"Low-code app development on the Creatio platform" |
"Low-code platforms enable users without programming skills to create applications, develop UI, set up business processes and automation, customize data structure.Low-code is a current industry trend. An introduction to low-code development on the Creatio platform will help you master the theory and practice of business software development technology that does not require coding. You will be able to create functional and flexible business apps in hours and days instead of months."
Price: 19.99

"Hacking tico : Denegacin de Servicio" |
"Los ataques de denegacin de servicio tiene por objetivo anular el funcionamiento de una mquina, una red, una infraestructura, una web, etc Su principal misin es que se deje de prestar el servicio para el cual ha sido diseado.No existe un objetivo definido para este tipo de ataques, y para cada objetivo puede que se emplee una tcnica diferente, pero tambin es cierto que los conceptos en los que se basan cada una de ellas son, en la mayora de los casos, los mismos. La ejecucin de un ataque DoS suele tener un patrn comn terico, y lo que suele marcar la diferencia es la manera de ejecutarlo.Los ataques de denegacin de servicio se estn convirtiendo en una de las principales preocupaciones de las empresas, en primer lugar porque pueden llegar s suponer grandes prdidas econmicas. La razn es sencilla. Vivimos en la era de internet, en la famosa burbuja de IoT (Internet Of Things) de manera que no slo queremos estar continuamente conectados, sino que las empresas cada vez tienen en internet su mayor fuente de ingresos, hasta el punto que todos conocemos empresas o compaas que nicamente venden y tienen presencia en internet.Los ataques DoS suelen tener una motivacin econmica o vengativa, desde un empleado descontento a verdaderos encargos por parte de las empresas de la competencia u otro tipo de intereses, ya sean polticos, con nimo de desprestigiar a otra compaa etcDentro del mundo empresarial, las principales vctimas de este tipo de ataques suelen ser PYMES, por el mero hecho de que, por norma general, no cuentan con el presupuesto, el personal cualificado necesario o por mera ignorancia para poder proteger sus sistemas y servidores de una manera adecuada.Las prdidas econmicas que pueden suponer para una pequea o mediana empresa con presencia y venta en internet son incalculables, incluso con tan slo unas horas de cada de un servicio.Anmate a conocer los ataques de denegacin de servicio desde dentro, aprende las tcnicas y sus capacidades."
Price: 124.99

"Capital Budgeting" |
"The budget agrees on the figures of profit existing in the reports. Planning makes an institution ready for the hazards and dilutes its consequences. A good plan is half work done , no organisation cant survive without a proper budgeting mechanism and capital budgeting deals with different topics of budgeting aspects including the methods , the way it is prepared etc"
Price: 1280.00

"Be a Dream Interpreter for the Coming Tribulation" |
"Are you a dreamer who wants your dream life to change for the better? Are you finding it hard to stop having spiritual warfare dreams? Do you try to advance in your faith and intimacy with God but struggle? Do you want to know what Gods plan is for you, but are confused or perpetually pushed back?You can absolutely stop having bad dreams and start having heavenly ones. You can very quickly learn to hear prophecy from God through your dreams in the last days. And you can help counsel others by interpreting their dreams as times become darker and more deceptive!In this class, you will learn how God pulls YOU the dreamer close to Him. As you watch, youll be prepared to properly receive the messages that God is trying to speak to you. Youll be able to confidently minister to others during these difficult coming times of tribulation. Through understanding biblical dream interpretation, you will come through the perilous times with great peace, strength and a honed gift that will help you, your family and perhaps many others, to hear from God through dreams and visions.This dream mentorship class goes into intricate detail to include the topics of dream prophecy, dream victories in spiritual warfare and INDICATORS that God is counseling you, removing generational curses, healing past abuses and redeeming dissociated identities (D.I.D.). We end with some pretty exciting information from God about how He designed His end times watchmen to be dreamers! And we hear some warnings for Christians so we are not deceived by our feelings and assumptions. This class is unlike any other dream class available today."
Price: 29.99

