Self-Awareness |
"In this course, you will learn how to develop self-awareness. In the first section, I will talk about the consequences of not having self-awareness and what is. In the second section, I will talk about how to get in touch with yourself. In the third section, I will talk about what you can do to make this easier. In the fourth section, I will go into the importance of journaling. In the fifth section, I will go into what you can do when different challenges arise. In the sixth section, I will talk about the power of your environment. In part seven, I will talk about why you can experience things that dont benefit you. In the eighth part, I will talk about the healing power of relationships. In the ninth part, I will talk about what you can do to no longer repeat the past. In the tenth part, I will go into the different systems that will allow you to understand yourself better. And lastly, in the eleventh part, I will share my words of support and share my own story."
Price: 29.99

"300-101 Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE) Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) An employee in your configure the connection PPPoE. You have been warned vulnerability testers using a sniffer, he was able to learn the connection credentials. What type of authentication, your employee set up a connection?a) PAP.b) 802.1xc) BOYd) IPsece) NoneQ) Recently you had a serious problem with the router and contacted the TAC. They said the system core dump would be helpful to diagnose the problem. To configure the router to make a full copy of the memory image to the next time the router is experiencing kind of problems that can generate a dump. Which of the following is not supported in the dump?a) TFTP.b) rcpc) flash drived) HTTPe) NoneQ) What EIGRP packets sent to the broadcast time a new route is found and sent as a unicast topology table to synchronize when the neighbors start?a) ALASb) Hic) updated) answere) NoneQ) Which of the following IPv6 / IPv4 compatibility roads both versions of IP technology at the same time?a) NAT-PTb) double stackc) 6to4 tunnelsd) teredoe) None"
Price: 159.99

"AWS Advanced Networking Speacialty New 2020 Exam Questions" |
"Recommended AWS KnowledgeProfessional experience using AWS technologyAWS Security best practicesAWS storage options and their underlying consistency models AWS networking nuances and how they relate to the integration of AWS servicesRecommended General IT Knowledge Advanced networking architectures and interconnectivity options (e.g., IP VPN, MPLS/VPLS)Networking technologies within the OSI model, and how they affect implementation decisions Development of automation scripts and tools Routing architectures (including static and dynamic) Multi-region solutions for a global enterprise Highly available connectivity solutions (e.g., DX, VPN)SAMPLE QUESTIONS1. Your organization has a single Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for development workloads.An open source Virtual Private Network (VPN) running on an Amazon Elastic ComputeCloud (Amazon EC2) instance is configured to provide developers with remote access. TheVPN instance gives users IP addresses from a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) rangeoutside the VPC and performs a source Network Address Translation (NAT) on receivedtraffic to the private address of the instance. Your organization acquired a company thatalso uses AWS with their own VPC. You have configured VPC peering between the twoVPCs and instances can communicate without issue. Which of the following flows will fail?A. An incoming connection from one user on the VPN to another user on the VPN.B. A virus scan from an instance in the acquired VPC to a user connected through VPN.C. An Application Programming Interface (API) request from a VPN user to an instancein the acquired VPC.D. A web request to the Internet from a user connected through VPN.2. When using AWS Certification Manager (ACM) and Amazon CloudFront, you configuredyour certificate within ACM. When you try to enable Amazon CloudFront, however, youdo not see the certificate available for use. What could be the problem?A. ACM does not support Amazon CloudFront.B. You need to purchase a certificate from a third-party Certificate Authority (CA) andupload it to ACM.C. You need to configure the preshared key for ACM.D. You might not have created the ACM certificate in the right region.3.AWS Shield Standard provides protection at which layers of the Open Systems Interconnection(OSI) model? (Choose two.)A. Physical (Layer 1)B. Data Link (Layer 2)C. Network (Layer 3)D. Transport (Layer 4)E. Application (Layer 7)"
Price: 19.99

"Una introduccin a los retratos de Rembrandt Van Rijn" |
"En este curso, revisaremos la complicada y turbulenta vida del pintor holands Rembrandt Van Rijn, nos acercaremos a sus obras analizndolas, entendindolas dentro del contexto personal del pintor y del contexto histrico de Holanda. Finalmente, revisaremos el legado de Rembrandt tras su muerte, las obras en sus museos y los estudios cientficos que hoy se le aplican."
Price: 24.99

