"Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam prep (September Update)" |
"This Exam prep is designed for candidates looking to test their foundational-level knowledge of cloud services of Microsoft Azure by clearing the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam.AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam is intended for candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud-based solutions and services, as well as those with a technical background who have a need to validate their foundational-level knowledge around cloud services and Azure."
Price: 300.00

"Curso de AutoCAD do ZERO ao 3D (2020)" |
"Curso totalmente Online de AUTOCAD com pagamento nico e sem mensalidades. O Curso de AUTOCAD conta com um Certificado reconhecido em todo o Brasil e pode ser utilizado como capacitao profissional. Defina os seus prprios horrios de assistir as vdeo aulas e estudar, o curso com tambm com DIVERSOS PROJETOS COMENTADOS EM FORMATO DWG DISPONVEL PARA DOWNLOAD!"
Price: 189.99

"Trasformare la Sofferenza Emotiva" |
"Lobiettivo del corso fornire strumenti teorico/pratici per smettere di soffrire emotivamente. Come mai infatti facciamo fatica a staccarci da situazioni e/o persone che ci fanno soffrire? Perch non troviamo la forza di uscirne?Nel corso viene evidenziata la forza della nostra parte emotiva rispetto a quella logica.In particolare sono indicati strumenti per trasformare sia la rabbia eccessiva che gli attaccamenti emotivi: cio quei legami con alcune persone, delle quali, abbiamo la sensazione di non poterne fare a meno, pur essendo consapevoli che ci stiamo facendo del male."
Price: 19.99

"Mindfulness y meditacin. Conceptos esenciales y prcticas." |
"El mindfulness y su prctica esencial a travs de la meditacin, nos permite relacionarnos de una manera distinta con nuestra vida, mejorando nuestra experiencia interior as como con nuestras relaciones con los dems. Su prctica regular ayuda a:Reducir los niveles de estrs y ansiedadAumentar la capacidad de atencin y enfoqueFortalecer la inteligencia emocionalMejorar la capacidad de disfrutar de la vidaDormir mejorIncrementar la motivacin y la energaEn este curso exploramos qu es el mindfulness desde sus orgenes hasta las investigaciones ms recientes llevadas a cabo por cientficos lderes en los campos de la neurociencia y la psicologa. Tambin veremos el papel central de la meditacin y qu nos cuenta la ciencia sobre los beneficios de practicar regularmente.Al terminar el curso tendrs las herramientas necesarias para aplicar los conceptos y las prcticas del mindfulness en tu da a da, y si ya tienes experiencia previa, te servir para asentar tus conocimientos esenciales, as como para reforzar o continuar tu prctica."
Price: 34.99

"Cypress - Guide to Turn Beginners into Experts in 5.5 Hours" |
"Are you ready to invest 5.5 Hours of your time to become an expert in Web Automation Testing ?? Welcome you all to the BEST course in Udemy to learn and become an expert in an amazing tool called Cypress. This course is structured and well designed for the COMPLETE BEGINNERS. If you don't have prior knowledge on web automation testing or on Cypress, then this is the right course for you. As we will be learning everything from scratch. Cypress is Next Generation Front End Automation Testing Tool. It holds a great place in automation testing due to its fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. Cypress is way more powerful than the existing web automation tools such as Selenium, WebdriverIO due to its Architectural design.Cypress is not only for TESTERS but also for DEVELOPERS as we can do Unit testing & Integration testing by mocking incoming network responses. It also have the ability to perform API testing.By default, Cypress takes Screenshot for every test step and generate execution Mp4 Video after every test run.There are many more WOW Factors like above which you will come across in Training.**************************************************************************************************************************************************I can promise you that by the end of this course you can start attending interviews for cypress or can work in the cypress projects. Below are the Course Content :Introduction to CypressCypress Architecture & its advantagesCypress Installation & Project SetupCypress Test RunnerCypress Folder StructureLocator Strategies & First Test in CypressCommand line arguments for CypressHandling Basic UI Elements - Checkboxes, Radio buttons, Drop-downsHandling Advanced UI Elements - Alerts, Iframes, WebTablesCypress Framework Best PractisesHooks & Fixtures for Data driven testingCustom commands, Global configurations & PluginsPage object Design pattern with Cypress testsCypress Dashboard features Mochawesome reporting featureMocking API callsAPI/XHR Testing with CypressJavascript BasicsWhy else to wait. Purchase this course to become an expert in Cypress. Wish you all the Best !!!"
Price: 59.99

"Sew a cute reading cushion for a budding reader" |
"This course shows you how, with just straight lines, you can make a variety of reading cushions, suitable for readers of any age! With options for both trims and closures in three levels you can start as an absolute beginner and by working your way through the techniques, build up your skills and confidence. Course also includes instructions on making your own paper template so you can complete a project for a cushion of any size and downloadable checklists to help keep you on track."
Price: 24.99

