"JNCIA-Sec - JN0-230 - Juniper Security Associate - Tests" |
"JNCIA-Security is designed and intended for individuals with beginner-intermediate knowledge of Juniper Networks Junos OS for SRX series and verifies a candidates' understanding of security technologies and related platform configuration and troubleshooting skills.The exam tests your knowledge on a total of 8 key areas and they are as follows:SRX Series DevicesJunos Security ObjectsSecurity PoliciesSky Advanced Threat PreventionNetwork Address TranslationIPSecUnified Threat ManagementMonitoring/ReportingJN0-230 exam info :Exam Title: Juniper Network Certified Internet Associate - SecurityFormat: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 90 minutesNumber of Questions: 65Validity: 3 yearsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"JNCIA-DevOps - JN0-220 - Juniper Automation & DevOps - Tests" |
"JNCIA-DevOps is designed and intended for individuals with introductory-level knowledge of automation tools and best practices and verifies a candidates' understanding of DevOps and automation concepts as they pertain to Juniper devices and solutions.The exam tests your knowledge on a total of 6 key areas and they are as follows:Junos Automation Stack and DevOps StackXML/NETCONFData SerializationAnsiblePython or PyEZREST APIJN0-220 exam info :Exam Title: Juniper Network Certified Internet Associate - Automation and DevOpsFormat: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 90 minutesNumber of Questions: 65Validity: 3 yearsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"300-410 - CCNP Enterprise (ENARSI) - Latest Practice Tests" |
"CCNP Enterprise is globally recognized highly demanding certification as it validates that you possess professional knowledge of networking and open vast opportunities to advance a career. Individuals who hold CCNP certification are handsomely paid in the job market. It is by far a vital must-have certification for freshers to boost their career to limits in networking. CCNP Enterprise (ENCOR and ENARSI) consists of broad concepts, complex study materials and it challenges the ability for you to handle challenges day-to-day on-job with more proficiency.To gain CCNP Enterprise there are two exams; ENCOR exam and Specialist exams. We are offering the specialist exam 300-410 ENARSI only practice test questions.The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) gives you the knowledge and skills needed to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network. This exam tests your knowledge and skills related to implementing core enterprise network technologies. The exam is focused on a total of 4 sections and they are as follows:Layer 3 TechnologiesVPN TechnologiesInfrastructure SecurityInfrastructure ServicesThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate and proven correct by test-takers.Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 24.99

"After Effects CC 2020 Academy Complete After Effects Course" |
"The Most Comprehensive After Effects Complete Course with over 250+ Lectures and 20+ hours of Video.Master After Effects Motion Graphics with the easiest-to-follow course on Udemy!By the end of the course, you'll have finished hundreds of real world projects to build your confidence.New Sections added periodically to give you the BESTSELLING and HIGHEST RATED COMPLETE Adobe After Effects Course. The Ultimate Learning Experience with Hands On Practice Activities and Their Tutorials to cement and expand your learning.After Effects CC: The Complete After Effects CC Course from Beginner to Advanced.I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.I want to make this the best course on how use Adobe After Effects. So if there is any way I can improve this course, just tell me and I'll make it happen.What's this course all about?Get ready to create motion graphics and visual effects that will improve your video quality. If you've always wanted to learn how to use video effects and create custom motion graphics, you can learn After Effects CC right now.Learn and Master Motion Graphics and Visual Effects in After Effects in this Comprehensive Course: Understand the concepts behind Animation TechniquesLearn how to Design, Animate, and Sequence complete Motion Graphics ProjectsWork with all the transformations basic and beyondLearn easy, yet powerful, techniques to create the most complex animationsCreate Stunning Visual Effects using Build in Effects (no expensive third party plugins)Apply specialized effects such as Rotoscoping, Chromakeying, Camera Tracking and many moreMastering After EffectsLearning the fundamentals and beyond of Motion Graphics and Visual Effects using Adobe After Effects is a very powerful tool at your fingertips.You will go through creating useful and practical animations and learn how to use simple and complex animation techniques. This is not the type of Tips and Tricks here and there course. This Course is a serious learning experience where you get to actually create serious animations and genuinely learn how to use After Effects and become a top notch animator and a visual effects artist.Most Importantly this course offers you the chance to understand, practice and develop your skills as a Visual Effects and Motion Graphics Artist.Here is a glimpse of what we'll be covering:Getting comfortable with After Effects CCStarting a new compositionUsing the basic toolsSpatial and Temporal Interpolation and Motion Path AnimationReveal Techniques using Track Mattes and MasksWorking in the After Effects CC timelineAdding shape and text layersAnimating position, scale, rotation, and opacityImportant Techniques to Help You Create even better animationEssential 3D Animation TechniquesAdvanced 3D with Cameras, Lights and Shadows3D Camera Orbit NullComplex, Compound and Bezier ShapesPer Character Text Animation and how to use text presetsHow to use the Puppet Tools in CC 2020How to Use ExpressionsAnimation Presets - Using, Editing, Creating and Saving PresetsHow to Composite with Masks and EffectsMotion Graphics Time GamesVideos Time GamesMotion TrackingCamera TrackingGreen Screen ChromakeyingRotoscopingImporting and Animating Vector Graphics from Adobe IllustratorBest Exports for YouTube, Vimeo and FacebookMotion Graphics Visual EffectsColor Correction & Color GradingHow to use the all New Scripts to Animate Mask pointsUsing the Essential Graphics TemplatesHow to create Data Visualisation ChartsReal world projects such as lower thirds and bumpersMotion graphics principles and best practicesUsing video effects and presets to speed up workflowGreen screen and chromakey removalVisual effects and rotoscopingMotion tracking and video stabilizationCreating unique transitionsExporting your projectsHow to Design and Animate a full AE Projectand so much more!See you inside the course"
Price: 199.99

