"Digital Art Tools: Complete Fundamentals Course" |
"Before you can even start to draw and paint digitally, you need to know the tools!How to Draw and Paint Digitally covers the core knowledge and practical theoryyou need to know in order to utilise digital art software to create artwork digitally. Most digital art software shares a number of core features, and using Adobe Photoshop as a base, this course will get you up to speed on the tools and the techniques of digital art creation. If you're new to digital art, and want to learn how to draw and paint in digital art software, this course is for you.Master The Essentials Needed to Draw and Paint In Digital Art SoftwareUnderstand both the hardware and software required to create digital artLearn the core features of digital art software, and how to use themGet to grips with the digital canvas, navigation, colour panels, tools and moreGain insight into brushes, layers,layer modes, selections and more!Learn How To Use Almost Any Digital Art SoftwareIf you've never used digital art software before and you'd love to learn, I'dlove to teach you. Getting to grips with art software and the digital art process is easier than you think, and when you're done, you should be able to approach most modern digital art packages with confidence.Many of the features of art software are shared, such as brushes, selections, layers, colour panels, swatches, and much more. In this easy to follow course, Igo step-by-step into the digital process - from what hardware tools you'll need, to creating a digital canvas, resolutions and paper sizes,using and adjusting brushes,layers and layer features and muchmore to draw and paint effectively on computer.What's more, I'll have you upto speed in no time - high quality video and audio that is comprehensive and yet to the point, will have you learn the fundamentaltools and techniques in less than 2 hours!"
Price: 194.99

"Photoshop Smart Objects Masterclass 2020" |
"Play safely : 30 days money back guarantee !Certificates : Course completion Certificates !Quiz : Quiz to refresh your knowledge ! Welcome to this courseThis course will guide you and teach you about one of the coolest feature ever in Photoshop called smart objects. this course will give all the knowledge and power to be confident and master Photoshop smart objects with hands on real life practical example use case. this course have many goodies inside.After completing this course !You will be able to !Use smart object in Photoshop as charm.Create smart objects in best way.Preserve your image quality inside photoshop.Work with illustrator files, vector objects as smart object.Use Powerful smart filtersUse Displacement feature.Create an animated GIF file.Tackle any projects comes in your way with smart objects like smarty.Materials Included :PSD filesAI filesPDF filesJPEG filesPNG filesGIF filesAt the end of this course you will face quiz to test your knowledge what you have learned in this course. Remember quiz is compulsory to complete .After completing this course you will have complete knowledge of Smart objects in Photoshop. And an amazing felling about smart object . So lets get started !"
Price: 194.99

"CSSCasts; CSS libraries Plugins Tips & Tricks 2020" |
"This course updates weekly, check back often for new videos.This course is pretty unique on udemy. this is CSS screen casts. this course will grow every week by 2 new videos based on essentials but modern and latest CSS libraries plugins ideas with cool tips and tricks. The most important aspect of this course is student can suggest or request for making videos on their request and i will try to make that video as soon as possible but the request which get highest vote will be made first. I will always love to help as soon as possible if any students get stuck with in their life real world project.-What you will learn in this course ?In simple : Almost Everything about CSSHow..To create layout.to use modern tricks to solve particular problemsTo style your content.To keep your css clean , modern and faster.To stay Web standard and current CSS developerTo use libraries.To use Plugins.Much much more --Materials Included: to keep you in the road of success !all the Exercise file will be included in their respected videohtml filescss filesjpgpnglibsiconspsdetcWell i do my very best to explain each and every detail of the particular topic i cover on the video with multiple demo and examples . your totally welcome to ask any questions or doubts and request for new videos based on the css library , plugins or any topics releted to CSS.Students are welcomed to request new videos based on CSS.So now get in and let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Email Marketing y Automatizaciones con Mailchimp" |
"El curso profesional de Email marketing con Mailchimp esta diseado para los emprendedores e inquietos con todo tipo de conocimientos que buscan usar el email como una estrategia innovadora para mejorar sus ventas, mostrarse a sus clientes con una mejor imagen y mantener una relacin mas cercana con sus usuarios. En este curso aprenders desde cero a crear un diseo/Boletin de email personalizado con el nombre de tu cliente o usuario que cautive y genere conversiones (ventas).Crearas emails funcionales que tus clientes podrn consultar en todos los dispositivos (celular, tableta y computador de escritorio) Boletines responsive. Aprenders a crear una lista organizada de correos segn categoras, tipos de productos o perfil de usuario, tambin aprenderas a capturar correos usando tu pagina web, email o facebook. BONUS: Mailchimp introdujo su nueva funcionalidad MARKETING AUTOMATION, aprende a crear emails de bienvenida, autorespondedores, y regalar contenido de valor (ebook, cursos, etc) a cambio del email de tus usuarios.Como si fuera poco analizaremos que porcentaje de usuarios abren los correos, cuantas veces o donde hacen clic.Podrs enviar correos hasta 2000 usuarios en un solo instante con la versin free. Sabes que es inbound y outbound marketing? Sabes si en verdad tu usuario mira tus correos electrnicos? esto y mucho mas veremos en este magnifico curso."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Crea Correos corporativos con dominio personalizado" |
"Es hora de dejar de usar el tpico correo, miempresa665@gmail.com o (yahoo, hotmail) para tu negocioTu empresa, idea o proyecto merece ser vista como una marca profesional.En este curso te enseare desde cero a crear con ZOHO tus cuentas de email a partir del panel de tu hosting y el panel del dominio, si no tienes dominio no importa, tambin inclu informacin para ayudarte a comprar tu dominio.La imagen lo es todo y tener un correo electrnico con dominio personalizado es fundamental para dar una buena impresin a tus clientes. Cuando envas correos desde tu nombre de dominio transmites la idea que eres una empresa ya creada, profesional y que tomas el nombre de tu marca en serio.Crea confianza e inicia este curso, sabemos que el proceso de creacin de marca es largo y complejo, pero no te puedes olvidar de incluir una direccin de correo electrnico de la marca como parte de la presencia global de tu marca online.Este curso esta diseado para ti; propietario de un pequeo negocio, freelance o emprendedor del internet. Ests vendiendo y ofreciendo tus productos y servicios en internet, debes tener el nombre de tu marca como un identificador clave. Tu direccin de email va a estar presente y le va dar sentido a tus tarjetas personales, facturas, piezas grficas, etc Si tienes miedo de dejar tu cliente de correo, veremos como vincular ZOHO con gmail para que no pierdas los excelentes servicios de google y envies emails con tu dominio personalizado.Porque usamos ZOHO? Zoo es la competencia directa de google, google app vale 5 dlares el mes por cuenta, Zoho nos permite tener una interface amigable, 5 gigas de espacio por correo y hasta 25 usuarios. Lo que significa que es mejor que WEBMAIL."
Price: 19.99

