"Master em Negociao e Vendas" |
"Curso Master em Negociao e Venda$ - A grande presso por parte de uma concorrncia acirrada, com produtos e servios similares, a disputa incansvel por preo, a instabilidade do mercado e consumidores mais exigentes e bem informados obrigam o profissional de vendas a se reinventar para agir de forma consultiva, estratgica e, principalmente, rpida. As mudanas tecnolgicas e sociais veem produzindo a necessidade de novos conhecimentos, Habilidades e atitudes por parte do time e vendas."
Price: 174.99

"Gesto de Equipes Distncia" |
"Voc j gerenciou alguma equipe distncia? No cenrio atual, esta atividade pode ser nova, e tambm, um desafio.Alguns lideres pensam que a tarefa de gerenciar equipes distncia pode ser complexa e ineficiente. Porm, quando bem planejada, pode-se obter timos resultados. Basta adotar as estratgias adequadas.Quer garantir os resultados do seu time no trabalho remoto como ns? Separamos nesse curso as melhores dicas para um gerenciamento eficiente, seja para este momento de isolamento especfico ou para adotar uma nova cultura ou experincia profissional.Quando se fala em Gesto Distncia, geralmente, o primeiro pensamento sobre tecnologia, ferramentas, sistemas, velocidade de conexoEngana-se quem comea por a. A Gesto Distncia somente existe se temos uma equipe preparada e um lder com clareza na definio de seus papis, a comear por conhecer e saber extrair o que cada pessoa tem de melhor.Alm disso, cabe ao lder saber administrar conflitos, expectativas, aceitar opinies contrrias s suas e, principalmente, alinhar pessoas com backgrounds distintos para o mesmo objetivo, pois os desafios dirios so muitos.Por isso te convido a fazer essa jornada pelo conhecimento conosco.Bom cursoAbraosProf. Ricardo Silva"
Price: 174.99

"How to make Thai Herbal Balls or Thai Herbal compress." |
"Thai Herbal Balls are used to soothe and to relieve pain and inflammations.Important in the application are the selection of herbs with therapeutic Qualities,such as phai,ginger,kaffir lime etc.A mix of herbs is wrapped in a ball,then steamed(in a electrical steamer)and applied to muscle by pressing,gliding or smearing in circular,linear or rolling movements."
Price: 24.99

"Beckenbodentraining fr Frauen UND Mnner" |
"Die Muskulatur des Beckenbodens ist die wohl am meisten unterschtzte Muskelgruppe im menschlichen Krper, obwohl sie fr so viele lebenswichtige und alltgliche Funktionen verantwortlich und an so vielen Aktionen beteiligt ist. Beckenbodentraining ist fr Frauen besonders wichtig, insbesondere vor, whrend und vor allem nach der Schwangerschaft. Nach der Entbindung ist die Beckenbodenmuskulatur stark beschdigt und muss unbedingt trainiert werden. Hier spricht man von der sogenannten Rckbildung, die sptestens nach dem Abstillen fr mind. 9 Monate erfolgen sollte, auch nach einer Kaiserschnitt-Geburt. Allerdings ist auch fr Mnner ein Training der Beckenbodenmuskulatur ebenso sinnvoll und notwendig. Die Beckenbodenmuskulatur sollte schon prventiv in jungen Jahren trainiert werden. Es ist aber auch im gehobeneren Alter nicht zu spt, selbst wenn bereits Probleme durch eine geschwchte Beckenbodenmuskulatur vorliegen. Symptome knnen zu jederzeit gelindert oder sogar komplett behoben werden. Eine untrainierte, nicht funktionsfhige, rckstndige und/oder geschwchte Beckenbodenmuskulatur kann folgende Probleme verursachen:Stndiger und vielfacher HarndrangUnkontrollierter Harn- oder Stuhlverlust bis hin zur InkontinenzRcken-, Bein- und HftschmerzenSchmerzen oder geringes Empfinden beim SexErektionsstrung und ImpotenzProbleme und Schmerzen beim StuhlgangUnterleibsschmerzenVerdauungs- und DarmproblemeAntriebslosigkeit und SchwchegefhlErkrankungen der inneren OrganeBeckenschmerzenVaginismusGeburtskomplikationenUm dem entweder vorzubeugen oder entgegenzuwirken gibt es viele verschiedene Mglichkeiten. In diesem Kurs werden Dir ganz viele Lsungen geboten.Mit diesem vielseitigen Kurs erhltst Du:6 Stunden Videomaterial6 komplette Workouts24 unterschiedliche bungen speziell fr die Beckenbodenmuskulatur42 LektionenTheorie + PraxisNtzliche Tipps fr den Alltag, wichtige Ratschlge zur Ernhrung, Ursachenforschung, Mglichkeiten um die Symptome nachhaltig zu bekmpfen, anatomisches Fachwissen u.v.m.Um diesen Kurs zu absolvieren bentigst Du keinerlei Vorkenntnisse. Du musst auch nicht besonders sportlich oder fit sein. Alle Workouts sind individuell und flexibel anpassbar. Auerdem ist Zubehr nicht zwingend erforderlich. Du kannst trainieren wann und wo Du willst! Die Fortschritte sind normalerweise schon nach kurzer Zeit sprbar. Mit nur ca. 60 Minuten pro Woche kannst Du schon Deine Beckenbodenmuskulatur effektiv trainieren.Schreibe Dich jetzt in diesen Kurs ein und profitiere von meiner langjhrigen Erfahrung. Als lizenzierter Trainer und Berater habe ich hier ein sehr effektives, vielseitiges und gesundheitsfrderndes Programm erstellt, welches individuell an jedes Level und Bedrfnis angepasst werden kann. In 6 Stunden bekommst Du das geballte Wissen in komprimierter Form aus jahrelanger Erfahrung vermittelt - Frdere jetzt Deine Gesundheit und sichere Dir einen Platz in diesem Kurs!Ich freue mich riesig Dir helfen zu knnen!"
Price: 29.99

