"Prise de parole en public Le guide complet" |
"Programme complet sur la prise de parole en publicCette formation contient tout ce que vous devez savoir pour prsenter de faon professionnelle.Dans cette formation, je partage avec vous les fondamentaux pour prendre la parole en public.Vous apprenez comment prparer une prsentation que ce soit dans le monde de lentreprise ou ailleurs. Vous apprenez la puissance du storytelling et comment lutiliser. Je partage avec vous aussi comment capter lattention de votre audience et la garder tout au long de votre prsentation.Vous trouverez aussi des exemples et des exercices pratiques pour illustrer chaque point.Voici quelques tmoignages venants de participants mes cours : Je suis content de pouvoir couter des personnes comme Jamal. Cest concret, il va l'essentiel, il y a un vritable partage, c'est prcis et surtout on sent qu'il sait de quoi il parle avec une belle prparation en amont. Je ne peux que recommander cette formation car c'est clairement un investissement faire ! . Salahddine Agrablement surpris par ce cours, j'ai appris plein de choses. Du coup, grosse remise en question qui tombe au meilleur moment dans ma vie. Trs motivant ! Nicolas Merci pour le concret, la clart et la synthse ! . Lyne_________________________________________Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur la prise de parole en public ?Si vous voulez apprendre mieux maitriser la prise de parole en public ?Si vous voulez apprendre donner de limpact votre message ?Ou si vous voulez apprendre mieux communiquer ?Cette formation est pour vous !La prise de parole en public est la cl pour booster votre carrire et vos rsultats. Cest ce qui peut vous diffrencier des autres en vous donnant un avantage considrable. Mais la plupart des gens ont peur de prendre la parole en public et quand ils le font, leur principale mission est de survivre. Ils essayent juste de monter sur scne, faire le minimum possible pour se sortir de l le plus rapidement possible.Sachez que la prise de parole en public vous distingue immdiatement des autres si vous la maitrisez. Les autres vous voient instantanment comme plus crdible et expert dans votre domaine.Les bons prsentateurs ne sont pas ns comme a Ils le sont devenus avec la pratique et en faisant certaines choses qui les distinguent des autres.Vous navez pas besoin de deviner, voici juste quelques comptences que vous allez acqurir la fin de cette formation :Adaptez vos prsentations aux diffrents styles dapprentissageCommuniquez plus efficacement vos idesAdaptez votre langage votre audienceUtilisez le pouvoir des mtaphoresAdoptez le langage corporel de confiance en prsentantMaitrisez le pouvoir du storytellingDevenez plus laise en prsentantStructurez plus clairement vos prsentationsInfluencez votre audience avec confianceEt bien plus encoreCe nest pas un cours thorique, les techniques je partage avec vous, vous pouvez les mettre immdiatement en application et aussi voir des rsultats. Tout au long de la formation, vous trouverez des exercices pratiques pour appliquer immdiatement ce que vous apprenez.Maintenant, si vous tes prt pour faire passer vos prsentations au niveau suprieur, je vous dis tout de suite lintrieur."
Price: 34.99

