"Advance Your Career with MATLAB Programming" |
"This course contains everything you need to learn practical MATLAB skills, build sample projects, and land a high paying job with MATLAB skills. First you will see the potential job market for MATLAB and learn how I personally made $1.8M with MATLAB. Next, you will get a crash course in the basic MATLAB skills so you master the fundamentals and code like a pro. After that, I will teach you the practical skills that Ive used to create professional MATLAB code, GUIs, Apps, and toolboxes over the past 20 years. Last but not least, you will get training on how to land a high paying job or get promoted. Youll get sample MATLAB interview questions and participate in Virtual Interviews to prepare you for any MATLAB interview. If youre happy working for your company, Ill show you how to get raises and promotions using MATLAB.4 Courses In 1This course is like getting 4 courses in 1:MATLAB Fundamentals Crash Course - Brush up on the basics!MATLAB Programming Techniques Crash Course - Write code like a pro!Interviewing Skills with MATLAB - Interview with Confidence!Getting Raises and Promotions with MATLAB - Increase your contribution and get rewarded financially!In this course, you will get:49+ Lectures and 7 hours HD Video TrainingSource Code for 5+ Sample Apps including Video Player, Stock Market Trading, Image Filters, and Audio Processing3 Virtual InterviewsInstructions to Get a 30-Day Free Trial of MATLAB6 Ways to Get A PromotionScript to Ask for A Raise24/7 Access to Instructor and Students via Q&A forumLifetime Access30 Day Money Back GuaranteeMATLAB Programmers in High Demand!The market for MATLAB programmers is booming. Learn to master MATLAB and create professional programs in this course. Skills alone will not get you a high paying job, so we also teach you how to successfully interview and ask for raises and promotions. Dont wait any longer to cash in with your skills. No matter, what level you are - complete beginner to advanced, you can capitalize on your knowledge and abilities to write MATLAB programs. Enroll now andget started today!"
Price: 194.99

"Interactive Beginners Guide to MATLAB" |
"Develop Valuable MATLAB Skills!In this course, you will master the core MATLAB Programming skills through instruction and interactive exercises. I've boiled down the vast amount of information available to deliver exactly what you need to learn to get started in MATLAB. The topics were hand selected personally based on 20 years of practical MATLAB experience during my engineering career. The courses focuses on the top skills that enabled me to make over $1.8M and can help you become a ""Local Expert"" in just a few hours. Imagine having the ability to execute MATLAB commands with ease or create you own functions at will when you're called to solve a problem. What if you could magically impress your boss with professional graphs or analyze data like a champ? Become that person that your peers call upon when they need help and develop your MATLAB skills to create amazing tools, software, or whatever your heart desires.Become a Local MATLAB Expert in a Few HoursNow is your time to master the basics of MATLAB! Enroll in this course and receive:Streamlined Topics and Step-by-step Instruction based on real-world experienceInteractive Training ExercisesSurprise Bonus Lectures24/7 Access to your Instructor and other Students through the Discussion ForumStreamlined Content - Avoid Drinking from the FIre Hose!I created this course so you don't have to browse the internet looking for answers. In this course, we show you each topic step-by-step and you can practice with exercises at the end of the section. By the end of this course you will learn how to:Navigate the Environment and Execute Commands with easeCreate Vectors, Matrices, Arrays and other Variables with confidencePerform Operations on large data sets with one commandGenerate professional looking Plots for presentations and documentationAutomate a group of commands with Scripts and interact with user inputDevelop your own Functions and build MATLAB programsMastering the basics of MATLAB gives you the ability to learn advanced topics more easily, create amazing tools and software, and conduct engineering tasks with ease. Enroll today to get started."
Price: 194.99

"MATLAB Projects with iPhone & iOS Sensors" |
"Now you can collect sensor data from your iPhone or Apple iOS device using MATLAB! Impress your friends, build some cool programs, and take your MATLAB skills to a new level with this interactive course. Youll learn how to capture and utilize data from 5 different sensors without the need to buy additional software or hardware.Please Note: THIS COURSE IS VERY SIMILAR TO Build MATLAB Projects with Android Sensors Build 6 iPhone Sensor Projects (Source Code Included)In this course, you will master the MATLAB Support Package for Apple iOS Sensors by building a unique set of projects which enable you to:Build Your Own 3D CompassRotate 3D Objects Using Your PhoneDetect iPhone Facing Up or DownTrack Position and Speed of A CarDetect ShakingCount Your Steps While WalkingDont struggle. Ill show you step-by-step.Getting set up is a little tricky, but, dont worry, Ill walk you through it. And if you have any problems you can ask for help through the discussion forum. Ill show an easy method to enable and acquire data from all 5 iOS sensors including:Acceleration Sensors - Learn how to use abrupt changes in your iPhones movementMagnetic Field Sensors - Explore magnetic fields used by the compass and other input devicesOrientation Sensors - See how you can detect your iPhone state and control virtual itemsAngular Velocity Sensors - Detect your iPhones movement and use to control softwarePosition Sensors - Capture your GPS position and speed and build location based appsYou will learn how easy it is to enable these sensors and acquire data for your MATLABprograms.in this course,you will get:Instructional VideosInteractive Exercises6+ SampleProjectsSource Code24/7 Instructor & Student Access30 Day GuaranteeLifetime Course AccessTo execute the code and examples, you will need:MATLAB R2015a or later, for creating the connection to the application and logging sensor data.iOS 8 or later on your device.Wifi Network for connecting your computer and iOS device.Theres no better time to expand your MATLAB skills and use your iPhone to collect and process data. Enroll in this course and get started today!"
Price: 94.99

"MATLAB Projects with Android Phone Sensors" |
"New! You can now acquire and process sensor data from your Android device using MATLAB! Impress your coworkers or other students, build some cool programs, and take your MATLAB skills to a new level with this interactive course. Youll learn how to capture and utilize data from 5 different sensors without the need to buy additional software or hardware.Please Note: THIS COURSE IS VERY SIMILAR TO Build MATLAB Projects with iOS Sensors Build 6 Android Sensor Projects (Source Code Included)In this course, you will master the MATLAB Support Package for Android Sensors by building a unique set of projects which enable you to:Build Your Own 3D CompassRotate 3D Objects Using Your Android PhoneDetect Whether Android Devices is Facing Up or DownTrack Position and Speed of A CarDetect ShakingCount Your Steps While WalkingDont struggle. Ill show you step-by-step.Getting set up is a little tricky, but, dont worry, Ill walk you through it. And if you have any problems you can ask for help through the discussion forum. Ill show an easy method to enable and acquire data from all 5 Android sensors including:Acceleration Sensors - Learn how to use abrupt changes in your Android phones movementMagnetic Field Sensors - Explore magnetic fields used by the compass and other input devicesOrientation Sensors - See how you can detect your Android phones state and control virtual itemsAngular Velocity Sensors - Detect your Android phones movement and use to control softwarePosition Sensors - Capture your GPS position and speed and build location based appsWhat You Get in This Course:Instructional VideosInteractive Exercises6+ Sample ProjectsSource Code24/7 Instructor & Student Access30 Day GuaranteeLifetime Course AccessTo execute the code and examples, you will need:MATLAB R2015a or later, for creating the connection to the application and logging sensor data.Android OS 4.0 or later on your device.Wifi Network for connecting your computer and Android device.Theres no better time to expand your MATLAB skills and use your Android device to collect and process data. Enroll in this course and get started today!"
Price: 94.99

