"Social Media -Geld verdienen mit Facebook, Instagram und Co." |
"Wer ein kleines oder mittleres Unternehmen leitet, stellt sich frher oder spter die Frage, wie und ob er auch durch das Internet neue Kunden gewinnen und damit mehr Geld verdienenkann. Denn das Internet ist allgegenwrtig und ihre Kunden sind mit dem Internet und oftmals auch mit einem Social Network wie Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube und Co.verbunden.Genau dort wollen wir ihre Kunden abholen, in den Sozialen Netzwerken. Gezielte Werbung und Prsenz dort kann fr ein Unternehmen sehr wertvoll sein. Durch content-reiches Social Media Marketing wird eine Firma nahbar und bekommt ein Gesicht. Kunden knnen mit Mitarbeitern oder sogar dem Eigentmer persnlich in Kontakt kommen und so auch eventuelle Probleme mit Produktenklren. Dies erhht die Glaubwrdigkeit und gibt zudem ein Social Proof. Genau darum geht es auf Facebook und Co. Als Firma wollen wir dort fr unsere Kunden da sein, ihnen einen Mehrwert bieten und ihnen die Informationen geben, die sie bentigen, um sich fr unsere Produkte zu entscheiden.In dem Kurs versuchen wir ihnen die einzelnen sozialen Netzwerke wie Facebook, Instagram, YouTube und Pinterest nher zu bringen und ihnen Tricks und Kniffe zu zeigen, wie ohne groe Werbeausgaben oder Vorwissen neue Kunden erreichen. Social Media Marketingund damit Social Media Networkingkann nur mit Zeiteinsatz betrieben werden und zur unmittelbaren Kundengewinnung dienen. Damit ist das Social Media Marketing eine der weniger Mglichkeiten kostengnstig Werbung zu betreiben und sich mit den richtigen Inhalten aus der Menge der Angebote heraus zu kristallisieren.Dabei kann man sehr kreativ vorgehen. Mit Videos aus der Produktion kann man den Kunden einen Blick hinter die Kulissen gewhren. Auch Fotos von einzelnen Produkten sind immer Willkommen. Genau darber wollen wir in unsrem Social Media Marketing Kurs reden und mit ihnen gemeinsam einen Fahrplan entwickeln, wie Sie Ihr neugewonnenes Wissen nutzen, um effektives Marketing zu betreiben.Social Media Marketing kann auch ihre Firma nach vorne bringen und dafr sorgen, dass sie ganz nah an ihren Kunden sind. Sobald sie eine gewisse Anzahl an Fans aufgebaut haben, knnen sie ihre Werbung ohne grere Streuverluste ber Social Media erreichen. Wichtig ist nur, dass sie sich den Social Media Kanal aussuchen, der fr ihre Firma das richtige Kommunikationsmedium ist. Dazu schauen wir uns im Kurs die verschiednen Plattformen an und Sie lernen die Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Plattformen kennen. So knnen Sie am Ende entscheiden, welcher Kanal fr Sie der richtige ist und ob Sie bei Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest oder Twitter vertreten sein wollen."
Price: 19.99

"Motiviert Ziele erreichen" |
"Jeder Mensch hatZiele. Diese umzusetzen und sich damit in seiner Persnlichkeit weiterzuentwickeln ist manchmal gar nicht so einfach.Oftmals wissen wir sehr gut, worin es sich lohnt Zeit, Ehrgeiz und vielleicht auch Geld zu investieren. Aber manchmal scheinen wir einfach zu schwimmen, sind ziellos und scheinen im Leben gar nicht mehr weiterzukommen.Wenn das passiert, stellt sich natrlich gar kein Erfolg mehr ein und die Lebensfreude bleibt auf der Strecke. Hinzu kommt, dass die Motivation dann noch Ziele zu erreichen und etwas in seinem Leben zu ndern gegen Null tendiert.Mit meinem Kurs Motiviert Ziele erreichen mchte ich euch Strategien an die Hand geben, wie ihr nicht nur motiviert bleibt sondern auch mit der richtigen Zielplanung und einem Kriterienkatalog eure Ziele umsetzt und schlielich erreicht.Es kommt dabei nicht nur auf die richtige Zielformulierung an. Wichtig ist auch, dass ihr eure Ziele aufschreibt und noch wichtiger, dass ihr sie in kleine Teilziele herunterbrecht.Denn nur, wer die Regeln der Zielsetzung beherrscht, bleibt auch motiviert, wenn es einmal schwierig wird und die Motivation zu fehlen scheint.In dem Kurs zeige ich euch Strategien, die ihr sofort anwenden knnt, um wieder motiviert eure Ziele zu verfolgen oder aber eure Ziele so anzupassen, dass sie zum Gesamtbild, zum groen Ganzen passen.Es geht in diesem Kurs auch nicht nur um die groen Ziele. Mit der Methode, die ich euch hier zeige, knnt ihr sowohl euer Lebensziel festlegen und schlielich umsetzen als auch kleine Ziele in die Tat umsetzen. Es ist gar nicht schwer, es gilt nur die richtigen Werkzeuge zu kennen und diese auch zu nutzen.Wer sich kein Ziel setzt, ist auf die Dauer unzufrieden und fhlt sich immer unmotivierter. Daher ist es fr das eigene Leben, die mentale Gesundheit und die Entwicklung seiner Persnlichkeit wichtig, seine Ziele zu kennen, festzulegen und umzusetzen."
Price: 19.99

"Effektiv Lernen lernen, Lernmethoden und Lerntechniken" |
"Das Lernen lernen ist mit den richtigen Lernmethoden und Lerntechniken fr jeden problemlos zu meistern. Denn jeder kann alles Lernen, wenn er versteht, wie das Lernen an sich berhaupt funktioniert. Mit den richtigen Lerntipps und Lerntechniken gelangt man so fast mhelos zu mehr Erfolg in der Schule, im Studium, im Beruf und sogar im Leben.Denn jeder lernt immer und mit den richtigen Techniken kann man sich viel Zeit und Mhe sparen.Im Kurs gehen wir nicht nur darauf ein, wie man sich selbst motiviert und schlielich auch auf das Geheimnis der Selbstmotivation, wir schauen uns auch an, welcher Lerntyp du bist und wie du mit den richtigen Werkzeugen deine Lernziele aber auch deine beruflichen und privaten Ziele sehr viel mheloser erreichst.Lernen ist ein chemischer Prozess. Sobald man begriffen hat, wie dieser funktioniert, wird einem schnell klar, dass in jedem von uns ein kleiner Einstein schlummert!Mit den richtigen Lerntipps, Motivation und Lerntechniken lsst sich das aus jedem herauskitzeln, auch wenn du bisher geglaubt hast, dass du kein Talent hast, richtig und effektivzu lernen, Gelerntes zu behalten und umzusetzen..Lernen funktioniert fr jeden, wenn man denn wei, wie.Als ehemalige Nachhilfelehrerin, die mit Schlern zusammengearbeitet hat, denen das Lernen zunchst nicht so einfach fiel, kann ich dazu beitragen deine Schwierigkeiten beim Lernen zu berwinden. Ich kenne die Probleme, die meine Schler hatten und wei auch, wie du die berwinden kannst. Denn getreu dem Motto ""Mittendrin statt nur dabei"" war ich ganz nahe an meinen Schlern dranund konnte ihnen so helfen, ihre Lernschwierigkeiten zu berwinden und ganz gezielt auf sie eingehen.Und auch du kannst alles lernen, was du willst. Mit den richtigen Lerntechniken zeige ich dir genau, wie du deine Schwierigkeiten berwindest und das Lernen einfach und effektiv angehst - egal in welchem Bereich.Am Ende wirst du deine Lernschwierigkeiten nicht nur gemeistert haben sondern auch vergessen, dass du jemals geglaubt hast, dass Lernen ein unberwindbares Hindernis fr dich darstellt.Das Lernen lernen ist gespickt mit Lsungen von Problemen, die in der Praxis aufgekommen sind und helfen auch dir alles zu lernen."
Price: 19.99

