"Get Organized 101 - Become Your Most Organized Self!" |
"You Deserve An Organized Life This Organization Training Course Helps You Remove The Cutter, Get Organized And Take Control Of Your Life Back. Trying To Do Anything When You Are Disorganized Is Slow & Frustrating.Organization Is The Difference Between Massive Failure & Massive Success. With An Organized Home & Office You Will Find Yourself In The Winners Circle.In This Organization Training Course You Will Learn How To Became Your Most Organized Self. Learn How The Pros Get Themselves Organized The Fast, Simple & Easy Way.This Comprehensive Course Will Help You Organize All The Major Areas Off Your Life!In Just One Day You Can Go From Disorganized To Organized And Then Everything Will Speed Up For You. It Is Like Turbo-Boosting Your Life And Career!By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover What The Clutter Effect Is & How You Can Beat It!2) Learn Easy Ways To End Workplace Clutter & Boost Productivity3) Discover Great Ways To Quickly Organize Your House4) Learn How Organize Your LIFE So It Is The Way YOU Want It!5) Learn The Hidden Secrets Of Organizing Your MIND6) Find Out If You Need To Reorganize Your Relationships7) Learn The Secrets To Clearing Your Mind For Happiness8) Uncover Ways To Simplify Your Life To Free Up Space & Your Mind. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!NO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Sign Up NOW! :)"
Price: 129.99

"Become Your Greatest Self! - Growth Mindset Training" |
"You Deserve The BEST Life Possible This Growth Mindset Course helps You Remove The Hidden Barriers That Have Cheated You & Have Held You Back.YOU Are The ONLY Tool You Have In Life and A Growth Mindset Is The Difference Between Massive Failure & Massive Success. With A Growth Mindset You Will Find Yourself In The Winners Circle.In This Growth Mindset Course You Will Learn How To Became Your Greatest Self. Learn How To Grow In Every Area Of Your Life And How To Adopt The RIGHT Mindset To Move Yourself Forward & Upward In Life.This Growth Mindset Course Will Teach You How To Grow As A Person In Every Area Of Your Life. This Course Will Dramatically Increase The Results You Get & Help You Achieve Your Goals In Less Time.START The Course Now!By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover Why Awareness Is Key To Personal Growth & How It Can Dramatically Move You Forward2) Learn The Importance Of Investing In Your Mental Health & How It Impacts Your Entire Life3) Discover The Many Mental & Physical Benefits Of Healthy Living4) Learn How To Reduce Stress & Experience More Joy & Better Health5) Discover How To Let Go Of The Negativity In Your Life & Remove Barriers6) Uncover Great Ways To Invest In Your Physical Health & Vitality7) Learn The Hidden Secrets Of Focusing On What Matters Most For Massive Success8) Learn The Secrets To Developing The Growth Mindset & Positive Attitudes Of A Winner9) Learn How To Build People UP Not Down10) Discover The Power & Freedom Of Just Being Yourself11) Discover The Hidden Secrets Of How Winners Take Themselves To The Next Level12) Find Your Place & Your Purpose In Life. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!NO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Sign Up NOW! :)"
Price: 129.99

"Learn to Make Your Videos Online" |
"The module activates the learning as a priority to build online videos. It activates to Learn simple, effective techniques to create beautiful marketing videos easily using InVideo in under 1 hour. It manipulates to Learn how to create marketing videos for your business easily using InVideo. The priority is to Transform your content into great videos easily using InVideo in under 1 hour. Learn to create marketing videos for Instagram stories, Facebook videos, Whatsapp videos, etc. to promote your business. The beauty and the initiative is to have a Walkthrough examples from scratch to bring WOW to our work life and living at large!"
Price: 19.99

"Estrategia Empresarial" |
"Hey! Con este curso sobre Estrategia Empresarial tendrs un panorama completo y bastante slido sobre qu es estrategia, qu tipos de estrategias existen, cmo funcionan, en qu consiste la identidad corporativa, la ventaja competitiva, revisaremos distintos procesos para la toma de decisiones, resolucin de conflictos, negociacin, pensamiento estratgico, aprenders sobre design thinking, y te brindar todas las principales herramientas para el anlisis de entorno, actores, y escenarios. Desde el tradicional FODA, pasando por el PESTEL, el stakeholder analysis en sus niveles I II III y IV, el rbol de problemas, el Anlisis de Bilateralidades, hasta el modelo CANVAS para proyectos y el llamado Cuadro de Mando Integral.Este curso es el equivalente directo a pasar las asignaturas universitarias de ""Direccin Estratgica"" ""Estrategia Empresarial"" ""Gestin Estratgica"" o materias similares en sus niveles I y II. Es como todo un ao de licenciatura, o un par de mdulos a nivel de postgrado."
Price: 49.99

"Como estruturar a rea de Customer Success do zero" |
"O curso Como estruturar uma rea de Customer Success do zero foi pensado para os profissionais que esto enfrentando o desafio de iniciar esta rea em uma empresa, ou ainda para aqueles que querem se aventurar no mundo de CS.Organizamos o curso em 6 etapas, que sugerimos que sejam seguidas na construo da rea de CS:1 Passo O Reconhecimento2 Passo As Implantaes3 Passo Os Modelos4 Passo O Conhecimento5 Passo O Controle6 Passo A PadronizaoO curso prtico e rpido e tem a inteno de dar um norte para quem no sabe por onde comear."
Price: 54.99

