"CompTIA A+ Core 2 2020 Edition Latest Exam" |
"The CompTIA A+ Core 2 Practice Exam certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon CompTIA A+ Core 2 Practice Exam AND be confident enough to pass your CompTIA A+ Core 2 Practice Exam exam on the very first go? Well then CompTIA A+ Core 2 Practice Exam Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this CompTIA A+ Core 2 Practice Exam Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Programacin de PLC Siemens en TIA PORTAL" |
"El presente curso de Programacin de Controladores Lgicos Programables en TIA PORTAL est diseado en base a sistemas metodolgicos prcticos y dinmicos. Iniciando desde los fundamentos de la automatizacin, definiciones de los PLC, introduccin al lenguaje Ladder y presentando cada una de las instrucciones de tipo lgica y avanzadas de una manera prctica y simple. As, aprenderemos a utilizar las funciones bsicos de programacin as como el uso de bloques de temporizacin, conteo, comparacin, comunicacin entre autmatas, normalizacin y escalamiento de seales anagicas. As mismo se llevar a cabo la implementacin de pantallas HMI y simulacin de procesos industriales en FACTORY IO para maximizar el aprendizaje aplicativo."
Price: 39.99

"Machine Learning From Basic to Advanced" |
"Interested in the field of Machine Learning? Then this course is for you!This course has been designed by Code Warriors the ML Enthusiasts so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn complex theories, algorithms, and coding libraries in a simple way.We will walk you step-by-step into the World of Machine Learning. With every tutorial, you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative sub-field of Data Science.This course is fun and exciting, but at the same time, we dive deep into Machine Learning. It is structured the following way:Part 1 - Data PreprocessingPart 2 - Regression: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, SVR, Decision Tree Regression, Random Forest Regression.Part 3 - Classification: Logistic Regression, K-NN, SVM, Kernel SVM, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree Classification, Random Forest ClassificationPart 4 - Clustering: K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering.And as a bonus, this course includes Python code templates which you can download and use on your own projects."
Price: 1280.00

"Excel for Beginners to Advance in Hindi" |
"INCLUDE , Microsoft Excel Course for Beginners ... This course include all the Detail explanation of Excel formula and function and this is simple language for all Excel lovers, Cover all the Tabs of Excel, Also include advance formulas like Vlookup, Hlookup in Excel, Sumif, Sumifs formulas in excel, Pivot table and Pivot chart in excel, Complete 100 Tutorials on Excel. - Full Excel Tutorial in Hindi ? ?, ?, ? ?, ? ?, ? V-Lookup H-Lookup ? , ? ? ? ? ? ?"
Price: 8000.00

"Appium -Android Mobile App Automation using Latest v1.17.1" |
"********** This course is specially designed with Appium latest version 1.17.1 *********On course completion you will be mastered in Mobile App Automation Testing in Android and can implement successfully in your work place or will surely land on high paying job.Mobile market is booming tremendously and need of Quality Testing in these platforms becoming a major challenge.Major asset of Appium is that this can work on both Android and IOS Platforms,which means write the code once and execute it in across platforms.All the topics were taught from basic to advanced level with a lot of tricks and tips. At the end of this course, you can pick any Mobile application and can automate it.Videos will be updated on regular basis based on latest released versions of APPIUM."
Price: 99.99

"Blogging Advanced: Successful Micro-niche Blogging in 2020" |
"In this entire course, I've covered everything a beginner needs to know about micro-niche. I have also shown you practically how to do research to find a profitable niche, set up the domain and hosting and how to do the SEO, bring in the initial traffic and monetize it to start earning."
Price: 29.99

