunu ve Trk Borlar Kanunu bata olmak zere detayl dier dzenlemeler belirli bir sistematikte anlatma konu olmutur. Kanunu'nda yer alan tanm ve kavramlar, Kanunu'nun kapsam, i szlemesi, szlemelerin trleri ile i szlemesinin sonlanmas konu balklarnda detayl anlatm gerekletirilmitir. letmelerin insan kaynaklar, muhasebe departmanlar alanlar, mali mavirler, stajyer mali mavirler, bal avukatlar, bamsz avukatlar ve stajyer avukatlarn konu ile ilgili sadece bilgi edinmesi deil, konu zerinde uzmanlaabilmesi amalanmtr."
Price: 99.99

cvpanalysis |
Price: 24000.00

"Did you know VLOOKUP is the third most used function on #excel after SUM and AVERAGE? (Microsoft research)Think you know VLOOKUP well? :)Prepare to look again with a fresh pair of eyes!Glad to offer the MASTER GUIDE on VLOOKUP.3 hour course for INR 50030 + Lectures Lifetime Access All solutions providedEverything you need to Excel at VLOOKUP.Work like never before!Covers:VLOOKUP with Column ReferenceVLOOKUP with Range NameVLOOKUP with TableVLOOKUP with INDIRECTVLOOKUP with VALUE for Data Type MismatchVLOOKUP with unclean namesVLOOKUP with IFERRORVLOOKUP with Column Number PickerVLOOKUP with Multiple Column SearchVLOOKUP based on Two TablesVLOOKUP based on Multiple SheetsVLOOKUP with results from Multiple ColumnsVLOOKUP with SUMVLOOKUP with Approximate MatchVLOOKUP with Approximate Match without Table ArrayVLOOKUP with Approximate Match - AdvancedVLOOKUP with Duplicate ValuesINDEX FunctionMATCH FunctionMATCH Function with match typeINDEX + MATCH as replacement for VLOOKUPINDEX + MATCH for Data Type Mismatch on both sidesINDEX + MATCH for Multi Column SearchINDEX + MATCH with Case SensitivityIntroduction to XLOOKUPXLOOKUP with Multi Column ResultsXLOOKUP with Multi Column SearchThe OFFSET FunctionThe INDIRECT Function"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Sntesis del Sonido/sntesis de audio/diseo sonoro" |
"* Este curso lo puedes tomar sin importar que DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) uses.Hola y bienvenidos a este curso donde te enseare las bases fundamentales del diseo de sonido sin importar el software o hardware que uses, puedes comenzar a comprender lo que est sucediendo dentro de un sintetizador y comenzar a crear los sonidos que realmente deseas. Simplificare todos los significados de trminos tcnicos para un adecuado y fcil aprendizaje. Usaremos sintetizadores gratuitos y de pago con las interfases mejor diseadas para una fluida enseanza. Todos los temas a tratarse en este video los tienes en la descripcin junto con la informacin necesaria para tomar este curso. As que aprende ahora mismo desde tu pantalla.Temario sobre la sntesis del sonidoIntroduccin al cursoElementos del sonidoel tonola amplitud 3. Herramientas grficas del anlisis de ondas sonorasstereo toolel osciladoranalizador de frecuencias 4. Las ondas de sonido-formas de ondas bsicassine wavesquare wavetriangle wavesawtooth wave5. Qu es la sntesis de sonido?Introduccin a la sntesisLFOFiltrosEnvolventes (ADSR) 6. Tipos de sntesis de sonidoFM sntesisWavetableSntesis AditivaSntesis Sustractiva 7. Diseo de sonidos - zona de practicasdiseo de un kick/bombodiseo de un snarediseo de un hi hattratamiento del sonido con la ecualizacinPara quin es este curso?Diseadores de sonidosCreadores de efectos especiales y sonorosProductores musicalesDeejaysDiseadores de videojuegosProductores musicalesTecladistas"
Price: 19.99

"IATF 16949:2016 Automotive QMS - Lead Auditor Practice Exam" |
"The online exam on IATF 16949 standard offers a comprehensive learning opportunity for automotive professionals and those who look to join the auto industry. The IATF 16949:2016 standard is the international standard for automobile manufacturers, suppliers and vendors to manage their QMS effectively. Self Assess through this online exam today and enhance your career by staying up to date with the new changes in this important IATF standard.IATF 16949:2016 standard is made on the quality philosophy of Plan, do, check and Act Cycle and is a supplementary standard of ISO 9001. Organizations have to check themselves whether their operations are done according to plan phase or not. Similarly if you are a quality professional and IATF 16949 beginner, or expert you also have to check your expertise in Quality Management System. This ""knowledge validation exam"" helps you to check and validate your knowledge on IATF 16949 standard and its fundamental concepts like organization knowledge and internal audits.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionYou will be assessed when you take this online exam in following areas (Course Objectives):The publication of new IATF 16949 standard IATF 16949 Terms and DefinitionsContext of organizationLeadership roleOperationsSupport FunctionsInternal Auditing Specific Clauses and it DetailsImprovement----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtBe Familiar with IATF 16949:2016 knowledge which you hold... If you think you are an expert in IATF 16949 after taking courses on the subject and working with IATF 16949...You need to hold on!Join this exam and self assess yourself!Maybe you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Certification: Udemy does not provide certification for exams, they only do in the case of Video Courses. But the great news here is, we have empowered our paid students to have a certificate, once they qualify by 80% in the exams. It is a manual process, in which learners our requested to submit evidence of qualification, and apply for the certificate. The certificates are issued at the end of a month.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Official Lead Auditor Exam Versus Lead Auditor Practice Exam: 1. Official LAC Exam is a written one, Practice LAC exam is MCQ based.2. Official LAC exams has four different sections, Practice LAC exam has three different sections.3. Official LAC exams has a last section for three written audit case studies, Practice LAC exam has a section for case studies containing 8 cases but answers are stated in MCQ-type. In order to provide students with a real simulated environment, students can post their answers in Q/A sections, by stating the reference code provided with each study; where instructor can respond to the correctness of their answers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: IATF 16949 standard is a copyright document of IATF. We will not be sharing the standard. Please purchase it from ISO store.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good news: We will be adding more content for example case studies to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can take IATF 16949 courses from Udemy or the instructor to guide you on gaining IATF 16949 knowledge.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 39.99
