"Inventive Sketchbook Making" |
"On this course you will learn how to make six different sketchbooks using tools and materials you probably already have or can easily get hold of. You'll learn a variety of techniques including different ways to cut and fold paper to make a set of sketchbooks that you can personalise in a variety of ways. The basic skills you'll need are easily mastered and in no time at all you'll be creating your own inventive sketchbooks!"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de bab para iniciantes." |
"O curso desejvel para quem esta interessada em ingressar na rea de Babysitter/Bab, com um olhar e atitudes diferenciadas do mercado de trabalho. Olhando alm do cuidado, trazendo inovaes para a famlia e juntamente um pedaggico e o ldico para a criana.A importncia de realizar este curso de bab mistificar este paradigma de que bab uma empregada no sentido de cuidado e no com inovaes. O curso abrange conhecimentos gerais da rea e especifico como uma futura educadora e cuidadora de uma criana. No apenas cuidados, mas sim o ldico e brincadeiras. Por ser uma profisso importante e tambm ser construtora na vida familiar, tem que ter um perfil e capacitao e pacincia para ser um bom profissional.O curso oferece temas, iniciantes e introdutrio para ingressar na rea com um significado e estudos diferenciados para o desenvolvimento e cuidado com a criana.O curso alm da teoria ter um momento de reflexo e prtica. Para aprimorar e averiguar se foi efetivo o perodo do curso. Disponibilizamos o certificado."
Price: 39.99

"Learn to build and Deploy E-Commerce Website using Saleor" |
"Saleor is a headless, GraphQL-first e-commerce platform delivering ultra-fast, dynamic, personalized shopping experiences. Beautiful online stores, anywhere, on any device.In this course, you will learn from scratch about the Saleor to deployment for production purpose.We are going to use Git, AWS, S3 and lots of other platform.If you have not used them before, don't worry, we are going to cover it from very basics.Are you interested in building your own E-Commerce platform ?Then this is the right course for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Connected Car Technology" |
"A connected car is a vehicle that is equipped with internet connectivity and, in most cases, a WLAN. This enables the car to access data, send data, download software and patches, communicate with other Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and provide WiFi for onboard passengers.This course is for all students seeking information about different types of vehicle connectivity and types of devices and solutions being utilized to offer connected car services."
Price: 1920.00

"Animation 101: Learning The Basics in ToonBoom Harmony" |
"In this Udemy class, students will learn the fundamentals of animation, what goes into the process of animating and how to make things come to life! With the 12 basic animation principles, including squash and stretch, timing and spacing, which will aid you in the class project The Bouncing Ball and few other simple yet crucial exercises. In addition you will get a simple run down on the animation program Toonboom Harmony. We will be focusing on 2D traditional animation, so it is advised that you have a pen and tablet for this class. This class is solely geared towards beginners, and no prior knowledge is required"
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking : Become a Cyber Security Expert (2020)" |
"The field of technology is growing exponentially with the IT sector flourishing every day. Amidst such growth of the industry and increased concern for privacy, the demand for security is rising. Cybersecurity has become an everyday struggle for many businesses. Recent trends and statistics reveal that there is a huge increase in hacked and breached data from very common sources at workplaces. So go for this course to get a better understanding of cyber security!Most of the people are often confused when they are asked - WHAT IS CYBER SECURITY? The most common reply is - UM, HACKING. Well, hacking is part of cyber security but it doesnt mean that hacking is the synonym of cyber security. Many courses out there only teach how to use the tool but the reasoning that goes behind its selection is not taught. Our course focuses on the logic that goes behind with the selection of a particular tool. We aim at clearing concepts rather than teaching how to use a tool.Hackers attack every 39 seconds, on average 2,244 times a day.So are you sure that your data is well protected from these hackers? Have you even configured your network to control your privacy? Do you know how hackers can access your devices without your knowledge?? Well, dont worry! We are here to answer these questions. There must be many questions in your mind regarding this course. We will surely address all once you enroll for this course.WHY ETHICAL HACKING IS IMPORTANT?Ethical hacking these days is used as a common and favored process to analyze the security systems and programs of an organization. It runs parallel with security judgment, red teaming, intrusion testing, and vulnerability. Here are certain important points that will help you understand more about ethical hacking and its necessity.An ethical hacker usually tends to play the role of a security expert while hacking a computer system.Ethical hacking follows the guidelines of safe hacking for the efficient working of the system. This is a complex procedure hence an ethical hacker requires great skills in comparison to penetration testing.Ethical Hacking comes handy in corporate sectors and organizations, to fight against unlawful practices of breaching systems and to take precautionary actions on hackers.Ethical hacking is useful here as it helps to uncover these virus attacks against systems and in addition, lends high-level security.The main objective of ethical hacking is to promise safety in wireless infrastructure which constitutes most of the current business companies aims.Ethical hacking has the privilege of gathering access to a companys network and information system. This automatically provides security to intellectual attacks and threats like viruses. Ethical hacking, as a result, ends up also testing the security levels of the programs and software.WHY SHOULD I ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE?The perfect answer to this question would be - Have a look at our curriculum. ETHICAL HACKING - BECOME A CYBER SECURITY EXPERT (2020) In this course, we have covered from the basics of the ethical hacking right up to advanced concepts such as cryptography, web application penetration testing, malware analysis, firewalls, etc. Yes, we have started right from the definition of a Ethical Hacking.Have a look at the few features of our course.Handpicked curriculum, specially designed for all levels of learners.Continuous assessment through challenging quizzes.Get your questions answered within 48 hours.A variety of resources such as useful links, books, PDFs are also provided.Regular updates made to the curriculum.Different aspects of Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security explored.Practicals with explanation included.Understand how cryptography works in real life.Suggestions are always welcome :)WHO CAN ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE?This course is not intended for a specific group of people. Anyone who wants to learn about ethical hacking and cyber security can enroll for this course. If you already know a few concepts, you can always revisit the ideas and clarify. In short, this is a perfect course for you if you want to kick start your career in cyber security!Since the convolution of security threats have multiplied, the requirement for ethical hackers and their significance across the world is rapidly multiplying. Adopting a driven approach and outlook towards security can help organizations shield their reputation effectively. Well, Thats it, folks! Enroll for this course and start learning now!"
Price: 1280.00

"Online Posture and Alignment" |
"This course is to help you understand your own posture and alignment and to give you some tools and techniques to avoid pain and tension while working at the computer. Since COVID-19 I have been at the computer way more than I have in my whole life and I am grateful for the tools I have gathered from my work as a Posture and Alignment teacher, a dancer and a Pilates teacher. This course is to share some of the simplest and most effective techniques to avoid pain and tension from working at the computer too much. Topics include:The Importance of Alignment and Posture-exploring gravity, anatomy and psychology ideas with simple tools for self awarenessSetting up your Workspace-Five Step Process for creating an aligned workspaceTiming is Everything-Tools and techniques for releasing tension as you workEnd of Day Re-Set- one simple exercise to re-set symmetry, breath patterns and listen to your whole body. This course is not about fixing or judging things. It is about working with what you've got and with who you are to create a harmonious relationship with your body this is in alignment with the work you need to accomplish at the computer."