"APP Inventor, mobil uygulama gelitirmek iin hazrlanm Blok Temelli Kodlama imkn sunan bir web uygulamasdr. Hibir altyaps olmayan ksa srede mantn zebilecei Blok Temelli Kodlama ile hzl tasarm yaplabilir. Onun yatan kitleye hitap eden yaps sayesinde kodlamaya merak salm, ilkokuldan ortaokula, liseden niversiteye tm rencilere hitap etmekle birlikte, yaa hitap ediyor. Bu eitim aratrmadan, hibir n bilgi tercih edebileceiniz bir anlatm ile sunulmutur. APP Inventor ile mobil uygulama sizlere en basit haliyle, rnek rnek almalar gsterdim. rnek alrken farknda olmadan bir yazlmc mantn anlayacaksnz. Yazlmclarn ok kulland deikenler, operatrler, kayt, arama, Blmler ve programlarn rnekleri rnekleri kullandm. Mobil Uygulama yapmak iin artk sra gnder imdi kodlamaya balayalm"
Price: 109.99

hpllfmuc |
", ! , ! 15 , , , , , ! "" ! ! !"
Price: 1799.00

"Auditing Financial Statements Practical Course [Arabic]" |
": . : : : 3: ( ...) 4: 5: 6: 7: Auditing :one of the critical major in the accounting and finance industry and trending up due to lack in governance and to enhance transparencyWe will discuss the auditing process with a scenario from accepting the client until publishing the auditor's report through risk assessment , defining audit team and all audit phasesNo theoretical information, only practical and professional methods.Structure :Section 1 : Definition, auditor's responsibilities and audit objectivesSection 2 : Audit scenario, phases, and engaging with the clientSection 3 : Audit program ( Fixed Assets, AR, AP, Cash, Loans, Inventory...)Section 4 : Audit Risk Section 5 : SamplingSection 6 : Risk assessmentSection 7 : Management letter and recap Who this course is for:"
Price: 69.99

"Understanding Plant-Based Nutrition" |
"This course will give you the knowledge you need to consider when adopting a plant-based diet, switching diet and understand food combination. It will give you a broader knowledge about the importance of vitamins, minerals and omegas. This course is designed to help you switch diet without making the most common mistakes. There are many factors to consider when it comes to health, this course will cover most factors in order to bring your awareness to another level by introspecting and trying things for yourself.Health tips, general well-being and weight-loss are also included in this course.This course also includes a sugar free, gluten free video recipe."
Price: 79.99

frjwaygb |
Price: 4200.00

"Ce cours aborde le fonctionnement du logiciel REVIT ainsi que les outils de la discipline Architecture en profondeur. Le cours est organis en quatres parties, une premire partie introduit pralablement certains concepts de BIM importants afin d'aider l'utilisateur prendre le meilleur dpart avec le logiciel. La seconde partie prsente l'ensemble des informations graphiques et non-graphiques utilisables dans le logiciel. La troisime partie prsente et exploite l'ensemble des outils pour raliser un projet complet d'habitation. La quatrime partie prsente des outils avancs et de perfectionnement.Grce sa structure ce cours s'adresse autant aux nophites du BIM qu'aux utilisateurs actifs dsireux d'approfondir leurs connaissances."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering the Art of Macram" |
"Are you a DIY macrame dreamer, creative crafter or lover of handmade hobbies?Macrame is a beautiful way to unleash your creativity, engage your brain, and create beautiful projects. Begin your macrame journey today!Mastering the Art of Macram will take you on a journey through the world of macram. Whether you are a brand-new knotters or a macrame veteran, this course will provide you with everything you will need to know in creating beautiful projects and making your very own designs.From your classic plant hanger and bedroom wall hangings to intricate home decor macrame designs and trendy macrame fashion.With over 30+ videos by the end of this course, you will be able to master the art of macrame! Start your macrame journey today!"
Price: 39.99