"Excel for Marketers: 20 Things You Must Know! (Arabic)" |
"... Excel 20% ... !- Google Analytics CRM Email Campaign results Facebook Insights Insights- ... ... 20 Marketer 10 . 20 4 :1- 2- 3- 4- ! . :- - - - - . : () .. 720 In case of unclear view during Excel demonstrations, please make sure to select 720p at least from Setting bar.20 Things in Excel you must know, as a Marketer!Excel for Marketing - Excel for MarketersIt's your first step to start in marketing analytics How to use Excel for Marketing"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Vedic astrology from ancient lineage of Guru Achyuta" |
"I will share with you my 9 year experience learning from KN Rao and Sanjay Rath. In this series learn to predict future with AK talent from previous life, Lagna character and LL mission of life, which profession will be most successful, childs talent - to feel sense and understanding of life."
Price: 19.99

"Vendedor Extraordinrio" |
"Este Curso de Vendas Para Mdicos e Dentistas Utilizando o Coaching, PNL e Gatilhos Mentais foi elaborado para que Mdicos ou Dentistas utilizem o Coaching, PNL e Gatilhos Mentais para alavancar as suas vendas em consultrios, conseguindo mais clientes e fechando mais negcios. A proposta fazer com que voc se torne um expert em vendas."
Price: 99.99

"Digital Masterclass: How Technology Is Changing The World" |
"""Fantastic course, it was easy to follow and it filled the gaps that I had with regards to the subject of digital"" - Given ""I enjoyed the content and the authors ability to convey knowledge and to keep me intrigued from start to end. The author has done an excellent job and I am looking forward to more content from him"" - Hebendran ""This course is really awesome, Peter really gets what it takes to win in the new age of business and it's really cool that he has shared his knowledge with the world"" - DeanDigital changed the world, businesses were turned upside down and COVID-19 in 2020 has accelerated this trend. Consumers have unprecedented access to information and services that change how they are seen as customers. Digital disruption is all about how this has happened, the winners and losers, the new rules of the game. Digital transformation is all about how individuals, firms and governments are responding, changing their habits, ways of working and expectations of any relationship. These are radical shifts that everyone needs to understand and continually anticipate in the second half of the digitally exponential chess board. All 12 lessons in the course includes a handy worksheet that you can download and which summarises the key lessons for your application and future reference.In this course I'll be teaching you about the following;The winners and losers of digital disruption; Kodak, Instagram, Nokia, Waze and moreOver The Top business models and the utilities they disintermediateBlockchain and bitcoin; how it works and why it is a threatSelf-disruption through internal innovation and employee incentivisationThe FNB Codefest which was featured as a case study in Harvard Business ReviewCustomer-centric design thinking and why big companies need itPrinciples and stages of exponential growth curvesThe rise of digital customers, the decline of physical networksHow firms need ""the crazy ones"" to drive radical product innovationHow the Internet of Things creates ecosystems for customersAgile, DevOps and the principles of new ways of workingThe ""Innovators Dilemma"" of risking everything to stay aheadVirtual Reality, Artifical intelligence, Cloud Computing, Internet of ThingsObsession with customer experience and outside-in design thinkingDigitisation of industries, firms and the impact of intelligent automationModels of exponential growth and technology adoptionIncubators, accelerators and the startup ecosystemAuthentic leadership in a digitally changing worldThe new millennial generation and the customer of the futureIn this course Ill be engaging you 1 on 1, as well as providing you with visual insights and downloadable resources to support and embed your learning. We can also engage around the course content and once youve enrolled youll have access to it as I keep it updated. Ive researched these topics in my phd, written extensively about them on my blog and spoken about them at international conferences. Ive also had to adapt to them in my own life in the same way that you probably have. I look forward to seeing you in the lessons and please remember to rate and review the course. It's a privilege to be part of your learning journey."
Price: 119.99