"Video Alchemy: Sales Video Creation Hacking" |
"----Introductory Price ONLY - Increasing to $297 Soon---Over $3 Million Dollars of Direct Sales from Our Videos Including Videos Personally Created or Managed via Outsourcing for 12x $100,000+ ProductsWant to use Video Hacks resulting in $135,060 of sales? The art of video creation takes time but Video Hacks can be learned quickly even if you have no video creation experience. And video is a MUST if you are serious about selling your products online as it is a major driver of sales.Guarantee: By the end of this course you'll be able to create videos for yourself that result in $1,000+ of product sales or sell video as a service for $1,000+.Who is the DigiStrats Team?DigiStrats has been involved with 50+ product launches, 12 of which have grossed over $100,000. We have created videos that drive sales, outsourced video creation and taught students to create videos. Today video is the #1 drive of online product sales because it engages your audience leading them to make their buying decision right then and there.When strategizing the $135,060 launch, we carefully created each and every video in the sales funnel resulting in super high conversions and $10+ EPCs - meaning each human visitor was worth over $10 on average.In this 7-Day Course I'm going to teach you Video Hacks that take you from novice to creating engaging & high-converting videos.We'll pull the cape off secret tactics that can be used to easily create videos without spending hours learning super complicated video softwares that only the pros know how to use. We're all about ""Video Hacks.""You'll learn the following ninja video creation secrets:-How to be a Video Strategist creating high-converting video sales scripts hitting all 4 Emotional Triggers-How to use a dead simple tool that created a $47,743 Video Campaign-How to use VideoMakerFX, Explaindio & EasySketchPro done-for-you video templates for explainer & whiteboard vids that normally cost as much as $799 per minute-How we use voiceovers from Fiverr for videos that generate $56,245We'll even walk you through building videos in Animoto, Camtasia & PowerPoint live during the course and by the end you'll even have completed your first video.Plus you'll get 3 Bonuses-Bonus #1: Our 10-Min Sales Scripts or Voiceovers ""Fill-in-the-Blank"" Template-Bonus #2: Our Top 4 Secret Resources for Done-for-You Video Assets-Bonus #3: Our Video Sales Letter (VSL) Insta-Creator ToolThe Better than Money Back GuaranteeWe're giving you a double your money back guarantee. Take action, get in our Private Facebook mastermind and if you don't succeed I'm going to give you double the money out of my own pocket for investing your time into our course.Special Introductory Price - Rising SoonEven though we've done over $4 million in sales ($1 million+ in the past 4.5 months alone) and we normally charge $697 and $997 for our life changing courses, we will keep this introductory price before raising it as a special for the Udemy community.Take Action & EnrollEnroll now, make the commitment and jump straight into the course right now. I know this course will revolutionize the way you do business and create videos.See you on the inside and check out the preview videos to see what value you'll be getting!Talk soon,Eric"
Price: 199.99

"Convence a tus clientes con presentaciones eficaces 100%" |
"Actualizado Abril 2020Tienes una presentacin importante en el trabajo? Una reunin comercial? Una entrevista de trabajo? Tienes que dar una conferencia?Aprende las tcnicas que usan los expertos en presentaciones y en pocos das, aplcalas a tu trabajo, tus clases o tus charlas y conferencias.Mas de 300 alumnos ya han mejorado sus tcnicas de presentacin con este curso.Llevo mas de 10 aos dedicado a perfeccionar las presentaciones de equipos comerciales, de conferenciantes, de divulgadores y de profesionales de todo tipo y la diferencia entre comunicar correctamente y no hacerlo, es, muchas veces, la clave del xito.Suscrbete a este curso ahora, y en unos pocos das podrs realizar presentaciones a nivel profesional con las que impresionars a cualquier audiencia.Mas de 3 horas de vdeo, presentaciones de ejemplo, recursos detallados gratuitos y un sin fin de trucos explicados de forma prctica para que dejes a tu audiencia impresionada, comprendan tus mensajes y se queden convencidos.Algunos de mis alumnos:Javier nos prest sus servicios en la presentacin de final de proyecto de un master y el salto de calidad que nos gener, tanto a nivel de la presentacin como en nuestras capacidades de presentar nos propici lograr una nota excelente (9/10) en el veredicto del jurado.Daniel Magaa - Director Tecnico UNNE & Alumni Director Nebrija UniversityGracias a Javier, nuestro equipo de ventas cambi la forma de presentar sus mensajes comerciales a los clientes, lo que nos gener mltiples beneficios tanto a nivel comercial, como de imagen y percepcin de nuestros clientes.Javier Velasco - Country Manager Genesis LabJavier nos ayud con una presentacin en un mbito internacional con la que cosechamos un xito rotundo. Su profesionalidad, conocimiento y dedicacin son asombrosos. Un verdadero maestro.Inna King - Human Resources Manager en PhilipsEstan los gurus, los coaches y luego est Javier Chico. Un verdadero experto a la hora de ayudar a profesionales dar un salto de calidad a la hora de comunicar a travs de las presentaciones.Miguel Caballero - CEO Tutellus100% Garanta de devolucin si no ests contento con el curso!"
Price: 159.99

"PRODUCTIVITY HACKS: 5X Your Output & Gain Your Freedom Back" |
"Are you always running out of time? Always wondering where the daywent? Maybe you went on Facebook and then wondered where the lasthour went?!Being productive in your business is paramount to your success, afterall, the more time you have, the more you can get done...So why do some people get so many things done while others struggleto balance just a few activities a day?""Well there are some very simple, but incredibleproductivity hacksyou can use, to gain more freedom, time and money...""Do you;Often get distracted?Want to make more money, with less time?Hate doing certain tasks but think you can't afford someone else todo them?Want to know how to things twice as quick as you do now?Want more freedom in your business so you can do the things youreally enjoy?********************************I've spent the last 10+ years learning, experimenting and applyingvarious different techniques to help me be a productivityninja...which is exactly what you can be to, once you learn theproductivity hacks andtechniques I teach in this course. I take you by-the-hand and show you the simple, step-by-stepstrategies that explain everything that I've learned to get throughlarge 'to-do' lists and juggle multiple projects at one time.********************************Here's some of the cool stuff you'll learn when you take this course;How to get the jobs you absolutely hate doing, done for as little as$3 an hour!How to create systems in your business so you can do more of thethings you love, more often (like traveling!)How to make sure you only do the activities and tasks that make youthe most moneyLearn the secrets to prepare your body and mind for a busy workingday aheadDiscover the FREE tools I use to communicate with Virtual Assistantsand Freelancers painlessly and effortlesslyHow to plan, strategise and execute tasks everyday, 2X as quick asyou did beforeHow to become a productivity ninja with your fitness, health andlifestyleThe secrets to creating your own working 'zen zone'How and why you should set daily, monthly and yearly goals to growyour business with less of your own time********************************Of course you'll get full, lifetime access, updates for life and beable to communicate directly with me, should you get stuck anywhereor need some guidance!And don't forget Udemy's full, 30 day money back guarantee and apromise from me that you'll gain back valuable time, freedom andmore money in your business if you take action on these proven, timesaving techniques. ...Don't worry if you don't have a business either...You might be astay-at-home-mum, budding entrepreneur or time-strappedemployee.....these productivity hacks will work for anyone who istrying to get more done with less time.If you want to make more money, gain more time freedom and actuallyenjoy your life (and business), then scroll up and enroll in thiscourse now. Every minute you waste thinking about it is time (andmoney) lost in your life...You'll get;Full access to me via email through the Udemy platform (I answerevery question I get!)FULL 30 day money back guarantee, backed by UdemyFREE updates and lifetime access!See every little strategy I implement in my businesses to save big$$$ and multiple hours a dayHow to replicate what I do to have more success, make more money andgain more freedom everydayDon't forget Udemy's famous 30 day moneyback guarantee...you've got nothing to lose!If you want to finally get your life (and freedom)back, then scroll up andtake this course now.I'll see you on the inside!Your instructor,Adrian"
Price: 19.99

