"Hebrew alphabet - First step at learning Yiddish" |
"This class is built on 3 parts.Part 1-The Hebrew alphabet which we will study in 4 stages. Stage 1- Learn the first eleven letters Stage 2 Learn the last eleven letters Stage 3- Learn about the letters having that change when they appear at the end of a word- Learn about the final letters. Stage 4 - Additional sounds/ daguesh- Learn about the daguesh.Part 2- The vowels- Learn the vowels.Part 3- Reading and practice of what we learnt- Learn how to read as a pro.Put on your side the basics for learning Yiddish if you would like to do so later on.Easy method of learning.Nicely structured class."
Price: 19.99

yoga-meditation |
"Wishing TreeKAJUQAPDFYoutube"
Price: 6000.00

"Auto-conhecimento e identidade pessoal" |
"Neste curso abordo alguns conceitos tericos: valores, crenas e identidade, a importncia da aculturao, as possibilidades para mudar e adotar comportamentos e atitudes que lhe permitam viver e experimentar a vida em plenitude.Proponho vrios exerccios prticos e de reflexo, que conduzem auto-reflexo, auto-conhecimento e tomada de decises para que possa ser a PESSOA que DESEJA, para que possa SER FELIZ!Os exerccios podem ser realizados vrias vezes ao longo do tempo, para que possa observar a sua evoluo e progressos e para que possa realizar as mudanas que ambiciona para ser e agir como quer."
Price: 19.99

"Healing Course - To Help To Heal by Graham Elkin" |
"Hi, Im Graham Elkin and I would like to introduce you to my method of healing. There are many forms of holistic energy healing out there, and it seems that more people are open to the idea. I discovered I had abilities when I was around 13 years old, at the time as you can imagine that most people were closed off to that type of thing, and even scared of it. So I kept it pretty much to myself for a long time, as a realist I questioned it many times it wasnt easy for me to come to terms with it fully. However about 12 years ago I was becoming more open to it and I soon started to get a following and was having sessions with people pretty much everyday. I was soon getting more and more attention and it lead to being filmed for T.V. a couple of times, however for some reason I didnt feel comfortable with that direction and didnt pursue it. I later started to work online professionally around 2010 it seemed to take off very quickly and I was making new and different connections all the time. It felt like random people were giving me messages, sometimes not realizing they were doing it or understanding what the message meant. I was being told about being a healer and what I was able to do. I found it difficult to take in and believe, but after a period of this I was asked or more like challenged to do a healing. I had mixed feelings and I guess skeptical that I could do it. I was given a while to think about it and as the person I was asked to heal was an existing client that I had been reading I decided to talk to them about it. They wanted me to do and would keep me informed of what if anything happened, Of course I did the healing! I was getting feedback straight away, and completed the healing successfully. I was in some kind of shock by it, I had a lot to think about now! I have now completed many thousands of healing since, anything from stress and anxiety, or depression and pain relief to cancer, there doesnt seem to be any limits to what can be healed so I dont set any. I can and will teach you how to heal close up and from distance.Nikola Tesla said If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. We will use all three. Lots of people say they only believe in science, thats ok but science is limited to this dimension and the five human senses. We have to step out from those restrictions there are clearly other dimensions and an energetic metaphysical world, I believe metaphysics will be a subject taught in schools at some point, after all everything is energy.I did some live healing on the radio for a while, I was told before I started doing the shows, and after the reaction I would get, I would need to explain it. I thought it would be difficult to explain and felt that i could just do it so I didnt need to, after all we drive cars and dont have to know how the internal combustion engine works, we just turn the ignition on, or why the lights in our homes come on when we press the switch, right? Well no, the mechanic understands as does the electrician so I should know about my work too! So this is how I explained it.Electrons spin around the nucleus of a cell, illness can occur when unresolved emotional issues block the vibration, all cells resonate and should be in a state of vibration. If a frequency that counters our harmonic vibration this creates dis-ease, therefore no harmony. To resonate or heal this, an entertainment or energy transfer will re-align the vibration, using this method we will heal and repair the D.N.A 528 cycles per second is the core creative frequency in nature, [ pure love ]The energy can be named, lets say PSI, but the emphasis shouldnt be on the name, but the characteristics of the energy. It is energy manipulation or EM, a construct is energy that has been programmed with a set of instructions to perform a task, this can be a simple ball. Two incredibly complex bodies created with artificial intelligence called thought forms energy and programming make up the components of a construct,using using different types of energy can change how a construct will react to a program it is given. Using energy that is associated with healing will work well with a construct designed for healing, so as our thoughts are energy it may be bio mind receptors rather than ESP or brain wave synchronization, like being on the same wave length or frequency. PSI is not just a mortal perception or conception, we feel it in our physical body, it is first and foremost an holistic mind, body, and soul experience. We need to develop out of the box thinking, we are programmed and restrained from this, illusion needs to break, Einstein said past, present, and future are illusions even if they are stubborn ones. Is distance healing a form of PK [psycho-kinesis] or mind over matter? Is distance a factor or an illusion in a holographic simply connected universe? We all share the same energy system, this is magnification of energy, we are all connected.I will of course simplify all the steps on this course, we all have the ability to heal. Someone that was close to me at the time said you want to heal the world dont you? I said yes she said you cant Thats maybe true but if I help one to help many, or better still help many to help many more then I am on the right track!"
Price: 19.99