"Hack for real - ARP cache poisoning explored" |
"In this course you'll learn in detail the ARP cache poisoning attack. You'll practice it in labs you'll be able to bring up in seconds. At the end, you'll master this attack, but furthermore, you'll understand what is hacking and how you can improve yourself by trying to go deeper in knowledge."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Azure AZ-300/303 Certification Exam Practice Tests" |
"STUDENTS FEEDBACK""Great practice test.. I passed AZ-300 yesterday and this was really helpful.""""The best practice tests for AZ 300""""Excellent practical test simulating the actual exam. Just some typo in the questions/answers but it will help you pass the exam for sure.""""Thank You. Most of the questions came from it.""""I would highly recommend going over these practice tests before giving the exam.""""Very good practice and assure your pass.""""Great practice test good enough to clear the 300 Azure exam. Thanks Durga on the the 301 exam before the 30th.""-------------This course is designed for students who want to attain the ""Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies ( AZ-300/303 ) "" certification.This course has contents for the Exam AZ-300/303 ,which includes 5 practice tests each contains 55 questions.This practice tests questions are compiled on actual exam questions , actual exam pattern, actual exam difficulty level with focus on to give clear and simple understanding of each module / topics of AZURE required to pass AZ-300/303 exam.TOP 10 REASONS WHY THESE PRACTICE EXAMS ARE YOUR BEST CHANCE TO ACE YOUR AZURE EXAM:1) 100% CONFORM WITH AZ-300/303 EXAM BLUEPRINT: All Practice Tests reflect the latest Azure exam question/answer format. 2) SIMULATE THE ACTUAL CERTIFICATION EXAM: All Practice Tests are timed (150 min to answer 55 questions) and scored (passing score is 80 %) mimicking the real exam environment so you get familiar with the AZURE exam format.3) DEEP DIVE REFERENCE LINKS: To help you understand the concepts, all answers link to relevant sections of official document - the most comprehensive collection of exam-specific information for the Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Certified exam.4) DETAILED EXPLANATIONS FOR ALL ANSWERS: After completing the practice test, you get to review and check your answers. Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrect, supporting your understanding of AZURE Services / topics which are key to passing the exam.5) Regular UPDATES OF QUESTION BANK: We're constantly improving and updating the questions based on exam feedback from our students. 6) TEST REPORT: Upon completion of the Practice Test you are presented with a report. This allows you to track your progress and highlights the AZURE knowledge areas you need to focus on most in your studies.7) Focus on to Complete Entire Syllabus of AZ-300/303 : Practice tests covers each module and all topics of AZ-300/303 exam syllabus which are required to understand to pass this exam.8) RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT: We comprehensively respond to all of your questions, concerns or feedback within 24 hours. You can contact your instructor directly or via the course Q&A forum.9) ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD: Join the discussion on Azure related topics in our Q&A discussion board where our students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered.10) MOBILE ACCESS: Study on the go and access all practice questions from your mobile phone -anywhere, anytime.The objectives covered in this course areModule 1 : Deploy and configure infrastructure (40-45%)Module 2 : Implement workloads and security (25-30%)Module 3 : Create and deploy apps (5-10%)Module 4 : Implement authentication and secure data (5-10%)Module 5 : Develop for the cloud and for Azure storage (15-20%)Who this course is for:Those who want to pursue the AZ-300/303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Certification.Those who want to pass AZ-300/303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam in first sitting."
Price: 1280.00