"21P Organizational Goals" |
"Most organizations struggle when it comes to setting goals for their various teams. Some organizations focus only on Sales and others only on Profits. And yet there are others that spend days planning the projects that they will execute and how. For the first time, a complete list of goals has been compiled along with the necessary formats and measurable that will help anyone who is running, building, or growing an organization to identify all the areas that need attention while managing an enterprise. It is a tool like never before. This course will align your thoughts, the thoughts of your teams, and other leaders in your organization and give them a clear direction for achieving objectives. This course also is the perfect prelude to any kind of Performance Management initiative that you want to introduce in your organization, including setting KRAs and KPIs."
Price: 1280.00

"How to become a Security Engineer from scratch - Part 3 of 3" |
"One of the biggest challenge within the Cybersecurity Profession is where to start. My name is Jeremiah Batac CEO Co-founder of Netsectap. My business partner Ray Caparros build a cybersecurity training academy to remove all the junk and focus on Outcome-based Cybersecurity Training. Our trainings do not use books, powerpoint slides or guides. The only way to learn is to do Hands-on, Take Notes and follow through. We believe that this is the best way to enforce learning. In this 3 part series course, we will outline all the skills you need to become a Security Engineer. You can do better with your current situation now, go ahead, enroll and see for yourself."
Price: 34.99

"How to become a Computer Technical Support Specialist" |
"One of the most significant challenges within the Cybersecurity Profession is where to start. My name is Jeremiah Batac, CEO Co-founder of Netsectap. My business partner Ray Caparros and I built a cybersecurity training academy to remove all the junk and focus on Outcome-based Cybersecurity Training. Our training does not use books, PowerPoint slides, or guides. The only way to learn is to do Hands-on, Take Notes and follow-through. We believe that this is the best way to enforce learning. In this 3 part series course, we will outline all the skills you need to become a Security Engineer. You can do better with your current situation, now, go ahead, enroll, and enjoy the journey."
Price: 34.99

"Curso "" Como lograr ser una mujer Seductora y Atractiva""" |
"Atrvete a vivir TU mejor Realidad como mujer. Permteme ser tucmplice para lograr esa transformacin personal que te abrir las puertashacia una nueva vida. Una vida llena de satisfacciones, de logros y de alegras.Ests a un paso de conocer tu verdadero y gran poder. T puedes convertirtodos tus sueos en Realieades."
Price: 570.00

"Neukundenakquise automatisiert ber das Internet" |
"Sie als Unternehmer mssen tagtglich dafr sorgen, dass ihre Firma ausreichend mit Auftrgen versorgt ist. Das Internet zur Neukundengewinnung zu benutzen, scheint zunchst schwierig. Wir mchten aber an dieser Stelle eine Lanze fr das Internet brechen. Mittlerweile knnen wir behaupten, dass jeder Unternehmer egal aus welcher Branche er kommt, in der Lage ist, mit der richtigen Strategie ber das Internet Neukunden zu gewinnen und genau darber geht es in diesem Kurs:Lernen Sie durch welches System, Sie automatisiert Neukunden ber das Internet gewinnen knnen (praxiserprobt, zukunftssicher und ehrlich!)Lernen Sie, warum die herkmmliche Auftragsgewinnung in Zukunft nicht mehr funktioniertWarum Sie richtig sparen, wenn Sie Ihr Geld richtig einsetzenWarum Sie Werbung in der Tageszeitung getrost vernachlssigen knnenWelche Vorteile Sie als Unternehmer aus dem Medium Internet ziehen knnenWorauf Sie achten mssen, beim Aufbau und der Erstellung einer perfekten LandingpageWie Sie einen perfekten Leadmagneten erstellen Wie Sie ihre Marketingautomation Schritt fr Schritt umsetzenuvm.Die Kpfe hinter diesem Kurs sind, Nico Bhler und Oliver Schmuck. Ich (Nico Bhler) bin seit ber 6 Jahren Online Marketer aus Leidenschaft. Oliver Schmuck ist ausgebildeter Vermessungsingenieur und seit 2010 beschftigt er sich intensiv mit Online Marketing. Er konnte sich von einem riesigen Schuldenberg befreien und einen 5-stelligen Monatsgewinn in nur 9 Monaten aufbauen.Oliver wird Sie inhaltlich durch den Kurs fhren und ich werde den Support betreiben, wenn Sie Fragen haben sollten. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die wichtigsten Neukundenakquise-Skills ber das Internet nahebringen zu drfen!"
Price: 19.99