Price: 149.99

"Introduccin al Yoga" |
"Hola Soy Ricardo Buitrago. Quiero darte la bienvenida a este curso de Introduccin al Yoga. Este curso sirve de base a personas que estn comenzando la prctica de yoga y seguramente aclare conceptos a quienes llevan tiempo practicando.El curso est estructurado en una primera parte de teora explicado con vdeos de alta calidad muy amenos y sencillos.Le sigue varias series prcticas de yoga que permiten ir acomodando el cuerpo y la respiracin de manera progresiva para tener un resultado agradable y positivo sobre el cuerpo y la mente,Que lo disfrutes!Ricardo"
Price: 19.99

"Application Security - The Complete Guide" |
"This course will familiarize you with the common vulnerabilities that plague developed code as outlined in publications like the OWASP Top 10 and SANS Top 25. You will understand what type of development behaviors lead to vulnerabilities and how to avoid those behaviors when creating secure code. You will learn how to perform a threat model on development features to understand what threats could impact your code, where they come from and how to mitigate them. You will also review and operate analysis tools that are available to developers in order to analyze their code and discover vulnerabilities, allowing you to correct them early in the development life cycle."
Price: 114.99

Jardinera |
"ProgramaResumen: En este taller aprenderas que tipo de sustrato existen y que caractersticas deben de cumplir para satisfacer la necesitdades de las plantas. Los cuidados intensivos que deben tener las semillas. La facilidad de plantar una hortaliza. Directrices para disear tu primer bonsai o como hacerlo crecer ms rapido si ya tienes uno. Y como reproducir arboles maduros o frutales con mayor velocidad y facilidad. Tambin que macetas son las que mejor te pueden servir para tus necesidades, adems de como hacer tus propias macetas. Al final abordaremos como tratar plagas y que identifiques algunas enfermedades. Temas:SustratosSemillasHortalizaEsquejes y acodosBonsaiSuculentasMacetasEnfermedades y plagas"
Price: 19.99

"Disea interfaces Modernas para tus sistemas en WindowsForms" |
"Te gustara aprender a disear tus interfaces como todo un profesional?Con este curso logrars aprender todas las bases necesarias para crear atractivas interfaces para controlar tus sistemas, tanto si tu sistema esta desarrollado en visual basic o si ests utilizando c#.Aprenders a realizar tus interfaces para que sean responsive para adaptarse a cualquier tamao de pantalla.Tambien aprenderas a trabajar con los colores correctos dependiendo el sistema que ests realizando.Para ejercicio, en este curso te estar enseando como crear todas las interfaces necesarias para desarrollar un sistema de punto de ventas.Incluiremos las siguientes secciones:-Caja.-Clientes.-Proveedores.-Cobros.-Configuracin.-Copias de Seguridad.-Dashboard Principal.-Empresa.-Ajustes de Empresa.-Envo a Correo Electrnico.-Gastos.-Ingresos.-Impresoras.-Inventarios.-Licencias.-Login.-Pagos.-Productos.-Usuarios.-Permisos.-Men principal.y algunas otras secciones ms en caso de que las necesitemos.Te espero en el curso :)"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals Of Petrol Engines (Automotive Engineering)" |
"In Automotive Engineering, studying about Engines are very important. There is a separate branch in mechanical engineering for studying automobiles like Automotive Engineering and Automobile Engineering.This course will teach you about one of the most amazing inventions of mankind's - the Internal combustion engine.You will learn:How An Internal Combustion Engine WorksClassification of Internal Combustion enginesHow Two-Stroke and Four-Stroke Internal Combustion Engines WorkThe Difference Between Petrol/Gasoline and Diesel EnginesEngine Components of Internal Combustion (Piston Rings, Piston, Valves, etc.)Engine Terminology (BDC, TDC, Firing Order, etc.)How Internal Combustion Ancillaries Work (Turbocharger, Supercharger, etc.)How combustion in SI engine workValve time diagramA Lot About Mechanical Engineering!A Lot About Automotive Engineering and Automobile Engineering#######Note that this course focuses more on the Spark Ignition engine type rather than the diesel engine type, but gives a general good overview concerning the internal combustion (IC) engine#######This course will take you from zero to hero concerning Internal combustion engine knowledge. Even though you already have some background knowledge, this course will help to revise your knowledge. Whatever your level of understanding, or engineering background (mechanical engineering, automobile engineering, automotive engineering, oil and gas, HVAC, power engineering, chemical engineering, etc.) you can enroll this course and start learning.In this course, I explained deeply about the concepts with the help of high-quality images and animations.All purchases come with a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy"
Price: 3200.00

"Crez votre propre site WordPress de A Z" |
"Une formation complte de plus de 13 heures de contenu pour crer, pas pas, votre site professionnel avec WordPress, facilement, sans une ligne de code.A la fin de ce cette formation vous aurez toutes les comptences, les outils et les rflexes pour tre autonome et profiter de WordPress dans tous vos projets. Vous serez capable de dbuter vos premiers projets pour vous ou votre entourage et, pourquoi pas, vendre vos comptences en tant que Freelance WordPress.De nombreuses opportunits seront porte de main pour vous,accompagner des entreprises physiques dans leur transition digitale,aider n'importe quel porteur de projet et lui crer une vitrine professionnelle et moderne,approfondir vos connaissances dans la direction de votre choix, WordPress pour restaurateurs,WordPress pour e-commerants et drophipping,Crer un site de rservation pour une salle de sport,Crer un forum, Un espace membre,Un site de listing automobile ou immobilier,Tout est possible, une fois que l'on acquiert les fondamentaux.Ces fondamentaux, je vous propose de les acqurir dans cette formation plus que complte, autonomie la cl.Excellent visionnage et n'hsitez pas revisionner autant de fois que ncessaire, vous conservez votre accs vie !"
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a comer: Se les acab su gordit@" |
"Te has dado cuenta de la relacin que tienes con la comida? Piensas que comer saludable es muy difcil? Lo has intentado antes y no has podido mantener un peso saludable? Te has dado cuenta de que tu manera de comer repercute en tu salud y en tu autoestima? Crees que las dietas son aburridas y que no son para ti?Adoptar un estilo de vida saludable es importante para la salud emocional, mental y fsica. Reconocer la importancia de alimentarte de manera balanceada te permitir mejorar tu calidad de vida. Comer bien va ms all de verte bien sino sentirte bien para poder vivir plenamente.Este curso te ayudar a adquirir las herramientas bsicas para una alimentacin saludable y balanceada, de una manera sostenible y entretenida."