"BPO Financeiro: Planejamento, precificao e vendas.Mdulo 1" |
"BPO Financeiro um dos servios relacionados Contabilidade Consultiva, uma modalidade crescente e cada vez mais buscada no mercado, capaz de incluir a empresa em um processo mais profundo do que somente os servios da conformidade legal, aproximando-a da gesto do negcio dos clientes.O objetivo do curso resume-se a implementao de um BPO, onde envolve uma anlise profunda de todos os processos da empresa, sua infraestrutura e procedimentos internos, desenvolvendo uma remodelao completa da estrutura organizacional. Quando tratamos de BPO financeiro, estamos abordando a integrao de todos os processos das atividades financeiras visando aumentar a eficincia operacional da empresa."
Price: 39.99

"BPO Financeiro na prtica. Mdulo 2" |
"BPO Financeiro um dos servios relacionados Contabilidade Consultiva, uma modalidade crescente e cada vez mais buscada no mercado, capaz de incluir a empresa em um processo mais profundo do que somente os servios da conformidade legal, aproximando-a da gesto do negcio dos clientes.O objetivo resume-se a implementao de um BPO, onde envolve uma anlise profunda de todos os processos da empresa, sua infraestrutura e procedimentos internos, desenvolvendo uma remodelao completa da estrutura organizacional. Quando tratamos de BPO financeiro, estamos abordando a integrao de todos os processos das atividades financeiras visando aumentar a eficincia operacional da empresa."
Price: 54.99

"Simples Piano Harmonia Fundamental 1" |
"Aprenda HARMONIA de forma definitiva e sem rodeios. Acordes Maiores , Menores , Meio Diminutos , Dominantes e suas aplicaes , como definir seu voicing ( Abertura ) correta e encadear com segurana . Progresses II V I e suas variaes tambm so abordadas de forma prtica com PLAYBACKS e exercicios dedicados. Um passo a passo dos intervalos dos acordes e suas possibilidades , afim de esclarecer alguns conceitos relativos aos Campos Harmnicos. Uma tima ferramenta pra voc evoluir de forma clara. Sejam BEM VINDOS ao mundo fascinante da HARMONIA."
Price: 54.99

"Como lidar com a birra atravs do afeto" |
"Este curso pensado para auxiliar mes, pais e cuidadores de crianas que enfrentam dificuldades a lidar com o mau comportamento de crianas de 0 a 6 anos. A forma como lidamos com o mau comportamento dos nossos filhos pode intensificar ou reduzir a frequncia do comportamento indesejado. Atravs da Disciplina Positiva e da Comunicao No Violenta vamos apresentar formas efetivas para diminuir o mau comportamento e ensinar habilidades parentais a fim de que possam colaborar para que as crianas desenvolvam autodisciplina, cooperao, responsabilidade e capacidade de resolver conflitos."
Price: 39.99

"Your First Track With Ableton Live and The PG8X" |
"In this short course you will learn to design your very unique sound using a fantastic freeware which i've been using in a good number of my productions, as did a lot of Music Producers : the PG8X. The perfect JX8P emulation sounding as close to real, made with love by Martin Lder.We will go through the process of designing drums and instruments straight out of the PG8X, for you to learn how to get your sound more unique by creating all your sounds from scratch easily. You'll also be able to apply these techniques to other synthesizers, therefore it is a very easy way to get to know more the world of synthesis.We will then show you interesting basic arrangement techniques for you to get out of the loop in a matter of seconds, or as long as your track length needs, introducing the easy concept of live performance in music production.No need to be a trained musician. Anyone who knows how to create a midi track in Ableton Live can follow this course.If you're not using Ableton Live, you can also use this course with your own DAW to learn how to design with the PG8X.If you wish the next course covers the DAW you're using, or the kind of music you are currently making drop me a message in the Q&A, and I'll be pleased to help you out !Hope you'll have as much fun as I did doing this track and creating this course!See you in there!Much love!Antho."
Price: 19.99

"Content Strategy and Planning in B2B Marketing" |
"This is a comprehensive course designed for B2B brand marketers, content marketing agencies, or individuals looking to take on the role of a content strategist. This course covers the Why, What, and How of B2B content strategy. There are plenty of examples, as well as quizzes. Students can use the helpful templates provided.The course modules include1. How Content Drives B2B Marketing2. Setting Goals for Content Marketing3. Defining Buyer Personas4. Defining Your Brand Voice5. Content Themes, Pillar Content, Topic Clusters6. Content Planning: Publishing, Promotion, Content CalendarsThere are plenty of examples from software, consulting, office furniture, aerospace, legal services, and more.The course includes 24 lectures, 6 quizzes, a content strategy template, and a brand voice brainstorming process doc."
Price: 34.99

