"SAS A00-212 Advanced Programming Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which SQL procedures program deletes rows from the class set of data?a) proc sql; Select * from the class, where age <(select stop_age the threshold); Stop;b) proc sql; Table Class edit, delete where age <(select stop_age the threshold); Stopc) proc sql; Delete the class, where age <(select stop_age the threshold); Stop;d) proc sql; Alter the classroom, delete the old wording <(select stop_age the threshold); Stop;Q) The following SAS program is presented: the data proc = testdata.one; to run; Which SQL procedures similar program produces information about the attributes of the columns, the TESTDATA.ONE data set?a) proc sql; testdata.one table content; Stop;b) proc sql; Describe testdata.one table; Stop;c) proc sql; describe testdata.one; Stop;d) proc sql; testdata.one Content; Stop;Q) The following SAS program is presented: Temp data; Matrix points {2,3} (10,15,20,25,30,35); to run; What impact has the ARRAY statement they plan vector data (PDV)?a) No variables are created in POVb) The variables named POINTS10, POINTS15, POINTS20, POINTS25, POINTS30, POINTS35 are created in the PDVc) The variables referred to in points 1, POINTS2, points 3 points 4 points 5, 6 points are created in the PDVd) The variables named POINTS11, POINTS12, POINTS21, POINTS22, POINTS23 are created in POVQ) Since the SAS data set one: ONE, NUM VAR, 1 A, 2 B, 3 C, SQL procedures Which program deletes the data set ONE?a) proc sql; drop table one; Stop;b) proc sql; Remove one table; Stop;c) proc sql; eliminates one table; Stop;d) proc sql; Delete by one; Stop;Q) What is the purpose of SASFILE statement?a) It calls for SAS data sets to be opened and loaded into SAS memory one page at a timeb) It requires that a given set SAS SAS open and loaded into memory a variable at a timec) It requires that a set of SAS data be opened and loaded into memory SAS observation at a timed) It requires that a set of data SAS SAS be opened and loaded into memory in its entirety"
Price: 149.99

"SAP C_BOE_30 Application Associate Business Certified Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When a Crystal scheduled report runs correctly, which server notifies the Central Management Server (CMS) of the sample status?a) Crystal Reports Page Serverb) File Repository Serverc) Crystal Reports Job Serverd) Web Application ServerQ) Which three statements describe the role of the Web Intelligence Report Server? (Choose three.)a) Meets to view Web Intelligence reports requestsb) Upgrade Central Management Server (CMS) with the sample statusc) Processes in Web Intelligence reports required programd) Create report instances for Web Intelligence reports reportsQ) Which two statements describe situations that will benefit from using server groups? (Pick one.)a) You are going to group Central Management Server (CMS).b) Datasources are located in geographically dispersed locationsc) Some processing servers are configured for specific database.d) Are you using a web farm.Q) When you install BusinessObjects Enterprise, what is the minimum hard disk space required for a drive that contains the TEMP directory?a) 100 MBb) 500 MBc) 700 MBd) 1000 MBQ) What is a requirement for a client running the Central Management Console?a) The Publishing Wizard must be installedb) All BusinessObjects Enterprise servers must be installedc) The network connectivity to the Central Management Server (CMS)d) Network connectivity to the production database"
Price: 154.99

PPT: |
Price: 600.00

"Projeto de combate a incndio" |
"Quer se destacar no mercado de trabalho para conseguir aquela vaga dos sonhos, ento nada melhor do que comear por este campo que to pouco explorado nas universidades. Neste curso os alunos tero conhecimento para elaborao de projetos de combate e preveno a incndios, ser realizado o detalhamento de uma planta de um restaurante, tambm ter embasamento em norma tcnica e o aluno ter todo material necessrio para realizao do curso. bom destacar que o curso voltado para o pblico iniciante, j que feito passo a passo e passado informao bsicas."
Price: 99.99

"99 Funes Essenciais do Microsoft Excel" |
"Este o curso para que voc conhea a fundo a sintaxe das funes do Excel. Sero abordadas funes que so comumente usadas usadas por analistas e tomadores de deciso. De forma gradual voc ser conduzido a entender a lgica de cada funo, quais so seus argumentos, quais argumentos so obrigatrios, quais so argumentos opcionais, qual o tipo de dados de entrada e qual o retorno de cada funo. Veremos como podemos as funes em frmulas complexas e aplicar na resoluo de problemas."
Price: 84.99