"How to Read and Speak Kikuyu Language and Fasten Learning" |
"Reading and speaking with understanding of the very roots of what makes up Kikuyu language is the greatest piece you have been missing in your Kikuyu language learning puzzle. Youve probably tried reading Kikuyu grammar books, or listening/watching Kikuyu language channels but your language skills are not improving. This is because no one is helping you learn the core structure of the Kikuyu language.In this course, I address this gap for you. I help you understand how Kikuyu vowels sound, how simple syllables are made using single consonants, how those syllable sounds make simple words, and how those words make sentences.As I do so, Ill also be building up a vocabulary of over 200 commonly used Kikuyu words, and a further 56 common male and female Gky names. This is extremely crucial and surpasses most other online Kikuyu tutorials that you might have come across.Of all the said vocabulary words, Ive ensured that I read aloud each one of them in a slow way and a native speakers speed mode. This will help you in transiting from a hesitant approach to a more confident Kikuyu speaker.Ive gone ahead and created a pdf resource with a list of translations of all those words for ease of reference in case you get stuck or are curious about an interesting Kikuyu word encountered in the course.All the best as you go through this basic course. Repeat the individual lectures not less than ten times until you are quite confident with replicating my pronunciation before proceeding to the lectures that follow. In the end, youll find that you have a mental picture and memory of most of the words used. When you encounter them in other texts elsewhere or hear them spoken out by others, youll easily identify them and start using them, too.This is the first guide of its kind. Use it well to start mastering the Kikuyu language from today!"
Price: 39.99

"Word 2016 Intermedirio" |
"Esse curso foi desenvolvido para voc que deseja ver passo a passo como um documento editado e com isso criar os seus prprios documentos tendo esses como base. Aqui tambm voc vai aprender como inserir bordas, tabelas, imagens, marcadores, capitular uma letra, WordArt, cabealho, formatar um texto inteiramente com o teclado sem usar o mouse e no final do curso dois incrveis desafios para testar seus conhecimentos."
Price: 99.99

"Portfolio Expert - Risco e Alocao de Portfolio" |
"Continuao do curso Risk Expert..Agora vamos tratar o risco do Portflio e no mais de um ativo isolado.Com isso, entra novas complexidades como entender risco e retorno das posies e a interao dos ativos no portfolio.Por isso, pode-se dizer que um curso de Risco e Alocao de portfolio.Vamos ver tambm sobre otimizao de portflio (Markovitz)Voc vai entender todos os conceitos, mas principalmente todas as limitaes do modelo.Curso essencial para quem tem interesse em reas de risco e mais quantitativas."
Price: 489.99