"Sistemas de Recomendacion: Inteligencia Artificial y ML" |
"Has visto recomendaciones automatizadas en todas partes - en la pgina de inicio de Netflix, en YouTube y en Amazon, ya que estos algoritmos de aprendizaje automtico aprenden sobre tus intereses nicos, y muestran los mejores productos o contenidos para ti como individuo.Estas tecnologas se han convertido en el centro de los ms grandes y prestigiosos empleadores de tecnologa que existen, y al entender cmo funcionan, usted se convertir muy valioso para ellos.Cubriremos algoritmos de recomendacin probados y verdaderos basados en el filtrado colaborativo neighborhood-based, y nos abriremos camino hacia tcnicas ms modernas, incluyendo la factorizacin de matrices e incluso el aprendizaje profundo con redes neuronales artificiales.Los sistemas recomendados son complejos; no se inscriba en este curso esperando un formato de aprendizaje para codificar. No hay una receta a seguir sobre cmo hacer un sistema recomendador; necesitas entender los diferentes algoritmos y cmo elegir cundo aplicar cada uno para una situacin dada. Asumimos que ya sabes cmo codificar.Sin embargo, este curso es muy prctico; desarrollars tu propio marco de trabajo para evaluar y combinar muchos algoritmos de recomendacin diferentes juntos, e incluso construirs tus propias redes neuronales usando Tensorflow para generar recomendaciones de clasificaciones de pelculas del mundo real de personas reales.Que aprenderas:Construir un motor de recomendacinEvaluacin de los sistemas recomendadosFiltrado basado en el contenido utilizando los atributos del artculoFiltrado colaborativo basado en el vecindario con un filtro basado en el usuario, en el artculo y en el KNN CFMtodos basados en modelos, incluida la factorizacin de matrices y el SVDAplicando el aprendizaje profundo, la IA y las redes neuronales artificiales a las recomendacionesRecomendaciones basadas en sesiones con redes neuronales recursivasEscalar a conjuntos de datos masivos con aprendizaje de mquinas Apache Spark, aprendizaje profundo de Amazon DSSTNE, y AWS SageMaker con mquinas de factorizacinRetos y soluciones del mundo real con sistemas recomendadosEstudios de casos de YouTube y NetflixHbrido de construccin, recomendadores de conjuntosEste curso le lleva desde los primeros das del filtrado colaborativo, hasta las aplicaciones ms avanzadas de las redes neuronales profundas y las modernas tcnicas de aprendizaje de mquinas para recomendar los mejores elementos a cada usuario individual.Los ejercicios de codificacin de este curso utilizan el lenguaje de programacin Python. Incluimos una introduccin a Python si eres nuevo en l, pero necesitars alguna experiencia previa en programacin para usar este curso con xito."
Price: 199.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 [Practice FR - EN]" |
"Devenir AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner est une tape recommande pour obtenir une certification de niveau Associ ou Spcialit.L'examen AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner s'adresse aux personnes disposant des connaissances et des comptences ncessaires pour faire preuve d'une bonne comprhension gnrale du Cloud AWS, indpendamment des rles techniques spcifiques abords par d'autres certifications AWS. Passez l'examen dans un centre de test ou depuis le confort et le ct pratique de votre domicile ou de votre bureau grce la surveillance en ligne. ( 130 questions pour vous aider vrifier que vous tes bien prpar pour l'examen )Conu selon le dernier format d'examen entirement en Franais : Domaines 1 : Cloud Concepts 26%Dfinir ce quest le nuage ( cloud) AWS et sa proposition de valeurIdentifier les aspects conomiques du nuage ( cloud )numrer les diffrents principes de conception dune architecture en nuageDomaines 2 : Security and Compliance 25%Dfinir le modle de responsabilit partage AWSDfinir les concepts de scurit et de conformit AWSIdentifier les capacits de gestion pour l'accs aux ressources AWSIdentifier les ressources disponibles pour la scurit dans le nuage AWSDomaines 3 : Technology 33%Dfinir les mthodes de dploiement et d'exploitation dans le nuageDfinir l'infrastructure globale AWSIdentifier les services fondamentaux AWSIdentifier les technologies sur lesquelles reposent les ressources AWSDomaines 4 : Billing and Pricing 16%Comparer et opposer les diffrents modles de tarification AWSReconnatre les structures de compte en ce qui concerne la facturation et la tarification AWSIdentifier les ressources disposition pour la facturation"
Price: 199.99

"Creador de Licencias para Software en C#" |
"En este curso Aprenders a crear Licencias de Prueba de 30 dias o de 1 ao para que tus clientes conozcan tu Sistema. Eso te dar una Oportunidad de demostrar lo bueno que es tu sistema. Podrs vender tus Sistemas en forma de Licencias, as podrs venderle a todo el Mundo.Aprenders Tambin a crear una Tienda Virtual 100% Funcional para que vendas tus Sistemas y que tus clientes puedan descargar un Instalador y Prueben tu sistema. En caso les guste podrn Comprar Licencia desde tu misma Tienda Virtual y tu podrs Gestionar todo el Proceso desde un Aplicativo de Escritorio que crearemos en este Curso con el Lenguaje C# y SQLserver como base de datos."
Price: 199.99

"AWS CodePipeline Step by Step" |
"Would you like to learn AWS CodePipeline to build your own CI/CD pipelines on AWS?Then, welcome to learn AWS CodePipeline from a senior AWS architect with hands-on examples and detailed explanations!In this course, you will learn CodePipeline step by step:In the first section, you will learn CodePipeline basics by creating a pipeline between 2 Amazon S3 buckets as the source and deploy locations.In Section 2, you will learn how to use AWS CodeCommit with CodePipeline as well as Git commands to trigger your pipelines. You will start using CodeCommit repositories to host your source code.In Section 3, you will learn how to use AWS CodeBuild with CodePipeline to build and test your code automatically in each pipeline execution. But you will still use Amazon S3 as the deploy location.In Section 4, you will learn how to use CodeDeploy with CodePipeline to deploy to Amazon EC2 instances. You will start with a single instance and proceed with multiple instances behind auto scaling and load balancing. You will also learn different CodeDeploy deployment types and configurations such as in-place rolling and blue-green.In Section 5, you will learn how to use AWS CloudFormation with CodePipeline to create and delete stacks automatically in each pipeline execution. Besides, you will learn how to define manual approval actions and configure pipeline notifications on your pipelines.You will also learn how to check your build and deployment logs in case of failures with examples.What will you achieve after this course? You will understand how AWS CodePipeline works in detail. You will be able to use AWS CodePipeline with other AWS developer tools to create your CI/CD pipelines on AWS. You will be able to replace your manual deployment processes with automation to avoid human errors and minimize deployment failures.Why learn from me? AWS verified my knowledge and experience at the top-level. I am a senior AWS consultant holding AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional and AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional certifications as well as all 3 Associate-level AWS certificates. I have a software engineering background, a BS degree in Computer Engineering, and more than 14 years of professional experience in corporates and startups. I have been using AWS for more than seven years. Until now, I built dozens of CI/CD pipelines on AWS using CodePipeline, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy for my clients and projects. I learned by doing and teach both theory and practice according to the AWS best practices. I explain the features with hands-on examples and also why to use them with their advantages and disadvantages. So you will benefit from my experience as well as my knowledge.Is this course for you?I designed this course for beginners to AWS CodePipeline and assume that you have no or little experience in it.This course is not for beginners to AWS. You should have intermediate-level AWS knowledge around core services.Although I do the lectures with hands-on examples, you should have basic Git knowledge and experience in using Git commands from the command line.I mostly use a basic Angular application in our practices, but you do not need to know Angular for them. We keep our focus on CodePipeline, not on any particular programming language or framework. The techniques I teach in this course apply to others well.I recommend you watch the free previews before enrolling in the course.Join this course and start learning CodePipeline step by step with hands-on examples!Thank you!Emre YilmazAWS Certified Solutions Architect - ProfessionalAWS Certified DevOps Engineer - ProfessionalAWS Certified Solutions Architect - AssociateAWS Certified SysOps Administrator - AssociateAWS Certified Developer - Associate"
Price: 99.99