"Join Udemy Elite: How to Work as an Instructor - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update 7/1/2015: Nearly $60,000 in 6 Months - You can do it too! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From a satisfied student ""This is definitely the best 'behind the scenes' look at what it takes to succeed as a course instructor. Andrew Eddy's teaching style is progressive and informative. I highly recommend to all students who wish to turn themselves into teachers. Now, it's time to get to work!"" -Brandi Roberts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do few have massive success selling courses on Udemy while the majority of us fail to achieve that same level of success? I will show you exactly what I did to earn $58,200 in my sixth full month on Udemy. It is not an overnight solution, but actionable advice. Figure out the Udemy Search and Category algorithms and maximize ranking Follow a master plan for success Learn tips, tricks, and even hacks that separate you from the pack Maximize enrollments, reviews, and engagement. Learn a new skill that can change your life. A lot of people are creating online courses. Udemy (the platform you are using is one of the biggest platforms for e-learning in the world. Imagine being able to reach their massive audience. Well now you can. In just a few short days, you can be on the fast track for success. Sign up today and become an online teacher. Change your career! Work from anywhere. Enjoy the flexibility that accompanies being an entrepreneur. Sign up today and I will see you on the other side!"
Price: 19.99

"Responsive Web Design: HTML5 + CSS3 for Entrepreneurs 2018" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build beautiful and modern websites using HTML5 & CSS3.Build a strong foundation in HTML and CSS with this tutorial for beginners. Code in HTMLCode in CSSUnderstand the CSS Box ModelCombine CSS and HTML to create a beautiful modern websiteA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of HTML5 & CSS3 puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. HTML & CSS are free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and is the base for all things on the web. . When I am asked: Where should I start if I want to learn programming? My response is always HTML and CSS. Have you ever wanted to dive further into Wordpress themes? Have you ever wanted to create a beautiful HTML email? Or maybe you just want to be able to design websites. This course is the place to start.Content and Overview Suitable for beginning programmers, through this course of 56 lectures and 6 hours of content, youll start by downloading a text editor and coding in HTML. Random lectures have specific ""challenges"" sprinkled in. After creating some basic web pages and learning about HTML syntax we will go over the differences and changes in HTML 5.(Todays standard)With the basics of HTML established, we will begin to dive into the world of cascading style sheets.(CSS) We can supercharge our learning by tackling both at the same time.Finally, we take the course into ""project mode."" We will go step by step, line by line, and code our own modern and beautiful website using CSS3 and HTML5. This course was created to establish a foundation in programming by learning HTML5 and CSS3. These are the building blocks of all websites.This course is targeted towards teaching every day people to code, not just computer science majors."
Price: 94.99

"Absolute Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Java" |
"This course is designed to be slow-paced, simple and rich in demystifying the question: What really is an object in computer programming? These few lectures serve as a crucial foundation for OOP (Object Oriented Programming). If you've ever written a java class before and ran the program in eclipse but didn't quite understand what's going on behind the scenes, this course is for you. By the end of these videos, you will understand the difference between a class, and an object. You'll know how objects are constructed and what exactly happens when the program is run. We'll also go over important OOP techniques such as inheritance and polymorphism.By the end of this course you'll be ready to work with multiple classes in java and be prepared to take the more challenging and top ranked course: Master Object Oriented Design in Java - HW + Solutions"
Price: 84.99

"Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear" |
"Updated Nov 2018 (More recursion puzzles)The motivation behind this course came from an article titled ""Why Can't Programmers Program?"" by Jeff Atwood. It talks about how poorly many candidates perform in coding interviews.Surprisingly a large fraction of applicants, even those with masters degrees and phds in computer science, fail during interviews when asked to carry out basic programming tasks such as iterate over a loop and print numbers from 1 -10 . Or solve the common fizz buzz problem. And Ive experienced this first hand when I interview candidates for software development positions. They could have an impressive academic background as well as experience in various technologies and software projects, but when posed with an interesting programming problem, their code falls apart. The fact is, you dont need a college education to become a good programmer. Simply there is a big divide between people who can program and those that cant. It's my experience that the difference has to do with mastering the fundamental building blocks of programming. And thats basically method level coding and the mastery of topics like string manipulation, lists, loops, logic and recursion. These are fundamental granular components shared by all programming languages. Think of these as the tools a programmer can use to solve problems. And you really gotta know your tools well to be proficient at the craft! You cant learn programming by reading books. The fact is you just need a lot of practice. If you want to be a superb programmer, you have to program a lot and work on solving challenging problems that stretch your capabilities. This course offers a systematic and structured way for you to acquire that practice using only a subset of the java language without getting side tracked in other areas of software development. Every concept comes with a coding challenge. I ask you to try solving the challenge on your own before I go over the solution in detail. This approach has worked time and time again for my students."
Price: 94.99

