"F5 101 Exam Preparation - Complete Course w/ Practice Exams" |
"Welcome to F5 101 Exam Preparation. This Exam is the first step to achieve F5 Certified BIG-IP AdministratorThis course will help you pass F5 101 Application Delivery Fundamentals Exam v13.1.1 (2020), this will also provides you a solid foundation in various areas of IT.F5 Certified BIG-IP Administrator is one of the top certifications in Networking and it also enables skills in Linux, Applications and Security.This 17 hour course will help you understand the underlying technologies running in our Data Center.This includes Networking, Linux, Security, Applications, and Proxy Services. This course is filled with Whiteboard discussions and Config Demonstration. This will help you better understand the concepts of Networking, Applications and Security. You will also be provided Practice Exams in every section to help you ACE the actual Exam.I am proud to be one of the few instructors in Udemy who records themselves during the course delivery. Whether I am presenting, whiteboarding or doing lab demonstration, you will always see me. I do this so that I will be more CONNECTED TO YOU."
Price: 59.99

"Learn Microneedling" |
"In this theoretical and practical training program, we will cover things like: What is Microneedling, The Benefits of Microneedling and how it works, Basic Understanding of the Skin, How Microneedling is performed, Needling Serums, Aftercare, and much more.The theoretical section of the course will further be explained and supported by practical video instructions. This unique training program will equip you with all the information, practical step-by-step guides and instructions that will enable you to become a qualified professional microneedling practitioner.This course not only teaches you to perform microneedling for your own skins benefit, but could also be an excellent business opportunity that require minimum capital to setup. You can setup your own salon; work from home; or complement your existing beauty services with microneedling."
Price: 29.99

"Tips de Administracin SAP Netweaver [BASIS]" |
"Enhorabuena! Si ests en esta pgina es porque ests considerando aprender ms del sistema SAP. Incluso puede que ests considerando cambiar de trabajo para dejar de ser slo un usuario y convertirte en un administrador con todos los beneficios y retos que eso implica y aunque pudiera parecer un reto enorme nosotros hemos creado este curso con la mayor dedicacin para que tu aprendizaje sea ptimo.Aprende Administracin SAP con este curso 30% terico y 70% prctico, en l desarrollar muchos de los Tips de administracin mas utilizados, todo paso a paso para una mejor comprensin!!!"
Price: 99.99

learn-english-within-30-days |
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Price: 1280.00

"ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Practice Test - 2020" |
"Are you prepared to pass the ISTQB Foundation Level - Agile Extension accreditation test? Discover by testing yourself with these training tests. The training tests give a whole test of inquiries, empowering you to affirm your authority and furnishing you with the certainty you'll have to take your last ISTQB Foundation Level Agile Extension confirmation test. The training tests are planned, so you'll realize when you're taking additional time than the ISTQB permits, and toward the finish of the test, you'll get an individual breakdown of the inquiries you addressed effectively and erroneously to help you constantly improve. You'll likewise have the option to see a clarification for each question toward the finish of the test to assist you with abstaining from committing similar errors when taking the test. You can return and retake the training test the same number of times as you wish. On the off chance that you have to leave during the training test, or conclude that you need to chip away at something different, the component will consequently delay the test and the test's clock. Along these lines, when you're prepared to come back to the training test you can continue the last known point of interest! It is suggested that you take practice tests when you are finished with your affirmation test arrangement. The training test is simply to evaluate your insight and ought not be taken because of the genuine test."
Price: 19.99

"Knife Self Defence Course - Ultimate Urban Survival" |
"Krav maga and self defence extensive course providing you with the urban solution to survival. Knife attacks are becoming more common place now and we hope to provide as many people as possible the skills to survive in the event of a knife attack and the last option is to fight for you life. Watch out for our medical lessons if you do get injured through the engagement."
Price: 44.99