"Impresin 3D La gua prctica para principiantes! 2020" |
"Aprenda a imprimir en 3D con un ingeniero La gua prctica para principiantesEst interesado en la impresin en 3D y busca un curso de iniciacin prctico y compacto, pero no tiene ganas de leer o buscar informacin? Entonces este curso es adecuado para usted! En este curso aprender todos los fundamentos que necesita saber para operar una impresora 3D y crear sus propios objetos impresos en 3D. Comience ahora con este profesional, descriptivo y paso a paso tutorial de impresin 3D.Beneficios de este curso: Explicaciones paso a paso para el uso de hardware y software. Aprenda todos los fundamentos de la impresin en 3D con la gua de un ingeniero y un usuario experimentado. Comienza de forma rpida y sencilla.Explicaciones fciles de entender del tema. Ideal para principiantes e intermedios.Hoy en da, las impresoras 3D tambin son asequibles para los usuarios domsticos. Este curso incluye una gua de compra para iniciarse en la impresin 3D a un precio asequible (menos de 400-600 US$).Comprensible y, por tanto, directo al grano: Tiempo total aprox. 80 minutosFAQs (Preguntas frecuentes):Qu aprendo en el curso de Impresin 3D?El curso incluye todo lo que necesita saber para iniciarse en el mundo de la impresin 3D FDM y sus aplicaciones. Desde un consejo de compra hasta cmo utilizar el software necesario y una impresora 3D. Tambin hay captulos sobre materiales, resolucin de problemas y escaneo en 3D esperndote. Todo el hardware y el software necesarios para la impresin 3D se presentarn paso a paso y se explicarn mediante ejemplos de impresin (gratuitos).Qu necesito para el curso de impresin 3D y cunto tiempo dura?Una duracin total de unos 80 minutos (divididos en varias lecciones individuales). Por supuesto, usted es libre de elegir qu captulos quiere ver y a qu hora, y tambin puede hacer una pausa en cualquier momento. Lo ideal es que compres una impresora 3D. Un consejo de compra est incluido en el curso. Si no quieres comprar una, tambin se muestran alternativas (proveedores externos). Tambin podras usar un ""Makerspace"" cercano. En este caso tambin te beneficiars del contenido de este curso.Cunto cuesta una impresora 3D?Las impresoras 3D de alta calidad para uso domstico estn disponibles a partir de unos 500 USD. As que la impresin 3D no tiene por qu ser cara. El precio general de las impresoras 3D FDM es aproximadamente de 400 a 5000 USD.El tutorial es slo para principiantes de la impresin 3D?Este curso est diseado generalmente para cualquier persona interesada en la impresin 3D o en la tecnologa en general. No importa si es slo para informar sobre la tecnologa o para la aplicacin e implementacin de modelos propios. Todos los procesos se explican en detalle y se presentan de una manera fcil de entender. Este curso tambin es ideal para inventores, ingenieros, arquitectos, artistas, estudiantes, adolescentes, etc.Quin me ensear los fundamentos de la impresin 3D en este curso?El curso de impresin 3D es impartido por un ingeniero y usuario experimentado en el campo de la impresin 3D.Es difcil aprender a imprimir en 3D?La impresin 3D es ciertamente un tema complejo, ya que hay que aprender a utilizar el software y el hardware. Sin ayuda, se puede perder de vista lo que es importante para lograr buenos resultados. Sin embargo, con este tutorial de impresin en 3D tienes toda la informacin a tu alcance.Aprendo tambin a disear mis propios objetos?El tema del diseo CAD ser tratado en este curso. Esto significa que se presenta el software de diseo. El proceso de diseo en s mismo, por otra parte, no se ensea, ya que esto ira ms all del alcance. Qu puedo hacer con una impresora 3D de todos modos?Tienes la posibilidad de descargar e imprimir numerosos (100.000+) objetos magnficos de las llamadas plataformas de contenido de forma gratuita. Muchos artculos tiles y funcionales para su hogar, juguetes para los nios, regalos para los amigos y otras cosas espectaculares.Como primera inspiracin, le invitamos a ver el trailer del curso.Como podis ver, la impresin en 3D es una tecnologa impresionante. Empecemos, inscrbete en este curso de Impresin 3D ahora y dale la bienvenida al futuro."
Price: 19.99

