"How To Do A Pull-Up Or Work Up To A Pull-Up And Do Many" |
"In this course you will learn to work up to a pull-up, and then have an exercise routine that will help you train and become better at doing pull-ups so that you can work up to being able to do 10 pull-ups and beyond.The pull-up is a great exercise that works your arms, back, shoulders and even your core. It is one of the best calisthenics exercises there is. In fact, we show you some advanced variations of how you can incorporate the pull-up in a larger workout routine to train your full body from your legs to your abs to your upper body.If you have ever wanted to be able to do a pull-up, but were never able to, we show you how to train to build up to a single pull-up and go far beyond that."
Price: 19.99

"3 Steps To Improve Your Communications Skills" |
"In this course, you will learn to become aware of your body, emotions, and language so you can choose and control how they impact the way you converse with others and interact with the world around you.This course explores the intention (or purpose) of conversation. The way we can become effective communicators is to learn what it is we're actually saying. When we know what we're saying, then we understand how we see the world.To put it another way: we can choose to engage in full, rich, satisfying conversations with others through understanding language use and how our word selection reflects our perception of and expectation from human interactions. We learn how to improve communication skills through the six speech acts:RequestsOffersPromisesAssertionsAssessmentsDeclarationsThrough practice, we become skilled at conversation with our networks, bosses, colleagues, teams, friends, and loved ones.By the end of this course, you'll understand how the actions you take in your life based on the Ontological Methods you learn in the course videos and materials can lead to new perspectives, great conversations, and increased opportunities for positive human connection. What Is Ontological Coaching?Ontology, as taught by the Newfield Network, is the knowledge of how you are ""being"" in the world through your body/movement, thoughts/emotions, and language. Your body, thoughts and language are all interrelated. When you change one of these three components, you cause the other two to change or shift for better or worse.Ontology affects your conversations and their outcomes at work, home, and play. Conversation is more than talk; it's about how we move our bodies, feel and interpret emotions, and choose our words.Take Action & EnrollEnroll now, make the commitment and jump straight into the course right now. I know this course will revolutionize the way you look at language!See you on the inside and check out the preview videos to see what value you'll be getting!Talk soon,Thushyanthan"
Price: 99.99

"Successful Meditation- 10 Minutes For Rich Inner Journeys" |
"""Meditation is a fine art!"" and like a fine art needs to be approached with the emotions of enthusiasm, curiosity and commitment! If you are new to meditation or are already an established expert, chances are you'll probably learn something new in this course. In this course you will learn about the Vedic Frameworks that form the foundations of traditional meditation found within the Yoga Sutras.Learn To Master The #1 Skill In Meditation MasteryIn my experience, there is basically only one skill to the mastery of the art of meditation. That skill is attention! Learn to direct attention to the 3 crucial areas for successful meditation:Physical sensationsEmotionsInsightSuccessful Meditation Practice In As Little As 10 Minutes Per DayConsistency is key to meditation. The invitation is to be gentle with yourself. In the beginning set aside 10 minutes per day, Monday to Friday at the same time. Take a break for the weekend and come back to your practices on Monday.A successful meditation practice will cut to the core of the distractions around you and help you to clearly identify what personal success means to you. The more time you are able to dedicate to your inner journey, the more skill you will have a noticing things and solving problems thereby becoming productive in your daily life. You will find that your interactions with others become a source of satisfaction and as a result you can redefine what happiness means to you.Course Contents And OverviewThis course contains over 50 lectures and 3.5+ hours of content! It is designed for you if you are curious about incorporating a meditation practice into your busy life.I strongly believe in 3 key ideas: #1) Education - learn about what matters to you; #2) Coaching - practice and embody that learning; and #3) Leadership - show up ""fully and in presence"" with others.Every section in this course has an introduction and overview video and wraps up with some action steps to embody the learning. The more you can practice and apply what you learn in the sections determines the results you'll get.Section #1 - Learn about what makes meditation successful (HINT: it's all about you!) and the potential benefits that may be possible for you. Along the way, the invitation is to notice the potential hurdles that may get in the way of you establishing your meditation practice. Becoming aware of this is a major step! Section #2 - We're going to just jump in with a 10-minute ""barely guided"" meditation that will get you started right away! This is so that you will know _for yourself_ just what it means to meditate. Remember, there's no right. There's no wrong. Follow along with this simple guided meditation any way you want and notice what shows up for that. That's it!Section #3 - In this section, we'll take a look at some of the key Vedic Frameworks that support meditation such as reincarnation, karma and dharma. In particular we will take a look at Patajali's Yoga Stras and see how meditation fits into the inner goal of human life. We will also take a look at the 8-limbs of traditional yoga.Section #4 - Learn about the 5 elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether and how you can incorporate it into your meditation practice. Also learn how to make your body comfortable so that you can lengthen and deepen your meditations easily.Section #5 - We get into the ""good stuff"" of guided meditations here. Follow along with the 10 minute guided meditations and allow yourself to notice. Take conscious control of your awareness and learn to dive within.Section #6 - Congratulations! You've done it! All you need to do is continue along your path.Section #7 - This section will contain other resources and supplementary materials that will help you on your inner journey.Course Bonuses!I am including several bonuses to help you along your inner journey. These worksheets will help you keep track of your meditations and allow you to notice what shows up for you.Bonus #1 - ""Power Dump"" Worksheet - Use this worksheet whenever you want to do a mental ""power dump"" so that you can connect your thoughts and the vital energy, pr, to your hands and fingers and get it down on paper!Bonus #2 - ""Amazon Links"" worksheet - Use this document to help you identify the necessary elemental combinations to introduce into your meditation space.Bonus #3 - ""Goals For Meditation Practice"" Worksheet - Print this worksheet so that you will always know the goals of your meditation.Bonus #4 - ""Meditation Reflections"" Worksheet - After you come out of your meditation, use this worksheet to record your physical sensations, emotions and insight you got from your meditation. Also included are a basic list of emotions to help you get started.Bonus #5 - Downloadable MP3 versions of the lectures for easy listening on your favorite MP3 device. Listen while relaxing, driving, or at the gym. The key is to sharpen your skills of ""attention"" and ""noticing."" Good luck!Take Action & Enroll""Take This Course"" now and make the commitment to jump straight into creating a successful meditation practice for yourself. I know meditation created shifts within me and resulted in a rewarding personal and professional life.See you on the inside and check out the preview videos to see what you'll be getting!Wishing you much success in your journeys,Thushyanthan"
Price: 79.99