"132kV Power Transformer & Line Protection Relay Settings" |
"Hi, In this Section I have explained how to calculate the relay Settings of Followings.132kV Transformer Differential Protection Settings 132kV Transformer HV O/C And E/F Protection 132kV Transformer HV Neutral O/C Protection 132kV Transformer LV Neutral O/C Protection 132kV Lines O/C and E/F Protection MV O/C and E/F Protection 132kV Distance Protection Setting Thanks"
Price: 59.99

"Competencias regladas y discrecionales" |
"La administracin pblica es un amplio objeto de estudio, sobre todo en tiempos donde el estado parece abarcar cada vez mayores funciones y sumar cada vez ms influencia en los campos del quehacer ciudadano. De la existencia de una autoridad administrativa, ms la mentada amplitud funcional, surge la necesidad de concentrarse en un tema especfico -de acuerdo a lo que aquella puede y no puede hacer, debera y no debera hacer- en aras de comprender los modos de actuar o abstenerse: las competencias regladas y las competencias discrecionales.Dedicaremos el presente curso al tratamiento de estas competencias: qu significa cada una de ellas, los modelos estatales donde ms o menos encajan, los debates doctrinarios alrededor de su consistencia conceptual, y las propuestas de reforma para aceitar su desenvolvimiento.La posicin que defenderemos ser la del estado liberal de derecho, con potestades claramente delimitadas, respeto a los derechos individuales, y no intromisin en los asuntos privados y econmicos particulares.Despus de tomar este curso, los estudiantes estarn en condiciones de conceptualizar y distinguir los modos de actuacin de la administracin pblica, comprender los lmites e identificar abusos en la accin del estado, juzgar a la luz de los criterios aprendidos si la autoridad administrativa procede acorde a la ley, conocer y efectuar propuestas de reformas legales, y defender sus derechos durante el transcurso de trmites y procedimientos en el mbito pblico.No hace falta que seas abogado, o una consultora, o empleado pblico, o una acadmica. El curso es para un pblico amplio porque est pensado para que sea de aplicacin prctica para cualquier persona en cualquier posicin respecto de la administracin pblica de su municipio, ciudad o pas.Adems de las clases en soporte audiovisual, el curso incluye PDF adicionales especialmente diseados con ejercicios de reflexin personal para que expandas tu creatividad y dejes asentado todo lo que vas aprendiendo, compartiendo y criticando de los contenidos compartidos.Y como si esto fuera poco, el curso incluye un bonus gratuito: una clase especial sobre los recursos administrativos para que sepas las posibilidades que tienes y los derechos que te asisten a la hora de peticionar y reclamar ante la autoridad.Aprovecha este curso avanzado, apto para abogados y no abogados, de rico contenido para expandir las fronteras del conocimiento filosfico, jurdico y administrativo, junto al estudioso de la temtica Ezequiel J. Eiben, abogado y CEO & Founder de Academia Eiben."
Price: 29.99

"DESIGNER'S ESSENTIAL (How to sketch cars in any perspective)" |
"DESIGNER'S ESSENTIAL (How to sketch cars in different perspective)Hello fellers. If you are struggling to express your idea in different views and perspective, that keep drawing plane side view or other orthographic views? If you want to set free from this situation and sketch your vehicle concept in any direction?This course is for you! In this course I will teach you the easiest way to draw you vehicle in perspective, and what you need is just your orthographic view sketch and some patient to finish my course, sketching your concept in any perspective you want won't be an impossible task anymore.What are you waiting for, let's jump in and I will meet you all in my latest course! Enjoy!"
Price: 199.99

"Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer" |
"MAGENTO CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL CLOUD DEVELOPER This exam is for a Magento 2 developer/architect with 6 to 12 months of experience developing for Magento Commerce Cloud. Ideally the person taking this exam will have worked on at least two Magento Commerce Cloud implementations.This exam will validate the skills and knowledge needed required to deploy, test, troubleshoot, and operate in the Magento Cloud environment, including how to leverage Cloud platform features to enhance your project operations and performance. The exam will also validate the skills on troubleshooting and integrations."
Price: 19.99