"Kindle Publishing: How to Create 6 Extra Business Streams" |
"===> Do you want to turn your kindlebooks into multiple streams of income? <===*** How about multiple different waysto turn your existing content into income streams that you can makemoney from, anywhere in the world? ****** I want to show you exactly how todo that by showing you the amazing opportunities out there, that youcan easily use to diversify and maximize your income... ***Do you want to:Diversify your income into 6+different ways with knowledge and information you already have?Spread your eggs into multiplebaskets so you aren't exposed to just Amazon?Be able to control your income,how much you earn and how to make more of it?Help people to achieve the samethings you have in your niche?Know the secrets to making sureyour income is strategically diversified? =================================================================These are all strategies that I use inmy own business to multiply my income streams and strengthen mybrand.By the end of this course you'll beready to start creating multiple sources of income just from theinformation you already have. I designed this course for thepublisher and entrepreneur who really wants to diversify their incomeand make more money, but doesn't know the different strategies tobuild out their brand. =================================================================I'm going to show you:2 strategies you can implementright now to automatically turn your books into another 2 incomestreamsHow to turn your books contentinto amazing video courses that you can sell online and how to geteven more traffic to themI'll show you how to use youremail list to make $$$ (it's not what you think!)How to use your expertise to makeBIG money per hourI'll show you an awesome website that you can build a whole businessaround! ==================================================================Of course you'll get full, lifetime access, updates for life and beable to communicate directly with me, should you get stuck anywhereor need some guidance. (I'm always here to help.)And don't forget Udemy's full, 30 day money back guarantee and apromise from me that if you take action on these strategies, you willincrease (and diversify) your income and itwill help you tobecome an authority in yourmarket!If you want to start moving your publishing into other incomevehicles, then I urge you to enroll now. This course can change yourlife and income. You'll get;Full access to me via email through the Udemy platform (I answerevery question I get!)FULL 30 day money back guarantee, backed by UdemyFREE updates and lifetime accessThe assurance that everything I teach in this course is cutting edgeand up to date===> Take action and enroll now <===Enroll and dive into the course right now. Just think about what it would feel like to have the security ofhaving 6+ different income streams from knowledge and information youalready have?If you want to start diversifying your income now, then scroll up andenroll now. I'll see you on the inside!Adrian P.S. Don't forget to check out the preview videos so you know thevalue you're getting!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Write A Book: My 7 Day Book-Writing Blueprint" |
"---Have you always wanted to write a book?-- ---Maybe you want to, but you think; ""Who am I to think that I canwrite a book?""--- ---Well in this course I'm going to show you the blueprint that I'veused to write my first book in under 7 days on a beach in Thailand---I want to show you how I've written books in under 7 days in my sparetime and how you can do the exact same thing.Do you want to;Learn the dead-simple plan for writing your own book in a matter ofdays or weeks?Know the sneaky tricks for getting into the zone and stayinginspired?Know how I write 2000+ words at a time in under 90 minutes?Know how to show your authority in your market? (A book is a greatway to do this!)Learn how to make exact deadlines and goals that actually gets yourbook finished?========================================================================Over 2 years ago I sat down on a beach in Thailand and wrote my firstbook in 5 days. That book became the building blockfor my brand.Since then I've written several other books in record time, all usingmy proven book writing blueprint.I want to show you how you can do the exact same thing from anywherein the world that you desire!========================================================================Here's just some of the things I'm going to teach you:How to set exact writing deadlines and goals so you can write yourbook in under 7 daysHow to make writing 'SPRINT' goals every day!I'll let you in on one of the biggest secrets of how to writethousands of CREATIVE words a day in a few hours!Learn the 3 simple tricks to get over writers block and get back ontrackLearn the amazing strategy to get your thoughts down on paperwithout you having to write a single word!Learn EXACTLY what makes a kick-ass book cover (and how to makeyours stand out among the competition!)========================================================================Of course you'll get full, lifetime access, updates for life and beable to communicate directly with me, should you get stuck anywhereor need some guidance! (I'm always here to help.)And don't forget Udemy's full, 30 day money back guarantee and apromise from me that if you use and implement these quick-writingtechniques and strategies I outline in this course, you will have acompleted book in a matter of weeks. If you are sick of putting off writing your first book because you'reabsolutely daunted by writing, then enroll in this course now.You'll get;Full access to me via email through the Udemy platform (I answerevery question I get!)FULL 30 day money back guarantee, backed by UdemyFREE updates and lifetime accessFully explained strategies of how to implement all of these writingtechniques that I talk aboutThe assurance that everything I teach in this course is exactly whatI've used to write books in under 7 days===> Take action and enroll now <===Enroll and dive straight into the course right now. You haveeverything you need right here in this course to get started writingyour first ever self published book!If you want to get your ideas down on paper and produce your firstbook in record time, then enroll in this course now, I'll see you onthe inside!Adrian P.S. Don't forget to check out the preview videos so you know thevalue you're getting!"
Price: 19.99

"Morning Routine: My 5 Step System For Morning Ritual Mastery" |
"===>Are you sick of waking up and not feeling any drive or energy forthe day? <=== ===>Do you want to know how to set yourself up for success from themoment you wake up? <=== ===>Well, an amazing morning routine can absolutely help you achievethat <===Every successful person in the world has a morning routine. If youwant success in your life, then you should be no different.In this course I want to show you what I've learnt from applying manydifferent techniques from super successful and happy people to builda morning routine that makes me smile every day....Do you want to;10X your success, energy and happiness every single morning?Know exactly what the most crucial thing is to do in the first 5minutes of the day?Learn exactly what you should be telling yourself every morning?Know how super important it is to 'Envision' your life and how itaffects your mood?Wake up and actually feel ready to attack the day?==============================================================Over the last decade, I've figured out the perfect blueprint formorning routine success and happiness and now I use it every day. Now, I want to show you what I do and what you can do to attract morehappiness, purpose, success and energy into your mornings.No matter who you are, what you do or how old you are, there arethings you can do right now that will improve how you feel in themornings.==============================================================Here's just some of the morning ritual success principles I'm goingto teach you;Howto implement a morning routine that creates success from day 1!Knowexactly what to do in the first 5 minutes of the day to make yousmileLearnwhat to do the night before to basically guarantee an amazing day!Knowwhat the power of 'envisioning' can do to 10X your days success How to use affirmations and thoughts to control how you feel everysecond of the day!=============================================================Of course you'll get full, lifetime access, updates for life and beable to communicate directly with me, should you get stuck anywhereor need some guidance! (I'm always here to help.)And don't forget Udemy's full, 30 day money back guarantee and apromise from me that if you use and implement these morning routinehacks and rituals, you WILL feel better, be happier and have moreenergy!===>If you're sick of waking up without any direction, happiness, energyor success, then scroll up and enroll in this course now! <===You'll get;Full access to me via email through the Udemy platform (I answerevery question I get!)FULL 30 day money back guarantee, backed by UdemyFREE updates and lifetime accessFull PDF list of affirmations you can pick and choose from everymorning!Fully explained videos of how to implement these techniques intoyour own morning routineThe assurance that everything I teach in this course is what I'vestudied for the last 10+ years and implemented into my life====> Take action and enroll now <====Enroll and dive straight into the course right now. Everything you need to 10X your success, energy, drive and happinessis right here in this course.Don't forget Udemy's famous 30 day money back guarantee...you've gotnothing to lose! If you want to start waking up with a huge grin on your face, thentake this course now, I'll see you on the inside!Adrian P.S. Don't forget to check out the preview videos so you know thevalue you're getting!"
Price: 19.99