5Java |
Price: 10800.00

"Veeam Backup and Replication Version 10" |
"Veeam Backup & Replication is a software product developed by Veeam Software to back up, restore and replicate data on virtual machines (VMs). Veeam Backup and Replication was first released in 2008 and is part of the Veeam Availability Suite. Veeam was among the first vendors to develop backup software tailored to VMs. Before Veeam, backup applications failed to recognize the difference between protecting physical and virtual machines. Veeam Backup and Replication software is compatible with a variety of backup targets and can be used with VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V. Veeam Backup product works on the virtualization layer and is agentless. According to the vendor, the software has a recovery time objective of fewer than 15 minutes for all applications and uses built-in WAN acceleration to replicate data off-site up to 50 times faster than a raw data transfer. Veeam Cloud Connect: Get backups off-site without the cost and complexity of building and maintaining an off-site infrastructure; fast and secure cloud backup to a service provider. SureBackup: Automatically test and verify every backup and every virtual machine for recoverability. Scale-out Backup Repository: Create a single virtual pool of backup storage to which backups can be assigned, offering the freedom to easily extend the backup storage capacity. Image-level VM backups: Create application-consistent backups with advanced application-aware processing. Built-in management for Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows and Veeam Agent for Linux : Get reduced data-protection management complexity and improved usability through the addition of agent-based backup capabilities in the Veeam Backup & Replication console NEW, including a single pane of glass for Availability of virtual, physical and cloud workloads, centralized backup agent deployment, and Windows Server Failover Cluster support. Veeam Backup tutorial, Veeam backup course."
Price: 199.99

"Big Traffic Firesale - Digital Marketing Made Simple" |
"This 60-part full video course will show you ways to generate highly targeted website traffic using free and paid methods and build a strong following of loyal subscribers - with minimal effort.Here are just some of the topics covered:How to tap into Facebook via FREE and PAID trafficThe ONLY way to ace it with solo adsSneaky little way to build your subscriber list through forums (without spamming!)How to leverage off 'warm traffic' and get people to send YOU traffic (OPT - Other People's Traffic)How to convert all your social media accounts into a beacon to attract targeted visitorsAnd much more!"
Price: 1280.00

"Portfolio MASTERCLASS - UX/UI case studies" |
"Are you excited to get into the world of UI/UX looking for clients or for a full-time position but you don't know where to start?Creating a great UX portfolio where you show your projects is the very first part of getting hired or getting work a freelance UX/UI designer.This course will help you create stunning case studies for your first UX projects. You will learn everything you need to know from where to host the portfolio, to what to integrate into how to create all the visuals, and make sure that your portfolio stands out.Throughout the course, you will be able to create your case studyCourse structure and topics covered:This course has a lot of insights packed in the 33 lectures. You probably wont find a course which so many insights and details about the process of creating UX case studies. This course is a combination of theoretical analysis and hands tips and tricks.The course is structured in 5 parts:1.) Introduction: You will learn the importance of case studies and analyze your goals and skills to make sure to attract the clients you are dreaming of right now2.) UX case studies: You will learn the basics about a case study and how to integrate storytelling3.) Outline: You will learn how to create an outline and how to design the different parts4.) Visuals: You will learn how to create visuals. Everything from mockup-ups, animations, videos to icons and typography to make sure that your case study stands out.5.) Publish: You will learn where to host your case study and has bonus material you will get insights about how to promote your work on social networks.Making a great UX portfolio is not easy but with the right tasks and methods is a real game-changer for every designer.After doing this course you are using everything you learned, you wont have a problem to receive interview calls.This course comes with a lot of material and templates which will help you to get startedTEMPLATES digital e-booklet for print TEMPLATES Adobe XD filesTEMPLATES iPhone mockups for png + animationsYou can find all the assets here: I am super excited you are joining this class! Lets get started"
Price: 119.99

