"PSM I (Scrum Master) Practice Test 2020 Certification Prep" |
"People say if you want to learn and work in an Agile environment, learn Scrum first. Scrum is a widely accepted and popular Agile framework. As per the latest, 14th Annual State of Agile report, 58% of organizations are using Scrum as their Agile framework. Within multiple certifications available to validate your understanding of Scrum, PSM I (Professional Scrum Master) is the most popular and difficult to pass. This certification practice test has been handcrafted for you to test your in-depth knowledge of Scrum. By taking this course:You will be able to make yourself ready and confident for PSM I and PSM II certification examinationYou will be able to validate your understanding which you have accumulated and assimilated by reading Scrum Guide and white space between the lines.You will able to experience the real-life exam of answering 80 questions in 60 minutes. (Yes, you really need to prepare yourself for this)The explanation of each question will help you strengthen your concept and help you to find the weaker areasEvery topic from Scrum Guide has been covered here and you will be able to find the knowledge area and then you can go back and read Scrum Guide again to clear your concept. Please remember in reality every other organization follows Scrum, and does it in a little different way which best suits the company. This does not mean that they are correct or wrong, but it is definitely not the same in the way Scrum Guide told it. So, for certification, it is important to follow Scrum guide and do not get confused about what it is followed in your project. Good luck! Happy learning. Disclaimer: Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM II, etc. are the protected brand of Scrum dot org. This course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum dot org."
Price: 1920.00

"Jamovi: A Powerful R-based Statistical Analyses Tool" |
"Complete Beginner CourseIf you're looking for a tool that can help you get started on your research and analyses and have decided to go with Jamovi, then this is the right course for you. This course will give you an introductory overview of how to use Jamovi and what it's main features are. Anyone can take this course. You don't have to be a stats expert or some kind of special researcher. It's mainly about how to use the tool, Jamovi.Get Started with R ProgrammingIf you're learning the R programming language, this is a handy tool to have under your belt. Its syntax mode can act like a little cheat code generator for you to use in R and instantaneously be able to do everything that you can do in Jamovi in RStudio.In This CourseYou'll get some information about Jamovi's user interface and how you can get it to do stuff. It's a pretty straight forward interface, there's actually not much explanation needed. You'll be amazed and surprised at just how easy to use and intutitive Jamovi is. It's beatifully designed and great to use.You'll find out just how easy it to bring your data into Jamovi, set your variables to ordinal, nominal, continuous, add some new computed and transformed variables, and use filters to focus on specific areas of your dataset.Then we'll take a detour and install R and RStudio and have a look at how you can bring in datasets open in Jamovi into RStudio just by typing two words, and how you can then easily copy/paste the R code from Jamovi. You just copy and paste it!Another great feature in Jamovi is that you can install Modules wich are like add-ons or R packages. These allow you to do more cool stuff with Jamovi. We'll have a look at how to install them and I'll give you some tips on how to use two of them scatr and my favourite, Flexplot!Analyses Demonstrations:We're going to have a look at each of the analyses in Jamovi, with an example. The focus of this part of the course is just to give you a rudementary look at each of the analyses, and kinda get a feel of what you can do with Jamovi's suite of analyses. It includes all the basic good stuff: T-Test: Independent, Paired, and One-Sample ANOVAS (one-way, factoral, repeated measures), ANCOVA (and MANCOVA), Non-parametric one way and repeated meausers ANOVA Correlation & Regression, Logistic Regression (Binomial, Multinomial, Ordinal) Friequencies: One Sample Proportion Tests(Binomial and Chi Goodness of Fit), Contingency Tables (Chi test of association and McNemar), Log-Linear Regression)Factor Analyses (Reliability, Principle Component, Exploratory, and Confirmatory Anlyses)But remember, that's not all. Jamovi's modules let you do a lot more. Everything from JASP's suite of Baysein statistics to Survival Analyses. Check it out, and explore.Practicing is EasyAs far as practice activities go, I encourage you to follow along with the same examples and repeat them using your own combination of variables and to experiment with using the code in R and seeing where it takes you. All these demonstration examples are pretty simple. It's really easy for anyone to swap out the variables used in any of the demonstrations with other variables in the same dataset or to go through other datasets and repeat the same analyses. Just give it a shot. There's even a module called R Datasets which installs a bunch of datasets for you to practice on. Explore, experiment and be creative!What are you waiting for? Get started with Jamovi today!!!More about the Jamovi:Data Science is really cool and awesome. As with anything you really want to get done, there's nothing more helpful than a good tool that can help you do the job. Jamovi pushes the envelope when it comes to something that's free, open, user-friendly and fun. It's features and specifications rival that of paid programs like SPSS, STATA and SASS.It includes really awesome stuff and the best part is that it's all built on top of R. Hadley Wickham, a big name in data science, spoke about how GUIs aren't really great for data science. It's true, but in that same talk in the 2016 conference he mentions that, it's okay to copy/paste code. You don't have to be a coding dictionary to be good at R. That's another area where Jamovi shines and flexes its muscles. It's got syntax mode! It's like an R code cheat sheet generator. You can easily start to code in R and do everything you can do in Jamovi, in R, just by copy/pasting the code.It's really great for a beginner who is just learning R. No one wants to start learning something and feel like it's so hard and like it'll take ages for them to actually start learning and be able to actually do anything. But with Jamovi's syntax mode, you can easily just start copy/pasting code into R and getting results right away. Who wouldn't want that?And since Jamovi's code is based on other packages as well, it's a really nice package to start working with and start learning with. It can help you get started.The visualizations in Jamovi are stunning, amazing, and easy. The analyses are the best, so neatly organized and the changes show up in the results immediately.After seeing all these features of Jamovi, I tototally lost it. I said to myself how can something so cool, awesome, fun and insightful be free? Yes! It's all free.I asked myself, where has this tool been all my life? Why didn't I know about? I thought of all the opportunities that I had missed in my career. All the cool visualizations I could made to convey my points to my bosses and colleagues and other people. I thought of all the things that I could have understood better in the past if I had just known about Jamovi and been able to use it.So, then I decided to create a course about this cool awesome Jamovi software so that everyone could benefit from it."
Price: 19.99