"LEED Green Associate - Foundation Course - By USGBC Faculty" |
"About This ClassYouve been interested in Sustainability, and perhaps even working in this field. You may have been asked to consult and manage a LEED project. You want to achieve your LEED BD+C Accredited Professional status. But in doing so you know that you first must meet the LEED Green Associate accreditation.You know that there is a lot information, with the reference guide close to 900 pages. Where do you begin? How do I start learning? What information is important? How do I best prepare myself for the exam especially with so many different responsibilities you haveThink of this course as the foundation course on LEED. This foundation course will allow you to master the most important concepts and tools. And this all in 4 hours.This LEED Green Associate Foundation Course has been designed to enable you to understand all credits and prepare for the exam in the most effective way. You will learn from an experienced consultant, and USGBC Faculty member.What will you learn?The key concepts and tools for LEED. Around 75 specific lessons ranging from 3 to 8 minutes on all important credits. Here a handful of examples.Sustainable Sites Heat Island ReductionMaterial and Resources MercuryIEQ ViewsIEQ - DaylightAll other creditsDefinitions, concepts, tips, and how to avoid common mistakes.Become more confident in your abilities as a sustainability manager.Why take this course?You want to pass the LEED GA exam. You will be able to speak about LEED and sustainability with confidence.You will understand the difference terms, definitions and requirements.You will learn from an experienced sustainability consultant and educatorIt's effective and practical. Think of this course as exam preparation together with tips and focus points.It's been developed from the ground up with a focus on quality.How will this help you?You will deliver projects, better, quicker and avoid common mistakesYou will go prepared to a job that requires knowledge in LEED and sustainability .You will feel more confident about LEED and how to apply it.You will be able to add this to your CV (just put it under ""Professional Development"" LEED Green Associate, Udemy, Year of Completion).What you will learn will make you effective and successful :)Who is behind this course?I am the Managing Directorof a green building consultancy in Malaysia, and a LEED AP and a USGBC Faculty Member. Before that I was a university teacher (Yonsei University Korea), Project Manager, entrepreneur, and enjoy teaching. I have an MBA from London Business School. I enjoy creating courses.This course is specifically for:People who want to learn about LEED Professionals that want to obtain their LEED Green AssociatePeople who are interested in a career in sustainability consultancyDevelopers, Engineers, Business Analysts, Architects, and basically anyone interested in learning about LEEDPeople with an open mind and a willingness to learn.People capable of taking notes and applying the concepts and tools provided in this course.The FactsYou will learn all the concept of LEED BD+C in preparation for the LEED GA Exam.This course will prepare you very well for the LEED GA exam, and should be the starting point if you want to take the exam.All credits, requirements and points will be clearly explained to you.LEED GA will allow you to deliver your consulting projects better and more effectivelyProfessional certifications can lead to a significant increase in salary.This course is not the only thing to do to get you ready for the exam. But it will give you the solid foundation and is key to preparation.Certification demonstrates an enhanced understanding of technical concepts; thus a LEED Certification could open doors to new job opportunities.You will enjoy this skillshare course, here are some examples of what people say about my work with them in the pastWhat other students wrote about me:Hans was my professor in strategic management and entrepreneurship in Yonsei University, in Seoul. Attending these courses enabled me to find a job in this field. Hans has great teaching skills and a valuable experience that he delivers very well to his students. He could bring us to adopt a strategic way of thinking with multiple perspectives. Besides, Hans is very responsive and always willing to help. I really recommend him.. -Solene Moitry """"Hans was my professor of ""Entrepreneurship and Strategy"" during one semester this year. I have to say that this class was one of the best I ever had. Indeed, the content was very interesting and Hans made it even better. He explained us things with well known examples and very interesting shows. Moreover, he always knew how to make the class lively and dynamic by pushing people to express what they thought. I also really liked the way Hans structured the class throughout the semester and I think that it the best way to learn how to become an entrepreneur! -Arnaud GirardI cannot recommend Hans enough! He was an amazing lecturer during my time at Yonsei University. He taught was able to project his knowledge in such an interesting way, which made the learning experience enjoyable. Prior to this class I had no background knowledge of anything business related. Hence, It is amazing that after his short three week class, I have learnt so much. Hans is definitely one of the best lecturers I have ever encountered, if not, the best. Elizabeth NguyenJoin me and start learning about LEED now. You will learn all the concepts and requirements that will enable you to achieve your LEED BD+C AP Certification. projects. We will go cover all the topics from the definitions, intent, requirements, concepts, and exemplary performances. So take the course now to learn what all of this means in more detail and how you can apply it to become a LEED Green Associate"
Price: 24.99

"Business Partner RH." |
"Business partner uma atividade feita por um profissional capacitado que gerencia, define, alinha e implementa alternativas para pessoas com foco no negcio, neste curso, abordaremos alinhado Gesto de Pessoas. O Business partner pode contribuir estrategicamente junto a gestores e diretores como um trabalho de parceria. algum que conhece muito bem o negcio e atua como especialista, como profissional apoia os gestores na construo da administrao de pessoal. O Business partner de Recursos Humanos pode atuar em recrutamento e seleo e treinamento e desenvolvimento humano. Alinha questes com a liderana, verifica necessidades de treinamentos e avaliaes dos colaboradores. Neste curso abordaremos de forma introdutria a funo do BP de RH com foco na Gesto de pessoas, em assuntos de recrutamento e seleo, treinamento e desenvolvimento, implantao de programa de qualidade de vida no trabalho, comunicao eficaz e liderana. Curso de nvel bsico introdutrio em slides e udio para pessoas iniciantes na rea."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Latim Clssico" |
"O Curso de Latim Clssico - Ludus Primus II, em duas pronncias: eclesistica e restaurada, corresponde ao estudo de textos e fragmentos do historiador Eutrpio, abrangendo aspectos que tangem a formao do povo latino e a formao de Roma nos primeiros sculos da monarquia. Esta sequncia de Ludus Primus I faz uma conexo entre o idioma latino e a cultura dos romanos, abordando as mudanas que Roma sofreu ao longo dos sculos desde a sua formao at a era imperial. A constituio das leis romanas definidas por Numa Pompilius e Tullus Hostilius e o domnio de Ancus Martius e Tarquinius Priscus, pautando-se na fundao de stia, da edificao do circo Romano e criao da Cloaca Mxima por Tarquinius. Superbus, stimo rei de Roma, edificou o tempo de Jpiter no Capitlio. No tempos dos reis, os romanos criam consulados e elegem entre si seus representantes; reforam o exrcito romano para enfrentar as invases de todos os tipos. Vencem guerras em nome do territrio.Este curso aborda tpicos fundamentais ao entendimento da cultura e contexto poltico de Roma, tratando das influncia que deram origem ao Latim, influenciado pelas lnguas faladas na Itlia Antiga, a origem dos Latinos e o surgimento do Paganismo, trade esta que assegura o melhor entendimento da lngua latina e os costumes mais bizarros que influenciaram a formao de Roma, tornando mais tarde, o Imprio mais poderoso da Antiguidade Clssica."
Price: 129.99