"Master Emotions - Declare Happiness And Satisfaction In Life" |
"Emotions are a vast area of learning and emotions have the UNIQUE power to shift how you show up in all of your interactions, situations, events and conversations in your life. When you learn to harness the power of emotions, you can CHOOSE how to show up in conversations and learn to declare satisfaction and happiness in your life!Use the generative power of language and work with your emotions to help you declare satisfaction and happiness with the outcomes and results of your interactions in life.Understand the foundation of emotions.Learn what it means to interpret emotionsDiscover the stories and narratives around emotions that cause you to take certain actions.Apply linguistic skills to get to the heart of your emotionsDiscover a 3-Step Framework of working with the whole human being you are by exploring the connections between Body, Emotions and Language!I want to offer you a framework, a new perspective of the holistic and integrated human being that you are! This perspective may help to incorporate several concepts that you have come across in your quest for personal transformation and development.The underlying concept is that of language and the resultant, subjective expression of emotions and movement; movement through actions, movement through thoughts and ideas. Course Contents And OverviewThis course contains 63+ lectures and 4+ hours of content! It is designed for you if you want to take control of your emotions in your life. It is designed for you if you want to move past potentially destructive emotions and learn to declare satisfaction and happiness in your life.The material in this course is what I use with my coaching clients so if you are curious about learning to coach yourself from observing your thoughts, ideas and body while exploring emotions, this course is for you!I strongly believe in 3 key ideas: #1) Education - learn about what matters to you; #2) Coaching - practice and embody that learning; and #3) Leadership - show up ""fully and in presence"" with others.Every section in this course is connected and invites you to embody the learning. Each section has some Action Steps or Activity to help you notice what shows up for you as you to interpret and get to the story of the emotions that you experience.The more you can practice and apply what you learn in the sections determines the results you'll get.Section #1 Welcome To The Course Quickly get started in this section with this short introduction to Emotional Intelligence And Emotional Mastery and the two foundational models of the O-A-R and the B-E-L. You are the unique observer of your life. And the unique observer you are has a Body, experiences Emotions and interprets those emotions in Language. There is also an invitation to join the private Facebook group called, Life Coaching And Vedic Counseling.Section #2 Before You Begin - A Brief Introduction To Emotions Emotions have been studied for as long as humans have been alive. It wasnt until about 1649 and Descartes, Les Passions des lAme that emotions have been reduced and classified into basic emotions. Other psychological studies include Dr. Paul Ekmans 6 Basic Emotions and Dr. Robert Plutchiks Wheel Of Emotions. Learn to distinguish between what it means to have emotions versus being emotional. This skill is crucial for developing your emotional intelligence.Section #3 Getting To Know Yourself - Part 1 - Your Emotional Inheritances The bulk of the worksheets and self-reflection exercises are in this section. This is where you are invited to spend as much time as possible to understand what makes up that framework of belief that your unique observer operates under. This framework was built throughout your life from ALL of the life experiences you had. What were those? Who were those individuals responsible? The more clearly you can articulate this, the greater your results.Section #4 Getting To Know Yourself - Part 2 - Moods And Their Influence What is the difference between moods and emotions? Well, its mostly a matter of time! Emotions are triggered by events; they are mostly immediate. Moods, on the other hand, are emotions that persist for longer periods of time from hours to decades! What are the moods that you bring with you? Do you know the 4 basic moods? Learn to move from the moods of Resentment and Resignation to something more productive in your life.Section #5 ""Bust A Move - Learning To Give Yourself A Break From Mental Chatter"" No matter if we keep our mouths shut or open, we are ALWAYS in conversation! We either have a chattering internal loop or we are interacting with others! STOP this noise by moving your body. Here you will learn about the 5 body dispositions and how they cause us to experience certain emotions. Once you learn to move your body in an appropriate way to get satisfactory results, then you have a powerful tool to work with your emotions. The activities in this section invite you to practise moving your body into these dispositions.Section #6 ""Declarations And How To Bring Joy And Satisfaction Into Your Life"" Declarations are at the heart of creating a life of meaning, value and satisfaction. Declarations are a speech act and have certain properties that allow you to use the generative power of language to create that hoped for future in your life.Section #7 Approaching Resentment & Resignation With Lightness And Curiosity The moods of Resentment and Resignation can be particularly heavy. This section is about introducing the emotions of lightness and curiosity to work with these moods. Each of lightness and curiosity allow you to work with these moods and look at them from different perspectives. Activities in this section invite you to visualise and imagine just what it would be like for you to be in lightness and curiosity.Section #8 Looking Ahead To Create A Satisfactory And Joyous Hoped For Future Creating that hoped for future is at the heart of the coaching relationship. Just what is it that you want to create in your life? Which areas of family, friends, career, community and more do you want that hoped for future?Section #9 Life Is Meant To Be Lived Joyously Stepping Lightly And In Joy We wrap up this course with the invitation to consider that life is meant to be lived joyously. The action steps are summarised here which invite you to #1 notice and #2 keep practising the skill of noticing. Then you can move into the investigative part of understanding the linguistic foundations of emotions and the associated body shapes that will allow you to take control of the situations, events and conversations in your life!Course Bonuses!Bonus #1 PDF Worksheet ""List of Emotions"" A 9-page and 3-page documents to help you identify the wide variety of emotions that are available to you. This is just the starting point! Only your curiosity and imagination will allow you to uncover more emotions!Bonus #2 PDF Worksheet ""Dr. Robert Plutchiks Wheel of Emotions"" In 1980 Dr. Plutchik theorized a set of 16 emotions based on combinations of 8 basic emotions. This worksheet will give you an idea of the spectrum of emotions that Dr. Plutchik works with.Bonus #3 PDF Worksheet Emotional Inheritances A 3-page worksheet designed to give you insight into the individuals and groups that helped to create that framework of belief for your unique observer in the world.Bonus #4 PDF Worksheet My Wardrobe Of Emotions A 3-page worksheet that allows you to determine your satisfaction in 26 different areas of life. The following invitation is to associate certain emotions with those life areas and take time for self-reflection and introspection.Bonus #5 PDF Worksheet 4 Basic Moods Of Resentment, Resignation, Acceptance, Ambition A 1-page worksheet to give you an idea of how the 4 basic moods are created from opposition or acceptance of the facticity of past/present and future events and possibilities.Bonus #6 MP3 Recordings to practise the 5 Body Dispositions of Centre, Resolution, Openness, Stability and Flexibility. Spend time to practise these short 4-8 minute physical activities to embody the body dispositions. Youll be surprised at what you discover for yourself!Take Action & EnrollClick ""Take This Course"" now and make the commitment to jump straight into Master Emotions - Declare Happiness And Satisfaction In Life for yourself. I know that working with emotions created shifts within me and resulted in a rewarding personal and professional life.See you on the inside!Wishing you much success in your journeys,Thushyanthan"
Price: 99.99