"Practical Data Structures & Algorithms in Java + HW" |
"Updated June 2018If I had to pick the single most important topic in software development, it wouldbe data structures and algorithms. Think of it as the fundamental tools available to every computer programmer. The better you get with these tools the more confident a programmer youll become. Software development is a vast field requiring all kinds of skill-sets but getting good at this singletopic is a huge leap forward in your programming journey and itll certainly pave the way for a successful programming career.The topics in this course are going to cover data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, trees and some of the most powerful sorting, searching, and graph algorithms that have revolutionized the field of computing. Throughout the course I keep things practical and provide real life examples of how all of these algorithms work and when & where they can be applied to write efficient computer programs.Ill be moving at a slow and steady pace introducing each topic followed by a PRACTICAL programming assignment so you can immediately apply what you learned. All homework assignments in the course will be accompanied with step by step solution videos demystifying each problem as I code up the solutions. My goal is to make sure, that after you complete this course you feel completely confident going into a coding interview because you will have built a solid foundation in computer programming. So go ahead and signup and Ill see you in the course."
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Java Certification Course" |
"LAST UPDATED: JAN 2020 - Latest updates include Lambdas and Streams with Java 9 Features.Welcome to Master Practical Java Development. This course is designed to help you master the most in-demand and critical components for becoming a Core Java developer. Especially if you're going for a job interview or have a Java Project that needs your best performance. This course assumes no prior java experience so prior Java so it will take you from zero to hero!The topics covered include Object Orientation which I think is not stressed enough in other Java courses so I've got special focus on that throughout the lectures. You'll get plenty of practice writing classes and interfaces as well as countless methods with loops and if else statements, exception handling and file processing as well as how to debug software using Eclipse. You'll also be mastering the collections framework and diving deep into java generics. You'll learn all there is to know about multi-threading and the JDBC API for working with a MySQL database. There are also practical projects scattered throughout the course so that you can practice the concepts as you learn them. For example one of the projects is related to a car dealership management system and another assignment involves processing files with stock market data. So as you can see, I tried to keep the projects professional and industry relevant rather than cloning a game like flappy bird.I want this course to be the ultimate go-to resource for anyone that's looking to become a core Java programmer so I intend on adding more content to this course based on new technologies and student feedback. The content is Java 9 ready which means I'll show you how to upgrade to the latest version of Java which is version 9 and I'll teach you how to configure Eclipse to work with both Java 8 as well as version 9.Dont just take it from me, take it from other students that have taken this course. Heres reviews from real students that took this course Instructions are very clear and easy to follow. I know nothing about java and so far Im keeping up just fine. Easy to understand the difficult topics as well. Overall nice course. Learnt the basic java concepts very well and also collections framework and JDBC topics are also very nicely explained. The explanation of each concept is done very well. This is a great course for beginners. This course is awesome! The teacher is very thorough with his explanations of the theory and application. I'm really enjoying it! Yes it is for sure the best!! As it covers all the topic from basic to advanced topics in java. I am taking my second semester of Java programming at university. I signed up for this course to augment my university studies. I learn more from this one course with a better understanding of programming principles than I have learned at university.The university gives me college credit; this course will get me a job! I'm taking a class about object-oriented programming in relation to Java. However, the reading material uses quite a bit of technical lengthy jargon that I simply get confused. This class has been extremely helpful in presenting concepts in a straightforward and simple way. I can understand what he's explaining and it makes sense. This is a fantastic course and I'd recommend it to anyone who is feeling discouraged about learning about object-oriented programming. Congratulations the instructor has turned complicated topics into easy interactive components. High praises to the instructor are in order. The instructor was very knowledgeable, worked at a good pace, and most importantly, was very good at communicating.Topics covered in this course:VariablesData TypesArraysControl FlowMethodsClassesObjectsProgram FlowClass InheritanceInterfacesAbstract ClassesStringsWhile & For LoopsNested For LoopsDebuggerBuilding and Deploying Java Programs with JAR FilesFile ProcessingCollections FrameworkCollection MethodsHashcode, HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMapJava GenericsThreadingJava JDBCJShellLambda ExpressionsStreams APII'm confident that you'll enjoy this course at-least as much if not more than my other popular Java courses, but as always you've got a 30 day money back guarantee no questions asked! Check out the preview lectures and join today!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Oracle SQL Certification Course" |
"LAST UPDATED: JUNE 2020(Source Code Included for Lectures)Get ready to acquire some seriously marketable programming skills! You can't consider yourself a complete end to end developer until you can code in SQL. Today, data has become the hottest topic in technology and a company's biggest asset is their data. All databases require the language SQL to store and retrieve data. Salaries for junior level SQL Developers are upwards of $70,000 - $90,000 dollars a year! The great thing is, for this course, you do not need any prior experience in programming what so ever. SQL is a different animal and we're going to demystify the language from scratch and prepare you with plenty of progressively challenging assignments so that by the time you've completed the course (in 2 months), you can call your self an Oracle SQL Master! Oracle is the most popular relational database in the world! This course will prepare you to be job-ready in just 1 month of study and practice.All exercises and solutions are in the lectures. In several lectures I ask students to pause the video and complete the assignment before resuming to watch my solution. MAKE SURE YOU WORK OUT THE PROBLEMS ON YOUR OWN BEFORE MOVING ON TO MY SOLUTION!!With over 62,000 enrolled students and a 4.5 star-rating, this is a Udemy best-selling course.Do you have no prior experience in SQL development? This course is perfect for you. Don't take it from me, take it from actual students that took this course:""I am a beginner and the way this course starts is perfect for the person who has no introduction of SQL or Oracle.""Do you have prior experience, but need a refresher or to fine-tune your skills? This is the course for you. Again, I'll let my students do the talking:""I had a good base of knowledge from my last employment. This course is constantly proving useful to supercharge my actual knowledge base. Very good one!""Have you taken a SQL course before, but felt confused on certain topics or not completely satisfied in your abilities? A lot of my students had shared similar concerns:""I had previously taken a college course about databases and SQL, but these ten hours of content were more clear and useful than the course and textbook.""Topics covered in this course :Basics of TablesSELECT and WHERE ClauseWHERE, AND & OR with OperatorsBETWEEN, IN and NULLSingle Table QueriesSingle Row FunctionsGrouping FunctionsGROUP BY and HAVING ClauseJoinsInner and Outer JoinsEXISTS & NOT EXIST OperatorsCreating Your Own TablesUsing ALTERCreating Tables with SELECT & UPDATE DataDELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP CommandsSystem Tables, Pseudo Columns & Deleting Duplicates (Newly Added)Views and Other Objects and Commands (Newly Added)"
Price: 194.99

"Be Productive! How To Eliminate Distractions" |
"This course is for the ambitious person that finds his or herself stuck in a cycle of wasted time. If you find yourself looking at the clock at the end of every day, unsatisfied with what you accomplished, then this course is for you. I used to become depressed almost every day because I had goals that were not worked towards. Finally, I snapped out of it, and turned myself into a productive machine by applying the methods that I included in this course. I want to help you get out of this vicious cycle, I want to teach you how to naturally become a more productive person! In this course you will learn:How to eliminate the most common distractions people have.Understand the psychology of why we waste time so easily.How to create, and follow, a schedule that will help you achieve any goal.How to take your life back and appreciate the precious time you have.So what are you waiting for? No more procrastinating, no more excuses, let's get busy!"
Price: 24.99

"Build Responsive Web Designs With No Code Using Macaw" |
"Have you always wanted to build dazzling and responsive Websites from the ideas you have imagined but didn't have or want to devote the time to dig into HTML and CSS code? Or maybe you are a designer that is tired of paying a coder to mock up your designs to present to your customers. Or perhaps you are a seasoned coder who wants to be able to mock up a design quickly and then manipulate the code later on.If any of this sounds familiar to you, then Macaw may be the answer. In this course, I will lead you through the tools and user interface of Macaw and show you how to build a real world Web design that could actually be put into production with very little extra effort.Did you know that mobile devices have outpaced the desktop market. This means that you have to make your Web presence responsive to these smaller screens. This course will teach you how to take your design and make it ""Responsive"" to all sizes including the mobile market which as of July of 2015 represents over 51% of all Internet users.Build a strong foundation in Web Design using MacawLearn about the Macaw toolLearn the basics of the interfaceCreate some real-world examplesContent and OverviewThe good folks that built Macaw have delivered a wonderful tool that allows you to draw your Web ideas instead of coding them but as with all new tools, there is a learning curve. I help you navigate the uncharted waters and get you up to speed quickly so you can enjoy bringing your design ideas to life.This course will give you the necessary skills to start designing Web content today and realize the dream of turning ideas into reality."
Price: 94.99

