"Aprende Medicina Tradicional China" |
"Este curso est dirigido a los amantes de la cultura china e incluso artistas marciales. Aprenders los conceptos fundamentales de la Medicina Tradicional China. Es importante indicar que este curso no te habilitar como acupunturista, debido a que cada pas tiene su propio marco legal vigente al respecto, pero te entregar las bases tcnicas para comprender la Medicina Tradicional China."
Price: 99.99

"Goal Settings For A Successful Life: Simple & Easy!" |
"In This Online Goal Setting Course You Will Learn How The Pros Teach People How To Set Goals & Execute Them With Passion. This Complete Goal Setting Training Has Everything You Need To Learn About Goal Setting To Be Massively Successful.Goal Setting Is The Difference Between Massive Success & Dismal Failure. Few People Were Ever Trained In How To Set & Follow Through On Goals No Wonder They Miss Out On The Gold! Learn Specific Techniques & Insights To Get Over The Hurdles That Trip Most People Up.If You Want To Set New Goals & Execute Them Fast & Efficiently This Is The Perfect Course For You! So Start This Course Today And Start Achieving Your Goals Tomorrow! BONUS: If You Ever Have ANY Questions, Just Post Them In Our Course Discussion Area To Receive Expert Help!You NEED Goal Setting Skills To WIN The Game Of LIFE!LEARNING OUTCOMES:By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Learn WHY People Fail To Reach Their Goals2) Learn About The Many Benefits Of Strategic Execution3) Discover The Benefits Of Performance Coaching4) Learn How to Set Powerful Goals Using The S.M.A.R.T. System""5) What Is The Difference Between Vision & Execution?6) Discover The Secrets Of How To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure7) Learn How To Solve The Problem Of Bad Communication & Bad Data!8) Learn How People Who Are The Top In Their Field Set Goals & Execute Them. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!What Our Students Say About This Course: Prof. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information.I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul - Chris Gehring""It Was Simple Once I Had The RIGHT Tools My Success Was Guaranteed! Prof. Paul Made It Easy For Me"" - CEO: Pete Kici""This Course Is Amazing And Has Really Helped Me Develop A New Mindset! Prof. Paul Is Wonderful And Provides A Lot Of Insight & Actionable Advice. I Highly Recommend It To Anyone Trying To Master Their Mind! - Austin ArmstrongNO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!Sign Up NOW! :)"
Price: 119.99

"The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Course, Part 5" |
"Welcome to The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Course, Part 5. Have you ever heard the phrase, ""A picture paints a thousand words?"" Well, it certainly holds true for hypnotherapy training. In this course, I'll be taking you deeper into mastering your craft, by providing live demonstrations that can be used for remote or in-person sessions. It's my hope to help remove doubt and uncertainty as you progress as a healer, by providing visual details and nuances. I've also included demonstrations on some of the more involved techniques, to help ease your transitions and perfect your implementation style.This course builds on the techniques and fundamentals learned in my previous courses, The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Courses, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. In each lecture, I'll be demonstrating parts of an entire hypnotherapy session, by breaking it down into manageable bite-sized pieces.The information provided in this course is based on nearly three decades of work in my career as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Most of this material you will not find in any book and has been garnered by experience from literally thousands of one-on-one and group sessions.Students enrolled in this course will hopefully be certified as a hypnotherapist, counselor, energy healer, or psychologist, with experience in leading guided meditations. Because this course builds on my previous courses, ideally students will have completed all four previous parts.In this course, students will be presented with a variety of demonstrations to gain strategies and professional insights, to perfect their craft as a professional healer. Demonstrations will show you:What to do Before a Session Begins (30-second Pitch, Free Phone Consultation, Preparation, Tuning In).How to Welcome Your Client (Paperwork, Verification Sheet, Interview, Transition into Session).How to Implement Inductions.How to Administer Six Hypnotherapy Techniques.How to Handle In-session Challenges.How to End a Session.Additional Tips on Working Remotely.What Students are SayingGoing through all the 5 parts of this fabulous series of the Clinical Hypnotherapy course has been a phenomenal experience for me in many ways. There are several key takeaways for me and this definitely has a profound impact on my outlook and approach as a professional therapist & healer. Joseph inspires us to employ Hypnotherapy for the highest good of humanity and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to him for being such a wonderful Guru and I am very fortunate to have learned Clinical Hypnotherapy under his mentoring and guidance. And once again many congratulations to him for putting this amazing course together. Look forward to more in the times to come. Anand Nagaraj RangarajI like every part of this course! So clear and rich, it helps going deeper. Romina VergatiI can honesty say Joseph's course was definitely one of the most beneficial courses I have taken. His technique is very unique, practical, and extremely effective. He covers a wide range of topics and he is very generous to share his experience as a hypnotherapist. ShihoJoseph Drumheller is a wonderful teacher, spiritual mentor & compassionate human being. The videos, meditations, and resources are spectacular! I highly recommend his courses to everyone. Kerrie CookI wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of coursesand yours are some of the best Ive come acrossI wanted to tell you personally how much these courses are going to change my life. Lauren CarterJust an amazing and awesome course. Joseph is a brilliant teacher. He is calm and has such knowledge about spirituality--and of course--hypnotherapy, and he teaches it all in such a loving and easy way. 5 stars from me. Anna SvendsenI'd give it 50 stars if I could. This is absolutely the best hypnosis training ever. Down to earth, very clear, very precise, easy to follow, easy to retain... Joseph Drumheller, you rock! Carmen Sauciuc"
Price: 199.99

"Technology in Financial Inclusion" |
"Financial Inclusion must be the most important agenda of each government and financial services regulator of any country. It helps a country to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and in turn the prosperity of its citizen. Financial inclusion ensures that society is inclusive and it has a balanced distribution of resources, people are aware and have the capability to choose the financial services they want than being sold.Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course""In this course, we will study the important pillars of Financial Inclusion and the role of technology in its design, delivery and awareness, and how can we measure the progress of financial inclusion of a country and Key Performance Indicators. Details on Identity, Saving, Credit, Insurance, Remittance, Digital Payments, Mobile Payment System, Payment Processing, Digital Identity, Aadhaar, e-Estonia, Microfinance (SHG, JLG), Measuring financial inclusion, Mobile payment system, Digital Finance, Payment ProcessingThe course will be of immense benefits if you are working in Financial Inclusion domain as;- Product and Project Manager- Financial Inclusion Practioner and Enthusiast- Students, Researchers, Trainers and Teachers- RegulatorSo, see you in the course.."
Price: 10240.00