"Creaccin: Aprende a usar toda tu Creatividad" |
"Puedes elegir entre ser una persona creativa o una persona no creativa. Est en tu mano.Las personas creativas son entusiastas, emprendedores, vitales, intuitivos, empticos, curiosos por todo, dotados de un gran sentido del humorLas personas no creativas, por lo general, son rgidos, cortoplacistas, apticos, conservadores, conformistas, rutinarios, apticosPuedes ser como quieras ser, faltara ms! Pero si puedes elegir por qu no elegir bien?Te apuntas? Pues bienvenido a... CREACCIN.OBJETIVOS DEL CURSOLos participantes del cursoAPRENDERN a pedirles ideas y soluciones a su Imaginacin.ENTENDERN la diferencia entre Ideas, Imaginacin y Creatividad.APRENDERN A UTILIZAR su creatividad de forma eficiente, aprendiendo a generar mltiples SOLUCIONES ALTERNATIVAS.Todo esto compuesto por Piezas de Vdeo, Aprendizajes y Entrenamiento con Ejercicios Prcticos."
Price: 19.99

"S un JobHunter" |
"En este curso aprenders las tcnicas ms avanzadas que existen en el mercado para conseguir trabajo. Conocers tus competencias a fondo, tcnicas de SEO, conocers lo que son los Applicant Tracking Systems, blindars tu perfil de Linkedin y CV, conocers tcnicas para negociar tu oferta y mucho ms. Este curso esta disenado para que lo termines en 17 dias, tu puedes ir a tu ritmo, dependiendo que tan rapido quieres conseguir trabajo.Asi que pon tu meta, terminalo y; Encuentra el mejor profesionista en ti!"
Price: 495.00

"Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners - Level 2" |
"Unleash the Power of MLMachine Learning is one of the most exciting fields in the hi-tech industry, gaining momentum in various applications. Companies are looking for data scientists, data engineers, and ML experts to develop products, features, and projects that will help them unleash the power of machine learning. As a result, a data scientist is one of the top ten wanted jobs worldwide!Machine Learning for Absolute BeginnersThe Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners training program is designed for beginners looking to understand the theoretical side of machine learning and to enter the practical side of data science. The training is divided into multiple levels, and each level is covering a group of related topics for continuous step by step learning.Level 2 - Python and PandasThe second course, as part of the training program, aims to help you start your practical journey. You will learn the Python fundamentals and the amazing Pandas data science library, including:Python syntax for developing data science projectsUsing JupyterLab tool for Jupiter notebooksLoading large datasets from files using PandasPerform data analysis and explorationPerform data cleaning and transformation as a pre-processing step before moving into machine learning algorithms.Each section has a summary exercise as well as a complete solution to practice new knowledge.The Game just Started!Enroll in the training program and start your journey to become a data scientist!"
Price: 179.99

"Eliminate Your Insomnia Now Build Strong Sleep Habits" |
"Eliminate Your Insomnia Now Build Strong Sleep HabitsNo More Insomnia! You Deserve a Good Night's Sleep - Banish Insomnia and Welcome Good Sleep Into Your BedroomInsomnia is a common affliction, but often it can be eliminated or reduced through the practice of better daily habits. Insomnia is often a function of poor sleep hygiene. The good news is that you can drastically reduce your insomnia or in some cases eliminate insomnia by improving daily habits regarding your exercise, diet, cell phone use, and bedtime routines.Too often, drugs are the first resort for people suffering from insomnia. If youve been down that route before, you know that this is often a solution worse than the problem. Anyone seeking to eliminate or reduce insomnia should first focus on changing behaviors that reduce sleep. Specifically, improving diet and exercise can make a huge improvement. Next, developing proper bedtime rituals, including eliminating all access to screens at least one hour before bedtime. Then, your bedroom must be configured in a way to facilitate uninterrupted sleep. And finally, you need to use every trick and tool available to eliminate distractions from a sound night's sleep.Personal development expert TJ Walker will guide you through a specific process to help you eliminate the vast majority of the causes of common insomnia. After taking this course, you will no longer wonder whether you are harming your sleep through your specific habits.So if youre ready to get a good night's sleep, go ahead and sign up for this course today. What do you have to lose except for the bags under your eyes?"
Price: 199.99