"How To Read Your Vedic Astrology Birth Chart In 15 Steps" |
"This course has a simple, 15-sentence fill-in-the-blank style template that you can use to read your Vedic astrology birth chart. Inside this course, you will learn how the planetary energies are the producers of events and situations in your life. Learn the goals of these energetic forces and how they apply to you and your interpretations of the world.Discover how jyotia or Vedic astrology illuminates your path of dharma in your life to help you interpret and declare satisfaction and happiness with the outcomes and results of your interactions in life.Learn the foundational goals of the planetary energiesDiscover the environments, ris or zodiacal signs, that support or hinder these planetary energies. Understand what the material motivations of the bhavas (or houses) are trying to produce in your life.Discover a 3-Step Framework of working with the whole human being you are by exploring the connections between Body, Emotions and Language and Jyotia (Vedic Astrology)!I want to offer you a framework, a new perspective of the holistic and integrated human being that you are! This perspective may help to incorporate several concepts that you have come across in your quest for personal transformation and development.The underlying concept is that of language and the resultant, subjective expression of emotions and movement; movement through actions, movement through thoughts and ideas. Course Contents And OverviewThis course contains 36+ lectures and 2+ hours of content! The material in this course is what I use with my coaching clients so if you are curious about learning to coach yourself from observing your thoughts, ideas and body while exploring the interpretations of your Vedic astrology birth chart, this course is for you!I strongly believe in 3 key ideas: #1) Education - learn about what matters to you; #2) Coaching - practice and embody that learning; and #3) Leadership - show up ""fully and in presence"" with others.Every section in this course is connected and invites you to embody the learning. Each section has reflections and enquiry questions to help you notice what shows up for you as you to interpret your Vedic astrology birth chart.The more you can practice and apply what you learn in the sections determines the results you'll get.Section #1 Welcome To The Course As a leadership life coach, I am here to provide you with support in your learning. This course, and all my courses, have at their foundation the Ontological Coaching framework and the Vedic framework. Discover how jyotia will help you to see how you show up in the world. There is also an invitation to join the private Facebook group called, Life Coaching And Vedic Counseling.Section #2 Identifying Vedic Frameworks To Learn What Exactly Jyotia Is Revealing Before diving into the Basic Chart Reading Template, you are invited to learn a little more detail about the frameworks that support jyotia or Vedic astrology. You will learn about karma, dharma and reincarnation and what jyotia is actually illuminating for you.Section #3 Basic Chart Reading Template & Associated Keywords For Ris, Bhavas and Grahas The heart of this course is about using this very simple, fill-in-the-blank type of template and apply it to your own birth chart. If you dont have your birth chart available, you can follow along with David Bowies Vedic astrology birth chart.Section #4 Adding Nuance To Your Basic Chart Reading Template With these additional qualities of the grahas, ris and bhavas, you have more information about how you can deepen your understanding of your Vedic astrology birth chart.Section #5 Conclusion & Next Steps The invitation is to continue to deepen your studies into the Vedic sciences. Revisit your birth chart from time to time with the additional keywords to add nuance and detail into your interpretations. And then notice! Thats the skill you need to practise. Notice! And then notice some more. Course Bonuses!Bonus #1 PDF Worksheet ""Ri Qualities"" These are additional qualities about the ris which are the environments in which the grahas operate. Some ris are conducive for the grahas to fulfil their goals. Bonus #2 PDF Worksheet ""[PDF] Bhava Translations"" A 2 page PDF document which lists the translations from Vedic astrologys most authoritative source, Bhat Parara Hor stra or BHPS for short. Bonus #3 CASE STUDY: Basic Chart Reading Template Applied To David Bowie's Birth Chart This video describes how to use the Basic Chart Reading Template and apply it to David Bowies birth chart.Bonus #4 PDF Worksheet List Of All Keywords (+ Extras!) There are plenty of descriptives to apply to the grahas, ris and bhavas. Which ones of these jump out at you? What resonates with you?Take Action & EnrollClick ""Take This Course"" now and make the commitment to jump straight into Read Your Vedic Astrology Birth Chart In 15 Easy Sentences for yourself. You can easily use this template in less than 15 minutes to get insight into how your unique observer operates!See you on the inside!Wishing you much success in your journeys,Thushyanthan"
Price: 59.99

"Intelligent Anger Management - Take Control, Be Productive" |
"Anger is a misunderstood emotion! It is widely assessed to be a destructive emotion with violent tendencies. The invitation in this course is to explore the emotion of anger and notice the energy of it. What possibilities for action exist within the energy of the emotion of anger?When you learn to harness the power of anger, you can CHOOSE how to show up in conversations and CHOOSE what actions to take to create outcomes and results that have meaning, value and satisfaction for you!Use the generative power of language and learn to manage anger by understanding the story, the body disposition and actions you can take to step into and step out of anger.Understand the foundation of anger as a story with a predisposition to action.Learn what it means to be emotional versus having emotionsDiscover the patterns that set up the path on the ladder of angerLearn how you can SHIFT your body, your language into ANOTHER emotionDiscover a 3-Step Framework of working with the emotion of anger and its associated energy. Connect to the whole human being you are by exploring the connections between Body, Emotions and Language!I want to offer you a framework, a new perspective of the holistic and integrated human being that you are! This perspective may help to incorporate several concepts that you have come across in your quest for managing and working with the emotion of anger.Anger doesnt exist all by itself. Anger is created, over time, through a variety of situations, events and conversations that lead to it!Course Contents And OverviewThis course contains 40+ lectures and 2.5+ hours of content! It is designed for you if you want to learn to manage anger, annoyance, irritability and more It is designed for you if you want to move past the potentially destructive quality of anger and shift into new possibilities for action.The material in this course is what I use with my coaching clients so if you are curious about learning to coach yourself from observing your thoughts, ideas and body while exploring anger, this course is for you!I strongly believe in 3 key ideas: #1) Education - learn about what matters to you; #2) Coaching - practice and embody that learning; and #3) Leadership - show up ""fully and in presence"" with others.Every section in this course is connected and invites you to embody the learning. Each section has some Action Steps or Activity to help you notice what shows up for you as you to interpret and get to the story of the emotions that you experience.The more you can practice and apply what you learn in the sections determines the results you'll get.Section #1 Welcome To The Course Quickly get started in this section with this short introduction to Anger Management through a linguistic process via the two foundational models of the O-A-R and the B-E-L. You are the unique observer of your life. And the unique observer you are has a Body, experiences Emotions and interprets those emotions in Language. There is also an invitation to join the private Facebook group called, Life Coaching And Vedic Counseling.Section #2 Not Just ""Anger"" But Annoyance, Irritability, Rage, Fury And More... Anger is much more than a single emotion. In fact, a quick browse in the dictionary uncovers 120+ related words to anger. The more you increase your vocabulary about anger, the more you are able to work with anger and notice it for yourself. When you notice, then you have the POWER to change.Section #3 Classifying Anger And The Ladder Of Violence Anger can be destructive but it also has potential to be creative. Learn how anger is classified and discover the ladder of violence that causes anger to be built up from small infractions all the way up to violent, destructive expressions.Section #4 Invite Anger Into Your Life By Stepping Into AND Out Of Anger... In this section we learn to work with anger by IDENTIFYING it as an actor would. We step into anger and related emotions and notice Who/What/When/Where/How it shows up. Then we step out. Step in. Step out. Step in. Step out. Its a constant practise.Section #5 ""Guided Visualizations From 3 Steps To Improve Communication Skills"" Here you will learn about the 5 body dispositions and how they cause us to experience certain emotions. Once you learn to move your body in an appropriate way to get satisfactory results, then you have a powerful tool to work with your emotions. The activities in this section invite you to practise moving your body into these dispositions.Section #6 Conclusion To ""Anger Management"" And Your Next Steps We wrap up this course with the invitation to practise. Approach anger through the intelligent, intellectual perspective of a narrative of injustice. Practise noticing and continue to practise stepping into and stepping out of anger and its related emotions. Then you can move into the investigative part of understanding the linguistic foundation of anger and the associated body shapes that will allow you to take control of the situations, events and conversations in your life!Course Bonuses!Bonus #1 PDF Worksheet ""Getting Ticked Off"" A 1-page document to help you identify the Who/What/When/Where/How you get ticked off on the way to full-blown anger. Bonus #2 PDF Worksheet Emotions Opposite Of Anger A 2-page worksheet designed to give you a list of 30 emotions that are opposite of anger. When you know that there are other emotions possible, you will have new insight into how these work for you.Bonus #3 PDF Worksheet Synonyms Of Anger An 8-page worksheet designed to give you a list of 120 different AND related emotions to anger. Learn to create the distinctions for the blob of emotions that anger consists of.Bonus #4 PDF Worksheet ""Ladder Of Anger"" Use this 1-page document to map out the range of emotions leading to anger for you. Make use of the extended vocabulary worksheet to help you out.Bonus #5 PDF Worksheet Stepping Out Use this 1-page document and learn how to Step Out of any emotion, including anger. Shift your body and shift your mood!Bonus #6 MP3 Recordings to practise the 5 Body Dispositions of Centre, Resolution, Openness, Stability and Flexibility. Spend time to practise these short 4-8 minute physical activities to embody the body dispositions. Youll be surprised at what you discover for yourself!Take Action & EnrollClick ""Take This Course"" now and make the commitment to jump straight into How To Intelligently Manage Anger And Take Control for yourself. I know that working with the emotion of anger created shifts within me and resulted in a rewarding personal and professional life.See you on the inside!Wishing you much success in your journeys,Thushyanthan"
Price: 79.99