"Business English Idioms: Level up your speaking skills" |
"Business English Idioms is a course taught by Michael Davies, a Business English teacher with over 15 years of experience teaching in Japan, Spain, the UK and around the world. My students include entrepreneurs, politicians and sports stars.Learn and use some of the best Business English idioms that native speakers use at offices and meeting rooms around the world. Understand how they are used and apply them in your professional life with this new course from Legal English UK.Legal English UK's Michael Davies teaches you some of the most important idioms that you should be using in your workplace. Learn the pronunciation and meaning of these complex English expressions delivered in an easy to remember style and guided by one of the world's leading Business English trainers.Take advantage of this special course to learn with one of the best Legal English and Business English teachers from the comfort of your home and at your own time and pace. "
Price: 29.99

"AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam" |
"248 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Practice ExamTotal Questions : 248Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (186 of 248)"
Price: 159.99

"AWS SCS-C01 Certified Security Specialty Practice Test" |
"178 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS SCS-C01 Certified Security Specialty Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS SCS-C01 Certified Security Specialty Practice TestTotal Questions : 178Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (133 of 178)"
Price: 149.99

"CLF AWS Cloud-C01 Certified Practice Test" |
"193 UNIQUE practice questions for CLF AWS Cloud-C01 Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CLF AWS Cloud-C01 Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 193Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (144 of 193)"
Price: 164.99

"Xero - Get Me Started" |
"About this courseThis course will guide you through your implementation and help you understand how Xero works and how will it help your business.We can assure you that every lecture completed will help you access new skills in using Xero.What you will learnUnderstanding Xero and how it works by taking the Introduction Lecture. How to set up Xero and its available Plans.Setting up Bank Account in Xero for a running or new business.Checking out Sales and keeping track of Invoices.Deep diving Sales, creating and sending Quotes.About the LecturesThe course consists of five Lectures, and each Lecture contains quick and direct to the point explanation tutorial about its subject.Each tutorial contains the following information:Video- This helps you visualize the explanation and demonstration of each Lecture Subject.Tips- Additional and tested ways of using Xero efficiently.What should I do now: Watch each video Lecture on how you should proceed with your own Xero implementation.How to complete the LecturesListen and follow all the suggested information from the speaker, Victoria Berry.Complete the lectures in the order they are being presented.One main requirement first is to watch the video.If necessary watch the video again to help you understand more the Lecture Subject. Take note, you are allowed to watch it more than once.Don't forget that the implementation for some steps in Xero will depend on the size and the status of your business."
Price: 29.99

