"Start a business and leave a fruitless job" |
"I am Vathani Ariyam, the author of this online course Start a Business and Leave a Fruitless job, my main reason to create this course is to help people who suffer from fruitless tasks. There so many students out there who work as unpaid interns and underpaid workers used by some employers. They stay in those jobs unwillingly for so many reasons, and out of all, that is the fear.Many people suffer from the poorly paid and unrewarding job and stay in those jobs without knowing the alternatives.Some people do not want to come out of their comfort zone or have many responsibilities at home. They usually have a fear of coping with the new job and personal responsibilities. Few others doubt their capabilities to accept new positions, because of the stress they have experienced for years. If you waste a long time in a poorly paid and unrewarding job, your self-confidence affected. You suffer that you are struggling to pay the bills, provide more to your kids, and go on a holiday.You cannot continue to suffer like this all your life, and therefore, I am going to show how you can come out of that poorly paid job without losing anything. The easy way is to find another job that you can work from home; that will give you an extra income. You will be happy that you are having the other income and your family and enjoying the new lifestyle. However, remember, you might lose either of your jobs, and you will go back to the same position before.I am going to tell you another way to overcome this: starting a business that is going to be home-based and you will benefit from it in so many ways. Once you find your home business successful, it will be a good idea to move your business away from home to give you more space to grow your business. If you are looking for an additional income to have a better lifestyle, you read the topics that I have given below before you make a decision.Remember, when planning to start your side business; do not think of leaving a regular job quickly because it might take a while to make money from the industry. When you start a home business, there are no costs involved, and you might be able to get the family and friends as well. You have to make yourself available to concentrate on your business after coming home from your regular job.You might find it overwhelmed at the start, but you will get used to that soon and make it a regular work schedule. Once you have settled and achieved confidence in your business, you can plan to cut the daily work or even leave it.I am sure that this online course will help you to come out of your comfort zone and find a better life with the new business.Thank you for choosing my course, please do not forget to leave a useful review that will help me to produce more online courses like this."
Price: 29.99

"How to get Google Adsense Approval For Your Site" |
"Google Adsense has quickly become one of the most effective ways for site owners and bloggers to monetize the content on their site. Since Google has millions of advertisers already buying traffic through pay per click marketing in the search engine, Adsense allows site owners to display these same advertisers on their own sites while earning a commission in the process. In this course you will discover how to get the most out of Google Adsense and see what's working best for site owners and bloggers today.so in this course you will learn how to get adsense approval for your site .after completing this course you will be able to get approval for you blog or site for sure .if you are not getting approval for your site well you are at right course you will learn everything you need to known to get approval from adsense because i also suffered from this time i was also not getting approval but when i learned things how to get it now i am able to get adsense approval so why not to share with you guys with course .so that way you also get approval from google adsense .so what are you waiting for just hit that join button and join and learn with me .thanks "
Price: 199.99

"BOND DETECTOR - Investire in Obbligazioni" |
"Le obbligazioni (o bond) sono tra gli strumenti finanziari pi diffusi al mondo, per via dellutilizzo che se ne fa nella costruzioni di Portafogli ben diversificati. Si tratta di strumenti di credito, nel senso che quando acquisti unobbligazione come se stessi erogando un prestito, molto utilizzati da banche e consulenti finanziarie per via della loro semplicit. In pratica, il consulente non deve far niente se non farti acquistare qualche obbligazione che periodicamente ti rilascer delle cedole, degli interessi, che saranno il tuo guadagno.Quello che spesso i risparmiatori non sanno, per, che le obbligazioni possono essere acquistate e vendute anche dal proprio home banking, in autonomia, senza dover pagare commissioni al proprio promotore finanziario. E questo corso ti insegna come riconoscere le migliore, come valutare i rendimenti e come acquistare e venderle sul mercato con lobiettivo di massimizzare il rendimento, riducendo i rischi.Ad esempio, quando acquisti un bond di una banca, di una societ o di una Nazione tu stai prestando i tuoi soldi a lente che lha emessa. In cambio riceverei la promessa di ricevere quanto prestato per intero dopo un periodo prestabilito (scadenza) e, per remunerare il tuo prestito, ti verr corrisposta una quota periodica (interesse).Le obbligazioni possono quindi essere emesse dal governo per finanziare il debito pubblico (in Italia i famosi Btp), come sono obbligazioni quelle emesse da alcune societ per raccogliere liquidit e effettuare nuovi investimenti. In questo caso la societ emittente invece che andare in banca e chiedere un prestito, emette obbligazioni, le vende, gli obbligazionisti le acquistano e versano il loro capitale alla societ, che a sua volta lo utilizza per finanziaria il suo business e, a scadenza, rimborsa linvestitore.Ecco alcuni degli argomenti trattati nel Corso:Introduzione alle Obbligazioni e ai Mercati ObbligazionariGli Emittenti (Stati, Enti Governativi o Societ)Il Rating, il rendimento e il rischioLe varie tipologie di Obbligazioni (Plain Vanilla, Tasso Variabile, Zero Cupon, Step Up e Step Down, Callable...)La Diversificazione, l'Asset Allocation e la FiscalitStrategia Attiva e Strategia PassivaPortafogli modello: Reddito Fisso e ad Alto RischioQuesti strumenti sono estremamente popolari tra i risparmiatori. Ci che li rende attraenti che offrano un rendimento certo e che paghino una quota periodica garantita. Sono uno strumento molto interessante per investimenti a medio e lungo termine.Ammettiamo che tu voglia acquistare un titolo di Stato (Btp) per un valore di 1000 con scadenza a 10 anni e con un tasso di interesse del 2%. Per acquistare il Btp spenderai 1000 che saranno prestati al Governo italiano Ogni anno riceverai 20 come interesse Alla fine del periodo otterrai i tuoi 1000 indietro.Alla scadenza (dopo 10 anni) il tuo capitale sar di 1200 (1000 iniziali + 20 lanno per 10 anni), ovvero avrai ottenuto un profitto (interesse) di 200 per aver prestato i tuoi soldi al governo.Insomma, ognuno di noi pu investire in obbligazioni, a patto che sappia scegliere le migliori - e non cosa da poco visto che ne esistono centinaia di migliaia. Ecco questo corso ti insegna come sceglierle, valutarle, analizzarle e investirci.Come avviene per tutti i corsi di TraDetector qui su Udemy, fin dalle prime lezioni avrai la possibilit di scoprire gli argomenti trattati - dalla teoria fino alla pratica - e di valutare con i tuoi occhi strategie e portafogli modello da replicare subito sul tuo conto.Il tutto, con la consueta garanzia soddisfatto o rimborsato offerta da Udemy."
Price: 99.99