Price: 345.00

"Oracle DB 12c: RAC & Grid Infrastructure Administration" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle Database 12c: RAC and Grid Infrastructure Administration 1Z0-068 Exam.Exam Number: 1Z0-068 Exam TopicsOracle Database 12c: RAC AdministrationGrid InfrastructureExplain the principles and purposes of clustersDescribe the Oracle Clusterware architectureDescribe how Grid Plug and Play affects ClusterwareInstalling and Configuring Oracle RACInstall the Oracle database softwareCreate a cluster databasePerform post-database-creation tasksConvert a single instance Oracle database to RACManaging Backup and Recovery for RACConfigure the RAC database to use ARCHIVELOG mode and the fast recovery areaConfigure RMAN for the RAC environmentRAC Database Monitoring and TuningIdentify RAC-specific tuning componentsDetermine RAC-specific wait-events, global enqueues and system statisticsImplement the most common RAC tuning practicesUse the Cluster Database Performance pagesUse the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) in RACUse Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) in RACManaging High Availability for Connections and ApplicationsConfigure client-side connect-time load balancing and failoverConfigure server-side connect-time load balancingUse the Load Balancing Advisory (LBA)Explain the benefits of Fast Application Notification (FAN)Configure server-side calloutsConfigure the server- and client-side ONSConfigure Transparent Application Failover (TAF)Managing Oracle RAC One NodePerform an online database migrationAdd an Oracle RAC One Node database to an existing clusterConvert an Oracle RAC One Node database to a RAC databaseUse DBCA to convert a single-instance database to a RAC One Node databaseUsing Multitenant Architecture in a RAC EnvironmentDescribe the multitenant architecture in RAC and non-RAC environmentsCreate a RAC multitenant container database (CDB)Create a pluggable database (PDB) in a RAC CDBUse the default CDB and PDB servicesCreate PDB services to associate PDB services with server poolsDrop a PDB from a RAC CDBOracle Clusterware ArchitectureExplain the Oracle Clusterware architectureDescribe Oracle Clusterware startup detailsGrid Infrastructure Installation Planning and Pre-TasksPlan for Grid Infrastructure installationVerify system and network requirementsInstall required OS packagesSet kernel parametersCreate groups and usersCreate directoriesConfigure shell limitsManaging Cluster NodesPerform the prerequisite steps to extend a clusterUse addNode . sh to add a node to a clusterDelete a node from a clusterPolicy-Based Cluster ManagementExplain the architecture and components of policy-based cluster managementAdminister server categorizationAdminister a policy setActivate a policyTroubleshooting Oracle ClusterwareLocate the Oracle Clusterware log files and use diagcollection . plEnable resource debuggingEnable component-level debuggingEnable tracing for Java-based toolsTroubleshoot the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) fileAutomatic Storage Management (ASM) AdministrationOverview of ASMExplain the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) architectureDescribe the components of ASMFLEX ASMDescribe the architecture and components of Flex ASMInstall and configure Flex ASMManage Flex ASMAdministering ASM Files, Directories and TemplatesUse client tools to access ASM filesDescribe the format of a fully qualified ASM file nameExplain how ASM files, directories and aliases are created and managedDescribe and manage disk group templatesOracle CloudFS Advance TopicsConfigure ACFS auditingImplement ACFS encryptionConfigure and manage ACFC replicationImplement ACFS taggingDescribe the ASCF plug-in architectureConfigure High Availability NFSRAC Databases and ArchitectureDescribe the benefits of Oracle RACExplain the necessity of global resourcesDescribe global cache coordinationAdministering Oracle RACUse Enterprise Manager Cluster Database pagesDefine redo log files in a RAC environmentDefine undo tablespaces in a RAC environmentStart and stop RAC databases and instancesModify initialization parameters in a RAC environmentManaging Global ResourcesExplain the need for global concurrency controlDescribe the Global Resource DirectoryExplain how global resources are managedExplain global enqueue and instance lock managementExplain global buffer cache managementManaging High Availability of ServicesConfigure and manage services in a RAC environmentUse services with client applicationsUse services with the Database Resource ManagerUse services with the SchedulerConfigure services aggregation and tracingUpgrading and Patching Oracle RACDescribe the different types of patchesPlan for rolling patches and rolling updatesInstall a patchset with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) utilityInstall a patch with the opatch utilityUsing Oracle Database Quality of Service Management (QoS)Explain the purpose and benefits of using QoSDescribe the components of QoSExplain the operation of QoSOracle Database 12c: Grid Infrastructure AdministrationIntroduction to ClusterwareExplain the principles and purposes of clustersDescribe Cluster hardware best practicesDescribe how Grid Plug and Play affects ClusterwareFlex ClustersExplain the Flex Cluster architecture and componentsDescribe the effect of node failure in a Flex ClusterGrid Infrastructure InstallationInstall Grid InfrastructureVerify the installationConfigure ASM disk groupsTraditional Clusterware ManagementPerform day to day Clusterware administration tasksPerform Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) backup and recoveryManage network settingsExplain the scope and capabilities of what-if command evaluationUpgrading and Patching Grid InfrastructureExplain the types of patches and upgrades availablePlan for rolling patches and rolling upgradesCompare software versions with the active versionInstall a patchset with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)Install a patch with the opatch utilityMaking Applications Highly Available with Oracle ClusterwareExplain the hivh availability components of Oracle ClusterwareExplain policy-managed and administration-managed databasesCreate an application Virtual IP (VIP)Manage application resourcesAdministering ASM InstancesExplain and apply initialization parameters for ASM instancesManage ASM instances and associated processesMonitor ASM instances using the V$ASM dynamic performance viewsAdministering ASM Disk GroupsCreate and delete ASM disk groupsSet the attributes of an existing ASM disk groupPerform ongoing maintenance tasks on ASM disk groupsExplain key performance and scalability considerations for ASM disk groupsAdministering Oracle CloudFSAdminister ASM Dynamic Volume ManagerManage ASM volumesImplement ASM Cluster File System (ACFS)Use ACFS snapshots"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle SOA Suite 12c Essentials 1Z0-434" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle SOA Suite 12c Essentials 1Z0-434 Exam.Exam Number: 1Z0-434Exam TopicsFundamentalsExplain basic SOA concepts and how they map to implementationsDescribe the components and architecture of SOA SuiteDescribe SOA Suite's role in cloud integration and mobile applicationsUse the right components to implement common integration patternsAnalyze XPath expressions to retrieve elements in an XML documentDescribe Oracles SOA governance capabilitiesDescribe how B2B capabilities enable trading partner relationshipsDescribe the main features of the Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS)AdaptersDescribe the role adapters play in a SOA composite applicationDescribe the adapter architectureUse the file, database, and JMS adaptersConfigure adapters at design-time and run-timeDescribe cloud-related adaptersHuman Task ServicesDesign a human taskInvoke a human task from a BPEL processGenerate Application Development Framework (ADF) task forms for human tasksInteract with the Worklist application to act on tasksEvent ProcessingExplain event-driven architecture and the support provided by Event Delivery Network (EDN)Use components to publish and consume eventsExplain Complex Event Processing (CEP) and how it is supported by Oracle Event Processing (OEP)Explain Event Processing Network (EPN) and how it relates to OEPExplain how various OEP CQL data cartridges enhance the capabilities of the CQL engineSecuring ServicesDescribe the role and features of Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM)Describe identity propagationAttach security policies to end points at design-time and run-timeInstallation and ConfigurationInstall