"Starte dein Online Business: Affiliate Marketing" |
"Kann man im Internet sein eigenes Geschft aufbauen? Kann man wirklich von den Einnahmen, die man Online erzielen kann, leben? Und wie fange ich an?Wenn du dich gerne selbstndig arbeiten mchtest aber noch nicht so richtig weit, wie du anfangen sollst, ist dieser Online Marketing Kurs genau richtig fr dich.In diesem Kurs gehen wir den Weg durch das Dickicht des Online Marketings gemeinsam. Erst einmal zeige ich dir, wie Online Marketing und damit ganz speziell das Affiliate Marketing funktioniert und wir auch groe Firmen genau diese Mglichkeit nutzen, um viel Geld zu verdienen. Anschlieend machen wir gemeinsam ein Brainstorming und eine Keywordrecherche, um herauszufinden, welches Thema fr dich richtig ist.Sobald wir an diesem Punkt angelangt sind, werden wir gemeinsam eine Webseite erstellen und diese mit Inhalten fllen. Dabei schauen wir uns die Basics im Webdesign an. Wir wollen an dieser Stelle wirklich erst einmal nur erreichen, dass du deine eigene Webseite online bekommst und diese einsatzfhig ist. Sobald wir das geschafft haben, geht es an die Contenterstellung.Dabei erfhrst du, welche verschiedenen Arten von Content es gibt und wie du diese umsetzen kannst.Eine der Knigsdisziplinen des Affiliate Marketings ist die Erstellung eines eigenen, digitalen Produkts. Warum dies eine gute Idee ist und wie du dich damit aus der Menge hervorhebst, zeige ich dir ebenfalls im Kurs. Hierbei gehen wir allerdings nur auf die wichtigsten Aspekte ein.Am Ende des Affiliate MarketingKurses folgt der wichtigste Teil: Wir erkunden verschiedene Mglichkeiten, wie du Traffic und damit potentielle Kunden auf deine Webseite bekommst.Alle Mglichkeiten, die hier gezeigt werden, sind erprobt und durch zahlreiche Beispiele belegt. Es geht hier nicht um Black Hat Methoden. Auch will ich dir nicht zeigen, wie du im Internet schnell reich wirst. Vielmehr ist viel Durchhaltevermgen und Einsatz von dir gefragt.Affiliate Marketing funktioniert, wenn man bereit ist, sein Onlinebusiness auch als ein Geschft zu behandeln."
Price: 99.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Dividend & Dividend Growth Investing" |
"Last update: June 2017Join over 2700delighted students from over 110+countries, already enrolled in this top rated Udemy ""BESTSELLER"" investment course! Over 100reviews with an average score of 4,8/5!What students are saying in their review (you can find these quotesback in the reviews):""One can get started creating a portfolio and feel secure that they are making the right investments immediately after taking this course.""(student S.Vazquez)""After attending this course, I feel so much more confident in investing in the stock market! The method taught here is as close to a sure-win strategy as one could get! Money well-spent!""(studentY. Chenfeng)""I probably have read over 50 investing books in the last two years including 12 on dividend investing.I find your course to be as complete a compilation of all that I learned from those 12 books and also easy to sit through.""(student L.Wilson)""Very nicely done, extremely informative and good enough for beginners or seasoned investors looking for new ways to invest."" (student G.Barnhart)""So far this course is of exceptional quality. The information is relayed with great transparency but what really stood out was the additional resources that will come with the tuition.""(studentR.Horner)___________________________________________________________________________About the courseCompanies that pay a dividend and that have a long & consistent track record of raising those dividends year in year out (aka dividend growth stocks), have been historically proven to be an incredibly successful investment strategy. This strategy even outperforms, hence beats, the overall stock market, something that the majority of fund managers fails to do.In this course you will find everything you need to know, from the basics all the way through to a step by step guide to building your own dividend growth portfolio from scratch. You can start this course as a beginner, and finish it as a well prepared and advanced dividend growth investor, ready to -or already right in the middle of - build(ing) your own portfolio.The most difficult thing with investing is knowing where to start:What should you invest in?Why? When?What should you do if the stock price goes down? When do you have to sell?How can you earn above average returns consistently over timeThis course aims to answer all those questions and istherefore built up into several sections:Introduction to the course: short summary of everything you will learn in this courseProof: dont just take my word for it, but let the research, historical performance of dividend growth stocks and my own portfolio results do the convincingIntroduction to dividends: all the basics you should ever know about dividendsWhy would YOU want to become a dividend growth investor: once again, I thoroughly address why dividend growth investing is the strategy to follow and how it can actually make you insanely rich over timeStep by step guide to building your own portfolio: theoryStep by step guide to building your own portfolio: practiceMonitoring your dividend portfolio & knowing when to sellIn just 5,5 hours time, you can master this entire topic thanks to this condensed course!And of course, I'll be here anytime you like to answer your tough questions!___________________________________________________________________________More student reviews:""I have already recommended this course to my family.This coursedelivers exactly what it promises. It has helped me find safe yet profitable investments.The DIW spreadsheet is amazing.(student B.Murray)""I began reading about dividend growth investing on blogs and other free resources. This course brought together all the concepts with clarity, and gave me an actionable plan to start building my first dividend growth portfolio. - Clear teaching style - Well-researched content and slides - Comprehensive overview of the concepts and theory - Gives an understanding of how it all fits together - Actionable tools such as investment spreadsheet - The instructor is very responsive to questions.""(student K.S.)""Extremely well put together course on a subject I knew nothing about. The instructor lays out excellent reasons (with proof) why you should build a dividend portfolio. This is followed by detailed instructions and what to look for when researching any company you wish to invest in. Highly recommended course.""(student S.Bhadresa)"
Price: 199.99