"How to strategically adopt Intelligent Automation" |
"Theres still quite some confusion existing around RPA, robotic process automation. Questions like: What type of business is its good for? what size business is suitable? Is this the responsibility of our IT department to sort out? ...So just to get everyone upto speed. RPA is a software platform, alike a virtual worker, that can mimic any menial and repetitive tasks your staff do on their computer, as long as the process has a logic workflow, with rules-based decisions that dont require human intuition."
Price: 199.99

"CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" |
"After taking CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy course you will know how to deeply understand and manage emotions, how to modify toxic behavior, set goals and build trust with your clients. This course also provides a great framework for both individual and professional development and improving your communication skills. CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy course will help you to learn how to establish healthy professional boundaries with your clients."
Price: 199.99

"[EXAM REVIEWER] AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01" |
"Are you preparing for your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam and looking for guidance on how to best answer AWS exam questions? With this first-of-its-kind AWS training course, you'll learn the strategies and test-taking techniques for answering AWS certification exam questions so you can easily pass your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam first time. THE ULTIMATE LEARNING TOOL In this innovative course, you will be walked through 130 practice questions in over 5 hours of video-based training. The practice questions mirror the style and difficulty of the real AWS exam (CLF-C01). You'll learn how to evaluate the context of the question, how to spot the best answers, and how to easily eliminate the distractors. Visual slides and animations are used to provide additional learning of the concepts so you gain a much deeper understanding.This is THE ULTIMATE exam prep tool that will prepare you to ace your exam like a pro!Check out the free previews to see for yourself!LEARN FROM THE CLOUD EXPERT - NEAL DAVIS (Founder of Digital Cloud Training)Neal has taken the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam multiple times and has been teaching the curriculum for the last 2 years. His popular AWS training courses include a BESTSELLER video course for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification on Udemy and many other highly rated video and practice test courses. On top of that, he has been taking IT certifications for well over 20 years and passed over 50 exams - this experience is the key to knowing how to best prepare and pass AWS exams. Now you too can learn you how to ace your exam with ease. WHAT'S INCLUDED?In the videos, you'll be taken through 130 practice questions and will hear detailed explanations on the process for how to ensure you select the correct answer and avoid any tricky distractors. There are lots of visual slides and animations to help reinforce key concepts. By the end of the course, you'll have a much deeper understanding of the key topics covered in the CLF-C01 exam. Additionally, all questions covered in the walkthroughs are included in two full-length sets of practice tests so you can have a go too!THE ULTIMATE LEARNING PATHThis course is for those who already have a basic understanding of the topics covered in the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) exam, and assumes you have a basic understanding of the AWS Cloud. We offer several courses to build your expertise:1) Our ""AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 Ultimate Exam Training"" video-based course is a great starting point, covering everything the beginner needs to get up and running with AWS and gain the knowledge required for the exam.2) THIS COURSE covers how to answer questions, improve your test-taking techniques, and gives a deeper insight into the CLF-C01 topics in the context of exam questions.3) Our ""AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 500 Practice Exam Questions"" course provides more practice questions to evaluate your readiness for the real AWS exam.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION:I've already purchased your video/practice test course for the AWS Cloud Practitioner. Are these questions the same? The questions come mainly from sets 3 and 4 in our AWS Cloud Practitioner practice exam course. A few questions come from other sets. If you purchased the video course they are almost completely unique. If you purchased the practice test course you still have access to more than 260 unique questions.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTORHi, my name is Neal Davis - I'll be your instructor for this course. Cloud Computing is my Passion - which is why I founded Digital Cloud Training - offering AWS certification training resources that represent a higher quality standard than is otherwise available in the market. I created this Exam Reviewer Video Course to help you ace your AWS exam and achieve your career goals. I enjoy teaching on Udemy as it allows me to leverage my knowledge and hands-on experience that I have built over the last 20 yearsYes, I've been working in the Cloud space since its very inception!Our success in numbersOver 100,000 students enrolled in our AWS courses 4.7 Star instructor ratings from over 10,000 reviewsOur students pass the AWS exam with an average score of 90%Money-back guaranteeWe are totally confident in the value of our exam reviewer for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner which comes with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. Fast-track your AWS exam success and get lifetime access now - risk-free!"
Price: 19.99

