"Beginner/Intermediate Hip Hop Dance" |
"Have you always wanted to get into Hip Hop Dance? Are you a dancer who hasn't danced in awhile and wants to get back into it? If you are either of these people, then this course is for you! Join Instructor Christian Simon as she teaches you how to warm up and stretch your body and then learn some fun dance routines. Don't miss out on the fun, sign up today! "
Price: 99.99

"Learn the Parts of Speech in English" |
"This course is for A1 Beginner students to Learn the Parts of Speech. It focuses on Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Irregular Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs. Each lesson is interactive with moving text, engaging for both children and adults. Each course has exercises to reinforce what is discussed throughout the course. There are just a few slides in each lesson to introduce theory, and all of the following slides are practice for the student to demonstrate their understanding of the material. "
Price: 24.99

"AZ-900: Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals" |
"LEARN MICROSOFT AZURE FUNDAMENTALS AZ-900 IN A DAY!New content: The course follows the new Microsoft AZ-900 syllabus.This course guarantees 100% success rate in getting certified in Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: AZ-900.It provides a great foundation for those who want to pursue further certifications in Azure or any other cloud platforms such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and, Amazon Web Services (AWS).Microsoft Azure has maintained a 62% yearly growth rate in usage of its cloud services. Azure AD, Big Data, SQL Services and AI/ML will continue to lead the USD 350 billion market. The growth of remote jobs will further improve the market for cloud computing, and generate millions of jobs.This course is a first step to work towards a Cloud career.The course includes the following core bonuses:Bonus 1: Conventional Infrastructure ConceptsBonus 2: Azure Portal Demo videoBonus 3: Fifty (50) Practice QuestionsBonus 4: Downloadable course summary in PDFBonus 5: Exam tipsBonus 6: Additional cloud topics throughout the courseSign up now to learn Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: AZ-900."
Price: 54.99

"Encuentra tu propsito." |
"Este curso est destinado a aquellas personas que se sientan perdidas, que tengan un vacio existencial o una sensacin de apata con la vida, tambin te dar algunas claves para que despiertes tu esencia y empieces a amarte por lo que eres, de tal forma que puedas definir un propsito acorde a tu esencia y a tus pasiones.Este curso trata de hacer un estudio de nuestro propsito como seres humanos a travs de la lgica y la conciencia. Todo lo expuesto en este curso se basa en mi propia experiencia y en la informacin que hay en los libros y en internet. Yo intentar dar una solucin a los aspectos metafisicos y espirituales de nuestra esencia, pero todo esto parte de mi realidad y de mi propio razonamiento, as pues, no te creas nada si no quieres, compruebalo por ti mismo y ya me dirs cuales son los resultados.Este curso est dividido en dos partes.La primera parte es ms terica y nos centraremos en estudiar a diferentes filsofos y psiclogos para saber qu motiva al ser humano as como los diferentes propsitos que han habido a lo largo de la historia.1.1 El propsito en la Antiguedad.1.2. El propsito de las religiones.1.3. El propsito en la Ilustracin.1.4. El propsito de Victor Frankl.1.5. La motivacin segn Maslow.1.6. Ikigai. El propsito Japons.En la segunda parte del curso nos centraremos en el autodescubrimiento y en la busqueda de nuestra esencia a travs de la conciencia, de tal forma que nos podamos centrar en aquellas barreras que no te dejan ser quin eres. Cuales son tus errores y cuales las virtudes que podemos fortalecer, de tal forma que podamos crear un propsito que vaya acorde con tu esencia respetando la esencia de los dems.2.1. Saliendo de la zona de confort.2.2.Tu personalidad a travs del Eneagrama.2.3.Crea un ambiente positivo.2.4.Reestructuracin del pasado.2.5.Claves para encontrar tu elemento y la inspiracin.2.6.Construccin del propsito.2.7.Superacin de miedos y establecimiento de hbitos.2.8.Otros factores que ayudaran a tu bienestar.2.9.El compromiso."
Price: 19.99

