"To-Do App & Clean Architecture -Android Development - Kotlin" |
"So this course will be a little different from my previous ones, because in this course we are going to build a fully functional To-Do application. We are going to build our app using Kotlin programming language, and you'll see all the benefits and power of concise way of programming with Kotlin. Our To-Do app will combine different android architecture components like Navigation Component, ROOM database, LiveData, ViewModel, Data Binding and more...You will learn how to follow the principle of single activity and multiple fragments in your app. You will learn how to use Navigation Component in your app, how to work with Safe Args to pass data between fragments, and also create custom made Transition Animations for your destinations.So why is a To-Do app important, well first and foremost because it teaches you how to build and maintain a database, how to write SQL queries to insert, update, delete data from database, but also how to write custom queries to search through Database, Sort your database by certain criteria and display it in proper way to your RecyclerView.Also we are going to have a clean architecture in our project, you will learn how to organize your project structure and maintain good code readability.At the later section of this course I'm going to teach you how to implement data binding to your app, and you'll see all the benefits of using it, because we are going to have less boilerplate codes in our app, plus everything will be separated, and our fragments will look a lot cleaner and simple. You will also be introduced with custom BindingAdapters.At the end of this course we will implement swipe to delete function to our RecyclerView, also I'll show you how to easily change RecyclerViewlayout, apply a different look to your app with Grid and Staggered Grid layout as well. And when we are talking about RecyclerView, I should also mention that we will implement DiffUtil in our app and that way, increase overall app performance.Also I need to mention that this course is NOT for ABSOLUTE beginners in android development. Because this course assumes that you already have a basic knowledge of programming in Kotlin, and a basic knowledge of android architecture components.But if you wish to continue improving your skills and building your knowledge furthermore then this course is definitely the right option for you."
Price: 199.99

"Maya For Beginning Animators" |
"**Don't have Autodesk Maya?**Visit Autodesk's website to download a FREE 30-day trial to follow along in the course.If you've ever wanted to learn Autodesk Maya but wasn't sure where to start - this course is the answer. Taught by a former professional animator with over 10+ years of industry experience, you will learn how to create your own 3D project from scratch. While the emphasis of this course is on animation, you will also learn foundational modeling, texturing, rigging, and lighting concepts that build on each other. In the end, you will learn to harness your creativity to create a final animated scene you can be proud of!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Make a 2D Platformer with Unity & C#" |
"In this game creation course, my brother and I will bring you through the process of making a 2D platformer game using Unity and C#.This is an all-time classic genre, a blank canvas to let your imagination run wild!-----------------------------We'll begin by learning how to make a solid player controller, with wall jumping and sliding. Then we will go on a fun journey bringing to life unique enemy characters such as a shooting warlock, a flying bat that avoids obstacles, and a patrolling goblin! So you can expect some simple but fun tutorials on AI.You'll learn how to make moving platforms, a flexible camera, and weapon pickup and switching.If you've ever wondered how to make an easy unlockable level system, then that's covered too!Get ready to dive into the universe of particle effects and game juice, learning how to make attacks and jumps more satisfying with sound effects and screen shake for example!I'll share some useful and easy to implement tips and tricks to make your platformer game environments shine with soft overlays for lighting, parallax to add depth to the world, little trees and grass tufts which move underfoot and post-processing!-----------------------------Last but not least, by purchasing this course you'll get access to all the project files. Lots of art, animations, code, sounds, and effects at your disposal! Whatsmore, you'll be able to join the courses unique Discord server and chat with a community of game creators, ask for help if you get stuck, and share your hard work with fellow students!I look forward to seeing what unique worlds you'll bring to life with the course!"
Price: 34.99

palpation-medium2 |
"1. 2. 3. 4."
Price: 19.99

"L'art de se faire payer par les clients." |
"Ce cours vous donne les cls pour garder le contrle de votre ""encours clients"" :Comment acclrer l'encaissement de vos factures de ventes ?A quels risques vous exposez-vous, quand vous faites crdit un client ?Comment minimiser les risques d'impays clients ?Quel est le vritable cot d'un retard de paiement ou celui d'un sinistre pour non-paiement dfinitif ?Quelles sont les rgles de droit connatre pour scuriser l'encaissement de la recette de vos ventes ?Quelles procdures mettre en place pour limiter les risques d'impays ?Comment mener une relance amiable pour inciter les clients rgler rapidement vos factures ?Quelles procdures contentieuses mettre en place lorsque vous tes oblig de vous fcher ?Faut-il sous-traiter l'encaissement et la relance de vos factures de ventes ?Comment fonctionne l'assurance crdit-clients ?Quels indicateurs suivre pour piloter votre encours clients ?"
Price: 94.99

"Just a basic Idea of Python and Analytics" |
"With this course you can gauge if you really want to pick up Analytics into your career. It is a very high level discussion on Data analytics and Python programming.Students looking to check if they should take up their careers in Data analytics and Data Science Programming like SAS, R, Python etc."
Price: 199.99

"ManageEngine OPManager Network Performance Monitoring Course" |
"OpManager Plus provides real-time monitoring of the status, availability, health, and performance of all network devices for both physical and virtual servers through various protocols.The primary objective of this opmanager course is to enable you to effectively monitor your network and its resources using OpManager. In this opmanager training, you will learn about the best practices, tips, and tricks that help you get started with ManageEngine opmanager features.PS: Check the Free Preview videos to know more about the course and to be sure you can get accustomed to my accentIf you are an IT Manager, System Administrator, or an Operator, and have deployed OpManager in your network for monitoring, this opmanager course helps you optimize network performance monitoring.ZOHO Corporation provides network monitoring manageengine affordable monitoring software for the management and provisioning of complex networks, systems, and IT applications. With a broad product portfolio and an active customer base ranging from enterprises, equipment vendors, and service providers, ZOHO Corp. has emerged as a very affordable and high-quality alternative to expensive software that is common in this industry and network monitoring manageengineOpManager is an end-to-end network management software for heterogeneous, multi-vendor enterprise IT networks. It offers a unified approach to scale and manages distributed IT infrastructure, advanced fault and performance management functionality across critical IT resources viz. network devices, WAN or VoIP links, servers, virtual servers (VMware and Hyper-V), Domain controllers, MS Exchange, MS SQL, and other IT infrastructure components in manageengine monitoring courseWhen you identify server performance degradation, the usual suspects are CPU, Memory, and Disk. ManageEngine Applications Manager provides you with critical JVM metric information essential to track the performance of OpManager. You can monitor metrics (like CPU and memory usage and thread count) and make decisions on how to scale the application's capacity (based on memory utilization and CPU usage). Drill down the reports from the dial graphs to see the detailed performance statistics using the granular reports and act on the findings in manageengine monitoring courseApplications Manager provides you with critical information (like CPU and memory usage, thread count, and PGSQL database details) essential to track the performance of OpManager. Lets take a look at what you need to see to monitor OpManager and the performance metrics to gather with Applications Manager:It supports NetFlow, sFlow, cFlow, J-Flow, AppFlow, FNF, IP FIX, and NetStream to help you drill down to the root level of traffic and effectively manage bandwidth with network monitoring manageengineIt helps to automate device backup changes and provides detailed information on all your network devices and their configurations.OpManager Plus extends support to your firewalls by collecting, analyzing, and archiving log data. It also manages IP addresses and switches ports easily.manageengine training coursesMake the most out of your investment with me. my training sessions help you realize the benefits of deploying the ManageEngine Suite and maximize IT productivity. They also help you choose the right application to fulfill your company's specific needs. I will give you the extra edge where you understand your requirements and drive ManageEngine applications to do the job for you. see the opmanager demoYou can visit ManageEngine to see a live demo of OpmanagerManageEngine opmanager features and opmanager demoOpmanager Network Performance MonitoringMonitor your network with 2000+ performance metrics along with intuitive dashboards, instant alerts and intelligent reporting.Router MonitoringGet critical insights on router performance with metrics like errors and discards, voltage, temperature, buffer statistics, etc.Switch MonitoringSwitch port monitoring with port-wise traffic control and switch port mapping to identify devices connected to a port.WAN RTT MonitoringContinuously monitors WAN link availability, latency, and performance leveraging Cisco IP SLA technology.VoIP MonitoringProactively monitors VoIP call quality across WAN infrastructure and troubleshoot poor VoIP performance.Network MappingAutomatic L1/L2 network mapping to visualize and pinpoint network outages and performance degradation."
Price: 19.99

"Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)" |
"Hello Dear,CBT - COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPYIn this Course on CBT, you will understand the entire concept of CBT & how you can utilize for yourself or for others to cope up with Stress, anxiety & depression.The course contents are as follows1. INTRODUCTION2. WHAT IS CBT?3. ABC MODEL OF CBT4. NEGATIVE THOUGHT PATTERNS5. EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS6. ACTIVITIES TO IDENTIFY NEGATIVE THOUGHT PATTERNS 7. RELAXATION TECHNIQUES TO CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS8. MY SUCCESS OVER DEPRESSION9. FINAL WORDS"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Microsoft Teams Guide" |
"Learn how to use Microsoft Teams to engage, promote, and encourage student digital learning for your classroom. We will make sure you are set up and ready to run with Teams including the 4 types of Teams, using Teams Meetings (video conferencing), and Class Notebook, plus tips and tricks to get the most out of O365 for your class and your style of teaching. This course is set up to enhance your ability to digest the huge amount of things you can do with Teams by employing micro-learning or bite-size chunks. (Most tutorial videos are not longer than 5 minutes.)"
Price: 74.99

"OpenALPR - Leitura de placas veiculares" |
"Aprende a usar de forma correta e prtica o OpenALPR.Nesse curso vou ensinar vocs a utilizar todos os recursos disponveis do openalpr e configurar ele corretamente para funcionar no padro brasileiro.* Esse curso vai apenas ensinar a usar o OpenALPR, no ir ensinar a fazer um detector de placas veicular do zero *IntroduoDemonstrao e preparaoInstalao do OpenAlprConfigurao do OpenAlpr no PythonPrimeiros testes do OpenAlpr no PythonDesenvolvendo uma interface com TkInterDesenvolvendo as funes da interfaceDicas de funcionalidades do OpenAlprExplicando o PrewarpNesse curso necessrio voc saber Python e OpenCv."
Price: 79.99

"120 Dakikada PHP" |
"Bu eitimin sonunda PHP'nin ve programcln temel yaplarn derinlemesine renmi olacaksnz. Bu eitim PHP'ye ve programcla yeni balayanlar iin hazrland. Konular basit ve yeni balayanlarn kavrayabilecei ekilde sade anlatld. Muadil eitimlere gre sre grece ksa tutularak yeni bir dil renen rencinin olabildiince temellere odaklanmas hedeflendi. Ders ierisinde verilen rneklerin ve yazlan kodlarn birbirine eklenen ve devam eden yapda olmasna zen gsterildi. Temel PHP yaplarnn kavramsal olarak derinlemesine anlalmas bu eitimin en temel amalar arasndadr."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a Investir em Aes: O Guia Para Iniciantes" |
"O curso tem como objetivo principal, apresentar tudo que um novo investidor precisa saber antes de iniciar na renda varivel, especificamente em aes. Sendo assim, o curso tem como foco principal, ensinar o aluno sobre como no perder dinheiro investindo em aes reduzindo os risco, abordando de forma clara e objetiva os principais conceitos desse tipo de investimento. Quando o assunto sobre investimentos, no h como no lembrar da bolsa de valores, poucas pessoas tem conhecimento desse mercado gigantesco. Se voc ainda no investe em renda varivel, aproveite o curso para descobrir grandes estratgias de investimentos em aes.Aprender a investir na bolsa de valores, uma tarefa que requer apenas dedicao, curiosidade e pacincia para aplicar todos os ensinamentos, desde o planejamento financeiro.Com uma boa estratgia, investir na bolsa de valores, ir se torna um hbito muito saudvel e rentvel para o seu bolso. Se voc no sabe por onde comear, mas sabe para onde quer ir, saiba que este curso ir te ajudar com todo passo a passo, de como investir na bolsa de valores iniciando do zero. Ento, esse guia prtico e eficaz foi desenvolvido por quem vive a experincia do mercado financeiro, sem muita enrolao, em menos de uma hora voc ir aprender como selecionar as melhores empresas da bolsa de valores para se investir. Adquira o curso e Aprenda a Investir em Aes da Bolsa de Valores com o guia para iniciantes, sem perder tempo! Tempo dinheiro, e na bolsa, quanto mais o tempo passa, mais seu dinheiro ir render!"
Price: 39.99

"Introduccin al Web Hosting - Inicia YA en el Mundo Web" |
"En este programa aprenders a publicar tu Sitio Web en Internet de una manera rpida y sencilla. Te explicar los conceptos tcnicos (Dominio, Subdominio, Hosting, DNS, etc.) en un lenguaje fcil de entender. Tambin aprenders a registrar un Dominio y Hosting segn tus necesidades, gestionar tu servidor con CPanel y crear tus propios correos corporativos, de manera que no tendrs que pagar a nadie ms para que lo haga por ti. Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 59.99

"Splunk SPLK-1003 Exam Actual Questions" |
"A Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin manages various components of Splunk Enterprise on a daily basis, including license management, indexers and search heads, configuration, monitoring, and getting data into Splunk. This certification demonstrates an individual's ability to support the day-to-day administration and health of a Splunk Enterprise environment.All candidates seeking Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect or Splunk Certified Developer must complete Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin as a prerequisite certification.The following content areas are general guidelines for the content to be included on the exam: Splunk deployment overview License management Splunk apps Splunk configuration files Users, roles, and authentication Getting data in Distributed search Introduction to Splunk clusters Deploy forwarders with Forwarder Management Configure common Splunk data inputs Customize the input parsing process"
Price: 19.99

"Stress-busting: Leading a Healthier Life Through Knowledge" |
"Over millennia the nervous system has evolved to respond to threats, challenges, and dangers in the environment to ensure survival. We are programmed to react to situations in a way to avoid harm to our existence. This is great, however, these automatic reactions can over time do damage to our body. Repeated and continued response to stress causes wear and tear injuries. With time there will be a failure of the body to function efficiently. Eventually, full-blown disease will occur.I believe it is important to understand a process before you can attempt to do anything to change it. Knowing the basics of the Autonomic Nervous System and how it functions will help you gain control. In this course you will learn:What is the Fight or Flight responseWhat is the Stress ResponseThe parts of the central nervous systemThe divisions of the autonomic nervous systemHow the autonomic nervous system impacts the bodyHow thoughts and feelings impact the autonomic nervous systemWhy repeated stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system leads to diseaseHow you can control the sympathetic nervous systems outputHaving this understanding you can take control of your life and your health. Knowing how and why changes occur in your body makes it easier for you to apply solutions. It is my hope in this course you will better understand:A basic understanding of your nervous system so you can work with your body.The functions of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system so you know which one you want to be more active in your body.How your body responds automatically to challenges.The difference between good and bad stress so you can use stress to your advantageHow to differentiate between your perceptions of an event versus actual circumstances so you can better control your reaction.How you can adjust your thoughts and feelings so you can alter your automatic responseHow you can impact your bodies reaction to stressful situations to reduce the symptoms of stressThe early symptoms of stress so you can make changes to avoid full-blown disease.How stress can lead to disease so that you can take control to live a healthier life.How stress is impacting your life so that you can make better choices.The basics of techniques that will help you to take control of stress and decrease your risk of developing a chronic disease and can lead to a decreased need for medications.PromiseYou will gain an understanding of the major causes of many diseases. I will guide you through the workings of the nervous system, particularly the autonomic nervous system. From here you can understand how thoughts and feelings can impact your biology. I will offer practical solutions to the issues of stress and disease. You will gain an understanding of why the techniques work and if you apply them you will over time improve your health. I will be available to answer questions on the topics presented and anxious to hear what you would like to learn more about.DrChristineDrChristine is a healer, teacher, and student of metaphysics. She is a graduate of the Philadelphia General Hospital School of Nursing and has a B.S in Biology from Rutgers University. After graduation from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, she completed post-graduate training in anesthesiology. She became board certified in anesthesiology and also served as an examiner for the Osteopathic Board of Anesthesiologists. After retiring from medicine she received a Ph.D. from the University of Metaphysical Science. DrChristine is a certified HeartMath practitioner, certified Meditation Guide, and an ordained metaphysical minister."
Price: 159.99

