"Learn SolidWorks - sketch, model and assembly" |
"In this course you will learn to use SolidWorks software, through practical exercises that will gradually show you:The functionality of the different construction tools,The configuration and use of editing tools,Preparation of plans with different views of the model,The assembly of parts and simulation of joints.The course includes exercises where the knowledge developed in the different lessons is applied.To complete the knowledge, its included the complete process (2.5 hours) to build an electrical guitar, piece by piece and finally the essambly."
Price: 199.99

"Online Reputation Management: Full Tutorial of Google Alerts" |
"Learn reputation management through this Online Reputation Management Course!Are you spending valuable time and money trying to create your own brand for your business, online reputation?Would you like to learn how to gain attention from your audience with stunning reputation management online in an affordable way?Do you want to know how experts save precious time by using pre-made brand management strategies?If you answered YES to any of these questions then this course is for you!What this course is about:Reputation Management - Your Guide to online reputation management to help any entrepreneur, solo-preneur, business owner, marketer, advertiser, or social media expert gain the advantage by using FREE online software, called Google Alerts, to create killer strategic brand management strategies. This course teaches you everything you need to know about how to use Google alerts to launch yourself steps ahead of the competition when it comes to reputation management brand awareness brand management branding marketing management.What you will learn in this course:In these lessons, you will learn all of the basics of google alerts reputation management so that you can get up and running quickly. Within an hour, you will already have all of the tools you will need to create amazing reputation management strategies."
Price: 19.99

"sap data migration using lsmw 4 methods + bdc + bapi" |
"sap data migration Data migration is the process of migrating (transferring) of data from one system to another. It is a key consideration for any system implementation, upgrade or consolidation.Data migration process required in depth planning , about what data to be transfer, the sequence of the data transfer, field mapping, conversion rules etc.Different sap tools for data migration are like, lsmw, bdc and bapiIn this course you will learn lsmw 4 methodslsmw with direct input methodlsmw with recording methodlsmw with bapi idoc methodlsmw with idoc methodand along with this debugging in lsmw.lsmw is for both technical and functional consultant, very flexible and easy to use tool.BDC - Batch data communicationSHDB recordingCall Transaction methodsession methodBDC with table controlBAPIHow to search bapi.Create abap program using BAPIBAPI extension"
Price: 1280.00

"Fullstack GoLang React: Design to Reality 2 ( Real World )" |
"This is a site request I built using Full stack Go Lang, React, Mongo and other technologies. I wanted to bring the the process and the build into a course because I believe the best way to learn is to build a full project that ties a lot of ideas together."
Price: 199.99

"Architecture Design with Tinkercad" |
"This course has a prerequisite; students should complete the Intro to 3D Design & 3D Printing course by Kids Can CAD Academy before registering for this course.This 3D Design course is 'All About Architecture' and it is recommended for anyone interested in learning 3d modeling and design. Students follow ""Lego-like"" instructions and short videos to design six different architectural 3D models using Tinkercad."
Price: 39.99

"Exploring AutoCAD Map 3D for GIS Engineers and Surveyors" |
"AutoCAD Map 3D is a user-friendly GIS software used by businesses for GIS mapping. This intuitive system allows users to take topographical information from GIS and CAD data to create models for analysis. AutoCAD Map 3D includes all the map functionalities with some additional GIS and Geo spatial tools. It has wide range of applications in infrastructure design, layout planning, and spatial analysis. AutoCAD Map 3D software provides access to GIS and mapping data to support planning, design, and data management. Intelligent models and CAD tools help you to apply regional and discipline-specific standards. Integration of GIS data helps to improve quality, productivity, and asset management.This course is specially meant for professionals and students of GIS, Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, Cartography, and CAD professionals who are associated with planning, designing, and data management. Special emphasis has been laid to explain new concepts, procedures, and methods in GIS by using sufficient text and graphical examples. The course emphasized on the tools, options, functions, and interoperability of AutoCAD Map 3D that allow the users to create, analyze, and save complex geospatial data easily and effectively. "
Price: 19.99