"Master Arduino without coding" |
"#1 Scratch for Arduino course on Udemy, in terms of students (close to 1,000)#1 Scratch for Arduino courseon Udemy, in terms of reviews (over 50)#1 Scratch for Arduino courseon udemy, in terms of 5 star reviews (over 30)Bonus content addedregularly. Latest update on 17-Nov-15. We will keep adding new content, so thatour students have something to look forward toAll our students(Makerdemy brand) get VIP pricing ($8) for all our new courses. We have 10courses under our brand and will be releasing a new course every 2 months.____________________________________________________________________Scratch for Arduino (S4A) is a modified version of Scratch and it has been used by many people in a lot of different projects around the world. Projects are designed to interact with the real world using Scratch which helps one easily receive inputs from many sensors. This course is primarily targeted at learners who wish to explore Arduino and learn about microcontrollers. This course requires one to have basic knowledge in electronics of concepts like voltage, current and resistance.The course taker also needs to download and install the software on their computer and they are good to go. No prior knowledge of programming or coding is required however basic knowledge about the same is a bonus! The course is structured as a series of interesting real time projects, through which you can learn how to use the software interface to make Projects of your own. Arduino can be used to change surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone looking to make interactive hardware projects."
Price: 199.99

"Hardware projects using Raspberry Pi" |
"This is a follow on course to the #1 Raspberry Pi course on Udemy - ""Introduction to Raspberry Pi"".Highlights - #2 Raspberry Pi course on Udemy in terms of students (Over 2,200 students)#2 Raspberry Pi course on Udemy in terms of 5 star reviews (Over 25 )#2 Raspberry Pi course of Udemy in terms of reviews (Over 40)The course will be regularly updated, so that the students have something to look forward to. Latest update on 7-Nov-15.All our students will get access to VIP pricing ($8) for all new courses created by Makerdemy. We currently have 10 courses under our brand and will be releasing 1 new course every 2 months._________________________________________________________________This is an intermediate course about the credit card sized computer Raspberry Pi. This course is ideal for those who are interested in exploring the possibilities of Physical computing with Raspberry Pi. The course assumes basic knowledge on computer programming. However, knowledge of Linux operating system and Python programming language would greatly help you in getting up to speed.The GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi are a great way to interface with physical devices like resistors and sensors with the little Linux processor. If you're a Python lover, there's a sweet library called RPi dot GPIO that handles interfacing with the pins.You will learn 3 complete hardware projects. The first one teaches you how to build a Walky Talky to make the most of your Raspberry Pi using Linux command. You just have to enter the desired frequency and you can talk to your neighbors without paying any operator charges!The second project involves building a light detector mechanism which let you know the amount of light available in the particular area. The Raspberry Pi hardware uses a computer program written in Python. You will hook the Pi up with light detector circuit and will use the program to know the sensor behavior upon different intensities of light.The third project teaches you to build a motion sensor based teddy bear which laughs upon waving our hand. The motion detector circuit will be embedded inside the teddy bear and will be controlled using a program written in Python to sense the motion. What are you waiting for? Enroll now!The course provides the complete source code for all the three hardware projects.The entire course can be completed over a fortnight, including the hardware assembly and coding in Python. By the end of this course, you can build your own Raspberry Pi controlled physical devices. You will also learn how to write your own python code to interact directly with the physical world."
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to Internet of Things(IoT) using Raspberry Pi 2" |
"Over 1,000 students & 20+ 5 star reviews.This course is a follow on course to our immensely popular #1 Raspberry Pi course on Udemy - ""Introduction to Raspberry Pi"".Bonus content added regularly. Latest update on 7-Nov-15. Wewill keep adding new content, so that our students have something to lookforward toAll our students(Makerdemy brand) get VIP pricing ($8) for all our new courses. We have 10courses under our brand and will be releasing a new course every 2 months._______________________________________________________________________This is an introductory course on IoT. However, this is not an introductory course on Raspberry Pi. This course is ideal for those who are interested in exploring the possibilities of Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi. The course assumes basic knowledge of computer hardware and software. However, knowledge of Operating system Installation and networking will help you in getting up to speed.The GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi are a great way to interface with physical devices like resistors and sensors. The implementation of IOT within the device will change the operating possibilities. If you are a technology enthusiast and want to learn the cutting edge technology then this is the right course for you. You will learn how to access the complete Graphical User Interface of your Raspberry Pi in your Windows computer. You don't need to buy a Monitor, Keyboard or Mouse separately for this mini kit. By which you can possibly save $100 or more by substituting your personal laptop instead of buying separate peripheral devices. The idea is to reduce costs and use existing devices to interact with the mini kit.You will also learn how to eliminate the use of flash drive and transfer the files wirelessly between Raspberry Pi and Windows computer and vice-versa.Finally, you will learn how to deploy the program remotely and access the GPIO pins. You will execute the program from your Windows computer and the output can be seen afar with peripheral devices connected to Raspberry Pi 2. The course provides the complete source code of the real time project.The entire course can be completed over a fortnight, including the hardware assembly and coding in Python.By the end of this course, you will have a firm foundation on Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi 2. You can easily climb the stairs of IOT advance projects.What are you waiting for? Enroll now!"
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to Arduino" |
"Over 1,000 studentsOver 25 5 star ratingsOne of the top Arduino courses on UdemyBonus content addedregularly. Latest update on 17-Nov-15. We will keep adding new content, so thatour students have something to look forward toAll our students(Makerdemy brand) get VIP pricing ($8) for all our new courses. We have 10courses under our brand and will be releasing a new course every 2 months._____________________________________________________________________Arduino is one of the cost effective boards you can purchase & start programming with to interact with physical elements using logic & create results the way you want it. It can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects and Home Automation related projects.The course lesson will explain How to work on Arduino"" using C Language. This course works best for you if you own an Arduino UNO.Why Learn Arduino?If you an Engineering or Science student you might come across projects in which you want Physical interaction with your computer system.The Arduino development environment makes it easy to write code and upload it to the i/o board. You can use Arduino language(CC++) to interface with Arduino hardware.This course is for anyone who is interested in learning about Arduino. The course does not require any prior knowledge about Arduino. It is designed to introduce the Arduino hardware and programming environment to get you started on building projects.However, basic knowledge of C programming is essential to understand this course. No experience is required, and all you need is an Arduino and several low cost components.In this course, I will walk you through a project called ""The Blind Man Guide"". In this project, an ultrasonic sensor is fitted on to a cap and is powered by Arduino which measures the distance and also alerts about objects or obstacles in front of the device. By wearing this cap, a blind person can be alerted about objects or obstacles in front of him.I will teach you step by step how to go about building this project. I will also share the code with you so that you can replicate the project yourself.At the end of the course, you'll be fully familiarized with Arduino and ready to build your own applications and devices. If you're interested in Arduino, or microcontrollers in general, and don't know where to Start - you've found the perfect course. I look forward to you joining this course."
Price: 199.99

