"Curso de escultura y modelado profesional" |
"Mas de 700 estudiantes! En este curso aprendes tcnicas de modelado en PLASTILINA TRADICIONAL.VUELVETE UN ESCULTOR PROFESIONAL!Este curso te permite aprender las tcnicas de modelado de los escultores profesionistas: el curso los guia paso a paso en la creacin de estructuras, volmenes y superficie de la pieza, hasta los acabados finales. Has alguna ves tenido la inquietud o curiosidad de hacer una escultura? Eres estudiante de artes plsticas y quieres un curso claro que te explique sencillamente tcnicas de modelado? Quieres perfeccionar tu tcnica escultrica y conocer mas de materiales?APRENDE LOS SECRETOS DE HACER ESTRUCTURAS LIGERAS, MODELAR VOLUMENES Y DAR ACABADOS COMO UN ESCULTOR PROFESIONAL.Francesca, escultora profesionista italiana, realiza en frente de la cmara una escultura, explicando detalle por detalle todo lo que hace y porque, poniendo acento sobre todas las etapas que permiten llevar a cabo un proyecto escultorico, el uso de herramientas y de los diferentes materiales a disposicin. Se empieza por la realizacin de la estructura que rige toda la pieza, para construir los volumenes gererales con materiales ligeros y resistentes. Conocers el uso de los estiques para escultor, las diferentes plastilinas, los sellos de textura (aprenders a hacerlos tu mism@), vers diferentes maneras de realizar superficies lisas o texturizadas, el uso de solventes y mucho mas. vers como crear manos, caras y cuerpos.En pocas horas este video te guia en:- la realizacin de una estructura ligera - la creacin de volmenes- los acabados finales. Conocers los diferentes materiales, herramientas y mtodos que un escultor profesional domina.Cada mtodo y cada material es explicado de manera clara para que puedas utilizarlo de la mejor manera, y sobre todo para TU PROYECTO PERSONAL.No te pierdas los consejos y las tcnicas de una profesionista!Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das! "
Price: 69.99

"Curso de escultura en fibra de vidrio y moldes en silicon" |
"EN ESTE CURSO APRENDES A HACER MOLDES Y REPLICAS DE PIEZAS!Mas de 700 estudiantes!! Este curso te permite aprender a realizar piezas tridimensionales de resina y fibra de vidrio a partir de una pieza original: puede ser una pieza de tu creacin o simplemente un objeto que te encanta. Para lograr esto, realizaremos paso a paso todo el proceso: crearemos un molde de caucho de silicon con concha de resina con fibra de vidrio y haremos el ""vaciado"" hueco tambin de resina con fibra de vidrio (el resultado final).Una vez que realices un molde de caucho de silicon, puedes hacer numerosas piezas a partir de estas: bastar con repetir el proceso del ""vaciado"" las veces que quieras, todas sern idnticas al objeto original.Puedes crear replicas de tus propios modelados en plastilina, barro, epoxica, cermica etc o replicar otras piezas de material rgido.ACTUALIZACIN: ademas de la realizacin de un molde y replica paso a paso, el curso contienen una serie de videos (grabados durante mis cursos presenciales) para explicar diferentes tipos de moldes, y como solucionar diferentes problemas.Esta tecnica es LA BASE DE:- escultura tradicional para crear mas de una pieza a partir del modelado original. la pieza final puede ser de resina y fibra de vidrio (como en este video), de resina llena sin fibra de vidrio, de yeso o cemento, de cualquier otro material- la tcnica de la cera perdida en bronce. De este mismo molde se pueden elaborar ceras que en la fundicin se utilizan para crear los bronces finales - (este curso no explica la tecnica de la cera perdida, pero tener un molde de silicon permite al fundidor de hacer un bronce. En este caso simplemente llevamos con la fundicin el molde para que ellos realizen la cera y sigan con el proceso) - en la industria de los ART TOYS para crear modelos idnticos que puedes luego customizar, modificar e intervenir.Conoce los materiales mas indicados y profesionales y el proceso creativo paso a paso. Realiza tu propia pieza gracias a insrtucciones sencillas y claras.ES EL COMPLEMENTO IDEAL DE LOS CURSOS DE MODELADO, buscalos en Udemy:- APRENDE ESCULTURA Y MODELADO PROFESIONAL- APRENDE A ESCULPIR LA FIGURA HUMANA MASCULINA- APRENDE A ESCULPIR LA FIGURA HUMANA FEMENINASECCIONES BONUS:Hay 4 secciones bonus en el curso, que se grabaron a parte (con puro celular). Tal vez la calidad audio-video no sea la mejor pero considero que contienen informacion muy valiosa que le resultar interesante:1- CLASE BONUS: DIFERENTES CASOS DE CANDADO: realizacin diferentes tipos de moldes con varios tipos de dificultades2- CLASE BONUS: HACER UN MOLDE SE SILICON CON OTRA TECNICA (silicon y yeso): video de YuoTube donde hago un molde con explicaciones mas rapidas y la concha es de yeso3- CLASE BONUS: hacer vaciados en resina. Otros metodos. Vemos vaciados en moldes de una sola mitad. Huecos, llenos y bicolores4- CLASE BONUS: PINTURA DE PIEZAS. Grabada durante el curso de escultura en plastilina epoxica, ilustro metodos de pintura con la tcnica del oleo.ACLARACIN: - En este curso ""escultura en fibra de vidrio y moldes en silicon"" la figura final es hueca (se usa fibra de vidrio en capas) y se rellena (opcional) con poliuretano, aunque se pueda dejar hueca (por ejemplo para hacer una lampara) ESTA TECNICA ES APTA PARA PIEZAS MEDIANAS O GRANDES- En el curso ""Moldes de silicon y replica de la figura humana"" la figura final es solida (llena de resina) y NO se usa fibra de vidrio. ESTA TECNICA ES APTA PARA PIEZAS PEQUEAS O MEDIANASNo te pierdas los consejos y las tcnicas de un profesional!Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das! "
Price: 74.99