"Email Marketing With Mailchimp, Sendgrid And Amazon SES" |
"In this complete Email Marketing course, you will learn effective strategies, tools, and techniques that will help you grow your list of potential and active customers, make sure that your emails are delivered and help you grow your business and customers base. This is actually 6 courses in one. This is what you will get in this course:EMAIL MARKETING MASTERYLIST GROWTH STRATEGIESMAILCHIMP: MARKETING AUTOMATION WITH MAILCHIMP - BASIC AND ADVANCEDAMAZON SES: SCALE YOUR EMAIL MARKETING WITH AMAZON SES - BASIC AND ADVANCEDSENDGRID: GETTING BETTER EMAIL RESPONSE WITH SENDGRID - BASIC AND ADVANCEDHow to INCREASE YOUR DELIVERABILITY RATE with your email delivery systemYou can read more details about the different courses below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EMAIL MARKETING MASTERYWant to become a master in email marketing?Brand New Video Training Reveals How To Generate Massive Cash Using Unheard Email Marketing Tactics.Do you know you can generate massive cash almost anytime you want with email marketing?All you need is a small list and an offer to start...and with this email marketing tactic which I'm going to reveal in a second, you can easily pocket hundreds or thousands of dollars every time you send email to your list.Even if you always get horrible conversion rates before, and you think it's almost impossible to monetize your list...after you use this unique email marketing tactics, making money with email marketing will be as easy selling bread.I'll tell you more about how you can make a big money with my email marketing tactics in a second.But first, you should know that it's probably a lot different compared to other email marketing strategies you've heard or tried before.Because it's designed to less focusing on how to write a good email and other theoretical stuff.Instead, it's more focusing on actionable strategies and designed to...Put more money in your bank account.And what's more...Aside from money, you can also boost your personal branding and be the celebrity-authority in your niche.That's how powerful email marketing when combined with the right tactics.Will it work for me?, you might ask.For many people, the answer is NO.Heres why:This is not a make money withoutlifting a finger BS strategy.Although after you master it you can make money on autopilot, you still need to spend your time and effort to learn it.And more importantly, if youre looking for a get-rich-quick strategy, youre not going to enjoy this stuff.This is a real email marketing strategy, which is why you have to invest your time and effort to learn it.In fact, I made it for people whore willing to invest their time and energy in the long-term success of their business.If youre that type of person, then keep reading because this is for you!Are you still here? Good.Here's why you should start using my email marketing tactics right NOW!5 Big Reasons Why Now IsThe Best Time To Get StartedWhat if you can get started today and be able to earn more from each email you send to your list? How will this change your life?Consider these:Build credibility with email marketing and help your business.Email marketing can help you strengthen social and business relationships.Keep track of the trends of your audience and give them what the want.Benefit from reduced marketing and promotion costs.Identify target groups and reach your audience on any device.I made all these possible for you in my latest video training.IntroducingEmail Marketing MaestroMake More From YourEmail MarketingTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to use unknown marketing techniques to squeeze more money from each email you send.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Why you should collect all the emails that got you to buy, and how it can help you write a profit-sucking email with less effort. (It may sound weird but honestly, this is a smart tactic to write a great email -- even if your writing skill is horrible)The best way to test your email to make sure all the emails you sent will pass the spam filter. (Spam filter is your main enemy. By doing this test, you can win the war before the battle begins)The unheard strategy to pass spam filter by sending more email than usual. (I know it sounds illogical. But if you follow my instructions, your email will never end up in spam box or promotion tab)Why its a bad idea to include a direct link to an affiliate offer, and how to place an affiliate link in your email properly.The sexy strategy to make your list miss your email instead of reporting your email as a spam.Finally, the proven strategy to promote your offer and start your money-making operation.How you can position yourself as a trusted authority in your niche by knowing what to talk about and how often you should emailing your list.A fun and enjoyable way train your brain to be more productive in writing hot-selling email copy. This is probably the fun part of this email marketing course. Youll love it!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LIST GROWTH STRATEGIESDo you need a boost in your business?Brand New Video Training Reveals Underground Strategies Used By Gurus To Grow Their Mailing Lists At Lightning Speed.Do you know that your mailing list is the biggest asset in your business?If you have a huge mailing list then you can get cash-in-the-bank practically every time you send an email to your list.And you dont need to worry about getting traffic, because your list is also an unlimited source of traffic. FREE Traffic.Those are only a few benefits among so many others.However, theres a single common problem hereI know...List building isnt as easy aswhat IM guru told you.But, what if I told you theres a simple strategy that can help you build a monstrous size list in a short time?Does it sound impossible?I know it is.But, if you use this underground list growth strategy, youll know that it is actually possible!And listen this is not something youve heard before.Because it's built based on the exact same step-by-step used by gurus to build their mailing list at lightning speed.This is The Most Sought-AfterList Growth Strategy!And all you need to do is simply follow this whole simple process that I'm about to reveal to you.There will be no more guesswork.Youll be on the right path to building a huge mailing list in a few weeks from now!So the message is clear:You need to learn this strategy and learn it FAST.Plus you also have to take action and get started right NOW.Want to know why? Heres why...5 Big Reasons Why Now IsThe Best Time To Get StartedHow will this change your life?Consider these:Make more money with your growing subscribers over time.Gain momentum and fame for your business as more and more people know about you.Gain a huge followings that will build your brand through viral marketing.Grow your social influence and get experts to partner with you.Youll never have to worry about exposure for your business again.I made all these possible for you in my latest video training.IntroducingList Growth StrategiesUnderground Tactics To GrowYour List At Warp SpeedTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to use unknown marketing techniques to grow your subscribers list in days from now.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll DiscoverInside This Video Training:Learn the fastest and the most effective way I personally use to build my monstrous size of the list.Find out the two type of email subscribers, and how to separate them to build a dead-solid profit-sucking email list.Why its never too late to build your list even if your product will be launched tomorrow. And how you can steal targeted leads from your own affiliates.The lighting speed list growing strategy that boosted with viral traffic.How to create an irresistible offer that will make anyone beg you to exchange their email for the offer.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAILCHIMP: MARKETING AUTOMATION WITH MAILCHIMP - BASIC AND ADVANCEDWant to build a non-stop selling machine?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Automate Your Marketing With MailChimp.Dear Friend,If theres one thing that MailChimp excels at is its marketing automation.It is like a second brain for your business that when put into good use help you find and connect with your audience and with a few configurations on your part, it will just keep branding and selling more stuff to them NON-STOP.That means more money for your business.Automate. Sell More. Earn More.Without a doubt, MailChimp sends better emails and get them inbox better than any other mailing service provider online.As a matter of fact, it has become the #1 choice for many big companies all around the world.But MailChimp isnt just a mailing service provider. Its more than that.Its feature rich interface provides you the ability to automate your selling process for your online business.It removes the need for manual interaction whenever its set up.Hidden Features Not Used By ManyOver the past few years, MailChimp did some major improvements on their platform that many people are not even aware of.These hidden features are not used by many yet they are so powerful.But if you can harness its full potential, you can bring your business to the very next level.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Complete Marketing Automation. Focus on other areas of your business and let the marketing to MailChimp.Send Better Emails. Awesome campaign templates and most of all stellar inboxing rate.Put Your Data To Work. Understand how your marketing affects your bottom line.Advertising Channels. Integrate with Facebook, Instagram and Google.Reporting. See how youre doing and keep improving all the time.And the list goes on and on.MailChimp is one of its kind Marketing Automation service provider that will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingMarketing AutomationWith MailChimpHow To Put Automate Your MarketingUsing MailChimp Feature-Rich PlatformTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started and automate your marketing with MailChimp so that you can bring your business to the next level.I reveal my best tips for using this amazing platform. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guess work.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Understand what MailChimp is all about and which plan works best for your business.Learn how to get familiar with the interface and discover the amazing features it offers.Learn how to configure your settings and account like a reputable business.Discover how to use their mailing platform and how to send your first newsletter.Learn the simple technique to automate your emails whenever people join your list.How to use forms and integrate them in your website.Learn how to work with their templates and which is best fit for your business.Learn how to import and export your contact list to MailChimp.How to work with double and single optin feature in your account.How to organize and schedule emails on a specific time and date.Learn how to use their advanced marketing modules to automate your business.Learn how to integration MailChimp in your sales process.Discover how to plan, organize and schedule your automated marketing tasks.Learn how to quickly and easily set up abandoned carts notifications to increase sales.How to customize your order notifications so that you never miss one.How to follow up with customers after their purchases and deliver awesome service.How to use the advanced tools to personalize your product recommendations.How to win back people by sending Re-engaged lapse messages to them.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMAZON SES: SCALE YOUR EMAIL MARKETING WITH AMAZON SES - BASIC AND ADVANCEDTired of getting small results?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Scale Your Email Marketing To The Next Level With Amazon SES.Do you know theres an email marketing service that allows you to send transactional emails without worrying being marked as a spam?Unless youre really spamming, there are 99% of chances that your email will pass the spam filter, and land safely into the main inbox.If youre tired of paying too much money only to send a small number of emails, youll be happy once you use this email service. Because it only costs you for what you use.You know what that means? It meansA Reliable, Cost-EffectiveSolution For YouAnd yet, it wasnt made by an unknown company which is operating somewhere in the deep web.In fact, its made by a HUGE company you know for a long time. So its a reliable service, and you can trust it.I'm talking about: Amazon Simple Email ServiceA Powerful Email Marketing ServiceComes At An Affordable PriceAmazon Simple Email Service is a part of Amazon Web Services that built in 2006 and has millions of active users in 190 countries.So you know its a reliable service as there are millions of people using it already, and it has been run since 2006!But, why its not many people using it yet? you might ask.Good question.It's quite tricky to configure it by yourself. And the user interface seems less intuitive compared to other similar services.But you shouldnt woyry about that anymore!Because, thats where I can help you.I will show you...The exact steps to easily run your email marketing campaign with Amazon SES.All you need to do is watch me with your full attention, and Im sure you can master it in a short afternoon.In fact youll find its not a rocket science.Its very simple to use.So if you interested to use this powerful, reliable, and affordable email service, let me show you the easiest way to get started.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Pay only for what you use and cut costs while sending mass emails with Amazon SES.Benefit from Amazon SESs reputation for effect bulk messaging.Send 62,000 emails every month for free using Amazon EC2 hosted applications.A solution used and trusted by fortune 500 companies.Amazon SES has a very high email sending limitation.And the list goes on and on.Using Amazon SES will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingScale Your Email MarketingWith Amazon SESHow To Make Harness ThePower of Amazon SESTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started on Amazon SES and scale your email marketing to your next level.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:How to get started with Amazon Simple Email Service.The easiest way to send email using Amazon SES console.The complete guide to using Amazon SES consoleHow to send easily email using Amazon SES SMTPHow to send email using the Amazon SES API by integrating it with other platforms/services.How to use the configuration settings so you can track the number of send, delivery, open, click, bounce, and complaint events for each email you send.How to set up dedicated IP pools to separate your transactional email with communication email. Once you set it up, youll no longer be worried about spam filters. Everything is safe and secured.Learn how to monitor your sending activity to measure your email marketing performance.The easy guide to understanding your SES sender reputation to make sure your email delivery rate will never go down.How to use Amazon SES to handle underlying mail-receiving operations such as communicating with other mail servers, scanning for spam and viruses, and many more.How to keep your customers informed by sending automated emails, such as purchase confirmations, shipping notifications, and many more.How to send promotional emails with Amazon SES without worrying about the spam filter.The smart way to increase email marketing performance by using personalized emails with Amazon SES service.How to eliminate hard bounce rate with Amazon SES, to improve the deliverability of your email messages.Learn the easy way to integrate Amazon SES with other platforms like Sendy or ClickFunnels, so you can make it even a lot easier to use than before.A simple secret to avoid complaints and drastically improve your sender reputation.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SENDGRID: GETTING BETTER EMAIL RESPONSE WITH SENDGRID - BASIC AND ADVANCEDTired of not getting your emails delivered?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Get Your Email Inbox Better With Sendgrid.You know it already - its getting harder to get better Email inboxing these days!There is an endless battle going on between the spammers and the ISP companies for several years now and we, the little guys, are caught in the middle of it.This is hurting our business every day.The issue is real.Gmail, MSN, Yahoo and many more are constantly blocking emails from IP addresses and consequently were not getting our emails delivered.So whats the solution to our problem?Improve Your DeliveryBy Protecting Your IP AddressThe solution is actually very simple.Start moving your leads away from the usual email management platform providers like Aweber, Getresponse, and others.Get your own private sending IP address when sending emails to your list.You can now protect your IP and prevent other people from using it.But that sounds complex isnt it?But dont worry - it used to be, but not anymore.Sendgrid SimplifiesEveryting.Sendgrid offers world-class deliverability expertise to make sure your emails get delivered.You can now focus on other areas of your campaign such as knowing your customers and improving your business using the data provided by the platform.Most people pay a lot of money to get third-party tools that can provide deliverability expertise, Sendgrid makes everything available.Awesome Results. Fast. Easy.The advantage with Sendgrid is that you do not need anything to get started and hit the ground running.Sendgrid will simplify the email delivery process for you. It filters the bad leads and remove them for you.And best of all, it makes sure your emails are delivered.It only takes a few minutes to set everything up and get started.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Sendgrid has robust analytics that makes for excellent minute tracking.Gain access to top quality deliverability expertise on Sendgrid.Sendgrid is a cloud-based email solution that fits all budgets.Sendgrid is designed to help businesses achieve maximum growth.Sendgrid is customizable system that can be tweaked to suit your business needs.And the list goes on and on.Using Sendgrid will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingGet Better InboxingWith SendgridHow To Harness The Power OfSendgrid To Get Your Email InboxTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started on Sendgrid and get your email inbox using simple and proven techniques.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how to get started with Sendgrid and discover how it's going to help your business overall.How to correctly set up your Sendgrid Account within just a few minutes.How to configure your account properly with the right settings.Learn the easiest way to use the Email Activity features for maximum results.Learn the how to filter your activity feeds and understand email events.How to set up your autoresponder software and link it to sendgrid.Harness the power of sendgrid API to optimize your marketing results.What are bounces and how to configure it in sendgrid so you never have to worry about it again.How to best use sendgrid for your transactional emails.The dos and donts of using sendgrid and what you need to know about it.Learn how to use advanced strategies to best use Sendgrid.Learn how to use Marketing Campaigns feature to send emails.Learn how to organize and structure your emails properly.How to work with the templates, design and code editor.How to harness the power of custom fields.How to analyse data and campaign statistics properly.How to build and manage your contact lists from Sendgrid.Discover how to access the statistics and all the info easily.How to use suppressions feature to clean your list.How to configure your SMTP feature for better inboxing.-----------------------------------------------------------How to INCREASE YOUR DELIVERABILITY RATE with your email delivery systemIt's true that the money is in the list, but the problem is there are high costs involved with some services, and low deliverability rates which basically means that the emails that you sent out are not really going into peoples inboxes, but instead going to peoples spam folders.Here is a list of problems people face by using certain third party autoresponder services: Monthly fees that continue to grow the larger your list grows (and most services charge even for duplicates that show up on different segmented lists) Double opt-in requirement Importing emails can be a problemWhat about Hosted Scripts where you canhost the emailing system on your server?This can be complicated to integrate, and if youre using just one IP address then your server could easily be blacklisted.So while you could use scripts that are hosted on your web hosting accounts or website, this solution can be problematic, especially when you begin to start emailing and people begin to report your IP address as a spammer (even though you are really not a spammer). Ultimately what happens is that your IP address can be blocked and this is problematic simply because when you try to email your list it goes to their spam folder. So, you want to make sure that you avoid this problem and go around this roadblock.Then at this point most people want to go back to a 3rd party autoresponder service.Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of many of these services, I want to show you another solution.How would you like to import your emails easily, keep your costs down to $7-10 per month, increase your deliverability, track your statistics, and much more?Weve sifted through and tested many services and finally found a diamond in the rough - while losing lots of time and money so you dont have to.Introducing SEDVideo #1. Introduction to Email FreedomThis specific video shows you how everything works and how the pieces of the puzzle are put together, so that when you implement this system within this video training course then you'll be able to put together your email system more effectively. You'll also learn exactly what tools you will need in order to get this system up and running.Video #2. Case Study Comparison and ResultsIn this specific video I compare different autoresponder services, and show you the results that I got when I tested them. I will cover third-party autoresponder services, cloud SMTP, Web server hosted scripts, and Amazon AWS. I will also show you the advantages and disadvantages of each service.Video #3. Using a Cloud ServiceIn this specific video I will show you how to start using Cloud email by using a specific service, which will be revealed in this video. You will learn how to increase your email deliverability rates using the specific service, as well as how to increase your deliverability using several different options that are not necessarily required, however quite beneficial.Video #4. Setup Account and OverviewIn this specific video you will learn how to set up an account on this specific Cloud email service. I will also give you a quick overview of the site so you know exactly what you're getting into, what to expect, and how to set everything up to fulfill your email marketing needs.Video #5. Configure Settings & Optional Delivery IncreaseIn this specific video you will learn how to configure the settings of this Cloud email service to best fit your needs, as well as an optional way to increase your email deliverability using your web hosting's Cpanel WHM panel. Once you have configured the settings, it is set and done, and you will not have to configure your settings in the future.Video #6. Organize and Importing EmailsAfter you have configured your settings in the previous video, in this specific video you will learn how to organize the emails in a spreadsheet so you can ensure that when you import the emails into the email system, you will have no problems at all. And of course we will also cover how to import the emails into the email system so that you can be on your way to starting your email campaigns and begin emailing your email subscribers.Video #7. Start Campaign - HTML templatesIn this Cloud email system, there are many different types of campaigns. In this specific Cloud email service, they provide three different types of campaigns. You can choose which type of campaign that you want to use in videos #seven, eight, and nine. In this video, we will be covering HTML templates, which is a type of campaign that utilizes built-in templates.Video #8. Start Campaign - Plain Text OnlyIn this video you will learn how to start a text only campaign. Text only means that there is no HTML involved, no images, or anything else aside from unformatted text. And if you're wondering which route is the best way to go, it's really up to you and what your customers or subscribers are used to. Some people prefer HTML emails, and some people plain text only emails.Video #9. Start Campaign - HTML Source CodeIf you've ever wanted to create your own HTML email without having to rely on built in HTML templates that the Cloud email service provides, this specific campaign is for you. In this video I will show you how to use a HTML web editor to create your own HTML email so that you can simply customize it however you like.Video #10. Taking Action, Testing, and StatsOnce your campaign is set up, it's now time to take action, and start testing it and reviewing your statistics. In this video, you will learn how to send your first email to your subscribers. You will also learn how to schedule the email to send it out on a certain time that you specify. You'll also be shown how to view the statistics and what the statistics mean, so that you can effectively improve your email tests.So grab this video course and learn how to use this specific Cloud email service to effectively increase your email deliverability rates, decrease your long term costs, and reach your readers inboxes instead of their spam folders."
Price: 199.99