and configure SOA SuiteUpgrade a production application from SOA Suite 11gInstall and configure Oracle Event Processing (OEP)BPEL ModelingUse the BPEL Editor to create synchronous and asynchronous processesUse WSDL partner link types and BPEL partner link elements to interact with servicesUse the assign activity to manipulate data in BPEL variablesModel conditional branching, looping, and parallel processingImplement exception handling, compensating transactions and correlationCreate and configure BPEL and composite sensorsUse the BPEL DebuggerBusiness RulesCreate if/then rules with Rules DesignerCreate decision table rules with Rules DesignerIntegrate a rule into a BPEL processDescribe how rules are used with mediator and human task componentsService MediationDifferentiate between when to use Mediator and Service BusExplain the role of Service Bus and the benefits it providesCreate and configure Service Bus proxies, pipelines, and business servicesUse throttling, endpoint management, and caching to scale business services in Service BusConfigure a service as RESTful and access it using the REST approachBusiness Activity Monitoring (BAM)Describe the role of BAMUse activity monitors, counters, business indicators and interval monitoring objectsCreate alert rules to launch alertsBuild an executive dashboardDeployment and TroubleshootingDeploy and undeploy components to SOA SuiteDiscuss the role Maven and Hudson playCreate test cases to initiate inbound messages and to emulate outbound, fault and callback messagesMonitor components deployed to SOA SuiteDescribe how SOA Suite applications scale to large-scale productionTroubleshoot a deployed SOA Suite application"
Price: 19.99

"AHIP - Health Plan Finance and Risk Management (AHM520)" |
"As health care professionals work to make health care better, more efficient, and more affordable, health care management has emerged as one of our industrys most valuable tools.Exam Topics:Analyze the role of strategic financial planning in setting a health insurance providers future directionGain an understanding of risk, decisions regarding risk assumption, and how health insurance providers control riskCompare the difference between stop-loss insurance and stop-loss reinsurance from the perspective of health insurance providersLearn about the financial risks for health insurance provider organizations that provide health care services to Medicare and/or Medicaid populations compared to risks within the commercial populationDistinguish between fully funded and self-funded plans and the increasing role of self-funding in the marketplaceDiscover how to identify claim related components of health insurance providers financial statementsRecognize different reserving methodologies used by health insurance providers"
Price: 19.99

"AHIP - Network Management (AHM530)" |
"Organizations that make network management a priority are better positioned to provide high quality, value-focused care, while maintaining financial sustainability.Exam Topics:Gain a detailed understanding of the scope and organization of the network management function within health insurance provider organizationsUnderstand how network strategies improve access, quality, and cost-effectivenessLearn the process for network provider selectionMaster the essential elements of a contractual relationship between health insurance providers and health care providersIdentify the primary responsibilities and obligations of health insurance providers and health care providers under a provider contractMap out how health insurance providers select, contract with, and compensate specialists and health care facilitiesRecognize special requirements that affect network management for Medicare, Medicaid, and workers compensation networksExplore how health insurance providers ensure their provider networks remain adequate to meet member needs"
Price: 19.99

"AHIP - Healthcare Management: An Introduction (AHM250)" |
"As health care professionals work to make health care better, more efficient, and more affordable, health care management has emerged as one of our industrys most valuable tools.Exam Topics:Gain a practical understanding of the evolution of health care delivery and financing in the United States, from pre-paid plans to ACOsUnderstand the basic concepts of health insurance provider organizationsDistinguish among HMOs, PPOs, POSs, and managed indemnityRecognize HSAs and HRAs roles in todays consumer-centric environmentIdentify different types of health insurance provider organizationsLearn the importance of network structure and management in delivering quality healthcareExamine the interplay of information technology with essential functions of health insurance provider operationsExplore the concepts of rating, underwriting, and claims administration in health insurance provider environmentsDelve into legislative and regulatory issues affecting the health insurance industry, including the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the 21st Century Cures ActUnderstand role of government-sponsored programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, in providing coverage to large segments of the populationReview relevant terms, industry issues, care scenarios, and concepts"
Price: 19.99

"ASIS - Certified Protection Professional (CPP)" |
"ASIS International - Certified Protection Professional (CPP) Test seriesCPP practice testThe Certified Protection Professional (CPP) is considered the gold standard certification for security management professionals and demonstrates your knowledge and competency in seven key domains of security. Globally recognized as the standard of excellence for security management professionals.The exam covers tasks, knowledge, and skills in seven broad domains that have been identified by CPPs as the major areas involved in security management.Security Principles and PracticesBusiness Principles and PracticesInvestigationsPersonnel SecurityPhysical SecurityInformation SecurityCrisis Management"
Price: 19.99

"Certified in Logistics, Transportation & Distribution (CLTD)" |
"Practice and prepare for APICS Certified in Logistics, Transportation & Distribution (CLTD) Exam.Exam TopicsThe CLTD program helps you demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a broad range of supply chain logistics topics to set you apart from your peers proving your high level of knowledge and skills.Why you should earn the CLTD designationIncrease your salary - on average designees see a 21% increaseAPICS Certified individuals report salaries 18% higher than those with other certificationsGain recognition in the field as a logistics expertBuild credibility and set yourself apart from peersLearn latest trends in global supply chain logisticsImpact your organization's bottom lineDemonstrate logistics mastery of knowledge"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service Implementation Essentials" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service Implementation Essentials 1Z0-443 Exam.Exam Number: 1Z0-443Exam TopicsSetting System and Local OptionsDescribe the difference between the Root LearnCenter and Sub LearnCentersConfigure System-level LearnCenter SettingsSet security options including login behavior and password recoveryCreating and Managing User AccountsDescribe methods for creating user accountsCreate user accountsManage user accountsCreating GroupsDescribe the purpose of groupsCreate and manage groupsAnalyze considerations for input criteria and output mappingAssigning Administrator Permissions via User RolesExplain the different types of permissions within a user roleCreating SupervisorsDescribe the different types of permissions assigned to a Supervisor AccountConfigure functionality for supervisors through My TeamWorking with Sub LearnCentersSet up a Sub LearnCenter based on customer requirementsCreate and copy Sub LearnCenters based on customer requirementsConfiguring LearnCenter Pages and Display Content and ContainersDescribe the anatomy of the LearnCenter pageConfigure the LearnCenter Page Display (including headers, titles, navigation, dynamic objects, etc.)Uploading and Inserting Web-Based Training (WBT)Explain the difference between uploading, importing and inserting ContentImport a Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) or Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) content to the LearnCenterUploading Files to the Resource ManagerDescribe types of files and size limitsUpload, version, and share a fileCreating Categories for ContainersExplain how Categories can be used in the LearnCenterCreate Categories and Sub CategoriesMap