"Console 1 Explained" |
"Learn how to mix and master your music using a dedicated hardware/software solution with your DAW.Mix with your ears, not your eyesLearn Console 1 workflowBuild faster mixes with SSL pluginsFind and address problems in a mixLearn to create custom channel stripsBuild a proven mixing templateA Powerful Skill at Your FingertipsLearning the Console 1 workflow helps speed up your workflow and very useful tool at your fingertips. The SSL 4000 has been used on most grammy-winning records in history. Learn how to use this sound on your mixes. Submit better sounding mixes to your clients. Content and OverviewSuitable for beginning engineers, through this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of mixing on the Console 1 system. This is a dedicated "analog-desk" mixer for your DAW. It bundles the SSL 4000 E plugin which has been used on more grammy-winning records than all other SSL consoles. Starting with the hardware overview and setup, this course will take you through setting up your first mixing template. A template you can use over and over on any mixing session, allowing you to focus on mixing with your ears, not your eyes. With these basics mastered, the course will take you through customizing and saving channel strips for use in later projects. Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create entire mixes using the Console 1 with SSL 4000 E software."
Price: 29.99

"Mixing EDM" |
"Build a strong foundation in Mixing with this course for beginners.Create New SessionsOrganize TracksTrack BussingSpeed Up Your Workflow Using Keyboard ShortcutsLearn the Fundamentals in Mixing and MasteringA Powerful Skill at Your FingertipsLearning fundamentals of mixing electronic music in Pro Tools puts a powerful and very useful skill at your fingertips. Pro Tools is the Photoshop for professional music production and mixing. EDM genres are plentiful, and being able to learn mixing will give you a strong background to more easily pick up new projects.Content and OverviewSuitable for beginners, through this course youll learn the fundamentals of mixing. Included are quizzes to enhance our video training.Starting with the basics on setting a new mix session, we touch on the importance of proper gain staging, as well as keyboard shortcuts for a speedier workflow.Our focus is not a tutorial, but a comprehensive course of what you need to know.Students completing this course will have the know-how to mixing in Pro Tools for any music project.What are the requirements?Computer literacy skills on Mac or PCAccess to a copy of Pro Tools 11 or higher is idealExact plugins used in the video are not mandatoryWhat am I going to get from this course?14 courses and 3 hours of content!Understanding the use of EQs and FiltersLearning Compression and DistortionUse effects for depth and widthWhat is the target audience?Aspiring producers who want to learn mixingAudio engineers wanting to learn electronic musicSelf-taught Pro Tools users who need a more comprehensive step-by-step learning path"
Price: 29.99

"NAVIGATION: Piloting Small Boats" |
"Navigation: Piloting Small BoatsAs a Naval Officer I learned a navigation protocol that says do not rely on one method of navigation. So that would mean we should not rely heavily only on our GPS devices. Let's look at a couple of scenarios. Scenario 1: You are just starting out in boating. Maybe you are a little unsure how to navigate to a port a short distance away and you plan on using your GPS to get there. You don't plan on using a paper chart since a chart is loaded onto your GPS. The problem with this scenario is that you are depending 100% on your GPS to get where you want go. If the GPS fails you will be in a dilemma. Once you leave port it is difficult to look at a surrounding shore line to determine your position. Scenario 2: Maybe you have many years of boating experience. You plan to go to a destination in Open Ocean that is 30 NM away. You plan to use your GPS to navigate all the way. You do have charts and probably have them open on your navigation table, but you haven't been using the charts to correlate and verify your position with the GPS. You may have a very good idea where you are on the chart, but if the GPS batteries die, you are stuck with getting your positon updated on the chart.In this course I will show you how to plot a course to your destination. Take the Lat/Long coordinates from your GPS and mark them on your plot. Take sights on landmarks to confirm your location on the plot. Use depth sounder data to confirm your position. Be able to dead reckon your progress on the plot.The course will use charts from the New England coast. The skills I will show you will be easily adaptable to lakes and rivers of the USA and also to other international waters of the world. I will mention areas where differences may be an issue."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Marketing for All Levels: Create Ads & Pages" |
"Facebook is consider one of the main social networking services where large numbers of people spend most of their time. You might have undoubtedly heard of this social network if you are one of its 500 million followers from all over the world. The enormous number of fan following allows Facebook to offer you an opportunity to make money online on Facebook in an interestingly easier way.In this course you will learn all facebook features starting with basic to advanced level. In addition, you will lean how to create your own facebook group page and facebook fun page. At the end of this course you will learn ways to get money from facebook starting with creating your own business ads and marketing your product or customer product."
Price: 44.99

"Record Your Computer Screen As Expert For Windows Users" |
"Envied will help you do three simple steps Record, Edit and Share.How Envied is used1-Demo Your Software such as Software or website developers.2- Demo Your products3-Create Promotional Videos4-Educate Your Students5-Train Your Audience6-Create epic content7-Edit Your Video8- Take screen capture (pictures) What is screen recorder Softwarescreen recorder software is a screen recorder program that comes with an in-built video editor where you can split your recordings and add text in between two clips, creating a slideshow effect. In addition , you can upload your video to YouTube through the program itself. For gamers, there's an option to enable 'Gaming mode' where it records the windowed mode of your game. The program comes with a few music clips that you can add to your video. Also, You can add in other pictures and video clips, as well as add in your voice after you're done editing your clip.What's new about Screen Recorder V.9.1Timesaving, powerful editing features.With the New snapback actions allow you to revert your video state with just a click. With action templates you can choose from a default list of actions and save your own favourite actions.Recording PreviewQuickly confirm you're in shot and you've got the right angle. Recording preview shows you what's being recorded along with elapsed recording time.With the new Screen Recorder software it has a unique Features that will help the user do a lot of things.Highest quality recording 1080P, 2K and 4KScreen Recorder has the best screen capture available even on Retina Displays.Record everythingScreen Recorder advanced algorithms only encode areas of change on your screen, so you can capture your entire screen with the highest quality and keep your file sizes low."
Price: 34.99