"Rhino Beginner to Advanced Fast Track 3D Modelling" |
"The ""Rhino Beginner to Advanced 3D Modelling"" course covers the essentials and complete structure of 3D modeling with Rhinoceros program. This course is designed to guide students with zero or low familiarity of 3D modelling in rhino to an advanced level in the technique of modeling in just a matter of hours. This course will guide you through four main categories which will assure your complete understanding of Rhino modelling:1. Introduction: This section will show you a precise overview of how the course is organized (sections and sub sections), what you will be learning, and getting to know your instructor. 2. Becoming Familiar with Rhino: This section will ensure a complete understanding of Rhino's main default menu, which includes many tab configurations, side bars and panels, viewports, properties, etc... The idea is to give an overview of how the Rhinoceros program organizes all of it's functions and commands in order to give the user knowledge and a complete understanding of all the potentials that Rhino has in relation to the upcoming technologies. 3. Modelling a house - 2D and 3D construction: This section will go through the process of modelling a house in 2D and 3D, with all of the key elements that an architectural construction requires; by these means, these include: Foundations, plinth beams, subfloor concrete and ground levels, inner and outer walls, access points, beams, slabs, ceilings, roofs, windows openings and exterior features. At the end of this section, the user will have a complete understanding of the different techniques and methods in order to model a house from scratch. 4. Representation and exporting of 3D models: This section will emphasize in teaching the user which are the most precise, acurate, rigorous and interesting ways one can show, export or present a final product. This section will go through different methods of representation which include 2D line drawings (from a variety of different perspectives) and 3D model renderized representations. This section will also teach the user how to use render materials in 3D models in order to render models and have a realistic representation of an architectural/design/structural model."
Price: 19.99

xawzrnfi |
Price: 24000.00

"The Fundamentals of Contract Management" |
"You will be seeking to learn and apply The Fundamentals of Contract Management. You may want new insights as a member of a commercial team. Or a project manager whom wishes to understand, how to better incorporate contract management activity within your work streams. Finally you may not have any experience at all with contracts, and want to become prepared to manage them. Regardless of your circumstances, you will have the opportunity to learn and apply the information throughout the course.This course will enable you to:Develop contract management strategy for your organisationNavigate the phases of contract management lifecycleImplement contract management activityIdentify value of contract management dataBecome efficient at managing contract transitionsFor the IndividualDevelop knowledge of Contract Management Lifecycle, enabling you to input at the right times.Provide an overview of the activities needed to maximise performance.Build confidence in managing large complex contracts.For the TeamPlan resource allocation for weekly and strategic aims, avoiding wastage of time and money.Identify activity driven by strategy, minimising ad-hoc work.Comprehensive KPI development, to make lean and efficient data evaluation.For the OrganisationUpskill your personnel to maximise ERP systems.Use a framework to write your strategy, to minimise the Lack of oversight for contract management,Apply methods to extract value for money, avoiding costly activity to gathering data for achieving goalsQuestions you may have1. Do I need advanced mathematical knowledge?Answer: No, this course uses both qualitative and quantitative methods, and calculations which can be performed on a spreadsheet or use of a calculator.2. Do I have to work in commercial or buying already to take the course?Answer: No, this course upskills those whom already work in the field, and enables those wishing to work in contract management, procurement, commercial, buying, and purchasing.3. Do I need to take notes and do homework?Answer: We encourage our students to take notes and actively listen, this will enable you to understand, then apply the knowledge from the lectures. Our homework are Activity Sheets which you can do at work! The tools and methods can be applied at work, and so you can start benefiting in your professional and personal learning."
Price: 49.99

