"Docker, Desarrollo prctico" |
"Docker es una software Open-Source que nos permite gestionar contenedores de manera sencilla y prctica. Eso que llamamos contenedores no es ms que una caja o paquete, que contiene toda las configuraciones, libreras, archivos, etc, que permitir ejecutar nuestra aplicacin. Y esto nos proporciona una gran ventaja, nos permite llevarlo a cualquier sistema operativo y funcione exactamente igual, independientemente de donde este.Con este curso queremos que puedas aprender los conceptos ms bsicos hasta intermedio para trabajar con Docker. Les ensearemos estructura, ciclos de vidas, instrucciones y opciones que ms se usan en el mbito Docker. Adems de proporcionarte las suficientes herramientas para contenidos ms avanzados, en el caso que quieras profundizar ms sobre esta tecnologa.Luego que ya tengamos todo lo anterior aprendido, procedemos con herramientas ms sofisticadas como Dockerfile y docker-compose. Donde podemos crear nuestras imgenes de Docker personalizadas, aplicando las buenas prcticas para lograr dicho objetivo. Y luego podemos automatizar contenedores, agregando dependencias, polticas, persistencia de datos, redes, volmenes, puertos, entre otras bondades que nos ofrece Docker."
Price: 99.99

"Triple Your Career Confidence & Get a Raise!" |
"Are you feeling stuck in your career because you lack confidence? Is your self-doubt causing you to lose out on projects, promotions or possibilities?The Business Academy for Women will teach you practical strategies, techniques and methods for building your career confidence. The course videos and workbook draw on years of career experience from successful women and men and combine it with positive psychology and neuroscience. You get tested strategies, combined with the woo woo. In this course, you will learn:Practical Strategies, Techniques and Methods For SucceedingHow To Set SMART Career Goals and Achieve ThemThe Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Asking For a RaiseHow to Deal with Conflict and Advocate for YourselfStrategies to Develop Self-Confidence and SuccessPlus, Over 20+ More Topics!Testimonials from students!Hannah T. - Sales ProfessionalKimberly has given me the tools to overcome self-doubt! There is so much valuable information in this course for women seeking help with confidence, conflict and imposter syndrome. Informative and spiritual!Leanne S. - UX DesignerIt's about time there was a good course for women with careers. So many of us spend time trying to ""figure it out"" alone, never seeking the proper support and often fumbling. This course delivered the exact steps to getting a raise and I asked my boss this year for a 10% pay rise and got it! Well worth the investment!Laura M. - Business AnalystI loved taking this course. The information was so practical and helped me to find a mentor and create a supportive environment in business. I didn't realize how much I was missing before watching these videos! The workbook helped me apply lessons to my own situation and I am way more self-aware! I highly recommend you take this course!Sarah R.- Business Development ManagerThis is NOT a dry, corporate course! This course is equal parts motivational and educational. There were so many AHA! moments and sections where I realized so many things about myself. This course really served me some TRUTH!Testimonials from CEO's and Managers Interviewed for this Course (On Getting a Raise!)""The way they deliver is important. They need to feel confident that they desire it because if they don't believe it, how can they expect me?"" Peter Ruggiero - Branch Manager, Regional Sales ManagerShe needs to be composed, logical, reasonable and articulate a provide a compelling rationale.Brad Howell - CEO, GFI""Man or woman, I like to hear a LOGICAL argument.""Anthony Robson - CEO, Yieldbroker""I think it takes some confidence to ask that question.""Etienne Alexiou - Co-Founder Belay Capital""In the meeting, I want to know that the person has prepared enough information to demonstrate their individual achievements and value as well as the value they have added to the team and company as a whole.""Kevin Parton - IG Wealth Management"
Price: 29.99

"Process Measurement Workshop - a business critical activity" |
"This course will change your life! Students will learn about process measurement by understanding what makes up a process and how to dissect it and re-engineer it. We discuss the history behind process measurement, why we measure processes, there is a practical exercise that will change your life and your thinking in relation to everything you do. We look at the next generation tools development and where they are likely to head."
Price: 24.99