"Yoga Routines: Energizing Morning & Restful Nights Sleep" |
"Morning Yoga: Energizing Wake Up FlowThis quick and easy yoga flow is wonderful for getting your blood flowing and your energy focused on the day ahead. The poses will strengthen your body and help you feel fit and flexible all day long in the mind, body, and spirit.Hop on your mat and start to build the foundation of your own yoga practice with this home yoga flow!Enjoy, stay mindful and find what feels good for YOUR BODY this morning!Yoga for a Restful Nights Sleep: Bedtime PracticeThis gentle and calming practice is a great way to find your natural breath and relax into a restful nights sleep.We all have busy schedules, family obligations and responsibilities, putting relaxation and rest at the bottom of our to-do list. This course is designed to combine breath and movement which activates your parasympathetic nervous system, helping to counteract stress from a long day.When you're ready, put on your pj's and lets get comfy!"
Price: 34.99

"Python under the Hood - Beginner" |
"This Python course is being taught by me as a basic introductory course for anyone who wishes to learn python. There is no pre-requisite other than you come with your laptop and enthusiasm. The course is designed to take you from setting up a brand new environment, teaching you basic programming concepts that should help you in both Python and other languages. You will learn what variables are, the various data structures that Python has, functions, lambdas, namespaces and more. You will learn this thoroughly and with insights so when the time comes for you to do web programming or Database programming you can apply the core concepts ( under the hood !!! ) you learned here to other frameworks and apps. Nothing will be a mystery to you because you learned what Python does under the hood to make the various parts of an application work.You will be introduced to concepts such as - What are variables- How Python handles variables- Python native Data Types- Python Lists and Dictionaries- Control flow and looping- Functions- Functions are First Class Objects- Lambdas and built in functions- What is Program Execution- What is the Call Stack- Namespaces in Python- Call by value vs call by reference- Namespaces in depth (Coming soon!)- What is a Python Package (Coming soon!)- Modules and Namespaces ( Coming soon!)- Write your own Python Module ( coming soon!)- Work with Quizzes, projects and code together.- Work on assignmentsAll this done in scratch so you my programmer friend will understand that there is no magic under the hood. It is always better to learn the concepts and then jump on to frameworks like Django or SQL Alchemy, because now you have a solid understanding of what is under the hood. In the next course will take on the more advanced concepts of OOP and File IO and database programming. This course is a prerequisite for any course, because understanding the basics is the most important part of learning Python.You are on the way to becoming a Rock Solid programmer."
Price: 49.99

"TEKNK ANALZ LE LEM YAPMAK( Gerek Kullanm ekilleri )" |
"Merhabalar ,Bu Kursumuzda Teknik Analiz le lem Yapmay reneceiz. Konu malumunuz zerine ok yaygn bir konu. Youtube da veya udemy de yzlerce indikatr videosu bulmak mmkn.Peki bu kursun fark ne ?Bu kursta sizlere indikatrlerin ne olduunu deil , NDKATRLER LE NASIL LEM AILACAINI retmeye alacam.incelediimiz her indikatr iin giri k stratejilerimiz olacak. Daha nce kategori lideri olmu FON kurslarm ve yorumlarn inceler iseniz , daha nce yaplmam olan yapmaya altm siz de greceksiniz.Kurs eriimiz u ekilde : - Destek ve Diren Kavram Nedir ? Nasl lem Yaplabilir ?- Fibonacci Seviyeleri Nedir ? nemli Seviyeler Nelerdir ?- Hangi EMA'ler ( stel Arlkl Ortalamalar ) Kullanlmal ? Nasl lem Yaplabilir ?- MACD indikatr Nasl Kullanlmal ?- RSI indikatr Nasl Kullanlmal ?- kiz Tepe / kiz Dip Formasyonu Nedir ? Nasl lem Yaplr ? - Omuz Ba Omuz Formasyonu Nedir ? Nasl lem Yaplr ?- KAMA Formasyonu Nedir ? Nasl lem Yaplr ?- GEN Formasyonu Nedir ? Nasl lem Yaplabilir ?- BAYRAK Formasyonu Nedir ? Nasl lem Yaplr ?- DOJ eitleri Nelerdir ? Nasl Faydalanlabilir ?- ""3 erde Gn"" Formasyonu Nedir ? Nasl lem Yaplabilir ?Sayglarmla,Okan YORGANCI"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft app center" |
"The app center allows you to build, test and distribute your Xamarin mobile applications. In this course, you will learn what the app center is capable of, how to access its' features and several more things. In this case, we will focus on Xamarin forms, but everything can be applied to other options as well."
Price: 19.99

"Manejo del Pensamiento en Beneficio de mi Salud" |
"Mejorar nuestra Salud Integral, Mente, Emociones y Cuerpo. Mediante el Manejo del pensamiento Automtico.Se aprendern Tcnica concretas para el manejo del pensamiento de una manera simple y concreta. As mismo se expondrn 6 pasos para conseguir una fortaleza en el pensamiento de manera positiva y exitosa para cumplir nuestros objetivos."
Price: 270.00