"Animacin de personaje en After Effects de la idea al render" |
"Este es un curso para aprender animacin de personajes verdaderamente desde cero. Desde los principios de la animacin, pasando por la bsqueda de referencias, generacin de un concepto, diseo de personajes hasta explorar formatos de salida y render.Este es un curso bastante detallado donde desarrollaremos una animacin con un loop infinito, utilizando varias herramientas de la Suite de Adobe, como Illustrator para crear el personaje, After Effects para la animacin y Photoshop para bocetaje y exportacin a formato gif.Si no ests familiarizado con estas herramientas No te preocupes! pues cada herramienta tiene su seccin de introduccin partiendo desde el conocimiento de la interfaz.Lo nico que necesitas es una computadora con Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, y muchas ganas de adentrarte al mundo de la animacin."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Laboratory Information Management Systems" |
"This short course is designed to provide an introduction to Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). Each module will help you understand the different features and functions that allow users to effectively manage samples and their associated data. You will also learn about the amazing flexibility of LIMS to automate workflows, integrate with instruments or analyzers, and process information with other applications. After this course, you will have a deeper appreciation of the processes behind the powerhouse that make a laboratory very successful. What's more, you will earn a certificate of completion which can be used to augment your resume or curriculum vitae. Increase your knowledge and skills - start learning today!"
Price: 24.99

"Diagnostic Microbiology: Principles of Malaria Blood Smears" |
"This short course is designed to demystify the basic principle and procedure behind preparing thick and thin blood smears for the diagnosis of some common malaria parasites. We'll be discussing the important guidelines in sample collection as well as specimen considerations. We'll also breakdown the methods step-by-step and walk through how to interpret and report your results. These lectures are a good refresher or supplement to students of laboratory science, microbiology, or even established health professionals. This course is also open to anyone who is interested in learning how malaria specimens are processed and interpreted. What's more, you will earn a certificate of completion which can be used to augment your resume or curriculum vitae. Increase your knowledge and skills - start learning today!"
Price: 24.99

"Java na Prtica - Intermedirio" |
"Neste curso voc ir continuar a sua jornada para ser um Programador(a) JAVA. Voc j tem noes bsicas de programao Java, agora est na hora de comear a aprofundar os seus conhecimentos inclusive na IDE Eclipse. Voc programador (a) no pode deixar de ter estes conhecimentos, que tambm iro lhe auxiliar no aprendizado de outras linguagens de programao"
Price: 39.99

"Melhoramento Focado: Ferramenta Brainstorming" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de formar GESTORES, que possam obter maiores resultados de forma imediata, buscando melhor capacitao e assim obtendo melhores resultados profissionais. As organizaes atualmente vem buscando profissionais que possam trazer meios de melhorar seus resultados e assim possam se manter competitivas, para isto, estas organizaes vm se preocupando em buscar profissionais que j possuam estas capacitaes e que possam aplica-las sem se preocupar em desenvolver o profissional.Hoje, profissionais que procuram se capacitar, tm uma grande vantagem competitiva neste mercado.Para capacitar estes profissionais como gestores, apresento a srie de treinamentos MELHORAMENTO FOCADO, que demonstrar de forma prtica e objetiva, ferramentas e tcnicas que proporcionar esta vantagem competitiva e assim formar como gestor.Neste treinamento o aluno ir aprender a ferramenta BRAINSTORMING, o qual ir mergulhar no conceito, estrutura de montagem e como utilizar esta ferramenta no seu dia a dia.Na resoluo do treinamento o aluno ter acesso a exerccios, casos prticos e dinmicas de utilizao e aplicao da metodologia."
Price: 39.99

"Spatial Analysis and Geospatial Data Science With Python" |
"Geospatial data science is a subset of data science that focuses on spatial data and its unique techniques. It is beyond creating maps and merely focusing on where things happen but instead incorporates spatial analysis and insights derived from spatial data. In this course, we lay the foundation for a career in Geospatial Data Science. You will get introduced with Geopandas, the workhorse of Geospatial data science Python libraries.The topics covered in this course widely touch on some of the most used spatial technique in Geospatial data science. We will be learning how to read spatial data effectively, manipulate and process spatial data, and carry out spatial operations. A large portion of the course deals with spatial operations like Buffer analysis, Spatial joins and Nearest Neighbourhood analysis. Each video contains a brief overview of the topic and a walkthrough with code examples. We conclude each section Geospatial data science assignment and project, that will help you learn more effectively.We will also cover spatial data visualization using both Geopandasa and other interactive libraries like Folium, IpyLeaflet and Plotly Express. We cover how to make stunning Geo visualization for the most widely used map types.The final section covers some advance features including Geocoding, reverse geocoding, accessing OpenStreetMap data in Python and some advanced tips and tricks to process large Geospatial datasets.At the end of this course, you will be able to perform most of Geospatial data science operations in Python and also build a strong foundational knowledge in Geospatial Python."
Price: 49.99