"10 Passive Income Businesses - Earn Passive Income In 2020" |
"Passive income is a dream and I'll help you understand the 10 most common passive income business models because I've done them all. I'll help you understand the pros and cons of affiliate marketing, selling on Amazon, the service arbitrage model, YouTube, online courses, and much more.TRIED A FEW THINGS ONLINE BUT NOTHING WORKS?That's common. Most first-time online entrepreneurs struggle in their first year or two. A big reason is that every passive income business sounds amazing, but has many challenges. Plus, the payouts are often smaller than we all dream about. This causes a lot of frustration instead of having the promise of living on the beach and not working.SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE TO GET THE REAL PICTUREIf you don't want to waste your time anymore and if you want a truthful perspective, sign up for this course. I've done all these businesses and I've coached hundreds of entrepreneurs on them, some of whom have been very successful with one client even reaching an 8-figure business.I'll walk you through all the pros and cons, and you will have the real picture of what these businesses are really like, what it will take to succeed, and how to succeed.Invest in your future! Enroll now."
Price: 49.99

"A Pro's Guide to Coloring with CLIP STUDIO PAINT!" |
"A Pro's Guide to Coloring with CLIP STUDIO PAINT is designed to teach you how to take advantage of this amazing app to add color to line art drawings or digital art. Each tool used and each stage of the process is broken down into lessons, so that you can easily follow along using methods I've honed over years working as a comic book colorist. These techniques can be used in almost any art style -- not just comics by the way. Lessons are full of tips, tricks, and shortcuts from the basics of setting up layers and preparing line art to functions such as masking and correction layers. You'll be taken through all of the important program settings, how to setup up a line drawing, adding the base colors, adding light and shadow in a variety of ways, and how to use CLIP STUDIO PAINT's tools and functions in a mix of creative ways.The method I'm teaching for adding light and shadow can be used in any lighting scenario, so you'll be able to take what you've learned in this course and apply it to your own art. I've also included my version of the finished exercise with all of the layers intact, so you can see exactly which colors I'm picking and how all of the layers work together to create one cohesive piece of art!I'm also including my Auto-Actions as well as some basic tool presets for you to use, so you don't have to fiddle around with CLIP's many tool settings. They intimidated me for a while! Many of the coloring techniques taught in the course can be applied to other apps like Photoshop or Procreate as well. I've been a hardcore Photoshop user for many years, and the more I use CLIP, the more things I miss when I go back to Photoshop these days. If you get stuck, you can always ask questions in the included discussion area, and I'll be there to help ASAP. I look forward to seeing you in the course! -- Kurt Michael Russell, instructor"
Price: 49.99

"Software Code Signing For Enhanced Security and Brand Trust" |
"So you want to hit the market with your new application or installer, but when someone uses your program, they get popups showing potentially unsafe or malicious software WARNINGS? You NEED a code signing certificate to increase your softwares security and build trust with your customers, but HOW does it all work?!With this easy to follow, step-by-step course, My goal is to streamline all the steps you need to go through in order to get your software certified with helpful tips and tricks I had to learn the hard way.Hi, Im Dan Strong and Im all about saving people time so they don't have to comb through all the fine print, forums, repeat my mistakes or be on hold for countless hours trying to get answers.With this course, I'll show you every step you need to take in order to get your certification and apply it to all of your applications. We'll dive into which types of certifications you may want to obtain, including the differences between OV and EV certificates, Finding a certificate authority to obtain your certificate. We will de-mystify the verification process for you so you'll know exactly how to prepare and what information you may need. The process isnt scary at all once you know what to expect.After you receive your certificate, I'll show you step-by-step how to install the token authentication client software as well as how to set up your 1st password & use the software appropriately.I'll show you how you can utilize your token subject name or thumbprint for extended validation signing and I'll take you through a technical demonstration of code signing an actual application as well as code signing a simple installer program.You can browse forums and learn some generic tips here and there - or you can let me show you exactly how everything works - removing the mystery from the process. Nowadays, anyone who wants to sell software, encrypted secured Excel applications or even installer files HAS TO USE SOFTWARE CODE SIGNING, but without this complete guide, it may take several extra days to figure it all out. Don't waste your time-Click below to get instant access and jumpstart your Development path."
Price: 34.99