"2021 AutoCAD en Arabe" |
"Cours sur l'utilisation de AutoCAD 2021.Paramtrer l'environnement de travail sur AutoCAD.Commandes 2D et 3DDes exercices pratiques sur les dessins en 2D et en 3D.Cration des calques, crer et insrer un block du format dans l'espace papier.Tous ces paramtres vont tre sauvegarder dans un fichier de type .dwt.Ce ficher va tre automatiquement sauvegarder dans le dossier template, parmi les gabarits livrs par autodesk sur Autocad.Chaque fois qu'on veut commencer un nouveau dessin, on choisit notre propre Gabarit avec nos propres paramtres."
Price: 19.99

"The road to be your own personal trainer" |
"This online physical fitness course will introduce you to the basics of fitness and exercise physiology and will teach you how your body responds and adapts to physical exercise.This course will help you to develop your physical fitness and your health, will show you what needs to be done in a way that keeps you injury-free. This will make your fitness regimes more effective and safe, and give your physical training skills a real boost and will help you to reach your goals faster in a healthy way"
Price: 59.99

"Estatstica Descritiva" |
"Este curso se trata de tudo que mais essencial em estatstica descritiva para que voc no gaste seu tempo a toa:1. Fundamentos da estatstica descritiva e suas serventias1.1 Por que precisamos da Estatstica? Conceitos bsicos para compreender a este curso1.2 Populao, amostra, tipos de dados2. Medidas de Posio2.1 Mdia2.2 Mediana2.3 Moda3. Medidas de Disperso Desvio Padro, Desvio Mdio e Varincia4. Medidas Separatrizes Quartil, Percentil & Decil4.1 Separao e subdiviso da amostra em um nmero maior de partes, interpretao, exemplo e resoluo5. Medidas de Assimetria & Curtose5.1 Clculos, exemplos e comparao com a distribuio normal"
Price: 39.99

"How to make career and become a succcesful manager" |
"We spend at least the 50% of our life-time at work, that's why it is important to understand how we can improve our work position and obtain success and respect. We will explain you the best behavior, the strategy with practical and theoretical lessons based on year of study and work experience.I started to work after my studies as a trainee and after 2 years I was a manager in a prestigious company. In 7 year I achieved my goal: I became General Manager in a 5-star Hotel. Positive thought, determination and ambition brought me to success.Thanks to my constant studies on the subject (such as a Master at Cornell University) combined with my work experience, I have prepared for you a course with notions of psychology, sociology and economy using simple and effective language.Who cares what is your job and your branch: either if you are at the first experience or a manager, you can always learn and grow."
Price: 29.99

"El arte de la magia: teora y prctica" |
"Este curso propone educarte en el arte de la magia.Los trucos, sern solamente una excusa para aprender los verdaderos secretos que trae.Cuando finalices este curso, podrs tomar cualquier truco, ya sea de youtube o de una tienda de magia y transformarlo en una experiencia mgica.Dejo atrs toda magia con pauelos, cuerdas y cajas raras. Esto es magia para el mundo real con objetos reales.Aqui solo encontrars efectos curados con la experiencia y el tiempo, con objetos que puedes encontrar en cualquier lugar. Adems, he seleccionado efectos que no requieren mucha tcnica para que te enfoques en lo que realmente importa: tu presentacin. La buena magia no necesariamente tiene que ser difcil para que sea buena.El mundo necesita buena magia.Inciate hoy."
Price: 44.99

"Tango Tanzen leicht gemacht Teil 1" |
"Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Basics von Tango kennen. Beherrscht man von Anfang an die Technik, so fllt einem das umsetzen der folgenden anspurchvolleren Figuren leichter.Erklrung jeder Figur fr Herr und Dame.Vortanzen mit Zhlen ohne Musik.Vortanzen mit Zhlen auf Musik.- Basic Warm up.- Korrekte Haltung (Wie stehe ich richtig?)- Korrekte Technik der Beine (Wie laufe ich richtig?)- Korrekte Fhrung / was ist wichtig zum sich Fhren lassen?- Charaktererklrung des Tanzes.- Wie tanze ich richtig in der Musik?- Grundschritt"
Price: 34.99