"eBay Drop Shipping Guide with No Inventory - Work From Home" |
"Formerly Known As ""How I made $100,000 my 1st year selling on eBay No Inventory"" Course.Special PromoPrice THISMONTHonly!The price will increase by $20on January 1st 2018!There is a reason why this course is LITERALLY the following:#1 TOP PAID Business Course across the board!#1 EBAY course on the internet!#1 MOST POPULAR Business Course across the board!#1 HIGHEST RATINGS and HIGHEST # of REVIEWS in the business category!My most favorite stat, the #1 HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT COURSE! (Thank you to all the students inside the course, it is a REAL community)Happy students = Happy reviews. The most comprehensive course with nearly 7 hours of lectures, nothing is left out in this course! More importantly, there is a reason why you landed here today to read this. We both understand how precious time is, and I assure you I am not here to waste your time or have you waste mine. Read on.JOIN OVER 37,000 STUDENTS across all of my courses!We are creating a real community of online entrepreneurs.LATEST: Course updated on May 2019 with more lectures.Is your goal to earn more income in 2019? Can you believe how fast last year went by? If increasing your income while decreasing your work time is one of them, then look no further this course is your ticket!You can start learning the proven methods I have used for the past 5 years to earn over $10,000 a month, that's over $100,000 a year. The infamous 6 figures everyone chases!In 2014 I earned over $100,000 in profit my first year doing this! Please see preview video for proof of income. I'm just a normal guy if I can do it you can too.Did you know in 2016, close to 9billion dollars was spent on eBay alone? Currently there are 164 million people active buyers on eBay! What that means is millions of transactions happen resulting in millions of dollars in sales per day world wide! These numbers are HUGE!So what does that spell out for you? Big opportunity! Please preview the course video (1st lecture for Free!)I'll be frank this course is NOT a get rich quick scheme. This course outlines a simple proven way to earn a part time, or even significant full time income. Your earnings will be based on your ability to learn and EXECUTE. You can sign up for a gym membership but sitting around at home watching TV will not get you fit & in shape right?NO hype. NO BS. NO gimmicks. You may have heard this before, however this time is different. This is a transparent gloves off A-Z 1 2 3 blueprint. What would an extra $2,000 a month do for you & your family? How about $14,000? Would that be life changing? Keep reading! You might be saying yea right that's great for you, but could it really happen for me? I have already helped hundreds of students from all over the world do this and receive messages daily from them with their success stories and sales!This business requires very little time which gives you something more precious than moneyTIME FREEDOM! Think about what you could do if you had that? You could spend more time with your family, travel, or finally pursue that passion you have always wanted to.Be one of the students to enroll and learn all of my closely guarded secrets! Am I going to guarantee you overnight success? Absolutely not, that would be unrealistic, we're all mature enough to know that there are no guarantees in life. Anyone promising that is lying. This is a real business that requires real work that can take months to even a year to produce the income you're looking for. Here is what I can promise youIf you're coach-able with a good attitude, a willingness to work, and you follow my system you will earn income. Even after your first 90 days the profits can be awesome!How much capital will you need to invest to start? Next to nothing, because the strategy I use requires no up front capital! What you will learn:1. How to setup an eBay store and optimize the correct settings2. The core concepts of Drop Shipping3. The core concepts of creating a ""Lifestyle Business""4. A view of my store, products I sell, eBay back office.5. Why and where I source products from6. How to scale up your business to work 15 mins a day or less7. Start to finish guide on how to do every aspect of the businessand much more!What you will need:1. A computer or laptop2. Open minded3. 5-10 hours per week to start, you must master the skills before you can teach someone else to do it. Then it can be 15 minutes a day of maintenance.What you will get:1. On going support from me through the Udemy platform including chat discussions and private messages. One caveat: Im human and not a robot so response times may vary especially if we're in different times zones.2. My formulas and systems I have created for successI applaud you for reading this far. This course will be unlike anything you have ever seen, and is a simple business model just about anyone can run.What's my motivation for teaching it? I have always been passionate about helping others, and in the past 2 years I have had my first real taste of it. I personally mentored 6 of my close friends (students) with this system but on another business to see if it was truly duplicateable, and it is! Two out of the 6 are making over $100,000 a year. One of them did it in their 1st year making $114,000 in profit! Now as an update since the launch of this course, literally hundreds and hundreds of students are making $500-1000 per month. Some have even reported making $4000-5000 per month! All the case studies have been tested hundreds of times and it works. The only missing ingredient is for you to get in and work it!It brings me much joy to hear their success stories and their expressed gratitude warms my heart.Reminder: Udemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gained NO VALUE at all within 30 days, I will personally guarantee you a refund! I am confident in what I have created. This course took several weeks, 8-10 hours per day, recording and editing. I have poured my heart and soul into this course and left nothing on the table. Everything I know and have done is all here.Lets create your success story together! Click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page right NOW! Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams. Enroll right away to be one of our students in our online entrepreneur community, and stake your claim in this wide open market!David Vu Serial Entrepreneur, Fisherman, World Traveler, Happiness AmbassadorUPDATE:Here is a review from one of my students that just blows me away. We have created THOUSANDS of success stories similar to this. Shaine Warren is a real student on Udemy, message her! :)Shaine writes: Made over $5,000 and Quit my 'Day Job' :)This course has literally changed my life for the better. David does an awesome job teaching this system and makes it really easy to follow. Plus he is very active in the discussion board and always answers any questions you have.I started this course about 5 months ago and I am so glad I took action and followed what is taught. I have since made over $5,000 Net Profit... $3,000 of which has been made this month alone which is what led me to quit my manual labor warehouse 'day job' because I am now making way more on eBay.This business model is by no means a get rich quick scheme. It does take some effort and work to build it up, but once you get it going there is no looking back :)Whether you're just looking to make some extra income or looking for an escape from a not so enjoyable day job, this course may be the solution you need. Just make sure you actually take action and follow the steps provided.I wish you all the best! :)"
Price: 194.99

"How to Train your Virtual Assistant for eBay Drop Shipping" |
"If you thought my first course was amazing, wait til you see how I ""BRING IT"" in this course! This is the follow up course to ""How I made $100,000 my 1st year selling on Ebay No Inventory"" and recently renamed to eBay Dropshipping Guide with No InventoryLATEST: Course updated on May 2019 with more lectures.No long sales letter here, this course is FOR YOU if you are a student of my 1st course and you are ready to scale your business and take it to the next level by outsourcing! I will walk you through the whole process and even help train your V.A. (Employee) for you too!If you don't think you or your business is worth the investment, then simple; don't make the investment and don't take the course. Thousands of students have messaged me that paid a promo price on the first course say that after they completed it they would have gladly paid full price for it and even feel bad paying a discounted price because of the VALUE. This is a private course for the BEST students from my first course. Students of this course will have my full undivided extra attention :)"
Price: 194.99

"How I got thousands of real followers on Twitter in no time" |
"SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICING! Get it now - it's the cheapest this course will ever be!This course is the secret sauce to building a large following on Twitter made up of real people who want to engage with and share your content. I'll walk you through a simple process that will take you less than ten minutes a day that will:Get you 50-100 new Twitter followers per day - real people that are relevant to you, not bots.That could translate to thousands, or tens of thousands, of new Twitter followers this year.You'll see your engagement with your tweeted content go through the roof.That means you'll build your brand, drive hits to your website, and see growth in your email list.This course is quick and dirty - it will only take about an hour of your time to complete start to finish. But put the techniques I'll teach you into practice and you'll see immediate results and a massive ROI."
Price: 34.99

"College Survival Study Skills" |
"The course will cover several aspects for successful academic progress.First we will go over how to focus and what are the key distractions as well as how to minimize them. Then we will go over how much sleep is important based on how many hours as well as the quality of the sleep for maximal academic success. Then, we will go over cramming techniques that should be only used in a academic test emergency or pop quiz prep. We will go over note taking skills and recommended methods to take great notes to reinforce learning. Then we will give tips on how to use the professors office hours effectively so that the material can be understood in the most efficient methods possible. Finally, we will go over test taking skills and test taking methods to do tests in for maximum time efficiency to ensure the best grade possible. This course is recommended for anyone in University to high school. The materials included will be videos and some slides."
Price: 19.99

"How to get started in Dividend Reinvestment Plans" |
"How to get started in dividend reinvestment plans is about the beginning investor to learn about DRIPS and invest into them with out broker fees. The ideal student would be a person with a long term investment outlook like 10 to 20 years that want to apply the power of compound interest to grow long term wealth that can eventually be used to pay for all living expenses.The course is structured on an introduction for dividend reinvestment plans and how to get started with them. Then, the course will go into common stock valuation methods so that the beginning investor can make educated decisions about finances. This course are for students that want to build long term wealth and not into high risk speculation like ipos and frequent trading.Disclaimer: The opinions in this document are for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell the stocks mentioned or to solicit transactions or clients. Past performance of the companies discussed may not continue and the companies may not achieve the earnings growth as predicted."
Price: 19.99

"Integrating Technology into Education" |
"Learn how to use free/low cost technology tools for teaching and learning in your classroom. Keep up-to-date with latest tech tools curated by an instructional technology expert! Would you like to go beyond just using computers and office products in your classroom? There are many free/low cost technology tools out there which you can utilize in your professional life in various ways such organization, learning and better yet teaching more effectively! Among the topics will be covered in this course are: Teaching and Learning with Visuals and Video, Digital Storytelling, Web 2.0 tools, Presentation Tools, Collaboration Tools, Web Design Tools, Mobile Devices and Applications, Course Management Systems and Lesson Planning Tools, Cloud Applications, Personal Organization & Professional Development for Teachers, and many more... Exploring technology worthy of use can be time-consuming and intimidating for many teachers. However, this course will feature tools that are easy to master and effective with educators in mind. Also, the course will be updated frequently with new tools based on the feedback from users."
Price: 34.99