"The Complete Photoshop CC Course - Beginner To Intermediate" |
"Tired of searching on YouTube to try and learn Photoshop? Are you ready to take your photography to the next level? Or maybe you just want to have better more professional photos for your instagram and other social media... Then our Complete Photoshop CC Course - Beginner To Intermediate is perfect for you! Our complete photoshop course will take you from beginner and intermediate to advanced users - in less time that most YouTube tutorials! Join 20,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled in This Courses! 10,000+ Five Star Reviews Show Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results! You Get Over 4.5+ hours and 30+ Lectures of FULL HD content! Watch the Promo Video to see how you can Get Started Today!_________________________________________________________________________We believe the best way to learn is by doing! That is why we have created multiple real world case examples for you to learn and create right along with us. By enrolling in our course today you will receive more than 30+ downloadable resources, PNGS, GIFs and more.This course is designed to shorten your learning curve and have you learn the most essential parts of Photoshop without wasting time. We use the latest version of Photoshop - CC 2020 - and all of the content can be understood using the latest versions of adobe photoshop. So... What are you going to learn?! How to download and get the best photoshop version availableHow to start using photoshop to edit photos right away with our special mini projectHow to Create a new document How to navigate the entire photoshop program How to work with multiple images How to export different file types How to use photoshops more important tools Cropping and Resizing Mask and Pen ToolsColor Resizing Color Grading Selections Different types of layers and blend modesAdjustment layers Layer effectsFilters Advanced TitlesAdvanced GIF creation Content aware fillAnimationAnd So Much More! After enrolling in our Complete Photoshop CC Course - Beginner To Intermediate....You Will Be Able To...Use photoshop cc 2020 with ease! You will feel as if you can control and use photoshops best features like a professional would for any project. Whether you are using photoshop for a new project, starting a side hustle, considering freelancing opportunities, or using it as a personal hobby, this course will help you get to the next levels and beyond.Check out some of the recent review from our students_________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to master Adobe Photoshop CC and beyond. When we learn something new - we add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to the 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course._________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course._________________________________________________________________________It's time to take action! This course will not remain this price forever!Click the ""Buy Now"" button, top right, Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Joe Parys & Jack Cole"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Traffic Masterplan" |
"Here are what you will learn in this guide:Content marketing strategies to attract a bigger audience to your blog or social profiles.7 benefits of posting valuable content on your website and social media.How to build links that will actually IMPACT on your ranking!How to write SEO content that generates organic search traffic and boosts your ranking.How to grow your social media exponentially with minimal effort?Understand the principles that can be applied to any site and any business.How many times you should post on your blog and social profiles. Here's our recommendation if you're just starting out.Tips on SEO, paid advertising, social media, and branding for building an online presence.5 effective content types to grow your traffic and sales.Three types of keywords you want to target when it comes to search engine optimization. Understand each of these keyword types for the biggest gains in organic traffic.+ much, much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Project Manager's Playbook for Construction - Part 1 of 6" |
"One of the most crucial responsibilities of a project manager is to perform a thorough buyout. Part 1 of 6 in the course series reviews the buyout process, then establishes subcontracts, purchase agreements and purchase orders. Key steps are discussed to prepare a subcontractor to begin work. This early stage of the project requires attention to detail and patience, but will set the job up for success if performed well. "
Price: 39.99

"Project Manager's Playbook for Construction - Part 2 of 6" |
"There are an extensive amount of risks on a construction project. It is imperative that the Project Manager is able to identify many risks and manage them properly. Part 2 of 6 in the course series reviews several potential risks, describes how to quantify and manage them. A very important risk mitigation tool is insurance and this course describes the essential insurance policies on the project. Additionally, bonds are reviewed in detail as another form of risk mitigation. All concepts in this part of the series are backed up with real world examples to emphasize the importance of proper risk management."
Price: 39.99

"Project Manager's Playbook for Construction - Part 3 of 6" |
"In this course, we begin diving into key contract clauses related to breach of contract and changes. Not all breaches are the same and it's important to know the difference as the remedies for breach vary. Changes are inevitable and we must handle them quickly, efficiently and properly to incorporate them into the contract. With a similar theme, the schedule changes as well. The baseline won't be accurate for long and needs to be updated frequently. We'll learn how to properly update and distribute a new schedule each month. Lastly, Earned Value is a tool used by some owners to give them the health of the project. We'll learn the proper way to establish the earned value system and analyze a project to provide clues whether it's tracking. "
Price: 39.99

"Project Manager's Playbook for Construction - Part 4 of 6" |
"Part 4 of 6 dives into several important contract clauses. This course begins by covering differing site conditions. When you discover something on site that is different than the drawings or is unusual, who covers the cost and delay damages? The differing site conditions clause lays the groundwork for these issues. We'll follow by discussing delays on the jobsite and how to assign responsibility for damages. If a delay is warranted, time extensions must be incorporated into the contract. We'll wrap us by discussing the different forms of acceleration."
Price: 39.99

"Project Manager's Playbook for Construction - Part 5 of 6" |
"Part 5 of 6 focuses on the financial health of the project. This course begins by covering the process to quickly review and approve pay applications. Key payment terms are discussed and the importance of cash flow is a major consideration. To monitor progress in the field and make adjustments, it's important to have a solid process for tracking units, labor and ultimately productivity. We'll dive into the process to evaluate crew output and compare that to planned productivity. We'll wrap up the course by learning how to forecast costs on the project and perform a financial projection. Ultimately, the ability for a PM to forecast and realize margin on the project is critical to the success of the job."
Price: 39.99