"Interpretao e Desenho de Comandos Eltricos no Cade Simu 3" |
"O objetivo desse contedo abordar as noes fundamentais de funcionamento de componentes para acionamentos de mquinas eltricas , atravs da simbologia oficial de projetos de acionamentos eltricos, fornecendo subsdios tcnicos para o auto desenvolvimento de habilidades , junto a interpretao de desenho , bem como uma introduo ao famoso Simulador Cade Simu, que um software de desenho assistido por computador, dedicado para comandos e acionamentos eltricos. Abordaremos tambm a instalao , configurao e manuseio do simulador Cade Simu V3.0, alm de dicas tcnicas e cases reais nas reas de manuteno de instalaes eltricas industriais Obs. Voc receber um link para baixar gratuitamente o software CADE Simi V3.0, com a senha do utilizador"
Price: 84.99

"Rotina prtica de uma campanha digital para eleies." |
"O que voc est fazendo agora? O que voc deveria estar fazendo agora mesmo para se preparar para as prximas eleies municipais? Este contedo perfeito para voc que j assessora candidatos, partidos ou deseja vender projetos para as prximas eleies. Seja voc da rea de comunicao ou no, do mundo digital ou no. Para muitos, a campanha j comeou faz tempo. Porque ela nunca parou! Se voc no entender o que est em jogo aqui, vai fracassar.Este um contedo de ponta, intenso, com dezenas de dicas prticas e reflexes de algum que acumulou experincia no campo de batalha. Nada de contedo de terceiros! Checklists, bastidores, sugestes e argumentos que vo te ajudar a aprimorar seu trabalho, vender projetos, convencer prospectos e educar sua equipe.Leia isso com ateno. Esta aula foi gravada ONLINE, ao vivo, com uma turma interagindo, por isso h uma adrenalina diferente, um ritmo mais frentico e com uma boa dose de improviso. Entenda o ritmo e aproveite. Para absorver melhor este contedo, pause, pense, escute mais de uma vez, reflita e questione cada ponto. No se inscreva e mantenha uma postura passiva. Mergulhe no contedo, tome notas e discuta com parceiros e amigos. Este um contedo para colocar em prtica!"
Price: 99.99

"Instagram Marketing Course in Hindi" |
", , 500 - , , Instagram ? Instagram Instagram , , , , !! Instagram Instagram is a great platform where not only you can publish visual content, but it is also an excellent option for business. Instagram has more than 500 million active users and they are increasing day by day. Instagram has the most users youth and young age people. And if your business targets products or services that specifically target the younger generation and then instagram is the best platform.On Instagram, you can keep eye-catching images, add short videos and also impressions descriptions or captions. And the best thing is that the users' engagement rate on Instagram is higher than Facebook.Now let's talk about why I launched this Instagram marketing course?India is also a big part of Instagram users and Indian users are also managing their Instagram profiles very well. But some new users, business owners etc. are not able to manage their Instagram profile well, due to which they do not get followers or any business.Its reason is not that he does not know how to use Instagram. Its reason is that they do not use some optimization tricks or factors to optimize the Instagram profile.In this video, I have covered the basic to advanced factors. Together I will tell how to make money from Instagram, how to create content for Instagram.Wait wait !!There is also a bonus section for you where we will learn about Instagram ads.So friends are not fun and exciting courses?What youll learn Basics of instagram profile How to get more followers on instagram Instagram mistake that can ruin your business How to earn money through instagram How to create impressive and useful content on instagram How to create instagram adsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites? An active Instagram account An active facebook account (for instagram ads) A computer and internetWho this course is for: Digital Marketer Business owners Students and learners Social media stars Instagram users"
Price: 2880.00