Categories to Learning ObjectsCreating Assessments and SurveysExplain when to set up assessments and surveys in the authoring tool or in the LearnCenterDescribe question types and featuresCreate and manage questions and answersCreate InstancesCreating Instructor Led Training (ILT) and EnrollmentsDescribe the structure of Events, Tracks, and SessionsCreate ILT Events, Tracks, and SessionsCreate EnrollmentsImplement Enrollment Types based on customer requirementsDescribe when to use enrollment messages based on customer requirementsCreating Learning PlansDescribe the purpose of a Learning PlanDescribe ways in which to configure Learning Plan messagesCreate a Learning Plan (map items, sequence items, etc.)Assign a Learning Plan based on customer requirements"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Essentials 1Z0-457" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Essentials 1Z0-457 Exam.Exam Number: 1Z0-457Exam TopicsOracle Enterprise Manager (EM) Base PlatformExplain installation procedures and optionsAnalyze and configure EM architecture to meet business and technical requirementsImplement security and identity management in EMManage and monitor a configuration using EMTune product performance using EMAutomating provisioning using EMPatch and Upgrade using EMs Fleet MaintenanceDescribe EM plug-in and connector managementOracle Fusion Middleware FundamentalsConfigure and administer services using EMExplain features of Oracle Middleware and SOA management packsOracle Enterprise Manager Core Product FundamentalsConfigure environment readiness, migration, installation for EMConfigure new console and review configurationConfigure and administer EM credentials and authenticationConfigure and administer EM job system and schedule a jobInstall and configure EM agent installation following deployment best practicesSetup and use EM Administrative Groups and Template CollectionCloud Management FundamentalsDescribe Cloud setup and guided wizardExplain provisioning and deployment to the Cloud with EMExplain the Self Service PortalDescribe EM management and monitoring for the CloudPerform a consolidation analysis with Consolidation PlannerExplain EM chargeback and metering with EMHardware Management FundamentalsExplain systems, host, and virtualization management with EMDescribe Oracle Engineered Systems ManagementDatabase Diagnostics and Configuration TroubleshootingExplain database configuration and diagnostics using EMConfigure and manage Oracle databases with EMOptimize Oracle databases with EMOracle Real User Experience Insight (RUEI)Configure and implement REUIExplain RUEI features and related management packsDetermine applicable licensing and perform installation of RUEIProblem Identification, Notification and ResolutionConfigure and monitor using EM metrics and metric extensionsExplain EM Incident Management and Incident Rule SetsExplain EM diagnostics and database snapshots to validate configurationsExplain middleware monitoring and diagnostics with EMOperations and Lifecycle Management FundamentalsPerform EM MOS setup and integration, MyOracle support product update and patch advisoryExplain automating provisioning and patching with EMExplain change comparison and configuration management capabilitiesDescribe automated discovery, relationship dependencies and routing topologyMonitor EM health and maintain EM itself: management service, repository and targetsMonitor and maintain Oracle and heterogeneous databases with EMExplain middleware and SOA monitoring and maintenance with EMExplain application monitoring and maintenance with EMDescribe Test Data Management with EMExplain framework and standards support, compliance management reportingApplication Management FundamentalsExplain Oracle packaged application management and application suitesDescribe Oracle next generation Fusion Application Management"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Access Management Suite Plus 11g Essentials" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle Access Management Suite Plus 11g Essentials 1Z0-479 Exam.Exam TopicsOracle Access Management Suite Plus fundamentals- Describe challenges faced by customers in the area of Access Management- Describe key features of Oracle Access Management Suite Plus- Describe product components of Oracle Access Management Suite Plus- Describe Oracle Access Management Suite Plus architectureOracle Access Management Access Manager- Configure and administer Access Manager settings- Configure and manage Data Stores- Configure and manage Agents- Configure policies and manage authentication to protect applications and resources- Configure Detached Credential CollectorOracle Access Management Identity Federation- Configure Identity Provider- Configure Service Provider- Configure Authentication Engine as Directory- Configure Authentication Scheme to a resource- Configure Federation DataStoreIdentity Context- Describe Identity Context- Configure Identity Context Service componentsOracle Entitlements Server- Describe Authorizations, Oracle Entitlements Server overview and architecture- Describe Policy modeling- Configure Policy administration and management- Manage Security Module and system configurations- Configure and Manage Lifecycle Management for Applications and PoliciesOracle Access Management Access Manager- Describe overall and runtime architecture for Access Manager- Describe the Single Sign-on and Logout process- Describe Session Management for Access Manager- Describe Policy Model, Application Domain, Host Identifier and Resources- Configure Authentication Methods (Basic Authorizations, x.509, LDAP, Kerberos)Oracle Access Management Security Token Service- Identify Propagation, Concepts and Usecases- Configure templates, endpoint, and policies- Configure partners and profilesOracle Access Management Mobile and Social- Enable Mobile and Social interfaces in Access Management and configure them to access Oracle Adaptive Access Manager via WebLogic- Configure applications for mobile single sign-on and enable Oracle Adaptive Access Manager security handler- Configure user profile service provider- Configure social login with social providers like Google- Configure OAM domain to use mobile and social loginsOracle Adaptive Access Manager- Describe Oracle Adaptive Access Manager, its business case and capabilities- Configure Policies - Static, Patterns and Predictive analysis- Configure application transactions- Configure basic integration with Access Manager- Configure advanced integration with Access Manager using Trusted Authentication Protocol (TAP)- Configure Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) and One Time Password (OTP)- Configure security handler for mobile application single sign-onDeployment- Describe troubleshooting approaches- Configure and set up High Availability- Configure Test to Production (T2P)- Setup Enterprise Deployment- Describe Tuning and Capacity Planning- Migrate from Oracle Access Manager 10g, Oracle OpenSSO and Oracle SSO"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle 1Z0-494 Exam: PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle 1Z0-494 PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9 Student Enrollment Implementation Essentials Exam.Exam TopicsAcademic StructureConfigure Academic Organization structureConfigure course structureConfigure student structureCampus CommunityDescribe bio/demo conversion impactsConfigure usages (names, addresses, phones, email)Configure Search/MatchConfigure AffiliationsConfigure Service IndicatorsDeploy bio/demo dataDeploy Population SelectionDeploy 3C EngineDeploy Communication GenerationConfigure Student Group applicationsTroubleshoot Campus Community 'gotchas'Configure Frameworks (New User Reg, Common Attribute Framework, Delegated Access)Configure HCM Integration (Constituent Web Service, etc.)Recruiting & AdmissionsExplain Academic Structure impactsConfigure a recruiting structureConfigure an admissions structureDeploy Admissions Application Web ServicesDeploy application load processesDeploy test score loadsDeploy prospect informationDeploy prospect informationDeploy applicant informationConfigure admissions evaluationTroubleshoot recruiting and admissions 'gotchas'SecurityTroubleshoot row level security impacts on admissionsTroubleshoot row level security impacts on Campus CommunityTroubleshoot row level security impacts on Student RecordsStudent RecordsExplain Academic Structure impactsExplain Course Catalog impactsExplain term / session impactsConfigure Schedule of ClassesConfigure schedule impacts to processes (Class Association, Grading, Pre-Requisites)Configure