"Disruption after COVID-19: Leadership Lessons from the Army" |
"Armies all over the world face an uncertain and disruptive situation. They have to perpetually prepare for the fog of war. This requires very special leadership skills. My four decades of experience in the Army and subsequently two stints in the corporate as a CEO have convinced me that those skills can be applied to situations outside the Army with huge benefits. This course is about transferring the leadership skills that will help everyone deal with the disruption that will follow COVID-19 and in other disruptive situations."
Price: 1280.00

"Network Ethical Hacking for beginners (Kali 2020 - Hands-on)" |
"Welcome to the Network Ethical Hacking course! Hacking is a science similar to any other science. In this course I am going to show you the basics of hacking which will support you to start by yourself to develop your hacking skills to an advanced level.This course considers you have No prior knowledge in hacking or in Linux operating system, & by the end of it you'll be able to hack systems like great hackers and keep yourself secured like security experts!This course is practical but it will not ignore the theory. We will start with Kali Linux basics, then will try to make you comfortable with Linux environment. Then we will learn how to install the needed software (VirtualBox, Kali Linux, Windows 10) as virtual machines then we will start the hacking adventure.The course is divided into 5 sections, (Introduction, Pre-Attack Phase, Attack Phase, Post-Attack Phase, and How to Keep Yourself Protected). In Summary, in this course YOU Will LEARN THE FOLLOWING:- How to prepare the penetration testing lab.- How to get comfortable with Kali Linux by getting the important required commands.- How to use Linux commands & how to interact with the command terminal.- How to change your system MAC address (Spoof) to stay anonymous. - How to attack any close wireless network and get all details about it (including target network MAC address, SSID, Encryption Type, ...etc).- How to get the MAC addresses for all clients connected to the target network without even knowing the password of the target router.- How to Perform (word list) Attacks to get passwords.- How to perform fake-authentication attack to target router without even knowing the password of the target network.- How to perform De-Authentication attacks without even knowing the password of the target network.- How to perform ARP attack without even knowing the password of the target network.- How to hack wireless networks to step by step.- How to get Wi-Fi passwords for WEP , WPA and WPA2.- How to Sniff Data from the network you hacked.- How to perform ARP spoofing attack to be the man in the middle MITM to intercept user names and passwords.- How to know who is connected to the network you hacked.- How to scan network for more details about connected devices.- How to intercept network traffic.- How to use many tools, tricks and techniques to hack networks.-How to generate your own viruses.- How to hide your virus in any other file extension (jpg, pdf, docx, xlsx..)- How to gain access to remote computers.- How to hack Mic, Camera, and Keyboard keys (Key Logger)..- Many other cool stuff about network hacking.- How to keep yourself protected from the above mentioned attacks.*** You will get 3.5 hours of hacking and hacking techniques ****** You will start from 0 to reach a good level of understanding and practical use of Linux and hacking tools ***Notes:This course is created for educational purposes only, all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.This course is totally a product of Mohammad Hamza Sheikh and no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.Kind RegardsHamza"
Price: 199.99

"Como invertir en los Mercados Financieros" |
"Este curso es una introduccin al mercado de capitales. No es un curso acadmico dirigido solo a estudiantes de economa, pero es un curso diseado para ensear a los ms distrados cmo ganar dinero y lograr su libertad financiera al comenzar a invertir ahora. El curso sirve para alertar a las personas sobre esta realidad, que es comn y frecuente en los pases ms desarrollados, pero es desconocida para la mayora de los pases menos desarrollados. Este curso ensea todo tipo de inversiones que las personas pueden hacer, desde letras del tesoro hasta las ms riesgosas y rentables. Le ensea cmo negociar acciones e ndices burstiles, ndices de divisas, introduccin a divisas y criptomonedas. Eleccin de un corredor o corredor para el comercio, as como los tipos de apalancamiento que se utilizarn en los negocios."
Price: 19.99