"Twitter, Periscope And Hashtags Traffic Secrets" |
"If you haven't heard about Periscope, this is a good opportunity to learn how you can utilize Periscope together with Twitter and hashtags to generate more traffic and customers to your business. In this course, you will get 7 sections that will teach you everything you need to know to utilize Twitter and Periscope to grow your business. By the way - Periscope is a free video streaming application owned by Twitter and therefore integrated with twitter. This is what you will get:Free Preview Ebook and Articles about Periscope and Live StreamingTwitter Traffic RacewayTwitter Marketing ExcellenceModern Twitter MarketingPeriscope Marketing ExcellencePeriscope for EntrepreneursUltimate HASHTAG TrafficAfter this course, you will be able to utilize Periscope, Twitter and Hashtags to grow you audience and grow your business.-----------------------------------------------------------MODERN TWITTER MARKETINGAre you ready to earn a passive online income one tweet at a time?Its About Time For You To LearnModern Twitter Marketing!If You're Looking For A Fairly Automated Way To Build A Brand Online, You Don't Have To Look Further Than Twitter.A Lot Of Marketers And Marketing Companies Have Long Considered Twitter As A Great Place For Brand Formation.If You're Looking For An Online Brand, Twitter Is A Great Place To Start!Twitter is so easy to use.You just need to post a tweet that is one hundred forty characters. You need to do it long enough. You have to pick the right hashtags. You have to pick the right content and, given enough focus and attention to detail, you will get it right.Its only a matter of time.Of course, this does not mean automatic success.You Shouldn't Expect Much TrafficIf You Just Started On This Platform.I hate to break it to you but, just like with anything else in life, you cant start out at the top.You cant expect massive success without having put in the time.A lot of people are looking for some sort of one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter instant-success for-mula. Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't work that way.This is why you need to put in the time. The good news is if you are able to do that, you will be greatly rewarded by this platform.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou Are Going To Understand That If You Want To Be Successful On The Internet, You Must Have A La-ser Focus On How You're Going To Make Money.You Will Learn To Identify The Things That You Should Do Before You Even Think Of Marketing On Twitter.You Will Understand The Benefits Of Manual Twitter Marketing.You Can Begin To Understand That Twitter Marketing Success Is Not As Hard As You Think.You Are Going To Learn Exactly How Twitter Compared To Other Social Media Platforms, Is Definitely Easier To Master.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...IntroducingHow to Earn a Passive Online Income One Tweet at a Time!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What YoullDiscover Inside...Do These First before You Start Marketing on TwitterGet Ready to Go Manual or Full AutoManual Twitter MarketingManual Tweeting: Pros and ConsHow to Find the Right Niche Influence Leaders on TwitterFollow and EngageWhat Happens When You Reach High Engagement Levels?Always Optimize Your ContentLeverage the Power of QuestionsTwitter Marketing Best PracticesPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually earn a passive online income!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou Want to Make Money From the Internet on Autopilot.You Want to Make Quite a Comfortable Living Promoting Online Stores on Twitter.You Know that the Vast Majority of People Who Try their Hand at Twitter Marketing Simply Do Not Succeed.You Want to Reach High Engagement Levels.You Want to Learn How to Optimize Your System.-----------------------------------------------------------------------How Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Can Use Periscope While some of the major brands have dominated the headlines for using periscope for marketing purposes, even small and medium-sized companies can effectively use this app in different ways. Here are some of the ways in which they can harness its benefits and grow their businesses. Creating buzz around new product releasesSince Periscope live streaming app can be used to reach a wide audience especially the large number of internet users who frequent social media sites like Twitter, businesses can use it to create excitement about a new product that is due for release. They can use it for live testing of products and services while at the same time giving potential customers a first hand experience of what is to come. The hype around the new products to be released will be very instrumental in driving up initial sales numbers when they hit the market. This can be done with very minimal resources.Live Question and Answer sessionsIt's the age of information and great customer experience is something that brands cannot afford to ignore. Bad customer experiences can widely be shared through social media networks and the backlash alone is enough to sink a brand. Companies that want to thrive must actively engage with their customers and there is no better way to do it other than through live question and answer sessions. This helps firms to connect with their clients and also address their concerns. By so doing, they can tailor their services and products in accordance with their customers' preferences. Build Twitter accountTwitter has proved to be a revolutionary platform in social media marketing. Several brands constantly work to build their Twitter accounts and increase the number of followers. This works to their favor mainly in two ways; engaging with their customers and marketing their products and services at very minimal costs. Periscope live streaming app is a very effective method for companies to use in building their Twitter accounts and eventually transform the internet traffic into real sales numbers. Small businesses with marketing cost constraints would find this very beneficial to them. A window into the happenings behind the scenesAgain, a small or medium-sized company may not have the resources to engage mainstream media services in offering their customers a behind the scenes tour of business activities. Live streaming is an ideal way to provide clients with a window into their processes. This is becoming very popular because customers usually want to know more about the company whose products or services they purchase. From a marketing point of view, this is definitely a gem. This app has come into the scene when live streaming is becoming popular and ways in which information is disseminated are changing fast. Popularly used by the bigger brands, periscope live streaming app can also be used by small and medium sized businesses to build their brands and increase sales. A business that wants to prosper can take advantage of this current marketing trend to market its products and increase revenue generation. For small businesses, it is an innovative way to connect more with their customers.--------------------------------------------Ultimate HashTag TrafficHere's a list of this 9 part video series in more detailVideo #1: Introduction to HashtagsBefore you jump right into this video course, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset so that you can be as effective as you can when it comes to driving traffic to your product or service using hashtags. In this particular introduction video, we are going to give you a quick overview of how it all works and how you can begin to implement this system effectively.Video #2: How to Use Hashtags for Your BusinessI cover some crucial information such as how to use hashtags for marketing and for branding your company.Video #3: How to Create Hashtags - The BasicsNow we can finally jump into the meat of this video course. That is, how to create hashtags correctly. In this particular video we are going to cover the right way of doing it as well as the wrong way of doing it.Video #4: Research Trending HashtagsNow that you understand how to create hashtags correctly, it's time to do some research to find trending hashtags. You definitely don't want to start creating hashtags just to create hashtags right? Well, wouldn't it be nicer if you were able to find highly-targeted hashtags that are getting a lot of traffic already? More on that in this specific video.Video #5: Find Hashtags Related to the Main KeywordImagine being able to find hashtags related to a main keyword. The reason why you would want to do this is simple: to be able to dig deeper into the mind of your audience. What are they actually thinking? What are their deep desires, wants, and needs?Video #6: Hashtags on TwitterOkay, it's time to stop doing research and start applying what you have learned. In this particular video, we are going to cover utilizing hashtags on Twitter. The beauty of utilizing Twitter is that you get more organic traffic from the search engines. In fact, the reason why we were covering Twitter first is because using hashtags on this system is very powerful.Video #7: Hashtags on FacebookWhat about Facebook? Using hashtags on this social media site is a little bit different. Instead of gaining organic traffic like how Twitter works, you will be able to tap into Facebook's Ecosystem.Video #8: Speed It Up - Tools to Detect Hashtag strengthNow that you have learned the basics and how to utilize hashtags for traffic generation, how would you like to ramp things up by using some powerful paid tools? Well, in this specific video I will be covering a specific tool that will allow you to speed up the process of finding highly-targeted keywords. This little tool will do all the work for you. More on this specific powerful secret resource in this video.Video #9: Track Your Hashtag ImpactLet me ask you a question: how would you like to have the ability to track how well your hashtags perform? Well, in this particular video I will reveal to you a resource that you can access that will allow you to track your impact. This way you will be able to know what is working and was not working."
Price: 19.99