"Real Estate Investing (Rent-to-Rent) - FOR DUMMIES" |
"Learn how to make money from property from Globally Published ""For Dummies"" brand Author Nicholas Wallwork - The profitable Rent-2-Rent or ""Sub-letting"" Real Estate Investment Strategy. Learn from Nicholas' 20+ years property investment experience having built over 45m ($56m) worth of property investments. Nicholas owns several multi-million real estate businesses and he mentors and teaches students across the globe how to escape the 9 to 5 ""rat race"", become financially free and become successful through real estate investing."
Price: 94.99

"Intermediate Zoom Meeting Techniques" |
"This class is for those of us who had to learn Zoom quickly here in the first half of 2020. While you probably are getting by with Zoom, I'm going to cover some of the more advanced features of Zoom meetings which, I think, will step up your game.You will learn how to:Conduct a live streaming session on Facebook or YouTube and submit your recordingEstablish a meeting with Waiting Rooms using some of your friendsSet up Breakout Rooms before your meeting using a .csv fileADD IN: Using Polling to get information from attendeesShare files during a meeting with at least one other participantReview the files attached to this class"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Azure Security Technologies - AZ-500 Course" |
"This course covers all the topics that are required for Microsoft Azure AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam. Even if you arent planning to take the exam this course will help you get started on your way to deploying and managing Microsoft Azure security technologies with hands-on LAB.The AZ-500 exam tests your knowledge in four different subject areas, and thats how this learning path is structured. Well start with managing identities and access. Next, well get into implementing platform protection, which will include topics like Network Security Groups, Azure Firewalls, Container Security, and much more. You will then learn about managing security options using tools like Azure Monitor, the Azure Security Center, and Log Analytics. Youll learn how to secure data and applications by configuring security policies, enabling auditing, leveraging Key Vault, and many other topics.Learning ObjectivesManage Azure identity and access Implement Azure platform protectionManage Azure security operationsSecure data and applications on AzureNote:- This course is designed to teach you in-depth content, You need to have Azure Fundamentals as mandatory to take this course.A candidate for this exam should be familiar or should have a deep understanding of networking and virtualization. A candidate should also have a strong familiarity with cloud capabilities, Azure products and services, and other Microsoft products and services."
Price: 19.99

"Stampa 3D Guida passo dopo passo Edizione 2020" |
"Imparare la stampa 3D da un ingegnere La guida pratica per i principiantiSiete interessati alle stampanti 3D e cercate un corso pratico e compatto di base sulla stampa 3D e le sue basi, ma non avete voglia di leggere o di cercare informazioni? Allora questo corso per voi. Perch, in questo workshop imparerete tutte le nozioni di base necessarie per utilizzare una stampante 3D e per creare le vostre stampe 3D. Iniziate ora con le istruzioni per la stampa 3D professionale, passo dopo passo e chiaramente preparate.I vantaggi a colpo d'occhio: Spiegazioni di base passo dopo passo. Spiegazioni sull'utilizzo di hardware e software. Imparate tutte le nozioni di base della stampa 3D con la guida di un ingegnere e utente esperto e iniziate a lavorare in modo semplice e veloce.Spiegazioni facilmente comprensibili dell'argomento. Ideale per principianti!Le stampanti 3D sono anche accessibili per l'utente domestico. Include una guida all'acquisto per iniziare a stampare in 3D a prezzi accessibili.Compatto e al punto: tempo di funzionamento totale di circa 80 minutiFAQ:Cosa posso imparare nel corso di stampa 3D?Il workshop include tutto ci che necessario sapere per iniziare a lavorare nel mondo della stampa 3D FDM. Dai consigli per l'acquisto a come utilizzare il software necessario e una stampante 3D, ci sono anche capitoli sui materiali, la risoluzione dei problemi e la scansione 3D. Passo dopo passo, l'hardware e il software necessari per la stampa 3D vengono presentati e spiegati con esempi da stampare.Di cosa ho bisogno per il corso di stampa 3D e quanto tempo ci vuole?Il workshop ha una durata complessiva di circa 80 minuti (suddivisi in diverse lezioni individuali). Naturalmente siete liberi di scegliere quali capitoli guardare a che ora e potete anche fare una pausa in qualsiasi momento. Idealmente, necessaria la propria stampante 3D. Un consiglio per l'acquisto incluso nel workshop. Se non volete acquistare, vi saranno mostrate delle alternative dove potrete utilizzare fonti esterne. Anche in questo caso potete beneficiare di questo workshop.Quanto costa una stampante 3D?Le stampanti 3D di alta qualit per uso domestico possono essere acquistate a partire da circa 400. Quindi la stampa 3D non deve essere per forza costosa. La fascia di prezzo generale per le stampanti 3D FDM di circa 400 - 5000.Questo tutorial solo per i principianti della stampa 3D?Questo corso generalmente pensato per chiunque sia interessato alla stampa 3D o alla tecnologia in generale. Non importa se solo a scopo informativo sulla tecnologia o per l'applicazione e la realizzazione di propri modelli. Tutti i processi sono spiegati in dettaglio e presentati in modo chiaro e comprensibile. Questo corso ideale anche per inventori, ingegneri, architetti, artisti, studenti, ecc.Chi mi mostrer le basi della stampa 3D in questo corso?Il corso di stampa 3D tenuto da un ingegnere e esperto in stampa 3D.Imparare la stampa 3D difficile?La stampa 3D un argomento complesso perch bisogna imparare ad usare software e hardware. Senza aiuto, si pu perdere il conto di quello che sta succedendo. Ma con questo tutorial sulla stampa 3D, avrete tutte le informazioni di cui avete bisogno in un unico formato, in modo da poter tenere la testa dritta. In questo modo, sia un'introduzione semplice che l'ulteriore applicazione hanno successo.Cosa posso fare con una stampante 3D?Avete la possibilit di scaricare e stampare gratuitamente numerosi (oltre 100.000) oggetti dalle cosiddette piattaforme di contenuti. Come prima ispirazione si pu anche guardare il trailer del workshop.E adesso? Controlla il trailer del corso e iscriviti oggi stessoGrazie mille!"
Price: 29.99