"Moving to Spain on a study visa: step-by-step guide" |
"Are you planning to study abroad? Do you consider Spain? The course will tell you how to do this on the example of entering an educational institution in Barcelona, with a detailed description of each stage and the necessary steps.Long-term study visa type D (or national visa D, or student visa D) - one of the most common options to move to Spain.The author of the course personally went through the process of obtaining a long-term study visa type D from the beginning to the end, lived, studied and worked in the city of Barcelona for more than two years."
Price: 19.99

"Primeros pasos en el Yoga - El COMIENZO" |
"En este curso comenzaremos a realizar nuestras primeras posturas de Yoga. Tomamos conciencia del cuerpo fsico, nos transformamos en testigos, observando el cuerpo, descubriendo que nos transmite. Llevamos una mirada hacia adentro encontrado nuestro silencio interno.Consta de dos mdulos, en el primero (El inicio) fortalecemos articulaciones, soltamos tensiones y aprendemos, paso por paso, el Saludo al Sol.En el segundo (Disfrutando el momento) realizamos el Saludo al Gato, posturas de equilibrio, fuerza, flexibilidad y la relajacin final.Vamos a agradecernos a nosotros mismos, a nosotras mismas, por darnos la oportunidad de dedicar un tiempo a nuestro bienestar."
Price: 19.99

"How to use Lumion Beginners guide" |
"Hi there, my name is Khushal. This is a lesson on how to use Lumion.This course is for people new to Lumion and 3d rendering. The people who are and also are not familiar with any 3D rendering software or render engines.Learn how to navigate through lumion, create scenes, using lumions material and object library, using the photo/camara mode to create renders of your model to achieve maximum photo realism.Prerequisite knowledge is not required to learn this classOwnership of Lumion software either student(free) or full version(paid)"
Price: 2880.00

"Guida Definitiva all'Allenamento della Forza" |
"Basta perdere tempo in palestra con schede pesi scaricate da internet Non funzionano e non sono personalizzate. Impara ora la metodologia di allenamento che usano tutti i pi atleti del mondo!Dai un'occhiata nella tua palestra, quanti ragazzie vagano tra i macchinari senza senso e senza logica maneggiando pesi senza criterio. Stop! ora di cambiare Partecipando al corso riceverai tutte le risposte su come programmare una scheda pesi in completa autonomia. Ma non solo!Sei gi uno sportivo e frequenti abitualmente la palestra? Perfetto! Mettiti in gioco, sperimenta quello che imparerai dal corso. Ti assicuro che migliorerai non solo nell'aumento dei carichi e della forza ma anche da un punto di vista estetico."
Price: 19.99

"Data Science with Python:Complete Data Visualization and EDA" |
"In this Course, You will learn the 3 most Important skill of Data ScienceData Science skill using Pandas and NumpyLearn End to End Concepts about Pandas Learn End to End Concepts about NumpyData Visualization Skill using the 3 most popular Data Visualization Skill, i.e1. Matplotlib2. Seaborn3. PlotlyPerform automatic Exploratory Data Analysis using 1. Pandas-Profiling 2. Sweetviz"
Price: 24.99

"It carries 100 Exam-style MCQs from Chapter 5 Sanctions Investigations and Assets Freezing from CGSS Textbook. This exam will not only test your theoretical knowledge that you have taken from the textbook, but it will also prepare you how to respond to the case studies/case scenarios style questions in the exam. Completing this test will give you a boost in confidence that you have a good grip on the topic. All answers are supported with Textbook page references or/and narration wherever applicable. We are working hard to bring quality material for the remaining chapters. (DUE TO LESS DATA AVAILABLE IN THIS CHAPTER, 70% QUESTIONS ARE FROM CHAPTER 5 & 30% CHAPTERS ARE FROM CHAPTER 1 TO 4)."
Price: 19.99