"Naturopathie cours n 2 - Nutrition et Sant" |
"Cette formation est conue pour l'apprentissage d'une bonne hygine de vie pour soi et dans le but d'accompagner son entourage, ses clients ou patients.Une formation EquilibreSante faisant partie du cursus complet en naturopathie enseign par Patrick Lelu.Cette formation, ""Nutrition et Sant"", apporte des connaissances pratiques pour soi et pour aborder l'accompagnement des clients, des patients, en intgrant le concept nutritionnel en complment de l'alimentation face aux dysfonctionnements organiques mais galement pour rquilibrer ces mmes dysfonctionnements.Vous apprendrez votre rythme avec des supports complets et complmentaires. Chaque module de cette formation contient des explications vidos comme si vous tiez en prsentiel, avec des ""PowerPoint"" anims et comments. Des supports crits et tlchargeables accompagnent chaque module pour suivre les cours et pour tudier en dehors des cours. Vous avez galement accs des articles crits par votre instructeur.Dans cette formation vous tudierez la notion de cooprativit ou synergtique nutritionnelle avec l'tude de l'ensemble des vitamines et minraux s'associant aux lments tudis dans le Cours Naturopathie n 1 ""Alimentation et Sant.Vous apprendrez les diffrentes vitamines, leurs rles, leurs besoins, leurs synergies, les minraux et comprendrez le nutriment partir du stress oxydatif..Vous bnficiez donc de 3 heures de cours vidos et prs de 200 pages de cours crits...Dans cette formation vous avez accs diffrentes ressources externes pour approfondir le contenu des cours.Rgulirement des QCM de connaissances vous permettent d'effectuer des rvisions.Des changes avec votre instructeur sont possibles tout au long de l'apprentissage par le biais d'une messagerie.Ce Cours Naturopathie n 2 complte le Cours Naturopathie n 1 !Des BONUS finaliseront votre apprentissage !Il s'agit d'une formation exclusive EquilibreSante."
Price: 149.99

"Pre-Intermediate English Level I: Part One" |
"This course covers further basics of the English language for false beginners and lower level intermediate learners. (About level A2 on the CEFR: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.)Included in the course are:- More than 250 vocabulary words- Grammar: Comparatives- Verbs: Past Simple - More than 150 multiple choice questions and various reading, writing, speaking, and listening exercises to help students practice and implement the language skills they have learned. All exercises are reviewed with correct answers and explanations."
Price: 44.99

"Learn Video Editing with Camtasia 2019 ( )" |
Price: 79.99

"Italian Cheat day" |
"Russian salad Italian style is an unboring way to serve veggies, but if you're going to cheat, do it right with a homemade mayonnaise! Spaghetti allAmatriciana is an incredibly rich dish from Rome. Veal saltimbocca dances on your palate like you wouldnt believe. Cheat like Romans do! They definitely know something about it!Baked pasta is the all-time favorite dish around Italy. Chef Amatis is sharing a recipe, that he learned from his grandma. Plus melt in your mouth chicken Cacciatora.And also two amazing sauces for every use - fondue and mushroom boscaiolo, that could be served with bruschetta (toasted bread), pasta, steamed veggies and poached eggs."
Price: 19.99

"Understanding Grief and Grieving" |
"We experience loss. We grieve. When there is life, at some point there is also death. How we handle life can reflect on how we handle death. How we handle death can be a direct reflection of how we handled life. Can we ever be prepared and do we ever get over loss?Use of content and licensesTerms of Access & Use: ""All of the information presented in this course is strictly for general educational and informational purposes, and should never be treated as any type of substitute for personal, professional, medical, mental health, grief counseling or other types of advice regarding any of the matters pertaining to you, your family, your workplace, or others. The accuracy of the information and/or studies shared and referenced here cannot be guarantee. Throughout this free course, there are many external links provided to videos, books and articles used as references in this educational and informational project, and no liability of any type can be accepted for any of their content or viruses that may be transferred by their sites and addresses. By your decision to enroll, register, access and/or participate in this 'free' Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), you accept full responsibility for and hereby release 'all' involved in the creation of this free MOOC; including, the researchers, developers, tutors, faculty, organizers, technical team and hosting platform of this MOOC from any and all claims; including any claims which may be made in your name by yourself or by your heirs, successors, administrators, and executors of your will."
Price: 19.99

"Certificate of Practitioner in Personal Effectiveness" |
"Personal Development Learning Series - Level ICertificate of Practitioner in Personal EffectivenessMenjadi Pribadi Efektif Yang Di Atas Rata-Rata Dengan Menggunakan Metode Transformasi Diri 4C & ABCD-REPOHEfektivitas Pribadi (Personal Effectiveness): Menjadi Pribadi Yang Efektif (Become an Effective Person)Apakah Karakteristik Yang Perlu Dimiliki Dan Bagaimana Cara Merubah Kebiasaan Agar Dapat Menjadi Pribadi Yang Efektif?DIINTISARIKAN DAN DIRAMU ULANG DARI BEBERAPA ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PENGEMBANGAN DIRI YANG TERKENAL DAN TERBESAR DI DUNIA SEPANJANG MASALatar Belakang (Background):Jikalau kita bertanya bahkan kepada seorang pecundang yang super gagal sekali pun : Apakah Anda ingin sukses?. Pasti jawabannya adalah : Ya saya ingin sukses.Entah apa definisi atau pengertian sukses bagi yang bersangkutan, yang pasti setiap orang tidak ingin gagal dan menjadi pecundang dalam hidupnya. Melainkan ingin berhasil dan menjadi pemenang dalam arena pertandingan-kompetisi kehidupan.Mungkin hampir semua orang di dunia ingin dikatakan berhasil dalam hidupnya, termasuk dalam studi, karier maupun bisnis, ataupun bidang lainnya. Tapi mungkin hanya sedikit orang yang benar-benar ingin tahu caranya untuk menjadi sukses. Dan bahkan mungkin jauh lebih sedikit lagi orang yang benar-benar memiliki komitmen untuk mempraktekan cara-cara agar dapat berhasil dalam hidupnya untuk jangka waktu yang panjang. Personal Effectiveness disusun dan dirancang bagi siapa pun yang ingin benar-benar memahami arti sukses atau berhasil dalam hidupnya, baik itu studi, karier, bisnis, keluarga, pelayanan, kesehatan, materi, dan lain sebagainya.Diintisarikan dari ilmu pengetahuan pengembangan diri yang sudah teruji oleh waktu dan bukan hanya sekedar teori isapan jempol belaka menjadikan Personal Effectiveness menjadi materi pelatihan fundamental bagi siapa pun yang ingin berhasil secara seimbang dalam hidupnya untuk jangka waktu yang panjang secara berkelanjutan serta dapat meraih prestasi puncak dalam arena pertandingan-kompetisi kehidupan ini.Sasaran Pembelajaran (Learning Outcome):Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran ini diharapkan setiap peserta:Mengetahui dan memahami pengertian serta alasan mengapa perlu menjadi pribadi yang efektif, baik dalam bisnis, pekerjaan, studi maupun kehidupan sehari-hari.Mengetahui dan memahami ciri-ciri pribadi yang efektif serta penerapannya dalam baik dalam bisnis/pekerjaan/studi/kehidupan sehari-hari.Mengetahui, memahami dan dapat mempraktekan cara-cara untuk merubah/memperbaiki kebiasaan agar menjadi pribadi yang lebih efektif. Dapat menyusun rencana tindakan perbaikan kedepannya agar dapat menjadi pribadi yang efektif.Garis Besar Materi Pembelajaran (Learning Outline): PendahuluanBeberapa Paradigma Personal EffectivenessParadigma 7 KebiasaanTransformasi Diri Menjadi Pribadi Efektif:4 Ciri-Ciri Pribadi EfektifMetode ABCD-REPOHApa Berikutnya Setelah Menjadi Pribadi EfektifPenutup: Kesimpulan & Rencana TindakanSetelah menyelesaikan seluruh materi pembelajaran dalam program ini maka setiap peserta berhak memperoleh Sertifikat Penyelesaian (Certificate of Completion) dari Udemy yang diakui secara Internasional dan dapat dimasukan kedalam Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vitae/CV) ataupun dicantumkan dalam Profil Profesional (Professional Profile) misalnya di Linkedin, JobStreet, JobsDB, dan lain-lain.Terimakasih telah bergabung di kursus ini dan kami berharap siapapun yang bergabung dengan program pembelajaran ini akan memperoleh manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya dan mencapai hasil yang terbaik ketika diterapkan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari untuk kehidupan dan masa depan yang lebih baik. Salam belajar dan berbagi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Semoga dengan mengikuti kursus pembelajaran ini diharapkan setiap peserta dapat lebih mengetahui dan memahami tentang arti pentingnya membina (coaching) dan membimbing (counseling) dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia (people development) baik bagi pribadi/individu maupun organisasi/perusahaan.Selamat belajar dan semoga bermanfaat. Salam belajar dan berbagi untuk hari esok yang lebih baik.Salam dari Mitra Belajar Anda, Coach Dr. Andi Chaidir, S.Si, MBA, Ph.D."
Price: 19.99