"Practical Guide to Web Development" |
"Want to really understand Web Development but don't know where to start. are you overwhelmed by technical buzz words such as NodeJs and JQuery?You probably know the end result you want: To understand the whole enchilada of Web Development.The Web development arena is vast and it is ever growing. There is no way for any one person to know it all. There is one critical skill and that is a practical understanding of the whole space. It doesn't matter if you are a designer, a content author or perhaps someone that has been tasked to bring the whole thing together. With the knowledgeyou get from this course, you will have an understanding of all the major areas of Web development and the highly important touch points.I start you off with some of the key concepts of successful web design. Some of these are often overlooked such as the development lifecycle and Search engine optimization. Others you may know something about but are not sure how it impacts the success of your site. The first section of this course gives you the foundation you need to get your site off the groundNext, I go over web security and how it has become a major topic of discussion and concern for anyone involved with Internet technologies.The last section goes over all of the technologies that make up websites and applications. By the end of this course, you will know what each of the technologies are and what they do. This course does not intend to teach you how to write or use any of these but instead gives you enough understanding about each to know where you want to focus your learning next.This course is all about understanding. Once you have that the rest is up to you. Do you want to learn to code it yourself or farm that work out to someone else. You will have the skills to make that decision and be well on your way to becoming a first class developer."
Price: 94.99

"Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn 6 Ruby on Rails SEO Techniques" |
"UPDATED FOR APRIL2017. JOIN OVER 1,200 STUDENTS!You might be able to create the greatest Ruby on Rails website in the world... But is anyone going to find it?Do you already have some knowledge of Ruby on Rails? And would you like to boost search engine traffic to the Ruby on Rails websites you build? Also, do you want to be more attractive to employers who value web development SEO skills?My name is David Fonvielle, and I created my first Ruby on Rails website in 2011. When I built my website, I wanted to optimize it for search engine traffic, so that people could find all the articles I was writing and the tools I was building. Unfortunately, I didn't know anything about SEO at the time, much less how to use my skills as a Ruby on Rails web developer to make my website better optimized for search engine traffic.I looked online for help on how to create a more SEO friendly Ruby on Rails website, and it was a very confusing, time-consuming learning experience. First, I learned an overwhelming amount of information about SEO, with a lot of contradictory information which made me more confused than ever. Then, I had to figure out how to create a more SEO friendly Ruby on Rails website from bits and pieces of information scattered around the internet.What I wanted was simple: for someone to teach me the basic, most important aspects of search engine optimization (SEO) that I could do something about as a Ruby on Rails web developer... And then give me specific step by step instructions on how to create a more SEO friendly Ruby on Rails website that addressed these most important aspects.And that's exactly what this course does.This course assumes that you have some basic, working knowledge of Ruby on Rails, but it also assumes that you have no knowledge of SEO at all. So you'll learn the most important aspects of SEO that you can do something about with your Ruby on Rails skills, and you'll learn step by step how to use your Ruby on Rails skills to create more SEO friendly websites.Specifically, you'll learn:Why meta titles are so important for SEO and how to implement a unique meta title on every page of your websiteHow meta descriptions are related indirectly to SEO and how to implement a unique meta description on every page of your websiteWhat the best type of urls are for an SEO friendly website and how to create them (this is important: Ruby on Rails does not give you seo-friendly urls out of the box!)What types of redirects to use to preserve ""link-juice"" and how to implement themHow to keep certain pages out of the search engine results and how to protect your websites from Google's ""duplicate content penalty"" by making sure you only get the pages you want indexedHow to make sure that every page title is better optimized for search engine traffic by taking just 1 simple stepBy taking this course, you're going to learn one of the most useful, practical, web development skills ever: how to help your Ruby on Rails websites rank in search engine results so that people can find the website you created.After all, that's the entire point of creating a website in the first place, isn't it? To create something that other people will find, use, and enjoy.So take this course today and immediately become a more skilled, knowledgeable Ruby on Rails web developer who enjoys getting more search engine traffic.Enrol in the course right now!"
Price: 199.99

"Overcome Fear & Anxiety Today With 3 Tricks - Be Calm Today!" |
"UPDATED FOR APRIL 2017. JOIN OVER 2,800 STUDENTS!Do you ever have fear or anxiety?Would you like to be free of fear and anxiety to live a happier, more enjoyable life, with more success and achievement?Would you like to break free from fear and anxiety today?In this special course, instructors David Fonvielle and Dr. Jakob Bargak have joined forces to give you 3 very different, special ways for freeing yourself from fear and anxiety naturally. First, David will teach you how you can quickly improve your mind and body to get rid of fear and anxiety faster and easier. And then Dr. Bargak will teach you a very different, complementary way of getting rid of fear and anxiety with acupressure points from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The overall effect will be that this course will be unlike any other approach you've ever learned for fear and anxiety, since very different but complementary methods are taught to help you become free from fear and anxiety faster than you ever imagined possible. Some more information about this course: The low price will increase shortly You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, ever All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc. in this course are always free There's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guarantee Help is always available to you if you have a question With this course and the lessons you'll learn, you can already reduce any fear or anxiety you feel by the end of today.And in a week, as you continue developing the skill of getting rid of fear and anxiety, you can feel amazed by how fear and anxiety isn't a problem for you anymore, now that you know how to handle it, reduce it, and even completely eliminate it! So don't waste another second: start getting rid of fear and anxiety right now and begin enjoying life more than ever. Enrol now!"
Price: 199.99