"Work-Life-Balance strken durch ein ausgeglichenes Mindset" |
"Unser Alltag fordert in aller Regel viel von uns.Ob wir in der Ausbildung sind, studieren, Voll- oder Teilzeit arbeiten, Familie haben oder einfach wieder einmal 1000-Dinge gleichzeitig erledigen mssen. Wann haben wir die Muse, uns um uns & unsere Werte zu kmmern? Uns darauf zu besinnen, was unser WARUM ist? & WIE wir dieses Warum & unsere Werte leben?Worum geht es in diesem Kurs?In diesem Kurs, der konzipiert ist auf 21 Tage, lade ich dich ein, dich jeden Tag mit deiner Haltung zu einem Thema zu beschftigen.Es hat sich in meiner Arbeit als Coach bewhrt, diese Themen als eine Art Hausaufgabe mit nahestehenden Menschen oder auch als Ergnzung zu einem Coaching zu teilen. Es wird von vielen als erfllend erlebt, sich mit ihrem Coach, ihrem Partner oder einem nahestehenden Menschen darber auszutauschen, welche Werte man lebt & vielleicht auch teilt.Drei Wochen lang gebe ich dir fr jeden Tag einen Impuls. Gebe dir Fragen mit auf den Weg & lade dich ein, dir in einem Journal oder einem kleinen Notizheft Anmerkungen zu deinen Gedanken zu machen. Vielleicht ergibt es sich, du sprichst bei einer spteren Gelegenheit mit anderen ber deine Thesen & deine Haltung zu bestimmten Dingen?! Dadurch, dass du dir AKTIV Gedanken zu deinen Werten machst & dein Tun hinterfragst, erhltst du die Mglichkeit dein Arbeitspensum & dein Bedrfnis nach Leben neu zu gestalten. Ein fr dich balancierteres Verhltnis von WORK zu LIFE zu schaffen.Dieser Kurs ist kein Coaching & ersetzt keine individuelle Arbeit mit einem Coach. Er ersetzt auch keine anderen Tools wie Yoga, autogenes Training, Selbsthypnose etc.. Er ergnzt sie in entspannter Art & Weise oder ist fr dich der Einstieg, wenn du nach den drei Wochen erkennst, wo genau du Bedarf fr mehr hast.Wie solltest du den Kurs absolvieren?Selbstverstndlich knntest du den Kurs in einem anschauen. Doch gilt meine Einladung: Probiere es einmal aus, jeden Tag einem Thema den Raum fr deine Gedanken zu geben.Dein BONUSFr gut 4, 50 Euro pro Kurstag erhltst du zustzlich jeden Tag ein IMPULS-BILD.Die Idee:Speichere dir dieses Bild auf deinem Smartphone als Hintergrundbild ab oder mache einen Screenshot. So hast du deinen Tages-Impuls immer dabei & wirst sanft darauf hingewiesen.Zusatz-Angebot - eine passende GRUPPEMchtest du diesen Kurs lieber mit anderen gemeinsam absolvieren? Deine Erlebnisse mit anderen teilen & noch mehr Anregung erhalten? Dann lade ich dich ein Mitglied meiner Facebook-Gruppe zu werden. Hier starten regelmig Kurse mit maximal vier weiteren Teilnehmern, mit denen du im gleichen Tempo die drei Wochen erleben kannst. Du bekommst zustzlichen Input & kannst dich in der Gruppe austauschen.Wre das was fr dich?Dann schreibe mich einfach an & ich sende dir mehr Informationen."
Price: 94.99

"CPD Certified Careers Enhancement Programme - Foundation" |
"A practical and certified career course that introduces you to the foundations of career planning where you learn how to understand yourself and align your natural gift with your acquired knowledge and skills in order to succeed. Learn about the Career DEED Pathway, the Career Code Framework and other interesting concepts and knowledge that positions you in this new era. A career guide, a parent and teachers protocol and a mentors manual, get practical exercises to help yourself and to support others (children, family and friends) in this compelling certified career course that is a foundation to begin with."
Price: 19.99

"Agilidade na Tomada de Deciso" |
"Este curso visa conceituar prticas e mtodos geis e indicar a melhor maneira de pratic-las no mbito da Gesto gil de empresas. O curso passa pelos conceitos de Agilidade, Ikigai e passa por mtodos como Lean, Canvas e Kanban, alm de debater aspectos essenciais como Cultura e Comunicao ao ambiente que quer se tornar gil. Alm disso, o curso ensina criar um Planejamento gil com Priorizao adequada e tambm ajuda a entender que a Tomada de Deciso tem estilos e um processo a ser seguido.No apenas conceitos so tratados, mas a real forma de usar todos esses conceitos agregados e em linha para qualquer tipo de negcio e para qualquer estilo de gestor."
Price: 189.99

"Increasing BDD Code Efficiency" |
"Increasing BDD (Behavior Driven Development) Code Efficiency is all about minimizing your maintenance effort while maximizing stability and ability to expand. Whether you're looking to improve your automation skills, learn some new techniques, or just explore the world of automation; this course is probably for you.In this course I will take test scenarios that are poorly optimized and are bound to spiral into high maintenance to an elegant design with modularity and flexibility as priority.We will walk through each step in how to achieve this; starting with modularity and ending up at the core implementation of code while adding in some nuanced details that are good to know for automation work.At the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to simplify code and maximize performance."
Price: 19.99

"Yeni Nesil Matematik-Geometri Soru zm" |
"Sizlere snav srecinde soru zm kursuyla destek olacam. Bu kurs sizlere farkl bak alar katarak yorum gcnz gelitirecek ve niversite snavnda ciddi katk salayacaktr. Sizlerle birlikte gzel bir sre geirip Yeni Nesil Matematik eksiimizi kapatacaz. Kurs sonrasnda sorular daha kolay zeceksiniz. Farkl konularla alakal sorular bir arada grp daha hzl zm kararn vereceksiniz. imdiden hepinize baarlar dilerim."
Price: 49.99

"Introduo informtica (Windows 7 e 10)" |
"Curso voltado para a terceira idade, com conceitos iniciais de informtica. Este curso tambm pode ser adquirido por iniciantes que queiram adentrar no mundo da tecnologia. Para iniciar o curso necessrio apenas vontade de aprender, no sendo necessrio nenhuma instruo para comear. Ao final do curso o aluno estar apto a usar o sistema operacional Windows 7 e Windows 10, sendo recomendado (caso queira) iniciar um curso de nvel intermedirio"
Price: 39.99