"How To Build Your Own Coaching Business Online" |
"""Discover How To Start Your Own Coaching Business And Charge Premium Prices For Your Advice And Guidance...""This course will give you the information and the tools that you need to start your own coaching business, and detail some of the ways that you can set it up so that you can be successful. Here's exactly what you'll get inside the course:What coaching is, and what topics you can coach people inWhy people hire coaches and how it can help you to grow your own businessAn overview of all of the different methods you can use to coach people and some advice to get you started in each oneHow to choose a coaching style and how to incorporate multiple styles to build the perfect coaching practiceHow to use the internet to maximize the amount of money that you make while minimizing the amount of time that you put inHow to make coaching work synergistically with other self-help projects you haveHow to coach people that want to increase their incomeInformation on how much coaches actually make and how much you can expect to earn from being a coachHow to do life coaching on the internetHow to promote your coaching business using the internet and how to get your very first clients...and much, much more!"
Price: 19.99

"SQL Fundamentals for Marketing, Digital and Web Analytics" |
"Data is a requirement these days to run effective marketing campaigns. Application of Big Data starts with understanding the fundamentals of data and SQL.If you are already familiar with SQL then you can skip this course. This course teaches you all the SQL you need as aDigital Marketing Analyst or aWeb Analyst. This coursewon't go into advanced level SQL concepts as that is not required to your job as as aDigital Marketing Analyst/Web Analyst. I strongly believe in short and simple courses that can get you ready in few hours as opposed to days.However, if you ever get stuck or need something that I don't cover in this course then feel free to reach out to me.Marketers and Marketing Analysts generallydepend on the tools or IT department to help them pull the data for marketing purposes. IT leaves you hanging because they have other prioritiesas a results Marketing Analystshave to know how write SQL on theirown so that they are not dependent on IT. This course is for those marketers who would like to know how to use SQL to conduct their marketing analysis. If you are trying for a job as a Marketing Analysts then this course is a must for you. This will help your resume shine and put you ahead of other similar candidates. The more you can handle technology and data these days the better it differentiates you from the rest of the pack.The course uses MYSQL to show how SQL worksbut all the leanings and syntax are applicable to other databases such Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle as well.This course is a musthave for Web Analytics, Digital Analytics and Marketing Analytics. This course will put you way ahead of other folks doing or seekingsimilar jobs. I have used the same course to train members of my team so you can be assured that this is tried and tested curriculum.Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years.Ihave trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into highperforming Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand boththe technology and marketing side of business.I have dealt with many analytics technologieswaybeforeGoogle Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics.I have extensivelyworked with companies like Microsoft, Starbucks, Wall Street Journal, ESPN, T-Mobile to name few and helped them Data Driven Marketing Decisions.In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am onlineinstructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99

"SQL with MySQL Database for Beginners - Zero to Hero" |
"Cut the unnecessary jargon and learn SQL with MySQL in a simple and easy way.Data is a critical part of any job these days. Having SQL skills will help you accomplish many of the data task that your job requires. Whether you are trying to add new skills to enhance your career or looking for a new job,this course will help you add a critical skill that many jobs andemployers seek today. SQL skills help you succeed in a large number ofcareers that range from technical to business.This course will teach you everything you need to start using SQL and practicing SQL with MySQL.You don't need hours of lectures to learn SQL and MySQL, that's exactly how I approached this course. I synthesized the information so that it is quick and easy to understand. In this course I have simplified the process without getting into all the complex technical speak out so that anybody can learn SQL. This course is designed to make each step very easy to understand. I used the same methods that I useto teach business analysts and marketing analysts in my own group.The course should not take full day, you can learn during your work day and practice as you go. This course uses MySQL but most of the commands can also be applied to SQL Server.Note: This is a beginner level course. If you have prior knowledge of SQL than this course might serve as refresher but won't teach you manyadvanced concepts.Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years.I have trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into highperforming Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand boththe technology and marketing side of business.I have dealt with many analytics technologieswaybeforeGoogle Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics.In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am onlineinstructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Odoo v11.0 Development" |
"Odoois a modern ERP system released under AGPL license, and it offers HR, CRM, Project Management, Sales, Purchases, Inventory Management, Accounting, .....Odoois based on Open Object ( A smart Open Source Professional Rapid Application Development Framework in Python).I promise to be available to answer your questions and to discuss your ideas.Learn everything you need about Open Object framework to build new modules for Odoo V11.0:Basics: Build simple module and its Interface.Intermediate: Reports, Workflows, Security, Wizards.Advanced: Advanced Views (Calendar, Search, Gantt and Kanban views), XML-RPC library.Through the course, We will write a new module fromReal Life:Create New Objects, Views, Security Groups and Rules, Wizard and Reports.Extend (Inheritance) Existing Objects, Views, Security Groups and Rules .....By the completion of this online training course, you will be fully versed, and capable of working with and creating your own Odoo v11.0 modules for real customers."
Price: 199.99