"Creacin de recursos educativos" |
"Veremos cmo crear tus recursos educativos, te dar las herramientas y pasos para desarrollar tu creatividad. Cmo mejorar tus clases con recursos especficos para tus necesidades y compartibles para el resto de docentes.Iremos desde la idea inicial, la necesidad de tu clase, a dnde compartirlos y cmo con otros docentes."
Price: 19.99

"About the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant CredentialThe Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant program is designed for consultants who have hands-on experience implementing Marketing Cloud Email Studio, Journey Builder, Automation Studio, Content Builder, Contact Builder, and Marketing Cloud Connect in a customer-facing role. The candidate has proven experience with the administration and configuration of the Marketing Cloud Email application, as demonstrated through successful completion of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam. This credential is targeted toward the Marketing Cloud Consultant or Partner who has mastered the implementation of Marketing Cloud by demonstrating implementation design best practices, executing the deployment of campaigns, and finalizing custom solutions for customers. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant is able to meet customer business requirements that are maintainable, scalable, and contribute to long-term customer success.About the ExamRead on for details about the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant exam.Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questionsTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutesPassing score: 68%"
Price: 39.99

"SOLDWORKS 2020 Temelden leri Seviye Eitim Seti" |
"Bu kurs ile hayatnz deitirmeye ne dersiniz? Tasarmda her zaman bir adm nde olmak istemez misiniz? Ben her zaman istemiimdir. nk tasarmc olmak yeni bir eyler tasarlamak ocukluktan gelen bir hayaldi. Kalp sektrnde alan bir baba ve abi varken benim iin hayal deil gereklikmi aslnda. Aile meslei olduu iin ben de kalp mesleine yneldim hem bu meslei okudum hem de icra ettim. Karma srekli yeni bir tasarm geldiinde hep ayn heyecanla altm. ok hatalar yaptm, izim yaparken zorlandm paralar oldu ama ben her zaman bir ncekine gre biraz daha fazla abalayarak stesinden gelmeyi baardm. Ben sizlerin de benimle birlikte baarmanz iin buradaym. Eitimci kiiliimden dolay sizlerin tecrbelerimden yararlanmanz salamak benim boynumun borcudur. ncelikle Ben Solidworks programn renebilir miyim? diye kendinizi sorgulamay brakn. nk cevab ok basit elbette renebilirsiniz. ster ilk defa kullann isterseniz yllardan beri kullann fark etmez hepimizin eksikleri vardr. Ben bu eksikleri tamamlamak iin buradaym. Videolar izlemeye baladnzda fark daha iyi anlayacaksnz.Solidworks renmek iin doru adrestesiniz. nk burada sadece program kullanmay deil, belki de hayatnzda karlaacanz sorunlarn zmn greceksiniz. unu unutmayn herkes izim yapabilir ama herkes bilinli izim yapamaz. Tasarm yapmak bilmeyene gerekten zordur. Ama size kolay olduunu gstereceim. Emin ellerdesiniz hi merak etmeyin. Abim her zaman syledii bir laf vardr Kendini yle bir yetitireceksin gelitireceksin ki maa belirlenen deil maan belirleyen kii olacaksn diye. Sizlerde inallah olduunuz noktadan bir adm daha ileri gideceksiniz. Ksacas bu eitimle ok iyi bir noktaya geleceinizden eminim. Eitim ister 50 saat srsn ister 100 saat fark etmez nemli olan sizin renmeniz size bildiim her eyi retene kadar ben buradaym uan da eitimin ne kadar sreceini bilmiyorum tahmini 90 100 saati bulur diye dnyorum dediim gibi bildiim her eyi retene kadar videolar ekmeye devam edeceim. Laf daha fazla uzatmadan Solidworks 2020 eitim setinde bakalm neler reneceiz."
Price: 49.99