"Jidoka ""Autonomao"" e MASP (8D)" |
"Definio de Jidoka:Jidoka ou Autonomao"". o termo japons para transferncia de inteligncia humana para a mquina. uma ao imediata sobre uma anomalia no processo; significa que a mquina dotada de inteligncia humana.A autonomao faculta ao operador ou a mquina a autonomia de parar o processo sempre que houver qualquer anormalidade.Objetivos do Jidoka:Prevenir que um produto defeituoso passe para a prxima operao;Possibilita a separao fsica da mquina do operador atravs da automao do equipamento;Desenvolver operadores multi-funcionais;Aumentar a produtividade da mo de obra atual.Benefcios do Jidoka:Aumentar a qualidade de produo;Aumentar a produtividade;Assegurar a entrega no prazo."
Price: 39.99

"Descomplicando - Escalas e Campos Harmnicos" |
"Nesse curso abordo a formao de escalas e seus intervalos, como elas formam os campos harmnicos e como feita a construo de acordes por meio delas. Tambm vemos alguns tipos de escalas e suas sonoridades, o porque elas existem, alguns exemplos de aplicao.Tpicos:-Escalas Maiores e menores-Variaes das escalas menores-Trades-Campos Harmnicos-Escalas e campos relativos-Escalas pentatnicas e suas variaes-Exemplos de funes harmnicasTudo isso abordado de uma maneira simples e direta, com objetivo de facilitar o aprendizado e entendimento desses assuntos para que o aluno possa se aprofundar mais nos assuntos avanados."
Price: 54.99

"Gerencia de mantenimiento" |
"Incluye Teoria de mantenimiento, polticas de mantenimiento , tipos de mantenimiento preventivo, correctivo y predictivo as como Mantenimiento Productivo Total, tecnicas utiles como FODA y Plan Estratgico. Todas estas habilidades tiles para cualquier ingeniero o personal que desee iniciar en el rea de gerencia de mantenimiento y a travs de esto embarcarse en el mundo de la gerencia de proyectos y produccin"
Price: 19.99

"Baja de peso y fortalece tu sistema inmune" |
"Esencial que descargues LOS RECURSOS (pdf) Se trata de un programa inicial de 6 semanas de duracin donde el alumno aprende a incorporar los 3 hbitos de vida saludable, esenciales o fundacionales o anclas para un cambio de vida. Se aprende 1 hbito nuevo cada 2 semanas; luego, en 3 programas ms, se van construyendo ms hbitos sobre los ya adquiridos.El programa no se centra ni la comida ni el ejercicio; ambas, comida y ejercicio, son consecuencia de los hbitos. Las dietas no funcionan pues son una restriccin sicolgica que demoniza ciertos alimentos y por lo tanto hace que las dietas no sean tolerables por las personas. El programa ensea a estar conscientes (la clave de todo) y a no vivir en modo robot o piloto automtico tomando malas decisiones de alimentacin y de vida.Luego, si el alumno desea, puede incorporar los siguientes hbitos en el programa que sigue; para el segundo programa es requisito el haber incorporado el comer lento, el hacerse tiempo para uno y el Hara Hachi Bu."
Price: 89.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner-(CLF-C01)-2020" |
"What this course offers is an introduction to AWS Cloud Services. It will teach the concepts you will need to know for the certification exam. Even if you don't take the exam and just want the knowledge of the cloud, this is an ideal course.1) Video lectures2) Clear concise concepts3) In depth explanationsIt will also:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructureDescribe basic AWS Cloud architectural principlesDescribe the AWS Cloud value propositionDescribe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics)Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security modelDefine the billing, account management, and pricing modelsIdentify sources of documentation or technical assistance (for example, whitepapers or support tickets)Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud"
Price: 19.99

"Time management for productive life and career" |
"These days we are having tons and tons of things, tasks and goals that we need to get done the way we desire. But unfortunately, most of the times we don't have enough time to achieve all that.Is it because the day is too short?NoIt's only because we don't know how to manage our time well so we leave the day goes by without achieving anything.This is a problem to everybody, especially with the speed of the life that we live right now, everything is in a hurry and the tasks are piling up on us.In this course, you will get all the information that will get you in the right place of achieving goals in life with balance.This course will guide you in four stages:First, you will know what are your mistakes when you manage your day so you can avoid them nest time you put your plan.Second, everyone has the skills to manage his day well but he just doesn't know them well. So I will help you discover those skills in yourself to ace the process of time management.Third, after recognizing your skills, I will help you improve them.Finally, you will be ready to know all final steps of the time management process in details to start your success story.Stick to the end and take the decision to get organized and successful."
Price: 19.99