"Travel Writing in English" |
"This course will teach you unique ways of looking at your surroundings, showing you writing techniques that will move you from observing and reflecting to being able to write fluidly from the five senses. These exercises will ask you to notice detail in texture, sound, smell and culture. I'll ask you to keep a notebook with details that will enrich not only your perception of the world around you but also your writing. We will also explore point view, looking at your location through various lenses and writing about it in ways that touch the reader."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Guide to Roundnet: How to Play and Win" |
"In this course you will learn all about how to play the sport roundnet and how you can increase your chances of winning by improving specific skills. This course has 3 parts, the first section (Getting Started) will focus on teaching you a few key things that must be understood before you go throughout the rest of the course. The second section (How to Play Roundnet) will be about how to actually play roundnet. And lastly, the third section (Improving Your Gameplay) will teach you how to improve skills essential for winning games. At the end of this course you will get a cheat sheet that you can use to reference a summary of all of the lectures. This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Spikeball, Inc."
Price: 49.99

Mindfulness |
"Even eerlijk: hoe gaat het cht met je?Eigenlijk gaat het - aan de buitenkant - best goed met je. Maar van binnen merk je een gevoel van onrust, onzekerheid, of onveiligheid. Alsof het leven dat je leidt (op sommige vlakken) niet meer past bij je. Misschien heb je het gevoel dat je ergens van vlucht. Het lukt je (nog) niet om erachter te komen wat het precies is dat niet klopt. Je bent klaar om dit deel van jezelf te gaan ontdekken.Hoe kan mindfulness je helpen?We zijn gewend om onze aandacht en energie te focussen. Het ene moment op het werk ter voorbereiding van dat ene gesprek, presentatie of e-mail, het andere moment kunnen we ons druk maken over wat iemand gezegd heeft in een groepsapp. We gaan heel gemakkelijk op in onszelf en de gedachten, gevoelens en activiteiten die ons op dat moment bezig houden.Door mindfulness worden we bewust van wat er nog meer is in het moment. We verbreden onze blik, doen onze oogkleppen even af. Door mindfulness stoppen we het gefocused zijn, en geven we onszelf de gelegenheid even rust te nemen. Door die ontspanning kun je vrijer zien en ervaren van alles wat er nog meer is, maar waarvoor je geen aandacht had.Bewustwording of mindfulness is dus om je heen kunnen kijken maar daarnaast ook de mogelijkheid om te kunnen herkennen wat je ziet. Als je allerlei dingen ziet maar je weet niet wat je ziet dan ben je er niet bewust van en kan je er dus ook niets mee.Jezelf beter leren kennenBewustwording is belangrijk om betere beslissingen te kunnen nemen, een beter beeld van je leven dan wel de realiteit te krijgen. Je kan je bewust worden van jezelf in verschillende situaties, van je omgeving, je gezin, etc.Vaak het belangrijkste om van bewust te worden is je eigen mentale wereld. Je eigen mentale wereld is namelijk de lens waarmee je verschillende dingen ziet. Het is jouw filter die zorgt voor een unieke perceptie. Als je je hier bewust van wordt leer je jezelf beter kennen. Weet je waarom je dingen doet en kan je ook je perceptie of eigen lens op de wereld prettiger maken door te focussen op waar jouw lens uit bestaat.Iedereen heeft eens lens opgebouwd uit de gebeurtenissen uit je leven, je opvattingen, je ervaringen, je gedachten en de informatie die je hebt gehad uit je online- en offline omgeving (vrienden, ouders, kennissen, partner, kinderen, etc.). Deze lens is bepalend en is dus een van de belangrijkste zaken die we leren te bekijken en begrijpen door middel van mindfulness. Je zou kunnen zeggen dat door mindfulness we onze bestaande mindset beter leren kennen.Voor wie is deze cursus?Voor iedereen die benieuwd is hoe hij of zij zelf werkt en wat de gedachten en gevoelens bepalen.Voor mensen die hun innerlijke wereld willen leren kennen en verkennen.Voor mensen die meer praktische non-religieuze achtergrond en informatie willen over mindfulness en meditatie.Voor mensen die willen begrijpen waarom zij niet veranderen als hun omstandigheden veranderenWat ga je leren in deze cursus?Wat is mindfulness?Wat is het nut van mindfulness?Een praktische uitleg over de aard van je innerlijke wereldHoe werken gedachten en gevoelens?Leren in- en uitzoomen op je gedachten en gevoelensWat is meditatie?Zelf doen van een begeleide meditatieHoe je jezelf kan leren kennen door mindfulness"
Price: 69.99