"Curso para DJ Convirtete en un DJ profesional Vol.2" |
" Te presentamos en exclusiva el curso ms completo en DVD, que te ensear a detalle todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un DJ profesional. Con las ms modernas y eficientes tcnicas para dominar el arte del sonido, explicadas por uno de los mejores DJ del pas, aprenders los secretos para hacer buenas mezclas, llevar el ritmo, manejar el beat y mejorar tu performance. Este curso te permitir adentrarte en el fascinante mundo de las mezclas y convertirte en el DJ que siempre has querido ser. Aprenders a usar la mezcladora, los CD players y efectos especiales, as como algunos trucos bsicos. Te ensearemos a mezclar estilos como msica electrnica y hip hop, adems de explicarte cmo utilizar el software ms usado por los DJ: Traktor y Ableton Live "
Price: 270.00

"Fundamentals of Engineering Structural Dynamics with Python" |
"Welcome to this DegreeTutors course on the Fundamentals of Engineering Structural Dynamics with Python. This course has two simple objectives:To help you build a solid understanding of structural dynamicsTo equip you with practical tools you can deploy to analyse real world dynamic structural behaviourStructural Dynamics is a topic that often intimidates students and practicing engineers. This can be a big problem because not having a good grounding in dynamics, means you cant confidently simulate, understand and ultimately design for dynamic behaviour. From bridges, to skyscrapers, as engineers, we need to be confident modelling the impact of dynamic loads on our structures. If you've tended to shy away from dynamics or found it confusing and intimidating, this course is for you. Each lecture is developed and delivered with the benefit of my experience as a university lecturer in structural engineering. New concepts are developed at a steady pace with material developed through hand-drawn notes and sketches. You're encouraged to engage with each lecture by actively developing their own notes as you progress through the courseno death by PowerPoint here! Well focus on pinning down the basics before diving into any code. Well make use of Python throughout the course, but more so towards the second half. This is a hands on, learn by doing course - so there are no dry Python-only lectures, if youre not familiar with Python - no problem, youre going to learn what you need as we go...the same way most people learn to programme! This isnt a 'Learn Python' course but you will learn the Python you need, along the way. Section 1 - Statics versus DynamicsIn section one, we'll get your coding environment set up. We'll be using Jupyter Notebooks in this course. These are a hugely popular development environment used throughout science and engineering. This will allow us to get up and running with Python quickly. After some initial housekeeping we'll start to discuss the idea of statics versus dynamics and just what makes for a dynamic problem. This will lead us into a brief discussion of inertia. After completing this section you'll know what differentiates a dynamic problem from a static one and when a dynamic analysis is called for.Section 2 - Free Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom SystemsIn this section were going to lay a lot of the groundwork and tackle much of the core theory in structural dynamics. We start by exploring lumped mass analysis and introduce the spring-mass-damper model. You can think of the spring-mass-damper model as a fundamental tool used to simulate dynamic behaviour. Well spend the rest of this section examining the characteristics of this model and its free vibration behaviour. Well cover core concepts along the way such as natural frequency, damping regimes and the logarithmic decrement. Well finish out the section with some numerical worked examples and take our first dive into using Jupyter Notebooks.Section 3 - Harmonic ExcitationThis section it about understanding what happens when we introduce an external dynamic force to the system. In particular were going to focus on harmonic excitation. Well discuss why harmonic excitation is such a key phenomenon to understand and its broader relevance in dynamic analysis.Well develop our understanding of transient and steady-state behaviour. Well then go on to characterise the steady-state behaviour and introduce the ideas of dynamic magnification factor and resonance. Well finish out this section with a pretty in-depth worked example that will demonstrate exactly how to practically implement everything youve learned in the course so far. Again, well be doing this using Jupyter notebooks so youll get more exposure to implementing what youve learned in Python. Section 4 - General Dynamic LoadingAt this point were going to really focus in on giving you some tools to actually perform practical real-world dynamic analyses. Well start of by motivating our study of general dynamic loading with a brief case study discussion of human-induced vibration on the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. This case study highlights the need to have a more versatile dynamic analysis technique in your toolboxThat technique is the Piecewise Exact numerical solution method. This is a hugely versatile numerical solution technique that will equip you with the ability to go beyond harmonic excitation and simulate the influence of any time-varying force. Well develop the concept, then implement an algorithm in a Jupyter Notebook. The power and versatility of studying structural dynamics in a coding environment will be very apparent in this section. Well conclude this section by exploring some of the practical considerations when implementing this and any numerical solution technique."
Price: 199.99

"The Job Search Solution #8" |
"There are few topics regarding the job search that have garnered more attention and opinions. I receive more than 200 resumes a week and use at least 100 of them a week to help my candidates get interviews and get jobs. I know what works! Most people write resumes they like. They have no idea what hiring authorities like. This Tutorial reveals the results of a survey of over 6000 hiring authorities who were asked what they liked and disliked in the resumes they received. These aren't the opinions of some resume writer, but the opinions of people who hire. 95% of all resumes are going to be delivered via e-mail. How does this medium alter the effectiveness of your resume? 60% of all resumes aren't even read by the right people... the hiring authorities. How can you ensure your resume is going to be read by the hiring authority? What is the best format to use when sending a resume via e-mail? What should your ""resume strategy"" be after you write one? This tutorial answers those questions."
Price: 49.99