program activation and management (Program /Plan stack)Configure Term Activation dependenciesDeploy course pre-requisitesConfigure enrollment appointmentsConfigure transfer creditTroubleshoot class enrollment transactionsConfigure enrollment related processesDeploy student data trackingDeploy SR self serviceDeploy Attendance TrackingDeploy gradingDeploy graduationDeploy transcriptsDeploy academic standingDeploy repeat checkingDeploy Post Enrollment Requisite CheckingTroubleshoot impacts of student data conversion on Student RecordsTroubleshoot Student Records 'gotchas'Configure MilestonesConfigure Research Enrollment TrackingConfigure Activity ManagementConfigure Program EnrollmentRolesConfigure standard Admissions security roles & permissionsConfigure standard Campus Community roles & permissionsConfigure standard Student Records roles & permissions"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 General Ledger Essentials" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 General Ledger Essentials 1Z0-516 Exam.Exam TopicsE-BUSINESS ESSENTIALSNavigating in R12 Oracle ApplicationsLog in to Oracle ApplicationsNavigate from Personal Home Page to ApplicationsChoose a responsibilityCreate Favorites and set PreferencesUse Forms and MenusEnter data using FormsSearch for data using FormsAccess online HelpRun and monitor Reports and ProgramsLog out of Oracle ApplicationsShared Entities and IntegrationExplain shared entities within R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe key integration points and business flows between products in E-Business Suite (EBS)Identify Key Business Flows and products involved in E-Business Suite (EBS)Fundamentals of Multi-OrgDefine Multiple Organization (Multi-Org)Describe the types of organizations supported in the Multi-Org modelExplain the entities of Multi-OrgExplain how Multi-Org secures dataIdentify key implementation considerations for Multi-OrgDefine Multi-Org Access ControlExplain Multi-Org preferencesExplain Enhanced Multiple-Organization ReportingExplain the concepts of subledger accountingGENERAL LEDGEROracle General Ledger ProcessIdentify the steps required to complete the accounting cycle using Oracle General LedgerDescribe how Oracle General Ledger integrates with other Oracle eBusiness applicationsDescribe the integration of Oracle General Ledger with Oracle Subledgers & non-Oracle systemsExplain implementation considerations for setting up and using Oracle General Ledger and Oracle eBusiness SuiteDescribe an overview of Accounting Setup Manager, currency concepts, budgeting, EPB, reporting & analysisAdvanced SecurityManage Data Access Security for Legal Entities and LedgersExplain key Advanced Security setups and processManage Data Access SetsControl security of Management ReportingFinancial ReportingExplain the positioning of Financial Reporting within the Oracle General Ledger business flowBuild basic reportsUse key elements of the Financial Statement Generator (FSG) for creating financial reportsUse Standard listing reports available for FSG report definitionsCreate FSG Reports with XML PublisherUse Web ADI for Financial ReportingExplain key implementation issues regarding Oracle General Ledger financial reportingAccounting SetupsCreate Accounting SetupsDescribe the various Subledger Accounting OptionsPerform the Primary Ledger Setup stepsDescribe Ledger Balancing Segment Value AssignmentsPerform the Secondary Ledger Setup stepsComplete Accounting SetupConsolidationsExplain overview of Consolidations and their positioning within the Oracle General Ledger business flowIdentify the key implementation issues regarding consolidationsUse the features and functionality of Global Consolidation System (GCS)Use the elements of the Consolidation WorkbenchCreate eliminating entriesUse Standard reports and inquiry options available for consolidations LedgerDescribe the elements required to create a ledger within Oracle General LedgerDescribe the basic components of Accounting SetupDescribe the important elements for creating a Chart of Accounts structureCreating a new Accounting Flexfield structureUtilize the Account Hierarchy Manager to view and maintain Accounting Flexfield valuesFinancial BudgetingExplain the anatomy of a budgetExplain the components of budget accounting cycleDefine budget and budget organizationExplain Budget Entry methodsApply Budget RulesTransfer budget amountsPerform budget review and correctionTranslate budget balancesReview balances in Master/Detail budgetsCreate budgets with Budget WizardsUse available Standard budget reportsPlan Budget implementation requirementsIntroduction to Oracle Applications R12Explain the footprint of R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe the benefits of R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe R12 E-Business Suite architectureFundamentals of FlexfieldsDescribe Flexfields and their componentsIdentify the steps to implement a FlexfieldDefine value sets and valuesDefine Key FlexfieldsDefine Descriptive FlexfieldsFundamentals of Workflow and AlertsExplain Workflow conceptsDescribe the benefits of WorkflowBasic Journal EntriesDescribe how journal entries are positioned in the accounting cycleDescribe the different Journal Posting optionsDefine how to perform Account Inquiries & Drilldown to Oracle Subledger ApplicationsImport journal entry information using the GL_INTERFACE tablePlan the key elements of Web Applications Desktop Integrator (Web ADI)Define Web ADI setup options for key flexfieldsUtilize Web ADI profile options, forms functions, menus, and responsibilitiesMulti-CurrencyExplain Multi-Currency conceptsUse Currency Rate ManagerPerform Foreign currency journals EntryPerform Revaluation of foreign currency balancesTranslate functional balances into foreign currencyDescribe overview of Secondary Tracking SegmentUse Foreign Currency ReportsAccounting Setup ManagerDescribe the components of Ledger Processing optionsDescribe Secondary Ledgers & Reporting CurrenciesDescribe Accounting Setup considerations with one legal entityDescribe Accounting Setup considerations with multiple legal entitiesDescribe Accounting Setup considerations with no legal entitiesAdvanced Journal EntriesCreate Recurring JournalsFormulate Mass Allocation JournalsDescribe AutoAllocations and related implementation considerationsExplain AutoSchedulingDescribe the Journal Scheduling processDescribe key issues and considerations when implementing Advanced Journal EntryDescribe the business benefits of using Oracle General Ledger's Advanced Journal Entry functionsSummary AccountsExplain summary accounts and how they are used in General LedgerDefine How Parent Values/ Rollup Groups are used in General LedgerDetermine how Summary Templates are usedUse Budgetary Control & maintain Summary accountsPlan and maintain Summary Account structuresPeriod CloseExplain the accounting cyclePerform key steps in the close processPerform journal import of subledger balancesPerform Subledger ReconciliationExplain the Period Closing Process and ReportsConsolidate account balances"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Inventory Essentials 1Z0-519" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Inventory Essentials 1Z0-519 Exam.Exam TopicsE-BUSINESS ESSENTIALSNavigating in R12 Oracle ApplicationsLog in to Oracle ApplicationsNavigate from Personal Home Page to ApplicationsChoose a responsibilityCreate Favorites and set PreferencesUse Forms and MenusEnter data using FormsSearch for data using FormsAccess online HelpRun and monitor Reports and ProgramsLog out of Oracle Applications Shared Entities and IntegrationExplain shared entities within R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe key integration points and business flows between products in E-Business Suite (EBS)Identify Key Business Flows and products involved in E-Business Suite (EBS)Fundamentals of FlexfieldsDescribe Flexfields and their componentsIdentify the steps to implement a FlexfieldDefine value sets and valuesDefine Key FlexfieldsDefine Descriptive FlexfieldsINVENTORYOverview of Oracle InventoryDescribe the overall inventory process from receipt to issueDescribe the key integration points between Oracle Inventory and other Oracle ApplicationsUnits of MeasureDefine units of measureUse units of measure reportsUse units of measure setup optionsDescribe units of measure implementation considerationsLot and Serial ControlDescribe lotsDescribe parent and child lotsDescribe shelf life and lot actionsDescribe grade controlDescribe serial controlDescribe lot and serial genealogyUse the lot and serial reportsImplement the lot and