"Como Organizar Pastas e Arquivos no Computador - PC" |
"Chega de se estressar, perder arquivos, apagar por engano, no conseguir encontrar o que procura quando est com pressa, ou pior, perder tudo porque o computador pifou!Pense: e se voc pudesse aprender rapidamente, de forma objetiva, sem enrolao, como transformar o caos de arquivos, pessoais e profissionais, misturados, com nomes estranhos, fotos, msicas, vdeos,... trazendo tudo isso para uma organizao fcil de criar e de manter?Passo a passo, eu vou ajudar voc a organizar seu computador, desde a rea de trabalho at seus documentos, reduzindo a papelada fsica e simplificando a organizao digital.Tenho mais de duas dcadas de experincia em Tecnologia da Informao e em Treinamentos; organizando arquivos, desde computadores pessoais (como o que voc utiliza em casa) a poderosos servidores de Multinacionais. E compilei esse conhecimento, de forma simples e prtica para que voc possa transformar a forma como lida com seus arquivos e, finalmente, fazer as pazes com o seu computador!Pense em uma metodologia capaz de anteder donas de casa querendo organizar receitas, contas e fotos; e ao mesmo tempo capaz de atender empreendedores ou gestores de grandes empresas para organizar seus arquivos pessoais e profissionais... Pois isso que voc vai encontrar neste curso!Qual o segredo?Metodologia! Definir e organizar suas pastas e arquivos utilizando uma forma estruturada, comprovada e utilizada diariamente por inmeras pessoas que tm sucesso nisso. Tudo organizado em uma rea onde, sem custo, voc ter um backup automtico sendo feito para voc. Sem pendrives ou HDs externos que podem parar de funcionar a qualquer momento, com uma recuperao rpida e prtica caso seu computador d algum problema no armazenamento local.De forma rpida e objetiva, voc vai:Organizar suas pastas e arquivos (incluindo documentos, fotos e outros tipos de arquivos)Deixar o seu backup automatizado, ou seja, a tecnologia trabalhando para voc.Limpar a baguna da sua rea de Trabalho.Ter o seu prprio padro de nomes de arquivos e de pastas.Reduzir o papel fsico, sem custos e sem complicaes, encontrando facilmente tudo o que precisar.Aprender a localizar as fotos de pessoas e ocasies especficas.Compartilhar arquivos de forma segura, prtica e profissional.Organizar o computador pessoal e o profissional (ou o nico se for o caso).Localizar documentos e softwares de forma prtica, fcil e rpida.Identificar de forma fcil o que importante e o que temporrio em seu computador.Chega de lutar contra o computador que deveria ajudar voc!Espero voc dentro do nosso curso!Leandro Passos"
Price: 159.99

"TOEIC 7001010800"
Price: 24.99

"Application of Tone Words in Reading Comprehension" |
"This course is designed to make the student aware of how to approach the questions that have tone and tone words application. intensity classification of various tone words for different emotions and its practical applicability in the context of examinations. Different tone words and their detailed analysis for the student to place the tone of the passage in the right context is provided in an easy to understand fashion. This course is suitable for anyone who is appearing for any comprehension based examination. "
Price: 94.99

"Negcio online do zero- crie,divulgue e registre - Completo" |
"Quer ter o seu negcio online ? parabns, voc chegou no lugar certo...esse curso te dar o caminho das pedras , com ferramentas simples e intuitivas, utilizando a verso gratuita dessas confira: comeando por aulas de empreendedorismo e identidade visual, passando por edio de imagens e design grfico com criao de logomarca e postagens,construo e gerenciamento de website e loja online,pgina no facebook, facebook comercial , marketing e catlogo de vendas no facebook.domine o instagram comercial , vendas ,anncios , mtricas e comunicao efetiva com os clientese , para a cereja do bolo , aprenda a registrar sua marca de forma simples e rpida.toda a trajetria que voc precisa para vender online est aqui.O mundo no o mais o mesmo, ter um comrcio online o futuro, e , se chegou at aqui , tem duas opes...A primeira adquirir,assistir s aulas , aplicar e mudar de vida agora...A segunda ignorar e daqui a um ano se arrepender de no ter montado o seu negcio digital quando ficou sabendo desse curso...faa a uma escolha sbia.*parte da renda desse curso ser revertida em projetos sociais."
Price: 39.99

"Transio de carreira: comece sua carreira como Professsor" |
"Neste curso vamos orientar os participantes sobre como dar os primeiros passos para iniciar uma carreira acadmica.Ajudar na compreenso do caminho das pedras para tornar-se um professor de Graduao, Ps e MBAs.Dar orientaes sobre onde encontrar as vagas de professor.Explicar como a experincia como lder/executivo agrega valor na rea acadmica.Abordar caractersticas da carreira acadmica.Gerar reflexo sobre o que pode diferenciar um profissional/executivo na vida acadmica.Dar orientaes sobre a construo do Currculo Acadmico na Plataforma Lattes."
Price: 114.99

"1Z0-997-20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Profes" |
"The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 2020 Architect Professional exam (1Z0-997-20) exam is designed for individuals who possess strong enterprise knowledge in architecting using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. This certification validates advanced concepts of OCI services to control infrastructure, such as but not limited to: High Availability and Disaster Recovery, Data Migration, Network Connectivity, Monitoring, Data Retention, Storage and Databases. This certification is available to all professionals that were previously passed the OCI Architect Associate Exam."
Price: 34.99