"Whether you are preparing for Certified Sanction Specialist (CSS) / Certified Global Sanction Specialist (CGSS) / ICA Certificate in Managing Sanctions, This exam is good for anyone appearing in any exam related to Sanctions. We have covered the theory concept, global sanctions cases which will help you to check your knowledge before going for the exam."
Price: 19.99

"How to Trade Options" |
"Welcome to my Course on How to Trade Options!In this course I am going to do my absolute best to help you understand how options work, and help you integrate them into your investing/trading strategy to improve your returns. I am going to show you several of my live trades, and I am going to walk you through the execution, mindset, and results of each transaction.By the end of this course you will understand the following:How Options workWhen to use themThe risks of using OptionsHow to execute the tradeThe Types of Options you can purchaseHow an option is pricedThe Correct PsychologyHow to manage your riskUsing Options to hedge a short investmentHow I make my options tradesMy goal is to provide you a basic understanding of all the different aspects of options and how you may want to implement them into your existing strategies."
Price: 19.99

"Learn German Language A2.1: German A2 Course [MUST see 2020]" |
"A2.1 German Course:Experience German Language Grammar for beginners!""German Grammar A2 made easy""German Language Grammar is hard to understand? This course will blow your mind! You will learn everything about the German times!For you, I simplify the rules with an easy to understand German Language Complete Course with a color-based system. You will even learn to spot by yourself the logical reasons for the existence of the A2 German Language grammar rules.Would you like to experience your "" Learn German Language grammar for beginners "" course like an individual Face to Face Online lectures with: a Native German Language Speaker a Former Intercultural Communication Army Officer with experience in 48 countries, learned 5 languages by himself, teaching German for beginners for 5 years with 5 stars reviews and captain of a Viking Ship :-)German Grammar made easy is how to learn German fast on a digestible long term!So why do people give 5 Star reviews to this German A2 Language method? See links in my profile description to find the reviews of the German Language complete Course. German for beginners lead to results, like:""Kevin [...] approach always keeps you attentive. Its like watching a thrillerexcept you are learning!"" Allen Shor, Panama""[...] the wheel of fortune is smiling at you. I truly enjoy the [...] non-trivial lessons. I am really grateful for such an easy and interesting process of learning."" Kristina, Russia""I highly recommend Kevin. [...] he knows well the history [...] of languages and explains [...] logical reasons behind that grammar, idioms, structures, etc."" Andrey, GermanyYour German Language complete Course includes: Downloadable JPG Files to create your own German Grammar book 30-Day Satisfaction or money-back guarantee Access on computer, mobile, and TVI gladly guide you on your German A2 Language journey and will create with you your personal, individual German Language A2 in English grammar book.Join your German Language A2 in English cruise! Learn German Language Grammar for beginners!Experience your German Grammar made easy in this affordable German Language complete Course now to experience the new secret feeling of A2 German Language for beginners simpleness!Book German for beginners!Aprende alemo. Curso de alemo. Lngua alem!Aprender alemn. Curso de aleman. Idioma aleman!Impara il tedesco. Corso di tedesco. Lingua tedesca!Naucz si niemieckiego. Kurs niemieckiego. Jzyk niemiecki!Almanca ren. Almanca kursu. Alman Dili! . . ! ! . . !"
Price: 99.99

"PMPCertification Exam Prep.(PMBOK 6th Edi.) - Practice Test" |
"Passing the exam is no easy task, no matter how many books or videos you study. You will need to take exam like questions in order to be prepared for the real test. This course will give you the exam like experience you need in order to pass the actual exam on your first try.Almost all PMP exam questions are scenarios, which will test your ability to choose the best answer. The 6 mock exams in this course are mostly scenarios and are formatted just like the actual exam. They will test your skills and knowledge of selecting the best answer. All questions comes with a detail explanations of why a choice was correct and why the others were wrong.Based on the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition.Over 50 questions from each of the 10 knowledge areas and 5 process groups.6 Full length Mock Exam. 200 questions each. 1200 questions in total.4-hour time limit to complete each exam.Many earned value management, 3-point estimates, and communication formula questionsDetailed explanations for each question.Scenario based questions that challenges your ability to choose the best answer, just like the real exam.The most realistic exam questions you can findExam like simulator to give you the look and feel of taking the actual exam.Ability to pause and complete it laterThese questions have taken an extensive amount of time to create and is currently used by thousands of our students to pass the PMP on their first try. Review all question and understand the answers and you will also pass the exam on your first try.PMP Practice Exam - Carefully selected PMP Exam Questions to help you pass on your first attemptPractice the most Highly Tested PMP Questions from topics that appear on the actual PMP exam.Full Practice Exam with High Quality PMP Questions and Answer ExplanationsWhen it comes to the PMP (Project Management Professional) certification, it is important to review PMP Practice test/ Practice Exam questions that are most similar to the ones tested on the actual exam.After months of dedicated research, I created this High Quality Practice exam to deliver the same experience as that of the Actual PMP exam.This exam contains :The Most Asked Questions on the Pmp ExamAnswer ExplanationsSituation Based QuestionsNumerical and mathematical questionsKnowledge area specific questions (All knowledge areas have been covered)Concept Definition Based QuestionsBased on PMBOK 6 SyllabusEach question is supported by answer explanations which will allow you to understand the reasoning behind the correct answer choice."
Price: 24.99