"The Job Search Solution #6" |
"This tutorial reminds the candidate that the foundation of all interview questions emanate from Can you do the job? Do we like you? Are you a risk? and Can we work the money out? This tutorial reviews many of the toughest interview questions that you will encounter and how to answer them!This tutorial also instructs a candidate how to deal with difficult elephants in the room regarding their experience or background. Being fired... laid off... out of work for an extended period of time... having too many jobs... having too many short stints at jobs... wanting to change careers... re-entering the workforce from retirement, childbirth, divorce, death of a loved one, extended personal illness, having to care for a family member, relocation of a spouse, leaving military service, relocating, being over 50 years old, being a woman, a minority or a foreign-born minority are all discussed in this tutorial."
Price: 49.99

"The Job Search Solution #7" |
"References- The Silent Killers. People don't expect that the wrong references and the social media aspect can be detrimental to a getting a job interview and ultimately a job offer. Hiring authorities want to find the reasons to Not hire you and not to make a mistake. The fear of making a mistake makes the hiring authority find out everything they can about a candidate. Do not take references for granted. This tutorial will teach you how to be prepared to provide the best references and when.Supporters- Great Assets or Your Worst NightmareAlthough many are well-meaning, sometimes a supporter can be your worst nightmare. This session covers working with supporters and how best to manage this part of the process. In this tutorial you will learn how to have your supporters help you during this job search process."
Price: 49.99

"The Job Search Solution #9" |
"The novice and experienced job seeker think there is no difference between initial interviews and follow-up interviews. Therefore, they do poorly on initial interviews. The second big mistake candidates make is doing poorly on follow-up interviews. Follow-up interviews are like the postseason playoff games in sports. Theres a great deal more intensity and they are quite different than most people imagine. This Tutorial prepares the job seeker to be successful in follow-up and final interviews. This tutorial teaches how to resign with grace and style preserving integrity and character.We will also discuss the process of receiving, accepting and negotiating a job offer. The techniques of negotiating that you will learn in this tutorial will guarantee the best possible job offer."
Price: 49.99

"Creating and Querying Databases with NoSQL and SQL" |
"NoSQL (Non-SQL or Not-only-SQL) databases are increasing in popularity due to the growth of data as they can store non-relational data on a super large scale, and can solve problems regular databases can't handle. They are widely used in Big data operations. Their main advantage is the ability to handle large data sets effectively as well as scalability and flexibility issues for modern applications. There are different categories of NoSQL databases and they are used in social media such as with Facebook and search like Google and in other types of sectors like Health, Aviation,Education and other areas.In this course we will Use the CouchDB NoSQL database. We will create a database,load data and query a database. Learn techniques such as querying with JavaScript, working with nested data, and creating views.You will learn how to query a database without SQL by using JavaScript Map and Reduce functions Using the couchDB database you will learn how to insert data into the database using Key -Value pairs where every data key will have a corresponding value. Security and integrity of a database is very important . The volume of data available is huge and increasing daily. Structured Query Language -SQL (pronounced as sequel) is the standard language used to communicate and interact with data stored in relational management database systems like Microsoft SQL Server Oracle, PostgreSQL,MySQL etc.Different database management systems have their own proprietary version of the SQL language but they all conform to using some commands in SQL the same way. Microsoft SQL Server's version of SQL is known as Transact-SQL (T-SQL). In this course you will learn the basics of the SQL language and Transact-SQL since both use certain commands in the same way. We will learn to create a database,table and how to insert data into a database table as well as querying it."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende el idioma malts: habla y escribe el idioma de Malta" |
"Quieres empezar a aprender malts?Es difcil encontrar una manera de comenzar?Las explicaciones te estn volviendo demasiado complicadas?Ests en el lugar correcto!En este curso, aprenders el malts bsico. El curso est hecho para principiantes absolutos y te ensea a malts paso a paso.Malts para principiantesNos centraremos en esas palabras que los malteses usan una y otra vez, como ser, saludos, gramtica bsica como el artculo y muchas otras materias. Tambin aprender cmo presentarse adecuadamente, cmo pedir una bebida y tener conversaciones bsicas despus de seguir este curso.Aprende el idioma malts en maltsEl curso est completamente en malts para garantizar una inmersin total. Puedes usar los subttulos o no. Se aaden ms de 35 MP3 descargables para que pueda practicar su pronunciacin y habilidades de escucha mientras viaja. Se aaden muchos textos y ejercicios para practicar lo que has aprendido.Incluso si no ests en las islas maltesas, siempre tendrs acceso al curso. Puede revisar las lecciones y repetir los ejercicios en cualquier momento, tanto como quiera ponerse en contacto con la cultura maltesa y los idiomas en Malta. As que no necesitas aprender malts en Malta.Tambin encontrars enlaces a ms recursos.Lo aseguro:Acceso completo y gratuito de por vida a un curso sobre el idioma hablado en MaltaTodas las futuras conferencias y actualizaciones adicionales siempre se incluyen de forma gratuita.Garanta incondicional de devolucin de dinero de 30 das de UdemyVea los avances gratuitos y nos vemos en el interior para aprender malts!AlainNo soy nativo de Malta, as que un corrector profesional revis el guin del curso."
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda a lngua maltesa: fale e escreva a lngua de Malta" |
"Deseja comear a aprender malts? difcil encontrar uma maneira de comear?As explicaes esto ficando muito complicadas?Voc est no lugar certo!Neste curso, voc aprender malts bsico. O curso feito para iniciantes em absoluto e ensina Malts passo a passo, junto com mais de 1300 alunos (e contando!).Malts para iniciantesVamos nos concentrar nas palavras que o povo malts usa repetidamente, como cumprimentos, gramtica bsica como o artigo e muitos outros assuntos. Voc tambm aprender como se apresentar adequadamente, como pedir uma bebida e ter conversas bsicas depois de seguir este curso.Aprenda o idioma malts em maltsO curso totalmente em malts para garantir a imerso total. Voc pode usar as legendas ou no. So adicionados mais de 35 MP3 para download, para que voc possa praticar sua pronncia e habilidades de audio enquanto viaja. Muitos textos e exerccios so adicionados para praticar o que voc aprendeu.Mesmo se voc no estiver nas ilhas maltesas, sempre ter acesso ao curso. Voc pode revisar as lies e repetir os exerccios a qualquer momento, contanto que queira entrar em contato com a cultura maltesa e os idiomas de Malta. Ento voc no precisa aprender malts em Malta.Voc tambm encontrar links para mais recursos.Eu garanto:Acesso vitalcio completo e gratuito a um curso sobre o idioma falado em MaltaTodas as futuras palestras e atualizaes extras so sempre includas gratuitamenteGarantia incondicional de reembolso de 30 dias da UdemyConfira as visualizaes gratuitas e veja voc por dentro para aprender malts!AlainComo eu no sou malts, peguei o roteiro do curso por um revisor profissional."
Price: 24.99