"Angular 2 Master Class with Alejandro Rangel" |
"Learn everything you need to become an Angular 2 expert!In this Master Class you will learn all aspects of Angular 2 including ES6 and TypeScript. You will get three packages in one course!You just need to know pure Javascript, CSS and HTML, I will teach you the rest needed for becoming a master in Angular 2. Additionally, You will be using several IDEs, so, at the end of the class you can decide which is the most suitable for you, specifically we will take a look on WebStorm, Visual Code Studio, Sublime Text and Plunkr.This Master Class is a live session of more than 9.5 hours will lots of examples, exercises and professional tips that you won't get in any other documentation available today. Every section is divided in a Theory lesson and a Practical Exercise. This will help you to understand complex topics like Dependency Injection, RxJS, Routing and at the same time code with me and get the most of every part of Angular 2.Why is this Master Class so valuable?9.5+ hours of unique content. This is 15+ GB of videosIt resumes lots of materials and conferences available in Internet related to Angular 2. This will save you hundred of hours watching different sourcesProfessional tips from practical examples learnt from real experienceIt offers Angular 2, TypeScript and ES6 in one full package!This master class goes beyond the basics, you will build full applications that mix all concepts you need for programming real applicationsOffers comparison between Angular 1 and 2 in the critical sections. This will help you for upgrading versionsEvery section has a PDF, PPT and the source code. You can use this resources for practising after watching the courseI offer personal assistance at any time you need to solve an exercise. Lets Skype!Why do I recorded this Master Class?As a professional Frontend architect, I started working with Angular 2 since alpha version. I study all parts of the framework while Angular team has been releasing new versions. I decided to switch a full Angular 1/Ionic product to Angular 2 and since them my team has been working intensively with Components, Directives, Routing, Http, Services, Styling and more.This Master Class is my resume of all possible resources that I have found and used with my team and I consider that this is the most valuable material that I can offer in Internet.Continuous Updates of this course:This Master Class will have updates every time that Angular 2 release new featuresI will upload all live conferences I do related to Angular 2. This is a big plus, you will learn from the audience questions tooWhy Angular 2?One of the most popular open source JavaScript frameworks in the world of web application development is AngularJS. Since its release, it has received an exponential growth of adoption and support.Announced at the ng-conference in October 2014, Angular 2.0 is the new version of Angular.For those who thought that it will be just an update sorry, it is not! Angular 2 is an entire new framework with breaking changes.Faster than Angular 1, Angular 2 uses natural, easy-to-write syntax. It gives you the tools you need to build apps for desktop, mobile web, Android, and iOS.What are you waiting for? Register now and enjoy the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Bitcoin Trading 101" |
"The CryptoCurrency Market is still in its infancy and has experienced explosive growth in the last few years, as The Market has grown aware of the current and future usefulness of cryptocurrencies. Pioneering the way is Bitcoin (BTC), the leader of the movement with a $4.5bn market cap. Bitcoin is New...Fun...Dangerous...Volatile all at once. The volatility of bitcoin makes it great as a trading instrument, and thats what i am going to focus on here. In heavility volatile periods bitcoin can move 20-50% in a single day. Which presents a massive opportunity for day traders to get in on the action. What you will learn in this course is: The Potential of Bitcoin How to get started trading Bitcoin How to recognize trade set-ups on Bitcoin Charts When to Buy Bitcoin (long) When to Sell Bitcoin (Short) How to trade Bitcoin profitably How to manage your risk The course is a series of videos and handouts to reinforce the trading knowledge you need going forward. You can complete the course in under 2 hours and be ready to go. This course is a MUST if you want to take advantage of a great instrument to trade, and to get in at the ground level, while the number of players is low."
Price: 19.99

"KINDLE EMPIRE -Publishing to create freedom." |
"If you missed out on the internet boom of the 2000's...If you've been on the outside looking in as big opportunity after big opportunity has passed you by, then read this carefully because you do not want to miss this one:Introducing: Kindle Empire -Publishing to create freedom: A practical guide to building wealth online by creating, designing, and marketing successful Amazon kindle eBooksA home based business opportunity unlike anything you've ever seen before.Discover How to Turn Your Hobby or Passion Into a Simple eBook That Floods Your Bank Account With Cash 24 Hours a Day Automatically...Now, you can learn all you need to know to run your own independent publishing house from home on the kindle platform. From how to set the vision and general direction of your company, to creating the content for your book(s), then formatting and cover design, on to listing it on the kindle platform and getting it ranked for optimum success, Kindle Empire have you covered.Now before you pooh pooh all over this opportunity and say this is just like one of those eBook programs you need to pay close attention:I've created several bestselling books in the fiction and non fiction side,and i have helped other students just like you to achieve financial success through publishing. I have publishing courses that cost well over $1000 and Clients pay me up to $5000 to help implement these strategies for them. I'm no one trick pony.This course is my way of giving back, and i will be working with a small group of student only. DON'T WASTE ANY MORE TIME! When was the last time you heard of a great opportunity and never took advantage of it?Consider the fact that you can take this information and make an extra $1000-$2000 per month. What will that do for the quality of your life?Don't let this be like the last time! Take action NOWTake this course now and lets create the future."
Price: 199.99

"Create hand drawn character animations using Photoshop" |
"Update - Apr/8/2016: Added an extra section to learn to create illustration in Illustrator and Sketch 3.Each lecture can be watched individually to learn different skills (no need to watch them in order).Update - Oct/10/2015: Added a section that teaches you how to use vector shapes, smart objects and the video timeline. You'll end up with a smooth playing cat animation.Update - Aug/2/2015: Added a lecture to reuse the assets of the cupcake animation to create a new one. On this course you'll learn to turn hand drawn sketches into animations using Photoshop. You'll learn to add some dance moves to a pencil drawing of a robot. We'll create a happy jumping cupcake that never gets tired. We'll add some vibrancy to typography. We'll create a smooth cat animation using video timeline, vector shapes, and smart objects. And we'll create a realistic animation by tracing on top of a video.This course will teach you basic animation principles and how to apply them using simple Photoshop tools.The course is separated in independent sections. You can start the section that most interests you without worrying about having to take the other ones to understand the context. Each section has its own downloadable materials that you can use.Take this course if you're curious about animation and want to have some fun creating silly GIF doodles. This is not a professional animation course! It's just to learn a cool skill."
Price: 19.99

"UI Animation using Sketch 3, Principle App, and Flinto" |
"UPDATE June 2017 - Nested Symbols!Creating a Button System with Nested SymbolsCreating a Left Bar Navigation with Nested SymbolsUPDATE December 27 2016 - New projects!Creating an on-boarding parallaxanimation using Flinto and SketchDrawing Santa on Sketch (Holiday Special)The most useful keyboard shortcuts on SketchMy Favoritepractical Sketch Plugins!UPDATE July 11th 2016 - New content!Added How to add Hover effects on Flinto - Mouse Over / Mouse Out. Great for web design prototypesCreating a Parallax UIAnimation Using Flinto.UPDATE July 5th 2016- New content!Added a section covering Principle for Mac.12 videos (over an hour of content)How to create character animationsParallax Effect using PrincipleDrag And Drop InteractionContinuous Interactions like Paging, Scrolling, Dragging.Many more!UPDATE June 18th 2016- New content!Added a section covering Flinto for Mac.9 videos (over an hour of content)Connecting Layers, Complex TransitionsUser Interface Cards Flow AnimationAdding Sound to Your Prototype (and many more)//////////////////////////////////////IntroductionHola, my name is Pablo Stanley. Ive been a designer for almost 18 years And I have worked with different startups for quite a while. I want to teach you how to apply the tools I use every dayand Ill give you some insight into my workflow and process as a product designer.On this course you'll learn how to design web and mobile products using Sketch 3.Well also learn how to prototype full flows and micro-interactions using the most currentapps in the industry like Flinto, Principle, Marvel App, and Invisions Craft Plugin. And the coolest part about this course? Well learn how to create detailed UI animations and how to apply them to your projects.This course is designed in different sections so you can jump around depending on your skill level. Youll be able to learn how to use the tools to make your own designs from scratch. And well also learn by doing, getting hands-on with more advanced projects.So, Why Sketch?Sketch 3 is a design tool focused on user interface and user experience design.Because of its simplicity, its really easy to understand; anyone with little to no training can learn Sketch. Its perfect for designing for multiple mobile devices, working on responsive web design, delivering assets in an easy way, and makes collaboration with developers amazing. It also costs a fraction of the price of Adobe Suite (goodby monthly payment). So yeah, it's pretty cool.Why Flinto, Principle, Marvel App and Craft by InVisionPrinciple makes it easy to create animated and interactive user interface designs. Great for Multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations.Flinto lets designers quickly make interactive prototypes of their mobile, desktop, or web apps.with custom animations, gestures, and Sketch importThis simple editor in Marvel allows you to link all your designs together in seconds, then add gestures and transitions to make your prototype feel just like a real app or website.This CourseThis course covers the basics, but also goes into detail on some advanced features, tricks, and plugins that I use in my daily workflow.We'll also work on some cool projects that we'll be able to prototype and share on our mobile devices and the web. We'll even do some UI animation and micro-interactions that will make your prototypes look pretty realistic."
Price: 24.99