"Twitter Followers: Get 100 Twitter Followers in 48 Hours" |
"UPDATED FOR APRIL 2017. JOIN OVER 1,600 STUDENTS GETTING MORE FREE TWITTER FOLLOWERS!Get your first 100, 500, 1,000 real, targeted Twitter followers for business. Boost your social proof & increase your customers and sales with more Twitter followers!Would you like to take advantage of 304,000,000 active users currently on Twitter to increase your business and sales?Do you want to get your first 100, 500, 1,000 real, targeted Twitter followers that you can market to and convert into customers and sales?Do you want to be in the top 4% of Twitter users who have 1,000 or more followers, and enjoy a stronger business reputation and greater social proof by having more followers than 96% of other people?In this course, you'll learn the simple, easy, guaranteed steps that will get you there.So if you feel like you're struggling to get more Twitter followers, and that your business (and your business reputation) are suffering as a result...Learn step by step how to solve this problem today.This course reveals the secrets for getting 100s of genuine, targeted Twitter followers to follow you on Twitter each week...In fact, you'll learn how you can get your first 100 Twitter followers in 32 hours or less, which will already give you more Twitter followers than 46% of other people!But why stop there?With this course, you'll go on to get your first 500 and 1,000 Twitter followers, which will give you more Twitter followers than 96% of other people... Not only will this amount of Twitter followers enhance your business reputation, but these are also real, targeted followers that you can market and sell to in order to grow your business. So in many different ways, you'll increase your sales and profits with more Twitter followers.Best of all, it will only take you 7 minutes or less a day to achieve all this...And you'll be getting all these real, targeted Twitter followers for free. So stop struggling with getting more Twitter followers, and start boosting your business on Twitter today...In this course you'll learn:-- The exact steps to get real, targeted Twitter followers to you that will boost your business-- How to do this safely and intelligently so that you don't get your account suspended by Twitter (you'll avoid the dangerous, risky strategies that can put your Twitter account in jeopardy, which, unfortunately, get many Twitter accounts suspended)-- The best tools to use for helping you get more Twitter followers-- Secret productivity tricks for getting more Twitter followers...(including how to get a premium feature on a top Twitter tool for free!)-- How to get all these Twitter followers for free without ever having to pay for using any of these tools (you'll learn the tricks for maximizing the free benefits of these tools)-- And a lot, lot more...So what are you waiting for?With the information you learn in this course, you could already be well on your way to getting your first 100 Twitter follower in the next 32 hours or less... And be hitting the milestones of 500 and 1,000 Twitter followers soon after!Enrol now!"
Price: 199.99

"Digital Marketing Success: Proven Science and Design" |
"Would you like to get more clicks, shares, retweets, comments, likes, fans, followers, and purchases via social media marketing and/or digital marketing?Then this course is for you.Perhaps you're a YouTuber who wants to get more clicks on your video thumbnails. Or you use Facebook brand pageto promote your brand or company and want to know the science-backed factors to get more fans, comments, likes, and shares. Or perhaps you run Twitter for a large corporation and want to get more retweets.Learn the Science-Based Methods of Effective Social Media and Digital Marketing:In this course, you'll learn from three types of lectures:Short, helpful lessons covering the numerousscientific, quantitative studies thathave found what factors lead to more engagement, followers, and purchases via social media marketing and online advertising. Some of these studies have looked at top 100 global brands' campaigns over a number of years to see what factors contribute to higher engagement.Practical, hands-on exercises to put these principles into practice by designing social media images and ads.""Behind the scenes""lectures where Iupload the images we've designed together and thenconfirm the earlier large-scale studies with small-scale tests.Course Structure and Progression:In this course, you'll learn and applythe industry-standard design principles, and then you'll learn and apply the science of getting more clicks and engagement. You'll then be amazed bythepower of writing appeals,color, and other marketing tipsby learning from science-backed marketing secrets confirmed in academic journals. You'll design ads and images throughout the course in order to put these principles into practice.Practical Projects:If you want to follow along with me exactly in the handful of practical exercises, then you'll need Adobe Photoshop, preferably Creative Cloud, although earlier versions work as well. Ialso include links to free image editing programs in the course, although for the animated ads lesson, you'll need Photoshop. Of course, if you're only interested in the science-backed marketing tips and you hire someone else to design your social media images, then you won't need the software.See the promotional video for my qualifications to teach this course and let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!Some other courses feature anecdotal evidence or even inaccurate information NOT backed up by any study (for example, the mythical ""names of files affects your YouTube SEO""lie, told by various Udemy instructors,which is not proven and whichYouTube themselves debunked). The information you learn in this course is the result of five months' studying all academic journal articles and other studies on social media marketing and digital marketing. Iwent through hundreds of articles so I could summarize them in helpful lessons which can then be applied."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Adobe InDesign: Design a Magazine and More in InDesign" |
"Create magazines, brochures, and more in InDesign! Learn InDesign, the world's industry-standard publication layout program, to create flyers, posters, advertisements, and online magazines. Create magazines to share online or sell online through Apple. Create books to sell on Amazon. There are so many possibilities!Enroll now and learn how toplace and format text in InDesignplace and format images in InDesignadd character and paragraph styles in InDesignflow text across pages on along a path in InDesignuse libraries and snippets in InDesignapply color themes in InDesigndraw and adjust shapes in InDesignadd custom corners in InDesignwork with layers in InDesign to select objectsapply master pages in InDesignpackage, save, export, and print files in InDesignapply editorial design principles such as proximity, alignment, contrast, and repetition in magazines and brochuresdesign and produce a professional magazine in InDesigndesign and produce a professional brochure in InDesigndo much more in InDesignEnroll to get access to exclusive lessons and follow-along tutorials as well as helpful, printable PDF handouts and discussion board access for peer critiques and feedback. Let's get started creating and designing in InDesign!Learn InDesign from Chad Neuman, who has the relevant experience in the field:Managing editor at two graphic design magazinesAdvertising layout specialist and webmaster at a regional newspaperInternet development director at an advertising design firmFreelance graphic designer for 20 yearsCurrent full-time university professor and freelance graphic designerand relevant education:BA in CommunicationMA in Journalism and Media StudiesPhD in Communication"
Price: 49.99