"Tell It." |
"Learn how to plan, strategize, stay on track and save money and time before you start your video project.Course DescriptionWhen you want or need video for your organization or business, it's sometimes choppy water not knowing where to start, how to get thereand what to do if you're in over your head.We're here to help! Consider us your personal video navigators providing you with an insider's guide on video production for your organization or business.We've broken down our comprehensive course, 'Chart Your Course for Effective and Affordable Video' also available on Udemy, into individual courses for those who only need specific information.In this course, learn how to plan and strategize your video effectively to save money and time and avoid common mistakes. Learn what makes a good video, the elements of your story that will grab and keep attention, effective messaging, targeting the right audience, writing the treatment, scripting, storyboarding, budgeting, and maximizing deliverables. Your TeachersScott Stohler and I (Erika Gilsdorf) are award-winning, professional video producers with a 25-year, collective video production experience around the world for such entities as National Geographic, Discovery Networks, United Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, The World Bank, The Nature Conservancy, GAP, Levi's, Symantec, Old Navy, Sephora, Seacology, and CORAL. We've produced documentaries, commercials, public service announcements, short films, television programs, and training and organizational videos. The countries we've worked include the United States, Indonesia, Fiji, Italy, Spain, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam and China.Having done everything from concept development, project management to shooting, editing, and creating some serious buzz around the videos we've produced. Scott and I know from experience what works...and what doesn't.Our passion with providing this course is to show and empower nonprofit organizations and small businesses how to reach more people through the power of video more effectively and affordably.Each lesson gets to the point and answers each question concisely without fluff or fillers. You don't have to listen to long lessons wading through information that isn't relevant for what you need.What am I going to get with this course?18 Lessons; 55 minutes of videoDownloadable resources, samples and worksheets.Life time access; 30 day money back guarantee.iPhone, iPad and Android accessibilityBy the end of this course, you will understand what you need to know and do before making a video that will save you money and time and get you the video you need.Additionally, we want to hear from you! Do you have a video question you'd like answered that we didn't cover? As a participant with this course, you'll be able to pose questions for us to respond."
Price: 44.99

"MAKE IT! Part 2: Working with Production Companies" |
"Learn how to find and work with a video production company more effectively and affordably.Course DescriptionWhen you want or need video for your organization or business, it's sometimes choppy water not knowing where to start, how to get thereand what to do if you're in over your head.We're here to help!Consider us your personal video navigators providing you with an insider's guide on video production for your organization or business.We've broken down our comprehensive course, 'Chart Your Course for Effective and Affordable Video' also found on Udemy, into individual courses for those who only need specific information.In this course, learn how to find the right video production company and work with them more effectively to save time and money, stay on track and avoid mistakes. You'll learn the video process, crew roles, rates, and video terms and be able to navigate contracts, releases, ownership and rights. Your TeachersScott Stohler and I (Erika Gilsdorf) are award-winning, professional video producers with a 25-year, collective video production experience around the world for such entities as National Geographic, Discovery Networks, United Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, The World Bank, The Nature Conservancy, GAP, Levi's, Symantec, Old Navy, Sephora, Seacology, and CORAL. We've produced documentaries, commercials, public service announcements, short films, television programs, and training and organizational videos. The countries we've worked include the United States, Indonesia, Fiji, Italy, Spain, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam and China.Having done everything from concept development, project management to shooting, editing, and creating some serious buzz around the videos we've produced. Scott and I know from experience what works...and what doesn't.Our passion with providing this course is to show and empower nonprofit organizations and small businesses how to reach more people through the power of video more effectively and affordably.Each lesson gets to the point and answers each question concisely without fluff or fillers. You don't have to listen to long lessons wading through information that isn't relevant for what you need.What am I going to get with this course?14 Lessons; 53 minutes of videoDownloadable resources, samples and worksheets.Life time access; 30 day money back guarantee.iPhone, iPad and Android accessibilityBy the end of this course, you will be able to work with a video production company more effectively, efficiently, and affordably.Additionally, we want to hear from you! Do you have a video question you'd like answered that we didn't cover? As a participant with this course, you'll be able to pose questions for us to respond."
Price: 44.99

"Shooting and Editing Basics" |
"Learn shooting and editing best practices and tips that will save you money and time.Course DescriptionWhen you want or need video for your organization or business, it's sometimes choppy water not knowing where to start, how to get thereand what to do if you're in over your head.We're here to help!Consider us your personal video navigators providing you with an insider's guide on video production for your organization or business.We've broken down our comprehensive course, 'Chart Your Course for Effective and Affordable Video' also found on Udemy, into individual courses for those who only need specific information.In this course, learn shooting and editing best practices and tips, how to interview effectively and troubleshoot difficult interviews, create a shot list, light on a limited budget, get good audio, understand effective intros/outros, and the basis of text, graphics and subtitles, avoid music right issues, organize your footage, store and share files and video, and how to repurpose your video.Your TeachersScott Stohler and I (Erika Gilsdorf) are award-winning, professional video producers with a 25-year, collective video production experience around the world for such entities as National Geographic, Discovery Networks, United Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, The World Bank, The Nature Conservancy, GAP, Levi's, Symantec, Old Navy, Sephora, Seacology, and CORAL. We've produced documentaries, commercials, public service announcements, short films, television programs, and training and organizational videos. The countries we've worked include the United States, Indonesia, Fiji, Italy, Spain, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam and China.Having done everything from concept development, project management to shooting, editing, and creating some serious buzz around the videos we've produced. Scott and I know from experience what works...and what doesn't.Our passion with providing this course is to show and empower nonprofit organizations and small businesses how to reach more people through the power of video more effectively and affordably.Each lesson gets to the point and answers each question concisely without fluff or fillers. You don't have to listen to long lessons wading through information that isn't relevant for what you need.What am I going to get from this course?26 Lessons; 1 hr 49 minutes of videoDownloadable resources, samples and worksheets.Life time access; 30 day money back guarantee.iPhone, iPad and Android accessibilityBy the end of this course, you will be able to save money and time by learning shooting and editing best practices.Additionally, we want to hear from you! Do you have a video question you'd like answered that we didn't cover? As a participant with this course, you'll be able to pose questions for us to respond."
Price: 19.99

"The Technical Side: Equipment, Software, Compression" |
"Choose the camera, equipment and software best for you and learn how to transfer files and export your video.Course DescriptionWhen you want or need video for your organization or business, it's sometimes choppy water not knowing where to start, how to get thereand what to do if you're in over your head.We're here to help!Consider us your personal video navigators providing you with an insider's guide on video production for your organization or business.We've broken down our comprehensive course, 'Chart Your Course for Effective and Affordable Video' also found on Udemy, into individual courses for those who only need specific information.In this course, learn what equipment, media cards, batteries, and software you need, understand compression (codec), how to transfer files, export your video, and avoid mistakes shooting on a smart phone.Your TeachersScott Stohler and I (Erika Gilsdorf) are award-winning, professional video producers with a 25-year, collective video production experience around the world for such entities as National Geographic, Discovery Networks, United Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, The World Bank, The Nature Conservancy, GAP, Levi's, Symantec, Old Navy, Sephora, Seacology, and CORAL. We've produced documentaries, commercials, public service announcements, short films, television programs, and training and organizational videos. The countries we've worked include the United States, Indonesia, Fiji, Italy, Spain, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam and China.Having done everything from concept development, project management to shooting, editing, and creating some serious buzz around the videos we've produced. Scott and I know from experience what works...and what doesn't.Our passion with providing this course is to show and empower nonprofit organizations and small businesses how to reach more people through the power of video more effectively and affordably.Each lesson gets to the point and answers each question concisely without fluff or fillers. You don't have to listen to long lessons wading through information that isn't relevant for what you need.What am I going to get from this course?10 Lessons; 33 minutes of videoDownloadable resources, samples and worksheets.Life time access; 30 day money back guarantee.iPhone, iPad and Android accessibilityBy the end of this course, you will know what equipment and software will be best for you and how to transfer files and export your video. Additionally, we want to hear from you! Do you have a video question you'd like answered that we didn't cover? As a participant with this course, you'll be able to pose questions for us to respond."
Price: 44.99

