"Meditation Made Simple Masterclass" |
"Meditation Made Simple MasterclassJoin Mitch Asser and guest instructors as they give you the tools needed to support and help you make meditation become a normal part of your daily ritual.When you invest in this online course you'll be given:Lifetime access to this meditation programBonus interviews with 5 of the worlds up and coming meditation teachersA captivating challenge to take your meditation to the next levelGuided meditations to help you get started on the right pathComplete on-going support to help you navigate any obstacles you might find on your pathVIP invitations to new future online meditation events and challengesBonus videos from different meditation challenges I have hosted This online meditation master class will help create a supportive network of like-minded people on the same path to help us engrain our meditation practises into our daily lives.Who is this for?- anyone who wants to learn to meditate- anyone who doesn't know what to do when meditating- anyone who has tried meditation before but couldn't make it a habit- anyone curious about learning more about meditation- anyone who is ready to turn inwards and learn as much as they can about themselves- anyone who wants to feel happy, fulfilment, focus, clarity and purpose for life!What if you already meditate?Please also join in and help support those who are just beginning! Your wisdom, knowledge, support and energy with meditation will be exactly what we need to do amazing things in our lifetime. This is a community, not just an online course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people begin meditation for different reasons. The truth is, meditation helps for all reasons. Many people get in to meditation out of desperation to find more clarity, to quieten the mind, to get more focus, for more energy, to sleep less and for very specific things like to help in the aid of being able to overcome certain things like the ability to have a baby. Meditation is your ability to connect inwards. Many people have the perceived idea that meditation is about turning your mind off completely. As you continue to meditate more and more, this can happen at certain times. However for the most part, you will be connecting inwards. The ability to connect within and deal with what comes up is something that many people choose to ignore. It can be confronting. The more you do it, the more things change externally for you. There are many different styles of meditation like vedic, vipassana, mantra, ohm and many more. Let me tell you what the best meditation practice is. The best meditation practice is the one that you do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What happens next? Once you complete this meditaition course in its entirety, Mitch will have a much larger challenge for you to complete. It is a huge challenge for him personally, it would be awesome to have you take it on and really make long lasting change. You have a 30-day refund period, so in the highly unlikely chance you do not completely love the course, you will get a full refund. Therefore it is completely risk free for you to complete this course!So join in to this highly anticipated online course and you will get an invite to the next event once it is over!"
Price: 79.99

"Complete introduction to ZBrush: Volume 1. Your first start." |
"This entire "Complete introduction to ZBrush" training course is separated on Volumes and would be perfect for all people who wish to start learn 3D sculpting and who wants discover amazing world of ZBrush.At Volume 1 students will discover how to use ZBrush, how to navigate inside this amazing software, how to work with mesh and polygons. This course has straightforward structure and student step by step would learn how to start working inside ZBrush."
Price: 19.99

"Freelancing for Artists: How to Build Your Business" |
"During two hours, I will explain You, how You may start working out of Your home. I will share my experience with You and on different examples will show You how You may start Your freelance career and how I did it.At the end of this course students will be able to start their freelance profile at different freelance platforms, and to earn money on each of described platform.Course designed in easy and comprehensive way, that's why You would be able to explore entire from start to finish process of freelancing.At this entire training course I will show information that would be useful and for 2D artists and for 3D artists, and for artists who works with sound, video, writing, programing and other creative spheres..."
Price: 29.99

"Email Marketing using GetResponse - Your Step-By-Step Guide" |
"For every $1 you spend on Email Marketing you get back $43 - according to Direct Marketing AssocitionYou must take this course if you are planning to start email marketing and are looking for reliable tool which will help you maintain and automate all the email marketing processes.I have been using Email Marketing for all my Ventures and it has helped me to build a relationship with my Customers. These relationships help me get more business and sales.GetResponse is one of the popular tools for Email Marketing and has been recommended by many of the top Internet Marketeers.In this course you will learn How to Handle all the requirements of Email Marketing using GetResponseIn few steps you will be sowing the seed on which you can build a list of even 10,000+ and still you will not have do much extra."
Price: 19.99

"Swift 2 - Mastering TableView for Mac OSX Apps" |
"The TableView is most user friendly way of showing any reports or stats. This course will help you understand the TableView in detail and utilise it to maximum.I will show you how to:write code to add different type of columns with controls and images.take appropriate actions like editing data.delete a row.use checkboxes to select only few rows for action by the user.show images in the columns.Although these are very minor things from user perspective, but it takes lot of effort to implement. In the process it takes your app to next level.You will also be able to download the complete source code at the end of each section. This will help you to develop the app side by side along with me. So by the time you finish the course you would have developed the app your self on your own computer.If you're ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button."
Price: 19.99

"Swift 2 - Complex Cell TableView for Mac OSX Apps" |
"Have you ever thought how to show data in nicely aligned and arranged way using TableView. Here comes the Complex Cell Tableview. Completely redefining the way you show data in a Table. It gives you full control on the arrangement of components in the row.This course will help you understand the Complex Cell TableView in detail and utilise it to maximum.I will show you how to:How to create a project and add controllers to it.Write code to add a complex cell column with controls and images.Write Action Handlers for buttons which take actions such as adding,removing and editing data to the Complex Cell TableView.Although these are very minor things from user perspective, but it takes lot of effort to implement. In the process it takes your app to next level.You will also be able to download the complete source code just after each lecture.This will help you to develop the app side by side along with me. So by the time you finish the course you would have developed the app your self on your own computer.You should take this course if :You are planning to develop and app for mac app store.You want to develop a fancy tableview instead of the dull column based tableview.You want to learn swift with hands on exercises.You want to download the completed source codes after each and every lecture.You want to learn how to code for complex cell tableview.You want to get started with xcode from scratch.If you're ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button."
Price: 24.99