"Gouache portrait for beginners" |
"In this class I will teach you how to paint a gouache portrait step by step. We will work from a photo reference, that is enclosed in class.I will explain the basics of a standard face so we can learn how to place the facial features accuratelyAfter that, we will draw our portrait from the reference photoWe will then build our portrait layer by layer, adding details and refining colors and valuesAt the end of the class youll be able to paint a gouache portrait from a reference photo in realistic colors."
Price: 24.99

"Agile & Scrum in Depth: Guide, Simulation and Best Practices" |
"Are you looking to learn agile and scrum but you are disappointed that most of courses are not practical? Do you want to know which methods to implement in Scrum? Would you like to see a scrum team in action to learn from them?In this course we will learn every secret about Agile and Scrum and we will see a simulation of Scrum Team working with the best practices and methods while building a product and taking decisions to overcome situations and improve. You will be able to replicate their process in your team very easily.During the course you will take Two PSM1 practice exams to prepare for your certification and use templates to create key techniques and artifacts like a product vision, product backlog, scrum board, release backlog, definition of ready, definition of done and many others that will make a difference in your role as a Product Owner or Scrum master.True Scrum: This course is totally aligned with the latest version of the scrum guide.What you will learn?Origins of Agile: What are the key concepts, philosophy and knowledge that are behind Agile.Two approaches of Work - A Game for you: A Game to learn some agile values and the differences with waterfall model.Agile Investment Model: How agile contributes to the economic success of a project, product and investors. How an agile vendor contract typically looks like.What is Agile?: The core concepts and values to understand agile.Scrum Certifications: A summary of the most important Scrum certifications and a guide with mock exams to practice for it.Introduction to Scrum: A walkthrough throw scrum including an overview to the roles, ceremonies and artifacts.Scrum Roles: What each role is expected to do in Scrum and how they collaborate to each other.Scrum Events: How the team members of a scrum team collaborate in specific meetings to take decisions about the product they are building and improve constantly.Scrum Events Agenda: An overview and practice of how the events look in sprints of 2 and 1 weeks and tips to organize them.Scrum Artifacts: The artifacts in Scrum, who should manage each of them. Including a template to create your definition of done.Defining the Product Vision: Defining a Product vision is a key technique for any scrum team to understand where they are going, what they are building and the impact they want to do with it. This section shows a method and example to create a Product Vision.Product Backlog Management and Release Backlog - How to Maximize the Value: A workshop and full example though a method and technique to prioritize the Product backlog in order to maximize value and define upcoming releases.Estimate ValueEstimate effort of the Product BacklogOrder and Maximize the valueScrum Sprint Simulation: Team Product and Example: A complete sprint simulation with a scrum team working on a product, taking decisions and improving.User StoriesPlanning Poker and story points estimationEstimate ValueOrder the Product BacklogDeal with StakeholdersHow to plan a sprintHow to make a daily scrumHow to make Product Backlog RefinementHow to facilitate the Sprint ReviewHow to prepare and facilitate the RetrospectiveTools: a list of tools to use with Scrum or remote work.What you will you create and do?Exercise to compare agile vs. waterfall.Take mock exams for PSM1 Scrum certificationsCreate an assessment of scrum roles for you or other team members.Create the agenda and calendar for scrum events.Create a Definition of done.Create a Product VisionCreate and organize the Product backlogCreate User stories.Estimate the size of User Stories.Estimate and Maximize the value of User StoriesCreate a Sprint Backlog and task board.Create a Release Backlog.Create an assessment of your Scrum Implementation and which methods implement with actions.Create a Definition of Ready with a Template.Create a Product Backlog and Sprint BacklogCreate a Retrospective structure with activities.Practice with PSM1 alike examThis course is specifically for:People that want to see how a pragmatic Scrum team really works.People that wants to take a scrum certification like PSM1 or CSM.People that want to see methods to use in Scrum.People that know scrum framework and theory and want to see best practices.Product Owners, Project Managers, Scrum master, Team members, developers Entrepreneurs.People looking to learn more about Scrum or how to implement scrum.Why taking the class? What you will gain?Understanding how to implement Scrum with best practices.Resources and templates to apply to a Scrum Team.Understanding of how a Scrum team works.Ideas to use in your Scrum team.Ideas to facilitate Scrum Events.About meHi, my name is Ignacio.My main goal is to help you with new knowledge that you can apply at work and be a successful and professional leader.I led, coached, led and managed Agile projects and scrum teams since 2005 for customers from all over the world.During my career of intensive learning I got many advanced scrum certifications including Certified Scrum Professional Scrum Master, Certified Professional Scrum Product Owner and Certified Agile Leadership.I worked 15 years as a Professor for Agile Methodologies and Systems design.I love to teach Agile and Scrum and I designed a lot of hours of training that I am bringing online. I prefer to teach with games and activities that can simulate the real world.I trained hundreds of students in Agile that became top professionals in the industry. Teaching what I learned in my 20 years of experience allows the students to gain realistic learning that they can apply at work.----Customer Testimonials: ""Fantastic and well explained. It will definitely help me to perform even more corrective manner."" ""Im get what I really look for"" ""its amazing"" ""The course is helpful in allowing me to understand real life scenarios that can occur during the sprint as well as real solutions to help my team solve them."" ""The practical aspects defined and explained in the last parts of the course was the best of all as I was able to relate a real time scenario with the theory learnt."" ""Great course. Very detailed and easy to learn"""
Price: 199.99