"Algorithms in Java :Live problem solving & Design Techniques" |
"Algorithm Design Techniques: Live problem-solving in Java Algorithms are everywhere. One great algorithm applied sensibly can result in a System like GOOGLE! Completer scientists have worked from 100s of years and derived some of the techniques that can be applied to write and design algorithms.So Why to reinvent the wheel ??Lets go through some of the most famous algorithm design techniques in this course.Once you will come to know these design techniques It will become very easy for you to approach a problem by identifying which technique to apply to solve that correctly and efficiently.0. Complexity analysis1. Recursion is the base of any algorithm design 2. Backtracking3. Divide and Conquer4. Greedy algorithms5. Dynamic programmingAnd WE WILL WRITE THE CODE LINE BY LINE IN JAVA !!By the end of this course - 1. You will understand how to design algorithms 2. A lot of coding practice and design live problems in Java 3. Algorithm Complexity analysisANDIf you are preparing for your coding Interview or doing competitive programming This course will be a big help for you.THRILLED? I welcome you to the course and I am sure this will be fun!!If it does not - It comes with a 30 Days money-back guarantee so dont think twice to give it a shot.Happy LearningBasics>Strong;"
Price: 199.99

"Speed Reading: 100X Speed Reading and Memory- 5 Courses in 1" |
"Speed Reading and Memory Masterclass COURSE provides you with the best tools and strategies to boost your reading speed, memory, and learning. Youll be amazed how many hours you can save when you double or triple your reading speed and improve your memory.Speed Reading and Memory Masterclass COURSE will help you in Become faster, sharper, unstoppable in your daily life and Boost focus and reduce subvocalization and regression. In addition Reduce stress and frustration, Achieve higher class exam scores, Reprogram your mind to stop forgetting, Remember all the names and relevant facts, quick recall in any situation.There are no poor readers, just people with good and bad reading habits.what will you Learn?1. Speed ReadingWhat is speed reading?How to double or even triple your reading speed with strong comprehension?What are the common myths you have about reading and speed reading and how to overcome all of them?What is the right mindset required for effective speed reading?How to get the main ideas from any book faster?How to read textbooks or technical books in an effective way.How to read faster on any computer screenKnowledge you get from speed reading will improve your productivity, work efficiently and effectively in any job, profession and venture you choose to be.Leaders are readers: your ability to read faster is a big competitive advantage that can save you years of productivity while making life a whole lot easier.speed reading course will make your work done faster.speed reading course will make you more productive and alert all the dayMemory ImprovementWhat are the common misconceptions you have relating to memory.How your brain works and stores information and how to use it to your advantageWhat is the ideal mindset to have while memorizingWhat are rules of memorization and special techniques to use.How to Memorize any information and do it fasterWhat are the best ways of taking effective notesWhat is Mind-mapping and what are the rules for making a perfect mind-mapHow to summarize entire booksYou have a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked, so you have nothing to lose. I make myself available so you will have access to me if you have questions or need feedback along the way. You're not in this alone!"
Price: 199.99

"FreeRTOS com Arduino para iniciantes" |
"Como voc extrai o melhor de seus projetos? Sabe como desenvolver software embarcado multitarefa? Neste curso, voc vai aprender a desenvolver o software embarcado de seus projetos com Arduino utilizando o FreeRTOS, um dos sistemas operacionais de tempo real mais utilizados no mundo atualmente. Voc ser capaz de extrair o melhor de seus projetos, de modo que o desempenho e qualidade de cdigo-fonte sejam incrivelmente melhorados.Neste curso voc aprender:O que um RTOS e porque utilizar um sistema operacional em seus projetosO que o FreeRTOSOs recursos fundamentais do FreeRTOS: tarefas, semforos e filasO que so prioridades de tarefas e porque so to importantesComo monitorar a quantidade de memria usada pela sua tarefaComo dimensionar corretamente a quantidade de memria para sua tarefaE o mais importante: Para colocar todo o conhecimento em prtica, voc aprender a fazer um projeto completo com Arduino e FreeRTOS. Desse modo, voc pode utilizar isso como base para seus prprios projetos, sempre visando mximo desempenho e qualidade de cdigo-fonte.Aps este curso, voc estar apto a desenvolver projetos reais com FreeRTOS e Arduino.Isso lhe trar:Mais conhecimentoMaiores oportunidades de desenvolver solues cada vez melhores.Maiores chances de dar um passo frente em sua carreira profissional.E a, bora estudar FreeRTOS com Arduino?"
Price: 69.99