"How to Start a Podcast - Podcasting Made Easy" |
"Learn to Podcast with a Podcasting Pioneer and Host/Executive Producer of over 40 different Podcasts! Everything you need to get started and a lot more... ****Course Up To Date As Of September 3rd, 2020. New Lectures Added, #54 Submit to Spotify, #35 The Blue Yeti Microphone, #42 Add Your Podcast to Google Play and Android Phones, and Lecture #71: Bonus Lecture: Done For You Podcasting and Write a Bestseller at the Same Time)****New lecture: #65 - How to run a Podcast Producing business!PLUS: How to Start a Podcast with LibSyn!Liberated Syndication (libsyn) pioneered the system to host and publish podcasts in 2004. And since then has grown to the largest leading network with over 2.6 billion downloads in 2014. Libsyn hosts over 25,000 shows with 44 million monthly audience members.JOIN OVER 32,702+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN THIS COURSE AND ARE LEARNING DIRECTLY FROM THE ONE AND ONLY DEAN OF BLOGONOMICS AND PODOLOGY, SCOTT PATON! Discover how to make a Podcast - Fast, Easy and FUN! Join over 32,000 students using Power Podcasting to position themselves as THE Expert, build relationships, grow their influence, increase sales, and change the world. What is a Podcast? It is audio or video shows, that when you subscribe to them, are automatically updated on your Computer, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and/or iPods. Think of them as free radio or TV shows which you deliver Spam-Free! directly to your audience every time you produce one.Podcasting is bigger than you think. When we survey people who listen to free, commercial-free audio Podcasts at least once a month: we discover an interesting fact: Online Radio beats AM/FM Radio, streaming audio, CD's, TV Music channels, & Sirius! ""Power Podcasting Rocks!"" ""Scott is friendly and easy to follow. He clearly knows his stuff. All the tools are here, and laid out in easy way. I think it is a great course! I was shocked at how popular this is. Great marketing tool that I overlooked. Great education."" ~ Dan Kobelt If you look at the number of people listening to these free shows monthly, they are as popular as Twitter with 39 mIllion listeners, even if it doesn't get the same 'Love'. But instead of communicating in impersonal 150 character Tweets, with Power Podcasting, you get right into the head of your target market for as long as they let you. They are portable and because of this, they are more personal. Imagine whispering into the ears of your ideal customers every week... building strong relationships, trust and connections. But instead of One-to-One, Power Podcasting is One-to-Many! Our students know that Podcasting is relationship building in the sales process, and not the time to go for the hard close. These listeners are higher income earners. They listen daily to an hour and forty minutes more audio than the average American consumer. They are dedicated to continual learning, so just imagine what happens when your show is available on new cars all over the world... Power Podcasting ""allows you to convey your personality in a much stronger way than is possible through the written word. That clarity in your message is seen and felt through your actions (on video) and the tone of your voice..."" according to Chris Ducker, Author of #1 Bestseller 'Virtual Freedom'. When you claim your seat in this course, you'll have permanent online access to watch the course 24/7, and there's a Q&A discussion section in each lecture, where you can post questions - and I'll answer them personally! By following the short, simple, easy-to-follow lectures, you will be able to work through the process of setting up your show and publishing your first episode quickly. The course was designed to accomplish one goal: Start a Podcast as fast as possible. I recommend watching the first 6 sections in their entirety. There are PDF workbooks included for you to use to clarify your topic, title, descriptions, intro and extros. For 'Type A' personalities, there is a ""Fast Track"" Lecture (Section One, Lecture #6), in which if you already have a finished MP3 or MP4 file, reveals which lectures to watch so that after following only 33 minutes of video, you will have your show live and into iTunes. In other words, you can be up and running in under an hour. The technical processes of are only one aspect of successful Podcasting. Walk through real life examples of producing a live show, discover how to use your voice effectively to move your audience, uncover how to repurpose content for your podcast that you may already be doing, and how to do it FAST! Power Podcasting ""will grow your email list, your audience, your influence and your bank account."" Amy Porterfield of ""Tweet This"" and former Social Media Maven for social media for the likes of Harley Davidson & Tony Robbins. Podcasts are growing rapidly, and thanks to CarPlay, Google Play and Apps, continue strong growth for years to come. It is just past the 'Early Adopter' stage and has huge potential moving forward. Don't miss out on the low-competition, high-demand opportunities that your fellow Power Podcasters are enjoying. ""Great content that kept my attention"" ""Scott is obviously very knowledgeable, experienced and shares great content. I am a beginner and he has inspired me to believe that even I can do this. Also, I find some of the other courses very boring and they lose me. This one doesn't. Scott makes it entertaining, easy and fun to learn."" ~ Marion Baker "
Price: 199.99

"Aprende Cmo Hacer El Mejor Podcast y Con Hosting" |
"Actualizado el 13 de Octubre (mi cumpleaos!), 2015.NETE A LOS 4000+ ESTUDIANTES EXITOSOS QUE HAN HECHO ESTE CURSO Y ESTN APRENDIENDO DIRECTAMENTE DEL NICO DECADO DE BLOGONOMICS AND PODOLOGY!Descubre cmo hacer un Podcast Rpido, Fcil y con el mejor Instructor de Podcast que puedas encontrar! Forma parte del grupo de estudiantes exitosos que estn aprendiendo y usando Power Podcast para posicionarse como EXPERTOS, construyendo relaciones, incrementando su influencia, aumentando sus ventas y cambiando el mundo.Qu es un Podcast? Es un programa en audio o video que cuando te suscribes en ellos, se actualizan automticamente en tu Computadora, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets y/o iPods. Considralos como programas en la radio en la TV que pueden enviar Libre de Spam y directamente a tu audiencia cada vez que produzcas uno.Podcast es mucho ms grande de lo que crees. Cuando entrevistamos a la gente que escucha Podcast-Audios al menos una vez al mes, descubrimos un HECHO del Power Podcast: Los Podcasts le ganan por mega millas a la Radio AM/FM, a los canales continuos de audio, CDs y de msica en la TV y Sirius!!!""Power Podcasting Rocks!""""Scott es amigable y muy fcil de seguir. Es obvio que conoce bien sobre Podcasting. Todas las herramientas estn aqu y expuestas de una manera sencilla. Considero que este es un curso excelente! Me qued asombrado de lo popular que es el Podcast. Es una extraordinaria herramienta de mercadeo que pas por alto. Excelente educacin. ~ Dan KobeltSi te dieras cuenta del nmero de personas que escuchan Podcasts mensualmente! Los Podcasts son tan populares como Twitter con ms de 39 millones de escuchas, pero en vez de comunicarte de manera impersonal con 150 caracteres por twitter, con Power Podcasting llegas directamente a la cabeza de tu nicho de mercadeo por tanto tiempo como tu audiencia te lo permita.Los Podcasts son porttiles y por ello, son ms personales. Imagnate susurrando al odo de tu cliente ideal cada semana construyendo slidas relaciones, confianza e interconexin. Pero en vez de un Uno-a-Uno, Power Podcasting es Uno-a-Muchos. Las personas que hacen Power Podcast (PowerPocasters) saben que el Podcasting construye relaciones en el proceso de ventas, conducindolo a cerrar una venta exitosamente.Los escuchas de Podcasts son personas con niveles salariales ms altos. Escuchan diariamente como una hora y cuarenta minutos ms audio que el promedio de clientes norteamericanos. Se dedican al aprendizaje continuo, as que imagnate lo que sucedera cuando tu Podcast est al aire y disponible en los nuevos autos en todo el mundo!De acuerdo a Chris Ducker, Autor del #1 Bestseller 'Libertad Virtual',Power Podcasting te permite expresar tu personalidad de una manera mucho ms potente de lo que es posible con simples palabras en un documento escrito. La claridad en el mensaje que transmites es percibida y sentida a travs de tus acciones (en video) y de tu tono de voz Cuando obtienes tu puesto en el curso de Power Podcasters, tendrs acceso permanente al mismo online para verlo 24/7, y consigues una seccin de discusiones con Preguntas y Respuestas sobre cada leccin, en la que puedes colocar tus propias preguntas, dudas y comentarios - Yo las respondo personalmente!Al realizar y completar cada leccin sencillamente explicada, podrs trabajar con el proceso de crear tu propio Podcast y publicar tu primer episodio rpidamente. Este curso ha sido diseado para cumplir una meta: Hacer de ti un Power Podcaster tan rpido como sea posible! Te recomiendo que veas las primeras 6 secciones por completo. Encontrars Hojas de Trabajo en PDF que han sido incluidas para ti y que puedes usar para clarificar tu tema, ttulo, descripcin, intros y extros de tu Podcast.Para las personalidades Tipo A hay una Leccin Pista Rpida (Seccin 1, Leccin #6), en la cual t ya has terminado tu archivo MP3 o MP4, y te indica cules lecciones debes ver para que despus de ver 33 minutos de video tengas tu Podcast en vivo en iTunes. En otras palabras, Tu Podcast puede estar rodando en menos de una hora. Los procesos tcnicos del Power Podcasting son slo un aspecto del Podcasting exitoso. Camina conmigo por algunos ejemplos reales de la vida en la produccin de un Podcast, descubre cmo usar tu voz efectivamente para mover a tu audiencia, descubre cmo dar propsito a tu contenido para que el Podcast que quiz ya ests haciendo, se enriquezca y puedas terminarlo con mayor prontitud y efectivamente.Power Podcasting har crecer tu lista de emails, tu audiencia, tu influencia y tu cuenta bancaria; as dijo Amy Porterfield de ""Tweet This"" y quien ha sido la Gerente de Medios Sociales para Harley Davidson y Tony RobbinsEl Podcasting est creciendo con suma rapidez y gracias a CarPlay y al Podcast Apps, continuar creciendo en los aos venideros. Apenas acaba de pasar su primera fase y posee un enorme potencial cuyo movimiento hacia el futuro no lo para nada ni nadie!No te quedes fuera de esta ola de baja-competencia y oportunidades de alta-demanda que tus colegas Podcasters ya estn disfrutando. ""Excelente contenido que mantuvo mi atencin alerta"" ""Es obvio que Scott posee in gran conocimiento y experiencia en el tema y los comparte con simpleza. Soy un novato y l me ha inspirado a creer que hasta yo puedo hacer esto! Otros cursos me aburren y me pierdo, pero esto no. Scott lo hace entretenido, fcil y divertido de aprender ~ Marion Baker"
Price: 19.99