"Logo Design Masterclass: Learn Logo Design + Illustrator" |
"Course updated November 2019: Entire section added on using Adobe Dimension to produce a logo concept in a 3D scene for a client!Course updated August 2019: New lecture on customizing the toolbar!Would you like to become a professional logo designer and create beautiful, relevant, distinct, and memorable logo designs? Do you want to gain insight into the lucrative and fun industry of logo design? In this value-packed course, you will learn how to become a professional logo designer. Learn about logo design principles by looking at corporate logos and student logos, and then apply those principles in your own logo design work. You'll gain valuable insight into logo design and the logo design industry.This course guides you in the process of brainstorming, sketching, and designing logos after meeting with a client. You will also learn about logo design creative briefs and contracting, as well as the importance of creating a logo design portfolio.You will learn various Illustrator techniques to create high-quality, beautiful logos. After enrolling, you can post your work to the discussion board for critique as you build your logo design portfolio. Gain valuable insight on logo design and Illustrator by learning from Chad Neuman, PhD, who has:Worked at an award-winning advertising design firm using Illustrator. Taught logo design and Illustrator at the university level.Done freelance graphic design work for about 20 years.Was previously managing editor at two graphic design magazines, one of which focused on Illustrator.This course has manually added closed captions for most sections (instead of only auto-generated).Master logo design today to start building your portfolio and client list. Design your own logos for your brand or for others. Apply relevant color, typography, and design principles to create an awe-inspiring and distinct logo design portfolio. Become a logo design rockstar!Be sure to check out the promo video and remember that this course features a 30-day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied with it after enrolling. See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC Mastery: Zero to Hero in Illustrator" |
"Learn Illustrator and start creating logos, infographics, vector art and more illustrations today! In this course, students learn the essentials of Illustrator, the industry-standard vector software, includingformatting and stylizing typecreating custom shapesapplying effects and stylesdrawing with the brush and pen toolstracing over photoscreating basic logosusing the various tools in Illustrator, including when to use certain onescreating patterns, blends, and moreInstructor Qualifications:I've used Illustrator for years as a freelance graphic designer, and I've also used Illustrator when I was Internet Development Director at an award-winning advertising design firm. While I was Managing Editor of two international graphic design magazines, one of the magazines I oversaw focused on Illustrator. For the past eight years, as I've continued freelance work, I've taught students Illustrator and logo design in classes such as Layout and Design, as a full-time university professor.I have a BA in Communication, an MA in Journalism and Media Studies, a PhD in Communication, and a passion for teaching.Enroll now and let's get started learning and illustrating!"
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop and Photography Digital Art Compositing Course" |
"Learn Photoshop and photography by designing levitation digital art!In this course, you will learn industry-standard editing techniques in Photoshop and learn the fundamentals and beyond for effective photography, all while having fun producing digital art.You'll learn from our fourphotoshoots for levitation digital art: a vintage studio, a sand dunes scene with smoke, a university architecture scene, and a rundown building with sparklers.Each of the foursections has two projects to follow along with, after learning from the photoshoots. This course comes with 16 JPEGimages to produce the levitation effect using a variety of techniques, 36 PSDPhotoshop files to learn from, and helpful handouts, including a PDFon common Photoshop shortcuts, a PDFonPhotoshop file types, and a 21-page PDFonphotography fundamentals.After learning from the four photoshoots and multiple follow-along Photoshopprojects in each section, you put what you learned into practice by producing a final project of levitation digital art with your own photos.Check out the sample videos for more information on the courseand our bios for information on our qualifications!See you in the course!Song in promotional video is called Heartwarming by Kevin MacLeod (CC)."
Price: 49.99

"Link Building Success, Links That Compliment, Not Compete" |
"Welcome to a Truly Unique method to finding incoming links from sites that Compliment your site, not Compete. It's simple and finds the types of sites that the owners are more willing to link to you since they're not direct competition with your product or service.If you provide a service to get incoming links for a business, then this method will find quality sites with better PageRank and Alexa values that are more willing to link.SEO is not enough anymore to achieve those valued High ranking positions.If you do any kind of SEO, then you know that SEO by itself isn't enough to rank strong for any long periods. Bringing traffic in from quality sites is like an exit ramp on the Internet Highway. You're getting web traffic from other sites, as well as PageRank value.Simple as Tic-Tac-ToeThis method uses a process that looks like the old Tic-Tac-Toe game. In fact, a few years ago that's what I called it, the Tic-Tac-Toe Link Building Tool, because it was so simple and natural to find quality links.Using Excel with macro driven buttons, its all automated when generating search phrases that you enter into a search engine.What you get with this course for FREE. A Truly Unique Free Tool that generates focused keywords you'll enter into a search engine to find sites that compliment, not compete with your sitesA documenting process and spreadsheet you'll use to track your best choices in sites to contact about a link partnershipTemplates to use when contacting site owners to convince them that your site and theirs are a great natural match to exchange links.I was excited creating this process because it helps you quickly generate the right kind of keyword phrases using a BrainStorming method I teach to find sites that are naturally related to yours. Getting links from related sites that don't compete with yours looks more natural to the search engines, so you meet their review better by having more natural flow-thru link connections."
Price: 39.99

"BullsEye Keyword Research, Any Market, Any Niche, Any Time" |
"This is a Highly Focused training method very similar to Dr. Glenn Livingston's teaching in the Hyper-Responsive Marketing Course. Dr. Livingston's method (used here) allows you to research keywords without any third party software, just Google's Keyword Planner or Bing's Keyword Research and Microsoft Excel, to draw from Google's or Bing's huge database of keyword data.This process is called the BullsEye Keyword Research that finds the Best Keywords and Supporting Keywords for Any Market of your choice, because the data already exists, and I'll show you how to extract it from the Google Keyword Planner or Bing's Keyword Research and massage it using Microsoft Excel formulas so you can confidently accept any offer to find those terms.Look-over-my-shoulder and watch me do this 'Live', (so to speak). This is an Actual Working Example to show how this process works. I take you step-by-step thru what's required to use this tool. This course DOES NOT teach Pay Per Click, but it DOES teach market research to find market intelligence to find which keywords are the best to use for any market, any niche, any time. Using the Google Keyword Planner or Bing's Keyword Research and some Excel formulas, we will learn how to tell the difference between successful keywords and ones that have failure written all over them. How can I make this claim? Because I teach you how to use existing data developed by users spending millions of dollars everyday, controlled by professionals who already understand the market. Handouts with step-by-step guidelines will hold your hand thru the whole process. Graphic handouts like flowcharts and written steps that breakdown the process so that anyone will be able to repeat this success over and over.Download the Excel files I've provided and follow the steps I teach, or just sit back and take notes to fully understand how you can attack any market of your choosing, or accept any project offered you by companies that need this done for them.No expensive tools to buy, no third party software that takes months to learn. If you have Microsoft Excel and have or will open a free Google account, you can learn this process. If you are into Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Article Marketing, Search Engine Optimizing, Landing Page creation, Sales Page development, or Direct Mail Marketing, you will find this one of the Best tools you can have in your toolbox, either for online or off.This professional research method takes some time to develop, but is well worth the time and will save tons of money by not having to pay the 'stupid tax' that's forced on you by any of the pay per click services that can't guide you into selecting the right keywords for your market, because they're in it to make money for themselves, not you. They'll throw keyword suggestions at you, and if you don't know better, you're bidding on keywords that hardly anyone uses, and will spend half your budget before you catch on.Learn ahead of time and on your own terms which keywords will work best for your application. You won't spend a dime on software or services that charge you monthly. The keywords that prove to be the Winners, are proven by the numbers, not guessing.You can repeat this process over and over and over. There are no limits to what markets you can research. You'll be able to forecast a budget to know ahead of spend, if you or the company that hires you can afford it until your marketing efforts using these keywords become successful."
Price: 59.99