"Learn Advance Skills in One Note in Hindi" |
"One note has extensive tools to make your daily life work easy. If you are a working profesional and you need to follow up with the clients then this software will be wonderful making notes and reminders .You can organize your work with date and time and fix meeting, appointments and mails conveniently."
Price: 19.99

"Be the Boss in One Note from Scratch" |
"One note has extensive tools to make your daily life work easy. If you are a working profesional and you need to follow up with the clients then this software will be wonderful making notes and reminders .You can organize your work with date and time and fix meeting, appointments and mails conveniently."
Price: 39.99

"INDICADORES de Gestin - Diseo y Monitoreo" |
"Con este curso podrs tener todos los fundamentos, tcnicas y herramientas necesarias para construir un sistema de control basado en indicadores de gestin; para cualquier proceso, sistema o empresa, de forma clara, concreta, eficaz y organizada. Empezaremos con una fundamentacin y conceptualizacin completa hasta llegar a la construccin desde una perspectiva de gestin del planear - hacer - verificar - actuar. 17 aos de experiencia como Consultores y Capacitadores en mas de 300 organizaciones dan toda la confianza y respaldo en temas de calidad total, productividad, mejoramiento continuo / kaizen, estrategia, liderazgo y xito empresarial."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de digitao 3 x 1. Portugus * Espanhol * Ingls" |
"Digitao para atingir no mnimo 200 toques por minuto.Voc receber uma apostila do curso (Download) para praticar os exerccios de digitao em casa, no trabalho ou em qualquer lugar.O aluno recebe tcnicas para digitao gil e rpida.Aprende digitao por toque, ao invs da viso.Digitao por toque um estilo que no precisa olhar no teclado para encontrar as letras.Cada dedo pressiona determinadas teclas.So necessrios todos os dedos para ultrapassar 200 toques por minuto.O teclado dividido em vrias partes.Posicionamentos corretos das mos e dos dedos no teclado.Os exerccios so divididos em lies.So lies orientando o aluno para teclas especificas do teclado.Noes dos teclados em portugus, espanhol e ingls.Os teclados no so iguais.Focar primeiramente nas letras, questes de acentuaes e funes so simples.Metodologia para digitar rpido e ultrapassar 200 toques por minuto."
Price: 99.99

"Fondant Bas Relief Designs for gorgeous Cakes" |
"Do you want to take your Cake Decorating skills to the next level? Do you want to learn a technique that several of the world's best cake decorators use on their cakes to create on-trend and visually interesting fondant designs that will wow your brides and guests? Have you seen incredible cake designs that utilise Bas-Relief and you just don't know how to achieve it?Then this class is for YOU!Learn how to create incredibly detailed and textured fondant designs through Bas-relief on your cakes. All skill levels are welcome, although you should have some very basic knowledge of cake making and working with fondant. I will take you through all the steps in-depth, including: what materials to use which silicone moulds to buy/ how to relook at the moulds you already have at home how to get the most out of the moulds, and get stunning impressions from them with the largest amount of detail how to store the ready made fondant pieces for later use how to create a pleasing design, and how I make my artistic decisions as I workAre you excited? Yes? Well, I am! - I can't wait to teach you this incredible technique that will open up so many doors in terms of experimenting with fondant and creating world-class designs! Hope to see you in class!"
Price: 24.99

"Controles Internos (Prticas Financeiras)" |
"O Responsvel por todo planejamento financeiro, quem organiza e aplica os recursos econmicos de uma empresa, ele faz a gesto financeira da empresa. Essa pessoa tem que ser algum que busca a interao entre os setores para que possa realizar um servio de qualidade. Lembre-se que a gesto financeira de muita importncia em todos os setores de uma empresa. Neste curso o aluno aprender toda a rotina do departamento financeiro, bem como as prticas atendidas no dia a dia do setor. Veremos exemplos e as principais prticas utilizadas."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Chinese Home Cooking Fundamentals In 6 Tasty recipes" |
"Chinese cooking is not as complicated as you might think.However,If you are intimidated by the racks of foreign sauces and ingredients,If you think you dont have the special Chinese cooking equipment to start,If youre worried that Chinese cooking is just too complex and is for professionals only,Then throw away those concerns, and join this course!In this course, Ill address your concerns by:Learning and applying the 5 key Chinese sauces. Yes, only 5.Using main ingredients that are vastly available in supermarkets and local markets. Cooking with common cooking equipment: chefs knives (no cleaver), a frying pan and a stew pot, and household stove.Structuring the course lectures like a staircase, progressing from easy to advanced level.After this course, you will be able to cook authentic Chinese dishes at home.More specifically, you will:Master 6 hand-picked recipes that you can cook with common cooking equipment.Learn & apply the 5 sauces that create most of Chinese flavours.Tailor & vary each recipe to your own preference by adapting the ingredients.Familiarise with the key Chinese cooking techniques (scalding, stir frying, steaming, stewing)Equipped with some nice transferrable Chinese cooking tips & tricksThe course is structured as below:Introduction to the 5 key Chinese saucesRecipe 1: Scaled lettuce with garlicRecipe 2: Quick & easy Tomato egg soupRecipe 3: Yang Zhou fried riceRecipe 4: Steamed chicken with shiitakeRecipe 5: Stir fry pork belly with eggplantRecipe 6: Beef stew with radishNext steps to continued learning & practicing Chinese cookingYou will get these resources as well:6 downloadable recipes PDFs: The recipe PDFs are step by step with picture examples. You can use the them during cooking, and/or share them with your friends.6 downloadable lecture key takeaways PDFs: You can recap on the key cooking tips, and learn about possible adaptions to create your own recipes.This course also comes with Udemys 30-day full-money-back guarantee. So, why not give this course a try?Enroll now, and lets have some cooking fun!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Acordes Bsicos para Piano" |
"Aprende los 24 acordes bsicos en el piano de manera sencilla.Aprende los acordes del pianoAprende piano fcilAprender acordes fcilesAprende acordes mayores, menores, sostenidos mayores y sostenidos menores, de la manera mas sencilla posible.Parece difcil pero, realmente es bastante sencillo, si lo entiendes de la manera como yo te lo explico."
Price: 39.99