"Diseo de Conexiones Metalicas con Ram Connection." |
"Con este curso podras aprender a obtener un diseo y una documentacin eficiente en el diseo de conexiones metalicas, utilizando herramientas de diseo especficas, mltiples cdigos de diseo y diferentes tamaos de barras, optimizacin de los elementos de las conexiones y generacin automtica de dibujos. RAM CONNECTION ofrece un flujo de trabajo simplificado y potente al mismo tiempo. Usted podr disear prcticamente cualquier tipo de conexion, desde la ms bsica hasta la ms compleja."
Price: 59.99

"Learn Data Science on MacOS with Python" |
"In this course i will help you to develop your skills on Data Science, as first step i will teach you Numpy, thenYou will learn how to use 'Numpy' for numeric operationsYou will learn 'series'You will learn 'Dataframe'You will learn 'Pandas'You will learn 'Matplotlib' and many more...You can use these knowledge on Windows, Ubuntu also because codes are same, software that you are using throughout the course is same. We are using Jupyter Notebook on Anaconda Navigator for this course"
Price: 19.99

"SwiftUI Development in Swift 5 & Xcode11. The Complete Guide" |
"SwiftUI Is Here, and every iOS Developer who want's to stay relevant must learn it.SwiftUI is Apple's new framework that was announced at WWDC19, also known as World Wide Developers Conference 2019. This is the biggest iOS development announcement since Swift first came out. It is crucial for any and every iOS developer to learn SwiftUI immediately to ensure they have up to date skills. SwiftUI isn't going anywhere and it will very soon be an industry standard framework for iOS developers. Quick and Easy.SwiftUI is a very simple framework. In this course you will be guided step by step while building real world iOS apps with SwiftUI so you have an understanding of SwiftUI and how to use it in any iOS app you wish to develop. Like any programming language or framework, it still may be a challenge to completely master, but again, that is why I am here and that is why I have built this course for you and every other mobile developer looking to master SwiftUI.SwiftUI Tutorials by AppleIn this course you will be guided through various tutorials on Apple's developer site. I specifically created this course around SwiftUI Tutorials due to how accessible the project files are, and how intuitive the SwiftUI Tutorials are.There will be four specific sections in this course for you to master. I will annotate, explain, and walk you through each step while still giving you the ability to learn and grow as an iOS dev. If you are ready to start mastering SwiftUI before any other developer, I highly encourage you watch the free preview videos available right now to see what exactly we will be building! I look forward to having you in the class and I look forward to what we will all build with this new framework!"
Price: 199.99

"Kapsaml Genel Geometri Kursu" |
"Bu kursta, geometri dersleri iin zet ama kalc ve anlalr bilgileri reneceksiniz. Bu kurs, dersleri ak rnekleri ile anlatrken, retmeniniz bilgiler rneklerle, snf ortamnda anlatmaktadr.Bu kurs, tm seviye ve snavlar iin temel tekil edecek bir seviyeler derlemesinden olumasyla, her renci iin bir frsat niteliindedir.zellikle en ok karmza kan geometri kavramlarnn, bilinmesi gereken tm konularla, en ok karlatmz konu ve rneklerin ncelikle ilenmesi suretiyle yaplan dersler uzman retmeninden, aklamal olarak retilmektedir.renci, istedii yerde dersi durdurarak not alabilir, anlamad yerleri tekrar alabilir."
Price: 119.99