"Quantitative data analysis fundamentals" |
"The world has become data-driven today. Every decision is data-oriented and organisations are spending millions of dollars to carve out best possible strategies to develop a solid data framework. The word data however, is complex and has many facets of it eg. statistical data, mathematical data, programming data. In this fundamental course, you will get a comprehensive knowledge on the statistical data. You will be introduced with quantitative data fundamentals and also learn where to start when it comes to analysing quantitative data. The course touches the basic topics of quantitative data such as - quantitative designs, level of analysis, measure of analysis which all will add to your foundational knowledge of quantitative data analysis. After completing this course, you will become competent to decide which type of statistical analysis is appropriate depending on the nature of statistical topic. The course also comes with quizzes, exercise files and links to relevant websites from where you can pull up tons of information on quantitative data analysis. So dive in and explore the course to become a quantitative data savvy!"
Price: 34.99

"Instagram Automatizci - Keress pnzt az Instagram-mal" |
"Az Instagram automatizl szoftverek mra mr olyan visszhangot kaptak mintha a teljesitmny nvel szerekrl beszlnnk.Van aki fl bevallani hogy hasznlja, van aki btran mutogatja hogy micsoda eredmnyeket r el vele, s persze van aki hallotta hogy msok hasznljk (rosszul) s mekkora krokat okoztak.Valban igaz mindegyik feltevs. Ahogyan a szteroidokat is lehet rosszul s jl hasznlni, gy ezeket a programokat is sokan elnykre vagy sajnos htrnyukra alkalmazzk.Nyugi senkit nem fogok arra biztatni hogy, pumplja magt koksz-szalEbben az tmutatban a kvetkez dolgokrl lesz sz:HOGYAN SZEREZZ A SZEGMENSEDNEK MEGFELEL, RDEKLD KVETKETHOGYAN LLITSD AUTOMATRA AZ ENGAGEMENT-ETHOGYAN CSBITSD T MS, NAGYOBB OLDALAKRL MAGADHOZ A KVETKETHOGYAN KERLD EL A BLOKKOKAT S AUTOMATIZLJ ANLKL HOGY AZ INSTAGRAM MEGBNTETNEHOGYAN KERESS PNZT AZZAL HOGY MSOK OLDALAIT KEZELED S MINDENT EGY GP CSINL HELYETTEDHa krdsed van akkor keress btran. Minden inf a tanfolyamban van.Sok sikert!"
Price: 74.99

"NR-18 reas de Vivncia - Planejamento e Dimensionamento" |
"Voc est procurando um curso objetivo e descomplicado para entender sobre a NR-18 no que tange as reas de vivncia? Voc encontrou o curso certo sobre este assunto! o/Com as habilidades que vai aprender aqui no curso, voc pode:ENTENDER a importncia de cumprir com as exigncias NR's;CONSULTAR todas as Normas Regulamentadoras;PLANEJAR as instalaes necessrias dentro da rea de vivncia do canteiro de obras; FAZER O DIMENSIONAMENTO das instalaes para as reas de vivncia do canteiro de obrasO que voc recebe ao se inscrever no curso NR-18 reas de vivncia do canteiro de obras?Acesso VITALCIO ao curso;Suporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntas.Certificado de concluso emitido pela Udemy , assim voc poder incluir no seu currculo.Utilizar o certificado como horas complementares para quem faz curso superior.O DIFERENCIAL DO NR-18 reas de vivncia do canteiro de obras:Download de materiais para ajudar no dimensionamento e planejamento das reas de vivncia.Boletim informativo quando h alguma novidade com relao a NR-18 no que tange as reas de vivncia.Sobre a Instrutora:Em 2014 formei em Recursos Humanos;Em 2015 obtive o ttulo de Especialista em Direito do Trabalho devido a concluso da ps graduao em Direito do Trabalho e Processo trabalhista;Em 2016 ingressei no curso de ENGENHARIA CIVIL; Em 2020 estou cursando Ps graduao em ENGENHARIA DE ESTRUTURAS E FUNDAES. Na Udemy tenho mais cursos publicados, como por exemplo, Descomplicando a Folha de Pagamento, Benefcios Previdencirios, Frias, Rescises Contratuais e etc. (Todos com avaliaes acima de 4,5).Sou apaixonada por produzir contedo e acredito que um contedo de qualidade deve estar acessvel para todos. Inscreva-se agora =)"
Price: 369.99