"Airbrush Anleitung fr Einsteiger: Textur-Effekte" |
"Ob als Custom Painting Effekt, als Faux Finish an der Wand, als optische Tuschung im Bodypainting oder fr Illustrationen von Tieren, Menschen oder Landschaften: Textur-Techniken werden in allen Airbrush-Bereichen bentigt. Roger Hassler zeigt in diesem Training die zehn beliebtesten Effekte und fhrt ihre Gestaltung Schritt fr Schritt vor. Durch eine Mischung aus Freihand-Techniken, Maskierung, Pinsel- und Tupftechniken sind alle Motive auch schon von Anfngern leicht zu realisieren und schulen die ganze Breite der Airbrush- und Maltechniken."
Price: 19.99

"Stop Struggling To Get By: Apply To Top 25 Grant Programs" |
"Whoever tells you the government is cutting back... THEY'RE WRONG.In 2015 the U.S. Government will give out an average of $22,996 in free money to each family. That's an increase from $21,816 in 2014, In 2016 It is going to increase again to $24,159. Do this sound like a cut back?????The government has over 17,000 programs that hand out free money and fee services to people of all incomes and all ages. Here are some facts about these programs that the average person does not know about:- Uncle Sam hands out over $1.7 TRILLION PER YEAR per year and spends next to NOTHING ON ADVERTISING to let people know these programs.- Only 20% of this money is set aside for low income people. For most programs it does not matter what your income is, they are for people who want to do things or solve problems. - Low income programs cover people making up to $44,000 per year. - 80% of the free money available is NOT CALLED "GRANTS". - Most of the free money programs only require a 2-3 page of "fill in the blanks" application.- The government represents over 35% of our economy and has programs that can help every member of our society no matter what your age, income, or education level.I had a very successful business helping rich people make even more money by taking advantage of these programs. Now I devote my life to help the average person know about the free money and help that is available to them too. After 35 years of studying these programs I've developed a course for those who want to begin learning the system of applying to the 25 BEST FREE MONEY PROGRAMS that America has to offer.These TOP 25 programs can help the most people of all incomes. These are programs you should know about if you need:Money And Help For A BusinessMoney And Help For Paying Bills and Getting Out OF DebtMoney And Help To Buy Or Fix Up A HomeMoney And Help For Health Care IssuesMoney And Help For Raising Kids or Caring or Caring For SeniorsEVERY STUDENT HAS PERSONAL ACCESS TO THE INSTRUCTOR AND HIS RESEARCHERSAs a student you are able to ask instructor as many questions as you want about the details of applying to any government program. Answers are returned within 48 hours."
Price: 19.99

"Get The Best Career Of Your Life Using Crowdfunding" |
"This is the only course that speaks the truth about how to get the most out of life as you possibly can, and how the new tools available in society make it easier than ever to make it happen.If you are not completely satisfied with what you are doing in life, let me show you: 1) How To Discover What Is The Best Work For You To Be Doing To Live A Satisfied Life 2) Why Most People Are Not Doing What They Really Should Be Doing In Life 3) How To Use the Internet, CrowdFUNding, and the Shared Economy To Finance What Will Give You A Complete LifeYou will never hear anything like this from anyone else. This is not a slick powerpoint presentation. THIS IS FROM THE HEART.After 40 years of having more success in life than I ever dreamed, I now want to speak from my heart and try to help as many other people before I die.I have been travelling the country speaking on this subject and getting standing ovations. I even received an incredible response in Shanghai, China. And recently I did a TEDx Talk and am more convinced this life philosophy is needed. I am a serial entrepreneur who just completed 1,000 exclusive interviews of people who have used Internet funding to do what they always dreamed of doing in life. I speak the truth so you'll learn truisms like:1) The Best Way To Win In Life Is By Having Fun2) Experts Pretend to Know the Answers so They Can Charge You A Lot of Money...but They Really Don't Know3) If You're Not Failing You're Not Doing Anything4) The Internet Is Giving Out More Free Money Than The Government5) Now It's the Easiest Time In The History of the World To Make Money When You Have No Cash, Expertise or Contacts6) Retirement Is Dumb7) Your Friends and Loved Ones Can Be Your Worst Enemies8) How To Stay Lovable and Love More8) How To Give More To The World Than You Ever Imagined! 9) How To Deal with Things When They're Bad 10) The Biggest Opportunities for You to Grow Your Income are on the Internet11) The New Economy Means Creating Your Own Job Is Now Safer than Getting A Job12) Why Banks, Employment, Agencies, Hotels, Car Rentals, Traditional Jobs, Fat Cats, and More Are Being Replaced In The New Economy13) Your Own Mind Is The Only Thing Stopping You From A Great Life"
Price: 19.99

"Digital Entrepreneurship: Best Apps for Productivity" |
"In this productivity course you will learn how to become a location independent digital entrepreneur by mastering a wide range of tools and resources, automating tedious and repetitive tasks and increasing your productivity 10x times.By the end of the course you will know how to run a location independent business, manage a remote based team, where to find the best resources and how to leverage different industry standard tools that will help you in saving time and money.Thanks to what you'll learn through the course, you will have more time to focus on what really matters for your success.AudienceIf you are an entrepreneur, a development manager, or an online freelance, this course is for you. No matter if you are not familiar with any of the topics and the tools mentioned in the course because we will guide you step by step through each one of them, from setting up your account to the most interesting features. Content and OverviewThis course covers various aspects of running a modern online business. The sections, at the minute, are covering the following topics:Location Independent LifestyleVideo conferencingRemote Based TeamsVirtual AssistantsCoworking SpacesVirtual AddressesProject managementTeam communicationMail AutomationSocial AutomationFor each tool presented you will learn the advantages and the functionalities of each different plan available and you will get the best out of the free plans.Each section is accompanied by a practice activity that will help you becoming familiar with the tool.By the end of the course you will have learned how to use a wide range of online tools to maximize your productivity. You'll discover how to improve in project management, communication with customers and your team; You'll learn how to create, manage and send newsletters as well as analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns.Online Services and tools covered in this courseAppear - One of the easiest webconferencing service. No registration is required to start using it!Slack - 100% team communication! Hardly you will find a tool as powerful as Slack is. Asana - One of their motto is ""Working without email"", maybe they're right!Mailchimp - This is one of my favorite tool for managing newsletters and mailing list. Try how can be easy send email campaign.Buffer - The tool that allows you to manage and schedule the publication of your posts on the main social mediaAt the end of this course you will be completely autonomous and able to manage your time online in the most effective way.See you inside the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Health Vibes" |
"Health Vibes, Optimize Health Through Self Discovery will guide you towards optimal health and happiness! Youll learn how to assess your current physical and emotional health status and adopt a new approach to your health to create and accomplish future health goals. Become the healthiest version of yourself today! Gain awareness around your physical and emotional health Develop an individualized understanding of health Demystify the seeming complexities of health Create comprehensive health goals for your future Start living a healthier life now with Health Vibes, Optimize Health Through Self Discovery. Youll learn a simple method to approach both your physical and emotional health through video, audio, and text lectures along with helpful quizzes and supplemental materials. I designed this course to help you walk away feeling inspired and empowered to take steps towards optimizing your health and happiness, along with a tool set to get you there!"
Price: 29.99