"Internet of Things (IoT) Automation using Raspberry Pi 2" |
"This is an intermediate level course on IoT and Raspberry Pi. This is a follow on course to the #1 Raspberry Pi course on Udemy - ""Introduction to Raspberry Pi"".Take your IoT and Raspberry Pi skills to the next level with this course.Bonus content added regularly. Latest update on 7-Nov-15. Wewill keep adding new content, so that our students have something to lookforward toAll our students(Makerdemy brand) get VIP pricing ($8) for all our new courses. We have 10courses under our brand and will be releasing a new course every 2 months.___________________________________________________________________After creating a successful beginner course on IoT, We are back with another amazing course that will take your basic coding skills to next level. Internet of Things Automation using Raspberry Pi 2 is ideal for those who are interested in exploring the possibilities of IoT using Raspberry Pi 2. The course assumes basic knowledge of computer hardware and software. However, knowledge of Python programming will help you in getting up to speed.You will learn how to connect multiples of DS18B20 waterproof sensors to GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi and access the raw temperature via Linux command. You will code the sensors to display the temperature automatically and also get notified via email alert when the temperature crosses a certain limit. Implementation of IoT through Python programming will make the device remotely accessible. If you are a technology enthusiast and want to learn the cutting edge technology then this is the right course for you.Finally, you will learn how to connect multiples sensors to an open source cloud and access the updated temperature through a web portal dashboard. The course provides the complete source code of the real time project.The entire course can be completed over a fortnight, including the hardware assembly and coding in Python programming.By the end of this course, you will have a firm foundation on Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi 2. You can build own IoT controlled devices.What are you waiting for? Enroll now!"
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to Internet of Things(IoT) using Arduino" |
"#1 IoT using Arduino course on Udemy, in terms of students (over 600)#1 IoT using Arduino courseon Udemy, in terms of reviews (8)#1 IoT using Arduino courseon udemy, in terms of 5 star reviews (8)Bonus content addedregularly. Latest update on 17-Nov-15. We will keep adding new content, so thatour students have something to look forward toAll our students(Makerdemy brand) get VIP pricing ($8) for all our new courses. We have 10courses under our brand and will be releasing a new course every 2 months.____________________________________________________________________This is an introductory course on Internet of Things (IoT). However, this is not an introductory course on Arduino. Arduino is one of the cost effective boards you can purchase & start programming with to interact with physical elements using logic & create results the way you want it. It can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects and Home Automation related projects.This course is ideal for those who are interested in exploring the possibilities of Internet of Things using Arduino. The course lesson will explain How to work on IoT using Arduino"".If you are a technology enthusiast and want to learn the cutting edge technology then this is the right course for you.In this course you will learn how to implement the communication between smart phones and home appliances using Arduino to control the home appliances. This project is significant to reduce wastage of electricity, Improve technology used in a home, to provide convenience, security and increased quality of life and help you to use various wireless technologies.You will learn how to use Android device to wirelessly control electrical outlets using relay switches in order to prevent wastage of electricity. How to configure your Bluetooth module to operate in the communication speed used in the Arduino.Android app to help you control the pins of your Arduino Uno from your Android phone wirelessly.App employs a simple Android user interface to 1) Control Arduino Uno's digital and PWM pins 2) Send text commands to Arduino 3) Receive data from Arduino over Bluetooth serial using the ever popular and really cheap HC-06 Bluetooth over serial module.This project can be used to control various Home Appliances. And we can control device from a long distance, thus it gives ease of access. Faster operation and efficient. No need to carry separate remote or any other controlling unit.In this project, a Relay and Bluetooth module is connected with Home appliances and is powered by Arduino which using Android app we can send commands to the Arduino to control the home appliances.I will teach you step by step how to go about building this project. I will also share the code with you so that you can replicate the project yourself.At the end of the course, you'll be fully familiarized with Arduino and ready to build your own home appliances. If you're interested in Arduino, or microcontrollers in general, and don't know where to Start - you've found the perfect course. I look forward to you joining this course. It provides the complete source code of the real time project. You will have a firm foundation on Internet of Things using Arduino. You can easily climb the stairs of IoT advance projects.What are you waiting for? Enroll now!"
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to mBot" |
"This cute little fella is the mBot a do-it-yourself educational robot kit from robotics experts Makeblock. Built around the Arduino open-source platform, it's designed to induct kids into the fields of robotics and programming. The company chose to build around the concept of STEM education: science, technology, engineering & mathematics. Specifically, it helps children get an early start into these disciplines. There are two versions of the mBot: a Bluetooth version for home use and a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi version, which is designed for classroom use. Everything that you need to build it is in the box in a nutshell, you need to assemble it using the precise instructions provided and add batteries. There are 45 pieces and it's easy to put them together in about 15 minutes. It's neatly packaged and consists of very high quality materials. Every little part that you need from the main Arduino board, DC motors, to each screw, cable and even a set of tools is in the box. It comes pre-programmed but it's also designed to be tinkered with. Parent of pre-teens might be familiar with Scratch. Its a free, graphical based programming language developed by MIT Media Lab. Well, Makeblock has built their own version for this and called it mBlock. The idea behind mBlock is that younger children can start out with graphical programming and move on to text-based programming as they become more advanced. Ultimately, once you put everything together, mBot can move around and avoid obstacles on its own, follow a line on the ground or just accept commands from the supplied IR remote controller. With the Makeblock app, you can control the robots wirelessly. For children, especially, it can be a surreal experience: actually building something out of tiny parts and seeing it come to 'life'. And there's no limit to what you can do add more parts, add another robot to play games or program your own actions. This is what will inspire the next generation of engineers."
Price: 94.99

"Raspberry Pi Robotics" |
"After creating a successful intermediate course on IoT, We are back with another stunning course that will take your intermediate coding skills to the advance level. Raspberry Pi Robotics is ideal for those who are inquisitive in exploring the possibilities of IoT using Raspberry Pi 2. The course assumes basic knowledge of computer hardware and software. However, knowledge of Python programming will help you in getting up to speed. You will learn how to connect L239D Integrated circuit to the GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi and control the DC bo motor. You will code the integrated circuit to rotate the motor in different directions and accept the user keyboard input to run the robot in user defined space. Implementation of IoT through Python programming will make the device remotely accessible. If you are a technology enthusiast and want to learn the cutting edge technology then this is the right course for you. The course provides the complete source code of the real time project. The entire course can be completed over a fortnight, including the hardware assembly and coding in Python programming. By the end of this course, you will have fundamental knowledge about building a basic robot using Raspberry Pi 2 and control it remotely. What are you waiting for? Enroll now!"
Price: 94.99

