"Let's Cook Healthy Baby Food!" |
"It is important to give your baby foods that vary in taste and texture, and ultimately represent the foods that the family eat. Really babies should be eating foods that not only taste like the foods that the family is eating but visually resemble them. It is quite a large jump from the appearance of carrot puree on a spoon to whole carrots, so food in its recognizable form needs to be introduced.A good rule of thumb when feeding children is to never compare your tasting with your child's tasting because we usually have more flavors, salts, ... and others at our food which not allowed for the children which are less than 1 year! Note: New eaters only need about 1 to 2 tablespoons of food, so keep portions small."
Price: 19.99

"Choosing an Appropriate Distribution" |
"Current @RISK users, both novices and experts, business and financial analysts, economists, statisticians, scientific researchers using @RISK or any other Monte Carlo simulation platform may greatly benefit by taking this course. Students who also want to be introduced to @RISK as a general simulation methodology will benefit from this course.It is intended to answer the common question modelers have whenever they are building a model: How to choose appropriate distributions for the variables, or moving parts of a Monte Carlo simulation model they are attempting to build. The principle of GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) applies here dramatically well. Build a model with appropriate distributions that clearly reflect the statistical nature of your variables and you will end up with a robust model to withstand reality testing. Build a model with lousily chosen distributions and your model will be as weak and questionable as any of your input variables.This course starts by introducing a decision tree as a structure to help decide on multiple distributions. The world of statistical distribution functions is endless. @RISK uses some 97 different distribution functions to choose from. And this is not the end of it, since you can create, as we will show, your own distributions."
Price: 34.99

"Curso bsico de gestin documental y organizacin de archivo" |
"La informacin es el activo ms valioso de toda organizacin, los documentos que se producen a diario tienen el valor probatorio de las actuaciones de cada rea de la empresa y contienen informacin imprescindible para el cumplimiento de los objetivos, son parte fundamental del servicio al cliente tanto interno como externo y de las relaciones con todos los grupos de interesados, gobierno, socios, directivos, clientes y proveedores. Aprender a gestionarlos correctamente ahorrar tiempo y reprocesos posteriores."
Price: 49.99

"C2040-988 Administering IBM Same Time 8.5 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) It plans to update the Sametime community server to version 8.5, but you do not want to use the Sametime system console to update the server. Which of the following is correct?a) You can manually run a guided activity without the system console.b) The Sametime System Console is required for the updating of the Community Sametime 8.5 server.c) You can configure the Lotus Sametime Community Server to directly access the Lotus Domino directory if you do not plan to use the Lotus Sametime System Console.d) If you are not using LDAP previously for Sametime authentication, a request to use LDAP authentication to authenticate to a Sametime 8.5 Community Server.Q) Carol is planning to deploy Sametime 8.5 in his company and is trying to create a vertical cluster of Sametime Meeting Server, Sametime Media Manager, and Sametime proxy server. How many nodes do we need to implement?a) 2 knotsb) 3 knotsc) 4 knotsd) 6 knotsQ) In Sametime 8.5, which best describes where you can configure Sametime Community Cluster documents?a) In stconfig.nsfb) In sametime.inic) In the Sametime System Consoled) In stconfig.nsf and Sametime System ConsoleQ) Which of the following is not required in an LDAP directory used for Sametime?a) basic items do not overlapb) SSL is enabled on the LDAP serverc) each entry has a DN uniquely definedd) LDAP directory contains the mail attributeQ) Which one of the following components is not part of the Sametime Media Managera) Packet Switcherb) Conference managerc) Sametime reflectord) SIP Proxy / Register"
Price: 149.99

"Advanced CSS 3 Practical Course 2020" |
"CSS3 is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces written in HTML5.This language is the most important language in web design and development. Anybody who want to start web design and development should learn CSS3 so it is crucial for you to learn it.During this course you learn essential elements of CSS3. You also learn Advanced features of CSS3 like Gradient and Shadow effect,2&3D effects and Transition . The objective of this course is to take someone without any skill of web programming and teach them web development by teaching CSS3.In this course I assume that you have no prior knowledge about web development, CSS3 so everything that you must know to star your web developing journey are presented."
Price: 199.99

"The HTML 5 Course 2020" |
"HTML5 is one of the hot web technologies and is widely gaining acceptance across mobile and web. In our course you get a complete resource which can get you started on application development for HTML5. In our course you work on actual examples and go through important concepts required for through knowledge.In our course you will start with basic HTML tags.We do not assume any prior knowledge so we go through the concepts from the beginner's point of view.This course creates easy to grasp examples for each of the concepts and by the end of it you will be able to understand the complete picture rather than just bits and pieces of the technology."
Price: 199.99