"EFT For Parents of Children Who Pull Hair & Pick Skin" |
"For parents of children suffering with Trichotillomania or Dermatillomania. When you see your child pulling their hair or picking at their skin, obviously in distress, many feelings rise up: anger, sadness, guilt to name a few.Often these emotions block parents from really being present and effective in helping and supporting their child. Joan Kaylor brings her decades of experience to help parents deal with their ineffective, often harmful, reactions to their child's destructive behaviors. She uses her skills in EFT to help parents deal with their unsupportive behaviors so that they can be more effective helping their child move forward into a healthier life.Note: This course is about helping parents with their distress regarding their children. This is NOT a course about how to stop pulling and picking. There is another course teaching Emotional Freedom Techniques for pulling and picking. Joan Kaylor stopped pulling out her hair in 1989. She has been helping children, teens and adults stop pulling hair and picking skin since 1994 when she became a professional counselor. Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania are body focused repetitive behaviors. They regulate emotions and help to soothe when we are upset, overwhelmed, bored or stressed. Joan considers pulling and picking to be addictions. The treatment is completely difference from obsessive compulsive disorders. Healing from an addiction is work. It can be done. In this course, Joan will teach you strategies to let go of the urges and counseling for the shame and depression and family stress that come with Trich and picking. Joan Kaylor has treated 1000's of individuals, parents and families with Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania.There is lots of hope and through EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Joan will take you through a gentle process to relieve your emotional charges so that you can respond more effectively.Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania Trichotillomania (trick-o-til-o-MAY-nee-ah) is a disorder that causes people to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic area, underarms, beard, chest, legs or other parts of the body, resulting in noticeable bald patches. Hair pulling varies greatly in its severity, location on the body, and response to treatment. For some people, at some times, Trichotillomania is mild and can be quelled with a bit of extra awareness and concentration. For others, at times the urge may be so strong that it makes thinking of anything else nearly impossible.Skin Picking Disorder (also known as Excoriation Disorder or SPD) is a serious and poorly understood problem. People who suffer from SPD repetitively touch, rub, scratch, pick at, or dig into their skin, often in an attempt to remove small irregularities or perceived imperfections. This behavior may result in skin discoloration or scarring. In more serious cases, severe tissue damage and visible disfigurement can result.Trichotillomania may affect as much as 4% of the population. Women are four times more likely to be affected than men. Symptoms usually begin before age 17. The hair may come out in round patches or across the scalp. The effect is an uneven appearance. The person may pluck other hairy areas, such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, or body hair.These symptoms are usually seen in children:An uneven appearance to the hairBare patches or all around (diffuse) loss of hairBowel blockage (obstruction) if people eat the hair they pull outConstant tugging, pulling, or twisting of hairDenying the hair pullingHair regrowth that feels like stubble in the bare spotsIncreasing sense of tension before the hair pullingOther self-injury behaviorsSense of relief, pleasure, or gratification after the hair pullingMost people with this disorder also have problems with:Feeling sad or depressedAnxietyPoor self image"
Price: 19.99

"Podcast Host Masterclass" |
"Up to Date as of October, 2015.Podcasting is booming! There has never been a better time to get 'On the Air'. Low start up costs and the massive improvements in electronics and technology means that if you can talk, are passionate and know something about your topic, you can host your very own show.Fame and Fortune await, if you know how to run your show professionally.From one of our students:""Thanks for the shout out Martin, or should I say thanks for the endorsement smile emoticon We went from 25k downloads of our show a month to 50k in 9 months using your suggestions and your training was very concise and easy to understand. This series has got me all jazzed again look out here we go again.""No prior experience or formal broadcast education is required to be a talk show host or produce your own show. Anyone can become a professional Podcast Host, if you have the proper guidance and mentoring.Scott Paton and Martin Wales have over 30 years experience, and thousands of episodes under their belts when it comes to hosting shows and interviewing guests.Let them share their expertise with you and shortcut the learning curve to becoming an exceptional host.Are you ready to become the next Larry King? Jay Leno? Oprah?In this fast-paced, fun course, you'll learn:The Do's and don'ts of being a HostWhat your job really isThe best way to prep your guestHow to interview and some great questions no one asksHow to control the conversationAnd much more!About this course:Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and changes are always yours for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's our personal promise of your satisfaction!Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... every hour you delay is costing you fame and fortune..."
Price: 144.99

"EFT Weight Loss Emotional Eating Issues - No Diet" |
"Emotional eating is a relatively common problem for both men and women. If you eat in response to your feelings, especially when you are not hungry, you are an emotional eater. Emotional eating means your emotions -- not your body -- dictate when and/or how much you eat.Some emotional eaters binge when they are sad or confused; for others, eating can be a way of avoiding thinking about problems or taking the action required to solve them. If we'd eat for comfort by reaching into our crisper drawer, we'd be OK.Are You an Emotional Eater? You are an emotional eaters if you answer yes to any of the following questions:Do you often eat without realizing it?Do you ever feel guilty or ashamed after eating?Do you eat alone or at odd locations, such as parked in your car outside your home?After an unpleasant experience, like a heated argument, do you just go eat?Do you crave specific foods when you're upset, such as always wanting a chocolate bar when you feel mad?Do you feel the urge to eat when you watch food being advertised on TV?Do you eat when you are tired or bored?Does chewing on something make you feel better when you're down?In this course, you will learn how to handle the daily emotionally stresses most people experience that leads them to overeat.Emotional Freedom Techniques, or E.F.T., is an effective tool that can bring successful results for physical, emotional, and health problems. If your fitness or general health needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues that need resolving before you can see improvements."
Price: 94.99

"Fibromyalgia - 7 Day Challenge for Pain Free Living & Health" |
"Fibromyalgia is a painful condition that afflicts many people around the world. Unfortunately, the medical mainstream tends to treat the pain and other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia rather than the root causes of the condition.The 7 Day Challenge is the first step to understanding what triggers your body and causes the flares up you experience. Each day we challenge the body as you record your experiences. Our experience shows us that what we put into our mouths causes lot of the pain we experience, either later that day or a couple days later.Each day of the Challenge, you will remove certain food groups from your diet. Then journal how you felt that day. Some challenges like removing wheat products and Gluten may be more difficult than others, but the self-knowledge will help you immensely to discover which foods your body is particularly sensitive to.When you register, you will join the 4500+ members of our Fibromyalgia Support Group on Facebook as you take proactive steps to reduce pain and fatigue.Fibromyalgia is a multifaceted condition and its symptoms can be incorrectly linked to other conditions too, leading to improper or ineffective treatment. Rather than treating just the pain or other symptoms, there exists a combination of treatments to manage the causes of fibromyalgia. If you are dealing with general inflammation, aches, pains, chronic fatigue, brain fog and a complex mix of reactions to industrial age toxins, you may be dealing with fibromyalgia. Your immune, digestive and other systems are out of balance. The symptoms that accompany fibromyalgia can include dizziness, headaches, allergies, twitches, brain fog, rashes, tendonitis, bursitis, and general aches. The road to relief will have to eliminate the toxins, deal with intestinal dysbiosis with its resultant allergic reactions, right kind and amount of exercise, and fixing your nutritional profile. Even you can experience the joy of a symptom-free life and reverse the fibromyalgia symptoms! Review the articles in the Research section to learn more about fibromyalgia and treatment options."
Price: 94.99