"Chair Dance Choreography ""Mind and Body"" by Ayelle" |
"If you are looking to move your body or get fit the fun way, then this course is for you! In this course, you are going to learn a chair dance choreography to a song called 'Mind and Body' by Ayelle. This routine is slow paced, sexy and one hell of a workout. Don't worry if you have no or little chair dance experience. Even if you have some chair dance experiences, you will still benefit from taking this course. Rest assured, after taking this course, you will feel stronger and more flexible AND you will never see any chair the same way again. In this course, you will learn:1. Fun chair dance sequences;2. Easy floor work combos; and3. Basic acrobatic chair tricks.What you need:1. A sturdy chair with an upright back and without armrests;2. A dancing space;3. Knee pads to protect the knees and heels are optional."
Price: 69.99

"Lettering avanzado, trabajo del abecedario" |
"Bienvenidos al mundo de las letras!! Si quieres dar una paso a ms con tu lettering y ves que t sol@ no avanzas y necesitas unos consejillos, este curso es para ti. En l trabajaremos todo el abecedarios, letra a letra, hasta la composicin de una lmina con una frase completa. Los contenidos estn pensados para que avances poco a poco pero podrs terminar el taller con una lmina para colgar en tu pared. nimo y vamos a escribir!!"
Price: 29.99

"CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional" |
"In this course, you will get 3 Full Length Practice Exams with 280+ Unique Questions from ISC2 - CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Exam covering all the topics for the ISC2 - CISSP Exam.What do you get in this course?280 Unique Questions3 Full-length mock tests with 90+ Unique Questions in each practice test.Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************About CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional :The CISSP Certification is administered by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium or (ISC). (ISC) promotes the CISSP exam as an aid to evaluating personnel performing information security functions. Candidates for this exam are typically network security professionals and system administrators with at least four years of direct work experience in two or more of the ten test domains. As the first ANSI ISO accredited credential in the field of information security, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification provides information security professionals with not only an objective measure of competence, but a globally recognized standard of achievement.This cyber security certification is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge, advance your career and become a member of a community of cyber security leaders. It shows you have all it takes to design, engineer, implement and run an information security program.The CISSP is ideal for experienced security practitioners, managers and executives interested in proving their knowledge across a wide array of security practices and principles, including those in the following positions:Chief Information Security OfficerChief Information OfficerDirector of SecurityIT Director/ManagerSecurity Systems EngineerSecurity AnalystSecurity ManagerSecurity AuditorSecurity ArchitectSecurity ConsultantNetwork ArchitectCISSP Examination Information :Length of exam : 3 hoursNumber of questions : 125Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 700 out of 1000 points"
Price: 19.99