"Criando Templates para Flutter" |
"O curso completo de Templates para Flutter possui 40 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar templates completos para flutter, usando material Design e diversos recursos que mostro detalhadamente no curso, neste curso criamos um template para aplicativo Delivery mas serve perfeitamente tambm para outros tipos de aplicativos, adquira j o curso e comece a criar aplicativos de forma profissional com flutter."
Price: 279.99

"Disea Espacios para Todos. Accesibles, Adaptados y Seguros" |
"Disea Espacios para Todos. Accesibles, Adaptados y SegurosConoce los Fundamentos Ms Importantes para Proyectar Espacios y Ambientes Accesibles y Seguros para Todos y Todas.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca, Arquitecta Luca Fernndez y Arquitecta Tcnica Sabina Garca. Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Atelier GODOT GAME ENGINE : Cration d'un CITY BUILDER 3D" |
"Dans cet atelier pratique nous allons dvelopper un clone de Roller coaster avec Godot. Cela nous permettra d'apprendre crer un jeu de gestion en 3D avec Godot afin de pouvoir ensuite crer n'importe quel type de jeu de type construction de villes (city builder) ou tycoon. Pour prparer cette formation je me suis inspir de Cities Skylines, SimCity, Roller Coaster... afin de piocher les fonctionnalits indispensables d'un jeu de gestion / construction de parc d'attraction.Ce cours s'adresse ceux qui ont dj quelques bases avec Godot Engine ou des connaissances dans d'autres moteurs de jeu. Je prsenterai comment dvelopper le projet de A Z, pas pas mais quelques bases vous seront bien utiles. N'hsitez pas suivre ma formation complte sur Godot Game Engine ( plus d'informations sur mon blog formation-facile fr ) pour acqurir les notions fondamentales et les bonnes pratiques en cration de jeux avec Godot Game Engine.Cet atelier pratique va vous permettre de vous amliorer en dveloppement de jeux avec Godot et vous apportera des connaissances solides en cration de jeux 3D. Nous verrons comment :Crer un jeu bas sur une grilleConstruire des btiments et prendre en compte le cot de constructionGagner de l'argent avec les btiments et les visiteurs du parcAmliorer les graphismes et l'clairageCrer des animationsCrer une camra typique des jeux de stratgieCrer une interface utilisateurCoder le fonctionnement du parc d'attractionCompiler et crer un installeur pour notre jeuPour cet atelier pratique nous allons utiliser GDScript, une sorte de python propre Godot. Nous verrons programmer toutes les fonctionnalits de notre jeu de construction de parc d'attraction 3D."
Price: 99.99