"Boost Your Online Sales" |
"ATTENTION: Anyone selling anything online!""Finally! Get More Leads, Build Your Audience, and Attract More Sales""Discover 101 Practical Strategies and Methods To Increase Online Sales For Your Product or Service In This CourseFrom: [YOUR NAME]Are you looking for ways to grow your online business?Perhaps you have an eCommerce store that you want to scale?Or perhaps you're selling digital products?Whatever it may be, if you're selling anything online then you need traffic!If you're hearing crickets and your sales stats show very little activity, then keep on reading.Are You Leaving Money on The Table?When it comes to online sales, there are many strategies you could implement to boost sales.From tweaking your sales copy to wowing your customers with exceptional customer support, all these things can boost sales.We wanted to learn how to boost our own product sales so we put together 101 strategies to help you build your audience and scale your business.Allow me to introduce to you...BOOST YOUR ONLINE SALES101 Practical Strategies and Methods To Increase Online Sales For Your Product or ServicesSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 189.99

"Tiene un emprendimiento o un negocio y quieres llegar a ms personas? No sabes lanzar campaas publicitarias?Este curso te ayudara a captar clientes potenciales mediante el lanzamiento de una campaa publicitaria y la utilizacin de herramientas digitales en redes sociales como Whatsapp business, no te preocupes si desconoces como hacerlo, con este curso aprenders paso a paso a utilizar las herramientas y crear tu campaa efectivaNo tienes un logo? Desconoces como editar?Conoce las herramientas que te ayudaran a crear un logo como si fueras un profesional, adems de manejar aplicaciones de edicin para tus publicaciones y campaas publicitarias.Adems podrs descargar material de apoyo que tenemos para ti."
Price: 345.00

"Creating a Realistic Cabin House for Game in Blender" |
"DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE PROBLEMS : Are you heaving trouble finding the right course that will teach you all the skills needed to create a game environment from start to finish using blender and unreal engine 4? Then look no further because this course is for you!I welcome you to Nexttut education's ""Creating a Realistic Cabin House for Game in Blender"" course. INSTRUCTOR : My name is Emiel sleegers, I am a 3d environment artist working in the AAA game industry for around 7 years now. I am currently working for Ubisoft entertainment and I have worked on games like the division 2 and forza horizon 3By the end of this course, you'll be able to Create realistic looking environments for your 3d project.TOPICS COVERED :Environment modeling Making textures and MaterialsSetting up in the UE4In this intermediate course you will learn how to create and uv unwrap models in blender3d, how to create tileable material and unique textures using substance designer and substance painter and how-to setup your entire scene inside unreal engine 4. To go in more detail, we will be covering many topics in this course, We will start by diving straight into blender3d where we will be creating a blockout of our scene to define the shape and scale. We will then start with modeling our final scene using the weighted normal modeling technique and we will also unwrap all out models in the main time. Once that is done, we will take a break from modelling and start by creating all the tileable textures needed inside substance designer. Finally, we will apply those textures to our scene and export everything to unreal engine 4 where we will be setting up our scene, doing our lighting and post effects and creating our custom materials. Finally, to finish things off we will be creating some extra additional models to give the scene more life and volume, we will also be creating unique textures for these models inside substance painter.IDEAL STUDENTS : I have designed this course for students who already have a basic understanding of the programs we are going to use. However as always, I will explain to you every step I take to get to the final result.Enroll now, and take your skills to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a usar Word en solo 6 captulos, ms uno gratis" |
"En este curso aprenders a usar Word como siempre lo has querido, de forma simple y divertida, con ejemplos paso paso que te permitirn aprender a tu ritmo. Cada video lo puedes pausar, regresar, volver a ver o lo que necesites, pues estn editados para alumnos; cada paso te lo indic en la narracin, adems podrs ver en pantalla distintos indicadores visuales que te mostrarn donde dar click, y cada combinacin de teclas que puedes usar para facilitarte el trabajo te las pongo en pantalla con una breve explicacin de lo que hacen. Te recomiendo que al mismo tiempo que vas avanzando en los captulos del curso, vayas pausando en cada leccin para practicar, para eso debers abrir Word en tu computadora y descargar el material que incluyo en la primera leccin.Adems, te incluyo en los videos, tips extra que complementarn tus conocimientos generales, como donde obtener miles de tipos de letras gratuitos, consejos para aprendas a poner acentos a las palabras en espaol, incluso hasta como convertir archivos PDF a Word gratis. Con mas de 35 aos en la Informtica he capacitado a cientos de personas, desde estudiantes hasta dueos de corporativos, todo mundo necesita escribir en Word, y contar con la ventaja de saber usarlo puede ser la gran diferencia en tu contratacin.Te invito a que termines el ejercicio final con el cual concluirs el curso, y te demostrars que lo que aprendiste fue tiempo bien invertido.Gracias por elegir este curso y por depositar tu confianza en mi.Manolo Velasco."
Price: 345.00

"Python Gui Development Using Eel" |
"What is EelHow to use EelWhy Eel is so popularHow to setup python and eel for the developmentHow to use html , css,& javascript to develop and design gui's for python appHow to interact with javascript and python using eelCreate multiple applications based on real world scenarios using python ,eel,html ,css & javascriptAll codes will be shared via github repository"
Price: 19.99