"Sweep Picking (Gitar Dersi)" |
"Sweep Picking Teknii en zor ve st seviye olarak nitelendirilen gitar tekniklerinden birisidir. Bu tekniin temeli sa elin fazla efor sarf etmeden hzl cmleler kurmasn salayan 'Sprme Hareketine' dayanmaktadr. Doru ve dzenli bir sistem ile allrsa 'Sweep Picking Teknii' aslnda sanlann aksine ok zor bir teknik deil performans kolaylatran bir tekniktir. Bu videolu eitim serisinin asl amac doru, etkili bir alma sistemi ve tm pf noktalar ile salam bir sweep picking teknii gelitirmenize yardmc olmaktr.Sweep Picking genellikle arpej cmleleri alarken uygulanan bir tekniktir. Arpej akor seslerinin atlamal olarak alnmas ile oluan mzik cmlelerinin genel ismidir. Bu eitim serisinde Tam Beli, Majr, Minr, Yedili Akor Trleri iin birbirinden farkl 34 adet sweep picking arpej kalb reneceksiniz. Bu kalplar renmek ve gerekli kas hafzasn gelitirmenizi salamak amac ile hazrlanm 76 adet egzersizi klavye zerinde tm blgelere yaylm halde metronom eliinde alacaksnz. Kalplar renirken ayn zamanda gitar klavyesinde notalarn yerlerini de reneceksiniz. Ayrca kalplar uyguladnz akorlarn kk, l, beli ve yedili sesleri bilerek almanz iin beli ve yedili akor kurulumlar ile ilgili teorik bilgileri de reneceksiniz. Kalplara pratik ve teorik anlamda hakimiyet saladktan sonra her seviyeye uygun olarak hazrlanm, indirilebilir altyap elii bulunan, 7 farkl etd ile tekniin mzikal kullanmna odaklanmanz daha kolay olacak.Bu video serisinde sadece sweep picking arpej kalplarn uygulama, teorik ve mzikal adan renmekle kalmayacaksnz. Ayn zamanda, kendi kalplarnz oluturmanz salayacak ve herhangi bir chord progression yani akor dizilimi zerine kendi cmleleriniz oluturmanz salayacak ip ular da edineceksiniz.Tm ynleri ile temelden profesyonel dzeye adm adm sweep picking tekniinde ustalamak, teknik, teorik ve mzkal olarak bu teknie hakimiyet kazanmak iin Trke olarak hazrlanm en geni ve kapsaml kaynak bu videolu eitim serisi ile sizlere sunulmaktadr."
Price: 249.99

"Educao financeira: Passo a Passo" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo realizar uma anlise dos passos para controlar as finanas e entender os caminhos para a liberdade financeira. Ser abordado e ensinado o uso correto de planilhas financeiras e o entendimento de como construir bons hbitos de investimentos. Neste curso tambm ser abordado uma anlise dos tipos de investimentos ideais para cada perfil e objetivo."
Price: 54.99