"Use Facebook SDK with IOS and Swift" |
"Want to use Facebook with your IOS application ? Want to Login with your Facebook credentials ? Want to be able to Post and Share on Facebook from your IOS application ? Want to be able to Tweet on Twitter ? If YES then this course is for you! What's the course about and how is it structured? In this course we will learn how to Create a Facebook application and connect it to our IOS Application using IOS 8, Xcode 6 and Swift with a step by step approach. We explain what you need in order to Login with Facebook credentials, retrieve Facebook information, post and share on Facebook and Twitter and more. The course covers : Creation of Facebook Application Download of Facebook SDK's Connect Facebook application with our IOS application Login with Facebook credentials Retrieve Facebook information Retrieve Facebook profile photo and save it Post on Facebook without the use of Facebook SDK Tweet on Twitter Post on Facebook with the use of Facebook SDK Share a link on Facebook Share a photo on Facebook Materials The course consists of : 1.5+ hours video lectures with code from scratch This course can be completed in 1-2 days Why to follow this course? If you want to connect Facebook with your IOS application, login with Facebook credentials, Post and Share on Facebook this course is for you! Who can follow this course ? Anyone with basic knowledge of programming can follow this course. Copyright Valsamis Elmaliotis 2015"
Price: 19.99

"Create an app like Twitter with Swift" |
"Want to create an application like Twitter?Want to learn how to create users?Want to learn how to create online databases?If YES then this course is for you! What's the course about and how is it structured?In this course we will develop together an application like Twitter for iOS 8, Xcode 6 and Swift with a step by step approach. We explain what you need in order to create the Logic, Database, Connections and Development of a Twitter application. The course covers : Creation of the application User Interface for all screen sizes with hard coding. Create a new Parse application and connect it to our project. User Log in and Sing up development. Fetching Users. Follow and Unfollow a user development.Send a Tweet with text and image.Fetch Tweets from users your follow.Create different Table Height for each Row.Create a Table Refresher.MaterialsThe course consists of : 3.5 + hours of video lectures with code from scratch application files for download This course can be completed in a couple of days. Why to follow this course?If you want to make an application like Twiiter from scratch or use this code to upgrade your existing application this course is for you! If you want to learn how to connect to an Online Database this course is for you! If you want to learn how to create Users this course is for you! Who can follow this course ?Anyone with basic knowledge of programming can follow this course. This course is updated for Swift 1.2 and Parse 1.7.5 and under development for Swift 2.0 and Parse 1.8.2Copyright Valsamis Elmaliotis 2015"
Price: 19.99

"Mobile Payments with Stripe and Swift" |
"Want to create an application that can charge a credit card? Want to improve your current project with a credit card charge mechanism? Thinking in the future to create an amazing application and earn money and you miss the credit card charge logic and code?If YES then this course is for you! What's the course about and how is it structured?In this course we will develop together an application that uses Stripe to charge a credit card for iOS 8 (and above), Xcode 6 (and above) and Swift 1.2 (and above) with a step by step approach. We explain what you need in order to create the Logic, Credit Card UI, Connections, PHP file and Development of a Stripe application. The course covers : Creation of the application User Interface. Create a Stripe account, download SDK and connect it to our project.Custom Credit Card UI. Credit Card tokenID creation. Send a Request to the Web Server. Get a Response from the Web Server.Download Stripe PHP Library.PHP file development.MaterialsThe course consists of : 2 + hours of video lectures with code from scratch Application files for download This course can be completed in a couple of days. Why to follow this course?If you want to make an application from scratch to charge a credit card or use this code to upgrade your existing application this course is for you! If you want to add credit card charge mechanism to your application this course is for you!If you want to learn how Stripe works for an IOS application this course is for you! If you want to learn how to send and receive Web Server requests this course is for you! Who can follow this course ?Anyone with basic knowledge of programming can follow this course. This course is updated for Swift 1.2 Copyright Valsamis Elmaliotis 2015"
Price: 19.99

"Master iOS 9 - 10 - Xcode and Swift" |
"NEW !!!As iOS 10 and Xcode 8 are in beta i will start making videos for iOS 10 features using Swift 3As soon as i have videos i will add to the course.Do you want to create your own iPhone and iPad applications in Swift but are not sure where to start? Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of Swift mobile development but have little or no programming experience? Have you already started learning Swift and you want to learn more advanced stuff?Thinking in the future to create an amazing application and earn money and you miss the knowledge and code? If YES then this course is for you! THIS COURSE WILL BE UPDATED EVERY WEEK WITH NEW VIDEOSWhat's the course about and how is it structured?This course is the meant for the absolute beginner looking to get into programming but also for experienced coders looking to learn more advanced features of Xcode and Swift.In this course we will learn how to use Xcode elements, controls and services using Swift with a step by step approach.The course covers : Working with:UILabelUIButtonUISegmentedControlUItextFieldUISliderUISwitchUIActivityIndicatorViewNSTimerUIProgressBarUIStepperUITableUIImageUICollectionViewUITextViewUIScrollViewUIDatePickerUIPickerViewUIAlertControllerMapKitCloudKitAnd more to come every week ...MaterialsThe course consists of : 6+ hours of video lectures with code from scratch Xcode files for download This course can be completed in a couple of weeks. Why to follow this course?If you want to create Swift applications from scratch or use this code to upgrade your existing application this course is for you! If you want to learn advance usage of Xcode elements this course is for you!If you want to have the code for targeting features this course is for you!Who can follow this course ?Anyone with basic knowledge of programming can follow this course.Copyright Valsamis Elmaliotis 2016"
Price: 24.99