"Reach More People with Your Video" |
"Learn strategies and methods to reach more people with your video!Course DescriptionWhen you want or need video for your organization or business, it's sometimes choppy water not knowing where to start, how to get thereand what to do if you're in over your head.We're here to help!Consider us your personal video navigators providing you with an insider's guide on video production for your organization or business.We've broken down our comprehensive course, 'Chart Your Course for Effective and Affordable Video' also found on Udemy, into individual courses for those who only need specific information.In this course, learn how to each more people with your video using social and traditional media, online, events, and partners. Learn how to upload and embed videos and troubleshoot uploading issues.Your TeachersScott Stohler and I (Erika Gilsdorf) are award-winning, professional video producers with a 25-year, collective video production experience around the world for such entities as National Geographic, Discovery Networks, United Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, The World Bank, The Nature Conservancy, GAP, Levi's, Symantec, Old Navy, Sephora, Seacology, and CORAL. We've produced documentaries, commercials, public service announcements, short films, television programs, and training and organizational videos. The countries we've worked include the United States, Indonesia, Fiji, Italy, Spain, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam and China.Having done everything from concept development, project management to shooting, editing, and creating some serious buzz around the videos we've produced. Scott and I know from experience what works...and what doesn't.Our passion with providing this course is to show and empower nonprofit organizations and small businesses how to reach more people through the power of video more effectively and affordably.Each lesson gets to the point and answers each question concisely without fluff or fillers. You don't have to listen to long lessons wading through information that isn't relevant for what you need.What am I going to get with this course?11 Lessons; 48 minutes of videoDownloadable resources, samples and worksheets.Life time access; 30 day money back guarantee.iPhone, iPad and Android accessibilityBy the end of this course you will understand how to upload and embed videos and use different strategies to reach more people with your video. Additionally, we want to hear from you! Do you have a video question you'd like answered that we didn't cover? As a participant with this course, you'll be able to pose questions for us to respond."
Price: 44.99

"BONUS: Funding for Your Video" |
"Learn how to find, get and ask for money for your video project.Course DescriptionWhen you want or need video for your organization or business, it's sometimes choppy water not knowing where to start, how to get thereand what to do if you're in over your head.We're here to help!Consider us your personal video navigators providing you with an insider's guide on video production for your organization or business.We've broken down our comprehensive course, 'Chart Your Course for Effective and Affordable Video' also found on Udemy, into individual courses for those who only need specific information.In this course, learn where to find money, how to align with potential funders, and how to make an effective pitch, write a proposal, and make the ask for funding for your video project.Your TeachersScott Stohler and I (Erika Gilsdorf) are award-winning, professional video producers with a 25-year, collective video production experience around the world for such entities as National Geographic, Discovery Networks, United Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, The World Bank, The Nature Conservancy, GAP, Levi's, Symantec, Old Navy, Sephora, Seacology, and CORAL. We've produced documentaries, commercials, public service announcements, short films, television programs, and training and organizational videos. The countries we've worked include the United States, Indonesia, Fiji, Italy, Spain, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam and China.Having done everything from concept development, project management to shooting, editing, and creating some serious buzz around the videos we've produced. Scott and I know from experience what works...and what doesn't.Our passion with providing this course is to show and empower nonprofit organizations and small businesses how to reach more people through the power of video more effectively and affordably.Each lesson gets to the point and answers each question concisely without fluff or fillers. You don't have to listen to long lessons wading through information that isn't relevant for what you need.What am I going to get with this course?5 Lessons; 32 minutes of videoDownloadable resources, samples and worksheets.Life time access; 30 day money back guarantee.iPhone, iPad and Android accessibilityBy the end of this course, you will understand strategies and methods for getting funding for your video project.Additionally, we want to hear from you! Do you have a video question you'd like answered that we didn't cover? As a participant with this course, you'll be able to pose questions for us to respond."
Price: 44.99

"Successful Video in 5 Steps" |
"Course DescriptionPutting the Power of Video in Your Hands.We all know video is important to have for your organization or business if you want to reach more people. But when time and money are scarce, you need the quickest, easiest, and cheapest way to get it.We're here to help.Video Basics in 5 Steps.Step 1: Tell it.Step 2: Plan it.Step 3: Make it.Step 4: Show it.Step 5: Promote it.From creating videos that grab and keep attention, to what goes into making them and getting them out there, this course gives tips, advice and best practices. We're here to help you successfully make video that reaches the right people in the most affordable, strategic, and efficient way.Your Video GuidesScott Stohler and I (Erika Gilsdorf) are award-winning, professional video producers with a 25-year, collective video production experience around the world for such entities as National Geographic, Discovery Networks, United Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, The World Bank, The Nature Conservancy, GAP, Levi's, Symantec, Old Navy, Sephora, Seacology, and CORAL. We've produced documentaries, commercials, public service announcements, short films, television programs, and training and organizational videos. The countries we've worked include the United States, Indonesia, Fiji, Italy, Spain, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam and China. Having done everything from concept development, project management to shooting, editing, and creating some serious buzz around the videos we've produced, Scott and I know from experience what worksand what doesn't. Our passion with providing this course is to show and empower nonprofit organizations and small businesses how to reach more people, make more money, and create more changethrough the power of video.Each lesson gets to the point concisely without fluff or fillers. You don't have to listen to long lessons wading through information that isn't relevant to what you need.What am I going to get with this course?83 Lessons; 5+hours of video.Downloadable resources, samples and worksheets.Life time access; 30 day money back guarantee.iPhone, iPad and Android accessibilityBy the end of this course, you'll know what it takes to make good videos and some of the best methods to show and promote them. We want to hear from you! With this course, feel free to ask us your questions.We also supplement this online course with free, live webinars to cover topics more in depth and answer questions."
Price: 49.99

"Practical Finance" |
"We teach about how to drive in school, but not how to manage finances. ~ Andy WilliamsFinance. The backbone of every company. Finance is a glass door into the inner workings of a company. The flaws and successes of a company are exposed in a company's financial statements. Despite this, many do not know some of the fundamentals of finance such as how to read a balance sheet.I wasn't a financial pro, and I paid the price. ~ Ruth HandlerIn this course you will learn how to become financially literate in a modern organization. From a high-level perspective, this course will illuminate what is important and what isn't so much when analyzing financial statements and ultimately researching companies. You will gain the ability to provide valuable insights that will impress even some of the most seasoned entrepreneurs.Landing a million-dollar investment for your startup is exhilarating. But as big as that number sounds, it doesn't go far. Many startups just getting off the ground won't have a CFO to monitor finances. It doesn't take much for spending to spiral out of control. ~ Ryan HolmesThe lectures included in this course are:Basic Financial TermsBalance SheetsGross MarginsIncome StatementsCash Flow StatementsResearching CompaniesMarket CapitalizationCapitalization TablesBy the end of this course, you will be an invaluable resource in an early startup organization and sound like an experienced employee to many entrepreneurs. Knowing is half the battle. If you know where the money is, you just may be able to get to it.It is usually people in the money business, finance, and international trade that are really rich. ~ Robin LeachThis course will help you gain a new perspective on any organization and will help you fend for yourself in the money world we live in.No prior experience or software is required for this course - just a mindset that is open to learning, and a realization that Finance is important to be a more valuable employee."
Price: 19.99