"Sfrdan Git Kullanm : Versiyon Kontrolnn Gc" |
"Kurs bitince cok buyuk projelerde versiyon kontrolu ile nasil korkmadan degisiklik yapabileceginizi nasil takim halinde calisabileceginizi ve branclarla calismanin gucunu ogreneceksiniz. Kurs suresince temelden hic bilmeyenler icin baslayacagiz ve degisik platformalrda (mac,windows,linux,bsd) git kurulumuna deginip git mantigini tamamen kavrayacagiz.Ardindan ileri seviye git komutlarini ,git kullanim alanlarini,git ayarlarini ,git serverlarina baglanmayi ,git serverlarindan veri cekmeyi ,git serverlarina veri gondermeyi ,branching sistemini ve daha bir cok konuyu ogrenecegiz.Ozetle kurs suresince git hakkinda 0dan baslayim her seyi ogrenmis olacagiz."
Price: 19.99

"Drawing in Perspective" |
"Do you like to draw but aren't very comfortable with drawing in perspective? Read on!In this course, I've taken decades of my personal experience and knowledge and synthesized them into an easy to follow format that will teach you all about drawing in perspective.Some people feel intimidated by the technical aspect of drawing in perspective and that is why most give up. I've designed the course you can follow along with no precision tools at all. You can follow each and every lecture freehand and still get similar results.Most of what you will learn will have immediate application. The course is divided into various sections dealing with:1 point perspective2 point perspective and3 point perspectiveAlso added to the course are lectures dedicated to4 point perspective andCurvilinear perspectiveBuilding shadows in perspectiveEach section includes an exercise for you to test what you learned===== ENROLL NOW and start drawing amazing worlds ====="
Price: 24.99

"2d Bitmap art for video games" |
"Are you looking to improve the visual quality of your game? Do the visuals on your game compare poorly to the other games in the stores? Want to make your game stand out from the crowd? Don't want any longer. Take this course and start creating high quality visual content in no time! Bitmap art is all about quality and rich content. Creating such detail and quality can be time consuming and a near impossible task if you are not equipped with the right knowledge.In my 13 years of experience as a game artist I've developed a series of tricks and techniques that speed up the creation of high-quality graphics for video-games. The best thing is that anyone can learn these techniques and apply them successfullyWith over 7 hours of footage, I'll explain to you, step by step, the secrets to creating fast and rich visuals You'll learn: Using Photoshop in a fast paced Drawing simple and complex shapesA simple approach to hand drawingRendering different materials realistically And once you get these concepts settled, you'll learn: Creating complete mock-ups for match 3 games with tokens includedCreating textures to use in realistic illustrationsCreate a card for a Card Collecting Game You'll also: Draw and build a fully articulated CHARACTER Learning these skills will not only allow you to become independent in the visuals department but also set your games apart from the rest. stop TRYING to create good graphics and instead DELIVER STUNNING VISUALS.Enroll now!"
Price: 34.99

"Overcoming Caffeine Withdrawal" |
"This is theonly course on theplanet forbreaking your caffeine addiction and overcoming caffeinewithdrawal.Whether your caffeine of preferenceis coffee, tea, soda, pre-workout supplements, etc, this course is designed to break that dependence once and for all. It incorporatesthe best and provenideasfrombehavioral design, peak performance, and addiction therapy so you can deploy a powerful new arsenalin your stand against caffeine.Here are some of the things that you will learn:-The uncovered perspective of caffeine's ascension into prominence-How to apply a powerful behavior framework to make quitting caffeine easier-Strategies to achieve and maintain peak performance during your day, with 0mg of caffeine-How to disassemble and dissolve any bad habit from your life, systematicallyWhat are the requirements for this course?: You must have the commitment to change your life. You must betruly determined to win even though quitting caffeine will not be easy.Who is this course perfect for?: The simple test is this: If stopping caffeine consumption (going down to 0mg of caffeine) has a negative effect on your professional or personal life, than this course is for you. It'sdesigned for those that want to free themselvesfrom caffeine dependence and have had, or are having, a hard time doing it."
Price: 24.99

"Web-Entwicklung unter Linux fr Windows-Entwickler" |
"Der Kurs zeigt kompakt und schnell die Schritte, die Sie gehen mssen, um basierend auf einem Windows (im Kurs wird Windows 10 benutzt), mit Hilfe einer virtuellen Maschine ein Linux (Ubuntu 14) einzurichten und die passenden Einrichtungsschritte vorzunehmen. Auf dem frisch installierten System wird dann eine Entwicklungsumgebung aufgebaut - basierend auf wahlweise Visual Studio Code oder Sublime Text 3. Mit Hilfe des Frameworks node.js, des Paketmanagers npm und der Middleware-Bibliothek Express wird dann ein erstes ""Hallo Welt""-Beispiel erstellt und zum Laufen gebracht.Der Kurs dauert ca. 30 min, mit den Zeiten fr das Herunterladen der Pakete sollte man ca. 2 Stunden einplanen.Es werden hier ausdrcklich keine Vorkenntnisse fr Linux bentigt. Im Kurs werden die wichtigsten Kommandos erklrt. Es geht allerdings zuerst um die Entwicklungsumgebung, nicht um das Betriebssystem. Verfeinerungen der Installation im Sinne von ""schner"" oder ""besser"" unterbleiben deshalb - ebenso wie Fehlermeldungen nicht beachtet werden, solange die Teile perfekt laufen, auf die es ankommt."
Price: 19.99

"Formation au Maquillage" |
"Apprendre se faire une beaut soi-mme, dcouvrir les bases de cet art, conomiser des centaines deuros, ou encore faire profiter ses amis de ses nouvelles connaissances en matire dembellissement. Aprs une initiation aux secrets du maquillage, ce cours offre les astuces sur les types de la peau. Des conseils en colorimtrie seront galement prodigus. Les lves pourront ensuite appliquer les astuces du formateur pour oser mettre la main la poudre et se maquiller seules par la suite. Grce ce cours vous allez pouvoir: Maquiller les invits et participants dun mariage. Reprsenter une compagnie de cosmtiques et dmontrer lutilisation de ses produits. Appliquer le maquillage sur des mannequins en suivant le thme de la passerelle. Appliquer le maquillage d'une manire professionnelle pour assister photographes et stylistes. tre artiste maquilleur sur les plateaux de tournage et dans les productions thtrales. Fournir des services de maquillage professionnel aux clients individuels."
Price: 19.99