"Spanish Immersion" |
"LAS CLASES DE ESTE CURSO SON EN ESPAOL - CLASSES IN THIS COURSE ARE IN SPANISHIMMERSION IN SPANISH is an interactive course that will be constantly updated according to the recommendations of the studentsIn this course we will speak 100% in Spanish. However, you will find English subtitles that will help you understand what we are talking about. We will start from a basic level (level zero). We will learn pronouns, a few basic verbs and greetings. Likewise, we will pose basic questions related to your age, your name and origin. Finally, we will learn to give thanks, congratulate and navigate the first obstacles that you normally encounter when learning a second language. This is an Spanish survival level.The course is made up by a 170 well-structured and fun lessons. Lessons are short, concise: you will understand questions posed to you and provide a correct answer. Once you finish the course, you will be able to hold basic and useful conversations on your daily life. We have included a very important section on Spanish pronunciation, which is generally not common in Spanish courses. You will learn to identify syllables that will later help you build words, phrases and sentences. This course covers the key grammar rules to understand Spanish, aside from a very broad vocabulary. In short, you will have all necessary elements to speak in Spanish. Lessons last 4 to 5 minutes, on average. They are divided in sections that are related to each other. You can review this lessons as many times as you want, this course will be always available for you to come back to it. If you dont feel satisfied with the content of the course, you are entitled to a refund within the next 30 days. Upon the completion of the course, you will receive a certificate issued by UDEMY. You will have lots of fun and you will learn very fast!See you in class!IMMERSION IN SPANISH"
Price: 19.99