"Project Management for Non-Project Managers" |
"Project Management for Non-Project Managers course is specifically created to cater to those that are totally novice when it comes to the field of Project Management.After this course, you will have a clear understanding of the fundamentals of Project Management.Course ContentThe Basics of Project ManagementManaging TimeBuilding a TeamWorking with Project StakeholdersPlanning, Scheduling and BudgetingManaging RisksWhile going over these 6 chapters you will learn several project management related concepts that are defined in the most non-technical and layman terms possible. The whole course is designed in a way that no prior project management experience or knowledge is essential."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Epistemology" |
"What will you learn?1. How we can claim to know what we know.2. How to identify the three types of knowledge: acquaintance, ability and propositional knowledge.3. How to outline and evaluate the major Western philosophical theories of how we acquire knowledge, including whether we have innate knowledge and how we might claim to understand the nature of reality.4. To describe the Western philosophical tradition of skepticism and discuss the contention that knowledge is unattainable.Who is this course for?This course gives an introduction to epistemology, aka the Philosophy of Knowledge, and it can be studied by those who have never studied Philosophy before. It will appeal to those who are simply interested in the topic; those teaching the topic who want fresh ideas on how to explain epistemology, or those wanting to take an A level qualification in Philosophy.What does the course cover?Epistemology, or the Philosophy of Knowledge, is essentially the foundation for all other branches of Philosophy. It gets right to the heart of how we can claim to know what we know and how well-founded those claims really are. It also addresses what the best starting point is in our search for knowledge: whether we should look inside our own minds or reach outside ourselves to the empirical world.This course begins by discussing the different types of knowledge before focusing in on propositional knowledge in particular, in other words the kind of knowledge we communicate through language. It explores the tripartite theory of knowledge (also known as the justified true belief model) before looking at Gettier's famous challenge to this theory. Some methods of bolstering the tripartite theory are then examined, such as adding a no false lemmas clause the shortcomings of which are also explored. The course also explores other approaches to the acquisition of knowledge including infallibilism, reliabilism and virtue epistemology. It also explores the concept of epistemic luck.Section 2 explores the empiricist approach to knowledge, which emphasises examining the information we acquire through our senses. It looks first at direct realism, the idea that the world is as it seems to us, before comparing this with John Locke's theory of indirect realism and his distinction between objects' primary and secondary qualities. This theory is then evaluated and compared with Bishop Berkeley's idealist position the idea that our world is mental rather than physical. This is then followed by a discussion of David Hume's skeptical approach to knowledge, in particular the drawbacks to inductive reasoning. We will also look at Hume's fork, a distinction between two types of propositional knowledge.Section 3 looks at the rationalist approach to knowledge. It begins with the Ancient Greek thinker Plato and outlines his allegory of the cave and world of the forms theory. It then looks at his contention, in his text Meno, that what might seem like fresh learning is actually the remembrance of knowledge we already had. This thread is then followed through to Gottfried Leibniz, a seventeenth century rationalist who also believed in the innate ideas thesis. We also look at his distinction between necessary and contingent truths and his rebuttal of Locke's concept of our minds as a tabula rasa, or blank slate. The last philosopher in our rationalist trio is Rene Descartes, commonly regarded as the father of modern philosophy. It introduces his famous assertion 'I think therefore I am' before looking at the waves of doubt that caused him to try and re-establish knowledge on a firmer footing. Lastly the course looks at Descartes' trademark argument for the existence of God and explains how he deploys this to try and prove that knowledge is attainable.The course is structured to be interactive, with activities spread throughout and a multiple choice quiz after each section. Information is delivered mainly through narrated slideshows. Each slide includes images that have been paired with the ideas and concepts discussed to help make the material easier to understand and remember. There is also a transcript of each video to help you follow the material and know how to spell new terms. If any topic particularly takes your interest then you can access the additional resources section of each lecture, which will enable you to explore further. There is also a discussion group where you can discuss the ideas and concepts you will be studying.The syllabus covered in this course is that listed in the AQA's 7172 A Level Philosophy syllabus for the Epistemology module. Further information on how this qualification is structured and assessed are attached to the introductory lecture. I have covered material from the Metaphysics of Mind module in my course Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind; from the Metaphysics of God module in my Introduction to the Philosophy of Western Religion and the Moral Philosophy module in my Introduction to Moral Philosophy course."
Price: 34.99

"Aprende modelado de personajes en maya" |
"Aprende modelado orgnico y riggin de personajes en el programa con mas demanda en el campo audiovisual Maya de Autodesk, en el curso veremos desde el arreglo de las imgenes para modelar hasta la creacin de materiales en Photoshop, pasando por todo el flujo de trabajo de las agencias profesionales al momento de crear un personaje."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Guitar Repair - Module 4, Fret Repair" |
"Learn how to repair guitars, today.Module 4, Fret Repair, is the fourth in the Guitar Repair Technician series (the first three being Maintaining Your Guitar, Guitar Setups and Making New Bone Nuts). Together, these award winning modules teach you how to repair frets on an electric, acoustic, classical and bass guitar, developing your skills as a Guitar Repair Technician. These skills also transfer to other fretted instruments e.g. dulcimers, banjos etc.Please do check with me for discounts and coupons before purchasing any of these modules.Module 4, Fret Repair, is the first advanced module, taking you to the next level in your journey for learning how to professionally carry out guitar fret repairs on your own and customer guitars. It runs seamlessly into Module 5, Fret Replacement. To clarify, Module 4 focuses on repairing those few problem fret whereas Module 5 looks at how to replace and stone / profile all the frets on the entire fretboard.Other Guitar Repair training courses are expensive, long and often not easily accessible. This module, when attended as a UK government approved training course, would cost in excess of 250 per day - here, you can often save over 90% of the cost.Follow step by step with videos, downloads and quizzes. Ask questions. Practice each demonstrated task.Once youve completed this module, youll be ready to confidently and accurately tackle those frets that aren't sitting properly on the fretboard for other people, and youll also save a fortune being able to work on your own instrument. This module focuses on the essential tools and how to save money where possible, although you will need a good fret press and camber cauls. You'll learn how to identify those dodgy frets, and how to prepare them for re-fitting. We'll look at glueing, clamping, cleaning and smoothing those rough edges. You'll learn how to brace the neck to access frets up at the body and underneath the heel and nut, and how to clamp those hard-to-reach frets by the soundhole. And we'll have a brief look at why not to re-level a single raised fret, and how to re-crown a fret if you do attempt to level it out. And you'll get to download checklists for your own portfolio, and complete quizzes and self-assessments to validate and strengthen your knowledge and understanding. This course is ideal whether youre working in the Guitar and Music industry, following a hobby or simply maintaining your own guitar to keep it in great shape. Because you're being trained to a professional standard by a qualified teacher and guitar repair technician, you'll get some insight into several small tricks and pointers while following a structured and engaging course that's easy to follow step-by-step.The Guitar Repair Technician Training Program has been a preferred choice within the Wales Employability Sector for guitar repair training, and was entered onto the Careers Wales database of approved courses in 2013. The problem for many, however, was access to the guitar repair workshops i.e. many people simply were unable to attend workshops to learn how to repair electric guitars and other types due to time constraints, geographic location and transportation. The solution: Finally, the Guitar Repair Technician training program is now available here through Udemys online learning platform for you to learn how to fix your own guitar and customer guitars in your own time, and without needing to leave home. With a 30-day money back guarantee, rewind to relearn, and a certificate of completion to show future employers or to add credibility to your technical know-how and services, there's no better time to sign up to the course. So click on the button and I'll see you there!"
Price: 19.99