"A Sewing Course - Quilt a Patchwork Quilt by Hand or Machine" |
"Have you wanted to learn to quilt? This course builds a solid foundation of patchwork quilting knowledge. It shows how to sew a quilt from start to finish. Learn how to select and cut fabric. See sewing techniques for both machine and hand . Put your quilt top together. Learn how to add borders and hand or machine tack together. Finish the quilt by sewing on a binding."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to build dog breed image classifier mobile app" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to build dog breed image classifier iPhone app using Apple's crate ML and core ML SDK. Deep learning is popular where a machine can be trained to detect objects in images. Once trained, it can be used to detect objects in any image. The app does not require any wifi or cellular connectivity. It uses deep learning to train the model from scratch on your own image dataset. The model can then be used inside an mobile app using Apple's coreML SDK. We'll build this app in this course. Since the app does not send your images or vides to remote service, it maintains your privacy and data secured. Build a strong foundation in pose detection engines with this tutorial for beginners.Understanding fundamentals of CreateML and CoreMLUnderstanding fundamentals of deep learning and CNN Train a model on your own dataset using create ML SDK and XCodeBuild a real life object detection mobile application using coreml and swiftA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of object detection puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. swift, create ml and coreml are free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation.No prior knowledge of CNN or deep learning is assumed. I'll be covering topics like CNN from scratch. Jobs in computer vision area are plentiful, and being able to learn object detection will give you a strong edge. Learning object detection will help you become a computer vision developer which is in high demand.Content and Overview This course teaches you on how to build object detection engine using open source create ml, coreml and swift . You will work along with me step by step to build following answersTrain Object Detection model Build Mobile object detection app using trained modelWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn object detection from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 10 lectures teaching you how to build object detection engineSuitable for beginner programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 24.99

"Learn English through Mini Stories" |
"Learn English through Mini Stories will help you to acquire English through listening to mini stories about everyday life and through doing all the listening activities that facilitate the acquisition process. The course will help you to improve your speaking skills by answering questions about the stories in the present and the past and by practising conversational English in different contexts and situations selected from the story. 1) Listening tasks are designed to enable you to acquire: - Vocabulary ( collocations, prepositions, ...)- Grammar ( conjugation, modal verbs, ... )- Pronunciation ( modern RP)2) Speaking tasks are designed to enable you to:- Make small talks without hesitations.- Ask and answer questions in the present and the past.- Give advice, express regret, make suggestions, requests, wishes, ... etc."
Price: 99.99

"Bullying Mastery" |
"Many children and adults are bullied. This can happen in all aspects of life or in just one. From school to the workplace, bullying can affect a person throughout their life in a negative fashion. This course educates the learner how to avoid bullying and to carry on even if you have been bullied."
Price: 34.99

"Improving Foot Function - Level 1" |
"There are so many reasons for foot pain, and many of the typical interventions to help fix it are out-dated andshort-sighted. This course will introduce you to the emerging science behind foot pain and optimal foot function.We will look at what's really happening in the feet and how to create the opportunity for better function. You will learn techniques to relieve pain and improve the way the foot moves, and help you recognize when foot pain may be linked to knee, hip and core dysfunction, assessment techniques to identify where there are issues and ways to make corrections and provide purposeful, effective and evidence-informed home care to ensure success. You should have a foundational understanding of anatomy and anatomical terminology to take this course."
Price: 99.99

"SensoriMotor Retraining Technique: Fundamentals" |
"This course provides the foundational knowledge to enter the In-Person Workshop or One-on-One Program.Please Note: This course will not provide you with the SensoriMotor Protocol. This information here simply prepares the student to enter the in-person segments of this course. Wondering if you can take this and not the in-person??? Well, sure but I would love to see you. If you take this course alone, expect a little anatomy review regarding general ligament locations and some cool info about these structures you may not know. You will also learn the role of breathing in developing core stability and a breathing drill for allowing people to better access their deep core. Not the full meal deal, but some CE hours if that's what you're looking for."
Price: 99.99