"Stock Trading with this Strategy" |
"Interested in learning to trade like a pro in the stock market? This course explains in detail a strategy that you can take with you TODAY and start trading. It is not about explaining the whole Wikipedia of stock market terms. It is simple strategy that you can start trading, with a click of the mouse. All the basic knowledge and terms that are used by experts in stock trading are covered here. What you need is to get used to those terms and master the chart trading. Simple 1 strategy that will take you a long way in stock trading.It is catered for anyone who is interested to get that extra cash using the stock market.I have included 1 easy strategy that can be applied to the stock market and one can start trading immediately!!This course will take just a couple of days to master and 1 week of observing the stock market with this strategy.Why take this course?Simply put it that one can earn extra income by just following up on this simple strategy that is proven. It is simple enough for a novice to understand and execute.Check it out!!"
Price: 49.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create a bookkeeping tools by doing." |
"Excel, create by Doing! Are you looking for a useful Excel course where you truly learn something practical and create a valuable tool? This course is for you!If you are reading this, it indicatesyou are interested in enhancing your Excel skills. Perhaps you are still on the edge and have some unanswered questions. Well, let me help to clarify your thoughts. The tool you learn here was at first not meant for the public market. I made this tool because I truly needed something to quickly analyze my current finances.The strangest thing that happens and you might experience that as well. As you start to solve your problem, you quickly realize that you are not the only one with that problem. I noticed it and realize that many people would like to have a solution just like mine. However, we all need a slight variation of it. Your personal finances might be different and you would like to tweak it to your preferences.Out of this I got thedesireto create acourse, that not only give you a fixed solution, but give you access to create a foundation. A solid foundation and as you grow in knowledge you will be able to fine tune your preferences. Giving you full control in the creative processwith great head start.When you start anything new the fastest way to learn is by spoon feeding the person gradually. I notice that at the beginning going slow gives any one a level of confidence about the subject. This is what you could describe as mastery. Being able to master the subject in (baby)steps at firstgives you a positive momentum.As yourconfidence increaseyou will become bolder and willing to take bigger and bigger steps and eventually run. At that very moment you completed the topic and have mastery over it.This course is structuredas described above.A simple, practical and very steady pace course and gradually the pace will increase. The best of all this Excel course is build toexploreExcel and to create something ofusevalue. This course will teach you how to use Excel functions and create a useful Bookkeeping tool. Many people learn Excel functions and all the possible options that you can do with Excel. The real thing is that you will probably not use 80% of the power of Excel. Excel is powerful but if you do not understand how to use it, your knowledge remains powerless. This course will show you how to use just a few functions and create in the meanwhile a very useful tool. This learning method is named CREATE BY DOING!If you feel intimidated by Excel do not worry! The real issue is not Excel or You but by the method of learning it! Yes, the way you learn something can be successful or unsuccessful. This course uses the SPEED LEARNING methods of the learning cone. What is that? This is a method development make sure you truly remember 90% of everything you learn. How? Just by doing and following the exercises. This course is active, and you have to do the exercises and follow along.Why should I take this course? Your competitor has a bigger course!I understand you point, but do you know the difference between have a toolbox and understanding to use just only 2 tools. I can teach you every tool you want that you can add all the tools in your toolbox. But would you be able to see the practical value out of it? I do not think so. What if I give you just 2 tools, a screwdriver and a saw and teach you how to create a great piece of furniture? That would be 100% more valuable and that is what I do! I teach you to make useful tools that you can use for your personal life. By doing you create your furniture! That has a lifelong value! There is a real difference between knowledge and power. Knowledge is only potential power, without the practical use of it, it becomes powerless. Power is the knowledge that you apply in your daily life! This course is powerful because you use the tools and put it into great use.I never succeeded in Excel, is this course suitable for me? Success is a path you walk. Learning Excel is exactly the same. Did you fail before; perhaps you took the wrong path. You learned from a bad teacher or a boring book. If you took the wrong path all you need is readjust your path and start walking again. This course truly is a very easy and slow paced course with much repetitions and exercises. The way to learn is by doing and by great explanations. This course has it both many times over!Just check it and test it out for a month!To make it even better, I offer this course as 30 day money back. This basically means that if this course is not right for you, you can get your money back in a blink of an eye. There is truly no reason not to do it and it has no risk at all. Start taking actions right now and take this course. In life you have winners and losers. The winners take action at once and the losers keep on looking and waiting for the right time. In life there is never a right time except NOW! I truly belief you are winner because you are looking and reading this course. Alright winner, it is time to take action! Click on Take this course"" and start making great pieces of Excel Furniture!"
Price: 49.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create a Stock Control tool in Excel!" |
"Excel, discover its real power! Have you ever understood the real power and purpose of Excel? Do you understand how to create real time saving Excel tools?Do you truly find it difficult because there is too many formula`s to understand Excel?Do you wonder how on earth an accountant can do so much work with so less time and you stuggle to get ahead in Excel? Do you want to make real use of Excel and save time and money? In this course you will start to understand how you can create useful tools that are all interconnected! Excel is not a spreadsheet. It is a time-saving tool if you really understand how it works. In this course you will see what you can do and how you can do it! In this course you will not get the entire tool box. If you do not know how to use the basic tools you do not need to know all the tools. You only need to know the right tools for you! In this course you learn, do and create. I truly belief this course is the best course for you because you will learn and practice by creating your tool. You will see instantly how Excel really works. Excel is not a Spreadsheet! Excel is an answering machine. It should give you answers and validate information that you put in!======================================================================This course is an absolute time saver! Now you can try this as well! This course is 30 days backed up by Udemy. You can try and discover it yourself and if you discover that this course is not the right course for you! You can get the money back in a blink of an eye! =======================================================================Time is the most valuable thing in life!In this course you receive all tricks to win and own you time! So, this your time to take action. Get your time back and click on the button "Take this course"! Life does not wait for the waiters. Go and take this course now!"
Price: 24.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create a Meter Dashboard tool in Excel!" |
"Excel, discover its real power! Have you ever understood the real power and purpose of Excel?Do you understand how to create real time saving Excel tools?Do you truly find it difficult because there is too many formula`s to understand Excel?Do you wonder how people can deal with so many boring facts in so less time and you struggle to get ahead in Excel?Do you want to make real use of Excel and save time and money?Excel does not have to be boring! We can create highly creative Speed o Meter dashboard that has a real function!In this course you will start to understand how you can create useful tools that are all interconnected! Excel is not a spreadsheet. It is a time-saving tool if you really understand how it works.In this course you will see what you can do and how you can do it! In this course you will not get the entire tool box. If you do not know how to use the basic tools you do not need to know all the tools. You only need to know the right tools for you!In this course you learn, do and create. I truly belief this course is the best course for you because you will learn and practice by creating your tool. You will see instantly how Excel really works.Excel is not a Spreadsheet! Excel is an answering machine. It should give you answers and validate information that you put in! ======================================================================This course is an absolute time saver!Now you can try this as well! This course is 30 days backed up by Udemy. You can try and discover it yourself and if you discover that this course is not the right course for you! You can get the money back in a blink of an eye!=======================================================================Time is the most valuable thing in life!My goal in every Excel course I create is that time is the most valuable thing in life. Every tool will earn you back time. In this course you receive all tricks to win and own your time! So, this is your time to take action. Get your time back and click on the button "Take this course"!Life does not wait for the waiters. Go and take this course now!"
Price: 19.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create a dynamic Gantt Chart in Excel!" |
"Join my community of over 2,500 students and growing! Many people want to discover Excel! In this course you will learn how you can make Excel work for you! You will learn all how to create time saving tools and techniques that I personally use in my life!The real secret of Excel: Only use Excel to make it WORK FOR YOU!=======================================================================Immediately increase your efficiency and productivity by using this wonderful program. In this program you will learn how to create wonderful Gantt Chart and let it automatically adjust based on the date. This means that it will track your progress without any manual labor. I truly belief Excel is one of the best programs ever and I will show you why and how. You will love it and learn how to become an expert in Excel and truly save many hours each day by using these tricks. =======================================================================Course DetailsThis course is designed for every beginner or anyone who wants to learn the true working system of Excel. The course is spoon-feeding you, this means that you will learn step-by-step everything you need to know. It starts slow and gradually goes quicker when you become more proficient with Excel. The best thing of this course is, you start to create something from scratch. You will not only learn how to use basic functions! You will also create and connect these functions with each other. When you follow the entire course you have created a useful Excel tool that you can use forever! =======================================================================Are you still in doubt? Well, just look at the free previews so you can immediately judge that you can expect. Besides, I have also many other Excel courses here on Udemy! Just look at my profile to have learn more about your instructor! =======================================================================Join now and Experience the benefits!I will show you step by step and you will truly understand it! If ever you think this course is not right for you, you can get your money back, for a limited period of time! This basically means that you can get your money back in a blink of an eye. In life you have the waiters and the walkers. I truly belief you are an active person because you show your interest in learning to grow! When you learn you earn! So, why not start earning by learning the right skills that you need in your business life! Click the TAKE THIS COURSE"" button, top right, NOW!!...every hour you delay you're missing out on huge opportunities!!"
Price: 19.99