"Create CloudKit applications using iOS 9 - Xcode and Swift" |
"iCloud for DevelopersKeep your apps connected and up to date across iOS, OS X, and now on the web with CloudKit JS. With free public storage up to 1PB, it's never been easier to build and grow your apps using CloudKit.CloudKitCloudKit provides authentication, a private and a public database, and structured asset storage servicesso you can focus on client-side development.Do you want to create amazing Cloud iOS applications?Do you want your iOS and OSX applications to be connected and up to date?Do you want to save your database on the Cloud?If YES, this course is for you!What's the course about and how is it structured?In this course we will learn how to use Apple'sCloudKit Service to build applications that save data in the cloud. We will use Xcode 7.x , iOS 9 and Swift 2.x , with a step by step approach.The course covers :Learn:How to connect CloudKit with your iOS applicationHow CloudKit Dashboard works.How to create Record TypesHow to add records from DashboardHow to add records from codeHow to fetch recordsHow to update recordsHow to delete recordsHow to use CKOperationsHow to use ReferencesHow to use SubscriptionsMaterialsThe course consists of :2.0+ hours of video lectures with code from scratchXcode files for downloadThis course can be completed in a couple of Days.Why to follow this course?If you want to learn how to work with Apple's CloudKit Serviceor use this code to upgrade your existing application this course is for you!Who can follow this course ?Anyone with basic knowledge of programming can follow this course.Copyright Valsamis Elmaliotis 2016"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads: Grow Your Businesss Facebook Page" |
"GUARANTEED MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE ONLY TO GAIN!!!! JOIN NOW AND START MAKING THE INCOME YOU DESERVE......Updated April 27, 2016Do you have an awesome product and want to show the world? Facebook ads are the best way to get the message out today. Why? How many people do you know that have a Facebook page? It's the second most popular site in the world coming after Google.Regular $199 Holiday PriceWe try to keep our courses short and to the point. If you are looking for ten hours of content this isn't the course for you. If you want to learn how to use create Facebook campaigns that work in the fastest possible manner you are in the right place. We do not bullshit, we are here to teach the truth and No Gimmicks Here. Feel free to leave us a comment.Students can expect to learn:Facebook GuidelinesTargeted AudiencesHow To Create FaceBook CampaignsHow the bidding techniques function for FaceBook AdsFaceBook GroupsHow To Get $0.01 CPC on Facebook AdsWe show proof of 5,000 likes in less than 48 hrs. Let us teach you these strategies today. Enroll in our course and we can share these techniques with you. You will be simply amazed just how simple it really can be.We recently ran a Facebook campaign for our Blogging Professor page. It received over 7,000 likes within four days. We only spent around $175. Go look at the Facebook page BloggingProfessor for yourself. Top Reasons to Take This Course today! 1. It comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee so what do you have to lose. 2. You will have lifetime access to this course. I will be updating this course frequently. Most likely at least once per month plus when Facebook rolls out new advertising updates. 3. You have access to wealth of knowledge to help you Set up the best possible campaigns on Facebook advertising. If you need one on one help that can be arranged as well. I am here to make sure you succeed. 4. After completing the course you will be able to use it to benefit your businesses growth and/or convert more sells. This course will be one of the most helpful and useful courses you take to improve your business overall. If you don't agree simply request a refund. Facebook is the second most popular site in the world. I can't think of a better weapon to have for increasing sales and growth."
Price: 19.99

"Become Video Editor & Creator GURU Using Final Cut Pro X" |
"GUARANTEED MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE ONLY TO GAIN!!!! JOIN NOW AND START MAKING THE INCOME YOU DESERVE......Updated April 27, 2016You will be able to edit videos like a pro in just an hour or so. I will show you all the most needed techniques for editing best video quality. Final Cut Pro X is hands down the best editor for videos. Combined with a few plugins that are really inexpensive and its basically a drag and drop effort. Final Cut Pro X offers the simplest way to edit video on the market today. Many important events have been recorded only to find the video quality was to light or dark. No worries Now. It's now possible through Final Cut Pro X to Color Correct these video events so they appear as if professionals had edited them. Enroll in the course Final Cut Pro X Color Corrections Which Gives Professional Quality to learn all the editing techniques used by the pro's. This is one course you definitely don't want to miss. These video editing techniques will effect the way your content looks through the rest of your career. It's virtually impossible to do anything online today which doesn't involve video. Videos are the best way to share ideas, events, or even learn today. This Course Will Teach: 1. Video Editing Basics 2. Advance Editing Strategies and Techniques 3. Color Corrections which can make any project appear more professional. 4. Audio Editing Strategies 5. Audio & Video Syncing 6. Learn to use all the added Tools in this update such as the Range Tool. Guaranteed You Learn & Enjoy or Your Money Back. These are editing methods that will improve your overall professional look regardless what it may be."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Strategies: Grow Followers Across Platforms" |
"GUARANTEED MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE ONLY TO GAIN!!!! JOIN NOW AND START MAKING THE INCOME YOU DESERVE......Updated April 27, 2016How To Become a Social Media Expert: Earn $5000 MonthlySocial Media is an extremely important factor in growing any type of business. The number of Social Media Experts will rapidly increase over the next couple years. There's lots of money to be made helping others grow their business through Social MediaWhat students can expect:Section 1: Twitter Growth Lean to grow followers on Twitter and Dimensions Learn how to set up a Twitter campaign inside Twitter advertisingSection 2: Facebook Growth and Dimensions Facebook Stats for 2015 Facebook Features and How to get Penny Clicks in Advertising Facebook Engagement How to bid for lowest ad pricesSection 3: Instagram Growth Instagram Follower Growth and Dimensions How to use Tagstagram iOS App for more followersSection 4 Youtube GrowthHow to setup Youtube Channel properly How To Setup your Blog to Grow Youtube Channel How To Get Top Audio and Video Quality How to use Description Box Effectively How to use HootSuite EffectiveHow to use Plaaylist for better SEOSection 5: Google+ Follower GrowthHow to increase Google+ Followers How To Earn Money Using Social Media and Affiliate Marketing TogetherOur Course titled, How To Become a Social Media Expert: Earn $5000 Monthly will guide you step by step through the entire process showing you how to grow followers across each Social Media platform and make money doing it. Social Media Platforms hold a gold mine for affiliate marketing. Learn our favorite techniques for using Social Media and Affiliate Marketing together to make a substantial income."
Price: 19.99