"Street Lighting Design Using DIALux 4" |
"In this course you will learn everything from the basics of street lighting, to mastering caclulations results. By the end of this course you will be able to confidently design, calculate and execute any street lighting project. Although we will be using the DIALux 4.13 platform, we will start the course by looking into some pre requisites for any street lighting design and what are some of the most important factors of street lighting.The course is designed taking into consideration consultant / client requiremnts. This course is for all levels (from bigenner to master)"
Price: 49.99

"A Walkthrough of AMC 8s" |
"Math Competitions are a great way to showcase your talents and find people with similarly minded people. The connections you build from math competitions are one of a kind, and I highly encourage all students to at least dabble with such events. The math you learn from these competitions will sharpen your critical thinking skills, and more importantly, you will have a great time learning from these problems. This course covers the 5 most recent AMC 8 exams(as well as intro exam from 1999) with careful step by step solutions and motivations to provide you with the most concise and straightforward approaches. Additionally, there will be some tips and tricks that you can use to give you an edge!"
Price: 29.99

"Yoga for Uncertain Times" |
"We are in unprecedented times. I have created these short videos to do at home to incorporate into your current practice or begin a practice of yoga. Yoga helps us weather the uncertainties of life and all the emotions of anxiety, fear and stress we are all feeling. May this support you during this challenging time."
Price: 19.99

"Making Apps With Swift(Bootcamp)" |
"In this tutorial, you will learn how to make an app with Swift. You will learn everything from A to Z to make an app. Then you can launch it on the app store and ready to go. This bootcamp is designed for everyone who want to make an app. These lessons are very interesting and attractive which makes learners desire to learn to make apps."
Price: 19.99

"How to play Darbuka. Level 1 (beginners)" |
"This level is designed for those who are just beginning to try and play this instrument. We will see how to hold the darbuka properly, how to play basic strokes, perform various exercises. Step by step. From slow to fast. And, of course, we will learn to play basic Arabic rhythms, solo patterns, as well as play full-fledged compositions!"
Price: 29.99

"How to play Darbuka. Level 2 (advanced)" |
"This level is designed for those who are already familiar with basic hits and rhythms. We will analyze new hits, new playing techniques, which will further decorate your play. Step by step. From slow to fast. And, of course, we will play with you basic Arabic rhythms, solo patterns, as well as play full-fledged compositions!"
Price: 29.99

"critical analysis of passages from GMAT, SAT, CAT, TOEFL" |
"This course analyses several reading comprehension passages and provides an insight into how to look for relevant and important information for answering questions. Critical analysis of passages with how to pinpoint important data points and information so that while answering questions the student is able to recall and reach for a piece particular information and use it for answering questions in a fast and effective manner. Any student who wants to understand how to read a comprehension passage would benefit from this course. "
Price: 74.99