"What Has Worked In Investing" |
"What Has Worked in Investing is an attempt to share with you our knowledge ofhistorically successful investment characteristics and approaches. Included in this bookletare descriptions of over 50 studies, approximately half of which relate to non-U.S. stocks.Our choice of studies has not been selective; we merely included most of the major studieswe have seen throughout the years. Interestingly, geography had no influence on the basicconclusion that stocks possessing the characteristics described in this booklet provided thebest returns over long periods of time. While this conclusion comes as no surprise to us, itdoes provide empirical evidence that Benjamin Grahams principles of investing, firstdescribed in 1934 in his book, Security Analysis, continue to serve investors well. Aknowledge of the recurring and often interrelated patterns of investment success over longperiods has not only enhanced our investment process but has also provided long-termperspective and, occasionally, patience and perseverance. We hope this knowledge will alsoserve you well."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Bridge para fotgrafos e filmmakers" |
"No curso, voc aprender a catalogar seus vdeos, fotos e udios com facilidade. Organizao fundamental para quem trabalha constantemente com produo e edio de imagens. O adobe Bridge facilita essa organizao. Voc pode por exemplo definir as melhores fotos de um lbum atravs de estrelas, catalogar por local, por pessoa por evento. As possibilidades de organizao amplas. Outra vantagem utilizar o adobe bridge como ponte para aplicativos como adobe photoshop e illustrator. Para designers esta possibilidade facilita o fluxo de trabalho e como benefcios voc ganha tempo e mais organizao."
Price: 54.99

"Fundamentos do Microsoft Azure (AZ-900) - Testes prticos" |
"O teste prtico dos Fundamentos do Microsoft Azure foi desenvolvido para ajudar os usurios a se prepararem e passarem no exame Microsoft AZ-900. O exame AZ-900 foi desenvolvido para candidatos que desejam demonstrar conhecimento bsico dos servios em nuvem do Azure. Diferentemente da maioria dos exames da Microsoft, o AZ-900 destinado a candidatos no tcnicos, como aqueles envolvidos na venda ou compra de solues e servios baseados em nuvem ou que tenham algum envolvimento com solues e servios baseados em nuvem.Os candidatos devem entender os conceitos de nuvem e os principais servios do Azure. Os candidatos devem entender segurana, privacidade, conformidade e confiana. Os candidatos devem demonstrar proficincia no entendimento dos preos e suporte do Azure.Certificao: este exame conta como crdito para as seguintes certificaes:Fundamentos do Microsoft Certified AzureGarantimos que todos os objetivos do exame sejam abordados detalhadamente, para que voc esteja pronto para qualquer pergunta sobre o exame. Nosso contedo de qualidade e tecnologia inovadora conquistaram a credencial de prestgio do Microsoft Certified Practice Test Provider.As perguntas so semelhantes s perguntas do exame, para que voc teste seu conhecimento dos objetivos do exameExplicaes detalhadas para respostas corretas e distratoras reforam o materialAs perguntas abrangem os seguintes domnios do exame AZ-900:Descrever conceitos de nuvem (15-20%)Descrever os principais servios do Azure (30-35%)Descrever segurana, privacidade, conformidade e confiana (25 a 30%)Descrever contratos de nvel de servio e preos do Azure e ciclos de vida (20-25%)Quem deve fazer esse exame?Para os envolvidos na compra e venda de servios em nuvemtil para pessoas que desejam validar seus conhecimentos bsicos em servios ou soluo em nuvemAlunos interessados em se preparar para o exame de certificao AZ-900 AzureCandidatos com conhecimentos tcnicos limitados ou inexistentes interessados em aprender sobre o Microsoft AzurePessoas que desejam entender os fundamentos do AzureAumente suas chances e prepare-se para qualificar o Exame Prtico de Fundamentos do Microsoft Azure (AZ-900) com o teste prtico mais recente e o contedo atualizado do curso. Comece a praticar agora!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Azure -Grundlagen (AZ-900) - Praxistests 2020" |
"Der Microsoft Azure Fundamentals-Praxistest soll Benutzern helfen, sich auf die Microsoft AZ-900-Prfung vorzubereiten und diese zu bestehen. Die AZ-900-Prfung richtet sich an Kandidaten, die grundlegende Kenntnisse ber Azure Cloud-Dienste nachweisen mchten. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Microsoft-Prfungen ist AZ-900 fr nicht technische Kandidaten gedacht, z. B. fr diejenigen, die am Verkauf oder Kauf von Cloud-basierten Lsungen und Diensten beteiligt sind oder sich mit Cloud-basierten Lsungen und Diensten befassen.Die Kandidaten sollten in der Lage sein, Cloud-Konzepte und Azure-Kerndienste zu verstehen. Die Kandidaten sollten Sicherheit, Datenschutz, Compliance und Vertrauen verstehen. Die Kandidaten sollten nachweisen, dass sie die Preise und den Support von Azure verstehen.Zertifizierung: Diese Prfung gilt als Gutschrift fr die folgenden Zertifizierungen:Microsoft Certified Azure-GrundlagenWir stellen sicher, dass alle Ziele der Prfung ausfhrlich behandelt werden, damit Sie fr alle Fragen zur Prfung bereit sind. Unser Qualittsinhalt und unsere innovative Technologie haben den prestigetrchtigen Ruf eines Microsoft Certified Practice Test Providers erworben.Fragen hneln Prfungsfragen, sodass Sie Ihr Wissen ber Prfungsziele testen knnenDetaillierte Erklrungen fr korrekte und ablenkende Antworten verstrken das MaterialDie Fragen decken die folgenden AZ-900-Prfungsbereiche ab:Beschreiben von Cloud-Konzepten (15-20%)Beschreiben der Azure-Kerndienste (30-35%)Beschreiben von Sicherheit, Datenschutz, Compliance und Vertrauen (25-30%)Beschreiben der Service Level Agreements und Lebenszyklen fr Azure-Preise (20-25%)Wer sollte diese Prfung ablegen?Fr diejenigen, die am Kauf und Verkauf von Cloud-Diensten beteiligt sindHilfreich fr Personen, die ihre Grundkenntnisse in Cloud-Diensten oder -Lsungen berprfen mchtenStudenten, die sich auf die Azure-Zertifizierungsprfung AZ-900 vorbereiten mchtenKandidaten mit eingeschrnktem oder keinem technischen Hintergrund, die sich fr Microsoft Azure interessierenPersonen, die die Grundlagen von Azure verstehen mchtenSteigern Sie Ihre Chancen und bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, die Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) -Praxisprfung mit dem neuesten Praxistest und aktualisierten Kursinhalten zu qualifizieren. Fangen Sie jetzt an zu ben!"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce ADM-211 Essential Experienced Administration Exam" |
"291 UNIQUE practice questions for Salesforce ADM-211 Essential Experienced Administration ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Salesforce ADM-211 Essential Experienced Administration ExamTotal Questions : 291Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (218 of 291)"
Price: 179.99