"Course on Foundation Engineering" |
"The course on foundation engineering includes bearing capacity calculation based on laboratory and field test results, settlement analysis of shallow foundation and load carrying capacity of deep foundation (i.e. Pile Foundation). The course content is clipped in small clips of 15-20 minutes for quick reference and ease for understanding. It covers majority of the topics included in UG level curriculum, and at the same time it can be an handy tools for PG students and working professionals."
Price: 1600.00

"20 job search tips for 2020" |
"Hi and welcome!If you are a student, graduate or career switcher with under 3 years of experience seeking competitive insights on thriving in your first job search, then you are in the right place.In this short course, I will go through the 10 most frequently asked questions about the graduate market in the United Kingdom and United Sates and will provide you with actionable answers. We will also do a little check in with yourself, to make sure that you are in the most powerful mindset, are focusing your attention in the right places and that you are following the proven 5 steps to success. By the end of this course, you will have a strong understanding of what the recruiters are expecting from you, how to market yourself better to attract opportunities to you and how to network with the people that could bring you closer to landing your dream job."
Price: 74.99

"Paso a paso para el emprendedor exitoso." |
"Este curso permite a cualquier emprendedor tomar su idea de negocios considerando todos aquellos fundamentales para el xito del emprendimiento. Con el se espera que los estudiantes puedan definir:La oportunidad de negocioEl Modelo de Negocio (Canva)El Plan de NegocioTodo de una manera sencilla y comprensible, en 10 mdulos especficos, acompaados con actividades que ayudarn al emprendedor a visualizar efectivamente su negocio."
Price: 34.99

phvqecld |
Price: 15000.00

"Microsoft Teams for Education: A Guide for Teachers & Staff" |
"At Competitive Computing Consultants, we have brought our training expertise to Microsoft Teams for Education to help you through this new and exciting journey.This series focuses on the unique tools created specifically for schoolroom learning, including collaborative classroom spaces, professional learning communities and staff workspaces. We can help educators save time by understanding the Assignments and Quizzes feature in Teams for Education. How to use a Class notebook to distribute content to students quickly and easily, and how to engage parents and guardians by sharing student work or meet in virtual meeting spaces. Teams for Education allows teachers the ability to stay connected to their classroom and their students from any location globally, on any device they have on hand, anytime they need it. Learn how to communicate, collaborate and work effectively and efficiently using Microsoft Teams for Education. Whether you are working with others, or on your own, Microsoft Teams allows you to stay connected with your students, colleagues, parents, and guardians from a centralized Collaboration Hub.Please note before getting started with this course, you should have an understanding of Microsoft Teams fundamentals, which you can learn from our original Microsoft Team's for Business Users Course.This course will focus on the features that help you run an effective and welcoming virtual classroom experience.Section 1: Introduction to Teams for EducationSection 2: The Teams WorkspacesSection 3: The Class NotebookSection 4: The Virtual ClassroomSection 5: AssignmentsSection 6: QuizzesSection 7: Managing Students GradesSection 8: Managing Your ClassroomSection 9: Conclusion"
Price: 79.99

"Design de Personagens Completo do Zero - 5 Cursos em 1" |
"Voc j parou para pensar que Personagens so a alma de qualquer histria bem construda? Seja um vilo que mesmo com atitudes duvidosas capaz de nos cativar, ou um heri que nos inspira com seus ideias, todos eles tem algo em comum. Foram criados e pensados por algum justamente com essa inteno.Nesse curso voc vai aprender a criar suas prprias personagens do zero. No vamos abordar apenas desenho por aqui, vamos entender como relacion-lo com histria, personalidade e tambm um bom uso de cores, sempre com o objetivo de fazer sua criao ser a mais interessante possvel."
Price: 129.99