"Excellence in Excel! Make any chart dynamic in Excel!" |
"Excel, create by Doing! Are you looking for a useful Excel course where you truly learn something practical and create a valuable tool? Do you want to place more charts in Excel only to notice there is too less space in the tab?Do you want to make your data more clear and reduce the clutter in your spreadsheet?If so, this course is for you!This course will teach you how to use Excel functions and create dynamic charts. Many people learn Excel functions and all the possible options that you can do with Excel. The real thing is that you will probably not use 80% of the power of Excel.Excel is powerful but if you do not understand how to use it, your knowledge remains powerless. This course will show you how to use just a few functions and create in the meanwhile a very useful tool. This learning method is named CREATE BY DOING!If you feel intimidated by Excel do not worry! The real issue is not Excel or You but by the method of learning it! Yes, the way you learn something can be successful or unsuccessful. This course uses the SPEED LEARNING methods of the learning cone. What is that? This is a method development make sure you truly remember 90% of everything you learn. How? Just by doing and following the exercises.This course is active, and you have to do the exercises and follow along.Why should I take this course? Your competitor has a bigger course!I understand you point, but do you know the difference between have a toolbox and understanding to use just only 2 tools. I can teach you every tool you want that you can add all the tools in your toolbox. But would you be able to see the practical value out of it? I do not think so.What if I give you just 2 tools, a screwdriver and a saw and teach you how to create a great piece of furniture? That would be 100% more valuable and that is what I do! I teach you to make useful tools that you can use for your personal life. By doing you create your furniture! That has a lifelong value!There is a real difference between knowledge and power. Knowledge is only potential power, without the practical use of it, it becomes powerless. Power is the knowledge that you apply in your daily life! This course is powerful because you use the tools and put it into great use.I never succeeded in Excel, is this course suitable for me?Success is a path you walk. Learning Excel is exactly the same. Did you fail before; perhaps you took the wrong path. You learned from a bad teacher or a boring book. If you took the wrong path all you need is readjust your path and start walking again. This course truly is a very easy and slow paced course with much repetitions and exercises. The way to learn is by doing and by great explanations. This course has it both many times over!No risk to take a peak and try it out!To make it even better, I offer this course as no risk. This basically means that if this course is not right for you, you can get your money back in a blink of an eye. There is truly no reason not to do it and it has no risk at all.Start taking actions right now and take this course. In life you have winners and losers. The winners take action at once and the losers keep on looking and waiting for the right time. In life there is never a right time except NOW! I truly belief you are winner because you are looking and reading this course.Press "Take this course" now!Alright winner, it is time to take action! Click on Take this course" and start making great pieces of Excel Furniture!"
Price: 19.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create an invoicing tool in Excel!" |
"Excel, create by Doing!Are you looking for a useful Excel course where you truly learn something practical and create a valuable tool?Are you also wasting a lot of time to create a invoice for you customer?Do you feel your invoice could be way quicker because you always fill up the basic information?Would you be interested in creating a wonderful time and money saving invoicing tool in Excel and create invoices in seconds!If so, this course is for you!This course will teach you how to use Excel functions and create a useful Invoicing tool. Many people learn Excel functions and all the possible options that you can do with Excel. The real thing is that you will probably not use 80% of the power of Excel.Excel is powerful but if you do not understand how to use it, your knowledge remains powerless. This course will show you how to use just a few functions and create in the meanwhile a very useful tool. This learning method is named CREATE BY DOING!If you feel intimidated by Excel do not worry! The real issue is not Excel or You but by the method of learning it! Yes, the way you learn something can be successful or unsuccessful. This course uses the SPEED LEARNING methods of the learning cone. What is that? This is a method development make sure you truly remember 90% of everything you learn. How? Just by doing and following the exercises.This course is active, and you have to do the exercises and follow along.Why should I take this course? Your competitor has a bigger course!I understand you point, but do you know the difference between have a toolbox and understanding to use just only 2 tools. I can teach you every tool you want that you can add all the tools in your toolbox. But would you be able to see the practical value out of it? I do not think so.What if I give you just 2 tools, a screwdriver and a saw and teach you how to create a great piece of furniture? That would be 100% more valuable and that is what I do! I teach you to make useful tools that you can use for your personal life. By doing you create your furniture! That has a lifelong value!There is a real difference between knowledge and power. Knowledge is only potential power, without the practical use of it, it becomes powerless. Power is the knowledge that you apply in your daily life! This course is powerful because you use the tools and put it into great use.I never succeeded in Excel, is this course suitable for me?Success is a path you walk. Learning Excel is exactly the same. Did you fail before; perhaps you took the wrong path. You learned from a bad teacher or a boring book. If you took the wrong path all you need is readjust your path and start walking again. This course truly is a very easy and slow paced course with much repetitions and exercises. The way to learn is by doing and by great explanations. This course has it both many times over!Go and try this out for a month!To make it even better, you can test it out for a month. This basically means that if this course is not right for you, you can get your money back in a blink of an eye. There is truly no reason not to do it and it has no risk at all.Start taking actions right now and take this course. In life you have winners and losers. The winners take action at once and the losers keep on looking and waiting for the right time. In life there is never a right time except NOW! I truly belief you are winner because you are looking and reading this course.Alright winner, it is time to take action! Click on Take this course" and start making great pieces of Excel Furniture!"
Price: 19.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create a dynamic block chart in Excel!" |
"Excel, create by Doing! Are you looking for a useful Excel course where you truly learn something practical and create a valuable tool? Do you want to create those cool looking infographic block charts? Do you want to know a more impressive way to display data professionally?Do you want to see instantly the most value information by using a graph? Do you struggle with too much facts and tool less visuals?If any of these are a yes, than this course is for you!This course will teach you how to use Excel functions and create a useful block chart. Many people learn Excel functions and all the possible options that you can do with Excel. The real thing is that you will probably not use 80% of the power of Excel.Excel is powerful but if you do not understand how to use it, your knowledge remains powerless. This course will show you how to use just a few functions and create in the meanwhile a very useful tool. This learning method is named CREATE BY DOING!If you feel intimidated by Excel do not worry! The real issue is not Excel or You but by the method of learning it! Yes, the way you learn something can be successful or unsuccessful. This course uses the SPEED LEARNING methods of the learning cone. What is that? This is a method development make sure you truly remember 90% of everything you learn. How? Just by doing and following the exercises.This course is active, and you have to do the exercises and follow along.Yes you have to do something! I truly want to do it! Learning is 50% of the success! The other 50% is taking the necessary action to master what you learn. I will show you what I do and how you need to do it step by step. And I give you a challenge ACTION EXERCISE to challenge you to take action!Why should I take this course? Your competitor has a bigger course!I understand you point, but do you know the difference between have a toolbox and understanding to use just only 2 tools. I can teach you every tool you want that you can add all the tools in your toolbox. But would you be able to see the practical value out of it? I do not think so.What if I give you just 2 tools, a screwdriver and a saw and teach you how to create a great piece of furniture? That would be 100% more valuable and that is what I do! I teach you to make useful tools that you can use for your personal life. By doing you create your furniture! That has a lifelong value!There is a real difference between knowledge and power. Knowledge is only potential power, without the practical use of it, it becomes powerless. Power is the knowledge that you apply in your daily life! This course is powerful because you use the tools and put it into great use.I never succeeded in Excel, is this course suitable for me?Success is a path you walk. Learning Excel is exactly the same. Did you fail before; perhaps you took the wrong path. You learned from a bad teacher or a boring book. If you took the wrong path all you need is readjust your path and start walking again. This course truly is a very easy and slow paced course with much repetitions and exercises. The way to learn is by doing and by great explanations. This course has it both many times over!Just check it and test it out for a month!To make it even better, I offer this course as 30 day money back. This basically means that if this course is not right for you, you can get your money back in a blink of an eye. There is truly no reason not to do it and it has no risk at all.Start taking actions right now and take this course. In life you have winners and losers. The winners take action at once and the losers keep on looking and waiting for the right time. In life there is never a right time except NOW! I truly belief you are winner because you are looking and reading this course.Alright winner, it is time to take action! Click on Take this course" and start making great pieces of Excel Furniture!"
Price: 19.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create a Sales Funnel Excel Dashboard!" |
"Excel, create by Doing! Are you looking for a useful Excel course where you truly learn something practical and create a valuable tool? This course is for you!This course will teach you how to use Excel functions and create a useful Excel Sales Funnel Dashboard. Many people learn Excel functions and all the possible options that you can do with Excel. The real thing is that you will probably not use 80% of the power of Excel.Excel is powerful but if you do not understand how to use it, your knowledge remains powerless. This course will show you how to use just a few functions and create in the meanwhile a very useful tool. This learning method is named CREATE BY DOING!If you feel intimidated by Excel do not worry! The real issue is not Excel or You but by the method of learning it! Yes, the way you learn something can be successful or unsuccessful. This course uses the SPEED LEARNING methods of the learning cone. What is that? This is a method development make sure you truly remember 90% of everything you learn. How? Just by doing and following the exercises.This course is active, and you have to do the exercises and follow along.Why should I take this course? Your competitor has a bigger course!I understand you point, but do you know the difference between have a toolbox and understanding to use just only 2 tools. I can teach you every tool you want that you can add all the tools in your toolbox. But would you be able to see the practical value out of it? I do not think so.What if I give you just 2 tools, a screwdriver and a saw and teach you how to create a great piece of furniture? That would be 100% more valuable and that is what I do! I teach you to make useful tools that you can use for your personal life. By doing you create your furniture! That has a lifelong value!There is a real difference between knowledge and power. Knowledge is only potential power, without the practical use of it, it becomes powerless. Power is the knowledge that you apply in your daily life! This course is powerful because you use the tools and put it into great use.I never succeeded in Excel, is this course suitable for me?Success is a path you walk. Learning Excel is exactly the same. Did you fail before; perhaps you took the wrong path. You learned from a bad teacher or a boring book. If you took the wrong path all you need is readjust your path and start walking again. This course truly is a very easy and slow paced course with much repetitions and exercises. The way to learn is by doing and by great explanations. This course has it both many times over!Just check it and test it out for a month!To make it even better, I offer this course as 30 day money back. This basically means that if this course is not right for you, you can get your money back in a blink of an eye. There is truly no reason not to do it and it has no risk at all.Start taking actions right now and take this course. In life you have winners and losers. The winners take action at once and the losers keep on looking and waiting for the right time. In life there is never a right time except NOW! I truly belief you are winner because you are looking and reading this course.Alright winner, it is time to take action! Click on Take this course" and start making great pieces of Excel Furniture!"
Price: 19.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create Interactive Charts in Excel!" |
"Join my community of over 3.000 students and growing! Many people want to discover Excel! In this course you will learn how you can make Excel work for you! You will learn all how to create time saving tools and techniques that I personally use in my life!The real secret of Excel: Only use Excel to make it WORK FOR YOU!======================================================================Immediately increase your efficiency and productivity by using this wonderful program. In this program you will learn how to make interactive chart in Excel. This means that it will show other chart and information based on what you select in the dropdown menu. This makes your dashboard more interactive and very easy to read!I truly belief Excel is one of the best programs ever and I will show you why and how. You will love it and learn how to become an expert in Excel and truly save many hours each day by using these tricks.======================================================================Course DetailsThis course is designed for every beginner or anyone who wants to learn the true working system of Excel. The course is spoon-feeding you, this means that you will learn step-by-step everything you need to know. It starts slow and gradually goes quicker when you become more proficient with Excel.The best thing of this course is, you start to create something from scratch. You will not only learn how to use basic functions! You will also create and connect these functions with each other. When you follow the entire course you have created a useful Excel tool that you can use forever!======================================================================Are you still in doubt?Well, just look at the free previews so you can immediately judge that you can expect. Besides, I have also many other Excel courses here on Udemy! Just look at my profile to learn more about your instructor!======================================================================Join now and Experience the benefits!I will show you step by step and you will truly understand it! If ever you think this course is not right for you, you can get your money back, for a limited period of time! This basically means that you can get your money back in a blink of an eye.In life you have the waiters and the walkers. I truly belief you are an active person because you show your interest in learning to grow! When you learn you earn! So, why not start earning by learning the right skills that you need in your business life!Click the TAKE THIS COURSE" button, top right, NOW!!...every minute you delay you're missing out on huge opportunities!!"
Price: 19.99