"JNCIA-Junos - JN0-103 - Juniper Routing & Switching - Tests" |
"JNCIA-Junos is designed and intended for individuals with beginner-intermediate knowledge of networking and verifies a candidates's understanding of the core functionality of the Juniper Networks Junos OS.The exam tests your knowledge on a total of 6 key areas and they are as follows:Junos OS FundamentalsUser InterfacesConfiguration BasicsOperational Monitoring and MaintenanceRouting FundamentalsRouting Policy and Firewall FiltersJN0-103 exam info :Exam Title: Juniper Network Certified Internet Associate - JunosFormat: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 90 minutesNumber of Questions: 65Validity: 3 yearsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"JNCIA-Cloud - JN0-211 - Juniper Cloud Associate - Tests" |
"JNCIA-Cloud is designed and intended for individuals with introductory-level knowledge of Juniper Networks cloud-based networking architectures, theory, and best practices and verifies a candidates' understanding of the core functionality of cloud-based networking principles and technologies.The exam tests your knowledge on a total of 7 key areas and they are as follows:Cloud ArchitecturesNFVSDNSDN WANCloud MonitoringCloud Managed ServiceCloud SecurityJN0-211 exam info :Exam Title: Juniper Network Certified Internet Associate - CloudFormat: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 90 minutesNumber of Questions: 65Validity: 3 yearsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"JNCDA - JN0-1101 - Juniper Network Design Associate - Tests" |
"JNCDA is designed and intended for individuals with beginner knowledge of network design, theory, and best practices and verifies a candidates' understanding of network design fundamentals.The exam tests your knowledge on a total of 5 key areas and they are as follows:Customer Network Design RequirementsSecuring the NetworkBusiness ContinuityNetwork Automation and ManagementNetwork Design ArchitecturesJN0-1101 exam info :Exam Title: Juniper Network Certified Design AssociateFormat: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 90 minutesNumber of Questions: 65Validity: 3 yearsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"JIT - Just In Time" |
"Significado:Just in Time significa que cada processo deve ser suprido com os itens certos, no momento certo, na quantidade certa e no local certo.O Just in Time ao mesmo tempo: Uma filosofia, um conjunto de tcnicas e um mtodo de gesto. a preocupao na melhoria continua dos processos.O objetivo do Just in Time:A sua funo eliminar todos os desperdcios. identificar, localizar e eliminar as perdas, garantindo um fluxo contnuo de produo.A viabilizao do Just in Time depende de 3 fatores relacionados; so eles:Fluxo contnuo;Takt Time;Produo Puxada."
Price: 39.99

"Risk Expert - Aprenda na Prtica" |
"Esse curso no somente para quem quer trabalhar na rea de risco...So conceitos fundamentais de finanas que todo mundo deve saber.No vamos focar em formulas matemticas difceis, mas sim na intuio de todos os conceitos.Mais uma vez vamos aprender com muito exemplo de Excel!Considero a melhor forma de aprender, pois voc ver tudo na prtica acontecendo na sua planilha.Nesse curso iremos falar sobre as principais mtricas e medidas de risco de mercadoVamos aprender:Risco de LiquidezTrabalhar com sries de retornosDistribuio de retornosVolatilidadeMximo DrawdownVolatilidade EWMAValue at RiskNoes iniciais de Portflio"
Price: 519.99