serial profile optionsDescribe implementation considerations for lot and serial controlIssuing and Transferring MaterialPerform TransactionsManage ReceiptsPerform Move OrdersUnderstand Transactions ReportsMaterial Status ControlExplain material statusSet up material status propertiesDescribe key material status implementation considerationsInventory AccuracyCreate an ABC compileDefine and maintain a cycle countDefine a physical inventoryDemonstrate count adjustments and approvalsUse inventory accuracy reportsSet up inventory accuracy profile optionsExplain key inventory accuracy implementation considerationsIntroduction to Oracle Applications R12Explain the footprint of R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe the benefits of R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe R12 E-Business Suite architectureFundamentals of Workflow and AlertsExplain Workflow conceptsDescribe the benefits of WorkflowFundamentals of Multi-OrgDefine Multiple Organization (Multi-Org)Describe the types of organizations supported in the Multi-Org modelExplain the entities of Multi-OrgExplain how Multi-Org secures dataIdentify key implementation considerations for Multi-OrgDefine Multi-Org Access ControlExplain Multi-Org preferencesExplain Enhanced Multiple-Organization ReportingExplain the concepts of subledger accountingInventory StructureDescribe Inventory OrganizationDescribe the structure of an Inventory OrganizationDescribe the multi-organization structure in Oracle ApplicationsUse the organization reportsSet up Inventory parameters, sub inventories, and locatorsSet up the organization profile optionsDescribe organization implementation considerationsDefining and Maintaining ItemsDefine, setup and maintain items,Use item templatesUse item control levelsUse item categories and catalogsUse organization reportsImplement item profile optionsDescribe implementation considerations for itemsTransaction SetupDescribe transactions and move ordersDefine transaction managers, transaction types, and transaction reasonsDefine inventory picking rulesDefine inventory account aliasesSet up move ordersDescribe Period Close Process within InventoryUse Alerts Notifications and ReportsSet up Profile OptionsDescribe implementation considerations for transaction setupOn-hand and AvailabilityExplain availabilityView on-hand quantitiesDescribe the uses of the material workbenchCreate ATP rules, time fences and supply/demand sourcesManage ReservationImplement on-hand and availability profile optionsUse on-hand and availability reportsDescribe on-hand and availability implementation considerationsInventory ReplenishmentPerform forecastingExplain reorder-point planningPerform min-max planningPerform replenishment countingSet up inventory planning profile optionsGenerate kanban cardsIdentify Implementation Considerations for Inventory ReplenishmentTable InformationIdentify the Oracle Inventory tablesAccess eTRM"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Purchasing Essentials 1Z0-520" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Purchasing Essentials 1Z0-520 Exam.Exam TopicsE-BUSINESS ESSENTIALSNavigating in R12 Oracle ApplicationsLog in to Oracle ApplicationsNavigate from Personal Home Page to ApplicationsChoose a responsibilityCreate Favorites and set PreferencesUse Forms and MenusEnter data using FormsSearch for data using FormsAccess online HelpRun and monitor Reports and ProgramsLog out of Oracle ApplicationsShared Entities and IntegrationExplain shared entities within R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe key integration points and business flows between products in E-Business Suite (EBS)Identify Key Business Flows and products involved in E-Business Suite (EBS)Fundamentals of Multi-OrgDefine Multiple Organization (Multi-Org)Describe the types of organizations supported in the Multi-Org modelExplain the entities of Multi-OrgExplain how Multi-Org secures dataIdentify key implementation considerations for Multi-OrgDefine Multi-Org Access ControlExplain Multi-Org preferencesExplain Enhanced Multiple-Organization ReportingExplain the concepts of subledger accountingPURCHASINGProcure to Pay Lifecycle OverviewDescribe the Procure to Pay process flowDescribe the key areas in the Procure to Pay processDescribe how the Procure to Pay process fits into the Oracle E-Business Suite of applicationsEnterprise Structure: Locations, Organizations, and ItemsDescribe the Oracle Applications Enterprise Structure at a high levelDescribe the process for defining Inventory Organizations and LocationsExplain Multi-Org Considerations in defining Inventory OrgsDocument Security, Routing and ApprovalDefine your document security and access levelsDefine your document approval and routing processIdentify key reports related to document security and routingDescribe setup options for document security, routing and approvalIdentify implementation considerations for document securityExplain Multi-Org Considerations in defining document approval and routing process (including across Business Groups)Approved Supplier Lists and Sourcing RulesDefine supplier statusesSet up and use an approved supplier listSet up and use sourcing rulesDescribe how sourcing information defaults to requisitions and purchase ordersDescribe implementation considerations for approved supplier lists and sourcing rulesUnderstand Intercompany sourcing rules and processesPurchase OrdersCreate standard, blanket, contract, and planned purchase documentsCreate purchasing document releasesDescribe purchasing document interfacesMaintain purchase ordersIdentify standard reports for purchase ordersDefine setup options for purchase ordersIdentify additional implementation considerations for purchase ordersProfessional Buyers WorkCenterUse the Buyers Work Center to manage requisitionsUse the Buyers Work Center to create and manage standard purchase orders and blanket purchase agreementsDescribe how the Buyers Work Center is the buyers desktop for negotiations and supplier managementPurchasing AccountingDescribe the period closing process in PurchasingDescribe key accounts, accounting events and accounting entriesCreate requisitions and purchase orders in foreign currencyIdentify key reports for purchasing accountingDescribe setup options for purchasing accountingDescribe implementation considerations for purchasing accountingAppendix A - Setup StepsIdentify key setup ReportsDescribe setup sequenceDescribe key reports for setupDescribe setup options and implementation considerations for setupIntroduction to Oracle Applications R12Explain the footprint of R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe the benefits of R12 E-Business SuiteDescribe R12 E-Business Suite architectureFundamentals of FlexfieldsDescribe Flexfields and their componentsIdentify the steps to implement a FlexfieldDefine value sets and valuesDefine Key FlexfieldsDefine Descriptive FlexfieldsFundamentals of Workflow and AlertsExplain Workflow conceptsDescribe the benefits of WorkflowOracle Purchasing OverviewDescribe how the Procurement process fits into the Procure to Pay lifecycleDescribe the Procurement process flowDescribe the key areas in the Procurement processIdentify Purchasing integration pointsIdentify Purchasing open interfaces and APIsSuppliersDefine suppliersDefine supplier sitesManage suppliersIdentify standard reports for suppliersDefine setup options for suppliersIdentify and define additional implementation considerations for suppliersExplain Global vs Local suppliersRFQs and QuotationsCreate RFQsCreate quotationsIdentify key reports related to RFQs and quotationsDescribe setup options for RFQs and quotationsDescribe implementation considerations for RFQs and quotationsRequisitionsCreate purchase requisitionsCreate Internal RequisitionsDescribe requisition document interfacesIdentify standard reports for requisitionsDefine setup options for requisitionsIdentify additional implementation considerations for requisitionsAutomating Document CreationUse the Auto Create window to automate the creation of purchase documentsUse the ""Create Releases"" program to automatically generate blanket purchase agreement releasesUse the ""PO Create Documents"" workflow to automate the creation of purchase documents without buyer interventionReceivingDescribe the process of receiving goodsDescribe receipt routingDescribe receipt processing methodsCreate standard, express, and cascade receiptsDescribe substitute receipts, unordered receipts, returns and correctionsDescribe pay on receiptDescribe Receiving Open InterfaceIdentify key receiving reportsDescribe receiving setup optionsIdentify