"Piano Blues & Boogie COMPLETO" |
"Aprenda nesse curso online mais de 20 msicas, desenvolva os meios tcnicos (tericos e prticos) para o desenvolvimento da linguagem blues ao piano e a vivncia com o blues e suas formas estruturais.Voc aprende neste curso escalas e frases de blues, walking bass, voicings para criar seus acompanhamentos.Nesse curso online voc desenvolve a coordenao motora, a improvisao blues/jazz.Toque as msicas e suas improvisaes junto aos Playbacks (bases de udio).Acompanham partituras em PDF de todas as msicas, dos exerccios e dos estudos propostos.ANTES DE COMPRAR SEU CURSO:Leia este texto at o finalAssista s Aulas de Demonstrao ao longo do cursoLeia a Descrio Detalhada do Curso (abaixo)Assim, voc poder se certificar de que este o curso perfeito para voc!Nesse curso voc participa de diversas Atividades Prticas, aplica imediatamente o que est aprendendo, toca junto com o professor. Aprende mais de 20 msicas, desenvolve exerccios, rtmicas para acompanhamento, escalas e frases para a improvisao.As partituras em PDF e os PLAYBACKS (bases de udio) encontram-se acopladas s aulas (boto Recursos) e podem ser visualizadas na tela ou impressas.O Professor Turi Collura fundador do Departamento de Msica Popular da FAMES (Faculdade de Msica do Esprito Santo), fundador da Escola de Msica Online Terra da Msica, comeou a lecionar ainda na juventude. Publicou cinco livros sobre improvisao e piano popular, gravado discos no seu nome e participado de muitos outros. ativo como msico profissional e como professor. Toda a experincia adquirida ao longo de sua carreira aqui compartilhada por meio de vdeos, partituras em PDF, Playbacks etc.DESCRIO DETALHADA DO CURSO COMPLETO de PIANO BLUES E BOOGIEO curso vitalcio e voc acessa as aulas quando quiser. Alm disso, s paga uma vez.A didtica foi desenvolvida de forma que voc aprenda a tocar de forma eficaz e prazerosa.Em momento algum este curso viola a lei de Direitos Autorais. Todas as msicas so de autoria do professor Turi Collura.Todas as msicas e exerccios de Turi Collura possuem proteo de Copyright.O que voc aprender Tocar mais de 20 msicas em piano solo; Tocar junto a uma banda virtual (Playback); Improvisar com confiana conhecendo as escalas e frases caractersticas; Estilos, acompanhamentos variados.H algum requisito ou pr-requisito para o curso? Ter um domnio inicial ao instrumento e na leitura musical; recomendvel ter um teclado ou um piano de 61 a 88 teclas."
Price: 189.99

"Excel Essentials" |
"Excel is one of the most widely used software in workplaces all around the world. Being familiar with Excel is extremely valuable to employers and can increase your chances of getting hired by showing employers that you have great analytical skills. For this reason, many employers specifically request Excel knowledge as part of job specification. Therefore, completing this course will position you ahead of others."
Price: 19.99