"Excelling in Machine Learning using Python" |
"Yes, you are exploring the right course in the exciting field of machine learning.Let us find the reasons in this course Why to learn ML?Let us find the path of ML learning What to learn in ML?Let us find the way of ML learning How to learn ML?In my 28 years of experience in software field, machine learning is one of my most exciting techno- managerial area to work and teach. In my opinion this skill will be the need of most of the business stake holders in every field. Machine learning is the core component of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.Thats why, in this course we will be learning core concepts of various algorithms in in simple language. You need good understanding of algorithms/models for correct implementation of it. Also, that will help in effective Optimization, Interpretation and Communication of the output of the model to various stake holders.In this course, you will understand the various steps of model implementation in Python.This course lectures consists of many supervised and unsupervised algorithms like Regression, Logistic regression, KNN, SVM, Nave Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, K-Means, Hierarchical clustering, etc. with core concepts and Python implementation of various ML life cycle.So are you thrilled..then why are you waiting for. Let us explore this course."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Mesa Radinica de Saint Germain" |
"Ol, como bom ter voc por aqui. Saiba que pode contar sempre comigo, em qualquer momento que surgir dvidas, me envie uma mensagem que prontamente lhe responderei para sanar suas dvidas e contribuir melhor para o seu conhecimento.Ol, como bom ter voc por aqui. Saiba que pode contar sempre comigo, em qualquer momento que surgir dvidas, me envie uma mensagem que prontamente lhe responderei para sanar suas dvidas e contribuir melhor para o seu conhecimento."
Price: 99.99

"Curso Mesa Radinica Deus Ganesha da Prosperidade" |
"Ol, como bom ter voc por aqui. Saiba que pode contar sempre comigo, em qualquer momento que surgir dvidas, me envie uma mensagem que prontamente lhe responderei para sanar suas dvidas e contribuir melhor para o seu conhecimento.Ol, como bom ter voc por aqui. Saiba que pode contar sempre comigo, em qualquer momento que surgir dvidas, me envie uma mensagem que prontamente lhe responderei para sanar suas dvidas e contribuir melhor para o seu conhecimento."
Price: 189.99

"Curso Mesa Radinica de Relacionamentos da Mestra Rowena" |
"Ol, como bom ter voc por aqui. Saiba que pode contar sempre comigo, em qualquer momento que surgir dvidas, me envie uma mensagem que prontamente lhe responderei para sanar suas dvidas e contribuir melhor para o seu conhecimento.Ol, como bom ter voc por aqui. Saiba que pode contar sempre comigo, em qualquer momento que surgir dvidas, me envie uma mensagem que prontamente lhe responderei para sanar suas dvidas e contribuir melhor para o seu conhecimento."
Price: 384.99

"Informtica Bsica para Iniciantes de todas as idades" |
"Precisa aprender a usar o computador de forma simples e fcil? Ento esse curso feito para voc!Aqui voc vai aprender de forma simples o bsico da informtica para poder realizar tarefas do dia a dia com seu notebook e computador.Imagine a seguinte situao:Voc divide o seu computador ou notebook com mais pessoas. Como criar um usurio para cada uma delas para separar os arquivos e personalizaes?Voc leva o seu computador para o conserto, o tcnico passa todo o diagnstico mas voc no sabe nada sobre as peas de um computador.Voc tem vrios arquivos em seu notebook e no sabe como organiza-los.Voc precisa baixar e instalar um programa ou aplicativo em seu computador e no sabe como fazer isso.Nuvem? Voc precisa descobrir seus benefcios!Voc percebe que a sua internet est muito lenta! Ento como descobrir a velocidade?Venha aprender do jeito fcil e descobrir que o seu computador ou notebook pode ser seu maior aliado!"
Price: 174.99

"Oracle 1Z0-969 Payroll Implementation Cloud Essentials Exam" |
"74 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z0-969 Payroll Implementation Cloud Essentials ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z0-969 Payroll Implementation Cloud Essentials ExamTotal Questions : 74Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :45 minsPassing Score : 75 (55 of 74)"
Price: 144.99

"SY0-401 CompTIA Security Certification Practice Exam Part-1" |
"326 UNIQUE practice questions for SY0-401 CompTIA Security Certification Practice Exam Part-1Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SY0-401 CompTIA Security Certification Practice Exam Part-1Total Questions : 326Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :220 minsPassing Score : 75 (244 of 326)"
Price: 169.99