"COPYWRITING PRO Module 2 + 2 Bonus" |
"Dans les lignes qui suivent, vous allez dcouvrir la mthodologie complte que jutilise pour vendre pratiquement nimporte quel produit nimporte qui avec thique. Dans ce Module 2 je vous offre, 2 BONUS en plus pour savoir : 1) Comment structurer votre page de vente ? 2) Comment crer une page de vente qui convertit ?Je vais galement vous montrer les stratgies de persuasion exacte que jutilise au quotidien pour convaincre la plupart des sceptiques de passer laction: soit lachat de mes produits (ou ceux de mes partenaires).Avez-vous un de ces problmes ?Vous avez un produit ou un service vendre depuis belle lurette, mais rien faire, les ventes ne dcollent pas, peu importe lnergie que vous y consacrezVous ntes pas un vendeur n En ralit, vous avez toujours dtest la vente, mais ironiquement vous savez que sans cette expertise vos ventes sont voues lchec.Vous vous demandez comment faire pour devenir un leader qui influence avec impact. Malgr tous vos efforts pour gagner une certaine notorit, rien ne se passe Vous tes toujours le mme: un pur inconnu dont personne ne parleVous prsenter devant la camra vous fait peur Vous dsirez garder votre anonymat et une certaine intimit, mais vous avez de la misre lier une relation de proximit et de confiance avec vos lecteurs et prospects seulement en utilisant de simples mots.Vous navez jamais voulu faire partie de ces soi-disant marketeurs qui vendent avec des techniques parfois douteuses, mais pourtant redoutables. Vous vous dites que ce nest pas fait pour vousLorsquil sagit de convaincre et de persuader un groupe, vous vous dfilez Vous avez toujours craint lopinion dautrui et vous prfrez vous abstenir de froisser les mes sensibles.Vous avez toujours voulu devenir un vendeur charismatique qui na pas besoin de pousser les autres pour vendre, mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ny par o commencerDans les instants qui suivent, vous allez dcouvrir les techniques et stratgies ingnieuses pour russir vendre.Vous dcouvrirez dans ce module :La mthode intgrale pour rendre vos offres commerciales compltement irrsistibles (exemples lappui).Le procd simple et rapide pour trouver des accroches et des promesses qui scotchent vos lecteurs tous les coups.Les 3 ingrdients presque miraculeux qui vous permettent de retenir lattention de nimporte qui avec une simple phrase.La manire astucieuse de captiver vos lecteurs pour quils lisent tous vos textes jusqu la fin (articles, emails et pages de vente incluses).Les 6 principes clefs pour crire des histoires qui vendent vos produits et services comme des petits pains.Les 5 formules dexperts en copywriting qui fonctionnent comme un charme.Et beaucoup plusGrce ce cours vous dcouvrirez les secrets et astuces du Copywriting."
Price: 99.99