"iPhone Photography Course 2018: Get DSLR Camera Quality" |
"Money Back Guarantee..... What do you have to lose????Updated January 16, 2018Use These Techniques and Tips for all Smartphone Photography not only justthe iPhone 6 but the iPhone 7.Make Money Selling Photos Taken with your iPhone or mobile deviceLearn the Top Sites to Sale your iPhone Photographs. Make a monthly income selling photos you most likely have on your iPhone right nowBuild a Youtube Channel using these techniques with only your iOS DeviceWe skip all the fluff and take you straight to the important aspects for learning photography. We hope you find the course engaging and helpful foremost. Learn to take photos and video just as good as DSLR cameras can take using only the iPhone 6. In order to reach this level of professional photography with the iPhone 6 users will need additional applications. This course will require students to buy other applications in the App Store to follow along.Edit Your Photos to look like a professional did it right on your iPad or iPhone. You will be amazed how easy this can be done using applications we recommend.Students will learn how to manipulate Exposure and Focus to change the overall look of their photo. Students will learn how to manually adjust White Balance using 3rd party apps. The iPhone 6 is an extremely capable camera in the right hands for taking high quality photos and video. It can take photos and videos with just as good of quality as many SLR cameras today.Enroll in my course and shock all your family and friends during the next family gathering showing them just how good of a photographer you can be equipped with only an iPhone. It's my personal experience to take better photos with an iPhone 5 or later. We are using an iPhone 6 in the course videos.Users can take great quality video using the iPhone 5 or later too. This course will show you some of the best apps to use for the best results when shooting video. We also do a section on our favorite accessories such as tripods and the Olloclip. These can add lots of different looks to your photography.What Students can expect to learn from this course.1. How to improve overall photo and video quality.2. Several different apps for editing photos, taking better video, and photos overall.3. Which accessories will improve the quality of the video and photos the most.4. Learn how to change the settings in the stock camera app5. Learn how to lock Exposure and Focus6. Understand the Five Different Elements of Composition.7. Best iOS Apps For Editing Photos8. Accessories for taking photos and videoWe hope you find your time here helpful. We invite you to leave any thoughts you may have about the course in the review section of the course."
Price: 24.99

"Beginners Guide Building & Monetizing a Website Site 2018" |
"GUARANTEED MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE ONLY TO GAIN!!!! JOIN NOW AND START MAKING THE INCOME YOU DESERVE......TenYearsBlogging EXPERIENCE andSecrets shared which have takenme years to learn. This is experience I have learned building my own sites, for example one of my top sites is called iPhonecaptain. It has received over 10 million page views in three years. This is a straight to the best ways to do things without all the bull.updated Jan 17, 2018What Students Can Expect:How to set up a blog properlyHow to set up Wordpress for best resultsChoosing a blog topic and domain nameHow you plan to monetize the siteTips for monetizing the siteHow to improve traffic to the siteOverview of WordpressHow to Understand SEO How to setup Yoast Wordpress plugin for best SEOAlternatives to Google Adsense for monetizingHow to use Amazon Affiliate program on siteHow To Write Reviews Which Build Site Traffic We share our closest contacts and emails in this course for getting you fast tracked in the right direction. That's worth more than the price of the course alone. These are email addresses and companies I have worked with for over five years.Running a review site is very exciting and rewarding besides earning money. It's the first place potential buyers turn before spending their own hard earned money to buy a particular item. This is especially true in tech related item purchases. The best way to run a review site is 100% honesty. Money can never effect your reviews or people will stop visiting your site. Always be sincere and tell exactly what you think about the item with your reviews.You will learn the best way to start earning revenue and which affiliate companies are the best. This will save you lots of headaches. I wish I had been exposed to content such as this when I was starting out. This is definitely a No B.S. course. If you don't feel the same you have 30 days to get a full refund no questions ask.One of the great things about having a review site is getting all the Free items to review. You will start to feel like it's Christmas everyday of the year. You will also enjoy seeing the little brown truck everyday almost :). So hit the enroll button and let's start the journey now."
Price: 19.99

"Youtube SEO Tips For Ranking Videos Higher and Make More" |
"Youtube SEO Secrets Revealed. SEO is key factor for success on Youtube.Better Youtube SEO means Getting More Traffic means Earning MORE MONEY MONTHLY!!!!!! $$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$Learn all the concepts and strategies needed for ranking videos higher on Youtube Consistently upload after upload.Build a full understanding of Youtube Video Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for beginners.What Students will learn:How Videos Rank on YoutubeKey Factors for Ranking Videos Higher on YoutubeOptimizing Youtube Factors such as Title, Tags, and Description for SEOEffectively using annotations for SEOThumbnail Designs do improve SEOHow To Design Youtube Thumbnails for better SEHow to use Playlist for better SEOThis course will help advance your knowledge and allow you to skip the newbie stage. Scientist say anyone must spend 10,000 hrs to become an expert on a specific topic to become a self learned expert. We are confident we can speed you through the 10,000 hrs by sharing the needed knowledge for Youtube SEO. This course will have you ranking videos higher from the start.Learn from an Experienced Youtube Creator. We have over 32K subscribers on our Youtube channel currently and growing daily. If you want to check out my channel type in ""iPhonecaptain"" to find any of our 2000 videos available. Many instructors on here are trying to teach Youtube SEO when they only have a few subscribers themselves. Doesn't look like they know what they are talking about does it. I prefer to learn from the Creators who have mastered the techniques or have enough social proof or channel authority to show they are doing something right to gain subscribers."
Price: 19.99

"Business & Website Promotion 2018: SEO Tactics for Beginners" |
"What students can expect to learn: How To Rank Pages Better in Search Results on averageHow To Rank Sites on Googles First Page Learn the important factors in SEO optimizationLearn How To Optimize Title Keywords How to improve Search ranking resultsHow to acquire backlinks without getting penalized by Google How to use Google Webmaster Tool and other SEO tools Brief overview of how to use a Facebook Campaign for SEO How to get link juice from forum and blog commentsHow to rank Youtube videos to rank higherLearn Which Sites Help Improve SEO For BacklinkingLearn Where to use H1 TagsLearn Which Wordpress Plugins Improve SEOHow to submit Site Map to Google, Yahoo, and Bing for better SEOLearn How to optimize Meta Data for SEOThis course is for anyone needing help improving their search results both Google and Youtube. All White hat strategies. These tips will not get you penalized by Google.Are you tired of being buried in millions of links online in Search Results?Let me show you how to get recognized online without spending your bank account!!It's very possible with a few hours work and a bit of knowledge we can have you ranking much better. Regardless how good the content unless you know how to get it ranking higher it will never be seen.How to Rank #1 on Google and Youtube searches!!!Rank on Google Page #1Ranking Videos can be much easier in most cases. So we will show you that technique in this course too. It's not rocket science but it does require a few strategies applied the correct way.Once you start ranking higher you will have higher sales and much more Google Adsense revenue.Our course content is backed by a thirty day money back guarantee. What do you have to lose? You have only to gain."
Price: 19.99