"1Y0-614 Citrix Access Suite 4.0 Design Certify Practice Test" |
"137 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-614 Citrix Access Suite 4.0 Design Certify Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-614 Citrix Access Suite 4.0 Design Certify Practice TestTotal Questions : 137Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :90 minsPassing Score : 75 (102 of 137)"
Price: 154.99

"Sfrdan GameMaker Studio 2 Desktop renin! Oyun Gelitirin" |
"Bu Derste Projeler,Oyunlar Oluturacaz. GameMaker Studio 2 Mantn Anlayacaz. Ve Programlama Mantn Anlatacam, lk Olarak Mantktan lerleyip, Oyun Yapmna Doru eitli Oyunlar Tasarlayacaz. Bir ok Noktaya Deinip,Gzel Bir Dil le Anlatmaya alacam. Yaptm Projeleri Kursta Bulup, ndirebilirsiniz. Hi Programlama Dili Bilmeyenler in Sknt Olmayacaktr, Ayrntl Bir ekilde Anlatacam. Baarlar.. renciler in %32 ndirim Olan Kupon: (Yenilendi)OZEL_INDIRIM2Bu Kodu yazdnzda indirim uygulanacaktr"
Price: 49.99

"Scrum Training + Scrum Certification Prepar + Jira" |
"This course will help you to prepare to get trained on Scrum, Tips on Scrum Certification, Practice test on Scrum & Basic concepts on Jira (All in one course) In this course you will learn aboutWaterfall, What is Scrum, Scrum implementation in a companyScrum theory, Scrum Values & Scrum TeamProduct owner & Product backlogDevelopment team & Scrum Master ResponsibilitiesScrum Master Service to development team, Product Owner & OrganizationScrum Artifact, Sprint backlog & IncrementSprint PlanningSprint Goal & SprintDaily ScrumSprint Review & Sprint RetrospectiveDefinition of DoneOther items in ScrumExam simulation with the help of mock examsCapacity & VelocityPlanning Poker EstimationWhat is Social ContractHow to Kickoff your Agile ProjectJiraWhat is JiraJira InstanceHow to create projects in JiraHow to create Nextgen Projects in JiraWhat is Roadmap in JiraSettings in JiraBoard rules in JiraIssue type in JiraCreate issue in JiraEdit issue in JiraCreate subtask in JiraCreate bug in JiraBacklog in JiraEpic in JiraLink issues in JiraRemove issue from EpicThis course and practice exams are neither endorsed by, nor in partnership, nor affiliated with Scrum . org."
Price: 1280.00

"Imagoals is voor ZZP'ers en MKB'ers die beter willen leren netwerken en hun personal brand willen neerzetten. In Imagoals brengen Joella en Lidwien veel praktisch kennis in. Praktische kennis, opgedaan in een jarenlange carrire.Maar ook wetenschappelijke kennis verstopt in boeken waar jij geen zin of tijd hebt om te lezen. De onderzoeken die gedaan zijn. De golden nuggets die er op het vakgebied te vinden. Want je bent graag efficint!Niet zomaar een netwerk erbij. Maar een kwalitatief hoogwaardig netwerk, van mensen die op basis van ervaring, leeftijd, kennis en onderzoek informatie delen. Gedegen. Het helpt je meer winst te maken, meer inzicht, en betere keuzes te maken."
Price: 64.99