"CISSP-ISSAP - Information Systems Security Architecture Prof" |
"In this course, you will get 3 Full Length Practice Exams with 230+ Unique Questions from ISC2 CISSP-ISSAP - Information Systems Security Architecture Professional Exam covering all the topics for the ISC2 CISSP-ISSAP Exam.What do you get in this course?1. 230+ Unique Questions2. 3 Full-length mock tests with 90+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************About CISSP-ISSAP The Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP) is a CISSP who specializes in designing security solutions and providing management with risk-based guidance to meet organizational goals. ISSAPs facilitate the alignment of security solutions within the organizational context (e.g., vision, mission, strategy, policies, requirements, change, and external factors). The broad spectrum of topics included in the ISSAP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of information security. Successful candidates are competent in the following six domains: Identity and Access Management Architecture Security Operations ArchitectureInfrastructure Security Architect for Governance, Compliance, and Risk Management Security Architecture Modeling Architect for Application Security Experience Requirements Candidates must be a CISSP in good standing and have 2 years cumulative paid full-time work experience in 1 or more of the 6 domains of the CISSP-ISSAP CBK.CISSP-ISSAP Examination Information :Length of exam : 3 hoursNumber of questions : 125Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 700 out of 1000 pointsExam availability : EnglishTesting center : VUE Testing Center CISSP-ISSAP Examination Weights :Identity and Access Management Architecture 19% Security Operations Architecture 17% Infrastructure Security 19% Architect for Governance, Compliance, and Risk Management 16% Security Architecture Modeling 14% Architect for Application Security 15% Total: 100%"
Price: 19.99

"ISC2 CISSP - ISSEP Practice Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Full Length Practice Exams with 215 Unique Questions from ISC2 CISSP-ISSEP Information Systems Security Engineering Professional Exam covering all the topics for the ISC2 CISSP - ISSEP Exam.What do you get in this course?1. 215 Unique Questions2. 2 Full-length mock tests with 100+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************What Is the ISSEP?The ISSEP is one of the CISSP concentration certification exams. ISSEP stands for information system security engineering professional. ISC2 and the NSA collaborated on the creation of content for this certification, which is used to provide security engineers with an opportunity to prove their ability to apply security engineering principles into the business processes they support. This test helped to created usable methodologies and best practices within the industry. It is partly based on the Information Assurance Technical Framework (IATF), which was written in 2002 by the NSA to define proper technical requirements to protect information, in particular critical DoD or government information.CISSP-ISSEP Exam Pattern:Length of exam : Up to 3 hoursNumber of questions : 150 questionsQuestion format : Multiple choicePassing grade : A passing score is 700 out of 1000 pointsExam language : EnglishTesting center : Pearson VUE Testing CenterOnce you have passed your CISSP-ISSEP exam and are certified, you need to re-certify every three years.The CISSP-ISSEP is ideal for those working in roles such as:Senior systems engineerInformation assurance systems engineerInformation assurance officerInformation assurance analystSenior security analystCISSP-ISSEP Experience Requirements :Candidates must be a CISSP in good standing and have two years cumulative paid work experience in one or more of the five domains of the CISSP-ISSEP CBK.Domain 1. Security Engineering PrinciplesDomain 2. Risk ManagementDomain 3. Security Planning, Design, and ImplementationDomain 4. Secure Operations, Maintenance, and DisposalDomain 5. Systems Engineering Technical ManagementFull-Time Experience: Your work experience is accrued monthly. Thus, you must have worked a minimum of 35 hours/week for four weeks in order to accrue one month of work experience.Part-Time Experience: Your part-time experience cannot be less than 20 hours a week and no more than 34 hours a week.1040 hours of part-time = 6 months of full time experience2080 hours of part-time = 12 months of full time experienceInternship: Paid or unpaid internship is acceptable. You will need documentation on company/organization letterhead confirming your position as an intern. If you are interning at a school, the document can be on the registrars stationery."
Price: 19.99

"CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management Professi" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Full Length Practice Exams with 220 Unique Questions from ISC2 CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management Professional Certification Exam covering all the topics for the ISC2 CISSP-ISSMP Exam.What do you get in this course?1. 220+ Unique Questions2. 2 Full-length mock tests with 100+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************Information Security System Management Professional(ISSMP) is one of many certifications offered in the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) suite of certifications. These certifications are governed by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2. As implied by the name, this independent organization certifies professionals engaged in the IT security field.The ISSMP certification encompasses areas of security project management and planning. Designing continuity, resiliency and response plans may be one task an ISSMP engages in. Developing and implementing an organizations security awareness and training initiatives might be anotherWho should earn the ISSMP?The ISSMP is geared towards management roles. The certification is ideal for either acting or aspiring Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), or any other management position tasked with overseeing IT security initiatives.To qualify for the ISSMP, candidates must have a minimum of two years of professional experience in management of IT security for a large organization.ISC2 CISSP-ISSMP Examination Information :Length of exam : 3 hoursNumber of questions : 125Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 700 out of 1000 pointsExam availability : EnglishTesting center : VUE Testing CenterRecertification : Once you have passed your CISSP-ISSMP exam and are certified, you need to re-certify every three yearsISC2 CISSP-ISSMP Examination Weights :Candidates must be a CISSP in good standing and have two years cumulative paid work experience in one or more of the six domains of the CISSP-ISSMP CBK.Domain 1. Leadership and Business Management 22%Domain 2. Systems Lifecycle Management 19%Domain 3. Risk Management 18%Domain 4. Threat Intelligence and Incident Management 17%Domain 5. Contingency Management 10%Domain 6. Law, Ethics, and Security Compliance Management 14%Total: 100%Full-Time Experience: Your work experience is accrued monthly. Thus, you must have worked a minimum of 35 hours/week for four weeks in order to accrue one month of work experience.Part-Time Experience: Your part-time experience cannot be less than 20 hours a week and no more than 34 hours a week.1040 hours of part-time = 6 months of full time experience2080 hours of part-time = 12 months of full time experienceInternship: Paid or unpaid internship is acceptable. You will need documentation on company/organization letterhead confirming your position as an intern. If you are interning at a school, the document can be on the registrars stationery."
Price: 19.99