"Copywriting L'art de manipuler (Module 3) +2 BONUS" |
"Dans les lignes qui suivent, vous allez dcouvrir la mthodologie complte que jutilise pour vendre pratiquement nimporte quel produit nimporte qui. Dans ce Module 3 je vous offre, 2 BONUS en plus pour savoir : 1) Comment structurer votre page de vente ? 2) Comment crer une page de vente qui convertit ?Je vais galement vous montrer les stratgies de persuasion exacte que jutilise au quotidien pour convaincre la plupart des sceptiques de passer laction: soit lachat de mes produits (ou ceux de mes partenaires).Avez-vous un de ces problmes ?Vous avez un produit ou un service vendre depuis belle lurette, mais rien faire, les ventes ne dcollent pas, peu importe lnergie que vous y consacrezVous ntes pas un vendeur n En ralit, vous avez toujours dtest la vente, mais ironiquement vous savez que sans cette expertise vos ventes sont voues lchec.Vous vous demandez comment faire pour devenir un leader qui influence avec impact. Malgr tous vos efforts pour gagner une certaine notorit, rien ne se passe Vous tes toujours le mme: un pur inconnu dont personne ne parleVous prsenter devant la camra vous fait peur Vous dsirez garder votre anonymat et une certaine intimit, mais vous avez de la misre lier une relation de proximit et de confiance avec vos lecteurs et prospects seulement en utilisant de simples mots.Vous navez jamais voulu faire partie de ces soi-disant marketeurs qui vendent avec des techniques parfois douteuses, mais pourtant redoutables. Vous vous dites que ce nest pas fait pour vousLorsquil sagit de convaincre et de persuader un groupe, vous vous dfilez Vous avez toujours craint lopinion dautrui et vous prfrez vous abstenir de froisser les mes sensibles.Vous avez toujours voulu devenir un vendeur charismatique qui na pas besoin de pousser les autres pour vendre, mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ny par o commencerDans les instants qui suivent, vous allez dcouvrir les techniques et stratgies ingnieuses pour russir vendre.Vous dcouvrirez dans ce module :Comment apprendre manipuler: les bases fondamentales connatre pour convaincre nimporte qui de faire nimporte quoi.La mthode pour deviner ce que les autres pensent et anticiper leur raction lavance.Les 6 astuces hors pair pour capter et attirer lattention de votre audience.La solution complte pour se mettre les gens dans la poche + le truc tout simple pour faire en sorte que votre audience vous aime, malgr que vous tentiez de leur vendre continuellement.La mthode dtaille de ngociation psychique pour conclure des partenariats hors pair (mme avec vos plus grands concurrents!)Les 7 techniques de manipulation qui ont prouv leur efficacit lorsquil sagit de convaincre les plus mfiants.Et beaucoup plusGrce ce cours vous dcouvrirez les secrets et astuces du Copywriting et pourquoi pas vous lancez dans une carrire."
Price: 99.99

"Copywriting Devenez un Vendeur d'Elite Module 4 + 2 BONUS" |
"Dans les lignes qui suivent, vous allez dcouvrir la mthodologie complte que jutilise pour vendre pratiquement nimporte quel produit nimporte qui. Dans ce Module 4 je vous offre, 2 BONUS en plus pour savoir : 1) Comment structurer votre page de vente ? 2) Comment crer une page de vente qui convertit ?Je vais galement vous montrer les stratgies de persuasion exacte que jutilise au quotidien pour convaincre la plupart des sceptiques de passer laction: soit lachat de mes produits (ou ceux de mes partenaires).Avez-vous un de ces problmes ?Vous avez un produit ou un service vendre depuis belle lurette, mais rien faire, les ventes ne dcollent pas, peu importe lnergie que vous y consacrezVous ntes pas un vendeur n En ralit, vous avez toujours dtest la vente, mais ironiquement vous savez que sans cette expertise vos ventes sont voues lchec.Vous vous demandez comment faire pour devenir un leader qui influence avec impact. Malgr tous vos efforts pour gagner une certaine notorit, rien ne se passe Vous tes toujours le mme: un pur inconnu dont personne ne parleVous prsenter devant la camra vous fait peur Vous dsirez garder votre anonymat et une certaine intimit, mais vous avez de la misre lier une relation de proximit et de confiance avec vos lecteurs et prospects seulement en utilisant de simples mots.Vous navez jamais voulu faire partie de ces soi-disant marketeurs qui vendent avec des techniques parfois douteuses, mais pourtant redoutables. Vous vous dites que ce nest pas fait pour vousLorsquil sagit de convaincre et de persuader un groupe, vous vous dfilez Vous avez toujours craint lopinion dautrui et vous prfrez vous abstenir de froisser les mes sensibles.Vous avez toujours voulu devenir un vendeur charismatique qui na pas besoin de pousser les autres pour vendre, mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ny par o commencerVous allez dcouvrir les techniques et stratgies ingnieuses pour russir vendre.Vous dcouvrirez dans ce module 5 :Limportance capitale de devenir bon vendeur mme si on na pas la fibre commerciale et quon dteste la vente.Les 8 caractristiques dun excellent vendeur et comment vous allez vous en imprgner pour vendre tout ce que vous voulez.Les 6 plus grandes objections que les vendeurs reoivent dans leur travail et la mthode complte pour les retourner votre avantage.Comment vendre davantage et vendre plus rapidement en jouant subtilement avec les motions de vos prospects ?Les 12 techniques que les meilleurs vendeurs utilisent pour se dmarquer des vendeurs moyens.Les 4 stratgies de vente avances pour influencer, vendre et convaincre comme un roi.Et beaucoup plusGrce ce cours vous dcouvrirez les secrets et astuces du Copywriting."
Price: 99.99

"COPYWRITING Influencer avec Impact Module 5 + 2 BONUS" |
"Dans les lignes qui suivent, vous allez dcouvrir la mthodologie complte que jutilise pour vendre pratiquement nimporte quel produit nimporte qui. Dans ce Module 5 je vous offre, 2 BONUS en plus pour savoir : 1) Comment structurer votre page de vente ? 2) Comment crer une page de vente qui convertit ?Je vais galement vous montrer les stratgies de persuasion exacte que jutilise au quotidien pour convaincre la plupart des sceptiques de passer laction: soit lachat de mes produits (ou ceux de mes partenaires).Avez-vous un de ces problmes ?Vous avez un produit ou un service vendre depuis belle lurette, mais rien faire, les ventes ne dcollent pas, peu importe lnergie que vous y consacrezVous ntes pas un vendeur n En ralit, vous avez toujours dtest la vente, mais ironiquement vous savez que sans cette expertise vos ventes sont voues lchec.Vous vous demandez comment faire pour devenir un leader qui influence avec impact. Malgr tous vos efforts pour gagner une certaine notorit, rien ne se passe Vous tes toujours le mme: un pur inconnu dont personne ne parleVous prsenter devant la camra vous fait peur Vous dsirez garder votre anonymat et une certaine intimit, mais vous avez de la misre lier une relation de proximit et de confiance avec vos lecteurs et prospects seulement en utilisant de simples mots.Vous navez jamais voulu faire partie de ces soi-disant marketeurs qui vendent avec des techniques parfois douteuses, mais pourtant redoutables. Vous vous dites que ce nest pas fait pour vousLorsquil sagit de convaincre et de persuader un groupe, vous vous dfilez Vous avez toujours craint lopinion dautrui et vous prfrez vous abstenir de froisser les mes sensibles.Vous avez toujours voulu devenir un vendeur charismatique qui na pas besoin de pousser les autres pour vendre, mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ny par o commencerVous allez dcouvrir les techniques et stratgies ingnieuses pour russir vendre.INFLUENCER AVEC IMPACTVous dcouvrirez dans ce module :Les 10 faons intelligentes de gagner la confiance de son auditoire sans passer pour quelquun de prtentieux.La mthodologie intgrale pour devenir un leader de renomme + une initiation la stratgie de la vache violette.Les 5 concepts respecter cote que cote pour devenir une autorit de son march.La manire insidieuse de dmontrer quon est un expert mme si on ne lest pas rellement.Comment utiliser les autres acteurs de son march pour se propulser au sommet.Les 6 techniques dinfluence pour augmenter votre force de persuasion au plus haut point.Et beaucoup plusGrce ce cours vous dcouvrirez les secrets et astuces du Copywriting."
Price: 99.99