"Maltaca dilini renin: Malta'nn dilini konuun ve yazn" |
"Maltaca renmeye balamak ister misiniz?Balamak iin bir yol bulmak zor mu?Akladnz aklamalar ok mu karmak?Doru yerdesiniz!Bu kursta temel Maltaca reneceksiniz. Elbette mutlak yeni balayanlar iin yaplr ve size 1300'den fazla renci ile (ve sayma!) Maltaca adm adm retir.Yeni balayanlar iin MaltacaMalta halknn tekrar tekrar kulland szler, selamlar, makale gibi temel dilbilgisi ve dier birok konu zerinde younlaacaz. Ayrca, bu kursu takip ettikten sonra kendinizi nasl doru bir ekilde tantacanz, nasl bir iki sipari edeceinizi ve temel konumalar yapacanz reneceksiniz.Maltaca Maltaca dilini reninTabii tamamen daldrma garanti tamamen Maltaca olduunu. Altyazlar kullanabilir veya kullanamazsnz. Yoldayken telaffuz ve dinleme becerilerinizi gelitirebilmeniz iin 35'ten fazla indirilebilir MP3 eklenmitir. rendiklerinizi uygulamak iin birok metin ve altrma eklenir.Malta adalarnda olmasanz bile, kursa her zaman eriebilirsiniz. Malta kltr ve Malta dilleri ile iletiim kurmak istediiniz kadar dersleri gzden geirebilir ve egzersizleri istediiniz zaman tekrarlayabilirsiniz. Malta'da Maltaca renmenize gerek yok.Ayrca daha fazla kaynaa balantlar da bulacaksnz.Garanti ederim:Malta'da konuulan dil zerine bir kursa tam, cretsiz mr boyu eriimGelecekteki tm ekstra dersler ve ykseltmeler her zaman cretsizdirKoulsuz Udemy 30 gnlk para iade garantisicretsiz nizlemeleri kontrol edin ve Maltaca renmek iin ieride grrz!AlainBen yerli bir Malta deilim, bu yzden profesyonel bir dzeltici tarafndan kursun senaryosunu kontrol ettim."
Price: 24.99