"Build Online Courses 2018 on Sites like Udemy - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.GUARANTEED MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE ONLY TO GAIN!!!! JOIN NOW AND START MAKING THE INCOME YOU DESERVE......Updated April 27, 2016Are you tired of being broke? Who isn't!!!!!Become a successful Entrepreneur today. Build a Your Own Digital Business which earns money every month.Our Course shows in detail how to earn money on a consistent level everymonth. Not a GIMMICK, here today and gone tomorrow. This is no scheme but proven strategies I use today to make my living online. I have decided to teach others so they can enjoy the same freedoms.In this course, How To Become An Entrepreneur Earn $4K Monthly Using Our Tips, we teach you how to make money using ten different techniques from platforms to sell your products online to how to make money on Youtube with lots in between. This is one of the most informative courses on Udemy.This Course Will Teach Students:How to use Youtube to earn revenue Best Affiliate Programs for Earning Money Through Blogging How To Make Money Selling Video Courses Some of the best ways to get traffic How to build an Email List Learn to use Wordpress to Earn Money Blogging Tips for Using Wordpress How To Make Money Using Facebook CampaignsHow to sell your own info products to make money online with platforms such as Udemy, JVZoo, ClickBank, Affiliates, Blogging, Facebook Ads, and more. It's safe to say that out of all these Startups you are certain to fall in love with at least one startup or ways to make money from your home. Be your own Boss.Enroll in this course today to start earning money online. We share not just 5 ways but 10 ways to earn money online. We have made it simple to choose one of the options to start earning more money today.Added Bonus Materials:(Over $299 Value)Get 38 page E-Book which tells how to make money online.Plus get 11 Page E-Book which tells How To Speed Up Wordpress Site"
Price: 19.99

"Start an Online Business by Building a WordPress Blog 2018" |
"Build a Profitable Blog with Wordpress Easy To UnderstandTake advantage of our Free Wordpress Setup Offer. Get your Wordpress installed Free ($99 Value). This cost no more to have us do it. We use affiliate links to get paid. Learn how inside the course. In this course I share with you what has taken me over eight years to learn by myself. This is a great way to get a jump start to learn all the needed knowledge to go straight to the top and earn six figures per year blogging from home.Use this course to start your own money making blog or build your own business developing wordpress sites for others. Both are great ways to make a living being your own boss from home.These are the exact methods we use daily in our business which earns over $4K monthly.Learn Wordpress Strategies from Simple To Advanced. This could be your next job right at home. Use this knowledge to earn revenue many diufferenty ways. The choice will ultimately be yours.Let us take you from the beginning and teach you how to customize Wordpress to look the way you want it too. You aren't required to learn any coding skills, HTML or CSS. We teach this course. We are taking a No Code Approach. Learn to build Responsive WordPress Sites and Customize without coding skills.Students Will learn:Learn to build website using WordpressLearn to embed video in Pages or Post in WordpressLearn to add images to post/pagesLearn to add url link to imagesLearn How to install Wordpress on Host ProviderLearn how to change header image for logoLearn to customize layout of the pages using WordpressHow to add a Favicon to your siteHow to customize the sidebarHow To Change The Font and Font SizeLearn to add Social Media ""Share"" ButtonsLearn to add ""Contact Page""Learn all the important SEO FactorsLearn to setup MAMP for Wordpress Customizing LocallyLearn to use Firebug developer toolsLearn to add Google Maps in Footer or SidebarLearn how to add a ForumThe List continues to grow more each month as we keep the content fresh monthly. It's unbelievable just how much you will learn in this course. We are teaching this course exactly how we would want to learn Wordpress if we was learning from the beginning.In order to customize Wordpress to this extent without knowing code students will need to buy a couple extra items. One being Genesis Framework and a Child Theme of your choice from StudioPress. I am also recommending students buy the Styles for Genesis plugin. If you do a bit of research you will find out these are highly recommended by all developers. Please use the links inside to purchase the items needed. Our links are affiliate but will not cost you any extra. By using our links you are helping us keep the price of the course at a minimal plus we are offering the free Wordpress setup.Students will also be invited to join our private Facebook group where we answer any questions you have day or night. Are you confused how to setup Wordpress with a hosting company. Reach out to us on here and we will setup your site FREE of Charge. We only require you choose from 3 of our top recommended providers. What are you waiting for hit that enroll button.Bonus: Ebook titled, How to Speed Up Wordpress Site, at no extra charge."
Price: 19.99

"Udemy Instructor Tips for Courses 2018 - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.How To Be A Successful Instructor on Udemy. In this course we share all our strategies for being successful. I have been teaching for over 20 years and truly enjoy helping others. However, there are many different techniques needed for being successful on Udemy besides the ability to teach others. Students can expect:What to include in their instructor 'Profile""How to get quality audio and videoA Checklist of What to Include in Courses for SuccessUnderstand the SEO of UdemyHow to Optimize Course Titles and Descriptions for SEOHow To Use Facebook Groups for successImportance of Course ImageHow to price the CourseImportance of Bonus materialSuccessful Instructors on Udemy must be able to promote and market as well as teach others. There are many different strategies individuals must grasp in order to become a successful Udemy instructor. Thankfully, we have been somewhat successful during our few months at Udemy. I have been earning an income online for several years so that has help me more than anything.This course will help beginners and seasoned instructors just the same. Regardless, how good you think you are there are always something you can learn. I am learning new strategies everyday. So take some time to go through our course and I guarantee you will learn something you didn't know beforehand. Maybe even learn a great deal who knows. Feel free to let us know what you thought about the course in your review after you finish."
Price: 19.99

"Most Powerful Designer Tool For Earning Revenue" |
"Canva is a free graphic-design tool website. The company was founded January 1, 2012 in Australia. The website rapidly became popular, with more than 750,000 users in its first year alone. Social-media and technology expert Guy Kawasaki joined the company as chief evangelist in April 2014.Canva has an easy to use drag-and-drop interface and provides access to over a million photographs, graphics, and fonts. It is used by non-designers as well as professionals. The tools can be used for both web and print media design and graphics.Students can expect to learn:How to use Canva to design quality graphics to saleHow to update Facebook Cover Images, Twitter, Youtube Art, Instagram Cover, and moreHow to design an EBook Cover using Canva for Kindle and othersHow to use Canva on a daily basis as a Designer for earning revenueHow to design quality graphics for blog post imagesHow to design a Logo Header for quality SitesThe company has grown its user base to 2.3 million users over the course of the past 20 months. Over the last six months in particular, Canva's growth has been surging, with 65 percent of users signing up during the past six months.Canva's users are heavily engaged as well, having created 3.2 million designs in the last month alone, and are crafting new designs at a rate of one design every second. To give you an idea about what users are building with this service, this year alone, users have created 1,398,955 Facebook posts, 1,326,195 social media graphics, 1,023,789 posters, and 867,684 presentations."
Price: 19.99

"How To Play The Cajon: For Beginners" |
"This course is designed to help students learn to play the Cajon. This unique hand drum is fun and easy to play! How To Play The Cajon: For Beginners is a step by step course that will introduce you to the basic tones of this amazing instrument and provide you with a number of patterns and exercises for you to practice. Each video lecture will provide students with clear and easy to follow instructions. The learning process is gradual and each lesson builds upon the other. This course also includes an easy to read pdf of the exercises and patterns featured throughout the video in music notation form. Hand drumming is an easy and fun form of personal expression. Students will gain self confidence, improve concentration and relieve stress by taking this course!"
Price: 29.99