"Excellence in Excel! Create an advanced Excel Dashboard!" |
"Excel, create by Doing! Are you looking for a useful Excel course where you truly learn something practical and create a valuable tool? This course is for you!======================================================================LEARN HOW YOU CAN MAKE AN ADVANCED DASHBOARD======================================================================Dashboard is the new "hot topic". Many people are thinking about dashboards and stop using charts for reports! Excel dashboards are really core essential graphs displaying key information. A dashboard is nothing more than getting the right data displayed for the right person! What important is for you does not have to be important for me! In this course you learn how you can make an Advanced Dashboard in Excel======================================================================CREATING A DASHBOARD IS EASY EVERYBODY CAN DO IT!======================================================================This course is designed to show you how easy it really is. You will notice that the WAY A CHART presents data determines the value of your dashboard. Understanding the fundamentals is important, but I truly belief you have to take action! This course is based on full action. Once you do that you will notice quickly how easy it is. You will learn how to make a triple chart dashboard that has buttons that will ======================================================================MY GOAL IS THAT YOU PUT EXCEL TO WORK FOR YOU!======================================================================Excel is powerful but if you do not understand how to use it, your knowledge remains powerless. This course will show you how to use just a few functions and create in the meanwhile a very useful tool. This learning method is named CREATE BY DOING!You will learn that Excel can save you a ton of time! All you have to do is take the information in this course and practice!======================================================================WHY SHOULD I TAKE THIS COURSE? YOU COMPETITORS HAS A BIGGER COURSE!======================================================================I understand your point, but do you know the difference between having a toolbox and understanding to use just only 2 tools. I can teach you every tool you want that you can add all the tools in your toolbox. But would you be able to see the practical value out of it? I do not think so.What if I give you just 2 tools, a screwdriver and a saw and teach you how to create a great piece of furniture? That would be 100% more valuable and that is what I do! I teach you to make useful tools that you can use for your personal life. By doing you create your furniture! That has a lifelong value!There is a real difference between knowledge and power. Knowledge is only potential power, without the practical use of it, it becomes powerless. Power is the knowledge that you apply in your daily life! This course is powerful because you use the tools and put it into great use.Just check it and test it out for a month!To make it even better, I offer this course as 30 day money back. This basically means that if this course is not right for you, you can get your money back in a blink of an eye. There is truly no reason not to do it and it has no risk at all.Start taking actions right now and take this course. In life you have winners and losers. The winners take action at once and the losers keep on looking and waiting for the right time. In life there is never a right time except NOW! I truly belief you are winner because you are looking and reading this course.Alright winner, it is time to take action! Click on Take this course" and start making great pieces of Excel Furniture!"
Price: 19.99

"Line chart JS. Learn how to create and modify from scratch!" |
"How good are your website charting skills? ======================================================================We are in an information overload!Big Data is coming and it is coming fast! Sadly, we are experiencing a huge challenge. We are already in an information overload society! And Big Data is pushing it our maximum limits. ======================================================================What is the solution to the never ending stream of information? Big Data meets Data Visualizors! A data visualizor is someone who can visualize data in such a way that the essential data can be displayed! While Big Data grows the demand for high paying charting specialist that can organize data and present it intuitively will grow along. ======================================================================Time is money!The solution of Big Data is Data that can be read in a matter of seconds! Every second count and the difference between a 1 minute and 10 seconds is huge! The best thing of all! Big Data is here to stay forever! Charting Specialists will be a forever in demand skill and we just start to experience it! ======================================================================This course is the starting point a very new carrier in data visualization! Big Data specialists will receive an average salary of $100.000. The real challenge is not gathering data but how to make data understandable! This course shows you and only SCRATCHES the surface of this fenomenal subject! My passion of charts and data is huge! In this course I am sharing with you things that I truly enjoy. I only wished I knew this years ago! ======================================================================We are living in an (digital) information age! The age of the mind! The person with the best information will have a great advance! But there is a big change heading toward us! With information overload we do not want anymore too much information! From (digital) Information age to (digital) Understanding Age! The future is now for the experts that can gather the information and make something useful out of it. Information is only power if you understand it! Charts is the most POWERFUL way to do it! This course shows you how you can create your charts. Excel is wonderful but it does not support the speed of the web! Chart JS does! This course is really a course that prepares you for the future! How fast can use make information understandable and share it on your webpage quickly? ======================================================================With this course you will succeed and learn how to make wonderful quickly to understand digital charts for your website! Go ahead and start taking action! Take this course right away and build your future!"
Price: 19.99