"Selling Online: how to sell without ever being in the room." |
"Good salespeople are just natural at sales, right? Wrong. And, you have to discount massively to get these sales through the gate don't you? Nope.But... That's just the way it is. Sellers have to sell the way the buyer wants- the customer is always right, right? Again, wrong.What do people think about when they hear the word salesperson? Pushy? Rude? Ruthless? Won't take no for an answer?Whether you're a professional salesman or saleswoman, a business owner who's forced to start selling, or someone who's just starting out selling you'll have heard all of these things before. People are petrified that sales seems to be a high-pressured environment, a vicious world where the good die young, and only the strong survive.That's not an uncommon worry. And it also doesn't have to be true.Sales doesn't have to be high-pressured. It's not only possible to generate high-value pieces of business without discounting your services, it can become the norm without having to aggressively attack your prospect with offers, annoying messages or unethical activities. And it can be done online too.So this is what the course is about; it's there to help you generate leads by developing a prospect ready audience, leveraging that audience through social selling, utilising social media such as LinkedIn or Facebook, and then converting these prospects to sales through the Sandler Selling system, generating more orders at a higher value, all in a setting that's not even face to face.Nick Pilgrim -a Social Media and Video Expert- joins Matthew Dashper-Hughes -a global Sandler Sales Trainer- to tackle this topic from two directions:Social Selling:Build an audience on a network that's ready to prospect to, whether that's through LinkedIn, Facebook or another social media network.Learn how to provide value for that audience and become a trusted advisor.Build bonding & rapport with these people, identifying potential prospects in the process and meeting through Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts or Microsoft Teams.Develop content that establishes you in a potential customer's mind.Sales Techniques:Follow and establish a system that fits with your business and not being at the mercy of the buyer's every whim.Identify the pains that prospects have and the potential impact of this that you could take away.Learn to establish the budget for each project; delivering your services or products without discounting them.Come to a decision quickly, saving you the pain of eye-wateringly long sales cycles.By combining these two pillars of online selling, you can prospect, digitally meet through Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams or Google Hangouts, and convert business from potential customers all around the world. What is the Sandler Sales system? And who are these guys?Well, Sandler has been the world's leading sales training organisation for over 50 years- training over 30,000 sales leaders a year to sell in a low-pressured way that fits perfectly within an online system, developing courses for Harvard, AT&T, LinkedIn (one of the reasons why it works so well online!), Microsoft and Proctor & Gamble.Matthew's background before coming to Sandler was a C-Level backdrop as the COO of Ryman, MD of Bargain Booze and a long career of effective selling in business, that grew into his lifelong passion for training others to do the same.Nick is a successful business owner, social media & marketing guru, university lecturer and TV Advert director - teaching for a number of years as an Advertising Film lecturer, and video content trainer over the UK while building successful social media activity for businesses and his own Video Production company to fuel them with content.Who is this course for?New salespeople are frustrated that they can't get their foot in the door with prospective business without seeing them face-to-face.Business owners who are upset that they need to sell their own products or services, but don't know how.Sales leaders who have sold in a face-to-face way for years (or even decades), but are worried that their skills won't translate to the digital world.Business development managers who are concerned that they need to bring business in, but can't actually meet people in person.With over 3 hours of content and 40 lectures, (one of the most comprehensive on Udemy) we go into every element of how you can effectively sell to your potential customers online.See you on the course."
Price: 199.99

"Night Photography MASTERCLASS: Capture Stunning Night Photos" |
"Hello and welcome,My name is Matthew Storer, an award-winning professional landscape & travel photographer from Australia. Welcome to my Night Photography Course, where I want to share everything I have learnt in the last 20+ years and travelling to over 100+ countries around the world.Have you ALWAYS dreamt of capturing stunning night photography images? You will learn practical and professional night photography techniques with a simple step-by-step procedure. However, this course will give you confidence in capturing images even if you're a complete beginner; there is something for everyone!Get your camera off automatic and completely understand ALL the basics of capturing ""amazing"" images! Let me show you how to enhance your night photography skill by developing a basics understanding of camera settings, compositions and editing techniques. Furthermore, raise your night photography skills to an entirely new level with the advanced sections inside of this course.How I structured this course!Module 1: In the first module, we will understand the basics of Night photography and what we're going to achieve in this course.Module 2: Inside module number two, we will explore the camera equipment required for night photography. We are covering all the necessary equipment needed to capture impressive results. Furthermore, we will look at additional intermediate and more advanced equipment for when you up to your night photography skills.Module 3: Module number 3 we will begin to look at the basics of photography, discover and understand all about ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed. An essential module to learn and understand for when we head out and do the practical assessments in this course.Module 4: In this section, we will look at more advanced basics in Night Photography - EXTREMELY important for achieving the best results.Module 5: Pre-Planning is typically overlooked in Night photography. Therefore in this module, we take a look at why it's so important and how it can help you get the best results for your night photography.Module 6: Out in the field, putting all our knowledge of what we've previously learnt and putting it into practice.Module 7: Understanding the importance of Composition in photography, and we take a look at basics compositions to achieve the BEST night photography images. Foreground, reflection, scale, cityscape and much much more!Module 8: Ramping up the difficulty but achieving the BEST results we can for our night Photography. Focus Stacking, Milky Way, Time Lapse, Star Trails, and so much more unique images to create in these lessons.Module 9: It's finally time to finish our work out in the field with everything we've learnt over the previous eight lessons paying off. In this module of image editing, we generalise post-production from an overall perspective to suit all types of software.ALWAYS REMEMBER! I'm delighted to answer all your questions! Head over and join the Facebook page for further inspiration, comments and follow up feedback about future images!Course Outline Summary:Night Photography Camera BasicsNight Photography in field BasicsImage Editing for the ENTIRE course images!Step-by-step easy to follow proceduresAll RAW files for post-productionPersonal Support for comments & questionsLearn necessary advanced techniques for night photographyLearn my entire workflow from beginner to intermediate.Create those unique night sky images that you've always dreamt of capturing!"
Price: 149.99