"Psikolojik Salk Kursu" |
"Psikolojik salk, fiziksel saln bir parasdr. Her ne kadar Ulu nder Atatrk ""Salam kafa salam vcutta bulunur"" diye ifade etmise de, fiziksel salmz, kendimizi iyi hissetmemizle, psikolojimizin o an yaptklarmzla mutlu olmas ile de alakaldr. Eer bulunduumuz hayat ve an iinde mutlu isek psikolojimiz ve dolaysyla fiziksel salmz da yerindedir.Psikolojik salk iin birok neri mevcuttur. Bilim insanlar yzyllardr bir psikolojik salk mekanizmas ya da gereklilikleri ile ilgili verileri toplamaya ve gelitirmeye devam etmekteler.Bu kursta, bu verileri, gncel ve yerinde nasl kullanabileceimiz ile ilgili pratik bilgileri bulacaksnz.Kursumuz, her kesimden ve yatan herkese hitap eden ve birok bilgi ile hayatnza gzel eyler katacan mit ettiimiz video derslerden olumaktadr."
Price: 149.99

"Sosyal Bilimler - Snav rnekleri le" |
"Bu kurs, snavlara hazrlansn hazrlanmasn, her kesimden herkese uygun, gnlk hayatta gerekli bilgilerle donatlm bir kurstur. Bu kurs, dershane ortamnda, retmenin snfa ders anlatyormu gibi dersleri iledii bir kurstur. Tm dersler, ak ve anlalr bir ekilde, renci snava hazrlanyorsa kacak muhtemel soru ve cevaplarnda ilendii konularla desteklenmitir.Bu kursta hem genel kltrnz gelitirecek, hem de snavlara hazrlanacaksnz. Bu kurs, ilk snav basamaklarndan ileri seviyelere kadar ilendii iin her yatan renciye uygundur.Bilmediklerinizi renmenin keyfi ile dersleri zevkle izleyeceksiniz.Bu kurs size snav heyecanlarnz yenmenize yarmc olurken hayata daha deneyimli birey olarak devam etmenize yarmc olacak. Bu kursta retmeninizin size rettikleri ya da hatrlattklar z gveninizi tazeleyecek ve artracak."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Guitarra para mejorar tus solos usando TRIADAS" |
"Te has preguntado como muchos Guitarristas en sus solos siempre suenan super atinados y sumamente musicales a diferencia de otros? En este curso aprenderas a hacer eso , y tambin a expresar de una mejor forma tus ideas tanto en composiciones como en la produccin musical. Aprenderas el uso de las TRIADAS para componer canciones, componer solos y aplicarlas para producir Msica. Tambin aprenderas conceptos fundamentales que te introduciran al mundo de las triadas y encontrars una forma productiva para practicarlas y usarlas de forma creativa."
Price: 49.99