"Donut Pie Chart with Chart Js. Create yours from scratch!" |
"Create your Donut Pie Chart with Chart JSLearn how to create your own Donut or Pie chart with Chart JS. The internet is loaded with data and now we struggle to understand this data jungle! With Chart JS you learn how to create your Donut or Pie Chart with Chart JS and communicate it in seconds. To explain this let me take you back to my story! When I started with Chart JS I was puzzled! There is a wonderful documentation that is not able to tell you as a starter how to use it. I could not understand why it was so hard to read this. My goal is learning how to make a very basic chart in the beginning. Eventually it worked but from that moment I thought this needs to be easier. ========================================================================What will I learn in this course?You will learn how to create a Donut or Pie chart with Chart JS. This is a JavaScript library that simplifies the way of making charts for the web. However, the question should not be what you will learn but WHY!========================================================================Why should I learn this? The future is changing! Data overload was normal before but we are now in a new era! The era of Data Drowning! With Big Data impacting all the industries we have a Data Overload multiplied by 10! Luckily charts are a huge solution of this pressing and growing problem! We need to consume data faster but we do not have the time to do that. We know a picture is worth more than a 1000 words! Well here it is true! Graphs are the future and they were so hard to produce before! Gladly now with multiple JavaScript Libraries it can be done! ========================================================================In this course I will should you How to do it! You can expect it to be the easiest course about Chart JS ever! The reason why I tell you that is because I started out from scratch! It is truly idiot proof! You will learn in a step by step method that I know that works! ========================================================================How structured is this course?The course is setup in multiple sections and some challenging brain busters! Every time you will see a new line of code! You just follow along and understand what is being taugh here. This method is a real reference for everyone who wants to understand it with video. The quick and easy way! ========================================================================Why should I take your course?========================================================================This is probably the most important question that you have! There are a few reasons, but the main reason is this. My course is truly from scratch! I will not teach you all the tricks but I give your a target to hit. Every video will teach you how to do one thing at the time. You will understand it and you can follow it quickly! It is truly designed for the beginner and as low keyed as possible! I had to because all the documentation is usually written for professionals that already know the subject. Next, the best ways to learn is by purposeful learning! This means you learn for a viable reason! Big Data is here! We all need to translate data! Every second the world is producing more and more data. The new challenge is translating data into useful information and quick! We need to consume huge reports in seconds! The only way to do this is with charts and Chart JS is a very efficient and wonderful tool to help you out."
Price: 19.99

"Bar Chart JS. Create bar charts from scratch with Chart JS!" |
"Bar chart with Chart JS========================================================================In this course you will learn how to create a bar chart from scratch! The web is changing and new skills are in huge demand! One of these skills is data visualization for the web. How good are you in visualizing data into chart on the web? Many people prefer the easy road. Just make it in Excel and post the picture on the web. Very easy but not very beneficial nor professional. Companies are realizing that websites is one of the best places to share data and to create dashboards. Because of this companies need skillful chart makers for the web! This skill will keep on growing and is in huge demand! In this course you will learn how to create your own bar chart with one of the best JavaScript library named Chart JS. ========================================================================What can you expect from this course? ========================================================================This course is designed for everyone who want to create a chart for the web but have no knowledge about it. It might be useful to have some HTML and CSS knowledge but even without you can do it! This course teaches you in a very easy bite size manner. You will start making a chart in minutes just by following along with every video. Each video handles one line of coding. This method makes sure you really can follow along and avoid any kind of mistakes. You cannot fail with this if you follow the video. You will also understand the background and meaning of the codes. Learning how to code is just like learning a language. You need to know first the meaning of the words. Once you understand it you will be able to create your own charts. I explain every piece of code we use! So at the end you can fluently create a bar chart. ========================================================================How structured is this course?========================================================================This course works with the spoon feeding method. This basically means you will handle one piece of code everytime. Starting to code can be hard if we instantly handle 10 piece of code at once. The best way to learn is with baby steps for, after walking and finally running! This course makes sure you know what to do and how to do it and why you do it. Once you learned the skill you will notice that create charts is really easy. ========================================================================Course set up and section: ========================================================================In the first section you will get an overview and download the right files. The second section handles the basic setup of HTML, Chart JS and JavaScript. In the third section you will learn how to create the bar chart with three bars! In the fourth section you will start to design the bar chart with colors that you want.========================================================================Why take this course?========================================================================The biggest question you might have is this. First of all this course will teach you in such an easy manner how to create a bar chart in Chart JS. Video is the best way to learn because you can follow along and understand it. Finally, the real value of this is that many companies are paying data visualizers a huge salary. Why?? Data visualizers have the ability to translate Big Data into a chart. This wonderful talent is a real time saver. With Big Data we experience an extreme overdose of data overload. The best medicine for this overdose is the use of charts! Charts save time and can translate data that takes hours to read into consuming it in only seconds! Charts is a super weapon! Learning this skill means real values for a company and an increase pay raise! So do not learn this skill for me but for you and get that pay raise! Take this course right away!"
Price: 19.99

"Radar Chart Js, create your own radar chart with chart js!" |
"========================================================================Radar Chart JS========================================================================Always wanted to create a radar chart for the web? Learning how to create a chart for a website is very valuable! In this course you will learn how to create a radar chart from scratch with Chart JS! You will be able to code one with Chart JS and learn how to adjust many aspects of the chart. And this all in a very easy pace video course. Every lecture will handle one line of coding. This makes it easy to follow and easy to check your codes. ========================================================================Structure of this course========================================================================The course is very structured and every section will handle a specific part of the chart! Each part is a building block of the other. You will have a firm foundation and it all connects with each other.In the first section you will learn how to set up your file and download the file. In section 2 you will learn how to get your document ready to make charts. Before you can do anything your HTML framework needs to be ready. Section 3 is writing the code in JavaScript with Chart JS library. In this section you will create your first radar chart in Chart JS! Section 4 will be the design part of Chart JS. Having a chart is not enough it needs to be styled in a way that it looks professional! In this part you will learn how to style and color the chart. Section 5 is the advanced feature of Chart JS. A radar chart has many options and features. In this part you will learn what features you can use and how to activate them. Section 6 the final points and closing of this course.========================================================================Why take this Chart JS course?========================================================================This course is designed for anyone who want to learn the Chart JS library quick. It focus on the essentials and shows it in an easy to follow manner. Chart JS has a huge documentation without any clear explanation in videos. The challenge of reading a huge documentation can be frustrating. I know you want to start right away with creating! Learning starts by doing and not by reading. In this course you learn how to do it in an hour. It will save you a huge amount of time that you can invest in what really matters! Making charts for your website. And of course, data visualization is a skill that is growing quick! It is in high demand because of Big Data! Learning this skill will definitely increase your value! Due to Big Data everybody struggles with data overload. The only way to digest these huge amount of data is with a chart! Charts save time and can tell a story in a blink of an eye! You might think Excel is already doing this, but no Excel is not flexible enough! Do you read charts on your phone with an Excel sheet? Most likely you will open the document at home on your desktop. Excel is not flexible but a website is! However creating charts on a site is challenging! This challenge is your opportunity! Learn how to create a chart right away. Exploit this opportunity by being the one of the few experts that companies are urgently looking for! Take this course right away! Every second you wait you leave money on the table! Your competitor is already learning while you are "thinkering" about it! Click on take this course right now!"
Price: 19.99