"Watercolor Painting of Mulan Character" |
"In this watercolor painting tutorial, I have shown different watercolor techniques like wet on wet, wet on dry, etc. and how to use them efficiently to achieve the final result. We will start with a basic illustration of the Mulan character, then we will start with painting different body parts. I have categorized the entire course into smaller parts so that you can work on it at your own pace.I have provided the Mulan Character Illustration/drawing as a template, you can download and paint along with me step by step.Watercolor is a beautiful medium and anyone can learn watercolor painting if they practice daily.We have covered the below areas in this tutorial:Wet on WetWet on DryFacial FeaturesHair PaintingCloth PaintingPainting EmbroideryEnhancing ColorPainting Sword & Scale ArmorPainting ScabbardPainting Arrow"
Price: 29.99

"Potansiyeli Performansa eviren Ekip Lideri" |
"Eitimin Amacirketlerde yaplmas gereken ileri ynetebilecek bir ok yetenekli ynetici bulunabilir, ancak iyi bir lider sadece byle bir yetenee dayanmaz. Lider Olmak ile Liderlik Etmek ayn ey deildir. Lider olmak bir ekilde en yksek aamaya gelmi olmak demektir. Liderlik Etmek ise; dier insanlarn istekleriyle sizin arkanzdan gelmeleri demektir. Bunu onlara para verildii iin yapmazlar. stedikleri ve inandklar iin yaparlar....nk irketler bir eyleri satmak iin retir. Bu rnleri ya da hizmetleri ekipler retir, ekipler hazrlar, ekipler kontrol eder ve ekipler satar. letmenin balangcndan sonuna dein temeli ekip almasna dayanr. Herkesin ii bireyseldir ve herkes tek bir belirlenmi ama iin alr. Tek vcut olur, Ekip olurte tam da bu noktada Liderin amac;Ekip kalitesinin ykselmesi,Ortak bir amacn varl,Birlikte alma becerileri,Liderlik Etme becerilerinigelitirmek olacaktr ve bu temele baldr;Bireysel kaliteyeEkip kalitesineLiderin kalitesineEitimin eriiPotansiyeli performansa eviren ekip lideriGAM Ekip nedir?Ekip demek Ekip almasnda doann bize rettikleri1- Gven ortam yaratmakLiderin gvenilir olmas iin gerekenlerEkip baarsnn temelleriOrtak deerlerAma - Tutku - AlakgnlllkEkip almas kimlerle yaplr?2- Amac iin ilham vermek Adaletli olmakEitlik mi adalet mi?Neden? Nasl?Ekibi tevik etmenin yollarBirlikte alma becerileri3- Motivasyonu salamakEkip almasnda ve Liderin motivasyonuSizi ne motive eder?Ekip almasnda i ve d motivasyonun nemiPotansiyeli performansa eviren Ekip LideriByk liderlerin ortak zellikleriNe zaman ekip olunur?Eitim ii uygulamalarKimler Katlmallk ve orta kademe yneticiler ile, ekip halinde almak zorunda olan retim ekiplerini sevk ve idare eden ekip liderleri.Eitimde KazanmlarSonu odakllk iin gnll ibirlii salanacaktr.Gven ortamnn, adaletli olmann ve motivasyon salamann nemi kavranacaktr.Liderlik etme becerileri geliecek ve potansiyel performansa evirme iin gerekli admlar atlacaktr."
Price: 119.99