"Devenir Experte en Relooking et Beaut" |
"Ce cours vous enseigne le style parfait pour votre personnalit. Lorsque vous comprenez quel est le style qui vous convient, vous pouvez commencer dvelopper ce que lon appelle le style sans effort ! Vous trouverez galement de nouveaux moyens pour exprimer votre propre identit, vous aurez confiance dans le choix de vos vtements et vous serez inspire pendant vos sances de shopping. L'ide de s'aimer soi-mme peut paratre arrogante, mais en fait nous allons parl de lauto-acceptation et la cration d'une image positive de soi-mme. L'image que l'on a de soi-mme est la base de tout. Si l'on s'aime intrieurement et extrieurement, tout le reste devient positif. Il existe un grand nombre de trucs et astuces du mtier pouvant vous aider valoriser vos points positifs et quilibrer ainsi votre silhouette, quelle que soit votre taille et votre forme! Le Coaching de style vous apprend comment habiller chaque client afin quil soit et se sente au top! Nous allons passer en revue les 5 morphologies de base et partager avec vous des astuces pour bien dmarrer. Nous esprons que vous apprendrez des choses nouvelles qui vous permettront dapprcier dautant plus le contenu de vos armoires! On ne peut pas parler de style sans aborder les nuances de couleurs, la leon de cette semaine vous apprendra quelques bases essentielles afin de porter les couleurs qui vous vont bien. Dans ce cours, notre but est simplement de vous aider mieux comprendre votre propre palette de couleurs, et de commencer utiliser ce prcieux savoir lorsque vous choisissez les couleurs de vos tenues et de vos accessoires. Vous apprendrez les bases de ralisation dun style personnel qui vous convient parfaitement, met en valeur vos superbes attributs, et camouflera ce qui vous plat moins. Vous apprendrez : dcouvrir votre silhouette et les traits de votre visage. accentuer des attributs et en camoufler dautres. crer une silhouette balance grce des astuces mode et des coupes de vtements. travailler avec des palettes de couleurs qui vous donnent bonne mine. choisir des coiffures qui mettent en valeur la forme de votre visage. prendre le meilleur soin possible de votre peau et de vos cheveux. crer des ambiances diffrentes avec certains styles. utiliser les tendances de manire avise pour savoir ce qui vous va bien ou pas. maximiser la valeur de vos vtements - faire des miracles avec un budget limit. penser diffremment et briser la monotonie de la mode."
Price: 19.99

"Swift 4 Cookbook: The Ultimate Collection of iOS Quick Fixes" |
"If you're tired of scrolling through Stack Overflow trying to resuscitateancientSwift 2.0 code, this is the perfect course for you:over 300 of the most common questions for Swift, iOS, and Xcode get answered right here, with all code fully updated for iOS11 and Swift 4.This is real, hands-on stuff that gets right to the point:How do you use the new Codable protocol to load and save your data?How can you add real-time shadows to your views?How do you add section headers to table views?How do you record audio using AVAudioRecorder?How can you add particle effects to UIKit apps?How can you make an action repeat itself?All those and more are covered right here, right before your eyes.Organized for your convenienceWith such a huge library of videos to learn from, you might be wondering how fast it can really be to find solutions inside this cookbook collection. Well, let me tell you:it's fast. The whole course is organized by segments such as CALayer, SpriteKit, andUIKit, so in one click you narrow your search down to what interests you most.And from there you can either jump straight to the solution you care about ""how can Irotate my view?"" or just browse the category to stumble upon all-new things you haven't even tried before.Tried and tested solutionsAnyone could put together some Swift code examples and call it a cookbook, but this collection is different.First, this is the largest collection of its type in the world with over 300 categorized solutions, this is a simply unbeatable problem-solvingresource.Second, this course comes with complete, downloadable source code for all solutions, so you can try them outeasily.Third, these solutions are proven:10,000 students have already learned Swift from me, so I know the problems they hit time and time again. This course was crafted specifically to solve all the most common problems developers hit with UIKit, SpriteKit, Swift, and more.But most importantlyYou're guaranteed incredible quality. No more scrabbling around Stack Overflow trying to find fixes, no more reading through ten pages of Google search results to find what you need.Instead, the Swift 4 Cookbook gives you all the fixes you need to take your apps to the next level, all fully revised and updated for Swift 4 and iOS11."
Price: 34.99

"Hacking with Swift 2 - Games and Technique projects" |
"This iOS 9 Swift game coursefeatures 5SpriteKit game projects, and 4techniqueprojects. Each technique project willteachdifferent aspects of iOS.To help guide you step by step along the path of the code, there arecallout graphics,highlighting, and deep explanations.Please note: This iOS 9 games coursewill not teach you theSwift language, or how to code,You should already have completedPaul Hudson's Swifttutorials at HackingWithSwift.com, or theSwift Mastery Course, or have written your own existing Swift apps.Some of the concepts you will learn and games you will build:Featuring Apps built by the award winning Swiftprogrammer - Paul HudsonBuild aFireworks gameBuild a Pachinko gameBuild a cool Ninja gameBuild a Whack a Mole cloneBuild a Flappy Bird cloneGCD explained (Grand Central Dispatch)NSTimerMaster UICollectionViewController / UIAlertController / CALayerMaster SpriteKit / Physics / Blend modes / RadiansMaster NSUserDefaults / NSCoding / NSKeyedArchiverWork with SKCropNode / SKTexture / SKActionAnimate your projects with CGAffineTransformCreate a Safari Extension like Mozilla'sGreasemonkey extensionMore then 8hours of HD video InstructionWork with NSNotificationCenterMake your type stay above your keyboard using UIKeyboardWillHideNotificationMaster SKShapeNode / UIBezierPath / AVAudioPlayerWork with GKRandomDistribution / SKAudioNodeAll projects areannotated and explained using helpful graphics and highlightingAndmore!This course assumes you have swiftprogramming experience, and are familiar with the iOSapp building process."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced iOS: Volume 1 - All source code updated to Swift 5" |
"Note: All finished projects and source code have been update to Swift 5Build 7complete real worldprojects that teach you aboutspeech transcription, SiriKit, and more!As well as 5 technique projects that reinforce your iOSknowledge for building apps.This course iswrittenby the award winning Swift programmer,Paul Hudson, it is from his best sellingbook,""Advanced iOS: Volume 1"", made into a lecture style course,and these videos were made with his permissionand support.Paul is the author of the Hacking With Swift series of tutorials, whichis one of the most popular Swift coding sitesonline.Paul alsohas received high praise from the creator of the Swift language,Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swifttutorials.And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series ofprogrammingtraining videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system. Check out all ofPaul Hudson's Swift tutorials and booksat HackingWithSwift - from beginner to pro, Paul will teach youto write Swift code in very little time.The term ""Hacking With Swift"" means we are ""playing"" with the Swift language, and using it in unique and interesting ways.Whether it's iMessage apps, SiriKit integration, rich media user notifications, or speech transcription,this course will teach you how to use these incrediblefeatures which can helptake your apps to the next level.This courseincorporates theuse ofannotations,callouts, diagrams,highlighting, and deep explanationsthat help makecomplex subject matter, much easier to grasp, and guideyou along the path of the code, each step ofthe way.This course alsomakes the perfect reference toolkit, to be used in conjunction with the Apple docs, sothat you can go back and scrub through any of the lectures very quickly to pull out relevant code or instructionthat you need, as there's no wasted chatter here, it's strictly on point with Swift and iOS.Please note: These are intermediate toadvanced projects, and thiscoursewill not teach you theSwift language, or how to code, you should already have completedPaul Hudson's Swifttutorials at HackingWithSwift dotcom, or gone through the Hacking With Swift beginner to pro course here on Udemy.Project 1: Create a Rich Media Photo Album usingvoice transcription and search functionality.Project 2:Build a Group Scheduling app that integrates with Messages.Project 3:Create a Ride-Sharing app that integrates with SiriKit for voice activation.Project 4:Build aLock Screen Widget that helps language learners memorize new vocabulary.Project 5:Create a Daily Alarm Planner using the newUserNotifications framework.Project 6:Code your own Board Game that implements an ""AI"" opponent,using the new GKMonteCarloStrategist from GameplayKit.Project 7:Build a Tank War Game using SpriteKit's powerful new Node Tiling system.Featuring appsbuilt by the award winning Swiftprogrammer Paul HudsonLearn about the new iOSanimationsWork with Swift'smeasurement classescalled UnitsLearn about the new and improved Core DataWork withthe new Raw PhotographyclassesSee how to use the new image rendering APILearn about the new Warp Geometryclasses, and build a simple app with themAnd More!"
Price: 199.99