"Automation with Raspberry Pi Zero" |
"Automation with Raspberry Pi Zero will take your intermediate coding skills to the next level. The course is ideal for those who wants to explore the possibilities of newly launched Raspberry Pi Zero. Going forward you will learn how to program the small LCD screen and display the dynamic data. Next you will learn how to control any of the AC appliances using a relay and Python programming. The course will also cover two complete projects that will give solutions to the real-time problems. The first project will include how to get rid of the daily manual effort of turning the water pump ON and OFF and automate the entire process. And, the second project will teach you how to water the plants automatically when the moisture level is low using Raspberry Pi Zero. The course provides the complete source code of the real time project. The entire course can be completed over a fortnight, including the hardware assembly and coding in Python programming. By the end of this course, you will have fundamental knowledge about automating the things using Raspberry Pi Zero and control the physical things with the mini kit. What are you waiting for? Enroll now!"
Price: 94.99

"Raspberry Pi meets Arduino" |
"This is an advanced level course on Arduino. This course is designed for advanced makers. Well help you to get started with the basics of creating circuits with the Arduino and Arduino Mega prototyping board. We will show how a Raspberry Pi and Arduino can communicate with each other. By the end of this course, you would have built Security Systems and Access Control with Arduino using Keypad 4x4 and an Employee entry system using Arduino and RFID sensor. The prerequisite for this course is a basic understanding of electrical and electronic concepts and ability to download and install software on your computer. Along the way, you will learn about programming, sensors, and communications. The course split into three parts: Project 1: In this project, we will teach you how to communicate a message from the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi and vice-versa using a USB serial cable. Project 2: In this project, we teach you how to build an employee entry system using Arduino and RFID sensor module. This project is designed to record the employee details, date and time in PLX-DAQ Spreadsheet to monitor the time and date of entry and exit. Project 3: This is a security related project. Well show you how to make a keypad combination lock. In the project, keypad security system and access control with Arduino can change the combination without reprogramming the Arduino. If learning by making sounds like the way to go, then this course is for you!RFID tags are used for everything from credit cards and passports to inventory control and door locks. Everyone should know more than a thing or two about them. With this course, you'll be able to learn how to read, ""spoof"" and use RFID in both standard and creative ways. Their ubiquitous nature and how little an average citizen knows about them also makes for great science fair and educational projects.To explain RFID, we can use a key and lock analogy. Instead, of the key having a unique pattern, RFID keys hold a series of unique numbers that are read by the lock. It is up to our Arduino sketch to determine what happens when the lock reads the number. The key is the tag, card or another small device we carry around or have in our life. We will be using a passive key, which is an integrated circuit and a small aerial. It uses power from a magnetic field associated with the sensor. If you are a technology enthusiast and want to learn the cutting-edge technology, then this is the right course for you. I will teach you step by step how to go about building this project. I will also share the code with you so that you can replicate the project yourself. At the end of the course, you'll be fully familiarized with Arduino and ready to build your electronic security system. I look forward to you joining this course. It provides the complete source code of the real time project. What are you waiting for? Enroll now!"
Price: 94.99

"Getting started with Banana Pro" |
"This is an introductory course about the credit card sized Banana Pro. This course is useful for those who are interested in exploring the possibilities of Banana Pro as a computer. The course does not assume any prior knowledge of computers or programming. However, a knowledge of Linux operating system and Python programming language would greatly help you in getting up to speed.The course will teach you to hook up the Banana Pro with a keyboard and monitor so that you can use it as a low-cost computer. You will also learn how to step into the world of physical computing something that you normally do not do with your home computer or laptop.You will learn to build two complete projects. The first one teaches you how to make a magic candle and turn it ON or OFF by just blowing air as you do in birthday parties. By doing this, you will learn how to code and interact with physical devices such as sensors. The second project involves building a smoke and gas detector with e-mail notifier to enhance the safety in your kitchen area. You will use the Banana Pro to design the circuit and Python program to code the sensor.You will also learn how to install Android operating system in your Banana Pro and experience the Android interface. The course provides complete source code for both the projects.The entire course can be completed within a week, including the hardware assembly for the magic candle and smoke sensor.By the end of this course, you will learn how to boot and wire up a Banana Pro and write your own Python code to interact with physical world."
Price: 94.99

"Arduino for Biometrics" |
"This is an advanced level course on Arduino. This course is designed for advanced makers. Well help you to get started with the basics of creating circuits with the Arduino board. In this course, we will show you Fire detection using Arduino and Flame sensor. In the second project is Rain Sensor Module allows you to measure the moisture level via Analog output pins to detect whether its raining or not. The third project is how to communicate data using two Arduinos and also using the 433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver modules with two Arduinos to receive the message. The fourth project is Digital capacitive touch sensor with Arduino to light up the lamp with a single touch, and the last project is based on the biometric fingerprint sensor. It Secures your project with biometrics - this all-in-one optical fingerprint sensor will make adding fingerprint detection and verification. This module is typically used in safe there's a high powered DSP chip that does the image rendering, calculation, feature-finding, and searching. The prerequisite for this course is a basic understanding of electrical and electronic concepts and ability to download and install software on your computer. Along the way, you will learn about programming, sensors, and communications. The course split into six parts: Project 1: In this project, we will teach you how Flame sensor is interfaced with the Arduino to detect Flame. We have connected the Led and buzzer with Arduino to indicate the flame. Project 2: In this project, we teach you how to build Rain sensor module allows you to measure moisture via Analog output pins, and it provides a digital output when a threshold of moisture level is exceeded. Project 3: Transmission between two Arduinos well make an Inter-Integrated Circuit bus using two Arduinos. We will program one master Arduino to command the other slave Arduino to blink its built-in LED once or twice depending on the received value. Project 4: In this project will explain you the complete guide for the RF 433MHz Transmitter and Receiver module. Well explain this module how it works, and will show you how to work with the Arduino. Project 5: In this project, the device uses your body as part of the circuit. When you touch the sensor pad, the capacitance of the circuit is changed and detected. That detected a change in capacitance results in the output changing states. Project 6: This is my first fingerprint sensor project to read users fingerprint and recognized the user, we obsessed with the biometric system and was curious if we could use a fingerprint to turn on and off a device. Fingerprint sensor Secure your project with biometrics - this all-in-one optical fingerprint sensor will make adding fingerprint detection and verification super simple. This module is typically used in safe - there's a high powered DSP chip that does the image rendering, calculation, feature-finding, and searching. You can also enroll new fingers directly - up to 162 fingerprints can be stored in the onboard FLASH memory. If you are a technology enthusiast and want to learn the cutting-edge technology, then this is the right course for you. In this course, I show you how to get up and running on the Arduino platform so you can make your own projects to interact with the world. I will teach you step by step how to go about building this project. I will also share the code with you so that you can replicate the project yourself. I look forward to you joining this course. It provides the complete source code of the real time project. What are you waiting for? Enroll now."
Price: 94.99