"Limitaties Loslaten" |
"Soms kan het in ons hoofd best druk zijn. Verschillende stemmen die verschillende dingen zeggen. Een wens om een carrireswitch te maken maar ook angst en weerstand die je tegenhouden een stap te maken.Zijn er vragen in je leven die maar terug blijven komen? Waarom doe ik dit? Wat ben ik aan het doen? Wat is er belangrijk? Wat moet ik doen met mijn leven? Zijn dit vragen die in je opkomen? Ondanks dat je misschien het antwoord weet blijf je tegen de vraag aan lopen. Een teken dat er iets in jou gehoord wil worden.Een dialoog in je hoofd die op hetzelfde antwoord uitkomt, je weet wat je moet doen maar het lukt niet. Je zit op een bepaalde stuk vast ondanks dat je al van alles van buiten hebt geprobeerd. Dus is het tijd om naar binnen te kijken en met je weerstand aan de slag te gaan.Hoe kan limitaties loslaten jou helpen?Als je in de rij staat en iemand dringt voor en je wordt boos dan betekent dat dat er iets in jou nog boos is van een andere keer in je leven. Je gevoelens van boosheid, willen nog gevoeld worden en komen er gemakkelijk uit.Dit is met alle gedachten en gevoelens het geval die we onderdrukken of niet voelen. Ze komen er linksom of rechtsom toch uit.Wat er gehoord of gevoeld wil worden is een verdrongen gevoel of gedachte die zich kan uiten door je gedrag nu te beperken, te limiteren of je te triggeren door je emotioneler te maken dan wenselijk.Het goede nieuws is dat je je gedrag, gedachten en gevoelens los kan laten. Wat zorgt voor een vrij gevoel, nieuwe energie en ongelimiteerd gedrag op het onderwerp waar je nu weerstand ervaart. Uiteraard is dit stap voor stap maar binnen korte tijd kan veel ouwe rommel los gelaten worden.In de cursus limitaties loslaten leer je limitaties herkennen, erkennen en los te laten. We leren de shit die we elke dag meesleuren en op anderen projecteren te zien en los te laten. We leren onze mentale bagage te ontdekken, bewust te exploreren en te legen. We leggen onze beperkingen neer door erop in te gaan en het bewust te los te laten. In de cursus leer je een krachtige techniek voor een vrijere en fijnere innerlijke omgeving met minder weerstand en meer dagelijks geluk en ontspanning.Voor wie is deze cursus?Voor mensen die hun innerlijke wereld willen kennen en verkennen.Mensen die tegen hun beperkingen en limitaties aanlopenMensen die willen snappen hoe beperkingen werken en die ze willen loslatenAls je begeleid limitaties wilt leren loslatenJe wilt begrijpen wat er gebeurt als je limitaties loslaatAls je wilt voorkomen dat je jezelf verder limiteert.Wat ga je leren in deze cursus?Wat zijn limitaties?Hoe ontstaan limitaties?Waar bestaan limitaties uit?Waarom zouden we limitaties willen loslaten?Wat gebeurt er als we niet onze limitaties loslaten?Hoe kunnen we onze limitaties herkennen?Hoe laat je een limitatie los?Tips bij limitaties loslaten"
Price: 79.99