"Born To Succeed" |
"""Finally! Learn How to Unleash Your Inner Drive So That You Can Accomplish Everything That Youve Set Out to Do""Discover the Secrets to Unleashing Your Inner Drive So That You Can Easily Accomplish Your Goals and Finally Achieve Success!From: [YOUR NAME]In todays 24/7 connected, digital world, were constantly bombarded with images of our friends and familys success.It seems like everyone you know is showing off what they have and how they got it.While a majority of us know what we want to accomplish in life, most of us dont quite know how to accomplish our goals and achieve success. Are You Feeling Lost?Feeling a little lost about how to get through the middle of your journey to success is nothing new.Not many people know the exact steps to take to accomplish what they set out to do and make success happen.Here are some of the most common reasons why people fail to unleash their inner drive and achieve what they set out to do.They lack the focus to complete the tasks needed to accomplish their goals.They have a fixed mindset that promotes negative self-talk and keeps them mired in excuses.They fail to master their emotions.They have low self-confidence in their abilities to reach their goals.They lack the self-discipline need to continue to move forward on their journey.They dont know how to adapt to roadblocks or adjust when they face challenges.They fail to remain persistent in their pursuit of success.They surround themselves with negativity.They dont take care of themselves, both mentally and physically.So How Can You Succeed?If any of these common reasons for failing to accomplish your goals resonate with you, then it is time for you to take action and unleash your inner drive so you can start to accomplish everything youve set out to do.The key to crushing your goals and accomplishing what you set out to do is finding a way to release your inner drive.Fortunately, Ive compiled a comprehensive guide that will show you what you need to do to finally unleash your internal drive so you can accomplish your goals and achieve success in all aspects of your life.BORN TO SUCCEEDHow To Unleash Your Inner Drive And Accomplish What You Have Set Out To Do"
Price: 159.99

"Bulletproof Mind" |
""" Grab The secret blueprint to crushing your goals, to overcoming any of life's adversities, And live your best Year EVER""Enough frustration. Enough quitting. Enough Dreaming. This is the real deal. Get Your Instant AccessWhat if there were honest-to-goodness secrets you could use this instance to get more results out of life with minimal efforts and achieve all your wildest goals and dreams?What if you were handed the ""blueprint"" to be able to finish that grand project you had stalled for such a long time?What if, you have access proven advice and strategies that will really change your life, instead of seeking wisdom from some ""thought gurus"", or reading tons of self-help book that brings little to no result at all?What if, despite all the frustration, pain and adversities you experience in life, you are able to carry on and progress towards your goals and dreams?Well, look no further.I totally get how you feel, because I've been there as well.Completely lost in life... Had a career, yet it wasn't fulfilling, in fact, it makes me more miserable, unhappy and stressful...But the thing is, at that point in my life, I just couldn't really pinpoint where this problem arises!I just knew that I was sick and tired of this vicious cycle, where I would wake up every morning with nothing to look forward toI wanted to quit my job badly, only to stop-short sending in my resignation letterI was trapped in the harsh reality that I have bills to pay and family to take care of.And I was just plain frustrated because I have absolutely no control over my life.Worse yet, this drags on for years without seeing any way out.And I see my mental health and emotional well-being continue to plunge in a downward spiral.Desperate for a change, I decided to read dozens of self-help books from the bookstores.While they did open up the possibility for change, I just felt like it's a temporary painkiller to all the pain and suffering that I have.And then one day, out of nowhere, an epiphany hit me.""What if, the source of all my problem comes from my mind?""""What if I've been running on an old obsolete advice or programming all these while?""""What if my life has nothing to do with bad karma or pre-ordained destiny?""""What if all these while I have everything I need to define my own destiny?""Strange questions, but little did I know that this epiphany is responsible for the greatest transformation I will ever experience in my entire lifetime.No longer was I feeling lost, in fact, I have perfect clarity on what I want in life and how to achieve them...No longer was I feeling hopeless or defeated in the face of adversities...No longer I was running this vicious cycle of pain and suffering in my life...After that day of epiphany, I was literally reborn and feeling alive again.And little did I know it, I was crushing those tiny little goals and eventually to the big projects I've been dragging on for so long.And my career, relationship, health, finance - Everything transformed for the better.So I kept a daily log of my progress in all areas of my life, tracking what works and what thought process that was running through my mind.And I've compiled them into a simple step by step program that you can follow.Applied to your life, you will be able to have the same mind of steel that I had, and be able to achieve everything that you ever dreamed of, regardless of all the pain and suffering that you experience today.Allow me to introduce to youBulletproof MindBulletproof mind is the blueprint that was born out of that epiphany moment.It contains all my tried and tested strategies that will literally transform you into a man of steel, bulletproofing your mind against all your adversities, and achieve your goals at the same time.Be it your career, relationships and health, financeWith this, you'll be able to transform these areas of your life for the better!Here are Just Some of The Things You'll LearnHow to make better and informed decisions in life, and see your results and income soar through the roof!Why it PAYS to embrace your lost humane side in order to live a happy, fulfilling lifeExperience a paradigm shift like never before, and have unwavering confidence to crush any goals you haveUtilize an AMAZING secret to subconsciously influence your surrounding people and get them to do what you wantReframe your mindset to be resilient, determined and focusedThe secret technique to command respect and get audience to immediately gravitate towards you when you speakWork with the least amount of effort towards achieving greatnessand much much more...SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 189.99