"Build a Full-Stack Chrome Extension with NodeJS and MongoDB" |
"In this course, we'll be developing a new Full-Stack Chrome Extension that Scrapes Amazon, and automatically saves Product Data within a MongoDB Database.Our finished product (which you'll be able to publish to the Chrome Store) will be a Chrome Extension that enables any user to Scrape their own Amazon Purchase History, the results of any Amazon Search URL, or the results of multiple Amazon Search Keywords - one after the next.*Code Samples Included All Along Your Path To Mastering Chrome Extension Development*The Technology Stack you'll be dealing with in this course:- Chrome Extension- AngularJS (for the Chrome Extension Popup)- jQuery *(for interacting with the Amazon DOM) - NodeJS Server- Mongo DatabaseThe Functionality For the Chrome Extension:Signup and Login via the Popup ViewSelect Elements From The DOM with the Content.js PageScrape Your Own Amazon Purchase HistoryScrape Amazon Search Results of a Given PageScrape Amazon Search Results of Multiple Keywords (one after the next automatically)Save The Amazon Product TitleSave The Amazon Product DescriptionSave The Amazon Product ImageSave The Amazon Product ReviewsSave The Product RatingSave The Amount of Ratings of a Given ProductMake The Chrome Extension Automatically Navigate Through All Pages of Search ResultsWhile developing this awesome sample project, you'll learn:a) How To Scrape Any Data From The Web Programatically via the Power of Chrome Extensionsb) The Manifest.json Filec) The Popup.js Filec) The Background.js Filed) The Content.js Filee) How To Debug Your Chrome ExtensionGetting the architecture of your Chrome Extension right is super crucial to keeping your code clean and structured! We'll be covering lots of considerations when building a Full-Stack Chrome Extension.I built this course because all of the other Chrome Extension courses on Udemy don't go quite as deep (compare the Amount of Hours this course provides relative to the competitors), and because Chrome Extensions are like the surf-suit for websurfers - users can take them with them anywhere they go on the web.If you're excited about the Awesome Power of Chrome Extensions and Web Scraping, then I hope you get a lot out of this course.The Architecture is meant to be re-usable no matter what type of Chrome Extension / Web Scraper you'd like to build, so feel to reach out if you need help taking the codebase in your own direction, or if you have any questions along the way.Sincerely,Elisha"
Price: 19.99

"CPR,AED & First Aid ( Advance Course )" |
", , Last ILCOR Standards and Guidelines 2015/2020"
Price: 29.99

"-Adobe premiere" |
", .. .. , .. , , .. .. """" .. .. .. , , , , , , , , , , , .. .."
Price: 39.99

"Hidden Scripture Knowledge - The Apocalypse/ Revelation" |
"Lo Here! Lo There! Are you looking for the return of the visible Christ according to the signs of the times and the wars and rumors of wars in the world? In this past century, end-time prophetic events have been fulfilled on our earth like never before. Armies today surround Israel. The 20th century also brought us a tremendous prophetic fulfillment when Israel returned to its homeland. There were two world wars fought, and at this very moment there are many foreboding skirmishes in and around the Holy Land. Many have arisen in remote corners of the world professing to be the Christ. According to scripture, all of these are great apocalyptic foreshadows to alert us to the possibility, even the probability, that we are in the last days.At this crucial point in history, there is something we must consider. Is it possible that as Israel was misled by strict scriptural interpretation under the Old Covenant, so today is Christianity misled in the same way, and that is why we, too, believe that the second advent of Messiah will be as a conquering King? If we are waiting for Messiah King Jesus to come and destroy all wickedness and evil and save all of humanity, is it possible that we may have fallen into the same doctrinal error as the old religious sect in Jesus day? They, back then, missed the mark by a long shot. There is nothing new under the sun, and just as it was historically at his first coming, it seems that we may today be in the same mindset, and therefore not prepared for his second coming. It may be time to look at eschatological scripture anew."
Price: 19.99

"How to manage change in your business" |
"If you are a business owner, startup founder or freelancer facing new circumstances in your business and are feeling overwhelmed and unsure on how to reorganise things, this is the class for you.This class provides proven frameworks to respond to change and re-organise your schedule and workload in a way that is appropriate to their new circumstances including:A tool to analyse how your were spending time in your business prior to the change and guides you to transform your schedule and focus your efforts and adapt them to the new contextA set of questions to break your newly identified long term goals into bite sized actionable tasksTips on how to verify your assumptions in an iterative way to make sure you are on the right track to thrive during and beyond changeA process to prioritise your to do list and make sure you are investing your time on the tasks that have the most impact"
Price: 99.99