"VFX Completo After Effects Blender Edio Vdeo Slow Motion" |
"inegvel que os efeitos visuais fazem parte da vida de todos ns cidados modernos desde o incio da era do entretenimento digital. Seja nos filmes, clipes musicais, vdeos, sries ou jogos, eles esto sempre ali. Mas como todo esse universo criado? Quais so as ferramentas, as tcnicas, segredos e artimanhas que os responsveis por esses feitos utilizam? No posso negar que os recursos das grandes empresas so praticamente ilimitados e isso os permite chegar bem longe. Mas e se eu te dissesse que voc pode criar coisas incrveis e at parecidas apenas com um computador? Seja bem vindo ao curso de VFX Avanado onde voc vai aprender no s a responder essas questes propostas neste texto, mas tambm vai aprender a criar efeitos visuais com tcnicas avanadas utilizando alguns dos mesmos softwares que varias empresas de produo audiovisual do mundo utilizam e passando por todas as etapas de ps-produo. Este o material mais completo de VFX disponvel online. No perca essa oportunidade!Ns desenvolvemos este curso durante meses, atualizando e aperfeioando as tcnicas clssicas para verses 100% atualizadas para te ensinar com After Effects e Blender 3D a criar efeitos visuais como as grandes produtoras e ter um portflio forte e invejvel.Nosso curso completo de VFX Avanado vai te ensinar como criar do zero a incrvel cena que voc pde conferir no trailer. Mesmo que voc no possua experincia.Eu (Isaque L. Ramalho) te mostrarei passo-a-passo tudo que voc precisa saber para recriar essa cena e se tornar um profissional da rea.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a criar cenas ricas em detalhes e com elementos 3D integrados de forma harmoniosa.Voc tambm ter em seu portflio essa cena espetacular para mostrar a qualquer empresa contratante em potencial."
Price: 474.99

"Build Enterprise Bots Using AWS Lex" |
"As a part of the course, you will learn the entire life cycle of developing an enterprise-grade virtual assistant. Starting from information gathering, conversation design, language model development, and developing the business logic. You will also get a clear idea of the AWS services like AWS Lex and Lambda. This is going to be more of hands-on and practical experience. The focus is on the core concepts of developing virtual assistants.At the end of every section, you see quizzes and activities to help you internalize the concepts to the core. At the end of the course, you have one practical exam to test your overall learnings. This course is packed with value. Artificial Intelligence is in great demand today. This is the best course you need to give a kick start to your career as a conversational AI specialist. I am really excited to be part of your conversational AI journey. Welcome to this course."
Price: 154.99

"Make the Perfect eBay Listing" |
"In this course, you will gain practical knowledge of how to perfect and optimize your eBay listings. This is perfect for beginner to intermediate eBay sellers. I will be teaching you what I've learned while working for multiple eBay Power Sellers, and also what I've learned in building my own eBay business. I will be going over in detail from start to finish how to make an eBay listing shine above the rest. By the end of the course, you will be able to take better photos, have better titles for your listings, use keywords to get your listings found in search results, and also how to promote your listings effectively on and off eBay."
Price: 19.99

"Almanca A1 Seviyesi (A1.1 & A1.2)" |
"Bu kursta reneceimiz ey ok, hem de ok eitli yollarla! Bir yabanc dil kursunda alacanz ekilde A1 seviyesinde ders alacaksnz.Hem okuma, hem konuma, hem dinleme bir de telaffuz derslerimiz olacak! Dil bilgilerimizi gnlk Almanca ile harmanlayarak gelitireceiz.Bir ok konuda, basit bir ekilde kendinizi ifade edebileceksiniz! Bol bol ders ii pratik, ders d devler, ve quizler ile kendinizi test edebilirsiniz. Ek kaynaklarla rendiklerinizi pekitirebileceksiniz. Uzun konular bir ok videoya blnd, dolaysyla her konu ayrntl, sizi skmadan ve net bir ekilde ilenecek! A2 seviyesine eksiksiz giri yapabilecek durumda olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Aprende Windows10 bsico" |
"Windows 10 es la ultima versin de Microsoft, la mayora de computadoras trae este sistema operativo lo cual es importante saber manejar y configurar este sistema. Este curso esta basado en como configurarlo y personalizarlo para todo tipo de estudiantes. Aprenders desde como personalizar, configurar, actualizar, seguridad, programas, administrar usuarios entre otras. Aprendes a tu ritmo."
Price: 19.99