"Gatilhos mentais da comunicao" |
"Curso bsico de Gatilhos Mentais da Comunicao.Trato aqui dos gatilhos essenciais para a aplicao no seu negcio e no relacionamento.So 12 gatilhos principais.Como sou professor e percebo que a maioria dos alunos no gostam de ler livros, ento, trago aqui a mesma forma que uso com eles: o contedo bem resumido, com o essencial.Assim, se voc no tem tempo para ler esses assuntos em livros ou na internet, o curso vai lhe adiantar um bom tempo que iria dispensar nesse aprendizado.Esse contedo est com bastante riqueza pela internet, em livros. Porm, aqui, eu os trago resumido de forma que voc pegue o essencial, e se quiser se aprofundar mais, ainda indico algumas obras.Em pouco mais de uma hora voc ter o essencial dos gatilhos mentais para melhorar a suas vendas, o seu relacionamento, enfim, melhorar a sua comunicao, influenciar melhor as pessoas."
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Business Analytics" |
"This is a non-technical program, no coding background is required.This course offers an introduction to big data analytics, statistics and data-driven decision making for all business professionals, including those with no prior analytics knowledge.Analytical skills are essential in any business. There is a growing need for employees across all areas to know how to read, interpret, and present data in a way that can be understood across all functions and inform decision making.This course presents an overview of the field of business and marketing analytics and data science for you to make informed business decisions.It is an introduction to the different analytics methodologies and how are they used, and is not intended to prepare learners to perform analytics themselves but to gain knowledge of what analytics can do."
Price: 89.99

"100-490 RSTECH: Cisco CCT Routing and Switching" |
"Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching (CCT Routing and Switching) certification focuses on the skills required for onsite support and maintenance of Cisco routers, switches, and operating environments. Technicians in this area must be able to identify Cisco router and switch models, accessories, cabling, and interfaces; understand the Cisco IOS Software operating modes and identify commonly found software; and be able to use the Cisco Command Line Interface (CLI) to connect and service products. Achieving CCT Routing and Switching certification is considered the best foundation for supporting other Cisco devices and systems."
Price: 19.99

"Formation de AutoCAD 2021 de A Z" |
"Un cours de plusieurs vidos sur AutoCAD 2021, ces vidos vous permettront d'apprendre AutoCAD de A Z, c..d. du dbutant au professionnel.Vous allez apprendre installer le logiciel gratuitement, puis faire connaissance avec ce dernier et ensuite apprendre utiliser ses commandes de 2D et 3D.L'utilisation des blocks c..d. la cration et l'insertion, et la dfinition des attributs sont aussi important dans l'utilisation de AutoCAD.Nous allons voir des exemples pratiques sur l'utilisation des commandes 2D et aussi des commandes 3D, sans oublier la mise en plan."
Price: 19.99

pravila-otnosheniy |
" ? : ? , : 8 , , -."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Essencial Lgico" |
"Desenhar um plano e um projeto consistente de Marketing pode parecer algo realmente burocrtico, para alguns. Partir para a ao intuitiva parece sempre mais instigante, e a principal causa disto para quem entende desta competncia a falta de um maior alinhamento dos processos a um fluxo lgico de percepo e decises.Em Marketing Essencial Lgico, vamos eliminar estas dvidas, trazendo o Marketing e o Plano de Marketing de volta para sua base mais primria, e permitindo que a sua rvore de ferramentas e solues conhecidas surja naturalmente e em sequncia que faa absoluto sentido em seu planejamento. Comearemos com uma apresentao simples e objetiva de toda a base terica da matria, com uma viso fora da caixa e livre intercalada com a viso acadmica, e levaremos o curso por um caminho que culminar em aes prticas, exemplos prticos de tabelas em Excel para cada estgio de preparao e finalmente na criao de um plano de marketing completo ao encerramento do curso.Curso fundamental para empreendedores independentes, profissionais corporativos relacionados ou que se valem de competncias de Marketing, estudantes de marketing e mesmo profissionais experientes, como uma reviso.Abordaremos referncias acadmicas, mas tambm vamos desestrutur-las.No importa o seu grau de conhecimento no assunto, o que apresentarei aqui lhe ajudar a colocar as ideias nos trilhos."
Price: 159.99