"Beat Making Master Course (For Beginners)" |
"Welcome to ""Beat Making Master Course (For Beginners)""In this music production for beginners course you will learn several proven beat making techniques and a step by step build for a home recording studio.I will be using GarageBand to teach the course. But, the principles and music production techniques you will learn are universal, so they can be applied to any daw.Here are some of the topics covered in this course:How to build a home studioMusic production fundamentalsThe beat making processHow to arrange a songMixing tipsHow to create a finished productAnd much, much, more...This course includes downloadable resources and practice video files so you can Learn while doing each music production technique or principle. Make beats the way you imagine them!Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Audacity Tutorial: Learn to Edit Audio Files (For Beginners)" |
"Welcome to ""Audacity Tutorial: Learn to Edit Audio Files (For Beginners)If you would like to learn the basics of how to edit and improve audio so you can create better products and a more professional experience for your target audience, then you are in luck!I've been working with audio for more than 10 years and will be teaching you what I know to help improve your audio quality.The course comes with several sections that cover:What Audacity isHow to navigate and operate the softwareHow to edit audio filesHow to edit audio from video footageHow to fix bad audioHow blend audio with musicVarious audio formatsThe proper settings to get the best qualityAnd more!Check out what current students are saying after completing this course:""Good course. Very informative info. All vids are downloadable, which is always a big plus to me. Well worth it..."" - Reggie Spigner""The course was well explained and the instructions and demonstrations were easy to follow. I was able to chop up and edit sounds in Audacity as I followed this course very easily. The instructor is a nice down to earth and real guy and seems to really want to help people improve their skills. This course is recommended for beginners looking to learn how to use Audacity for their projects."" - A L""Joseph is such a great instructor. He comes across well- very likeable and explains things step by step. I have just started a new career doing voiceovers and what I learned in this course has been invaluable. Recommended."" - Business Divas AcademyYou will now be able to offer high quality audio for podcasts, udemy courses, tedex, speeches, sermons, and more with these professional editing techniques! Stop wasting your valuable time searching the internet for the right material and get everything you need to edit and improve audio files easily in Audacity in this step by step tutorial course!So waste no more time trying to learn on your own or searching and sifting through videos online.Enroll Today!"
Price: 199.99

"GarageBand Tutorial: Make Beats in GarageBand" |
"Welcome to ""GarageBand Tutorial: Make Beats in GarageBand""By the end of this course you will be able to make a FULL TRACK in GarageBand like a professional music producer.In addition we will cover how to:Easily navigate your way around the softwareUnderstand all of the different functions and featuresFind sounds / loops and use the drummer application of the programCreate awesome sounding melodiesCreate beats step by stepWhere to sell / share your finished tracksArrange the song so that it flows as a professional releaseGarageBand is often under rated as being the little brother to Logic. Although this may be the case, do NOT under-estimate the power of this software. It can do so much more than you realize and can easily be used to make multi-track songs. Don't worry - you will learn exactly how in this course. Enroll Now"
Price: 199.99

"Music Theory For Beat Makers - Unlock Your Musical Potential" |
"Welcome to ""Music Theory For Beat Makers - Unlock Your Musical Potential""In this course you will gain a solid introduction to the piano and learn the fundamentals of how to play ANY major or minor scale and ANY major or minor triad (3-note chord) on the piano instantly! In addition, we will cover several other key principles of music theory like inversions, progressions, and most importantly how to use everything to take your beats, songs, and music to the next level!!!Are you excited yet?? You should be because music theory for beat makers / music producers will take your sound to the next level!The benefit of this class is that you can skip the long hours, days, and months of piano lessons and get the key to immediately ""begin"" playing the piano NOW!After completing this class all you will need to do is practice. Enroll, watch all the videos, and complete the ""Class Project"" and I guarantee you will unlock abilities you never knew existed. Looking forward to seeing you on the other side!Enroll Now"
Price: 199.99

"Drum Sequencing Techniques (For Beginners)" |
"Would like to learn how to Make better beats? Create drum patterns and loops like a pro?Develop your own unique drum patterns and sound?Then enroll in this course!The first section covers Drum Programming TheoryAfter completion you will understandNote Lengths - which will help you create more sophisticated drum patterns and loopsQuantization - which will help keep your patterns on beatCounting and Time - which will help you better understand how to make more complex drum patternsTriplets - which is the foundation to developing the crazy high hat, snare, and kick drum combos you hear on the radio!----In the next section you will learn step by step how to ""Create Today's Drum Patterns""After completion you will understandA drum programming formula that you can use to develop your own soundSeveral drum creation techniques top producers are using to gain the attention of artists, music supervisors, and other creatives in the industryAnd several other tips and tricks to make dynamic drum patterns and loops---And the last section is specifically designed to help you learn from several ""real life examples"" on creating banging beats!Also as an added bonus you can download my ""custom drum pack"" full of over 100+Unique drum samplesSolid kicks, snare, claps, and high hatsOriginal drum loopsAll royalty free and all free to use for enrolling in this course!So waste no more time watching tutorials that may or may not be accurate or relevant to your needs...Save yourself the frustration and trouble learning how to improve your beats on your own..And gain the competitive edge you need to separate yourself from all the other emerging producers and beat makers online.Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99