"Emotional Intelligence Mastery - Powerful Cognitive Control" |
"Emotional Intelligence is one of the most powerful skills you can acquire. Wherever you are in life, whatever it is that you do, Emotional Intelligence can be a tool that you'd use to take yourself to a whole new level. What can you expect to achieve: 1) Achieve proper emotional intelligence and create a healthy mind and a spectacular life2) Learn how to control your behavior and rewire your unwanted personality traits effectively3) Control and manage your past memories and traumatic experiences4) Explore how your brain works, how you can change the way its wired, and how you can easily control it5) Get access to 20+ emotional intelligence exercises and systems that you can use to empower your emotional and mental state6) Achieve greater control over your habits, thoughts, emotions and actions7) Learn how to manage mental health issues with effective research-based systems8) By the end of the course, you will become a new and enhanced version of yourselfJoin us on this journey of self-identification and healing, join us on the journey where everything that is going on in your life, and in your mind will now make sense, join us on a journey where we will help you conquer everything that's standing between your emotions and your success."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint EssentialsPowerPoint 2016 Presentation" |
"****COURSE WERE UPDATED (06.12.20) - Based on Review*** This ""Microsoft PowerPoint: Essentials - Let's do your first presentation"" course access includes project files, quizzes & homework exercises, Power Point Presentation with all slides from course, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a money-back guarantee!***__________MICROSOFT POWERPOINT: ESSENTIALS - LET'S DO YOUR FIRST PRESENTATION COURSE DESCRIPTION:Microsoft PowerPoint nowadays is an absolutely essential tools for life. The truth is that, Microsoft PowerPoint is a really powerful, and dynamic presentation performing software . Absolutely everyone could get their life on a new level after studying this Microsoft Power Point: Essentials.. Let's do your first presentation course and applying this knowledge in their lives.This Microsoft Power Point: Essentials.. Let's do your first presentation provides you with all the tools and instruments which you need, to understand this software.I am sure it is not so important to remember each of the functions, more essential is how to understand how Microsoft PowerPoint ""thinks"" and know where you could find explanation of features which do you need.Thats why my Microsoft Power Point: Essentials.. Let's do your first presentation consists of very individual, deep and simple explanations of each of the features, which I placed separately. In this case if you forget some aspects you could come back to my video course and refresh all information in your memory.__________We will be raising such topics as:- What type of Microsoft PowerPoint versions is exist- How to save, export and share presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint- Slide structure in Microsoft PowerPoint- Structure of Interface in Microsoft PowerPoint- How to work and Format Text in Microsoft PowerPoint- How work with Insert Menu in Microsoft PowerPoint- Different View modes in Microsoft PowerPoint- How to work with Format Painter in Microsoft PowerPoint- How to work with CTRL, Shift, ALT shortcuts in Microsoft PowerPoint- How to Align Shapes in Microsoft PowerPoint in Microsoft PowerPoint- How to group, Ungroup, Regroup objects in Microsoft PowerPoint- How to work with Animation in Microsoft PowerPoint- How to work with Transitions in Microsoft PowerPoint- How to export presentation (in PDF, MOV and etc.) in Microsoft PowerPointAnd more...You could use next Software to learn this course:Windows:Microsoft PowerPoint 2007Microsoft PowerPoint 2010Microsoft PowerPoint 2013Microsoft PowerPoint 2016Microsoft PowerPoint 2019Microsoft PowerPoint 2020Macbook:Microsoft PowerPoint 2011Microsoft PowerPoint 2016And all upper Microsoft PowerPoint version of softwareJust check a couple of reviews on my previous courses:Amazing course!! There's so much to do with Excel that i couldnt imagine. Now im able to use it not only better in my work, but also for personal stuffs, even for gaming! Thanks a lot!!!!!Nice lectures.I have learned amazing stuff about excel.IT WAS A GOOD EXPERIENCE FOR ME AND IT HELPED ME IN MANY WAYS.it's very good , i benefit from every minute in this courseand intructor is be graetthank to himMy suggestion to you..If you really want to understand how to create your first presentations in PowerPoint.... Just try this excellent course...__________NOTE:Microsoft PowerPoint: Essentials - Let's do your first presentation includes downloadable resources and project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee.This Microsoft PowerPoint: Essentials - Let's do your first presentation were created on Microsoft Excel for Macbook 2016"
Price: 199.99

"Transform weakness to strength" |
"This course will cater to the problems specially during the adolescent stage where we are all about making an impression on others which creates a lot of pressure to be the best. In this course, youll get pointers on how to transform your mindset which will eventually transform your weakness to strength which will help you enjoy this stage of your life and you will learn to love yourself. Learn different methods of transformation as well in this course. You will get the resolution of various problems of adolescent stage to help you be your best self and enjoy this stage of life. Check out this course and enroll in case you are going through the troubled adolescent stage, it might help you transform your situation."
Price: 5760.00

"Kubernetes Boot Camp" |
"software architecture micro services service Container Kubernetes container GitHub 3"
Price: 3600.00

"Polymeric Solar Cells: Working Principles and Manufacture" |
"For several years silicon has been the leading material in the photovoltaic industry. Now in the new industrial age, as demand grow for cleaner and cheaper energy we look to other materials that can provide the solar cells of the new age. Ones that can be processed at low cost and at large scale using materials that are as readily available as sand and can fit into gadgets like phones and wearable technologies.For this we look to Polymeric solar cells. Polymers offer the processibility, low cost, flexibility and potentially higher efficiency that is required for solar cells to be a sustainable and competitive renewable energy source.The solar modules are made up of solar cells connected together in series and parallel.In this course, well go further up the value chain of solar energy systems by looking at how the cell itself is produced.This course has been designed to give you a fundamental understanding of polymeric solar cells regardless of your technical or academic background and learning requirement.So whether you are an industry professional in the area of solar energy, a student, a solar technician, a researcher or any individual seeking to know more about how solar cells are made and how they work. This course has been designed to give you the fundamental knowledge on polymeric solar cells.Although the course focuses on working principles and production process of the polymeric solar cells, along the way we explore some interesting aspects of solar energy and related concepts."
Price: 19.99

"React JS essentials bootcamp for beginners" |
"ReactJS Training OverviewReact is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building Web Applications. It follows component-based approach. Easy to create smaller components and build large-scale applications. The main goal is to help new or experience developers quickly understand the concepts with examples and then be able to actually use them in the real world. Sample code is given for all the below topicsMain topicsReact with NodeCreating an application using Create React App.Life CycleDebuggingDefault valuesSetState in depthCreating FormsHandling EventsValidationsApplying StylesBackend callsStateful ComponentsStateless ComponentsLocal StorageRoutingRoutingHttp callsCreating Reusable ComponentsFragmentsFORMSHow to use React Redux framework"
Price: 34.99