"Cryptocurrency Investing Course - 2020 ( Masterclass)" |
"If you use the internet you might have come across words likeBitcoin, cryptocurrency, digital currencyWhat are these words?Why people from all over the world are talking about it?Why millionaire and billionaires investors are so excited about these assets?Why billions of dollars are invested in these things?How are these assets are going to change the world forever?How these assets can help you convert your small investments into millions ??They all are able to get such insane gains because of 1 single factor.I call this the Early Movers AdvantageJust wait and I will explain this to you.If I take you 15 years back in the pastWhen social media was just introduced in the market.Facebook or twitter was just launchedAnd in the beginning, it was quite difficult for people to understand and use it.It was difficult because people didnt know how to use it.It was not difficult to use, just the thing was it was new and different.But Once they understood how to use it and it was a cakewalk for people.once people started using it and saw other people using it tooThey got on board and started using social mediaThen the mass adoption took place.It was impossible for the people to avoid it as all their friends, family colleagues Were on Facebook.People in the beginning who saw this.They were able to identify the future potential of social media.Before the mass adoption.And At that time people who have understood the potential of these companiesInvested small amount in itAnd they were able to multiply their investment multiple times and are able to harvest their gains till today.Their small investments of a few hundred bucks turned into millions of dollars.This is what I called early movers advantagePeople who are able to align their money in assets and companies before the mass adoption takes placeAre able to get life-altering fortune and make maximum benefits from it.Cryptocurrency is a relatively new and complex topic.But It is complex until you are able to understand it.Cryptocurrency is still in an early stage and the masses havent understood it properly.Once the masses start to understand it.They will be able to start experiencing the benefits which these cryptos can do for the world.And if you are able to identify the right crypto to invest or best cryptocurrency to invest in.Then your few hundred bucks can turn into thousands and even millions just before the mass adoption happens.I know many people have missed the opportunity of investing in stocks of Facebook, Apple , Netflix, and even amazonBut opportunity is not overJust the thing is you have to identify the opportunity and take action before the masses do.Every year millions of people are joining the crypto revolution.And every day thousands of businesses are starting to accept cryptos.Crypto is the futureWelcome to Crypto Investing masterclass.This class is designed in such a way that anyone who knows about using the internet.Will be able to get started with cryptocurrency.But this class is not just a basics class on cryptocurrency to just a basic course on cryptocurrency.There is a reason why I named this class as Crypto Investing masterclass, not crypto investing for beginners.Because the knowledge and strategies which are taught in this class will not only help you get started with cryptocurrencyBut will help you to understand this booming market like a proAnd will also help you to align your money to get the maximum benefit from this crypto revolution.All you have to do is understand this market and Invest in the right assetAnd Thats it.You dont have to work to make money.Your money will work for you.And This is the last and best chance ever which you will get started with crypto.In this Cryptocurrency Investing course, you will learnWhat Is Bitcoin and How does Bitcoin work? - This video covers everything you need to know about the basics of bitcoin and how it was started. This video also covers the interesting topic of how bitcoin works.Why is this the right time to invest in cryptocurrency - As I have already mentioned how timing is important. As investors who take action at the right time tend to gain the maximum benefit from their investment. This part of the course covers why this is the best time for you to invest in cryptocurrencies.An interesting phenomenon of Bitcoin - This bitcoin phenomenon which has recently occurred is going to take the price of the cryptocurrency to the next level. All you have to do is understand this phenomenon and see how does it affect the market. Once you understand this you can easily align your investment to make a profit from investing in cryptocurrencies.What are cryptocurrencies and altcoins - This part of the cryptocurrency investment course covers what exactly are cryptocurrencies and what are altcoins. There are a lot of different types of cryptocurrencies in the market other than bitcoin. This video covers the topic of cryptocurrencies and altcoins.The Ultimate Blueprint for Choosing the world's best cryptocurrencies to invest in - This is the most important and interesting part of the course. As we all know there are thousands of cryptocurrencies in the crypto world and the truth is the majority of the cryptocurrencies will never success to achieve its potential. In order to choose the best cryptocurrencies, I have created a blueprint that will help you choose the best cryptocurrencies in the market. This blueprint is very useful for anyone who wants to make a huge profit by investing in cryptocurrencies.There are some important aspect of cryptocurrencies which everyone should knowThis Crypto investing class also coversHow to Buy and Sell Bitcoin with your currencyHow to Deposit and withdraw bitcoin and cryptos from crypto exchanges.Top 5 Best and Safe Crypto Exchanges ( Very Important )The Right Place to Store your Crypto Currencies ( Must Watch)How to secure your wallet. ( Important for Security Reasons )Thats not it.People who will join this class right now will get a very special bonus.For a very limited timeI am going to give away my Top 4 picks of Cryptocurrencies.These are not just top 4 cryptocurrencies which I am going to revealBut these are undervalued cryptos which are right now dwelling for pennies.And they have the potential of multiplying your investment 10X or even 100x in the coming months.This is only for the early birds who are going to join this class.IF you join now and take actionThen you will be able to take the Early Movers advantage.So make sure you make your move before the market does.You have 2 choicesYou can be the witness of riches and fortune made by cryptoOr You can be a part of thisThe choice is yours.SoWithout wasting any time lets get started."
Price: 199.99