"Problem solving at work" |
"Problem solving at work provides a systematic method for thinking about problems and transforming them into effective solutions.Whether you're a manager or a team leader, a business owner or a volunteer, your work will involve solving problems. It's not always easy. Problems come in many different forms. They keep coming, and we sometimes have no time to solve one problem before the next arrives. The result? A never-ending cycle of 'firefighting', which makes it hard to find any real solutions.Take time out to reflect on your problem-solving skills and develop them. What does it mean to have a problem? What does it mean to take ownership of a problem? How can we make sense of the problems we face? How can we look at them in different ways? And how can we transform a problem into a workable solution?Discover the answers to these questions on this enjoyable, stimulating course. What you'll learnWhat does it mean to have a problem? You'll understand that real-life problems, unlike problems in text books or examinations, can be solved only by doing something. Taking the right action to escape the stuckness of a problem means understanding the problem and reviewing the actions available to you. You'll discover the skills that help you to understand solve problems as well as the different ways in which you can take ownership of a problem. You'll learn ways of defining a problem - and, crucially, transforming your perception of it so that you can find new and creative ways of solving it. You'll learn a wide range of tools and techniques that you can use alone or with your team. And you'll discover a fully worked out method for implementing your solution with your stakeholders.Course resourcesProblem solving at work gives you a range of resources to help you develop your skills, including:a self-assessment questionnaire that you can use for yourself and with your teama downloadable course workbook featuring exercises, examples, summaries of the key points in each lecture and background information about the concepts and ideas behind the courselinks to useful articles and other online sources to help you develop your skills furtherIs this the right course for you?Problem solving at work has been designed for anyone who wants to improve their skills quickly. It focuses on problems at work but is also useful to develop problem-solving as a life skill."
Price: 199.99