"Cmo Transmitir en Vivo Por las Redes Sociales 2020" |
"QUIERES REALIZAR TRANSMISIONES EN VIVO PROFESIONALES EN LAS REDES SOCIALES?nase a nuestro curso completo para mostrarle cmo realizar transmisiones en vivo profesionales en las principales redes sociales. Independientemente del propsito de sus transmisiones en vivo, este curso le mostrar todo lo que necesita saber para realizar transmisiones en vivo y en directo de forma profesional. He realizado transmisiones en directo durante ms de 5 aos para mis negocios en lnea, lo que me convierte en el ms calificado para ensearte todo sobre como realizar transmisiones en vivo de forma profesional.Cmo Transmitir en Vivo Por las Redes Sociales 2020, es el curso ms completo que encontrar en Internet, curso que le mostrar todo lo que necesita saber para realizar transmisiones en vivo y en directo por las redes sociales, de forma rpida y sencilla.EN ESTE CURSO, APRENDERS:Cmo realizar transmisiones en directo desde una pgina de Facebook.Cmo realizar transmisiones en directo desde una cuenta de Twitter.Cmo realizar transmisiones en directo desde un canal de YouTube.Cmo transmitir tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars de Zoom en vivo por Facebook.Cmo transmitir tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars de Zoom en vivo por YouTube.Cmo transmitir tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars de Google Meet en vivo por Facebook.Cmo transmitir tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars de Google Meet en vivo por YouTube.Si desea realizar transmisiones en vivo y en directo profesionales utilizando las redes sociales, este es el curso que necesita. Haremos todo lo que necesita saber cuando se trata de realizar transmisiones en vivo por las redes sociales y cubriremos los conceptos bsicos hasta las cosas ms avanzadas. No puedo esperar para mostrarte todo lo que s sobre la realizacin de transmisiones en vivo y en directo por las redes sociales.QU ME CALIFICA PARA ENSEARTE?Mi nombre es Renato y soy el creador de uno de los canales de Youtube ms populares del mundo en el tema de tutoriales y marketing digital: Programacin Fcil, SEO y Marketing, con ms de 100,000 estudiantes (Botn de Plata de YouTube), ms de 50 MILLONES de reproducciones y miles de comentarios en mis tutoriales, tales como estos:Hola te felicito por los tutoriales, muy bien explicados y sobretodo de mucha utilidad. Gracias y saludos. - RIGO TovarMuy buena las explicaciones en sus tutoriales, lo felicito. - Carlos CabarcasExcelente caballero muchas gracias por tan buen aporte. - Alexander GraysonMuchas gracias, bien explicado y efectivamente muy TIL. - Dulce RodrguezGracias por tu video fue muy sencillo el procedimiento y muy til. - Vernica TrujilloMI PROMESA PARA TI!Soy un instructor en lnea a tiempo completo. Estar aqu para usted en cada paso del camino. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con este tema, siempre puede publicar una pregunta en el curso o enviarme un mensaje directo.Quiero que este sea el mejor curso de CMO TRANSMITIR EN VIVO POR LAS REDES SOCIALES que se encuentre en Internet. Entonces, si hay alguna manera de mejorar este curso, solo dgame y lo har realidad.Adelante, haz clic en el botn de COMPRAR AHORA y te ver en la leccin 1!Saludos,Renato Jess Yacolca Neyra"
Price: 199.99

"Postgresql y PgAdmin ( Diseo , Administracin y Consultas)" |
"Bienvenido al curso completo de PostgreSQL en Espaol , donde aprenderemos desde lo mas bsico a como manejar una base de datos en PostgreSQL , veremos como disear una base de datos manejando las 3 formas normales , ademas de realizar consultas a fondo , administrar una base de datos con roles , privilegios , permisos . Por ultimo aprenderemos a crear objetos y programacin a nivel de base de datos"
Price: 24.99

"IELTS Masterclass: Ultimate Prep Course for Academic" |
"You're here because you want to band 7+ in IELTS, right?Maybe this is your first time learning about IELTS, or perhaps you want to get one step ahead to reach your goal.IELTS is one of the most in-demand courses to go abroad to study, work, or immigrate. And, IELTS Masterclass: Band 7+ Ultimate Prep Course (Academic) is the perfect course for you to level up in IELTS.If you are looking to increase your band score and get the best strategies to help you grab extra marks, this is the perfect course for you!Whatever your goal is for getting the maximum bands in IELTS, youve come to the right place.IELTS Masterclass: Band 7+ Ultimate Prep Course (Academic) is a complete solution for beginners. It is THE most action-packed, all-inclusive, band increasing course youll ever find online.IELTS Masterclass: Band 7+ Ultimate Prep Course (Academic) is a quick and productive course that requires nothing to start with.While various other IELTS courses focus on different band building techniques, its challenging to find an extensive course like this.This course is for them who want to pursue higher studies abroad. It is also for them who wish to score band 7 or more in IELTS Academic. So, even if you are a complete newbie and want to get acquainted with the whole of IELTS, youre in the right place.What will you get after completing this course?To manage time for answering all questions of the section in the given period.To take you through the fundamentals of IELTS and its different sections.To identify different types of questions in each section.To exercise the most workable strategies.To step ahead after each lecture to achieve band 7+ in each section.To know the target raw score and align it to the bands. Like, suppose you want to achieve band 8 in listening, you will have to get a minimum of 35 answers correct out of 40.And, last know the quick-win tips to avoid losing marks because of some trivial reasons.No matter how much you know of IELTS, this course is designed to help you with everything you need to know of IELTS.What is the content covered in this course?The course is aimed at taking you through the whole of IELTS. Most of the lessons are explained with examples, so you know how to answer each one. We walk you through not only what it takes to make the best out of your time but also what will lead you to score high.Youll start with the basics. You will learn what IELTS is, how this exam is divided, in how many parts each section is divided, and much more.Youll learn the different question types in each section, how to identify them, what strategies to try to answer them, and what tricks to manage time.These cumulative 33 question types are explained with descriptive examples. So you understand how to approach each type and be confident to get the correct answer.Lastly, there are many downloadable resources attached to each lecture for FREE. Practice the attached examples using the same strategies.By the end of the course, you will be well-versed with IELTS as the standardized test. You will be all ready to answer any question that comes into the examination.Dont hold back! Jump in right now and get ready to achieve your goal of attaining band 7+ in IELTS.See you in lecture 1!"
Price: 199.99