"Clickbank Marketing Secrets" |
"Are you ready to DOMINATE ClickBank today?Its About Time For You To LearnClickBank Marketing Secrets!ClickBank is one of the granddaddies of digital product affiliate marketing.Throughout the years, ClickBank has spawned a large number of competitors, but nothing can beat the original.If you are looking for an affiliate program that offers digital products across a very wide range of niches, you can't go wrong with ClickBank!Dear Friend,If you want to succeed with affiliate marketing, you must first build your business.You have to build it on the right niche.A niche, of course, relates to the category of topics or problems that the products you are promoting solve. That's what a niche is.Unfortunately, failed marketers choose niches the wrong way.First, they go for niches based on a hunch. They have a ""gut feel"" that a niche is ""hot"" or ""awesome.""This is a serious problem because even if you think something is great, it doesn't necessarily mean that your target audience members will share your impression.Failed marketers also choose niches based on popularity.Too many ClickBank affiliates select solely based on gravity. You can't just go based on popularity.You have to look at the big picture.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou are going to understand the importance of digital product affiliate marketing.You will learn how to market products the right way.You will understand how successful ClickBank marketers play the game.You can begin to understand that you're going to have to use high quality content to deliver value to the lives of people you are trying to market to.You are going to learn how winning ClickBank marketers choose niches.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...IntroducingClickBank Marketing SecretsLearn The Secrets of the Gurus, Get More Traffic And Dominate ClickBankNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...Your ClickBank Success Depends on the Niche You ChooseHow Do 3-Layer Conversion Systems Work for ClickBank Marketing?ClickBank Marketing OverviewHow to Select a Niche Product to Promote - THE SMART WAYHow to Get Your Niche Target KeywordsQuora Answer MarketingComment on Blog posts that Use Facebook CommentsForum MarketingAutomated Twitter MarketingAutomated Facebook marketingPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually make a tremendous amount of money using ClickBank! Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to be able to create a system that will enable you to make money from ClickBank.You want to have the right system when it comes to generating content.You know that the reason too many people struggle with ClickBank is because they do not know how to market products the right way.You want to have the chance to build your business.You want to learn how to market ClickBank products the right way.SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 189.99

"Modern Podcasting" |
"Are You Ready To Profit With Podcasting?Its About Time For You To Learn Profitable Podcasting In The Modern world!Podcasts are a lot easier to create and the space is less crowded so you can stand out much more easily.When you create and publish podcasts you will be able to reach out to new audiences.It is possible to build great relationships with your audience through podcasting.Dear Friend,There has never been a better time to start your own podcast.Sales of smartphones over recent years have fueled more interest in podcasts and now there are more podcast listeners than ever before. And the numbers are growing every year.Planning your podcasts is a very important step in the process and many marketers make the mistake of trying to wing it.A number of marketers have tried to create a successful podcast and failed.This is because they tried to use outdated methods to get their podcasts noticed, or because they just didnt know what they were doing.There are many ways that you can monetize your podcasts and earn a significant income from them every month.But how can YOU benefit from it?Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou will learn how to create high quality and high value podcasts that listeners crave.You will learn how you can get the word out to your target audience.You will learn how to spend a small amount of time planning to create the very best podcasts for your audience.You will learn how you can monetize your podcasts and earn a significant income from them every month.You will learn the techniques to provide your listeners with the content that they want.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGModern PodcastingProfitable Podcasting In The Modern worldNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...Why Podcasting?Choosing The Right Niche For PodcastingPlanning For Great PodcastsThe Equipment You Need For PodcastingPlanning Great PodcastsHow to Record Professional PodcastsPodcast Hosting And DistributionHow To Promote Offers Through PodcastsMonetizing Your PodcastsPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually profit with modern podcasting!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to create high quality and high value podcasts that listeners crave.You want to monetize your podcasts and earn a significant income from them every month.You want to create the best podcasts and build a significant following.You want to plan your podcasts for your audience.You want to promote offers through podcasts.SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 199.99

"Python Kursu: Kolay Anlatm - Bol rnek" |
"Bu kursla programlama hakknda hi bilginiz olmasa dahi, Python ile programlama yapmay renecek ve kursu tamamladnzda ""Python biliyorum"" diyebileceksiniz. Amacm kolay anlalabilir, boa vakit harcamayan, renciyi gereksiz detaylarla bomayan, hedef odakl, ak olarak btnlkleitimler oluturmak. Bu dersi de bu amalar gzeterek oluturdum. Python ve programlamann temellerini kolay anlalr bir anlatmla reneceksiniz.Her blmde zml pratik uygulamalar yaparak rendiklerinizi pekitireceksiniz.Dersin erii:Deikenler ve Veri TipleriListTupleSetDictionaryInput fonksiyonuType casting ile veri tipi dntrmeIf art ifadesiDngler (while/for)Print fonksiyonuString formatlamaFonksiyonlarModllerPackage'larOOP (Nesne Ynelimli Programlama)Dekoratrler (Decorators)Iteratr'ler (Iterators)Hata leme (try/except)Lambda fonksiyonlar (map, filter, reduce fonksiyonlar)List comprehension"
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Psychopathology Mental Retardation" |
"Hello and welcome to our Online Certification Course on Introduction to Psychopathology and Mental Retardation. The course consists of 11 topics in which we will examine in detail the problem related to mental retardation. The topic of mental retardation is important for society and the individual. Knowledge of the problem and methods of interaction and work is crucial for any person and specialist who has contact with people in a similar state. We hope that our online training will bring some light to the issues and enrich your knowledge and experience. Thank you for your interest!"
Price: 99.99