"Module 1 - Beginner Piano Course" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn piano but never felt brave enough to visit an instructor? Well now you can learn with our fun course in the comfort of your own home. Get instruction from our piano instructor that has over 20 years of teaching piano and working as a professional musician.With this course you can give the piano a try at a price that is affordable. For the price of 1 lesson with a piano instructor you can give it a go and see if the piano is for you.Good Luck and have fun!!!"
Price: 24.99

"Meaning, Purpose and Legacy- Finding and Fulfilling Your Why" |
"You will actively participate in five rich, productive, results-oriented sessions focused on finding meaning in life, your purpose, and your legacy. Practical and productive resources, exercises, assessments and tool-kits will be provided as well. We will construct your personal transformation plan that will be actionable and success-oriented by the end of the class. You will build your life ladder, your dream plan, your mission and vision, and short term and long-term goals scorecards. You will complete: meaning and purpose checklists, personality profiles and inventories, job/career/calling assessments, and formulate a meaning construct for your future and next season in life with your job, family, faith and finances. You will identify your passions, skills and experience through the Ikigai, Sigmoid curve, and numerous exercises and self-assessments to live a life of significance and success, and to live and leave a lasting legacy. Your Personal Transformation Plan will include: your 90-day and 1 year priorities, 5 & 10 year dream plan, Your Action Priority Plan, Your Short and Long term goal scorecards, and Your Legacy Life Ladder. The course finishes up with hope and inspiration for your future with a focus on meaning and spirituality, and a bonus 8 secrets to live a longer life of up to 10 years! I can't wait to see you in the classroom!"
Price: 44.99

"Learn Hindi from Scratch in Easy Way" |
"Have you a beginner trying to come to grips with this amazing Language been you an everyday user who wants to learn to use Hindi effectively and efficiently to save time? If your answer is yes to either of the questions, then this course is what you have been looking for! Is a powerful Language which allows you to make impressive conversation using its various words & Sentences which are thoroughly explained in the course, Giving you a very clear understanding of its use and implementations. Some of the features covered in the course are:AlphabetsWords & Meanings Diacritic Marks Numbers Names of:ColorCerealsAnimalsBuildingHuman Body partsSpicesBirdsfruitsvegetablesflowersInstrumentsImportant words Basic Greetings Basic GrammarNounpronounAdverbverbconjugation VerbConjunctionPrepositiontenseExpressionPhases Many type of SentencesMany type of ConversationQuiz The course is covered in an easy and lucid language, making it easier to understand the concepts, at the same time the exercise links are attached to the course which will allow you to go in tandem with the instructor and making sure that the topic is understood thoroughly. So what are you waiting for take this course and see yourself Speak & understand working more efficiently than ever!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Grow Internationally?" |
"This course introduces step by step practical guide to help the local companies to go internationally and to help the international companies to expand more internationally.Also, it introduces 6 Ss Model which is 6 phases of internationalization.Besides, it checks companies' readiness and motives of internationalization, internationalization strategies of how to select the targeted countries, how to go abroad, and assessment of internationalization performance."
Price: 19.99

"Programming with Scratch" |
". "
Price: 99.99

"Basic course for physical Fitness instructors" |
"The basic course for physical fitness instructors is a video lecture course designed to give the everyday person who is interested in the health and fitness industry the opportunity to learn what fitness is all about. This course would help you learn the principles of human anatomy and physiology in its basic format in relation to exercise and workout.This fitness course will also give you insight into what holistic fitness entails and help you apply it to yourself and to your clients. You would also be introduced to exercise and training principles that work and that must be applied when it comes to fitness. This would guide you to know what you are doing as an instructor or coach.The knowledge gained can be used to prescribe simple and basic exercises for various persons which can be altered by you as the trainer or instructor to suit your clients' whiles applying various principles and helping your clients do better. A good foundation in sports and fitness psychology will help you keep yourself going as well as your clients. This would be a plus to you as you would most likely see your clients to the end which would make both of you happy. If you are really interested in the fitness industry and wish to take a step into it as well as to help others do better in it, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Marketing For Salons" |
"Do you run or work in a salon?Do you want to boost the numbers of clients you have?This online course will teach you all about how to use social media to generate more business! Including how to run Instagram ads, Facebook ads and how to use visual platforms like Snapchat and Pinterest to engage current and potential customers.How more than ever is a time to invest in your knowledge and use platforms like social media to hit the ground running when we come out of the pandemic.This is your first step to becoming a social media marketing pro.Welcome to The Social Media Salon Online CourseIn this course we will teach you how to harness the power of your online presence to build your client base. We will look at Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and Twitter as channels to build your reputation. The modern world moves quick, gone are the days of flyer distribution, but now with everyone glued to their phones and addicted to social media, you can get a slice of the digital marketing action by putting your salon in front of them.Together in this course we will create eye-catching images and engaging video content you can use across your salon's social media profiles. We will assist you to how to identify your target audience and how to use social media advertising to market to new clients, including step-by-step guides in how to advertise on Facebook and Instagram (it isn't as scary as it sounds!).Enroll now to learn the best industry tips and tricks from the experts. Welcome on-board!You will receive:12 educational video (accessed anywhere, anytime)Step by step guides on how to run Instagram ads and Facebook adsVideo tutorials on how to use platforms such as Snapchat and PinterestCheat sheets for each platform which can be printed for your back office (a nice little reminder)Printable PDFs with tips, tricks and dimensions for social media content (handy when creating assets)Access on mobile and PC"
Price: 74.99