"Character Design for Beginners" |
"UPDATES: October 2018 :New section on basic figure drawing and more videos uploaded weekly.If you have even wanted to create cool characters, evil villains then look no further.If you have ever stared at a blank page wondering what to draw then this is the course for you. This is the course for those of you that want to learn concept character design. This is not another watch me draw tutorial that does not help you learn the process of character concept design. If you want to make games or comics or manga then you will need to learn how to design characters. This is the course that you need if you want to learn to create characters for video games and comics and animation. This is not an illustration course although you will be drawing a lot.If you are ready to learn a process and workflow for designing characters, then you cant afford to pass up this course.When you are finished with this course you will not only have a solid workflow and new skills , you will have the confidence to get things done.Rather than trying to sell you, just take a look at what the course has to offer. Im sure you will see the time and care that was taken to create this course for you."
Price: 174.99

"Complete Beginner's Guide to Anatomy and Figure Drawing" |
"***UPDATED WITHNEWSECTIONSFORNOVEMBER 2018***This is an introduction to anatomy and figure drawing. Drawing anatomy for some is an elusive unicorn that can seem impossible to catch. Books can be confusing and even cryptic. I have the same books that you have and theyreally didnt help me improve. Not being able to create can be a crippling experience for an artist. We can trickourselves into thinking we dont need to draw the figure and can just get by through clip art or tracing. The truth is that is simply not good enough. Its time to finally slay that figure drawing dragon. The skills you acquire here will enhance not only your own work but give you a solid base to in any other online course or book.There is no ""Quick fix"" or ""shortcuts"" to making great art. It requires work. It's fun work and I'm going to show you a method that will make creating your own human figures for games and comics or a clients work ""pain free"". The skills you will learnwill apply to things like character design and turnarounds for games and creating action for comics. It can translate to illustration and digital painting and can even give you a jumpstart to 3D. There are limitless possibilities once you learn anatomy and figure drawing. The only limits are the ones you set for yourself. You will learn how to draw anatomy without relying on reference You will be able to think like an artist and be a problem solver This is for those that are serious about improving art Keep an open mind and there is no time limit, work at your own pace. You will learn the muscles of the figure You will learn how to pose the figure You will learn to create variety and develop your own style You will no longer need to search for a pose or look at another artist's work.Who this course is for: Any beginner who wants to learn how to draw Art students (traditional and nontraditional and self-taught) Traditional artists who want to learn anatomy and figure drawing Graphic designers who want to learn to draw anatomy to get more clients and more work Anyone who wants to make their own game, graphic novel or illustrationsWhat this course is Not Not a ""Speed Painting"" course Not a series of ""Shortcuts"" Not a ""Watch me draw"" type of course Not a ""magic wand"" for drawing (You have to put in the work) No special software or any software is required.I hope you will join me and allow me to be your professional guide on your art journey."
Price: 149.99