"En este curso te ayudare a comprender, analizar y gestionar tus emociones de manera aplicada, en donde obtendrs herramientas concretas para que puedas fortalecer tu Inteligencia Emocional y as poder enfrentar de manera efectiva los complejos escenarios a los que estamos desafiados como sociedad, familia y como seres humanos. Abordaremos diversas metodologas practicas y que puedes aplicar en tu da a da, que te podrn ayudar a fortalecerte emocionalmente.Algunas de las herramientas que conocers y que podrs poner en practica en este curso son: - Anlisis de contextos emocionales.- Preguntas poderosas del coaching para analizar la realidad.- Mindfulness - Alba Emoting- Manejo de la respiracin y el cuerpo.- Primeros auxilios psicolgicos- Entre otras."
Price: 19.99

"Gmail Automatico" |
"SCOPRI COME AUTOMATIZZARE E POTENZIARE ALL'INFINITO LA TUA CASELLA DI POSTA ELETTRONICA MADE BY GOOGLE.IL CORSO CHE FA PER TE PERCH LA RISPOSTA A: Come posso guadagnare tempo grazie alle integrazioni e alle automazioni di Gmail? Come posso essere produttivo ogni giorno grazie alla mia casella di posta elettronica? Come posso smettere di saltare da un programma all'altro senza perdere informazioni preziose?"
Price: 19.99

"Compassionate Mind: Compassionate Focused Therapy" |
"Have you ever felt emotional suffering? Or do you wish to improve your psychological wellbeing? I would like to welcome to this course and congratulate you for taking the first step to learning about compassionate mind. In this course, we will discuss compassionate focused therapy from which compassionate mind stems. I will take you through a journey of considering what is compassionate mind, the psychological and neurological benefits of compassionate mind, as well as its practice. We will discuss how through compassionate mind we can be relieved of emotional suffering and improve psychological wellbeing.This course is useful for people who want to learn about compassionate from an educational standpoint, people who have experienced mental health problems and / or people who have loved ones who struggle with their mental health and wish to take on a compassionate approach. With this course, as all of my other courses, I hope that we can enter with an open mind, embracing loving kindness as well as holding a compassionate position so we can better understand mental health difficulties and support ourselves to live better lives."
Price: 199.99

"Job Interview Skills : 10 Interview Mistakes taught by a CEO" |
"When it comes to securing a job , the process starts with the Job Interview.... It is Your First Encounter with the potential employer and You should leave the best impression and avoid critical Mistakes. This Course will equip you with 10 Mistakes that reduce the success rate of the Job interview and Could potentially Ruin the Candidacy even if the Applicant is the best fit for the job.You will learn how to avoid these mistakes in specific situations such that you increase the success rate of job application and leverage your profile compared to other Candidates.The Course is Taught by a professional in the field with vast experience spanning over multiple industries such as Engineering , Construction , Oil & Gas , Education and Fitness such that you are provided with quality information and expertise that will surely make a difference in your career development process and Hopefully it will help you Secure your Next Job Application !"
Price: 199.99