"Final Cut Pro X MASTER EDIT" |
"lk kursumuzda programn temellerini anlattm. gerekli effect ve present lar verdim. imdi sizleri biraz yorma zaman. En ok beenilen baykan denim videosunu sfrdan balayarak beraber yapyoruz. Bu kurs, video dzenlemeyi balatmak iin bilmeniz gereken her eyi kapsayacaktr.Video dzenleme balang rehberiVideo montaj ve birletirme teknikleriDn mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaYenidoan mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaDoum hikayesi mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaocuk video klipleriVideolara gei efektleri eklemeVideolara logo eklemeProjelerinize grsel efektler eklemekGelimi verimlilik ipularok daha fazlas!Bu kursun sonunda, bir fotoraf olarak video dzenleme konusunda gveniniz artacaktr. Video montaj eitimini aldktan sonra Fotoraflar kendi reklamlarn, mzik kliplerini yapabileceklerHemen bu eitimi satn alp kariyerinizi bir adm ne tayn. Yapacanz video montaj, dzenleme ile mterilerinizi memnun edin. stelik deneyip memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde paranz geri alabilirsiniz. Eitimlerde grmek dileimle.Sevgiler,BERKAY EFEBu kurs kimler iin uygun:Dn fotoraflar iin uygundurYenidoan fotoraflar iin uygundurInstagram, Facebook reklam videosu hazrlamak isteyenler iin uygundurVideo dzenleme konusunda bilgisi olmayan fotoraflar iin uygundurHzl video klip oluturmak isteyenler iin uygundurDn video klip oluturmak isteyenler iin uygundurVideo montaj yapmak isteyenler iin uygundurzel gnler iin video hazrlamak isteyenler iin uygundur"
Price: 69.99

"SolidWorks - Estruturas Metlicas" |
"O curso de SolidWorks Estrutura Metlicas tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de competncias relativas elaborao de modelagem em desenhos de projetos e a modificao dos mesmos, utilizando ferramentas tpicas da rea, visando a alterao das caractersticas do produto e a melhoria de sua funo, de acordo com normas e especificaes tcnicas, considerando princpios da qualidade e produtividade.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a modelar os principais tipos de estruturas metlicas como vigas, trelias, bancadas, escadas e a elaborao de anlises por simulao.Aplicao da biblioteca de estruturas e perfis Aplicao de estruturas metlicas A interface de usurio ambiente de soldagemBarras de ferramentasDesenvolvimento de estruturas metlicasDesenvolvimento de trelias Desenvolvimento de vigasDesenvolvimento de bancadaDesenvolvimento de galpo Desenvolvimento de escadaDesenvolvimento de telha trapezoidal Dicas rpidasExercciosIntroduo a estruturas metlicasProjeto de construo de um galpo O que a ferramenta Solidworks Estruturas Metlicas ?Projeto de estrutura metlicaRecursos e componentes estruturais Simulao e anlise estrutural de fora e toro - SolidWorks Simulation"
Price: 84.99

"Solidworks A to Z" |
"Welcome to everyone in this course you will learn everything about solidworks in class wise Along with sketch tools will have nearly about 33 classes where you will get to know each tools in detail how to use it.Features tools will have nearly about 20 where you will get to know each tools in detail how to use it.Exercise tools will have nearly about 5 where you will get to know each tools in detail how to use it.Assembly tools will have nearly about 3 where you will get to know each tools in detail how to use it.You will going to learn 3D assembly with animation motion studies"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Groups Unleashed" |
"""Discover How To Start, Launch and Grow Your Own Thriving Facebook Group For Your Business""Facebook Groups Can Completely Change the Way Your Followers See Your Brand And Most Businesses Ignore Them!What if I told you that you were currently ignoring the biggest and most powerful social media marketing tool there is?So, many businesses that are keen to promote their brands on Facebook will focus purely on Facebook pages.This is a huge mistake, seeing as Facebook groups are really what allow a business go from being a small fish in a big pond, to a giant heavy hitter.Facebook groups are used by over one billion people, but that isnt the reason theyre so powerful and important.The reason? Engagement.Facebook groups are more intimate, they are more personal, and they tend to attract only your die hard fans.What Would You Do With a Group of Highly Engaged Fans?Imagine having a group of highly engaged customers.People that love your brand and that want to learn everything there is to know about it.People that dont get enough of your content from your blog or Facebook page, and who want to spend more time discussing your industry with like-minded fans.In other words, you are building a community. A community that can support and buoy your company, and help to elevate it past the other stuffy businesses in your niche.A Tribe of Die-Hard FansThats what really makes the difference for businesses, because those fans become brand ambassadors.They wont only read and react to everything you post, they wont only buy your new products: theyll also be your biggest advocates and marketers. Because they BELIEVE in the message you are selling.Facebook groups allow you to do this, by offering a secluded place for people who want more of your content to discuss matters relating to your business. Youll be able to speak to those most loyal fans directly, and build the kind of relationship that translates to true brand loyalty. And theyre HIGHLY monetizable.But while this option is available to you, its something that most businesses have no idea how to accomplish. Most businesses that try their hand at Facebook groups will find that they spend a lot of time posting content to groups that provide no real value.They flounder without a clear message or clear reason for people to join their groups. Ultimately, the time they invest is worthless and they get NOTHING from the experience.Groups work differently from blogs and other forms of content marketing. They work differently from Facebook pages even! And thats why they need a completely different approach.The good news is, I've written a guide on how you can get started starting today.Introducing...FACEBOOK GROUPS UNLEASHEDHow To Start, Launch and Grow Your Own Thriving Facebook Group For Your BusinessSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 199.99

"Overcoming Anxiety" |
"Are You Ready To Stop Struggling And Start Living?Its About Time For You ToOvercome Anxiety!Over the past few decades, anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications are among the top ten prescribed medications in the US.A lot of Americans are struggling with anxiety disorders at some level or another.Multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry benefits when people continue to believe they really have no choice over their situation.Dear Friend,In the United States, over the past few decades, if you were to look at the top ten prescribed medications in the country, anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications will always make the list.This is not an accident, nor is it a fluke.We live in a very stressful world. Anxiety Disorders Definitely Get In The Way Of A More Effective Life.Whether you want to be more successful in your relationships, or you just want to be a happier person, or you would like to be more effective in your career, you need to deal with anxiety.Unfortunately, this is easier said than done because the vast majority of people cope with anxiety in all the wrong ways.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou will be more successful in your relationships.You will be a happier person.You will be more effective in your career.You will avoid the belief that you have no choice over your situation.You will learn how to overcome anxiety.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGOvercoming AnxietyHow to Stop Struggling and Start Living!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...Do a Self-AuditPrioritize Your ListCategorize Your Anxiety ChallengesBelieve that You can OvercomeThe Future Begins with MeTaking Hold of the PastOvercoming Exaggerated MemoriesPractice MindfulnessPractice Makes PerfectBest Practices for All-Natural, Self-Directed Anxiety SolutionsPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually stop struggling and start living!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to be more successful in your relationships.You want to be a happier person.You want to be more effective in your career.You want to avoid the belief that you have no choice over your situation.You want to overcome anxiety.SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 159.99