"Youtube Para Expertos. Monetiza tu Canal Profesionalmente" |
"En este curso te doy las claves de cmo gestionar y monetizar tu canal de Youtube. Las mejores opciones de negocio disponibles. Desde el Programa de Partners de Youtube, hasta qu es una Network (Red Multicanal) y cmo puede ayudarte en tu desarrollo. Tambin te dar herramientas que te permitirn ver las posibilidades de generar ingresos en Youtube y hacer con esto una forma de vida con ingresos importantes. Aprende de los Youtubers ms importantes. Aplica o incluso mejora sus mtodos y llegars ms lejos que ellos. Cundo es el mejor momento para empezar a optimizar tus contenidos?: AHORA!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Java Programming from Scratch" |
"Welcome to theJava Programming Language Course.Are you Looking toboost your income as a JavaDeveloper? Maybe you have a lot of app ideas but don't know where to start? Or you areseeking a career in Java Programmingthat will finally give you freedom and flexibility you have been looking for?Build a strong foundation in Eclipse andobject-oriented Java Programming with this javatutorial and complete course.Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this complete courseis intended for everyone who wishes to learn the Java programming language.Have you ever seen a course which will make you professional in just Five weeks? Yes, you heard it right. You will be able to design your apps using java programming languagein almost five weeks. You will be able to hold a foundation for Eclipse and object oriented java developmentin no time.This course is different because it tests your skills and you can rectify the errors.The course has different sections and in each section, you will found either exercises or some questions. Dont worry as you go further you will gain a command on it. the course will last you for the life-time and will have the same access every time. All you need to take a step and buy this stuff.What will you learn?Java, Eclipse, Object Oriented ProgrammingJava SwingInheritance in Java, Java ClassesJava Interfaces, Java Anonymous ClassesJava I/OJava Reading and Writing to DiskJava BufferedReader ClassAnd lot more... see course content below.Why choose us?Obviously, once youve made up your mind to become an expert developer, you will question the fact that why should you choose us? The answer is because we are passionate about android, we breathe, live and eat android! We have been in the industry for more than a decade and along with our knowledge, we can teach you with hands on experience. We have a decade of experience in our bags of solid programming experience along with five years of application development experience. Our experience can be measured by us having over fifty applications and games (developed by us) on not only the Android Google Play but also on the Apple App Store. Youll be taught by people who have more than 5 years of training and teaching experience, are Registered Android Developers on Google Play and manage a large community that consists of more than 10 thousand Developers.Are you sold yet? No? we are dedicated teachers and want to spread the joy we receive by developing to others as well, we have made and developed this course by making sure that that joy is kept alive in every section and every lesson.If youre a Everyone can learn this course! Whether you want to develop apps as a hobby, whether youre an entrepreneur whos looking to save costs and develop his/her own applications, newbies who are new to the tech world or a student looking to develop skills for extra income. You are welcome to join us and this course!If you have any questions or queries related to us or our course you can contact us by email or through any Udemy forum. We shall help you before, during and after the course as well.Enrol now.We'll be really excited to see you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Java Masterclass - Beginner to Expert Guide" |
"Java 9 is here. Don't be left behind. Start learning today.==========Updated with New Java 9 Features ========Join over 8,000 students who are enjoying and getting a lot of value from this course. In just one month after launch, the course has attracted over 4,000 students and counting.Join today and start learning Java!==============================================================If you want to learn Java from not knowing anything to a paid Java Developer, then this is a course for you!Java is one of the most popular languages in the World. It's used by companies likeGoogle, Accenture, Target, CenturyLink, Intel, Symantec, T-Mobile, eBay, Capital One, Groupon, New Relic, Nielsen, Uber, Spotify, Philips, Chegg, Yelp, Okta, Slack, Thomson Reuters, Opower, Zillow, Cloudera, Netflix, Canon, TripAdvisor and many more. This means the demand is not scarce. With Java Skills you will always have a job, and companies all over the world will be coming to you!This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know about Java in order tobuild high-end, efficient and scalable Java Applications. If you want to become:ahighly paid Java Developeran expert Java Programmer companies want to hirea Freelancer Java Programmer who builds Enterprises Java Applicationsa person who can build their own business applications using Java Programming Languagean Android Developera Java Web/Enterprise Applications Developerbetter at Java ( sharpen your Java Knowledge and go deep into learning Advanced Java)a Certified Java Developer...... much more...Then this course is for you and much more.... You'll be immersed into Java from the first lecture to the end. You will also receive aCertificate of Completionso you can present to your potential employer.Why this Course? Why is this the best Course To Learn Java?Well, if you are here is probably because you've either looked online for Java tutorials, or maybe watched a lot of youtube videos and still can't really grasp core Java Programming Principles. You see, out there on the Internet, you can find a lot of information, but the problem is that everything is scattered around and very frustrating to actually learn the right way since all you get is fragments of information. This is where this Complete Java MasterClass shines - it takes you from nothing to actually building amazing Java Applications, and MOST importantly, you'll learn the Ins and Outs of Java Programming Language. With the knowledge you gain from this course you can build any Java Based Application - Web Applications, Android Mobile Apps, Desktop Applications and even program your DVD Player!Here's a list of some of the things you'll learn: Everything pertaining to Java - Java keywords, Java lingo (operators, if statements, for loops, switch statements, while loops) and many other basic, fundamentals that will help you have a solid Java knowledge.I will show you how to install all the tools you need in order to run Java programs such as IntelliJ ( which is the development tool used to code in Java ). Also, will show you how to install the Java libraries onto your machine (Windows, Linux and Mac). By the way, if you are using Eclipse, Jedit, Notepad, Netbeans or any other IDE, it's all good - you will still be learning a lot from this course.I will show you how to think like a Pro Programmer when learning Java, and how to use the Java knowledge and transfer it to build Android Apps , Web Apps (using many other Java Frameworks like Spring Framework, Hibernate and more)Java Object Oriented Programming so you can re-use code and write truly scalable and efficient code.You'll Learn JavaFXlibrary and build amazing User Interfaces that will makeyour potential employerswant to hire you right away!And so much more....My goal in this course is to give you everything I know about Java so that you can be the best Java Programmer in the market! So that you become a Well-Rounded Java Programmer!All I teach you is what I wished I had known when I first started learning to Program in Java.Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses and my teaching style:""Very well thought-out course. Flows smoothly with great delivery. I have been developing Android Apps for several years and I still found this course to be informative, relevant, and helpful. I would recommend everyone take this course if you are new to Android or returning for a refresher course."" -Douglas Pillsbury""Great course. very easy in understanding and friendly learning. Good Job Sir. Thanks for this."" -Muhammad Adnan""I am very satisfied with this course. I have only attended the Android part because I had a basic knowledge on Java. I really like how Paulo teaches. He goes step by step and you can understand everything. My first language is not english, but he speaks very clearly, I can understand every word. Also, he is a happy guy, and you can hear that throug the courses that he really loves what he is doing. "" -Antal Bereczki""This course is ideal for beginners. This guy is a good teacher. As i get deeper, i feel i am gaining more and more power...haha.I honestly think this is the best money i have ever spent in my life. This course is worth the money 100 times over. OMG, this good.Paulo, you are FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" -Sean""So far one of the best courses and instructors i have experienced in Udemy."" -Jim LandonAre you afraid that maybe since you are an experience developer, and have never done Java before, you won't be able to learn Java? Take a look at what one of my students said about my course and teaching style:""As a web developer I always thought that learning Android development will be hard. But with this course it's piece of cake!"" -Saa LackoviStudents love my course so much that they can't even contain themselves... Look at what one student wrote: ""If there's something more than 5 starts, I would have given to this course.Really great content along with detailed explanation.Keep going on by updating and enhancing the content of this course. Personally, I enjoy every lecture I attend.PAULO... YOU ARE BEST OF THE BEST :)Thanks a lot for this great course,Best regards."" -Bassel NasiefSign up today, and look forward to:Over 30hours of HD 1080p video contentSource codeAssignmentsBuilding severalfully-fledged Java ApplicationsAll the knowledge you need to start building any Java Application you want - Web, Desktop and more.Thousands of dollars worth of design assetsMy best selling From Zero to a Pro Mobile DevelopereBookIt's proven that the best way to learn something is by immersing yourself in the subject you are trying to learn. If you want to master Java Programming, then you are in the right place.By the end of this course you will master Java Programming no matter the level of experience you are at right now. In this comprehensive course, you will be learning by doing, by coding alongside me. You'll understand exactly what I am doing and why. You will hone this Java Programming craft. Why learn Java compared to other programming languages?If you do a quick google search, you'll find that Java is themost popularProgramming Language in use according to TIOBE index, since it's the ONLY language that works across all computer platform. Java has the capability to run into different devices ( Android included) without needingto be recompiled for each one. Hence, the slogan""Write once, run anywhere""This is why Java is everywhere. Literally, everywhere! Can you see the potential of making a really good living by becoming a Java Developer?Give yourself the competitive advantage by learning the most popular programming language of all times - Java! If you know Java, you'll always be competitive in the market. You will be at the top of the food chain!REMEMBER I'm so confident that you'll love this course thatwe're offering a FULL money back guarantee for30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZEROrisk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for?Click the Enroll now button and join the world's most highly rated Java 9 Masterclass - Beginner to Expert.Who is the target audience?If you are an absolute beginner to coding, then take this course.If you are a seasoned programmer, then take this course to to get up to speed quickly with Java, JavaFX and Java Web Development with SpringBoot and Vaadin FrameworksIf you are switching from C++to Java then this is a fast-track way of doing it. You can get started straight away with the Intermediate Java Language section.If you are a prodeveloper and want to quickly get up to date with JavaFX, Springboot and Vaadin then this is the course for you.Enroll today!See you inside."
Price: 199.99

"Get Traffic! 20+ Growth Hacking Acquisition Techniques" |
"LATEST: Course Updated May 2015OVER 9.000 STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY ENROLLED IN MY GROWTH HACKING COURSES!Do You Have MILLIONS to Spend in Advertising?You've created a great product with a fantastic website. Now, how do you get people to see it? In this course, I will provide you with 24 acquisition (get traffic) techniques on how to attract customers to your site. This course is not for you if you are not willing to put the work. It is for you if you believe you have something exceptional to offer and you want to show it the world. The course is the continuation of Growth Hacking 101. As my personal gift, when purchasing this course you will find inside a coupon to access the course Growth Hacking 101 for free.But Growth Hacking is only for experts, right?Use my experience, my knowledge from 5 years of Growth Hacking my company, follow my videos and written lectures - and be as successful as me (or even more so!).Click the "take this course" button, top right, now ... every hour you delay is costing you new customers...Enroll Now!"
Price: 194.99