"Daily Chinese Complete Course" |
"Join my course and learn 90% of daily spoken Chinese! I taught this course to hundreds of my students between Feb and June 2020, in Shanghai, China, and it was a big success! I am sharing such a beautiful experience here on Udemy for you to improve your Chinese fast and easy too. This is not a traditional course. It is informative and focuses on what you need, on the language that I speak on a daily basis as a Chinese native speaker.Who is your instructor:Your instructor in this course is me: Lin Yan, a Chinese native speaker, an experienced copywriter and teacher, and the co-founder of Tingdong E-learning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About me:I am originally from Guangdong province Gungdng Shng (formerly Canton), a coastal province of southeast China, borders Hong Kong and Macau. Its capital is Guangzhou. I have been living in Shanghai for ten years. Throughout my career life I have developed my own work style based on my principles of value and simplicity. I hope this is what you will feel while taking my course. All the time, you will find me on your side till you achieve your goal of speaking Chinese. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is in the course?Videos are the main content of the course. At the time being, there are 99 video lectures. Every lecture has a PDF file attachment. It includes all the lecture notes in Chinese, Pinyin , English + Exercise. Organized in order from the beginning of the lecture to the end!Very soon, I will be adding the listening practice PDF and MP3 files for the main vocabs of every lecture. You can download them and practice anytime and anywhere!Also, I will be adding a new section after every month for tones practice. At which you will practice listening to the words in 16 groups based on different tone combinations. They are all the Chinese language tones you ever need to know about. That you master them, you can pronounce any word in Chinese!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Being a copywriter helps me know how important the language is to convey not just Information but also the mutual understanding between language speakers. This specific course is designed to teach you what Chinese people truly use in daily life. Ideas are broken down into logical blocks to Improve your Chinese on a solid foundation.You will know how to speak Chinese at the: Restaurant Coffee shop Supermarket Pharmacy Hospital Barbershop ... etc.And when you take a :Taxi Subway Bus Train Plane That is just the beginning, the course at this moment includes 99 lectures, and the examples above cover only the first 12 lectures! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""I welcome you to my Chinese course at which you will be learning the language the way you can immediately practice in your daily life.""____ Lin Yan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Every lesson covers a single idea, situation, or place. Briefly, you will learn to:Speak in a coffee shop, restaurant, hotel, pharmacy, hospital, barbershop, subway station, taxi, bus, airport, and train station. Book a table in the restaurant, a room in the hotel, rent a flat, open and close a bank account, send and receive money, and send and collect an express package. Speak about the weather, sport, picnic, travel, family, work, introduce yourself or someone, buy clothes and go to the supermarket. Describe things and places, size weight, volume, content, quantity, and price. as well as describing people's appearance and character, likes, and dislikes. Speak about your emotion, angry, happy, sad, shy, easy-going, patient, annoyed, tired of, and how to show sympathy and sorrow for someone or about something. Arrange an appointment, a place and time of the meeting, change or cancel the appointment, give an excuse, give a suggestion, and reply to a suggestion. Choose a restaurant, complain about a restaurant, order flowers, repair broken things, and deposIt stuff.Speak about eating habits, personal interests, Online shopping, going to a concert, going to the gym, learning yoga, daily habits, catching a cold, and going out.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taking my course is exactly the right decision to improve your Chinese up to 90% of daily spoken Chinese. Let's take a quick glance at what you are going to learn throughout the course:Lesson (1) Book a restaurant: Book a table or room in the restaurant, determine the table size, fix the time, and choose the table location. Lesson (2) At the restaurant: The food and drinks menu, ask about the popular dishes, say what you eat and don't eat, express how many you want of the same type, order the same dish or drink again, and pay the billLesson (3) At the coffee shopLearn the Chinese names of popular coffee types, say what you want to drink, how many cups, what cup size, ask for sugar bag, creamer, straw, mixing stick .. etc, talk about sugar quantity and ask and answer related questions.Lesson (4) At the bakery shopSeveral ways to say bakery shop in Chinese, and more vocabulary belongs to the bakery shop, ask where is, which one is ...? and what is in/on/inside ...? And about different types of cakes and their sizes. Lesson (5) At the supermarket: Speak about imported and domestic products, vegetables and fruits, weight and price, and at the cashier desk.Lesson (6) At the pharmacyprescription and non-prescription drugs, how you feel, what you want to buy, which one is better, how many times to take the medicine and in relation to the daily meals.Lesson (7) At the hospital The preview station, which floor, the clinic, see the doctor, do different tests, take the report, know how to take the medicine, and buy the medicine from the hospital pharmacy at the right window number.Lesson (8) ShoppingShopping for clothes and shoes, talk about color and size, and ask for smaller or bigger sizes.Lesson (9) Barbershop: Several ways to say barbershop in Chinese, shorten hair, cut the bangs, trim tails, dye hair, get hair curled, and ask about the price.Lesson (10) The cinema: movie types, choose the movie, buy movie tickets, choose the seat and row number, the projection room, buy popcorn, potato chips, ice cream, cola, water, and talk about size.Lesson (11A) Bus: take a bus, on the bus, bus number, at the bus station, the nearest station. Ask where and which and give the answers.Lesson (11B) Subway: take the subway, on the subway, subway lines, exchange lines. Ask where, which, how far, and how many. Lesson (12) Taxi: Where you want to go, the name of the place, the intersection, or the street and number, give directions, say where to get off.Lesson (13) Train station: Buy a ticket, how many, to where, what time, at the station, security check, waiting hall, ticket gate, change ticket gates, carriage and seat. Lesson (14) Airport: Airport, terminal number, flight, flight