"Como fazer duendes do zero" |
"Quer ter uma renda extra, mudar de profisso, trabalhar de casa e ainda aprimorar seu lado artstico?Ento nesse curso voc vai aprender a fazer duendes lindos e cheios de luz para vender, presentear ou colecionar e deixar sua vida cheia de boas energias, alegria e arte Garanto que MUITO MAIS FCIL DO QUE VOC IMAGINA e com a venda de APENAS UM DUENDE voc j repe o valor pago pelo curso e ainda sobre dinheiro!Com tcnicas super simples, e mesmo se voc no tiver experincia nenhuma com modelagem ou esculturas, voc vai aprender a fazer cada detalhe desses personagens lindos! REPITO: muito mais fcil do que voc imagina!- Quais so os materiais necessrios e como us-los- Qual a lgica da montagem do corpo- Como montar corpo dos personagens do zero- Como fazer cabea e modelos o rosto- Como fazer as mos - Como fazer os ps- Como fazer as roupas- Como colocar cabelo nos personagens- Como finalizar e dar acabamento que valoriza a peaCom o passo a passo detalhado voc vai ver como fcil e simples produzir em casa e vender em lojas ou online e lucrar muito com seus personagens! Espero voc!"
Price: 24.99

"Instagram Upgrade Workshop (Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung)" |
"Instagram Upgrade Workshop (Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung)Lektion 1 Instagram Business Einfhrung-Instagram Tools (Stories, Reels, Beitrge)-Instagram Business Account-Instagram SEO-Optiemierung-Instagram AlgorithmusLektion 2 Nische finden-Was ist eine Nische?-Welche Nischen gibt es?-Deine Nische findenLektion 3 Personal Branding-Was bedeutet Personal Branding-Warum wre es sinnvoll Personal Branding zu betreiben-Wie betreibe ich Personal Branding-Mischung zwischen Mehrwert und ContentLektion 4 Reichweite aufbauen (Community)-Zielgruppe Analysieren-Strategien um mehr Menschen zu erreichen-EG Gruppen Vorteile und Nachteile-Wie du Content mit viel Mehrwert erstellst-Nutzvolle Programme die du fr dein Instagram Business nutzen kannst-MonetarisierungsmglichkeitenLektion 5 Landing Page, Home Page erstellen-Welche kostenlosen Seiten du zum erstellen einer Page benutzten kannst-Erklrung jeder einzelnen Seite-Strategien zum marketingInklusive:-Zugang zur Exklusiven WhatsApp-Gruppe-Zugang zu einem Ordner mit Content Ideen-Ein E-Book zum Thema Instagram Business-Ein Video wie du sogar an diesem Workshop Geld verdienen kannst-(In naher Zukunft noch ein Zugang zu einem Exklusiven Instagram Account)Fr die inklusive Inhalte bitte bei Business.Coach_ auf Instagram melden"
Price: 19.99

"Finance Fundamentals - Understanding Finance in 60 Minutes" |
"Solve your burning problem of Understanding finance & taking sound financial decisions without spending a lot of your time on books, web searches, and long-hour boring courses?Are you a Businessman/Entrepreneur, who wants to measure, improve & increase your business performance & business valuation, a non-financial manager who wants a raise, a better job, or promotion?You have come to the right place!It will take only 60 Minutes flat to complete the course10 lectures and 60 Minutes of high-quality video contentPractical exercises with explanations and quizzesDiscover and analyze financials of Facebook.Full and responsive supportHandouts of all course materials that make it easy to study and remember30-day money-back guarantee"
Price: 12800.00

"Crash course on Go Programming Language (Golang)" |
"Go is programming language used to build modern cloud native application. Many cloud infrastructure tools like Docker, Kubernetes are written in Go. The objective of this course is to give quick ramp up on Go. In this course you will learn by looking at examples.By the end of this course you should get familiar with Go semantics."
Price: 44.99