"EFT for Golf - Improve Your Score. Master the Mental Game" |
"""Golf is 99 percent in your head.""Annika Sorenstam, 90 tour wins, one of the greatest female golfers ever.This true of most sports. When we make a mistake it can be burned into your psyche. How many times have you said, or heard another golfer say, ""I always miss [insert shot here]. How often do you see the runaway leader falter and lose. This is what made Tiger Woods so feared on the course - in his prime, he was so tough mentally that he pretty much never faltered. If you were behind, you stayed behind.Yes, you need to practise your strokes. But what happens when you get a handle on the mental part of the game? Mental errors like these...TensionI hear golfers complain a lot about tension on the course. They complain that tension gets in the way of smooth swings and putting strokes. What would happen to your game if you had a simple technique that could produce relaxation in about 20 seconds on the course?Emotional MemoriesGolfers are often haunted by negative emotional memories. If they mis-hit a shot on the first tee, it affects their entire game. If they come to a hole that they hit a bad shot on a week ago, all they can think about is that bad shot last week. What would happen to your game if you had a simple technique that could erase negative emotional memories in a few minutes?Emotional ReactionsIf you watch professional golf, you've seen Tiger Woods's reaction to hitting a bad shot. It is clear that he is having quite a negative reaction at the moment. What is amazing to most people is that he can leave that negative emotional reaction behind and completely focus on the next shot. How would your game improve if you had that same ability?Comfort ZonesComfort zones affect all golfers, even the touring pros. You can tell when a comfort zone has been triggered; self-sabotage kicks in. An example is when a golfer shoots the front nine better than his typical round and then sabotages the back nine, completing the round at about his average score. Or you see the reverse. He shoots a poor front nine, then recovers and shoots a great back nine to end the round at about his average. What if you had an easy process that would help you breakthrough and elevate your comfort zone?Personal ProblemsWe have all had experiences where we take a personal problem onto the course and it affects the way we play. We have all been affected by a disagreement with someone, worrying about something at work, or a myriad of other things. What would happen to your game if you had an easy process that would allow you to leave your personal problems in the parking lot?First Tee JittersThe first tee jitters seems to be an almost universal problem. What if you had an easy process that would reduce or eliminate first tee jitters in about one minute?YipsI have been surprised by the number of golfers who will privately admit to me that they have the yips. These include putting yips, chipping yips, hazard yips, and driving yips. Surveys have shown that the yips affect between 20% and 40% of all golfers. It turns out that the yips are common in many sports and even other activities in life such as public speaking. What if you had an easy process that could eliminate the yips with a little work? Yes, I said ""eliminate,"" not work around.This course is designed by an EFT therapist with over twenty years of experience helping golfers just like you handle the stresses that negatively impact their game.The information inside this training are insider secrets that take regular guys like you and me and improve their golf game instantly.Secrets that put you on the same field as Tiger, Phil, Jack and other top pros... well, it probably won't give you their scores, but you will feel every bit the champion that they are.You will get INSTANT, LIFETIME ACCESS to everything I mentioned - the EFT lessons that show you everything from A to Z!LIFETIME UPDATES with NO ADDITIONAL costs, which includes more lectures, bonuses and special reports.SUPER FAST & UNLIMITED SUPPORT, if you have any questions or need help in something, we are always here to help. Our support is LEGENDARY at Udemy!Oh, and just to make this a complete no brainer I'm removing all the risk! EFT for Golf - Improve your score. Master the Mental Game course comes with a 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee! If you aren't blown away by the information inside it, and your improved golf scores, you'll get 100% of your money back!Start to golf like a boss NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"Metaphysical Awakening Symptoms - Spiritual Growth Explained" |
"Are things changing in your life? Especially in ways that make no 'sense'? Are issues you thought you resolved a long time ago reappearing? Are your five senses becoming more and more acute? Do you have difficulty focusing? Are your dreams more vivid?We live in a time of extreme change. And nowhere do we feel it more than in our own lives. Many people on the planet are realizing that they are not just a physical body. their spiritual side is waking up.And if that describes you, then this course will help you understand the changes you are experiencing.When we were children, we were told some of the changes to expect. Young boys knew that as they grew older hair would start to grow on their cheeks. Young girl knew that as they became women, their chests would develop.But no one talks about what happens when you 'grow up' spiritually.In this course, David Pilz take you through your spiritual puberty.Discover the changes that you are going through are a normal part of your personal journey and how to deal with the energy as it flows through your body."
Price: 19.99

"EFT for Stock Options Trading Success & Making Better Trades" |
"Solid stock options trading strategies and accurate market indicators are crucial. But when push comes to shove, the glue that binds them is your emotional state at any given time. When things go south, the best trading system will collapse like a house of cards--if you allow it to.EFT for Stock Options Trading Success provides the tools you need to ensure this never happens to you by helping you understand and use your emotions when it counts most. It's the key to long-term trading success.Until now, no other Udemy course has provided a practical, detailed method for achieving the mental edge in trading. What you'll find inside is based on intensive research into the minds of today's most profitable traders.EFT for Stock Options Trading Success explains the immutable relationship of human thought, emotion, and behavior and reveals how to:Overcome Your Fear of Risking and Losing MoneyConquer your underlying Greed by understanding where it comes fromCalm innate anxieties before you start your trading dayUse EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) as a ""tool"" for profitabilityRemain vigilant as to why you are placing each and every tradeThis complete trading-improvement course gives you the information you need to determine and improve your personality traits, remove the negative charge from your emotions, and use this system to adapt your behavior for more successful trading.This course is aimed at any one who wants to be more successful in daytrading and is real easy to follow.Each video features demonstrations of the EFT Tapping technique which is used to release negative emotions and fears and set the stage for profitable stock option trades.Students simply follow along with the instructor and with practise, your self-sabotaging behaviors will go away.Releasing your fears is not hard, you simply tap specific acupuncture points and focus the mind on the profitable stock option trades you want.Join today, you'll be glad you did!"
Price: 94.99

"Podcast Audience Growth - Networking with your Guests" |
"There are many ways to grow your Podcast audience: Pay-Per-Click ads on Google, Facebook or Twitter; YouTube videos; posting on Facebook, Reddit, or LinkedIn. You can do keyword research to find the most popular terms, then see if you can implement an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) program. Let's face it. You want to talk about your passion! that's what draws us to Podcasting and the 200 million folks on iTunes. We don't want to spend our valuable time on boring "Techie Tasks", especially those that we have no idea how to do.If this is you, we have some good news!In "Power Networking For Podcast Audience Growth... The Easy Way", Marc Mawhinney of Natural Born Podcasters and Scott Paton, the Dean of Blogonomics and Podology, show you the easiest method for growing your audience And it's fun!Being an expert guest on popular radio and podcasts is the fastest way to build an audience of raving, loyal fans. These people feel they know you and care deeply about your topic. They are very different from people who stumble across your show through PPC or other 'cold' prospecting strategies.The flip side, of course, is getting hot, popular guests on your Podcast who draw their huge tribes into your sphere of influence. In this course you will learn all aspects of how to reel in top guests to your podcast show. Speaking on someone else's popular podcast as a guest expert. This course will give you tips, techniques and exercises on how to meet or exceed your Podcasting goals. You will also learn techniques on how to follow up with your guest stars for maximum impact."
Price: 94.99