"Vegan sushi masterclass - the complete guide to vegan sushi" |
"Hello and welcome to the Vegan Sushi Masterclass!Vegan sushi is absolutely delicious and now you can learn to make it in two hours! This is the only course on Udemy that teaches vegan sushi.Learn to make rolls on a pro level with my easy to follow methods. I will guide you step by step - from zero knowledge to a vegan sushi hero!We're going to learn four types of rolls, four types of nigiri, small sushi balls (temari sushi), and sushi handrolls (temaki) - all the basic types you have to know. I'm going to teach you how to cut all of the ingredients, how to cook the rice, and even how to prepare the sushi mat for rolling. I've successfully taught thousands of students on my offline courses and now you can learn too!Don't just take my word for it, read what my past students said on TripAdvisor about the courses that I run:""The class was fabulous, very detailed with loads of sushi. Michal was absolutely fantastic! Very helpful, went above and beyond for the learners, and he was very friendly"" - Jeff (@Jeffreex)""We did the sushi making class with Michal and it was amazing. He was very knowledgable, entertaining, and helpful. We would recommend this class to anyone who loves sushi and fancies doing something a little bit different :). Great value for money as well!"" - Egitarre (@Egitarre)""It was absolutely fantastic! We'd done a class before and made sushi a handful of times but the class really went into depth on how to make different rolls well, beyond just `add rice to nori and leave a gap` like the other class we did. Michal was our teacher and he was an absolute joy, clearly enjoys what he does and makes the whole experience ten times better with his personality!"" - Luke (@lukew376)"
Price: 29.99

"Alemn Bsico para Hispanohablantes" |
"Quers empezar a estudiar el alemn ahora mismo?Inicia cuando y donde quieras.Estudia a tu ritmo.Lecciones con vdeos cortos y concisos.PDF descargables, tareas y ejercicios.Actualizaciones peridicas.Acceso por tiempo ilimitado. Puedes volver y repasar las lecciones cuando desees.Todo por un costo mucho ms reducido y con mucha mas comodidad.Si sos un jven o una jven a quin le gusta aventurarse en algo nuevo y conocer nuevas culturas, estudiar un nuevo idioma es un camino seguro para experimentar todo esto.ste curso de alemn bsico est diseado para hispanohablantes. Est creado de manera simple, concisa y con una estructura gradual. Donde se va agregando de a poco vocabularios y estructuras gramticales. Todo el contenido se basa en el Nivel A1 del CEFR , el Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas.Que aprenders en ste curso?- A leer y pronunciar correctamente las preguntas- Como presentarte y presentar a otras personas- Los nmeros cardinales y ordinales.- Los meses, das de la semana, las estaciones.- La hora.-Vocabularios referentes a bebidas, profesiones, oficina, aula, familia,vivienda.- Los sustantivos del alemn, gnero,artculos, y formas del plural.-A conjugar en presente simple.-Verbos ser y estar en el pretrito.-Las declinaciones del nominativo, acusativo y dativo.Animte a descrubrir tu talento con el idioma!. Si luego descubres que no es para ti, tienes 30 das para solicitar un reembolso. No tienes nada que perder ;)Nos vemos en el curso!Auf Wiedersehen"
Price: 24.99

"Programlama Dilleriyle Orta, leri Seviye Etik Hacker Kursu" |
"Kurs orijinal ve kalite bakmndan yeterli bir kurs olmakla birlikte ou web dilini yorumlayacaksnz ve bu yorumlardan yola karak gvenlik aklarn basit bir ekilde istismar ediceksiniz. Kursta bonus olarak hacker aralar nasl yazlm bu aralarn temel mantn kavrayacak hatta kendi hacker toolunuzu yazcaksnz. NOT: Yazlan programlar kendi iinde baka programlar altrp sadece kolay ve estetik bir grnm salayacaktr aksi takdirde bunun iin ayr bir kurs alabilir"
Price: 49.99

"Learning Canva from Scratch" |
"Canva is a powerful web-based Designing Application that can be used for Graphic Designs, GIF Animations, and Simple Video Productions. In this course, we will be taking a look at Canva Interface Options to work with Images, Elements, Text, Background Music, Video and Apps & Integrations.Then, we will see how to share and export projects, and wrap up with an example project.This course will focus entirely on the Cavna Features available in the Free Version.I hope you will enjoy learning and using Canva."
Price: 19.99

"Praticando a Aprendizagem Ativa" |
"Conhea os conceitos de Aprendizagem Ativa e desenvolva aulas mais engajadoras!A educao, hoje, passa por grandes transformaes. Quando pensamos na aprendizagem de cada estudante no centro no processo educacional, algumas das prticas convencionais utilizadas nas escolas podem ser complementadas por novas atividades.Neste momento de planejamento remoto das atividades, conhecer os conceitos de uma prtica inovadora e as ferramentas para ressignificar nosso papel como educadores essencial.Este curso direcionado para professores de educao infantil; professores de Ensino Fundamental 1 e 2; professores de Ensino Mdio; professores de cursos universitrios; estudantes de licenciatura ou pedagogia."
Price: 54.99