"SAP HANA Obtn la certificacin internacional C_HANATEC_16" |
"Enhorabuena! Si ests en esta pgina es porque ests considerando aprender ms acerca del sistema SAP. Incluso puede que ests considerando cambiar de trabajo para dejar de ser slo un usuario y convertirte en un consultor con todos los beneficios y retos que eso implica y aunque pudiera parecer un reto enorme nosotros hemos creado este curso con la mayor dedicacin posible para que tu aprendizaje sea ptimo.Uno de los mayores retos es sortear con xito una entrevista por parte de un experto que te har preguntas desafiantes.Otro de los mayores retos pero una de las mayores satisfacciones es poder decir que eres un consultor certificado.Cmo puedes superar estos retos?Lo cierto es que la prctica hace al maestro. Inscribete y prctica con lo que tendrs acceso a dos tests los cuales contienen preguntas suficientemente complejas para que tengas la confianza de contestar rpidamente aplicando lo que ya has aprendido e incluso puesto en prctica con clientes pero que no has podido dominar hasta el momento. Y despreocpate pues tendrs todos los intentos que desees en ambos tests.Adems te haremos llegar los archivos con las guas pblicas oficiales de SAP!La plataforma informtica hace un poco difcil el que puedas obtener las respuestas debido a que la intencin es que estudien a profundidad, sin embargo, la forma en que debes proceder para obtenerlas es que tienes que finalizar la prueba y abajo de tu resultado numrico aparecer un botn que indica ""Repasar las preguntas"" si presionas dicho botn tendrs acceso a cada pregunta con su respectiva respuesta para que al practicar te des cuenta que preguntas tuviste bien (marcadas en verde) y cuales tuviste mal (marcadas en rojo) para que sepas que debes estudiar con detenimiento para as poder presentar con seguridad el examen de certificacin y/o entrevista de trabajo.Tendrs acceso de por vida, as que no te preocupes podrs practicar tantas veces como sea necesario y con nuestro apoyo logrars cualquiera de los objetivos que te hayas planteado. Podrs adems detener cualquiera de las dos pruebas pues son tan extensas que tendrs que dedicar bastante tiempo, sin embargo con la funcionalidad de pausa no tendrs que preocuparte si te surge un imprevisto.Puedes adems dejar pendiente una pregunta que sea tan difcil que prefieres revisar al final y de hecho podrs repasar todas estas preguntas que hayas marcado antes de enviar la prueba para as estar seguro de tus respuestas.La plataforma tambin hace un poco confuso el resultado y es que si al finalizar el examen, el resultado dice que has suspendido, significa que no has aprobado ese intento de examen y debes seguir repasando (no significa que detuviste el intento).Por el contrario, si aprobaste te felicitar al igual que todos tus colegas una vez que hayas obtenido la certificacin oficial y/o ese trabajo deseado en cualquier pas del mundo!No lo pienses ms! Ya no hay excusas para obtener eso que tanto has buscado as que inscribete y a comenzar a practicar!"
Price: 199.99

"- Google Analytics" |
" "
Price: 49.99

"Scene Creation with Blender and Substance Painter" |
"Would you like create realistic environments for animation, architectural visualization, or games? Then check out ""Scene Creation with Blender and Substance Painter.""In this course you will learn how to:Use Blender's modeling tools and modifiersUV map 3D objects in BlenderPrepare 3D models for export to Substance PainterCreate realistic PBR textures for 3D models in Substance PainterCreate an Export Template in Substance Painter to be used for BlenderApply PBR textures in BlenderAdd lights to a scene in BlenderRender a scene using both the Cycles and Eevee render engines in BlenderWe will go over Blenders modeling toolset and use blueprints to build up the walls, doors, and windows of the scene. We also will use reference images to help us model each piece of furniture in the various rooms.You'll learn how to UV map 3D objects and how to prepare each one for export to Substance Painter as an FBX file. In Substance Painter well create realistic PBR textures for our models, and youll learn how best to set-up those textures for use in Blender.After we add the textures in Blender, we will begin working on the lighting. Well add spot lights and area lights to the scene and we will render the scene out using both Blenders Cycles render engine, and the new Eevee render engine. Youll see the differences and benefits of both.All the project files are available for download, as well as all the reference images.Start creating your own 3D environments in Blender. Get ""Scene Creation with Blender and Substance Painter"" today!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Course of Dart Object Oriented Programming Language" |
"Dart is an open-source general-purpose programming language.It is originally developed by Google and later approved as a standard by ECMA.Dart is an object-oriented, class defined, garbage-collected language using a C-style syntax that transcompiles optionally into JavaScript. It supports interfaces, mixins, abstract classes, reified generics, static typing, and a sound type system.Why Dart: Developers at Google and elsewhere use Dart to create high-quality, mission-critical apps for iOS, Android, and the web. With features aimed at client-side development, Dart is a great fit for both mobile and web apps.Dart is free and open source, developed.Some Features of Dart: Productive, Fast, Portable, Approachable, Reactive.in this Course you will take a look about Dart OOP , , the main concept ,the concept of code , how can you type that code , then i will walk you through every aspects of Dart Programming Language as the following: Dart Syntax, Data Types, Variables, Numbers, Strings, Boolean, Operators, Loops, Decision Making, Lists, Lists Operations, Maps, Enumeration, Functions, Dart OOP, Classes, Dart OOP Properties, Dart OOP Methods, Dart OOP Constructors, Dart OOP Setter & Getter, Dart OOP Class Inheritance, Dart OOP Class Inheritance Method Overriding, Dart OOP Class Constructor Inheritance By Super Class, Dart OOP Abstract Class, Dart OOP Packages & Libraries . Do not Forget That Dart is Required To Learn Flutter , Which is The Next Course to You After Finish this current Course."
Price: 199.99