implementation considerations for receivingPurchasing AdministrationIdentify Purchasing administration and maintenance tasksIdentify key concurrent processesDescribe implementation considerations for purchasing administration"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle CRM On Demand Essentials 1Z0-527" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle CRM On Demand Essentials 1Z0-527 Exam.Exam TopicsIntroduction to the Company Administrator RoleDefine the role of the Oracle CRM On Demand AdministratorLocate the resources available for AdministratorsNavigate to the administration pages in the applicationCompany AdministrationUpdate the company profile and explain the effects of company default settingsIdentify the default settings that can be changed in a user.s personal profileDefine Password and Security ControlsSet up additional languages and currenciesPost a My Homepage alertMonitor user sign-in and other user activityVisibility and Access ControlIdentify the features that control visibility and data accessManager VisibilityDefine what is meant by a manager visibility structure and explain how it affects data accessRole SetupModify access profiles to control specific access rights to recordsCopy, edit, and create roles to satisfy business requirementsDefine Access for Related InformationUser SetupCreate users with the correct roles and reporting assignmentsSet up a sales quota for a userDefine Sales Quotas for UsersBooks of BusinessSet up Business Intelligence for Fusion General LedgerDescribe the key uses of Business Intelligence in Fusion General LedgerDescribe the key metrics for Fusion FinancialsDescribe how to work with Reporting Work AreasCustomizing FieldsDocument required customizations to fieldsCreate custom fields and re-label existing fieldsAdd or change picklist valuesSet up cascading picklistsConfigure field validation rulesMap lead conversion fieldsCustomizing Page LayoutsDescribe how user roles affect page layoutsCreate a static page layoutCreate a related information layoutCreate a dynamic page layoutCreate Search, Homepage, and Lead Conversion layoutsOrganize homepage listsCustomize audit trailsUpdate roles to use the new layoutsExtending the ApplicationCreate a custom Web appletCreate a custom Web tabSet up a Custom objectProduct AdministrationCreate product categories and product listsCustomize product, asset, revenue, and opportunity product record typesControl which products can be associated with opportunitiesDescribe the relationship between products and assetsSet up products to enable product revenue forecastingForecast AdministrationDifferentiate among the different forecasting optionsSet up a forecast scheduleAdd participants to a forecastDescribe the effect of user roles and reporting structure on forecastsUpdate and maintain forecastsCreating Assignment RulesUse templates to document assignment requirementsDescribe how CRM On Demand evaluates assignment rules in an assignment rule groupCreate assignment rule groups, rules, and rule criteriaCreate territories and assign records to territoriesCreate account and opportunity teams automaticallyTeam SharingDescribe how team record-sharing is usedDefine delegated usersCreating WorkflowUnderstand how to use workflow actionsUnderstand basic workflow features and limitationsWorkflow conditions and syntax*Reports and AnalyticsManage access to reportsSet up visibility to data in reportsCreate reports with table, chart, and pivot table viewsUse appropriate filters when creating reportsUse the appropriate subject area type to create a reportApply best practices when creating custom reports*DashboardsIdentify the components of a dashboardIdentify appropriate business requirements for creating a custom dashboardCreate a custom dashboardCreate a dashboard promptApply best practices when creating a dashboard*Data ImportUse the appropriate method of importing data to meet business requirementsConsider import size and data storage limits when importing dataUse the correct methods and fields to check for duplicate records during importCreate record relationships between imported recordsApply best practices when importing dataPerform an import using the Import AssistantVerify and troubleshoot imported dataExplain how import activities fit into the implementation timeline"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Hyperion Planning 11 Essentials 1Z0-533" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle Hyperion Planning 11 Essentials 1Z0-533 Exam.Exam TopicsOverview of Hyperion PlanningDescribe the main features of Hyperion PlanningDescribe the product architecture of Hyperion PlanningAccess Planning through WorkspaceModeling in PlanningDescribe dimensionsDescribe members and member propertiesCreate scenario dimensionsCreate version dimensionsSet up entity dimensionsSet up account dimensionsDescribe dense and sparse dimensionsSet up currencies and exchange ratesSet up user defined dimensions and attribute dimensions Data LoadingDescribe different dimension build alternativesDescribe different data load alternativesShare Planning data within an application and outside an applicationForms DesignerCreate and edit data forms and foldersManage user variablesCreate Custom MenusCreate Smart ListsCalculations, Business Rules, & Calculation ManagerDescribe Business Rules and capabilitiesCreate and manage business rulesDescribe and use member formulas and calc scriptsUse Calculation ManagerOtherDescribe financial reporting basicsDescribed and use Workforce PlanningDescribe and use Capital Expense PlanningCreating a Planning ApplciationSet up data sourceDescribe and use the CalendarDescribed and use Plan TypesEPMADescribe EPM ArchitectCreate dimension members in EPMAPlanning End User FunctionsPerform Planning End User features over the webUse End User features in Smart ViewUse work flow process management to copy data between application versionsPlanning Security and AdministrationDescribe security in PlanningDescribe user provisioning in Shared ServicesProvision users and groups for PlanningGenerate provisioning reportsAssign access rights in Dimension EditorImport access rightsCreate security filtersPerform general application administration tasks"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle EBS R12 Human Capital Management Essentials 1Z0-548" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) R12 Human Capital Management Essentials 1Z0-548 Exam.Exam TopicsCore HR: Work StructuresDefine Organization Hierarchy and ClassificationsDefine Position Hierarchy and Position ControlDefine Job & Job groupsDefine Grade Structure: Grade Range / Grade Steps and PointCreate and Maintain Career Management: Competencies, Qualification Types, Schools & CollegesSetup & Maintain ChecklistsManage DocumentsCore HR: RecruitmentCreate and Maintain Requisitions and VacanciesMaintain Applicant Data: Hiring, canceling an ApplicantCore HR: OthersExplain Date Track History FeatureUse HR Security ProfileConfigure Key Flex FieldsUse User Defined TablesUse LookupsConfigure SIT & EITUse Forms Configuration & Define Task Flow Use Important HRMS ProfilesExplain Project Accounting with Core HRCreate and Maintain Functions, MenusPayrollExplain Processes Fundamentals: Payroll Run, Pre-Payment, Payment, Costing & Transfer to GLExplain Fundamentals of Retro Pay Process & Retro Element ConfigurationsExplain Costing FundamentalsSet up Elements Definition & LinksUse Assignment & Element SetView Payroll & Assignment Process ResultsExplain Basics of Fast Formula & Element Run ResultsUse Balances & DimensionsUse Batch Element Entry (BEE)Explain Integration of Payroll with GL, Cash Management & Accounts PayableCore HR: Workforce ManagementApply User & System for Person Types & Assignment StatusManage Employee & Assignment Data - New Hire, Promotion, Transfer, TerminationManage Other Employee Data - Contracts, Qualifications, Medical AssessmentsManage Salary ( Salary Basis )Use Person DFF, Assignment DFFUse Global DeploymentCore HR: Absence ManagementConfigure Absence-related Elements & LinksConfigure Accrual Plan, Absence TypesUse Accrual Fast FormulasSelf Service HRPersonalize SSHRConfigure Oracle Approvals Management (AME)Explain Functionality of Termination, Absence Management, Change AssignmentCompensation WorkbenchCreate and Maintain Plans Definition, Types & YearsExplain Plan Enrollment RequirementsDefine and Use Standard RatesDefine Life EventsDefine Eligibility ProfilesExplain Total Compensation StatementUse Compensation Workbench for Managers & AdministratorsUse Profile Options for CWBPerform BudgetingManage Promotion and Rating"
Price: 19.99