"The Advanced HTML 5 Course" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn to code but don't know where to start? Learning how to code can get you a better job and lead to a better future. This course starts you off with the basic coding language of HTML 5. This is a very condensed tutorial that will show you how to code in HTML 5. Enroll to begin your journey to be a web developer."
Price: 189.99

"WordPress mi Dedin? Hadi Site Kuralm!" |
"WordPress mi Dedin ? Hadi Site Kuralm ! isimli eitim setimi bir kaynak olarak kullanabilmenizi istiyorum. Bu eitim setini izledikten sonra zaten istediiniz siteleri kurabileceksiniz fakat bu noktadan sonra yollarmzn ayrlmasn istemiyorum. Dolaysyla eitim setini hazrlarken blmleri buna gre dizayn ettim ve ortaya u sonular kt.Temel TerminolojiBu blmde bu ilerin temelini anlattm bu blmdeki konular bilmeden ticari hayata atlamanz (yani bu iten para kazanmanz) ok tehlikeli, ben ticari olarak deil hobi olarak yapacam bu ii diyorsanz bu konular bilmeniz art deil fakat her iki ihtimalde de merak ettiiniz konularda veya ihtiyacnz olduu zamanlarda bu blme gelip ihtiyacnz olan konuyu renebilirsiniz. Kaynak olarak kullanmaktan kastm bu, ihtiyacnz olduunda Google'da tek tek arayp yarm yamalak bilgileri okuyup ardndan Youtube'da bir ka video izleyip bu konular birden fazla kaynaktan renmek yerine bu blmden bir video izleyerek konuyu renebilirsiniz. Bu blmde yer alan konular temel konular olduu iin ben eitim setini gncellemesem bile buradaki konular nemini koruyacaktr. Yani 5yl sonra bu blme gelerek istediiniz konuyu renebilirsiniz. Kald ki ben bu eitim setini srekli gncel tutacam. (Eitim + Kaynak Blm)KurulumlarBu blmde konuyla ilgili nemli kurulumlar bulabilirsiniz. Diyelim ki bu eitim setiyle birlikte bu ii rendiniz fakat araya zaman girdi ve siz localhost kurulum yapmak zorunda kaldnz fakat nasl yaplacan hatrlamyorsunuz hangi videolarda localhost kurulum yaptm aramak yerine bu blme gelip direk localhost kurulumu izleyebilirsiniz. Yani bu blm de kaynak olarak kullanabilirsiniz. (Kaynak Blm)Admin Panel ve MenlerEitim blmBlog Sitesi KuralmEitim BlmOne Page Site KuralmEitim BlmMulti Purpose Tema ile Site KuralmEitim BlmAvada Temas ile Site KuralmEitim BlmE-Ticaret Sitesi KuralmEitim BlmSite HzlandrmaEitim BlmEklentilerBu blmde ihtiyacnz olabilecek btn eklentileri anlattm ve gncellemeye devam ediyorum. Varsayalm ki sitenizde Trkeye eviremediiniz metinler var bunun iin eklenti yklemek istediniz ve aramaya tercme yazdnz ve bir sr eklenti kt hangisini kullanacaksn hangi eklenti senin iine yarayan eklenti ? tek tek denemen lazm veya bu blme gelerek ihtiyacn olan eklentiyi nasl kullanabileceini izleyebilirsin bu blmde zaten tavsiye ettiim eklentileri anlatyorum. (Kaynak Blm)Web Sitelerihtiyacnz olduunda kullanabileceiniz btn web sitelerini nasl kullanabileceinizi bu blmde anlattm. Bu blmdeki siteleri mutlaka inceleyin. (Kaynak Blm)Sorunlar ve zmleriBu blmde sizden gelen yaygn sorunlarn zmlerini paylaacam bu blm de kaynak olarak kullanabilirsiniz.WordPress Srm NotlarBu blm bilgilendirme blm WordPress'in yeni kan srmlerinde gelen zellikleri ve yenilikleri anlatacam."
Price: 369.99