"Embrace Your Self-Discovery And Create Positive Habits" |
"Do You Struggle with Self-Care? Do It to Discover YourselfWhen was the last time you took care of yourself, like really took care of yourself?Self-care is crucial for your happiness and well being. Without it, the mind and body can quickly find themselves out of sync, leading to all kinds of problems. It can also hold you back from being the person you were born to be.So, if you struggle with self-care, stay with me because in this course youll discover why now is the time to change that and how it can help with self-discovery. And after all, self-care is really about creating new habits that can then last a lifetime.Failing to care for your health and happiness can lead to issues such as burnout, depression and chronic stress. It also puts you at an increased risk of developing all kinds of ailments and diseases.One thing you need to remember with self-care however, is that you need to do what you want to do. Youll find a lot of self-care tips which mention things like keeping a journal and meditating. These are definitely some of the most effective self-discovery tools you can use, but theyre not necessarily for everyone. If you dont enjoy them, dont do them. Find something you do enjoy thats the secret to benefitting from self-care for self-discovery.So, How can self-care help you to discover yourself?Self-discovery comes from acknowledging and understanding your mind and body. All too often, its easy to push self-care to one side while you push on with daily life. You dont really think too much about your body and what its trying to tell you.Another thing youre doing when you practice self-care, is showing that you value yourself. This in itself is a fantastic step on the road to self-discovery. When you discover who you are, and you strive to live in harmony with your inner self, thats where youll find peace and happiness.How can you practice self-care?Well, There are so many ways you can practice self-care.But, One thing thats really going to help in your self-discovery journey, is taking time out to relax. This significantly reduces stress and makes it easier to identify what the body needs. Doing the things you enjoy such as reading a book, taking a hot bath or watching a movie, can all help you to de-stress after a hectic day. If this makes sense"
Price: 19.99

"The Keys to Self Improvement" |
"Everyone is capable of achieving great things and accomplishments, but many times in our society, we are held back by one or more obstacles that prevent us from realizing this capability. The obstacles can vary, and can be real or imagined. One is just as powerful as the other It is obstacles such as these that often prevent people from finding the real greatness within them, that leads them to choose paths that they manage to do well enough, but that really dont fulfill or satisfy them as another career path or life could do for them. That is unfortunate, as our true greatness will lead us to skills and career paths that both fulfill us in terms of what we want to do with our lives and being able to make the greatest difference in the world that we can. Fortunately, we dont have to be bound by these obstacles, and we definitely shouldnt if we want to find our true greatness and achieve the most success and accomplishments in our lives.There are many steps one must take to truly realize self-improvement. I believe the first two are gaining the ability to think positively and being self-motivated. Without these two you are just spinning your wheels if you want to improve yourself, your self-image, your self-esteem. In other words, discovering who you truly are.In this course we establish a firm foundation for personal growth: Thinking Positively and finding and staying Motivated.In the future I will be adding additional sections on areas such as self-esteem and self-worth, etc.Choosing this course will set you on a journey of self-improvement that can last a lifetime."
Price: 19.99

"RoboAuthor: Content Writing Automation 2020 - Part 1" |
"Is this the end of manual content creation? The answer is a big ""Yes"". Content can write itself finally in 2020. The course that the world resisted to bring is now here. A new unforgettable record break that will shock writers or authors worldwide. Learn content writing automation in 2020 to let robots write your stories in a meaningful way. We have discovered incredible technology tools to help you in the same and I, Srinidhi Ranganathan wish to teach you the same to help you launch a story daily. The content also tend to copy a specific author's style if you need it to be and the content is completely unique. All of this is performed through usage of cloud-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) based tools that do all the work for you when you feed a line or a sentence to form content based on the input provided. This incredible course is going to change your entire mind-set on how you think about content - altogether.We will teach you how to automate writing blog articles, short stories, poems, screenplays/scripts and song writing etc. You will also learn how to write with a writing robot live. The future of content writing is here.Let's explore the magic of the unique content that is weaved and written automatically through bots.Enroll now and let's starting booming the writing magic with this Part 1 Robo Author Artificial Intelligence course."
Price: 1280.00

"Digital Voice Cloning using Artificial Intelligence in 2020" |
"Voice cloning technology on the Internet today is relatively accessible. Believe it or Not.This course ""Digital Voice Cloning using Artificial Intelligence Tools"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" primarily deals with explaining about a Montreal-based AI startup named ""Lyrebird"" which provides an online platform that, when trained on 30 or more recordings, can imitate a person's mimic speech. Lyrebird is an AI research division within Descript, currently and the team is building a new generation of tools for media editing and synthesis that make content creation more accessible and expressive. Sounding to be a wow factor, this new neural voice cloning technology from Lyrebird (that is discussed in the course) synthesises the voice of a human from audio samples fed to it.What is Voice-Cloning and how this course can be the next big revolution in technology in 2020?Voice cloning corresponds to a few-shot generative speech modelling conditioned on the identity of the speaker.Typically, cloning a voice requires hours of recorded speech to build a dataset and then use the dataset to train a new voice model. Each speakers embeddings can be applied to synthetically voice a random utterance or phrase - to be intact, or even users can input their own texts and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool will voice them. This means, the AI tool can voice words, sentences and phrases you have not even spoken at all, for that matter. But, this course depicts secrets that can in fact go a long way to change the world of sound for the better. no longer. New technology tools are on the rise and in fact - these groundbreaking Real-Time Voice Cloning Tools allow anyone to clone a voice from a set of audio samples. Some of these voice-cloning tools have recording capabilities in-built that you can use or leverage within the tool itself.This course serves to be a game-changer this year and beyond as it allows you to replace recorded words and phrases with synthesised speech that's tonally blended with the surrounding audio - once the audio samples that you fed to it is finalised. Isn't that information breathtaking?Why wait?Enrol now, get started today and evoke the brilliance of Artificial Intelligence usage of voice cloning and TTS (text to speech) and be surprised like you never have been. This is the time for AI to rule the world of voice and beyond."
Price: 1920.00