"2020 No-Code Machine Learning Using IBM Watson AutoAI" |
"Hello and welcome! In this course I am going to introduce you to Watson Studio AutoAI by IBM.Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are two very hot topics nowadays. Experts claim that AI & ML are going to revolutionize the world.This course is designed for those who want to take a short cut to these technologies. Auto AI and Auto ML are new tools that provide methods and processes to make Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning available for non-experts. Auto AI and Auto ML aim to eliminate the need for skilled data scientists to build models.REMEMBER that Udemy offers a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain."
Price: 124.99

"Vers les certifications Scrum Product Owner & Developer" |
"Scrum est la mthodologie la plus utilise parmi les mthodes Agiles existantes. Le terme Scrum (qui signifie mle) apparat pour la premire fois en 1986 dans une publication de Hirotaka Takeuchi et Ikujiro Nonaka qui dcrit une nouvelle approche plus rapide et flexible pour le dveloppement de nouveaux produits. Ils comparent alors cette nouvelle mthode au rugby XV, le principe de base tant que l'quipe avance ensemble et soit toujours prte rorienter le projet au fur-et--mesure de sa progression, tel un ballon de rugby qui doit passer de main en main jusqu' marquer un essai.Que trouverez-vous dans cette formation ?Des mises en pratique des questions d''examen de la certification professionnelle Scrum Product Owner & Scrum Developer, pour les certifications en ligne PSPO 1 & PSD 1 questions courantes + quelques conseils pour russir la certification Scrum Product Owner Scrum Developer en ligne de la Scrum org. Comment ce cours peut-il vous aider vous prparer et russir les examens Scrum Product Owner 1 et Scrum Developer 1? Tlchargez le Scrum guide (gratuit sur le site scrum org) et lisez-le de manire trs attentive. La cl du succs est de bien comprendre les rponses du guide Scrum. Il ne s'agit pas de tout mmoriser.Cette formation contient plus de 360 questions avec leurs corrections dtailles (3 quiz x 80 questions pour PSPO 1 et 3 quiz x 80 questions pour PSD 1) que vous pouvez apprendre en mme temps. Toutes les questions adhrent la dernire version du Scrum Guide (novembre 2017) et seront continuellement affines en fonction des commentaires et des questions des utilisateurs. Vous pouvez rencontrer toutes ces questions lors d'un vritable examen de certification. Les questions sont en anglais (unique langue disponible pour la certification PSD 1 et PSPO 1)"
Price: 19.99

"Vertica Database 9.2.1 and MC Installation on CentOS Linux" |
"PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A VERY HANDS ON COURSE. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR COURSE THAT TALKS TO SLIDES, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.Course targeted to anyone who wants to start their carrier in Vertica Database administration.Following topics are covered in the courseCentsOS installation in VirtualboxCentOS Basic Commands, Navigation, ShutdownVertica Software installationVertica configuration and database creationVirtual machine resolution changeSchema and user creation from vsql promptSquirrel GUI sql client usageVertica Management Console installation and configurationImporting Vertica database cluster in Management Console"
Price: 199.99

"Home Office - Trabalhando em CASA" |
"De tempos em tempos, surge a necessidade de trabalhar em Home office, descobrimos da pior maneira, que os profissionais no estavam preparados pra esse tipo de desafio.O meu curso foi desenvolvido, com base na soluo dos problemas, tudo isso de forma sistemtica e imediata.O aluno ter acesso a todas as principais ferramentas que o mercado de trabalho exige, sem precisar instalar, comprar aplicativos ou ter computadores muito avanados.O curso vai alem de ensinar a pescar, ele entrega ao aluno a ""vara e a isca"" (painel de controle completo) que da um Norte acerca do que importante no Home Office"
Price: 199.99