"Bachata fr Solo- und Paartanz leicht gemacht Teil 2" |
"BACHATA:""Hach ich liebe Bachata! Die Musik und die Bewegungen!Das Feuer und die Tanzleidenschaft die dieser Rhytmus entfacht ist einfach Magie!""Dir/Ihnen/Euch geht es auch so?Na dann los...In diesem Kurs kontenzrieren wir uns auf eine kleine Choreografie mit Styling und Variationen. Fr Solo oder Paare geeignetKeiner wrde auf die Idee kommen, dass es sich hierbei nur um Basics handelt."
Price: 34.99

"Scratch - Curso de programao de Games" |
"Curso baseado no ano de programao de Games da Dumont Escola de Robtica, feito usando Scratch 3.0.Curso mo na massa, onde o aluno cria um jogo j nas primeiras aulas e desafiado no final a criar o seu prprio Game.O primeiro jogo criado o Dino, aquele que voc joga quando est sem internet, em seguida vamos para o clssico Snake Game, programamos um jogo de proteger a base e muito mais."
Price: 249.99

"Dimensionamento de Bloco de Fundao - Fundao superficial" |
"O curso vai abordar inicialmente, os conceitos relacionados aos blocos de fundao para fundao superficial com nfase na NBR 6122 e tambm na NBR 6118. Ser mostrado os fundamentos tericos e prticos juntamente com as observaes inerentes a cada tema que ser abordado no curso. Todos os critrios de clculos sero explicitados com base nas normas j citadas deixando o aluno confortvel as exigncias, mas tambm sero colocados alguns pontos importantes e observaes para que o aluno possa ter uma maior eficincia na hora de dimensionar e analisar."
Price: 29.99

"The Complete ServiceNow Integration Guide (2020)" |
"In this course you will learn about table API's, Import set API's, Scripted REST API's and SOAP Integration.All the integration topics will be covered in depth and also the terminologies used in the Integration will be explained. Pre-requisite for the course are1) Basic coding knowledge in ServiceNow2) Admin Access on a ServiceNow Instance."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads Mastery 2020" |
"Learn How to use Facebook Ads to grow the Traffic, Leads, & Sales.In this course, I have created it based on my experience. In fact, I have generated more than INR 3 Crore revenue in Facebook ads.Learn Facebook Adverting & Grow your business with Facebook Ads never like before. To your SuccessSureshrajan P"
Price: 1280.00

"Respiratory System" |
"The respiratory system is what allows us to breathe and exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. ... The primary organs of the respiratory system are the lungs, which carry out this exchange of gases as we breathe. The lungs work with the circulatory system to pump oxygen-rich blood to all cells in the body."
Price: 29.99

"Learning vocabulary through story building and context" |
"Voculabary building is very difficult and it takes years for someone to have a vocabulary that is required to compete in examinations. Just trying to learn a word by remembering it and trying to learn its antonyms and synonyms is not effective as the word does not get registered in the memory. However, by using a word in its proper context and learning it through story building and context analysis is an effective method to understand and comprehend a word. This course would be useful for anyone who is looking to enhance their word power for any purpose."
Price: 94.99

"Medical Massage / A Course to Assess, Test and Treat" |
"Medical Massage; a course in assessing, testing, and treating was designed to help you easily learn the essential components to creating an efficient treatment plan for you're clients to help build up your practice. The course begins with an in-depth anatomy and physiology review then continues into the key aspects of medical-massage. The bulk of the course dives into live case studies which are explained step by step from the beginning of your session to the end."
Price: 69.99