"Investimentos - Liberdade Previdenciria" |
"No deixe que polticos digam quando o momento certo de ser aposentar.Se voc, assim como eu, acredita que no existe ningum melhor que voc mesmo para cuidar da sua aposentadoria, significa que temos os mesmos objetivos. Isso mostra que a hora de comear a mudar o seu futuro financeiro construindo uma carteira previdenciria que fornea RENDA COMPLEMENTAR na aposentadoria.Afirmo que isso mesmo que voc vai encontrar!! Esse curso tem o objetivo de fornecer informaes suficientes para que qualquer pessoa possa se desenvolver financeiramente e ter informaes suficientes para escolher os melhores investimentos para o seu perfil com base em um estudo das principais modalidades de investimentos disponveis no mercado financeiro do Brasil.Esse curso vai direto ao ponto e aborda tudo o que necessrio saber para montar a sua carteira de investimentos sem a necessidade de consultar o gerente do banco, assessor de investimentos, casa de research ou corretora.Voc ser independente, ter liberdade e capacitao para tocar os seus investimentos da forma correta e segura. Assim como todo curso, nesse voc vai precisar de papel, lpis e borracha. Depois de cada ensinamento revise as informaes e aplique o que aprendeu.Lembre-se, voc no ser um investidor qualificado de um dia para o outro. Mas com as informaes que voc vai ter aqui voc j vai sair na frente de mais de 90% da populao brasileira.Este curso focado no conhecimento e no na minha imagem. Portanto, verifique o que ser abordado no curso e defina se ele se encaixa na sua necessidade."
Price: 129.99

"CouchDB 3 Completo e Total: Aprenda do bsico ao avanado" |
"O curso CouchDb 3: Completo e Total est dividida em 10 sees ou mdulos e mais de 60 aulas.Na seo 1, apresentamos uma viso geral do curso.Na seo 2, mostraremos o que o couchdb e porque devemos utiliz-lo. Teremos uma viso geral de todas as tecnologias que sero abordadas durante o curso.Na seo 3, mostraremos, de forma detalhada, como instalar nos sistemas operacionais windows, OS X e linux.Na seo 4, comearemos a ter contato com o couchdb por meio da interface grfica de usurio Fauxton.Na seo 5, explicaremos, primeiro, o que uma API e toda as nomenclaturas envolvidas. Alm de explicar o que Rest e Restful.Usaremos o Visual Studio Code e o pluguin rest client. Conforme veremos, isso nos ajudar bastante, pois teremos um ambiente nico no processo de desenvolvimento das nossas aplicaes. Todo o histrico ficar armazenado junto ao cdigo da aplicao no projeto.Na seo 6, iremos para um estudo de caso. Como j aprendemos as operaes de CRUD utilizando a API REST do couchdb, mostraremos por meio de uma aplicao de lista de tarefas como integrar as requisies API do couchdb para gravar as tarefas no banco de dados.Na seo 7, Projetando documentos, comearemos explicando o que modelagem de dados e sua importncia no desenvolvimento de aplicaes. Depois, nos aproveitando desses conceitos, conheceremos as tecnologias relacionadas a documentos de design no couchdb. Aprenderemos como criar consultas estticas de alta performance, bem como, criar mecanismos que nos permitam classificar, agrupar e agregar dados para produzir relatrios analticos e sintticos.Na seo 8, aprenderemos o outro mecanismo de consulta do couchdb, chamado de consultas MANGO. Elas permitem a criao de consultas elaboradas diretamente na aplicao cliente.Na seo 9, aprenderemos as tarefas de administrao de um banco de dados e aprenderemos como faz-las utilizando o Fauxton e a API rest.Aprenderemos a gerenciar usurios e como realizar a autenticao e autorizao, utilizando cookie de sesso, em aplicaes web e mobile.Na seo 10, aprenderemos a teoria por trs da replicao e cluster em banco de dados NoSQL e criaremos exemplos implementando um sistema distribudo, uma mini-cloud, no nosso prprio computador.Aprenderemos, tambm, como trabalhar com bancos de dados particionados e para concluir com criar estratgias de backup para as instncia do couchdb."
Price: 459.99