"Curso bsico de Criptomonedas" |
"Te ayudaremos a aprender todo lo que necesitas para invertir Cada vez ms personas conocen este tema y gracias a esto se formulan muchas preguntas en su cabeza.Qu son?, Para que sirven? Son realmente buenas para invertir?, Tienen futuro? Cmo me puedo beneficiar de ellas? etc.En este curso responderemos todas esas preguntas que se hacen las personas, aqu sentaremos las bases para hacer inversiones,Sabas que cuando una buena inversin en Criptomonedas puedes llegar a tener de ganancias un 1000% de capital?Bueno obviamente es difcil encontrar oportunidades as para ganar un 1000%, aunque puedes llegar a ganar un 200 o 300% y aun as, pero si ganas un 200% ya se considera un buen negocio.Djame decirte que no te vas a hacer rico de la noche a la maana, esto lleva su trabajo, si buscas una manera de ganar 100$ en 5 minutos puedes ir saliendo de este curso ya que no es para ti.Este curso esta dirigido para:Cualquier persona que quiera invertir dinero en Bitcoin.Inversores que buscan informacin de calidad para hacer sus anlisis objetivos.Empresas o negocios que quieran incorporar Bitcoin como mtodo de pago.Personas que quieren evitar la devaluacin."
Price: 19.99

"CMOS Digital VLSI Design Lab" |
"This course is primarily designed for students who wants to learn fundamentals of MOSFET based digital circuit design through hands of experience. Course is designed in such a manner that learner demonstrate high level of learning from searching the literature from good resources like IEEE to analysis and design of circuits. Within the short duration of time, learner will learn to design building blocks of CMOS digital VLSI circuits and discuss tradeoffs in these circuits. Focus is on problem solving skills through self learning. This course is taught using various simulation examples. Tool used for simulations is LTspice which students can download from Analog Devices website. Every chapter is supported with quiz and assignment to track your progress. This course is recommended for the student who wants to join semiconductor industry or pursue higher studies in VLSI domain."
Price: 1280.00

"Stochastic,RSI,MACD Regular and Hidden Divergences Trading" |
"Let me give you a few facts:All traders start with the dream to get rich quick40% trade only for one month80% quit within the first 2 yearsOnly 7% remain after 5 years1% of all traders can profit net of feesWhat does that all mean?It means that only 1% of the people in this business are actually making money... Picture this data as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is this 1% and all the people below (99%) are actually losing money. The 1% on the top are not there by accident. They invested a lot of time and capital to master this skill. Trading is NOT a ""get rich quick opportunity"" ... this is a LIE that is being used because it SELLS. Everyone searches for the easy and fast success without efforts so salesmen are very aware of that fact so this is why they use it. Trading is actually a get poor quickly opportunity for most of the people!Do you want to learn how to Trade like the top 1% do?They simply trade with an EDGE. And this is what I am teaching in all my courses. I am teaching how to always have an edge. This is what you will get taking this course.Do you want to learn how to trade divergences like the top 1% do?You cannot use something in the same way that most other traders are using it and to expect the market to reward that! Join me and I will teach you how to trade divergences with an edge!Divergences are a powerful tool used in technical analysis.It has perfect accuracy which generates perfect Buy and Sell Signals.I have explained everything about this in my course.We will go very deep and you will learn how to use Divergences in many different ways for different purposes.What is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 169.99