"Renders Arquitectnicos: 3ds Max + V-Ray" |
"Una de las herramientas ms importantes en la presentacin de un proyecto de arquitectura es la visualizacin de lo diseado a travs de imgenes fotorealistas. En el mercado, existen numerosos cursos que ensean el aspecto tcnico de la visualizacin o renders, teniendo como foco principal el software, sus mecanismos y trucos. Pero en su mayora, descuidan aspectos como las reglas de composicin y encuadre, la teora del color, los diferentes mtodos de iluminacin, y de qu manera estos elementos afectan al espectador.En este curso te ensear a componer y materializar el modelo 3D de una vivienda completa: desde el alzado de sus elementos ms bsicos, hasta la importacin de objetos complejos. Tambin trabajaremos la generacin de materiales especiales, los diferentes tipos de iluminacin y las configuraciones del motor de render para distintos tipos de imgenes."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Google Drive desde lo mas basico!!" |
"Hoy en dia existen distintas herramientas electronicas que nos permiten tener una mayor productividad en nuestro dia a dia.En este curso aprenderemos a utilizar el entorno de Google Drive con el objetivo de entender como utilizar todas las opciones que este mismo nos proporciona.Este curso esta pensado para cualquier persona que este dispuesta a aprender a usar Google Drive, desde lo mas basico hasta un poco mas avanzado. A lo largo de este curso usted aprendera a utilizar este servicio desde la creacion de una cuenta de Google, hasta usar distintar aplicaciones tales como Google Keep o Calendario.Si usted es totalmente nuevo en el entorno este curso es perfecto para usted!!!"
Price: 270.00

"How to Trade in Stock market" |
"Learn to trade in stock market. learn why 90% of success in stock market depends on money management skills with live trading video recording . Also get investing strategies and trading plan for intraday trading.Know why 80% of stock traders do not end up making any profits . understand how to overcome fear and greed because of which most traders lose funds."
Price: 19.99

"TOP NOTCH 2 Unit 1-5 My English Lab" |
"TOP NOTCH 2 kitabnn 1. - 5. nitelerini kapsayan online altrmalarnn aklamal anlatmlarn ierir. Kendi devlerinizi bu kursun eliinde yapabilirsiniz.devleri yaparken yazm ve imla kurallarna dikkat etmenizi ve tam olarak videoda grdnz gibi yapmanz kurstan maksimum verim almanz iin nerilir. TOP NOTCH 2 kitabnn 6. - 10. nitelerini kapsayan dier kursa da eriim salayabilirsiniz.Her nite tpk kendi sayfasnda olduu gibi ""Lesson"" balklar altnda sralanmtr. UNIT 1 GETTING ACQUAINTEDPreviewVocabulary Customs around the world Lesson 1 Get acquainted with someoneGrammar The present perfectPronunciation Sound reduction in the present perfect Lesson 2 Greet a visitor to you countryGrammar The present perfect: already, yet, ever, before, and neverVocabulary Tourist activities around the worldLesson 3 Discuss gestures and customsVocabulary The handLesson 4 Describe an interesting experienceVocabulary Participial adjectivesUNIT 2 GOING TO THE MOVIESPreviewVocabulary Movies / Going to the moviesLesson 1 Apologize for being lateGrammar The present perfect: for and since; Other uses of the present perfect Vocabulary Explanations for being latePronunciation Reduction of hLesson 2 Discuss preferences for movie genresGrammar Ways to express wants and preferences: would like and would ratherVocabulary Movie genresLesson 3 Describe and recommend moviesVocabulary Adjectives to describe moviesLesson 4 Discuss effects of violence on viewersVocabulary Violent movies and TV showsUNIT 3 STAYING IN HOTELSPreviewVocabulary Hotel room types and kinds of bedsLesson 1 Leave and take a messageGrammar The future with willPronunciation Contractions with willLesson 2 Check into a hotelGrammar The real conditionalLesson 3 Requesting housekeeping servicesVocabulary Hotel room amenities and servicesLesson 4 Choose a hotelVocabulary Hotel descriptions, Choosing a hotelUNIT 4 CARS AND DRIVINGPreviewVocabulary Bad driving habitsLesson 1 Discuss a car accidentGrammar The past continuousVocabulary Car partsLesson 2 Describe a car problem Grammar Direct objects with phrasal verbs Vocabulary Phrasal verbsfor talking about cars Pronunciation Stress of particles in phrasal verbsLesson 3 Rent a carVocabulary Car typesLesson 4 Discuss good and bad drivingVocabulary Driving behaviorUNIT 5 PERSONAL CARE AND APPEARANCEPreviewVocabulary Salon servicesLesson 1 Personal care products Grammar Indefinite quantities and amounts Vocabulary Personal care productsLesson 2 Make an appointment at a salon or spa Grammar Indefinite pronouns: someone, no one, and anyone Pronunciation Pronunciation of unstressed vowelsLesson 3 Discuss ways to improve appearanceVocabulary Ways to improve appearanceLesson 4 Define the meaning of beautyVocabulary Discussing beauty"
Price: 29.99