"Podcasting Success Strategies: Get Podcast Sponsorships" |
"Sponsorship is the support, financial and otherwise, of your Podcasts, multi-media broadcasts, and production for your marketing and promotion.Sponsors are the organizations or individuals that are willing to fund and recommend you and your information for their own benefit and profit.There are Corporations, Associations, Foundations and even individuals looking for, and actually having budgets marked for sponsorship. Why not YOU??!!Power Podcasting Sponsorship reveals step-by-step what you need to do and how to do it. Just follow the easy video training as listed below. Find sponsors. Discover how to benefit from Power Podcasting Alliances with corporations, large companies, associations, foundations, lobby groups and media to:Pay for your marketing and promotionPush your message to their customers & networksAcquire resources and people to work for youExplode your list building & prospect opportunitiesPreserve your hard-earned cash & bank itWin instant credibility and use it for a lifetimeEliminate risk and chance in advertisingAnd create Instant Credibility with your audience. Discover how Power Podcasting Sponsorships can take your Podcast to the next level by opening the doors to Celebrity Podcast guests and instantly position you in front of huge untapped audiences.Think about it. What would it mean to your business if you could have a leading company in your industry, or niche, recommend and refer your Podcast to their entire customer base? Can you imagine how much more credibility (and celebrity) you could gain in the eyes of your prospects?Sponsorships are successful in many areas outside of Podcasts, where our focus happened to be. We just got 'traction' there and one thing lead to another. Sponsorships work anywhere there is marketing going on.Anywhere you're targeting a similar demographic, and anywhere people are gathered, there exists a Power Podcasting Sponsorship opportunity.Sponsorships is big business2014 top sports sponsorship spenders: PepsiCo $360M AB-InBev $305M Coca-Cola $295M Nike $265M GM $195MThe new Sponsorship era is digital, global, direct-to-consumer, evidence-led and confident in its impact. Podcast Sponsorship, as a medium, is more than capable of delivering all of these things; the Podcast industry is posed for a huge evolution into sponsorships.Above all, if you get stuck or experience any difficulties along the way, you won't ever have to struggle on your own and worry about having no one to turn to for help.************************************************************************Upon becoming a student of Power Podcasting Sponsorships - Make Money From Your Podcast, you will receive continuous support from both of us: Martin and Scott help that comes with no expiry. We will be here to share our advice and answers to all your questions whenever you need help from us and we have over 180 Five Star Reviews to prove it!This course will stay updated regularly to bring you more great ideas and tips! By enrolling in this course now, you will have access to all new content additions and future updates at no additional charge... ever!************************************************************************30-DAY GUARANTEE PERIODIf you are not completely satisfied with this course, you have the option to refund it within the first 30 days, and get all your money back. No questions asked, no hassles.************************************************************************Are you excited to start experiencing the enjoyment from Profitable Podcasting that earning money and more from sponsorships?Click the blue 'Take This Course' button at the top to enroll yourself and start signing up Sponsors!"
Price: 94.99

"Podcast Outsourcing" |
"Discover the power of outsourcing your Podcast production. Imagine that all you have to do is show up, record, and all the drudgery of Podcasting is handled by a highly-skilled group of freelancers and outsourcers from around the world as you sleep!Instead of spending fruitless days picking away at your audio, never seeming to get it right, week after frustrating week, your professional sound engineer edits it and has it sounding as polished as you are in short hours. Then your transcriber turns your show into an article and blog post as your VA uploads the show onto your Podcast hosting server.You get the highest quality at prices you can afford!Plus you are helping people all over the world get out of poverty.Producing Podcasts requires a wide range of skills: Audio editing, writing, uploading, finding guests and scheduling them then thanking them and a whole lot more. The problem is that each task may only take a couple hours, but:They are hours you don't haveEach week when you go to do them, you start all over as you don't do them enough to really remember them from week to week.By outsourcing you'll be able to produce your Podcasts faster and spend only a fraction of what you would have otherwise expensed in time and money. Outsourcing your Podcast has endless possibilities - you just need to know how to apply it effectively and efficiently.Scott Paton, the Dean of Blogonomics and Podology, has been using outsourcers for the past seven years to produce products, like his Podcasting platform, he could never have made himself, to save time and money on projects he could never have completed himself.He shares with you the industry secrets to finding high-performing outsourcers and keeping them long term. When you finish this course, you'll be able to find quality freelancers to look after all aspects of Podcast production, so that you can focus on the most important things: Being the best Podcast host you can be!"
Price: 94.99

"Aprenda a fazer o melhor Podcast com Power Podcasting" |
"ltima atualizao do curso: Novembro de 2015. Junte-se a mais de 3.600 alunos bem-sucedidos que fizeram este curso e esto aprendendo diretamente do nico decano de Blogonomics e Podology!Descubra como fazer um Podcast - rpida, fcil e GRATUITAMENTE! Junte-se a mais de 3600 alunos utilizando Power Podcasting para se posicionarem como O Expert, construrem relacionamentos, crescerem sua influncia, aumentarem o nmero de vendas e mudarem o mundo!O que um Podcast? um programa de udio ou vdeo que, quando voc se inscreve nele, automaticamente baixado para tao seu computador, smartphone, tablets e/ou iPods. Pense em um Podcast como sendo um programa de rdio ou TV que voc entrega livre de spam diretamente sua audincia toda vez que um episdio novo publicado.Podcasting maior do que voc pensa. Quando ns pesquisamos pessoas que tem o hbito de ouvir Podcasts pelo menos uma vez por ms, ns descobrimos um fato Power Podcaster: Podcasts ganham de rdios AM/FM, transmisses de udio, CDs, canais de msica na TV & o Sirius!Power Podcasting sensacional!""Scott amigvel e fcil de acompanhar. Ele obviamente sabe muito sobre Podcasting. Todas as ferramentas esto aqui, facilmente disponveis. Eu acho que um timo curso! Eu fiquei surpreso com quo popular Podcasts so. uma tima ferramenta de marketing que eu tinha negligenciado. timo aprendizado. ~Dan KobeltSe voc analisar o nmero de pessoas ouvindo Podcasts todo ms, Podcasts so to populares quando o Twitter, com 39 milhes de ouvintes, ainda que no recebam o mesmo amor.""Porm, no lugar de se comunicar em Tweets impessoais de 140 caracteres, com o Power Podcasting, voc ir entrar diretamente na cabea do seu pblico alvo, e ficar l tanto quanto eles permitirem.Podcasts so portveis - e, por isso, so mais pessoais.Imagine sussurrar nos ouvidos dos seus clientes ideias toda semana Construindo fortes relacionamentos, confiana e conexes. Porm, ao invs de um-para-um, Power Podcasting um-para-vrios! Os que fazem Power Podcast sabem que Podcasting a construo de relacionamentos nos processos de vendas, e no o momento do fechamento do negcio. Os ouvintes de Podcast possuem maior renda. Todo dia eles escutam cerca de uma hora e quarenta minutos a mais do que o consumidor americano mdio. Eles so dedicados ao contnuo aprendizado, ento apenas imagine o que acontecer quando o seu Podcast estiver disponvel em carros novos em todo lugar do mundo...Fazer Power Podcasts permite que voc transmita sua personalidade de forma muito mais intensa do que pela palavra escrita. A claridade da sua mensagem vista e sentida por meio de suas aes (no vdeo) e a tonalidade de sua voz, de acordo com Chris Ducker, autor do Bestseller nmero 1 'Virtual Freedom ('Liberdade virtual).Quando voc reivindicar seu lugar no curso Power Podcasters, voc ter acesso online permanente para assistir o curso 24/7, e h um quadro de perguntas, respostas e discusses a cada lio, onde voc pode postar perguntas - que eu irei responder pessoalmente! Ao seguir as lies curtas, simples e fceis de acompanhar, voc ser capaz de realizar rapidamente todo o processo de configurao do seu Podcast e de publicao do seu primeiro episdio. Este curso foi planejado para atingir um nico objetivo: Fazer o Power Podcasters o mais rpido possvel. Eu recomendo assistir completamente as 6 primeiras sees. H apostilas em PDF inclusas para voc usar e organizar seus tpicos, ttulos, descries, intros e extros.Para personalidades Tipo A, h uma lio faixa rpida (Seo Um, Lio #6), a qual revela quais lies voc deve assistir para que aps assistir somente 33 minutos de vdeo, voc ter seu podcast ao vivo e no iTunes, caso voc j tenha um arquivo mp3 ou mp4 pronto, Em outras palavras - voc pode ter tudo pronto e ao vivo em menos de uma hora.Os processos tcnicos de Power Podcasting so apenas alguns aspectos para se ter um Podcast de sucesso. Explore os exemplos da vida real de se produzir um Podcast, descubra como usar sua voz de forma efetiva para mover sua audincia, descubra como encontrar propsito para o contedo do podcast que voc talvez j esteja fazendo, e como faz-lo rapidamente! Power Podcasting ir crescer a lista de assinantes dos seus emails, a sua audincia, a sua influncia e a sua poupana. Amy Porterfield da Tweet This e antiga Social Media Maven (especialista em mdias sociais) para as empresas Harley Davidson & Tony Robbins.O Podcasting est crescendo rapidamente, e graas ao CarPlay e aos aplicativos de Podcasts, continuar crescendo durante os prximos anos. Ns estamos apenas na fase dos primeiros adeptos. No perca a pouca competitividade e nem as oportunidades de grande demanda que seus colegas Power Podcasters esto aproveitando.timo contedo que prendeu minha ateno.""Scott obviamente um profundo conhecedor, experiente e compartilha timo contedo sobre Podcasting. Eu sou um iniciante e ele me inspirou a acreditar que at eu posso fazer isso. Alm disso, eu achei os outros cursos muito entediantes e eu me perdi neles. Neste, no. Scott torna tudo divertido, fcil e interessante de aprender. ~Marlon Baker"
Price: 19.99