"Adobe Connect: Reuniones y Aulas Virtuales" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar Adobe Connect para reuniones on line, y aulas virtuales. Utilizar Adobe Connect se traduce en reduccin de costes y desplazamientos y en muchas ms ventajas. Con Adobe Connect se pueden hacer reuniones en lnea con usuarios en diferentes localizaciones, compartir archivos,interactuar a travs de chats, grabar las reuniones o descargar informes.Todas estas posibilidades vamos a descubrirlas en este curso."
Price: 19.99

"Advance Steel from Scratch (under construction)" |
"In this Course you will learn how to use the Advance steel program perfectly. 1-Grids creation and editing by many methods. 2-Elements Modeling (Column,beam,Welded, double sections, Folded beam, tapered , Aluminum Section and others) 3-plates Creation and editing. 4-Extended Elements (Portal frame, mono-pitch frame, bracing, purlins and Truss) 5-Connections (Anchor, holes, shear studs) Base plate Connection, Frame knee connection, Apex haunch, Clip Angle, Gusset plate at one diagonal, Gusset plate in center, 4 diagonals connection, Purlin connection, purlin connection with plate, Two purlins with bolts, Vertical purlin plate,Double purlin splice plate6-Numbering 7-GA and assembly Drawing. 8-Assembly list."
Price: 99.99

"Tekla Structures (Concrete) From Scratch(Under construction)" |
"In this Course you will learn how to model all concrete elements(column, beam, polybeam, Panel, slab, pad footing and strip Footing) you will learn how to edit the elements (Chamfer, move, copy and mirror) you will learn how to add views, controll the view,display, work area and others) You will learn how to add Reinforcement for Footings, columns (Rectangular and Circular) beam, panel and slab. And then, we are going to model a building and add reinforcement to all elements. After modeling, we will create Bill of quantities tables, and create general arrangement drawings."
Price: 99.99

"Customer Experience Journey Mapping" |
"Customer Experience is fast becoming the industry standard in marketing, and HR (employee experience). Many companies have set up departments within their organisations to focus on Customer Experience. Companies have even set up Director and VP level positions for Customer Experience. Unfortunately there aren't too many people who have much knowledge on Customer Experience. Consequently the demand for people with customer experience knowledge (and certification) is very high.I have been delivering customer experience workshops to clients all over the world for over a decade now. This includes from startups to Fortune 500 companies. The customer journey mapping course is a critical process in developing a great experience for your customer (the customers can be shoppers, employees, business partners, citizens, tourists, patients, etc). Based on extensive research, we have developed a customer journey mapping toolkit. This course will give you access to that toolkit, and teach you how to use the toolkit to develop your own journey maps. Customer journey maps will allow you to identify touch-points (or points of interaction), who owns these, how much control we have over these, and how to improve the customer's experience.This workshop is part of the larger Customer Experience Certification Workshop course, which helps you to learn Customer Experience in depth, and to prepare for the CCXP certification. Some of the videos in the workshop are actually edited recordings from actual workshops that I've delivered (for over $500). That means you will get the same value, as someone who attended the live version of the workshop.What will you learn from this workshop:Learn about customer journey mapping,Develop a customer journey map (using our template)Learn about touch-pointsIdentify key owners of touch-pointsLearn which touch-points we have control overIdentify Critical Touch pointsWho is this for:Those who want to improve the customer's experience with an organisationManagers looking to improve customer satisfaction and loyaltyAnyone looking to improve their career within marketing and HRPeople working in the customer services domain, looking to get advanced knowledgeAnyone interested in getting CCXP certification for career change / progressionThose who are interested in improving the business performance of their organisationsWhat's on offerSame value as a $500 workshop delivered in personCustomer Experience tools which you can useCustomer Journey Mapping toolkit (just download and use)Taught by one of the pioneering experts within customer experienceKnowledge to get CCXP certificationTaught based on personal experience and the latest market researchBecome an Alumni of the Institute of Customer Management (UK)Certificate of completion from the Institute of Customer ManagementWho teaches thisPhD in Marketing from one of the leading universities in the UKMBA, with over 20 years of experience in customer servicesLondon based consultant and trainer, who has worked all across the globe with all types and sizes of companiesAuthor of 3 books on customer experienceOne of the leading customer experience and customer loyalty experts in the worldFormer Director of an MBA programme at a leading London UniversityFormer professor at leading universities in the world (including Harvard and Bradford)Former VP of a leading consultancy company in LondonWho this course is for:Customer Engagement Managers / DirectorsBusiness Owners & EntrepreneursCustomer Service Managers / DirectorsCustomer Experience Managers / DirectorsHead / Director of Customer InsightsSocial Media ManagersSenior Marketing Managers / DirectorsChief Customer OfficersVice President of MarketingGeneral ManagerDirector of Business DevelopmentDirector of OperationsDirectors / MDs / CEOsBrand ManagersSenior Executives"
Price: 99.99

"Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2020" |
"Welcome to the Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2020 Peruvian Technique. My name is Adriana Laura Mendez and I am a certified teacher of this technique.This course consists of 3 levels and 18 videos in English subtitles that will train you to design different pieces of jewelry using a crochet needle and a very thin wire that can be gold-filled, silver, or copper wire.You will learn the Peruvian knitting technique and enjoy the excitement of creating your own jewelry. You will be linked to the world of design and business in this course consists of three levels: the basic level, the intermediate level, and the advanced level. Below we can see the structure of the course and the classes that each level has in addition to the technique that you will learn.NOTE: THE VIDEOS ARE IN SPANISH WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES.Materials: Crochet needle number 4 and fine copper, silver, or gold wire.Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2020 Peruvian TechniqueBeginner LevelClass 1: Introduction to the Jewelry CourseClass 2: MaterialsClass 3: How to make the Peruvian Chain and DotClass 4: Open Center Circle (Circular Shapes Technique)Class 5: Closed Center Circle (Circular Shapes Technique)Class 6: Oval Earrings (Oval Shape Technique)Class 7: Flat Mesh Bracelet (Flat Mesh Technique)Class 8: Bracelet (Tubular Technique)Intermediate LevelClass 9: Square Earrings (Square Technique)Class 10: Triangle Earrings (Triangle Technique)Class 11: Moonstone Bracelet (Tubular Technique 2)Class 12: Astrophyllite Pendant (Oval Stone Setting Technique)Class 13: Rococo Pendant (Rococo Technique)Advanced LevelClass 14: Heart Pendant (Heart Technique)Class 15: Ball Lined Pendant (Ball Lined Technique)Class 16: Glass Earrings with Crimping Technique (Glass Crimping Technique)Class 17: Flower Ring (Flower Technique)Class 18: Shicras Earrings Neoancestral Contemporary Art (Shicras Technique)What Will You Learn In Each Class Of The Peruvian Woven Jewelry Course?In the three levels of the course and by completing the 18 videos of the Wire Crochet Jewelry Course you will learn everything you need to know to be a master of crocheted jewelry.Beginner LevelWe start at a basic level with different projects. We will first have a video with the description of all the materials that can be used for this fabric than a video about learning the chain stitch and the Peruvian stitch.We continue with the first geometric form of the learning of geometric forms that is the circle. In this case, it is a circle with a closed center that we can use both in earrings and pendants and how to make circles with an open center.These two are the first geometric forms of learning. Then we are going to continue with a video about how to make a tubular mesh and we are going to see it represented in the project of a bracelet.We continue with the next video tutorial that will be learning a flat mesh and here we will see reflected through a bracelet and learn all the steps to make this bracelet.The last geometric form of the basic course will be the learning of the global oval, it is a form that you are going to use a lot in different projects.Intermediate LevelThen we move on to the intermediate level at the intermediate level. We start with a video of learning the geometric shape of the triangle.We continue with the following learning video which is like setting a gem. In this case, it is an astrophyllite gem that has the shape of an oval. Here we are already putting into practice the oval shape and it is a total setting of both the front and back of the gem.Then we move on to the video of learning how to make a tubular mesh. These are tubes and this project is two tubes that are going to be joined by different semi-precious gems.We continue with the projects and move on to learning the rococo shape. It is a beautiful way to apply it in different pieces of jewelry and in this case they are for a pendant. It is also used a lot in earrings.The last geometric form we have in our learning of the intermediate level is the square. Squares are also important in learning about different pieces of jewelry because you can use it, especially in earrings by placing different crystals and decorating them in different ways.Advanced LevelWe've moved on to the last level which is the advanced one. At this advanced level, we have different projects. The first one is the ball lining. This is the lining of how to line different sizes of gems or crystals. You can use it in a pendant like this but also in earrings.We move on to another form which is a form that is a heart. We are going to present it as a geometric shape through different magnifications.Then we move on to learning in the advanced flower course how to weave a flower. Flowers have multiple uses. You can use them in bridal tiaras, in earrings, in chokers. In this case, I have applied it after making the video of the learning, I have applied it to a flat mesh to make a ring.We continue with the setting of crystals but this setting has the particularity that is clear in the front and the back. Then the light is going to be able to pass through the crystals and really this setting is very beautiful.Closes our advanced level the last project that is the Shicras. Shicras means bags and we will learn to weave bags to hold our gems, our crystals. It is really a very beautiful work of the shicras. In this case, it is represented by an earring project.Well, until here is the content of the entire course of Peruvian knitting jewelry I repeat that this course will train us to design different pieces of jewelry I thank you very much for your participation."
Price: 99.99

"ONLINE Martial Arts TRAINING SYSTEM. While getting fitter and leaner you will be also learning how to defend yourself. The system is enriched with body-weight exercises in addition to mixed martial arts techniques. It is a complete set of over 6 hours of training, consisting of 6 different training programs including KICKBOXING, MMA, BOXING, MUAY THAI techniques with bodyweight utilized exercises. It also has HOW TO videos, where all techniques are demonstrated in detail. The program has variations for beginner level as well as experienced people. become a student to lose fat and get fit now!CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS FQAWhy I developed CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS?CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS is a Non-Contact fitness-Martial arts program which came into fruition out of my 30 years of martial arts and fitness experience. This program does not need any equipment or attending gym.Why you should choose this program?Training times are approximately 40 minutes, excluding warming and cooling.You do not need equipment or training partners.You dont have to go to the gym, you can follow the program at the comfort of your home or outdoors.With CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS you will not just get fit, you will also learn how to defend yourself.This is one of the main differences compared to ordinary fitness programs. It is designed multiple benefits in mind.You will have the fit look of a fighter, In addition, it is one of the best ways to get rid of your daily stress.So who is it suitable for? Do you need experience?KickboxingFIT is suitable for all ages, anyone with no health problems. The degree of difficulty of movements increases gradually and allows you to progress in a planned way. It does not require previous experience. It is suitable for any experience level, for any fitness level.Do you need Equipment?You only need your body!What is the age range?Anyone with no health problems from 7 to 70 can follow this program.How many days a week you should be exercising CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS?Everyones fitness level is different, 3-6 weekly training would be suitable depending on your fitness level. Monthly lesson plans are available in the members-only section of our website.How many trainings are in the CARDIO MARTIAL ARTS?In addition to 6 different training sessions, there are also Total Body Stretching and how-to videos.What should be the training cycle?Initially, we should take our body measurements and have a 30-day cycle.You have never done martial arts before, how can you learn the movements?I explained all techniques, moves in full detail in the How to videos.Can you take breaks and extend the rest period if I find it difficult?Everyones fitness level is different, you could pause the video, and then resume when you feel ready. You need to learn to listen to your body! Your body will tell you when to stop and when to start again.What should you do if you cant keep up with the movements?The tempo of the movements is taken at medium speed, you can do it at a lower speed or at a higher speed, so you can adjust the intensity of the training to your own level. Focus on making the movements intact. You will definitely see progress over time.What should you do if you have difficulty in any exercise?You will see the easy version of the challenging movements. You could choose the one that suits you.What time of day would be the best time to train??This may depend on your personal habits, social and working life. You can do it at the time that is most convenient for yourself."
Price: 49.99

"Adobe Illustrator Dersleri (Ayrntl ve Uygulamal)" |
"Adobe Illustrator bir vektrel grafik tasarm programdr. Bu kurs kapsamnda Adobe Illustrator program ile aralarn kullanm uygulama arlkl anlatlmtr. Kurs sonunda logo ve karakter tasarm, poster, ikon, afi, kartvizit ve infografikler oluturabileceksiniz. Bu kurs sonunda siz de artk bir tasarmcya ihtiya duymadan kolay ve hzl bir ekilde grseller yaratabilecek, web siteleri iin ikon tasarlayabilecek, afi, reklam, kartvizit, poster ve sosyal medya hesaplar iin grselleri hazrlayabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Prometheus The Complete Hands-On for Monitoring & Alerting" |
"""Prometheus is an open source tool used for event monitoring and alerting.""Prometheus has changed the way of monitoring systems and that is why it has become the Top-level project of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).What's included in the course ?Complete Prometheus concepts explained from Scratch to ADVANCE with Real-Time implementation.Each and every Prometheus concept is explained with HANDS-ON examples.Includes each and every, even thin detail of Prometheus.For every concept, first, we will cover its theoretical stuff, followed by their running example. Include even those concepts, the explanation to which is not very clear even in Prometheus' Official Documentation.Technicalities Many (official & 3rd party) exporters.In-and-out of Functions, Operators, Clauses, etc, in Prometheus Query Language (PromQL).Instrument the Python or Go applications to expose custom metrics with Client Libraries. Dynamically add or remove scrape targets using Service Discovery. Recording Rules.Monitor the Amazon Cloud (AWS) with Prometheus.Creating an end to end Routing Tree for Alerting systems.*Exclusive*- Create your own Custom ExporterIntegration with many Alert Notifiers - Gmail, PagerDuty, Slack.How to scrape from batch jobs using Pushgateway.Build monitoring & alerting design pattern of a Real-Time case study using Prometheus.Build value added dashboards with GRAFANA.Learn Best practices / Do's & Dont's to follow while monitoring in Real-Time DevOps Projects.After completing this course, you can start working on any Prometheus project with full confidence.Add-OnsQuestions and Queries will be answered very quickly.Prometheus codes and other resources used in lectures are attached in the course for your convenience.I am going to update it frequently, every time adding new components of Prometheus."
Price: 34.99