"Concept Art: Create Imaginary Landscapes in Photoshop" |
"Want to create your own original landscape through digital painting? If so, you're in the right spot. In this course I will show you my personal technique in creating environments from traditional to abstract. I'll be showing you multiple examples in real time and time lapse form!A blank canvas can be very intimidating, however the technique I will show you, will allow you to create landscapes with an already established color palette and value scale. The process is supposed to be stress free and should be exciting to explore all the possibilities that are out there.This course takes commitment, so as long as you pay close attention and don't give up, anyone can do this. Keep practicing and just like anything else, you'll find yourself getting better and better results. But don't get too caught up with the results, focus on enjoying the process and naturally your results will improve.There are some things you will need in order to proceed (I go more in depth in the hardware video). You will need a drawing tablet of some kind, a mouse will not work. Tablets go anywhere from as low as 25$ to as high as thousands of dollars. You don't anything fancy, the tablet won't make you a better painter, only you can make yourself better.You'll also need Adobe Photoshop, or a similar program. Now, since this is NOT a course on how to use Photoshop, I will explain some things however, I won't go deeply into detail about how to use the program."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Parametric Design: Grasshopper" |
"You will learn how to use procedural and parametric design using Grasshopper for Rhinoceros3d to create simple to intermediate definitions. At the end of this course you will be familiar with the concepts used in the industry for advanced computational design workflows, understand how to create complex relations between objects and how to structure your thought for developing programs that produce this kinds of procedures. From start to intermediate you will learn how to navigate the Grasshopper's UI up to how to create custom code to produce complex geometry."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Basics of Hydraulic Machines in the most easiest way" |
"This course will be particularly useful for all the CIVIL and MECHANICAL engineers who face problems in understanding Hydraulic machines. This course will be finished in a duration of about 5 - 6 hours. The course matter will be useful for the beginners to the advance level. Initially only the impact of jets will be covered and then later on complete Hydraulic Machines will be covered. Students are advised to carry their calculators while solving numerical problems."
Price: 1280.00

"How to Understand God and the Bible's Views on Divorce" |
"Scouring the internet for topics like Christians and Divorce, Biblical Teaching on Divorce, God and Marriage, God and Divorce, Christian Divorce, or Christianity and Divorce, yet you still havent quite found what youve been looking for? Has all of the information that you've found been condemning and judgemental, pointing you towards staying in your marriage no matter what? Feel like there has to be more to be said on the subject but you just can't seem to put your finger on it? Well, you've come to the right place. Get the answers you've been seeking from someone who has been through it and has built a business helping women just like yourself experience freedom through divorce.This course was created specifically for divorced or divorcing women who want to understand how to reconcile their decision to divorce with their faith."
Price: 94.99

"Aprende Photopills" |
"Alguna vez te has parado en un lugar y pensado: ""Es una lstima que la Luna no est all... Habra sido una gran foto!""? A lo mejor te ha pasado con el Sol o con la Va Lctea... Ahora ya puedes dejar volar tu imaginacin y calcular cundo sucede ese momento mgico en tan slo unos segundos.Desata tu creatividad! Descubre cmo convertir cualquier escena que imagines con Sol, Luna y Va Lctea en una foto real y empieza a capturar fotos verdaderamente legendarias cada vez que cojas la cmara.Con este Curso de Photopills entiende cada una de las herramientas que posee esta fantstica aplicacin.Tanto si eres un fotgrafo experimentado, un cineasta profesional o alguien que apenas ha tocado una cmara, PhotoPills te ayudar a explorar nuevas posibilidades artsticas para contar historias de un modo que antes no era posible.Todo en una appPhotoPills es tu asistente personal. Incluye multitud de herramientas que te ayudarn a responder la mayora de preguntas que surgen durante la planificacin y la toma de tus fotografas:El primer planificador de Sol, Luna y Va Lctea.Por lo que he creado este curso para que al fin puedas entender como funcionan cada una de las herramientas o mejor dicho pildoras, que tiene photopills, para que puedas planificar tus fotografas. y as obtener fotos legendarias!Te espero en el Curso!Miguel"
Price: 19.99

"How to crack consulting job interviews" |
"Ace the art of problem-solving as a consultantLearn how to solve guesstimates and case interviews with proficiencyCollaborate to do case practice with peers and clarify doubtsQuick access to Q&A with recruiters, consultants, and alumni who bagged offers at top firms Access to practice material and suggested readings This course will cover1.Resume, Cover Letter, Off-campus Networking Tips2.Step-by-step Approach to Guesstimates3.Guesstimates (Advanced), Case Interview Basics4.Case Interview: Profitability Framework5.Case Interview: Business Situation, Market Entry6.Other Cases: M&A, Pricing Strategy, etc."
Price: 2240.00