"Spark Structured Streaming 3.0 : All You Need to Know" |
"Getting faster action from the data is the need of many industries and Stream Processing helps doing just that. But it comes with its own set of theories, challenges and best practices.Apache Spark has seen tremendous development being in stream processing. The rich features of Spark Structured Streaming introduces a learning curve and this course is aimed at bringing all those concepts in a friendly and easy to reflect manner.You will learn the differences between batch & stream processing and the challenges specific to stream processing. Quickly we'll move to understand the concepts of stream processing with wide varieties of examples & hands-on, dealing with inner working and taking a use case towards the end. All of this activity will be on cloud using Spark 3.0."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Lenguaje Ensamblador MIPS: De cero a experto" |
"Convirtete en un experto del lenguaje ensamblador y aprende una de las habilidades ms solicitadas en 2020!Este es el curso ms completo, aunque sencillo, para aprender sobre lenguaje ensamblador MIPS en Udemy! Tanto si no has visto nunca nada de lenguajes de bajo nivel antes, si eres principiante o si quieres aumentar considerablemente tu habilidad... Este es tu curso!"
Price: 199.99

"Fiverr Freelance 2020: Exact Steps to Earn Money on Fiverr" |
"Hello,""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass"" is absolutely the best way to be a full-time freelancer and earn money daily on Fiverr.The following masterclass contains the information and technics that I have personally mastered and successfully used for more than 5 years as a full-time freelancer on ""Fiverr"" and other freelancing platforms. The purpose of ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass""By the end of this masterclass, you will have the exact strategy, skills, and tools (free) to have an optimized account on ""Fiverr"" and to create profitable gigs that will attract daily clients to your services.Whatever your service is and whatever your niche, ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass"" is for you. Because the strategy that you will learn, the tricks that you will have, and the steps that you will go through are general in niches and detailed in explication. They are explained in the most easy to understand way, step by step, and with a simple English language.SOME technics and tricks that you will master during ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass"" are the following:How to rank your service in the first page: Fiverr SEOHow to create your 1st profitable and convincing gig (title, tags, packages, description, FAQ, picture, video)How to increase the average order size on FiverrHow to turn your Fiverr buyers into long-term customersHow to select the most profitable pricing for your serviceHow to scale your Fiverr businessThese are SOME general topics that you are going to master. Besides, I will show you several tricks that will make your life easy, that will save you weeks and even months of hard work, and that will makes you far more better than 90% of websites owners who don't have the chance to learn these information and benefit from them in a proper way. Why choosing ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass""I will show you the exact strategy to grow your Fiverr freelancing business from scratch. And guess what, there are two differences between the strategy that you will get from this ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass"" and the other courses:THE TIMING: In better terms, the time that you need to invest, in the aim to achieve your goal, that is to start working comfortably from your home, in the way you want and the time you like, which means to be your own boss. This strategy has worked not just in my own Fiverr business, but also in other accounts of persons who searched for the same goal. And the channels of my students who decided to learn from ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass "", who did the exact steps that they have understood. And the best part is that they have built their brands, and scaled it in a record time. Even that some of them worked less time than I did, to see their success.THE SCALING: Using the strategy of ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass "", you will master the two methods of time saving. The first one will makes you able to earn more money in less working time, and the second will show you all about earning passive income from your Fiverr account.Moreover, I still have my business in this field. So as soon as there is a new update, I will explain it in the ""Updates"" section of this masterclass. And I will notify you to be aware of it (For free) to be always the first to know the information, which means the first who benefit from it. And all this, is because of your life-time access to the ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass "". The spread ""Fiverr Freelance Masterclass""I really love this masterclass. I'm receiving amazing feedbacks form happy businessmen and businesswomen in 5 continents: North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. I guarantee you that they can't be wrong. But if you think they are, you can, by one click, refund your money.Try it now. It will be your most profitable investment!"
Price: 19.99

"HRCI GPHR certification Practice Test: 2020" |
"Welcome to our Course.These Practice tests will help you pass the Global Professional in Human Resources: GPHR exam in the very first attempt.What you get?175 High Quality unique practice questionsAnswers & Explanations are verified by expertsAlways updatedAll domains covered30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?175 High Quality practice questionsOur Practice test will help you score at least 80% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Should have Basic IT knowledgeWant to Clear Global Professional in Human Resources: GPHR CertificationWho are your target students?Anyone wants to test their knowledge before taking the official Global Professional in Human Resources: GPHR examWho wants to crack Global Professional in Human Resources: GPHR exam in their first attemptGo Ahead take our courses.Practice hard.Test your Knowledge.Give your best shotBest of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 19.99