"Reading Angel and Oracle Cards (reading for others)" |
"There is nothing more beautiful, more satisfying, more fulfilling than taking your gift, your skill, and sharing it with the world.Now that you have built a solid foundation on which you can confidently and assuredly interpret the messages and advice that the angelic and spiritual realm are sending you through your angel and/or oracle cards, for your own personal guidance, you can, through this course, learn how to take those same beautiful and reassuring messages and guidance out to others, including paying clients.Remove any fear or panic around getting stuck during a client reading because your mind goes blank. Eradicate any doubt you may have in your intuition by strengthening it through a variety of methods. Eliminate the pressure of choosing the right card spread for your client through building up a library of spreads that you can easily and confidently turn to as and when needed. Enhance your confidence so you choose which clients you wish to read for, rather than being open to anyone who crosses your path, whether theyre a fit or not. Increase your self-worth and self-esteem so you feel at ease in asking for payment in exchange for your skill.This course is an intermediate course for anyone who has already developed the skill and confidence to fluidly read angel and/or oracle cards for themselves, personally, using their intuition and without having to turn to the accompanying guidebook for support.Well start by developing your reading skills even further, taking them to a higher level, through the concept of positioning, before moving on to enhance, deepen and strengthen your natural intuitive abilities through a variety of practical methods. Through the application of multiple card spreads, youll create a library of spreads you can offer your clients, through whichever style of reading you may choose. And with the addition of practical advice and guidance on how, where, when and who to offer readings for, by the end of the this course youll be all set to take angel and oracle card reading out to the wider world.With the aid of in-depth guidance, practical exercises, and even a subliminal recording designed to enhance your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth, your knowledge and faith in your abilities will grow until you feel comfortable and confident offering angel and/or oracle card readings professionally.I shall teach you how I interpret the messages the angelic and spiritual realm invite me to pass on to clients using a variety of card-spreads and a variety of reading types, and how I have enhanced my connection with the angelic and spiritual realm through developing and strengthening my intuition, so, by the end of this course, you'll feel confident and assured in taking your gift out to improve the lives of the clients you choose to serve through the guidance and messages you receive through your cards.The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself is in the service of others ~ Mahatma Gandhi.I, the angels and your spirit team, are looking forward to walking this beautiful and uplifting journey with you.Viv xx"
Price: 149.99

"Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Marketing Cloud Administrator credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam. We guarantee a 100% success ratio for the SFMC Administrator Certification.The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator program is designed for administrators who can configure Marketing Cloud products utilizing industry and product best practices. Candidates are generally familiar with data structure in subscriber data management and can thoroughly navigate Setup. Certified Marketing Cloud Administrators can successfully troubleshoot account configuration and user requests."
Price: 2240.00

"CompTIA Linux LX0-102 Certification Part 2 Practice Exam" |
"119 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA Linux LX0-102 Certification Part 2 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA Linux LX0-102 Certification Part 2 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 119Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (89 of 119)"
Price: 144.99

"Ney Eitimi 2. modl" |
"Bu eitim Ney ilk modl alan renciler ve Ney saznda belirli bir noktaya gelebilmi renciler iin dzenlenmitir. Bu be derslik eitim sana notaya daha yatkn olma, Ses sistemlerini tanma ve notadaki her detay inceleyip bilgi sahibi olma becerilerini kazandracak. Neyzen olma noktasnda olduka nemli bir adm atlm olunacak. Dersimiz Perev ve Saz Semai gibi Klasik Muskimizin szsz eserlerini renerek Ney icra eklimizi daha ok pekitirme eitimleriyle srecek."
Price: 34.99

"Learn React in 21 days - beginners" |
"This course is designed in such a way that In this course you will be learning how to build a website or web app using React js. We also explore various other concepts like npm, components , state-props etc.Initially we woud learn some basic javascript concepts then proceed to understand some interesting addons like pachage installation how to learn a live server and etc..."
Price: 1600.00

"IBM C2040-986 Creating IBM Notes Domino Applications Exam" |
"164 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM C2040-986 Creating IBM Notes Domino Applications ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM C2040-986 Creating IBM Notes Domino Applications ExamTotal Questions : 164Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (123 of 164)"
Price: 159.99

"CompTIA Security + SY0-301 Certified Practice Test" |
"261 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA Security + SY0-301 Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA Security + SY0-301 Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 261Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (195 of 261)"
Price: 154.99

"156-115 Check Point Certified Security Master Practice Exam" |
"225 UNIQUE practice questions for 156-115 Check Point Certified Security Master Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156-115 Check Point Certified Security Master Practice ExamTotal Questions : 225Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (168 of 225)"
Price: 169.99

"TE0-126 Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture Practice Test" |
"134 UNIQUE practice questions for TE0-126 Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TE0-126 Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture Practice TestTotal Questions : 134Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : 75 (100 of 134)"
Price: 144.99