"Aprenda a vender na Hotmart" |
"E se eu te disser que voc pode ganhar mais dinheiro trabalhando do conforto de sua casa, ao lado de sua famlia, e ganhar muito mais que seu emprego tradicional, voc acreditaria? Utilizando seu computador, notebook ou celular, voc consegue fazer milhares de vendas sendo um afiliado da Hotmart, e vendendo produtos digitais.Neste treinamento voc vai aprender o passo a passo para se tornar um afiliado na Hotmart, e fazer vendas mesmo sem precisar investir um capital inicial.Aprenda Estrategias e Segredos para Ganhar Dinheiro Online como Afiliado Hotmart 100% no orgnico outras maneiras extras para voc ganhar dinheiro na internet.Neste curso eu vou te apresentar a estratgia que esta transformando pessoas comuns em milionrias apenas com o seu celular.O curso vai te mostrar todas novas maneiras, estrategias, sites, aplicativos do mercado digital e tudo que possa te gerar renda extra online.Ento espero por voc la dentro do curso!"
Price: 39.99

"Mindfulness & Beyond" |
"You will be guided through 3 mindful meditations that are taken to a deep level. As a bonus, I have included 3 additional meditative processes...and basic meditation ideas on paper that you can try in your own time. You will be meditating in no time, you will gain the benefits after one single session so long as you make a little time for this. The processes within will help at a very deep level and I promise this will be the very best use of your time. I hope you enjoy the course."
Price: 19.99

"Anger Management - Manage to overcome it" |
"You will learn a range of very effective techniques that will assist you in controlling and eventually eradicating excessive levels of anger. You will fill yourself with the opposite emotional content and become a more responsive and less reactive person. This course will take you through a range of processes that will remove excessive anger and will also teach you techniques you can apply in real time. I hope you find it both useful and enjoyable. All the best."
Price: 19.99

"Crea sitios web y tiendas en lnea con WordPress y Divi" |
"Te explico TODO Divi a detalle. En este curso te explico todas las caractersticas de Divi. A diferencia de otros cursos donde hacen un sitio y no te explican cada opcin, yo te explico cada una de las opciones que tiene Divi para que domines este constructor. Te explico el constructor y profundizo en todas las caractersticas avanzadas de Divi como:* Theme Builder* Creacin de encabezado (header) personalizado.* Creacin de pie de pgina (footer) personalizado.* Woocommerce Builder - Diseo personalizado de pgina de producto.* Split Tests (Pruebas multivariables)Adems, en la segunda parte de este curso, voy a crear un sitio completamente nuevo y desde cero y te enseo como agregar una tienda en lnea y personalizar la pgina de producto de Woocommerce con sombras y efectos.Para tomar este curso es indispensable que cuentes con una licencia de Divi, si an no la tienes, tenemos un descuento del 20% para comprar cualquiera de sus planes. El descuento lo encuentras los videos de introduccin."
Price: 19.99

"Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect Certification Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Splunk Enterprise Architect Certified?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass SPLUNK-2002 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned below1 - Requirement Definition2 - Index and Resource Planning3 - Clustering Overview4 - Forwarder and Deployment5 - Integration6 - Performance Monitoring and Tuning7 - Uses CasesWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Splunk Enterprise Security Certified Admin" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Splunk Enterprise Security?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass SPLK-3001 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowIntroductionMonitoring and InvestingSecurity and IntelligenceForensic , Glass Tables , and Navigation ControlDeploymentInstallation and ConfigurationValidating ES DataCustom Add-OnsTuning Correlation SearchesCreating Correlation SearchesLookups and Identity ManagementThreat Intelligence FrameworkWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"VMware vSphere Foundations Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass VmWare VSphere Foundation?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 2v0-01.19 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowinstall and Configure vCenter Server 6.x and ESXi 6.x HostsConfigure and Manage vSphere 6.x NetworkingConfigure and Manage vSphere 6.x StorageDeploy and Administer Virtual Machines and vAppsEstablish and Maintain Availability and Resource Management FeaturesPerform Basic Troubleshooting of a vSphere 6.x ImplementationPerform Basic Monitoring of vSphere ImplementationWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"VMware vSphere & Delta Professional Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass VmWare VSphere Professional?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 2v0-21.19 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowArchitecture and TechnologiesProducts and SolutionsPlanning and DesignInstalling , Configuring and SetupPerformance tuning, Optimization and UpgradesTroubleshooting and RepairingAdministrative and Operations TasksWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Google Dart/Flutter' Hzl ve Elenceli Yoldan ren" |
"Hayalinizdeki uygulamalar, onlar yazmanz bekliyor ve artk hi de uzakta deiller.Hangi dille balamalym, hangi platform iin gelitirme yapmalym, sonrasnda neler renmeliyim diye dnmenize de artk gerek kalmad.HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Java/Kotlin/Python/PHP/Swift/Objective-C/C# vesaire gibi dilleri ve React Native gibi yava zmleri unutun. Tek kod tabannda yazlarak platformlarn native dillerine otomatik derlenen Dart/Flutter her eye yeter ve tm ihtiyalarnz karlar.Dart ve Flutter ile tm platformlarda yksek performansla alan uygulamalar yazmay renin. Bilgisayardan ve mobilden ayr ayr ekilen videolarla dersleri her yerden takip edebileceksiniz. Kk ekranlar artk sorun olmayacak.Bugne kadar programlama renmek, uygulama gelitirmek iin eitli giriimleriniz oldu ise ancak amalarnza henz ulaamadysanz doru yerdesiniz. Bol tekrarl, ak, sade ve elenceli bir anlatmla bu kez hedefinize hi olmadnz kadar yaknsnz.Uygulama gelitirmek ve ortaya bir eyler kartmak iin artk bir programlama dilinin temellerini bitirmenize gerek yok. Hibrit bir retim modeliyle, programlamay ve yazlm gelitirmeyi ayn anda reneneceksiniz. Daha ilk blmle birlikte basit uygulamalar yazmaya balyoruz. Dart programlama diline ait ihtiya duyacanz bilgilere ise her Flutter uygulamas ncesi ksa bir video ve ksa altrmalar ile sahip olacaksnz. Altrmalar ve bilgisayar/telefon iin ayr ayr ekilen tekrar videolar ile rendiklerinizi pekitireceksiniz.Dersler en basitten, en karmaa gidecek ekilde ayarland ancak daha nce konuya bir hkimiyetiniz varsa sadece hzl tekrar derslerini izleyerek ve makaleleri okuyarak ok daha abuk ilerleyebilirsiniz. Tm dersler video ve makale olmak zere iki ayr ekilde hazrlanyor.Herkes iin tek bir kurs."
Price: 199.99