"Acing Project Management: Ultimate 7h Project Manager course" |
"If you ever wanted to understand project Management, become a project manager or bring your project management skills to the next level...Then this course is for you.My name is Ben, I have been a Project Manager for more than 20 years working for amongst others IBM, HP, large Financial companies and also Government agencies. I have also been coaching Project Managers for more than 10 years.I have all the most respected Project Management certifications (PMP, Prince2, MSP, Agile Project Management) - and you know when I was doing those courses - I did not really enjoy them because when I did them I was already a PM and what I was hearing was not usable and so remote from what happens out in the field... and I thought I can do better maybe - to bring this knowledge to people interested in Project Management.So I have learned from it and wanted to make a course that would provide you with all you need to understand project management - both the theory and the practical / real life components. I also wanted to make it more palatable by including diagrams, templates, plenty of examples and some quizzes.As part of this course I also provide a framework to go beyond being just a standard project manager - to really ace it. A very concrete, step by step framework that if you follow - will really take you to the next level in project management, you would be out there with the best!And finally this course includes an introduction to the most common methodologies/standards in Project Management (PMP, Prince2, Waterfall, Agile).BenWho this course is for:Anyone interested in Project ManagementPeople interested in becoming a Project ManagerProject Managers who want to up their game.Course outline:Introduction, tips to follow the course, introduction to Project Management, the Birth of Project Management legend.Part 1: The full Project Management course (including all phases of Project Management, Practical view, how to simplify, with lots of diagrams and examples)Part 2: A framework to ace it as a Project Manager, including the overall Project Management context and what to say at interviews.Part 3: The course in context of some Project Management standards (PMP, Prince2, Waterfall, Agile)"
Price: 199.99

"Agile + Scrum: Curso intensivo para sumergirse y profundizar" |
"Interioriza la esencia de la Cultura gil, entendiendo que significa realmente utilizar la Agilidad en el desarrollo de productos y servicios, y aprende sobre todos los componentes que forman el Marco de trabajo de SCRUM, profundizando en cada uno de ellos para certificarte como Scrum Master.-> Sumrgete en la base de la Cultura Agile y profundiza en el Marco de trabajo SCRUM con este curso intensivo que te ayudar a certificarte como SCRUM Master <-En este curso: Aprende sobre el origen de la agilidad y el Manifiesto gil Entiende que compone el corazn de la agilidad y que implica trabajar bajo esta cultura Aprende cuales son las bases del empirismo, y cuales son los valores en los que este se sustenta Sumrgete en el Framework de Scrum, aprendiendo acerca de sus Roles, Eventos, Artefactos y herramientas. Conoce herramientas que comnmente se combinan con Scrum para sacar el mximo partido a este Framework Conoce algunas de las otras disciplinas de la Agilidad que son imprescindibles Planifica tus siguientes pasos en tu carrera como agilista Prepara la certificacin oficial de Srum Master, obteniendo 160 preguntas de examen con las que presentarte al examen lo ms preparado posible Obtn ms de 40 enlaces a recursos para seguir profundizando en el rol del Scrum Master, en la agilidad, el Management 3.0 y la preparacin de retrospectivas efectivas, entre otros. Recibe todos los recursos grficos que he utilizado de forma gratuita en tu email-> Interioriza lo imprescindible para aplicar la Cultura Agil y el Framework de Scrum <-Por qu sumergirte en la Agilidad?El contexto es inestable y est cambiando constantemente. Las ineficiencias, la escasez de colaboracin y comunicacin, la ausencia de compromiso y de liderazgo, disminuyen gravemente la adaptabilidad de las organizaciones y su capacidad de creacin de valor para el cliente.Agile surge para revolucionar la cultura en las organizaciones, y con ella aparecen marcos de trabajo, herramientas y disciplinas para maximizar la adaptabilidad y el valor que un equipo crea, cuestionando los grandes paradigmas que dominaban las organizacionesy dando lugar a una nueva generacin de empresas que son capaces de sobrevivir exitosamente en entornos VUCA y que se superan continuamente tanto a s mismas como a la competencia.Cmo lo haremos?En la primera parte del curso te sumergirs en la esencia de la Cultura Agile, aprendiendo lo que realmente significa el desarrollo de productos/servicios en Agile y los principios de la Agilidad. En la segunda parte conocers y profundizars en el Marco de Trabajo de Scrum y todas sus componentes, comenzado por su base, el empirismo.Este curso ha sido diseado para aquellos usuarios intermedios que deseen profundizar en los pilares de la agilidad y del Marco de trabajo de Scrum, y para aquellos usuarios principiantes en la Agilidad que estn dispuestos a hacer un pequeo esfuerzo para aprender intensivamente sobre esta disciplina.Es un curso especialmente til para todos aquellos que estn interesados en certificarse como Scrum master y para todos aquellos profesionales que estn en el proceso de conversin de sus roles, en especial aquellos Project Managers cuyas organizaciones estn en plena Transformacin Digital"
Price: 54.99