"Aprende a pintar miniaturas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial" |
"INTRODUCCINEste vdeo pretende ser una gua que d a conocer un conjunto de tcnicas que nos ayuden a pintar figuras a escala.Veremos cmo abordar la pintura de elementos comunes a casi todas las figuras, como son los ojos, la piel, metales, cuero y madera.Tambin os mostrar cmo trabajar los diversos objetos que forman parte del equipo de combate alemn de la segunda guerra mundial: cantimplora, funda de pistola, casco, caja de herramientas, etc. As como la pintura de un arma tan emblemtica como es la MG42.En cuanto al uniforme, aprenderemos a pintar una parka de camuflaje, un pantaln blanco y cmo simular la textura de una prenda de lana.Finalizar con la realizacin de una base con barro y restos de nieve que sirva para situar a la figura en un escenario invernal.INTRODUCTIONThis video is a guide to introduce a set of techniques that help us paint figures.We will see how to approach the painting of common elements to almost all figures, such as eyes, skin, metals, leather and wood.I will also show you how to work the many equipments that are part of the German soldier from WWII: canteen, pistol holster, helmet, toolbox, etc. As well as the painting of a weapon as emblematic as the MG42.As for the uniform, we will learn how to paint a camouflage parka, white pants and how to simulate the texture of a wool garment.I will finish with the base using mud and remnants of snow that serves to place the figure on a winter stage."
Price: 39.99

"Trello Productivity: Master your productivity" |
"Trello is a simple yet ultimately powerful tool that allows you to really maximise your weekly, daily and project planning. If you are struggling to find a way to keep yourself motivated and productive then this simple course will show you how I use Trello with my simple 4-3 method and supercharge my productivity.I've trained hundreds of people in how to use this method, and now I'm taking it out into the wider world!SUITABLE FOR ANY SKILL LEVELI'll take you through the basics of why planning is so critical, Trello's basic features and simple techniques on how you can use this to get that sense of completion you're probably lacking. Trello is so simple, anyone can do it. This course is split into two sections, one for weekly and one for daily. The weekly is really all you need but if you want to really dive into the power of Trello then you can also do your daily planning on Trello too. I'll show you both in this course.GREAT FOR PERSONAL AND BUSINESSThe concepts I show you here can be adapted for both personal productivity as well as business. Many people have used this to help with there initial business planning and ongoing organisation of their tasks and massive todo lists.TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVELThis course is really designed to show you some of the power of Trello and I will show you enough to get you started and wet your appetite for really diving into the more advanced features of Trello such as automation, Butler, Power-Ups and more."
Price: 19.99

"C Programming - Software Design" |
"Step by step instructional videos on how to implement beginner to advance concepts in C programming. You will be guided through basic programming theory and practical exercises to create a solid foundation for the student in the world of programming. C programming is a sequential programming language that serves as a great vehicle to understand basic to advance programming principles. C programming is also commonly used in the electrical, electronic, and computer engineering field. The concepts taught in this course are not only C programming specific, and can be considered universal in the programming world. It is important to understand these concepts in order to become a capable, efficient, and productive programmer."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02)" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) examination is intended for individuals who perform in a solutions architect role. This exam validates an examinees ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies. It validates an examinees ability to: - Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements. - Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to an organization throughout the lifecycle of a project.New topics for SAA-C02 include:Amazon FSxHigh Performance ComputingAmazon AuroraAWS Global AcceleratorAWS OrganizationsAWS Resource Access ManagerAWS Database Migration ServiceAWS DataSync"
Price: 19.99

"Coronavirus - Master Your Immunity" |
"This is the course you have been looking for to learn the most specific key points :*in the most user-friendly format about today's biggest threat in the world,**by a course that is practicality like no others,***which includes many product and gadget recommendations to provide you the real difference in regard to protecting yourself."
Price: 19.99

"AMOS ile Uygulamal YEM Eitimi-Temel Dzey" |
"Yapsal Eitlik Modellemesi (YEM), faktr analizi ve regresyon analizlerinin birleiminden oluan, genellikle gzlenen ve rtk deikenleri ieren modellerin test edilmesinde kullanlan, ok deikenli istatistiksel analizlerin genel addr. YEMin temel amac; leklerin yapsn veri ile dorulamak ve bir veya birden fazla bamsz deiken ile bir veya birden fazla baml deiken arasndaki ilikiler dizisini test etmektir. IBM SPSS AMOS; YEM analizleri iin grafik temelli bir ara yz sunan olduka pratik bir istatistik programdr. Bu eitimin amac; AMOS Program vastasyla gerek veriler zerinden YEM temelli analizlerin nasl yaplacan, yorumlanacan ve analiz sonularnn bilimsel bir aratrmada APA stiline gre nasl raporlanacan retmektir."
Price: 154.99