"Podcast Coach: Podcasting Profits" |
"Successful podcasters often ask: ""How can I make money with my Podcast?""While there are numerous options, the simplest answer which truly leverages your existing relationship with your audience is: Coaching.With over 9,100 students and 210 raving reviews, Scott Paton and Marc Mawhinney team up again to share how you can use your podcast to create one of the most fulfilling businesses in the world: Coaching.Imagine the excitement you feel as you prepare to record your podcast. You know thousands of fans tune into every show to hear you, and learn from you. In that group are many people who want more. They want to master your topic, whether for career, business or personal reasons.But have you ever wondered how you could help them more?Consider working with them one-on-one as their coach and mentor.According to Forbes Magazine: ""Coaching is hot. No doubt about it, coaching professionals is a booming business and one that shows little sign of cooling off. In fact, all indications are that the number of people holding themselves out as coaches will exponentially grow over the next few years.""In a recent survey of Fortune 100 companies: ""Among the benefits to the corporations of coached executives were improved:""Productivity (reported by 53% of executives)Quality (48%)Organizational strength (48%)Customer service (39%)Reducing customer complaints (34%)Retaining executives who received coaching (32%)Cost reductions (23%)Bottom-line profitability (22%)""As you can see coaching is becoming mainstream and as more and more executives discover the benefits, the rest of the population starts to follow.Among the benefits to executives, who received coaching, were improved:Working relationships with direct reports (reported by 77% of executives)Working relationships with immediate supervisors (71%)Teamwork (67%)Working relationships with peers (63%)Job satisfaction (61%)Conflict reduction (52%)Organizational commitment (44%)Working relationships with clients (37%)With your Podcast, you are in an ideal position to capitalize on this massive surge in coaching popularity, as you audience is actively looking for a coach.Why not you?In this fast paced, results-oriented course, two of today's top world-class coaches share how you can transition from a popular Podcaster into a popular coaching Podcaster and add a new income stream to your business.As your new coaches, we strongly suggest you click the ""Take This Course"" button, top right, now ... every second you delay is costing you money..."
Price: 94.99

"Podcast With NLP for High Audience Growth" |
"This course is not just about NLP training; it's about refining the communication process in your Podcasts by making use of the principles of NLP.Communication is one of the most important skills in business life, and it goes without saying how essential it is to the success of your Podcast, yet no one really talks about it or trains Podcasters on communication. After all, everyone knows how to talk! Excellent and compelling communication skills are be the difference between an ignored Podcast and a profitable, high-growth one.This program incorporates tools and ideas used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and explores ways of communicating that make a real difference in your Podcast.Benefits of Podcasting NLP Power Communication & Influence Magic Secrets:Become more persuasive.Increase your Podcast's popularityDeliver memorable messages, that get shared.Increase your confidence when communicating.Communicate clearly and concisely.Understand and work better with other people.Use your mind to its full potential.Add flexibility, structure, effectiveness and better choices into your life.Who should attend?Anyone whose Podcast success depends on the strength of their verbal communication.It will benefit people making any Podcast, but particularly those in sales, marketing, customer service and anyone wanting to inspire their audience into action!This NLP training is not about NLP! It's simply about learning how to communicate more effectively in your Podcast.Learn about:The Three Modalities of CommunicationThe differences in how the genders give and receive informationHow to build instant rapport and trust with your audienceHow to avoid the number one mistake, podcasters make when addressing their audienceAbout this Course:Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!Regular free surprise bonuses to increase your income even more!Join us today and start growing your Podcast Profits!"
Price: 94.99

"EFT - Tapping for Weight Loss. No Excuses! Emotional Freedom" |
"Are you tired of all the excuses? Face it. When it comes to making real change in our lives, we are experts at procrastination. And the foundation of a great procratinator? Great excuses.Are you ready to move out of the procrastination treadmill? Are you ready to take control of your life? To take control of your excuses?Then this course is for you!Joan Kaylor uses her 20 years of EFT experience to produce a cutting-edge program just for you. We all know that to lose weight we need to move more: we need to eat less (and better!), but we don't. Why? We make excuse after excuse. Now is the time to stop the excuses and turn all that negative energy into negative weight gain :)What is EFT?EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques is a relatively new, effective and a fast-moving process from the world of Energy Psychology that is growing in popularity among healers, scientists, spiritualists and ordinary folks, just like you, because of its gentle effectiveness.Many call it ""Psychological Acupressure"", this technique releases energy blocks in your energy systems that cause your emotional intensities and discomforts. These blockages in your energy systems, in addition to blocking you emotionally, often lead to excess excuses and weight gain. Recently people have widely accepted that their emotional blockage is an important factor in their physical discomforts and disease. Because of this, EFT is extensively used on physical issues, including weight gain with often amazing and effective outcomes. Joan Kaylor has been using EFT in her practise for decades. She is very excited to bring you this effective, gentle modality and assist you in going to your ideal body weight while increasing your self-esteem and energy.Join us on the other side and start releasing your excuses today!"
Price: 94.99