"Home Automation using Raspberry Pi" |
"This course, ""Home Automation using Raspberry Pi"" is for anyone who is interested in building some really cool Home Automation projects using Raspberry Pi. Since it is not a beginner course, the learner needs to have a basic knowledge of Raspberry Pi, Linux commands and basic Python Programming.In this course, the learner will learn how to build an Intruder Detection System. Whenever there is any intrusion at home or office, it is detected using PIR motion detector sensor, an alarm is produced using a buzzer, an image of the intruder is captured, and an email containing the attachment of the image is sent to the user. A database containing the date, time, and image of the intruder is created and served over a web page using Raspberry Pi as a web server so that the user can access the web page to view the log of all the intrusions that have taken place over time.The complete system is subdivided into individual sections and explained with the utmost detail so that it is easy to understand. It also explains the possible applications for such a system and how the learner can customize for his/her home or office. Complete Python source code and PHP code are also included so that the learner can easily replicate the system. After completing this course, the learner will know how Raspberry Pi helps us in building home automation stuffs, developed on the core idea of ""Internet of Things""."
Price: 94.99

"IoT enabled Aeroponics using Raspberry Pi 3" |
"IOT enabled Aeroponics using Raspberry Pi 3 is an intermediate course on the newly launched Raspberry Pi 3. The course is ideal for those who want to explore the possibilities of Raspberry Pi in the field of agriculture. This course will take your intermediate coding skills to the next level. The course covers two projects.In the first project, you will learn how to program the flow sensor to measure exactly one or more litres of liquid or gas. This can be implemented in any project where you want to know the consumption day by day.Going forward you will learn how to program the small LCD screen and display the dynamic data. Once you are done with it, we will proceed to our major project Aeroponics system. In this, you will learn how to build the system from the ground up and control it remotely using theRaspberry Pi.You will also learn how to integrate with the IoT platform and control the entire system remotely. You will have a dashboard where you can visualize the data in the form of a graph, table, gauge meter, etc. Apart from that, you can also control the mist machine by turning ON and OFF through a virtual switch on your dashboard. This will be a fun project, and you will learn to program for Internet of Things.The course provides the complete source code of both the projects.The entire course can be completed over a fortnight, including the hardware assembly and coding in Python programming.By the end of this course, you will have enough knowledge about the Aeroponics system and how to implement in the real time scenario."
Price: 94.99

"Humanoid Robotics using Raspberry Pi" |
"Humanoid Robotics usingRaspberry Pi 3 is an advanced course for those who wantto explore in depth in the field of physical computing and Robotics. The course requires basic knowledge of Python programming, Linux commands and obviously, your interest in Robotics. In this course, you will learn how to build your own walking Robot from the ground up. This robot will also have obstacle detection feature and will also capture the images of the obstacle. In the first part of this course, I will walk you through the hardware and software requirements so that you can have everything ready with you before working on the project. In the second part, I will teach you how to design theRobot so that itlooks like a human. Servo motors will be responsible for the movement of the Robot and we will usesome of the sensors to perform different tasks such as obstacle detection and capturing images. Once we are done with the designing part I will be guiding you to write the Robot walking program in python. This section will also include obstacle detection where a green LED willkeepglowing while the Robot walks and if any obstacle is found in front of the Robot then a red LED will glow indicating that anobstacle isfound. One USB webcam will be attached on the head of the Robot so that it can also be able to capture the images. I will guide you step by step how to go about building these projects. I will also share the sourcecode with you so that you can replicate the project by yourself. I look forward to you joining this course."
Price: 94.99

"Advanced Home Automation using Raspberry Pi 3" |
"This course, ""Home Automation using Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 and OpenHAB"" is foranyone who wants to build some amazingly cool Home Automation gadgets using Raspberry Pi. Since it is an advanced course, the learnerneeds to have a basic knowledge of Raspberry Pi, Linux commands, and fundamental electronic circuit connections. However, it is recommendedto undertake our previous course on Introduction to Raspberry Pi and Home Automation using Raspberry Pi before subscribing to this course.The learner will be exposed to the cutting-edge of technologies in Internet of Things and Home Automation.The ESP8266 is a wonder chip which can connect the sensors to Wifi. Thus, one can connect to all the sensors and output devices remotely using Wifi network and thereby making one'shome, a hub of several automated systems, controlled using a single Raspberry Pi.The learnerwill also masterthe open source home automation platform, OpenHAB. OpenHAB provides the environment to build a User Interface forHome automation devices. The userneed not createweb servers to serve web pages and develop owninterfaces for each system. There is a single platform to provide UI that can control all thedevices right from theSmartphone.In this course, the learner will learn how to build anRemote Temperature and Humidity Measurement System. A simple gadget one can have at their home to know temperature and humidity for any remote location inside house just using their smartphone. Also the learners will learn to build anLetter box Alert System. By installing this simple home automation gadget in their postbox, the learners can track the arrival of letters into their letterboxes. Thus making their letter boxes to listen and respond.The complete system is subdivided into individual sections and explained with the utmost detail so that it is easy to understand. It also explains the possible applications for such a system and how the learner can customize for his/her home or office. Complete Linux commands and OpenHAB configuration filesare also included so that the learner can easily replicate the system.After completing this course, the learner will know tobuild kind of splendidly cool home automation stuff using these open source technologies."
Price: 94.99

"Intel Edison Step by Step - Part I" |
"This is anintroductory level course on Intel Edison. This course is designed for absolute beginners makers. We have come up with an Introductory course on Intel Edison in which will show you how to get started from the basic level of this cool single board computer. The course requires basic knowledge of Arduino programming language. Well help you to get started with the basics of setting up and installation process and also creating circuits with the Intel Edison board.In this course will show you how to use Intel Edison for the first time and how to use Flex sensor with LED, Servo motor, Buzzer and also to control power of light using the serial-3-channel-ac-230v light dimmer module using multiple Flex sensors. Intel Edison and its development board are also very interesting. We makers love microcontrollers a lot! The endless possibilities that these pieces of hardware give to us. Ever wondered how small they keep getting. A board is so small that it removes huge barriers in the world of wearables and the Internet of Things! Its the Intel Edison Board. This Introduction to Intel Edison for beginners course will show you how to get started on working with this cool single board computer. On one way, you can use this board as Arduino with its shields; these are suitable easily.On the other hand, you can connect your board via Wi-Fi to get on the internet. The Intel Edison board is a cool single computer boardplatform that helps you build amazing stuff just like the Arduino board. Here, you can use platforms like Arduino, Eclipse for working on it. This board uses an Intel Atom processor with a dual-core CPU at 500 MHz and a microcontroller at 100 MHz. The Edison board sports 1GB of memory, 4GB of storage and even has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 capabilities. It also has 40 GPIOs for plugging in all sorts of crazy sensors and motors you can think. The module of Intel named Intel Edison is slightly larger than an SD card. After playing around with Edison. The specialty of Edison is that it can use for wearables, and it is powerful enough to control robots. This module equipped with Yocto, a Linux OS. It has an onboard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, perfect for IoT projects. We can connect to Edison remotely and run commands or access the file system. It gives lots of flexibility to developers via SSH. The prerequisite for this course is a basic understanding of electrical and electronic concepts and ability to download and install software on your computer. Along the way, you will learn about programming, sensors, and communications. The goal of this project is to create a wearable glove integrated with flex sensors so that as the wearer bends his/her fingers it translates to a quantitative value on the circuit board. The goal is that when you bend your fingers, we can control the 230V of light dimmer. If you are a technology enthusiast and want to learn the cutting-edge technology, then this is the right course for you.In this course, I will show you how to get up and running on the Intel Edison platform so you can do your projects to interact with the world.I will teach you step by step how to go about building this project. I will also share the code with you so that you can replicate the project yourself. I look forward to you joining this course. It provides the complete source code of the real time project. What are you waiting for? Enroll now."
Price: 94.99