"Oracle Process Cloud Service (PCS)" |
"This course will help you to learn Oracle Process Cloud (PCS) Service with real-time examples. The course starts with the basic building blocks of PCS and goes with different complex concepts. The PCS questions are covered in certification 1Z0-1042-20 Oracle Cloud Platform Application Integration 2020 Specialist. This will help you to clear your certification too."
Price: 1280.00

"Over 10 master-class tutorials for beginner artists." |
"The collection has over 10 practical exercises in master-class format, on various topics, such as perspective, composition and so on.It is not a typical study course. It's a collection of exercises for beginner artists.Practical exercises contain the most important topics for the artist: laws of perspective, laws of light and shade, compositions, shapes and proportions.All assignments contain video solutions in a master-class format. These video solutions are visually very informative. You will see every step and will be able to repeat it easily.Difficulty levels and themes sort all assignments. Some assignments contain a theoretical block. The time for completing one task is from five minutes to one hour. Remember that good artists practice every day.This course develops practical skills in applying the laws of perspective in drawing.It also develops practical skills in applying the laws of light and shade and composition, advances the hand and eye estimation.Its preferred but not required to have some basic knowledge in drawing theory."
Price: 19.99

"Digital mixed media portraits with Procreate" |
"In this class I will show you how to make digital mixed media from different photos, using Procreate, but you can follow along with another app if you prefer. We will discuss about values, then we will select some geographic maps to use in our portrait. I provide a Pinterest board with a lot of photos to work from, so you can just go ahead and create!We will apply the same technique with vintage papers, and I have scanned for you French vintage papers to use in your art. Then we will add details with minimal drawing and effects."
Price: 24.99

"Joomla! e_Gov 2.0 (IDG 2019)" |
"Neste curso voc aprender:preparar um ambiente de homologao local;criar seu portal usando a nova IDG(2.0) e o pacote Joomla! e_Gov (verso IDG2019); preparar um ambiente de produo remoto;migrar portais desenvolvidos com o pacote Joomla! e_Gov (IDG 2014), para Joomla! e_Gov (verso IDG2019);implementar a internacionalizao no Joomla! e_Gov 2.0 (IDG2019);criar um projeto prtico e publicar na internet;aplicar as melhores prticas de segurana para o projeto publicado;utilizar o fator duplo de autenticao; erecuperar acesso ao back-end do seu site em caso de perda de senhas e tokens.Material Didtico disponvel aos alunos matriculados:Legislao sobre o tema;sites de apoio; eApostila exclusiva com mais de 100 (cem) pginas abordando de forma analtica e ilustrada, todos os processos relacionados a instalao, desenvolvimento do projeto proposto, migrao e internacionalizao do Joomla! e_Gov 2.0 (IDG 2019).Mas, o que IDG?A Identidade Padro de Comunicao Digital consiste em um conjunto de diretrizes, padres e modelos para serem aplicados na construo e na atualizao diria das propriedades digitais do Executivo Federal visando permitir que o cidado tenha uma experincia comum nos ambientes digitais do governo.O Grupo Joomla! Calango disponibilizou, de forma voluntria e gratuita no GitHub, a verso Joomla! e_Gov (verso IDG2019), que permite o desenvolvimento de portal web com o CMS na verso 3.x seguindo todos os protocolos da nova IDG do Governo Federal.Juntos venceremosTenho 17 anos de experincia com o CMS Joomla, participei de vrios projetos Governamentais e estarei ao seu lado nesta caminhada. Aceita o desafio?Sucesso!!!"
Price: 54.99