"EFT Weight Loss - Tapping into Exercise" |
"Do you have a tough time finding time or motivation for exercise?Most people know they need to sit less and move more but they don't? Why is that?One reason is because their subconscious mind in sabotaging them. In this powerful, mind-bending course, Joan Kaylor, MSEd., LPC, DCEP, Licensed Professional Counselor, Expert EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, brings her 20 years of experience in helping people just like you smash through your self-imposed limitations and become the person you always wanted to be. Healthy! Strong! Fit!In this course, you will learn how to use EFT to relieve mental and emotional obstacles to achieving your life goals.We cover:EFT and Tapping Basics7 EFt sessions to deal with specific issuesHow to make your own EFT Tapping sessionsAn effective one month Tapping planHow to get as much support as you needAnd much more!Every single EFT technique which is revealed in this course is easy to put into place in minutes - and can give you instant returns in motivating you to exercise.Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow.Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you pounds of weight-burning muscle....Enrol now!Disclaimer:The information contained on this course is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not psychological advice. Transmission of this information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute a client-therapist relationship. As part of the information presented on this course, you understand you will be introduced to meridian based energy healing modalities identified as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) hereinafter sometimes called Energy Techniques. Due to the experimental nature of the Energy Techniques, and because they are relatively new healing approaches and the extent of their effectiveness, as well as their risks and benefits are not fully researched, you agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with viewing this course and using the Energy Techniques as a result of viewing this website. You understand that your choice to use either EFT is of your own free will, not subject to any outside pressure, and is only for your own personal use. You further understand that if you choose to use the Energy Techniques, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface. Emotional material may continue to surface after using the Energy Techniques, indicating other issues may need to be addressed. Previously vivid or traumatic memories may fade which could adversely impact your ability to provide detailed legal testimony regarding a traumatic incident."
Price: 94.99

"Deadly Mercury: How to Detox - Prevent Heavy Metal Poisoning" |
"Mercury poisoning, a type of metal poisoning and a medical condition, is caused by exposure to mercury or its compounds. Mercury is a heavy metal. All forms of mercury produce toxicity or death with less than a gram. The damage done by elemental mercury is caused by blocking blood vessels. Mercury's zero oxidation state exists as vapor or as liquid metal, its mercurous state exists as inorganic salts, and its mercuric state may form either inorganic salts or organomercury compounds; the three groups vary in effects. Toxic results include damage to the brain, kidneys and lungs. Mercury poisoning can result in several diseases, including acrodynia (pink disease), Hunter-Russell syndrome, and Minamata disease.Identifying and removing the source of the mercury is crucial.Unfortunately, mercury is in our air and possibly in your teeth.Some of the toxic effects of mercury are partially or wholly reversible, either through specific therapy or through natural elimination of the metal after exposure has been discontinued. Autopsy findings point to a half-life of inorganic mercury in human brains of 27.4 years. Heavy or prolonged exposure can do irreversible damage, in particular in fetuses, infants, and young children.Young's syndrome is believed to be a long-term consequence of early childhood mercury poisoning. Mercuric chloride may cause cancer as it has caused increases in several types of tumors in rats and mice, while methyl mercury has caused kidney tumors in male rats. The EPA has classified mercuric chloride and methyl mercury as possible human carcinogens.Fluorescent lamps contain mercury which is released when bulbs are broken. Mercury in bulbs is typically present as either elemental mercury liquid, vapor, or both, since the liquid evaporates at ambient temperature. When broken indoors, bulbs may emit sufficient mercury vapor to present health concerns.In this course, we discuss the dangers of Mercury, where you can be exposed to it without knowing and what to do about it.Then you learn about the mainstream medical approach and some pro's and con's of their processes.What is Nature's answer to Mercury?You'll discover:ZeoliteFulvic AcidCilantro and ChlorellaThe Importance of SweatingThe Power of Ionic Foot SpasPlus, as a student, you can ask questions and get further clarification and assistance from us!Enroll today with confidence because your enrollment is backed by our 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee!"
Price: 94.99

"Podcast Covert Hypnosis Masterclass" |
"One of the biggest issues Podcasters bring to me is how to get their audiences to take action, whether that is getting them to buy your product or service, join your coaching program, changing their level of mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and financial success.The problem is that while people can be very, very influential and charismatic, the vast majority of Podcasters have never been taught that skill. Most podcasters work alone or in very small groups on their shows. The result is that unlike their Radio brothers and sisters, Podcasters don't get professional feedback.Many also spend their time elevating their expertise in their area of study, which is usually NOT ""How to Influence Your Audience"". This results in a huge disconnect between the Podcasters' goals and their audiences reactions.So we have two groups of Podcasters: a huge one that has no idea how to 'sell' their tribe or get them to do anything and a very small group that has an audience that buys all their recommendations. In 2005, my Podcast, ""Weight Loss and The Mind"" grew from zero to 375,000 listeners in 12 months. We did absolutely no promotions, except a Press Release when we hit 2000 subscribers. We started out with no idea if anyone would ever listen. The production values were terrible. But each week we published a 20 to 30 minute podcast episode. Our artful use of Conversational Hypnosis and NLP kept everyone glued to their computers, and word of mouth spread our show far and wide.If we could do it, you can do it. This Master Class starts you on your way. You will learn and practice proven, very effective techniques which only the top experts in communication know.In this course, Drexel Scott and Scott Paton cover:The Role of Your Conscious and Subconscious MindsThe Structure of LanguageThe Power of Your Vocal InflectionsWho is the Gatekeeper?How to Use Slip Phrases and Embedded CommandsAnd much more!Give your Podcast a fresh start by registering for this game-changing Master class now.Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.All the ongoing updates to this course are free, always, forever.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++And the unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 day money-back guarantee is not just any old guarantee, it's our personal pledge to you that you will influence your audience, build your brand or reach your goals ... just like our ten thousand plus Udemy students have.Join us today."
Price: 199.99

"Chakra Healing" |
"Your Chakras are the energy centers of your body, mind and soul. You can't see electricity and chances are you can't see your Chakras, bun we know the power of electricity. We don't always understand our own power system.Chakra healing and clearing is like changing the oil in your car, washing the sheets of your bed. If you don't look after your car, what happens? it breaks down. When those warm sheets come out of the dryer, what do you feel? That tonight, you are going to sleep in a nice, warm, comfortable bed.Clearing your Chakras is like that. Every day, we are bombarded with tragedies on the nightly news Our boss or co-workers upset us. That car cuts us off. We walk in an electromagnetic soup that our ancestors couldn't dream of. Our food and drink choices aren't the best. All the trappings of modern life pollute our subtle energies.We end up tired, depressed, obese, angry and lost.When you regularly clean your Chakras, you start reversing decades of abuse and begin tuning your body so it is a Lamborghini, instead of a 1960 Valiant, that hasn't had an oil change in 6 decades.In this course, Jon will walk you through three sets of Chakra Healing exercises. There are Seven Chakras:CrownEyeThroatHeartSolarSacralBaseThe exercises take short minutes and almost immediately, you will feel the blocked energies start to move in your body. Your friends and family will be asking you what you are doing as they will see the difference in you. As you grow in knowledge and expertise through daily practice, you will tune into your body and start knowing which clearing and healing exercises you need right now.Be one of the first in the world to get lifetime access when you take this course today! You can count on me to answer every single discussion you post in the course and to do my best to help you to get through the challenges you are facing today in keeping your Chakras happily humming when you take this course today!"
Price: 94.99