"Salud Mental para la Nueva Normalidad" |
"Objetivos Especficos:Reconocer las formas, ajustes y modificaciones en la interaccin social del entorno inmediato, as como sus efectos en el estado mental y emocional.Discriminar entre fuentes de informacin, confiables y veraces.Conocer las implicaciones de la nocin de crisis, y sus efectos comunes a nivel emocional y social.Fortalecer habilidades socioemocionales como estrategias de afrontamiento y recursos especficos ante la incertidumbre, ansiedad y estrs.Complementar el concepto de resiliencia con su dimensin social o relacional.Identificar la importancia que tiene la conexin interpersonal en situaciones lmite.Ejercitar habilidades tendientes al cuidado propio y de los dems."
Price: 34.99

"Cinema/TV - Lei de incentivo p/ filmes e sries (Iniciante)" |
" Ao contrario do que muitos pensam, a lei mais utilizada para obras de cinema e TV a Lei do Audiovisual e no a lei Rouanet. Nesse curso irei ensinar como ela funciona e como passar por todas as etapas burocrticas neccessrias para captar recursos para um filme ou srie atravs da lei que permite iseno de imposto de renda para empresas patrocinadoras. Voc ir aprender como inscrever um projeto na Ancine (Agencia Nacional do Cinema) orgo regulador do setor e, a partir da, ter um projeto mais vendvel, uma vez que a empresa patrocinadora poder aportar recursos se beneficiando de desconto de 100% do valor do patrocinio no imposto de renda. Desta forma, a empresa recebe de volta todo o valor que colocou no filme, podendo patrocinar sem efetivamente gastar com o projeto. Voc ter uma moeda de troca muito mais valiosa em mos! Vale ressaltar que este um curso bsico. O processo dentro da Ancine sempre nico e possui especificidades que variam de projeto a projeto, mas estarei disponvel para responder a dvidas que possam surgir."
Price: 84.99

"Ally Up: Using allyship to advance diversity & inclusion" |
"Are you ready to accelerate diversity, equity, & inclusion (DE&I) efforts at your organization? Are you......a majority group member unsure what your role is in supporting and advocating for underrepresented or disadvantaged others? ...a minority group member struggling with how to best engage allies to promote equity and social justice? ...a senior leader or HR, L&D, and/or a DE&I representative wanting to build out an allyship program at your organization? Then Ally Up is for you!In this course, you'll learn all about how you can use allyship to create a more inclusive and fair workplace and world by effectively connecting across difference and partnering together to disrupt the status quo and build a world where EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to thrive. Allyship is a relationship between an ally and their partner, working together toward the shared goal of fairness, equity, and social justice. Someone shouldn't call themselves an ally, though. Only the person who benefits from an allys work should award this designation. Consider the word ally to be a verb. Its not who someone is, but what they do.An ally is someone who:Uses their power and status...To support and advocate for...Someone who doesnt share a key part of their identity. For example, male allies for women, white allies for People of Color, straight allies for LGBTQ+ individuals, and so on.In this course, you will learn the unique roles allies and the people they serve (who I refer to as ""partners"") need to play to advance inclusion and equity at your company.In section 1, you'll be introduced to the concept of allyship, why it matters, and what makes for the best ally partnerships between people across differenceIn section 2, you'll do the necessary inner work required for successful ally partnerships, including checking your bias and leveraging your privilege for goodIn section 3, you'll learn strategies for connecting and communicating across differenceIn section 4, you'll learn how to navigate tough conversations and how to lay the ground work for ongoing, systemic changeIn section 5, you'll learn about the specific actions allies and partners takeAnd in section 6 you'll receive a quick summary of what was covered and encouragement to continue this work moving forwardThis course comes with an Allyship Playbook with reflection exercises, tools, and assessments you can use to help you in your ally partnership. Use this playbook as many times as you need for different ally relationships, whether you're in the role of the ally or the partner. I've also included comprehensive course notes with lots of great resources and additional materials to help you learn more about allyship.There is no time like the present to start working towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive world through allyship, so enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Organisational Behaviour" |
"Course Objective:The objective of this paper is to familiarize the student with basic concepts and behavioral process in an organisation to enable him todevelop and adopt effective strategies.Course Contents:Unit- IIntroduction to Organizational Behaviour, approaches to OB, Models of OB.Unit- IINeeds, Motivation, Perception, Learning & Personality.Unit- IIILeadership and Supervision, Theories of Leadership, Group: formation, development, Inter-group problemsUnit- IVOrganizational Change, Conflict Resolution Management.Unit- VOrganizational Development. Diagnosis and Intervention"
Price: 1280.00