"Trello: From novice to guru in a week" |
"Learn everything Trello has to offer. Whether your a beginner or a expert, there is something for everyone. In this course you will learnAll the basic features of trelloHow to use power upsUsing powerful automation with butlerIntegrate trello for your business and so much more. Small bitsize videos to to help you understand the concepts and multiple projects to apply your knowledge"
Price: 79.99

"DevOps Lab Setup and Ansible for the Absolute Beginner" |
"Below points covers our course 1. introduction.2.make bookable media for installation from Rufus software. download Ubuntu 20.04 latest ISO image (Released on 23 April 2020)3.install VMware Workstation pro 15. Download CentOS Linux 8 latest image 4.Install CentOS Linux 85.install git bash6.install Ubuntu 20.047.update Ubuntu software's .8.Upgrade ubuntu18.04 to ubuntu 20.049. Access Ubuntu and CentOS from windows RDP.Ansible for the Absolute BeginnerAnsible is a used to manage and administer multiple servers from a central computer. It is a server management tool. Ansible dont need any configuration on the server side as Chef or Puppet. You just install Ansible on your computer and manage or administer servers via SSH. Its very simple and easy to use. In this article, I am going to show you how to install and use Ansible on CentOS 8. Installing Ansible: Ansible is available in the EPEL repository of CentOS 8.Install Ansible which is the configuration management tool.Ansible does not require dedicated server/client program, it needs Ansible command and SSH only.You are welcome to add any kind of reviews bad or good but please review it based on the course curriculum and what value you've got.I would like to remind you that Udemy gives you 30 days Money-Back Guarantee 100% No Questions Asked.If you are interested in the course you can give it a try."
Price: 1280.00

"Sirkelmeetkunde en Eweredigheid" |
"Ons begin met 'n oorsig van basiese begrippe en aksiomas wat nodig is vir die bewys van die stellings.Waarna die bewyse begin by die loodregte lyn vanaf die middelpunt van die sirkel na 'n koord, halveer die koord.Ons kyk na die eienskappe van 'n koordevierhoek en wat benodig word om dit te bewys.Uitgewerkte voorbeelde volg na die Raaklyn-Koord stelling, en ons sluit af met 'n afdeling oor eweredigheid en gelykvormigheid."
Price: 300.00

"Learn React Native - Cross Platform App Development" |
"Are you a beginner who wants to make mobile, desktop and web apps in JavaScript using React Native ?Then you are on the right place. I will teach you React Native from start.This is not any ordinary or boring course ? This is a creative Reactive Native course for absolute beginners where I am gonna teach you React Native in a fun way.This is a project based course, We will create a Rock Paper Scissors game and then will make app bundle for Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows and Web. So that you app development goes through cross platform with single code base."
Price: 19.99