"Creating A Positive Mindset - Accelerating Personal Success" |
"Positive thinking is a mental and emotional perception that looks on the bright side of life and expects positive outcomes. A positive person sees happiness, health and success, and thinks he or she can overcome any blocks and challenges.A positive mindset is an attitude someone has who expects good and desired results. The power of positivity is immense, and it can help you convert that energy into reality. By expectation, we don't mean it to be a sense of entitlement.Much has been made of having a positive mental attitude. Dale Carnegie started it with his classic book: ""How to Win Friends and Influence People"". It is still as true today as it was when he wrote it.In this course, we discuss the main components of creating a positive mindset and how you can use it in your life to achieve your goals.We cover important topics like:Why 99.9% of people never achieve their goalsHave-Do-Be Paradigm v. Be-Do-Have ParadigmThe Importance of RepetitionRandom Acts of KindnessAnd much more...We must be in a 'happy place' before we even start setting out to make new intentions for our lives and here I will help you to get into a positive vibrational energy level.A positive mindset is an attitude someone has who expects good and desired results. The power of positivity is immense, and it can help you convert that energy into reality. By expectation, I don't mean it to be a sense of entitlement.Join us on a journey to success and happiness! It is much closer than you think...Individuals who have a positive attitude will pay attention to the good, rather than bad in people, situations, events. A simple example of a positive attitude; when you are having a very bad run of luck but you still say Good Morning rather than What's so good about this morning.Join Today!"
Price: 74.99

"How to Set Powerful Intentions and Clear Goals" |
"Where Are You Going? Are you living your life on autopilot or do you want to set the intention and goal to where you want to go?If you listened to the first course we taught you in how to create and maintain a positive vibration. I took so much time to train you on how to do this because you absolutely MUST be in your happy place before you even think about setting an intention or creating goals.If you started a journey with no directions and only a vague idea of where you wanted to get to Youd probably wander around aimlessly Think about the time wasted, the frustration Imagine how much LONGER it would take you to reach your destination if your werent even sure where you were going Yet this is how many of us live our lives And its just not worth it!Just the same as lets say you have an appointment on the other side of town, at a location youd never been to before And you get into your car without any directions on how to get there What are the chances that youd arrive at your destination on time, if at all? Pretty much zero, right?Whats the solution to living life on auto-pilot without any goals?Before you do anything else, pinpoint the things about your life that you already know you want to change. Yet even if you know what you want to do, getting there without any directions is needlessly hard.Without a plan, youll most likely spend so much precious time wandering through life not feeling happy or fulfilled and really truly wanting something different. but not knowing how to make that happen. Dont worry, today well get clear on what you really want, and then comes the exciting part. Yep, then well develop your whole strategy, together.You should act on your feelings of love, hope, and faith to take this course now if you want to learn valuable skills to use in your own life and start achieving your goals and purpose!"
Price: 74.99

"MLM, Direct Sales and Network Marketing Global Success" |
"Network Marketing is a business concept that started in the United States and eventually wastaken to other countries. The early days of growth were difficult and very expensive. The first hurdle was education of the population to the viability of the business model. Businesspioneers were required to take the message to the other countries.The business pioneershad to be well funded to absorb the initial costs of developing new countries as the growthof a Network Marketing business is usually not initially funded by the Network Marketingcompany.The ordinary telephone was the primary method of personal and teamcommunication. In those days it was an expensive proposition. It was not unheard of forthese pioneers to have $5,000 or even $10,000 USD monthly phone bills. Then there was thecost of travel, hotels, meals and initial local meetings. As a result the early internationalbusiness developers came from the top business builders who were already successful inNorth America.New distributors were virtually shut out as pioneers of internationalmarkets.This international growth was lead by the distributors and they had to get past thereluctance of their Network Marketing companies to get into these markets. They had to getthe initial product into many new markets. The early Network Marketing companies reactionto the drive to expand that came from the distributors was to expand in a traditionalcorporate style; they set up separate companies for each country.These companies hadtheirown qualification requirements which meant that individual distributors that wantedto do business in those countries had to register in that country and meet the qualificationrequirements. International Network Marketing business developers had to build theirbusinesses independently in each country. Financially distributors had to arrange to transfertheir own funds from each country.Todays PictureThe landscape that I conduct my Network Marketing business in today is dramaticallydifferent than the one faced by the pioneers of the industry. Today we havetelecommunication networks that go around the world and transportation systems that canmove almost any product to any country. With the advent of the Internet coupled with thelarge steel shipping containers that move goods from factory doors to warehouses andcourier systems that deliver overnight, your reach as a Network Marketer has become almost infinite.In this course you will learn:The Five Most Important FocusesThe Importance of Strong LeadershipThe 4 Personality Types and How They Impact Your SuccessHow to Invite EffectivelyAnd much more!If you are excited about starting your own business without the problems that come from designing cutting-edge products, looking after Customer service, handling warehousing issues, accounting and so much more, then this course is a powerful starting point for you.Register today!"
Price: 194.99

"Realtor Podcast Marketing For Real Estate Agents Success" |
"In the super-competitive real estate market, Realtors need every advantage they can get.Don't you hate it when a potential client that you spoke with months ago, buys or sells their home... and uses another agent?Imagine, for a minute, that you had the undivided attention of your ideal prospect. And not only that, you were talking in their ear on a weekly basis. Maybe, they aren't ready to sell their home or buy a new one this week, but what about next week, next month, next year.If you can remain top-of-mind with your clients and position yourself as the ""One and Only"" Realtor for them to turn to, regardless of when they decide to buy or sell, what would that do to your business?Everyone has a smartphone. Everyone in your farm could be listening to your online radio show or Podcast.What is a Podcast? It is audio or video shows, that when you subscribe to them, are automatically updated on your Computer, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and/or iPods. Think of them as free radio or TV shows which you deliver Spam-Free! directly to your audience every time you produce one.Podcasting is bigger than you think. When we survey people who listen to free, commercial-free audio Podcasts at least once a month: we discover an interesting fact: It beats AM/FM Radio, streaming audio, CD's, TV Music channels, & Sirius!If you compare the number of people listening to Podcasts monthly, they are as popular as Twitter with 39 mIllion listeners, even if it doesn't get the same 'Respect'.But instead of communicating in impersonal 140 character Tweets, with Podcasting, you get right into the head of your target market for as long as you talk.Podcasts are portable and because of this, they are listened to everywhere... in the car, walking the dog, at the gym, at the beach, on a plane, anywhere.When you claim your seat in this course, you'll have permanent online access to watch the course 24/7, and there's a Q&A discussion section by each lecture, where you can post questions - and we'll answer them personally!By following the short, simple, easy-to-follow lectures, you will be able to work through the process of setting up your show and publishing your first episode quickly.Podcasting is increasing in popularity, and thanks to CarPlay, Google jumping on Podcasts and Apps, Podcast will continue growing for years to come. It is just past the 'Early Adopter' stage and has huge potential moving forward. Don't miss out on the low-competition, high-demand opportunities that your fellow Real Estate Podcasters are enjoying.Your co-instructor, Scott Paton, has over 10,000 Podcast students on Udemy. Your other co-instructor, MO, or Michael Oden, is moderator of the 19,000 strong Facebook group, Lab Coat Agents. Together, they bring you cutting-edge training that will change how you do business and you use high-leverage tools to grow your business.Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you money ....Enrol now!"
Price: 174.99

"Social Skills for Entrepreneurs" |
"The program was developed to introduce those high in analytical skills to people skills. Social skills are important for career success and job searchEmotional skills are vital for both happiness and career productivity.Discover 4 personality traits we need to understand and respect in self and othersUncover how to connect with each personality traitLearn how to develop friendshipsFour key skills to help you engage and connect with others"
Price: 24.99