"CISSP-CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional" |
"In this course, you will get 4 Practice Exams with 330+ Unique Questions and explanations from ISC2 CISSP-CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional Exam covering all the topics for the ISC2 CISSP-CSSLP Exam.What do you get in this course?330+ Unique Question with explanation for each questionIn-depth and exhaustive explanation for every question4 Mock tests with 80+ Unique Questions in each practice test.Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************About ISC2 CISSP-CSSLP :A global, vendor-neutral certification to recognize those with leading software and application security skills. The CSSLP recognizes your expertise and ability to incorporate security practices authentication, authorization and auditing into each phase of the SDLC.Ideal For:IT professionals involved in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) including developers, testers and project managers who are responsible for security practices and resisting malicious hackersExperience Required:Candidates must have a minimum of four years cumulative, paid, full-time SDLC professional experience in one or more of the eight domains of the CSSLP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK).Earning a four-year college degree or regional equivalent will waive one year of the required experience.Only a one-year experience exemption is granted for education.Who Earns the CSSLP?The CSSLP is ideal for software development and security professionals responsible for applying best practices to each phase of the SDLC from software design and implementation to testing and deployment including those in the following positions:Software ArchitectSoftware EngineerSoftware DeveloperApplication Security SpecialistSoftware Program ManagerQuality Assurance TesterPenetration TesterSoftware Procurement AnalystProject ManagerSecurity ManagerIT Director/ManagerISC2 CISSP-CSSLP Examination Information :Length of exam : 4 hoursNumber of questions : 175Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 700 out of 1000 pointsExam availability : EnglishTesting center : VUE Testing CenterRecertification : Once you have passed your CISSP-CSSLP exam and are certified, you need to re-certify every three yearsCSSLP Experience Requirements :A candidate is required to have a minimum of four years of cumulative paid Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) professional work experience in one or more of the eight domains of the (ISC) CSSLP CBK, or three years of cumulative paid SDLC professional work experience in one or more of the eight domains of the CSSLP CBK with a four-year degree leading to a Baccalaureate, or regional equivalent in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT) or related fields.If you dont have the required experience to become a CSSLP, you may become an Associate of (ISC) by successfully passing the CSSLP examination. You will then have five years to earn the four years required experience.Part-time work and internships may also count towards your experience.Work Experience :Valid experience includes information systems security-related work performed in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), or work that requires application security knowledge and involves direct application of that knowledge. Experience must fall within one or more of the eight domains of the (ISC) CSSLP CBK:Domain 1. Secure Software Concepts 13%Domain 2. Secure Software Requirements 14%Domain 3. Secure Software Design 16%Domain 4. Secure Software Implementation/Programming 16%Domain 5. Secure Software Testing 14%Domain 6. Secure Lifecycle Management 10%Domain 7. Software Deployment, Operations, and Maintenance 9%Domain 8. Supply Chain and Software Acquisition 8%Full-Time Experience: Your work experience is accrued monthly. Thus, you must have worked a minimum of 35 hours/week for four weeks in order to accrue one month of work experience.Part-Time Experience: Your part-time experience cannot be less than 20 hours a week and no more than 34 hours a week.1040 hours of part-time = 6 months of full time experience2080 hours of part-time = 12 months of full time experienceInternship: Paid or unpaid internship is acceptable. You will need documentation on company/organization letterhead confirming your position as an intern. If you are interning at a school, the document can be on the registrars stationery."
Price: 19.99