"Complete Guide to XML For Microsoft Developers" |
"This course is for Microsoft developers who want a well-rounded approach to XML on the entire Microsoft product-line. It is based on my 19 years of consulting and teaching XML and B2B/Integration. To be a well-rounded developer or architect, you need to be aware of all these features; and that's especially true for BizTalk and Integration Developers. In addition to learning XML, you will learn XPath, XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language - used to map XML to another XML or HTML), and XQuery. The course shows what is possible with the Microsoft .NET libraries, and what additional features are available by using the third party Saxonica .NET libraries. You will learn how to create and understand XSD Schemas, and how to validate an XML file against a schema. The programming languages covered as they relate to XML are C#, PowerShell, and T-SQL. You will learn how to read and write XML, and how to navigate and find elements and values in the XML, and how to modify the XML (for example, adding new elements or new attributes). In Microsoft SQL Server, you will learn 1) how to use XML columns, 2) how to format relational data as XML using the ""For XML"" clause, and 3) how to take an XML file and query it in SQL, then store it into relational tables. The course includes the most popular tools used on Windows platforms, including Visual Studio, NotePad++, VSCode, and XMLNotePad."
Price: 149.99

"How to be a programmer" |
": 1. . 2. . 3. ! 4. . 5. .6. . .."
Price: 19.99

"Mobile App Dev with Ionic and Angular: Idea to App Store" |
"Learning to build mobile apps doesn't have to be hard. In fact, it can be a lot of fun. This course will introduce mobile development using web technologies and The Ionic Framework.Ionic is supported on a variety of mobile (and desktop) platforms. In this course, you will learn how to go from no code to your very own application ready for sale on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.Unlike many courses that spend a lot of time on background, this course will be fast-paced, with a minimum of fuss and fluff. It's all hands-on.I expect you to have some basic understanding of web development. You should know what a div is, for example; and know how to create a button. You should have a decent grasp of JavaScript, but you don't need to be a master.I don't expect you to be an expert in Angular, but you should grasp the basics of JavaScript and web development. Other concepts will be explained as needed, as close to their use as I can get.By the time you complete the course, you should have the confidence you need to create and deploy your own mobile app UI for iOS or Android. It'll be a fast ride, so enroll now and hang on."
Price: 49.99

"Bases de Metodologia Cientfica e Estatstica para Sade" |
"Este curso aborda as temticas de Metodologia Cientfica e Estatstica para a rea da Sade. Consistem de aulas expositivas, bem como slides em power point e materiais de leitura, com intuito de introduzir e aprimorar tais conhecimentos para alunos de graduao, ps-graduao, pesquisadores, profissionais e gestores da Sade, das suas diversas especialidades. Uma apropriada compreenso acerca do Mtodo Cientfico e da Bioestatstica fundamental para clnicos e gestores (Prtica Baseada em Evidncias) e para acadmicos. Alm disso, a interpretao crtica dos estudos e evidncias cientficas essencial para todos esses atores."
Price: 84.99

"How to Create a Basic JavaScript Calculator" |
"This course is about making of a basic javascript calculator It involve making the HTML structure It also involves using the input tags, form tags and using the input tags to create buttons and the display Making the calculator body I.e using HTML and inline javascript It also involves the calculator using CSSIt also involve using the switch stateIt also involves using the substring method"
Price: 19.99

"Programe em GDSCRIPT e crie um Game Completo na GODOT 3.2" |
"Godot tem como objetivo oferecer um ambiente de desenvolvimento de jogos totalmente integrado. Ele permite que os desenvolvedores criem um jogo do zero, sem precisar de outras ferramentas alm das usadas para a criao de contedo (recursos de arte, msica , etc). A arquitetura do motor construda em torno do conceito de uma rvore de ""cenas"" aninhadas. Todos os recursos do jogo, incluindo scripts e recursos grficos, so salvos como parte do sistema de arquivos do computador (em vez de em um banco de dados ). Esta soluo de armazenamento visa facilitar a colaborao entre equipes de desenvolvimento de jogos usando sistemas de controle de verso de software.Neste curso voc aprender os principais tpicos da Linguagem GDSCRIPT antes de programar o game, no preciso nenhum conhecimento anterior em programao.Voc vai aprender:-> Variveis-> Operadores Aritmticos-> Operadores Lgicos-> Comandos If e Else-> Arrays-> Loops-> Funes-> DicionriosE no final, teremos uma aula de Exerccios revisando cada um dos tpicos.E logo depois, na parte prtica vamos criar um game completo, o Freeway da Atari."
Price: 39.99