"Marokkanisch lernen" |
"Damit Sie sich auf Ihren Urlaub in Marrokko vorbereiten knnen, habe ich die Sprachkurse fr Sie zusammengestellt. Sie finden hier neben ntzlichen Redewendungen, Stzen und Wrtern auch die richtige Aussprache. Die Wortbersetzungen sind grammatikalisch nicht korrekt geschrieben, dafr habe aber Wert darauf gelegt wie Sie die Wrter/Stze am besten aussprechen. So werden Sie sicherlich gut in Marrokko verstanden. Probieren Sie es aus.Das Ziel des Kurses besteht darin, dass Sie am Ende in der Lage sind, einfache Gesprche be ich alltgliche Themen auf Marokkanisch zu fhren. Es ist schwierig, Sprachbeherrschung in konkrete Themen zu fassen, doch Sie sollten imstande sein, sich mitzuteilen, Fragen zu stellen und sich tatschlich mit Marokkanern ber alltgliche Themen wie Essen und Trinken, Wohnen und Huser, Schule und Unterricht, persnliche Angaben und familire Situation usw. zu unterhalten. Sie knnen dann einen marokkanischen Gesprchspartner verstehen, der bemht ist, deutlich zu sprechen. Angesichts der erheblichen Unterschiede zwischen Deutsch und Marokkanisch wre es eine groe Leistung, wenn Ihnen dies gelnge, zumal wenn Sie zu Beginn keinerlei Vorkenntnisse des marokkanischen Arabisch hatten. Eventuell fragen Sie sich, wie viel Zeit all dies in Anspruch nehmen wird. Das hngt von mehreren Faktoren, wie Ihrem Sprachempfinden, ab."
Price: 19.99

"Ableton Live Intermedio" |
"En este curso veremos herramientas interesantes de la plataforma Ableton Live, que expandirn nuestras posibilidades creativas, como el Sampler, el Simpler y los Arpegiadores. Tambin aprenderemos a utilizar efectos como side chain, utility y plugins ms complejos que nos darn un sonido mucho ms contundente y profesional, as mismo desarrollaremos competencias para manipular nuestros clips de audio de una manera eficiente con el warping y la cuantizacin, para lograr exactamente el resultado que deseamos en nuestra produccin y alcancemos nuevos sonidos que nos identifiquen en la industria musical."
Price: 29.99

"Ableton Live Avanzado (Arrangement)" |
"En este curso aprenderemos herramientas avanzadas que podremos aplicar en nuestra plataforma Ableton Live, como mezcla en paralelo, efectos compuestos y plugins optimizados. Desarrollaremos las competencias necesarias para utilizar efectos creativos como el vocoder y el groove pool, las herramientas ms completas que trae Ableton Live como el Drum Rack (Avanzado), los macro mapeos y el layering. Por ltimo, veremos como renderizar, consolidar y exportar nuestros proyectos como lo hacen los profesionales."
Price: 34.99

"Bir sayy neden blmeye ihtiya duyarz? Her saynn blnebilme kural mevcut mudur?Btn kurallar nasl aklmzda tutacaz?Bu tarz sorular sizin de kafanz kurcalyor mu? Haydi arkadalar gelin beraber bu sorulara cevap bulalm birlikte blme ileminin btn zelliklerini bol rneklerle zerek kavrayalm. Blnebilme kurallarnn nasl oluturulduunu renerek byk basamakl saylar sadece bir ka saniye iinde ilem bile yapmaya ihtiya duymadan blelim."
Price: 49.99

"Realistic Watercolor Portraiture" |
"Join award winning artist, National Watercolor Society Signature Member, and teacher, Marilee Nielsen in her course on Watercolor Portrait Painting, where she gives you the valuable and easy to follow instruction you need to understand the steps involved in creating a successful portrait painting. Both video instruction and written instruction allows you to watch the video's and print the written instructions, guides and even sample photographs for ease as you work through the lessons.Exploring VALUES, or the lights and darks in an image, are the keys to a realistic painting. The first discussion and video walk you through creating value charts that you can apply to your portrait and other paintings in the future.Second, you will learn how to sketch and paint samples of the FEATURES OF THE FACE, a must for any great portrait! Watch as Marilee creates a pencil sketch of the eyes, nose and mouth using instructional guides and video and then watch as she paints the features, bringing them to life!Next, you will be given helpful hints on tracing and other methods of transferring your image onto your watercolor paper. In the last section, you will watch videos and listen to instruction that show Marilee paint her own portrait as you follow along with each exciting step, seeing her portrait (and your own!) come to life!If you have always wanted to paint a portrait but had no idea where to start or were afraid of how it would turn out, this easy to follow class is the class for you!"
Price: 59.99