"Power Query - Tratamento de dados com linguagem M" |
"Voc cria suas analises no Excel, e tem um 'calafrio' todo o momento que necessita atualizar, pois um trabalho moroso e chato?Tem medo do Microsoft VBA, pois aquelas linhas de cdigo assustam, e parece que no entram na cabea?Desenvolvemos esse curso, com foco na evoluo dos analistas de negcio, que necessitam agilizar suas consultas no Excel, de uma forma padronizada e gil.Esse curso apresenta a voc o (no to novo) Microsoft Power Query, que uma ferramenta de coleta, tratamento e carregamento de dados, embutido no Microsoft Excel e Power BI.O foco desse curso ser lhe apresentar a ferramenta, e lhe dar autonomia para criar solues inteligentes, geis e diferenciadas."
Price: 159.99

"Powerful Speaking Get From Good to Great" |
"Public speaking is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to become successful in life.Whether your opportunity to convey your passion comes through work or other activities, there will be a moment in your life when making an idea clear will play a significant role in shaping who you become.This course can help anyone prepare and deliver a presentation. It will help you to get clarity in your communication, so that your ideas will earn praise and respect. You will learn a precise, adaptable, audience-focused preparation process.This step-by-step method you are going to learn in this course is tried-and-tested and will allow you to get results you will be proud of every time you present."
Price: 99.99

"Virtualiser en Local avec VirtualBox, Une tape La Fois" |
"VirtualBox est une application de Virtualisation de Bureaux (postes de travail) open source gre par la firme Oracle. VirtualBox, bien que gratuite, est riche en fonctionnalits et hautes performances. Elle vise aussi bien des utilisateurs privs que professionnels. Elle apporte la puissance de la virtualisation des postes de travail toute personne excutant des systmes d'exploitation Windows, Linux, ou Mac OS.Dans ce cours, nous nous lancerons dans l'exploration du concept de Virtualisation des Postes de Travail, mais dans un contexte exclusivement Domestique et Local. Nous nous proposons ainsi d'aborder, entre autres, les aspects suivants : les notions gnrales de base de la Virtualisation;les enjeux et limites voire dangers d'un tel usage dans le contexte domestique;quelques outils la fois populaires et gratuits du march pouvant nous permettre de mettre en place des infrastructures virtuelles en local;quelques diffrences entre VMWare WorkStation Player et Oracle VirtualBox;la dmarche gnrale de mise en place d'un environnement de Virtualisation;la recherche, la slection, l'acquisition, l'installation, la configuration, l'utilisation et l'optimisation des systmes virtualiser.Ce cours n'est ni une introduction Linux, ni une prsentation des systmes d'exploitation ou des rseaux. Nous aborderons au passage certains de ces aspects, mais sans ncessairement aller en profondeur. Si vous souhaitez approfondir vos notions en la matire, vous pourrez toujours consulter des ressources complmentaires.Ce cours est offert dans la formule UEALF (Une tape La Fois). Cela signifie que nous prendrons le temps de prciser certaines notions qui pourraient sembler videntes pour des utilisateurs de niveau avanc ou mme intermdiaire. Nous vous invitons donc consulter la Table des Matires de ce cours afin vous rendre directement dans les sections les plus pertinentes pour votre niveau ou vos besoins.Bon Apprentissage.Soka."
Price: 49.99

"Zsigmondy's Theorem" |
"The story line that guides us is proving a theorem of Zsigmondy in number theory and seeing how it can be used to solve maths olympiad problems that would otherwise be quite difficult. To achieve this goal we first understand what I consider to be the most central topic in high school algebra which is omitted in high schools: cyclotomic polynomials. This sounds specialised but this is at the heart of all the algebra learned at high school such as factorising a difference of 2 squares or cubes. The cyclotomic polynomials gives a factorisation of x^n-1. When n is 2, this is just the difference of 2 squares. If you let the x be x/y then you really get x^2-y^2 after some easy manipulation. (x^n means x to the power of n)These lessons will be a very valuable part of a serious high school maths student or olympian.One of the really interesting features of this course is that the instructor learns the proof of the Zsigmondy Theorem with the students and you get to see how to educate yourself without further need to be taught."
Price: 99.99