"Nutrition for Life - Things you Need to Know" |
"Through experimentation and research on effective ways to incorporate intermittent lifestyle into my life. Youll learn facts and myths I use and that you can incorporate into your workflow to save you hours of time and give you more control over your weight loss and more importantly managing the weight loss.In this class youll learn:Macros and Its Role in our BodyObesity Is Always and Everywhere an Insulin PhenomenonThe Problem with Processed FoodWhat is Intermittent Fasting? History and Practical Use in Daily lifeTypes of IF and its applicationHealth Benefits of IF and Powerful Weight Loss ToolHow to Start Losing Weight? Couple of important things to Do as BeginnerBonus Lesson***You will find these simple and yet effective techniques easy to use and apply to get your ideal body weight range!"
Price: 19.99

"The Basic Elements of Design" |
"Do you ever struggle to make a design work even after learning all the software?Designing is a vast field, but the good news is that the main and the most basic knowledge is contained within the elements of design.Just the way cells are elementary units of our body, the same way are the elements of design. These elements are not any formulas or rules and regulations but in fact its all about the game of our minds. There is an outstanding psychology lying behind design making. Within this course, you'll see how our brain is the master behind every artwork created and behind every element that constitute in making an outstanding artwork."
Price: 1280.00

workstyle |
"IT20181468 AirbnbAnyca1."
Price: 9600.00

"Portugus em casa: sua bssola do bilinguismo" |
"Este curso est pensado para os pais ou mes que moram fora do Brasil e desejam que seu filho ou filha saiba portugus.Antes de aplicar dicas prticas de como fazer seu filho falar mais portugus, preciso saber onde voc deseja chegar nessa aventura de transmitir sua lngua e educar uma criana bilngue e aqui voc encontra uma bssola.""Portugus em casa: sua bssola do bilinguismo"" est pensado para que os pais e mes entendam melhor, a partir de videoaulas, leituras e exerccios, como o processo da criana de aprender portugus como lngua de herana e possam traar expectativas realistas.Voc vai: Conhecer melhor as especificidades de quem aprende portugus em contato com outra lngua;Aprofundar o que entende por ""bilinguismo"";Entender o impacto das relaes afetivas no aprendizado de uma lngua;Refletir sobre os prprios usos e conhecimentos de cada lngua que sabe para entender melhor os processos vividos por seu filho ou filha;Avaliar as habilidades de seu filho em portugus hoje e definir como deseja que elas se desenvolvam.Ao final do curso, voc ter muito mais clareza sobre o que importante para sua famlia ao longo do processo de ensinar portugus em casa e conhecer melhor suas prprias expectativas.Com isso, o processo de transmitir o portugus como lngua de herana ser mais prazeroso e satisfatrio para todas as partes envolvidas."
Price: 19.99

"Brush Calligraphy for beginners" |
"Brush Calligraphy is a modern form of calligraphy. In this style of calligraphy, you dont need to have a good handwriting. As it requires right techniques followed by a lot of practice and patience. It is also based on the art of applying the right amount of pressure. Each stroke is created separately by lifting the pen. Calligraphy with brush pens is very fun and relaxing.In this Course I take you through from all the basic information right from holding a pen to how to create beautiful letters. You will also learn about brush calligraphy, its techniques, how to form letters and create beautiful written letters in calligraphy using a brush pen. Once you learn the art of brush calligraphy you will develop your own unique style. Remember this is just the beginning. Your Passion, Patience and Perseverance will lead creating beautiful letters."
Price: 1920.00

"Excel para principiantes" |
"En este curso encontraras las herramientas necesarias para aprender a utilizar de manera correcta la Hoja Electrnica, este curso se diferencia de otros porque doy una gran importancia a la forma correcta de estructurar la informacin de tus archivos. Aprenderemos la importancia de usar esta herramienta de manera correcta, que que desde la base de informacin bien estructurada logramos generar informes aprovechando todas las funciones que este herramienta nos ofrece."
Price: 19.99