"Traveler's Sketchbook: Beginners Guide to Sketching" |
"In this four part series of classes, Part One: Beginner's Guide to Sketching, covers the two foundational skills of a good sketch: Contour Line Drawing and Proportional Drawing. These two techniques are enough to get you started on your way to becoming a proficient and happy sketcher! Join Marilee as she walks you though drawing four different objects that appear indoors and outdoors, and grow in complexity, using each of the two techniques. Then complete the class assignments drawing your own objects in your house or backyard, finding how easy it is to create interesting and successful sketches. Some shading is also covered in this course. Marilee will also share with you her favorite sketchbooks, pens and tools that she carries in her pack when she travels and sketches. Join her in the first class of this four part series and start your journey to becoming the sketcher you have always wanted to be!"
Price: 19.99

"Traveler's Sketchbook: Drawing Landscapes" |
"In this course you will learn how to create beautiful and successful drawings of the landscape. Using symbols that I have created over my many years of working as a landscape architect and artist, I teach you how to simplify this complex subject matter. The technique I teach is primarily for sketchers, but can be used by painters as well to create preliminary drawings of landscape paintings. After learning and mastering the symbols used for each type of generic plants and trees, you go out into the landscape with me and apply your knowledge to the real thing. See the adjustments made to capture the unique characteristics of the landscape you are drawing and create realistic, landscape sketches.The last section explores how to create the illusion of depth in your drawings. Using varying line weight, and shadow symbols, I teach you how to create a focal point and pull plants out and into the foreground and make others recede.This is a valuable course for both sketchers and painters and truly a unique course that teaches you techniques I have developed over 30 years of working as a landscape architect, artist and sketcher."
Price: 29.99

"Traveler's Sketchbook: Drawing Buildings in Perspective" |
"In this class, I introduce you to the three types of perspective drawing, one, two, and three point, but unlike a lot of other perspective courses out there, my class teaches you a quick and easy approach to perspective so that you get a basic understanding of the perspective theory and then be able to apply it immediately to your sketches or even paintings. Other than the concept of the vanishing points, where they occur, how to use and apply them to make your sketches look more realistic, I don't really bog you down with too many other details. I go through a brief discussion of each type of perspective, how it is used or how to choose a particular type of perspective in the field, and then you get into the assignments.There are eight assignments in the course. Three in one point and two point, and two assignments in three point. You start out by drawing some simple shapes along side of me as I explain why and what you are doing, and then you follow along with me as we draw an imaginary scene in all three types of perspective. In the two point and one point, we go out on the site and draw a real building applying what we learned in the studio. You can either draw the same building by following along with the video and referring to the photo of the buildings from the resources section or if your feeling confident, you can go out and find your own buildings or street scenes to draw in the different types of perspective.It's a ton of fun as long as you just work with the basics and let your sketch breath and have it's own style. And an understanding of linear perspective helps create more realistic sketches, leading you to the next level, becoming a painter one day!! Or you can just keep on sketching! I'm happy either way!"
Price: 39.99

"MS Excel : Profesyonel Excel Kullancs Olun!" |
"Bu kurs leri Excel eitimi verirken her admda Excel'in ksayollar ve kolaylklarn ksacas Temel Excel'i de bir arada retmeyi amalar.Her sektrde alanlarn; Excel kullanm ihtiyacn giderecek olup, ayn zamanda veri analizlerini yapabilecek yeni kazanmlar katacaktr.Temel Fonksiyonlar, Klavye Ksayollar, Formller (EER,DEYARA,YATAYARA,KAINCI,ETOPLA,EERSAY vb.), Tablo/grafik, Pivot tablo vb. daha bir ok konuyu iermektedir."
Price: 19.99

"Industrial Instrumentation and Control Devices" |
"The course provides a fundamental knowledge to instrumentation engineer/ Supervisor/ Technician regarding theCalibration & TestingStandard Maintenance ProceduresGeneral Maintenance ProcedureFault finding & Diagnostic TechniquesInterview Q & Afor various Industrial/ Process instrumentation & control devices in the Oil & Gas process industries.The course also provides a basic knowledge about process instrumentation, working Principles, drawing symbols and diagrams."
Price: 6400.00