"Acest curs este dedicat jucatorilor la inceput de drum, sau jucatorilor care nu au reusit inca sa obtina profit!Datorita celor 5 ani de exeperienta, am reusit sa adun in acest curs informatii pretioase pentru tine. La inceput mi-a fost greu sa gasesc informatie despre jocul de poker si din acest motiv, am decis sa iti usurez cautarile cu acest curs!"
Price: 19.99

"Working with DAX Iterators" |
"As a DAX developer, you've probably used iterators already. In fact, it's quite possible you have used iterators and didn't even know they were iterators. You may not even know what the word iterate even means, at least in relation to DAX and table processing.In this course we take iterators to the next level, by demonstrating the most common uses of iterators and by introducing new iterators you have probably never used. Learning how to leverage iterators in your code is an important skill to acquire. Using iterators and context transition together will allow you to perform data manipulation you may not have thought was possible. You will learn how to get the most out of DAX iterators and use context transitions to your advantage. If your goal is to become a DAX expert, you must master the use of these important functions. And, you must understand how they work.Finally, you will be able to test your knowledge of iterators by working through 20 questions and exercises."
Price: 19.99

"XGBoost for Business in Python and R" |
"XGBoost is a state of the art Machine Learning algorithm. It is well known for being faster to compute and its results more accurate than other well-known techniques like Neural Networks or Random Forest. XGBoost is also one of the most preferred algorithms in Data Science competitions around the world. Fortunately, it is a very accessible algorithm to grasp and implement.The course focus is on the application of XGBoost in the business world. We will solve a Direct Marketing case study and conclude that we can increase our sales efficiency by 50% while having minimal impact on revenue.***WHY XGBOOST FOR BUSINESS IN Python?The learning process is divided into 2. The first part is the Intuition tutorial. The aim is for you to understand why the method makes sense. As well, we will go through all underlying concepts you need to know to implement XGBoost. The second part is the Practice tutorials, where we will code in Python and R, and solve together a Direct Marketing problem.1 BUSINESS EXAMPLE TO FOSTER INTUITIONWe will start the intuition tutorial by explaining the Case Study and the problem statement. One of the benefits of giving actual business problems as examples is that you will find similar or even equal issues in your current company. In turn, this enables you to apply what you have learned immediately.By the end of the intuition tutorial, you will be able to easily explain XGBoost to your colleagues, manager, and stakeholders.2 HANDS-ON CODING IN PYTHON AND RWe will code together. We will start from scratch, building the code line by line. As also an online coding student, I feel this has been the easiest way to learn.On top, we write the code so you can download it and use it in your work and projects. Additionally, I will explain what you have to change to use in your dataset and solve the problem you have at hand.XGBoost for Business in Python and R is a course that naturally extends into your career.***SUMMARYThe course is an end-to-end application of XGBoost with a simple intuition tutorial, hands-on coding, and, most importantly, is actionable in your career.Feel free to reach out in case you have any questions, and I hope to see you inside!Diogo"
Price: 49.99

"Formao Master Neurocoaching - Coaching, Neurocincia e PNL" |
"ApresentaoVoc est sendo convidado a maximizar seu potencial como treinador. Na formao em Neurocoaching, voc aprendeu como regras, como tcnicas e prticas de treinamento, aprendeu a lidar com diferentes clientes e situaes, e a aplicar forma substancial, toda a metodologia exclusiva de nossa formao, com estratgias no desenvolvimento e maximizao de sua autoliderana , autogesto e Liderana de Alta Performance. Nesta formao avanada, voc aprender mais do que j conhece, indo muito alm, elevando ainda mais o seu potencial para transformar sonhos e metas em realidade.Objetivos do programa Master em NeurocoachingAperfeioar sua execuo na execuo de habilidades como Neurocoach, aprimorar e aprimorar habilidades, habilidades e atitudes, adicionar novas ferramentas e ferramentas avanadas, especificar para Coaching de Vida e Executivo, Criar um plano de ao para desempenho automtico e avaliao de sua carreira como treinador . Seus resultados sua vida e seus recursos nunca mais sero os mesmos, hoje voc est recebendo recursos de vanguarda para quem pode ajudar muitas pessoas ou o menor tempo possvel ...O programa de treinamento em Master em Neurocincias uma metodologia exclusiva e inovadora, desenvolvido pelo Trainer Luis Lindner, que um especialista em Neurocincias com Coaching. A formao voltada para gerar uma maneira clara e objetiva, como o crebro funciona, idade ou idade, diante de alguns estmulos. A partir deste conhecimento, ser possvel controlar e modificar seu posicionamento no momento em que surgir algum problema ou situao extrema, tanto na vida pessoal quanto profissional. um programa de treinamento em coaching com uma metodologia prtica, interativa e motivadora, com aplicao imediata na sua vida, carreira e empresa.O diferencial desta formao que todo o contedo apresentado filmado em uma Mentoria online, e o fruto de mais duas dcadas de atividades em pessoas e empresas, e aplicado na sala de aula com pessoas reais na soluo de problemas tambm reais, e com resultados reais, objetivando alavancar suas vidas e carreiras. No trata apenas de teorias que no resistem realidade das dificuldades e dos contextos profissionais ou pessoais, mas tcnicas que mostram o tempo real e forma efetiva como resolver bloqueios, barreiras e impasses, e ainda aumentam rapidamente os resultados nas mais diversas reas da vida das pessoas pessoas pessoas pessoas pessoas que esto ali."
Price: 579.99