"Facebook Ads For Beginners in 2020" |
"How would you like to get started in Facebook ads and be able to promote your offer to over 2.5 Billion users? In this course, you will go from having no knowledge of Facebook Ads to finish with being able to create 3 different types of ads. This course will take you step by step from creating your Facebook Ads account, to showing you exactly how to set up targeted audiences and building targeted ads."
Price: 24.99

"Professional Day Trading" |
"TrendSpotter is much more then a trading course. After you complete this course, you will join our chat room and use our custom Indicator to trade. We teach a proven successful strategy that will help you make money online day trading stocks.The trading world will open up to you after you use the TrendSpotter system."
Price: 199.99

"Nerdy mwi o...." |
"Chcesz dowiedzie si jak rozmawia z nerdem? Skorzystaj z tego kursu i nie daj si zaskoczy prowadzc rekrutacj na stanowiska specjalistyczne w IT. Dowiedz si, co jest wane dla programistw a co ich cakowicie nie interesuje. Przygotuj si na moliwe pytania i buduj wizerunek profesjonalnego rekutera. Poznaj konkretne sytuacje i przykady, dziki czemu jeszcze lepiej zrozumiesz o co w tym caym IT chodzi. Odcinek nr 1 to temat EMBEDDED. Prawdopodobnie najbardziej abstrakcyjny i trudny do pojcia obszar rekrutacji IT. W tym odcinku dowiesz si, czym s systemy wbudowane i jakie s ich rodzaje. Poznasz specyfik pracy z niskopoziomowym oprogramowaniem a take z jakich technologii (jzykw, narzdzi, bibliotek) korzysta. Poznasz te szczegy rl, z jakimi moesz si spotka w przypadku pracy z oprogramowaniem embedded. Ekipa Dorwij Nerda opowiada o tym wszystkim w przystpnej i przyjemnej formie, okraszonej doz nerdowego humoru. Pamitaj, e gdy wiesz od czego zacz, okazuje si, e programici potrafi mwi ""normalnym"" jzykiem :)"
Price: 69.99

"SolidWorks 2020 - Basic and Intermediate Training Course" |
"Modelamento de peas, utilizando os principais comandos; criao de planos e sketch, comando extrude, revolve, shell, fillet, chanfer, rib, operaes boleanas, offset, linear e circular pattern, add relation, weldment, swept boss/base e lofted, assembly, mates, modificao de parts no contexto da montagem e drawing, ferramenta de detalhamento de peas, montagem, lista de materiais e dimensionamento."
Price: 489.99

"jolly phonics first group sounds" |
"in this course you will know about :what's jolly phonics ?why jolly phonics ?the different materials of jolly phonics the course overview .the sounds of the first group of jolly phonics with their formations , actions , songs and stories and how to teach them in an entertaining way the different activities and games to add fun to the class."
Price: 19.99

"Discover the wonderful world of nudibranchs!" |
"After the completion of this course, you will understand the basics of biology of nudibranchs, where and how we are able to find them in the vast ocean, why are important, and how to photograph them correctly without damaging the environment or harass those tiny critters or any other animal."
Price: 19.99