"Neuroscience and Psychology: Electroencephalography (EEG)" |
"This course is a complete introduction to the use of electroencephalography (EEG) in neuroscience and psychology, but also in clinical settings. Through comprehensive videos, you will learn about the fascinating science of EEG. Thanks to recent progress in neuroimaging techniques, both academic and commercial researchers, but also clinicians, are able to dive into the depths of the human brain and see how it shapes our perceptions and interactions with the world. One of the most versatile brain imaging techniques is EEG. EEG records the electrical activity that the brain produces, by using electrodes that are placed on the scalp. Measuring electrical activity from the brain is useful because it reflects how the many different neurons in the brain network communicate with each other via electrical impulses.This course was designed, top to bottom, by an experienced instructor who is an expert in the field of cognitive neuroscience. The information is presented in an engaging, easy-to-understand format. It is primarily for people who want to venture into this field as well as those who are excited about neuroscience and psychology, and want to explore various applications related to the brain."
Price: 99.99

"Crea y Vende un Curso Online Profesional (Paso a Paso)" |
"EL MTODO QUE TE LLEVAR PASO A PASO A DISEAR CURSOS ONLINE PROFESIONALES E INCREMENTAR TUS INGRESOS AUNQUE SEA LA PRIMERA VEZ QUE LO INTENTASA mi la cuarentena no me tomo por sorpresa!Sabas que ms del 90% de las personas que quieren crear cursos online investigando por su cuenta fallan? Sin mencionar el desperdicio de varios meses de tiempo y la frustracin por haber fracasado.El problema es que estas personas no entienden el valor de invertir en su negocio y su formacin a fin de generar un mucho mayor ingreso de dinero.Lo que significa que es muy probable que des vueltas en el desierto por 40 aos solo para darte cuenta que llegaste al punto de partida de la creacin de tu curso virtualEs por esto que he construido este curso online de ms de 5 horas de contenido donde puedes aprender paso a paso como desarrollar tu academia virtual (online) profesional y vender tus cursos.Te guiar paso a paso desde la planificacin hasta la venta de tu curso virtual, produciendo material de mucha calidad y fuera de lo comn para que tus estudiantes reciban un mayor impacto y tu te veas muy profesional.Un curso online en estos tiempos es un negocio muy rentable y que no requiere una elevada inversin inicial, Por menos de lo que te cuesta un telfono celular de gama alta o un televisor LED de 42 pulgadas puedes tener el equipo suficiente para crear lecciones bien producidas y de las que te puedes sentir orgulloso. Mucho anlisis produce parlisis! Aprovecha esta oferta y comienza con la creacin de tu curso online profesional! Date el gusto!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete LMS Admin Panel Development in Node & Express Js" |
"Inside this course students / developers are going to learn about complete guide forUnderstanding complete architecture to handle Admin Panel Development in Node, Express with EJS, Sequelize ORM, MySQL Database driver & jQuery. Library Management System Panel with Node Js & Express.Admin Panel Bootstrap theme layout integrations with EJS.Working Familiar with Express Web App with EJS template engine.Admin Panel development with express generator Quality & StandardsEasy & Simple Code Standards IntegrationsHandling every aspect of a Library Management SystemCourse provides the best skill to make Standalone Developer in Node JSAll these topics we'll cover in detail with live coding standards of Step by Step Admin Panel Development in Node, Express with EJS, Sequelize ORM, MySQL Database driver & jQuery"
Price: 189.99

"The Pareto law to boost your personal productivity" |
"The Pareto Law (or 80/20 Law) stipulates that 20% of the causes are responsible for 80% of the effects.How to use this Law to boost your productivity?How to use this Law to only need:20% of efforts to obtain 80% of results?20% of your time to perform 80% of your actions?In this course, you will learn how the Pareto Law works, and especially how to use it to optimize your time, your productivity, your investments ..."
Price: 139.99

"Big Data For Architects" |
"Full of Whiteboarding Sessions to provide you Classroom like experienceUnderstand thought process in choosing Big Data Ingestion, Storage, Processing and Analysis related TechnologiesFocus on Key Architectures and Pipelines in Big Data EcosystemWhich Big Data Technology to choose when?Covering Breadth of Big Data TechnologiesHands-on on Google Cloud DataProc Pseudo Distributed ClusterTheory is more but relevant to provide you right information to work with Real World Big Data ProjectsNo need to pay for running labs on Google CloudBelow are our more courses -Big Data Crash Course Learn Hadoop, Spark, NiFi and KafkaBig Data For Architects Build Big Data Pipelines and Compare Key Big Data TechnologiesGoogle Data Engineer Certification Practice ExamsSetup Single Node Cloudera Cluster on Google CloudConfluent Certified Operator for Apache Kafka Practice TestConfluent Certified Developer Apache Kafka Practice Tests"
Price: 199.99

"Self-Mastery of Thoughts, Emotions & Intuitive Development" |
"One hour of video lectures plus 1.5 hours of guided meditations and written resources!Energy Medicine practical techniques that this course covers will greatly support you in your personal journey, career, relationships and health - well being and intuitive development no matter where you are on this path.Your past experiences are what make you who you are today. The beliefs that you have formed along the way to make sense of your experiences, are always playing out in the background of your thinking patterns, interactions and automatic responses.The techniques covered in this course will assist you in fine tuning your awareness so that you will become a fine tuned manifestation of yourself living consciously and harmoniously with your innate intuitive knowing.Utilising focused Energy Medicine techniques for Mental and Emotional Self Mastery.These techniques when applied have the benefit of reduced stress, anxiety, blood pressure, depression, confusion, self-judgment and that of others.Whilst Elevating states of calm, health and wellness in mental, emotional and physical areas, a sense of belonging, the ability to find your center during upheaval, resilience, improved decision making, cognition, energy levels and intuition.Your guide through this course is Intuitive Medium Terrye MJ, who connects with Universal Consciousness in the frequencies of Love, Joy and Compassion where ego is left behind and deep soul and cellular healing begins.If you would like to discover and apply these techniques in your life, starting now, enrol in this course safe in the knowledge that you have a 30-day money back guarantee.See you in the course!Terrye"
Price: 114.99