"Facial recognition using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV" |
"This course is for anyonewho is interested in exploringDigital Image ProcessingusingRaspberry Pi and OpenCV.The course requires basic knowledge of Python programming andLinux commands and obviously your interest in programming.In this course, we are going to use OpenCV libraries to explore facialrecognition feature. OpenCV is an open source C++ library for image processing and computer vision, originally developed by Intel and now supported by Willow Garage. It is free for both commercial and non-commercial use. Therefore it is not mandatory for your OpenCV applications to be open or free. It is a library of many inbuilt functions mainly aimed at real-time image processing. I am going to teach you how to track faces in the image you have captured using Webcam or any other device. We will also locate and count the faces present in the image. In the next project, I will teach youhow toprogramin Python and OpenCV todetectand highlightthe eyes of the persons along with the facepresent in the picture. Going forward, I will also cover the machine learning based project in which I will create Image puzzle using python programming and OpenCV. This will be a picture-based puzzle where you can search a small section of the image inside a bigger image. I will guide you step by step how to go about building these projects. I will also share the source code with you so that you can replicate the project by yourself."
Price: 94.99

"Physical Computing with Scratch using Raspberry Pi" |
"Hello, learners! Greetings from Makerdemy. In this course, you will learn how to program the ScratchGPIO on Raspberry to work on the Physical Computing with Scratch.Scratch is a very accessible and easy to learn programming framework for both young children and adults. Its close association with the Raspberry Pi and its educational emphasis has been a perfect match. The ScratchGPIO project brings control and sensing of the Pi's low-level GPIO pins to Scratch in a very powerful way. It continues to enhance the package to support LCD screens, motors, compass components, distance sensors, and other electronic and robotic components. The level of hardware control offered by the ScratchGPIO package allows even beginner programmers the ability to interact with the physical world with a simple and familiar programming framework. A new version of Scratch for Raspberry Pi added with the GPIO pins. In this course will guide you how to use Scratch Programming Language with the Raspberry Pi. The Scratch included with the Raspberry Pi has some unique features; one of the most useful is its ability to communicate with the GPIO pins (General Purpose Input Output). These pins allow you to connect your Raspberry Pi to a range of devices, from lights and motors to buttons and sensors. The original Raspberry Pi had a 26-pin header and newer models (B+, Pi 2, Pi 3, etc.) have a 40-pin header, but in this course, I will be using the Raspberry Pi 3 model. The Raspberry Pi is great hardware microcontroller to get starting with Scratch. This course is ideal for those who are interested in exploring the possibilities of Physical computing with Raspberry Pi using ScratchGPIO. Basic knowledge of Scratch is required to get started with the course. The GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi are a great way to interface with physical devices like resistors and sensors with the Scratch. By following this course, you will learn how to install the ScratchGPIO package, where to look for more information about it and Scratch. Also, you will assemble an easy to use breadboard circuits, motors, PIR sensors, Relay, Touch sensor, Ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance and mail notification, etc., that will allow you to experiment safely with Scratch and GPIO control for both input and output. Finally, you will create a game that can be used as an example and a basis to be modified to learn and experiment. As the ScratchGPIO project continues to mature and expand, you can look forward to seeing a whole new generation of Raspberry Pi robotics controlled by Scratch."
Price: 94.99

"Home Automation in 48 hours without coding" |
"In this course, Wewill help you explore Internet of things, using Raspberry Pi and Cayenne. Have you ever wanted to build great IoT projects without writing a single line of code? Yes! Thats absolutely possible with Cayenne. Cayenne is the world's first drag-and-drop project builder developed to quickly design, prototype and commercialize IoT solutions. Cayenne provides a digital dashboard to control and monitor your project from anywhere. You can Quickly connect to the Internet and hook up sensors, actuators, and extensions in minutes. In this course, you will learn to interface sensors and actuators with the cayenne web application after which we will build the Home Automation project. You will learn to control the different home appliances using the cayenne web application or withthemobile app. Whether it is a television, a lamp, a fan or even an AC motor, each one of these can be turned ON or OFF with the help of a smartphone from anywhere in the world. Next, you will also learn to use a digital motion sensor and deploy it for a security alert while you are away from your home. You will get notified by an email as well as a text message if something goes wrong. You will also learn how to read analog sensors using Raspberry Pi without writing lines and lines of code to convert analog signals to digital signals using ADC ICs. You just need to design the circuit, and the system will be smart enough to establish an connection with the circuit. Lastly, you will learn to save energy by building an automatic garden lighting system. A simple light switch is the traditional way to operate garden lights. However, it is sometimes easy to forget to switch the lights on or off. With a simple switch, you also have to bear in mind that darkness falls at different times throughout the year. So, the idea is to turn on the lights only when it is dark. This can save energy and eliminate manual effort. A light sensor can switch on outdoor lights when the light intensity drops below a certain threshold level. When the sky clears up, the sensor will turn off the lights. All the projects will be discussed step by step and with real-time demonstration of the output. If you face any technical issue during the development process, please post your query in the udemy discussion forum. Wewill get back to you within 48 business hours."
Price: 94.99

"Make Apple Watch Apps in Swift. Get into the App store." |
"Course Updated 9th July 2015. New section added. Price: $79 USDCourse Updated 3rd March 2015. New section added.- Price $49 USDDo you want to have your App on the Apple Watch?Do you have no idea where to start?Hi I am Andrew. 3 years ago I was in the same position as you and took an online course to learn to make iOS Apps.Begin here to start making your first Apple Watch App. Current price is $79 USD - this will go up as more content is added to the course which has already been planned!From a novice to a seasoned developer this course will give you access to earn cash in the new Apple Watch store. Learn before launch and be one of the first in the App Store.This course will take you through developing several Apps for the Apple Watch. Over time more Apps and content will be added covering all aspects of the Apple Watch. All this future content is free for current students.You will to use the features of the Apple Watch such as:NotificationsGlancesConnecting the Apple Watch app to your iPhone/iPadAll apps you develop in this course come with complete source code and permission to use them however you like! Change, and modify these apps to use however you like!This course comes with a free copy of my "Learn Swift A-Z foundations" valued at $49 USD. This is the perfect companion if you are unfamiliar with Swift.By the end of this course you will be able to confidentially make your own Apple Watch apps, whatever you can imagine you can create.All my courses include:Unlimited lifetime access to the courseFuture bonus lecture's and materials to this course are always freeUnconditinal, no questions asked full 30 day money back guaranteeMy help is always available - my support is legendary on UDemy and my Youtube channelAre you ready to take your first step in developing Apple Watch?Do you want to be among the first to be on the Apple Watch store?Enrol today, every hour you delay is costing you another App that could be ready for the Apple Watch app store!"
Price: 49.99