"Blogging for Beginners The Blog Launch Blueprint 2020" |
"Every single day my blog makes money...Whether Im sitting in front of my computer writing a cheeky little blog post. Whether Im laying in bed all day reading books. Or whether Im vacationing in Jamaica and havent looked at my laptop for a week my blog makes my money. Its fabulous!But the crazy thing is, I started blogging as a hobby. Just writing little blog posts and sharing them with the few followers I had. I never imagined that this was something that I could actually make money from (much less replace my full-time income).But the truth is, I didnt get lucky. Blogging is a very lucrative business idea that anyone can start. All you really need to start a profitable blog from scratch is an idea and a plan (big emphasis on the plan).If youre an aspiring influencer, business owner, mom, decor enthusiast, fitness guru, give great advice, or just a gal with some great ideas you can literally start a blog about anything (and make a damn great income doing it).If youre new to the world of blogging or making money online, I know you may be wondering uh ok, so how do you actually make money blogging?I wondered the same thing, honey. But worry not, if blogging and making full-time income online is something that interests you, this ebook is for you.Ever thought about starting a blog?Maybe a travel blog, a DIY decor blog, or a mom blog, or a savvy fashion and lifestyle blog for women. Over 150 million people in the US alone read blogs regularly. Blogs are the 5th most trusted source of accurate information online! Successful bloggers earn upwards of $100k per month with display ads on their websites and recommending products they love. Blogging and Influencer Marketing is the fastest-growing online customer-acquisition method for major brands.You Have Interesting Interests. You Have Something To Say About It. You Might As Well Start A Blog and Get Paid To Share Your Ideas."
Price: 39.99

"Build no-code Facebook Messenger food delivery chatbots" |
"Would you like to know how to build advanced chatbots with extra unique functionalities? Then this course is for you. In this masterclass, you will learn how to set up a Facebook Messenger bot by combining the strength of Dialogflow, and the power of Integromat to Chatfuel or Manychat and extend your chatbot capabilities by connecting apps, web services and databases.I'm Rmi and I have been a self-learning chatbot from 2017. I have developed several bots. The most recent one calls Jody and is able to analyze my users' pictures and extract data in real-time to value their car worth. Because I have no coding skills, I have been using Integromat for all my chatbot development and get a strong knowledge of how to add amazing functionalities and build my own backend to treat my users' data. Because Chatfuel and ManyChat have become leaders as chatbot building platforms for none coder people. Like me ;) I believe this course will be helpful for anyone who wants to develop chatbots which can really offer unique services. This course is focused on building food delivery features with a pro visual menu. Customers must be able to customize their orders as they wish and even customize the food by selecting ingredients. Then we need to manage all the delivery or picking orders part which will allow us to create the same user experience as an international food delivery service.This is what you will learn:Key rules - You'll learn all key rules which are essential to know and to apply if you want to launch a successful advanced food delivery chatbot.Create a chatbot dashboard - You'll learn how to create a great chatbot dashboard with Airtable to let your chatbot pick data and to let it save data collected from users. Like food orders and payments.Build a pro food menu - You'll probably sign up for this course because of this feature. Yes, you will learn how to create a dynamic and world-class visual menu order which will be much beyond what average restaurant chatbot builders use to offer.Create a Shopping Cart menu - You will learn how to create a visual shopping cart menu to allow users to remove items or to go for checkout.Add & Remove Items - You will learn how to add and remove items from the tap of a button or by handling the user input directly in the chat process by the NLP brain.Validate & Save user location - You will learn how to validate, on the fly of the conversation, your users' location, and save the full correct address based on Google Maps data.Click & Collect delivery method - what would be a food delivery chatbot if we don't cover the topic of delivery food. In this course, I work on 2 delivery methods. The first one is Click & Collect. Users will receive a receipt at the end of the process with an order number and a cooking preparation time duration. Like when you order at major fast-food places.Home delivery method - In this second delivery method, I will be focus on calculating the distance and the time to deliver order to customers with the help of Google Maps API. In another part of this course, I will mention third delivery food-service integration.Launch a Pizza builder - Allow your users to start from scratch, from the pizza crust and select to add or to remove ingredients as they wish. Which lets users design their own order from A to Z.After completing this course you will be able to do the following things:- Create professional chatbots by connecting advanced services like DialogFlow to Chatfuel or ManyChat- Extend your chatbot functionalities with Integromat- Connect different apps or external APIs- Offer a high custom user experience by personalizing each of your chatbot replies according to your user data.- Save your user data and validate them- Automate your sales funnel or your lead generation- Personalized your product images to each of your users from a custom dashboardWhat are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and launch an advanced food delivery chatbot that really engage users.See you in the first video.Best,"
Price: 199.99