"220-1001 CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Core 1 Practice Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 3 Practice Exams with 170 Unique Questions from 220-1001 CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Core 1 Certification Exam covering all the topics for the 220-1001 CompTIA A+Exam.What do you get in this course?1. 170+ Unique Questions2. 3 Full-length mock tests with 55+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************About 220-1001 CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Core 1 Certification : CompTIA A+ 2019 is the industry standard for establishing a career in IT.The CompTIA A+ Core Series requires candidates to pass two exams: Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) covering the following new content:Demonstrate baseline security skills for IT support professionalsConfigure device operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android and iOS and administer client-based as well as cloud-based (SaaS) softwareTroubleshoot and problem solve core service and support challenges while applying best practices for documentation, change management, and scriptingSupport basic IT infrastructure and networkingConfigure and support PC, mobile and IoT device hardwareImplement basic data backup and recovery methods and apply data storage and management best practicesThe new CompTIA A+ Core Series includes expanded content on these growing parts of the IT support role:A general expansion of baseline security topics core to the IT support role, including physical versus logical security concepts and measures, malware and moreA dramatically different approach in defining competency in operational procedures including basic disaster prevention and recovery and scripting basicsA greater dependency on networking and device connectivityPrerequisites :Gain some basic experience using a PC, Windows, and browsing the web. Specifically, we recommend that you have the following skills and knowledge.Recognize the main components of a PC as well as storage media such as USB drives and DVD.Start the computer and navigate the operating system desktop.Use Windows Explorer to create directories and subdirectories and manage files.Use a web browser to view websites.Official Exam Details for 220-1001 CompTIA A+ Core 1 Certification :Exam Code : CompTIA A+ 220-1001Launch Date : January 15, 2019Exam Description : CompTIA A+ 220-1001 covers mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, virtualization and cloud computing and network troubleshooting. Number of Questions : Maximum of 90 questions per examType of Questions : Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-basedLength of Test : 90 Minutes per examPassing Score : 220-1001: 675 (on a scale of 100-900)Recommended Experience : 9 to 12 months hands-on experience in the lab or fieldLanguages : English at launch. German, Japanese, Portuguese, Thai and SpanishTesting Provider : Pearson VUEPrice : $226 USD per exam (See all pricing)"
Price: 19.99

"220-1002 CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Core 2 Practice Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 180+ Unique Questions from 220-1002 CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Core 2 Certification Exam covering all the topics for the 220-1002 CompTIA A+Exam.What you will get in this course?1. 180+ Unique Questions2. 3 Full-length mock tests with 60+ Unique Questions in each practice test.3. Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses4. Questions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.5. Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.6. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question.******************************************************************************Official Exam Details for 220-1002 CompTIA A+ Core 2 Certification:CompTIA A+ 2019 is the industry standard for establishing a career in IT.Exam Codes : CompTIA A+ 220-1002 (Core 2)Candidates must complete both 1001 and 1002 to earn certification. Exams cannot be combined across the series.Launch Date : January 15, 2019Exam Description : CompTIA A+ 220-1002 covers installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, software troubleshooting and operational procedures.Number of Questions : Maximum of 90 questions per examType of Questions : Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-basedLength of Test : 90 Minutes per examPassing Score : 220-1002: 700 (on a scale of 100-900)Recommended Experience : 9 to 12 months hands-on experience in the lab or fieldLanguages : English at launch. German, Japanese, Portuguese, Thai and SpanishRetirement : TBD - Usually three years after launchTesting Provider : Pearson VUEPrice : $226 USD per exam (See all pricing)EXAM OBJECTIVES (DOMAINS) :1.0 Operating Systems 27% 2.0 Security 24% 3.0 Software Troubleshooting 26%4.0 Operational Procedures 23% Total 100%Prerequisites : Good to have knowledge on CompTIA IT Fundamentals course or have some basic experience using a PC, Windows, and browsing the web. Specifically, we recommend that you have the following skills and knowledge before starting this course:Recognize the main components of a PC as well as storage media such as USB drives and DVD.Start the computer and navigate the operating system desktop.Use Windows Explorer to create directories and subdirectories and manage files.Use a web browser to view websites.Support operating systems.Install, configure, and maintain operating systems.Maintain and troubleshoot Microsoft Windows.Configure and troubleshoot network connections.Manage users, workstations, and shared resources.Implement physical security.Secure workstations and data.Troubleshoot workstation security issues.Support and troubleshoot mobile operating systems and applications.Implement operational procedures."
Price: 19.99

"Learn To Create Home Workouts and Train Without Equipment" |
"Learn to create home workouts for your own. You won't need any equipment to build muscle, strength, endurance and stamina.This course is addressed to everyone who wants to train at home without any equipment, regardless of the level of fitness, age, health issues and mobility.After this course:- you will know how to perform basic and advanced movements properly, safely and efficiently,- you will learn about common mistakes made by people when they train,- you will learn how to scale the exercises and perform easier versions in case your level of fitness does not allow you to deal with the standard movement.- you will learn how to perform more advanced versions of the basic movements,- you will learn to use a program (included in the course) for creating home workouts,- you will receive an extensive video library with variations of the exercises for many muscle groups,- you will learn to create your own workouts depending on your skills,- you will learn to match the intensity and duration of the workout to your individual needs,There are 2 files attached to this project. Both contain the same content, which is the Workout Creator. You can work in xls format or print it out from the pdf.Thank you so much for choosing my course. Ive created it using my knowledge gained as a personal trainer and former athlete. I wish you all the best in achieving your goals.Best regardsLukasz"
Price: 19.99