"Contrabaixo Iniciante ao Avanado Mdulo 3" |
"Curso do Incio ao Avanado Mdulo 3Este curso a continuao do INICIANTE AO AVANADO MDULO 2, comeando com HARMONIA em cima dos modos gregorianos, pois ideia aprender s harmonias mais usadas como CAMPO HARMNICO MAIOR, MENOR HARMNICO, MENOR MELDICO dentro dos modos, para que voc possa desenvolver no s harmonia no C.Baixo mais tambm tcnicas e combinaes dos temas mais conhecidos, este curso ter mais COMBINAES EM GRAUS para aplicao entre escalas sobre ritmos mais usados, TCNICAS SLAP E GROOVE, HARMONIAS E IMPROVISAES.1 Harmonia Mapdas2 Tcnicas de Slap3 Frases do Charlie Parker ( Jazz)4 Tcnicas de Groove ( Jaco Pastorius)5 Frases no Forr Aplicao6 Improvisao7 Forr Avanado Estilo TropykaliaOBS; CURSO ATUALIZADO SEMANALMENTE"
Price: 69.99

"Formation en Calculs Topomtriques avec Covadis" |
"A l'issue des travaux topographique ffectus l'aide des appareils (station totale, niveau etc..), les carnets de terrains ne sont pas toujours exploitables. Il convient de les transformer en gobases afin doprer des calculs ( relvement, triangulation, gisement, rayonnement etc) indispensables la gnration des plans aussi bien en 2 dimensions qu'en trois dimensions.Dans ce cours vous apprendrez donc : les diffrents carnets de terrain lisibles par Covadis, formater un carnet de terrain traditionnel afin qu'il soit lisible, effectuer les calculs prparatoire, paramtrer les tolrances, effectuer les calculs topomtriques ( polygonale, nivellement, point rayonns etc..) et la gocodification qui permet d'automatiser la cration d'un plan topographique en codant les points lors du lev."
Price: 99.99

"Formation Covadis 2D" |
"Covadis 2D exploite l'applicatif Covadis pour la production des plans topographiques et la conception des projets damnagement en deux dimensions. Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez entre autre la gestion des chelles et des systmes de coordonnes, L'insertion et la gestion des semis de points, Les constructions gomtriques, L'habillage des plans, La cotation, Les listings"
Price: 99.99

"Android Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme Eitimi Kotlin 2020" |
"Android platformunda mobil uygulama gelitirmek istiyorsanz doru adrestesiniz.Temel seviyeden ileri seviyeye kadar Android uygulama gelitirme alannda geliim salayacaksnz.2011 ylndan beri 100lerce insana profesyonel bir ekilde Android uygulama gelitirme eitimi veriyorum.Son yllarda Android ve IOS eitmeni olarak BT AKADEM , BLGN T ACADEMY VE BAARISOFT gibi kurumsal irketlerde eitmen olarak grev yapyorum.rencilerimizin tamamna yakn yksek memnuniyet ile kursumuzu tamamladlar ve kendi alanlarnda android gelitirici olarak almaktalar.Eitim kurumlarnda edindiim tecrbe ile bu online kursu sizler iin tasarladm.Eitim mfredatnn verimli, profesyonel ve dzenli olmas iin ok zaman harcadm.Rahatlkla Eitim mfredat olarak en dzenli ierie sahip bu kurs diyebilirim.Bu eitim ieriinin yapsn ve kalitesini dier kurslar ile kyaslayabilirsiniz.Kursun sonunda tam anlamyla profesyonel bir ekilde uygulama gelitirebileceksiniz.Bu kurs bir ok teknoloji ve yazlm aralar iermektedir. PHP, Firebase, Volley, Retrofit 2, MYSQL, SQLite ve bunun gibi bir ou.Bunlar bilmiyorsanz endielenmenize gerek yok, Eitimde en temel seviyeden ileri seviyeye kadar geliim salayacaksnz.Eitim ierii konu balklar ;Kotlin Blm : Kotlin GiriDeikenler ve Veri TipleriStandart Programlama YaplarNesne Tabanl ProgramlamaCollectionsString Yapsleri KotlinAndroid Blm : Android GiriAndroid Studio Proje DiziniAndroid TasarmAndroid alma YapsAndroid WidgetsAndroid Kullanc EtkileimiMaterial DesignAndroid Depolama lemlerileri AndroidAndroid nternet Tabanl lemlerAndroid Lokasyon lemleriProgramlama renmek Neden nemli ? Her geen gn yazlm hayatmzn en derinine kadar iniyor.Hayatmz kolaylatrrken yazlmclara byk bir i alan alyor.ok ge olmadan bu dijital aa ayak uydurmal ve yazlm sektrnde yer almalsnz.Bu dijitalleen ada ortalama bir bilgisayar ile kendinize yeni bir i frsat yaratabilirsiniz.zellikle mobil uygulama gelitirme sayesinde tek banza istediiniz her yerden projeler gelitirebilirsiniz.Hangi meslek ve eitimden olduunuz yazlmc olmak iin nemsizdir.Her yata bu beceriyi kazanabilirsiniz. Bir eitimci olarak hazrladm eitim mfredat ile profesyonel seviyeye gelmek sizin elinizde.Tek yapmanz gereken zamanz ayrarak geleceinizi deitirecek yazlm becerisini kazanmak iin abalamak.Gelin birlikte bu yola kalm ve size deer katalmBaarlar dilerim.Eitimi incelediiniz iin teekkrler"
Price: 194.99