"Marketing Eleitoral na Era das Fake News" |
"O curso vai abordar o fenmeno da desinformao e seu potencial impacto nas eleies municipais de 2020. A partir de uma perspectiva adaptada realidade de municpios de pequeno, mdio e grande porte, a formao oferecer instrumentos teis ao planejamento de estratgias de campanha frente influncia das plataformas digitais na opinio pblica, bem como para o enfrentamento de crises envolvendo fake news na disputa eleitoral.ObjetivosCompreender o cenrio contemporneo da desinformao e o impacto das plataformas digitais na opinio pblica;Contextualizar o fenmeno na disputa eleitoral de 2020 nos municpios;Explorar recursos e estratgias de planejamento de campanha adaptadas a esse cenrio;Explorar recursos e estratgias para o enfrentamento de crises envolvendo desinformao na disputa eleitoral.Pblico-alvoAssessores e coordenadores de campanha; jornalistas, publicitrios e comunicadores em geral que atuam em partidos polticos, rgos pblicos e movimentos sociais; influenciadores digitais, estudantes de graduao e ps-graduao em reas afins.InstrutoresSrgio Trein - Publicitrio. Ps-Doutor em Comunicao pela USP. Mestre e Doutor em Comunicao Poltica. Professor de Marketing Poltico em cursos na Unisinos, na PUCRS, na ESPM, na UNISC, na UnoChapec e Universidade La Salle. Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunicao Eleitoral, na Universidade Federal do Paran. Trabalhou em agncias especializadas de marketing poltico de So Paulo, como Duda Mendona e Pblica Comunicao. Participou de mais de 40 campanhas eleitorais e de comunicao pblica.Tas Seibt - Jornalista e professora da Unisinos, criadora da iniciativa Afonte Jornalismo de Dados e colaboradora da agncia Fiquem Sabendo, especializada em transparncia pblica e Lei de Acesso Informao. Doutora em Comunicao pela UFRGS, foi uma das fundadoras do Filtro Fact-checking, que integrou o projeto Truco nos Estados nas eleies 2018. Foi reprter e editora em Zero Hora, j assinou trabalhos como freelancer para O Estado de S. Paulo, O Globo, BBC Brasil, The Intercept e Agncia Pblica. uma das embaixadoras do programa de Inovao Cvica da Open Knowledge Brasil no Rio Grande do Sul."
Price: 159.99

"WordPress 40" |
". , , :;;;;. , . ."
Price: 9799.00

"Welcome!In this course, I will show you how to understand and perform Color Grading, Color Correction, How to Use Drone LUTS, and How to Change Individual Colors in your final graded video.While this video focuses on Adobe Premiere Pro and Apple Final Cut Pro X, the principles and techniques can be applied for whatever video editing software you use.Please download the Cinematic LUTS and Adjustment Layer under any of the videos in order to apply the LUTS as you are following the course. If you have any questions, please let me know.Enjoy!Brett"
Price: 29.99

"Fight Depression and attract abundance" |
"Participants will learn how mind perceives and how to effectively change thier state to get rid of any anxiety and depression so that they can vibrate at higher frequency and attract that kind of network which can help them to attract abundance.This course includes How mind works and perceives, and attain state and why we behave in certain fashion always and how we can get rid of those painful patterns responsible for our sufferings.This course also includes the Visualizations which will help to create the Mental image and disempower those past painful memories"
Price: 4800.00

"Personal Finance for High Earners" |
"Personal finance shouldn't be complicated. This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of personal finance and help you set up the mental models and Excel models to make good decisions for your own financial situation.The content in this course is tailored towards high earners interested in topics like financial independence and early retirement, rather than a general audience, so instead of ""steps"" or ""methods"" for paying down debt or starting a side business, the course will cover the key mental models and frameworks you need to understand to reach your own financial goals. Each video in this course will start with explaining the basics of a concept like budgeting or investing, dive in to the key equations and frameworks for understanding the concept, and then walk through real-life examples of building a financial plan, choosing a career, or valuing an asset.By the end of this course, you should have a strong understanding of topics like behavioral economics, financial planning, finance and investing, and feel confident making deliberate and informed decisions about your finances. We'll cover the following topics in this course: Behavioral Economics - How people make predictably irrational decisionsThe Basics - The two primary equations in personal financePlanning and Budgeting - How to turn those equations into a useful financial modelWork and Compensation - How to think about choosing a careerFinance 101 - Discounted cash flows and the basics of valuationInvesting 101 - Where finance meets the real worldBalance Sheet 101 - Understand assets and liabilities to build a picture of your net worthFinancial Goals - How to use your financial model to reach your financial goalsHappiness - Don't put this off until after you've retired"
Price: 199.99