"Sketchbook Art to Final Art/Pattern Repeat with Automation" |
"Do you love pattern design but struggle to come up with ideas? Take a look in your sketchbook for inspiration to create your own digital pattern which can be adapted for pattern design. This class will focus on taking an initial sketchbook painting or drawing, re-arranging it as necessary using Photoshop, re-inking the line drawing, and finally, creating a diamond half-drop repeat pattern. This class will also include automation processes which can be used in the future to streamline the process and make it much faster. In the wake of the Textile Designer plugin being pulled by Adobe, you will benefit from learning and putting into practice some of the steps you would have used this plug-in for.To get started, all you need is an initial drawing from a sketchbook to work on, a good quality flatbed scanner, and some basic skills in an image editing software like Photoshop. If you dont have a scanner, you can also photograph your sketches. The trick is to photograph them keeping your camera perfectly level and perpendicular to the art. Good lighting is also essential I often photograph outdoors in full light. Using these measures, you wont distort the image, and all the details will be captured faithfully.In this course, Im sharing everything Ive learned about my entire process through trial and error. Ill show you my step-by-step procedures, from tracing to cleaning up the illustration in Photoshop. Then I will explain my tricks for working with the offset filter to create a full and complex pattern, having the filter do most of the work for us.There are a few key tricks to doing this right in Photoshop, but once you play around with the software and get the hang of it, you may just find yourself creating automated processes for all the different types of pattern repeats. It really just takes some practice. Once you get it down pat, its actually pretty amazing how fast and easy it can be to make a repeating patterncareful, though! You wont want to stop once you know how!Once you have your repeat pattern done, you can use companies like Spoonflower or Print on Demand sites to design your own wallpaper, fabric or gift wrap, or to create custom products. Wouldnt it be fun to make fabric and upholster a chair or make curtains with your art?As far as prerequisite skills, I would recommend some knowledge of Photoshop with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both design and technical aspects of creating a pattern from an initial sketchbook artwork. I will demonstrate them at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. This course is for all levels; I recommend being acquainted with Photoshop to a certain degree. I suggest pausing and repeating sections and possibly even slowing the speed in your browser when trying to work through any difficult parts. Adobe Photoshop is recommended for this class, as that is what is being featured here, but any other paint software is suitable, so long as it has the same functionality.The key concepts I will include are:tips to perfecting your pattern before tracing and inkingreview of material for the inking processuse of the offset filter and all its settingsmany other considerations to do with designing repeating patterns efficientlyexperiments with Smart Objects and how they can tie into your pattern design processThis course is packed with many snippets of information for you no matter at what stage you are in your design career. Join me and an abundance of things you may never have considered before! You can be applying this practical knowledge in your design practice tomorrow. Creating a pattern can be done relatively quickly with this small investment of your time. Lets get at it! Hit your play button now!Intro and Overview Simple, Quick Coordinates Retro FloralThis lesson introduces the class Sketchbook Art to Finished Art and Pattern Repeat with a quick overview of the content.Lesson 1: Using Photoshop to Reposition ElementsIn this lesson, I will use Photoshop to help me improve on the layout of my initial scanned elements from my sketchbook. I am setting up a half-drop diamond repeat as I think the layout from my sketchbook will be perfect for the diamond shape. I explain my process as we work our way through the unit.Lesson 2: Using the Offset Filter to Perfect the RepeatThis will be our first opportunity to play with the Offset Filter. Using this filter will help us to test the half-drop diamond repeat by giving us the 6 copies we need positioned around our original. This is one of the functions that was once automatically done using the now defunct Adobe Textile Designer. In another lesson, we will fully automate this process.Lesson 3: Hand Inking for Clean & Final Line ArtIn this lesson, we will take an in-depth look at the process of creating a hand-inked final line art. I will explain some of the advantages to creating a hand-inked piece and give you some tips for making the art more versatile in Photoshop. I will also explain some of the ways to make corrections easier in Photoshop.Lesson 4: Fixing Up the Line Work in PhotoshopI will give you my input on correcting line work in Photoshop. I will also explain the advantages of separating the elements for more flexibility when finalizing the pattern, as well as a few more tips and tricks.Lesson 5: Making Actions for the Half Drop Diamond RepeatIn this lesson, we will make all the preparations for creating the automation process, starting with the Actions. Using Photoshop Actions is valuable for efficiency and improving your over-all workflow. You will create this automation process once for use many times in the future, so it is totally worth it!Lesson 6: Fine-Tuning Positioning of ElementsWe review the process of fine-tuning the positioning of all the elements of our design to further enhance the fit. I share many tid-bits about design, in general, in this lesson.Lesson 7: Making the Full Action for OffsetsThis lesson will cover the making of the full set of actions for the offsets. I will explain the process in great detail so you will be able to follow along easily. I explain how to create stops to insert instructions and how to add and delete steps in the action.Lesson 8: Using Smart Objects for More ControlI will give you a quick rundown of the advantages of using a smart object in your pattern design automated process. This will mimic many of the functions the Adobe Textile Designer plug-in was helping you with, if you were using it.Lesson 9: Extract and Create a Swatch of the TileOur final step for this class is to extract the half-drop repeat tile and create a swatch. This is a quick lesson!Outro and Wrap-UpI will summarize the class in this lesson and will talk about the next class, the follow-up, where we will colorize our pattern!Concepts covered:Concepts covered include but are not limited to scanning, Photoshop touch-up, Photoshop Pattern Repeat, life after Adobe Textile Designer, Photoshop Automation process, the Photoshop Offset Filter, pattern repeats in Photoshop, repositioning elements in Photoshop, manual offset repeat, line art in Photoshop, tracing line art using traditional methods, half-drop diamond pattern repeat, using Photoshop actions, Photoshop smart objects in pattern design and much more!You will get the bonus ofapprox. one hour of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business and education for over 40 yearsawareness of multiple approaches to resolve each design challengehandouts explaining key conceptsa list of helpful online sites to further your education"
Price: 24.99

"The Complete Digital Marketing Course - Get 4-5 Clients" |
"Are you bored with your 9-5 Job? Want to Become Highly Paid Digital Marketing Consultant? Do You Want To Work For Clients?Covering 21 major online marketing topics and comprising of 6+ hours of clear cut lectures & practice activities - this course is ""incredible value for money!"" as one student said. We'll cover:Business Ethics. How to work for clientsMarket Research. Ask 3 simple questions to validate your business ideaEmail Marketing. Build a mailing list of 1000 people in 30 days from scratch.Copywriting. Write sales pages that make the cash register ring!Social Media Marketing (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Quora).Linkedin Marketing. Go viral on Linkedin and 400x your connections.Google Adwords. Avoid common mistakes and set up profitable campaigns first time.Facebook Ads. Make money with Facebook Ads without spending a fortune.Google Analytics. Improve your marketing with Google Analytics data.Google Business Listing. How to list your business on GoogleBy the end of this course, you will be confidently implementing marketing strategies across the major online marketing channels.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are either free or very cost effective."
Price: 1280.00

"10 Minute Weight Loss Solution: Your Quick At Home Workout" |
"Are you struggling with your weight loss?Are you looking for a quick home workout to lose weight?Are you stuck in a miserable cycle of losing and gaining the same weight week after week, and month after month?Are you tired and frustrated with giving your best effort but being let down with products that dont work?If you answered yes to any, or all of these questions then let me introduce you to your answer. This course will give you the best workout routines for fat loss that you have ever tried.Your 10 Minute Weight Loss Solution workout was designed o get you, and keep you in the heart rate zones for fat loss.Not only will you learn all of my belly fat loss tricks to melt your unwanted weight forever. You will get the most complete understanding of how to create good diets for fat loss, and the tools to help you gain your ultimate success.So, what exactly are you going to learn in this amazing course:Busting the Weight Loss Myths: unlearning the common knowledge that has been hurting your progress.The Weight Loss Equation: the very simple equation that will maximize all of your belly fat loss tricks.Your 10 Minute Weight Loss Solution Workout: your workout program of losing fat fast exercises.And so much more.In this complete quick at home workout to lose weight you will be given a step-by-step tutorial on how to master your weight loss journey.I am a master fitness coach, master weight loss coach, and diet planning & weight management specialist.Before I became all of that I was an obese grad student weighting 317lbs.I lost over 130lbs+ and have kept it off since 2012. Since 2013 I have been helping others reach their weight loss goals using the same knowledge I used, and the same knowledge you are going to learn here in this course.Enroll today and get your risk-free 30 day money back guaranteed access to your key to weight loss success TODAY!"
Price: 29.99

"Microservices inspirado no Netflix+ Minikube e Loadbalancer" |
"** Voc que est procurando conhecimento em microservices, seja muito bem vindo. Saiba, que fundamental ter em mente que existem muitas coisas para aprender. Sendo assim, sempre gosto de destacar que as tecnologias avanam, verso novas so lanadas todo ano, mas o conceito base, no. Ento, voc pode usar mensageria com RabbitMQ, SQS, Kafka ou algumas outras que tem no mercado. Mas importante aprender o conceito de mensageria, independente da ferramenta. E exatamente isso que nosso foco. ** Meu proprsito ensinar vrios conceitos sobre microservices, de forma gradual, prtica, descontrada, e leve. Mas, sempre que puder, aprofunde mais. Pois, no se engane. No se aprende microservice com apenas 1 curso (material), se aprende, estudando os conceitos passo a passo e sempre buscando novos materiais.Neste curso vamos no vamos focar na criao de microservices aleatrops. Vamos primeiro entender uma funcionalidade especfica, desenhar uma arquitetura com uma possvel soluo, vamos criar os microservices e colocar pra funcionar. Os microservices sero criados usando o Java e a Stack do Spring Boot / Spring Cloud.Vamos tambm entrar no assunto de infraestrutura, conhecer o Kubernetes e utilizar o Minikube para configurar nossos microservices usando o Fabric8. ** Conceitos do curso:1. Projetar uma arquitetura;2. Comunicao sncrona com RestAPI;3. API Gateway;4. Servidor de Arquivos;5. Devops com Kubernetes e Minikube;6. Streaming de Vdeo;** ImportanteFazer um curso e publicar na Udemy no simples. Alguns dos meu cursos eu crio o cdigo antes, para saber melhor como explicar na aula. Alguns eu crio na durante a gravao, por ser algum conceito mais simples. Sempre publico todos os cdigos dos cursos, para os alunos poderem acompanhar mais facilmente. Alguns gostam que o cdigo esteja j pronto e outros gostam de cursos que criam o cdigo nas aulas. O meu objetivo sempre explicar da melhor forma possvel, de forma simples, conceitos complexo, preparando antes ou no. ** Tenho mais de 9 cursos na Udemy que fazem parte da minha trilha de cursos, todos focados em microservices. Se precisar, estou disponvel para dvidas e sugestes."
Price: 39.99