"VMware 2V0-641 6 Professional Network Virtualization Exam" |
"185 UNIQUE practice questions for VMware 2V0-641 6 Professional Network Virtualization ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VMware 2V0-641 6 Professional Network Virtualization ExamTotal Questions : 185Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (138 of 185)"
Price: 164.99

"Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrencies (and Bitcoin)" |
"The use of cryptocurrency is growing and there are no signs that its adoption is slowing down. Even in the movies, cryptocurrency and the blockchain is being mentioned more and more. Not only are major companies also creating their own cryptocurrencies, but also known as digital currencies, and taking them as a method of payment, but countries around the world are also looking into creating their own cryptocurrencies as an alternative unit of currency, and using them both as a method of payment and overall unit of transaction. There are even companies who now give their employees the option to be paid in cryptocurrency! But what exactly are cryptocurrencies and why bother to use them? What are coins and tokens, and are they both cryptocurrencies? And what is the difference between the thousands of cryptocurrencies that are on the exchanges? Join us on this course to learn about cryptocurrencies and become smarter about investment, payment, and transaction options that may affect your future."
Price: 19.99

"SAP C_TSCM52_66 Certified Associate Procurement Exam" |
"156 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TSCM52_66 Certified Associate Procurement ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TSCM52_66 Certified Associate Procurement ExamTotal Questions : 156Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 156)"
Price: 164.99

"1Z0-982 Oracle Enterprise Planning Budgeting Service Exam" |
"80 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-982 Oracle Enterprise Planning Budgeting Service ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-982 Oracle Enterprise Planning Budgeting Service ExamTotal Questions : 80Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :45 minsPassing Score : 75 (60 of 80)"
Price: 149.99