"How To Think Like A Filmmaker" |
"This course is for students, film enthusiasts, film journalists, film critics, and filmmakers who want to understand how a filmmaker processes his or her thoughts, in order to shape a film for the audience. This is an introductory course that will prepare a student to get into a filmmaking mentality, an approach for filmmaking, and start making films. This course is accompanied by video lectures explaining the nature of films and filmmaking, Quizzes, reading materials, links to resourceful articles and blogs, and a project activity where students of this online course will make a short film (6-shot exercise) and get feedback. Each batch will be a community where students interact with other students and enhance visual thinking. Unlock secrets for success: Learn the thought workflow of professional filmmakers.Learn filmmaking essentials: Understand filmmaking basics like what is the difference between a story and a script, what is a logline, what is the difference between cinema, film, and a movie. Sharpen your skills: Learn to write a synopsis and develop concepts from a raw idea. In-depth analysis: Learn various concepts and techniques through the analysis of a short documentary and a fiction scene. Improve your knowledge about filmmaking concepts, execute interesting projects, complete detailed assignments, and take part in exciting quizzes.Join this course now and unlock all these benefits and much much more to ensure that your filmmaking journey starts on the right foot."
Price: 1280.00

"Anyone can be good at selling!" |
"You'll learn a simple framework to build out a great set of selling skills that will apply to any service or product. There are 6 easy lessons. If you sign up and do the practice, you will see bigger successes! Learn about the four pillars of selling, how to melt away the resistance prospects and customers have for salespeople, how to sound more confident, and how to keep going when things seem like they are not going well."
Price: 29.99

"Apprendre L'harmonica (pour les novices)" |
"Ce cours a t construit pour toutes les personnes qui veulent dbuter et apprendre jouer de lharmonica.Vous navez besoin daucune connaissance particulire en musique en harmonie, en solfge ou en rythme.Ni de connaissance pralable de l'instrument.En effet je reprends tout depuis le dpart comme si vous dcouvriez cet instrument pour la premire fois. la fin de ce cours vous serez jou au moins cinq morceaux.Vous serez familier de linstrument et vous aurez la capacit de lire des tablatures ( partitions pour harmonica).Afin de jouer de nouveaux morceaux."
Price: 69.99

"Opes Binrias Master" |
"Com uma maneira pioneira de operar no Brasil, ns vamos te mostrar o caminho, para que voc possa segui-lo e obter a consistncia nas suas operaes do dia a dia. Um curso completo, at um iniciante que no sabe absolutamente nada pode fazer!Abordaremos desde os aspectos psicolgicos que envolvem a vida do trader mas que por vezes so negligenciados, at chegarmos no pice do curso onde abordaremos nosso trade system ( estratgias com Fibonacci e Grades De Gann).Essa a oportunidade que voc estava procurando, um operacional diferente de tudo o que tem no mercado hoje no Brasil, pois somente ns da equipe Trader Sincero operamos com as grades de Gann, nas configuraes desenvolvidas por nossa equipe.Voc aprender a enxergar as tendncias do mercado utilizando as melhores ferramentas de anlise que existe hoje como por exemplo: Teoria de Down e as ondas de Elliot, mas explicadas de uma maneira fcil, sem enrolao e o melhor de tudo ainda, como aplica-las atravs das Grades de Gann."
Price: 99.99