"Master the YouTube (Hindi) : A Complete Guide" |
"With the continued rise of the video blogging culture, its completely understandable for any tech-savvy millennial or young adult to be enticed by the idea of starting a YouTube channel. After all, its a fun and interactive hobby with the potential to turn you into a popular online personalitywith the added benefit of helping you meet new people, get free stuff from companies, and of course, earn a pretty impressive income! But you dont know how to start it or confused about equipment? Well, that's what I'm here for!Who am I?My name is Haresh. I'm a YouTube content creator with over 98,000 subscribers and have been on the platform managing and working with numerous channels from the last 4 years. YouTube can be a long term career option that pays extremely well if executed properly. I'm here to give you the boost needed to succeed!Why my course?The first thing you need to know is that I'm a self-taught YouTuber. I learned it all through years and years of trial and error.Albert Einstein said it best, ""The only source of knowledge is experience.""You can learn so much from outside sources. I'll be teaching you the inside secrets to YouTube. The information that is difficult to find online. The tips and tricks of youtube that can only be gained after years of experience.If you want a YouTube channel to push forth your brand? Want to become a tech-savvy marketer? Well, then this course is just for you. From beginner to advanced, I can guarantee you'll learn tons of new knowledge! & this will be the ONE STOP SOLUTION for all your YouTube queries.What you will learn in this courseWhy YouTube?How to start a YouTube channel.Which camera to use for good quality videos?Which audio equipment to use for your YouTube videos.Editing ToolsNavigating YouTubeHow to make money on YouTube.Understanding YouTube Analytics.and MUCH more!What will you be able to do after taking this course?Start a channel from scratchGrow your brand through YouTube videosImprove your channel by using analyticsMake money on YouTubeSo what are you waiting for? Enroll in my course & lets begin your youtube journey right now!-Haresh"
Price: 1280.00

"Colour Therapy illustration" |
"With just over 12hrs of video tutorial content this project is to create a therapeutic image, either digital or traditional using any range of colour.In the workshop I use a number of steps to get to my final image,custom brush creation, perspective, composition, custom hotkeys, layer management, brushes, rock painting, colour therapy and colour understanding, motion blur, do's and dont's, thumb-nailing, grey-scaling, mood painting,rendering the image and life talk however feel free to just take a leap and have an adventure with your work, hence go straight to creating your final image if you like for my workflow is their to educate and my process is used mainly as guidelines to keep me on track and yourself."
Price: 59.99

"The Live & Touring Industry - The Top 4 Things You Must Know" |
"The content of this course has been taught in multiple colleges and is based on the instructor's experience of over 30 years of touring as Production and Tour Manager throughout North America, Europe and China, as well as Producer & Production and Event Manager of Comedy Festivals, Cultural and Rock Festivals for up to 70,000 people.If you want to be in the live performance or touring industry as a hobbyist, a semi-professional or a professional, there are certain things that you need to know. This course outlines the Top 4 Things that are the absolute basics you need to know:#1: The Industry Hierarchy - Who are all those people behind the scenes and what do they do?What is a tour or production manager? What is the difference between a manager and an agent and what can they do for me? When will I need one of these people? We look at the importance of each role and the order of their importance.# 2: Contracts and Riders. It does not matter how big or small the show, you have to have at least a contract and you should have a rider. You will learn what you need and what the big boys use: we will go through a major artist rider, look at some real red flag examples.You will get an idea of what you should start with.# 3: The Entertainment ""Buying"" Process.A lot of people think that buying entertainment is like buying a couch, a car or a house. It is not. It doesn't matter if you are the artist whose performances are sold or the buyer looking to hire an artist for an event, there is a process that needs to be followed that you need to know. And then, there is also the ""Offer"", one of the most misunderstood documents in the business that can cause major grief if handled improperly.# 4: Keeping Track of Your Career Finances No matter what you think, if you are playing shows that you are getting paid for or you are selling CDs out of the trunk of your car, you are ""in business"". The cringe factor of that set aside, you need to keep track of some financial stuff. If you are planning to do a little touring, no matter how big or how small, you best figure out how not to lose your shirt in the process. You will learn really simple ways how to do all of this and it will be a lot less painful than you are anticipating."
Price: 19.99