"Python for Beginners 2020: The Hands-on Concise Crash Course" |
"This course is Udemy's No.1 crash course of Python programming language in 2020. With constant updating in this course time to time, this course covers Python 3 version and takes along the students on an interesting, easily understandable and practical journey towards learning this versatile language . Whether you wish to learn Python for web development, data science, machine learning, game development or android apps, this course will provide you the strong foundations upon which you'll be able to build your programming skills easily. Are you looking to learn Python programming language from Scratch? Do you wish you learn Python and move from zero to hero without unnecessary load of information that stops you from practicing it and move to advanced level in a fun way?Are you looking for a concise, practical and easy-to-understand course that may help you grasp the fundamentals of python from the very basic level to a fairly advanced level, with Real-Time examples? Are you fed up of courses on Python Programming that are either too basic or too advanced to follow?Do you wish to learn fundamental of Python programming that pave the way for you to learn machine learning python?Do you find it hard to deeply understand and apply Python to real world projects, even though you admire Python Pros?Do you wish to become a smart and efficient Python Programmer , who is able to think creatively for solution int his fantastic languageIf yes, then this course is meant for you! You will learn python in this course interestingly and quite easily. So, this course actually lays down the foundation for you to learn further Advanced Python Programming Masterclass more easily. You can say that it is a Python Bible, including everything that you need to know about Python language, but its abridged version. Development Gurus are of the view that Python's popularity is expected to grow even during the coming decade, as Data Science and Artificial Intelligence will be the buzzword in the near and probably distant future. Here is exactly what we cover in this Python Course for Beginners:Python Tutorials staring from Python download and installing Python IDE called PyCharm.Python Tutorials covering Starting Fundamentals, write your first Python program and learn how this language works behind the scenes.Python Tutorials on Variables including Strings, Integers, Floats, Boolean, Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries.Python Tutorials covering different kinds of Loops, such as While Loops, For Loops and Nested Loops.Python Tutorials covering Functions, Parameters, Arguments, Keyword Arguments, Return Statement and more...Python Tutorials covering Advanced Python such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), including Magic / Dunder Methods, Inheritance and Polymorphism.Python Tutorials covering Modules and Packages, to help break down an application into manageable sets of files.Build 3 real world projects! Learn how to automate excel spreadsheets, how to visualize data and make a password generator app.Let's now find out if this course is for you. It's a perfect fit if...Student 1: Absolute beginners with no programming experience at all.Student 2: Who wish to further improve their skills in PythonStudent 3: Who know other languages but dont know PythonStudent 4: Late bloomers who want to change their life for better.Now it's your turn to decide. This is what you get:Lifetime access to Python tutorials in HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.Downloadable starter code for each section.Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck.Python Skills that you in 2020 to build your career as Data Scientist, Web Developer, Software Engineer or Game Developer.Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Quizzes with around 50 questions to test your Python knowledge"
Price: 19.99

"Play your favourite song on keyboard or piano - in 1 HOUR" |
"Have you ever wanted to just walk up to a keyboard or piano and amaze your friends by playing their favourite song.This course will give you the skills you need to be able to do this( NO MUSIC READING KNOWLEDGE NEEDED AT ALL )*** EXTRA BONUS JUST ADDED ***Shallow - Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper No fancy intros or hundreds of hours of no teaching...this is good honest teaching from someone who does it In this course you will learn the following - learn basic chords - learn about inversions - give you some basic keyboard structure - learn musical embellishments - learn bass progressions - learn blue or 'grace ' notes - learn blues and rock riffs - learn to play 4 songs quickly and easily - amaze your friends with your new talentOVER 3 HOURS OF INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO AND PIANO PLAYING** All you need to do is find your favourite song that you want to play. Be realistic - don't choose something that is heavily guitar based although some rock songs sound great on piano **** As you can see the videos are longer than an hour in total but this is to cater for people who are totally new to piano or keyboard. Those that feel confident already you can skip to section 3 where we start to work on the songs , the chord progressions, fill ins , melody and everything you need to be able to play your first song **YOU WILL LEARN TO PLAYEd Sheeran - PerfectOasis - Dont look back in angerAdele - Hello+ Bonus - Shallow - Lady Gaga and Bradley CooperThere Is full email help if you need it"
Price: 19.99

"Salsa Fundaments 2 - Bring your Salsa to the next level" |
"In this salsa course you gonna learn further skills and Salsa Moves to bring your salsa to the next level. Check our Preview.With this knowledge you are able to have fun and enjoy the dance wherever you are in the worldbecause the dance floor will be your HOME !In order to complete the project make sure you follow our instruction of this class and make sure to train your basics.Send us your feedback and share your NEW SKILLS by sending us your video through our Community on Facebook:MySalsaHome - Dance to connect."
Price: 34.99

"Lean Manager - El lder de la transformacin!" |
"Los objetivos de este curso son:Suministrar conceptos claves de Lean Management que puede usar la Gerencia.Entender los indicadores claves y cmo ellos inciden en cmo se ve la organizacin.Conocer la estructura de un sistema de operaciones lean.Conocer el modelo de transformacin lean. Sensibilizar a las gerencias sobre su rol en una organizacin lean.Visualizar las rutinas y procesos para generacin de mejoras.Conocer los principios financieros para evaluar las mejoras.Visualizar las diferencias entre diversos modelos de mejora y un sistema de operaciones lean."
Price: 39.99