"AMOS ile leri Dzey Uygulamal YEM Eitimi" |
"Bu eitimde IBM AMOS Program ile yaplabilen yapsal eitlik temelli ileri dzey analizler ele alnmtr. Bu kapsamda; CR, AVE, MSV ve ASV hesaplama, Alternatif modeller ile lm Modeli Testi, Gzlenen Deikenler ile Yol Analizi, Dzenleyici Etki ve lm Denklii konular gerek veriler zerinden anlatlmaktadr. Bu eitimi satn alacaklarn AMOS ve yapsal eitlik modellemesi konusunda temel kavramlara ve analizlere ilikin temel dzeyde farkndalklarnn bulunmas gerekmektedir. Eitimde ele alnn konu ve analizler, rnek veri setleri zerinden anlatlmaktadr. Videolarda ayn zamanda, yaplan analizlerin nasl yorumlanaca ve bilimsel bir aratrma raporunda nasl raporlanaca da aklanmtr. Bu eitimi satn alanlar analizlerde kullanlan veri setlerini ve yararl istatistiksel aralar indirebileceklerdir."
Price: 154.99

"SPSS Process Makro ile Arac ve Dzenleyici Etki Analizleri" |
"Process Makro yazlm, IBM SPSS ve SAS programlar zerine kurularak kullanlabilen aracllk ve dzenleyicilik etki analizleri ile ok farkl durumsal araclk etki modellerini gzlenen deikenler zerinden dorusal regresyona dayanan yol analizi ile test eden bir uygulamadr.Bu eitim; birbiriyle yaknda ilikili olan ve aratrmaclar tarafndan sk sk kartrlan iki konuya odaklanmaktadr: Araclk ve dzenleyicilik etkileri. Uzun yllar boyunca sosyal bilimler alannda alan aratrmaclar ve bilim insanlar, bilimsel yntemleri kullanarak iki deiken arasnda iliki olup olmadn ya da iliki var ise bu ilikinin hangi ynde (olumlu-olumsuz) olduunu ortaya koymaya almlardr. ki deiken arasnda tespit edilen bu basit iliki nemli olmakla birlikte, X ve Y deikenleri arasndaki nedensel ilikinin derinlemesine anlalmas iin ou zaman yeterli olmaz. ki deiken arasndaki nedensel ilikinin tam olarak anlalabilmesi bahse konu ilikinin nasl ve ne zaman meydana geldiine de baldr. Baka bir anlatmla, X ve Y deikeni arasndaki ilikinin nasl bir balant mekanizmas ile gerekletii (araclk-mediation) ya da X ve Y arasndaki ilikinin hangi durumlarda deitii (dzenleyicilik-moderation) sosyal gerekliin tam anlalmas bakmndan nemli grlmektedir. Her ne kadar bu kavramlar basit gibi alglansa da, araclk ve dzenleyicilik etkilerinin istatistiksel olarak nasl test edilecei, grece karmak ve tartmaldr."
Price: 154.99