"Creating Safety and Stability in the Workplace" |
"Those attending the training will likely learn that trauma, toxic stress, and/or a history of adversity impacts a persons biochemistry, and a persons biology will react without their conscious knowledge. They will learn that the inability or failure to manage the stress or resolve the adversity will undermine effective communication and erode meaningful relationships. This training helps everyone to become a better manager of themselves, rather than controlling of others. Participants will be introduced to research that shows how mistrust and the lack of collaboration in the workplace deter an organization's purpose and values, and presents core initiatives that serve to rebuild trust and transparency between employees and leadership."
Price: 69.99

"Probability Theory" |
"Welcome to this short course on Probability Theory.We will cover the following topics:Set TheoryVenn DiagramsProbability TheoryConditional ProbabilityBayesian ProbabilityWe will then look at a few questions that are based on the actuarial exams.This course at a First Year University Level and assumes you have had an introduction to Probability at school. The course is quite mathematical and you might want to brush up on your maths abilities before attempting it."
Price: 19.99

"Effective Utilization Of Time (EUT)" |
"In most of the situations, we are unable to execute the planned tasks/activities in a specified time because of the lack of utilization of time.We need to utilize the available time effectively to execute the tasks successfully in order to achieve our goals, to reach our aim, and to lead our day to day life in a better way."
Price: 19.99

beginner_to_intermediate_in_one_month_osb |
Price: 24000.00

"Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales 3/3" |
"La formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" a t cre pour vous apporter toutes les connaissances ncessaires dans le but de renforcer vos comptences de conseiller ou vous installer comme Praticien Spcialis en Phytothrapie.Cette troisime partie de la formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" est conue pour un apprentissage complet des plantes mdicinales travers des modules spcifiques se succdant logiquement.A l'issue de cette troisime partie, il est possible de valider le suivi de la formation complte par la certification EquilibreSante, (suivre les informations la section ddie).La Phytothrapie est une discipline trs performante en tant que moyens prventif, adjuvant et curatif !""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" est une formation complte en 3 parties qui s'accouple aux formations dj existantes ""Devenez Conseiller en Aromathrapie"" et ""Devenez Conseiller en Gemmothrapie et Phytembryothrapie"" pour les personnes dsirant devenir phyto-aromatologue.Diplm de la facult de mdecine Paris XIII en phyto aromathrapie, j'ai donc souhait proposer une formation complte en plantes mdicinales apportant les connaissances tant sur le plan chimique, incontournable pour conseiller les plantes mdicinales, que sur le plan pratique pour faciliter cet apprentissage.A la fin de cette troisime partie vous connatrez les proprits de 243 plantes mdicinales travers 17 indications majeures et la confection de 8 mlanges de plantes. Accdez au programme complet de cette troisime partie de la formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" ci-dessous !Cette formation contient :=> Plusieurs cours en vidos, (style projections PowerPoint), dcoups en sections pour une dure de prs de 12 heures=> Chacun des cours vidos est accompagn de son support pdagogique crit tlchargeable => Des ressources complmentaires sont accessibles pour complter l'apprentissage=> Des QCM de connaissances constituant de vritables rvisions de cours=> Des bonus finaliseront l'apprentissage de cette seconde partie de votre formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" => Une messagerie pour changer si ncessaireEn rsum, vous apprendrez, dans cette troisime partie, tout ce que vous devez connatre pour conseiller les plantes mdicinales vos clients ou patients et/ou votre entourage.Cette troisime partie de votre formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" vous permettra, si vous le souhaitez, de valider votre suivi par la certification EquilibreSante non obligatoire !Le cursus de la formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" contient 3 parties !Vous allez suivre une formation signe EquilibreSante"
Price: 199.99

"Create an Alexa Skill in 10 mins and start earning" |
"The course will target beginner Alexa developer or interested students or professions. Alexa is the new cool now a days and learning new skills in short time is always good.Course content.1. Introduction to Alexa2. Sign up to Developer portal.3. Create your own custom Alexa skill.4. Test your first Alexa skill5. Know the developer console (Deep Dive)"
Price: 1280.00