"RC Structural Element: Columns" |
"In depth explanation regarding the Design of Columns So as to gain the expertise regarding the same and go further in the research field by clearing the basics of design philosophy.The Columns are studied for Axial and Biaxially loaded behaviour. So as to Understand the practical design aspect of the Same. Further the design is based on the ACI code."
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Mitologia Egpcia + Faras e Deuses Egpcios" |
"Uma das civilizaes mais antigas que conhecemos hoje, a civilizao egpcia. Alm de ser uma cultura extremamente fascinante, os egpcios adoraram dezenas de deuses e deusas ao decorrer da histria. H quem diga que estes ""Deuses"" eram nada mais e nada menos do que aliengenas do passado.O Olho de Hrus ou o ""Olho que tudo v"" talvez seja um dos smbolos mais populares que herdamos dos antigos egpcios... Seu significado relativo a poca em que estudado, mas meu objetivo ressaltar sempre seus pontos positivos, sem criar teorias da conspirao, afinal, h quem diga que as cabeas de Osris e Hrus eram de extraterrestres.No passado, o Egito foi uma potencia global, no entanto, projetada a partir da escravido e violncia. Foi uma das civilizaes que mais se sustentou e isso admirvel. Esta uma Mitologia repleta de temas fascinante: mmias, escaravelhos, deuses com cabeas de falco, smbolos intrigantes, faras com histrias fascinantes... Aprenda o que deixou de aprender na escola.J dizia o amante de Clepatra, Jlio Csar: ""Nada existe nada de to difcil que no seja vencvel.""O QUE MITOLOGIA EGPCIA?A Mitologia Egpcia rene diversos mitos, lendas e estrias que fizeram parte do imaginrio religioso no Egito Antigo at a chegada do Cristianismo.Lembre-se que na Antiguidade a religio egpcia era baseada no politesmo, ou seja, o culto a vrios deuses que ocorriam geralmente nos templos dedicados a eles.As lendas disseminadas tinham como temas, a origem do mundo, da natureza, dos homens e dos deuses. Elas explicavam fenmenos ainda desconhecidos pela cincia, sendo, portanto, de grande importncia para a construo do imaginrio dos egpcios.OS 4 NETERUS DE PRIMEIRA GERAO:Osris: Descendente de R, Osris e o filho mais velho do casal Geb e Nut. Ele reinou sobre a Terra como o primeiro Fara do Egito.sis: Esposa-irm de Osris, sis era protetora, piedosa e estava relacionada magia. Com Osris teve o filho Hrus.Set: Deus do caos, Set responsvel pelas guerras e por toda a escurido. Com a forma do porco-formigueiro, ele matou seu irmo: Osris.Nephthys: Irm-esposa de Set e aps a morte de Osris, separou-se de seu esposo e juntou-se sua irm sis em luto._______________O objetivo do curso apresentar a fascinante mitologia egpcia de forma dinmica principalmente a leigos no assunto ou simplesmente a aquele que busca melhorar alguma habilidade j existente."
Price: 39.99

"Ace AZ 400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solution Examination 2020" |
"Want to ace the AZ 400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solution Examination and become a Microsoft Azure CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AZ 400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solution Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Azure Absolute Beginners. No prior Azure experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99

"Completely Master Google Classroom" |
"By the end of this course, you'll be able to use all of the features of Google Classroom to save yourself a ton of time, to stay super organized, and to improve collaboration between you and your students, guardians and even other teachers. Overview: This course starts out with an overview of Google Classroom. Sign In & Set Up: Next we'll move on to the basics of just signing in and getting Classroom set up.Create, Enroll & Post: From there we'll talk about creating classes, enrolling students, posting assignments and other kinds of materials.Track, Give Feedback & Grade: We'll look at tracking student work, then giving feedback on that work and then finally assigning a grade for the work.Communicate: Near the end of the course we'll look at the communication features built into Google Classroom.Use Extensions: And then finally we'll look at a couple of external apps that can be used to extend the power of Google Classroom.This course is for teachers who find it difficult reading through the help sections for online software. Sometimes it is just so much easier if someone would just show you how to do the things that you want to do!Also, you might have that feeling that there is so much more you could be doing with a tool like Google Classroom, but youre just not sure how to get from where you are now -- up to that higher level of mastery.If any of this is true for you as a teacher, who wants to either start using Google Classroom or perhaps improve on your current practiseThen this course is definitely for you.p.s. Finally, you might be a teacher who is now being faced with the difficult challenge of distance teaching and learning. This course will give you the complete toolbox for thriving as a teacher in this new reality!"
Price: 79.99

"Manual Accounts (Commerce I Telugu I" |
"Manual bookkeeping covers the material equivalent to a certificate in manual bookkeeping level 2. You will need to have come across the concept of double entry bookkeeping before. On this course, we look at how to update the ledger accounts. We take these end balances on the ledgers and use them to prepare a Trial Balance. From the figures on the Trial Balance, we prepare a Balance Sheet and a Profit and Loss Account.We also take the figures on the VAT account, make an adjustment for Bad Debts and use the figures to prepare the figures for a VAT return.This course is ideal for students learning about manual bookkeeping and wanting more practice and teaching. We show the workings on the screen (using an excel spreadsheet to speed up the calculations). You can do this course just using a pen and paper. We would recommend that you use lined paper, and have a calculator when doing this course.The course workbook is included as are the suggested answers on paper, so you can print this off and check and mark your own answers as well as follow the tutor on the screen when working through the scenario and questions.The course will take about 3 hours to complete. The course is structured around various scenarios which place you as a bookkeeper in various organisations / for self employed individuals, and we are doing their bookkeeping, using a manual method.This course is useful if you want to learn more about manual bookkeeping, and also, if you want to have a better understanding of bookkeeping in general. Even if you are currently using a bookkeeping software... the knowledge gained on this course will really help you to understand what is going on 'behind the scenes' of the program. Software is great, because it saves us time, but if they go wrong, having a manual understanding is very helpful because then you'll know WHY the accounts are incorrect, and how to fix it.The course tutor is a Fellow Member of the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) and first learned manual bookkeeping skills in 1996, and has been using computerised methods since 2003, but has always found the manual knowledge has helped her to be a better bookkeeper."
Price: 1280.00

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Price: 59.99

"Properties of Solids and Liquids, Thermodynamics and KTG" |
"In this course student will be able to learn thorough concepts of 1. Properties of Solids 2. Properties of Liquids 3. Heat Transfer 4. Thermodynamics 5. Kinetic Theory of GasesAfter enrolling to this course students will be able to get good understanding of the concepts and ample number of examples."
Price: 1280.00

"Divorce Hack" |
"The most important decision you will ever make is to leave and set yourself free. Healing begins with:Identifying traits of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)Recognizing symptoms of those who have been abusedFraming your mind to decipher between what you have truly experienced and what your abuser wants you to believe.Understand the tactics a narcissist uses to distort your reality, destroy your sense of self-worth and identity.Learning about the cycles, patterns and behaviours of the toxic and abusive relationships with a narcissistReframe your memories and inner dialogue with your new-found knowledge in order to validate the trauma and pain you experienced but were likely manipulated into downplaying or justifying.With the above key areas as your foundation, we are then able to move into critical next steps to remove & protect yourself from this viscous cycle.Tools, Coping Strategies and Resources for Recovery:Empower yourself with strategies for interacting with a narcissist and seeing through their blackmail and crazy makingSetting energetic and emotional boundariesSafety planning and protection for yourself and other loved ones who may be faced with the narcissists attempts to distort your mekmory and regain control.Re-write your narrative and inner dialogue with compassion for yourself, self acceptance and self love. This is a collection of knowledge that is highly specific to the areas which are overlooked or dismissed even by highly trained law enforcement, family law and mental health professionals. Through personal experience, I understand the fear and frustration of feeling helpless against a highly manipulative person. The charismatic mask of a narcissist is still very commonly misunderstood due to gaps in the justice system and the lack of psychological research on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is the ultimate guide, which bridges those gaps I personally encountered and hope to close for other victims & survivors alike."
Price: 34.99