"Fiverr: The Most Complete Course For Beginner Success" |
"Let Me Ask You A Question...If you could wake up one random day, Say a Monday morning... and you have about 10 to 20 people in the queue waiting for you to sell them your services. How would that make you feel? AWESOME RIGHT?Well... The good news is that with what you'll learn inside of the complete Fiverr course, You'd be able to make that happen as a seller on the Fiverr platform.I have been an active seller on Fiverr since 2016 and with a lot of success recorded as sellers on the Fiverr platform, I have mentored and trained lots of successful students who now make thousands per month...And unlike the other guys, I have real students that you can reach out to, speak with, and hear about their successes in our private Facebook group.And I can guarantee you that if you follow just what I'll teach you inside of the complete Fiverr course, you'll be on your way to the top of FINALLY making real money online as a freelancer... You can scroll down below to see exactly what you'll get to learn from over 40+ premium videos totaling over 7 long hours of content! (Trust ME! You'll love It!)I'd also recommend you look at the reviews down below to see what other students who have enrolled in my course have to say about it... You can't just afford to miss this information Pack! I'll see you inside dear!"
Price: 99.99

"Tally ERP.9 Course in Hindi" |
"In this course you can learn Account info, Inventory Info, Accounting Voucher, Inventory voucher, budget, cost center, reference, tax, Value added tax (VAT) , Service Tax (ST) , Excise Duty (ED) , Tax Deducted at Source (TDS,) Tax Collected at Source (TCS), Goods and Service Tax (GST) , ledger, group, stock items, stock group etc. In this course we explain more about practical knowledge than theoretical knowledge. I hope everyone like this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Scaled Scrum Certification Prep - Pass on your FIRST try!" |
"Are you ready to take the Scaled Scrum exam?The exams consist of practice questions specifically made for the scope of knowledge necessary to fully prepare for the SPS exam. They also have a similar style and format, and even the difficulties in wording or structure of the questions in the exam have been embedded into the sample questions to create a better opportunity for preparing. For example, the phrase Scrum Master sometimes refers to the role of Scrum Master and sometimes to the person whos playing the role. The meaning of the phrase in cases like this has to be decided based on the context, and more importantly, based on the available choices. You will see this type of vagueness in the sample questions too because you have to be prepared for the exam.After you finish a practice exam, you will receive complete feedback, with useful and relatively long explanations for each question. While this course is not designed to teach Scrum, it will help you refine your knowledge and prepare for the exam as I've still added as much explanation as needed, to help you be fully prepared.How much does a Scrum Master make?The national average salary for a Scrum Master is $97,319 in United States. Compare this with the average salary for a Project Manager, $66,137 in United States. The ability to help organizations change the way of working is more important than ever as our world rapidly changes. Companies will depend on Scrum Masters to help teams and organizations rapidly adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive.How can this course can help you prepare for and pass the Scaled Scrum exam?The best way to pass the PSM1 exam, is to learn the Scrum framework very well and understand it deeply. Memorizing doesnt help. Having a deep understanding helps you answer questions youve never seen before. So, if you see xyz should be abc, ask yourself why; ask what happens if its not that way; ask yourself how this principle is connected to all other principles, and how they create a concrete whole.Download the Nexus and Scrum Guides (free) and read them very carefully. You should understand the reason behind every sentence; its not about memorizing.Evaluate and fill in the gaps:Use the practice exams in this course and check your answers (right and wrong) against both guides and make sure youve learned from it, instead of memorizing. Repeat the practice exams until you have a firm grasp of the underlying concepts and principles behind each question and answer.What's so unique about this course?As a professional Scrum instructor, all questions and explanations adhere to the latest Nexus Guide (January 2018) and Scrum Guide (November 2017) and are continuously refined based on user feedback and questions.I am committed to personally answering student questions within 24-48 hours but typically within the same day depending on the time-zone. I am not only an avid Scrum practitioner but also a professional Scrum instructor and that has helped Agilists successfully become proficient and certified for the past 10 years.DisclaimerThe terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSPO I, PSPO 1, SPS, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org or Scrum Alliance.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org and Scrum Alliance makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk."
Price: 99.99