"Python Basics that Everyone Must know about!" |
"Youre here because youre ready to start programming in pythonOr maybe youre coding already and want to brush up your skills by learning python?Im here because Im the creator of this coding course on Udemyand I love to share my secrets with you.Also Im so excited to teach y'all so enroll the course now!!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Android 10 Development Bootcamp Java and kotlin" |
"NOTE: I used the latest Android Studio Version in this Android Development Course and recommend the students to use the same. There is no getting around it.Android accounts for 81.7% of all smartphones sold, but not all come packed with the very latest Android Operating System.That wont worry you because after completing this course, the Applications you build will perform brilliantly on the Latest Android or any older Android Operating System.Do you want to build your own Applications?And you want them to build them... from the comfort of your home in your own time without having to attend class or wade through endless textbooks (or online guides). Am I right?And let me guess: you only want the latest technology, software and techniquesbecause youve got big plans, big ideasand lets be honest youre impatient and you want to jump the queue and make millions of dollars by making Applications?Then boom! you are at the best place to learn all of these things :)Our complete Application development courses teach you how to code using Java and Kotlin and build beautiful Android Apps for Phones and Tablets.Even if you have ZERO programming experienceThe course includes hours and hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge by making real-world Apps.We will teach you how to monetize your applications and start earning $ from your own ApplicationsWe will also show you how you can upload your Application onto the GOOGLE PLAY STOREAnd at the end of the course, we have a mini-course on how to make Android games using UNITY 3D using C# language, So that is another language that you'll learnWe will also make Clones of various famous Applications like SnapchatBy the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Java & Kotlin and be ready to make your very own Apps or start a freelancing job as an Android developer.Sign up today, and heres what youll get:Over 15+ hours of HD 1080p video content (will be updated frequently) All the knowledge you need to start building any App you can dream ofThousands of dollars worth of design assetsThe world's best app development course that you can buyYou do not need to have any prerequisites for completing this course, we will teach you everything from the scratchZERO knowledge to complete pro in Android developmentby the end of this course you will be familiar with these concepts:the most used programming language in the world i.e. JavaKotlin programming language and make Snapchat application with it Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as arrays, maps, and ArrayLists.Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.how to make gaming applications using the free software UNITY 3DC# languageVersion ControllingMonetize your application by adding google Ads in it.We will teach you about App MarketingHow backend of applications are madelots more stuff Please Do us a favour and Dont waste your time!Don't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors with accents you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real-world in-person teaching experience. Your learning and your time's worth more than that. We offer the best instructors with carefully crafted content, beautiful animations and learning by doing. As you sit there contemplating the sea of different courses, you'll realise that there's no reason to deliberate. The best course is right in front of your eyes.I am looking forward to Teaching you all About The Complete Android Development Bootcamp 2020So click the buy it now button. Youve got nothing to lose (and access to the best Android App development course to gain)."
Price: 104.99

"Learn all the basics of Java and Object-oriented programming" |
"Intensive and hands-on, the course emphasizes becoming productive quickly as a Java application developer. This course quickly covers the Java language syntax and then moves into the object-oriented features of the language.You will learn all the basics by completing this course!All the concepts of java programming are covered in this lectureintroduction to javavariablesdata typesarraysmethodsfunctionsfor loops while loopsclasses and objects"
Price: 19.99

"PTC Creo Parametric-A Complete Bootcamp 2020" |
"Do you want to create your own design models?From the comfort of your home, at your own pace, without attending classes, or push your way through endless textbooks/online guides Then boom! you are at the right place :)Even if you have NO knowledge about Designing this course will make you learn to understand and get trained with all the tools to build your Imagination into a 3D-Model.With knowledge of Creo Parametric, you can generate the broadest range of powerful yet flexible 3D CAD models.The course includes hours and hours of HD video tutorials which will be regularly updated.You will learn to create SAMPLE MODELS ranging from simple to complex levelsWhats after you design the model?Probably Numerical Simulation! you will apparently learn to perform Numerical Simulation to investigate the functionality of the design/model.Additionally, from this course, you'll learn and get acquainted with ANSYS software for Numerical Simulation, ORIGIN software for data analysis, Tecplot 360 for results, and visualization.You will find videos in the course specially created for making you understand these!SO, CREATE A CAD MODEL, IMPORT IT INTO THE ANSYS SOFTWARE AND ANALYZE THE FINDINGS...By the end of this course, you will be confident in creating your own CAD model.The complete package will give you an opportunity to understand the methodology followed by the research organizations in developing novel designs.MAKING YOU AN EXPERT AND A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERSign up today, and heres what youll get: Over 15+ hours of HD 1080p video content (will be updated frequently) All the knowledge you need to start building any DESIGN you can dream of 500 dollars worth of design assets Assistance for your research The world's best course on CREO PARAMETRIC that you can buy.You do not need to have any prerequisites for completing this course, we will teach you everything from the scratchRookie to Pro in CAD ModelingBy the end of this course you will be familiar with these concepts: Creo Parametric Basic Modelling Process Understanding Solid Modelling concepts Understanding Feature-Based Concepts Understanding Parametric Concepts Understanding Creo Parametric Interface Selecting & Editing of Geometry, Features, Models Creating Sketcher Geometry & using Sketcher Tools Using Sketches & Datum Features Creating Extrudes, Revolves, and Ribs Creating Holes, Shells, Draft & Patters Creating Rounds, Chamfer Advanced Selection, Creating Sweeps and Blends Sweeps with Variable Sections Helical Sweeps & Swept Blends Groups Copy Mirrors Measuring, Inspecting Models Creating Surface Models, Flexible Modelling Creating Boundary Blends And Many significant toolsDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors with accents you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real-world in-person teaching experience. Your learning and your time's worth more than that.As you sit there contemplating the sea of different courses, you'll realize that there's no reason to deliberate. The best course is right in front of your eyes.I am looking forward to Teaching you all About the PTC CREO PARAMETRIC"
Price: 104.99