"Futuristic Digital Marketing Course: Student Edition 2020" |
"The digital marketing world is evolving day by day with the rise of new technologies. Currently, in the city of Bangalore, there has been an advent of new companies or startups which have emerged this year. As Bill Gates said""If your company isn't on the internet, your business will be out of business,"". Each businessman is trying their best to catch online users ' interest. Businesses are therefore developing new strategies each year and are now following marketing tactics extensively. There is much scope for more growth in digital marketing in 2020, also. Educational institutions who teach digital marketing technologies that can create an impact have also taken the digital marketing world by storm by introducing new-age courses in this competitive brandscape. To students, who know the online world, there are plenty of possibilities in the field of digital marketing. They can firmly take the first steps into a promising future.Marketing in social media refers to using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. to promote or advertise brands or products. Today, with the help of these social networking sites, when the internet has become the basic need, one can easily reach millions of customers.Digital marketing has continually evolved from billboards and big data to meet the needs of both consumers and brands. Through expanded mobility and proven digital infrastructure, improvements are emerging even sooner today. As technological innovations grow, the mainstream digital marketing field of paid media, SEO, content marketing, social media, community management, and more are undergoing drastic advances and changes. With an estimated $46 billion in programmatic advertising in 2019, it is expected that 92% of all digital display ads will be delivered by automation by 2020. The move to Artificial Intelligence (AI) automation offers a more streamlined, efficient and accurate solution to paying marketing, while at the same time reducing customer acquisition costs. In an industry often saturated with sensationalist talk around technology, Artificial Intelligence growth in the year 2020 is going to completely transform digital marketing, altogether. The education required for a career in the digital marketing field will generally vary, depending on the position. Generally, earning a certificate in Internet marketing, SEO, social media, growth hacking or a related area of expertise, is a good start to thrive in Bangalore or in India.This mind-blowing course ""Digital Marketing Course in Bangalore: Student Edition"" created by Digital Marketing Legend Srinidhi Ranganathan, (an amazing trainer from Bangalore, India) will explain the scope and growth potential of digital marketing. Furthermore, it will talk about how one can select a good digital marketing institute in Bangalore, selection a good mentor and the real facts or interview questions that will be asked by an interviewer. Why wait? So enrol now. Let's start booming the show."
Price: 1280.00

"Make Money Writing: Your Ultimate Guide to Earn as a Writer" |
"So, want to create more ebooks, reach more readers and sell a ton of books, starting today?Let's read and explore this interesting concept further.In recent years, the book market has become even more and more saturated and has given rise to intense or fiery competition that will continue in 2020 and even the next year. eBook marketing can get very tricky and we need certain marketing tactics or new tricks to help in this regard. This ultimate video course ""Make Money Writing: Your Ultimate Guide to Earn as a Writer"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and ""Stefi"" is for you. This training course will help you to discover the right tools to create kindle eBooks extremely quick, improve your book's visibility among your target audience and also help you sell more books by publishing it to numerous platforms at one go!What's more? This mind-blowing course consists of video tutorials that will teach you secrets to kickstart your writing business and help you make money taking your writing skills as a weapon. You will go on to learn and analyse sentiment or what we call as - emotions in your writing with a powerful cloud based tool. You will even discover how to make an ebook cover, video trailer in Hollywood style to promote your Kindle Book to your maximum potential. Let's get busy and start changing your life one step at a time. Invest in your future and take your book marketing to the next level by creating and selling more books.Don't miss this course. Enrol now and let's start booming."
Price: 1920.00

"Content Samurai: Super High-Speed Video Creation" |
"The rise of video isnt slowing down at all in 2020. From producing videos to distributing and promoting them, the worldwide digital video marketing industry is expected to reach billions of dollars this year, according to a new study by popular video platforms. The pace of video creation is also accelerating as video production studios and digital marketing companies seek to better cater to millennials -- the first digitally native generation, for that matter -- and to teens. More than half of organization in the study said they create video content at least thrice a week, and 56% said they create video content daily. This incredible course by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and Civil Engineering MasterMind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" will take you on a new roller coaster ride in video creation with the power of Artificial Intelligence. This course will help one reach to great heights of marketing success with the power of videos and videos alone. Content Samurai is one kind of a platform that does all the hard work automatically to help you create powerful videos in the fastest time possible. With its thoughtful automated image selection process, it can analyze your content and intelligently choose the images for you. What's more? Even voiceovers (or TTS which is Text to Speech) can be automatically be delivered for that particular video you are creating.Enroll Now and let's start booming.Special Note: Access to content samurai platform is mandatory. You will need a free trial account from the provider to execute the stuff taught in the course.Let's get busy and start learning this super course with utmost zeal."
Price: 1280.00