number, which flight, plane, where, take off, land, departure hall, boarding pass, check-in counter, check-in luggage, security check, and boarding gate number.Lesson (15) book a hotel: Book a room, how many, when, how long, the kind of room, how much, with and without breakfast.Lesson (16) At the hotel: Ask for a room, available rooms, deposit, room rate, sending the baggage to the room, food, changing rooms, and check out. Lesson (17) Rent a flat: At the agency, flat type, size, how many residents, requirements, location, sign the contract, the deposit, and payment method. Lesson (18) Make a call: Phone types, make a call, receive a call, say sorry, hang up the phone, ask for the phone number. Lesson (19) Give someone a call: look for someone, call back later, call back in one hour, leave a message, make a wrong call, busy line, bad signal, the phone is about to power off. Lesson (20) -1 At the bank: open a bank account, saving account, deposit account, fill in forms, interest rate, deposit money, withdraw money, account balance. Lesson (21) -2 At the bank: money transfer, western union service, bank names, send or receive? Have a bank account? Wanted documents, remitter and payee, close a bank account, ATM machine, transfer and deposit money, card swallowed. Lesson (22) Pick up someoneAt the airport, train station, at school, parents home, offer a pickup, arriving soon.Lesson (23) Meet someonewhen, subway, will get late, by taxi, Ask for a call upon arrival, plan for the weekend, find each other Lesson (24) International delivery expressA package or document, What is the package? Where to send? Size and weight, packing info., delivery time, pickup.Lesson (25) Local delivery expressexamples of popular local delivery companies in China, package info, price, contact info, changing contact info, receiving kuaidi different scenarios.Lesson (26) -1 Size and weightsize and weight units, examples for lengths, width, height, and thickness.Lesson (27) -2: Size and weight: Square meter, compare sizes, ask about size, cubic meter (CBM), ask about price per size, weight (pound, and kilo), and body weight. Lesson (28) Clothes: names of different clothes, talk about clothes, like and dislike, give an opinion, and talk about size. Lesson (29) Food: Meals of the day, have you eaten? What did you eat? What to eat? I want ..., I don't know what to ..., I don't eat ..., Don't eat ..., this dish is ..., today's ... is ..., I like, I don't like ..., do you think ...? I think ..., let's go for ..., I haven't eaten ..., Do you want ...? I just want...Lesson (30) Introduce myself: Introduce yourself opening statement, name, country, nationality, city, job, likes, and answer to the introduction.Lesson (31) Introduce someone: Casual and formal, relationship, and more details. Lesson (32) Invitation: Invite to home, birthday party, outside, accept and refuse. Lesson (33) Cancel an appointmentApologize and why, reply to apologychange the time and give a reply, get late, arrive. Lesson (34) Do paymentWechat, Alipay, cash, bank card, ask how to pay, payment methods you can, accept, cannot accept.Lesson (35) weathertalk about the weather, ask about the weather, examples for sunny, rainy, cloudy, and snowy. Lesson (36) Seasonsdifferent ways to say the seasons in Chinese, ask about seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter.Lesson (37) PicnicPrepare for a picnic, ride a bicycle, sleep on the grass, fishing, tie the tent, have a walk, and go boating, clean up.Lesson (38) SportsDo sports? What type? Running, basketball, walking, how good? Tennis, swimming. Lesson (39) Mountain climbingPlanning, preparing, water, food, and a raincoat, how many people, how to go, mountain height, while climbing, about to reach the top, a good idea!Lesson (40) TravellingWhen? Where? Visas and passport, passport application time, visa application, with a tour group? Flight price, how long, weather.Lesson (41) Cleaningthe ground, the whole house, wash clothes, wash dishes, and clean the bathroom. Lesson (42) Cookingcooking or asking a takeout? What to eat? How good at cooking? and like or dislike cooking. Lesson (43) The billsElectricity bill, water bill, gas bill, internet bill, about the bills, how to pay, payment time, winter and summer, forgot to pay! Electricity and water meters.Lesson (45) Describe someone's appearanceHair color, hairstyle, face shape, eyes and eyelids, nose, lips, describe Lily's appearance. Lesson (46) Describe someone's imageHeight, weight, age, and dressing. Lesson (47) Describe someone's characterEasy-going, patient, optimistic, lively, shy, and talkative. Lesson (48) Describe recent developmentDoing great, not very good, better than before, Opened a small supermarket.Lesson (49) FamilyParents, siblings, marriage, and children.Lesson (50) JobLook for a job, what kind of job, what is your job? Do you like your job? Change jobs.Lesson (51) EmotionHappy and dissatisfied. Lesson (52) Anger and curiousI am angry, Someone else is angry, disappointed, and curious. Lesson (53) Sympathy, worry, and fearSympathy, worry, fear, hair stand on end, shake with fear, scared to death. Lesson (54) Tired of and likeTired of something, tired of someone, like, and dislike. Lesson (55) ThankThank you, Thanks for someone's concern, reply. Lesson (56) ApologySorry to someone, sorry for something, reply. Lesson (57) AskInquire, agree, disagree.As you have arrived here, this is the right time to hit the enroll-in button and tackle down your Chinese learning plan now! I am adding new video lessons to the course on a regular basis. You can think about this course as an endless source of Chinese learning. For example, yesterday I uploaded 20 new lectures at the end of the course!See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"2020 Google Docs Masterclass - Google Productivity Suite" |
"Take a closer look at Google Docs and its components and learn how to build and share documents with rich formatting, images, and tables. In this course, you will learn how to get around the web-based interface, create new documents, and add features such as footnotes, headers and footers, and page numbering. You can also see how to make your documents more engaging by adding images, Google drawing objects, and tables. Then learn how to share docs with othersfor real-time, simultaneous collaboration. Topics include:Creating, naming, saving, and editing docsFormatting textCreating a table of contentsInserting images and tablesCopying, renaming, and moving docsPublishing docs on the webSharing docsThis course is aimed at equipping students with necessary skills to skillfully use the web-based app Google Docs. In addition, you will have the chance to work on various projects so that you can apply all the skills you learned. You will have the chance to create and format a research paper, a fiction book, and a brochure."
Price: 29.99