"Unity app development: Make a monetized gaming application" |
"In 2013 Dong Nguyen spent 2-3 days making a simple mobile game called Flappy Bird which went on to earn $50,000 a day in ad-sense revenue. Gaming industry is now increasing day by day and NOW is the best time to enter into it make a lot of name and money.In this course, we will be making an addictive mobile game, that we will monetise with ads. We will cover all the basics of unity software and:Installing and Using UnityMobile SetupVariables & FunctionsMaterials, 3D ModelsPlayer MovementMobile InputParticle systemUnity asset storeCamera MovementAdjusting Player ModelsProject ManagementPrefabricated ObjectsGrouping PrefabsScore SystemProcedural Level GenerationObject SpawningRandomised Game DesignObject Memory ManagementMenu Systems, Menu Layouts, Menu AnimationsSaving & Loading DataUnity AdsMonetisation Design Principles."
Price: 99.99

"Understanding human behaviour and emotions" |
"Understanding human behaviour and emotions is understanding the psychology of each particular person. After this course you will understand the motives and hidden emotions of the person. You will be able to create a psychological portrait of your interlocutor by analyzing his actions, facial expression, gestures. All of these will help in enhancing skills of interpersonal communication. _____________All images, used in videos, are taken on freely-usable images website unsplash.Sources: Paul Ekman, Saimon Wintrop, Yan Roland."
Price: 5299.00

videocreator |
Price: 19800.00

"Sintoniza Finanzas personales" |
"Bienvenido a Finanzas personales a tu alcanceDa a da estamos manejando nuestras finanzas personales y lo hacemos de manera inconsciente lo que hace que no sea la forma ms efectiva ni la que mejor nos funcione y solo cuando tenemos problemas financieros buscamos ayuda de un amigo o alguien experto en el tema para que nos ayude. Con este curso tomars el control de tus finanzas y podrs ser consciente de los cambios que tienes que hacer en tus gastos para lograr ahorrar todos los meses, cada modulo tiene ejercicios y herramientas prcticas y fciles para pasar de la teora a la prctica. Este curso est diseado para ayudarte desde hoy a tomar decisiones de manera consciente, que te permitan alcanzar los objetivos de largo plazo que te propones."
Price: 54.99

"Salesforce DEV-401 Building Applications VisualForce Exam" |
"In this course, you will get 5 Practice Exams with 195 Unique Questions from Salesforce DEV-401 Building Applications VisualForce Exam covering all the topics for the Salesforce DEV-401 Exam.What do you get in this course?5 Mock Tests with 40+ Unique Questions in each practice test.Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses195 Latest Questions with explanation for each questionQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.Each set in the practice exam contains unique questions built with the intent to provide real-time experience to the candidates as well as gain more confidence during exam preparation.Practice exams help to self-evaluate against the exam content and work towards building strength to clear the examExam Details:Exam Name : Sales force DEV-401 Building Applications Visual Force ExamTotal Questions : 195Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 400 MinutesPassing Score : 70"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Bank Accounting" |
"this course will rich your background about banking sector, which in turn will be a good chance to find you a better vacancy in financial institutions and enables you to reply with best answers while you been interviewed, in this course you will learn1- What the banks are?2- What is different about Bank accounting system?3- How the financial statements of a bank are look like?4- Appendix about IAS 30 preparation and presentation of banks financial statements."
Price: 39.99
